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Automated Money Guide

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The author claims there is a simple formula for making money online with little ongoing work by creating automated income streams. However, he acknowledges it may take some initial effort and patience to see results.

The author says most people give up because it is difficult and time-consuming to learn the skills, implement strategies, and see any returns from their efforts online. They may spend a lot of money on courses and information without success.

The author claims there is a way to make money online without doing any marketing, selling products, or ongoing work by copying a simple formula he provides to set up 'automated income streams' that generate ongoing profits.

Automated Money Guide

"How You Can Totally Eliminate The Hard Work To Making Money Online & How YOU Can Easily Copy Da e!s !"a#y! $ure $ro%it &rom ' Couple O% Hours Easy !(et Up! 's Many Times 's You "ike)))"
...That Can Make You Big Profits, Everyday, On Auto-Pilot For Months - f !ot Years To Co"e... ...#sing The nternet Without A $e%site, &elling Any Produ'ts Or (oing Any Marketing $hatsoever - Even f You)re Currently Flat Out Broke $ith !o Ti"e Or Energy To &*are...
*O + This does *OT in ol e, Pay Per Click, Adsense, Selling Stuff As An Affiliate, Ezine Ads, Free Ads, Spam, Search Engine Optimization, Blogs, Writing Articles, E ay, !am ling, "irect #ail, #$#or any ad ertising or marketing whatsoe er-

$hy ++.+, Of -ard.orking Peo*le Fail/

%t took me o&er a year, urning the candle at oth ends, spending horrendous amounts o% .ash that / didn!t ha e 'damn those credit cards(, and spending so much time in front of the computer that % )onder )hy my wife didn't leave me, efore % finally started making a decent income from the internet* /! e gone through a ton o% in%ormation0 tested useless te.hni1ues and made a tru.k load o% mistakes) % tell you this ecause % )ant you to realize )here %+m coming from* % kno) e,actly ho) tough it is and kno) all a out the disheartening pro lems that come along )hen you are starting out, -ust trying to get something )orking online and / don!t want YOU to go through '*Y o% it2 #ore importantly % kno) ho) hard it is for most people and the pro lems, heartaches and discouragement most people )ill go through efore gi&ing up completely* %t )as only my sheer determination and pride that kept me going* But it )asn+t until % had it all )orked out . after more than a year of hard )ork, frustrations and pro lems that % made a shocking disco&ery/ There was this in.redi3le reali#ation that was staring me right in the %a.e nearly the whole time0 that there was a %ormula that would .ut out all the hard work and .ould %ast+tra.k any ordinary person like you & me to 3ig pro%its %rom the internet on autopilot2 % -ust hadn+t +seen+ it as / was too 3usy listening to what all the gurus were peddling instead o% doing any thinking %or mysel%2 % realized that there )as a )ay of making money that )as completely different to )hat e&eryone, including all the +internet marketing guru+s+ )ere 'and still are( teaching*

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Automated Money Guide

'nd i% this .ould work %or a window washer who dropped out o% s.hool with no 1uali%i.ations then how mu.h more so it would work %or you2 But efore % tell you a out this secret formula you need to kno) )hat it+s like for most people starting out to make money online and the unethical scam of the

$et me tell you there is an a solute ton of information on ho) to make money . )hat most of us kno) as 0%nternet #arketing1* 2his has een fed to us through an endless supply of e ooks, courses, cd1s d&ds . ha&e you heard the phrase information o&erload lately3 A lot of these information products are )orthless -unk, some of it is -ust rilliant and most of it falls some)here in. et)een* 2here is -ust so much info out there that you could spend all your spare time reading, studying and )asting more and more of your hard earned cash on the ne,t greatest thing* /t4s a wonder anyone e er gets started) #ost people )ill take in the info and do nothing )ith it* Of those that do, most )ill ha&e spent a small fortune on 0internet marketing1 and 0making money1 information products* 2hey put up a )e site, spend more money on ad&ertising only to find out they+re losing money . fast/ Most will gi e up at this point) After.all, if you are in a full time -o )ith a family to look after, actually doing all this can take an age to learn and get done. Out of those )ho reach this point a hardcore fe) )ill then start testing and t)eaking After more )ork and more time 'and pro a ly a fe) more hundred dollars on the latest and greatest marketing info( some )ill finally start making some money 4 ut a &ery small percentage indeed*

The Brutal Truth A%out nternet Marketing...

Unless You Use My &ormula +

/t4s Damn Hard22

#ay e that statement has ruffled some feathers, perhaps some folks didn1t )ant to hear it and )ill scurry off to put their head ack in the sand* But this is not you of course3 But if that is the case, then so e it 4 % make no apologies for telling you e,actly ho) it is* And oy do % kno) . % spent o&er a year trying to )ork it all out* And e&en if you start promoting other people+s products to a&oid ha&ing to create your o)n . you still ha&e to go a out5 $ain 56 #arketing* '2his in&ol&es a hell of a lot of techni6ues along )ith continual testing 7 t)eaking( $ain 57 Setting 8p We sites*

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Automated Money Guide

$ain 58 Setting 8p Autoresponders* $ain 59 "ri&ing traffic to )e sites* $ain 5: 2racking e&erything from traffic, key)ords, ads etc* $ain 5; Market 9esearch* $ain 5< Ad&ertising* $ain 5= :ey)ord research* $ain 5> pages ha&e to e )ritten, tested and t)eaked* $ain 56? "itto for pre.sell pages* $ain 566 "ifferent offers need to e marketed and tested*

/t!s Enough To (tress 'nyone Out22

'nd More $ains5 ;ou )ill also ha&e to learn ho) Ad)ords )orks and optimize your )e pages 7 ads etc*

Want me to go on2@
All in all it1s a ig pain in the rear end/ %t1s not so ad if you ha&e nothing to do all day and ha&e plenty of cash to spare3 #ost people don1t* #ost people are )orking < 4 = 'or more(, ha&e families to look after and spend time )ith*

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Automated Money Guide

#ost people don1t ha&e much spare cash lying around* %nstead they are up to their ears in de t looking for a )ay out* Which is largely )hy they )ill desperately try to uy all they can a out making money on the internet*

This is di%%erent) Before % sho) you )hy let me sho) you how many have been
conned -may3e e en YOU2@)))

The 0Big &'a") Of The 0Push Button) For Cash Fever

Okay, )e all kno) that there are tens of thousands of scams on the internet* But )hen it comes to making money products and especially internet marketing there are all these hyped up claims along the lines of5

% made >?@@,@@@ 'or some other high ridiculous figure( o&ernight -ust y pushing a
utton and ;ou can to* ;ou kno) )hatA / 3elie e them) % don1t dou t for a minute that they really achie&e this* 2he pro lem is they make you 3elie e that you .an make the same 3ig amounts o% money right away . if you -ust pay them the >?<B for their ne) course*

You .an4t not if you are starting from scratch* 2hey already ha&e a frame)ork in
place5 2hey ha&e uilt their usiness up o&er time, they ha&e contacts, a large customer email list 7 an e&en igger su scri er list* ;ou don1t 4 not if you are starting out* So someone uys it . and feels disappointed )hen they ha&en1t made their >?@@,@@@ y the end of the )eek* 2hey go off thinking that all this 0making money on the internet is all a scam and doesn1t )ork1* %t does )ork )hen done right, ut it1s damn hard . especially )hen you are starting out* %t takes time, commitment and hard )ork*

The &hort'ut That &ideste*s All The -ard $ork, Ti"e 1 Effort/
% )ould like to let you in on the massi&e opportunity the internet holds for e&eryone from the moody teenager to the cheery pensioner* Anyone can make money from home using the po)er of the net, and )ith no start up costs at that/ 2his simple formula )ill ena le anyone to make money online )ithout learning any specialist techni6ues )hatsoe&er* By simply copying the simple step. y.step formula that % ha&e laid out for you in techno a le free format anyone .an .reate0 in Aust a .ouple o% hours0 an in.ome stream that will .ontinue to make them money day a%ter day)))%or months)))e en years2 And )ith a solutely zero )ork after the initial Csetting upC* %t is so simple that a child can do it and )ill gi&e you the %reedom and spare .ash to stop worrying and start li ing) 'nd remem3er i% you .an sur% the we30 send and re.ei e email0 and know how to use 3asi. word pro.essing so%tware su.h as Mi.roso%t Word or e en

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Automated Money Guide

*otepad0 then you already ha e more than enough eBpertise do this2 %t gets etter though* 2here are no limitations on the amounts of these income streams you can create* %f you )ould e happy )ith an automati. %ull+time payout weekly that can e made easily as you+ll see*

/% You &ollow The (imple (teps You!ll Make 'n /n.redi3le /n.ome))) ***But ;ou #ust Da&e Eust A $ittle Patience
;ou can make money, immediately from your first pro-ect 'remem er you can set up as many as you desire( . )hich )ill take et)een ?= minutes and F hours easy set up* %t is &ery possi le that you could make the e6ui&alent of a full time )age or more per month from this doing nothing more . ut /!m not going to lie to you y absolutely guaranteeing these results* Sometimes you may need to put in a little more time, ut only 6?+7? minutes a day, not including )eekends* E en i% you are already making pro%its

on autopilot0 doing this will astly in.rease them) "ifferent

pro-ects )ill produce different results* #y point is that this system )orks and ig money is there for the taking/ But % cannot 'and )ill not( guarantee that you )ill make thousands of dollars automatically from -ust ?= minutes setting up your &ery first pro-ect* %f that+s not )hat you )ant to hear, or if you+re disappointed you pro a ly )on+t get stinking rich from F hours easy )ork*** then %+m sorry . this isn+t for you* 2his is a real and genuine opportunityand is *OT another silly get ri.h 1ui.k

s.heme or !pie in the sky! theory)

;es, you can make an amazing income from this and li&e a fantastic lifestyle, ha&ing the freedom to do )hate&er you )ant to do )ith your life y doing this . ut )ith a little patience and persistence* %s that okayA "oes that sound reasona le to youA !ood, then***

"et me take you 3y the hand and walk you through the system0 step+3y+step)))
%f you -ust follo) the step. y.step plan % )ill e amazed if you don+t manage to make an e,tra fe) hundred dollars a )eek pure profit from doing this/ And if you stick )ith it, there+s no reason )hy you can+t go on to make thousands of dollars, each and e&ery month from this plan*

C2 C3 -E4E FO4 !&TA!T ACCE&&5

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