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Place Making Principles Place Making Principles: Good Urban Design Practice

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PLACE MAKING PRINCIPLES Good Urban Design Practice

The delivery of a well-designed environment, by which one might mean simply one that is sustainable, livable and fullling, is dependent on getting the framework for the... settlement right across all its scales.
Matthew Carmona Professor of Planning and Urban Design at the Bartlett School of Planning, UCL.

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

Places for People Movement Green and Blue Infrastructure Townscape Character Layout Block Structure

3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14

Parking Street Design Public Realm Design Amenity Place Hierarchy Design for Corners Frontages

3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19

Enclosure Building Design Adaptability Materials Servicing

03 Place Making Principles

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

How to use Part 03 of this guide

Part 03 of this guidance sets out the specific design guidelines, in the form of place making principles, that should be followed in order to achieve good quality successful places. This page outlines the general layout of each principle and indicates how this should be used to inform the design.
Design Principle - title of the design principle/section to be addressed by the design of the development Place making principle - that should be met by the development in support of the Design Principle (N/B there may be more than one principle per section)

Applicable scale - this symbol highlights and identifies the scales of development at which the objective and best practice principle would be most likely to be applicable N/B it may apply at a number of scales Building for Life (BfL) - relevant BfL criteria are set out next to each Design Principle

Bullet point criteria - identify what measures relating to the best practice principle should be used to achieve better design and make successful places

Margin - includes helpful information including relevant quotes, references, good practice and steps that could enhance its sustainability

Logos - indicate the type of information within the margin Text - expands the key issues and explains the requirements of the place making principle Images - show examples of real places to demonstrate how the best practice principle has been implemented on the ground or occasionally to illustrate examples of poor practice to be avoided Drawings - illustrate and support the key aspects of the best practice principle, providing indicative examples of how this can be implemented

Good Practice Sustainable?

Useful reference



3.1 Places for People

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

3.1 Places for people

3.1.1 The quality of the place where we live has a major in uence on our quality of life. The place making process is about creating great places where people will want to live, work, visit and enjoy. 3.1.2 This is not merely a matter of architecture (although this is one factor). Rather, it combines all the elements of the physical environment (streets, spaces, landscape and built form) in an integrated design. This requires a good understanding of the place, how it works and the ability to recognise and harness the opportunities available to make successful places. 3.1.3 However, it should also be recognised that successful places are not just built, but they develop and flourish over time. The actual process of creating the physical place is only one, albeit very important, aspect of the challenge. By making the right design choices from the outset, the creation of a good built form can provide the foundation on which vibrant and sustainable communities can grow. 3.1.4 Part 03 of this SPD establishes the key place making principles. These provide the basic ingredients needed for the creation of successful places. Each principle is accompanied by explanations and criteria that outline how successful places address or fulfil these requirements. 3.1.5 In order to meet the quality of development that is expected, proposals must show how they will create a successful place by meeting the requirements of the principles and their accompanying criteria. 3.1.6 The extent to which a development will need to apply these principles will vary according to the scale, complexity and sensitivity of the scheme. However, it will be expected that applicants must demonstrate how their proposals have had regard to the design process and responded to the relevant principles in this SPD. Our aim is to ensure all new developments are successful places.
Below and right: Examples of well designed contemporary residential schemes that create places for people and demonstrate what can be achieved with a considered design-led approach to development

...we have simply lost the art of place making... We are good at putting up buildings but we are bad at making places.

Bernard Hunt, HTA Architects


3.2 Movement

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

Building for Life criteria 1. Does the development provide (or is it close to) community facilities such as a school, play areas, shops, pubs or cafes? 4. Does the development have easy access to public transport? 7. Does the scheme exploit existing buildings, landscape or topography? 9. Do the buildings or layout make it easy to find your way around? 13. Are the streets pedestrian, cycle and vehicle friendly? 14. Does the scheme integrate with existing streets, paths and surrounding development? 15. Are public spaces and pedestrian routes overlooked and do they feel safe?

3.2 Movement
3.2.1 A balanced approach to movement

Proposals must take a balanced approach to movement and provide for the needs of all users (including pedestrians, cyclists and those with impaired mobility) of the streets and spaces not just the needs of vehicles
3.2.2 The movement network provides the skeletal framework around which the development can be formed. The early design choices are therefore critical to putting in place a well reasoned and practical movement network that meets the needs of all its users. This means ensuring that one groups requirements do not dominate to the extent that they constrain or are detrimental to needs of other groups. 3.2.3 Equitable access throughout a development means providing users with a real choice of movement, so they can choose their own route and mode of transport. Short local trips provide the best opportunities for journeys on foot or bicycle (active travel) so these routes should be more direct than those for cars.

Successful places: Recognise and accommodate the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users and other vehicles. Provide movement networks that encourage walking and cycling as the primary modes of travel for local trips making it easy to choose active travel or access public transport. Locate bus stops within a reasonable walking distance (normally 400m), via safe routes and provide bus shelters to encourage their use. Provide for access by motor vehicles and accommodate the size and frequency of service vehicles without detracting from the quality of the environment.

3.2.4 Connected, integrated, permeable

Proposals should comprise a layout of permeable streets that connect to and integrate with the surrounding network of streets and paths s
3.2.5 Connecting developments with the surrounding streets and neighbourhoods allows them to physically integrate with and function as part of the established settlement, both socially and economically. 3.2.6 Developments with poor connections to adjoining areas and movement networks designed around the car result in insular, disconnected places that fail to integrate with the settlement and which reduce the inclination to walk, cycle or use public transport. 3.2.7 Conversely, integrated permeable movement networks are bene cial to both communities and help reduce car dependency. They encourage active travel by being easier to navigate and minimising walking distances to nearby facilities, which increases their pedestrian and cycle catchments.

Sustainable? nce How does the design in ue uence el? how people choose to travel? s Does it provide transport choices that reduce car dependence and encourage active travel? Active journeys have many benefits: Reduced energy use and emissions from transport. Increased interaction fostering social networks and a sense of community. Health bene ts; and Making places feel safer - more people being out and about.

A safe footpath provides a convenient route and connects with the adjoining area.


3.2 Movement

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

it is an instinctive and continuous habit of the body to relate itself to the environment, this sense of position cannot be ignored. Gordon Cullen, Townscape

Successful places: Have internal permeability with interconnected streets that allow people to choose the most convenient and direct option for their journey. Make connections to the adjacent street and footpath network, including safe, direct pedestrian/cycle links. Design the movement network to connect easily to local destinations by following desire lines to where people want to go.

3.2.11 Often, two or more of these elements will need to be considered in combination to design effective legible environments e.g. designing a view towards a landmark or building that acts as a focal point or terminating feature, helps to create a sense of place. 3.2.12 Thresholds to private areas such as courtyards should use devices such as changes in surface, pillars, access through an archway etc. to define the extent of the defensible space. Psychologically, this gives the impression that the area beyond is private.

Successful places: Contain landmarks, such as important buildings, distinctive public spaces, public art, mature trees and views to these features. Distinguish important nodal points or junctions with distinctive spaces, often associated with activity and movement. Incorporate movement along conspicuous routes and edges and that are easy to recognise and follow, such as main roads or de ned streets.

Paths, nodes, landmarks and edges constitute the skeleton of the urban image, which is eshed out with areas of less strongly differentiated urban fabric. Responsive Environments, Bentley et al (2005)

3.2.8 Legibility

Places should be easy to understand and navigate so people can nd their way around without difculty.
3.2.9 Making places legible is to make them easy to understand and navigate, so that people have a clear mental image of the place. They should include recognisable features that help give them a sense of place and make them memorable. 3.2.10 Memorable spaces may contain a focal point such as a piece of public art or a mature tree. Key nodal points may comprise one or more main routes that coincide with the provision of a distinctive public space, containing a notable landmark building.

Useful References 007) Manual for Streets (2007) Safer Places: The Planning System and Crime Prevention (2004), ODPM/Home Of ce

Above: A mature tree, distinctive building and a public space positioned on a junction combine to create a memorable location that adds legibility and distinctiveness to the development


3.2 Movement

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

3.2.13 Safer neighbourhoods

Good Practice Pedestrians and cyclists should normally be accommodated within the street. Where segregated routes are considered necessary they can be acceptable if they are well designed. Regardless of length, such routes should be: As straight and direct as possible. Be well lit. Wide enough to avoid con icts between pedestrians and cyclists (where shared) or allow people to pass one another comfortably. Overlooked by surrounding buildings and activities. Attractively designed and landscaped. Devoid of hiding places.

3.2.15 Walkable neighbourhoods

The movement network should be designed to create a safe and comfortable environment for users
3.2.14 Routes should be clear, direct and attractive places where people feel comfortable. If they are cramped, poorly overlooked, indirect or unwelcoming they can attract crime or anti-social behaviour and discourage legitimate users.

Proposals should seek to create walkable neighbourhoods that provide for or are located within easy walking distance of local facilities

3.2.16 A walkable neighbourhood is a residential or mixed area with a range of everyday facilities within an approximate 10 minute (800m) walking distance. Some facilities command greater catchments although these become less accessible on foot with increased distance.

Successful places: Create active streets that are easy for people to find their way around and that link to local destinations. Are well lit and overlooked by surrounding buildings and uses to provide a sense of natural surveillance and safety. Demonstrate clear definition between public and private spaces. Provide for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles within the same space, without them being segregated. Avoid networks of separate footpaths and unsupervised areas, including public footpaths that run to rear of and provide access to properties, for reasons of safety and security.

Good Practice A Ped shed (pedestrian shed) is a walkable catchment and is the basic component of a walkable neighbourhood. They are often defined as the area that can be covered by 5 or 10-minute walk or 400-800m in distance.


True walkable catchments are irregular (not circles) because they cover the actual route not as the crow flies. The distance walked is often further than is suggested by the standard ped shed circle.

3.2 Movement

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

Sustainable? What is a reasonable walking alk ng distance? 400m is a reasonable walking distance to a bus stop (approx 5 minutes). 800m is a walkable distance to a town or local centre (approx 10 minutes). The average walking journey is 1km. Not many people walk more than 2km. However, actual walking distances may be reduced according to various factors. Proposals must take account of steep gradients, the bendiness of the route and psychological factors such as barriers like how easy or difficult it might be to cross busy roads, real or perceived fear of crime and personal safety. If routes are indirect the actual walking distance is reduced. Shaping Neighbourhoods, Barton et al

3.2.17 Catchment distances diagram shows typical desirable and possible maximum thresholds for walking to facilities at local, neighbourhood/ village and settlement/town level. 3.2.18 It is reasonable to expect some types of facilities, such as a childrens playground, within a short walking distance of a residential area, whereas people are prepared to walk further to reach other key facilities such as a local centre or a school. 3.2.19 These distances are a starting point for discussion. In more rural settings greater distances to more signi cant facilities (e.g. leisure centre, FE College etc.) are to be expected. 3.2.20 Accessibility criteria should also have regard to a range of local factors: The catchment populations of different facilities. The degree of permeability/ directness of walking/cycle routes. The general shape of the settlement. The propensity of users to walk to specific facilities. The ifl uence of topography.

Indicative catchments: Home/ Street


Toddlers play area (100-200m) Allotments (200-400m) Playgrounds and childrens play/kick about area (300-400m) Bus stop (400m - reasonable and most convenient distance)

Neighbourhood 400m


Bus stop rural (400-800m - maximum less convenient/likely walking distance) Local park/natural green space (400-600m) Access to green network (600-800m) Local centre/shop (600-800m) Pub and village hall (600-800m) Primary school (800-1000m) GP Surgery (800-1000m)

Small Town/Settlement



Useful Reference d Shaping Neighbourhoods, Barton et al, (2010)

The safety of the route (real or perceived fear of crime). The level of hostility in terms of traffic speed and volume and the quality of the pedestrian experience.

Playing fields (1000-1500m) Secondary school (1500-2000m) Town district centre or supermarket (1500-2000m) Leisure centre (1500-2000m) Industrial estate (2000-3000m) Major natural green space (2000-3000m) FE College (3000-5000m)

Source: Adapted from Barton et al, Shaping Neighbourhoods, 2010


3.3 Green and Blue Infrastructure

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

Building for Life criteria 1. Does the development provide (or is it close to) community facilities such as a school, parks, play areas, shops, pubs or cafes? 5. Does the development have any features that reduce its environmental impact? 6. Is the design speci c to the scheme? 7. Does the scheme exploit existing buildings, landscape or topography? 8. Does the scheme feel like a place with distinctive character? 14. Does the scheme integrate with existing streets, paths and surrounding development? 15. Are public spaces and pedestrian routes overlooked and do they feel safe? 16. Is public space well designed and does it have suitable management arrangements in place? Green and Blue Infrastructure includes: Parks Allotments Woods Wildlife habitats/ecological areas Green corridors Rivers Streams Canals Ponds/other water bodies.

3.3 Green and Blue Infrastructure

3.3.1 Green and Blue Infrastructure absorbing C02, pollutants etc. Water Management - green networks able to form part of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS). Ecological Value - through the creation of habitats that support biodiversity. Local Food Production - through provision of allotments, fruit trees/orchards, community gardens etc. 3.3.4 Green and blue infrastructure should be an integral aspect of the layout planning and structuring of any housing development wherever opportunities allow. This means retaining and incorporating natural assets such as mature trees, hedgerows or watercourses, as key features of the layout, if appropriate, or create new ones. 3.3.5 Emphasis is also placed on spaces being multi-functional e.g. a SUDS with swales and ponds can enhance the character of a development, have biodiversity and landscape value and be part of a network of recreational routes.

Proposals should integrate green and blue infrastructure into the development layout wherever possible
3.3.2 Green and blue infrastructure refers to the network of existing or new, natural and managed green spaces and water bodies, together with the linkages that join up individual areas as part of a wider network of green spaces, such as footpaths, cycle paths and bridleways. 3.3.3 It provides many benefits, including: Good Health - Greenery promotes health, well-being and enhances quality of life. Recreation - Formal and informal spaces provide places for exercise and relaxation. Livable places - Green networks can add distinctiveness, a positive outlook or buffer negative features. They can also protect the setting of heritage assets and aid the interpretation of assets such as archaeology. Movement - Pleasant recreational routes that link to adjoining green spaces. Environment - In uence local micro climate and air quality, providing shade, shelter,

3.3.6 In all cases proposals should forge links with the wider network of green spaces whenever opportunities allow. Successful places: Integrate existing green and blue features into their design / layout or create new ones. Connect with the existing wider green and blue infrastructure network. Create multi-functional green and blue spaces and routes.

Above: A SUDS channel with both ecological and amenity value

Below: A multifunctional green space combines a path and SUDS pond, providing an attractive outlook and setting for the adjoining homes


A retained mature tree has biodiversity value and provides a positive focal point

Balancing ponds slow water run-off and provide a positive outlook

A retained wood is a landscape buffer and shelter belt

Allotments potential/ local food production

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

(c) Crown Copyright and database right (2011). Ordnance Survey (100019526). Footpaths integrated into the layout connect to wider countryside and network of recreational routes.

SUDS swales in a green corridor

Swales integrated into the street layout

A characterful sunken lane is retained with new connections to form multi-user path

3.3.7 An edge of settlement development that fully integrates a network of green and blue infrastructure into its layout. Existing positive natural features have been retained and incorporated wherever possible. New green elements (swales/ponds, street trees, green spaces/corridors etc) are multifunctional features, forge links with the surrounding area and add value.


3.4 Townscape

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

3.4 Townscape
Building for Life criteria 6. Is the design speci c to the scheme? 7. Does the scheme exploit existing buildings, landscape or topography? 8. Does the scheme feel like a place with distinctive character? 9. Do the buildings or layout make it easy to nd your way around? 10. Are the streets de ned by a well-structured building layout?

3.4.1 Townscape

All schemes should create places that make a positive addition to the built environment in terms of its townscape and visual interest. Development should give something back to the place in which it is being built.
3.4.2 Designing townscape is the art of relating buildings to each other and the spaces and other elements around them, such as landscape, paving etc. It is the skill of arranging all the elements of the environment to compose an urban scene in a way that creates a pleasing relationship between built and unbuilt space, that are also fit for purpose. 3.4.3 All new development will contribute to the townscape of the place in which it is built, simply by its presence in a street or neighbourhood. However, it is its design and how it is put into practice that will determine whether or not a development adds positively to the richness and interest of the townscape. 3.4.4 Often the places we find most interesting have developed incrementally providing layers of texture and form

that while sometimes haphazard, combine to create attractive townscapes. Occasionally, a carefully planned scheme may exhibit similar qualities. However, the art of townscape is frequently undermined by the standardisation of housing with an emphasis on utility, economy and function, limiting the potential for incidental occurrences to stimulate, surprise or delight. Often the result is monotonous and uninteresting. 3.4.5 It should be the aim of those involved in the development process to ensure that the design of their proposals creates new townscape that is a meaningful and worthy addition to the settlement.
Below: An example of a distinctive place where a mature tree and small green form a focal point. Elevations are well proportioned and homes are arranged to form a sense of enclosure, while materials and details combine to create a positive new area of townscape.

Successful places: Contribute positively to the richness and interest of the settlement to foster a sense of place by applying the good urban design practice principles (places not estates). Respond to the individuality of places in respect of local characteristics such as building forms, materials, traditions, street patterns and spaces to inform the approach to the design. Establish a clear urban structure within the built form, streets and spaces. Use the relationship (juxtaposition) of buildings, streets and spaces to form varied and interesting townscapes and a sense of identity.


there is an art of relationship just as there is an art of architecture. Its purpose is to take all the elements that go to create the environment: buildings, trees, nature, water, trafc and so on and weave them together in such a way that drama is released. Gorden Cullen, Townscape

3.4 Townscape

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

bring buildings together and collectively they can give visual pleasure which none can give separately. One building standing alone... is experienced as a work of architecture, but bring half a dozen buildings together and an art other than architecture is made possible. Gorden Cullen, Townscape

3.4.6 Considering the development as a three dimensional composition enables the designer to carefully integrate the different elements of the built environment as a coherent design. The example shows how: The entrance is narrowed to create a pinch point, signalling drivers to slow upon entering the site and encourages vehicles to emerge with caution. The buildings have been arranged to define the edges of a space, provide continuity and create a strong sense of enclosure. Buildings are outward looking with windows orientated to overlook the street, providing safety and security. A larger building is positioned deliberately on the axis of the street to provide a focal point and terminate or close the view from the entrance. Roof heights (eaves and ridge) and roof forms, together with chimneys and dormers add visual interest to the skyline. Street trees provide vertical division of the space, shading, soften its appearance and increase its visual appeal. Hard surfacing provides horizontal sub-division of the space, visually prompts drivers to slow down and delineate areas of on-street parking. The cranked building uses the built form to deflect a view into to a rear courtyard, which itself incorporates a feature focal point tree.

A street designed around townscape principles, creating enclosure of space with well de ned edges, a key view terminated by a building that is sited and designed for this purpose and external materials of quality that reinforce the local distinctiveness of the area.


3.5 Character

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

3.5 Character
Building for Life criteria 6. Is the design speci c to the scheme? 7. Does the scheme exploit existing buildings, landscape or topography? 8. Does the scheme feel like a place with distinctive character? 9. Do the buildings or layout make it easy to find your way around? 10. Are the streets de ned by a well-structured building layout?

3.5.1 Character

Developments should create places of character based upon an appreciation of the site and surrounding area, responding positively to its natural and built context.
3.5.2 The concept of character relates to the qualities belonging to a place that together give it its own identity and help distinguish one place from another. This is often referred to as its sense of place; so when you get there, you have a sense of arrival or being somewhere. 3.5.3 Character is in uenced by factors such as architectural style, materials and traditions, relationship of buildings to landscape, history and economy. These factors combine to create places that are distinctive and speci c to their location, not the qualities of somewhere else. 3.5.4 New housing development is often seen as bland with little character, and unable to respond positively to its context. Many fail to create any sense of place and feel disconnected from their locality; essentially they could be anywhere. 3.5.5 Designs should ground development to their location, to help foster a sense

of place, character and connection. This requires an approach that goes beyond the unthinking application of standard solutions, but instead seeks to understand and respond meaningfully to the context, site conditions, community values and needs. 3.5.6 Locations with a weak or negative character can provide few contextual clues or positive features to build on. In these instances designers should draw inspiration from positive aspects of the wider context to design proposals that are appropriate to the locality, rather than recreate an existing poor design. 3.5.7 In some circumstances the design of a proposal may depart from the local context and character (although it should not be ignored). For example a highly energy efficient design may have particular requirements. Such proposals must be explained and justified and will be assessed on their individual merits.

Characterless standard designs laid out without considering townscape fail to create a positive sense of place

Successful places: Integrate into their setting by responding to topography, landscape planting and edges. Create areas of positive character by responding to prevailing characteristics in terms of street patterns, density, layout, built form, materials and details. Relate the height, massing and scale of development to that nearby to create an appropriate relationship with adjoining areas. (However, variety within the built form will be encouraged in respect of townscape/place hierarchy considerations - see 3.12). Support local distinctiveness through the use of locally relevant materials, architectural details and building traditions, such as boundary walls etc.


Most of us identify with a place because we use it and get to know it The only reason anyone does this much is that useful or interesting or convenient differences fairly nearby exert an attraction. Almost nobody travels willingly from sameness to sameness and repetition to repetition, even if the physical effort required is trivial. Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1994 edition)

A mature tree provides a strong focal point to this scheme and is a major element of its character

3.5 Character

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

3.5.8 Local distinctiveness

Good Practice Local distinctiveness: The features that contribute to a place being rooted in its setting. These include: Geological setting relationship between materials, location and building function Landscape character and patterns of land husbandry Topography and its influence on the townscape Land use patterns associated with local needs, traditions and industries Architectural forms, traditions related to local sources of materials and craftsmanship Place names connected with local historic associations, land ownership, topography and trades Barton et al, Shaping Neighbourhoods, 2010

Developments should support local distinctiveness by taking the opportunities available to integrate the proposal into the site, its setting and the way it relates to the local area
3.5.9 Local distinctiveness relates to places, their qualities and peoples attachments to them. It is both physical and cultural and can seem intangible yet we are able to recognise its appeal when we see it. However, the interest and richness of places is diluted with standardisation and the associated loss of the integrity and detail that people value. 3.5.10 Local distinctiveness has many layers, but it is about more than just variety. There is no single formula to de ne it, as by its nature it must be determined according to each place (hence the need to assess each site and its context). However, the organisation Common Ground has identi ed four indicators of distinctiveness which allow reinterpretation in each particular place. These are:

Detail Detail in everyday things is important. People respond to subtle signs that add layers of richness and meaning to a place. The folds in a local field, a window or door detail, a local building tradition stimulate our senses and develop meaning. Authenticity The real and the genuine hold a strength of meaning for people, whereas the inauthentic appears one dimensional and unsatisfying. Local distinctiveness is not necessarily about beauty but it must be about integrity. Particularity The special or rare aspects of a place may be important, but it is the qualities of the common place that define its identity. The focus should be on appropriateness to and expressiveness of the time and place, rather than simply being pre-occupied by difference. Patina Age has to be recognised as having been gathered. With care, the remnants of the accumulation of activity, the layers or fragments of a place which can be read or experienced can be added to, without resorting to their loss, damage or crude interventions.
Source: Common Ground (Losing Your Place, 1993)

A modern design incorporates a local stone plinth and retains existing mature trees to provide a positive setting

Successful places: Complement their context by making use of the landscape and topography of the site and the surrounding area to inform the approach to the layout of a scheme. Preserve and incorporate natural landscape features (such as mature trees, hedges, watercourses, ponds, rock outcrops, areas of ecological value etc) of interest or amenity value. Retain, reuse and enhance buildings, structures or features of historic, archaeological or local interest. Where appropriate the settings of such elements should be maintained. Utilise locally relevant materials associated with the landscape character area in which the site is located. Retain and utilise architectural features from existing buildings, structures or features if these are unable to be retained for structural or viability reasons (this must be justi ed).

Concerning places that lack character... ...when you get there, there's no there there. Gertrude Stein, American writer A new home with distinctive locally relevant materials

3.5.11 When developers engage with the community about their proposals they should use this opportunity to explore local cultural attachments and what people value Recognise and retain important views. about their place.


3.5 Character

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

3.5.12.Character Areas
Sustainable? nt Does the development foster a sense of place, or could it be anywhere? Can new themes be added or particular existing attributes strengthened? Support local identity and sustainability by making full use of the resources to hand: reduce, reuse and recycle. Adapted from Urban Design Compendium 1 & 2 (2007)

Where appropriate to the scale of development, proposals should be sub-divided into areas of character the design of which is based upon clearly dened characteristics
3.5.13 In larger scale developments character areas may be devised to differentiate between different parts of the site, assist legibility and avoid large areas of repetitious housing. 3.5.14 Proposals should assess whether the site relates to an existing area of particular character and determine how the scheme can introduce areas that strengthen character and reinforce local distinctiveness. This may in uence the mix of uses, density and pattern of development, views to existing landmarks, the network of routes and open spaces, urban form, materials or other factors. 3.5.15 There may be opportunities to introduce new elements or character areas, particularly if a place has a weak, unremarkable character. However, the context (immediate or wider) should normally provide the starting point to developing the principles that will define a character area, with the aim of strengthening the distinctiveness of the settlement and being appropriate to the place.

3.5.16 Character areas should not be arti cial creations or based upon alien designs or features from elsewhere, otherwise they will appear forced and inauthentic. Instead they should be a genuine response to the place, its characteristics, constraints and the distinctive qualities of the area. This will provide integrity and reinforce local identity. 3.5.17 The basis of each character area should be informed by a street and place hierarchy (see sections 3.6 and 3.12) and each area should have a genuine role to play in the creation of a movement net-

work and the character of the place. The street hierarchy itself should be informed by the context and what is appropriate in any given setting. This can be determined through the site context appraisal process (see Part 2). Successful Places: Respond to the landform and natural features of the site Are sensitive to the characteristics of the local area, including building forms, details, layouts, edges, boundary treatments Vary or grade densities (influenced by factors such as location within the site, land uses and access to transport etc) Are influenced by prevailing land uses (existing and proposed) Incorporate local materials, details and building methods Are appropriate in scale, height and massing with regard to adjoining buildings and general heights in the area, views and local landmarks and topography and visual impact Provide a positive relationship with the edges of the site including any areas of open countryside


In many towns... there is scope for strengthening existing neighbourhoods... or devising new areas of special character. Such character areas can reinforce local identity and serve as a marketing tool to raise the prole of a particular place. Urban Design Compendium 1 (2007)

Left: Three distinct streets within the same development demonstrate that areas of differing character can be formed without resorting to large areas of monoculture housing

3.5 Character

Successful Places: Place Making Principles

3.5.18 Establishing the place and street hierarchy will begin to inform the characteristics of each character area. 3.5.19 Using more than one developer or employing more than one architect to design different aspects of a scheme will also support the creation of character areas. Parameters to dene character areas should include: Street type and width; Building use/house types and street continuity (density/intensity of development); Building set-backs; Building height and enclosure; Front boundary treatments; Topography and landscape; Materials and architectural attributes.

(c) Crown Copyright and database right (2011). Ordnance Survey (100019526).

Above: A large development site subdivided into a number of character areas. The defining qualities of each area will vary to create a number of places within the scheme which exhibit their own distinct characteristics.


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