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Disaster Recovery Essential Guide Q1

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*essential guide

With the technologies that are available to help speed, simplify and lower the cost of disaster recovery protection, your excuses for not having a plan are falling away.

How to write a DR plan Cutting DR costs with virtualisation Cloud-based DR pros and cons WAN optimisation opens DR doors Best practices for small companies


* antony adshead

Technology options are removing obstacles to disaster recovery protection

The state of disaster recovery Writing the DR plan Virtual DR Cloud DR WAN optmisation SMB best practices

Server virtualisation and the cloud are making the task of disaster recovery protection considerably easier than in the not-too-distant past and removing excuses for not doing it.

DISASTER RECOVERY HAS assumed a heightened profile over

the past few years. So much so that looking back to only five years ago seems like the Dark Ages from here. It was common to come across many businesses without disaster recovery plans or provision. Im sure it still is, but with the mushrooming of disaster recovery technology in the past few years, theres no excuse nowadays. On the one hand, there have been strong push factors impelling organisations towards effective disaster recovery planning. This can take the form of legal and regulatory compliance. Financial services players, for example, have prescribed levels

Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

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of disaster recovery in place. Regulations such as Basel II, MiFID and those of the UK Financial Services Authority dictate the standard of disaster recovery expected, the minimum distance of secondary sites, etc. Good business sense is also a driver. Again, in the financial services sector, for example, the need for rapid failover to a secondary site is not only driven by regulation but also by the bottom line. In algorithmic trading, milliseconds are worth millions every year, and the financial services company The good news is that doesnt resume trading that there are some again within seconds of an very attractive pull outage will lose money hand over fist. factors that make Damage to reputation and disaster recovery future ability to trade are the potentially easier, bottom lines that disaster less costly and less recovery must protect of a management against. There are chilling statistics about the number headache than it of businesses that never has ever been. recover from an IT disaster, and those that dobut too slowlyare likely to suffer a hemorrhage of customers and a slower but inexorable death. But enough of the doom and gloom. While there are compelling push factors driving the need for a sound disaster recovery strategy, the good news is that there are some very attractive pull factors that make disaster recovery potentially easier, less costly and less of a management headache than it has ever been. First of these is server virtualisation. Once upon a time, an effective disaster recovery strategy meant that your secondary IT setup needed to be a carbon copy of your primary data

Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

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centre. This was because applicationsOS, updates, patches and allwere tied to one physical server. Server virtualisation broke this link. The hypervisor now sits between applications and the physical device, and where once apps and data could be restored only to identical servers, now bare-metal restore on any device is possible. In fact, mirroring in real time or near real time can enable failover to the secondary server estate in minutes or seconds. Now, its true that in even the organisations that are most advanced in IT terms, not all servers are virtualised. But the fact that manyprobably a majority in most IT departments are, will make disaster recovery an easier task, with only a few servers needing to remain entirely physical. For many SMBs, however, chances are their entire server estate can be virtualised and disaster recovery made entirely independent of specific physical devices. The cloud takes that theme to further logical conclusions. The provision of compute and storage facilities remotely by a service provider has been the buzz phrase in IT for the past couple of years. Its potentially a game changer in many areas, not least of which is disaster recovery. Cloud disaster recovery offers remote resources to which your replicate data; then, should an outage occur, your companys employees can work from the cloud while your physical IT facilities are restored. Its early days, but at some point security and bandwidth permittingthis could be the standard by which all work. Having said all that, there is one area of disaster recovery that hasnt necessarily gotten any easier. And that is the need to analyse risk, develop detailed plans, and test and train and continuously update them. In this Essential Guide, you will find pointers towards achieving these tasks. 2
Antony Adshead is bureau chief of

Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

How to write a disaster recovery plan and define disaster recovery strategies
Learn how to develop disaster recovery strategies as well as how to write a disaster recovery plan with these step-by-step instructions.

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FORMULATING A DETAILED recovery plan is the main aim

of the entire IT disaster recovery planning project. It is in these plans that you will set out the detailed steps needed to recover your IT systems to a state in which they can support the business after a disaster. But before you can generate that detailed recovery plan, youll need to perform a risk assessment (RA) and/or business impact analysis (BIA) to identify the IT services that support the organisations critical business activities. Then, youll need to establish recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs). Once this work is out of the way, youre ready to move on to developing disaster recovery strategies, followed by the actual plans. Here well explain how to write a disaster recovery plan as well as how to develop disaster recovery strategies. Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

Regarding disaster recovery strategies, ISO/IEC 27031, the global standard for IT disaster recovery, states, Strategies should define the approaches to implement the required resilience so that the principles of incident prevention, detection, response, recovery and restoration are put in place. Strategies define what you plan to do when responding to an incident, while plans describe how you will do it. Once you have identified your critical systems, RTOs, RPOs, etc, create a table, as shown below, to help you formulate the disaster recovery strategies you will use to protect them. Youll want to consider issues such as budgets, managements position with regard to risks, the availability of re-

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Table 1: Determining DR strategies

Critical system Accounts payable RTO/RPO (in hours) 4/2 Threat Server failure Prevention strategy Secure equipment room and backup server; install UPS Set up failure alerts and conduct regular inspections; install UPS Response strategy Switch over to backup server; validate that UPS is running Run manufacturing on alternate system Recovery strategy Fix/replace primary server; fail back to primary server Fix primary manufacturing system; return to normal operations Obtain/ install replacement unit(s), sensor(s)



Loss of manufacturing systems

Building security


Locate Security system in system destroyed secure area; install protective enclosures around sensor units; install UPS

Deploy guards at strategic points

Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

sources, costs versus benefits, human constraints, technological constraints and regulatory obligations. Lets examine some additional factors in strategy definition.
People. This involves availability of staff/contractors, training

needs of staff/contractors, duplication of critical skills so there can be a primary and at least one backup person, available documentation to be used by staff, and follow-up to ensure staff and contractor retention of knowledge.
Physical facilities. Areas to look at are availability of alter-

nate work areas within the same site, at a different company location, at a third-party-provided location, at employees homes or at a transportable work facility. Then consider site security, staff access procedures, ID badges and the location of the alternate space relative to the primary site.
Technology. Youll need to consider access to equipment

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space that is properly configured for IT systems, with raised floors, for example; suitable heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) for IT systems; sufficient primary electrical power; suitable voice and data infrastructure; the distance of the alternate technology area from the primary site; provision for staffing at an alternate technology site; availability of failover (to a backup system) and failback (return to normal operations) technologies to facilitate recovery; support for legacy systems; and physical and information security capabilities at the alternate site.
Data. Areas to look at include timely backup of critical

data to a secure storage area in accordance with RTO/RPO requirements, method(s) of data storage (disk, tape, optical, etc), connectivity and bandwidth requirements to ensure all critical data can be backed up in accordance with RTO/RPO time scales, data protection capabilities at the alternate storage site, and availability of technical support from qualified third-party service providers.

Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

Suppliers. Youll need to identify and contract with primary

and alternate suppliers for all critical systems and processes, and even the sourcing of people. Key areas where alternate suppliers will be important include hardware (such as servers, racks, etc), power (such as batteries, universal power supplies, power protection, etc), networks (voice and data network services), repair and replacement of components, and multiple delivery firms (FedEx, UPS, etc).
Policies and procedures. Define policies for IT disaster re-

covery and have them approved by senior management. Then define step-by-step procedures to, for example, initiate data backup to secure alternate locations, relocate operations to an alternate space, recover systems and data at the alternate sites, and resume operations at either the original site or at a new location.

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Finally, be sure to obtain management sign-off for your strategies. Be prepared to demonstrate that your strategies align with the organisations business goals and business continuity strategies.


Once your disaster recovery strategies have been developed, youre ready to translate them into disaster recovery plans. Lets take Table 1 and recast it into Table 2, on p. 9. Here we can see the critical system and associated threat, the response strategy and (new) response action steps, as well as the recovery strategy and (new) recovery action steps. This approach can help you quickly drill down and define high-level action steps. From Table 2 you can expand the high-level steps into more detailed step-by-step procedures, as you deem necessary. Be sure they are linked in the proper sequence.

Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

Table 2: Using strategies to create plan

Critical system Accounts payable Threat Server failure Response strategy Switch over to backup server; validate that UPS is running Response action steps Verify server is down; verify data has been backed up and is safe; test backup server; start switchover to alternate server Verify manufacturing system is down; verify data has been backed up and is safe; test alternate system; start switchover to alternate manufacturing system Verify security system is down; verify security data has been backed up and is safe; contact guard agencies to source onsite guards; define guard duties; brief guards on duties; provide communications devices for guards Recovery strategy Fix/replace primary server; fail back to primary server Recovery action steps Verify cause of server outage; obtain, test and install new server; fail systems back to new server


Loss of manufacturing systems

Run manufacturing on alternate system

Fix primary manufacturing system; return to normal operations

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Verify cause of manufacturing system outage; contact repair resources; fix and test manufacturing system; fail manufacturing system back to repaired system Verify cause of security system outage; contact supplier to get replacement; test replacement system; restart security system

Building security

Security system destroyed

Deploy guards at strategic points

Obtain/ install replacement unit(s), sensor(s)

Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

DR plans provide a step-by-step process for responding to a disruptive event. Procedures should ensure an easy-to-use and repeatable process for recovering damaged IT assets and returning them to normal operation as quickly as possible. If staff relocation to a third-party hot site or other alternate space is necessary, procedures must be developed for those activities. When developing your IT DR plans, be sure to review the global standards ISO/IEC 24762 for disaster recovery and ISO/IEC 27035 (formerly ISO 18044) for incident response activities.

In addition to using the strategies previously developed, IT disaster recovery plans should form part of an incident response process that addresses the initial stages of the incident and the steps to be taken. This process can be seen as a timeline, such as in Disaster timeline (below), in which incident response actions precede disaster recovery actions.

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The following section details the elements in a DR plan in the sequence defined by ISO 27031 and ISO 24762. Disaster timeline
Incident management Emergency management Disaster recovery Business continuity

Note: We have included emergency management, as it represents activities that may be needed to address situations where humans are injured or situations such as fires that must be addressed by local fire brigades and other first responders.


Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

Important: Best-in-class DR plans should begin with a few pages that summarise key action steps (such as where to assemble employees if forced to evacuate the building) and lists of key contacts and their contact information for ease of authorising and launching the plan.
1. Introduction. Following the initial emergency pages,

DR plans have an introduction that includes the purpose and scope of the plan. This section should specify who has approved the plan, who is authorised to activate it and a list of linkages to other relevant plans and documents.
2. Roles and responsibilities. The next section should define

roles and responsibilities of DR recovery team members, their contact details, spending limits (for example, if equipment has to be purchased) and the limits of their authority in a disaster situation.

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3. Incident response. During the incident response process,

we typically become aware of an out-of-normal situation (such as being alerted by various system-level alarms), quickly assess the situation (and any damage) to make an early determination of its severity, attempt to contain the incident and bring it under control, and notify management and other key stakeholders.
4. Plan activation. Based on the findings from incident

response activities, the next step is to determine if disaster recovery plans should be launched, and which ones in particular should be invoked. If DR plans are to be invoked, incident response activities can be scaled back or terminated, depending on the incident, allowing for launch of the DR plans. This section defines the criteria for launching the plan, what data is needed and who makes the determination. Included within this part of the plan should be assembly areas for staff (primary and alternates), procedures for notifying and activating DR team members, and procedures for standing


Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

down the plan if management determines the DR plan response is not needed.
5. Document history. A section on plan document dates

and revisions is essential and should include dates of revisions, what was revised and who approved the revisions. This can be located at the front of the plan document.
6. Procedures. Once the plan has been launched, DR teams

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take the materials assigned to them and proceed with response and recovery activities as specified in the plans. The more detailed the plan is, the more likely the affected IT asset will be recovered and returned to normal operation. Technology DR plans can be enhanced with relevant recovery information and procedures obtained from system vendors. Check with your vendors while developing your DR plans to see what they have in terms of emergency recovery documentation.
7. Appendixes. Located at the end of the plan, these can

include systems inventories, application inventories, network asset inventories, contracts and service-level agreements, supplier contact data, and any additional documentation that will facilitate recovery.

Once your DR plans have been completed, they are ready to be exercised. This process will determine whether they will recover and restore IT assets as planned. In parallel to these activities are three additional ones: creating employee awareness, training and records management. These are essential in that they ensure employees are fully aware of DR plans and their responsibilities in a disaster, and DR team members have been trained in their roles and responsibilities as defined in the plans. And since DR planning generates a significant amount of documentation, records Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery


management (and change management) activities should also be initiated. If your organisation already has records management and change management programmes, use them in your DR planning. 2
Paul Kirvan, CISA, FBCVI, CBCP, has more than 20 years of experience in business continuity management as a consultant, author and educator.

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Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

Virtual disaster recovery

Storage and server virtualisation make many of the most onerous disaster recovery tasks relatively easy to execute, while helping to cut overall DR costs.

IF YOUR COMPANY still lacks a viable disaster recovery

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(DR) strategy, it might be time to start thinking virtualisation. The initial drivers behind server virtualisation adoption have been improving resource utilisation and lowering costs through consolidation, but next-wave adopters have realised that virtualisation can also improve availability. Virtualisation turns physical devices into sets of resource pools that are independent of the physical assets they run on. With server virtualisation, decoupling operating systems, applications and data from specific physical assets eliminates the economic and operational issues of infrastructure silosone of the key ingredients to affordable disaster recovery. Storage virtualisation takes those very same benefits and extends them from servers to the underlying storage domain, bringing IT organisations one step closer to the ideal of a virtualised IT infrastructure. By harnessing the power of virtualisation, at both the server and storage level, IT organisations can become more agile in disaster recovery. Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery



Improving disaster recovery and business continuity are perennial top-10 IT priorities because companies want to reduce the risk of losing access to systems and data. While most shops have daily data protection plans in place, fewer of them focus their efforts on true disasters, which would include any event that interrupts service at the primary production location. An event can be one of many different things, including power failures, fires, floods, other weatherrelated outages, natural disasters, pandemics or terrorism. Regardless of the cause, unplanned downtime in the data centre can wreak havoc on ITs ability to maintain business operations. The goal of a DR process is to re-create all necessary systems at a second location as quickly and reliably as possible. Unfortunately, for many firms, DR strategies are often cobbled together because theres nothing or no one mandating them, theyre too costly or complex, or theres a false belief that existing backup processes are adequate for disaster recovery. Backup technologies and processes will take you only so far when it comes to a disaster. Tier 1 data (the most critical stuff) makes up approximately 50% of an organisations total primary data. When the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) surveyed IT professionals responsible for data protection, 53% said their organisation could tolerate one hour or less of downtime before their business suffered revenue loss or some other type of adverse business impact; nearly threequarters (74%) fell into the less-than-three-hour range. (The results of this survey were published in the ESG research report, 2010 Data Protection Trends, April 2010.) When relying on backup for DR, under the best conditions, the time it takes to acquire replacement hardware, reinstall operating systems and applications, and recover dataeven from a disk-based

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Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

copywill likely exceed a recovery time objective (RTO) of one to three hours. Recovery from a mirror copy of a system is faster than recovering with traditional backup methods, but its also more expensive and complex. Maintaining identical systems in two locations and synchronising configuration settings and data copies can be a challenge. This often forces companies to prioritise or triage their data, providing greater protection to some tiers than others. ESG research found that Tier 2 data comprises 28% of all primary data, and nearly half (47%) of IT organisations we surveyed noted three hours or less of downtime tolerance for Tier 2 data. Therefore, if costs force a company to apply a different strategy or a no-protection strategy for critical (Tier 1) vs. important (Tier 2), some risks may be introduced.

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Virtualisation has become a major catalyst for change in x86 environments because it provides new opportunities for more cost-effective DR. When looking at the reasons behind server virtualisation initiatives on the horizon, ESG research found that making use of virtual machine replication to facilitate disaster recovery ranked second behind consolidating more physical servers onto virtualisation platforms. (See the ESG research report, 2011 IT Spending Intentions, published in January 2011, for details of the survey results.) Because server virtualisation abstracts from the physical hardware layer, it eliminates the need for identical hardware configurations at production and recovery data centres, which provides several benefits. And since virtualisation is often a catalyst to refresh the underlying infrastructure, theres usually retired hardware on hand. For some organisations that might not have been able to secure the CapEx to


Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

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outfit a DR configuration, there may be an opportunity to take advantage of hand-me-down hardware. Also, by consolidating multiple applications on a single physical server at the recovery data centre, the amount of physical recovery infrastructure required is reduced. This, in turn, minimises expensive raised floor space costs, as well as additional power and cooling requirements. Leveraging the encapsulation and portability features Leveraging the of virtual servers aids in DR encapsulation enablement. Encapsulating and portability the virtual machine into a features of virtual single file enables mobility servers aids in and allows multiple copies of the virtual machine to be DR enablement. created and more easily transferred within and between sites for business resilience and DR purposesa dramatic improvement over backing up data to portable media such as tape and rotating media at a cold standby site. In addition, protecting virtual machine images and capturing the system state of the virtual machine are new concepts that werent available in the physical world. In a recovery situation, theres no need to reassemble the operating system, reset configuration settings and restore data. Activating a virtual machine image is a lot faster than starting from a bare-metal recovery. Flexibility is another difference. Virtualisation eliminates the aforementioned need for a one-to-one physical mirror of a system for disaster recovery. IT has the choice of establishing physical-to-virtual (P2V) and virtual-to-virtual (V2V) failover configurationslocally and/or remotelyto enable rapid recovery without incurring the additional expense of purchasing and maintaining identical hardware. Virtualisation also offers


Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

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flexibility in configuring active-active scenarios (for example, a remote or branch office acts as the recovery site for the production site and vice versa) or active-passive (for example, a corporate-owned or third-party hosting site acts as the recovery site, remaining dormant until needed). Finally, virtualisation delivers flexibility in the form of DR testing. To fully test a disaster recovery plan requires disabling the primary data centre and attempting to fail over to the secondary. A virtualised infrastructure makes it significantly easier to conduct frequent non-disruptive tests to ensure the DR process is correct and the organisations staff is pracWith server virtualiticed in executing it consissation, a greater tently and correctly, includdegree of DR agility ing during peak hours of operation. can be achieved. With server virtualisation, a greater degree of DR agility can be achieved. ITs ability to respond to service interruptions can be greatly improved, especially with new automation techniques, such as those available for VMware virtualisation technology and Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager, which offers tools to determine which applications and services to restore in which order. Recovery can be quicker and the skills required by operations staff to recover virtualised applications are less stringent.


As organisations become more comfortable with one form of virtualisation, they dont have to make great intellectual or operational leaps to grasp the concept of virtualising other data centre domains. Often, IT organisations undertaking


Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

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complete data centre refresh initiatives position virtualisation as a key part of the makeover and look to extract all possible efficiencies in one fell swoop by deploying virtualisation in multiple technology areas. So its not uncommon to see server virtualisation combined with storage virtualisation. Like server virtualisation, storage virtualisation untethers data from dedicated devices. Storage virtualisation takes multiple storage systems and treats those devices as a single, centrally managed pool of storage, enabling management from one console. It also enables data movement among different storage systems transparently, providing capacity and load balancing. In addition to lowering costs, imIn a DR scenario, proving resource utilisation, increasing availability, simstorage virtualisaplifying upgrades and ention improves abling scalability, the exresource utilisation, pected benefit of storage allowing organisavirtualisation is easier and tions to do more more cost-effective DR. In a DR scenario, storage with less capacity virtualisation improves reon hand. source utilisation, allowing organisations to do more with less capacity on hand. IT is likely to purchase and deploy far less physical storage with thin, just-in-time provisioning of multiple tiers of storage. By improving capacity utilisation, organisations can reduce the amount of additional capacity purchases and more easily scale environments. Virtualisation allows storage configurations to vary between the primary and the DR site. Flexibility in configuring dissimilar systems at the production and recovery sites can introduce cost savings (by allowing existing storage systems


Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

to be reclaimed and reused), without introducing complexity. It also allows IT to mirror primary storage to more affordable solutions at a remote site, if desired. Native data replication that integrates with the virtualised storage environment can provide improved functionality for virtual disaster recovery. Remote mirroring between heterogeneous storage systems (that is, more expensive at the primary site and less costly at the recovery site) contributes to lower costs.


Whether used singly or combined, server virtualisation and storage virtualisation are making an impact on ITs ability to deliver DR and to deliver it cost effectively. If your company has been on the sidelines, crossing its collective fingers and hoping a disaster never strikes, it might be time to investigate virtualisation. And if you have virtualisation in place, you should have the basic elements for an effective and costefficient DR environment. Its time to take the next steps. 2
Lauren Whitehouse is a senior analyst focusing on backup and recovery software and replication solutions at Enterprise Strategy Group.

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Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

Blueprint for cloud-based disaster recovery

Cloud storage and computing services offer a number of alternatives for cloud-based DR depending on the recovery time and recovery point objectives a company requires.

CLOUD COMPUTING, along with mobile and tablet devices,

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accounts for much of the high-tech buzz these days. But when it comes to hype, the cloud seems to absorb more than its fair share, which has had the unintended consequence of sometimes overshadowing its real utility. Although the conceptand some of the products and servicesof cloud-based disaster recovery (DR) is still nascent, some companies, especially smaller organisations, are discovering and starting to leverage cloud services for DR. It can be an attractive alternative for companies that may be strapped for IT resources because the usage-based cost of cloud services is well suited for DR where the secondary infrastructure is parked and idling most of the time. Having DR sites in the cloud reduces the need for data centre space, IT infrastructure and IT resources, which leads to significant cost reductions, enabling smaller companies to deploy disaster recovery options that were previously only found in larger enterprises. Cloud-based DR moves the discussion from data centre space and Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery


hardware to one about cloud capacity planning, said Lauren Whitehouse, senior analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG). But cloud-based disaster recovery isnt a perfect solution, and its shortcomings and challenges need to be clearly understood before a firm ventures into it. Security usually tops the list of concerns. Questions to consider: Is data securely transferred and stored in the cloud? How are users authenticated? Are passwords the only option or does the cloud provider offer some type of two-factor authentication? Does the cloud provider meet regulatory requirements?

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And because clouds are accessed via the Internet, bandwidth requirements also need to be clearly understood. Theres a risk of only planning for bandwidth requirements to move data into the cloud without sufficient analysis of how to make the data accessible when a disaster strikes. Questions to consider: Do you have the bandwidth and network capacity to redirect all users to the cloud? If you plan to restore from the cloud to on-premises infrastructure, how long will that restore take?

If you use cloud-based backups as part of your DR, you need to design your backup sets for recovery, said Chander Kant, CEO and founder at Zmanda, an open-source backup app vendor. Reliability of the cloud provider, its availability and its ability to serve your users while a disaster is in progress are other key considerations. The choice of a cloud service provider or managed service provider (MSP) that can deliver service within the agreed terms is essential, and while making a wrong choice may not land you in IT hell, it can easily put you in the doghouse or even get you fired. Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery



Just as with traditional DR, there isnt a single blueprint for cloud-based disaster recovery. Every company is unique in the applications it runs and the relevance of the applications to its business and the industry its in. Therefore, a cloud disaster recovery plan (aka cloud DR blueprint) is very specific and distinctive for each organisation. Triage is the overarching principle used to derive traditional as well as cloud-based DR plans. The process of devising a DR plan starts with identifying and prioritising applications, services and data, and determining for each one the amount of downtime thats acceptable before theres a significant business impact. Priority and required recovery time objectives (RTOs) will then Triage is the overardetermine the disaster ching principle used recovery approach. to derive traditional Identifying critical reas well as cloudsources and recovery methbased DR plans. ods is the most relevant aspect during this process, since you need to ensure that all critical apps and data are included in your blueprint. By the same token, to control costs and to ensure speedy and focused recovery when the plan needs to be executed, you want to make sure to leave out irrelevant applications and data. The more focused a DR plan is, the more likely youll be able to test it periodically and execute it within the defined objectives. With applications identified and prioritised and RTOs defined, you can then determine the best and most cost-effective methods of achieving the RTOs, which needs to be done by application and service. In the rarest of cases, youll have a single DR method for all your applications and data; more

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Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

likely youll end up with several methods that protect clusters of applications and data with similar RTOs. A combination of cost and recovery objectives drive different levels of disaster recovery, said Seth Goodling, virtualisation practice manager at backup app vendor Acronis.


Managed applications and managed DR. An increasingly popular

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option is to put both primary production and disaster recovery instances into the cloud and have both handled by an MSP. By doing this youre The relevance of reaping all the benefits service-level agreeof cloud computing, from ments with a cloud usage-based cost to elimiprovider cannot be nating on-premises infraoverstated; with structure. Instead of doing it yourself, youre deferring SLAs youre negotiDR to the cloud or MSP. The ating access to your choice of service provider applications. and the process of negotiatGREG SCHULZ, founder and ing appropriate service-level senior analyst, StorageIO Group agreements (SLAs) are of utmost importance. By handing over control to the service provider, you need to be absolutely certain its able to deliver uninterrupted service within the defined SLAs for both primary and DR instances. The relevance of service-level agreements with a cloud provider cannot be overstated; with SLAs youre negotiating access to your applications, said Greg Schulz, founder and senior analyst at the StorageIO Group. A pure cloud play is becoming increasingly popular for email and some other business applications, such as customer


Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

relationship management (CRM), where has been a pioneer and is now leading the cloud-based CRM market.
Back up to and restore from the cloud. Applications and data

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remain on-premises in this approach, with data being backed up into the cloud and restored onto on-premises hardware when a disaster occurs. In other words, the backup in the cloud becomes a substitute for tape-based off-site backups. When contemplating cloud-based backup and restore, its crucial to clearly understand both the backup and the more problematic restore aspects. Backing up into the cloud is relatively straightforward, and backup application vendors have been extending Our cloud connector their backup suites with moves data deduped, options to directly back up compressed and to popular cloud service encrypted into the providers such as AT&T, cloud and allows Amazon, Microsoft, Nirvanix setting retention and Rackspace. Our cloud connector times of data in moves data deduped, comthe cloud. pressed and encrypted into DAVID NGO, director of engineering the cloud and allows setting alliances, CommVault Systems retention times of data in the cloud, said David Ngo, director of engineering alliances at CommVault Systems, who aptly summarised features you should look for in products that move data into the cloud. Likewise, cloud gateways, such as the F5 ARX Cloud Extender, Nasuni Filer, Riverbed Whitewater and TwinStrata CloudArray, can be used to move data into the cloud. They straddle on-premises and cloud storage and keep both on-premises data and data in the cloud in sync. The challenging aspect of using cloud-based backups for


Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

disaster recovery is the recovery. With bandwidth limited and possibly terabytes of data to be recovered, getting data restored back on-premises within defined RTOs can be challenging. Some cloud backup service providers offer an option to restore data to disks, which are then sent to the customer for local on-premises recovery. Another option is a large onpremises cache of recent backups that can be used for local restores. I firmly believe that backups need to be local and from there sent into the cloud; in other words, the backup in the cloud becomes your secondary off-site backup, said Jim Avazpour, president at OS33s infrastructure division. On the other hand, depending on the data to be restored,

The state of disaster recovery

Cloud-based DR approaches side-by-side

Managed primary and DR instances Instances CRM Email in the cloud Fully managed DR 100% usage based Least complex Cloud-based backup and restore On-premises into the cloud Cloud to cloud Only requires cloud storage; cloud virtual machines are optional Usually less complex than replication Less favorable RTOs and RPOs than replication Backup applications and appliances Replication in the cloud On-premises into the cloud Cloud to cloud Best recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs) More likely to support application-consistent recovery Higher degree of complexity

Writing the DR plan

Virtual DR Cloud DR WAN optmisation SMB best practices


Service-level agreements define access to production and DR instances N/A

Implemented via . . .

Replication software Cloud gateways Cloud storage software such as EMC Atmos and Hitachi HCP


Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

features like compression and, more importantly, data dedupe can make restores from data in the cloud to on-premises infrastructure a viable option.
Back up to and restore to the cloud. In this approach, data

The state of disaster recovery Writing the DR plan Virtual DR Cloud DR WAN optmisation SMB best practices

isnt restored back to on-premises infrastructure; instead, its restored to virtual machines in the cloud. This requires both cloud storage and cloud compute resources, such as Amazons Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). The restore can be done when a disaster is declared or on a continuous basis (pre-staged). Pre-staging DR VMs and keeping them relatively up-to-date through scheduled restores is crucial in cases where aggressive RTOs need to be met. Some cloud service providers facilitate bringing up cloud virtual machines as part of their DR offering. Several cloud service providers use our products for secure deduped replication and to bring servers up virtually in the cloud, said Chris Poelker, vice president of enterprise solutions at FalconStor Software.
Replication to virtual machines in the cloud. For applications

that require aggressive RTOs and recovery point objectives (RPOs), as well as application awareness, replication is the data movement option of choice. Replication to cloud virtual machines can be used to protect both cloud and on-premises production instances. In other words, replication is suitable for both cloud-VMto-cloud-VM and on-premises-to-cloud-VM data protection. Replication products are based on continuous data protection (CDP), such as with CommVault Continuous Data Replicator, snapshots or object-based cloud storage such as with EMC Atmos or the Hitachi Content Platform (HCP). Cloud service provider Peak Web Hosting enables on-premises HCP instances to replicate to a Peak Web HCP instance instead of another on-premises HCP instance, said Robert Primmer, senior technologist and senior director content services, Hitachi Data Systems. Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery



The cloud greatly extends disaster recovery options, yields significant cost savings and enables DR methods in smalland medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that were previously only possible in larger organisations. It does not, however, change the DR fundamentals of having to devise a solid disaster recovery plan, testing it periodically and having users trained and prepared appropriately. 2
Jacob Gsoedl is a freelance writer and a corporate director for business systems. He can be reached at

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Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

Unshackling disaster recovery with WAN optimisation products

WAN optimisation can have a huge impact on data movement processes, especially for disaster recovery (DR). Learn about WAN optimisation products specifically aimed at improving DR, and what you need to have in place before you deploy WAN optimisation. BY JEFF BOLES

The state of disaster recovery Writing the DR plan Virtual DR Cloud DR WAN optmisation SMB best practices

TRADITIONAL DR HAS often revolved around tape just

because DR has required so much data to be moved. But WAN optimisation can mean the difference between DR over the wire being possible or not, and in the age of the cloud, theres an over-the-wire data movement choice for nearly any system you can think of. This is proving a panacea to the more than 85% of organisations that have too much of their data unprotected in the face of a potential disaster. In contrast with tape-based practices, DR over the wire is easier and requires less expense in manpower, transportation and physical media. Moving data over the wire also yields much better recovery points and recovery times than tape. Moreover, DR over the wire reduces the possibility of media errors or lost shipments that can often make tape the biggest question mark in a DR plan, and nearly impossible to test with enough rigour. For upto-the-moment recovery, or avoiding the loss of a day or Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery


The state of disaster recovery Writing the DR plan Virtual DR Cloud DR WAN optmisation SMB best practices

more of data, over-the-wire DR may be the only way to go. Certainly, achieving over-the-wire DR takes some serious technologies in the data centre. Identifying and moving the right data and executing application failovers are not simple tasks and require either significant manual support or good integration of tools like VMwares vCenter Site Recovery Manager or agent-based technologies such as Vision Solutions Double-Take software. But the technology that may make or break over-the-wire DR may well be WAN optimisation. Why is this? When Taneja Group examined WAN optimisation vendors claims The technology that around what they can do may make or break with transmitted traffic, the over-the-wire DR cutting-edge vendors lay may well be WAN claim to serious transmitted optimisation. data reduction (often as much as 95%) and lowered latency from the way they reduce traffic chattiness over the wire. Those two factors can create a magnitude of differences in how up-to-date your data is and how quickly you can be ready to spin up the environment in the event of a disaster. Moreover, WAN optimisation products can open the doors on where and how you do DR and can make it practical to provision a DR location nearly anywherefrom your own facility where you dont want to pay for a high-speed private line, to the numerous service providers that are coming to market with cloud disaster recovery offerings.


With an eye towards drastically reducing DR data transmission and achieving these speed and ease-of-use benefits of


Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

DR over the wire, heres a short list of what you should look for in a WAN optimisation product:
Designed for DR data: Ask your vendor about its creden-

tials for optimising your DR data stream, with an eye on the tool sets that you are using to move your DR data. There may be a world of difference between moving file data and moving the bits on the wire that make up EMCs SRDF. Either examine, or take a guess at, what your data footprint will be over the wire, and the priority of that different traffic. Then evaluate how well a given vendor can optimise your mission-critical data alongside your less important data. Moreover, if your mission-critical data is something very specific, like EMCs SRDF, then make sure your vendor has EMCs blessing and is a supported solution.
Designed for your DR site: Make sure your vendors prod-

The state of disaster recovery Writing the DR plan Virtual DR Cloud DR WAN optmisation SMB best practices

uct can be integrated into your DR site. If it is privately owned and operated, this may be easy, but many solutions built today are carrying data to a service provider or a hosted facility of some type, even if those facilities are from a provider like Iron Mountain or SunGard. Optimisation at two ends of the wire will be many times better than optimisation at only one end of the wire.
Designed for the right workloads: Make sure your vendor

of choice has a portfolio of products that can be applied to where your DR data movement needs are today and where they might be tomorrow. With the idea of the cloud rapidly shifting how businesses are thinking about IT, your workloads might move or be very different than anticipated when tomorrow arrives.
Designed to give you control: Finally, with a solution de-

signed to work in the network, you should expect that WAN optimisation products can provide control of that network. The age of the cloud will create rapidly changing utilisation


Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

patterns that can cause interference with mission-critical workloads like DR. The right insight, along with sufficient control, can mean the difference between keeping your solution optimised under these rapidly changing demands, or running into issues that you cant address with anything short of a forklift upgrade. WAN optimisation devices are ideally placed to provide visibility into the network and are ideally equipped to shape network use. With your eye on this short list, you can turn to examining the vendors on the market today, a few of which include Blue Coat Systems, Certeon, Cisco Systems, Citrix Systems, F5 Networks, Riverbed Technology and Silver Peak Systems. Obviously, on top of these products, you must still have data replication, tools for coordinating what happens in the event of a disaster and, most important of all, processes and technologies for testing your plan and making sure your plan stays in step with the perpetual changes occurring in any IT environment. But with WAN optimisation in tow, you can finally put some of those technologies to work in pursuit of real business continuity. 2
Jeff Boles is a senior analyst and the director of Taneja Groups hands-on Technology Validation Services, focused on validating vendor solutions in real-world use cases. Jeffs background also includes more than 20 years of senior management and hands-on infrastructure engineering in the trenches of operational IT.

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Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

SMB disaster recovery best practices

This technical tip outlines the essentials of disaster recovery and business continuity planning for SMBs. Learn about best practices for SMB DR planning and the basic steps that are required to put an effective disaster recovery plan in place. BY PIERRE DORION

The state of disaster recovery Writing the DR plan Virtual DR Cloud DR WAN optmisation SMB best practices

DISASTER RECOVERY isnt always easy, but following some key

disaster recovery best practices is a good start. It is possible for IT managers at SMBs to feel that they can easily recover from an outage because they have smaller IT environments and employ smart IT people. Conversely, there are instances where managers dont know how to build a disaster recovery strategy. In either case, this often leads to no disaster recovery planning at all. If an SMB intends to build a DR plan, it needs to follow the essentials for disaster recovery planning.

The most importantand difficultstep in disaster recovery planning is to understand how an unplanned outage would affect an organisation. This step is referred to as a business impact analysis (BIA). Without the ability to determine the impact of an unplanned outage in a meaningful way, it be33 Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

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comes very difficult to determine the type of disaster recovery strategy is needed. An unplanned outage refers to any unforeseen event that interrupts normal business activity for a period of time, such as an IT systems failure, fire, power outage or a natural disaster. Depending on the nature of the interruption, this can cause an organisation to lose revenue, have problems with customer satisfaction, lose opportunities or possibly go out of business. That impact is determined by identifying the most critical business activities or functions, and then predicting what would happen if those processes stopped. This is where many inexperienced planners make a mistake: They are tempted to skip a few steps and go to solution mode. DR planners should not assume there is a workaround or contingency available when a highly critical function goes offline. The intention is to set a recovery time objective (RTO), which refers to how long can a process be down, and a recovery point objective (RPO), which refers to how much data can be lost, for critical functions and IT infrastructure. Businesses must determine: A financial value for a critical function, based on how much money is lost when the revenue stream is interrupted. An organisations accountant can usually help with this process.
1. 2. How critical each function is for the organisation, based

on how a function affects the revenue stream using a rating systemfor example, one to five, where one is the most critical and five the least critical
3. How long a business function can be interrupted before

it starts affecting revenue stream

4. How much client or business transaction information can

be lost or re-created without seriously affecting the business


Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery

5. The IT infrastructure and systems upon which the busi-

ness functions depend

The next step is the risk assessment, which complements the impact analysis. The impact of an outage and the anticipated risk that may exist will indicate the need to develop a recovery strategy. Assessing risk is another area where planners can get bogged down. Do not attempt to calculate risk on the chance it could happen, or try to calculate annualised loss expectancy (which are both complex tasks). Keep it simple and be realistic about the kinds of risks your organisation could face, including specific threats tied to an organisations geographic location. A risk exists for an organisation if theres nothing in place to maintain or quickly recover a critical function. On the other hand, if a system identified as critical is found to have adequate redundancies and protection, you can move on to the next systems and applications.

The state of disaster recovery Writing the DR plan Virtual DR Cloud DR WAN optmisation SMB best practices


Once critical functions and the supporting IT infrastructure have been identified and the impact of an outage is quantified using a monetary value or rating, a recovery strategy can be developed to help prevent or mitigate losses. This is also when we need to start considering any existing contingencies or redundancies already in place. For example, if a critical application is hosted by a service provider and under a service-level agreement, it is probably safe to say that little to no recovery strategy is required for that application. However, a recovery strategy is required for applications that support critical functions but lack provisions to keep those applications operational. Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery


A specific recovery strategy is determined by an organisations anticipated financial losses if critical functions are unavailable, as well as the time needed to recover necessary applications. An application with an RTO of within five days may do just fine with a tape backup process, but an application that needs to be up within an eight-hour business day might require remote data replication and/or standby IT systems at a recovery site. Outsourcing disaster recovery is also a viable strategy: Companies that cannot afford the cost of developing their own recovery strategy may consider paying for DR availability services or a DR as a service subscription. The key is to always remember that the total cost of a recovery strategy should never exceed the losses it is designed to prevent.

The state of disaster recovery Writing the DR plan Virtual DR Cloud DR WAN optmisation SMB best practices


The next step is to document the recovery strategy and procedure, which forms the foundation for a disaster recovery plan. Keep it simple: Smaller businesses should not attempt to develop an enterprise-class DR plan. Very detailed disaster recovery plans take time to develop and are hard to maintain. At a high level, the disaster recovery plan should outline the priorities for system recovery, the RTO, recovery procedures, as well as the location of data backups and the contact info for key recovery personnel. Testing the plan frequently will help identify what elements are missing and need to be added, instead of discovering problems with the plan during a disaster event. Every time a recovery procedure is tested, gaps and improvements are identified and this is how plan maturity is eventually achieved. 2
Pierre Dorion is data centre practice director and a senior consultant with Long View Systems in Phoenix, Arizona, specialising in business continuity and DR planning services and corporate data protection.


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The state of disaster recovery Writing the DR plan Virtual DR Cloud DR WAN optmisation SMB best practices

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