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Part-Time Sick Leave

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ISSN 1403-0586 rebro University Swedish Business School 701 82 rebro SWEDEN

Part-time sick leave as a treatment for individuals with mental disorders? Daniela Andrn1 rebro University, Swedish Business School, Department of Economics E-mail: November 2010

Abstract It has been suggested that using, when possible, part-time sick leave (PTSL) rather than full-time sick leave (FTSL) for employees diagnosed with a mental disorder (MD) decreases their likelihood of being on sick leave for long periods. However, no study has analyzed this "treatment". Using a one-factor loadings model and a sample of 627 employees on sick leave due to an MD diagnosis, we estimate the impact of the PTSL "treatment" on the probability of full recovery of lost work capacity. The results indicate that employees with an MD diagnosis assigned to PTSL after 60 days of FTSL have a relatively high probability of full recovery. More exactly, the average treatment effect of PTSL is relatively low (0.015) when assigned in the beginning of the spell, but relatively high (0.387), and statistically significant, when assigned after 60 days of FTSL. Keywords: Part-time sick leave; mental disorders; one-factor loadings model JEL Classification: I12; J21; J28

I would like to thank Lars Bohlin and Thomas Andrn for useful comments, and the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS) for financial support.

1. Introduction The latest update of the WHOs Global Burden of Disease project (2004) estimates that by 2030, unipolar depressive disorders will be the leading causes of burden of disease worldwide (6.2% of total DALYs), up from third place in 2004 (4.3% of total DALYs) (WHO, 2008, Figure 27, page 51). This is expected to affect not only the well being of many more people (e.g., their families, friends, colleagues, etc.), but also the budgets of many countries. There are already calls on public health officials and the medical community alike to place a greater emphasis on treating mental disorders (MDs) in general. KELA's (2006) analysis of the promotion of mental health and prevention of mental ill-health in four countries in Northern Europe (Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden) shows that mental ill-health issues are an increasing cause of sickness absenteeism and work disability pensions. Given that MDs are often complex in nature, it has been suggested that mental health promotion strategies must take a variety of approaches. This includes development of good practices for maintenance, rehabilitation, and re-integration into employment of employees who are mentally susceptible to impairment in working life. In Sweden, where musculoskeletal and mental disorders are the most common causes of sick leave (SBU, 2003), it has been suggested that, in some cases, employees with a diagnosis belonging to these two groups are better off if they do not leave the labor force but instead are supported to remain in it (Andrn and Palmer, 2004). One way of doing this is to give those employees the opportunity to work a reduced number of hours per week. Therefore, since the end of the 1990s there has been a focus on the use of parttime sick leave instead of full-time sick leave, when possible. However, part-time sick

leave is a complex "treatment" that requires an initial joint decision made by the employee, employer, physician, and social insurance administrator as well as actions and decisions (by the employee, colleagues, and employer) to adjust both the work time and work demands during the treatment period and afterwards (Andrn and Andrn, 2008). Despite the interest in using part-time sick leave as a treatment for individuals on sick leave, few studies have evaluated the impact on recovery in general,2 and none, to our knowledge, has evaluated the impact of part-time sick leave on recovery among employees with mental disorders. This study sets out to fill this void. We analyze the effect of starting this treatment from the beginning of the sick leave and during the sick leave period, respectively, on the probability to return to work with full recovery of lost work capacity within one year. The results show that employees can gain from the parttime treatment, which implies efficiency improvements from assigning employees with an MD diagnosis, when possible, to part-time sick leave. Yet, the timing of the assignment is important. Part-time sick leave is associated with a larger likelihood of full recovery for employees with MDs, if they are assigned to the PTSL treatment after 60 days of full-time sick leave. The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 describes the institutional settings and the intervention design, and Section 3 presents the data. Section 4 presents the empirical strategy, Section 5 presents the results, and Section 6 concludes the paper.

E.g., Scheel et al. (2002), Andrn & Andrn (2007, 2008, 2009), and Andrn & Svensson (2009)

2. Institutional settings and intervention design 2.1 Definition and earlier studies The two most commonly used classification systems for mental disorders are the International Classification of Disease, ICD-10 (WHO, 1992) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, DSM-IV (APA, 1994). In Sweden, the DSM-IV is used as a complement to the ICD-10. In addition, other instruments have been developed to rate mental health problems in general, without association to a specific diagnosis (Hensing and Wahlstrom, 2004). The term "disorder" is used throughout the classification in Chapter V (Mental and behavioral disorders) of ICD-10 so as to avoid even greater problems inherent in the use of terms such as "disease" and "illness". "Disorder" is used to imply the existence of a clinically recognizable set of symptoms or types of behavior associated in most cases with distress and with interference with personal functions. Social deviance or conflict alone, without personal dysfunction, is not a mental disorder as defined here (WHO, 1992, page 11). All documents linked to this classification suggest that the process of determining such a diagnosis is complex. Two reviews on the effects of interventions for major depressive disorder on occupational health outcomes (Timbie et al. 2006; Nieuwenhuijsen et al. 2008) reported a lack of studies specifically addressing work issues during treatment. Despite the sensitive search strategy that was employed, no studies that have focused on work-directed interventions could be identified. Nieuwenhuijsen et al.s 2008 systematic review evaluated the effectiveness of occupational health interventions among employees with depressive disorders and concluded that it remains unclear whether worker- or work-directed interventions can reduce sickness absence in depressed workers. However, Llena-Nozal (2009) using data

from longitudinal surveys from Australia, Canada, Switzerland and the UK found that non-employment generally is worse for mental health than working. The mental-health payoff to employment varies depending on the type of employment contract and working conditions. 2.2 Sickness insurance, sick listing practice and sick leave Sickness insurance aims to reduce the economic burden for a person with reduced work capacity due to sickness. In Sweden, for example, the Swedish National Insurance Act covers all residents 1664 years of age and regulates sickness benefit. At the time of the study period, employed persons were compensated by their employer during the first 2 weeks of sickness absence. Thereafter, and for unemployed persons during the whole period, the sickness benefits were paid by the national social insurance system. Except for the first week, a person must be able to present a sickness certificate issued by a physician in order to obtain sickness benefit. When writing the medical certificate, the physician seems to mediate between the patients needs and the formal rules. It has been observed that physicians often give in to patient demand for sick-listing, even in cases when the physician feels that sick-listing is not needed (Englund & Svrdsudd, 2000). Nearly every employee contacts a general practitioner (GP) at the beginning of a sick leave. Most patients with stress-related mental disorders (SMDs) are managed in primary care, and are thus not referred to specialized secondary care. Despite the fact that mental health problems are common in primary care, GPs may still find it difficult to diagnose and treat them, unless they have a high degree of suspicion (Hickie, 1999). GPs often advise patients to go or stay on sick leave, to get some rest, and/or to seek distraction and relaxation instead of actively confronting and coping with the experienced

difficulties. Cooperation between GPs and the occupational health care system seems to be in the best interest of everybody involved. However, variations in sick-listing practice among individual physicians, physician categories and physicians in various geographical areas have been demonstrated in several studies (e.g., Peterson et al. 1997; Arrelv et al. 2001). Knowledge on the impact of interventions on functioning in the workplace should complement the knowledge of effects on sickness absence. In this way, a more comprehensive view of the effects of interventions on work disability can be established. 2.3 Part-time sick leave In Sweden, both full-time and part-time workers can be on full- and part-time sick leave (since the early 1960s). Given the institutional framework, it is possible for people who have not lost more than 75% of their work capacity to be on sick leave part-time and work part-time (for the remaining work capacity). The right to compensation of income loss due to sickness or disability is based on the medical evaluation of the persons loss of work capacity due to the disease, sickness, or injury. Following the physicians medical evaluation, the social insurance office decides whether an individual is entitled to compensation, and if so the extent of it (i.e., 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%). In most cases, social insurance officers accept the recommendation of physicians as final rather than use their own judgment (Hensing et al. 1997). However, there is a clear distinction between these two deciding parties: the certifying physician determines to what extent disease or injury is impairing a patients ability to perform his or her work, while the case manager at the local social insurance office formally determines whether the patient is entitled to monetary sickness benefits. Nevertheless, the social insurance officers do experience

some lack of control over the decision process, as regulations and other stakeholders restrict their work (Ydreborg et al., 2007). 3. Data We use data from the 2002 sample of the RFV-LS database of the National Agency of Social Insurance in Sweden, which contains data on 5,000 individuals and is representative for all the residents registered with the social insurance office in Sweden. All individuals in the analyzed subsample, were 20-64 years old, and employed, and started a sickness spell due to an MD diagnosis between 1 and 16 February 2001. We excluded all employees who ended their sick leave because of incarceration, emigration, or participation in a rehabilitation program. All in all, 627 employees were or had been on (part-time or full-time) sick due to an MD diagnosis (Sample 1). Most of them (87.4% or 548) started their sick leave on full-time (Sample 2), and 33.03% (or 181 persons) of this group finished on part-time sick leave. The treatment and control groups are constructed by using different definitions of part-time sick leave. In the first definition, the part-time dummy variable takes the value 1 for all employees who started their period covered by the sickness insurance with 25%, 50%, or 75% sick leave (the treatment group), and it takes the value 0 for those who started with 100% sick leave (the control group). Only 12% of the employees who were on sick leave due to a MD, started their period covered by part-time sickness insurance, and up to 90 days, the treatment group recovered much slower than the control group. In the second definition (Sample 2), all employees started on full-time sick leave, and the part-time dummy variable takes the value 1 for all employees who ended their period

covered by the sickness insurance with 25%, 50%, or 75% sick leave (the treatment group); it takes the value 0 for those who ended with 100% sick leave (the control group). The outcome variable (Full recovery at 360 days) is a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the individual had fully recovered the lost work capacity after one year, and zero otherwise. Given the general guidelines used for sick listing (Frskringskassan & Socialstyrelsen, 2006; Socialdepartementet, 2007), we control whether full recovery was reached within other time periods as well (from 30 to 360 days, by 30-day interval). Descriptive statistics for these outcomes for Sample 1 and Sample 2 (Tables A1 and A2, respectively), and the percentage of full recovery by the type combination of degree of sick leave in the beginning and the end at all "control" points for Sample 1 (Table A4), suggest that we should analyze the outcome at the end of the observation period. 4. The empirical strategy Before deciding on an empirical strategy, there are some characteristics of employees on sick leave due to an MD diagnosis that should be mentioned: 1) there is a (difficult) self selection process of individuals to accept that they might have an MD diagnosis and decide to get a medical evaluation; 2) the data contains only information about some characteristics of the employees and their sick-leave period, e.g., the degree of sick leave (e.g., part-time or full-time) only at the beginning and the end of the sick-leave period; 3) for those with an MD diagnosis is,, in many cases, difficult to overlap the verbal meaning of full recovery of lost work capacity, and therefore we use only the setting of the social insurance, where lost work capacity is divided in four categories (<25; 25-49, 50-75, >75%).

The question is how to model the effect of being on part-time sick leave on workers' probability of returning to work with full recovery of lost work capacity after having received an MD diagnosis. Using a dummy variable to pick up the effect of part-time sick leave in a random sample of employees on sick leave (i.e., both full-time and part-time sick leave) due to an MD diagnosis might be inappropriate since employees may selfselect into or out of part-time sick leave (treatment) and/or physicians may select them into part-time following general guidelines. Thus, selection into part-time sick leave and full recovery of lost work capacity at any given point in time may not be random. The suitable model depends on how one judge the selection into part-time sick and its outcome. The descriptive statistics (Tables A1-A4) show that there are different shortterm and long-term outcomes of the part-time sick leave. At 60 days, employees who started on full-time had a lower probability to return to work with full recovery of lost work capacity than did those who started on part-time sick leave. Yet, at 90 days, this difference change direction since at this point relatively more employees who started on part-time sick leave (53.2%) than those who started on full-time sick leave (49.6%) had fully recovered, and this difference remains (at each one-month control point) until the end of the observation period, about one year after the beginning of the sick leave (77.2% and 74.8% respectively, as seen in Table A1). The outcome is slightly different for the subsample of employees who started on full-time sick leave (Sample 2). The descriptive statistics (Table A2) show that employees who started on full-time sick leave but were on part-time sick leave on the day before full recovery was achieved were less likely to have returned to work at all "control" points than those who were on full-time sick leave during the entire period, yet

the difference is decreasing in time (from about 30 percentage points up to 120 days to about 10 percentage points thereafter). Given that "more than 60 days on sick leave" is used by the social insurance statistics to report long-term sickness, and implicitly, might be a potential source of institutional ending of some cases, we analyze a third sub-sample (Sample 3). It contains all individuals from Sample 2 who had a sick-leave spell lasting longer than 60 days, i.e., all employees started their sick leave on a full-time basis and ended with 25%, 50%, or 75% sick leave (earliest at 61 days after the start). The fact that full-time sick leave is associated with quicker recovery (Tables A1A4) may be due to the beneficial effect of being on full-time sick leave (causal effect). Although unlikely, it might also be that employees with a higher likelihood of recovery are assigned to full-time sick leave (selection effect). If it is indeed a selection effect that drives the association, a policy prescription of assigning more individuals to part-time or full-time sick leave will not have any beneficial effect on recovery. On the other hand, if it is a causal relationship, a policy prescription of assigning more individuals to part-time or full-time sick leave is likely to have beneficial effects on recovery times. However, in order to be on part-time sick leave, the social insurance rules require that the employees have not lost more than 75% of their work capacity, which implies that not all employees can are entitled to this treatment. Even though the part-time sick leave "policy" aims to help employees to remain in contact with their work, it is unlikely that the selection into the treatment type (part-time or full-time) is determined simultaneously with the outcome (e.g., full recovery of lost work capacity). Given these important institutional and methodological aspects, we assume that both the decision to be on part-time sick leave and the employees return to work with


full recovery of lost work capacity are driven by common unobserved characteristics, and choose a one-factor loadings model to estimate the impact of part-time sick leave on the probability to return to work with full recovery of lost work capacity. We use the same model as Andrn and Andrn (2008, 2009), based on Aakvik et al. (2005), which is a single period model with discrete outcomes. For each person i, assume two potential outcomes (Y0i, Y1i) corresponding, respectively, to the potential full recovery of lost work capacity in the untreated and treated states. It is assumed that Y0 and Y1 are defined for everyone and that these outcomes are independent across persons so that there are no interactions among agents. Let Di = 1 denote receipt of part-time sick leave treatment; Di = 0 denotes no such receipt (or full-time sick leave). A latent variable model generates the indicator variable D. Specifically, we assume that the assignment to part-time is generated by a latent variable D*i, D*i = D(Zi) - UDi , which is the net utility (or gain) to the decision-maker from choosing part-time sick leave (state 1) instead of full-time sick leave (state 0). Therefore Di = 1 if D*i 0; = 0 otherwise. Zi is a vector of observed random variables and UDi is an unobserved random variable. The potential outcome equation for part-time sick leave is Y1i =1(Xi, U1i), and the potential outcome for fulltime sick leave is Y0i = 0(Xi, U0i), where Xi is a vector of observed random variables and (U1i, U0i) are unobserved random variables. If the assignment to the treatment (e.g., the degree of sickness) and the outcome (e.g., the propensity to fully recover) differ among individuals with identical observable characteristics, then the unobserables will have an important role. The degree of sickness and the propensity to recover within a given point in time would most likely be negatively correlated since the more sick an employee is initially the lower is his/her


propensity to recover within a given time period. However, recovery time could also be affected by the degree of sick leave at the beginning of the spell. That is, being extremely sick due to an MD diagnosis and being placed on part-time sick leave might extend the sick leave since working (which could also be one of the factors behind the diagnosis) could worsen the sickness. On the other hand, if the employee has a residual work capacity (e.g., after having lost someone very close), working part-time might help avoid losing contact with the job and the labor market, which in itself could extend the sick leave. Hence, the degree of sickness and the choice of state are related and should be matched. Since the selection equation is a measure of the propensity to be assigned to part-time sick leave, the unobservables will most likely have a relatively high value for those with a relatively low degree of sickness (or those who have lost very little of their normal work capacity), while the unobservables will have a relatively low value if the degree of sickness is relatively high (e.g., major loss of normal work capacity). 5. Results We use a one-factor loadings model to estimate the impact of part-time sick leave on the probability of fully recovering the lost work capacity, and to compute the mean treatment effects (i.e., treatment on the treated (TT) and the average treatment effect (ATE)), as well as the distributions of treatment effects defined on various subpopulations.3 Table 1 present two mean parameters, namely the ATE and the TT for five different populations on sick leave: three different populations of employed individuals on sick leave due to mental disorders (Sample 1-3), the population of all employees who started
The estimates for the selection equation, the employment equation for FTSL employees (Y0) and the employment equation for PTSL employees (Y1) for Samples 1-3 (reported in Tables A5, and A6a-c) have reasonable signs, but very few are statistically significant for the FTSL employees, and none of them statistically significant for PTSL employees.


their sick leave on a full-time basis (Sample 4, which is Sample 2 extended to include all diagnoses), and the population of those who started their sick leave on a full-time basis with a diagnosis other than MD (Sample 5, which is Sample 4, excluding employees with an MD diagnosis). Table 1 ATE and TT, by sample
Only mental disorders (MDs) Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 ATE Estimated parameter (std err) TT Estimated parameter (std err) n Treatment group Control group 0.015 (0.273) -0.126 (0.219) 627 79 548 0.004 (0.251) -0.023 (0.410) 548 181 367 0.387 (0.128) 0.428 (0.135) 327 155 172

All All diagnoses diagnoses excluding MDs Sample 4 Sample5 -0.027 (0.145) 0.004 (0.193) 3232 640 2592 0.009 (0.239) 0.364 (0.038) 2684 459 2225


For the population of employees on sick leave due to an MD diagnosis (Sample 1), part-time sick leave has a slight positive effect (0.015), yet has a (stronger) negative effect for those who are selected into the PTSL-"treatment" (-0.126). This suggests that selection into part-time sick is perverse on net gains. For the population of employees who started on full-time sick leave due to a MD diagnosis (Sample 2), part-time sick leave has a slight positive effect (0.004), whereas it has a slight negative effect for those who were selected into the "treatment" (-0.023). This suggests, as for Sample 1, that selection into PTSL is perverse on net gains. In comparison, the raw difference in mean outcomes, (E(Y1|D = 1) E(Y0|D = 0), is 0.024,

is 0.078, which suggest that is important to control for selection in these data.


Nonetheless, part-time sick leave has a relatively strong positive effect (0.387) for the population of MD long-term sick employees (e.g., on sick leave for longer than 60 days) who started their sick leave on a full-time basis (Sample 3), and an even stronger positive effect for those who were selected into the "treatment" (0.423). In comparison, the raw difference in mean outcomes is 0.12, which suggest that is important to control for selection. Part-time sick leave has a slight positive effect (0.009) for employees who started sick leave related to a diagnosis other than MD on a full-time basis (Sample 5), and a larger positive effect for those who are selected into the "treatment" (0.364). For the population of all employees who started on full-time sick leave (Sample 4), the part-time sick leave has a slight negative effect (-0.027), whereas it has a slight positive effect for those who were selected into the "treatment" (0.004). Since the estimated ATE is lower than the estimated TT, there is some indication that program administrators do not select individuals who benefit less from part-time sick leave than a randomly person in the population. This result suggests that the part-time selection might be based on employee work characteristics adapted to their work capacity. Table 2 reports the distributional treatment effect parameters, which capture an additional type of treatment effect heterogeneity beyond that previously discussed for mean treatment effects. For example, if a group of randomly selected employees on sick leave for more than two weeks due to an MD diagnosis are assigned to part-time in the beginning of the spell (Sample 1), 17.8% of them will benefit from the PTSL (i.e., will fully recover their lost work capacity after being on part-time sick leave but would not


have fully recover their lost work capacity without the part-rime sick leave treatment). However, 16.3% will be hurt, relatively speaking, by receiving the treatment, i.e., they will not fully recover whereas they would have fully without the part-time treatment. The previously reported mean parameter for ATE of 0.015 masked the underlying heterogeneity. If a group of randomly selected employees on full-time sick leave due to an MD diagnosis are assigned to part-time at any point after 15 days (Sample 2), 17.7% of them will benefit whereas 17.4% will be hurt compared to if they would have remained on full-time sick leave. The mean parameter for ATE, 0.004, masks the underlying heterogeneity. Moreover, if a group randomly selected employees on long-term full-time sick leave due to an MD diagnosis are assigned to part-time at any point after 60 days (Sample 3), 42.3% of them will be better off and 3.6% will be worse off. Table 2 Distributional parameters, by sample
Only mental disorders (MDs) Sample 1 ATE Positive effect Positive indifferent Negative indifferent Negative effect TT Positive effect Positive indifferent Negative indifferent Negative effect 0.178 0.603 0.056 0.163 0.078 0.693 0.025 0.204 Sample 2 0.177 0.581 0.068 0.174 0.187 0.507 0.095 0.210 Sample 3 0.423 0.340 0.202 0.036 0.465 0.179 0.320 0.037 All diagnoses Sample 4 0.129 0.671 0.043 0.156 0.185 0.556 0.078 0.181 All diagnoses excluding MDs Sample 5 0.160 0.631 0.058 0.151 0.446 0.313 0.160 0.082

Our results also indicate that for a large majority of the employees on sick leave (about 60% of those with an MD diagnosis and 63% of those with other diagnoses), it does not matter whether or not they experienced or not the part-time or full-time sick

leave treatment from the beginning of the spell or from a point during the spell, suggesting that it might be possible to assign more individuals to part-time instead of fulltime sick leave (the entire sick leave period or a shorter portion of a spell). Both the ATE and TT parameters suggest that it might be effective to assign employees with a MD diagnosis to part-time after about two months of full-time sick leave. 6. Discussion and conclusions Using a sample of 627 employees on sick leave due to an MD diagnosis, this paper estimates the impact of the PTSL "treatment" on the probability of full recovery of lost work capacity. The results suggest that active connection to the labor market after more than two months of part-time sick leave is beneficial for the recovery of patients with MDs. Our evaluation of the use of part-time sick leave as "vocational rehabilitation" is based on full recovery of the individual one year after starting a sick leave spell due to an MD diagnosis, which is a post-program outcome measure. However, given the fact that there were no explicit guidelines about part-time sick leave as a treatment, we cannot expect the social insurance administrators to have an incentive to select into program only the employees with the highest probability to fully recovery. However, their judgment is always coordinated with the medical certificate, which, as already mentioned when describing the institutional settings, seems to show in most cases the patient demand for sick-listing. Despite the fact that MDs are common in primary care, general practitioners may still find it difficult to diagnose and treat them unless they have a high degree of suspicion. Social insurance administrators are seldom able to estimate "treatment effects" from the active connection with the labor market, and therefore the

guidance on who ought to participate should be based on results from research rather than on rules-of-thumb. We find that the employment gains will be enhanced if the selection rule is changed to encourage employees to return to work part-time after about 8 weeks of full-time sick leave. However, we were unable to find out whether these employees received any additional support during the first days/weeks of sick leave. Given that all of them were given a medical certificate, it is reasonable to expect that they were informed about their health status and about how to improve it. References
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Table A1 Mean and standard error (se) for used variables, by the type of sick leave (part/full-time) at the beginning of the sick-leave spell, and the t statistic (t) for the hypothesis of no difference in mean, Sample 1
The type of sick leave at the beginning of the sick-leave spell Full-time Part-time 548 79 Mean se Mean se t Outcomes duration Full recovery (FC) Full recovery within 30 days Full recovery within 60 days Full recovery within 90 days Full recovery within 120 days Full recovery within 150 days Full recovery within 180 days Full recovery within 210 days Full recovery within 240 days Full recovery within 270 days Full recovery within 300 days Full recovery within 330 days Full recovery within 360 days NUTS regions Stockholm East Central Smland plus islands South West North central Central north Far north Male Age-dummies Age 16 25 Age 26 35 Age 36 45 Age 46 55 Age 56 64 Occupations Legislators, senior officials and managers Professionals Clerks Service and shop sales workers Craft and related trades workers Plant/machine operators & assemblers Other Physician Primary care Company Private Specialist (at the hospital) Level of education (occupational requirement) Very small or not requirement High-school High-school or some in the top University Senior officials and managers Private Municipality Regional =1 if married; = 0 otherwise Sweden Other Nordic country =1 if at least one previous sick leave; =0 otherwise =1 if income over the ceiling; =0 otherwise 0.544 0.166 0.131 0.159 0.058 0.511 0.177 0.193 0.060 0.396 0.370 0.106 0.440 0.874 0.044 0.221 0.044 0.021 0.016 0.014 0.016 0.010 0.021 0.016 0.017 0.010 0.021 0.021 0.013 0.021 0.014 0.009 0.018 0.009 0.430 0.228 0.215 0.127 0.051 0.241 0.342 0.329 0.038 0.316 0.354 0.165 0.367 0.949 0.025 0.253 0.063 0.056 0.047 0.047 0.038 0.025 0.048 0.054 0.053 0.022 0.053 0.054 0.042 0.055 0.025 0.018 0.049 0.028 0.053 0.193 0.093 0.268 0.058 0.086 0.243 0.010 0.017 0.012 0.019 0.010 0.012 0.018 0.025 0.329 0.089 0.089 0.025 0.038 0.405 0.018 0.053 0.032 0.032 0.018 0.022 0.056 -1.367 2.431 ** -0.129 -4.811 *** -1.620 -1.932 * 2.774 *** -1.891 * 1.234 1.720 * -0.789 -0.290 -5.112 *** 2.935 *** 2.431 ** -0.930 -1.404 -0.276 1.335 -1.404 2.633 *** -0.932 0.618 0.674 0.255 0.148 0.082 0.141 0.170 0.102 0.064 0.038 0.319 0.053 0.221 0.330 0.254 0.142 0.019 0.015 0.012 0.015 0.016 0.013 0.010 0.008 0.020 0.010 0.018 0.020 0.019 0.015 0.127 0.215 0.089 0.114 0.215 0.114 0.038 0.089 0.215 0.000 0.203 0.241 0.380 0.177 0.038 0.047 0.032 0.036 0.047 0.036 0.022 0.032 0.047 0.000 0.046 0.048 0.055 0.043 144.1 0.235 0.403 0.496 0.569 0.633 0.646 0.682 0.714 0.724 0.730 0.739 0.748 5.85 0.018 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.020 0.020 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 148.35 14.47 0.152 0.354 0.532 0.582 0.646 0.671 0.722 0.722 0.747 0.759 0.772 0.772 0.041 0.054 0.057 0.056 0.054 0.053 0.051 0.051 0.049 0.048 0.047 0.047 0.272 ** -1.876 * -0.841 0.584 0.217 0.213 0.437 0.716 0.148 0.424 0.569 0.648 0.470 -3.068 *** 1.377 0.190 -0.683 0.924 0.307 -1.077 1.514 -2.057 ** -5.529 *** -0.374 -1.713 * 2.174 ** 0.762


Married Country of birth Sickness history Ceiling


Table A2 Descriptive Statistics for all who started their sick leave on a full-time basis, by the type of sick leave at the end of the sick-leave spell (Part/full-time), Sample 2
The type of sick leave at the end of the sick-leave spell Full-time Part-time 367 181 Mean se Mean se t 123.47 7.07 186.22 9.69 5.23 *** (=1; =0 otherwise) Full recovery within 30 days Full recovery within 60 days Full recovery within 90 days Full recovery within 120 days Full recovery within 150 days Full recovery within 180 days Full recovery within 210 days Full recovery within 240 days Full recovery within 270 days Full recovery within 300 days Full recovery within 330 days Full recovery within 360 days Stockholm East Central Smland plus islands South West North central Central north Far north Male Age-dummies Age 16 25 Age 26 35 Age 36 45 Age 46 55 Age 56 64 Occupations Legislators, senior officials and managers Professionals Clerks Service and shop sales workers Craft and related trades workers Plant/machine operators & assemblers Others Physician Primary care Company Private Specialist (at the hospital) Level of education (occupational Very small or not requirement requirement) High-school High-school or some in the top University Senior officials and managers Employer Private Municipality Regional Married =1 if married; = 0 otherwise Country of birth Sweden Other Nordic country Sickness history =1 if at least one previous sick leave; =0 otherwise Ceiling =1 if income over the ceiling; =0 otherwise 0.569 0.123 0.134 0.174 0.046 0.569 0.158 0.174 0.052 0.406 0.376 0.093 0.411 0.864 0.049 0.210 0.033 0.026 0.017 0.018 0.020 0.011 0.026 0.019 0.020 0.012 0.026 0.025 0.015 0.026 0.018 0.011 0.021 0.009 0.492 0.254 0.127 0.127 0.083 0.392 0.215 0.232 0.077 0.376 0.359 0.133 0.497 0.895 0.033 0.243 0.066 0.037 0.032 0.025 0.025 0.021 0.036 0.031 0.031 0.020 0.036 0.036 0.025 0.037 0.023 0.013 0.032 0.019 0.044 0.174 0.098 0.297 0.076 0.095 0.213 0.011 0.020 0.016 0.024 0.014 0.015 0.021 0.072 0.232 0.083 0.210 0.022 0.066 0.304 0.019 0.031 0.021 0.030 0.011 0.019 0.034 1.283 1.550 -0.591 -2.254 ** -3.065 *** -1.207 2.261 *** -1.714 * 3.584 *** -0.211 -1.489 1.569 -3.968 *** 1.591 1.550 1.110 -0.684 -0.386 1.356 1.895 * 1.077 -0.910 0.867 1.620 0.324 0.531 0.608 0.651 0.681 0.695 0.730 0.752 0.760 0.766 0.766 0.774 0.275 0.125 0.087 0.144 0.163 0.095 0.065 0.044 0.343 0.054 0.240 0.332 0.226 0.147 0.024 0.026 0.026 0.025 0.024 0.024 0.023 0.023 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.023 0.017 0.015 0.018 0.019 0.015 0.013 0.011 0.025 0.012 0.022 0.025 0.022 0.019 0.055 0.144 0.271 0.403 0.536 0.547 0.586 0.635 0.652 0.657 0.685 0.696 0.215 0.193 0.072 0.133 0.182 0.116 0.061 0.028 0.271 0.050 0.182 0.326 0.309 0.133 0.017 0.026 0.033 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.036 0.036 0.035 0.035 0.034 0.031 0.029 0.019 0.025 0.029 0.024 0.018 0.012 0.033 0.016 0.029 0.035 0.034 0.025 -9.024 *** -10.498 *** -8.058 *** -5.603 *** -3.269 *** -3.343 *** -3.330 *** -2.753 *** -2.582 ** -2.593 *** -1.961 * -1.911 * -1.551 1.992 ** -0.634 -0.378 0.543 0.728 -0.210 -0.985 -1.754 * -0.238 -1.578 -0.151 2.040 ** -0.464

Duration Full recovery

NUTS regions


Table A3 Descriptive Statistics for long-term sick by the type of sick leave (Part/full-time), Sample 3
Full-time 172 Mean se 228.98 10.26 (=1; =0 otherwise) Full recovery within 90 days Full recovery within 120 days Full recovery within 150 days Full recovery within 180 days Full recovery within 210 days Full recovery within 240 days Full recovery within 270 days Full recovery within 300 days Full recovery within 330 days Full recovery within 360 days Stockholm East Central Smland plus islands South West North central Central north Far north Male Age-dummies Age 16 25 Age 26 35 Age 36 45 Age 46 55 Age 56 64 Occupations Legislators, senior officials and managers Professionals Clerks Service and shop sales workers Craft and related trades workers Plant/machine operators & assemblers Other Physician Primary care Company Private Specialist (at the hospital) Level of education (occupational requirement) Very small or not requirement High-school High-school or some in the top University Senior officials and managers Private Municipality Regional Married Country of birth Sickness history Ceiling Sweden Other Nordic country =1 if at least one previous sick leave; =0 otherwise =1 if income over the ceiling; =0 otherwise 0.48 0.17 0.13 0.22 0.03 0.55 0.19 0.18 0.05 0.40 0.38 0.09 0.41 0.83 0.06 0.24 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.48 0.28 0.12 0.13 0.08 0.37 0.22 0.24 0.09 0.34 0.37 0.15 0.54 0.89 0.04 0.23 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 -0.093 2.363 ** -0.480 -2.077 ** 1.655 * -3.271 *** 0.745 1.293 1.556 -0.999 -0.189 1.706 * 2.228 ** 1.685 * -0.820 -0.130 0.251 0.04 0.18 0.08 0.29 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.24 0.08 0.20 0.01 0.06 0.30 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.04 1.601 1.293 0.081 -1.914 * -3.338 *** -0.586 1.562 0.16 0.26 0.32 0.35 0.42 0.47 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.52 0.25 0.16 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.13 0.03 0.06 0.31 0.03 0.23 0.40 0.19 0.15 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 Part-time 155 Mean se 211.12 10.01 0.15 0.30 0.46 0.47 0.52 0.57 0.59 0.60 0.63 0.65 0.21 0.19 0.08 0.13 0.17 0.14 0.05 0.03 0.26 0.05 0.16 0.32 0.32 0.14 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.03

Duration Full recovery

t -1.246 -0.358 0.951 2.575 ** 2.250 ** 1.661 * 1.871 * 1.911 * 1.820 * 2.426 ** 2.353 ** -0.937 0.723 -0.132 0.188 0.274 0.202 0.737 -1.132 -0.871 0.737 -1.626 -1.479 2.844 *** -0.088

NUTS regions



Table A4 Full recovery by cut-off points and the type combination of degree of sick leave in the beginning and at the end (Sample 1)
FTFT (n=366) 32.2 53.0 60.7 65.0 68.0 69.4 73.0 75.1 76.0 76.5 76.5 77.3 FTPT (n=182) 6.0 14.8 27.5 40.7 53.9 55.0 58.8 63.7 65.4 65.9 68.7 69.8 PTPT (n=67) 17.9 38.8 59.7 65.7 71.6 73.1 76.1 76.1 79.1 80.6 82.1 82.1

30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360

Note: there only 12 observations which switched from part-time (PT) to full-time (FT) sick leave.


Table A5 The estimated coefficients (beta) and standard errors (se) of the selection into treatment
Part-time at the beginning of sick leave (n = 627) Sample 1 Beta se -0.615 0.255 ** 0.409 0.358 -0.788 0.332 ** 0.109 0.041 *** -0.835 0.272 *** 0.049 -0.446 -0.422 0.106 -0.362 -0.038 -1.085 -0.512 -1.140 -0.744 -0.917 0.063 0.181 0.670 -0.028 -543.3 0.235 0.213 0.265 0.331 0.348 0.240 0.587 0.402 0.331 0.597 0.515 0.254 0.240 1.532 0.886
* **

Men Born in Sweden Age/10 Age-squared Stockholm's region At least one spell of sick leave previous year Married Physician (CG: Company) Primary care Private Specialist (at the hospital) Municipality employer Occupation (CG: Professionals) Legislators, senior officials and managers Clerks Service and shop sales workers Craft and related trades workers Plant/machine operators & assemblers Elementary occupations Income from employment in 100 kr THETA0 THETA1 Log-likelihood

Part-time at the end (All full-time at the beginning) (n = 548) Sample 2 Beta se -0.294 0.213 0.131 0.251 0.067 0.265 -0.007 0.034 -0.458 0.198 ** 0.118 0.119 -0.747 -0.743 -0.850 0.181 -0.014 -0.418 -0.630 -1.287 -0.554 0.016 0.055 -0.104 -0.228 -615.3 0.197 0.170 0.225 0.296 0.287 0.202 0.410 0.381 0.264 0.498 0.394 0.245 0.196 1.178 1.028
*** ** ***

Long-term sick (> 60 days) in Sample 2 (n = 327) Sample 3 Beta se -0.072 0.270 0.371 0.299 -0.174 0.341 0.026 0.043 -0.359 0.239 -0.071 0.247 -0.341 -0.534 -0.735 -0.082 0.407 0.104 -0.415 -1.798 -0.004 0.070 0.169 -1.074 -0.794 -413.9 0.245 0.214 0.275 0.372 0.348 0.256 0.473 0.434 0.316 0.641 0.487 0.298 0.253 1.145 1.505



** **



Table A6 The estimated parameters (Beta) and standard errors (se) of the Outcome equations a) Part/full-time in the beginning (Sample 1)
Men (CG: Women) SGI Swedish born Age/10 Age-squared/100 Sick leave previous year Married Physician (CG: Company) Primary care Private Specialist (at the hospital) Private employer Occupation with small or no requirement of educations level Full-time Beta 0.169 -0.074 0.389 0.452 -0.072 -0.082 -0.214 0.414 0.234 -0.132 0.099 -0.077 se 0.182 0.166 0.375 0.370 0.053 0.173 0.228 0.298 0.309 0.264 0.170 0.187 Part-time Beta 0.443 0.039 0.407 0.462 -0.079 0.065 0.068 -0.289 0.099 -0.649 0.055 -0.025 se 0.539 0.427 0.784 0.884 0.109 0.399 0.424 0.504 0.550 0.626 0.385 0.376

b) All full-time in the beginning (Sample 2)

Men (CG: Women) SGI Swedish born Age/10 Age-squared/100 Sick leave previous year Married Physician (CG: Company) Primary care Private Specialist (at the hospital) Private employer Occupation with small or no requirement of educations level Full-time Beta 0.218 -0.050 0.476 0.283 -0.053 -0.205 -0.052 0.481 0.177 -0.120 0.029 -0.157 se 0.234 0.183 0.207 ** 0.267 0.031 * 0.199 0.166 0.322 0.350 0.320 0.177 0.241 Part-time Beta 0.071 -0.110 -0.130 0.649 -0.090 0.028 -0.361 0.157 0.267 -0.018 0.209 -0.055 se 0.276 0.246 0.350 0.518 0.065 0.244 0.275 0.388 0.456 0.493 0.242 0.272

c) All long-term sick leave, full-time in the beginning (Sample 3)

Men (CG: Women) SGI Swedish born Age/10 Age-squared/100 Sick leave previous year Married Physician (CG: Company) Primary care Private Specialist (at the hospital) Private employer Occupation with small or no requirement of educations level Full-time Beta 0.343 -0.523 0.345 0.741 -0.142 -0.111 -0.377 0.021 -0.268 -0.518 0.150 0.047 se 0.417 0.460 0.396 0.521 0.086 * 0.340 0.399 0.418 0.547 0.535 0.332 0.410 Part-time Beta 0.073 -0.111 -0.328 0.884 -0.119 -0.021 -0.398 0.133 0.278 0.010 0.154 -0.035 se 0.339 0.331 0.529 0.984 0.128 0.307 0.482 0.382 0.576 0.543 0.326 0.330


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