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Integrated Circuit Card Specifications For Payment Systems: Cardholder, Attendant, and Acquirer Interface Requirements

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Integrated Circuit Card

Specifications for Payment Systems

Book 4
Cardholder, Attendant, and Acquirer
Interface Requirements
Version 4.0
December, 2000

© 2000 EMVCo, LLC (“EMVCo”). All rights reserved. Any and all uses of the EMV 2000 Specifications
(“Materials”) shall be permitted only pursuant to the terms and conditions of the license agreement
between the user and EMVCo found at <>.

These Materials and all of the content contained herein are provided "AS IS" "WHERE IS" and "WITH
ALL FAULTS" and EMVCo neither assumes nor accepts any liability for any errors or omissions

EMVCo makes no representation or warranty with respect to intellectual property rights of any third
parties in or in relation to the Materials. EMVCo undertakes no responsibility of any kind to determine
whether any particular physical implementation of any part of these Materials may violate, infringe, or
otherwise use the patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, know-how, and/or other intellectual
property rights of third parties, and thus any person who implements any part of these Materials should
consult an intellectual property attorney before any such implementation. WITHOUT LIMITATION,

Without limitiation to the foregoing, the Materials provide for the use of public key encryption
technology, which is the subject matter of patents in several countries. Any party seeking to implement
these Materials is solely responsible for determining whether their activities require a license to any
technology including, but not limited to, patents on public key encryption technology. EMVCo shall not
be liable under any theory for any party's infringement of any intellectual property rights.
December, 2000 Table of Contents i

Table of Contents
1. Scope vii
2. Normative References ix
3. Definitions x
4. Abbreviations, Notations and Terminology xii

Part I - General requirements

1. Terminal Types and Capabilities 3
1.1 Terminal Types 3
1.2 Terminal Capabilities 3
1.3 Terminal Configurations 5
2. Functional Requirements 8
2.1 Application Independent ICC to Terminal Interface Requirements 8
2.2 Security Architecture Specification for Payment Systems 8
2.3 Integrated Circuit Card Application Specification for Payment Systems 8
2.3.1 Initiate Application Processing 8
2.3.2 Data Authentication 9
2.3.3 Processing Restrictions 9
2.3.4 Cardholder Verification Processing 9
2.3.5 Terminal Risk Management 11
2.3.6 Terminal Action Analysis 11
2.3.7 Card Action Analysis 11
2.3.8 Online Processing 12
2.3.9 Issuer-to-Card Script Processing 13
2.4 Conditions for Support of Functions 13
2.5 Other Functional Requirements 14
2.5.1 Amount Entry and Management 14
2.5.2 Voice Referrals 14
2.5.3 Transaction Forced Online 16
2.5.4 Transaction Forced Acceptance 16
2.5.5 Transaction Sequence Counter 16
2.5.6 Unpredictable Number 16
2.6 Card Reading 17
2.6.1 IC Reader 17
2.6.2 Exception Handling 17
2.7 Date Management 18
2.7.1 Data Authentication 18
2.7.2 Processing Restrictions 18
2.7.3 Data Management 18
3. Physical Characteristics 19
3.1 Key Pad 19
3.1.1 Command Keys 19
3.1.2 PIN Pad 20
3.2 Display 20
3.3 Memory Protection 21
3.4 Clock 21
3.5 Printer 21
3.6 Magnetic Stripe Reader 21
ii Table of Contents December, 2000

Part II - Software Architecture

4. Terminal Software Architecture 25
4.1 Environmental Changes 25
4.2 Application Libraries 26
4.3 Application Program Interface 26
4.4 Interpreter 27
4.4.1 Concept 27
4.4.2 Virtual Machine 28
4.4.3 Kernel 28
4.4.4 Application Code Portability 28
4.5 Plugs and Sockets 29
5. Software Management 31
6. Data Management 32
6.1 Application Independent Data 32
6.2 Application Dependent Data 33

Part III - Cardholder, Attendant and Acquirer Interface

7. Cardholder and Attendant Interface 39
7.1 Language Selection 39
7.2 Standard Messages 40
7.3 Application Selection 42
7.4 Receipt 43
8. Acquirer Interface 44
8.1 Message Content 44
8.1.1 Authorisation Request 45
8.1.2 Financial Transaction Request 46
8.1.3 Authorisation or Financial Transaction Response 49
8.1.4 Financial Transaction Confirmation 50
8.1.5 Batch Data Capture 50
8.1.6 Reconciliation 53
8.1.7 Online Advice 54
8.1.8 Reversal 56
8.2 Exception Handling 58
8.2.1 Unable to Go Online 58
8.2.2 Downgraded Authorisation 58
8.2.3 Authorisation Response Incidents 59
8.2.4 Script Incidents 59
8.2.5 Advice Incidents 60

Annex A - Coding of Terminal Data Elements 63
A1. Terminal Type 63
A2. Terminal Capabilities 65
A3. Additional Terminal Capabilities 68
A4. CVM Results 73
A5. Issuer Script Results 73
A6. Authorisation Response Code 74
Annex B - Common Character Set 75
Annex C - Example of Data Element Conversion 77
Annex D - Informative Terminal Guidelines 81
D1. Terminal Usage 81
December, 2000 Table of Contents iii

D2. Power Supply 81

D2.1 External Power Supply 81
D2.2 Battery Requirements 81
D3. Key Pad 81
D4. Display 82
D5. Informative References 82
Annex E - Examples of Terminals 85
E1. Example 1 - POS Terminal or Electronic Cash Register 85
E2. Example 2 - ATM 86
E3. Example 3 - Vending Machine 87
iv Table of Contents December, 2000

Table of Figures

Figure 1 - Example of an Attended Terminal 5

Figure 2 - Example of a Merchant Host 6
Figure 3 - Example of a Cardholder-Controlled Terminal 7
Figure 4 - PIN Pad Layout 20
Figure 5 - Terminal Software 26
Figure 6 - Socket/Plug Relationship 30
December, 2000 Table of Contents v

Table of Tables

Table 1 - New Authorisation Request Data Elements 45

Table 2 - Existing Authorisation Request Data Elements 46
Table 3 - New Financial Transaction Request Data Elements 47
Table 4 - Existing Financial Transaction Request Data Elements 49
Table 5 - New Authorisation or Financial Transaction Response Data Elements 49
Table 6 - Existing Authorisation or Financial Transaction Response Data Elements 49
Table 7 - New Financial Transaction Confirmation Data Elements 50
Table 8 - Existing Financial Transaction Confirmation Data Elements 50
Table 9 - New Batch Data Capture Data Elements 51
Table 10 - Existing Batch Data Capture Data Elements 53
Table 11 - Existing Reconciliation Data Elements 53
Table 12 - New Online Advice Data Elements 54
Table 13 - Existing Online Advice Data Elements 55
Table 14 - New Reversal Data Elements 56
Table 15 - Existing Reversal Data Elements 57
Table 16 - Terminal Type 63
Table 17 - Terminal Capabilities 65
Table 17 - Terminal Capabilities 66
Table 18 - Additional Terminal Capabilities 68
Table 18 - Additional Terminal Capabilities 69
Table 18 - Additional Terminal Capabilities 70
Table 18 - Additional Terminal Capabilities 71
Table 18 - Additional Terminal Capabilities 72
Table 19 - Response Codes 74
Table 20 - Common Character Set 75
Table 21 - Data Element Conversion 79
Table 22 - Example of POS Terminal or Electronic Cash Register 85
Table 23 - Example of ATM 86
Table 24 - Example of Vending Machine 87
vi Table of Contents December, 2000


December, 2000 Scope vii

1. Scope
The Cardholder, Attendant, and Acquirer Interface Requirements for Payment
Systems defines the mandatory, recommended, and optional terminal
requirements necessary to support the acceptance of integrated circuit cards
(ICCs) in accordance with the Application Independent ICC to Terminal Interface
Requirements (Book 1), the Security and Key Management (Book 2) and the
Application Specification (Book 3). Application-specific terminal requirements
unique to individual payment systems and those functions not required to
support interchange are not covered in this specification.

This specification applies to all terminals operating in attended or unattended

environments, having offline or online capabilities, and supporting transaction
types such as purchase of goods, services, and cash. Terminals include but are
not limited to automated teller machines (ATMs), branch terminals, cardholder-
activated terminals, electronic cash registers, personal computers, and point of
service (POS) terminals.

In particular, this specification addresses:

• Functional requirements, such as those emerging from the Application

Independent ICC to Terminal Interface Requirements, Security and Key
Management and the Application Specification

• General physical characteristics

• Software architecture including software and data management

• Cardholder interface

• Acquirer interface

This specification provides the requirements necessary to support the

implementation of ICCs. These requirements are in addition to those already
defined by individual payment systems and acquirers for terminals that accept
magnetic stripe cards. ICC and magnetic stripe acceptance capability may co-
exist in the same terminal.

This specification assumes familiarity with the Application Independent ICC to

Terminal Interface Requirements, Security and Key Management and the
Application Specification. It is intended for use by payment system members,
terminal manufacturers, and designers of applications using ICCs.

Adherence to the mandatory requirements, which are denoted by ‘shall’, ensures

that terminals are compliant with the Application Independent ICC to Terminal
Interface Requirements, Security and Key Management and the Application
Specification as well as with this specification. The recommended requirements
are denoted by ‘should’ and the optional requirements by ‘may’.

It is recognised that different terminal implementations exist depending on

business environment and intended usage. This specification defines
viii Scope December, 2000

requirements for those features and functions that are applicable according to
the particular operating environment of the terminal.

This specification does not address cardholder or merchant operating procedures,

which are established by individual payment systems.

This specification does not provide sufficient detail to be used as a specification

for terminal procurement.

Individual payment systems and acquirers will define complementary

requirements applicable to different situations which will provide more detailed
specifications applicable to terminal implementations.
December, 2000 Normative References ix

2. Normative References
The following standards contain provisions that are referenced in this

EMV2000 Version 4.0: Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for Payment

December 2000 Systems: Book 1 - Application Independent ICC to
Terminal Interface Requirements

EMV2000 Version 4.0: Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for Payment

December 2000 Systems: Book 2 - Security and Key Management

EMV2000 Version 4.0: Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for Payment

December 2000 Systems: Book 3 - Application Specification

ISO 8583:1987 Bank card originated messages - Interchange

message specifications - Content for financial

ISO 8583:1993 Financial transaction card originated messages -

Interchange message specifications

ISO 8859:1987 Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded

graphic character sets

ISO 9564-1:1991 Banking - PIN management and security - PIN

protection principles and techniques

ISO 9564-2:1991 Banking - PIN management and security -

Approved algorithm(s) for PIN encipherment
x Definitions December, 2000

3. Definitions
The following terms are used in this specification:

Application - The application protocol between the card and the terminal and
its related set of data.

Byte - 8 bits.

Card - Payment card as defined by a payment system.

Certification Authority - Trusted third party that establishes a proof that

links a public key and other relevant information to its owner.

Command - Message sent by the terminal to the ICC that initiates an action
and solicits a response from the ICC.

Cryptogram - Result of a cryptographic operation.

Exclusive-OR - Binary addition with no carry, giving the following values:


Function - Process accomplished by one or more commands and resultant

actions that are used to perform all or part of a transaction.

Integrated Circuit(s) - Electronic component(s) designed to perform processing

and/or memory functions.

Integrated Circuit(s) Cards - Card into which one or more integrated circuits
are inserted to perform processing and memory functions.

Interface Device - That part of a terminal into which the ICC is inserted,
including such mechanical and electrical devices that may be considered part of

Kernel - The set of functions required to be present on every terminal

implementing a specific interpreter. The kernel contains device drivers,
interface routines, security and control functions, and the software for
translating from the virtual machine language to the language used by the real
machine. In other words, the kernel is the implementation of the virtual
machine on a specific real machine.

Key Pad - Arrangement of numeric, command, and, where required, function

and/or alphanumeric keys laid out in a specific manner.

Library - A set of high-level software functions with a published interface,

providing general support for terminal programs and/or applications.

Magnetic Stripe - Stripe containing magnetically encoded information.

December, 2000 Definitions xi

Nibble - The four most significant or least significant bits of a byte.

Payment System - For the purposes of these specifications, Europay

International S.A., MasterCard International Incorporated, or Visa International
Service Association.

PIN Pad - Arrangement of numeric and command keys to be used for personal
identification number (PIN) entry.

Response - Message returned by the ICC to the terminal after the processing of
a command message received by the ICC.

Script - A command or string of commands transmitted by the issuer to the

terminal for the purpose of being sent serially to the ICC.

Socket - An execution vector defined at a particular point in an application and

assigned a unique number for reference.

Terminal - Device used in conjunction with the ICC at the point of transaction
to perform a financial transaction. The terminal incorporates the interface
device and may also include other components and interfaces such as host

Transaction - An action taken by a terminal at the user’s request. For a POS

terminal, a transaction might be payment for goods, etc. A transaction selects
among one or more applications as part of its processing flow.

Virtual Machine - A theoretical microprocessor architecture that forms the

basis for writing application programs in a specific interpreter software
xii Abbreviations, Notations and Terminology December, 2000

4. Abbreviations, Notations and Terminology

The following abbreviations and notations are used in this specification.

AAC Application Authentication Cryptogram

AAR Application Authorisation Referral

AC Application Cryptogram

AID Application Identifier

API Application Program Interface

ARQC Authorisation Request Cryptogram

ATM Automated Teller Machine

CAD Card Accepting Device

CPU Central Processing Unit

CVM Cardholder Verification Method

DDOL Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object List

EN European Norm

IC Integrated Circuit

ICC Integrated Circuit Card

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IFD Interface Device

I/O Input/Output

ISO International Organisation for Standardisation

MMDD Month, Day

NF Norme Française

PAN Primary Account Number

PC Personal Computer

PDOL Processing Options Data Object List

PIN Personal Identification Number

POS Point of Service

December, 2000 Abbreviations, Notations, and Terminology xiii

pos. Position

RFU Reserved for Future Use

RID Registered Application Provider Identifier

SW1 Status Word 1

SW2 Status Word 2

TC Transaction Certificate

TDOL Transaction Certificate Data Object List

UL Underwriters Laboratories Incorporated

YYMM Year, Month

YYMMDD Year, Month, Day

The following terminology is used:

proprietary Not defined in and/or outside the scope of this specification

shall Denotes a mandatory requirement

should Denotes a recommendation

xiv Abbreviations, Notations and Terminology December, 2000


Part I
General Requirements
December, 2000 Terminal Types and Capabilities 3

1. Terminal Types and Capabilities

1.1 Terminal Types
As described in the scope, this specification addresses a broad spectrum of
terminals. For the purpose of this specification, terminals are categorised by the

• Environment: Attended or unattended

• Communication: Online or offline

• Operational control: Financial institution, merchant, or cardholder

Within this specification, online reflects online communication to acquirer (or its
agent). The acquirer is assumed to be capable of communicating to the issuer (or
its agent).

The type of terminal shall be indicated in Terminal Type. The coding of

Terminal Type using the three categories is shown in Annex A.

An explanation of attended, unattended, online, offline, and operational control


Attended - An attendant (agent of the merchant or of the acquirer) is present at

the point of transaction and participates in the transaction by entering
transaction-related data. The transaction occurs ‘face to face’.

Unattended - The cardholder conducts the transaction at the point of

transaction without the participation of an attendant (agent of the merchant or
of the acquirer). The transaction does not occur ‘face to face’.

Online only - The transaction can only be completed online in real time, such as
transmitting an authorisation message.

Offline with online capability - Depending upon transaction characteristics,

the transaction can be completed offline by the terminal or online in real time. It
is equivalent to ‘online with offline capability’.

Offline only - The transaction can only be completed offline by the terminal.

Operational control - The entity responsible for the operation of the terminal.
This does not necessarily equate to the actual owner of the terminal.

1.2 Terminal Capabilities

For the purpose of this specification, terminal capabilities are described in
Terminal Capabilities and Additional Terminal Capabilities. The following
categories shall be indicated in Terminal Capabilities:

• Card data input capability - Indicates all the methods supported by the
terminal for entering the information from the card into the terminal.
4 Terminal Types and Capabilities December, 2000

• Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) capability - Indicates all the

methods supported by the terminal for verifying the identity of the
cardholder at the terminal.

• Security capability - Indicates all the methods supported by the terminal

for authenticating the card at the terminal and whether or not the terminal
has the ability to capture a card.

The following categories shall be indicated in Additional Terminal Capabilities:

• Transaction type capability - Indicates all the types of transactions

supported by the terminal.

• Terminal data input capability - Indicates all the methods supported by

the terminal for entering transaction-related data into the terminal.

• Terminal data output capability - Indicates the ability of the terminal to

print or display messages and the character set code table(s) referencing the
part(s) of ISO 8859 supported by the terminal.

The coding of Terminal Capabilities and Additional Terminal Capabilities using

these categories is shown in Annex A.
December, 2000 Terminal Types and Capabilities 5

1.3 Terminal Configurations

Terminal capabilities and device components vary depending on the intended
usage and physical environment. A limited set of configuration examples follow.

Figure 1 illustrates an example of an attended terminal where the integrated

circuit (IC) interface device (IFD) and PIN pad are integrated but separate from
the POS device (such as for an electronic fund transfer terminal or an electronic
cash register).


1 2 3

4 5 6

ICC 7 8 9

C 0 E

POS Device

C = ‘Cancel’
Mag. stripe E = ‘Enter’

Figure 1 - Example of an Attended Terminal

6 Terminal Types and Capabilities December, 2000

Figure 2 illustrates an example of merchant host concentrating devices, which

may be of various types and capabilities.

Merchant Host

POS Device

Figure 2 - Example of a Merchant Host

Within this specification a merchant host to which is connected a cluster of POS

devices shall be considered, in its totality, as a ‘terminal’ regardless of the
distribution of functions between the host and POS devices. (See section 6, of
this specification for terminal data management requirements.)
December, 2000 Terminal Types and Capabilities 7

Figure 3 illustrates an example of a cardholder-controlled terminal that is

connected via a public network to a merchant or acquirer host.

1 2 3 Merchant Host
4 5 6
Public Network
7 8 9
C 0 E

C = ‘Cancel’
E = ‘Enter’
Acquirer Host

Figure 3 - Example of a Cardholder-Controlled Terminal

8 Functional Requirements December, 2000

2. Functional Requirements
This specification does not replicate Book 1 Application Independent ICC to
Terminal Interface Requirements, Book 2 Security and Key Management and
Book 3 Application Specification but describes the implementation issues and
the impact of these parts on the terminal.

This section uses standard messages described in section 7.2, of this specification
to illustrate the appropriate message displays for the transaction events
described below.

The usage of Authorisation Response Code, CVM Results, and Issuer Script
Results is specified in this section. See Annex A for additional information on

2.1 Application Independent ICC to Terminal Interface

The terminal shall comply with all Parts of the Application Independent ICC to
Terminal Interface Requirements. It shall support all data elements and
commands subject to the conditions described in section 2.3.

2.2 Security and Key Management

The terminal shall comply with all Parts of the Security and Key Management
(Book 2). It shall support all data elements and commands subject to the
conditions described in section 2.3.

2.3 Application Specification

The terminal shall comply with Book 3,the Application Specification. It shall
support all functions subject to the conditions described in section 2.3.

Sections 2.3.1 to 2.3.9 expand upon the terminal functions described in the
Application Specification.

2.3.1 Initiate Application Processing

When the Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) includes an amount field
(either Amount, Authorised or Amount, Other), a merchant-controlled terminal
(Terminal Type = ‘2x’) shall provide the amount at this point in transaction
processing. If the amount is not yet available, the terminal shall obtain the
amount and should display the ‘Enter Amount’ message.

As described in the Integrated Circuit Card Application Specification for

Payment Systems, if the card returns SW1 SW2 = ‘6985’ in response to the GET
PROCESSING OPTIONS command indicating that the transaction cannot be
performed with this application, the terminal should display the ‘Not Accepted’
message and shall return to application selection. The terminal shall not allow
that application to be selected again.
December, 2000 Functional Requirements 9

2.3.2 Data Authentication

An online-only terminal supporting no form of data authentication as indicated
in Terminal Capabilities shall set to ‘1’ the ‘Data authentication was not
performed’ bit in the Terminal Verification Results.

All other terminals shall be capable of performing static data authentication as

described in Book 3 Application Specification. They may also be capable of
performing dynamic data authentication as described in Book 3 Application

2.3.3 Processing Restrictions

If the card and terminal Application Version Numbers are different, the terminal
shall attempt to continue processing the transaction. If it is unable to continue,
the terminal shall abort the transaction and should display the ‘Not Accepted’

When processing the Application Usage Control, the terminal must know
whether or not it is an ATM. See Annex A, Terminal Type, for information on
identifying an ATM.

A terminal supporting cashback should not offer cashback facility to the

cardholder if the Application Usage Control does not allow this option.

2.3.4 Cardholder Verification Processing

The CVMs supported by the terminal are indicated in Terminal Capabilities. In
addition, the terminal shall recognise the CVM codes for ‘No CVM required’ and
‘Fail CVM processing’, which may be present in the card’s CVM List. Offline CVM

When the applicable CVM is an offline PIN, the terminal should issue a GET
DATA command to the card to retrieve the PIN Try Counter prior to issuing
either the VERIFY command or GET CHALLENGE command.

If the PIN Try Counter is not retrievable or the GET DATA command is not
supported by the ICC, the terminal shall prompt for PIN entry.

If the value of the PIN Try Counter is zero, indicating no remaining PIN tries,
the terminal should not allow offline PIN entry. The terminal shall set the ‘PIN
Try Limit exceeded’ bit in the Terminal Verification Results to ‘1’. The terminal
shall not display any specific message regarding PINs, shall not set the CVM
Results, and shall continue cardholder verification processing in accordance with
the card’s CVM List.

If the value of the PIN Try Counter is not zero, indicating remaining PIN tries,
the terminal shall prompt for PIN entry such as by displaying the message
‘Enter PIN’.

If offline PIN verification by the ICC is successful, the terminal shall set byte 3
of the CVM Results to ‘successful’. Otherwise, the terminal shall not set the
10 Functional Requirements December, 2000

CVM Results and shall continue cardholder verification processing in accordance

with the card’s CVM List. Online CVM

When the applicable CVM is an online PIN, the IFD shall not issue a VERIFY
command. Instead, the PIN pad shall encipher the PIN upon entry for
transmission in the authorisation or financial transaction request.

The terminal shall allow a PIN to be entered for online verification even if the
card’s PIN Try Limit is exceeded.

The terminal shall set byte 3 of the CVM Results to ‘unknown’. PIN Entry Bypass

If a PIN is required for entry as indicated in the card’s CVM List, an attended
terminal with an operational PIN pad may have the capability to bypass PIN
entry before or after several unsuccessful PIN tries.1 If this occurs, the terminal
shall set the ‘PIN entry required, PIN pad present, but PIN was not entered’ bit
in the Terminal Verification Results to ‘1’ and shall not set the ‘PIN Try Limit
exceeded’ bit to ‘1’. The terminal shall consider this CVM unsuccessful, shall not
set the CVM Results, and shall continue cardholder verification processing in
accordance with the card’s CVM List. Signature (Paper)

When the applicable CVM is signature, the terminal shall set byte 3 of the CVM
Results to ‘unknown’. At the end of the transaction, the terminal shall print a
receipt with a line for cardholder signature. (See Annex A, Terminal
Capabilities, for requirements for the terminal to support signature as a CVM.) CVM Results

When the applicable CVM is ‘No CVM required’, if the terminal supports 'No
CVM required' it shall set byte 3 of the CVM Results to ‘successful’. When the
applicable CVM is ‘Fail CVM processing’, the terminal shall set byte 3 of the
CVM Results to ‘failed’.

The terminal shall set bytes 1 and 2 of the CVM Results with the Method Code
and Condition Code of the last CVM performed.

If the last CVM performed was not considered successful (byte 3 of the CVM
Results is not set to ‘successful’ or ‘unknown’), the terminal shall set byte 3 of the
CVM Results to ‘failed’.

If no CVM was performed (no CVM List present or no CVM conditions satisfied),
the terminal shall set byte 1 of the CVM Results to ‘No CVM performed’.

1 This prevents a genuine cardholder who does not remember the PIN from having to

keep entering incorrect PINs until the PIN is blocked in order to continue with the
December, 2000 Functional Requirements 11

2.3.5 Terminal Risk Management

In addition to the terminal risk management functions described in Book 3
Application Specification and regardless of the coding of the card’s Application
Interchange Profile concerning support of terminal risk management, a terminal
may support an exception file per application.

When the terminal has an exception file listing cards and associated
applications, the terminal shall check the presence of the application selected
(identified by data such as the Application Primary Account Number (PAN) and
the Application PAN Sequence Number) in the exception file.

If a match is found in the exception file, the terminal shall set the ‘Card appears
in exception file’ bit in the Terminal Verification Results to ‘1’.

2.3.6 Terminal Action Analysis

As described in Book 3 Application Specification during terminal action analysis
the terminal determines whether the transaction should be approved offline,
declined offline, or transmitted online by comparing the Terminal Verification
Results with both Terminal Action Code - Denial and Issuer Action Code -
Denial, both Terminal Action Code - Online and Issuer Action Code - Online, and
both Terminal Action Code - Default and Issuer Action Code - Default.

• If the terminal decides to accept the transaction offline, it shall set the
Authorisation Response Code to ‘Offline approved’.2

• If the terminal decides to decline the transaction offline, it shall set the
Authorisation Response Code to ‘Offline declined’.

• If the terminal decides to transmit the transaction online, it shall not set a
value for the Authorisation Response Code nor change the value for the
Authorisation Response Code returned in the response message.

2.3.7 Card Action Analysis

The terminal shall process the transaction as follows as a result of the data
returned in Cryptogram Information Data by the card in the response to the

• If the card indicates an approval, the terminal should display the ‘Approved’
message and shall complete the transaction.

• If the card indicates a decline, the terminal should display the ‘Declined’
message and shall decline the transaction.

2 This does not mean that the transaction will be approved. The card makes the final

decision and returns it to the terminal in its response to the first GENERATE AC
12 Functional Requirements December, 2000

• If the card indicates to process online, the terminal shall transmit an

authorisation or financial transaction request message, if capable. (See
section 8.2.1, of this specification for exception handling when the terminal is
unable to go online.)

• If the card indicates a referral, the terminal shall perform referrals as

described in section 2.5.2.

• When an advice is requested by the card and advices are supported by the
terminal acquirer interface protocol:

− If the transaction is captured, the terminal shall not create an advice


− If the transaction is not captured (such as a decline), the terminal shall

either transmit an online advice if online data capture is performed by the
acquirer or create an offline advice for batch data capture.

• If the card indicates ‘Service not allowed’, the terminal should display the
‘Not Accepted’ message and shall terminate the transaction.

• If Combined DDA/AC generation failed as shown in section 6.6.2 of Book 2

Security and Key Management, the terminal shall set the Combined DDA/AC
Generation Failed bit in the TVR to '1'. Subsequently:

− If the card has return a TC as indicated in the CID bit, the terminal shall
decline the transaction.

− If the card has return an ARQC as indicated in the CID bit, the terminal
shall complete the transaction processing by performing immediately a
second Generate_AC requesting for an AAC.

2.3.8 Online Processing

Depending on the Authorisation Response Code returned in the response
message, the terminal shall determine whether to accept or decline the
transaction. It shall issue the second GENERATE AC command to the ICC
indicating its decision.

The result of card risk management performed by the ICC is made known to the
terminal through the return of the Cryptogram Information Data indicating
either a transaction certificate (TC) for an approval or an application
authentication cryptogram (AAC) for a decline.

When online data capture is performed by the acquirer, the terminal shall send a
reversal message if the final decision of the card is to decline a transaction for
which the Authorisation Response Code is ‘Online approved’.
December, 2000 Functional Requirements 13

2.3.9 Issuer-to-Card Script Processing

The terminal shall be able to support at least one or more Issuer Scripts in each
authorisation or financial transaction response it receives, where the total length
of all Issuer Scripts in the response shall be less than or equal to 128 bytes.

The terminal shall be able to recognise the tag for the Issuer Script transmitted
in the response message. If the tag is ‘71’, the terminal shall process the script
before issuing the second GENERATE AC command. If the tag is ‘72’, the
terminal shall process the script after issuing the second GENERATE AC

For each Issuer Script processed, the terminal shall report the Script Identifier
(when present) with its result in the Issuer Script Results. If an error code was
returned by the card for one of the single Script Commands, the terminal shall
set the first nibble of byte 1 of the Issuer Script Results to ‘Script processing
failed’ and the second nibble with the sequence number of the Script Command
in the order it appears in the Issuer Script. If no error code was returned by the
card, the terminal shall set the first nibble of byte 1 of the Issuer Script Results
to ‘Script processing successful’ and the second nibble to ‘0’.

The terminal shall transmit the Issuer Script Results in the batch data capture
message (financial record or offline advice), the financial transaction
confirmation message, or the reversal message. If no message is created for the
transaction (such as a decline), the terminal shall create an advice to transmit
the Issuer Script Results, if terminal supports advices.

2.4 Conditions for Support of Functions

A terminal supporting offline PIN verification shall support the VERIFY
command. A terminal supporting offline PIN encipherment shall also support
the GET CHALLENGE command. A terminal not supporting offline PIN
verification need not support the VERIFY command.

A terminal supporting dynamic data authentication shall support static data


An offline-only terminal and an offline terminal with online capability shall

support static data authentication.

An online-only terminal need not support dynamic nor static data

authentication. Individual payment systems will define rules for this case.

An offline-only terminal and an offline terminal with online capability shall

support terminal risk management. An offline-only terminal and an online-only
terminal need not support random transaction selection.

An online-only terminal need not support all of the terminal risk management
functions. In this case, the acquirer (or its agent) should process the transaction
instead of the terminal according to Book 3 Application Specification. In other
words, the acquirer should perform the remaining terminal risk management
functions. Individual payment systems will define rules for this case.
14 Functional Requirements December, 2000

A financial institution- or merchant-controlled terminal (Terminal Type = ‘1x’ or

‘2x’) shall support the terminal risk management functions described in Book 3
Application Specification. A cardholder-controlled terminal (Terminal Type =
‘3x’) need not support terminal risk management.

2.5 Other Functional Requirements

2.5.1 Amount Entry and Management
The amount of a transaction shall be indicated to the cardholder preferably by
means of a terminal display or labels, such as posted prices on a vending
machine, or alternatively by printing on a receipt.

When the amounts are entered through the use of a key pad, the terminal should
allow the amount to be displayed during entry. The attendant or cardholder
should be able to either correct the amounts entered prior to authorisation and
proceed with the transaction or cancel the transaction if the amount was entered

The cardholder should be able to validate the original or corrected amount when
the transaction amount is known before authorisation. If PIN entry occurs
immediately after the amounts are entered, PIN entry can act as the validation
of the amount (see Book 2 Security and Key Management). If PIN entry does not
occur immediately after the amounts are entered, the terminal should display
the ‘(Amount) OK?’ message for the cardholder to validate the amount fields.

If the authorisation takes place before the final transaction amount is known (for
example, petrol at fuel dispenser, amount before tip at restaurant), the Amount,
Authorised data object represents the estimated transaction amount and the
Transaction Amount data object represents the final transaction amount as
known at the end of the transaction.

The cardholder may have the ability to separately enter or identify a cashback
amount prior to authorisation if the terminal supports cashback and the card’s
Application Usage Control indicates that cashback is allowed for the transaction.
When cashback is allowed, the cashback amount shall be transmitted in the
Amount, Other data object. The amounts transmitted in Amount, Authorised
and Transaction Amount shall include both the purchase amount and cashback
amount (if present).

When passed to the ICC as part of the command data, the Amount, Authorised
and Amount, Other shall be expressed with implicit decimal point (for example,
‘123’ represents £1.23 when the currency code is ‘826’).

2.5.2 Voice Referrals

A manual voice referral process may be initiated by the card or by the issuer.
Only attended terminals should support voice referral processing.

An attended terminal shall be capable of supporting voice referrals, (i.e., they

shall be capable of displaying the appropriate message when the card or issuer
indicates a referral). An unattended terminal is not required to support voice
December, 2000 Functional Requirements 15

referrals. If a referral cannot be performed, default procedures are in place for

the individual payment systems to decide how the transaction shall be handled
(e.g., go online, approve offline, or decline offline). Referrals Initiated by Card

If the card responds to the first GENERATE AC by requesting a voice referral
(as indicated in the Cryptogram Information Data), an attended terminal shall
display the ‘Call Your Bank’ message to the attendant. Appropriate application
data, such as the Application PAN, shall be displayed or printed to the attendant
in order to perform the referral. Appropriate messages shall be displayed
requesting the attendant to enter data indicating that the transaction has been
approved or declined as a result of the referral process. The attendant may
manually override the referral process and may accept or decline the transaction
without performing a referral, or the attendant may force the transaction online.

As a result of the referral process or override, the terminal shall set the
Authorisation Response Code to ‘Approved (after card-initiated referral)’ if
approved or ‘Declined (after card-initiated referral)’ if not. The terminal shall
bypass the issuance of the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command and issue
the second GENERATE AC command requesting either a TC for an approval or
an AAC for a decline.

If the transaction is forced online (by the terminal or the attendant), the
terminal shall not set the Authorisation Response Code and shall transmit an
authorisation or financial transaction request message using the Application
Authorisation Referral (AAR) as an Authorisation Request Cryptogram (ARQC).
The terminal shall continue normal online processing of the transaction (see
section 2.3.8). Referrals Initiated by Issuer

When the Authorisation Response Code in the authorisation response message
indicates that a voice referral should be performed by the attendant, prior to
issuing the second GENERATE AC command, an attended terminal shall
display the ‘Call Your Bank’ message to the attendant. Appropriate application
data, such as the Application PAN, shall be displayed or printed to the attendant
in order to perform the referral. Appropriate messages shall be displayed
requesting the attendant to enter data indicating that the transaction has been
approved or declined as a result of the referral process. The attendant may
manually override the referral process and may accept or decline the transaction
without performing a referral.

The terminal shall not modify the Authorisation Response Code. The terminal
shall issue the second GENERATE AC command requesting either a TC for an
approval or an AAC for a decline. If the Issuer Authentication Data is present
in the authorisation response message, the terminal may issue the EXTERNAL
AUTHENTICATE command either before or after the referral data is manually
16 Functional Requirements December, 2000

2.5.3 Transaction Forced Online

An attended terminal may allow an attendant to force a transaction online, such
as in a situation where the attendant is suspicious of the cardholder. If this
function is performed, it should occur at the beginning of the transaction. If this
occurs, the terminal shall set the ‘Merchant forced transaction online’ bit in the
Terminal Verification Results to ‘1’. Payment systems rules will determine
whether the attendant is allowed to perform such a function.

2.5.4 Transaction Forced Acceptance

An attended terminal may allow an attendant to force acceptance of the
transaction, even if the card has returned an AAC indicating that the
transaction is to be declined. If this occurs, the transaction shall be captured for
clearing as a financial transaction either by sending an online financial advice or
within the batch data capture. The terminal shall not modify the Authorisation
Response Code and shall set an indicator that the attendant forced acceptance of
the transaction in the online advice or batch data capture. Payment systems
rules will determine whether the attendant is allowed to perform such a

2.5.5 Transaction Sequence Counter

The terminal shall maintain a Transaction Sequence Counter that is
incremented by one for each transaction performed by the terminal. The
Transaction Sequence Counter may be common to both ICC and non-ICC

The initial value of this counter is one. When the Transaction Sequence Counter
reaches its maximum value, it shall be reset to one. A value of zero is not
allowed. (See Book 3 Application Specification for details on this data element.)

The Transaction Sequence Counter may be used for transaction logging or

auditing as well as for input to the application cryptogram calculation.

2.5.6 Unpredictable Number

The terminal shall be able to generate an Unpredictable Number, which may be
used for input to the application cryptogram algorithm to ensure the
unpredictability of data input to this calculation or for random transaction
selection for terminal risk management. An unpredictable number shall be
generated in accordance with an individual payment system’s specifications.

One example of a method for generating the Unpredictable Number is

performing an exclusive-OR operation on all the previous ARQCs, TCs, AACs,
December, 2000 Functional Requirements 17

and AARs.3 (See Book 3 Application Specification for details on this data

2.6 Card Reading

If the terminal does not have a combined IC and magnetic stripe reader, when
the magnetic stripe of the card is read and the service code begins with a ‘2’ or a
‘6’ indicating that an IC is present, the terminal shall prompt for the card to be
inserted into the IC reader such as by displaying the ‘Use Chip Reader’ message.

If the terminal has a combined IC and magnetic stripe reader, when the
magnetic stripe of the card is read and the service code begins with a ‘2’ or a ‘6’
indicating that an IC is present, the terminal shall process the transaction using
the IC.

2.6.1 IC Reader
The IFD should have a pictogram near the card slot indicating how to insert the
card into the IC reader.

As soon as the card is inserted into the reader, the message ‘Please Wait’ should
be displayed to reassure the cardholder or attendant that the transaction is
being processed so that the card is not removed prematurely.

When the card is inserted into the IFD, the card should be accessible to the
cardholder at all times during the transaction. When the card is not accessible
at all times or when the terminal has a ‘tight grip’ to hold the card, there should
be a mechanism, for example, a button, to recall or release the card in case of
terminal malfunction, even if there is a power failure. For an unattended
terminal with card capture capability, where captured cards remain in the
secure housing of the terminal (such as for an ATM), the card release function is
not required.

When the card is inserted into the IFD, the cardholder or attendant should not
be able to accidentally dislodge the card from the reader.

If the card is removed from the terminal prior to completion of the transaction,
the terminal should abort the transaction and should ensure that neither the
card nor the terminal is damaged. The message ‘Processing Error’ should be
displayed. (For additional requirements on abnormal termination of transaction
processing, see Book 3 Application Specification.)

2.6.2 Exception Handling

When an attended terminal attempts and fails to read the ICC but the magnetic
stripe of the card is successfully read, the terminal shall set the POS Entry Mode
Code in the transaction message(s) to ‘Magnetic stripe read, last transaction was

3 This exclusive-OR operation is performed at each GENERATE AC response on the

current application cryptogram and the previous exclusive-OR result, which is stored in
the terminal.
18 Functional Requirements December, 2000

an unsuccessful IC read’ if the service code on the magnetic stripe indicates that
an IC is present.4

2.7 Date Management

2.7.1 Data Authentication
The terminal shall be capable of properly calculating dates associated with data
authentication (certificate expiration dates) for dates before, including, and after
the year 2000.

2.7.2 Processing Restrictions

The terminal shall be capable of properly calculating dates associated with
processing restrictions (Application Expiration Date, Application Effective Date)
for dates before, including, and after the year 2000.

2.7.3 Data Management

To ensure the accuracy of the data elements Transaction Date (local date) and
Transaction Time (local time), the terminal shall ensure that it is able to
accurately calculate, store, and display date-dependent fields representing the
year 2000 and subsequent years without compromising the integrity of dates or
their use, including calculations for leap years. This requirement applies to
terminals supporting clocks as well as those that update the date and the time
based upon on-line messages.

The terminal should process a 2-digit year (YY) as follows:

• YY in the range 00-49 inclusive is treated as having the value 20YY

• YY in the range 50-99 inclusive is treated as having the value 19YY

The same rules shall be used if the terminal converts 2-digit years in format YY
to 4-digit years in format YYYY.

4 This does not imply that the terminal shall support this ISO 8583:1987 data element.

An issuer or an acquirer may define an equivalent data element. The specific code will be
set by individual payment systems.
December, 2000 Physical Characteristics 19

3. Physical Characteristics
Physical characteristics vary depending on the intended usage of the terminal,
the environment at the point of transaction (including its security), and the
terminal configuration.

3.1 Key Pad

A terminal should have a key pad for the entry of transaction-related data and
its functional operation. The key pad shall support one or more types of keys:

• Numeric: ‘0’ - ‘9’

• Alphabetic and special: For example, ‘A’ - ‘Z’, ‘*’, ‘#’,

• Command: ‘Cancel’, ‘Enter’, ‘Clear’

• Function: Application-dependent keys, such as a selection key, ‘F1’, ‘F2’,

‘Backspace’, ‘Escape’

A key pad may consist of a single key, such as a function key that could be a
button on a vending machine to indicate selection of an application or to indicate
that a receipt is to be printed.

A touch screen is considered to be a key pad (see Book 2 Security and Key
Management for security requirements).

3.1.1 Command Keys

Command keys are used to control the flow of data entry by the cardholder or
attendant. The description of the command keys is as follows:

Enter Confirms an action

Cancel Either cancels the whole transaction or, if no ‘Clear’ key

is present, cancels the operation in progress

Clear Erases all the numeric or alphabetic characters

previously entered

The following colours, if used, shall be reserved for the command keys, either for
the lettering or for the keys themselves:

Enter Green

Cancel Red

Clear Yellow
20 Physical Characteristics December, 2000

When the command keys are horizontally arranged, the ‘Cancel’ and ‘Enter’ keys
should be located on the bottom row of the key pad, and ‘Cancel’ should be the
furthest key left and ‘Enter’ should be the furthest key right. When the
command keys are vertically arranged, ‘Cancel’ should be the uppermost key and
‘Enter’ the lowest key.

3.1.2 PIN Pad

The terminal should be designed and constructed to facilitate the addition of a
PIN pad, if not already present, such as having a serial port.

If the terminal supports PIN entry, a separate key pad may be present for PIN
entry or the same key pad may be used for both PIN entry and entry of other
transaction-related data. The PIN pad shall comprise the numeric and ‘Enter’
and ‘Cancel’ command keys. If necessary, the command key for ‘Clear’ may also
be present.

The numeric layout of the PIN pad shall comply with ISO 9564 as shown in
Figure 4, except for cardholder-controlled terminals such as personal computers
(PCs), where the keyboard may contain a numeric key pad in a different format
for PIN entry. An example of the placement of the ‘Cancel’ and ‘Enter’ keys on
the bottom row is shown in Figure 4.

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Cancel 0 Enter

Figure 4 - PIN Pad Layout

The key for ‘5’ should have a tactile identifier (for example, a notch or raised dot)
to indicate to those whose sight is impaired that this is the central key from
which all others may be deduced.

3.2 Display
A display is used to help the cardholder or attendant monitor transaction flow
and data entry, validate transaction-related data, and select options.

An attended terminal shall have a display for the attendant and may have an
additional display for the cardholder, such as when a PIN pad is present. In
order that different information may be displayed and different languages used
December, 2000 Physical Characteristics 21

for the attendant and cardholder, it is recommended that an attended terminal

has two separate displays.

An unattended terminal should have a cardholder display.

At a minimum, the message display shall be capable of displaying at least 32

alphanumeric characters (two lines of 16 positions each). The two lines of 16
characters should be simultaneously displayed. To facilitate the display of
different languages used in different geographical areas, the terminal should
support a graphic display.

A terminal capable of supporting several applications should have a display that

can provide cardholder application selection by allowing the 16-character
Application Preferred Name(s) or Application Label(s) stored in the ICC to be

3.3 Memory Protection

Software as well as data initialised in the terminal or any part of the terminal,
including cryptographic keys, shall not be erased or altered for the period of time
the software and data are valid.

When the terminal supports batch data capture, the captured transactions and
advices stored in the terminal shall not be erased or altered until the next
reconciliation with the acquiring system.

3.4 Clock
Offline-only terminals and offline terminals with online capability shall have a
clock with the local date and time.

The date is used for checking certificate expiration dates for data authentication
and/or offline PIN encipherment as well as application expiration/effective dates
for processing restrictions. The time may be used for assuring transaction
identification uniqueness as well as for input to the application cryptogram

3.5 Printer
A terminal should have a printer for receipt printing. If present, the printer
shall be able to print at least 20 alphanumeric characters per line (see section
7.4 of this specification).

Cardholder-controlled terminal (Terminal Type = ‘3x’) need not include a printer.

3.6 Magnetic Stripe Reader

In addition to an IC reader, a terminal shall be equipped with a magnetic stripe
reader, except when payment system rules indicate otherwise. These rules will
cover situations when a magnetic stripe reader is not required or not allowed for
a financial institution- or merchant-controlled terminal (Terminal Type = ‘1x’ or
22 Physical Characteristics December, 2000

‘2x’). A cardholder-controlled terminal (Terminal Type = ‘3x’) need not include a

magnetic stripe reader.

The magnetic stripe reader shall be able to read the full track 1 and/or track 2
and process according to the payment system rules.
Part II
Software Architecture
December, 2000 Terminal Software Architecture 25

4. Terminal Software Architecture

This section is intended to provide insight for terminal manufacturers into the
future direction of the payment system applications and the consequent
requirements for terminal functionality. While terminals without this
functionality may operate satisfactorily in today’s environment, changes in that
environment will enhance the longevity of and provide functional advantages to
terminals incorporating the software design principles in this section.

4.1 Environmental Changes

In today’s environment, support of payment system functions is provided in the
typical POS terminal by one or possibly two applications based on the limited
data available from the magnetic stripe of a payment system card. Differences
in cards presented are largely contained in host systems and are usually
transparent to the terminal software.

The ICC replaces this environment with cards that may have multiple diverse
applications, with significantly larger amounts of data representing a large
number of options that must be interpreted by the terminal. The typical
terminal will support multiple applications, with varying degrees of similarity.
Applications may be modified annually, presenting additional challenges to
software migration in the terminal. New applications will almost certainly be
added during the life of a terminal. There will be a need to add applications
efficiently and without risk to existing applications. Modification or addition of
applications should be done in such a way that unaffected applications need not
be re-certified. Code should be reusable and sharable with adequate security
controls to accomplish such migration with efficiency and integrity.

Greater differentiation between the payment systems should be anticipated at

the terminal, expressed by data contained within the ICC. This may (and
probably will) be carried down to regional and even issuer levels, requiring the
terminal to keep a library of routines available for selection by the card. The
terminal may support only a subset of alternative routines, but terminals that
support more will be at an advantage in the marketplace.

At the level of this specification, the payment systems view two alternative
software architectures as providing the capabilities required. These two
alternatives are called the ‘Application Program Interface (API)’ and the
‘Interpreter’ approaches.
26 Terminal Software Architecture December, 2000

4.2 Application Libraries Application A

“call X”
With either the API or the interpreter approach, the
terminal should have the ability to maintain an
application library of modules or routines that may be “Y”
dynamically incorporated into the processing of a Application B
given transaction. Modules in the application library “call X”
may be complete application programs, or they may
be subroutines to be called upon at the direction of
Application C

data within the terminal or the ICC. In the case of an

interpreter capability, these modules will be code, “call Y”
written in a virtual machine instruction set
implemented within the terminal, to be interpreted by
Application D
the terminal control program. In the case of the API
approach, modules will be object code written to the “call X”

specific terminal architecture. “call Y”

In either case, modules within the application library

may be dynamically invoked either by logic with the Operating
terminal application software or under the direction of System
referencing data kept within the ICC. The format and
specification of external references are under control
of the individual payment systems.
Figure 5 - Terminal Software
A terminal may contain several libraries, some
accessible to all applications and some restricted to particular applications or
payment systems.

4.3 Application Program Interface

This section describes a terminal software architecture through which
application programs can make use of a set of essential and frequently used
functions provided in terminals through a standard interface - the API.

The API takes the form of a library of functions that can be used by all
applications stored in the terminal. The functions in the library may be
dynamically linked into the application programs that use them.

The provision of these functions as a library in the terminal has a number of


• Each application program in the terminal does not need to include the same
code to implement standardised functionality. The implementation of only
one copy of code in each terminal to perform this functionality is very efficient
in terminal memory.

• Application programs do not need to take account of particular terminal

hardware configurations, as these will be transparent to the application
program at the API. The implications of a particular terminal’s hardware
implementation are embedded within the code of the library function that has
been certified for that terminal.
December, 2000 Terminal Software Architecture 27

• Certification of new terminal application programs will take place against the
standardised and approved API function library for a particular terminal and
does not require the re-certification of existing terminal applications
programs (as would be the case with a single terminal program). The
verification of firewalls between application programs is considerably eased
by this architecture.

While a single library of functions is used to construct the API, the library
contains functions in two broad classes:

• Functions that implement the application selection functionality described in

Book 1 Application Independent ICC to Terminal Interface Requirements (for
example, Application Selection)

• Functions that implement essential and frequently used terminal hardware

functionality (for example, display, get key entry, etc.)

Functions in the library may use other functions within the library. For
example, static data authentication may use a terminal hardware function to
read data from an application on the card.

Functions in the library may be written using either terminal dependent object
code or a more general virtual machine instruction set.

4.4 Interpreter
4.4.1 Concept
The purpose of this section is to describe the general architecture underlying an
interpreter implementation and give a brief overview of how it relates to the
future environment for payment system applications.

Use of ICC technology necessitates altering the firmware in all terminals that
accept ICCs. To facilitate this transition, an interpreter may be implemented as
a software system that is compact, efficient, and easy to maintain and enhance
for future payment system needs. The name arises from the capability of a
terminal to contain central processing unit (CPU)-independent application
programs and plugs that can be interpreted during a transaction to determine
the terminal’s behaviour.

An interpreter implementation defines a single software kernel, common across

multiple terminal types. This kernel creates a virtual machine that may be
implemented on each CPU type and that provides drivers for the terminal’s
input/output (I/O) and all low-level CPU-specific logical and arithmetic
functions. High-level libraries, terminal programs and payment applications
using standard kernel functions may be developed and certified once; thereafter,
they will run on any conforming terminal implementing the same virtual
machine without change. Therefore, a significant consequence of an interpreter
is a simplified and uniform set of test and certification procedures for all
terminal functions.

To summarise, interpreters provide the following major benefits:

28 Terminal Software Architecture December, 2000

• A kernel with generalised ICC support functions, to be installed in each

terminal only once. The kernel lifetime is expected to match that of the
terminal (7-10 years).

• One version of the terminal software kernel across multiple processor and
terminal types. Therefore, only one certification and validation is needed for
software libraries, terminal programs, and payment applications on the set of
terminal types supported using a common interpreter/virtual machine.

• Terminal kernel certification independent of applications, so certification

only needs to be performed once for each terminal type using a common
interpreter/virtual machine. A terminal type is defined as a specific
configuration of terminal CPU and I/O functions.

• Support for CPU-independent plugs that can be interpreted during a

transaction to enhance a terminal’s behaviour. CPU independence means
that only one certification and validation is needed for this code.

4.4.2 Virtual Machine

The application software in every terminal using the interpreter approach is
written in terms of a common virtual machine. The virtual machine is a
theoretical microprocessor with standard characteristics that define such things
as addressing mode, registers, address space, etc.

The virtual machine accesses memory in two areas: code space and data space.
All code accesses are internal to the virtual machine only and are not available
to programs; the memory fetch and store operators access data space only.
Translated program code only exists in code space. No terminal software
(libraries or other functions external to the kernel) can make any assumptions
regarding the nature or content of code space or attempt to modify code space in
any way. This restriction, plus the complete absence of a symbol table, adds
significantly to program security.

4.4.3 Kernel
A kernel contains all functions whose implementation depends upon a particular
platform (CPU and operating system). It includes a selected set of commands,
plus a number of specialised functions, such as terminal I/O support and
program loader/interpreter support.

4.4.4 Application Code Portability

Virtual machine emulation may be accomplished by one of three methods:
interpreting virtual machine instructions, translating the virtual machine
language into a directly executable ‘threaded code’ form, or translating it into
actual code for the target CPU. The latter two methods offer improved
performance at a modest cost in complexity.

The kernel for each particular CPU type is written to make that processor
emulate the virtual machine. The virtual machine concept makes a high degree
December, 2000 Terminal Software Architecture 29

of standardisation possible across widely varying CPU types and simplifies

program portability, testing, and certification issues.

Programs may be converted to an intermediate language, between the high level

source language used by the programmer and the low-level machine code
required by the microprocessor, and subsequently transported to the target
terminal to be processed by the terminal into an executable form.

4.5 Plugs and Sockets

One function of ICCs is to improve transaction security by incorporating and
managing enciphered data and participating actively in the transaction
validation process. Under this concept, the payment systems define a number of
procedures (referred to as ‘sockets’) that may be inserted by the application
programmer (and hence under acquirer control and under payment system
supervision) to act as placeholders for the addition of enhancing code during
transaction processing.

Sockets are intended to be placed at various points in existing terminal

applications or even in the terminal program itself. They are used to refer to
library functions and may even occur inside a library function if a payment
system foresees the need to change the way a library function operates.

Sockets are initialised to default behaviours. If no further action is taken by the

terminal program, the default behaviour of these procedures will be to do
nothing when they are executed.

Plugs are executable code, written in the machine language or virtual machine
instruction set supported by the terminal, that may be inserted at points defined
by sockets to enhance the default terminal logic. Plugs may already exist in the
terminal to be invoked under control of data in the ICC and logic in the terminal.
Plugs may also come from an input device (such as the ICC or a host system
connected to the terminal), but only if agreed by the payment system, issuer,
acquirer, and merchant. Special care may be required for ICC plugs if they can
modify a socket’s behaviour or be placed in the program flow prior to successful
card authentication.

At the conclusion of a transaction, the sockets are restored to their original

application default behaviours.

The proposed terminal architecture does not propose that ICCs contain entire
applications but only plugs that enhance existing terminal applications.

Figure 6 illustrates the relationship between plugs and sockets.

30 Terminal Software Architecture December, 2000

Input Device Terminal

s oc
ke Security/Control

Socket/Plug identifiers Applications

Socket Socket


Socket Socket


Figure 6 - Socket/Plug Relationship

December, 2000 Software Management 31

5. Software Management
A means of software upgrade shall be supported wherever this is not in conflict
with national legal restrictions. The software upgrade may be facilitated from a
remote site over a network or locally.

Software upgrade may be performed under terminal application control or under

terminal owner or acquirer human control.

When software upgrade is performed under terminal application control, prior to

accepting new software, the terminal shall:

• Verify the identity of the party loading the software, since only software
issued by the terminal manufacturer, owner, or a third party approved by the
owner or acquirer can be loaded in the terminal.

• Verify the integrity of the loaded software.

When both tests are successful, the terminal shall notify the party loading the
software whether the load was successfully performed or not.

To facilitate ICC application upgrade from one version to another, the terminal
should be able to support at least two versions of the ICC application, as
identified by the terminal’s Application Version Numbers.
32 Data Management December, 2000

6. Data Management
The data elements listed in this section shall be initialised in the terminal or
obtainable at the time of a transaction (definitions for these data are in Book 3
Application Specification). There may be additional data elements required for
initialisation, such as those currently used for magnetic stripe processing.

Whenever a data element is initialised or updated, data integrity shall be


Data elements resident in the terminal shall be under the control of one of the
following parties:

• Terminal manufacturer: For example, IFD Serial Number

• Acquirer (or its agent): For example, Merchant Category Code

• Merchant: For example, Local Date and Local Time (these may be controlled
by either the merchant or acquirer)

The terminal shall be constructed in such a way that:

• Terminal Capabilities and Additional Terminal Capabilities are initialised in

the terminal before the terminal is placed in its operational state.

• Terminal Type is initialised in the terminal at the moment of installation.

• Terminal Capabilities, Additional Terminal Capabilities, and Terminal Type

cannot be modified unintentionally or by unauthorised access.

• Whenever the terminal’s capabilities are updated or modified, Terminal

Capabilities, Additional Terminal Capabilities, and Terminal Type are
accurately updated.

The terminal should be constructed in such a way that the data which is under
control of the acquirer is only initialised and updated by the acquirer (or its

6.1 Application Independent Data

The following data elements are application independent and shall be unique to
the terminal (see section 1.3 of this specification for different terminal

• Local Date

• Local Time

• Terminal Country Code

• Transaction Sequence Counter

December, 2000 Data Management 33

The following data elements are application independent and may be specific to
each device constituting the terminal, such as a host concentrating a cluster of
devices (see Figure 2 in Part I of this specification for an example):

• Additional Terminal Capabilities

• IFD Serial Number

• Terminal Capabilities

• Terminal Type

The terminal shall have parameters initialised so that it can identify what
language(s) are supported to process the card’s Language Preference (see section
7.1 of this specification).

6.2 Application Dependent Data

The following data elements are application dependent and, if required, are
specified by individual payment system specifications:

• Acquirer Identifier

• Application Identifier (AID)

• Application Version Number

• Certification Authority Public Key5 (required if terminal supports offline data

authentication and/or offline PIN encipherment)

− Certification Authority Public Key Exponent

− Certification Authority Public Key Modulus

• Certification Authority Public Key Index6 (required if terminal supports

offline data authentication and/or offline PIN encipherment): the key index
in conjunction with the Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID) of
the payment system Application Identifier (AID) identifies the key and the
algorithm for offline data authentication and/or PIN encipherment.

• Default Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object List (DDOL) (required if

terminal supports dynamic data authentication)

• Default Transaction Certificate Data Object List (TDOL) (If not present, a
default TDOL with no data objects in the list shall be assumed)

5 See Book 2 Security and Key Management

6 See Book 2 Security and Key Management

34 Data Management December, 2000

• Maximum Target Percentage to be used for Biased Random Selection

(required if offline terminal with online capability)

• Merchant Category Code

• Merchant Identifier

• Merchant Name and Location

• PIN Pad Secret Keys (required if the PIN pad and IC reader are not an
integrated tamper-evident device or if the terminal supports enciphering
PINs for online verification)7

• Target Percentage to be used for Random Selection (required if offline

terminal with online capability)

• Terminal Action Code - Default, Terminal Action Code - Denial, Terminal

Action Code - Online (required if non-zero values to be used 8)

• Terminal Floor Limit (required if offline terminal or offline terminal with

online capability)

• Terminal Identification

• Terminal Risk Management Data (if required by individual payment system


• Threshold Value for Biased Random Selection (required if offline terminal

with online capability)

• Transaction Currency Code

• Transaction Currency Exponent

• Transaction Reference Currency Code

• Transaction Reference Currency Conversion

• Transaction Reference Currency Exponent

The terminal shall provide the necessary logical key slots to handle the active
and future replacement Certification Authority Public Keys necessary for data
authentication and/or offline PIN encipherment. Each logical key slot shall
contain the following data: RID, Certification Authority Public Key Index,
Certification Authority Public Key.

7 More than one secret key may be needed.

8 According to Book 3 the Application Specification, the default value consists of all bits

set to ‘0’, although ‘Data authentication was not performed’, ‘Static data authentication
failed’, and ‘Dynamic data authentication failed’ bits are strongly recommended to be set
to ‘1’ in the Terminal Action Code - Default and Terminal Action Code - Online.
December, 2000 Data Management 35

When the Certification Authority Public Key is loaded to the terminal, the
terminal shall verify the Certification Authority Public Key Check Sum to detect
a key entry or transmission error. The method for calculating this check sum is
by the terminal-supported Secure Hash Algorithm. If the verification process
fails, the terminal shall not accept the Certification Authority Public Key and, if
operator action is needed, the terminal shall display an error message. After the
Certification Authority Public Key is successfully loaded, the terminal should
store the Certification Authority Public Key Check Sum.

A means for updating data elements specific to payment system applications

shall be supported wherever this is not in conflict with national legal
restrictions. Data update may be facilitated from a remote site over a network
or locally.
36 Data Management December, 2000


Part III
Cardholder, Attendant, and
Acquirer Interface
December, 2000 Cardholder and Attendant Interface 39

7. Cardholder and Attendant Interface

7.1 Language Selection
The terminal shall support at least the local language which is the language of
common usage in the terminal’s locality or region. The messages displayed to
the attendant shall always be in the local language. To display the standard
messages defined in section 7.2, the terminal shall support the relevant
character set defined in the corresponding part of ISO 8859.

Depending on the local environment and business conditions, the terminal

should support multiple languages for displaying the set of messages described
in section 7.2 to the cardholder. A terminal supporting multiple languages may
need additional parts of ISO 8859 to display characters relevant to these

ISO 8859 consists of several parts, each part specifying a set of up to 191
characters coded by means of a single 8-bit byte. Each part is intended for use
for a group of languages. All parts of ISO 8859 contain a common set of 95
characters, coded between ‘20’ (hexadecimal) and ‘7E’ (hexadecimal) as shown in
Annex B. This common character set allows the terminal to display Application
Label(s) and messages in multiple languages using Latin characters without
using diacritic marks (see example in Annex B).

A terminal supporting multiple languages shall compare the card’s Language

Preference with the languages supported in the terminal at the beginning of the

If a match is found, the language with the highest preference shall be used in the
messages displayed to the cardholder. Language Preference is coded so that the
language with the highest preference appears first and the lowest preference
appears last.

If no match is found and the terminal supports more than one language, the
terminal shall allow the cardholder to select the preferred language at the
beginning of the transaction. The messages shall be displayed to the cardholder
in the selected language.

If no match is found or the terminal supports only one language, the terminal
shall display messages in that language.

When a message is displayed to the cardholder as well as the attendant, it

should be displayed to the attendant in the local language and to the cardholder
in the preferred language, if supported.
40 Cardholder and Attendant Interface December, 2000

7.2 Standard Messages9

To ensure consistency in the messages displayed by the terminal and the PIN
pad, the following set of messages (or their equivalent meaning) shall be used in
the languages of preference for the cardholder and attendant.

The messages shall be uniquely identified by a two-character message identifier

as shown below. The message identifier is for identification purposes only and is
not to be displayed to the cardholder or attendant. Values ‘01’ - ‘12’
(hexadecimal) are described below. Values ‘13’ - ‘3F’ (hexadecimal) are reserved
for assignment according to this specification. Values ‘40’ - ‘7F’ (hexadecimal)
are reserved for use by the individual payment systems. Values ‘80’ - ‘BF’
(hexadecimal) are reserved for use by acquirers. Values ‘C0’ - ‘FF’ (hexadecimal)
are reserved for use by issuers.

There may be additional messages displayed for the attendant or cardholder.

Note: messages may be displayed simultaneously, such as ‘Incorrect PIN’ and

‘Enter PIN’.

‘01’ - (AMOUNT)

Indicates the transaction amount to both the cardholder and attendant.

‘02’ - (AMOUNT) OK?

Invites a response from the cardholder indicating agreement or disagreement

with the displayed transaction amount. Agreement or disagreement should be
denoted by pressing the ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ keys, respectively.


Indicates to the cardholder and attendant that the transaction has been


Indicates to the cardholder or attendant to contact the issuer or acquirer, as

appropriate, such as for voice referrals.


When used with the ‘Enter PIN’ message, instructs the cardholder to validate
PIN entry by pressing the ‘Enter’ key or to cancel PIN entry by pressing the
‘Cancel’ key.

9 This specification does not imply that the terminal shall support a set of standard

messages in English.
December, 2000 Cardholder and Attendant Interface 41


Indicates to the cardholder or attendant a malfunction of the card or a non-

conformance to answer-to-reset.


Indicates to the cardholder and attendant that the online or offline authorisation
has not been approved.


Instructs the cardholder at an unattended terminal or the attendant at an

attended terminal to enter the amount of the transaction. Confirmation or
cancellation of amount entry should be denoted by pressing the ‘Enter’ or
‘Cancel’ keys, respectively.

‘09’ - ENTER PIN

Invites the cardholder to enter the PIN for the first and subsequent PIN tries.
An asterisk is displayed for each digit of the PIN entered.


Indicates that the PIN entered by the cardholder does not match the reference


Instructs to insert the ICC into the IFD. Correct insertion should be noted by
displaying the message ‘Please Wait’ to reassure the cardholder or attendant
that the transaction is being processed.


Indicates to the cardholder and attendant that the application is not supported
or there is a restriction on the use of the application, for example, the card has

‘0D’ - PIN OK

Indicates that offline PIN verification was successful.


Indicates to the cardholder and attendant that the transaction is being



Displayed to the cardholder or attendant when the card is removed before the
processing of a transaction is complete or when the transaction is aborted
because of a power failure, or the system or terminal has malfunctioned, such as
communication errors or time-outs.
42 Cardholder and Attendant Interface December, 2000


Instructs to remove the ICC from the IFD.


Instructs to insert ICC into the IC reader of the IFD.


Instructs to insert ICC into the magnetic stripe reader of the terminal after IC
reading fails, when the IC and magnetic stripe readers are not combined.

‘13’ - TRY AGAIN

Invites the cardholder to re-execute the last action performed.

7.3 Application Selection

A terminal shall support explicit application selection as described in Book 1
Application Independent ICC to Terminal Interface Requirements. A terminal
may support application selection using the payment systems directory as
described in Book 1 Application Independent ICC to Terminal Interface

A terminal supporting more than one application should offer the cardholder the
ability to select an application or confirm the selection proposed by the terminal.
Applications supported by both the ICC and the terminal shall be presented to
the cardholder in priority sequence according to the card’s Application Priority
Indicator, if present, with the highest priority listed first.

A terminal allowing cardholder selection or confirmation shall create a list of

ICC applications that are supported by the terminal as described in Book 1
Application Independent ICC to Terminal Interface Requirements and display:

• The Application Preferred Name(s), if present and if the Issuer Code Table
Index indicating the part of ISO 8859 to use is present and supported by the
terminal (as indicated in Additional Terminal Capabilities).

• Otherwise, the Application Label(s), if present, by using the common

character set of ISO 8859 (see Annex B).

A terminal not offering the cardholder the ability to select or confirm a selection
shall determine those applications supported by both the card and the terminal
that may be selected without confirmation of the cardholder according to
Application Priority Indicator, if present. The terminal shall select the
application with the highest priority from those.

If the card returns SW1 SW2 other than ‘9000’ in response to the SELECT
command indicating that the transaction cannot be performed with the selected
December, 2000 Cardholder and Attendant Interface 43

• A terminal allowing cardholder selection or confirmation should display the

‘Try Again’ message and shall present to the cardholder the list of
applications supported by both the ICC and the terminal without this

• A terminal not offering cardholder selection or confirmation shall select the

application with the next highest priority among those supported by both the
ICC and the terminal that may be selected without cardholder confirmation.

If no application can be selected, the terminal should display the ‘Not Accepted’
message and shall terminate the transaction.

The application used for the transaction shall be identified on the transaction
receipt by the partial Application PAN (or the full PAN, if allowed by payment
system rules) and the AID.

7.4 Receipt
Whenever a receipt is provided, it shall contain the AID in addition to the data
required by payment system rules.10 The AID shall be printed as hexadecimal

10 The receipt may contain the partial Application PAN (or full if allowed).
44 Acquirer Interface December, 2000

8. Acquirer Interface
8.1 Message Content
Messages typically flow from the terminal to the acquirer and from the acquirer
to the issuer. Message content may vary from one link to another, with data
being added to enrich the message at the acquirer. To enrich the message, the
acquirer stores static point of transaction data elements11 based on the Merchant
Identifier and/or the Terminal Identifier. These data elements are implicitly
referred to by the Merchant/Terminal Identifier(s) and therefore may be absent
in terminal to acquirer messages.12 In the following sections, this implicit
relationship is indicated by a specific condition: ‘Present if the
Merchant/Terminal Identifier(s) do not implicitly refer to the (data element)’.

Message content may also vary due to data requested by the acquirer but not the
issuer, such as for transaction capture or audit. The ICC stored data elements
are implicitly known by the issuer13 based on the AID and/or PAN and therefore
may be absent in acquirer to issuer messages. In the following sections, this
implicit relationship is indicated by a specific condition: ‘Present if requested by
the acquirer’.

Data requirements may differ depending on terminal operational control, which

is recognised through a specific condition: ‘Present for Terminal Type = xx’. For
example, Merchant Identifier is provided only for a merchant-controlled terminal
(Terminal Type = ‘2x’).

An authorisation message shall be used when transactions are batch data

captured. A financial transaction message shall be used when online data
capture is performed by the acquirer. An offline advice shall be conveyed within
batch data capture when supported. An online advice or a reversal message
shall be transmitted real-time, similarly to an authorisation or financial
transaction message.

This section describes requirements associated with ICC transactions and

distinguishes between new data elements and existing data elements used for
magnetic stripe transactions. Data elements referred to as existing are those
defined in ISO 8583:1987, though actual terminal message contents are usually
specific to (each of) the acquiring system(s) to which the terminal is connected.

11 These data elements indicate point of transaction acceptance characteristics that rarely

change, such as Merchant Category Code, Acquirer Identifier, or Terminal Country Code.

At a minimum, all data listed in the Card Risk Management Data Object Lists and the

TDOL shall be available at the point of transaction.

13 These data elements reflect card acceptance conditions and restrictions that rarely

change, such as Application Interchange Profile, Application Usage Control, or Issuer

Action Codes.
December, 2000 Acquirer Interface 45

Data elements marked with an asterisk are the minimum set of data elements to
be supported in authorisation request and response messages, as well as clearing
messages, for ICC transactions.

For informational purposes, Annex C describes an example for conversion into

message data elements.

8.1.1 Authorisation Request

An authorisation request should convey the data elements contained in Table 1
and Table 2 subject to the specified conditions.

Table 1 contains the new data elements specifically created for an ICC

Data Element Condition

Application Interchange
Profile *

Application Transaction
Counter *


Cryptogram Information
Data *

CVM Results

IFD Serial Number Present if Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to IFD
Serial Number

Issuer Application Data * Present if provided by ICC in GENERATE AC command


Terminal Capabilities

Terminal Type

Terminal Verification
Results *

Unpredictable Number* Present if input to application cryptogram calculation

Table 1 - New Authorisation Request Data Elements

Table 2 contains existing data elements necessary for an ICC transaction.

46 Acquirer Interface December, 2000

Data Element Condition

Acquirer Identifier Present for Terminal Type = ‘1x’ or ‘2x’ if Merchant Identifier
or Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to a single

Amount, Authorised *

Amount, Other * Present if cashback used for current transaction

Application Effective Present if in ICC


Application Expiration Present if not in Track 2 Equivalent Data


Application PAN * Present if not in Track 2 Equivalent Data

Application PAN Present if in ICC

Sequence Number *

Enciphered PIN Data Present if CVM performed is ‘enciphered PIN for online

Merchant Category Code Present for Terminal Type = ‘2x’ if Merchant Identifier or
Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to a single
merchant category

Merchant Identifier Present for Terminal Type = ‘2x’ if Terminal Identifier does not
implicitly refer to a single merchant

POS Entry Mode

Terminal Country Code *

Terminal Identifier

Track 2 Equivalent Data Present if in ICC

Transaction Currency
Code *

Transaction Date *

Transaction Time Present if Terminal Type = ‘x2’, ‘x3’, ‘x5’, or ‘x6’

Transaction Type *

Table 2 - Existing Authorisation Request Data Elements

8.1.2 Financial Transaction Request

A financial transaction request should convey the data elements contained in
Table 3 and Table 4 subject to the specified conditions.
December, 2000 Acquirer Interface 47

Table 3 contains the new data elements created specifically for an ICC

Data Element Condition

Application Interchange
Profile *
Application Transaction
Counter *
Application Usage Present if requested by acquirer


Cryptogram Information
Data *
CVM List Present if requested by acquirer
CVM Results
IFD Serial Number Present if Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to IFD
Serial Number
Issuer Action Code - Present if requested by acquirer
Issuer Action Code - Present if requested by acquirer
Issuer Action Code - Present if requested by acquirer
Issuer Application Data * Present if provided by ICC in GENERATE AC command
Terminal Capabilities
Terminal Type
Terminal Verification
Results *
Unpredictable Number * Present if input to application cryptogram calculation

Table 3 - New Financial Transaction Request Data Elements

Table 4 contains existing data elements necessary for an ICC transaction.

48 Acquirer Interface December, 2000

Data Element Condition

Acquirer Identifier Present for Terminal Type = ‘1x’ or ‘2x’ if Merchant Identifier
or Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to a single

Amount, Authorised * Present if final transaction amount is different from

authorised amount

Amount, Other * Present if cashback used for current transaction

Application Effective Present if in ICC


Application Expiration Present if not in Track 2 Equivalent Data


Application PAN * Present if not in Track 2 Equivalent Data

Application PAN Present if in ICC

Sequence Number *

Enciphered PIN Data Present if CVM performed is ‘Enciphered PIN for online

Issuer Country Code Present if requested by acquirer

Merchant Category Code Present for Terminal Type = ‘2x’ if Merchant Identifier or
Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to a single
merchant category

Merchant Identifier Present for Terminal Type = ‘2x’ if Terminal Identifier does not
implicitly refer to a single merchant

POS Entry Mode

Terminal Country Code *

Terminal Identifier

Track 2 Equivalent Data Present if in ICC

Transaction Amount *

Transaction Currency
Code *

Transaction Date *

Transaction Time Present if Terminal Type = ‘x2’, ‘x3’, ‘x5’, or ‘x6’

Transaction Type *
December, 2000 Acquirer Interface 49

Table 4 - Existing Financial Transaction Request Data Elements

8.1.3 Authorisation or Financial Transaction Response

Authorisation and financial transaction responses should convey the data
elements contained in Table 5 and Table 6 subject to the specified conditions:

Table 5 contains the new data elements specifically created for an ICC

Data Element Condition

Issuer Authentication Present if online issuer authentication performed

Data *

Issuer Script * Present if commands to ICC are sent by issuer

• Issuer Script
Template 1

• Issuer Script
Template 2

Table 5 - New Authorisation or Financial Transaction Response Data Elements

Table 6 contains existing data elements necessary for an ICC transaction.

Data Element Condition

Acquirer Identifier Present for Terminal Type = ‘1x’ or ‘2x’ if in request message

Amount, Authorised

Authorisation Code Present if transaction is approved

Authorisation Response

Terminal Identifier

Transaction Date

Transaction Time

Table 6 - Existing Authorisation or Financial Transaction Response Data

50 Acquirer Interface December, 2000

8.1.4 Financial Transaction Confirmation

A financial transaction confirmation should convey the data elements contained
in Table 7 and Table 8 subject to the specified conditions.

Table 7 contains the new data elements specifically created for an ICC

Data Element Condition

Issuer Script Results Present if script commands to ICC are delivered by terminal


Table 7 - New Financial Transaction Confirmation Data Elements

Table 8 contains existing data elements necessary for an ICC transaction.

Data Element Condition

Terminal Identifier

Table 8 - Existing Financial Transaction Confirmation Data Elements

8.1.5 Batch Data Capture

Batch data capture should convey the data elements contained in Table 9 and
Table 10 subject to the specified conditions. Message Type is used to distinguish
between an offline advice and a financial record.
December, 2000 Acquirer Interface 51

Table 9 contains the new data elements specifically created for an ICC

Data Element Condition

Application Interchange
Profile *
Application Transaction
Counter *
Application Usage Present if requested by acquirer
Cryptogram Information
Data *
CVM List Present if requested by acquirer
CVM Results
IFD Serial Number Present if Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to IFD
Serial Number
Issuer Action Code - Present if requested by acquirer
Issuer Action Code - Present if requested by acquirer
Issuer Action Code - Present if requested by acquirer
Issuer Application Data * Present if provided by ICC in GENERATE AC command
Issuer Script Results Present if script commands to ICC are delivered by terminal
Terminal Capabilities
Terminal Type
Terminal Verification
Results *
TC/ARQC or AAC * ARQC may be used as TC substitute
Unpredictable Number * Present if input to application cryptogram calculation

Table 9 - New Batch Data Capture Data Elements

52 Acquirer Interface December, 2000

Table 10 contains existing data elements necessary for an ICC transaction.

Data Element Condition

Acquirer Identifier Present if for Terminal Type = ‘1x’ or ‘2x’ Merchant Identifier
or Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to a single

Amount, Authorised * Present if final transaction amount is different from

authorised amount

Amount, Other * Present if cashback used for current transaction

Application Effective Present if in ICC


Application Expiration

Application PAN *

Application PAN Present if in ICC

Sequence Number *

Authorisation Code Present if transaction is approved

Authorisation Response

Issuer Country Code Present if requested by acquirer

Merchant Category Code Present for Terminal Type = ‘2x’ if Merchant Identifier or
Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to a single
merchant category

Merchant Identifier Present for Terminal Type = ‘2x’ if Terminal Identifier does not
implicitly refer to a single merchant

Message Type

POS Entry Mode

Terminal Country Code *

Terminal Identifier

Transaction Amount *

Transaction Currency Present if Merchant Identifier or Terminal Identifier does not

Code * implicitly refer to a single transaction currency accepted at
point of transaction
December, 2000 Acquirer Interface 53

Transaction Date *

Transaction Time

Transaction Type *

Table 10 - Existing Batch Data Capture Data Elements

8.1.6 Reconciliation
A reconciliation should convey the existing data elements necessary for ICC
transactions and subject to the specified conditions.

Data Element Condition

Acquirer Identifier Present for Terminal Type = ‘1x’ or ‘2x’ if Merchant Identifier
or Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to a single
Amount, Net
Merchant Identifier Present for Terminal Type = ‘2x’ if Terminal Identifier
implicitly does not refer to a single merchant
Reconciliation Currency Present if Merchant Identifier or Terminal Identifier does not
Code implicitly refer to a single transaction currency accepted at
point of transaction
Terminal Identifier
Transactions Number
(per transaction type)
Transactions Amount
(per transaction type)

Table 11 - Existing Reconciliation Data Elements

54 Acquirer Interface December, 2000

8.1.7 Online Advice

An online advice should convey the data elements contained in Tables 12 and 13
subject to the specified conditions.

Table 12 contains the new data elements specifically created for an ICC

Data Element Condition

Application Interchange

Application Transaction

Cryptogram Information

CVM Results

IFD Serial Number Present if Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to IFD
Serial Number

Issuer Application Data Present if provided by ICC in GENERATE AC command


Issuer Script Results Present if script commands to ICC are delivered by terminal

Terminal Capabilities

Terminal Type

Terminal Verification


Unpredictable Number Present if input to application cryptogram calculation

Table 12 - New Online Advice Data Elements

December, 2000 Acquirer Interface 55

Table 13 contains existing data elements necessary for an ICC transaction.

Data Element Condition

Acquirer Identifier Present for Terminal Type = ‘1x’ or ‘2x’ if Merchant Identifier
or Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to a single
Amount, Authorised Present if final transaction amount is different from
authorised amount
Application Effective Present if in ICC
Application Expiration Present if not in Track 2 Equivalent Data
Application PAN Present if not in Track 2 Equivalent Data
Application PAN Present if in ICC
Sequence Number
Authorisation Response
Merchant Category Code Present for Terminal Type = ‘2x’ if Merchant Identifier or
Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to a single
merchant category
Merchant Identifier Present for Terminal Type = ‘2x’ if Terminal Identifier does not
implicitly refer to a single merchant
POS Entry Mode

Terminal Country Code Present if Terminal Identifier or IFD Serial Number does not
implicitly refer to a single terminal country

Terminal Identifier
Track 2 Equivalent Data Present if in ICC
Transaction Amount

Transaction Currency Present if Merchant Identifier or Terminal Identifier does not

Code implicitly refer to a single transaction currency accepted at
point of transaction

Transaction Date
Transaction Time Present if Terminal Type = ‘x2’, ‘x3’, ‘x5, or ‘x6’
Transaction Type

Table 13 - Existing Online Advice Data Elements

56 Acquirer Interface December, 2000

8.1.8 Reversal
A reversal should convey the data elements contained in Table 14 and Table 15
subject to the specified conditions.

Table 14 contains the new data elements specifically created for an ICC

Data Element Condition

Application Interchange

Application Transaction

IFD Serial Number Present if Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to IFD
Serial Number

Issuer Application Data Present if provided by ICC in GENERATE AC command


Issuer Script Results Present if script commands to ICC are delivered by terminal

Terminal Capabilities

Terminal Type

Terminal Verification

Table 14 - New Reversal Data Elements

December, 2000 Acquirer Interface 57

Table 15 contains existing data elements necessary for an ICC transaction.

Data Element Condition

Acquirer Identifier Present for Terminal Type = ‘1x’ or ‘2x’ if Merchant Identifier
or Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to a single
Application Expiration Present if not in Track 2 Equivalent Data
Application PAN Present if not in Track 2 Equivalent Data
Application PAN Present if in ICC
Sequence Number
Authorisation Response
Merchant Category Code Present for Terminal Type = ‘2x’ if Merchant Identifier or
Terminal Identifier does not implicitly refer to a single
merchant category
Merchant Identifier Present for Terminal Type = ‘2x’ if Terminal Identifier does not
implicitly refer to a single merchant
Original Data Elements Present if available at terminal
POS Entry Mode

Terminal Country Code Present if Terminal Identifier or IFD Serial Number does not
implicitly refer to a single terminal country

Terminal Identifier
Track 2 Equivalent Data Present if in ICC
Transaction Amount

Transaction Currency Present if Merchant Identifier or Terminal Identifier does not

Code implicitly refer to a single transaction currency accepted at
point of transaction

Transaction Date
Transaction Time Present if Terminal Type = ‘x2’, ‘x3’, ‘x5, or ‘x6’
Transaction Type

Table 15 - Existing Reversal Data Elements

58 Acquirer Interface December, 2000

8.2 Exception Handling

This section describes exception conditions that may occur during real-time
authorisation, financial transaction, or online advice and the associated actions
the terminal shall perform.

In this section, the term ‘authorisation’ applies to authorisation messages as well

as financial transaction messages.

8.2.1 Unable to Go Online

During transaction processing, the terminal may send an authorisation request
to the acquirer due to at least one of the following conditions:

• Online-only terminal type

• Attendant action (for example, merchant suspicious of cardholder)

• Terminal risk management parameters set by the acquirer

• Terminal action analysis in comparing Terminal Verification Results with

Issuer Action Code - Online (see the Book 3 Application Specification)

• Card action analysis via its response to the first GENERATE AC command:
Cryptogram Information Data indicates ARQC returned (see Book 3
Application Specification.)

If the terminal is unable to process the transaction online, as described in Book 3

Application Specification, the terminal shall compare the Terminal Verification
Results with both Terminal Action Code - Default and Issuer Action Code -
Default to determine whether to accept or decline the transaction offline and
shall issue the second GENERATE AC command to the ICC indicating its

• If the terminal accepts the transaction, it shall set the Authorisation

Response Code to ‘Unable to go online, offline accepted’.

• If the terminal declines the transaction, it shall set the Authorisation

Response Code to ‘Unable to go online, offline declined’.

The result of card risk management performed by the ICC is made known to the
terminal through the return of the Cryptogram Information Data indicating
either a TC for an approval or an AAC for a decline.

8.2.2 Downgraded Authorisation

When the authorisation response received by the terminal does not contain the
Issuer Authentication Data, the terminal shall not execute the EXTERNAL
AUTHENTICATE command and shall set the ‘Issuer authentication was
performed’ bit in the Transaction Status Information to ‘0’, as described in Book
December, 2000 Acquirer Interface 59

3 Application Specification. The terminal shall continue processing based on

the Authorisation Response Code returned in the response message as described
in section 2.3.6 of this specification.

Note: If the acquirer or the intermediate network is unable to support ICC

messages, the terminal should send messages compliant with current payment
system specifications. Payment systems will determine compliance
requirements for message content.

8.2.3 Authorisation Response Incidents

The authorisation response may not be correctly received by the terminal. The
following incidents may occur:

• Response not received or received too late (for example, network failure,

• Response with invalid format or syntax

• Request not received by the authorisation host (for example, network failure)

After repeat(s) of the authorisation request, the terminal shall process the
transaction as being unable to go online. As described in Book 3 Application
Specification, the terminal shall compare the Terminal Verification Results with
both Terminal Action Code - Default and Issuer Action Code - Default to
determine whether to accept or decline the transaction offline and shall issue the
second GENERATE AC command to the ICC indicating its decision:

• If the terminal accepts the transaction, it shall set the Authorisation

Response Code to ‘Unable to go online, offline accepted’.

• If the terminal declines the transaction, it shall set the Authorisation

Response Code to ‘Unable to go online, offline declined’.

The result of card risk management performed by the ICC is made known to the
terminal through the return of the Cryptogram Information Data indicating
either a TC for an approval or an AAC for a decline.

When online data capture is performed by the acquirer, the terminal shall send a
reversal message regardless of the final decision on the transaction (to ensure
that if the authorisation host received a request and sent a response, the
transaction is cancelled). If the transaction is finally approved offline (TC
returned by the ICC), the terminal shall create a financial record to be forwarded
to the acquirer.

8.2.4 Script Incidents

The Issuer Script may not be correctly processed. The following incidents may

• Script length error: The response message contains one (or more) Issuer
Script(s) whose cumulative total length is larger than the script length
supported by the network or terminal.
60 Acquirer Interface December, 2000

• Script with incorrect format or syntax: The terminal is unable to correctly

parse the Issuer Script(s) into single Script Commands, as specified in Book 3
Application Specification.

If either of these incidents occur, the terminal shall terminate the processing of
the Issuer Script in which the incident occurred, shall read if possible the Script
Identifier (when present) and shall report it as not performed in the Issuer
Script Results of the financial transaction confirmation or batch data capture
message. The terminal shall continue processing any subsequent Issuer Script.

8.2.5 Advice Incidents

If the terminal is unable to create an advice when requested by the card in the
Cryptogram Information Data returned in the response to the GENERATE AC
command as described in section 2.3.7, of this specification, the terminal shall
terminate the transaction.
December, 2000 Annex A - Coding of Terminal Data Elements 63

Annex A - Coding of Terminal Data Elements

This annex provides the coding for the Terminal Type, Terminal Capabilities,
Additional Terminal Capabilities, CVM Results, Issuer Script Results, and
Authorisation Response Code.

Coding of data (bytes or bits) indicated as RFU shall be ‘0’.

Neither the terminal nor the card shall check the data indicated as RFU.

A1. Terminal Type

Operational Control Provided By:

Environment Financial Merchant Cardholder14



Online only 11 21 --

Offline with online 12 22 --


Offline only 13 23 --


Online only 14 24 34

Offline with online 15 25 35


Offline only 16 26 36

Table 16 - Terminal Type

Terminal Types ‘14’, ‘15’, and ‘16’ with cash disbursement capability (Additional
Terminal Capabilities, byte 1, ‘cash’ bit = ‘1’) are considered to be ATMs. All
other Terminal Types are not considered to be ATMs.

14 For the purpose of this specification, an attended cardholder-controlled terminal is

considered to be a nonexistent category.

64 Annex A -Coding of Terminal Data Elements December, 2000

Examples of terminal types are:

• Attended and controlled by financial institution: Branch terminal

• Attended and controlled by merchant: Electronic cash register, portable POS

terminal, stand-alone POS terminal, host concentrating POS terminal

• Unattended and controlled by financial institution: ATM, banking automat

• Unattended and controlled by merchant: Automated fuel dispenser, pay

telephone, ticket dispenser, vending machine

• Unattended and controlled by cardholder: Home terminal, personal

computer, screen telephone, Payphones, Digital interactive Television / Set
Top Boxes.

See Annex E for more detailed examples.

December, 2000 Annex A - Coding of Terminal Data Elements 65

A2. Terminal Capabilities

In the tables, a ‘1’ means that if that bit has the value ‘1’, the corresponding
‘meaning’ applies. An ‘x’ means that the bit does not apply

Byte 1: Card Data Input Capability

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning

1 x x x x x x x Manual key entry

x 1 x x x x x x Magnetic stripe

x x 1 x x x x x IC with contacts

x x x 0 x x x x RFU

x x x x 0 x x x RFU

x x x x x 0 x x RFU

x x x x x x 0 x RFU

x x x x x x x 0 RFU

Table 17 - Terminal Capabilities

66 Annex A -Coding of Terminal Data Elements December, 2000

Byte 2: CVM Capability

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning

1 x x x x x x x Plaintext PIN for ICC


x 1 x x x x x x Enciphered PIN for online


x x 1 x x x x x Signature (paper)

x x x 1 x x x x Enciphered PIN for offline


x x x x 0 x x x RFU

x x x x x 0 x x RFU

x x x x x x 0 x RFU

x x x x x x x 0 RFU

Table 17 - Terminal Capabilities

If the terminal supports a CVM of signature, the terminal shall be an attended

terminal (Terminal Type = ‘x1’, ‘x2’, or ‘x3’) and shall support a printer
(Additional Terminal Capabilities, byte 4, ‘Print, attendant’ bit = ‘1’).
December, 2000 Annex A - Coding of Terminal Data Elements 67

Byte 3: Security Capability

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning

1 x x x x x x x Static data authentication

x 1 x x x x x x Dynamic data

x x 1 x x x x x Card capture

x x x 1 x x x x Combined Dynamic Data

Cryptogram Generation

x x x x 0 x x x RFU

x x x x x 0 x x RFU

x x x x x x 0 x RFU

x x x x x x x 0 RFU

Table 17 - Terminal Capabilities

68 Annex A -Coding of Terminal Data Elements December, 2000

A3. Additional Terminal Capabilities

In the tables, a ‘1’ means that if that bit has the value ‘1’, the corresponding
‘meaning’ applies. An ‘x’ means that the bit does not apply

Byte 1: Transaction Type Capability

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning

1 x x x x x x x Cash

x 1 x x x x x x Goods

x x 1 x x x x x Services

x x x 1 x x x x Cashback

x x x x 1 x x x Inquiry15

x x x x x 1 x x Transfer16

x x x x x x 1 x Payment17

x x x x x x x 1 Administrative

Table 18 - Additional Terminal Capabilities

15 For the purpose of this specification, an inquiry is a request for information about one

of the cardholder’s accounts.

16For the purpose of this specification, a transfer is a movement of funds by a cardholder

from one of its accounts to another of the cardholder’s accounts, both of which are held by
the same financial institution.

17 For the purpose of this specification, a payment is a movement of funds from a

cardholder account to another party, for example, a utility bill payment.

December, 2000 Annex A - Coding of Terminal Data Elements 69

Byte 2: Transaction Type Capability, continued

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning

0 x x x x x x x RFU

x 0 x x x x x x RFU

x x 0 x x x x x RFU

x x x 0 x x x x RFU

x x x x 0 x x x RFU

x x x x x 0 x x RFU

x x x x x x 0 x RFU

x x x x x x x 0 RFU

Table 18 - Additional Terminal Capabilities

70 Annex A -Coding of Terminal Data Elements December, 2000

Byte 3: Terminal Data Input Capability

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning

1 x x x x x x x Numeric keys

x 1 x x x x x x Alphabetic and special

characters keys

x x 1 x x x x x Command keys

x x x 1 x x x x Function keys

x x x x 0 x x x RFU

x x x x x 0 x x RFU

x x x x x x 0 x RFU

x x x x x x x 0 RFU

Table 18 - Additional Terminal Capabilities

December, 2000 Annex A - Coding of Terminal Data Elements 71

Byte 4: Terminal Data Output Capability18

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning

1 x x x x x x x Print, attendant

x 1 x x x x x x Print, cardholder

x x 1 x x x x x Display, attendant

x x x 1 x x x x Display, cardholder

x x x x 0 x x x RFU

x x x x x 0 x x RFU

x x x x x x 1 x Code table 10

x x x x x x x 1 Code table 9

Table 18 - Additional Terminal Capabilities

The code table number refers to the corresponding part of ISO 8859.

18 If the terminal is attended (Terminal Type = ‘x1’, ‘x2’, or ‘x3’) and there is only one

printer, the ‘Print, attendant’ bit shall be set to ‘1’ and the ‘Print, cardholder’ bit shall be
set to ‘0’.

If the terminal is attended and there is only one display, the ‘Display, attendant’ bit shall
be set to ‘1’ and the ‘Display, cardholder’ bit shall be set to ‘0’.

If the terminal is unattended (Terminal Type = ‘x4’, ‘x5’, or ‘x6’), the ‘Print, attendant’ and
‘Display, attendant’ bits shall be set to ‘0’.
72 Annex A -Coding of Terminal Data Elements December, 2000

Byte 5: Terminal Data Output Capability, continued

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning

1 x x x x x x x Code table 8

x 1 x x x x x x Code table 7

x x 1 x x x x x Code table 6

x x x 1 x x x x Code table 5

x x x x 1 x x x Code table 4

x x x x x 1 x x Code table 3

x x x x x x 1 x Code table 2

x x x x x x x 1 Code table 1

Table 18 - Additional Terminal Capabilities

December, 2000 Annex A - Coding of Terminal Data Elements 73

A4. CVM Results

Byte 1: CVM Performed

Last CVM of the CVM List actually performed by the terminal: One-byte
CVM Code of the CVM List as defined in Book 3 Application Specification
(‘3F’ if no CVM is performed)

Byte 2: CVM Condition

One-byte CVM Condition Code of the CVM List as defined in Book 3

Application Specification

Byte 3: CVM Result

Result of the (last) CVM performed as known by the terminal:

‘0’ = Unknown (for example, for signature)

‘1’ = Failed (for example, for offline PIN)
‘2’ = Successful (for example, for offline PIN)

A5. Issuer Script Results

Byte 1: Script Result

First nibble: Result of the Issuer Script processing performed by the


‘0’ = Script not performed

‘1’ = Script processing failed
‘2’ = Script processing successful

Second nibble: Sequence number of the Script Command

‘0’ = Not specified

‘1’ to ‘E’ = Sequence number from 1 to 14
‘F’ = Sequence number of 15 or above

Bytes 2-5: Script Identifier

Script Identifier of the Issuer Script received by the terminal, if available,

zero filled if not. Mandatory if more than one Issuer Script was received by
the terminal.

Bytes 1-5 are repeated for each Issuer Script processed by the terminal.
74 Annex A -Coding of Terminal Data Elements December, 2000

A6. Authorisation Response Code

When transmitted to the card, the Authorisation Response Code obtained from
the authorisation response message shall include at least the following:

• Online approved

• Online declined

• Referral (initiated by issuer)

• Capture card

In addition, the terminal shall be able to generate and transmit to the card the
following new response codes when transactions are not authorised online:

Response Code Value

Offline approved Y1

Offline declined Z1

Approval (after card-initiated referral) Y2

Decline (after card-initiated referral) Z2

Unable to go online, offline approved Y3

Unable to go online, offline declined Z3

Table 19 - Response Codes

The terminal shall never modify the Authorisation Response Code returned in
the response message19.

19 The card’s final decision is reflected in the Cryptogram Information Data and not in the

Authorisation Response Code.

December, 2000 Annex B - Common Character Set 75

Annex B - Common Character Set

The character set common to all parts of ISO 8859 is as shown in Table 20:

b8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b7 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

b6 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

b5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

b4 b3 b2 b1 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
0 0 0 0 00 SP 0 @ P ‘ p
0 0 0 1 01 ! 1 A Q a q
0 0 1 0 02 “ 2 B R b r
0 0 1 1 03 # 3 C S c s
0 1 0 0 04 $ 4 D T d t
0 1 0 1 05 % 5 E U e u
0 1 1 0 06 & 6 F V f v
0 1 1 1 07 ‘ 7 G W g w
1 0 0 0 08 ( 8 H X h x
1 0 0 1 09 ) 9 I Y i y
1 0 1 0 10 * : J Z j z
1 0 1 1 11 + ; K [ k {
1 1 0 0 12 , < L \ l |
1 1 0 1 13 - = M ] m }
1 1 1 0 14 . > N ^ n ~
1 1 1 1 15 / ? O _ o

Table 20 - Common Character Set

The following is an example of the use of the common character set to display the
‘Approved’ message in French without supporting the part of ISO 8859 that allows the
relevant diacritic marks to be displayed.
76 Annex B - Common Character Set December, 2000

If the terminal supports Part 1 of ISO 8859 (the Latin 1 alphabet) and supports the
display of the standard messages in French, when a card indicates in its Language
Preference that French is the preferred language, the terminal can display the
‘Approved’ message as ‘Accepté’, using the appropriate diacritic marks.

If the terminal does not support Part 1 of ISO 8859 (the Latin alphabet) but supports
Part 8 (the Hebrew alphabet), the terminal is still able to support the display of the
standard messages in French by using the common character set. When a card
indicates in its Language Preference that French is the preferred language, the
terminal can display the ‘Approved’ message as ‘Accepte’, without the use of diacritic
marks. The cardholder should be able to comprehend the message.
December, 2000 Annex C - Example of Data Element Conversion 77

Annex C - Example of Data Element Conversion

For the data elements listed in section 8.2 of this specification, the following table
illustrates an example of the relationship between:

• The ICC-related data described in Book 3 Application Specification and the

terminal-related data described in this specification.

• The data transmitted in messages as defined in ISO 8583:1987 and bit 55 from ISO

This does not imply that ISO 8583 is required as the message standard.

Tag ICC Data Bit Message Data Name

‘9F01’ Acquirer Identifier 32 Acquiring Institution

Identification Code

‘9F02’ Amount, Authorised 4 Amount, Transaction

or ‘81’ (authorisation)

30 Amount, Original
Transaction (batch data
capture, financial

‘9F04’ Amount, Other 54 Additional Amounts


‘9F26’ AAC 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘5F25’ Application Effective Date see Date, Effective (YYMM only)

note 1

‘5F24’ Application Expiration Date 14 Date, Expiration (YYMM


‘82’ Application Interchange Profile 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘5A’ Application PAN 2 PAN

‘5F34’ Application PAN Sequence Number 23 Card Sequence Number

‘9F36’ Application Transaction Counter 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘9F07’ Application Usage Control 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘9F28’ ARQC 55 ICC System-Related Data

78 Annex C - Example of Data Element Conversion December, 2000

Tag ICC Data Bit Message Data Name

‘89’ Authorisation Code 38 Authorisation Identification


‘8A’ Authorisation Response Code 39 Response Code

‘9F27’ Cryptogram Information Data 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘8E’ CVM List 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘9F34’ CVM Results 55 ICC System-Related Data

-- Enciphered PIN Data 52 PIN Data

‘9F1E’ IFD Serial Number see Card Accepting Device (CAD)

note 2 Management

‘9F0D’ Issuer Action Code - Default 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘9F0E’ Issuer Action Code - Denial 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘9F0F’ Issuer Action Code - Online 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘BF10' Issuer Application Data 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘91’ Issuer Authentication Data 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘5F28’ Issuer Country Code 20 Country Code, PAN


‘71’ or Issuer Script Template 1 or 2 55 ICC System-Related Data


-- Issuer Script Results 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘9F15’ Merchant Category Code 18 Merchant Type

‘9F16’ Merchant Identifier 42 Card Acceptor Identification

‘9F39’ POS Entry Mode 22 POS Entry Mode (pos. 1-2)

‘5F30’ Service Code 40 Service Code

‘9F33’ Terminal Capabilities see CAD Management

note 2
December, 2000 Annex C - Example of Data Element Conversion 79

Tag ICC Data Bit Message Data Name

‘9F1A’ Terminal Country Code 19 Acquiring Institution

Country Code

43 CAD Acceptor
Name/Location (if
terminal/acquirer countries
are different)

‘9F1C’ Terminal Identification 41 Card Acceptor Terminal


‘9F35’ Terminal Type see CAD Management

note 2

‘95’ Terminal Verification Results 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘57’ Track 2 Equivalent Data 35 Track 2 Data

-- Transaction Amount 4 Amount, Transaction

‘9F29’ Transaction Certificate 55 ICC System-Related Data

‘5F2A’ Transaction Currency Code 49 Currency Code, Transaction

‘9A’ Transaction Date 13 Date, Local Transaction

(MMDD only)

‘9F21’ Transaction Time 12 Time, Local Transaction

‘9C’ Transaction Type 3 Processing Code (pos. 1-2)

‘9F37’ Unpredictable Number 55 ICC System-Related Data

Table 21 - Data Element Conversion

Note 1: Only defined in ISO 8583:1993

Note 2: Only defined in additional/private data element of ISO 8583:1987 or ISO
80 Annex C - Example of Data Element Conversion December, 2000


December, 2000 Annex D - Informative Terminal Guidelines 81

Annex D - Informative Terminal Guidelines

D1. Terminal Usage
In view of the installation of terminals within a various number of environments and
locations, it is recognised that throughout the world different attempts have been made
to group the relevant guidelines into different categories:

• Climatological conditions where the terminal is used (climatisation, outdoor, indoor)

• Mechanical conditions (such as vibration, shocks, drop-tests)

• Electronic restrictions (such as isolation, security, penetration)

The guidelines have been documented in industry standards established in Europe and
the United States (see Annex D5 for informative references).

D2. Power Supply

D2.1 External Power Supply
The power supply provides the required voltage and current to all components of the
terminal. The power supply should complies with the relevant national safety

D2.2 Battery Requirements

An internal battery is used to prevent loss of sensitive data residing in the terminal in
case of power supply breakdown.

For portable terminals, the battery caters for the support of the necessary terminal
functions (see the Application Independent ICC to Terminal Interface Requirements –
Book 1 for power/current requirements).

Further power consumption reduction can be foreseen by energising the terminal

automatically at card insertion.

D3. Key Pad

To prevent that characters printed on the keys of the key pad from becoming illegible
after a while, precautions should be taken so that they:

• Have wear-resistant lettering

• Are able to function in normal operating environment including resistance to soft

drink spills, alcohol, detergents, gasoline, etc.

• When operated as outdoor terminals, can resist the temperature ranges commonly
82 Annex D - Informative Terminal Guidelines December, 2000

D4. Display
To cater for the visually disabled people, characters on the display are visible in all
lighting conditions (bright overhead or dim diffuse light) and the size of the characters
is large enough to be read from a distance of 1 meter.

D5. Informative References

IEC 950:1991 Safety of information technology equipment,
including electrical business equipment, second
edition. (Amendment 1-1992) (Amendment 2-1993)

IEC 801-2:1991 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-

process measurement and control equipment - Part
2: Electrostatic discharge requirements, second

IEC 802-3:1984 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-

process measurement and control equipment - Part
3: Radiated electromagnetic field requirements,
first edition

IEC 801-4:1988 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-

process measurement and control equipment - Part
4: Electrical fast transient/burst requirements,
first edition

IEC 68-2-5:1975 Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2:

Tests - test Sa: Simulated solar radiation at ground
level, first edition

IEC 68-2-6:1982 Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2:

Tests - test Fc and guidance: Vibration (sinusoidal),
fifth edition. (Amendment 1: 1983) (Amendment 2:

IEC 68-2-11:1981 Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2:

Tests - test Ka: Salt mist, third edition

IEC 68-2-27:1987 Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2:

Tests - Guidance for damp heat tests, third edition

IEC 68-2-32:1975 Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2:

Tests - test Ed: Free fall, second edition.
(Amendment 2-1990 incorporating Amendment 1)

EN 60-950:1988 Safety of information technology equipment

including electrical business equipment

EN 41003:1993 Particular safety requirements for equipment to be

connected to telecommunication networks
December, 2000 Annex D - Informative Terminal Guidelines 83

UL 1950:1993 Safety of information technology equipment

including electrical business equipment

NF C 20-010:1992 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP


NF C 98-310:1989 Financial transaction terminals20

NF C 98-020:1986 Telephone and telematic equipment.

Electromagnetic compatibility

20 This standard applies only to stand-alone terminals.

84 Annex D - Informative Terminal Guidelines December, 2000


December 2000 Annex E - Examples of Terminals 85

Annex E - Examples of Terminals

For informational purposes only, this annex provides some examples of the physical and
functional characteristics of terminals. Each example describes the setting of Terminal
Type, Terminal Capabilities, and Additional Terminal Capabilities according to the
specific terminal characteristics. This annex does not establish any requirements as

E1. Example 1 - POS Terminal or Electronic Cash Register

Characteristics Example 1


Key pad Attendant key pad (numeric and function

keys) + PIN pad

Display One for attendant

One for cardholder

Printer Yes for attendant

Magnetic stripe reader Yes

IC reader Yes


Language selection Supports part 1 of ISO 8859

Transaction type Goods, cashback

Static data authentication Yes

Cardholder verification Offline PIN, signature

Card capture No

Online capable Yes

Offline capable Yes

Table 22 - Example of POS Terminal or Electronic Cash Register

86 Annex E - Examples of Terminals December 2000

The coding of the Terminal-Related Data for this example is the following:

• Terminal Type = ‘22’

• Terminal Capabilities, byte 1 = ‘E0’ (hexadecimal)

byte 2 = ‘A0’ (hexadecimal)
byte 3 = ‘80’ (hexadecimal)

• Additional Terminal Capabilities, byte 1 = ‘50’ (hexadecimal)

byte 2 = ‘00’ (hexadecimal)
byte 3 = ‘B0’ (hexadecimal)
byte 4 = ‘B0’ (hexadecimal)
byte 5 = ‘01’ (hexadecimal)

E2. Example 2 - ATM

Characteristics Example 2


Key pad PIN pad + function keys

Display Yes for cardholder

Printer Yes for cardholder

Magnetic stripe reader Yes

IC reader Yes


Language selection Supports part 5 of ISO 8859

Transaction type Cash, inquiry, transfer, payment

Static data authentication Yes

Cardholder verification Offline PIN, online PIN

Card capture Yes

Online capable Yes

Offline capable No

Table 23 - Example of ATM

The coding of the Terminal-Related Data for this example is the following:
December 2000 Annex E - Examples of Terminals 87

• Terminal Type = ‘14’

• Terminal Capabilities, byte 1 = ‘60’ (hexadecimal)

byte 2 = ‘C0’ (hexadecimal)
byte 3 = ‘A0’ (hexadecimal)

• Additional Terminal Capabilities, byte 1 = ‘8E’ (hexadecimal)

byte 2 = ‘00’ (hexadecimal)
byte 3 = ‘B0’ (hexadecimal)
byte 4 = ‘50’ (hexadecimal)
byte 5 = ‘05’ (hexadecimal)

E3. Example 3 - Vending Machine

Characteristics Example 3


Key pad Function keys

Display No

Printer No

Magnetic stripe reader Yes

IC reader Yes


Language selection No

Transaction type Goods

Static data authentication Yes

Cardholder verification No

Card capture No

Online capable No

Offline capable Yes

Table 24 - Example of Vending Machine

The coding of the Terminal-Related Data for this example is the following:

• Terminal Type = ‘26’

• Terminal Capabilities, byte 1 = ‘60’ (hexadecimal)

88 Annex E - Examples of Terminals December 2000

byte 2 = ‘00’ (hexadecimal)

byte 3 = ‘80’ (hexadecimal)

• Additional Terminal Capabilities, byte 1 = ‘40’ (hexadecimal)

byte 2 = ‘00’ (hexadecimal)
byte 3 = ‘10’ (hexadecimal)
byte 4 = ‘00’ (hexadecimal)
byte 5 = ‘00’ (hexadecimal)

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