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Dealing With Manipulative People - by Michael Lee

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Dealing with Manipulative People: How To Break Free From Their Manipulative Control

by Michael Lee, Per ua ion !"pert, #uthor, Copywriter on Nov 26, 2009 http:$$www% li&e hare%net$MichaelLee$&ealing'with'manipulative' people'how'to'break'(ree'(rom'their'manipulative'control) (rom* earch+,

Dealing with manipulative people is tough. But by equipping yourself with the tips in this presentation, you'll be able to handle them without feeling frustrated or helpless.

Dealing with Manipulative People: How To Break Free From Their Manipulative Control Pre entation Tran cript

1. Dealing with Manipulative People: ow !o Brea" #ree #rom !heir Manipulative $ontrol Mi%hael &ee http:''www.()daypersuasion.%om'se%rets.htm (. Dealing with manipulative people is an unpleasant * but sometimes ne%essary * part of life. +ou %an't always avoid them be%ause there's almost no telling what "ind of person someone is unless you get to "now them better. ,. +ou %an have %o*wor"ers who seem so ni%e only to find out that they're not who you thought they were. -. Dealing with manipulative people is tough. But by equipping yourself with the tips below, you'll be able to handle them without feeling frustrated or helpless. .. 1/ &earn #rom Past Mista"es. 0. 1aying sorry is easy. !his is why you %annot always a%%ept a person's apology and go on living as if nothing happened. 2. 3hen dealing with manipulative people, you need to be on your guard all the time. 4f you've been played with on%e, don't be too qui%" to trust that person the se%ond time around. 5. !hat person's apology %ould easily be another ploy to manipulate you into doing or feeling something you shouldn't have to in the first pla%e. 6. My advi%e is to a%%ept the apology, but let that person be aware that you don't forget easily. !hat should "eep the manipulative person on edge * and you on your toes.

1). (/ Pra%ti%e 1aying 78o.9 11. Manipulative people %hoose their prey. !hey'll s%ope around and loo" for someone who %an't say 7no.9 4f you're naturally generous, you'll probably have a hard time refusing somebody:s request or order. 1(. !his is why you have to pra%ti%e saying 7no.9 Do it with a friend who %an a%t as the manipulative person. ;very time someone as"s you a favor, weigh the options. 4f it will ta"e away pre%ious time from you, say 7no.9 4f they %an do it by themselves, say 7no.9 1,. !hey need to learn how to be independent. <nd truth be told, so should you. Don't e=pe%t to be res%ued from every situation you get manipulated into. &earn to ta"e %harge of your life. 1-. ,/ 1urround +ourself 3ith >enuine #riends. 1.. Dealing with manipulative people is made easier when you're ba%"ed up by your loyal friends. +ou "now who they are. !hey will prote%t you from being tal"ed into something that you don't want or you don't have to do. 10. Plus, friends also give you honest advi%e. 8o matter how diffi%ult it may be to hear the truth, you "now that they're ?ust loo"ing out for you. Besides, manipulative people find it intimidating to go against someone with a ba%"*up team. 12. 8ot everything in life %an go smoothly. Dealing with manipulative people is part of intera%ting with the rest of the so%iety. owever, you don't have to "eep getting vi%timi@ed over and over again. 15. #ollow these tips and learn to brea" free from manipulative te%hniques. 16. Presentation By: Mi%hael &ee Persuasion ;=pert and <uthor http:''www.()daypersuasion.%om'se%rets.htm

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