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Understanding Compression in The Home Music Studio

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Understanding Compression in the Home Music Studio

-roperly understanding and using compression in your home recording pro.ects can notably mark the difference between a professional sounding final mix and an amateur sounding one. &nderstanding what compression is, how it works, and how to use it will most certainly put you in a class above most when it comes to your own home recording pro.ects. %t may also be helpful to note that, regarding compression processors, there are many options in the home music studio environment. /ou may be using a software compressor in the form of a plug-in or a physical rack mounted unit. %n either case the information below is universal and the principles can be applied to any type of compressor, regardless of the interface you are using to process your audio.

What is audio compression?

Audio compression, as it relates to home recording, is the ability to control the dynamic range of any given audio. This can be on a 0per track1 basis or for an over all 0master mix1. An over simplified understanding of compression is that it will decrease the louder portions of your audio thus giving you the ability to increase the softer portions. Audio is measured in what is a called 0decibels1 or db. The higher the db the louder the audio volume, the lower the db the lower the audio volume. 'ompression is taking the high db audio and lowering it2s db so the range between the louder and softer audio is lessened. 3elow % have included a few images of a .wav file that has been processed with compression. This may help to better understand what compression is. ,otice the highs or peaks, and lows of the file. ,ote how they have changed after compression has been applied. Uncompressed audio file

Compressed audio file

%f you are new to home music studio editing let me explain what these two images are. 4ach is a screen shot of an audio file imported into a free music editor call Audacity. The blue vertical lines represent the audio at its various db levels. The taller the line the louder the audio with the center being its 5uietest spot. This is a stereo track so the top set of lines represents the left side and the bottom set represents the right side of the stereo field. The uncompressed image shows the loud and soft db points of the audio exactly as the track was recorded. After applying compression you can see the softer parts of the audio appear to be louder and the overall peaks or loudest db points of everything are much closer to the 5uieter spots. %n reality the compression has pushed downed the louder db audio in the file and allows the softer db audio to be brought up. This still gives a good dynamic between loud and soft parts of your audio but the dynamic is decreased a bit. To the ear, the second audio file simply sounds louder and much more balanced between the high and low db places within the track. &sing proper compression in the home music studio can make your tracks sound tight and balanced. #ome audio will need to be compressed a good amount, while others tracks may not need compressional at all. This is completely dependent on your material. %n general instruments like drums, bass and most all percussion will re5uire more compression than say keyboard pad, or vocals. +earning if, and when to use compression is e5ually important as learning how to use compression on your tracks. %n many ways this takes experience combined with trial and error to get the best results. That said, give yourself some time to learn and you too can develop an ear to hear where a little or a lot of compression would really make all the difference in your home recording pro.ect. This brings me to our next 5uestion. ,ow that you know what compression is you also need to understand how compression works in order to learn how you can benefit most from using it to process your audio.

How does audio compression work?

%n the home music studio, compression has long since been a topic that confuses many audio engineers. %n reality it does not have to be that confusing at all. +et me attempt to demystify the true tech behind any compressor, be it a rack mount unit or a software plug-in. Threshold The first term we need to understand is the word 0threshold1. % explained what db means above and the threshold is simply understood as the volume level or db at which the compressor processes the audio itself. The threshold is a peak value so when your audio is loud enough to go above the threshold you have set, your compression settings will then be applied. Any audio 5uieter than your threshold level will not be processed at all. 6or example, a threshold level of 789 db will not process or compress your audio at all. :hile a threshold set at -88 db will compress every part of your audio that is louder than -88 db. Ratio ,ext you will see a 0ratio1 setting on your compressor. %f the threshold refers to when compression is applied to your audio, then ratio refers to the amount of compression that is applied. %n most cases this ratio is a simple out;in formula. %f your ratio is set at <=$, then for every $ db of signal that enters your compressor, above the threshold level you will get a reduction of 8 db on the output. The higher the ratio the more compression or gain reduction will be applied to the signal above the threshold you2ve set. Attack Threshold is when, ratio is how much, and attack is how fast will the compression or gain reduction be applied to your audio. 4ssentially the attack setting is ad.usting the amount of time the compression has to be applied to any signal above the threshold setting. As a general rule, the faster the attack the more noticeable the effect of compression will be. The timing of attack is measured in milliseconds. Release /ou may have already guessed it but the release time is the exact opposite of attack. >elease tells the processor at which point to return the compressed audio signal back to its original uncompressed state. This is also a millisecond measurement. +ike the attack, faster release times may also be more noticeable than slower release times depending on your audio source. Output Gain The output gain is an ad.ustment that allows you to compensate for the loss of volume or db due to compression. %f you2ve set your threshold at -$9 db you may also find yourself needing to set the output gain to 7$9 db in order to make up for the loss of overall volume due to the

amount of compression being applied to your audio. "ard ?nee;#oft ?nee Another term you may often see when dealing with compression is hard knee;soft knee. This setting refers to the aggressiveness, or lack there of, when compression is being applied to audio above a set threshold. "ard knee compression is often useful for percussion instruments as they generally have a great deal of natural attack acoustically. At the same time, soft knee can be useful in most vocal tracks as the compression applied will sound more natural. ,ote= #ome compressors have a setting called 0@ver4asy1 which is a form of hard knee;soft knee technology.

How should I use audio compression in my home music studio?

'ompression can be used in a great deal of ways to achieve a more professional home music studio recording. There is certainly a technical side to properly using compression as we2ve covered above, but it can also be very helpful to understand the relative aspects to processing audio with compression. "ow to use compression in your home music studio pro.ects has as much to do with your personal tastes and the style of music you are recording, as it does the technical aspect of using the processor itself. %t takes time to experiment with your tracks and mix in order to achieve a desired result. @ften there are simply no hard rules to using compressing. %t would be safe to say that many times compression is best applied to the track after it has been recording and not before. Though there are some valid exceptions to this rule, applying compression to a recorded track will allow you the most flexibility in the mixing process. "owever, % have often used compression to stop a track from clipping when recording. This can be a great help when tracking a vocal or voice over part. %n this case you may need to use an outboard or physical compressor Aas opposed to a plug-inB. !any !ic pre-amps have compression features build in which works great for this type of application. /ou might try setting the ratio at <=$ with a faster attack;release setting. Then ad.usting the threshold until you have about <-* db of gain reduction at the loudest points. &sing compression in this manner can keep your vocal and voice over tracks from clipping while still maintaining a good dynamic range.

Some other general compression settings to get you started

% have listed a few general recommendations for using compression below to help get you started. Again, please note that that there are very few, if any, hard and fast rules for using compression. !y suggestions below may prove to be a helpful starting point for your home recording pro.ects but they may not produce the exact effect you desire without your own experimentation.

Cocal Tracks Threshold= Ad.ust this to get about <-D db gain reduction at the loud points. >atio= 8.D=$ Attack= 8Dms >elease= <99ms @utput gain= 7*db Acoustic Euitar= Threshold= Ad.ust this to get about F db gain reduction at the loud points. >atio= <=$ Attack= 89ms >elease= 8D9ms @utput gain= 7Fdb 3ass Euitar= Threshold= Ad.ust this to get about *-$< db gain reduction at the loud points. >atio= D=$ Attack= 89ms >elease= <D9ms @utput gain= 7*db ?ick Drum= Threshold= Ad.ust this to get about *-$9 db gain reduction. >atio= D=$ Attack= Fms >elease= $D9ms @utput gain= 7$9db #nare Drum= Threshold= Ad.ust this to get about *-$9 db gain reduction. >atio= F=$ Attack= <ms >elease= 899ms @utput gain= 7$9db

'ompression is a very much needed tool in your home music studio. The best way to learn how to best use compression is to begin hands on, and listen to the difference. &se professionally mixed and mastered audio as a reference point. 6ind a sound source you like and play with your settings until you are satisfied with the results. %2m sure you2ve noticed by now that almost everyone has an opinion of how to use compression. ust remember that your pro.ect is .ust that, yours. % would encourage you not to get frustrated with the wealth of opinions but to experiment with the information you do find most helpful. !y hope is that this short e-book has been enlightening to you on your .ourney to pro sounding home and pro.ect recordings. % welcome your feed back and any 5uestions you may have. -lease submit them through my blog.

Learn the professional secrets to using compression.

'ompression has always been one area of home and pro.ect recording that can easily be confusing. 6or this reason % have created a complete video guide to understanding and using compression. +earn the secrets of using dynamic range compression to create amaGing audio pro.ects. Dynamic Range Compression: Your complete home recording video guide to understanding and using compression.

A out !a"id
David !axey is the author and 'reator of "ome !usic #tudio $. "e is a musician, live;recording audio engineer, and consultant with more than $F years experience. "e teaches teams of people and conducts technical, musical and audio training conferences. /ou can find David and "ome !usic #tudio $ on 6acebook, Twitter, and Eoogle 7.

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