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Aeon Trinity - Adventure - Hellfire Club

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The Vanishing Room

Transcribed by Tom Martin from the journals of Ciaran OReilly

The door of the car opened and Oliver Robinson stepped onto the rain-slicked London street, his street. He strode through the front door in the manner of a man who owned the joint, he was allowed to of course because he did. Oliver built the Naughty Hellfire club, situated in Londons Kensington district a year ago now on a site and in an area that was cheap, real cheap and real dirty. Everyone said he was mad, that there were much better places to open a club or even some established ones that could easily be procured by a man of his standing. But Oliver being Oliver wanted what he wanted and that was always what he got, and since that opening night, well wouldnt you just know it, the club and the whole damn district has developed and improved no end. Oliver never says so but I know he always likes the idea that hes made his mark on the capital. fire club though that was anything but sleazy, the furniture looked pristine, there were no unsightly marks on the floors or walls. The air, although smoky was never confining or uncomfortable, even the jazz music that was played by the live band seemed somehow warm and comforting. Some had called it the Palace of the Underworld, they were wrong to of course, it was better than a palace.

We sat down at our usual table and one of the serving girls brought us drinks over. As she left Oliver paid just enough attention to see Lucas stutter and stumble his way into asking the girl out, hed liked this one for a while but while he was a good looking lad and confident in everything else he had a real problem talking to women, still it appeared that hed finally taken our advice and just gone for it, or as Edward would say Dont just stare at pretty girls, try talking to the damn things, she accepted of I followed him into the club with Lucas; wed had to take care of a bit of business, course with a shy little smile, though then again was she really going to say no. some low grade miscreant as Oliver called him named Freddy Hayes who had- He was grinning like a Cheshire cat when looked again at Oliver and me. nt done as he was told. It was cold and wet out and I was more than happy to be Olivers attention however was elsewhere. back in the warm, looking forward to a Making her way to the table was Lady Brandy (The club always served the best Johanna Paige. The club always came to Brandy, Oliver insisted). a standstill when she walked through. This place always amazed me; it was never what you expected, a bit like Oliver The clientele just stared longingly at her; in the past some had learned that anyhimself I suppose. Ive been in my fair share of burlesque houses and theyre al- thing else could illustrate just how unways sleazy no matter how much moneys ladylike she could be. To say she was beautiful was an understatement; she put into the place; you can feel it, it gets into the walls, the furniture, hell even the was like a walking Michelangelo sculpture, sometimes I had to wonder just how girls, you can even taste it when you lucky I was to get to talk to her. drink in those places. The Naughty Hellpage one EON: for all Aeon Continuum Games:
Disclaimer: This document is a fan supplement for White Wolfs line of roleplaying games including Adventure!, Aberrant & Trinity. Various terminology throughout this document is copyright White Wolf Inc. Visit Other material is copyright Tom Martin & EON (

As she reached the table we followed Olivers lead and stood My lady, Oliver always addressed her as such, Goods sirs, please sit, I trust you had a nice time? We all sat, you couldnt say no to a voice like hers. Realising that nobody had replied to her question I spouted, Freddy didnt Oh, how is he? She asked in a manner that suggested she felt sorry for Freddy, we all knew she was after the gory details. Lucas was more than happy to oblige Hell find it very difficult to steal anything from now on without any hands. Poor lad, he cant be very happy she said again in that seemingly sympathetic tone. On the contrary my lady, hes smiling from ear to ear Lucas responded indicating hed applied his personal touch to the proceedings Oliver seemed to stir whos here? I was wondering when youd ask Johanna replied Wed seen Oliver do this before; he seemed to know when someone uninvited was in the club, when someone was in his club. Johanna explained, Edward is showing Detective Adams and his fellows around, they seem to be labouring under the impression that murder has been committed here. Theyve been here for some time, its becoming a trifle annoying.

Olivers gaze flashed to the stairs that allowed access to the upper floors. As we all turned, several Bobbies came marching down swiftly followed by the permanently disgruntled figure of Detective Richard Adams and then our own Edward King. Adams clocked Oliver straight away and, pushing his own goons aside, marched over to the table where we were sat. Oliver stood to greet the man; I dont know why he insisted so much on this gentlemanly behaviour crap, particularly towards a man who continually bothered Oliver as much as Adams did. So nice to see you again Detective, can we help you with anything today? Not today thank you Mr. Robinson, the disdain in his voice was clear, Oliver paid it no heed Ciaran, would you mind showing Detective Adams Where the door is. Its alright Adams barked, Dont trouble yourself he grumbled as he turned to go. The detective hadnt walked more than ten foot from the table when Oliver addressed us. Ciaran, get Bobby to remove Mr. Rogers body from the Loft and dispose of it as he sees fit, its beginning to make the place smell. Even now Im amazed at how Oliver got away with the things he said but thats just typical of Oliver and typical of the club. Take this last little story as an example, the police come looking for old Rogers body, they look in the Loft where he just happens to be, centre stage tied to a chair going moldy in just his underwear, and they leave having not found a thing Edwards called this place the vanishing room before now; I dont really care what its called I just know I love the place.

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Disclaimer: This document is a fan supplement for White Wolfs line of roleplaying games including Adventure!, Aberrant & Trinity. Various terminology throughout this document is copyright White Wolf Inc. Visit Other material is copyright Tom Martin & EON (

Part One:

The Vanishing Room

Part Two: The Nine Part Three: The Club Part Four: Characters Part Five: System

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Disclaimer: This document is a fan supplement for White Wolfs line of roleplaying games including Adventure!, Aberrant & Trinity. Various terminology throughout this document is copyright White Wolf Inc. Visit Other material is copyright Tom Martin & EON (

The Nine
The Nine is the name coined by Oliver Robinson to denote himself and his closest associates, although the police are somewhat at a loss to explain why only eight individuals including Oliver himself can be attached to the group. Oliver has not seen it necessary to inform the rest of the Nine who the mysterious 9th member is either and they appear to be just as in the dark as the local constabulary. The first member of the Nine is obviously Oliver himself. He is the most influential member of London (and perhaps Englands) criminal society. A deeply patriotic man, he has been known to turn down requests for certain jobs so as to not destabilize the economy. The London metropolitan police force have been trying to pin anything they can on Oliver for several years but they never seem to manage to find any evidence linking him to even the smallest of crimes. If the truth be known, London is much better off because of Olivers presence, he actually wants to improve Britain and more often than not gives more money to various charitable associations and institutions than he takes from crime Of course he has no problem taking anything he wants from other countries. get on so well, some think of the two as the King and his prince, that Oliver looks to Lucas as a son. This is perhaps the furthest thing from the truth. Oliver always thinks of Lucas as his equal because deep down they both have a vicious streak that runs a mile wide. It is when this surfaces that Lucas become truly, and unexpectedly, deadly. Ciaran OReilly is primarily a driver of the utmost skill, a native of Ireland he traveled to London to find his fortune. He only succeeded in finding his way into a bare-knuckle fight against Bobby Loughlan in order to win money to live. It was an unfair match up given the extreme size difference between the combatants and one that should have ended Ciarans walking days (as was so often the case with Bobbys opponents). The Irishman was harder than he looked however, and put up one hell of a fight. He still lost of course, but the performance was enough to convince Oliver that he was worth employing. Since that time he and Bobby have struck a firm friendship.

Robert Bobby Loughlan is the true powerhouse of the Nine. An ex bare knuckle fist fighter Bobby is built like the proverbial brick shithouse, aside from this most Lucas Moore is the second member of The useful asset Bobby has a more questionNine and Olivers closest friend and confi- able talent, he is a cannibal. There are dant, despite the large age gap (Oliver be- certain members of the Nine who find this ing 35, Lucas a tender 21). Although this aspect of his character to be disturbing to has more often than not worked as an ad- say the least; however, as Oliver reminds them its one of the best ways to get rid of vantage with Olivers tempered patience a body. combining with Lucass seemingly limitless enthusiasm and energy. Most people cannot understand why Oliver and Lucas Chris Hearn is an ex New York cop but page four EON: for all Aeon Continuum Games:
Disclaimer: This document is a fan supplement for White Wolfs line of roleplaying games including Adventure!, Aberrant & Trinity. Various terminology throughout this document is copyright White Wolf Inc. Visit Other material is copyright Tom Martin & EON (

left after he realised that he could make far more money running the illegal gambling dens that he raided every week. He left America and traveled to London for, as he puts it, a fresh start. He saw his fair share of ugliness on the New York streets and this has lead to him being emotionally detached, or as Ciaran likes to say It wasnt an iceberg that sank the Titanic, it was Chris heart. Oliver met Lady Johanna Paige in Europe during the closing days of the Great War when he saved her honour and dignity when retreating enemy soldiers attacked her. Since that time they have been virtually inseparable, even more so in recent times. Johanna has always been good at knowing what others where thinking, always claiming it to be womans intuition, however she has of late proved to be far more accurate than mere intuition should allow. Edward King is an English blue blood through and through and if truth be known he is not that far removed from the thrown itself. It is because of this connection that he is often, wrongly, associated with the Night Royals. Edward loves the hunt, something instilled in him when he was very young. Since that time he has become an expert marksman and hunted every dangerous creature that could be mentioned, including his new personal favourite, man. Giovanni Camparelli is the newest addition to the Nine, he is Italian mafia sent by the Contedorri to act as an ambassador between the Italian family and the

British gangland. He is not totally trusted by the rest of the Nine, in particular Edward King (though thats probably because hes a Bloody Foreigner more than anything else), but he has proved he is a valuable asset on more than one occasion.

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Disclaimer: This document is a fan supplement for White Wolfs line of roleplaying games including Adventure!, Aberrant & Trinity. Various terminology throughout this document is copyright White Wolf Inc. Visit Other material is copyright Tom Martin & EON (

The Club
The Naughty Hellfire club is Londons premiere burlesque house and Gentlemens club for the underworld. Its clientele is predominantly the upper class of the British Isles criminal fraternity (Oliver does not tolerate the uncouth behaviour that the standard British criminal usually holds with) It is a three-storied building in Londons Kensington District. The surrounding area is gaining a reputation for (relative) safety and success, with all manner of businesses most notably those involving fashion showing tremendous profit The club is also Sanctum Sanctorum to Oliver Robinson. He discovered the site on which he would build the club shortly after he became inspired. The site was in a bad area and the land was considered to be very poor quality for building, however against all recommendations Oliver purchased the area and built his club. Only Oliver truly understands the areas true qualities. The club is unidentifiably connected to its owner and vice versa, though even Oliver is unsure as to whether the club is sentient as such. Whatever is happening in the club Oliver is aware to an extent, if someone enters the club uninvited he would know that someone was in the building but he would not necessarily know who it was. Furthermore it would seem the club wishes to protect Oliver and his interests. Anything can happen in the club and if Oliver does not wish people to know they wont. An entire audience who have witnessed a murder taking place in the middle of the Girls around the World show will leave with no memory of it except the beautiful girls, or a police raid will walk straight past a man holding a still smoking pistol in one hand and a sign exclaiming I did it! in the other.

The Ground floor

Upon entering the club, patrons are presented with a stylish foyer, which contains the cloakroom. The main room consists of the stage, seating and a well stocked bar. There is also a side room with a large boardroom table used for meetings. The ground floor also contains a small but adequate kitchen.

The 2nd story

This is the accommodation for the Nine. Each member has a room and there are also several guest rooms. There is also a large communal area for relaxing.

The Loft
If there are criminal activities going on at the club, they usually take place in the area known as the Loft. The area is bare consisting of wooden floorboards and rafters and dirty brick walls. The room is lit during the day through large half moon windows and at night from three light bulbs that hang bare from the ceiling. The only long term occupants of the room are a simple (but sturdy) wooden chair and table, a few packing crates, oily rags and some (nearly) unidentifiable stains.

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Disclaimer: This document is a fan supplement for White Wolfs line of roleplaying games including Adventure!, Aberrant & Trinity. Various terminology throughout this document is copyright White Wolf Inc. Visit Other material is copyright Tom Martin & EON (

Oliver is 30 years of age. His build is stocky but athletic. His most disturbing feature is his eyes; although they are a dark brown they appear almost as black as his hair. He always dresses in appropriate gentlemanly attire.

Oliver Robinson
Concept Origin: Underworld crime boss Nature: Leader Allegiance: The Nine, The British Empire Inspiration: Heroic Prime Inspiration Facet: Reflective Reflective: 2 Intuitive: 1 Destructive: 2 Physical Strength: 3 Brawl: 2 Dexterity: 3 Firearms: 4 Melee: 1 Stamina: 3 Endurance: 2 Resistance: 3 Mental Perception: 3 Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 4 Academics: 2 Bureaucracy: 2 Linguistics: 1 Wits: 3 Arts: 1 Drive: 2 Social Appearance: 3 Intimidation: 3 Style: 3 Manipulation: 4 Interrogation: 1 Savvy: 2 Charisma: 3 Command: 3 Etiquette: 1 Rapport: 3 Backgrounds Sanctum: 6 (Sanctorum) Resources: 5 Reputation: 4 Influence: 3 Willpower: 9 Inspiration: 5 Initiative: 9 Knacks Complete Privacy, Death Defiance, Indomitable Will, Steely Gaze

Remind me what I said to you Freddy, because I thought I told you NOT to attempt a robbery on His Majestys post office.

Oliver fought his way through the ranks of London underworld as a young man before trading gangland warfare for service to King and Country in the Great War. Upon his return home, now with Lady Johanna as his aide, Oliver found London to be a vastly different place with many of his old enemies now dead or simply gone (in truth many left for America) and never one to waste an opportunity Oliver seized control of the majority of the underworld and established himself as the eminent British crime lord. Olivers inspirational powers peaked when an attempt was made on his life. Oliver met Maxwell Anderson Mercer in May 1923 and since that time has displayed more of an interest in helping the denizens of London and England as a whole. Due to this he has begun to gain a Robin Hood-esque reputation, Oliver finds this amusing as most are unaware of the methods used to procure the money he gives away.

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Disclaimer: This document is a fan supplement for White Wolfs line of roleplaying games including Adventure!, Aberrant & Trinity. Various terminology throughout this document is copyright White Wolf Inc. Visit Other material is copyright Tom Martin & EON (

Lucas Moore
Lucas is average height but has little bulk. His features appear slightly gaunt and angular. His harsh features are only softened by his warm, friendly smile. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. Concept Origin: Outlaw Nature: Hot Shot Allegiance: The Nine


No, of course Im not upset Mr. Robinson however is, so unfortunately

Physical Strength: 3 Brawl: 2 Dexterity: 4 Firearms: 3 Legerdemain: 2 Melee: 4 Stealth: 1 Stamina: 3 Resistance: 2 Mental Perception: 3 Awareness: 1 Intelligence: 2 Survival: 1 Wits: 3 Drive: 2 Social Appearance: 3 Intimidation: 3 Style: 2 Manipulation: 2 Interrogation: 3 Savvy: 1 Subterfuge: 1 Charisma: 2 Backgrounds Contacts: 2 Gadget: 1 Influence: 2 Reputation: 2 Willpower: 7 Initiative: 10

Growing up for Lucas was a hard fight all the way. He came from a poor family and was a sickly child. His father left him and his mother when he was 6 and this resulted in pushing his mother, already an alcoholic, over the edge; both proverbially and literally into the Thames. He was placed into an orphanage where he was bullied until he fell ill and was taken to hospital where he was expected to die. While there a nurse would read to him and the other children. He became enamored with tales of the old west and in particular the outlaw Billie the Kid. Against all expectations, Lucas recovered and strove to be more like his hero. Upon his return to the orphanage he took his revenge on his former tormentors in unimaginably cruel ways for a child of his age, since that time Lucas hasnt looked back.

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Disclaimer: This document is a fan supplement for White Wolfs line of roleplaying games including Adventure!, Aberrant & Trinity. Various terminology throughout this document is copyright White Wolf Inc. Visit Other material is copyright Tom Martin & EON (

Ciaran Or eilly
Ciaran is 5,7 feet tall with a ruddy complexion and tousled brown hair. He constantly sports a day or twos beard growth and appears generally unkempt regardless of situation or clothing. However, his young, vibrant attitude and warm smile and personality make him the most approachable member of The Nine. Concept Origin: Low Class Nature: Hot Shot Allegiance: The Nine Physical Strength: 2 Brawl: 3 Dexterity: 3 Firearms: 3 Legerdemain: 2 Melee: 1 Stamina: 3 Resistance: 3 Mental Perception: 2 Awareness: 2 Navigation: 1 Intelligence: 2 Engineering: 4 Wits: 3 Drive: 5 Social Appearance: 3 Manipulation: 3 Savvy: 2 Charisma: 4 Backgrounds Gadget: 2 (Motorbike) Cipher: 3 Menagerie: 1 (Irish wolf hound) Willpower: 7 Initiative: 9


You want me to run him over? You do realise thats gonna dent the bumper?

Born in rural Ireland, Ciaran lived a life filled with hard work. However, as is the Irish way there was also fun, drinking and women. Ciaran wanted more though, much more than small town life could ever bring him. He traveled to Dublin where he worked as a mechanic, occasionally gaining access to the cars he repaired for a day or so, and it was this that really peaked his interest. Yet again though, Ciaran became tired of his present situation; he needed something new, something vibrant, something like London. He traveled by the motorcycle he had built himself and managed to survive for a few weeks in the big city before his money ran out. It was at this point he was forced to enter a bare-knuckle boxing match, in the hope of winning the prize money. His opponent was Robert Bobby Loughlan and the promoter was one Oliver Robinson, the rest, as they say, is history.

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Disclaimer: This document is a fan supplement for White Wolfs line of roleplaying games including Adventure!, Aberrant & Trinity. Various terminology throughout this document is copyright White Wolf Inc. Visit Other material is copyright Tom Martin & EON (

Robert L oghlan
A hulking brute of a man, that due to his dark hair and features looks like he is shrouded in shadows. Bobby stands at nearly 7 foot in height, and looks every bit the goliath of biblical tales. His face is weathered and beaten and upon closer inspection reveals scars and indications of a broken nose and cheekbones. However, the most disturbing aspect of this man is his eyes, medically described as dark brown, in truth they are as black as pitch. Concept Origin: Abused Nature: Protector Allegiance: The Nine Physical Strength: 5 Brawl: 5 Might: 5 Dexterity: 4 Firearms: 1 Melee: 3 Stamina: 5 Endurance: 3 Resistance: 3 Mental Perception: 2 Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 2 Wits: 2 Social Appearance: 2 Intimidation: 3 Manipulation: 3 Interrogation: 3 Charisma: 2 Command: 1 Backgrounds Reputation: 3 Resources: 3 Willpower: 5 Initiative: 6

Stop your whining cry baby and take your medicine, youre lucky Ive already eaten

Robert Loughlan received the worst upbringing a child could ever experience. Brought up by his Aunt and Uncle, Bobby was used for manual labour from the age of 4, he was beaten regularly, sometimes for a reason mostly just for the amusement of his uncle. He slept on stone and ate whatever he could catch (This mostly consisted of rats, which he ate raw). Bobbys life continued much the same until he was 16, he often thinks of the day when he realised that he was bigger than his uncle and aunt, of how he never heard their angry voices again after that day, how he ate well that night. A few years later, Bobby was making money as a bare knuckle boxer, when Oliver Robinson found him and made him an offer.

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Chris Hearn
Chris is in his mid thirties. A native New Yorker, Chris has a rugged complexion that contrasts sharply with the smart dress and manner he keeps. He is always well groomed and in the latest fashion and generally detests uncleanliness to a point that would seem to verge on mild psychoses. Concept Origin: Middle Class Nature: Heart of Stone Allegiance: The Nine Physical Strength: 3 Brawl: 1 Might: 1 Dexterity: 3 Firearms: 2 Legerdemain: 3 Melee: 2 Stealth: 1 Stamina: 4 Endurance: 1 Mental Perception: 4 Awareness: 2 Investigation: 3 Intelligence: 3 Academics: 1 Bureaucracy: 1 Wits: 2 Drive: 2 Social Appearance: 3 Intimidation: 2 Style: 1 Manipulation: 3 Interrogation: 2 Savvy: 1 Subterfuge: 1 Charisma: 1

So, shes dead, big fucking deal, its not like you were married OK so you were, life goes on

Chris Hearn used to be the kind of man who wanted to help his fellows. Thats why he joined the police, to give something back. He worked hard and eventually made detective, but by that time crime had taken its toll on Chris. The saying He who looks into the void should take care as the void looks back fits him like a glove. He saw the worst of humanity until he thinking changed, why should he help his fellow man when this is what theyre capable of, so if you cant beat em, join em.

Contacts: 5 Cipher: 4 Willpower: 7 Initiative: 7

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Disclaimer: This document is a fan supplement for White Wolfs line of roleplaying games including Adventure!, Aberrant & Trinity. Various terminology throughout this document is copyright White Wolf Inc. Visit Other material is copyright Tom Martin & EON (

Lady johanna paige

Lady Johanna Paige is stunning. Standing a perfect 6 foot tall, she has the grace and posture of a Greek goddess. Her blonde hair and blues eyes are perfect in every way (much like the rest of her) and her skin is like the purest white marble. It is only when (if) one gets to take a closer look at the lady that they notice the cruelness hidden behind her demure features. She puts the Femme in Femme Fatale (or should that be she put the Fatale into the saying) Concept Origin: High Class Nature: Perfectionist Allegiance: The Nine Inspiration: Psychic Prime Inspiration Facet: Reflective Reflective: 2 Intuitive: 1 Destructive: 1 Physical Strength: 2 Dexterity: 2 Firearms: 2 Stamina: 2 Resistance: 2


A pleasure to meet you Im sure Why thank you, such a delightful comment, does your wife know you say such things to ladies?

Mental Perception: 4 Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 4 Academics: 3 Linguistics: 2 Wits: 4 Arts: 2 Social Appearance: 5 Style: 5 Manipulation: 3 Savvy: 2 Charisma: 3 Etiquette: 5 Rapport: 2 Backgrounds Resources: 5 Cipher: 2 Willpower: 7 Inspiration: 4 Initiative: 6 Knacks Brain Skimming Command Voice Touch of Life

Lady Paige has never stated where her title comes from and to which royal line she descends and as all men who meet her know, its rude to ask. She was in Europe during the Great War and subsequently traveled to England with Oliver Robinson.

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Disclaimer: This document is a fan supplement for White Wolfs line of roleplaying games including Adventure!, Aberrant & Trinity. Various terminology throughout this document is copyright White Wolf Inc. Visit Other material is copyright Tom Martin & EON (

Edward King
Edwards image is pretty much identical to the stereotypical one of all big game hunters. Although in his fifties he generates an aura of movement and energy, his bushy moustache, curled up at each end and a pipe usually dangles from his mouth. His figure is slightly gaunt and his features angular giving him the all too menacing look of the big cats he loves to hunt himself. Concept Origin: High Class Nature: Bravo Allegiance: The Nine


Physical Strength: 3 Archery: 2 Brawl: 2 Might: 1 Dexterity: 4 Athletics: 1 Firearms: 4 Melee: 2 Stamina: 4 Endurance: 1 Resistance: 1 Mental Perception: 3 Awareness: 2 Investigation: 2 Intelligence: 4 Academics: 1 Linguistics: 1 Medicine: 1 Survival: 2 Wits: 3 Drive: 1 Pilot: 1 Social Appearance: 3 Manipulation: 2 Charisma: 2 Etiquette: 3 Backgrounds Resources: 4 Reputation: 3 Willpower: 7 Initiative: 9

My BANG! Word, this BANG! Blighter just keeps BANG! coming, doesnt he BANG! Ah, that got him BANG!

Raised in the very best English high society had to offer, young Edward King wanted for nothing. This lifestyle while very good did tend to breed one flaw in a character, apathy. Edward had this in abundance; by the age of 8 he was bored and fast becoming a problematic and destructive child. Doctors were consulted as to how this could be remedied with non able to find a cure. It wasnt until two years later that Edward joined his parents for a holiday in Africa and it was there that he discovered big game hunting. Edward has been hunting ever since, always looking for new and more dangerous prey.

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Giovanni camparelli
Giovanni is an attractive man in his late twenties. He has classical Italian looks and style and always dresses impeccably. Concept Origin: Foreigner Nature: Follower Allegiance: The Nine, Contedorri


Yes, of course. Exactly as you requested, though if I may be so bold as to make a suggestion

Physical Strength: 2 Brawl: 1 Dexterity: 2 Firearms: 2 Melee: 1 Stealth: 2 Stamina: 2 Endurance: 1 Resistance: 1 Mental Perception: 4 Awareness: 2 Investigation: 2 Intelligence: 4 Linguistics: 1 Wits: 3 Drive: 1 Arts: 1 Social Appearance: 4 Style: 2 Manipulation: 3 Savvy: 1 Subterfuge: 2 Charisma: 3 Etiquette: 2 Rapport: 2 Backgrounds Backing: 2 Resources: 3 Cipher: 3 Willpower: 5 Initiative: 6

Giovanni Camparelli has always been a family man; hes been groomed for it since childhood. He was sent by his Don to act as emissary between the London gangland and the family, a job that Giovanni is doing extremely well. The only problem is that Giovanni has actually grown to like London and the Nine in particular, it wont be long before he will have to decide where his loyalties lie.

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Disclaimer: This document is a fan supplement for White Wolfs line of roleplaying games including Adventure!, Aberrant & Trinity. Various terminology throughout this document is copyright White Wolf Inc. Visit Other material is copyright Tom Martin & EON (

New Origin: Abused
You have been abused or used throughout your (usually early) life Examples: Prostitute, beaten child, dogs body in any organization Background options: None, the character instead receives +1 to willpower.

New Nature: Heart of Stone

The character with a heart of stone appears to be bereft of any emotions. This can make them calm in any given situation, however has also given them the reputation as a cold callous bastard. Virtue: Gain Willpower by not losing your cool in highly stressful situations. Vice: Spend Willpower whenever trying to convince people

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Disclaimer: This document is a fan supplement for White Wolfs line of roleplaying games including Adventure!, Aberrant & Trinity. Various terminology throughout this document is copyright White Wolf Inc. Visit Other material is copyright Tom Martin & EON (

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