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Collection of Slokas For Each Day of The Week and Various Gods

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14. Slokas Sloka is a term derived from Sanskrit.

Sloka is a verse, phrase, proverb or hymn of praise dedicated to the God. Shlokas are usually composed in a specific meter. Sloka is a verse of two lines, each of sixteen syllables. Sloka usually forms the part of Hindu prayers. Shloka can also be attributed to specific Gods and Goddesses. What is Sloka Sloka is a powerful prayer which conveys the di nity and the omnipotence of God. Sanskrit Shlokas describe God in different forms and their celestial powers. !eople, who sincerely recite these verses and invoke the God mentally, attain a steady and peaceful mind. Shloka forms the part of ""Stotras"" which are dedicated to Gods as prayers. Slokas are the primary verses from #ahabharata and $amayana, the reat epics of %ndian #ytholo y. %n this section, we are coverin the followin slokas& Bedtime Sloka | Bhagavad Gita Slokas | Durga Sloka | Early Morning Sloka | Ganesh Sloka | Holy Bath Sloka | Krishna Sloka | Parvati Sloka | Rama Sloka | Saraswati Sloka | Shiva Sloka | Sloka While Eating | Sloka While ighting am! | "ishnu Sloka 1. 'edtime Sloka Bedtime is the time when !eo!le want to rela# themselves a$ter the long he%ti% s%hedules o$ the day& 't is %onsidera(le to remem(er God at su%h time& )ollowing Bedtime Sloka * Shloka is a (edtime !rayer o$ the Hindus& ()aracharana )rn %tam *aakkaaya+am )arma+am *aa, Shravananayana+am *aa #aanasam *aaparaadham, *ihitamavihitam *aa Sarvametatkshamasva, ,aya ,aya )arunaabdhe Shriimahaadeva Shambho( Meaning+ ,he literal meaning o$ the mantra is+ -. God/ kindly !ardon my in%orre%t a%tions done %ons%iously or un%ons%iously/ either through my organs o$ a%tion 0hand/ $eet/ and s!ee%h1 or through my organs o$ !er%e!tion 0eyes/ ears1 or (y my mind& ' adore the God/ who is the o%ean o$ kindness-& Signi$i%an%e+ By God2s gra%e/ we have %om!leted one more day o$ our li$e& So/ in order to thank god and to ask $or his mer%y/ one %an re%ite this Sloka& ,his (edtime Sloka is a !rayer to God asking him to e#%use our mistakes and maintain his mer%y on us&

-. 'ha avad Gita Slokas Slokas are verses in the !raise o$ God& Shlokas $rom Bhagwad Gita are renowned $or their massive !ower& Gita Slokas (ring the idea o$ s!irituality to our mind& Slokas o$ Bhagavad Gita %an (e re%ited in order to get the !ea%e o$ mind& Daily %hant o$ these slokas/ with their meanings ke!t in the mind/ makes the !erson aware a(out the $a%t o$ material world and the %elestial world& Gita Slokas tell a(out the eternal divine world whi%h is !ure and serene& ,hese slokas make the !erson reali3e the !ur!ose/ $or what he*she has %ome in this world& )ollowing are some o$ the Slokas $rom Bhagavad Gita with their meanings+ (.ancalam Hi #anah )rsna !ramathi 'alavaddrdham /asyaham 0i raham #anye *ayoriva Suduskaram( ,his Sloka states that the 'ndividual sel$ is the traveler in the %hariot o$ the material (ody and the intelligen%e is the driver& Mind is the driving instrument and the senses are the horses& ,hus/ the sel$ is the en4oyer or su$$erer in the relationshi! o$ the mind and senses& ('alam 'alavatam .aham )amara avivar+itam 1harmaviruddho 'hutesu )amo"smi 'haratarsabha( ,he Sloka says that God is deta%hed and !assionless strength o$ the dominant and the virtuous %raving in men& (2e .aiva Sattvika 'hava $a+asastamasasca 2e #atta 3verti /anviddhi 0a /vaham /esu /emayi( ,his Shloka tells that God is the only sour%e o$ all good 0satva1/ o(sessive 0ra4as1 and dark 0tamas1 elements still/ they are not within the God nor the deity is within them& (/ribhir unamayairbhavairebhih Sarvamidam ,a at #ohitam 0abhi+anati #amebhyah !aramavyayam( ,his Sloka states that the whole world is engrossed in the three elements o$ Satva/ Ra4a/ and ,ama &,his is the reason/ !eo!le don2t re%ogni3e the Eternal God who is (eyond them& (1aivi Hyesa Gunamayi #ama #aya 1uratyaya #ameva 2e !rapadyante #ayametam /aranti /e(

,he Shloka states that the %elestial maya o$ God with its three$old attri(utes is very %om!le#& 5et/ those who worshi! God are a(le to %on6uer it& (0a #am 1uskrtino #udhah !rapadyante 0aradhamah #ayayapahrta+nana 4suram 'havamasritah( ,his Shloka says that !eo!le who are attra%ted (y maya o$ God lose their mind& ,hey get $as%inated (y the (aser im!ulses and sto! worshi!!ing God& ,hese !eo!le are stu!id and evil who don2t even understand that all these things are !art o$ the we( %reated (y the 7lmighty& (.aturvidha 'ha+ante #am ,anah Sukrtino"r+una 4rto ,i+nasurartharthi ,nani .a 'haratarsabha( ,his Sloka says that there are $our kinds o$ good !eo!le who worshi! god/ those who desire earthly gains/ those who are su$$ering/ those who seek knowledge and those who !ossess wisdom& (/esam ,nani 0ityayukta 3kabhaktirvisisyate !riyo Hi ,nanino"tyarthamaham Sa .a #ama !riyah( ,his Shloka tells that out o$ the devotees/ there are some wise !eo!le who want something in return and the !eo!le who don2t e#!e%t any $ruit in return o$ the worshi!& God loves the !eo!le who don2t e#!e%t anything in return as their love towards the god is true& (5darah Sarva 3vaite, ,nani /vatmaiva #e #atam 4sthitah Sa Hi 2uktatma #amevanuttamam Gatim( ,his Sloka states that all those who worshi! God are %ommenda(le& But the outstanding devotees/ who worshi! God with the single motive to merge in the God/ are the true devotees who have a%hieved the highest aim o$ li$e& 6. 1ur a Sloka Durga sym(oli3es the !ower o$ the Su!reme Being that maintains moral order and 4usti%e in the universe& Durga is also known as -Shakti-& Worshi! o$ the goddess Shakti is very !o!ular among the Hindu !eo!le& Durga stands $or the uni$ied sym(ol o$ all divine $or%es8 Strength/ Morality/ Power/ Prote%tor& Slokas on Goddess Durga $orm the !art o$ !rayers o$$ered to the goddess& Durga 0Devi1 Shlokas * Slokas are as $ollows+ (2aa 1evii Sarvabhuuteshhu #aatrirupena Sansthitah 2aa 1evii Sarvabhuuteshhu Shaktirupena Sansthitah 2aa 1evii Sarvabhuuteshhu Shaantirupena Sansthitah

0amastasyaih 0amastasyaih 0amastasyaih 0amo 0amah( Meaning+ Goddess Durga is omni!resent& She is the !ersoni$i%ation o$ 9niversal Mother& She is a Mother/ who is !resent everywhere and who is em(odiment o$ !ower and energy& Great mother/ who is !resent everywhere and who is em(odiment o$ Pea%e& ' (ow to that mother/ ' (ow to Durga/ ' (ow to Shakti& Durga 0Devi1 Stuti (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu *ishnu #aayethi Sabdita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who dwells in all %reatures in the name o$ Maya o$ "ishnu& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu .hetanetyaabhi 1heeyate 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Devi/ who a(ides in all %reatures as reali3ation& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu 'uddhi $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who dwells in all %reatures in the $orm o$ intelligen%e& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu 0idraa $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Devi/ who lives in all %reatures in the $orm o$ slee!& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu )shudhaa $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who dwells in all %reatures in the $orm o$ a!!etite& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu .haayaa $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha(

Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who lives in all %reatures in the $orm o$ meditation and re$le%tion& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu Shakthi $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Devi/ who dwells in all %reatures in the $orm o$ Shakti/ the %reative !ower& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu /hrishnaa $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who dwells in all %reatures in the $orm o$ thirst&

(2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu )shaanthi $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Devi/ who lives in all %reatures in the mer%i$ul $orm& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu ,aati $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who dwells in all %reatures in the $orm o$ ra%e& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu 7a++a $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Devi/ who lives in all %reatures in the modest $orm& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu Shaanthi $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who dwells in all %reatures in the $orm o$ !ea%e 0Shanti1& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu Shradha $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha(

Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who lives in all %reatures in the $orm o$ unshaka(le $aith 0Shraddha1& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu )aanthi $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who lives in all %reatures in the $orm o$ (eauty or (rillian%e 0Kaanti1& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu 7akshmi $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who dwells in all %reatures in the !ros!erous $orm& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu *ritti $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Devi/ who dwells in all %reatures in the $orm o$ motion& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu Smrithi $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who lives in all %reatures in the $orm o$ memory& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu 1ayaa $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Devi/ who dwells in all %reatures in the $orm o$ mer%y or kindness 0Dayaa1& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu /ushti $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who lives in all %reatures in the $orm o$ satis$a%tion& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu #atru $oopena Samsthita

0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Devi/ who lives in all %reatures in the $orm o$ Mother& (2aa 1evii Sarva 'hooteshu 'raanthi $oopena Samsthita 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who dwells in all %reatures in the $orm o$ illusion 0Bhram1& - %ndriyaanaamadhistaatri 'hootaanaam .haakileshu 2aa 'hooteshu Satatam /asyai *yaaptidevyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the all !ervading goddess/ who %ontinuously %ontrols the senses o$ all %reatures and governs all elements& (.hiti $oopena 2aa )ristnam 2etadhyaapya Sthithaa ,a at 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amastasyai 0amo 0amaha( Meaning+ ' (ow again and again to the Goddess/ who !ervades this world and %ontrols in the $orm o$ awareness&:*(; < Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 09:53:17 PM by marioban29 = marioban-8 Mem(er Blessings > .$$line Posts+ ?@@? $e& 14 Slokas < $eply 91 on& )e(ruary @>/ A@@?/ @B+CD+ED PM = 4. 3arly #ornin Sloka Early Morning is %onsidered as the (est time to worshi! God& Early morning is also known as -Brahma Mahurat- in the Hindu Mythology& 't is regarded that !rayers made at this time rea%h dire%tly to the God& Early Morning Shloka 0Sloka1 is given here whi%h also serves as the $irst !rayer o$ the day to the almighty& )araa re *asate 7akshmi )aramadhye Sarasvati, )aramuule /u Govinda !rabhaate )aradarshanam, Samudravasane 1evi !arvatastanamandale, *ishhnupatni 0amastubhyam !aadasparsham )shamasva #e Meaning+ ,he $ront !art o$ the hands 0the $inger ti!s1 is %redited to Goddess akshmi/ the Goddess o$ wealth& ,he middle !art or !alm is %redited to Goddess Saraswati/ the Goddess o$ learning and the root 0the !art o$ hand near the wrist1 to Govinda& So/ every morning/ one should have a reverent look at one2s hand whi%h re!resents sin%ere la(or& ogged

' (ow to Mother Earth/ who has mountains and 4ungles on her (ody and whose %lothing is made (y the o%ean& ,he wi$e o$ ord "ishnu/ !lease !ardon me $or tou%hing you with my $eet& 't is %onsidered !ro!itious to start the day with this sin%ere !rayer& :. Ganesh Sloka ord Ganesha is the one o$ the most !o!ular gods o$ the Hindu Religion& Ganesh is known as the eradi%ator o$ o(sta%les and god o$ (eginnings& ord Ganesha is %onsidered as the $irst god to (e worshi!!ed& Slokas on ord Ganesha $orm the !art o$ !rayers o$$ered to the lord& Here is a %olle%tion o$ Ganesha Shlokas+ (Shuklaambara 1haram *ishnum, Shashi *arnam .hatur 'hu+am !rasanna *adanam 1hyaayet, Sarva *i hna 5pashaanthaye( Meaning+ ord Ganesha always dressed in white re!resents !urity& He is omni!resent with gray %om!le#ion like that o$ ash glowing with s!iritual s!lendor& ,he ord with (right %ountenan%e has $our arms& ' meditate on the God who %an destroy all o(sta%les whether material or s!iritual& (*akratunda #ahakaaya, Suryakoti Samaprabha 0irvi hnam )uru #ey 1eva, Sarva )aaryeshu Sarvada( Meaning+ ord Ganesha has a %urved trunk with a !ower$ul (ody& He has the (rillian%e o$ a million suns& May the ord/ remove all the !ro(lems $rom the a%tions ' aim to a%hieve& (3kadantam #ahaakaayan, /aptakaa+nchanasannibhamh 7ambodaram *ishaalaaxam, *andeaham Gananaayakamh( Meaning+ .(eisan%e to ord Ganesha/ the one tusked/ hugeF(odied/ (igF(ellied/ and largeFeyed God/ whose %om!le#ion is like that o$ molten gold& ' surrender mysel$ to su%h great lord& (Srikantho #athulo 2asya, ,ananee Sarva #an alaa ,anakaha Sankaro 1evaha, /am *ande" )un+araananam( Meaning+ ,he lord/ $or whom ord "ishnu is the 9n%le/ whose mother is the divine aus!i%ious one/ Parvati and whose $ather is ord Shiva& ' o$$er salutations to Sri Ganesha/ the .mkara& (!rasanna *inaayakam 1evam, !erivana !ura Samsthitham Sarva *i na Haram 0ithyam, *andhe Sri )un+araananam( Meaning+ ,he ord Sri Prasanna "inaayaka/ who lives in his ,em!le o$ Pearland8 one who removes all o(sta%les o$ all his devotees at all times8 one who has the .mkara $a%e o$ the

ele!hant& ' !ray to the divine Ganesha& (4 a+aanana !admaarkam, Ga+aananam 4harnisham 4nekadantham 'haktaanaam, 3kadantam 5paasmahey( Meaning+ ord Ganesha/ the ele!hant $a%ed is like sun to the lotus $a%e o$ Mother Parvati& ,he single tusked Ganesha is the giver o$ (oons& ' salute the great lord to grant us a (oon& (Ganaanaam /wam Ganapathi Gam Havaamahe )avim )aveenaam 5pamasra *astamam ,yeshta $aa+am 'rahmanaam 'rahmanaspatha 4anashrunvanna ;othibhi Seedha Saadanam( Meaning+ ,he ord o$ s!iritual $aith/ son o$ ord Shiva/ is the wisest among the wise& Ganesha has no %om!arison& He is the senior ord o$ the "edi% mantras/ who listens to the devotee2s !rayers& ' invite ord Ganesha to visit my home with !ros!erous things and (e seated here& <. Holy 'ath Sloka Bathing is a time when !eo!le take a shower to shed the !hysi%al im!urities and dirt o$ their (ody& )ollowing is the Shloka* Sloka $or a Holy Bath/ whi%h %an (e re%ited while taking a (ath& (Gan a .ha 2amuna .haiva Godavari Saraswati, 0armada Sindhu )averi ,alesmin Sannidhim )uru( Meaning+ ,he literal meaning o$ this mantra is+ -'n this water/ ' invoke the !resen%e o$ divine waters $rom the rivers Ganga/ 5amuna/ Godavari/ Saraswati/ Garmada/ Sindhu and Kaveri& ,hese rivers are %onsidered as goddesses and ' !ray to them $or %onsidering me $or their (lessings& Signi$i%an%e+ God has given us a (eauti$ul li$e to live and has %reated this (eauti$ul world& ,here are massive rivers and o%eans in it& Many rivers like/ Ganga/ 5amuna/ Saraswati et% have their own signi$i%an%e& ,aking (ath in these rivers is %onsidered aus!i%ious& So/ re%iting this Sloka with a sin%ere heart (rings you the (ene$it o$ taking (ath in these rivers& =. )rishna Sloka ord Krishna is one o$ the most !o!ular and worshi!!ed deities among the Hindus& Krishna re!resents knowledge/ wisdom/ (eauty and o!ulen%e& Shri Krishna is the very em(odiment o$ love and divine e%stasy that destroys all !ain and o$$ense& Sloka on Krishna $orms the !art o$ !rayers o$$ered to the lord& Here is a list o$ Krishna Slokas * Shlokas+

(*asudeva Sutam 1evam, )ansa .haanuuramardanam 1evakii !aramaanandam )rishhnam *ande ,a ad Gurum( Meaning+ Krishna is the Su!reme ord/ Son o$ Devaki 0Sister o$ Kansa1 and "asudeva& He is the slayer o$ Kansa and Hhanur& ' (ow to su%h great lord and may god (less me with his gra%e always& (4akaashaath !atitam /oyam, 2athaa Gachchhati Saa aramh Sarvadeva 0amaskaaraanh, )eshavam !rati achchhati( Meaning+ ord Krishna is great& Iust as every rain dro! that $alls $rom the sky $lows into the .%ean/ in the same way every !rayer o$$ered to any deity $lows to ord Krishna& ' (ow to su%h great ord Krishna& < Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 02:05:13 PM by marioban29 = marioban-8 Mem(er Blessings > .$$line Posts+ ?@@? $e& 14 Slokas < $eply 9- on& )e(ruary @>/ A@@?/ @B+D?+@> PM = >. !arvati Sloka Goddess Parvati is the divine %onsort o$ ord Shiva/ the destroyer& Gauri re!resents virtue/ $ertility/ marital $eli%ity/ as%eti%ism and !ower/ as !er the Hindu mythology& Parvati is worshi!!ed (y women o$ all ages and is %onsidered as an aus!i%ious goddess& Slokas on Hindu goddess Parvati $orm the !art o$ !rayers o$$ered to the goddess& Parvati Slokas * Shlokas are as $ollows+ (Sarva #an ala #aan alye, Shive Sarvaartha Saadhike Sharanye /ryambake Gaurii, 0aaraayanii 0amostute( Meaning+ Goddess Parvati is the aus!i%iousness o$ all that is aus!i%ious& She is the %onsort o$ ord Shiva/ who grants every desire o$ one2s heart& ' adore su%h Devi Parvati/ who loves all her %hildren& ' (ow to the great mother/ who has given re$uge to me& (#aata .ha !aarvati 1evi, !itaa 1evo #aheshvara 'aandhavah Shiva 'haktaacha, Svadesho 'huvanatrayam( Meaning+ Goddess Parvati is the mother and the divine $ather is Shiva& ,he devotees are the %hildren& ,he world is the %reation o$ these divine (eings and we live on the land o$ su%h %elestial (eings& 8. $ama Sloka ord Rama is the seventh in%arnation o$ ord "ishnu/ as !er the Hindu Mythology& Ram ogged

sym(oli3es morality/ virtue and idealism& Rama Slokas $orm !art o$ !rayers o$$ered to the lord& Slokas on ord Rama are as $ollows+ (2anmaya *ashvarti *ishwamkhilambrahamadidevasura, 2at Sat *admrishave 'hati Sakalam $a+oo 2adhaahaibharama, 2atpadah !alvmaive 'hati Hi 'havambhodhaisitatti Shravtam, *andeaham /amsheshkaranparam $amakhayamesham Harim( Meaning+ ord Hari is also %alled as Rama and he is (eyond all %ause& ,his whole world is a !art o$ his Maya& ord Ram is the only one/ with whose essen%e everything shines as real 0though in reality it is $alse1 where snake is misa!!rehended as a ro!e and whose $eet are a (oat to those who as!ire to %ross the o%ean o$ Samsara/ the relative e#isten%e& ' surrender mysel$ to su%h great ord& (#oolam 1harmtarovivek+aldhae !oornedumannandam, *aiara ayambu+ 'haskaram /awa hharam 1havanta !aham /apham, #ohambhodharpun+hpatanvidhoo )he Sambhavam Shankaram, *ande 'raham )ul )alankshamanam Shree $ambhoopam !riyam( Meaning+ ord Rama/ the (eloved King is the root o$ the tree o$ all Dharma& He is the $ull moon/ giving delight to the o%ean o$ "iveka or dis%rimination and the sun $or the lotus o$ "airagya& He is the destroyer o$ sin/ the dis!eller o$ the darkness o$ ignoran%e and the destroyer o$ !ain& 'n the a%t o$ destroying the masses o$ %louds/ o$ delusion he a%ts like wind& ' (ow to the ord/ who is !ro!itious and who (rought death to the disgra%e to the Brahmin $amily o$ Ravana& (!rasantam 2a 0a Gatabhishaket Satatha 0a #amloo 'anvasdukhta, #ukhambu+shree $a hunandan Sai #ai Sada 4astu Sa #u+ulman alprada( Meaning+ ord Rama has a lotus like (eauti$ul $a%e& His (eauty neither gets enhan%ed at the %oronation nor $ades at the hardshi!s o$ an e#ile in the $orest& May ord (less me with all aus!i%ious& (0eelambhu+ Shyamalkomlan Sita Samaropitvambha am, !ano #ahasaikacharoochapam 0amame $amam $a huvanshnatham( Meaning+ ord Rama is the %hie$ amongst the Raghus& His handsome (ody is o$ dark (lue %olor like the (lue lotus& He has Sita seated on his le$t& He is the one/ who wields a (eauti$ul (ow and arrows in his hands& ' (ow to su%h great ord& 1?. Saraswati Sloka Saraswati is the goddess o$ arts/ musi%/ knowledge/ and wisdom& Saraswati is %onsidered as the divine %onsort o$ ord Brahma/ the Hreator o$ the universe as !er the Hindu Religion& Saraswati

is regarded as the destroyer o$ %haos and %on$usion& Slokas on Saraswati $orm the !art o$ !rayers o$$ered to the goddess& Saraswati Slokas* Shlokas are as $ollows+ (2a 1evi Stuyate 0ityam *ibhuhairvedapara aih Same *asatu ,ihva re 'rahmarupa Saraswati( Meaning+ Saraswati/ the goddess o$ knowledge/ is !raised (y the intelligent who have mastered the Shastra 0s%ri!tures1& She is the wi$e o$ the Hreator& May she live on my tongue& (Shrii Saraswatii 0amahstubhyam *arade )aama $uupini /waam 4ham !raarthane 1evii *idyaadaanam .ha 1ehi #e( Meaning+ ' (ow to Goddess Saraswati/ who $ul$ills the wishes o$ the devotees& ' !ray her to enlighten me with knowledge& (Sarasvathi 0amastubhyam, *arade )aamaroopini *idyaarambham )arishyaami, Siddhir 'havatu #ey Sada( #eanin & Saraswati is the provider of boons and the one, who rants all our desires. 4s % be in my studies, % bow to the Goddess to help me in makin it fruitful and make me successful in all my efforts. 11. Shiva Sloka ord Shiva or Siva is %onsidered as the destroyer o$ the world& Shiva is one o$ the most !o!ular gods o$ the Hindu religion& Shiva is also a kindFhearted god who (lesses !eo!le& Sloka on ord Shiva $orms the !art o$ !rayers o$$ered to the lord& )ollowing is the Shloka $or invoking ord Shiva or Shiva Sloka+ ()ailaasarana Shiva .handramouli !haneendra #aathaa #ukutee @alaalee )aarunya Sindhu 'hava 1ukha Haaree /hu+aveena Shambho #a+a )ona /aaree( Meaning+ ord Shiva is seated on Mount Kailash8 his $orehead is de%ked with the moon and the king o$ ser!ents as a %rown& ,he lord is $ull o$ %om!assion and the remover o$ illusion& Shiva is the only !rote%tor& ' surrender mysel$ to su%h great ord ShivFShankar& 1-. Sloka While 3atin Eating is an im!ortant a%tivity/ whi%h is re6uired in order to live& 't is God/ who has %reated ea%h and every thing& )ood/ hunger/ living (eings/ all o$ them $orm the !art o$ God2s %reation& .ne

should remem(er God/ the omni!resent/ who has given (oth/ sweet and sour deli%a%ies to satis$y our tasteF(uds& )ollowing is the Sloka* Shloka whi%h %an (e re%ited while eating or taking your $ood& ('rahmaarpanam 'rahma Havih 'rahmaa nau 'rahmana Hutam, 'rahmaiva /ena Gantavyam 'rahmakarmasamaadhina( Meaning+ ,he a%%urate meaning o$ this mantra is+ -7 !ra%ti%e o$ o$$ering is Brahman/ the o(lation is Brahman/ the devi%e o$ o$$ering is Brahman/ and the $ire 0hunger1 to whi%h the o$$ering is made/ is also Brahman& )or su%h a one/ who a(ides in everything 0Brahman1/ (y him alone Brahman is rea%hed-& :Signi$i%an%e+ Brahman re$ers to God himsel$& ,his Shloka suggests that god is everywhere/ in the $ood/ inside the devotee and even the hunger is God& So/ devotee is taking the $ood 0God1 to the hunger 0God1& ,o !ut su%%in%tly/ we always thank god $or his divine gra%e& 16. Sloka Aor 7i htin 7amp ight is %onsidered as a sym(ol o$ aus!i%iousness/ !ros!erity and a(undan%e in the Hindu religion& ight (rings (rightness with it and removes the darkness& ight makes it !ossi(le to see things %learly& )ollowing Sloka * Shloka %an (e re%ited while lighting the lam!& ,his !rayer is also known 22dee!a shlokam22 (Subham )aroti )alyanam 4ro yam 1hana Sampadah Shatru 'uddhi *inashaya 1ipa ,yotir 0amostute( Meaning+ ,he a%%urate meaning o$ the mantra is+ -' $old my hands (e$ore the light that (rings !ros!erity/ aus!i%iousness/ good health/ a(undan%e o$ wealth and destru%tion o$ the enemy2s intelle%t-& Here/ Darkness sym(oli3es enemy2s intelle%t and with the arrival o$ light/ darkness disa!!ears& ikewise/ light 0God2s Gra%e1 destroys darkness 0enemy2s intelle%t1& (1eepa+yothi !arabrahma 1eepa+yothi ,anardhana 1eepo #e Hara /u !aapam 1eepaa ,yothir 0amostute( Meaning+ ,he literal meaning o$ the mantra is+ -' $old my hands (e$ore the lord/ the maintainer o$ this %reation/ in the $orm o$ this light& ' adore this light/ whi%h destroys all the !ains resulting $rom my omissions and %ommissions-& 14. *ishnu Sloka

ord "ishnu is %onsidered as the %hie$ god in Hindu religion and 'ndian mythology& "ishnu/ the !reserver/ $orms the !art o$ trinity gods& "ishnu Slokas $orm the !art o$ !rayers o$$ered to the lord& "ishnu Slokas* Shlokas are as $ollows+ ()aayena *aachaa #anasendriyairvaa 'uddhyaatmanaa *aa !rakriteh Svabhaavaatah )aromi 2adhyadh Sakalam !arasmai 0aaraayanaayeti Samarpayaami( Meaning+ ,he literal meaning o$ the mantra is+ -' o$$er everything to ord "ishnu 0Garayana18 whatever ' do with my (ody/ words/ mind/ lim(s/ intelle%t or my inner sel$ whether intentionally or unintentionally& ' (ow to the great lord/ "ishnu-& (Shaantaakaaram 'hu+an a Shayanam !admanaabham Suresham *ishvaadhaaram Ga ana Sadrisham #e havarnam Shubhaan am 7akshmiikaantam )amalanayanam 2o ibhidhyaarna amyam *ande *ishhnum 'havabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham( Meaning+ ord "ishnu is the !ersoni$i%ation o$ !ea%e/ who rests on the Shesha Gaag& ,he Garayana/ $rom whose navel the otus s!rings and whose %om!le#ion is swarthy like the %louds& ,he God/ who is the (eloved o$ Goddess akshmi/ whose (ody shines with divine s!lendor and whose eyes are like otus& ' (ow to the lord/ "ishnu Garayana/ who is meditated u!on (y the yogis and who is the remover o$ the $ear o$ the worldF%y%le& < Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 02:08:25 PM by marioban29 = marioban-8 Mem(er Blessings > .$$line Posts+ ?@@? $e& 14 Slokas < $eply 96 on& Iuly B?/ A@@?/ @J+ED+A? 7M = )etu Sloka 7neka roo!avarnas%ha sakaroodha sashras+ 9t!ata roo!e Iagadam Peedam dahathu me tamah+ $ahu Sloka Mahaseersho Mahavakro Deerghadamstro maha (ala+ 7kanyas%ho urdvakess%hrya Peedanam dahutu me siki Guru Sloka Devanam %ha rishinam %ha Gurum kaan%hana Sanni(ham Buddhimantam ,rilokesham ogged

tam namaami Brishas!atim FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 4rdikabadha 0ivarana Sloka )or $inan%ial im!rovement and re%overy o$ old or written o$$ dues/ natives are advised to re%ite 7rdika(adha nivarana sloka at least AB times a day& ,he natives are advised to start re%iting the sloka on ,uesday on a $avora(le star $or s!eedy results& .m Gamodevi Bhagavatee ,rilo%hanam/ ,ri!uram Devi 7n4alCem me kalyanam Kuru kuru swaha Ku4a Dosha Givarana Sloka Bhumi!utro Mahate4aa Iagataam Bhayakrutsada "rushtikrudrusti hardha%ha Peedanam dahutume Ku4aha8 Kantaka Sani/ Sade Sani and 7rdhastama Sani Sloka Sooryaya seetharu%hay dharanee suthaaya saumyaya devagurave (hrrigunandanaaya Sooryathama4aaya (hu4agaaya %ha ketuave %ha nityam namo (hagavate gurave varaaya Krishanaya vaasudevaya namaami haraye sadaa mandasayaanista sam(hootham dosha4aatham vinaasaya htt!+**www&astrology$oru&%om*mantras < Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 10:26:13 PM by marioban29 = marioban-8 Mem(er Blessings > .$$line Posts+ ?@@? ogged 4nupam Mem(er $e& 14 Slokas < $eply 9: on& Iune B?/ A@@J/ @>+A>+DJ 7M = ,hanks a lot mario(an 4i $or the very ni%e slokas& 5ou have great knowledge o$ the slokas ,hanks a lot& Han you o(lige me (y also giving the same in Hindi*Sanskrit in Devnagari s%ri!t as $e& 14 Slokas < $eply 94 on& Iuly B?/ A@@?/ B@+B@+B@ 7M = Special Slokas for each separate day of the week. htt!+**www&%in%innatitem!le&%om*arti%les*SomePoo4aSlokas&!d$ ogged

Blessings B@ .$$line Posts+ BAJB

they are easier to read and Hom!rehend& ' would (e very ,hank$ul $or the same

ogged priya.sri-??8 Mem(er Blessings @ .$$line Posts+ E ogged marioban-8 Mem(er Blessings > .$$line Posts+ ?@@? $e& 14 Slokas < $eply 9= on& )e(ruary @K/ A@BA/ B@+CC+CA PM = Ganesha *edic Shloka -Ganaanaam ,wam Gana!athi Gam Havaamahe Kavim Kaveenaam 9!amasra "astamam Iyeshta Raa4am Brahmanaam Brahmanas!atha 7anashrunvanna .othi(hi Seedha SaadanamMeaning o$ Sloka+ ,he ord o$ s!iritual $aith/ son o$ ord Shiva/ is the wisest among the wise& Ganesha has no %om!arison& He is the senior ord o$ the "edi% mantras/ who listens to the devotee2s !rayers& ' invite ord Ganesha to visit my home with !ros!erous things and (e seated here& sour%e+ htt!+**www&ganesh&us*slokas*lordFganeshaFslokas&html .n www&ganesh&us there are many slokas/ not only $rom Ganesh4i/ (ut also a(out+ 3arly #ornin Sloka 'ha avad Gita Slokas Goddess 1ur a Slokas 'edtime Sloka 7ord Ganesha Slokas Goddess !arvati Slokas Holy 'ath Sloka 7ord )rishna Slokas 7ord $ama Slokas Sloka While 3atin Goddess Saraswati Slokas 7ord Shiva Slokas Sloka While 7i htin 7amp 7ord *ishnu Slokas $e& 14 Slokas < $eply 9< on& Govem(er AE/ A@@J/ @K+@J+CJ 7M = mario(an4i so many slokas& you2ve many !atien%e& thanks $or giving meaning $or every slokas& this is not an easy work& hands o$ to 9&

7ord Hanuman Slokas Goddess 7akshmi Slokas htt!+**www&ganesh&us*slokas*lordFganeshaFslokas&html FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Please/ listen to this great video+ htt!+**www&youtu(e&%om*wat%hLvMHvv9w,a7K E < Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 10:27:30 PM by marioban29 = marioban-8 Mem(er Blessings > .$$line Posts+ ?@@? $e& 14 Slokas < $eply 9> on& )e(ruary @?/ A@BA/ @C+@A+A@ PM = S7;)4'40) htt!+**www&%arnati%a&net*lyri%s*sloka(ank&htm FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF #!6 Sloka .;773./%;0 ,he $ollowing slokas have (een rendered and re%orded in MPC $ormat (y Sunder Kidam(i& Hli%k on Sloka link to hear ea%h stotra& htt!+**www&shriganesh&%om*S .K7S*slokas&html FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $eli ious n 1evotional Slokas .ollection& htt!+**ware3F$reak&(logs!ot&%om*A@@J*@E*religiousFnFdevotionalFslokas&html < Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 10:28:34 PM by marioban29 = marioban-8 Mem(er Blessings > .$$line Posts+ ?@@? htt!+**www&!ra!atti&%om*inde#&html htt!+**www&!ra!atti&%om*slokas*m!C&html htt!+**www&!ra!atti&%om*slokas*slokas(yname&html htt!+**www&!ra!atti&%om*links&html $e& 14 Slokas < $eply 98 on& )e(ruary @?/ A@BA/ @J+@A+A@ PM = !rapatti ;nline B Stotras C Slokas B #!6 *oice, 4udio .ollection ' have $ound a very ni%e %olle%tion o$ slokas and stotras+ ogged ogged

< Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 09:03:54 PM by marioban29 = marioban-8 Mem(er Blessings > .$$line Posts+ ?@@? $e& 14 Slokas < $eply 91? on& )e(ruary @?/ A@BA/ @J+B?+BB PM = 3ka sloka collection B $amayanam, 'ha avatham, #ahabharatam, Gita 1D $amayanam in one sloka 7dau Rama ,a!ovanadi Gamanam Hatvamrigam Kan%hanam "idehi Haranam Iatayu Maranam Sugriva Sam(hashanam "ali Gigrahana6m Samudratharanam anka!uridahanam Pas%hat Ravana Kum(hakarnaharanam Ethadhi ramayanam


.n%e Rama went to $orest/He %hased the deer/Sitha was kidna!!ed/Iatayu was killed/ ,here were talks with Sugreeva/"ali was killed/,he sea was %rossed/ anka was (urnt/7nd later Ravana and Kum(ha karna/Were also killed&,his in short is the story o$ Ramayanam& -D 'ha avatham in one sloka 7dau Devaki Deva Gar(ha4ananam Go!igrihe "ardhanam Maya!uthana Ieevitha!aharanam Govardhanodaranam Kamsa%hedana Kauravadihananam Kunthi Sutha Palanam Ethad(hagavatham Puranakaditham Srikrishna eelamritham Born to 6ueen Devaki/ Brought u! (y Go!is/ ,ook out the li$e o$ .gress Poothana/ i$ted the Govardhana mountain/ Beheaded his un%le Kamsa/ Hel!ed in killing the Kouravas/ 7nd looked a$ter the %hildren o$ Kunthi& ,his is in short the an%ient story o$ Bhagawatha/Whi%h des%ri(es the ne%tar like !lay o$ ord Krishna 6D #ahabharatam in one sloka 7adhau PandavaFDhartarashtraF4ananam aakshaaFgrihe Daahanam Dyootam Sreeharanam "anN "iharanam MatsyaalayN "artanam eelagograhanam Rane "iharanam SandhiFkriyaF4rum!hanam Pas%hat BheeshmaFdrona/ duryodhanaadi Gidhanam Etat Maha(haratam 0With1 the (irth o$ sons o$ Pandu and Drthrashtra and 0$ailed attem!t1 o$ (urning alive Pandavas1 in a wa# house/ Wealth gra((ed illegally/ e#ile in $orests 0o$ Pandavas1/ retreat in the house o$ Matsya 0Kingdom1 %ows stolen and res%ued/ in (attle/ 7ttem!ts $or %om!romise 0(etween the Pandavas and Karavas (y ord Krishna1 $ailed/ Bhishma/ Drona Duryodhana and others killed/ is M7H7BH7R7,7 4D Gita in one sloka 0,hough this sloka does not talk a(out the tea%hing o$ Gita/ 't is termed as Eka Sloki Gita& 't is also in%luded in the "ishnu Sahasranamam1 5athra 5ogeeswara Krushno/ 5atha Partho Dhanurdhara/ ,hathra srirvi4ayo (hoothir/ Druva neethir mama&0BG/ Hha!ter B?/ "erse/K?1 2Where Krishna the God o$ 5ogis is there/7nd where 7r4una / the e#!ert ar%her is there/Wealth / vi%tory/ im!rovement and Iusti%e/Will (e there de$initely $or ever&2

:D Glories of 0arayana Kasturi tilakam naarayaGam Kamala nayanam naarayaGam Guruvaayur !ura naarayaGam Kaliyuga avatara naarayanam karuGaasagara naarayaGam g.vinda g.vinda naarayaGam sh'raa(di shyana naarayaGa Sree lakshmy ramaGa naarayaGa Panka4aksha da a naarayaGa Hharanam %haraGam naarayaGa source+ htt!+**anymoms%orner&(logs!ot&%om*A@B@*BA*ekaFslokaF%olle%tionFramayanam&html < Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 10:30:31 PM by marioban29 = ogged

marioban-8 Mem(er Blessings > .$$line Posts+ ?@@?

$e& 14 Slokas < $eply 911 on& )e(ruary @?/ A@BA/ @J+AA+AC PM = #ore Slokas 4 astyam kumbhakarnam cha shanim cha badavaanalam 4ahaara paripaakaartham smared bhimam cha panchakam Hhant this mantra while %aressing your stoma%h with your le$t hand in the anti %lo%k wise dire%tion a$ter having your meal& 't hel!s in 6ui%k digestion& Shri 1atto 0arado vyasaha, shuklashcha pavanatma+ah, )arthaveeryascha oraksho, sapthaithe smruthi aminaha. Sloka $or trees+ #oolatho 'rahma $oopaya, #adhyato *ishnu $oopine, 4 ratha Shiva $oopaya, *ruksha $a+ayathe 0amaha. 7%tivity s!e%i$i% sloka Slokas $or our kids F %ategorised (ased on a%tivity& Every a%tivity in one2s li$e is viewed as a result o$ the !owers a(ove& Hen%e ea%h a%tivity is revered and a !rayer %hanted to e#e%ute the task on hand more out o$ sin%erity and devotion rather than out o$ -i know everything- attitude& 't is said that+ ,wo things de$ine your su%%ess in li$e+ B1 ,he way you manage when you have nothing A1 ,he way you (ehave when you have everything ,hese slokas hel! not only kee! one grounded (ut also redu%e greatly the haste involved& Re%alling the sloka and %hanting it/ (y itsel$ and unknowingly indu%es a !ause (e$ore the start o$ the a%tivity whi%h hel!s $ree $low o$ thoughts and a %ooler a!!roa%h to a%tivity on hand&&& B1 Be$ore the start o$ any a%tivity Suklam (aratharam vishnum sasivarnam sathur(u4am Prasanna vadanam dyayeth sarva vigno(a santhaye one who wears a white garment/ all !ervading one who has a (rilliant %om!le#ion 0like the $ull moon1 one who has $our hands/ one who has an ever smiling $a%e ' meditate u!on thee $or the removal o$ all o(sta%les& 7 6ui%k mind teaser+ 7ny idea whi%h god is invoked in this slokaLO Well/ this as all our elders have taught us/ is indeed a ganesha sloka (ut the name never $igures and so the %on$usion& Well/ the %lue to the God is here+

a1 -sasi varnam- F "ishnu is gen& megha varnam (ut here it is mentioned sasi varnam& (1 -sarva vigno(a santhaye- F Ganesha is the only god %alled u!on to remove o(sta%les and as maha !eriyava !uts it he is the only vigna nashaka and hen%e this sloka re$ers to Ganesha& %1 -"isnum- F ord Ganesha is a%tually %alled u!on to !rote%t and hen%e the word -visnum- or -the one who !rote%tsA1 Prarthana ,wameva mata %ha !ita twameva ,wameva (andhush%ha sakha twameva ,wameva vidya dravinam twameva ,wameva sarvam mama deva deva 5ou are my mother and my $ather 5ou are my relative and $riend 5ou are my knowledge and my wealth 5ou are my all . ord o$ ords& C1 E7R 5 M.RG'GG PR75ERS 0Go idols/ God is in our own sel$1 ,he $irst thing when we get u! in the morning (e$ore we see anyone or anything we must look at our o!en !alms 4oint together and re%ite this mantra Karaagre vasate lakshmi karamadhye saraswati karamooleh tu govinda !ra(haate karadarshanam ,he $ront !art o$ the hands 0the $inger ti!s1 are as%ri(ed to Goddess akshmi/ the Goddess o$ wealth/ the middle !art 0the !alm !ro!er1 to Goddess Saraswati F the Goddess o$ learning and the root 0the !art o$ o$ hand near the wrist1 to Govinda 0God1& ,here$ore/ every morning/ one should have a res!e%t$ul look at one2s hand whi%h sym(oli3es honest la(or& D1 BE).RE GE,,'GG D.WG )R.M ,HE BED Samudravasane devi !arvatastana mandale vishnu!atni namastu(hyam !aada s!arsham kshamasva me .O Mother Earth/ who has the o%ean as %lothes and mountains and $orests on her (ody/ who is the wi$e o$ ord "ishnu/ ' (ow to you& Please $orgive me $or tou%hing you with my $eet& E1 WH' E ,7K'GG 7 B7,H Gange %ha 5amune %haiva Godaavari Saraswati/ Garmadhe Sindhu Kaveri Iale asmin sannidhim kuru 'n this water/ ' invoke the !resen%e o$ holy waters $rom the rivers Ganga/ 5amuna/ Godavari/ Saraswati/ Garmada/ Sindhu and Kaveri >1 BE).RE E7,'GG Brahmaar!anam (rahma havih (rahmaagnau (raahmanaa hutam (rahmaiva tena gantavyam (rahma karma samaadhinaa

7 !ro%ess o$ o$$ering is Brahman/ the o(lation is Brahman/ the instrument o$ o$$ering is Brahman/ the $ire to whi%h the o$$ering is made is also Brahman& )or su%h a one who a(ides in Brahman/ (y him alone Brahman is rea%hed K1 7),ER E7,'GG 7gastyam kum(hakarnam %ha shanim %ha (adavaanalam 7ahaara !ari!aakaartham smared (himam %ha !an%hakam Hhant this mantra while %aressing your stoma%h with your le$t hand in the anti %lo%k wise dire%tion a$ter having your meal& 't hel!s in 6ui%k digestion& WH' E 'GH,'GG 7 7MP Shu(ham karoti kalyaanam aarogyam dhana sam!adaa shatru(uddhi vinaashaaya dee!a4yoti namostute ' salute the .ne who is the lam!light/ that (rings aus!i%iousness/ !ros!erity/ good health/ a(undan%e o$ wealth/ and the destru%tion o$ the intelle%t2s enemy J1 M7G,R7 ).R REM."'GG 7G5 .BS,7H ES B1 "akra ,hunda Maha Kaya/ Koti Soorya Sama !ra(ha/ Girvignam Kuru me Deva/ sarva karyesshu sarvadha God who has an immense (ody/ God who has a (roken tusk/ God who shines like millions o$ Suns/ Remove all my !ro(lems/ )rom all that ' do and at all times& A1 San4eeva !arvathoddhara mama dukham nivaraya ghoran u!adravan sarvan nasha yakshasuranthaka markatesha mahothsaha sarva shoka vinashaka shatrun samhara mama raksha shriyam dhathwa %ha mam(hara B@1 Guru slokas B1 Gurur (rahmaa gurur vishnuh gurur devo maheshvarah gurur saakshaat !ara(rahma tasmai shree gurave namah& Know the Guru to (e Brahma himsel$& He is "ishnu& He is also Shiva& Know Him to (e the Su!reme Brahman/ and o$$er thy adorations unto that !eerless Guru A1 Gnanananda Mayam Devam Girmala S!atika Kruthim 7adharam Sarva "idyanam Hayagrivam 9!asmahe ' !romise mysel$ (e$ore the Goddess who is the !ersoni$i%ation o$ knowledge and Ha!!iness/ who is very !ure/ and who is the (asis o$ all learning C1 Gamaste ShaaradeFDevi

KaashmiiraF!ura "aasini ,vaamF7ham Praartthaye Devi "idyaaFBuddhim%ha Dehi Meh ' (ow to Goddess Shaarada/ resident o$ the regions o$ Kashmir/ ' !ray to you to give us the gi$t o$ edu%ation and knowledge& D1 Saraswathi Gamasthu(yam/ "aradey Kaamaru!inee "idhyaram(ham Karishyami Sidhir (havathu mey sada .h Goddess/ Saraswathi/ my hum(le salutations to you/ who are the $ul$iller o$ all my wishes& ' start my studies with the re6uest that thou will (estow ,hy (lessings on me BB1 Seeking $orgiveness $or any errors in !ronoun%iation or utteran%e yadakshara !adaF(hrash,am m7tra h'nantu yad (havet tatsarvam kshyamyat7m deva n7r7yaGa namostute visarga (indu m7tr7Gi !ada !7d7kshar7Gi %ha ny9n7ni %h7tirikdh7ni kshamasva !urushottamah BA1 BED,'ME PR75ER Kara%haranam kritam vaa kaaya4am karma4am vaa shravananayana4am vaa maanasam vaa!araadham vihitamavihitam vaa sarvametatkshamasva 4aya 4aya karunaa(dhe shriimahaadeva sham(ho .h ord kindly $orgive my wrong a%tions done knowingly or unknowingly/ either through my organs o$ a%tion 0hand/ $eet/ s!ee%h1 or through my organs o$ !er%e!tion 0eyes/ ears1 or (y my mind& Glory unto ,hee who is the o%ean o$ kindness& BC1 SEEK'GG G..D HE7 ,H+ Maha Mrutun4aya Mantra 0$or long and healthy li$e1 .m ,rayam(akam 5a4amahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam 9rvarukamiva Bandhanat Mrityormukshiya Mamritat .mFWe worshi! the three eyedFone 0 ord Shiva1 who is $ragrant and who nourishes well all (eings8 may He li(erate us $rom death $or the sake o$ 'mmortality even as a %u%um(er is severed $rom its (ondage0to the %ree!er1 BD1 )or healing your (ody $rom any a$$li%tions while taking medi%ine B1 .m namo (hagavathe "aasudevaya Dhanvanthreye amruta kalasa hasthaya Sarva aamaya naashanaya thrailoka naathaya s.m shri Mahavishnave namah& A1 Sharire 4ar4ari (hute vyadhi graste kalevare oushadham 4aanhavi toyam vaidhyo naraayano Harihi BE1 SEEK'GG "'H,.R5 0in all our a%tivities1

Iaya %ha "i4aya Hhaiva Iayanthi Sa!ara4itha Ku!%hika Kalika Sasthri "eena Pusthaka Daarini B>1 SEEK'GG WE7 ,H Maha akshmi Maha Kali Maha Kanya Saraswati Bhoga "ai(hava Santhathri Bhakta anugraha Karini BK1 .n re%eiving all goodness/ to retain sanity lest it goes to the head Ga Punyam Ga Paa!am Ga Soukhyam Ga Dukham/ Ga Manthro Ga ,heertham Ga "eda Ga 5agna/ 7ham Bho4anam Gaiva Bho4yam Ga Bhoktha/ Hhidananada Roo!a Shivoham/ Shivoham Gever do ' have good deeds or sins or !leasure or sorrow/ Geither do ' have holy %hants or holy water or holy (ooks or $ire sa%ri$i%e/ ' am neither $ood or the %onsumer who %onsumes $ood/ ' am Shiva/ ' am Shiva/ o$ nature knowledge and (liss& B?1 ,o ward o$$ (ad dreams Rama Skanda hanumantam vainateyam vrukodaram Shayana yah smaren nityam duhswa!nah tasya nasyati BJ1 ,o ward o$$ enemies and !oison 7nanthou vaasuki shesho Padmana(has%ha kam(alaha Shanka !adou darta rashtrou ,akshakaha kaliya sootha 5ethani nava naamani Gaagaa naam%ha mahatmanaam Saayam kaale !ate nithyam Pratha kaale visheshaha ,asmay visha (hayam naasti Sarvatra vi4ayee (haveth A@1 ,o regain lost items Karthaveeryaar4uno naama raa4a (aahu sahasra (ruth ,asya smarana maathrena Hrutham Gashtam %ha a(yathi AB1 S .K7 ,. REH',E BE).RE .9R I.9RGE5 "anamali Gadi Sharangee Hhangee %hakree%ha Gandaki Sriman Garayano"ishnur "asudevo(i Rakshatu ord Garayana who also took the $orm o$ KrishnaO Who holds the (ow/sudharshana wheel to !rote%t us $rom dangers& Please !rote%t us $rom any danger and make our 4ourney smooth& AA1 Praying $or long li$e and good health and %leansing o$ sins+

7kala Mrityu haranam Sarvavyadhinivaranam Sarva !a!a kshayakaram "ishnu!adodakam shu(ham AC1 Sloka to wish someone on their (irthday 0or $or any o%%asion F sort o$ (lessings1 Swastya Stute kushala mastu Hhirayurastu "idhya "iveka Krithi Koushala Siddirastu 7ishwaryamastu Bhalamastu Sadaa Iayostu "amshasya Daiva Bhavatahee Sudee!ya ,hu 7sthu AD1 Sloka to (less someone Satham7nam (havathy Sath7yu+ Purusha syathendriyaha 7yush yEvendhriyah Prathithishtathi i$e $or B@@ years with $a%ulties and $un%tions in ta%t is invoked here/ as one looks at the ord at the %enter o$ Soorya MaGDalam AE1 ,9 7S' S .K7 B1 namah tulasi kalyaaGi namo vishnu !riye shu(he namo moksha !radaayike devi namaH sam!at!radaayike Salutations to the (enevolent ,hulasi/ Salutations to the holy darling o$ "ishnu Salutations to goddess giving salvation/ Salutations to her who grants wealth& A1 5anmule sarva thirthani yanmadye sarva devatha yadagre sarva vedash%ha ,ulasi thvam namam mayham ' (ow to the ,ulasi at whose (ase 05anmule1 are all the holy !la%es 0Sarva thirthani1/ at whose middle 0yanmadye1 are all deities 0sarva devatha1 and on whose to! 0yadagre1 reside all "edas 0sarva vedash%ha1 & We see ,ulasi as the em(odiment o$ everything& A>1 Slokas $rom 9!anishads B1 .m Sahana Bhavatu/ Sahanao Bhunaktu Sahaveeryam Karvaa vahai ,e4aswee Gaava Dheeta Mastu Ma "idvishaa vahai .m Shanti Shanti Shanti May He !rote%t (oth o$ us& May He nourish (oth o$ us& May we (oth a%6uire the %a!a%ity 0to study and understand the s%ri!tures1& May our study (e (rilliant& May we not argue with ea%h other& .m !ea%e/ !ea%e/ !ea%e& A1 ead $rom darkness to light/ ignoran%e to wisdom+ 7satho Maa Sadh Gamaya ,hamaso Maa Iyothir Gamaya Mrithyor Maa 7mritham Gamaya .m Shanti Shanti Shanti

ead me $rom untruth to truth8 ead me $rom darkness to light8 ead me $rom death to immortality& C1 .m !oornamadah !oornamidam Poornaat !oornamuda%hyate Poornasya !oornamaadaya Poornamevaavashishyate ,hat 0!ure %ons%iousness1 is $ull 0!er$e%t18 this 0the mani$est universe o$ matter8 o$ names and $orms (eing maya1 is $ull& ,his $ullness has (een !ro4e%ted $rom that $ullness& When this $ullness merges in that $ullness/ all that remains is $ullness& F Pea%e invo%ation F'sa 9!anishad D1 .m sham no mitrah sham varunah sham no (havatvaryamaa Sham na indro (rihas!atih sham no vishnuruFrukramah Gamo (rahmane namaste vaayo twameva !ratyaksham Brahmaasi twaameva !ratyaksham (rahma vadishyaami Ritam vadishyaami satyam vadishyaami ,anmaam avatu tadvaktaaram avatu 7vatu maam avatu vaktaaram .m shantih shantih shantihO May Mitra/ "aruna and 7ryama (e good to usO May 'ndra and Brihas!ati and "ishnu o$ great strides (e good to usO Prostrations unto BrahmanO 0Su!reme Reality1& Prostrations to ,hee/ . "ayuO ,hou art the visi(le Brahman& ' shall !ro%laim ,hee as the visi(le Brahman& ' shall %all ,hee the 4ust and the ,rue& May He !rote%t the tea%her and meO May he !rote%t the tea%herO .m !ea%e/ !ea%e/ !ea%eO E1 Shanti Mantra 09niversal Prayer1 .m sarveshaam swastir (havatu Sarveshaam shantir (havatu Sarveshaam !oornam (havatu Sarveshaam mangalam (havatu Sarve (havantu sukhinah Sarve santu niraamayaah Sarve (hadraani !ashyantu Maakas%hit duhkha (haag (havet 7us!i%iousness 0swasti1 (e unto all8 !ea%e 0shanti1 (e unto all8$ullness 0!oornam1 (e unto all8 !ros!erity 0mangalam1 (e unto all& May all (e ha!!yO 0sukhinah1May all (e $ree $rom disa(ilitiesO 0niraamayaah1 May all look 0!ashyantu1to the good o$ othersOMay none su$$er $rom sorrowO 0duhkha1 >1 Hiranmayena !atrena satya sa!ihitam mukham ,at twam !usam a!avarnu satya dharmaya drustaye& ike the lid o$ a vessel/ . Sun/ your gold %overs the entran%e to the truth& Please o!en the door to lead me to the truth& 0'savasya 9!anishad1& Generally/ Prayer said (e$ore !er$orming Surya Gamaskar&

K1 .m ta%hhan yoraavRiGeemahe Gaatum yagyaaya Gaatum yagyaF!ataye Daivii svastiFrastu naH SvastirFmaanushhe(hyaHa 9urdhvam 4igaatu (heshha4am Shanno astu dvi!ade Shan %hatushh!ade .M shaanti shaanti shaantiH We !ray so that we may %hant in !raise o$ yagnya 0sa%ri$i%e1 and sing in !raise o$ ord o$ 5agnyas& May we (e granted Divine Blessings& May !ea%e (e unto the whole human ra%e& May healing her(s 0%ro!s1 grow in a(undan%e& Bheshha4am M %ro!s& et twoFlegged 0humans1 P DF legged 0animals1 (eings thrive and (e !ea%e$ul and ha!!y& Dvi!adeF AFlegged8 Hhatush!adeF DF legged& Pea%e/ Pea%e/ Pea%e 0Pea%e to the Body/ Mind and Soul1 Gayatri Mantra 7um Bhoor Bhuwah Swaha ,at Savitur "arenyam Bhargo Devasaya Dheemahi Dhiyo 5o Gaha Pra%hodayat .m/ ' adore the Divine Sel$ who illuminates the three worlds F!hysi%al/ astral and %ausal8 ' o$$er my !rayers to that God who shines like the Sun& May He enlighten our intelle%t& AK1 Sloka $or Mangal 7arti B1 Kar!oora Gauram Karunavataram Samsara Saram Bhu4agendra Haram Sada "asantam Hridayaravinde Bhavam Bhavani Sahitam Gamami ' salute to the mer%i$ul Bhava 0i&e& Shiva1 who is with his %onsort Parvati/7dorned with the ne%kla%e o$ the ser!ant A1 Mangalam Bhagavan "ishnum Mangalam Garudadhwa4ah Mangalam Pundareekaksham Mangalayatano Harih 7ll aus!i%iousness to God "ishnu 7ll aus!i%iousness to .ne who has Garuda as His $lag 7ll aus!i%iousness to .ne who has eyes like the lotus $lowers 7nd aus!i%iousness to Hari C1 Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvartha Sadhike Sharanye ,ryam(ake Gauri Garayani Gamostute Garayani Gamostute Garayani Gamostute . Parvati/ you who makes all desires !ossi(le the most aus!i%ious o$ the aus!i%ious My re$uge/ Gauri/ ,riam(ika/ ' salute to 5ou ' salute to you ' salute to you& A?1 )or Rotation 0on the s!ot thri%e %lo%kwise $rom the right side1 (e$ore namaskaram B1 5ani kani %ha !a!ani Ianmantara kritani%ha ,ani tani vinashyanti

Pradakshinam !ade !ade ' rotate in my !la%e0in $ront o$ the Deity1 to kill all my sins,hat ' may have %ommitted in my !ast (irths A1 Prakrishta !a!a nashaya Prakrishta !hala siddhaye Pradakshinam karomityam Praseeda Parameshwari . Parameshwari/ !lease show mer%y on me& ' rotate in my !la%e in $ront o$ you/ ,o kill all my sins 7nd to seek 5our (lessings C1 7nyatha sharanam nasty ,wameva sharanam mama ,asmat karunya (havena Raksha Raksha Maheswara AJ1 Sloka $or doing namaskaram Kayena va%ha manasendriyairva Buddhyatmana va !rakrite swa(havath Karoomi yadyad sakalam !arasmai Garayanayeti samar!ayami Whatever ' do with my mind/ (ody/ s!ee%h or with other senses o$ my (ody/ .r with my intelle%t or with my innate natural tenden%ies ' o$$er everything to Garayana

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