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Maritime Security Operator 2013

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Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet Publilius




Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet Publilius

In the end of 2006 the need of maritime security industry development seemed to be high. Both, strategic locations of oil - bearing areas and the shortest route to eastern export powers required proper preparation of the shipping companies and their vessels to continue transport safely for crew, cargo and charterers making it free from the risk of hijack or acts of terrorism. Responding this threat

LCDR (R) Sebastian Kalitowski, the founder of Maritime Safety & Security established the very first in Eastern Europe, private security company, totally focused on maritime security industry. All the intellectual heritage of the company had been developed in cooperation with maritime professionals who have experience in the vessel management during the pirate attacks or who had implemented corresponding tasks as naval special forces officers. In 2009

Maritime Safety & Security established special training centre preparing future armed guards to work on board the vessels and seafarers to sail in high risk areas. Strong efforts were recognized by local and national authorities. The company was granted rights to carry out maritime security courses for critical infrastructure as port facilities or tactical trainings for SWAT Units. Besides, Maritime Safety & Security experts assistance was visible in advising the most important government officers as e.g. Marshall (i.e. Governor) of the Province. Quality of provided services is the subject of institutional audition by Germanischer Lloyd from whom worldwide recognized ISO 9001:2008 certificate for anti - terrorism and anti - piracy trainings and maritime security and vessel protection operations was granted, confirming Maritime Safety & Security trustworthy partner for business. As a private company, it is an active member of worldwide associations integrating security companies and professionals, incl. International Association of Counterterrorism and Security Professionals. It is also a member of International Code of Conduct for Private Security Providers and Security Association for the Maritime Industry.

Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet Publilius

Maritime Safety & Security TRAINING CENTRE

Established in June of 2009 with the idea of creating new standards and quality for security education issue. Our goal is to provide high quality courses conducted by experts who have got experience by serving in naval Special Forces, commanding vessels at sea or working as negotiator or psychologist. We hope that knowledge we provide will help you at sea,

QUALITY Maritime Safety & Security is certified training centre. We have ISO 9001:2008 for Anti - piracy trainings and courses approved by STCW convention. Beside we are certified in maritime security operations

Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet Publilius

LCDR ( R ) Sebastian Kalitowski: Graduated from the Polish Military Naval Academy. He served in the Navy as a combat diver and a team leader of special combat divers unit in Formoza. Participant of stabilising mission in Kosovo. He spent 1.5 years in Balkans, implementing tasks connected with counter-terrorism and combating international organized crime. Yacht and motorboat oceangoing master, hand- to-hand combat instructor and paratrooper. Maritime safety and security court expert. Chairman of board and chief instructor of Maritime Safety & Security. Lt ( R ) Robert Pawowski: Former member of Polish naval forces Formoza. He has spent there 13 years of duty. Veteran of wars in Persian Gulf and Afghanistan. Further experience he gained at close protection field. Advisor in the projects related to Afghan police training. Specialist in tactical training and consulting. Experienced maritime security operator

LCDR ( R ) Krzysztof Suchomski: Former naval special forces unit Formoza operator and commander of special tasks section. Served in Special Operations Command and Control Element in Afghanistan as planning officer. Founder of training centres Excalibur and S.W.A.T.

Dariusz Rogoziski: Former SWAT operator with 16 years of service. Coordinator of medical section in SWAT unit. One of firsts authors of tactical life support standards for Polish law enforcement. 12 years at the field of tactical medicine training.

Piotr Budzynowski Master Mariner: With his crew he spent 82 days in captivity on board MV Beluga Nomination. His case is one of the most ruthless hijacks in 2011. 3 crew members died the other experience ruthless treatment.

Mjr Angelika Szymaska PhD: Military psychologist currently on active duty. Basicly involved into

psychological preparation for soldiers who are deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq. Her

Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet Publilius

professional experience also includes counceling for piracy victims.


Set of four courses compulsory for every seaman who works on board. All of the trainings are based on models issued by IMO 1.13, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21 Personal Survival Techniques; Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting; Elementary First Aid; Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities; After attendance and passing final tests, participants obtain international certificates issued by Polish authority (Maritime Office). Attendants are needed to wear sport clothes for exercises in the water. *Certificate of Basic Safety Training STCW 95 is obligatory for all who want to issue Seamans book (seafarers passport) and is valid for 5 years. ** We can carry out renewal Basic Safety Training STCW 95 as well.

Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet Publilius


Regarding with high amount of pirate attacks at sea, the need of security guards has been increased. However, to make security guards credible and efficient on board, they have to gain specific knowledge about piracy and permissions letting work at the vessel. The most essential document confirming preparation for work as MarSec OPERATOR is SSO certificate. Training is conducted in accordance with STCW. Its programme is based on IMO course 3.19 and takes 16 hours. The most important issues what will be considered at the classes are: Ship Security Plan Threat Identification, Recognition and Response Ship Security Assessment After full attendance and positive result of final tests participants will receive international certificate issued by Polish authority (Maritime Office). * To issue certificate, one photograph 35x45mm is needed.

Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet Publilius


(SSO Supplement)

This course is to provide general knowledge of intelligence situation about piracy in HoA as history and current state of Somali pirates, their modus operandi and equipment. Antipiracy training course is based on international guidance BMP4 (Best Management Practices against Somali based Piracy). Attendants can get to known with means of passive and active means of security on board, procedures and conditions of conducting maritime security operations and how to cooperate with all the crew, especially officers and how to keep liaison with information centres in case of pirate attack and hostage situation.

Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet Publilius


Tactical activities for all who have never worked on board may be very complex. Although long hours spent at different tactical trainings in military, police or training centres are very useful, MarSec OPERATORS should get to known with new environment what is the vessel to be able to use their whole potential at work. Course is prepared by Maritime Safety & Security experts who are the former operators in naval special forces unit Formoza. Training is divided into 2 parts. Part 1: Ship construction familiarization; Anti Piracy audit preparation; Specification and job description of Vessel Protection Team; Ship Security during entering the High Risk Area; Examples of Rules of Engagement for Vessel Protection Teams. Part 2: Vessel construction usage for tactical activities on board; Ship security exercises on board; Basic VBSS operations; - Boarding operations; - Clearing rooms and CQB.

*All attendants are needed to bring their own tactical wear.

Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet Publilius


Regarding the threat of ballistic traumas all security team members should be know how to provide proper life support in hostile environment. Training is to aware the students about plausible wounds and its proper treatment. Beside participants will be provided with knowledge of preventing additional losses, rules of and proper casualty evacuation from the battlefield. Contents are based on American standards of Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC). Basic life support review; Introduction to combat medic and tactical rescue; Differences between civilian and tactical rescue; Most common traumas on battlefield; Rules of casualty treatment in hostile environment; IFAK and dressings of tactical medics; Care under fire; Tactical field care; Tactical combat evacuation care;

Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet Publilius

On board the vessel, liaison for security team is one of the most crucial issues at work. This course is to provide the knowledge of operating VHF device as sending and receiving messages, choosing specific channels or procedures in case of making mistake (accidental message MAYDAY) or repairing it if it is broken. Certificate of attendance will be issued by Royal Yachting Association (RYA) * Attendants are needed to provide: 1 photo 35 x 45mm; 30 GBP (in cash) for issuing the certificate;

Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet Publilius


Goal of the course is to gain the knowledge of basic usage of radar devices. Attendants will familiarize with the most important functions of radar and its limitations. Theoretical and practical preparation will help security teams for reading the most important information by himself as: Course, speed and CPA (Closest Point of Approach); Detecting potential target vessels; Making situational analysis (reading the courses and checking the distance between the objects; Probability of small targets detection; Differences in radars (depending on frequencies); Interruptions on radar view.

Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet Publilius

CONTACT DETAILS ADDRESS: Dbogrska st. 22, 71-717 Szczecin, POLAND PHONE: +48 602 710 849 EMAIL: SKYPE: maritime-security ISAT PHONE: +870776395978

International Association of Counter Terrorism Security Professionals

International Code of Conduct for Private Security Services Providers

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