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Legal Maxims

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Some key takeaways from the document are that it defines many Latin legal phrases and their meanings in English. Phrases cover topics like contracts, courts, evidence, and more.

The phrase 'animus nocendi' refers to the subjective state of mind of the author of a crime, with reference to the exact knowledge of illegal content of their behavior, and of its possible consequences.

'Casus fortuitus' refers to a chance occurrence or unavoidable accident, while 'force majeure' is a French phrase used in law to describe events outside of human control that cannot be held responsible for. Both describe circumstances where parties are not at fault.

Term or phrase a fortiori

Literal translation from stronger

a mensa et thoro a posteriori a priori a quo ab extra

from bed and table from later from earlier previous from outside

ab initio absque hoc Actori incumbit probatio actus reus

from the beginning without this On the plaintiff rests the proving guilty act

Definition and use An a fortiori argument is an "argument from a stronger reason", meaning that because one fact is true, that a second related and included fact must also be true. Divorce a mensa et thoro indicates legal separation without legal divorce. An argument derived from subsequent event An argument derived from previous event Regarding a court of first instance, or the decision/s of a previous court, known as the court a quo. Concerning a case, a person may have received some funding from a 3rd party. This funding may have been considered ab extra. "Commonly used referring to the time a contract, statute, marriage, or deed become legal. e.g The couple was covered ab initio by her health policy."[1] "Presenting the negative portion of a plea when pleading at common by way a special traverse."[1] The burden of proof, Roman law Part of what proves criminal liability (with mens rea) Abbreviated from Cuius est solum eius est usque ad coelum et ad infernos which translates to "[for] whoever owns [the] soil, [it] is his all the way [up] to Heaven and [down] to Hell." The principle that the owner of a parcel of land also owns the air above and the ground below the parcel. Generally signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task, non-generalizable, and not intended to be able to be adapted to other purposes. Attacking an opponent's character rather than answering his argument. In agreement. To continue forever. Describes a party designated to represent another party who is deemed incapable of representing him/herself (e.g. a child or incapacitated adult). Used in tort law. Implies that the reward or penalty ought to correspond to the damage suffered or inflicted. When an assembly adjourns without setting a date for its next meeting.

ad coelum

to the sky

ad colligenda bona ad hoc ad hominem ad idem ad infinitum ad litem

to collect the goods for this at the person to the same thing to infinity for the case

ad quod damnum ad valorem

according to the harm according to value

adjournment sine die adjournment without a day

affidavit alter ego amicus curiae

he has sworn another I friend of the court

animus nocendi

mind of harming

animus possidendi

intention to possess

animus revertendi ante arguendo

return to possessor before for the sake of argument

A formal statement of fact. A second identity living within a person. A person who offers information to a court regarding a case before it. The subjective state of mind of the author of a crime, with reference to the exact knowledge of illegal content of his behaviour, and of its possible consequences. "In order to claim possessory rights, an individual must establish physical control of the res and the intention to possess (i.e. animus possidendi)"[2] "Wild animals, such as bees and homing pigeons, that by habit go 'home' to their posessor. Used when discussing ferae naturae."[2]

Audi alteram partem hear the other side bona fide bona vacantia Cadit quaestio in good faith. ownerless goods The question falls

Refers to the idea that one cannot be fairly judged unless the cases for and against them have been heard. Implies sincere good intention regardless of outcome.

Indicates that a settlement to a dispute or issue has been reached, and the issue is now resolved. Casus belli Case of war The justification for acts of war. When H.M.S. Bounty was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy, October 29, 2012, Casus Fortuitus would chance occurrence, unavoidable casus fortuitus describe the H.M.S. Bounty being at the wrong place accident when Hurricane Sandy came up the coast. HMS Bounty Sinks When used by itself, refers to a qualification, or Caveat May he beware warning. In addition to the general warning, also refers to a legal doctrine wherein a buyer could not get relief Caveat emptor Let the buyer beware from a seller for defects present on property which rendered it unfit for use. Certiorari To be more fully informed A type of writ seeking judicial review. More commonly rendered in English as "All other Ceteris paribus With other things the same things being equal." cogitationis poenam Nobody suffers punishment for nemo patitur mere intent Delay of both debtor and Delay in payment or performance on the part of both compensatio morae creditor the debtor and the creditor Of sound mind. Also used in the negative "Non compos mentis Having command of mind compos mentis", meaning "Not of sound mind". Condicio sine qua A condition without which it An indispensable and essential action, condition, or non could not be ingredient.

consensus ad idem

Agreement as to the subject or object of the contract

consensus facit legem Consensus makes the law consuetudo pro lege Custom is held as law servatur contra contra bonos mores contra legem Contradictio in adjecto Against Against good morals Against the law Contradiction in itself

Parties must be of one mind and their promises must relate to the subject or object[3] Stipulates that when two or more persons arrive at a good faith agreement, the law will insist on that agreement being carried out. Where no laws apply to a given situation, the customs of the place and time will have the force of law. Used in case citations to indicate that the cited source directly contradicts the point being made. Contracts so made are generally illegal and unenforceable. Used when a court or tribunal hands down a decision that is contrary to the laws of the governing state. A contradiction in terms. Used in contract law to stipulate that an ambiguous term in a contract shall be interpreted against the interests of the party that insisted upon the term's inclusion. Prevents the intentional additions of ambiguous terminology from being exploited by the party who insisted on its inclusion. Refers to a legal proceeding without a judge, or with a judge who does not have proper jurisdiction. A person cannot be convicted of a crime, unless it can be proven that the crime was even committed. The complete collection of laws of a particular jurisdiction or court. The complete collection of civil laws of a particular jurisdiction or court. Also sometimes used to refer to the Code of Justinian. The complete collection of international law. An encyclopedia of US law drawn from US Federal and State court decisions. Forgery. Suggests that the perpetrator(s) of a crime can often be found by investigating those who would have benefited financially from the crime, even if it is not immediately obvious.

contra proferentem

Against the one bringing forth

coram non judice corpus delicti corpus juris corpus juris civilis

Before one who is not a judge Body of the crime Body of law Body of civil law

corpus juris gentium Body of the law of nations corpus juris secundum crimen falsi Crime of falsifying cui bono cuius est solum eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos de bonis asportatis debellatio As a benefit to whom?

For whoever owns the soil, it is Used in reference to the rights of property owners to theirs up to Heaven and down to the air above, and land below, their property. Hell Specifies that larceny was taking place in addition to Carrying goods away any other crime named. E.g. "trespass de bonis asportatis". Complete annihilation of a warring party, bringing Warring down about the end of the conflict.

de bonis non administratis de die in diem de facto de futuro de integro de jure de lege ferenda de lege lata

Of goods not administered

From day to day Concerning fact Concerning the future Concerning the whole Concerning the law Of the future law Of the law as it exists

Assets of an estate remaining after the death (or removal) of the designated estate administrator. An "administrator de bonis non administratis" will then be appointed to dispose of these goods. Generally refers to a type of labor in which the worker is paid fully at the completion of each day's work. Often used to mean something that is true in practice, but has not been officially instituted or endorsed. "For all intents and purposes." At a future date. Often used to mean "start it all over", in the context of "repeat de integro". Something that is established in law, whether or not it is true in general practice. C.f. de facto. Used in the context of "how the law should be", such as for proposed legislation. Concerning the law as it exists, without consideration of how things should be.

delegatus non potest "No delegated powers can be delegare further delegated." Various legal areas concerning small amounts or small degrees. de minimis non curat The law does not concern itself There must be a minimal level of substance or impact lex with minimal things in order to bring a legal action. de mortuis nil nisi Of the dead, [speak] nothing Social convention that it is inappropriate to speak ill of bonum unless good the recently deceased, even if they were an enemy. Often used in the context of "trial de novo"a new de novo Anew trial ordered when the previous one failed to reach a conclusion. defalcation Cutting off with a sickle Misappropriation of funds by one entrusted with them. deorum injuriae diis The gods take care of injuries to Blasphemy is a crime against the State, rather than curae the gods against God. A statement given some weight or consideration due to dictum Proverb the respect given the person making it. Presumption that young children or persons with doli incapax Incapable of guilt diminished mental capacity cannot form the intent to commit a crime. Heavily used in the context of genocide in dolus specialis Specific intent international law. "The donor, contemplating imminent death, declares words of present gifting and delivers the gift to the Gifts made in contemplation of donatio mortis causa donee or someone who clearly takes possession on death behalf of the donee. The gift becomes effective at death but remains revocable until that time."[2] dramatis personae List of main characters dubia in meliorem Doubtful things should be Often spoken as "to give the benefit of the doubt." de minimis About minimal things

partem interpretari debent duces tecum

interpreted in the best way Bring with you A "subpoena duces tecum" is a summons to produce physical evidence for a trial. The concept that one is innocent until proven guilty. Known as a "canon of construction", it states that when a limited list of specific things also includes a more general class, that the scope of that more general class shall be limited to other items more like the specific items in the list. Refers to rights or obligations that are owed towards all.

ei incumbit probatio Proof lies on him who asserts, qui dicit not on him who denies.

ejusdem generis

Of the same class.

eo nomine erga omnes ergo erratum et al. et cetera et seq.

By that name. Towards all. Therefore Having been made in error. Among others And other things. And the following ones

et uxor et vir

And wife. And husband.

ex aequo et bono

Of equity and [the] good.

ex ante ex cathedra ex concessis ex delicto ex facie ex gratia ex injuria jus non oritur

Of before. From the chair From what has been conceded already From a transgression On the face By favor Law does not arise from injustice

Abbreviation of et alii, meaning "among others". Generally used in the sense of "and so forth". Abbreviation of et sequens, meaning "and the following ones". Used in citations to indicate that the cited portion extends to the pages following the cited page. Usually used instead of naming a man's wife as a party in a case. Usually used instead of naming a woman's husband as a party in a case. Usually defined as "what is right and good." Used to describe the power of a judge or arbiter to consider only what is fair and good for the specific case, and not necessarily what the law may require. In courts, usually only done if all parties agree. Essentially meaning "before the event", usually used when forecasting future events. Where chair refers to authority or position. Authority derived from one's position. Often used in a "guilt by association" context. The consequence of a crime or tort. If a contract is blatantly and obviously incorrect or illegal, it can be considered void ex facie without any further analysis or arguments. Something done voluntarily and with no expectation a legal liability arising therefrom. A principle in international law that unjust acts cannot create laws.

ex officio ex parte ex post ex post facto ex post facto law expressio unius est exclusio alterius ex proprio motu ex rel ex turpi causa non oritur actio exempli gratia ex tunc

From the office From [for] one party From after From a thing done afterward

The express mention of one thing excludes all others By [one's] own motion By relation From a dishonorable cause an action does not arise For the sake of example From the outset

ex nunc extant factum

From now on Existing individual's act or deed

facio ut facias

I do, that you may do

favor contractus

Favor of the contract

felo de se

Felon of himself

ferae naturae fiat Fiat justitia et pereat mundus fiat justitia ruat caelum

Animals of nature Let it be done Let there be justice, though the world perish. Let justice be done though the heavens fall.

Something done or realized by the fact of holding an office or position. A decision reached, or case brought, by or for one party without the other party being present. Based on knowledge of the past. Commonly said as "after the fact." A retroactive law. E.g. a law that makes a past act illegal that was not illegal when it was done. When items are listed, anything not explicitly stated is assumed to not be included. Commonly spoken as "by one's own accord." Abbreviation of ex relatione, meaning "by relation", or commonly "on behalf of". Often used when the government brings a case on behalf of another party. A party cannot bring a legal action for consequences of his own illegal act. Usually abbreviated "e.g.". Term used in contract law to specify terms that are voided or confirmed in effect from the execution of the contract. C.f. ex nunc. Term used in contract law to specify terms that are voided or confirmed in effect only in the future and not prior to the contract, or its adjudication. C.f. ex tunc. Refers to things that are currently existing at a given point, rather than things that are no longer so. 1. an assured statement made; 2. completion of a will and all its parts to make it valid and legal; 3). book of facts and law presented in a Canadian court A type of contract wherein one party agrees to do work for the other, in order that the second party can then perform some work for the first in exchange. A concept in treaty law that prefers the maintaining of a contract over letting it expire for purely procedural reasons. A suicide. This archaic term stems from English common law, where suicide was legally a felony, thus a person who committed suicide was treated as a felon for purposes of estate disposal. Wild animals residing on unowned property do not belong to any party in a dispute on the land. A warrant issued by a judge for some legal proceedings. Often used as a motto, notably by Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor. Also sometimes a motto, a legal maxim that justice must be done regardless of the result otherwise.

fieri facias fortis attachiamentum, validior praesumptionem forum non conveniens

That you cause to be made

A writ ordering the local law enforcement to ensure that damages awarded by the court are properly recovered. A writ of execution. When determining whether a chattel is a fixture: "size doesn't matter, how much or degree chattel is attached to 'land' and to 'what' "

strong attachment, the stronger presumption

A concept wherein a court refuses to hear a particular matter, citing a more appropriate forum for the issue to be decided. In property law, a co-owner profting from her or his vegetation,like crops, that grows fructus industriales fructus industriales is solely responsible for any losses by human efforts that my occur.[2] Refers to having a sufficient legal basis to bring legal fumus boni iuris Smoke of a good right action. A person, court, statute, or legal document that has no functus officio Having performed his office legal authority, because its original legal purpose has been fulfilled. Specifies that a certain matter of law be covered by the generalia specialibus The general does not detract most specific laws pertaining, in the event that broader non derogant from the specific. laws conflict with the specific one. gravamen Things weighing down The basic element or complaint of a lawsuit. An independent party appointed in family law disputes guardian ad litem Guardian for the case. to represent parties that cannot represent themselves, such as minors, developmentally disabled, or elderly. A writ used to challenge the legality of detention. Orders the detaining party to "have the (living) body" habeas corpus May you have the body of the detained brought before the court where the detention will be investigated. hostis humani A party considered to be the enemy of all nations, such Enemy of humanity in general. generis as maritime pirates. Abbreviation of id est, meaning "that is", in the sense i.e. That is of restating something that may not have been clear. Abbreviation of ibidem, meaning "in the same place. ibid. In the same place Used when citing sources, to indicate the cited source came from the identical location as the preceding one. Used in citations to indicate the cited source came idem The same from the same source as the preceding one, though not necessarily the same page or location. C.f. ibid. ignorantia juris non Ignorance of the law is no A principle that states that not having knowledge of a excusat excuse. law is not an excuse for breaking it. An authorization for a document to be printed. Used in imprimatur Let it be printed. the context of approval by a religious body or other censoring authority. A legal proceeding conducted without the presence of in absentia In absence one party is said to be conducted in absentia, e.g., trial in absentia or being sentenced in absentia. Forum not agreeing

In articulo mortis in camera in curia in esse in extenso in extremis

at the moment of death In the chamber In court In existence In the extended In the extreme

in flagrante delicto

In blazing offense

in forma pauperis

In the manner of a pauper

in futuro in haec verba in limine

In the future In these words At the threshold

in loco parentis

In the place of a parent

in mitius in omnibus in pari delicto in pari materia

In the milder In all In equal offense In the same matter

in personam in pleno in prope persona

In person In full On one's own person

Often used in probate law, as well as for testimony in the sense of a dying declaration. Conducted in private, or in secret. The opposite of in open court. Conducted in open court. The opposite of in camera. Actually existing in reality. Opposite of in posse. In extended form, or at full length. Often used to refer to publication of documents, where it means the full unabridged document is published. In extreme circumstances. Often used to refer to "at the point of death." Caught in the actual act of committing a crime. Often used as a euphemism for a couple caught in the act of sexual intercourse, though it technically refers to being "caught in the act" of any misdeed. Someone unable to afford the costs associated with a legal proceeding. As this will not be a barrier to seeking justice, such persons are given in forma pauperis status (usually abbreviated IFP), wherein most costs are waived or substantially reduced. Refers to things to come, or things that may occur later but are not so now. Used when including text in a complaint verbatim, where its appearance in that form is germane to the case, or is required to be included. A motion to a judge in a case that is heard and considered outside the presence of the jury. Used to refer to a person or entity assuming the normal parental responsibilities for a minor. This can be used in transfers of legal guardianship, or in the case of schools or other institutions that act in the place of the parents on a day-to-day basis. A type of retroactive law that decriminalizes offenses committed in the past. Also known as an amnesty law. Used to mean "in every respect." Something applying to every aspect of a situation. Used when both parties to a case are equally at fault. Refers to a situation where a law or statute may be ambiguous, and similar laws applying to the matter are used to interpret the vague one. Used in the context of "directed at this particular person", refers to a judgement or subpoena directed at a specific named individual. C.f. in rem. One who represents themselves in court without the [official] assistance of an attorney.

in propria persona in re in rem

In one's own proper person In the matter [of] About a thing

in situ

In position

in solidum

For the whole

in terrorem

In order to frighten

in terrorem clause in toto indicia infra innuendo

Clause "in order to frighten" In total Indications Below or Under By nodding

Alternate form of in prope persona. One who represents themselves in court without the [official] assistance of an attorney. Used in the title of a decision or comment to identify the matter they are related to. Used in the context of a case against property, as opposed to a particular person. See also in rem jurisdiction. C.f. in personam. Often used in the context of decisions or rulings about a property or thing "left in place" after the case as it was before. Where a group of persons share liability for a debt, such as co-signers to a loan, the debtor can sue a single party in solidum, that is, to recover the entire amount owed. A warning or threat to sue, made in the hopes of convincing the other party to take action to avoid a lawsuit. A clause in a will that threatens any party who contests the will with being disinherited. Also called a nocontest clause. Often used in copyright notices. Refers to distinctive markings that identify a piece of intellectual property. An intimation about someone or something, made indirectly or vaguely suggesting the thing being implied. Often used when the implied thing is negative or derogatory. Used to indicate an item cited has been pulled from a larger or more complete list. A concept that during war, many illegal activities occur. Also taken to mean that in times of war, laws are suppressed, ostensibly for the good of the country. Refers to contract, debts, or other agreements made between parties who are not legal professionals. Refers to obligations between members of the same group or party, differentiated from the whole party's obligations to another party. Refers to a gift or other non-sale transfer between living parties. This is in contrast to a will, where the transfer takes effect upon one party's death. This term refers to a nation's territorial waters. Used in various contexts to refer to the legal foundation for a thing.

inter alia inter arma enim silent leges inter rusticos inter se

Among others For among arms, the law falls silent Among rustics Amongst themselves

inter vivos intra intra fauces terra intra legem

Between the living Within Within the jaws of the land Within the law

intra vires ipse dixit ipsissima verba ipso facto

Within the powers He himself said it The very words By the fact itself

iudex non calculat

The judge does not calculate

jura novit curia

The court knows the law



juris et de jure jus

Of law, and from law That which is binding

jus accrescendri

Right of survivorship

jus ad bellum

Laws to war

jus civile jus cogens

Civil law Compelling law

jus commune

Common law

jus gentium

Law of nations

Something done which requires legal authority, and the act is performed accordingly. C.f. ultra vires. An assertion given undue weight solely by virtue of the person making the assertion. Referring to a document or ruling that is being quoted by another. Used in the context that one event is a direct and immediate consequence of another. "In and of itself." A principle that calculation errors made by the court do not invalidate the judgement on a technicality. Also taken to mean that the judge does not tally up the arguments of both sides and decide in favor of the more numerous, but rather weighs all of the evidence without regard to the number of arguments made. Concept that parties to a case to not need to define how the law applies to their case. The court is solely responsible for determining what laws apply. Appears at the end of an affidavit, where the party making the affirmation signs the oath, and the information on whom the oath was sworn before is placed. Incontrovertible and fundamental presumptions of law. One cannot argue against, or try to otherwise refute these. Essentially: Law. In property law, on the death of one tenant, that tenant's interest passes automatically to the surviving tenant(s) to hold jointly until the estate is held by a sole tenant. The only way to defeat the right of survivorship is to sever the joint tenancy during the lifetime of the parties, jus accrescendi takes priority over a will or interstate accession rules.[2] Refers to legalities considered before entering into a war, to ensure it is legal to go to war initially. Not to be confused with ius in bello (q.v.), the "laws of war" concerning how war is carried out. A codified set of laws concerning citizenry, and how the laws apply to them. Internationally agreed laws that bear no deviation, and do not require treaties to be in effect. An example is law prohibiting genocide. Not actually referring to common law, this term refers to common facets of civil law that underlie all aspects of the law. Customary law followed by all nations. Nations being at peace with one another, without having to have an actual peace treaty in force, would be an example of

jus in bello jus inter gentes jus naturale jus primae noctis

Law of war Law between the peoples Natural law Law of the first night

jus sanguinis jus soli

Law of blood Law of soil

jus tertii

Law of the third

lacunae leges humanae nascuntur, vivunt, moriuntur lex communis lex lata lex loci

Void, gap

this concept. Laws governing the conduct of parties in war. Laws governing treaties and international agreements. Laws common to all people, that the average person would find reasonable, regardless of their nationality. Supposed right of the lord of an estate to take the virginity of women in his estate on their wedding night. Social law concept wherein citizenship of a nation is determined by having one or both parents being citizens. Social law concept wherein citizenship of a nation is determined by place of birth. Arguments made by a third party in disputes over possession, the intent of which is to question one of the principal parties' claims of ownership or rights to ownership. A situation arising that is not covered by any law. Generally used in International Law, as all countries codify according to their own systems of law.

The laws of man are born, live, Illustrates that laws are made, are in force for a period, and die and then become obsolete. Common law. The law borne The law of the place Alternate form of jus commune. Refers to common facets of civil law that underlie all aspects of the law. The law as it has been enacted The law of the country, state, or locality where the matter under litigation took place. Usually used in contract law, to determine which laws govern the contract. More recent law overrules older ones on the same matter. A law cannot make something illegal that was legal at the time it was performed. See ex post facto law. Law that specifically codifies something, as opposed to common law or customary law. Where several laws apply to the same situation, the more specific one(s) take precedence over more general ones. An aspect of a unanimous voting system, whereby any member can end discussion on a proposed law. A language common to an area that is spoken by all, even if not their mother tongue. Term derives from the name given to a common language used by traders in the Mediterranean basin dating from the Middle Ages. Refers to requesting a legal dispute be heard that is

lex posterior derogat Later law removes the earlier priori The law does not operate lex retro non agit retroactively lex scripta Written law

lex specialis derogat Specific law takes away from legi generali the general law liberum veto Free veto

lingua franca lis alibi pendens

The Frankish language Dispute elsewhere pending

lis pendens locus locus delicti locus in quo locus poenitentiae locus standi male fide malum in se malum prohibitum

Suit pending Place Place where the offense was committed The place in which Place of repentance A place for standing Bad faith Wrong in itself Prohibited wrong

also being heard by another court. To avoid possibly contradictory judgements, this request will not be granted. Often used in the context of public announcements of legal proceedings to come. Shorthand version of Lex locus delcti commissi. The "scene of the crime". The location where a cause of action arose. When one party withdraws from a contract before all parties are bound. The right of a party to appear and be heard before a court. A condition of being fraudulent or deceptive in act or belief. Something considered a universal wrong or evil, regardless of the system of laws in effect. Something wrong or illegal by virtue of it being expressly prohibited, that might not otherwise be so. A writ issue by a higher court to a lower one, ordering that court or related officials to perform some administrative duty. Often used in the context of legal oversight of government agencies. A body of water under the jurisdiction of a state or nation, to which access is not permitted, or is tightly regulated. A body of water open to all. Typically a synonym for International Waters, or in other legal parlance, the "High Seas". One of the requirements for a crime to be committed, the other being actus reus, the guilt act. This essentially is the basis for the notion that those without sufficient mental capability cannot be judged guilty of a crime. A person's particular way of doing things. Used when using behavioral analysis while investigating a crime. Often abbreviated "M.O." Delay in payment or performance in the part of the creditor or obligor Delay in payment or performance in the part of the debtor or the obligee Type of donation or con donation that is made after death That which is the usual custom has the force of law. Motions offered at the start of a trial, often to suppress or pre-allow certain evidence or testimony.


We command

mare clausum

Closed sea

mare liberum

Open sea

mens rea

Guilty mind

modus operandi mora accipiendi mora solvendi mortis causa mos pro lege motion in limine

Manner of operation Delay of creditor delay of debtor After Death Custom for law Motion at the start

mutatis mutandis

Having been changed that which needed to be changed

ne exeat

Let him not exit [the republic]

ne bis in idem

not twice in the same

negotorium gestio nemo auditur propriam turpitudinem allegans nemo dat quod non habet nemo debet esse iudex in propria nemo judex in sua causa nemo plus iuris ad alium transferre potest quam ipse habet nihil dicit nisi nisi prius nolle prosequi nolo contendere non adimpleti contractus

management of estate

A caution to a reader when using one example to illustrate a related but slightly different situation. The caution is that the reader must adapt the example to change what is needed for it to apply to the new situation. Shortened version of ne exeat repiblica: "let him not exit the republic". A writ to prevent one party to a dispute from leaving (or being taken) from the court's jurisdiction. Prohibition against double jeopardy. A legal action cannot be brought twice for the same act or offense. Obligation arising from good works affecting other people, obliging the creditor to pay for the reimbursement of the cost that was used in doing good works Nobody can bring a case that stems from their own illegal act If someone purchases something that the seller has no right to (such as stolen property), the purchaser will likewise have no legal claim to the thing bought. In the past it was thought that it included just two rules namely (1) nemo debet esse judex in propria causa (no one shall be a judge in his own case) Prevents conflict of interest in courts. Often invoked when there is really no conflict, but when there is even the appearance of one. A purchaser of stolen goods will not become the rightful owner thereof, since the seller himself was not the owner to begin with. A judgement rendered in the absence of a plea, or in the event one party refuses to cooperate in the proceedings. A decree that does not enter into force unless some other specified condition is met. Refers to the court of original jurisdiction in a given matter. A statement from the prosecution that they are voluntarily discontinuing (or will not initiate) prosecution of a matter. A type of plea whereby the defendant neither admits nor denies the charge. In the case where a contract imposes specific obligations on both parties, one side cannot sue the other for failure to meet their obligations, if the

no one can be heard, who invokes his own guilt no one gives what he doesn't have no one shall be a judge in his own case no one shall be a judge in his own case no one can transfer a greater right than he himself has

he says nothing unless unless first unwilling to pursue I do not wish to contend not completing the contract

plaintiff has not themselves met their own. non compos mentis not in possession of [one's] mind it is not certain not having mental capacity to perform some legal act Refers to information given by one who is not supposed to give testimony, such as an attorney bringing up new information that did not come from a witness. Such information is typically nullified. A method whereby a signatory to a contract can invalidate it by showing that his signature to the contract was made unintentionally or without full understanding of the implications. Performing some illegal action is not excused by the fact that a positive result came therefrom. Often used to argue that some forms of expression, such as graffiti or pornographic films, cannot be given the protection of law (e.g. copyright) as they are or may be considered illegal or morally reprehensible. A type of verdict where positive guilt or innocence cannot be determined. Also called "not proven" in legal systems with such verdicts. A circumstance where the judge may override the jury verdict and reverse or modify the decision. a break in causation (and therefore probably liability) because something else has happened to remove the causal link An ambiguous word or term can be clarified by considering the whole context in which it is used, without having to define the term itself. A term used to direct the reader to cautionary or qualifying statements for the main text. An unenforceable promise, due to the absence of consideration or value exchanged for the promise. Notation made when a defendant has no tangible property available to be seized in order to comply with a judgement. One cannot be prosecuted for doing something that is not prohibited by law. One cannot be prosecuted for doing something that was not prohibited by law at the time and place it was committed, notwithstanding laws made since that time. A form of prohibition on retroactive laws. An action by a court to correct a previous procedural or clerical error. in law, an observation by a judge on some point of law not directly relevant to the case before him, and thus neither requiring his decision nor serving as a precedent, but nevertheless of persuasive authority. In

non constat

non est factum

It is not [my] deed

non faciat malum, ut not to do evil that good may inde veniat bonum come

non liquet

it is not clear

non obstante verdicto notwithstanding the verdict novus actus interveniens noscitur a sociis nota bene nudum pactum nulla bona a new action coming between

it is known by friends note well naked promise no goods

nulla poena sine lege no penalty without a law nullum crimen, nulla no crime, no punishment poena sine praevia without a previous penal law lege poenali nunc pro tunc now for then

obiter dictum

a thing said in passing

pacta sunt servanda par delictum parens patriae pater familias pendente lite per capita per contra

agreements must be kept equal fault parent of the nation father of the family while the litigation is pending by the head by that against

per curiam

through the court

per incuriam per minas

by their neglect through threats

per quod per se per stirpes periculum in mora

by which by itself by branch danger in delay

persona non grata

unwelcome person

posse comitatus post mortem

to have a [armed] companion after death

post mortem auctoris after the author's death praetor peregrinus prima facie magistrate of foreigners first face

general, any comment, remark or observation made in passing A fundamental principle of law Used when both parties to a dispute are at fault Refers to the power of the State to act as parent to a child when the legal parents are unable or unwilling. The head of household, for purposes of considering the rights and responsibilities thereof. Court orders used to provide relief until the final judgement is rendered. Commonly used in divorce proceedings. dividing money up strictly and equally according to the number of beneficiaries Legal shorthand for "in contrast to" A decision delivered by a multi-judge panel, such as an appellate court, in which the decision is said to be authored by the court itself, instead of situations where those individual judges supporting the decision are named. A judgement given without reference to precedent. Used as a defense, when illegal acts were performed under duress Used in legal documents in the same sense as "whereby". A per quod statement is typically used to show that specific acts had consequences which form the basis for the legal action. Something that is, as a matter of law. An estate of a decedent is distributed per stirpes, if each branch of the family is to receive an equal share of an estate. A condition given to support requests for urgent action, such as a protective order or restraining order. A person who is officially considered unwelcome by a host country in which they are residing in a diplomatic capacity. The person is typically expelled to their home country. A body of armed citizens pressed into service by legal authority, to keep the peace or pursue a fugitive. Refers to an autopsy, or as a qualification as to when some event occurred. Used in reference to intellectual property rights, which usually are based around the author's lifetime. The Roman Praetor (magistrate) responsible for matters involving non-Romans. A matter that appears to be sufficiently based in the evidence as to be considered true.

primogeniture prior tempore potior iure prius quam exaudias ne iudices probatio vincit praesumptionem pro bono pro bono publico pro forma pro hac vice

first offspring earlier in time, stronger in law before you hear, do not judge proof overcomes presumption for the public good as a matter of form for this turn Abbreviation of propria persona, meaning "proper person"

The legal custom that the first born is entitled to inherit the entire estate of the parents. A legal principle that older laws take precedent over newer ones. Another name for this principle is lex posterior.

Professional work done for free. Things done as formalities. Refers to a lawyer who is allowed to participate (only) in a specific case, despite being in a jurisdiction in which he has not been generally admitted Representing oneself, without counsel. Also known as pro se representation. A calculation adjusted based on a proportional value relevant to the calculation. An example would be a tenant being charged a portion of a month's rent based on having lived there less than a full month. The amount charged would be proportional to the time occupied. Representing oneself, without counsel. Also known as pro per representation. A partial payment of an award or claim, based on the defendant's ability to pay. Something, such as an office held, that is temporary. Something, such as an office held, that is temporary. Refers to one reperesenting themselves without the services of a lawyer. Also known as pro per representation. Used to cite something that has already been admitted into the record. In the capacity of The question is raised. Used to declare that a question is being asked in the following verbiage. Used in legal drafts to call attention to some uncertainty or inconsistency in the material being cited.

pro per

pro rata

from the rate

pro se pro tanto pro tem pro tempore propria persona prout patet per recordum qua quareitur quaere quantum quantum meruit

for himself for so much Abbreviation of pro tempore, meaning "for the time being" for the time being proper person as appears in the record which; as it is sought for query how much

In contract law, a quasi-contractual remedy that as much as it deserves; as much permits partial reasonable payment for an incomplete as she or he has earned[3] piece of work (services and/or materials), assessed

proportionately, where no price is established when the request is made.[3] In contract law, and in particular the requirement for consideration, if no fixed price is agreed upon for the service and/or materials, then one party would request a reasonable price for the said services and/or materials at the end of the job. A common example would be a plumber requested to fix a leak in the middle of the night.[3] Under Common Law, i.e. a remedy to compute reasonable damages when a contract has been breachedthe implied promise of payment of a reasonable price for goods. In contract law, for requirements of consideration, reasonable worth for goods delivered. Usage: quantum meruit has replaced quantum valebant in consideration;[3] in the case of contract remedy, quantum valebant is being used less, and could be considered to be obsolete. Resembling or being similar to something, without actually being that thing. One who delegates a task to another, takes full responsibility for the performance of that act as if he himself had done it. Basis for the law of agency In a qui tam action, one who assists the prosecution of a case is entitled to a proportion of any fines or penalties assessed. An equal exchange of goods or services, or of money (or other consideration of equal value) for some goods or services. Returning to a specific state of affairs which preceded some defined action. A request made to someone exercising some power, to show by what legal right they are exercising that power. A type of writ. Used to mean "with respect to" some named thing, such as when stating what the law is in regards to that named thing.

quantum valebant

as much as they were worth

quasi qui facit per alium facit per se

as if who acts through another, acts himself Abbreviation of qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur, meaning "who pursues in this action as much for the king as himself". this for that as before by what warrant?

qui tam

quid pro quo quo ante quo warranto

quoad hoc

as to this

quod est necessarium What is necessary is lawful est licitum R ratio decidendi Rex or Regina Reason for the decision King or Queen. In British cases, will see R v Freeman meaning Regina against Freeman. Changes with King or Queen on throne at time. The point in a legal proceeding, or the legal precedent so involved, which led to the final decision being what

ratio scripta rationae soli rebus sic stantibus reddendo singula singulis res

written reason by reason of the soil things thus standing

referring solely to the last thing, matter, issue, affair

it was. The popular opinion of Roman law, held by those in the Medieval period. "Certain rights may arise by virtue of ownershipo of the soil upon which wild animals are found."[2] A qualification in a treaty or contract, that allows for nullification in the event fundamental circumstances change. The canon of construction that in a list of items containing a qualifying phrase at the end, the qualifier refers only to the last item in the list.

Property constructs like airspace and water rights are said to be res communis - that is, a thing common to all, and that could not be the subject of ownership. res communis common to all With airspace, the difficulty has been to identify where the fee simple holder's rights to the heavens end. Water is a bit more defined it is common until captured.[2] Differing meaning depending on what type of law is involved. May refer to the complete act of a felony, res gestae things done from start to finish, or may refer to statements given that may be exempt from hearsay rules. used in tort law when there is no proof of what caused res ipsa loquitur the thing speaks for itself the harm, but it is most likely only the thing that could have caused the harm A matter that has been finally adjudicated, meaning no res judicata a matter judged further appeals or legal actions by the involved parties is now possible. Ownerless property or goods. Such property or goods res nullius nobody's thing are able and subject to being owned by anybody. All things subject to concern by the citizenry. The root res publica public affair of the word republic. res publica All things of concern to the worldwide body of Christian public affair christiana Christianity A concept that the master (e.g. employer) is respondeat superior let the master answer responsible for the actions of his subordinates (e.g. employees). (1) Restoration of something, such as a building or damaged property, to its original condition. restitutio in integrum total reinstatement (2) In contract law, when considering breach of contract and remedies, to restore a party to an original position.[3] salus populi suprema The good of the people shall be Used variously as a motto, a reminder, or a notion of lex esto the supreme law how the law and governments in general should be. scandalum Defamation against a peer in British law. Now scandal of the magnates magnatum repealed as a specific offense.

scienter scire facias scire feci se defendendo


sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas sine die sine qua non situs solutio indebiti stare decisis status quo status quo ante statu quo


sua sponte sub judice sub modo

Used when offenses or torts were committed with the full awareness of the one so committing. A writ, directing local officials to officially inform a let them know party of official proceedings concerning them. The official response of the official serving a writ of I have made known scire facias, informing the court that the writ has been properly delivered. The act of defending one's own person or property, or self-defense the well-being or property of another. Describes the process in which the court hears assorted matters in a specific order. Also refers to an occasion in series where a multiple-judge panel will issue individual opinions from the members, rather than a single ruling from the entire panel. While an individual is entitled to the use and use your property so as not to enjoyment of one's estate, the right is not without injure that of your neighbours limits. Restrictions can give rise to tort actions include trespass, negligence, strict liability, and nuisance.[2] Used when the court is adjourning without specifying without day a date to re-convene. See also adjournment sine die. Refers to some essential event or action, without which without which, nothing there can be no specified consequence. Used to refer to laws specific to the location where the place specific property exists, or where an offense or tort was committed. Obligation arising from undue payment, obliging the Solution for undue debtor to return the undue payment. The decision stands. The obligation of a judge to stand by a prior precedent. In contract law, in a case of innocent representation, the state in whichmeaning the the injured party is entitled to be replaced in statu quo. current or existing state of Note the common usage is status quo from the Latin affairs status quo ante, the "state in which before" or "the state of affairs that existed previously."[3] 1) In property law, condominiums has said to occupy stratum many stories about the ground.[2] 2) Stratum can also be a societial level made up of a covering, from neuter past individuals with similar status of social, cultural or participle of sternere, to spread economic nature. 3) Stratum can refer to classification in an organized system along the lines of layers, levels, divisions, or similar grouping. Some action taken by the court or another official of its own accord body, without the prompting of another party. Refers to a matter currently being considered by the under judgement court. Term in contract law that allows limited modifications subject to modification to a contract after the original form has been agreed to knowingly

sub nomine

sub silentio

subpoena subpoena ad testificandum subpoena duces tecum suggestio falsi sui generis sui juris suo motu supersedeas

suppressio veri supra terra nullius

trial de novo

trinoda necessitas uberrima fides ultra posse nemo obligatur ultra vires

by all parties. Abbreviated sub nom.; used in case citations to indicate that the official name of a case changed during under the name the proceedings, usually after appeal (e.g., rev'd sub nom. and aff'd sub nom.) A ruling, order, or other court action made without specifically stating the ruling, order, or action. The under silence effect of the ruling or action is implied by related and subsequent actions, but not specifically stated. A writ compelling testimony, the production of under penalty evidence, or some other action, under penalty for failure to do so. An order compelling an entity to give oral testimony in testify under penalty a legal matter. An order compelling an entity to produce physical bring with you under penalty evidence in a legal matter. false suggestion A false statement made in the negotiation of a contract. of its own kind/genus Something that is unique amongst a group. Refers to one legally competent to manage his own of his right affairs. Also spelled sui iuris. Refers to a court or other official agency taking some of its own motion action on its own accord. Similar to sua sponte. A bond tendered by an appellant as surety to the court, refrain from requesting a delay of payment for awards or damages granted, pending the outcome of the appeal. Willful concealment of the truth when bound to reveal it, such as withholding details of damage from an auto suppression of the truth accident from a prospective buyer of the car in that accident. above Used in citations to refer to a previously cited source. Land that has never been part of a sovereign state, or no one's land land which a sovereign state has relinquished claim to. A completely new trial of a matter previously judged. It specifically refers to a replacement trial for the trial anew previous one, and not an appeal of the previous decision. Refers to a threefold tax levied on Anglo-Saxon three-knotted need citizens to cover roads, buildings, and the military. Concept in contract law specifying that all parties must most abundant faith act with the utmost good faith. Specifies that one should do what he can to support the no one is obligated (to do) more community, but since everyone has different levels of than he can ability, it cannot be expected that all will perform the same. An act that requires legal authority to perform, but beyond the power which is done without obtaining that authority.

Used to criticize inconsistencies in speech or testimony, as in: one says one thing, and in the same breath, says another contradictory thing. Ancient concept regarding conflicts, wherein all property possessed by the parties at the conclusion of uti possidetis as you possess the conflict shall remain owned by those parties unless treaties to the contrary are enacted. Used in documents in place of the wife's name. uxor wife Usually abbreviated et ux. Used when considering whether some event or vel non or not situation is either present or it is not. The power of an executive to prevent an action, veto I forbid. especially the enactment of legislation. vice versa the other way around Something that is the same either way. vide see Used in citations to refer the reader to another location. Contraction of videre licet, Used in documents to mean "namely" or "that is". videlicet meaning "it is permitted to see" Usually abbreviated viz. vinculum juris the chains of the law Something which is legally binding. Events over which no humans have control, and so cannot be held responsible. An "Act of God". In law, vis major greater or superior force the more common term is the French phrase 'Force majeure'. See also casus fortuitus (chance occurrence). viz. Abbreviation of videlicet Namely Notion that a person cannot bring a claim against another for injury, if said person willingly placed volenti non fit injuria injury is not done to the willing themselves in a situation where they knew injury could result. Concept that if an opposing party unreasonably delays vigilantibus non Equity aids the vigilant, not the bringing an action, that it is no longer considered just dormientibus sleeping to hear their claim, due to fundamental changes in aequitas subvenit circumstance brought upon by their delay. uno flatu in one breath

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