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The Key News

Volume 12 Friday, December 6, 2013 $1.25

Is Their Swag On?

by Ryan Bogrette The trail to the presidency in 2013 is heated and Brad Stanek, the S.W.A.G. Party candidate, has been routinely ridiculed for his constant slander of other candidates. With their chosen victim the WB party they attacked Kimi Grove by comparing her to celebrity Miley Cyrus. With her recent inappropriate public outbursts, it was a brutal and heartless campaign. When interviewed, Rohan Roy, a close campaign follower, was disgusted with the lack of facts used by this particular campaign. He was quoted saying their actions taken against the WB party are childish and completely crossed the lines in regard to political ads. People were also discussed with his informal attire during his main ads. His failure to remove his cap indoors signals an informal and worst of all unprofessional. As the leader of the free world its crucial that a candidate is proper representation of our nation. This campaign style reflects Brad Stanek as a whole. His childish personality makes him too immature to rule America. Brad, through his charm and friendly personality attempts to steal

votes from uniformed voters. With one of his parties main ideals involving the legalization of marijuana, Brad Stanek is definitely the wrong man for the job. This drug has the same negative health effects as tobacco a substance that citizens have been trying to ease out of our society. In addition his stance on economy is unstable and is already proven faulty. The ideals of a free market system are already in use and proven their worthlessness. Over the past 20 years the nations economic turmoil needs government intervention. His immature traits make Brad Stanek a poor candidate unfit for the job. His lack of professionalism, poor ad campaigns and rickety party platform will not provide the care and leadership that the nation needs. Brad Stanek is not prepared to lead the free world.

Presidential Candidate Poll

by David Light

of their country, us at The Key News feel that we should address a few of these issues, and discuss why theyre important, as well as why they are important to the American people. These key issues are Second Amendment rights, health care, abortion, and the economy. The topic of Second Amendment rights has brought controversy and debate to America. For some, this is a very important issue, as the national tragedies that are the Columbine and Newtown school shootings have brought a lot of attention to guns. Gun rights are such an important issue because, in its current state, the process for acquiring a gun in America is far too easy, and those who are unfit to own one can purchase one without much trouble, either in a gun shop or online. If the power of the gun lobby is overcome, it is likely that reform will be brought to this issue. Another important issue in America is health care. It has been brought to the front light of American discussion with the passage and implementation of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. This issue is so important to the American people, both those who desired its changes, and those who didnt, because of the enormity of change that reform can bring. Poor Americans that need health care desire the implementation of a universal health care system, while others say that the increased cost of such a system, and the socialist connotation it brings with it, are unacceptable in capitalist America.

Thirty students were asked by one of our reporters who they supported in the Period 1 presidential race. For this poll group of thirty, candidate Keyes Dorsey received a plurality of the support, with fourteen votes. The other candidates received less encouraging results, with Zach Evans receiving eight votes, Brad Stanek receiving six votes, and Kimmi Grove receiving only two votes. While the tide could still shift, it is looking promising for Dorsey.

Key Issue Analysis

by David Light In this presidential election, there are a few issues that have drawn the attention of the four parties, and the American people. As the time comes for the American people to vote for the leader

Additionally, the topic of marijuana and its legalization has been on the minds of Americans recently. Legalization has passed on the state level, and the majority of Americans support it. It is important because it is an opportunity for social change in the nation, and because the majority of Americans now support it. The topic of abortion and womens right to choose is a key issue for many Americans. Many Americans are prochoice, and feel that women have the right to choose what to do with their body in regards to abortions. There are, however, many different points of debate within abortion; whether women should have the right to choose, what stage of pregnancy abortions should be legal within, and whether the procedure should be covered by health insurance providers. Americans care about this issue because there are those that consider life to start at conception, which would make abortion murder. Others believe that abortions, while not ideal, are sometimes necessary and proper. There is a lot of passion on both sides of the debate. Finally, Americans care about the economy. With the recent collapse of the housing market and following recession, millions of Americans have been negatively impacted, and both unemployment and the national debt have increased, so the people truly care about the economy being addressed and fixed. Recently, the government shutdown brought a lot of attention to this issue, as it showed the deep divide

among politicians regarding the economy. Addressing the ailing economy is a major focus of every candidate, and each has its own ideas for how to improve conditions. The key points that are considered for this issue are taxation and spending. As American debt continues to grow, and we continue to spend, Americans are desperate for a solution.

by Ryan Bogrette The 2013 presidential election is a closely fought election between four major parties. For thousands of struggling Americans a key issue is the Economy. Im going to begin with The S.W.A.G Party or Students with Inspiring Goals who back Brad Stanek. As a junior at Cheshire High School with a small political background Brad is definitely an inexperienced candidate unfit to run the country. Brad Staneks stance on the economy is that government intervention is unnecessary and that taxes should be leaved on the top 1% of Americans to solve the debt crisis. This tactic has been embraced by the Democratic Party and as noted by the recent shutdown is not a plausible solution. I feel that the over taxation of self made millionaires is unfair when there are numerous other sources of income for the nation. Next there is the America and Friends Party whose candidate Zach Evans supposedly plummeted to earth on an asteroid. Not only is this statement

most likely a lie but in the off chance that it is true it would forfeit his right to run for presidential office because he is not a birth citizen of America. Its for that exact reason of him either being a liar or unable to run for office that I dont feel the need to go into details of his poor stance on economy. Finally there is the WB Party who backs Kimi Grove is a senior at Cheshire High School. Kimi struggled to provide an adequate solution to the economic crisis. Although her party platform may address some of the major issue she failed to provide plans for recovery. With a country that is rapidly declining is infrastructure, education and economy it is crucial that we elect a candidate capable of running our country. Keyes Dorsey of the Key Party is determined to serve the people of America to his full potential. He is a fair candidate who is willing to listen to the citizens of America and work hard to restore the greatness America once achieved. Keyes is a supporter of a strong centralized government which under his leadership will work through reduced spending to lower our national debt. With brilliant plans to reduce the national debt such as create a large tax on imports he will not only solve our budget crisis but will reshore American jobs. As a factory worker for Hershey I lost my job after 25 years with the company to Mexico. The labor was far cheaper so to allow the company to stay competitive on a global scale they were forced to cut our jobs. Under the leadership of Keys Dorsey

jobs will return. People like me can receive a second chance. Vote Keyes Dorsey; he is the candidate our country deserves.

Comparing the Candidates

by David Light The four candidates for President from the AP U.S. Government Period One class offer diverging views on the direction the country should go in. The America and Friends Partys candidate, Zach Evans, for example, has a strongly liberal agenda. He believes in an economy built from the middle out, eliminating tax loopholes used by large corporations, and a reduction of the current military spending budget of approximately $200 billion. As for foreign policy, Evans supports the idea of financially assisting countries in establishing more democratic governments, but firmly believes that America should, if at all possible, refrain from becoming militarily involved in foreign countries in the name of democracy. He calls for the return of all American troops from around the world. The America and Friends Party fully supports the gun rights of American citizens, but believes that stricter, more thorough background checks are necessary in order to decrease the likelihood of a mentally unfit individual acquiring a firearm. He says that he will continue to support the current abortion regulations; he will allow women the right to choose whether to have an abortion or not within the first trimester

of pregnancy, as he believes that, under certain circumstances, an abortion is the best option. On campaign spending, Evans takes a restrictive approach; he says that he will cut back on the donating power of interest groups, and seek to change the main source of donations to individuals. Evans supports nuclear non-proliferation, worldwide inspections and disarmament, and a shift in all countries focus from nuclear weapons to nuclear energy. He hopes to bring universal health care, and the taxed and heavily regulated legalization of marijuana. Finally, the America and Friends Party believes in achieving fossil fuel independence from the Middle East, which it hopes to accomplish through the development of new, more environmentally friendly resources. A candidate with a similar stance on many of these important issues, Keyes Dorsey, the Key Party nominee, holds a mix of liberal and conservative views. Dorsey proposes that the nations deficit be dealt with primarily through limiting spending; similarly to Evans, Dorsey wants to cut the military budget by several hundred million dollars. He additionally plans to impose a tax on foreign imports in order to create American jobs. One position of Dorseys in particular puts him apart from the other candidates. The Key Party plans to make a return to the

isolationist principles of George Washington. To accomplish this, Dorsey plans to withdraw the American military from foreign entanglements, step down as the world police force, and refocus domestically. Dorsey states that he will work towards keeping America out of undesirable alliances, and instead try to limit major foreign interaction to trade. On the issue of Second Amendment rights, the Key Party takes a similar stance to the America and Friends Party; the party believes that stricter background checks will create a safer America. Another unique stance taken by the Key Party is their position that a woman should have the right to choose to have an abortion within the first six weeks of pregnancy; after six weeks, the fetus, having developed a heartbeat, will technically be alive, and will not be legally terminated. Dorsey wants to cut back on campaign spending, both by limiting the donating power of interest groups, and by banning television advertisements, as they are a massive campaign expense. On nuclear weapons, Dorsey believes in non-proliferation and worldwide disarmament, and also supports an international system of nuclear inspections to check up on other nations. Dorsey strongly supports universal health care; he feels that the Affordable Care Act, while it took a step

in the right direction, should be reworked so that every American has the option of free, government provided health insurance. Dorsey remains neutral on drug policy, namely the legalization of marijuana, believing that it is an issue best left to the American people. Dorsey and the Key Party plan to take an all of the above approach to energy, developing Americas own natural resources, increasing our use of renewable energy sources, and cutting down on our dependence on foreign oil. The third candidate, Brad Stanek of the S.W.A.G. Party, shares similar views with the other candidates in the upcoming presidential election. He believes in a trickle-down economy, and his plans for economic success include tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% along with job-creation through the stimulation of American small businesses. Similarly to Evans and Dorsey, Stanek believes that America should withdraw completely from the conflicts in the Middle East, and instead focus on internal improvements. Stanek also supports stricter background checks on citizens applying for gun licenses, and feels that there is no reason for citizens to be able to purchase any fully automatic weapons. He shares this view with the other candidates. On the topic of abortion, Stanek, like the other candidates,

believes that it is the womans right to choose, and will permit abortions within the first trimester of pregnancy, though he believes that a strengthened sexual education system will result in less abortions being performed. Stanek feels that the current limitations placed on hard money donations are appropriate, but that candidates should be allowed to spend as much of their own money as they want on their campaign. He also supports the idea that candidates should have the right to use soft money in funding their campaigns. His nuclear policy is that the United States should begin disarming our nuclear weapons in the hopes that other countries around the world will follow our lead. Nonproliferation is a common position among the parties. The S.W.A.G. Party holds a very different stance than the other parties on

healthcare. The Party does not believe in universal health care, and instead believes that all health care should be privatized. In contrast to this conservative idea, the Party believes in the legalization of marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use; if it were legalized, it would be regulated similarly to alcohol and tobacco. Stanek supports the development of Americas natural resources in order to promote green

energy in America, a common stance in this presidential race. The fourth, and final candidate, Kimimi Grove, says that she will support a progressive tax in order to promote economic equality; this contrasts with Staneks trickle-down system, and is closer to the positions of Evans and Dorsey. She also plans to lower student loan interest rates to 3.4% in order to make college more affordable. Grove believes that America should provide assistance to weaker countries, as one day America may need their help, which is a different position than the other candidates, who plan to focus more on internal issues. Grove supports putting stricter limitations in place in regards to gun rights, as do all the parties in the election; she feels that this is the best way to increase gun safety. Grove is another pro-choice candidate, and feels that the government has no right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her own body, at least not with her ability to get an abortion. Furthermore, Grove believes that abortions should be covered by a womans health insurance provider, as it is a medical procedure. For campaign spending, Grove believes that campaign spending and donations should be drastically limited, as the donations give an unfair advantage. This is a similar view to that of Dorsey and Evans. Grove strongly states that

nuclear weapons should not be used, and is against the proliferation of these tools of mass destruction. Grove, like most of the other candidates, supports a universal health care system, but, unlike the other candidates, stands firmly against drugs, and feels that marijuana should not be legalized. She is against the use of natural gas, fossil fuels, and nuclear energy, which is different than the other candidates. Instead, Grove supports the development of wind, solar, and hydro power. The views and positions of these four candidates, while similar in some aspects, diverge on key points, and will make for an exciting presidential race.

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