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DH B2 Langley MFRs FDR - 12-1-03 MFR - Craig Borgstrom

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Event: Langley Air Force Base Site Visit

Type of event: Recorded Interview
Date: Monday, December 01, 2003
Special Access Issues: None, some of the discussion was classified and the tape classified
accordingly. Those discussions were technical and are available on tape.
Prepared by: Miles Kara
Team Number: 8
Location: 119th Fighter Wing, Detachment One, Headquarters
Participant - Captain Craig Borgstrom, Trail (3d Man) for the Quit scramble on 9-11
Participants - Commission: Miles Kara, Kevin Shaeffer
Observer - Colonel Pam Jefferson, USAF, Base Legal Office
Note: Please refer to the recorded interview for additional details.

Captain Borgstrom enlisted in the USAF in 1993 and in January 1997 left for pilot
training. He got back to the unit in July 1999 and was hired as a full time pilot until May
2000. He then flew commercially for about a year and return to the 119th in April 2001
and assumed his then duties as the Operations Officer at the 119lh Detachment at
Scramble Experience and 9/11:
Prior to 9/11 he sat alert three week-long tours. If they were scrambled it was for
a drug mission or civilian traffic in distress or other military aircraft not squawking a
valid code. Response requirements haven't changed. What has changed is the sense of
urgency and the combat load the aircraft carry.
He was asked about the wait from battle station to scram hie nn 9/11 Rnrgstrnm
distinguished! S/ll Classified Information I
been started. The detachment doesn't determine which condition to assume, MEADS
does that. Runway alert is a little more time critical, from the Detachment's perspective.
When asked again why not runway alert on 9/11 he said that was not their decision.
They have a scramble phone at the Detachment as a heads UP. I
9/11 Classified Information
[His action as SOF would call the Sector for additional
information. On 9/11 the Sector called first to ask how many aircraft they could send up.
He answered "three" and was directed to do that. He also talked to the Wing Intel Officer
in Fargo and learned about the first tower.
He first called the Wing Commander in Fargo to give him a heads up that three
planes were scrambled, "something that had never been done on alert, ever." They got
the horn as he was climbing up the ladder into his aircraft. He started basically about the
same time as the other two. He doesn't recall exactly the heading, he wrote 020 on his
check list, he recalled. His notes of that day in the cockpit were not retained.
Borgstrom was on the HUNTRESS frequency. He detailed the facts he knew in
that capacity. He knows they were told to go max sub-sonic, he knows they were giving
a heading of 020 at one point. He knows they were in the 20K range altitude-wise. He
knows that they were told to CAP. He knows that the controller superimposed two
numbers at one time. Derrig took the comms lead initially with HUNTRESS. He doesn't
recall when he took over, it was at some point in the CAP. At no time did they receive
any situational awareness of what was transpiring on the ground—second tower, other
hijacked aircraft, an aircraft approaching DC from either the north or the west, or that
UA93 was hijacked and turned around. They did know that all aircraft had been told to
land immediately. Their mission was to keep airplanes away from Washington DC; he
believes they got that mission from HUNTRESS.
AFIO. He believes that Derrig received that instruction and passed it to Eckmann
over VHP. At the time, AFIO was something they had never used.
The CAP coordinates. Both he and Derrig heard and wrote down the coordinates,
so they knew they heard what was transmitted. So they knew there had been a
Mission. As background he had heard from his wife that something had impacted
the WTC. He never dreamed it was a commercial aircraft. He never thought at first that
an airliner had hit the Pentagon; he thought it was a truck bomb. That was all unreal,
didn't seem feasible, the humanitarian part. He thought, however, that the nation was
under attack. There was no mission on take off, just a heading and an altitude.
ROE. He was asked what they were protecting against, what did Eckmann
portray as the tactics of the CAP. He thought they were to keep aircraft away from
Washington DC. Intercepting was not common in the CAP, as he recalled. He thought
Washington Center did a decent job in making sure aircraft didn't come their way. The
fighters coming up from Andrews did cause some concern. Overall they split up as a
three-ship and spread out but did not communicate that to Sector. So that led to the
confusion about an aircraft over the White House. It was one of the Quit flight. Derrig
escorted the Attorney General's airplane in.
SoF duties. The SoF keeps track of weather, safety, and other ground-related
admin and logistics duties. The SoF does not do anything with tactics in the air. When
Borgstrom scrambled there was no SoF, so an F-16 pilot from First Fighter Wing came
over. There is no recorded record of the flight in the air from that day. Any "cameras
on" or other recording would be at the call of any one of the pilots, not the SoF. He does
not recall any recordings being made. Perhaps the cameras were on at one point, but the
tape would have been recycled.
Shootdown. He recalls General Arnold calling either that day or in next day or
two asked for a detailed, in writing, accounting of what happened that day. He believes
that ammunition records were checked as a part of the response to First Air Force. He

does not recall anything that day conveying a shoot down order. He never heard
"weapons free" terminology used that day.
He estimated it would have taken 11-12 minutes to CAP the Pentagon from the
end of runway heading at max sub-sonic and with calm winds and flight level 290.
He was show the Langley scramble path as depicted by radar and the scramble
order. He was asked how that is explained to the American public? "We didn't go out
here because we wanted to go there." We don't have the big picture concept in the
cockpit so we go where we are vectored. We could have come off the runway and
headed to a vector right away. He does not recall any comms directed at changing their
heading from 090 for 60. He does not recall anything about Baltimore. He does not
recall going supersonic at any point.
HUNTRESS coordinator was the originator of the inaccurate coordinates for the
initial CAP location.


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