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Fractal Geometry-An Introduction

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ABSTRACT This paper aims at providing basic concept of Fractal Geometry, its origin and development, and how the use of fractals proliferated in modern science, art and technology, ushering paradigmatic change in our thinking. Fractals are the geometric shapes with fractional dimension. Most of the physical phenomena are dynamical system where an initial fluctuation can cause tremendous effect. Chaos and coherence are built in dynamical systems and only through the development of fractal geometry, the complexity of phenomena is getting unraveled at an ama ing speed. Keywords: Attractor, Cantor set, Euclid, Fractal, Mandelbrot Introd !t"on Geometry is the branch of mathematics which is concerned with the points, lines, curves and surfaces. During rd century !.C., by assuming a small set of intuitively appealing a"ioms and deducing many other propositions from those, Euclid put Geometry into a"iomatic form# which is commonly $nown as Euclidean Geometry. For many centuries, Euclidean Geometry served as an important tool in solving the geometrical and astronomical problems. %owever, the Euclidean Geometry is not capable of studying irregular and fragmented patterns around us. !enoit !. Mandelbrot, the father of Fractal Geometry describes the reason to transcend Euclidean Geometry, & !hy is geometry often described as "cold# and "dry#$ %ne reason lies in its inability to describe the shape of a cloud, a mountain, a coastline or a tree. Clouds are not sphere, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in straight line.#&Mandelbrot, '()*+ ,he study of these irregular patterns is out of the purview of classical geometry, and these were set aside by Euclid as being &formless-. .n */th Century, Mandelbrot introduced a new Geometry which is able to describe the shapes of the irregular and fragmented patterns around us, $nown as Fractal Geometry. Fractal Geometry brings together a large class of ob0ects, under one roof, and it separates the classical mathematics of '(th century from the modern mathematics of */th century. Classical mathematics is rooted around the regular geometric structures of Euclid and the dynamics of 1ewton, whereas the modern mathematics commences with the Cantor2s set theory and 3eano2s space4filling curve. ,opology is a well defined branch of mathematics. ,hough it is a ma0or area of mathematics, it is not capable of e"plaining the theory of Form. ,opology is the study of 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 6#yo$es% &'nt is a mathematician based in Delhi. Contact E4mail7 66&oon'$ &'nt teaches Mathematics and based in Delhi.

9ualitative properties of certain ob0ects that are invariant under certain $ind of transformations, especially those properties that are invariant under a certain $ind of e9uivalence. .n topology, all single island coastlines are of the same form, because they are topologically identical to a circle. :imilarly, all pots with two handles are of the same form, topologically, because, if both are infinitely fle"ible and compressible, these can be molded into any other continuously, without tearing any new opening or closing up and old one. ,o differentiate the form of topologically identical ob0ects, Mandelbrot went beyond topology and proposed fractal dimension. .n mathematics, the dimension is generally defined as the minimum number of coordinates re9uired to specify each point within a space or ob0ect. Generali;ing the concept of dimension, %ausdorff and !esicovitch gave the notion of %ausdorff4 !esicovitch dimension. <e denote it by D. %owever, the concepts of irregularity or fragmentation cannot be made by defining dimensions as a number of coordinates. Euclidean Geometry is limited to sets for which all the useful dimensions coincide, so Mandelbrot termed these dimensionally concordant sets. ,he concept of dimension is not restricted to physical ob0ects. .n the study of Fractal Geometry , the dimensions fail to coincide# therefore, these sets are called dimensionally discordant. .n the early */th century 'arl Menger, ( ) * +rouwer, ,avel -rysohn and .enri (ebesgue introduced the idea of topological dimension. <e denote it by D,. <hile wor$ing in Euclidean space En, both D, and D are at least / and at most n. According to Mandelbrot, &/ fractal is by definition a set for which the .ausdorff +esicovitch dimension strictly exceeds Topological dimension.- ,he dimension D, is always an integer, but D need not be an integer and the two dimensions need not coincide. .nstead they satisfy the ine9uality, D = D,. .n the Euclidean Geometry, D > D,. %owever, in case of Fractal Geometry, D ? D,. Every set with a non4integer D is a fractal. For e"ample original Cantor :et is a fractal because, . A fractal is @a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is &at least approximately0 a reduced1si e copy of the whole @ A'B. ,he term fractal was introduced by +eno2t Mandelbrot in '(CD. .t was derived from the Eatin fractus meaning @bro$en@ or @fractured.@ A fractal is irregularly shaped and it cannot be described by using the traditional aspects of Euclidean geometry. A fractal is a 9uantity or ob0et which e"hibits self4similarity on all scales. Even at arbitrarily small scales, it has fine structures. Fractals are self4similar, meaning thereby that a fractal is e"actly or appro"imately similar to a part of itself. :elf4similarity means is that each small portion, when magnified, can reproduce e"actly a larger portion. Mathematically, a fractal is based on some e9uation which undergoes iteration. ,he length of a coastline measured with different length rulers may be an e"ample of fractal. ,he shorter the ruler, the longer the length measured, a parado" $nown as the coastline parado" Ffor details we refer A'B+. E"amples of fractals among natural ob0ects include clouds, mountain ranges, lightning bolts, snow4fla$es, various vegetables Fe.g., cauliflower and broccoli+, and animal coloration patterns. ,hese are self4similar to certain degree. %owever, all self4similar ob0ects are not fractals. For e"ample, the real line is formally self4similar but fails to

have other fractal characteristics# for instance, it is regular enough to be described in Euclidean terms. Mathematically, the Cantor set, Mandelbrot set, Gulia set, :ierpins$i triangle, :ierpins$i carpet, space4filling curve, Hoch curve, Menger sponge and dragon curve are considered as e"ample of fractals. Chaotic dynamical systems are also associated with fractals. ,he easiest fractals are those based on iterated function system. Cantor set, :ierpins$i carpet, 3eano curve, Menger sponge are some e"amples of such fractals. ,hese fractals have a fi"ed geometric replacement rule. :ome fractals are generated by stochastic process rather than the deterministic process. ,hese are called random fractals. :ome e"amples are tra0ectories of !rownian motion, fractal landscape etc. ,here are Escape4time fractals or orbits fractals which are defined by a rule or recurrence relation at each point in a space. E"amples of this type are the Mandelbrot set and Gulia set. Another type of fractals is $nown as strange attractors, which are generated by iteration of a map or the solution of a system of initial4value differential e9uations that e"hibit chaos. Fractals are geometrical figures that are generated by starting with a very simple pattern that grows through the application of certain rule or rules. .n many cases, the rules to ma$e the figure grow from one stage to the ne"t that involves ta$ing the original figure and modifying it or adding to it. ,his process can be repeated recursively Fthe same way over and over again+ an infinite number of times. For e"ample, if we start with a I sign and grow it by adding a half si;e I in each of the four line ends. <e repeat the e"act same process recursively as many times as we desire. <e get a fractal as shown in the figure below and call this the 3lusses fractal7

Following figures shows some fractals which can be drawn easily7

!o" 4 Fractal

% 4 Fractal

:tar 4 Fractal

Arrow 4 Fractal

:tar of David

Cantor :9uare Fractal

Mandelbrot :et The Sierpinski triangle is a fractal named after the mathematician Wacaw Sierpiski who described it in 1915. Polish

:ierpins$i triangle

,he Hoch snowfla$e is one of the earliest fractal curves, which were described by %elge Jon Hoch, :wedish mathematician.

Hoch :nofla$es Fractals are very useful. Computer graphics have been one of the earliest applications of fractals. Fractals can achieve realism, beauty and re9uire very small storage space. A

fractal @footprint@ can be used to identify man made versus natural features on aerial mappings and trac$ing submarines. :cientists use fractal geometry to locate oil, identify geologic faults, and possibly predicting earth9ua$es. :tatistical models using fractal geometry are used to test for stress loading on oil rigs and turbulence effects on aircraft. Acid rain and corrosion can be modeled using fractal geometry. Kur universe is self4 similar to much e"tent and it can be studied on the basis of cluster fractals. Even the big bang theory and understanding of the structure of the universe can be improved with fractals. Edward 1ortan Eoren; has discovered that weather, which behaves very chaotically, creates fractal patterns. Kn the basis of his wor$, he gave the notion of 3strange attractor4 and coined the term Lbutterfly effect4. Kne of the very odd applications of fractals is in turning geometric patterns in sound patterns. Fractals are used in movies for landscapes, dinosaur s$in te"tures, etc. For instance, the raindrops on the s$in of the dinosaurs in LGurassic 3ar$2 were done using a fractal model. Fractals were marvelously used in movies L:tar ,re$ ..7 ,he <rath of Hhan2 and LMeturn of Gedi2. ,his diverted the attention of many artists and producers of scientific fiction movies to the use of fractals. Mandelbrot applied fractals in information theory, economics, cosmology and fluid dynamics. %e found that price changes in financial mar$ets do not follow a Gaussian distribution, but Eevy stable distributions having theoretically infinite variance. Fractals are also prevalent in art, architecture, te"tiles and sculpture. !y using a techni9ue, $nown as 5ecalcomania, artists can produce fractal li$e patterns. ,he spring industry uses fractal geometry to test spring wire in minutes instead of days. Fractals are being used in the study of chemical reactions, human anatomy, plants, bacteria cultures, molecules etc. Fractal Geometry has very wide and far reaching applications in medical science. .t is used in the study and treatment of Eungs, A.D:, cancer, bone fractures and heartbeats etc.

REFERENCES '. !riggs, Gohn F'((*+. Fractals6 The ,atterns of Chaos. (ondon6 ,hames and %udson, F'((*+. *. Falconer, Henneth F'((C+. Techni7ues in Fractal Geometry, Gohn <iley and :ons. . Falconer, Henneth F*// +. Fractal Geometry6 Mathematical Foundations and /pplications. Gohn <iley N :ons. O. Gouyet, Gean4FranPois F'((Q+. ,hysics and Fractal 8tructures FForeword by !. Mandelbrot+# Masson. 3DF available at http7RRwww.0fgouyet.frRfractalRfractau$.html. D. Mandelbrot, !enoit !. F'()*+. The Fractal Geometry of 9ature, 1ew Sor$7 <.%. Freeman and Company. Q. 3almer, ,im F*//(+. )dward 9orton (oren . 3hysics ,oday, () F(+: )'T)*

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