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Performance of Quickbird Image and Lidar Data Fusion For 2d/3d City Mapping

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Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(11): 1588-1600, 2011 ISSN 1991-8178

Performance of Quickbird Image and Lidar Data Fusion for 2d/3d City Mapping
Dr. Eng. Sherif Elghazali, Information Technology Institute (ITI) Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) Smart Village, Bldg. 148B, Giza, Egypt.
Abstract: In this paper we present a practical and convenient 2D city mapping and 3D digital surface model construction technique based on data merge of spatial, spectral, and textural information of QuickBird High Resolution Satellite Imagery with precise Digital Surface Model (DSM) information of LiDAR data for an urban area within the city of Cairo. Due to recent increased demand for city mapping from various authorities at scale of 1:5000 for the purpose of up-grading and improving city conditions, with reasonable cost and limited time frame, the merge between QuickBird and LiDAR is investigated and tested. The result of this merge is very encouraging and proved its suitability for 2D and 3D city mapping and visualization in a cost-effective way. The integration of spectrally and spatially complementary remote multi sensor data can facilitate and improve visual and image interpretation. Compared with an existing 1:5000 planimetric reference map, a mean value exceeding 93% was achieved for manual building and road network extraction from QuickBird and LiDAR fused image. Also, building height comparison between LiDAR enhanced data and ground truth verification resulted in a mean absolute height difference of 47cm with a standard deviation of 58cm. Besides, the advantages of using QuickBird/LiDAR merged data was evident in the areas of cloud coverage, improved built-up area classification, better interpretability, as well as 3D/Digital City Model (DCM) visualization and mapping. Key words: QuickBird - LiDAR - Image Fusion - 2D/3D mapping. INTRODUCTION Fusing two sets of images, one with a high planimetric resolution, the other with a high altimetric resolution with different characteristics, usually results in improvement of the spatial resolution. Wald, (2002) describes data merge as "a formal frame work in which are expressed means and tools for the alliance of data originating from different sources. It aims at obtaining information of greater quality; the exact definition of greater quality will depend upon application". The data fusion/merge of multisensor data has received increased attention in the remote sensing literature (Yao and Gilbert (1984), Welch and Ehlers (1988), Chavez et al., (1991), Weydahl et al., (1995), Nieman et al., (1998), Pohl and Genderen (1998), Zhang (1999), and Lee et al., (2008) . Hugo et al. (2007) studied automated feature extraction from aerial images fused with LiDAR data for data acquisition and updating of GIS. They used Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) as an approach for land cover mapping for highly dimensioned imagery. Li and Wu, (2008) applied the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm for combining multispectral aerial imagery and LiDAR data so that the individual strengths of each data source can compensate for the weakness of the other. The low contrast, occlusion and shadow effects in the image were compensated by the accurately detected plans in the LiDAR data. Matikainen et al. (2007) used a classification tree approach for building detection from fused photographic images with LiDAR data for a common area. Rottenstiner et al. (2004), treated automatic building extraction in densely built-up areas as a result of fusing airborne scanner data and aerial imagery. Also Gunho et al., (2007), dealt with the issue of automatic building extraction after fusion of HRSI and LiDAR data. Data fusion is the combination of multi source data which have different characteristics such as, temporal, spatial, spectral and radiometric to acquire high quality image. This paper focuses on image fusion between QuickBird satellite image (with high X & Y planimetric resolution) and LiDAR point cloud data (with high Z resolution) thus increasing the spatial X, Y & Z resolution enabling improved 2D/3D city mapping. Study Area: The study region covers an area of approximately 8 km2 extending over part of Mokattam plateau located in the eastern part of the city of Cairo. The choice of this area was convenient due to the following reasons: Availability of QuickBird image as well as LiDAR data for the same study area. The area covers both residential and open desert land allowing for good assessment of the potentials of QuickBird and LiDAR data merge for both terrain types.

Corresponding Author: Sherif Elghazali, Information Technology Institute (ITI) Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) Smart Village, Bldg. 148B, Giza, Egypt. E-mail:


Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 5(11): 1588-1600, 2011

Equally important, the obtained LiDAR image was acquired during a test flight by TopoSys, Germany over Mokattam plateau and was made to the National Authority of Remote Sensing and Space Science (NARSS) for the sake of research. The LiDAR data is one of the few available data sets in Egypt. Figure (1) shows the extent of the LiDAR image with respect to the QuickBird satellite image coverage of the Mokattam plateau.

Fig. 1: LiDAR Image Located Upper left of QuickBird Satellite Image Coverage of the Mokattam Plateau to the East of Cairo, Egypt. Used Data: The data used in this research are: a. QuickBird satellite image. b. LiDAR based DEM. c. 12 GPS ground control points. The QuickBird satellite image acquired is a standard radiometrically, geometrically corrected, and Pansharpened image that combines the visual information of all four multispectral bands with the spatial information of the panchromatic band. The LiDAR image is provided by the National Authority of Remote Sensing & Space Sciences (NARSS) covering part of Mokattam plateau. The image was acquired, using a laser scanner to produce a Digital Surface Model (DSM) for that area. The acquired LiDAR point cloud is used to drive a one-meter pixel size DEM using the TopPIT (TopoSys Processing and Imaging Tools) software package, developed by TopoSys. Also a number of twelve GPS ground control points were acquired for georeferencing of QuickBird and LiDAR images. Table (1) gives a summary of the main characteristics of the data used in this research. Data Processing: The three used data sets, namely the GPS ground control points, the QuickBird satellite imagery, and the LiDAR based DEM were processed to enable proper QuickBird and LiDAR data merge and accordingly obtain useful information from this data merge / fusion procedure. Next we will discuss briefly the data processing for each data set. GPS Ground Control Point Processing: The Egyptian territory is divided in three Egyptian Transverse Mercator (ETM) zones to avoid error accumulation due to the projection of the earth ellipsoidal surface to a plane surface. These three zones are referred to as the purple belt, the red belt, and the blue belt. The Mokattam area used in this research lies in the red belt. In order to provide a network of GCPs, two dual - frequency receivers were used to survey 12 GCPs using the DGPS technique. This technique is an effective way to overcome the influence of errors and biases and to achieve a positioning accuracy at centimeters level (Mueller, 1994). The twelve GCPs were distributed over the common area between QuickBird and LiDAR images (figure 2) and were chosen at clear and sharp features such as road intersections or parcel corners. Table (2) gives the final resulting (N, E & H) ETM coordinates in meters, while the adjustment results as given by Leica SKI- Pro software indicated about 5 centimeters planimetric accuracy and 9 centimeters vertical accuracy.


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Table 1: Main Characteristics of QuickBird, LiDAR, and GPS Data Used in the Research. QuickBird Image Product Order ID. "005594819020 01 P002" Product Catalog ID. "203001000F037000" Image Descriptor "ORStandard 2A" Band ID. "RGB" Radiometric Level "Corrected" Num. Rows Num. Columns 31784 34336 Product Type & Level "Standard" & "LV2A" Mean In Track View Angle 1.5 Mean Cross Track View Angle 23.5 LiDAR Point Cloud LiDAR System 150 Hz Flying Height 250 m Flying Speed 180 km/hr Side Overlap 40% Height Accuracy +/-10cm Point Density 1 Point / m2 Bare Earth DTM ASCII X,Y,Z Format Digital Terrain ESRI GRID Format Global Positioning System (GPS) Coordinate System: Name UTM / WGS 84/UTM Zone 35N Type Projected Unit Meters Projection: Projection Class Transverse Mercator Latitude of Origin 0 00` 00 N Central Meridian 27 00` 00 E Scale Factor 0.99960000 False Easting 500000.00m False Northing 0.000 m Datum: Ellipsoid Name WGS48 Semi-Major Axis 6378137.000 m Inverse Flattening 298.257223563

Fig. 2: Distribution of GPS Points Over Common Cut Area from LiDAR Image. Quickbird Image Processing: Figure (3) shows the part of the QuickBird Satellite image that overlaps the LiDAR image of the study area as illustrated in figure (1). After ortho-rectifying this image using PCI software, manual screen digitizing process was performed to transform the raster image to a vector image. Figure (3) shows both the vector digitized map superimposed with the QuickBird raster satellite image.


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Table 2: Reference Eastings, Northings & Heights of the GPS Points. GCP # Eastings (m) X 1 640823.88 2 641554.19 3 645169.05 4 643182.85 5 641373.39 6 642164.77 7 643250.95 8 640726.59 9 641691.84 10 642469.08 11 643319.11 12 641117.29

Northings (m) - Y 815654.26 815278.53 815827.22 815707.21 814896.48 815020.43 814715.87 814235.50 814383.11 814375.35 814017.25 813604.12

H (m) Z 51.89 59.78 54.21 91.12 68.04 78.52 100.57 55.64 80.78 164.88 162.86 105.08

Fig. 3: The Vector Digitized Features Superimposed With QuickBird Satellite Image (Note the cloud coverage near the upper and central part of the image). Lidar Image Processing: TopoSys GmbH German Company collected the LiDAR image of the study area. The basic components of TopoSys LiDAR are depicted in figure (4), indicating the various independent basic elements that are integrated together mechanically, optically, and electronically and rendeing the LiDAR point cloud data.

GPS Antena GPS Receiver IMU

Laser Beam Deflection Detector

Start Stop Time LiDAR Counter Point Cloud

Fig. 4: Basic Components of LiDAR TopoSys. Top PIT SW is used to process the recorded light traveling time in three main steps. First, the flight path is reconstructed using the Differentional Global Positing System (DGPS) and the Inertial Navigation System (INS) techniques. Secondly, the 3-D coordinates of each leaser pulse are computed using the laser traveling time and the reconstructed path. The LiDAR data is then generated as a high-density point cloud with an average spacing of one laser point per square meter. Finally, a post-processing step is used to filter out the data outliers and to generate DEMs and other products (Baltsavias, 1999). Generally, there are two kinds of outliers in the LiDAR data, positive blunders and negative blunders. Commenly, positive blunders emerge from laser returns from birds, aircrafts, etc., and negative blunders come from pulses that are reflected for several times or malfunction of a laser rangefinder. Positive blunders can be removed by the first iteration over all the rows, while negative 1591

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blunders are usually assumed to be (3) meters lower than the fitted data. The filtering process is highly automatic and requires little human interference. Basically three parameters (grid cell size, a smoothing parameter, and a threshold value) need to be specified in the algorithm (Vosselman and Sithole, 2003). The coordinates of point cloud configuration are then transformed into an independently defined coordinate system. The system provides import filters and tools for further processing of the point cloud into raster data. It further comprises programs for filtering vegetation and objects and for changing the raster width. Here a DEM adapted to the user's application can be calculated by selecting the suitable parameters. Most LiDAR vendors specify a planimetric accuracy of the resulting DEM between 30-50cm. However, the final resulting errors are function of the laser ranging computation, the scanning system, the topography, the atmosphere, the positioning and navigation systems, and the system integration factors (Vosselman and Sithole, 2003). The final results showed that the horizontal RMSE in the east and north directions are about 0.42 and 0.51 meter respectively. Data Merge: As a result of the demand for higher classification accuracy and the need for enhanced positioning precision especially for geosciences information systems, there is always a need to improve the spectral and spatial resolution of remotely sensed imagery. Spatial registration of LiDAR data and QuickBird imagery is performed as data preprocessing. The transformation between LiDAR space and image space is determined before the data fusion. It is done in such away that the two data sets are unified in the object space coordinates. First the QuickBird and LiDAR images were geo-referenced using the Ground Control Points (CGPs) collected by the Global Positioning System (GPS) given in table (2). Furthermore, the QuickBird image was ortho-rectified based on LiDAR DEM using PCI SW package. Table (3) gives the X and Y residuals after QuickBird orthorectification and X, Y and Z residuals after LiDAR image georeferencing at the twelve GPS ground control points as well as the root mean square errors. Fusion of QuickBird image and LiDAR data is achieved using Brovery Transformation technique. This process preservers the spectral fidelity which sharpens the spatial and textural content of the scene. Brovery transformation is a numerical method which aims at merging different sources of data, equation (1) (Selva et al., 2007).

Yk i, j X k i, j X p m, n

X i, j
k 2 k


Where, Yk (i,j) & Xk (i,j) are the kth fused multispectral band and the original multispectral band respectively (i,j) denote the pixel and line number respectively Xp (m,n) denote the original panchromatic band m,n denote the pixel and line number. In the current case PCI software was used to perform the fusion process since Brovery Transformation is implemented in it in the PANFUSE procedure where the following steps are followed: (i) Selection of QuickBird spectral bands (ii) Resampling LIDAR image to QuickBird spatial resolution (iii) Appling Brovery transformation for the resampled new fused image data Fusion and merge of QuickBird image with LiDAR data has revealed several advantages in providing several reliable and automatic solutions for 2D/3D city mapping that can be summarized in the following points: Digital Terrain Model generation. Filling-in areas in QuickBird cloud obscured areas. Better classification in built-up areas. Additional interpretation factor from Colored Structure Coded (CSC) LiDAR imagery. 3-D raster and vector image visualization of ground features (3D-DCM). Figure (5) shows a flowchart of the data fusion process followed in this research as well as the various useful outputs that enhances various mapping applications. Derived Output Products: The two fused data sources are the QuickBird satellite image and the LiDAR TopoSys image. The first source is not flexible in that it is acquired according to a fixed flying orbit in terms of height, speed, spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions. The LiDAR image is more flexible in its data collection parameters such as point density, pulse rate, field of view, and aircraft altitude. This is an advantage that enables proper planning of the LiDAR imagery to meet the requirements of specific applications. LiDAR missions are tailored to meet individual project specifications, based on intended data use.


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Table 3: Coordinate Residuals at the Twelve GCPs and the Corresponding RMSE in Meters. Residuals After QB Orthorectification Residuals After LiDAR GCP # X Y X 1 -0.53 +0.79 +0.43 2 -0.81 +1.03 +0.52 3 +0.73 -1.12 -0.65 4 +0.40 -0.61 -0.63 5 +0.33 -0.53 -0.36 6 -0.25 -0.82 +0.42 7 +1.09 +0.87 -0.35 8 -0.87 -0.56 +0.21 9 -0.35 +0.45 -0.33 10 -0.77 +0.73 +0.30 11 +0.60 -0.92 -0.41 12 +0.22 +0.88 +0.25 RMSE 0.64 0.80 0.42

Y -0.74 +0.68 -0.57 -0.44 +0.43 +0.15 -0.62 +0.54 +0.25 +0.51 +0.27 -0.63 0.51

Georeferencing Z -0.39 +0.42 +0.23 +0.19 -0.37 -0.36 -0.44 +0.70 -0.39 -0.41 +0.56 +0.25 0.41

Following, we will discuss and present examples of the derived out-put products resulting from the fusion of QuickBird image and LiDAR data for the Mokattam test area as indicated in figure (5). Dtm Generation: Automated and manual procedures are used to process LiDAR data and associated GPS/IMU data to generate a digital elevation model (DEM). While auto-filtering removes a majority of data artifacts, manual editing is required to achieve an accurate bare-earth surface model, where vegetation, structures, and other above-ground features are removed. Quality control of the LiDAR data processing often involves a peer review before final data acceptance. QuickBird Satellite Image LiDAR Image

Preprocessing GPS GCPs Geo-referencing Ortho-Rectification Fused/ Merged QuickBird Image and LiDAR Data using Brovery Transformation Textural Information Spatial Information Derived Out-Put Products DTM DSM Cloud Effects Built-up area Classification Better Interpretability 3-D/DCM Visualization DSM Information DTM

Fig. 5: Flowchart of QuickBird and LiDAR Data Fusion and Various Derived Out-Put Products. The LiDAR DEM tends to be much denser than those available through current sources. This potentially leads to more accurate orthorectification of QuickBird imagery. User enjoys the benefit of high planimetric spatial resolution from QuickBird imagery and a very accurate, dense DEM from the LiDAR system. Here the use of breaklines extracted from QuickBird imagery defines breaks in the topography that are not clear from the LiDAR data such as cliffs, ditches, and rivers thus providing a more realistic presentation of the terrain. This combination could be also ideal in obscured areas in heavy vegetation where LiDAR data can be useful to fill in the obscured areas not visible in the satellite imagery. Figure (6) shows a 20m - contour interval map of the study area based on LiDAR/QuickBird data for the study area. In large areas, a major problem with LiDAR data is the voluminous point cloud data that requires efficient and speed computer processing capabilities in addition to adequate storage capacity. Some companies have been 1593

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working on developing LiDAR data compressors based on the theory of numerically lossless compression enabling one to reduce LiDAR file sizes by choosing a compression ratio and letting LiDAR compressor select the best way to reach a desired file size. These compressors enable users to turn giant cloud data into efficient files that retain 100% of the raw data at just 25% of the file size while retaining all of the points precision and accuracy of the original file. Unlike ASCII data, LiDAR compressed files are easily managed resources from which derivatives can be extracted over and over again. If users need even smaller files, some LIDAR compressors can reduce LiDAR file sizes by 90% with no perceptible loss ( /products/lidar/).

Fig. 6: Contour Map of the Study Area Based on LiDAR/QuickBird Fused Images with Contour Interval of 20m. The advantages of obtaining DEM and/or contours from LiDAR data as compared to stereoscopic methods for DTM generation from aerial or satellite imagery can be summarized in the following points: LiDAR is useful for collection of elevation data in case of dense vegetated areas such as the delta and Nile Valley in Egypt or elsewhere, where aerial or satellite images fails to reveal the accurate terrain topography. LiDAR-being an active system-is not limited by the environmental conditions restricting aerial or satellite images. LiDAR system can be easily and quickly used to survey areas because each XYZ point is individually georeferenced. DTM data generated using stereoscopic aerial or satellite images requires image acquisition, GCPs, aerial triangulation, stereo compilation or orthorectification beside supplementing terrain break lines. The base/height ratio for most stereoscopic along track satellite imagery is very small which affects the accuracy of the obtained heights greatly. This problem is not exististing in LiDAR data. LiDAR contours & DTM generation proved to be superior in accuracy and also cost effective. On average, 100 sq. km. area can be measured in one hour using LiDAR system, while typical post-processing time is, two to three hours for every hour of recorded flight data. Studies showed that LiDAR required only 25 to 33 % of the budget needed for stereoscopic method (Dhananjay and Madhav, 2008).

Cloud Effects: The LiDAR imaging process is one of active illumination and so can be operated day or night independently of solar illumination. Accordingly, in poor sun illumination conditions this can be a very helpful feature. Because LiDAR wavelengths are long compared to earth satellite imaging systems such as QuickBird, they are not affected by the relatively small cloud particles and LiDAR can therefore penetrate clouds revealing the ground surface in cloudy conditions. This is of great benefit in the cloudy mid-latitude and tropical areas (Harris, 1978). It is very common that earth satellite imaging providers deliver their satellite images including a certain negotiable percentage of cloud coverage that obscure part of the ground beneath them. This ratio can go up to 20% or more in several areas around the world. Even in countries where the sun is prevailing all year round this phenomenon can occur. In our study area, inspection of the QuickBird imagery as appearing in figure (3) one can visually identify several areas where ground features are completely obscured by clouds especially in the middle and upper parts of the image. This situation can be only solved by waiting for another image acquisition which may take extra months without any guarantee that the new image would be cloud free. However, in practice a considerable work of field completion is performed by experienced field crew teams. Figure (7) 1594

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shows the middle section of QuickBird image of figure (3) where the cloud coverage clearly obscures ground features underneath. The regions covered by the clouds within the study area have an area of approximately 0.6 km2. Figure (8) shows the same area but from the fused QuickBird /LiDAR image where the ground features can be better identified and vectorized, thus saving considerable time and cost of additional field work. Here the combination of QuickBird satellite image with the LiDAR data provided more realistic and complete representation of the area. Built-Up Area Classification: One of the main applications of High Resolution Satellite Imagery is the production of planimetric city maps. A very common and popular city map scale among many urban and city planners is the scale of 1: 5000 showing streets, blocks, and individual buildings. The potential advantage of fusing multi-source data is the possibility to obtain more accurate information concerning features that cannot be achieved with individual single-source data.

Fig. 7: Effect of Cloud Coverage of Middle Part of QuickBird Image Obscuring Ground Details.

Fig. 8: Same Area Shown in Figure (7) but from Fused LiDAR/QuickBird Images Revealing Ground Details From QuickBird image one can distinguish wide streets and groups of building (Blocks) rather easily. While from LiDAR/QuickBird fused image for the same area, one can discriminate narrow streets and individual buildings within the blocks. This is because LiDAR data is more sensitive to height variations of buildings within the block thus resulting in varied texture (variance contrast) and signatures. The amount of energy returned or backscattered to the antenna from the surface depends besides building heights on the physical properties of the surface roughness. Smooth surfaces backscatter little or no energy while rough surfaces backscatter more energy depending upon surface roughness (Figure 9). Table (4), shows the comparison between the roads and buildings that are identified using the QuickBird image alone and those identified from LiDAR/QuickBird fused images for a partially cloudy area. The differences are mainly due to clouds and buildings shadow effect as well as the existence of informal settlements in some image parts that can be only compiled from QuickBird imagery as blocks with unclear building discrimination or narrow road compilation.


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Fig. 9: (a) Part of the Study Area of QuickBird Where Only Building Blocks Could be Distinguished (b) Same Part of the Study Area From Fused QuickBird and LiDAR Data where Narrow Streets and Individual Buildings Could be Distinguished due to Variance Contrast from Returned and Backscattered Energy.
Table 4: Comparison Between Compiled Features from QuickBird Image Only and Fused LiDAR/QuickBird Image within an Area of 3km2 Item QuickBird Image only Fused LiDAR /QuickBird Image Sum of interpreted road areas (km2) 0.61 0.97 Area of identified Individual buildings 1.24 1.77 (km2)

Better Interpretability: LiDAR systems show that urban areas are identifiable by their high backscatter. Bryan (1983) analysed early radar imagery and concluded that internal city structure could be better interpreted because the different orientations and spacing of roads as well as varied heights in topography produced different effects on the radar image. This property can act as a useful complement to satellite data, and when co-registered better discrimination can be achieved than using satellite imagery alone because the roughness information provided by LiDAR provides extra dimension to the database not covered by visible or near infrared remote sensing. Also, the effect of LiDAR Color Structure Code (CSC) segmentation leads to improved interpretation process. LiDAR data filtered to a bare-earth model, or in its raw form, can be gridded to create DEM files for viewing as shaded relief color-coded elevation data offering better topographic interpretability, Figure (10).

Fig. 10: Example Where Color Structure Code Segmentation Can Provide Better Topographic Interpretability of the Study Area. 3-D/Dcm Visualization: 3D city models (Digital City Models, DCM) have become an important dataset over the past few years and are becoming increasingly more intelligent as computer power increases and the level of attribution expands. Depending upon requirements, models can be created from the fusion of QuickBird and LiDAR imagery using the benefits of each. LiDAR lends itself to the development of non-traditional 3-D products that provide appealing visualizations to meet a number of needs. Using off-the-shelf software, it is possible to input a series of ortho-rectified QuickBird images and LiDAR DEMS and to create animated clips on a PC. These clips might for example depict a roadway, river valley, urban center, and can lend high visibility to a presentation or study. To add even 1596

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more value, computer animation and graphics can be added to the 3-D "fly through" to create stunning effects. Since LiDAR data can be imported and exported by most commercially available GIS software packages, this infers that the vast majority of available raster and vector formats can be supported with LiDAR data as the basis. For example, software such as Auto Cad, Arc GIS, Erdas, PCI to name but a few, all have the capability to import and export LiDAR data in one form or another. Building modeling is an essential task in the establishment of cyber city for city planning, management, and various applications. Building reconstruction has been traditionally performed by photogrammetric procedure using aerial steropairs, which is a very tedious, expensive, and time consuming procedure. To improve the degree of automation for 3-D city mapping, we followed a scheme that integrates LiDAR data with QuickBird imagery. LiDAR data provides high accurate 3D points but lacks breaklines information. On the contrary, QuickBird imagery with its high spatial resolution provides more accurate breaklines information than LiDAR data. Moreover, QuickBird multispectral resolution is beneficial to identification and classification of objects, such as buildings and vegetation and when fused with LiDAR images can result in better building modeling. Based only on raw non-filtered LiDAR data, figure (11) shows example of the initial result of 3-D reconstruction and visualization potentials of LiDAR technology for part of the study area. The poor quality of the 3-D reconstructions is due to using raw LiDAR data, besides the distortions in the sides of the buildings and structures resulting from errors and noise incorporated in the LiDAR data as well as variations in the levels of the building roofs and ground surrounding them. To improve and enhance the poor quality of the 3-D objects, the building models generated by the proposed method have the merits of high building interpretability from QuickBird image defining the roofs of building and structures with high accuracy of heights from filtered LiDAR data. In this part of the study, the LiDAR/QuickBird fused images were processed and handled by database for some buildings and features within the study area. Also the varied heights in roofs and ground are handled by examining the levels at the roof of each building carefully as well as the ground and assigning the most dominant level for the whole building roof as well as roads enabling the production of uniform, extruded sharp edged 3-D buildings for the whole area. Two ArcGIS extensions were used, namely ArcMap and ArcScene. First, we add building layer manually drawn from QuickBird to ArcMap and obtain building estimated height from LiDAR data. Then we import the combined data layer to ArcScene and apply extrusion function for the buildings 3D generation. In other words we utilized the high quality of planimetric details appearing on QuickBird satellite imagery to manually extract building boundaries, roads, parcels, and other features. This is because the planimetric details and breaklines are continuous on QuickBird, unlike planimetric details from LiDAR which is characterized by being discrete in nature. On the other hand the height information from LiDAR data is highly precise and could be in the order of tens of centimeters. Accordingly, obtaining the best information from each imagery result in optimum results for 3D building mapping and visualization. Figure (12) shows the outcome of such procedure for the same view appearing in figure (11) from a higher perspective. The quality of these images could be further improved and enhanced using building facade draping techniques where the sides of the buildings are captured by digital camera and super-imposed on the corresponding building faces. Accordingly, digital facade images were captured for some buildings of figure (12) in the study area. These images are draped on the building faces and the final 3D products are shown in figure (13). The draping was performed using Sketchup Google Software package which is a 3D modeling program designed for architectural, civil, and mechanical applications. Some researchers consider these 3-D models as 2.5-D models since they consider the building faade structures are not completely geometrically satisfied (Dieter and Dieter, 1996). Comparing building heights reconstructed by the proposed methodology with reference data resulting from ground measurements, less than half a meter accuracy was achieved. Table (5) gives the heights and accuracy figures for a number of ten buildings selected from those appearing in figure (13) from LiDAR data against the heights based on ground truth measurements resulting in a mean absolute value of 47cm with a standard deviation () of 58cm. The selected ten buildings are shown in figure (14).
Table 5: Vertical Accuracy Characteristics of Some Buildings from LiDAR Extruded Data and Corresponding Heights Based on Ground Truth Data. Building # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Height from LiDAR (m) 2.74 2.74 3.35 3.05 2.74 6.40 17.07 11.28 2.74 17.37 Height from Ground Truth (m) 2.55 2.80 3.80 3.75 2.89 6.15 15.89 12.08 2.55 16.67 Height Difference (h) 0.19 -0.06 -0.45 -0.7 -0.15 0.25 1.18 -0.8 0.19 0.7 Mean Value of Absolute Height Difference = h n = 0.47m Mean Value of Height Difference = h n = 0.035m Standard Deviation () = 0.58m


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Fig. 11: 3-D Creation of Mashyakhet El-Azhar Building on Salah Salem Road (City of Cairo) Based on Raw Non-Filtered LiDAR data.

Fig. 12: Final Well Defined 3D Buildings in the North Eastern Part of the Study Area for Same Area of Figure 11 (Mashyskhet El-Azhar).

Fig. 13: Final Well Defined 3D Building of Mashyskhet El-Azhar and Some Surrounding Buildings with Draped Images. A larger part of the study area is shown in figure (15) using the enhanced 3-D technique from QuickBird/LiDAR fused image showing building and road network. The reference data for evaluating the planimetric accuracy of the manually extracted buildings and road network from the fused QuickBird LiDAR image were obtained from a 1:5000 map produced by the Egyptian Survey Authority. The accuracy assessment was performed for a certain area and is divided in qualitative and quantitative evaluation. The qualitative evaluation includes a visual comparison between the reconstructed buildings and road network from QuickBird LiDAR fused image and the reference map. This comparison provides a useful indication of the overall quality 1598

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and general appearance of the product. The result was a very good resemblance between both the reference map and the planimetric details from the fused image. The quantitative assessment was based on four parameters namely, number of buildings, area of buildings as polygons, length of roads, and area of roads as polygons (Table 6). The average percentage of planimetric features extraction from QuickBird LiDAR fused image as compared with the reference planimetric map exceeded a value of 93%.
Table 6: Results of Planimetric Accuracy Evaluation of Buildings and Road Network. Item Compared From 1:5000 Reference Map From Fused QuickBird LiDAR Image No. of Buildings 153 142 Area of Buildings (m2) 32589 30963 Length of Road Network (Km) 89.4 86.1 2 Area of Road Network (Km ) 0.93 0.85 Percentage 93% 95% 96% 91%

The view in figure (15) was produced in only few hours of office work. One can imagine the tedious work, time, and cost requirements needed to reach similar results using conventional field surveying work or even stereo photgrammetric restitution procedures.

Fig. 14: Ten Buildings Extracted from the Area Shown in figure 13 Used in the Height Accuracy Assessment.

Fig. 15: Building and Road Network Reconstruction Using Enhanced QuickBird and LiDAR Data for Part of the Study Area. Conclusions: This paper discusses the potentials of QuickBird/LiDAR data fusion in several areas of mapping applications. Besides the benefits in the areas of DTM, cloud coverage, and better classification and interpretation, the 3D visualization and manual feature extraction were greatly improved. The building models and ground features generated by the proposed methodology when compared with a reference 1:5000 map showed a percentage exceeding 93% for planimetric features and buildings drawing with a sub-meter height accuracy and also in a cost effective way. In order to maximize the benefits of the proposed 3-D model reconstruction, it is recommended-instead of using manual methods-to investigate the possibility of adopting automatic or semi-automatic approaches for dominant height generation from LiDAR data as well as planimetric details extraction from QuickBird imagery.


Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 5(11): 1588-1600, 2011

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