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Guide To Fy 2013 Plan and Budget Execution

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Prepare the FY 2013 Plan and Budget for Execution 2. Present the proposal to and generate suggestions for improvement, from the Budget ommittee Step 1: Org !"# t"o! !$ %o&"'"# t"o! o( !dentif" mem#ers !dentif" tas$s !dentif" roles and responsi#ilities %gree on schedules $ )o* P' !!"!g Group

Step 2: I$e!t"("* t"o!+ G t)er"!g !$ Org !"# t"o! o( D t !dentif" data re&uirements and sources EBE!' for #asic education data( assistance ma" #e sought from )P'*+', +eports on P%Ps status - from focal persons .. /ather data )rgani0e data Prepare templates /enerate reports from EBE!' and ma$e necessar" processes li$e sorting, ran$ing, summari0ing etc. .. Step 3: S"tu t"o! A! ',s"s - ./E0E A0E .E NO.1 Part 1 - descri#es trends and patterns 1rend anal"sis * loo$s at decrease2increase of a particular varia#le, sa", enrolment, over a period of time3Present in charts2graphs4 'patial anal"sis * loo$s at patterns in space, for example, the higher num#er of drop*outs is o#served to #e concentrated in 5u0on. Present in map form. /ap anal"sis * loo$s at gaps #et6een current state and desired state 3standards4. 'ee %nnex 7 'egmentation2 luster %nal"sis * loo$s at commonalities in trends2patterns 6ithin a group that share some #asic characteristics, e.g., regions 6ith !P enrolment data. ross*ta#ular 3cross*referencing4 anal"sis - loo$s at possi#le direct2indirect relationships #et6een varia#les, for example, #et6een data on teacher*pupil ratio and 8%1 Part 2 - explains findings in Part 1 !dentif" reasons for thetrends2patterns2gaps o#served. 9se cause and effect anal"sis 6here applica#le(cite studies2researches that ma" prove the cause and effect relationship. Part 3 - 'ummari0es the 'ituational %nal"sis oncise statements that 6ill reflect the anal"sis :a" #e presented in #ullet format 6ith a short explanator" note :a" #e arranged #" priorit" Step 2: Str teg"* P' ! Fr 3e4 ./E0E DO .E .ANT TO BE1 ;ision - adopt ,epE, < 77777777777777777 3'ource< 77777777774 :ission - #ased on mandate /oals - refer to EF% /oals, :,/

/O. DO .E GET T/E0E1

From the summar" of situational anal"sis, formulate strategies and o#=ectives 'trategies- provides general guidelines for specific actions to6ards in pursuit of particular ends )#=ectives > targets o )#=ectives * ':%+1

o 1argets * Programs and Pro=ects o Programs - an integrated group of activities that contri#utes to a continuing o#=ective of department2agenc" o %ctivit" - a 6or$ process that contri#utes to a program, su#* program or pro=ect o Pro=ect - a special department or agenc" underta$ing carried out 6ithin a definite time frame and intended to result in some pre* determined measure of goods and services

Step 5: Progr 3s6A*t"7"t"es6Pro8e*ts 8ation6ide lumpsum-revie6 2012 P%Ps guidelines and2or 2013 draft P%Ps guidelines and suggest improvements2amendments 5ocall"*funded pro=ects -revie6 2012 P%Ps guidelines and2or 2013 draft P%Ps guidelines and suggest improvements2amendments Foreign*funded * +egion*initiated,ivision*initiated *

Step 9: %o!"tor"!g : E7 'u t"o!:


Te3p' tes
1; Per(or3 !*e I!$"* tors I!$"* tors A**ess 16 a. /ross Enrolment +ate 3/E+4, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private #. 8et Enrolment +ate 38E+4, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private c.%pparent 3/ross4 !nta$e +ate 3/!+4, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private d. 8et !nta$e +ate 38!+4, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private e. 1ransitio n +ate, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private E(("*"e!*,26 a. ohort 'urvival +ate, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private #. +etentio n +ate, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private c.+epetition +ate, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private d. ,rop*out +ate, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private e. ompleti on +ate, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private f. /raduation +ate, Both SY200<-10 T rg A*tu I!*6D et ' e* SY2010-11 T rg A*tu I!*6D et ' e* SY 2011-12 T rg A*tu I!*6D et ' e*

i. Pu#lic ii.Private =u '"t,36 a. 8%1 :P', Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private

16 A**ess expansion of coverage to sho6 extent of participation of school children in earl" childhood development programs and in #asic education ; Gross E!ro'3e!t 0 te >GE0? is the ratio of the total elementar"2secondar" enrolment, regardless of age, to the total school*age population at the elementar"2secondar" level. &; NE0 or P rt"*"p t"o! 0 te is the ratio of the enrolment for the age*group corresponding to the official school*age in the elementar"2secondar" level to the population of the same age*group. *; App re!t >Gross? I!t @e 0 te >AI0?6>GI0? is the total num#er of ne6 entrants in /rade 1, irrespective of age, as a percentage of the population of official entr" age. $; Net I!t @e 0 te >NI04 is the total num#er of ne6 entrants in /rade 1 6ho are of the official school*entrance age as a percentage of the total population of official entr" age e; Tr !s"t"o! 0 teis the num#er of students entering Year 1 of secondar" education, expressed as a percentage of the graduates of elementar" education. 26 E(("*"e!*, assess the holding po6er of the school s"stem ; Co)ort Sur7"7 ' 0 te refers to the proportion of enrollees at the #eginning grade2"ear level 6ho reach the final grade2"ear level at the end of the re&uired num#er of "ears of stud". &; Pro3ot"o! 0 te is the percentage of pupils2students of a given grade2"ear level promoted to the next grade2"earlevel the follo6ing school "ear *; 0epet"t"o! 0 te is the percentage of pupils2students of a given grade2"ear level 6ho remain enrolled in the same grade2"ear level the follo6ing school "ear $; 0ete!t"o! 0 te is the percentage of a pupil2student cohort still enrolled in the last "ear of the c"cle. e; Dropout 0 te >S"3p'e? is the percentage of pupils2students of 6ho drop out from the given grade2"ear level in a given school "ear (; Co3p'et"o! 0 te is the percentage of first "ear entrants in a level of education 6ho complete2finish the level in accordance 6ith the re&uired num#er of "ears of stud". g; Gr $u t"o! 0 te is the percentage of pupils2students 6ho completed the academic re&uirements for elementar"2secondar" level in the current school "ear to the num#er of pupils2students enrolled in the terminal grade2"ear level during the same school "ear. 36 =u '"t,: measure the effectiveness of #asic education provision in terms of learning achievement through examinations a. %e ! Per*e!t ge S*ores >%PS? is the percentage of correctl" ans6ered items in a test Source: EFA Guidelines

2; S 3p'e Seg3e!t t"o!6C'uster"!g Belo6 are sample segmentations or clustering. 'hould there #e other t"pes of learners or AsegmentsB that "ou might 6ish to anal"0e, please specif" and do the same ta#le #elo6 ; IP Le r!er
SY200<-10 Are Tot ' E!ro'3e !t Tot 'N o; o( IP Le r!er s A SY2010-11 Tot ' Tot ' o( No; o( E!ro'3e IP !t Le r!e rs SY 2011-12 A Tot ' E!ro'3e !t Tot 'N o; o( IP Le r!e rs A

P/ILIPPINES 0EGION D"7"s"o! D"7"s"o! & D"7"s"o! * &; %us'"3 Le r!ers

SY200<-10 Tot ' Tot ' No; o( E!ro'3e %us'"3 !t Le r!er s SY2010-11 Tot ' No; Tot 'E!r %us'"3 o'3e!t Le r!e rs SY 2011-12 Tot ' Tot ' No; o( E!ro'3e %us'"3 !t Le r!e r


P/ILIPPINES 0EGION D"7"s"o! D"7"s"o! & D"7"s"o! * *; Le r!ers B"t) Spe*" ' Nee$s those 6ith learning disa#ilit" 3mentall" challenged4( differentl" a#led 3ph"sical disa#ilit"4( and fast learners
SY200<-10 Tot ' No; o( Tot ' Le r!e E!ro'3e rs B"t) !t Spe*" ' Nee$s SY2010-11 Tot ' No; o( Tot ' o( Le r!er E!ro'3e s B"t) !t Spe*" ' Nee$s SY 2011-12 Tot ' No; o( Tot ' o( Le r!e E!ro'3e rs B"t) !t Spe*" ' Nee$s


P/ILIPPINES 0EGION D"7"s"o! D"7"s"o! & D"7"s"o! * O7er- ge$ Le r!ers - those aged 2 "ears or more than the school age for a specific grade2"ear level
SY200<-10 Tot ' No; o( Tot ' O7erE!ro'3e ge$ !t Le r!er s SY2010-11 Tot ' No;o( Tot ' O7erE!ro'3e ge$ !t Le r!er s SY 2011-12 Tot ' No; o( Tot ' O7erA E!ro'3e ge$ !t Le r!e rs


P/ILIPPINES 0EGION D"7"s"o! D"7"s"o! & D"7"s"o! *

$; S*)oo's "! D"s ster-Pro!e Are s No; o( S*)oo's &, T,pe o( D"s ster Are T,p)oo! F'oo$ L !$s'"$es E rt)Cu @ e P/ILIPPINES 0EGION D"7"s"o! D"7"s"o! & D"7"s"o! * e; S*)oo's "! *o!('"*t Are P/ILIPPINES 0EGION D"7"s"o! D"7"s"o! & D"7"s"o! * 3; A**o3p'"s)3e!ts(or t)e p st 3 ,e rs >FYs 2010-12? ((e*te$ re s No; o( S*)oo's "! *o!('"*t ((e*te$ re s

Ot)ers >spe*"(,?

Tot ' No; o( S*)oo's

B se$ o! DepEDDs 3 !$ te t t)e ! t"o! ' 'e7e' s st te$ "! 0A <155+ '"st ,our o(("*eD **o3p'"s)3e!ts &, t)e3 t"* re > **ess+ e(("*"e!*,+ Cu '"t,+ go7er! !*e? "! t)e p st t)ree >3? ("s* ' ,e rs % !$ te 1 ,efining a regional educational polic" frame6or$ 6hich reflects the values, needs and expectations of the communities the" serve( ,eveloping a regional #asic education plan( ,eveloping regional educational standards 6ith a vie6 to6ards #ench* mar$ing for international competitiveness( :onitoring, evaluating and assessing regional learning outcomes( 9nderta$ing research pro=ects and developing and managing region 6ide pro=ects 6hich A**ess E(("*"e!*, =u '"t, Go7er! !*e

ma" #e funded through official development assistance and2or or other finding agencies( 9 Ensuring strict compliance 6ith prescri#ed national criteria for the recruitment, selection and training of all staff in the region and divisions( Formulating, in coordination 6ith the regional development council, the #udget to support the regional educational plan 6hich shall ta$e into account the educational plans of the divisions and districts( ,etermining the organi0ation component of the divisions and districts and approving the proposed staffing pattern of all emplo"ees in the divisions and districts( Eiring, placing and evaluating all emplo"ees in the regional office, except for the position of assistant director( Evaluating all schools division superintendents and assistant division superintendents in the region( Planning and managing the effective and efficient use of all


1 0

1 1

personnel, ph"sical and fiscal resources of the regional office, including professional staff development.( 1 2 :anaging the data#ase and management information s"stem of the region( %pproving the esta#lishment of pu#lic and private elementar" and high schools and learning centers( and Performing such other functions as ma" #e assigned #" proper authorities.

1 3

1 2

II; Pro&'e3 A! ',s"s B, Per(or3 !*e I!$"* tor -I!$"* tors A**ess 16 a. /ross Enrolment +ate 3/E+4, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private #. 8et Enrolment +ate 38E+4, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private c.%pparent 3/ross4 !nta$e +ate 3/!+4, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private d. 8et !nta$e +ate 38!+4, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private e. 1ransition +ate, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private E(("*"e!*,26 a. ohort 'urvival +ate, Issues6Pro&'e 3s P st I!ter7e!t"o!s E((e*ts o( I!ter7e!t"o!s EGp' ! tor, Notes

Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private #. +etention +ate, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private c.+epetition +ate, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private d. ,rop*out +ate, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private e. ompletio n +ate, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private f. /raduation +ate, Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private =u '"t,36 #. 8%1 :P', Both i. Pu#lic ii.Private B, t,pe o( 'e r!er-; IP Le r!ers Issues6Pro&'e Cr"t"* ' Nee$s 3s P st I!ter7e!t"o!s E((e*ts o( I!ter7e!t"o!s EGp' ! tor, Notes

&; %us'"3 Le r!ers Issues6Pro&'e Cr"t"* ' Nee$s 3s

P st I!ter7e!t"o!s

E((e*ts o( I!ter7e!t"o!s

EGp' ! tor, Notes

*; Le r!ers B"t) Spe*" ' Nee$s Issues6Pro&'e P st Cr"t"* ' Nee$s 3s I!ter7e!t"o!s

E((e*ts o( I!ter7e!t"o!s

EGp' ! tor, Notes


$; O7er- ge$ Le r!ers >2 ,e rs or 3ore? Issues6Pro&'e P st Cr"t"* ' Nee$s 3s I!ter7e!t"o!s

E((e*ts o( I!ter7e!t"o!s

EGp' ! tor, Notes


((e*te$ &, Fortu"tous E7e!ts E((e*ts o( I!ter7e!t"o!s EGp' ! tor, Notes

e; S*)oo's "! D"s ster-Pro!e Are s Issues6Pro&'e P st Cr"t"* ' Nee$s 3s I!ter7e!t"o!s

(; S*)oo's "! *o!('"*t ((e*te$ re s Issues6Pro&'e P st Cr"t"* ' Nee$s 3s I!ter7e!t"o!s

E((e*ts o( I!ter7e!t"o!s

EGp' ! tor, Notes

III; Co!t"!u"!g C) ''e!ges Co!s"$er t)e EFA Go 's+ %DG+ HH 3 !$ tes % !$ te 1 ,efining a regional educational polic" frame6or$ 6hich reflects the values, needs and expectations of the communities the" serve( ,eveloping a regional #asic education plan( ,eveloping regional educational standards 6ith a vie6 to6ards #ench*mar$ing for international competitiveness( A**ess

ge!$ + "! t)e *o!teGt o( ,our o(("*eD E(("*"e!*, =u '"t, Go7er! !*e


:onitoring, evaluating and assessing regional learning outcomes( 9nderta$ing research pro=ects and developing and managing region 6ide pro=ects 6hich ma" #e funded through official development assistance and2or or other finding agencies( Ensuring strict compliance 6ith prescri#ed national criteria for the recruitment, selection and training of all staff in the region and divisions( Formulating, in coordination 6ith the regional development council, the #udget to support the regional educational plan 6hich shall ta$e into account the educational plans of the divisions and districts( ,etermining the organi0ation component of the divisions and districts and approving the proposed staffing pattern of all emplo"ees in the divisions and districts( Eiring, placing and evaluating all emplo"ees in the regional office, except for the position of assistant director(



1 0

Evaluating all schools division superintendents and assistant division superintendents in the region( Planning and managing the effective and efficient use of all personnel, ph"sical and fiscal resources of the regional office, including professional staff development.( :anaging the data#ase and management information s"stem of the region( %pproving the esta#lishment of pu#lic and private elementar" and high schools and learning centers( and Performing such other functions as ma" #e assigned #" proper authorities.

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 2

II; Str teg"es For3u' te & se$ o! t)e *o!t"!u"!g *) ''e!ges "! t)e pre7"ous t &'e % !$ te 1 ,efining a regional educational polic" frame6or$ 6hich reflects the values, needs and expectations of the communities the" serve( ,eveloping a regional #asic education plan( A**ess E(("*"e!*, =u '"t, Go7er! !*e


,eveloping regional educational standards 6ith a vie6 to6ards #ench*mar$ing for international competitiveness( :onitoring, evaluating and assessing regional learning outcomes( 9nderta$ing research pro=ects and developing and managing region 6ide pro=ects 6hich ma" #e funded through official development assistance and2or or other finding agencies( Ensuring strict compliance 6ith prescri#ed national criteria for the recruitment, selection and training of all staff in the region and divisions( Formulating, in coordination 6ith the regional development council, the #udget to support the regional educational plan 6hich shall ta$e into account the educational plans of the divisions and districts( ,etermining the organi0ation component of the divisions and districts and approving the proposed staffing pattern of all emplo"ees in the divisions and


districts( < Eiring, placing and evaluating all emplo"ees in the regional office, except for the position of assistant director( Evaluating all schools division superintendents and assistant division superintendents in the region( Planning and managing the effective and efficient use of all personnel, ph"sical and fiscal resources of the regional office, including professional staff development.( :anaging the data#ase and management information s"stem of the region( %pproving the esta#lishment of pu#lic and private elementar" and high schools and learning centers( and Performing such other functions as ma" #e assigned #" proper authorities.

1 0

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 2

I; Progr 3s !$ Pro8e*ts Str teg, 4 to &e t @e! (ro3 pre7"ous t &'e T)e3 t"* Are s A**ess % 8or Co3po!e !ts6 A*t"7"t"es Sour*e o( Bu$get

Str teg,

Progr 3s




=u '"t, E(("*"e!*, Go7er! ! *e

Program Pro=ect * II; Bu$get N 3e o( Progr 3s : Pro8e*ts Co!t"!u "!g >P)p? Curre!t >P)p? Su&Tot ' >P)p? Ot)er Sour*es >P)p? A Tot ' >P)p? 0espo!s "&'e O(("*e

Tot ' Note: Att *) t)e .or@ P' !+ F"! !*" ' P' ! >%o!t)', C s) Progr 3? FY 2013 Gu"$e'"!es !$ $r (t


U!(u!$e$ Progr 36A*t"7"t"es6Pro8e*ts O&8e*t"7es T rgets A3ou!t 0eCu"re$ >P)p? T"3e'"!e

Progr 3s6Pro8e*t s


GOIE0NANCE OF BASIC EDUCATION ACT % !$ tes Per Le7e' A; N t"o! ' Le7e' 314 Formulating national educational policies( 324 Formulating a national #asic education plan( 334 Promulgating national educational 'tandards( 3?4 :onitoring and assessing national learning outcomes( 3@4 9nderta$ing national educational research and studies( 3C4 Enhancing the emplo"ment status, professional competence, 6elfare and 6or$ing conditions of all personnel of the ,epartment( and 3D4 Enhancing the total development of learners through local and national programs and2or pro=ects. B; 0eg"o! ' Le7e' 314 ,efining a regional educational polic" frame6or$ 6hich reflects the values, needs and expectations of the communities the" serve( 324 ,eveloping a regional #asic education plan( 334 ,eveloping regional educational standards 6ith a vie6 to6ards #ench*mar$ing for international competitiveness( 3?4 :onitoring, evaluating and assessing regional learning outcomes( 3@4 9nderta$ing research pro=ects and developing and managing region 6ide pro=ects 6hich ma" #e funded through official development assistance and2or or other finding agencies( 3C4 Ensuring strict compliance 6ith prescri#ed national criteria for the recruitment, selection and training of all staff in the region and divisions. 3D4 Formulating, in coordination 6ith the regional development council, the #udget to support the regional educational plan 6hich shall ta$e into account the educational plans of the divisions and districts( 3F4 ,etermining the organi0ation component of the divisions and districts and approving the proposed staffing pattern of all emplo"ees in the divisions and districts( 3G4 Eiring, placing and evaluating all emplo"ees in the regional office, except for the position of assistant director( 3104 Evaluating all schools division superintendents and assistant division superintendents in the region( 3!!4 Planning and managing the effective and efficient use of all personnel, ph"sical and fiscal resources of the regional office, including professional staff development.( 3124 :anaging the data#ase and management information s"stem of the region( 3134 %pproving the esta#lishment of pu#lic and private elementar" and high schools and learning centers( and 31?4 Performing such other functions as ma" #e assigned #" proper authorities. C; D"7"s"o! Le7e' 314 ,eveloping and implementing division education development plans( 324 Planning and managing the effective and efficient use of all personnel, ph"sical and fiscal resources of the division, including professional staff development( 334 Eiring, placing and evaluating all division supervisors and schools district supervisors as 6ell as all emplo"ees in the division, #oth teaching and non* teaching personnel, including school heads, except for the assistant division superintendent( 3?4 :onitoring the utili0ation of funds provided #" the national government and the local government units to the schools and learning centers( 3@4 Ensuring compliance of &ualit" standards for #asic education programs and for this purpose strengthening the role of division supervisors as su#=ect area specialists( 3C4 Promoting a6areness of and adherence #" all schools and learning centers to accreditation standards prescri#ed #" the 'ecretar" of Education(


3D4 'upervising the operations of all pu#lic and private elementar", secondar" and integrated schools, and learning centers( and 3F4 Performing such other functions as ma" #e assigned #" proper authorities. D; S*)oo's D"str"*t Le7e' 314 Providing professional and instructional advice and support to the school heads and teachers2facilitators of schools and learning centers in the district or cluster thereof( 324 urricula supervision( and 334 Performing such other functions as ma" #e assigned #" proper authorities. E; S*)oo' Le7e' 314 'etting the mission, vision, goals and o#=ectives of the school( 324 reating an environment 6ithin the school that is conducive to teaching and learning( 334 !mplementing the school curriculum and #eing accounta#le for higher learning outcomes( 3?4 ,eveloping the school education program and school improvement plan( 3@4 )ffering educational programs, pro=ects and services 6hich provide e&uita#le opportunities for all learners in the communit"( 3C4 !ntroducing ne6 and innovative modes of instruction to achieve higher learning outcomes( 3D4 %dministering and managing all personnel, ph"sical and fiscal resources of the school( 3F4 +ecommending the staffing complement of the school #ased on its needs( 3G4 Encouraging staff development( 3104 Esta#lishing school and communit" net6or$s and encouraging the active participation of teachersH organi0ations, nonacademic personnel of pu#lic schools, and parents*teachers*communit" associations( 3114 %ccepting donations, gifts, #e&uests and grants for the purpose of upgrading teachersI learning facilitatorsI competencies, improving ad expanding school facilities and providing instructional materials and e&uipment. 'uch donations or grants must #e reported to the appropriate district supervisors and division superintendents( and 3124 Performing such other functions as ma" #e assigned #" proper authorities. Source: RA 9155


%nnex 7 PAPs GAA Bu$get (or FY2013 N 3e o( PAPs 'B: 'u#sid" for 77 'chools 0eg"o! P'F J 8one Bu$get >P)p? D"7"s"o! S*)oo's P'F J 8one Tot '


%nnex 7

1GFD onstitution A1he 'tate shall protect and promote the right of all citi0ens to &ualit" education at all levels, and shall ta$e appropriate steps to ma$e such education accessi#le to allB Source: Art. 14, Sec. 1 of 1987 Philippine Constitution 1. 12*"ear Basic Education "cle 3K to 124 2. 9niversal preschooling for all 3. :adaris education 3:adrasah4 ?. 1echnical vocational education @. AEver" child a readerB #" /rade 3 C. 'cience and :ath proficienc" D. /%'1PE expansion F. :edium of instruction rationali0ed G. Lualit" text#oo$s 10. ovenant 6ith the local governments to #uild more schools Source: 1. 9niversal primar" education 2. /ender e&ualit" in education Source: United Nations Millenniu Functional literac" #" 201@ !eclaration

Pno" %genda 3for education4

:illennium ,evelopment /oal 3:,/4 Education For %ll 3EF%4

Source: UN"SC# 1. Expanding earl" childhood care and education 2. Providing free and compulsor" education for all 3. Providing learning and life s$ill to "oung people and adults ?. !ncreasing adult literac" #" @0M percent @. %chieving gender e&ualit" #" 201@ C. !mproving the &ualit" of education. ,epE, /oals Source: "ducation $efor s #n %rac& to Meet "'A (oals 1. %ccess to Basic Education !mproved 2. Lualit" of Education !mproved Source: #r)ani*ational Perfor ance +ndicators 'ra e,or& 1. !mproving %ccess to Basic Education a. %ddress Basic !nputs i. FY 2011< Nipe*out shortages in text#oo$s and seats ii. FY 2012< !mplement large*scale construction of classrooms and 6atsan facilities through /%%, PPP and other partnerships iii. FY 2013< reate and fill up teaching items necessar" for implementation of K to 12 iv. FY 201?< Nipe out shortages in #asic inputs #. Promote !nclusive Education i. Expand /%'1PE program 20

,epE, 1hrusts > ,irections

ii. 'upport to :ulti*/rade 'chools iii. Expand %,:s 3:!')'%, ,)+P, )pen E' E* !:P% 14 and %>E Program iv. 'trengthen 'PE,, :adrasah and !P Programs 3P+!:E4 v. 'trengthen 1ech*;oc Program vi. !mplement pro*poor policies 3?Ps4 2. !mproving Lualit" of 5earning and :anagement a. Effective 1eaching and 5earning i. !mplementation of the Enhanced K to 12 Basic Education Program ii. Provision of appropriate supplementar" materials, e&uipment and tools iii. +etooling of teachers and education managers iv. %cceleration of the 'chool*#ased :anagement '"stem #. !mproved /overnance i. Full implementation of ! 1 support s"stem 3EBE!', '!', 5earner !, '"stem, 5+:,', E+!', %:', F:!'4 ii. 'trengthening of internal s"stems and processes 3including 0ero*#ased #udgeting4 iii. Pursuing anti*corruption efforts Source: !ep"d Strate)ic !irection Presentation


%nnex 7

P' !!"!g St !$ r$s

3used for FY2013 Plan > Budget4

2012 P' !!"!g St !$ r$s

B s"* 0esour*es 1; Te *)ers St !$ r$s >2012? ; J"!$erg rte!< 1 teacher per 2@ learners &; E'e3e!t r, i. Purel" :onograde O1 teacher per ?@ learners #ased on total enrolment of /rades 1*? O @ teachers in ever" 3 classes #ased on total enrolment of /rades @*C ii. :onograde and :ultigrade ii.1 :onograde< O 1 teacher per ?0 learners of /rades 1*3 O 1 teacher per ?@ learners for /rade ? O @ teachers in ever" 3 classes composed of ?@ learners per class for /rades @*C ii.2 :ultigrade< 1 teacher per class O maximum of 30 learners for /rades 1*2, 3*? and @*C per class iii.Purel" :ultigrade< 1 teacher per class O maximum of 30 pupils for /rades 1*2, 3*? and @* C *; Se*o!$ r,< O @ teachers in ever" 3 classes composed of ?@ learners #ased on #" "ear enrolment ; J"!$erg rte!: O 1 classroom per 2@ learners &; E'e3e!t r, i. Purel" :onograde<1 classroom per ?@ learners #ased on total enrolment ii. :onograde and :ultigrade< Based on #" grade enrolment ii.1 :onograde< O 1 classroom per ?0 learners for /rades 1*3 O 1 classroom per ?@ learners for /rades ? O @ classroom per ?@ learners per class for /rades @*C ii.2 :ultigrade< 1 classroom per class iii.Purel" :ultigrade O1 classroom per class 3maximum of 30 pupils for /rades 1*2, 3*? and @*C per class4 *; Se*o!$ r, : 1 classroom per ?@ learners #ased on #" "ear enrolment 1 per learner( proposed classroom construction should have a complete set of furniture Ge!; St$. * maximum of @0 per unit #ased on international standards ; Bo,sD Ur"! ' i. Per @0 pupils2students< 1 detached urinal 22

2; C' ssroo3s< 8e6 construction +epair > +eha#ilitation

3; Se t: stu$e!ts+ te *)ers 2; . ter6s !"t t"o! ( *"'"t"es

&; *; $; ;

5; TeGt&oo@s6 I!stru*t"o! ' % ter" 's >I%s?



ii. Per 100 pupils2students< 1.00m urinal trough Bo,sD To"'et Se t >. ter C'oset? i. Per 100 pupils2students< 1 seat ii. ,esigned for disa#led pupils2students< 1 seat G"r'Ds To"'et Se t >. ter C'oset? i. Per @0 pupils2students< 1 seat ii. ,esigned for disa#led pupils2students< 1 seat L 7 tor,: 1 ' 7 tor, to 1 to"'et se t TeGt&oo@s i. 'chool re&uirements< 1 1P per learner in core su#=ects ii. Buffer stoc$s at +)s > ,)s< Y Enrolment multiplied #" 3M iii.Buffer stoc$s at the entral )ffice 3 )4< Y Enrolment multiplied #" DM iv.1otal re&uirements<'chool re&uirements plus 10M #uffer Te *)er 3 !u 's >T%? i. 1: for field< omputed 1P #" school divided #" 3@ for Elementar" and @0 for 'econdar", 6herein schools 6ith less than 3@2@0 1P is allocated 1 1: each 3#" school4 ii. 1: for ) #uffer stoc$s< 1 1: for ever" 100 1P Ot)er I!stru*t"o! ' % ter" 's 31eacher*'upport :aterials4< ,epEd*,eveloped :aterials1 :odule per teacher

Ot)er 0esour*es 9; :))E< )+, ,), 'chool E; /%'1PE< E' F; 1raining< teachers, related teaching, non*teaching <; ,ivision2+egional )ffices< +E5 , 5i#rar" Eu#, other offices, ne6 schools 10; Feeding 11; E&uipment and 1ools< omputer2! 1, teaching tools, science and math tools 12; 8on*teaching and related teaching items 13; )ther furniture re&uirements< science la#, preschool, school la# 12; P' re&uirements<

%doption of Boncodin Formula 6ith refinement 3QQQ4 1 :illion /rantees for FY 2013 E+1, Fund to #e devoted to K to 12

Feeding in 120 da"s per learner 1 computer la# per high school




%nnex 7

Bu$get Assu3pt"o!s
3used for FY2013 Plan > Budget4


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