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Interpersonal Communication Essay Writing

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Interpersonal communication

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Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3 Theoretical Research .................................................................................................................. 4 Case Study ................................................................................................................................. 5 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 6 References .................................................................................................................................. 7


Every human needs to interact to each other and that needs some kind of skills for better conversation and to know the things in a better way. The necessity is of having the strong interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills are defined as the communication between two individuals or in a group. It helps us in understanding that how and why people behave to each other in different ways so constructs and negotiate a social reality. Interpersonal communication comes from the different kind of backgrounds. The people talk in different ways because of their culture, their gender and how they learned to perceive the world. Through engaging with each other, interpersonal communication skills help to get knowledge about other individual. Every culture is different in number of ways as well as in verbal or non-verbal languages and consequently cultural diversity can strain the organizational communication. It is important to have discussion among the society and group of individuals to understand their feelings, emotions, and their culture because the society grow of and increase the relationship to each other because of the good interpersonal skills. Interpersonal communication skills not only help in the societies but also help for the organizations to understand their customers requirement and to know them better. It has been found in the organizations that if the employee of the company does not know about the diverse cultural background and dont experience and understand (Foss, K. & Littlejohn, S. 2008) the perspectives of his co-workers then the effective communication between the team is Jeopardized. Interpersonal communication skills differ at some levels such as while talking with the family members, while talking in the society, and while talking in the organization. For every aspects of life interpersonal skills are very important and this analysis below also describes the same with the example of an organization, and impacts of the interpersonal communication skills on the team members and overall to the organizations. The important aspects are to analyse the different culture and different languages in case of the interpersonal communication skills.

Theoretical Research

For interpersonal communication there have been a number of researches for its effectiveness and importance to the people, society and organizations. According to Beavin states in his research for a cultural diversity and interpersonal communication in Torontos major hotels, as language barriers made it very difficult to the hotel managers to understand the nonEnglish employees and to give feedback to them so that they can improve their jobs and can understand the basic environment of the hotel. There have been few theories studied for the interpersonal communication skills such as assimilation theory, dichotomous theory, or discourse theory or analysis. According to discourse theory, it asks how certain sort of talk and writing can accomplish the particular goals such as exclusions, blaming and justifications. (Beavin, J. 2007) Studying the language we talk about diversities in identities is important because as Parker points out that language is so much structured for the mirror power relations that often we can see no other way of being, and the ideology towards it become very difficult to speak both in and against it. The anthropologist E.T Hall (et, al, 2006) also developed a theory for the interpersonal communication to understand the implications of culture. Hall stated about the two different aspects of the interpersonal communication as high context and low context. High contexts emphasized on the collaboration and personal relationships as important aspects of doing business but on the other hand the low context culture, explicit writing and verbal messages that mostly happens in western countries like Unites States of America, Germany, Canada and Switzerland. Not only this there have been lot of research in this areas as according to Floyd and Kory (2009) that in organizations interpersonal communication is very important and it has been found that the big global organizations get issues if not properly cared about the interpersonal skills development and training. According to Taya R (2010) there are some inherent dielectrics in interpersonal communication are the important key for the healthy conversations in the organizations and understanding among the people. He states that the human who are in relationship tries to find equilibrium among the people to balance their life with the interpersonal communication so that they can open to each other and understand to each other easily. If there is not much perfect communication between them it may lead to consequences. Therefore, all depends on the interpersonal communication skills.

Case Study

Interpersonal communication is always necessary and important for any organization or in society. For an example, in Information technology sector while moving from region in to another for the global expansion of business many organizations focuses on the information technology expertise and its future impacts but overlook for the team communication skills and interpersonal communication ability. It has been found that many IT professionals are good in their domain but are not good enough in the soft skills which lead to the problem to the organization at global scale because the team need to understand the diverse culture to make strong presence and to reach to the customers as well as to make relationship among different team members in the organization that they belong to the diverse culture and language too. (Beavin, J. 2007) To sort out this issue, in the organization the executive member of the organization held a training session for the employees so that the interpersonal communication problem can be resolved and the environment and employees and customer relations can be made strong.


Interpersonal communication is the core requirement for the humans to get in touch with the other individuals and to know them better. It depends on the culture, family and the present environment around you. As based on the earlier research it has been found that the biggest problem for the big global organizations is of the team communication among them and because of that the organizations get in to trouble. The final conclusion is that interpersonal skills are always important in the humans life forever because no one can live his life alone.


1. Floyd, Kory. (2009). Interpersonal Communication: The Whole Story. New York: McGraw-Hill 2. Foss, K. & Littlejohn, S. (2008). Theories of Human Communication, Ninth Edition. Belmont, CA 3. Beavin, J. (2007). Behaving and communicating: a reply to Motley. Western Journal of Speech Communication, 54, 593 602 4. Taya R. Cohen, Tim Wildschut, Chester A. Insko, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 46, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 39-50 5. Everett M. ROGERS, William B. HART, Yoshitaka MIIKE(2006) Edward T. Hall and The History of Intercultural Communication:

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