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Contract of Sale Price Stages Delivery

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CONTRACT OF SALE One of the contracting parties obligates himself to transfer the ownership of and to deliver a determinate thing,

, and the other to pay therefore a price certain in money or its equivalent. A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional.

STAGES IN LIFE OF CONTRACT OF SALE 1. Negotiation 2. Perfection 3. Consummation CH. 4 - PRICE I. REQUISITES: 1. Real a. when at the perfection of the contract of sale, there is every intention on the buyer to pay the price, and every expectation on the part of the seller to receive such price as the value of the subject matter he obligates himself to deliver 2. In money or its equivalent a. consideration for a valid contract of sale can be the price and other valuable consideration; at the very least, a true contract of sale must have price as part of its consideration 3. Certain or ascertainable a. certain: expressed and agreed in terms of specific pesos and/or centavos b. ascertainable: i. by third persons ii. by the courts in cases where the third person fixes the price in bad faith or by mistake iii. by reference to a definite day, particular exchange or market iv. by reference to another thing certain v. but never by one party to the contract 4. Jurisprudence: Manner of payment must be agreed upon (Marnelego v. Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank)

EFFECT OF GROSS INADEQUACY OF PRICE NOTE: Mere inadequacy of the price does not affect the validity of the sale, except (1) When there is fraud, mistake, or undue influence indicative of a defect in consent is present, (2)When it shows that the parties really intended a donation or some other act or contract. III. EFFECT WHERE PRICE IS SIMULATED 1. The act may be shown to have been in reality a donation, or some other act or contract 2. If not and neither party had any intention whatsoever that the amount will be paid (absolutely simulated): the sale is void 3. If there is a real price but what is stated in the contract is not the one intended to be paid (only relatively simulated): the contract of sale is valid but subject to reformation Art. 1474. Where the price cannot be determined in accordance with the preceding articles, or in any other manner, the contract is inefficacious. However, if the thing or any part thereof has been delivered to and appropriated by the buyer he must pay a reasonable price therefore. What is a reasonable price is a question of fact dependent on the circumstances of each particular case.

CH. 7 - CONSUMMATION STAGE/PERFORMANCE STAGE NOTE: Stage where parties both comply with their obligation. Nature of diligence required: diligence of a good father of the family unless other requirement is stipulated Consequence: Seller will be guilty of breach if thing is lost through his fault I. Delivery of the Thing - Transfer ownership (tradicion) covers a twin obligations of the seller which are: 1. to transfer the ownership; and 2. to deliver a determinate thing PNB vs. Ling, 69 Phil. 611 Delivery of the thing together with the payment of the price, marks the consummation of the contract of sale Norkis Distributor, Inc. vs. CA 195 SCRA 694 The act of delivery must be coupled with the intention of delivering the thing and putting the buyer under control Addison vs. Felix, 38 Phil. 404 The execution of a public instrument is equivalent to delivery. But to be effective, it is necessary that the vendor have such control over the thing sold that, at the moment of sale, its material delivery could have been made II. Different kinds of delivery: 1. Actual or real- when thing sold is placed in the control and possession of the buyer 2. Legal or Constructive- can take several forms and may be any manner signifying an agreement that the possession is transferred from the vendor to the vendee. Different forms of Constructive Delivery Constructive delivery has same legal effect as actual or physical delivery


Ten Forty Realty vs. Cruz, 10 Sept. 2003 Gives rise only to a prima facie presumption of delivery which is destroyed when actual delivery is not effected because of a legal impediment 1. Traditio Longa Manu Delivery of thing by mere agreement; when SELLER points to the property without need of actually delivering 2. Traditio Brevi Manu Before contract of sale, the would be buyer was already in possession of the would be subject matter of sale (ex: as lessee) 3. Symbolic delivery As to movables ex: delivery of the keys to a car 4. Constitutum possessarium When at the time of the perfection of the contract of sale, seller had possession of the subject matter in the concept of owner and pursuant to the contract, seller continues to hold physical possession no longer in the concept of an owner but as a lessee or any other form of possession

other than in the concept of owner. 5. Quasi-tradition Delivery of rights, credits or incorporeal property, made by: a. Placing titles of ownership in the hands of the buyer b. Allowing buyer to make use of rights 6. Tradition by operation of law


1. 2. 3. 4.

WHEN EXECUTIONOF PUBLIC INSTRUMENT DOES NOT PRODUCE THE EFFECTS OF DELIVERY TIFF (Uncompressed) dec mpressor When there areisneededstipulationtoseethispicture. to contrary, execution does not produce effect of delivery When at the time of execution of instrument, subject matter was not subject to control of the seller Subject matter should be within control of seller; he should have capacity to deliver at the time of execution of public instrument when he wants to effect actual delivery Such capacity should subsist for a reasonable time after execution of instrument (reasonable time depends on circumstances of persons, places and things)
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Delivery of Fruits and Accessions/ Accessories - Right to fruits and accessions/accessories accrue from time sale is perfected but no real right over it until it is delivered

Delivery Through Carrier - General Rule: Where the seller is authorized or required to send the goods to the buyer, delivery to the carrier is delivery to the buyer. Exceptions: a contrary intention appears or implied reservation of ownership under pars. 1,2,3 of Art. 1503 1. FAS FREE ALONG SIDE When goods delivered alongside the ship, there is already delivery to the buyer (twin effects deemed fulfilled) 2. FOB - FREE ON BOARD - Shipment when goods are delivered at ship at point ofshipment; delivery to carrier by placing goods on vessel is delivery to buyer Destination when goods reach the port even if not disembarked yet from the vessel, there is delivery to the buyer 3. CIF COST, INSURANCE, FREIGHT When buyer pays for services of carrier delivery to carrier is delivery to buyer; carrier is agent of the buyer When buyer pays seller the price from moment the vessel is at port of destination, there is already delivery to buyer. See Arts. 1522, 1539, 1540, 1541, 1542, 1543. COMPLETENESS OF DELIVERY 1. MOVABLES a. delivery of thing plus accessories and accessions in the condition in which they were upon the perfection of the contract including the fruits b. When the seller delivers to the buyer a. quantity of goods LESS than he contracted to sell, buyer has the option to reject or accept it. When accepts with knowledge that seller is not going to perform
b. When accepts and consumes before knowledge that contract in full, liable only for fair value of goods delivered

buyer will not perform

c. When seller delivers to the buyer a quantity of goods LARGER than he contracted to sell the buyer has
the following options:

i. ii. iii.

accept per contract and reject the rest accept the whole pay price stipulated eject whole if subject matter is indivisible

d. When the seller delivers to the buyer the goods he contracted to sell, MIXED with goods of a
different description not included in the contract, buyer has 2 options:
i. ii.

accept good w/c are in accordance with contract and ii. reject goods entirely if indivisible

2. IMMOVABLES a. Sold per unit or number i. If the sale should be made with statement of its area, rate at certain price, deliver all that may have been stated in the contract if impossible, remedies of buyer
ii. If Less in area: - rescission

proportional reduction of price LACK IN AREA SHLD NOT BE LESS THAN 1/10 IF AREA AGREED UPON If Greater in area: accept per stipulation and reject the rest


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TIME AND PLACE OF DELIVERY 1. Follow stipulation in contact, or 2. Follow usage in trade, or 3. Sellers place of business or his residence 4. Specific goods place where the thing is 5. At reasonable hour

IX. EFFECTS OF DELIVERY - General Rule The ownership of the thing sold shall be transferred to the buyer upon the actual or constructive delivery thereof. Except when the contrary is stipulated such in the cases of: 1. Contract to sell 2. Sale on acceptance/approval 3. Sale or return NOTE: Who Bears Expenses of Delivery? Seller SALE BY DESCRIPTION/SAMPLE 1. Sample goods must correspond with sample shown 2. Description- goods must correspond with description or sample 3. Effect if there is no compliance:- RESCISSION may be availed of by the buyer

XI. OBLIGATIONS OF BUYER 1. Pay the Price a. Buyer is obligated to pay price according to terms agreed upon regarding time, place and amount b. If payment of interest is stipulated must pay; if amount of interest not mentioned apply legal rate c. When buyer defaults constitutes breach: subject to specific performance/rescission and damages; interest to be paid also from default 2. Accept delivery of thing sold a. Where to accept: at time and place stipulated in the contract; if none specified at the time and place of delivery goods; there is acceptance when: b. He intimates to seller that he has accepted When delivered and does any act inconsistent with ownership of seller C . Retains without intimating to seller that he has rejected 3. Sale of Goods on installment a. Goods must be delivered in full, except when stipulated b. When not examined by buyer not accepted until examined or at least had reasonable time to examine Acceptance of goods in general, absent contrary express stipulation, does not discharge seller from liability in case of breach of warranties (unless no notice or failure to give it within reasonable time) When buyer has a right to refuse goods, no need to return; shall be considered as depositary; unless there is stipulation to the contrary

4. 5.

Art. 1544. If the same thing should have been sold to different vendees, the ownership shall be transferred to the person who may have first taken possession thereof in good faith, if it should be movable property. Should it be immovable property, the ownership shall belong to the person acquiring it who in good faith first recorded it in the Registry of Property. Should there be no inscription, the ownership shall pertain to the person who in good faith was first in the possession; and, in the absence thereof, to the person who presents the oldest title, provided there is good faith. (1473)

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