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C R I M I N A L L A W I & II

Ateneo de Davao College of Law By ATTY. TEODORO V. ANGEL

Sweetheart defense in rape, to be credible, should be substantiated by some documentary or other evidence of the relationship like mementos, love letters, love notes, pictures and the like. Here appellant categorically admitted that no such evidence exists hence, his alleged romantic relationship with victim is just a figment of his imagination. Assuming that appellant and victim were sweethearts, it does not mean that he could not rape her. Such a relationship is not a guaranty that he will not assault and tarnish that which she holds so dearly and trample upon her honor and dignity. Indeed, a sweetheart can be forced to engage in sexual intercourse against her will. (People vs. Eduardo Limos, 410 SCRA 463 (2003) penned by Justice Sandoval Gutierrez)

PEOPLE VS. ORITA, 184 SCRA 105 (1990) Facts: Accused PC soldier Orita followed 19-year-old Cristina Abayan from party, used knife to force her to have sexual intercourse, but while on top, she managed to escape. Samar RTC convicted him of frustrated rape and case on appeal. Held: SC held its consummated rape, and not mere frustrated rape only. Citing People vs. Erinia, no frustrated stage anymore and Erinia ruling was a stray decision. It is settled that slight penetration consummates rape, and perfect penetration not essential. Mere touching of lips of vagina, without laceration of vagina or emission, already consummates rape. PEOPLE VS. DELA PENA, 233 SCRA 573 (1994)
Facts: Accused dela Pena waylaid 9-year-old Rose Marasigan on her way to school. Due to her resistance, and then playing dead, that accused panicked, could not get an erection, and fled. Valenzuela RTC held its consummated rape and penalty was reclusion perpetua. Held: SC, however, modified Valenzuela RTC decision and held its only attempted rape. Although mere touching consummates rape, rape presupposes an erect penis because without erection, there can be no penetration, no matter how slight, and without penetration, there can be no consummation.

PEOPLE VS. CAMPUHAN, (2000 case) Facts: Mother saw accused and houseboy Campuhan in the act of almost raping her 4-year-old daughter in a kneeling position. Medical findings indicated hymen was still intact but since in previous Orita ruling entry into labia without rupture of hymen already consummated rape, issue is whether or not its consummated, or attempted, rape only. Held: SC held its attempted rape only. Touching here means the penis indeed touched the labia and slid into the female organ, and not merely stroke the external surface. Some degree of penetration beneath the surface must be achieved, and the labia majora must be entered. Victim herself testified that penis grazed but did not penetrate her organ.

2 There was only a shelling of the castle, but no bombardment of the drawbridge yet.


Insertion of finger in another persons orifice constitutes rape. Nature: Automatic review of Iloilo RTC decision convicting accused Nequia of rape with death penalty. Facts: On January 23, 1999, in Oton, Iloilo, the accused John Nequia, with abuse of confidence, had carnal knowledge of stepdaughter, Mary Ghel Guanco, 13 years old. Iloilo RTC convicted his of rape under Article 266-A, as amended by R.A. 8353 and imposed death penalty by lethal injection. Hence, the automatic review by the Supreme Court. Held: Supreme Court affirmed conviction for Qualified rape in consummated stage and imposed death penalty. 1) It is consummated because in rape, there are no half measures or even quarter measures, nor is their gravity graduated by the inches of entry. Partial penile penetration is as serious as full penetration. In either case, rape is deemed consummated because in a manner of speaking, and as indicated in People vs. Campuhan, bombardment of the drawbridge is invasion enough even if the troops do not succeed in entering the castle. 2) The Anti-Rape Law (RA 8353) transformed and reclassified rape as a felony against persons, and provided Rape not only by sexual intercourse, but also Rape by sexual assault. Hence, whatever object or instrumentality chosen by the perpetrator, whether inanimate or animate like a finger, is prohibited by law. 3) As such, for inserting his finger, and then later having sexual intercourse with the victim, the prosecutor should have filed two separate Informations -- one for Rape by sexual intercourse under par. 1 of Article 266-A, and secondly, Rape by sexual assault under par. 2 of Article 266-A.


The number of ejaculations during rape does not increase the penalty to death since ejaculation is not a qualifying circumstance in rape. Nature: Automatic review of Pangasinan RTC decision convicting Joseph Orilla of qualified rape and imposing death penalty. Facts: On September 12, 1996, at around 3:00 a.m., the victim, Remilyn Orilla, 15 years old, was awakened by a heavy weight pressing on her body and found appellant Joseph Orilla on top of her. Appellant, carrying a knife, threatened her with death, and then pushed her legs apart and inserted his penis into her vagina where victim felt some warm matter enter. Without removing his organ, appellant remained on top and commenced sexual intercourse after a few minutes and the victim again felt the same substance enter into her vagina. Then the accused fled. The Pangasinan RTC convicted accused Joseph Orilla on the basis of testimony of the victim who identified him through his voice, and because of pale of light from the eastern horizon. The lower court convicted him for one count of Qualified rape but his second act of ejaculating was used to aggravate the offense to warrant imposition of death penalty.

3 Held: The Supreme Court affirmed conviction of lower court for one count of rape but penalty is reclusion perpetua only, and not death penalty. 1) The penalty was reduced to reclusion perpetua because nowhere in the law is second ejaculation a mode of qualifying the offense by increasing the penalty death. Further, the relationship of the victim to the accused, and the minority of the victim, were not alleged in the Information. 2) The second ejaculation is immaterial because gravamen of the offense is carnal knowledge, and not the number of times the accused ejaculated.


Rape by sexual assault Nature: Petition for review on certiorari of the Makati RTC decision and CA decision convicting accused accused Geronimo Ordinario of twelve (12) counts of rape under Article 266-A of the RPC. Facts: From November 9, 1998 to and eleven (11) other occasions shortly afterwards, the accused who is a teacher and head of boy Scout, sexually assaulted Jayson Ramos, a ten-year old student under his care.The Makati RTC and Court of Appeals convicted him for 12 counts of rape by sexual assault. Hence, this appeal. Held: The Supreme Court affirmed his conviction for 12 counts of rape by sexual assault. 1) Under Article 266-A, rape is committed in two modes: First, by a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman under any of the following circumstances x x x Second, by any person who shall commit an act of sexual assault by inserting his penis into another persons mouth or anal orifice, or by inserting any instrument or object into the genital or anal orifice of another person. 2) Under the first paragraph, this can only be committed by a man who has carnal knowledge (sexual intercourse) with a woman, but under the 2nd paragraph, the law did not make any distinction anymore on the sex of either the offense or the victim hence, this can be committed by a man or woman who commits rape by sexual assault by inserting an instrument or object into the genital or anal orifice of the victim who is either a man or a woman .

PEOPLE VS. ACERO, 425 SCRA 642 (2004)

Sweetheart defense not available in rape of mentally retarded victim Nature: Appeal from Davao RTC decision convicting accused Godofredo Acerro of consummated rape with the penalty of reclusion perpetua. Facts: The accused-appellant Godofredo Acero was a mere stowaway who works as wash your car boy and helper of the Lugas in Davao City. On May 8, 2000, while Cherry Luga, a mental retardate, went into the comfort room, the appellant followed her there, and locked the bathroom. There the appellant covered his mouth with one hand, threatened her, removed his pants and her shorts and panties, and inserted his penis into her vagina in a standing position. In his defense, he claimed that they were sweethearts. Despite his sweetheart defense, however, the Davao RTC convicted him for consummated rape hence, his appeal.

4 Held: SC affirmed his conviction for consummated rape. 1) A person is guilty of rape when he has sexual intercourse with a female who is suffering from a borderline mental deficiency. Based on medical reports, Cherry had an IQ of only 43, and is considered a mental retardate to a moderate degree with a mental age of an average seven-year-old child. In fine, she is an imbecile. 2) Appellants contention that they were sweethearts does not hold water. A defense based on the sweetheart theory is no defense at all in rape where the victim is a mental retardate because it is settled that sexual intercourse with a mental retardate constitutes rape. Cherry, an imbecile, cannot give legal consent to sexual intercourse.


Sweetheart defense in rape, to be credible, should be substantiated by documentary or other evidence of relationship. PONENTE: JUSTICE SANDOVAL GUTIERREZ Nature: Automatic review of Urdaneta, Pangasinan RTC decision which convicted petitioner for four counts of rape imposing the death penalty for two counts, and reclusion perpetua for the other two counts of rape. Facts: On August 9, 1993, at about 1:00 p.m., the victim Janice C. Ligot, only 13 years old then, was alone in her aunts house watching television. All of a sudden, the petitioner, Eduardo Limos (her uncle by affinity) grabbed her hands and pulled her inside a room. She tried to offer resistance but he threatened her with a knife and raped her.The rape happened three more times, until she found the courage to inform her aunt who assisted her to undergo medico-legal examination, report to the police authorities, and file a complaint. Finally, he invoked the sweetheart defense claiming that the victim and he were lovers, and that she would oftentimes enter his room and have sex with him. The lower court, however, refused to believe petitioner and convicted him for four counts of rape, with two counts of rape punished with reclusion perpetua. Held: The Supreme Court affirmed his conviction for four counts of rape, but lowered the penalty to reclusion perpetua only, instead of the original death penalty. 1) As to the absence of external injuries, proof of external injuries inflicted on the rape victim is not indispensable in a prosecution of rape committed with force or violence. There is truth in the victims testimony that petitioner was able to rape her by threatening to kill her with a knife. This constitutes force and intimidation which makes the act of sexual intercourse quality as rape. 2) Neither is there basis to petitioners sweetheart defense. The sweetheart defense, to be credible, should be substantiated by some document or other evidence of the relationship live mementos, love letters, notes, pictures and the like. Here, there was no such evidence presented by appellant, Clearly, his alleged romantic relation with Janice, the victim, was only a figment of his imagination.

PEOPLE VS. SABARDAN , 429 SCRA 10 (2004)

Nature: Appeal from Rizal RTC decision convicting Domingo Sabardan of Complex crime of Serious illegal detention with Rape. Facts: On September 15, 1991, Richelle Banluta, only 12 years old and adopted daughter, left their home after she was scolded by her mother. The accused, a Catechist, invited her to stay in his apartment which was just near their home. She relented feeling that she was safe there. On the fourth day, however, he forced her to drink beer or juice and when she passed out, he had carnal knowledge with her. She knew this when she woke up the following day naked, and felt severe pains in her vagina which was bleeding profusely, and saw appellant completely naked beside her. This was followed five more times, each time appellant forcing her to drink either juice or beer, after which shed pass out. Fortunately, she was rescued on September 30, 1991. The Rizal RTC convicted accused-appellant of the Complex crime of Serious illegal detention with rape and sentenced him to reclusion perpetua,. Hence, this appeal. Held: The Supreme Court modified the Rizal RTC decision, and convicted accused-appellant instead of the crime of Rape only. 1) Where the original and PRIMORDIAL intention of the accused in keeping the complainant in his apartment was to rape her, and NOT to deprive her of her liberty, the accused is guilty only of RAPE, and not of the Complex crime of Serious illegal detention with Rape. 2) Accused also maintained that no rape took place because Richelle did not see his penis inserted into her vagina since she lost consciousness after drinking beer and juice. In rape cases, however, carnal knowledge is proven not only by direct evidence but also by circumstantial evidence, like her dizziness, her vagina bleeding upon waking up, the accused completely naked beside her when she regained consciousness.

What are LIMITATIONS on Congress power to enact laws? E B A C

1) 2) 3) 4) No enact Ex post facto law shall be enacted. No Bill of attainder of attained shall be enacted. (See People vs. Ferrer) Criminal law shall be of general Application. No Cruel or inhuman punishment or excessive fines shall be imposed.

(Recall EBAC) What are the THREE BASIC PRINCIPLES of criminal Law? Pro 1)
Prospectivity -- Crimes punishable by penal laws already in force at the time of their commission, EXCEPT if favorable to accused, provided accused is not a habitual offender, although at the time of promulgation of such law a final sentence has been pronounced and the convict is serving the same . Gen 2) Generality Penal laws shall be obligatory upon those who live or sojourn in Philippine territory, subject to principles of public international law and to treaty stipulations.


3) Territoriality Criminal laws are only enforceable within Philippine territory, except those provided in Article 2, RPC because of the EXTRATERRITORIALITY principle.

(Recall ProGenTer) What are the THREE SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT of Criminal Law?
1) Classical -- Basis of criminal liability is human free will; purpose of penalty being retribution and deterrence; penalty proportionate to offense; basis of crime is human nature; 2) Positivist -- Man is subdued by strange, morbid phenomenon which constrains him to do wrong despite his will to the contrary; purpose of penalty is reformation, although our penal system is essentially Classical. 3) Eclectic -- Combination of best features of classical and positivist schools of thought from which the RPC is patterned after, although our penal laws is still essentially classical.

Distinguish crimes MALA IN SE from crimes MALA PROHIBITA

1) In crimes Mala in se, these are crimes punishable under the Revised Penal Code which are inherently wrong or evil in themselves that they call for universal condemnation while crimes Mala prohibita are crimes punishable by special law which are not inherently wrong but constitute violations of rules of convenience designed to secure a more orderly regulation of the affairs of society. 2) In crimes Mala in se, determine whether or not act done with dolo or culpa hence, good faith is a defense. Also, the criminal intent, degree of participation, stage of execution and attendant circumstances must be determined, unlike in crimes Mala prohibita where good faith, stages of execution, degree of participation and attendant circumstances are immaterial since it is enough that the offender committed the prohibited act. See Padilla vs. Judge Dizon, -- 158 SCRA 127(1988)

What are the distinctions between INTENT and MOTIVE?

1) Intent is the purpose to use a particular means to effect a particular result; objective phase. Criminal law, as a general rule, is concerned only with INTENT, and whether or not the accused acted freely, intelligently and I NTENTIONALLY. 2) Motive, on the other hand, is the moving power which impels one to action for a definite result. Not an element of a crime except if doubt exists as to the identity, liability, or participation of the accused and the circumstances attending the commission of the crime.

Define the elements of MISTAKE OF FACT A I M

1) Act would have been lawful had facts been as accused believed them to be. 2) Intention of accused is lawful had facts been as accused believed them to be. 3) Mistake is not attended by fault or negligence on part of the accused. (Recall AIM) See US vs. Ah Chong/People vs. Oanis

PROBLEM: Mr. Derla lives with his family in a small rented apartment in an urban poor community located at the outskirts of Davao City. Due to a number of robberies in the neighborhood, Mr. Derla armed himself with a .38 paltik revolver. Around midnight sometime in January 2006, he was awakened by the barking of dogs and he immediately grabbed his gun as he went out to investigate. It was pitch black yet he could see a dark figure with a bladed weapon in hand, around 15 meters away, menacingly moving towards him. He fired six successive shots at his would-be-assailant who died at the spot. When the lights were turned on, the assailant happened to be his 70-year-old father-in-law carrying a newspaper on his way to the kitchen to eat midnight snacks and read the newspaper. a) If you were Derlas lawyer, what defenses will you invoke in behalf of your client? ANSWER: If I were Mr. Derlas lawyer, I will invoke defense of mistake of fact. In the case at bar, all requisites of mistake of fact are present because the act and intention of Mr. Derla would have been lawful and constituted legitimate self defense had facts been as Mr. Derla believed them to be. Further, Mr. Derla was not negligent considering that the danger here was immediate and impending, in light of the fact that the neighborhood has witnessed several robberies in the past. b) If you were Judge, rule on the liability of Mr. Derla. ANSWER: If I were the Judge, I will hold Mr. Derla liable for Simple imprudence resulting in homicide, the homicide resulting from simple lack of precaution on the part of Mr. Derla to ascertain the identity of the intruder. Considering that the intruder was still 15 meters away, there was still reasonable opportunity for Mr. Derla to ascertain the identity without imminent danger or risk to himself. Finally, firing six successive shots at the supposed intruder constituted excessive force which negates the defense of mistake of fact. I will, however, credit in Mr. Derlas favor the mitigating circumstance of praeter intentionem, or no intention to commit so grave a wrong as that actually committed.



These are the three ways by which a person may commit a felony and incur criminal liability although the wrongful act done be different from that which he intended. 1) In Aberratio ictus, there is a mistake in the blow such that the offender intending to cause an injury to one person actually inflicts it on another because of mistake, or lack of precision. For example, when A, intending to kill B, fires his gun at the latter but because of poor aim or lack of precision, A hits C instead who suffers serious physical injury. 2) In Error in personae, there is a mistake in the identity of the victim. For instance, when A, intending to kill B, his enemy, lay in ambush for the latter to pass along a dark alley, and shot B. It turned out that because of the darkness, A fired his gun at C, the unintended victim in the belief that C was B, his intended victim. 3) In Praeter intentionem, the injurious results exceeds the intent of the offender. For instance A, without any intent to kill, slaps B on the face and B falls

8 on the asphalt pavement head first, resulting in fracture of Bs head, causing the death of B. This is a mitigating circumstance when there is a notorious disparity between the act or means employed by the offender and the resulting felony.

Define, and explain, the THREE STAGES OF EXECUTION.

1) Consummated all elements necessary for EXECUTION and ACCOMPLISHMENT are present. 2) Frustrated -- all acts of EXECUTON performed but not produce felony as a consequence by reason of Causes Independent of the will of perpetrator.

(Recall CaIn)
3) Attempted commences commission of felony directly by overt acts, but not perform all acts of EXECUTION by reason of some Cause Or Accident other than his own spontaneous desistance.)

(Recall CorA)

State the concept of IMPLIED CONSPIRACY and its legal effects.

1) Implied conspiracy is conspiracy which can only be inferred or deducted from the manner the participants in the commission of the crime carried out its execution. Where the offenders acted in concert in the commission of the crime such that their acts are coordinated, or synchronized in the manner indicating they were in pursuit of the same criminal objective, they shall be deemed to be acted in implied conspiracy (even if they did not expressly conspired) and their criminal liability shall be collective, and not individual. 2) However, only those who participated or had knowledge of the criminal acts in the commission of the crime will be considered as co-conspirators, since mere presence, or acquiescence to or approval of the crime, without any act of criminal participation, will not render one criminally liable as co-conspirator.

Distinguish JUSTIFYING from EXEMPTING circumstances.

1) JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES (Article 11) -- Act is lawful such that there is no crime and no criminal hence, accused incurs no criminal liability nor civil liability, except in no. 4 (Necessity or Avoidance of greater evil). 2) EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCES (Article 12) Act is wrongful, but actor not acted voluntarily, intelligently nor intentionally, neither is there dolo or culpa. Hence, there is no criminal but there is civil liability, except in no. 4 (Accident) and no. 7 (Lawful, insuperable cause).

SELF DEFENSE U 1) Unlawful aggression -- physical act manifesting Actual or Imminent danger to life or limb. R 2) Reasonable necessity of means employed -- there must be no other means to prevent or repel aggression so means must be reasonable; no excessive force.

9 3) Lack of sufficient provocation or no provocation at all given by person defending himself or provocation not sufficient to cause violent aggression on part of victim.

(Recall URL)
DEFENSE OF RELATIVE That the first two requisites of Unlawful aggression and Reasonable necessity are present, and where the provocation was given by the person being attacked, the one defending had NO PART therein. DEFENSE OF STRANGER That the first two requisites of Unlawful aggression and Reasonable necessity are present, and that the offender was not prompted by REVENGE, RESENTMENT or other EVIL MOTIVE. PROBLEM: Jose (Jose for brevity) and Fred (Fred Sr. for brevity) are neighbors with a long-standing feud due to a boundary dispute. One day Jose was drinking beer with his barkada when Fred Sr. passed by. In an effort to reconcile, Jose cordially invited Fred Sr. to join them, but Fred Sr. sarcastically replied: Di ako umiinom kasama mga traidor. This led to a heated argument which soon escalated into an armed struggle, both Jose and Fred Sr. being armed with a bladed weapon. It was not clear who struck first but it was shown that Jose, being bigger and stronger, overpowered Fred Sr. and stabbed him thrice. Jose was about to strike again when Fred, Jr., the victims 25-year-old son, arrived and shot Jose at the back, killing him on the spot. Fred, Sr. himself died while being rushed to the hospital. In the lower court, Fred, Jr. was charged and convicted for Murder because of treachery for shooting Jose at the back, along with generic aggravating circumstance of evident premeditation because of the family feud and abuse of superior strength because of the use of .45 caliber in killing Jose, his fathers arch enemy. a) If you were Fred Jr.s lawyer handling his appeal, what defenses will you raise in your clients favor and assign as error in the lower courts decision. ANSWER: If I were Fred Jrs lawyer handling his appeal, I will invoke defense of relatives. In the case at bar, all requisites of defense of relative are attendant. There was unlawful aggression on the part of Jose in stabling Fred St. and no sufficient provocation on the part of Fred Sr. Most importantly, assuming the provocation was given by Fred Sr., the son Fred Jr. had no part, or participation nor knowledge therein. There can be no treachery nor evident premeditation for as the Supreme Court stressed in a decided case, where there are no particulars as to how aggression commenced, and as to how the acts unfolded leading to the death of the victim in a fight, there is no treachery nor evident premeditation. Neither can there be abuse of superior strength because it was the only weapon available to Fred Jr. which he used to thwart further aggression against his father.



No self-defense if one kills an aggressor already retreating from the fray Ruling: SC modified the conviction of accused from Murder, and reduced it to Homicide. 1) When there are no particulars as to how killing began, its perpetration with treachery cannot be merely supposed. In this case, the witness Pacita Pordios did not see how the incident between accused Cajurao and the victim Betita commenced and developed, before the victim Betita took hold of the lamp from her stall. 2) Accused, however, could not invoke self-defense. For self defense to exist, the unlawful aggression must be actual, or at least imminent, and not merely imaginary. Settled is the rule in jurisprudence that when unlawful aggression ceases (as when victim fled after slapping the accused), the accused Cajurao no longer has the right to kill, or even wound the former aggressor. Self-defense does not justify the unnecessary killing of an aggressor who is already retreating from the fray, like Betita who fled after slapping the accused. 3) What happened here was retaliation especially with the strained relations of the parties, not the justifying circumstance of self defense.


Unlawful aggression an indispensable element in incomplete self defense PONENTE: JUSTICE SANDOVAL GUTIERREZ Facts: On November 23, 1994, at Barangay 19, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte, the petitioner Danilo Mendoza was having a drinking spree with the victim, Alfonso Nisperos, and several others. In the course of their drinking, petitioner suddenly smashed a pitcher of water on the table, and shouted invectives: Bullshit! You are always asking us to drink! The victim reacted, and this led to an altercation. When the victim left and headed for home together with his mother, Loreta, the petitioner waylaid them and after a short while, Loreta heard Alfonso screaming for help. Loreta rushed to her son, and found him lying, face down, with petitioner Mendoza on top of him, stabbing him with a knife. She approached petitioner and tried to intercede for her son, but petitioner instead attacked her with his knife, hitting her right arm. Petitioner Mendoza then fled. Alfonso was rushed to the Batac General Hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival. Accused convicted for Homicide in the lower court. Held: The Supreme Court affirmed his conviction for Homicide. 1) In incomplete self defense, unlawful aggression must always be present, it being an indispensable requisite. Just as in complete self defense, the burden of proof rests upon the petitioner to prove the elements of incomplete self defense. It follows that he should have proved before the trial court that there was unlawful aggression on the part of the victim. Considering that petitioner failed to prove unlawful aggression on the part of the victim, petitioner Mendoza is not entitled to the privileged mitigating circumstance of incomplete self defense.


What are the TWO TESTS OF INSANITY in criminal law?

Two tests for insanity: 1) 2) Complete deprivation of intelligence (Cognition test) Complete deprivation of freedom of will (Volition test)


1) In sufficient provocation, cause need not be grave offense; in vindication, cause must be a grave offense. In provocation, cause must immediately precede the act; in immediate vindication, cause need not be immediately, but only proximate. 2) Provocation and vindication of a grave offense can never co-exist with evident premeditation which requires lapse of time to premeditate the commission of the offense. 3) Vindication of grave offense and sufficient provocation cannot co-exist with Passion and obfuscation. Invoke only one. If longer period of time, preferable to invoke Vindication of grave offense.


GENERIC AGGRAVATING 1) Generally applies to all crimes, and if there is qualifying circumstance like treachery in murder, the other aggravating become mere GENERIC AGGRAVATING; 2) Can be offset by ordinary mitigating circumstance. 3) If not offset, serves to increase penalty to maximum period of penalty prescribed by law. QUALIFYING AGGRAVATING 1) Changes the nature of the felony itself, like abuse of trust and confidence in theft, making it Qualified theft instead of simple theft. 2) Cannot be offset by ordinary mitigating circumstance and cannot be proved if not expressly alleged in Information. 3) Cannot be offset by ordinary mitigating circumstance because it changes not only nature but also name of offense itself, that offender becomes liable for a new and more serious offense. INHERENT AGGRAVATING 1) Considered integral part of the felony already, like unlawful entry in Robbery with force upon things and does not increase the penalty. 2) Qualifying circumstances must also be proven beyond reasonable doubt because they increase penalty by DEGREE, not only by PERIOD. Eg. If qualified rape because incestuous rape and victim under 18, or victim is below seven years old, penalty is mandatory death.


What is TREACHERY as an aggravating circumstance?

1) In all aggravating circumstances, including Treachery, there are two requisites: a) That offender consciously and deliberately adopted this particular means to facilitate the commission of the crime. b) That the means adopted would specially insure the commission of the crime without risk to himself arising from defense that offended party might make. 2) An attack from behind or at the back is always treachery but even a frontal attack constitutes treachery if it is so sudden, unexpected and unprovoked. In People vs. Lug-aw, Supreme Court held there can be no treachery where there are no particulars on how aggression commenced. or circumstances showing how acts leading to death actually unfolded. 3) Also, there is no treachery or evident premeditation or any other aggravating circumstance if the killing was preceded by a fight.


No treachery if killing preceded by a fight Nature: Automatic review of Pangasinan RTC decision convicting accusedpetitioner Tomy Escarlos of Murder with penalty of death. Facts: On June 1, 2000, petitioner Escarlos stabbed to death the victim, a certain Barangay Kagawad Antonio Balisaca during the benefit dance in the municipality. He stabbed the victim four times with a ten-inch knife. Evidence, however, showed that the stabbing incident was preceded by a fight. According to petitioner Escarlos, the victim, who was drunk, confronted him by saying: You are here again to create trouble and when petitioner answered back, the victim boxed him on the forehead. The victim was about to pull out a kitchen knife when Escarlos was able to wrest it away from the victim, and stabbed the victim to death. The Pangasinan RTC convicted petitioner Escarlos for Murder qualified by treachery, and imposed on him the death penalty. Hence, this automatic review to the Supreme Court. Held: The Supreme Court MODIFIED the conviction, and lowered the same from the original conviction of Murder to only Homicide. 1) The Supreme Court held that there was no treachery nor evident premeditation because the killing was preceded by a fight, and was done at the spur of the moment. There is no treachery when the assault is prece ded by a heated exchange of words between the accused and the victim, or when the victim is aware of the hostility of the assailant towards the former. There is no treachery here because the victim was aware of the imminent danger to his life, and he was afforded the opportunity to put a defense after he slapped the petitioner and petitioner approached him to exact revenge. 2) Petitioners invocation of self-defense, however, is untenable. Even assuming the act of accused in berating him then boxing him on the forehead constitutes unlawful aggression, the unlawful aggression no longer existed when petitioner Escarlos stabbed the victim. When unlawful aggression commenced by the victim ceases or no longer exists, the one who resorts to self-defense no longer has a right to kill, or even wound, the former

13 aggressor. In stabling the victim after Escarlos wrested the knife from him, petitioner Escarlos, in effect, became the unlawful aggressor. 3) In stabbing the victim after rendering the victim defenseless, petitioner went beyond self-preservation, and acted out of vindictiveness and with excessive force.


When frontal attack on victim still constitutes treachery Nature: Appeal from Malolos, Bulacan RTC decision convicting petitioner Oscar Perez of Murder with penalty of reclusion perpetua. Facts: The couple Rowena Balite and Ildefonso Balite, the victim, own an apartment unit. Adjacent to their unit is the unit owned by Artemio and Emerencia Santos, the uncle/aunt of Rowena, and living with them was accused-appellant Oscar Perez. Since the unit of the Santos spouses had no electrical services, they shared their electrical power supply with the Balite couple. One night Ildefonso came home and noticed an electric spark from the overloaded electrical socket. He proceeded to the unit of the Santoses to temporarily disconnect their power supply to forestall any untoward incident. He talked to Oscar, but Oscar refused. This led to a heated argument, with the two grappling with each other. Artemio, fortunately, arrived and pacified the two after which Ildefonso left and proceeded to his other-in-laws house. Without his knowledge, Oscar surreptitiously followed him and when they were out of the tenements compound, Oscar called Ildefonsos name. When Ildefonso turned around, Oscar shot him twice at close range, which led to Ildefonsos death. The Malolos, Bulacan RTC convicted Oscar for Murder, qualified by treachery, imposing on him reclusion perpetua. Oscar appealed and argued that it was only homicide because the killing was preceded by a fight hence, there was no treachery. Held: The Supreme Court affirmed Oscars conviction for Murder, qualified by treachery. 1) While as a general rule there is no treachery if an altercation ensued between the accused and the victim, this is subject to an exception. The exception is when after the altercation where the parties were pacified, the victim left the scene to go back home, unaware that the accused followed him, armed with a deadly weapon, and shot him frontally. 2) Further, while generally an attack which is frontal cannot be considered treacherous, treachery can still exist even if attack is frontal if the attack was so sudden, unexpected, or unprovoked which did not afford the victim of any opportunity to repel the aggression, or defend himself, or to retaliate.

Differentiate between IGNOMINY and CRUELTY.

1) Ignominy is adding insult to injury by increasing the moral suffering or shame of the victim. In People vs. Jose, where the accused Jose, Pineda, Canal and Aquino forced movie actress Maggie dela Riva to strip naked for them and dance suggestively, while they ogled over their naked body, this constitutes ignominy.

14 2) Cruelty is where offender takes pleasure in increasing the physical suffering of the victim, such as stabbing a dying victim repeated while in the throes of death to augment the victims physical pain. But if preceded by a quarrel, usually there is no cruelty against the accused.


1) In Recidivism, enough that accused previously convicted by final judgment of an offense; in Habituality, offender must be previously punished (must actually serve sentence for first offense). 2) In Recidivism, two offenses must be embraced in same title of RPC; in Habituality, two offenses need not be embraced in same Title of RPC.


1) Habitual delinquency -- within ten (10) years from last release or last conviction, of the crimes of Falsification, Robbery, Estafa. Theft, Serious or Less serious physical injuries ( Recall FRETSel), the offender is found GUILTY of any of said crimes a third time or oftener. Ten years from last release, or last conviction.

Distinguish ENTRAPMENT vs. INSTIGATION as absolutory cause

1) Entrapment is a scheme used by police officer to facilitate and secure apprehension of accused; mens rea, however, still emanated from accused and public officer merely facilitate commission of a crime. Hence, it is not an absolutory cause and accused is criminally liable. 2) Instigation is where public officer directly induces accused into committing the offense which accused would otherwise not have had committed on his own. Hence, instigation is an absolutory cause posing a bar to criminal prosecution and where accused is not criminally liable akin to an exempting circumstance. (See Araneta vs. Court of Appeals)


1) While life imprisonment is a penalty for violation of a Special law, reclusion perpetua is penalty for violation under RPC,. 2) While life imprisonment carries no Accessory penalties, reclusion perpetua has accessory penalties. 3) While life imprisonment has no fixed Duration and could be literally for life, reclusion perpetua has a fixed duration of 20 years and one day to 40 years,

(Recall SAD)


What are the kinds of COMPLEX CRIMES?

1) When a single act constitutes two or more grave or less grave felonies, otherwise called COMPOUND CRIMES. eg. X shoots Y, killing Y and injuring Z riding on a bike with Y. Crime is complex crime of Homicide/Murder with serious physical injuries. 2) Or when an offense is a necessary means for committing another, otherwise called COMPLEX CRIME PROPER. eg. DECS treasurer falsified amount in check from P1,000 to P10,000 and pocketed the difference. Crime is complex crime of Malversation through Falsification.

Distinguish between an ORDINARY COMPLEX CRIME from a SPECIAL COMPLEX CRIME as to their concept, and as to the imposition of penalties.
1) In terms of CONCEPT, an ordinary complex crime is made up of two or more crimes being punished in distinct provision of the Revised Penal Code but alleged in one Information. This is because they were either brought about by a single felonious act, or because one offense is a necessary means for committing another offense. A special complex crime, on the other hand, is made up of two or more crimes which are considered as components only of a single indivisible offense being punished in one provision of the Revised Penal Code. 2) In terms of PENALTY, in an ordinary complex crime the penalty for the most serious crime shall be imposed, and to be applied in its maximum period. In a special complex crime only one penalty is specifically prescribed for all the component crimes which are regarded as one indivisible offense, and not the penalty for the most serious crime in ordinary complex crime.






1) A COMPOSITE CRIME exists when under one provision of law, a crime which carries another crime as component thereof is penalized with one penalty only. This is otherwise called special composite crime such as Robbery with homicide, Robbery with rape, Robbery with arson, or Rape with homicide. 2) A CONTINUED CRIME is one where the offender acting a single criminal resolution commits a series of acts in the same place at about the same time, and all the overt acts committed violate one and the same legal provision 3) A CONTINUING CRIME is used in procedural law, particularly in criminal procedure. This refers to the venue where the particular crime may be prosecuted. A continuing crime ma be prosecuted in one place but in any place where some of the essential ingredient of the crime were committed.

What is PROBATION under the Probation Law?

1) It is a disposition under which a defendant, after conviction and sentence, but before he begins to serve sentence and before perfection of an appeal, is released subject to conditions imposed by the court, and subject to the supervision of a probation officer. 2) Probation and appeal are mutually exclusive. If one applies for probation, one accepts correctness of lower courts decision hence, there is waiver of

16 right to appeal. Once convict appeals, on the other hand, he challenges lower courts decision and if appeal denied later, he can no longer apply for probation. 3) After service of probation, accused is still civilly liable because probation only extinguishes the criminal liability, just like in parole, commutation of service of sentence, pardon, etc. (Article 113, Revised Penal Code)

Who are DISQUALIFIED from availing of probation?

The following are DISQUALIFIED from applying for probation: 1) If sentenced to serve a maximum jail term of more than six years. 2) If previously convicted of offense with penalty of not less than one month and one day or arresto mayor and/or fine of not less than P200.00. 3) If availed of probation before; 4) If convicted of subversion, etc or crimes against national security and public order; and 5) If already serving sentence when this law became applicable.

What are the effects of PARDON by President?

In Monsanto vs. Factoran, Supreme Court laid down the following pronouncement on the effects of pardon: 1) Pardon does not automatically restore right to hold public office or be reinstated to previous public position, unless it is expressly stated in the pardon. 2) Pardon merely restores the eligibility of the accused public officer, and removes her disqualification from seeking said pubic office but it does not ipso facto restore her position and she must reapply to the same position, especially because public office is a public trust. 3) Pardon is not acquittal, but on the contrary, pardon implies guilt. Pardon, after all, means forgiveness, and not forgetfulness. 4) Pardon only extinguishes criminal liability which was pardoned by the act of the President but such pardon does not wipe out civil liability which persists and can still be recovered despite the pardon, just like in probation, commutation. 5) Upon being pardoned, it means that the pending appeal from the conviction of the Sandiganbayan, or lower court, is automatically withdrawn. As such, the conviction of the Sandiganbayan, or lower court, becomes final. 6) Neither is accused entitled to reinstatement and backwages which was a form of penalty for her conviction which already became final upon her being pardoned. Only that she was extended clemency or forgiveness by the Chief Executive hence, she did not have to serve time in prison. PROBLEM Mr. Villarama is the chief of the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID) who was arrested in flagrante receiving P500,000.00 from a Japanese tourist in exchange for releasing the latters visa and facilitating his Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR). He was prosecuted, and convicted for Direct bribery before the lower court but immediately elevated his appeal to the Supreme Court. In the meantime, because of his powerful connections with a certain fat guy named Jose Pidal who was a fraternity brod in Ateneo de Manila, he was granted absolute pardon by President Gloria M. Arroyo. On account of such pardon, Mr. Villarama now insists on his immediate reinstatement without loss of seniority rights or any interruption in his government service. Mr. Villarama likewise seeks payment of all backwages denied him during the period of his

17 suspension, contending that pardon extended him was equivalent to an acquittal. a) If you were the Judge, rule upon the arguments of Mr. Villarama and whether or not you will grant, or deny, his demand for immediate reinstatement and backwages. ANSWER: If I were the Judge, I will deny his demand for immediate reinstatement and backwages. This is because pardon merely implies forgiveness, but not forgetfulness, meaning the accused was found guilty but merely extended pardon, or clemency, by the President. Pardon can therefore only remove the disqualification from seeking public office, but does not work automatic restoration as she must re- apply for the same position. He is neither entitled to backwages since having been found guilty in judicial proceedings, forfeiture of wages during such time is presumed to have been rightfully done and justly suffered, and forms part of his penalty. b) What is the effect of his being granted pardon to his pending appeal? ANSWER: The effect of his being granted pardon is that his appeal is deemed automatically withdrawn. Consequently, his unreversed conviction by the lower court became final.

What is the CIVIL INDEMNITY for crimes?

1) Remember Article 100 stating that every person criminally liable is also civilly liable. 2) If acquittal based on reasonable doubt (because prosecution could not prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt), this does not bar complainant from filing separate and independent civil action for civil liability arising from crime. This is because the amount of evidence required for civil indemnity or damages arising from crime is merely preponderance of evidence and not guilt beyond reasonable doubt. 3) If acquittal based on finding that accused did not commit the crime at all, this bars complainant from filing a separate civil action for damages. a) Article 1157 enumerates the sources of obligations being: 1st, law; 2nd, rd contracts; 3 , quasi-contracts; 4th, delicts or acts and omissions punished by law; and 5th, quasi-delicts. b) Also recall Article 102 on subsidiary civil liability of innkeeopers, tavernkeepers and proprietors of establishments and Article 103 on subsidiary civil liability of other persons, particularly employers, teachers, persons and corporations for acts or omissions of their servants, pupils, workmen, apprentices or employees in the discharge of their duties, which caused damage or injury to another. These are obligations, or civil indemnity arising from crime, or delict, or ex delicto. These are, however, subject to the following conditions or requisites: a) That the employer is engaged in some kind of business or industry. b) That there exists an employer-employee relationship between the offender and his employer. c) That the felony was committed by the employee while in the performance of his duties. d) That the employee from whom civil liability was sought was insolvent. 4) Aside from the civil indemnity arising from crime, or delict, there is also civil indemnity arising from quasi-delict. This is found under Article 2176 and

18 Article 2180 on subsidiary civil liability of father, mother or guardian, owners and managers of establishment, employers, teachers or heads of establishments of arts and trade on the acts or omission of their minor children, employees, pupils, students or apprentices. PROBLEM: D, the driver of a passenger jeepney, while drunk and overspeeding, bumped P, a pedestrian and because of the sudden brakes, A, B and C passengers suffered slight physical injuries. a) What are the causes of action of the pedestrian P, passengers A, B and C against D for recovery of civil liability arising the negligence of D. b) If D is insolvent, whom can they ran after, and under what causes of action. ANSWER: a) P, the pedestrian, can sue D to recover civil liability on the basis of Article 100 of RPC known as culpa criminal, or ex delicto. The three passengers A, B and C, on the other hand, can sue D on the basis of culpa contractual, there being an existing contractual relation between D and the passengers for D to safely carry them to their destination. b) If D is insolvent, P the pedestrian can sue the employer/operator on the basis of Article 103 on the basis of subsidiary civil liability of the owner/employer arising from delict. Or as an option, P may also sue the employer/operator on the basis of Article 2176 and Article 2180 in the form of subsidiary civil liability of the owner/employer arising from quasi- delict. This is, however, subject to the condition imposed by Article 2177 which states that civil liability arising from quasi-delict under Article 2176 is separate and distinct from civil liability arising from crime under Article 103. But plaintiff cannot recover damages twice from the same act or omission of the defendant. PROBLEM Luis was charged and convicted for kidnapping before the Regional Trial Court of Malolos, Bulacan. While the case was pending appeal, the victim Raul died. Luis argued that with the victim Rauls death, Luis criminal and civil liabilities are extinguished. a) What is the effect of the victims death to the criminal and civil liabilities of the accused Luis? ANSWER The death of the victim does not extinguish the criminal nor civil liability of the offender. The criminal liability subsists because the offense is against the state. The civil liability, on the other hand, still remains since the right to seek indemnity would now devolve upon the heirs, and the estate of the deceased victim. b) Assuming it was the accused Luis who died instead, what is the effect of Luis death to Luis criminal and civil liability? ANSWER On the other hand, if it were Luis who died while his conviction is pending appeal before the Supreme Court, his criminal liability is extinguished with his death. His civil liability is likewise extinguished because pecuniary penalties are extinguished when the death of the offender occurs pending appeal, or before final judgment. This is of course without prejudice to the institution of a separate civil action but predicated on a source of obligation not arising from delict but

19 from other sources such as law, contracts, quasi contracts and quasi delicts. (People vs. Bayotas, September 2, 1994) PROBLEM D, the driver of a jeepney, was overspeeding and drank when he figured in an accident causing injuries to P, a pedestrian. D was charged and convicted of Reckless imprudence resulting in serious physical injuries to P, and was made to suffer eight months of prision correccional and to indemnify the victim, P the sum of P10,000.00 and P2,000.00 in attorneys fees. A writ of execution was served upon D but remained unsatisfied due to Ds insolvency. P moved for a subsidiary writ of execution against O, the operator. O, however, opposed the motion on ground that he was not impleaded in the original case and to include him now would be, in effect, amending the decision in the lower court. a) If you were the Judge, rule on the motion for issuance of a subsidiary writ of execution. ANSWER If I were the judge, I will grant the motion for issuance of a subsidiary writ of execution against the operator O, and without the need for filing a separate civil action to recover civil liability. Under the law, the employer and operator O is subsidiarily civilly liable once it is established that he is the employer of D engaged in business or industry, that D caused the injury while in the discharge of his functions, and that D who is primarily civilly liable is insolvent. Considering that all three requisites are attendant, O as operator is subsidiarily civilly liable although he was not impleaded in the earlier case. It is enough that he is notified of the motion for issuance of a subsidiary writ of execution. (See Carpio vs. Doroja)

When is the Indeterminate Sentence Law NOT APPLICABLE?

The Indeterminate Sentence Law is not applicable to the following: 1) Those convicted of offenses punished with death, life imprisonment or reclusion perpetua. 2) Those whose maximum term does not exceed one year. 3) Those whose sentence impose penalties not involving imprisonment, like destierro. 4) Those already sentenced by final judgment at the time of approval of this Act. 5) Those granted conditional pardon by the Chief Executive and violated the terms thereof. 6) Those who escaped from confinement or evaded sentence. 7) Those who are habitual delinquents. 8) Those convicted of treason or conspiracy or proposal to commit treason. 9) Those convicted of misprision of treason, rebellion, sedition or espionage. 10) Those convicted of piracy.


BOOK II (Crimes and Penalties)

Distinguish between TREASON from MISPRISION OF TREASON.
1) In Treason, crime can be committed by a Filipino citizen or resident alien, while Misprision of treason can be committed only by a Filipino citizen. 2) The essential elements of Treason are the acts of levying war against the government, and/or adhering to the enemy, giving the latter aid or comfort; while the essential elements of Misprision of treason are having knowledge of a conspiracy to commit treason, the offender conceals, or does not disclose the same to the government or fiscal of the provincie x x x.

Elements of PIRACY against QUALIFIED PIRACY.

Piracy becomes qualified and punishable with death if attended by the following circumstances: S 1) When offenders Seize the vessel by boarding or firming upon the same. A 2) When offender Abandon the victim without means of saving themselves. M 3) When piracy is accompanied by Murder, homicide, physical injuries and rape.

1) In Arbitrary detention, offender is a public officer who, without legal grounds, detains another person while in Illegal detention, the offender is a private individual who unlawfully deprives another of the latters liberty. 2) In Delay in delivery of detained persons, offender is a public officer who detains another person with legal ground, yet fails to deliver the detained person to the proper judicial authorities within 12 hours, 18 hours or 36 hours for light felonies, less grave felonies and grave felonies, respectively.


1) As to the kind of offender The offender in Violation of domicile is a public officer acting under color of authority; while the offender in Trespass to dwelling is a private person or public officer acting in a private capacity. 2) As to its manner of commission Violation of domicile is committed in three (3) different ways: a) By entering the dwelling of another against the will of the latter; b) By searching papers and other effects inside the dwelling without the previous consent of the owner; c) By refusing to leave the premises which he surreptitiously entered, after being required to leave the premises. On the other hand, Trespass to dwelling is committed in one way only: (a) By entering the dwelling of another against the express, or implied, will of the latter.


Distinguish REBELLION from COUP.

1) In Rebellion, this involves an armed uprising with popular civilian support or a multitude of men for the purpose of removing allegiance or overthrowing the existing government, while Coup is a swift but limited attack, usually by member of the armed forces or public officers but without popular civilian support, and usually accompanied by violence, intimidation and stealth. 2) In Rebellion, this always involves civilians or mass support and is widespread, while Coup is participated only by military or police authorities or retired public officials, and without substantial civilian support and targeting military camps or installation, communication networks or public utilities or facilities in order to diminish or seize state power.


1) To be liable for Direct assault, offender should Attack, employ Force, seriously Intimidate or Resist (AFIR) a person in authority or an agent of a person in authority while said person in authority, or his agent, was directly engaged in the performance of his duties or on occasion of such performance meaning, by reason of such past performance of official duties. 2) In Indirect Assault, the offender uses force or intimidation upon any person coming to the aid of a person in authority, or his agent. Hence, there has to be a Direct assault first involving a person in authority or his agent being attacked, and a third person coming to their aid who himself was attacked before there can be Indirect assault.

Explain the concept of QUASI-RECIDIVISM

1) Essential elements are as follows:

a) The offender was already convicted by final judgment of one offense (could be mala in se or mala prohibita). b) The offender commits a new felony (2nd offense must be mala in se, and not mala prohibita) before beginning sentence, or while serving sentence. 2) The second crime must be a crime mala in se punishable under the Revised Penal Code, and not a crime mala prohibita hence, the use of the word new felony. The first offense, however, may be a crime mala in se, or a crime mala prohibita. 3) Quasi-recidivism is a special aggravating circumstance where penalty is the maximum period of the new felony, regardless of the presence of any mitigating circumstances.





1) In Counterfeiting, the crime is making of coins while passing them off as genuine when they are actually spurious. In People vs. Kong Leon, counterfeiting would involve coins no longer in circulation, the danger being that the counterfeiter may only be honing his skills and may later on counterfeit coins actually in circulation. 2) In Mutilation of coins, the crime is abstracting the gold/silver or metal of such coins which would diminish its value. The essence of the crime is thus, the diminution of value by mutilating or destroying the coin that it necessarily involves

22 coins still in circulation, unlike in Counterfeiting of coins which could involve coins no longer in circulation.


1) In Forgery, this also involves falsifying but not just any kind of document, but particularly treasury or bank notes, or instruments of credit. ( See Article 169, RPC) In Del Rosario vs. People, forgery was committed when the last digit 9 of a paper bill with Serial No. F-7969619 was erased, and changed to read 0. 2) In Falsification, there are eight (8) ways of committing it under Article 171 but the most common mode, or catch-all phrase here is par. 4 which reads: By making an untruthful statement in a narration of facts. 3) See Elements of Falsification: (under Article 171) a) That the offender is a Public officer who takes advantage of his public position. b) That the offender makes an Untruthful statement in a narration of facts. c) That he has the Legal obligation to tell the truth. d) That such narration of facts is Absolutely false.


(Recall PULA)
In Syquian vs. People, absolutely false means there was no iota of colorable truth in such narration of facts.

Elements of PERJURY
The elements of Perjury are as follows: A/S 1) That the offender made a Affidavit or a Statement under oath, upon a material matter. C 2) That said Affidavit or Statement under oath was made before a Competent officer authorized to receive and administer such oath. A 3) That in said Affidavit or Statement under oath accused made a deliberate Assertion of falsehood. L 4) That said Affidavit or Statement containing falsity is required by Law or for a legal purpose. (Recall A/SCAL) In Diaz vs. People, the Supreme Court held there was Perjury because offender filled up his Personal Data Sheet, or CS Form 212, under oath and executed before a Civil Service Officer, stating that he was a 4 th year college B.A. student in 1950-1954 at Cosmopolitan and Harvardian Colleges. This despite his knowledge it was deliberately false, and such statement was required by law for him to be reappointed as school administrative assistant of Jose Abad Santos High School.


1) Elements of Direct bribery: a) A public officer who agrees to perform an act constituting a crime. b) A public officer who agrees to execute an act not constituting a crime, but unjust. c) A public officer who refrains from performing an act required by law. In all three instances, the acts were done or not done in consideration of a prize, reward or promise.

23 2) Elements of Indirect bribery: a) A public officer accepts gifts by reason of his office. Exception: If the gift is unsolicited, of moderate amount and/or given as a token, or given during a special occasion. 3) Elements of Corruption of public official: a) Anyone, meaning a private individual or public officer, who offers the bribe, gift or promise is liable for this crime.


1) Elements of Malversation a) That the offender is a public officer. b) That he has custody or control of public funds or property by reason of his office. c) That he is accountable for such public funds or property. d) That he personally appropriated the public funds or property, or through abandonment or negligence, allowed someone else to misappropriate public funds or property. 2) Elements of Technical Malversation a) That the offender is a public officer. b) That public funds or property under his custody or administration had been appropriated by law or ordinance for a particular public purpose. c) That he applies public funds or property to a public use other than that for which they have been appropriated by law or ordinance. 3) Elements of Illegal exaction a) A public officer demands payment of sums different or larger than those authorized by law. b) He voluntarily fails to issue a receipt. c) Or he collects things or objects different from those authorized by law.

Distinguish between MALVERSATION from ESTAFA?

1) Malversation is committed by an accountable officer involved public funds or property under his custody and accountability, who shall take or misappropriate, or shall consent, or through abandonment or negligence, shall permit any other person to take such public funds or property. 2) Estafa, on the other hand, is committed by a non-accountable public officer, or private individual involving funds or property for which he is not accountable to the government.

What is the effect of RESTITUTION of the amount malversed?

1) The public officer who misappropriated public funds or property will still be liable for Malversation because restitution is not a justifying or mitigating circumstance. However, immediate restitution may be considered as a mitigating circumstance analogous to voluntary surrender.


Essential Features of R.A. 3019

1) There are eleven (11) prohibited acts or corrupt practices under R.A. 3019, or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. The most common, however, or a catch-all provision is Section 3 (e) which is causing undue injury to any party, including the government, or giving unwarranted benefits, or preference, o any party in the discharge of his official duties through manifest partiality, evident bad faith or gross inexcusable negligence. 2) A cashier of a government agency in charge of public funds who misappropriates the same resulting in pecuniary loss to the government can be sued for Malversation, as well as Violation of Section 3 (e) of R.A. 3019. There is no double jeopardy here because Malversation if a crime mala in se, while R.A. 3019 is a crime mala prohibita. If restitution, however, is made prior to the filing of the Information, the R.A. 3019 case must be set aside because there is no more injury here. 3) In prosecuting under Section 3 (e) of R.A. 3019, the prosecution must prove actual injury to the offended party; speculative or incidental injury is not sufficient. In other words, the injury must be quantifiable and demonstrable, resulting from eh questioned official act or inaction. Unlike in action for torts, in R.A. 3019 Section 3 (e) the undue injury cannot be presumed. Its existence must be proven as one of the elements of the crime. The undue injury must be specified, quantified and proven to the point of moral certainty.


1) In Parricide, this involves the unlawful killing of a legitimate or illegitimate father, mother or child, or the killing of a legitimate other ascendant or descendant, or legitimate spouse. 2) In Murder, this involves unlawful killing of another involving the attendance of certain qualifying circumstances under Article 248. 3) In Infanticide, this involves the killing of a child less than three days of age, and not constituting parricide.

What are the OTHER ACTS considered rape under the Anti-Rape Law of 1997, or R.A. 8353?
1) Offender having carnal knowledge of a woman by means of fraudulent machination, or grave abuse of authority. 2) Offender having carnal knowledge of a demented woman by a man even if none of the circumstances required in rape is present. 3) Offender committing an act of sexual assault by inserting a persons penis into the victims mouth, or anal orifice, or by inserting any instrument or object into the genital or anal orifice of another person.

Will marriage by the offender to the offended party extinguish the criminal action considering that Anti-Rape Law of 1997 reclassified rape from crime against CHASTITY to a crime against PERSONS?
Yes. By express provision of Article 266-C of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, the subsequent valid marriage between the offender and the offended

25 party shall extinguish the criminal action or the penalty imposed, although rape has been reclassified from a Crime against chastity, to a Crime against persons.

What are the elements of FENCING?

The elements of fencing are as follows: 1) A crime of robbery or theft has been committed. 2) The accused, who is not a principal or accomplice in the crime, buys, receives, possesses, keeps, acquires, conceals, disposes, or buys and sells, or in any manner deals in any article item or object of value, which has been derived from the proceeds of said crime. 3) The accused knows, or should have known, that said article, item, object or anything of value has been derived from the proceeds of the crime of robbery or theft. 4) Hence, there is intent to gain on the part of the accused, for himself or for another.


1) One difference between a fence from an accessory to theft or robbery is that a fence is punished as a PRINCIPAL under P.D. No. 1612, where penalty is higher, whereas an accessory to robbery or theft under the Revised Penal Code is punished two degrees lower than the principal. 2) Fencing is a mala prohibita where criminal intent or good faith is not available as a defense since mere possession already gives rise to criminal liability; whereas accessory to theft or robbery can interpose the defense of lack of criminal intent or good faith. 3) Because of their different nature, prosecution for fencing will not pose double jeopardy if the offender is also charged as accessory to robbery or theft.

Elements of KIDNAPPING
1) In Kidnapping, the offender is a private individual who kidnaps or detains another but without lewd designs. Otherwise, crime would be Forcible abduction. 2) There are two requisites for Kidnapping a) There must be actual detention for a certain period of time. b) There must be intent to detain.

1) Elements of ROBBERY: a) There is unlawful taking (with intent to gain) of personal property of another. b) The unlawful taking was done through violence against or intimidation of persons, or force upon things. 2) If the taking involves real property and not personal property, the crime is Occupation of real property or Usurpation of real rights in property. 3) In People vs. Quinones, the Supreme held that there was only one Special complex crime of Robbery with homicide committed although three

26 victims were killed on the occasion of the robbery, hence penalty is only one reclusion perpetua for each accused. This is because crime involves a special complex crime with an indivisible penalty, regardless of the number of victims killed. 4) In People vs. Dinola, it was held that accused Dinola was liable for two separate crimes of Rape and Robbery when he first raped the victim, and then chanced upon the watch and seized it. This is because he had two criminal intents, and the forcible taking of the watch was only incidental, and not originally part of his criminal intent, and neither was it a necessary means. In other words, the robbery merely supervened and came later, after the rape was already consummated.

Basic principles in ROBBERY

1) In People vs. Puno, accused Puno and another held up Mrs. Sarmiento, divested her of P7,000 and two checks. Supreme Court held that it is simple robbery because of the use of force and intimidation in taking the personal property of the victim. According to the SC, crime could not be a violation of P.D. 532, or Highway robbery, because it was not perpetrated by outlaws indiscriminately on a Philippine highway but was directed against a predetermined or particular victim. Neither can crime be kidnapping because the detention was only incidental considering that the primary criminal intent was really extortion of money through force and intimidation. 2) Distinguish People vs. Salvilla from People vs. Astor. In People vs. Salvilla, SC affirmed the lower courts decision finding accused liable for the complex crime of robbery with serious physical injuries and serious illegal detention. This is because the detention here was used as a necessary means to commit robbery hence, a complex crime. In People vs. Astor, however, where the detention was merely incidental and used in order to enable the male factors to escape, it would now be absorbed under use of violence against or intimidation of persons under the crime of robbery. The detention here is incidental because it was not part of the original plan hence, absorbed. It could no be part of serious illegal detention because serious illegal detention has two requirements: first, actual detention for a considerable period of time; and second, there must be a deliberate intent to detain which is the gravamen of the offence. Recall People vs. Lim where accused Ms. Lim was acquitted because she had no intent to detain.


1) In Estafa, there are two essential elements: deceit (or abuse of confidence) and damage. 2) In Nierras vs. Dacuycuy, the SC drew four (4) distinctions between Estafa under Article 315, par. 2 (b) from B.P. 22, thus: 1st, in B.P. 22, deceit and damage are not essential elements which are essential in estafa: 2nd, B.P. 22 is a crime against public interest while estafa is a crime against property; 3rd, pre-existing obligation is not a defense in B.P. 22 but poses as a defense in estafa; and 4th, B.P. 22 is mala prohibita while estafa is mala in se.



See Saddul vs. CA; Allied Banking vs. Ordonez 1) In Saddul vs. CA, Supreme Court C held that a violation of P.D. 115 or the Trust Receipts Law, constitutes a violation or Article 315, par. 1 (b) which is Estafa through abuse of confidence. 2) If the accused has material possession of a thing and misappropriates the same, crime committed is Theft (like a househelper who misappropriates money intended for groceries.) If, however, the accused has juridical possession of a thing which possession he can assert even against the lawful owner such as a commission agent who has a percentage or commission of proceeds of sale, crime is Estafa if agent misappropriates the same.


(See Newsweek vs. IAC; Santos vs. CA) 1) All these crimes are crimes against honor. In libel, it is a public and malicious imputation of a crime, vice or defect, etc. There are three essential elements in libel: M 1st, that it is Malice (whether Malice in law or Malice in fact); and V 2nd, that the Victim is sufficiently identifiable. P 3rd, that there is publication;

(Recall MVP)
2) For libel to prosper, the prosecution must first prove Malice in law relying on Article 354 which provides for Malice in law by stating that every defamatory imputation is presumed to be malicious, even if true. If prosecution cannot establish malice in law, it can try to prove Malice in fact or that scurrilous publication was made in utter disregard of its falsity, or with knowledge of its falsity. 3) Defenses in libel would be good intention and justifiable motive in the form of a) Absolutely privileged or b) Conditionally privileged communication. a) There is Absolutely privileged communication if: 1) In aid of legislation and 2) If it involves judicial proceedings. b) There is Conditionally privileged communication under the following conditions: 1st, A private communication made to another in performance of a legal, moral or social duty. 2nd, A fair and true report on any judicial, legislative or other official proceedings. 3rd, A statement or report on a public officer in discharge of his official functions. 4th, A fair and true comment on a matter involving public interest. (Borjal vs. Court of Appeals)

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