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Spot Welding Basic

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Spot welding

Spot welding (RSW) is a process in which contacting metal surfaces are joined by the heat obtained from resistance to electric current flow. Work-pieces are held together under pressure exerted by electrodes. Typically the sheets are in the 0. to ! mm (0.0"0 to 0.#" in) thickness range. The process uses two shaped copper alloy electrodes to concentrate welding current into a small $spot$ and to simultaneously clamp the sheets together. %orcing a large current through the spot will melt the metal and form the weld. The attracti&e feature of spot welding is a lot of energy can be deli&ered to the spot in a &ery short time (approximately ten milliseconds). That permits the welding to occur without excessi&e heating to the rest of the sheet. The amount of heat (energy) deli&ered to the spot is determined by the resistance between the electrodes and the amplitude and duration of the current. The amount of energy is chosen to match the sheet's material properties( its thickness( and type of electrodes. )pplying too little energy won't melt the metal or will make a poor weld. )pplying too much energy will melt too much metal( eject molten material( and make a hole rather than a weld. )nother attracti&e feature of spot welding is the energy deli&ered to the spot can be controlled to produce reliable welds. Projection welding is a modification of spot welding. *n this process the weld is locali+ed by means of raised sections( or projections( on one or both of the workpieces to be joined. heat is concentrated at the projections( which permits the welding of hea&ier sections or the closer spacing of welds. The projections can also ser&e as a means of positioning the workpieces. ,rojection welding is often used to weld studs( nuts( and other screw machine parts to metal plate. *t's also fre-uently used to join crossed wires and bars. This is another high-production process( and multiple projection welds can be arranged by suitable designing and jigging.

.pot welding is typically used when welding particular types of sheet metal. Thicker stock is more difficult to spot weld because the heat flows into the surrounding metal more easily. .pot welding can be easily identified on many sheet metal goods( such as metal buckets. )luminum alloys can be spot welded( but their much higher thermal conducti&ity and electrical conducti&ity re-uires higher welding currents. This re-uires larger( more powerful( and more expensi&e welding transformers. ,erhaps the most common application of spot welding is in the automobile manufacturing industry( where it is used almost uni&ersally to weld the sheet metal to form a car. .pot welders can also be completely automated( and many of the industrial robots found on assembly lines are spot welders (the other major use for robots being painting). .pot welding is also used is in the orthodontist's clinic( where small scale spot welding e-uipment is used when resi+ing metal $molar bands$ used in orthodontics. )nother application is spot welding straps to nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal-hydride cells in order to make batteries. The cells are joined by spot welding thin nickel straps to the battery terminals. .pot welding can keep the battery from getting too hot( as might happen if con&entional soldering were done.

/ood design practice must always allow for ade-uate accessibility. 0onnecting surfaces should be free of contaminants( such as scale( oil( and dirt( for -uality welds. 1etal thickness is generally not a factor in determining good welds.

Processing and Equipment

.pot welding in&ol&es three stages2 the first of which in&ol&es the electrodes being brought to the surface of the metal and applying a slight amount of pressure. The current from the electrodes is then applied briefly after which the current is remo&ed but the electrodes remain in place in order for the material to cool. Weld times range from 0.0# sec to 0.3! sec depending on the thickness of the metal( the electrode force and the diameter of the electrodes themsel&es. The e-uipment used in the spot welding process consists of tool holders and electrodes. The tool holders function as a mechanism to hold the electrodes firmly in place and also support optional water hoses which cool the electrodes during welding. Tool holding methods include a paddle-type( light duty( uni&ersal( and regular offset. The electrodes generally are made of a low resistance alloy( usually copper( and are designed in many different shapes and si+es depending on the application needed. The two materials being welded together are known as the workpieces and must conduct electricity. The width of the workpieces is limited by the throat length of the welding apparatus and ranges typically from 0.004in. to #." in. )fter the current is remo&ed from the workpiece( it is cooled &ia the coolant holes in the center of the electrodes. 5oth water and a brine solution may be used as coolants in spot welding mechanisms. to 0 inches. Workpiece thickness can range from

Tool Styles
6lectrodes used in spot welding can &ary greatly with different applications. 6ach tool style has a different purpose. 7adius style electrodes are used for high heat applications(

electrodes with a truncated tip for high pressure( eccentric electrodes for welding corners( offset eccentric tips for reaching into corners and small spaces( and finally offset truncated for reaching into the workpiece itself.

The spot welding process tends to harden the material( cause it to warp( reduce the material's fatigue strength( and may stretch the material as well as anneal it. The physical effects of spot welding include internal cracking( surface cracks and a bad appearance. The chemical properties affected include the metal's internal resistance and its corrosi&e properties.

Electrical notes
The basic spot welder consists of a power supply( an energy storage unit (e.g.( a capacitor bank)( a switch( a welding transformer( and the welding electrodes. The energy storage element allows the welder to deli&er high instantaneous power le&els. *f the power demands are not high( then the energy storage element isn't needed. The switch causes the stored energy to be dumped into the welding transformer. The welding transformer steps down the &oltage and steps up the current. )n important feature of the transformer is it reduces the current le&el that the switch must handle. The welding electrodes are part of the transformer's secondary circuit. There is also a control box that manages the switch and may monitor the welding electrode &oltage or current. The resistance presented to the welder is complicated. There is the resistance of secondary winding( the cables( and the welding electrodes. There is also the contact resistance between the welding electrodes and the workpiece. There is the resistance of the workpieces( and the contact resistance between the workpieces. )t the beginning of the weld( the contact resistances are usually high( so most of the initial energy will be dissipated there. That heat and the clamping force will soften and

smooth out the material at the electrode-material interface and make better contact (that is( lower the contact resistance). 0onse-uently( more electrical energy will go into the workpiece and the junction resistance of the two workpieces. )s electrical energy is deli&ered to the weld and causes the temperature to rise( the electrodes and the workpiece are conducting that heat away. The goal is to apply enough energy so that a portion of material within the spot melts without ha&ing the entire spot melt. The perimeter of the spot will conduct away a lot of heat and keep the perimeter at a lower temperature. The interior of the spot has less heat conducted away( so it melts first. *f the welding current is applied too long( the entire spot melts( the material runs out or otherwise fails( and the $weld$ becomes a hole. The &oltage needed for welding depends on the resistance of the material to be welded( the sheet thickness and desired si+e of the nugget. When welding a common combination like #.0 8 #.0 mm sheet steel( the &oltage between the electrodes is only about #. 9 at the start of the weld but can fall as low as # 9 at the end of the weld. This decrease in &oltage results from the reduction in resistance caused by the workpiece melting. The open circuit &oltage from the transformer is higher than this( typically in the range. The resistance of the weld spot changes as it flows and li-uefies. 1odern welding e-uipment can monitor and adjust the weld in real-time to ensure a consistent weld. The e-uipment may seek to control different &ariables during the weld( such as current( &oltage( power( or energy. ) spot welding machine normally consists of tool and electrodes( which are mechanisms for making and holding contact at the weld. Tool holders ha&e two functions: to hold the electrode firmly in place and to support water hoses that pro&ide cooling of the electrodes. Welder si+es range from to 00 k9). 1icro spot welders( used in a &ariety of to "" &olt

industries( can go down to #. k9) or less for precision welding needs.

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