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Abdul Hafeez

Mobile: +91 9885595269 Email:

Multitasking Software Engineer offers 3+ yrs of IT experience in development and maintenance of web applications using PHP/RoR/MySQL/Ajax technologies. Worked during various phases of Software development life Cycle SDLC!.


Working as a Software Engineer with IIC Services(India) Pvt. Ltd., Implemented !alit" #ased applications. $ollowed the ind!str"%s #est practices and adhered and implemented processes, which enhanced the !alit" of technical deliver". Pledge to deliver the #est technical sol!tions to the ind!str". Working on &gile 'ethodolog" Pro(ects. )nowledge of software design, development and testing covering the entire software development life c"cle. Experienced in MVC framewor ! li e "#$%on"ail!& Ca e'('. Experienced in c#!)omizing *r#pal Mod#le! li e CC+& View!& ,$ercar)& Calendar& *a)e& -or flow& .wi))er& /ace$oo & 0ode 1#e#e e)c.& 2ac 'or)ed 3dd 3no)her mod#le )o dr#pal 5 from dr#pal 6. Proven a#ilit" to sta" within strict deadlines. +nowledge of a#)oma)ed $#ild )ool! li e 3n) 45%& 'hing. Technical Skills Set

Programming Skills "rame#orks CMS Ser(ers *eb Content )%$ !et, %atabase +%Es $&erating system

: : : : : : :

C, PHP, Ruby, C#, VB !ET Ruby$nRails, CakePHP %ru&al, 'oomla )&ache HTTP Ser(er, *ebrick, Mongrel, ++S HTM,, -M,, %$M, 'a(aScri&t, )')-, )SP !et, )ction Scri&t .basics/ MyS0l, PostgreS1,, S1, SERVER, S1,ite2 Ecli&se, )&tana : *in3o#s, RHE,, Cent $S Career History

+n3otroni4 +nternational Cor&oration 5Hy3eraba3 Software Engineer (October 2009 onwards) Prokarma So6tech .&/ ,t3 7 Hy3eraba3 Software Engineer (May 2008 Oct 2009) Premium *eb Ser(ices .&/ ,t3 7 Hy3eraba3 !H! !rogra""er (#o$ 200% && May 2008) 8usala(a +n6ormatics .&/ ,t3 7 Hy3eraba3

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'rainee !rogra""er (Marc( 200% #o$ 200%)

Pro9ects Pro9ect: $&en S&orts Portal 6$ct :;;< to "eb :;=;7 Client: 8'E0 9por)!& /lorida. $utline: 8'E0 9por)! i! commi))ed )o pro5ide a whole new approach )o !por)! en)er)ainmen). 4)! goal i! )o !#per !er5e #!er! wi)h nex):genera)ion& !por)! experience g#ided $% a #!er:fir!) philo!oph%& deep con)en) and new inno5a)i5e applica)ion! )hro#gh !ocial media )ool!& di!)ri$#)ion& and commen)ing& i) will empower #!er! )o ma e 8'E0 9por)! )heir per!onal !por)! !i)e. 4);! f#ll% in)egra)ed wi)h face$oo and )wi))er. ,!er! can #pda)e )heir wall! on face$oo and )wee) in )wi))er acco#n) from 8pen 9por)!. .he 8'E0 9por)! 0ew -e$!i)e pro<ec) i! de5eloped #!ing *",'3= a! )he CM9 and '(' for )he !o#rce code )o achie5e )he f#nc)ionali)%. .he 8'E0 9por)! new we$ !i)e will ha5e )he 3dmin and ,!er Mod#le!. .he 3dmin mod#le manage! !i)e. .he ,!er mod#le will ha5e )he f#nc)ionali)% of 5iew )he !i)e!& poll!& $log commen)!& 5iew li!) of pla%er! and programma$le new!. Technologies: )&ache : : ==, PHP > : <, MyS1, > = 22, %ru&al ? =2, Cent$S, #eb ser(ices. Role: 9of)ware Engineer Res&onsibilities: 3! a 9of)ware Engineer& M% re!pon!i$ili)ie! were& 4n5ol5ed in !ocial ne)wor ing prod#c)!>framewor ! 3'4;! !#ch a! face $oo & .wi))er& flic r& ?o#.#$e& digg e)c. 4mplemen)ed re)rie5ing con)ac)! from o)her email acco#n)!& face $oo con)ac)! and )wi))er con)ac)!. 4mplemen)ed em$edded $log. 4n5ol5ed in dail% !cr#m !e!!ion wi)h 9cr#m Ma!)er. 4n5ol5ed in M%91= Ma!)er:9la5e config#ra)ion! and Moni)oring !er5ice!.

Pro9ect: /'-".8"@ Client: /'-".8"@. $utline: /o#nda)ion prader willi !%ndrome i! a non profi) organiza)ionA )he por)al wa! de5eloped )o accep) dona)ion!. .hi! i! ini)iall% de5eloped #!ing dr#pal 5 wi)h ci5icrm in)egra)ion la)er #pgraded )o dr#pal6. .hi! por)al ha! )wo main !ec)ion! user and a3min& in #!er !ec)ion #!er can acce!! )he whole !i)e con)en) a! well a! #pcoming e5en)!. 3dmin can main)ain !i)e con)en)& dona)ion!& main)ain #!er! and can al!o chec repor)! in de!ira$le forma) li e char)! or normal h)ml )a$le li!). 'or)al e% fea)#re! incl#de! ci5i e5en)! di!pla%ing in dr#pal calendar which gi5e! grea) flexi$ili)% )o #!er and i) ha! op)ion )o download .ic! file !o )ha) one can fix appoin)men) in hi! o#)loo $% downloading )ha) file. 3no)her fea)#re incl#de! dona)ion! can $e accep)ed online a! well a! offline )he online dona)ion! are again )hree )%pe! one )ime dona)ion& rec#rring dona)ion! and promi!e!. Technologies: )&ache : :, PHP > :, MyS0l > ;, %ru&al ? Role: 9of)ware Engineer Res&onsibilities: 3! a 9of)ware Engineer& M% re!pon!i$ili)ie! were& 'or)ed )heme! from dr#pal 5 )o dr#pal 6.

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4n5ol5ed in por)ing c#!)om mod#le!& )heming 5iew! and al!o in5ol5ed in crea)ion of con)en) )%pe! #!ing CC+. 4n5ol5ed in dail% !cr#m !e!!ion wi)h 9cr#m Ma!)er.

Pro9ect: Bo!h#a 6.ime .rac ing 3pplica)ion7 Client: Bo!h#a. $utline: .he )ime )rac ing applica)ion i! $#il) on )op of *r#pal 5.6& #!ing )he CM9 a! an applica)ion framewor . .he applica)ion ha! differen) le5el of #!er gro#p! li e admini!)ra)or!& pro<ec) manager!& )eam manager!& finance and !)aff!. .he ma<or f#nc)ionali)ie! of )he applica)ion are& crea)e pro<ec)!& a!!ign re!o#rce! )o pro<ec)!& )rac )ime!hee)! and genera)e pro<ec) !pecific financial repor)!. Technologies: )&ache : :, PHP >, MyS0l >, %ru&al > Role: 9of)ware Engineer Res&onsibilities: 3! a 9of)ware Engineer& M% re!pon!i$ili)ie! were& C#!)omiza)ion of wor flow mod#le for main)enance of pro<ec)!& )a! ! !#$mi!!ion repor)! and main)enance of )ime!hee)!. C#!)om Mod#le! for pro<ec)!& )a! ! and )ime!hee)! crea)ion. Con5er)ed ()ml )empla)e! in)o *r#pal )heme. 4n5ol5ed in dail% !cr#m !e!!ion wi)h 9cr#m Ma!)er.

Pro9ect: Mo$ilephoneh#).co.# Client: Mo$ile 'hone (#) ,+. $utline: 3 perfec) online por)al )ha) $ring! %o# f#ll range of mo$ile phone rela)ed informa)ion which incl#de! informa)ion on la)e!) mo$ile hand!e)!& leading ne)wor !er5ice pro5ider!& )op man#fac)#rer!& %o#r opinion!& compare mo$ile phone!& re5iew! and m#ch more. Mo$ilephoneh#).co.# i! a we$ !i)e de5eloped )o pro5ide #!er! free !m! facili)%. .hi! free !m! we$ applica)ion allow! #!er! )o !end !m! )o more )han 19C !er5ice pro5ider! aro#nd )he world. Technologies: )&ache, PHP, MyS0l Role: '(' 'rogrammer Res&onsibilities: 4n5ol5ed in *e!ign& Coding& and .e!)ing )hro#gho#) )he pro<ec) comple)ion. Pro9ect: 'e)!fac).com Client: 'e)!fac).com ,93. $utline: 'e)!fac).com i! a pe)D! direc)or% )ha) gi5e! c#!)omer! a head !)ar) on ge))ing informa)ion on a wide 5arie)% of prod#c)! or !er5ice! for )heir dog! or o)her ho#!ehold pe)!. 4) al!o ha! a par) on cla!!ified! for #!er! )o po!) )heir ad5er)i!emen) or if an%one in)ere!)ed )o $#% pe)! can al!o con)ac) )he ad5er)i!er. 9ome of )he main fea)#re! of )hi! applica)ion are google map! and 0oah Cla!!ified! in)egra)ion. .he main ca)egorie! in cla!!ified! mod#le areE 17 *og! for !ale& 27 *og -an)ed& F7 *og 2reeder!& G7 *og "e!c#e 57 Mi!!ing *og!& 67 *og 3dop)ion& H7 *og @roomer!. Technologies: )&ache, PHP, MyS0l Role: '(' 'rogrammer Res&onsibilities: 4n5ol5ed in *e!ign& Coding& and .e!)ing )hro#gho#) )he pro<ec) comple)ion. $ther Pro9ects in PHPE Page 3 of 4

17 27 F7 G7

Cellphone!G#!.com lap)op"e5iew! "eale!)a)eagen)! Mo$ileh#$.in

Pro9ects in RubyonRailsE 17 5$ Pro9ect: 40."30E. C8MM,04C3.480 9?9.EM $utline: .he 4C9 i! a #!er friendl% in)rane) applica)ion de5eloped )o main)ain )he effec)i5e comm#nica)ion $e)ween )he emplo%ee! of an organiza)ion. .hi! applica)ion i! li e a mini E"' )ool which con)ain! !e5eral proce!!e! li e 9hopping& Me!!aging& and =ea5e Managemen) !%!)em& e)c.

Technologies: ++S, C#, S1, SERVER Role: .rainee 'rogrammer Res&onsibilities: 4n5ol5ed in *e!ign and Coding. )33itional +n6ormation: Strengths: Effec)i5el% handle m#l)iple )a! ! !im#l)aneo#!l% and ha5e a$ili)% )o acI#ire and appl% nowledge rapidl% 1#ic learner& adap)a$le )o change!& good )eam pla%er& dedica)ed& flexi$le a) wor ing !ched#le!& code con5en)ion! and candid. @ood =earner and performer $o)h in )eam and independen) en5ironmen).

E3ucation B)CHE,$R
TECH!$,$@A $" TECH!$,$@A +! C$MPBTER SC+E!CE )!% +!"$RM)T+$! 0E(", .EC(08=8@4C3= ,0VE"94.? 7 40



Personal Particulars %ate o6 Birth: 18)h B#l% 198G Pass&ort !umber: /9CHF5G9 ,ocationE (%dera$ad ,anguages 8no#n: Engli!h& (indi and ,rd#

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