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Redemption and Termination Agreement

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an _____________corporation, (Company) and _________, an individual residing _________________ (XYZ) as o ________ ____, !"#___$ #$ Background. As o t%e date o t%is Agreement, XYZ is a s%are%older and employee o t%e Company$ XYZ owns _________ (____) & number of shares' o t%e issued and outstanding s%ares o t%e Company(s common stoc) (XYZ(s *%ares) and owns no ot%ers s%ares o t%e Company$ +%e Company and all o its s%are%olders, including XYZ, entered into a certain Company *%are%olders( Agreement dated as o _________, ____, !"#__ (t%e *%are%olders( Agreement)$ XYZ and XYZ(s *%ares are sub,ect to suc% *%are%olders( Agreement$ XYZ voluntarily resigned %is employment wit% t%e Company, e ective as o t%e close o business on ___________ ____, !"#_, in order to & describe reason' and desires t%at t%e Company redeem all o XYZ(s *%ares and t%e Company desires t%at XYZ cooperate wit% t%e transition o %is duties and responsibilities to ot%er Company personnel in a timely, smoot% and orderly as%ion$ -n consideration o t%e oregoing, and t%e respective agreements set ort% %erein, t%e Company and XYZ %ave agreed as ollows$ !$ Purchase of XYZs Shares. XYZ represents and warrants to t%e Company t%at %e is t%e sole owner o XYZ(s *%ares, ree and clear o all liens, claims or encumbrances o any )ind or nature w%atsoever$ XYZ %ereby sells and t%e Company purc%ases all o XYZ(s *%ares upon t%e terms and provisions contained %erein$ A$ +%e purc%ase price or all o XYZ(s *%ares _____________ .ollars (/______$"") and %as been paid to XYZ contemporaneously wit% t%e e0ecution o t%is Agreement1 receipt t%ereo is %ereby ac)nowledged by XYZ$ 2$ XYZ %as e0ecuted and delivered to t%e Company t%e certi icates evidencing XYZ(s owners%ip o XYZ(s *%ares duly endorsed to t%e Company, and suc% certi icates are ot%erwise in orm and substance su icient to trans er owners%ip o XYZ(s *%ares to t%e Company$ +%e Company %ereby ac)nowledges receipt o suc% certi icates$ 3$ Termination of Employment. XYZ %ereby terminates and %as ceased being an employee o t%e Company as o t%e close o business on ____________, !"#___ (+ermination .ate)$ +%e Company(s obligation to pay or provide employment compensation and bene its to XYZ including, wit%out limitation, providing %ealt% insurance bene its, terminated as o t%e +ermination .ate$ XYZ s%all be entitled to a continuation o %is %ealt% insurance bene its pursuant to t%e Consolidated 4mnibus 2udget 5econstruction Act o #678 (C425A)$ 9$ onfidentiality. XYZ agrees t%at t%e Company(s customers and in ormation concerning t%e Company(s suppliers, prices, commission sc%edules, inancial arrangements and

its processes, plans, researc% in ormation, mar)eting strategies and met%ods o doing business as may e0ist, rom time to time (collectively Con idential -n ormation), are valuable, special, uni:ue and proprietary assets o t%e Company, w%ic% give t%e Company a competitive advantage over competitors w%o do not %ave access to or use o t%e Con idential -n ormation, in w%ole or in part$ XYZ urt%er agrees t%at t%e Con idential -n ormation constitutes or is; su iciently secret or t%e Company to derive economic value, actual and potential, rom t%e -n ormation not being generally )nown to ot%er persons w%o can obtain economic value rom its disclosure or use1 t%e sub,ect o e orts reasonable under t%e circumstances to maintain its secrecy or con identiality1 and a trade secret, as de ined in t%e ________ &State' +rade *ecrets Act$ A$ XYZ s%all not disclose or disseminate, or encourage ot%ers to disclose or disseminate, any o t%e Con idential -n ormation to any o t%e Company(s suppliers, prospects or customers, or to any ot%er person, irm, corporation, association or ot%er entity engaged in a li)e or similar business to or in competition wit% t%e Company$ - and to t%e e0tent t%at any court determines t%at all or any portion o t%e Con idential -n ormation is not a trade secret, t%en, to t%at e0tent, pro%ibition against divulging or disclosing suc% Con idential -n ormation will e0pire upon ___________, !" __ &date'$ 2$ XYZ represents and warrants to t%e Company t%at XYZ %as delivered to t%e Company all originals and copies o t%e lists o customers, suppliers, price lists, product lists and all ot%er documents re lecting Con idential -n ormation and all ot%er materials urnis%ed to or ac:uired by XYZ as a result o or during t%e course o %is employment$

8$ !nterference. XYZ s%all not inter ere wit% t%e relations%ip between t%e Company and any o its employees, agents, representatives, customers or suppliers, or attempt to divert rom t%e Company any customer or ot%er business property$ <$ onsulting "greement. Contemporaneously wit% t%e e0ecution and delivery o t%is Agreement, t%e Company and XYZ %ave e0ecuted and delivered a Consulting Agreement (Consulting Agreement)$ =$ "dditional "ckno#ledgements$ %epresentations$ &arranties$ o'enants and "greements of XYZ. XYZ does %ereby additionally ac)nowledge, represent, warrant, covenant and agree as %ereina ter set ort%; A$ +%e Company was and is under no obligation to pay XYZ any severance or termination pay or any bonus, non>competition, de erred compensation or any ot%er sum, e0cept as may be provided in t%e Consulting Agreement$ 2$ ?0cept as may be provided in t%e Consulting Agreement, XYZ %as %ereto ore received payment in ull o all sums due or to become due to %im rom t%e Company including, wit%out limitation, all sums due to XYZ as a s%are%older or employee o t%e Company or ot%erwise including, wit%out limitation, wages, commissions( overtime, vacation pay, ees, bene its or reimbursement or e0penses

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incurred by %im on t%e Company(s be%al or ot%erwise1 all o XYZ(s accrued vacation, %oliday and sic) pay bene its %ave eit%er been ully used or XYZ %as been ully compensated t%ere or$ C$ XYZ does %ereby release and orever disc%arge t%e Company, its o icers, directors, s%are%olders, employees, attorneys, agents, successors and assigns, o and rom any and all claims, demands and causes o action o any nature w%atsoever arising out o or in any way related to %is employment or termination o %is employment wit% t%e Company, and XYZ urt%er ac)nowledges and understands t%at, e0cepting only t%e Company(s obligations pursuant to t%is Agreement, %e is releasing t%e Company rom any and all claims %e may %ave against it including, wit%out limitation, claims or alleged discrimination t%at arise under t%e Age .iscrimination in ?mployment Act or +itle A-- o t%e Civil 5ig%ts Act o #6<9, or any claim or damages or wrong ul disc%arge or discrimination in any suit w%ic% may be broug%t against t%e Company by or on XYZ(s be%al under ederal or state law$ .$ XYZ %as received rom t%e Company all o %is personal belongings located at t%e Company(s business premises$ ?$ +%is Agreement was signed and delivered by XYZ as %is ree and voluntary act a ter being given an opportunity to review t%is Agreement and all o t%e terms %erein and a ter discussing t%e provisions %ereo wit% t%ird parties not a iliated wit% t%e Company including, wit%out limitation, XYZ(s personal attorney$ B$ +%e Company is materially relying upon eac% o XYZ(s ac)nowledgements, representations, warranties, covenants, agreements and ot%er obligations set ort% in t%is Agreement, and absent t%e same, t%e Company would not %ave e0ecuted t%is Agreement$ C$ +%e Company %as advised XYZ o %is rig%ts to consider t%is Agreement or a period o up to twenty>one (!#) days prior to %is e0ecution o t%e same, and XYZ %as so considered same wit% t%e bene it and advice o %is own attorney$ XYZ %as t%e rig%t to revo)e t%is Agreement or a period o seven (=) days a ter its e0ecution by t%e parties %ereto$ 5evocation s%all be e ective only i t%e Company receives a Dotice t%ereo wit%in said seven (=) day period$ 7$ E(uitable %emedies. XYZ and t%e Company agree t%at it is impossible to measure in money t%e damages w%ic% will accrue t%e Company by reason o XYZ(s breac% or t%reatened breac% o any o t%e covenants, agreements or ot%er obligations set ort% in t%is Agreement$ +%ere ore, i any action or proceeding is commenced by or on be%al o t%e Company to en orce any o t%e provisions contained in t%is Agreement, XYZ %ereby waives t%e claim or de ense t%erein t%at t%e Company %as an ade:uate remedy at law or %as not been, or is not being, irreparably in,ured by suc% breac% or t%reatened breac%, and XYZ will not raise or suggest suc% claim or de ense in any suc% action or proceeding$ XYZ urt%er agrees t%at t%e Company s%all be entitled to temporary and permanent in,unctive relie to restrain any breac%es or urt%er violations o t%is Agreement, and t%at t%is rig%t to in,unctive relie s%all be in addition to any and all o t%e Company(s ot%er remedies and damages, including, wit%out limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys( ees$

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6$ )otices. All notices, demands and communications re:uired or desired to be given in connection wit% t%e Agreement s%all be in writing and s%all be deemed duly given on t%e date received, i delivered personally, or on t%e t%ird day a ter mailing to suc% person at suc% location as eit%er party %ereto may subse:uently designate in a similar manner$ #"$ onstruction. +%is Agreement s%all be interpreted, construed and governed by and under t%e laws o t%e *tate o &state'$ A$ - any provision or clause o t%is Agreement is %eld to be invalid by a court o competent ,urisdiction, t%en suc% provision s%all be severed %ere rom and suc% invalidity s%all not a ect any ot%er provision o t%is Agreement, t%e balance o w%ic% s%all remain and %ave its intended ull orce and e ect$ Eowever, i suc% invalid or unen orceable provision would %ave been valid and en orceable i it %ad been restricted to a s%orter time or narrow geograp%ic territory, t%en suc% time and territory s%all be deemed reduced to t%e ma0imum time and territory en orceable by law$ 2$ 5e erence %erein to @aragrap%s or *ubparagrap%s means t%e various paragrap%s and subparagrap%s o t%is Agreement and t%e various subparagrap%s t%ereo $ +%e %eadings and titles o t%e paragrap%s o t%is Agreement are not a part o t%is Agreement but are or convenience only and are not intended to de ine, limit or construe t%e contents o t%e various paragrap%s$ C$ +%is Agreement sets ort% t%e entire understanding o t%e parties %ereto and supersedes all prior agreements, w%et%er oral or written, pertaining to t%e sub,ect matter %ereo $ +%e provisions and conditions o t%is Agreement supersede in all respects t%e respective obligations o t%e Company and XYZ set ort% in t%e *%are%olders( Agreement$ .$ Do provision o t%is Agreement s%all be modi ied e0cept by a written instrument duly signed and ac)nowledged by eac% o t%e parties %ereto$ ?$ +%is Agreement may be e0ecuted in multiple counterparts, eac% o w%ic% s%all be deemed an original, and all o w%ic% toget%er s%all constitute one and t%e same agreement$

IN WITNESS WHEREOF t%e parties %ereto %ave caused t%is Agreement to be e0ecuted t%e day and year irst above written$ COMPANY _______________ XYZ _____________________

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