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Proiect de Lectie " Wild Animals"

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LESSON PLAN Name School: Date: 14th March 2013 Time of lesson: from 9:00 to 09:50 Class: 4th

grade No. of Students: 19 Textbook: Firm Steps Unit 6: About animals Lesson :WILD ANI ALS T!"e of lesson: e!ision acti!it" Skills: Spea#ing$ %istening$ &ocabular" Lesson Aims: 1' to create interest in the topic( 2' to identif" and name )ild and domestic animals( 3' to practice the correct forms of the !erbs to be, to have *present simple + affirmati!e,( 5' to dra) animals using their fa!ourite colours' Didactic St#ate$ies: a' methods and procedures: con!ersation$ e-planation$ dialogues$ describing things( b' materials: te-tboo#$ pictures$ cards )ith )ild animals$ to"s$ dra)ing sheet$ handouts$ ./ pla"er' %#$ani&ation: class )or#$ group )or#$ indi!idual )or#(

Acti'it! (: WA) Inte#action: 0+S Timin$: 5 minutes


Aims: + to )arm SS up + to ha!e SS tal# about their li!es and themsel!es( +#ocedu#e: 0o )arm up the students for the lesson$ 12ll as# them 3uestions about their li!es' 45hat da" is toda"622$ 45hat time do "ou get up in the morning622$ 7/o "ou li#e s)eets622$ 75hat8s "our fa!ourite season64 Acti'it! ,: +#e'ious -o#k Inte#action: 0 + S( S +0( Timin$: 109 Aim (: to create interest in the topic( +#ocedu#e: +0' reminds the pupils information on animals' 0he" sing the song 70he mitten4' +0' as#s a child at a time to choose an animal$ sa" its name then sing along after listening and singing the l"rics of each stan:a$ children get a dra)ing sheet in )hich the" ha!e to colour the animal the" sang about' Acti'it! .: Stimulation Inte#action: 0 + Ss( Ss + 0 Timin$: 15 Aim ,: to to identif" and name the animals( +#ocedu#e: +0' sho)s pupils a picture of a forest and and one of a farm and as#s the pupils to tal# about it' +0' sho)s a fe) cards )ith animals that li!e in a forest and on a farm' +SS are sho)n some pictures and are as#ed to name the animals the" see' 0he" are also as#ed to describe them: 75hat2s this64$ 71s it a domestic or a )ild animal64$ 75here does it li!e64 ;upils ha!e to go to the picture on the )all$ choose a card )ith an animal on it and stic# it on the right picture: forest or farm' Acti'it! /: Inst#uction Inte#action: 0 + S( S + 0( Timin$: 102 Aim .: to practice the correct forms of the !erbs to be, to have *present simple + affirmati!e,

Aim /: to name animal to"s and ma#e up sentences +#ocedu#e: 0' ma#es up sentences using the !erbs to be, to have, numerals$ ad<ecti!es *this, my, and the name of )ild animals' I have a tiger toy. I have a lion toy. I have a toy. / This is a bear. This is my bear. ;upils ha!e to formulate sentences )ith the animal on the card the" choose' Acti'it! 0: A 1A 2: 1U2SS T32 ANI AL4 Aims: + to rela- students Time: 5 minutes Inte#action: 0+S$ S+S +#ocedu#e: 1' 0 tells SS some characteristics of an animal and SS are as#ed to guess it' 71 li#e hone"$ but 1 do not li#e bees'4 7So$ "ou are a bear'4 71 eat carrots and cabbage'4 7So$ "ou are a rabbit'4 2' =r some students are as#ed to act out an action or imitate an animal and the others guess the animals' Note: Some of the pre!ious acti!ities are optional$ depending on the time left' Acti'it! 6: 5ollo- u" Inte#action: 0 + S( S + 0( S + S( Timin$: 52 Aim 0: to dra) animals using their fa!ourite colours +#ocedu#e: +0' hands out dra)ing sheets )ith animals and the children ha!e to colour them in( +pupils listen to the instructions and use their imagination in colouring the animals and naming them( Assessment: 0' appreciates the acti!e pupils and gi!es ad!ice to the less acti!e ones'

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