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Luanne Oakes - Sound Health-Sound Wealth

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DISCLAIMER Sound Health, Sound Wealth is for educational purposes only.

. Please consult with your physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, or other qualified health care professional as to the appropriateness of this product for your symptoms or medical condition. The sleep and relaxation segments of this series are inappropriate for use while driving or operating machinery.

If you have any comments or questions about this program, contact Nightingale-Conant at 1-800-525-9000

If you wish to contact Luanne Oakes, you can reach her at: Quiet Storm Productions, Inc. 316 California Avenue, Suite #777 Reno, Nevada 89509 LO All Rights Reserved Luanne Oakes, Ph.D., 2001


Sound Health Sound WealthTM

Bridging Science & Spirit

May Sound Health, Sound Wealth be the golden key that opens your magical doors to love, peace, joy, radiant well-being, perfect health, abundant wealth, laughter, and creativity. We invite you to fulfill your most miraculous dreams and treasured hearts desires, body, mind, and spirit.

After listening to Sound Health, Sound Wealth you will feel more relaxed, rejuvenated, and restored. Anxiety, sleep, depression, fatigue, and dietary choices improve. This meditative experience can help you dissolve and let go of unnecessary fear, anger, resentment, inner criticism, and judgement of others. You will create an internal environment for harmonious loving relationships, rich abundance, and radiant well-being.

Sound Health, Sound Wealth is a one-of-a-kind, cutting-edge amalgam of modern-day technology, post-quantum physics, and ancient scientific wisdom, based on the Universal Law of Octaves. Sound Health, Sound Wealth is a powerful tool that utilizes specific sound frequencies as biochemical messengers. Blending images and sounds of nature, layering scientific tones at specific intervals, this experience will guide you to create the internal environment to heal and rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. By accessing your own DNA healing codes, you will increase your ability to heal. Hypnotic suggestions connect you with your Higher Self and Divine Consciousness. You will radiate frequencies of your most sacred intentions into the unlimited field of consciousness, making wishes, dreams, and desires a reality.


An Introduction to the Sound Health, Sound Wealth System. In this fascinating CD, Luanne provides you with the history, scientific, and technological principles that combined to create this extraordinary system. She shares the intimate details of the fascinating journey she took in her life that uncovered the powerful secrets of this innovative healing technology. Volume I: Relaxation and Prosperity. This is a hypnotic meditation CD in which you are taken on a journey throughout your body and to a place of inner tranquillity. This audio segment rejuvenates and heals your internal organs, and entire physiology, along with creating harmony with any related spiritual or emotional issues that you may be challenged with, leaving you feeling balanced and energized. Volume II: All Nights Sleep. In this relaxing hypnotic meditation CD, you are taken on a healing and balancing journey to a place of inner peace and tranquillity, and eventually to sleep. This audio segment should be played prior to and during your sleeping hours. It contains multilayered messages (audible only to the subconscious mind) to direct you to sleep comfortably. This CD focuses on healing your mind, body, and energy centers, leaving you feeling well rested, and in excellent physical and mental alignment. Volume III: Spirit Trance. Give yourself a mind, body, spirit break with this de-stressing audio music CD. This segment is craftily and carefully layered with affirmative messages and detailed healing sound-frequency vibrations. Many have used this delightful and relaxing soundscape to reduce stress while stuck in traffic, as background music while they have worked, or at other times when they have needed to be re-energized and uplifted throughout a busy and sometimes demanding day. While encouraging you to gain the full benefits of this calming and revitalizing CD, due to its hypnotic nature, you are cautioned against using it while driving or operating machinery. 5

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. Do I need to listen to these CDs in a specific order?

No, although most people find it beneficial to listen to the Introduction CD at least once. The Introduction CD provides an educational overview of the entire program, with the powerful additional benefits of a frequency treatment and multilayered inspirational and transformative messages, only audible to the subconscious mind. These specific inaudible messages are contained in their entirety in this booklet on pages 8 and 9.

2. How is Sound Health, Sound Wealth, Relaxation and Prosperity different from Sound Health, Sound Wealth, All Nights Sleep? These two volumes are exactly the same in the first segment. What makes Sound Health, Sound Wealth All Nights Sleep different is that it is longer and provides additional sound frequencies, primordial tones, and subliminal messages, to assist you into a profound and rejuvenating restful sleep. PLEASE NOTE: If you have experienced significant problems with sleep, you may want to consult your physician or psychologist for professional assistance. Most people enjoy Sound Health, Sound Wealth, Relaxation and Prosperity as a refresher during the day.

3. Is there any limit on how many times I can listen to the program? No, you can enjoy the products as many times as you wish. You will be guided by your intuition.

MULTILAYEREDMESSAGES The following text is incorporated in the Introduction CD and is audible to the subconscious mind only.
You are made in the image and likeness of Divine Presence, Universal Intelligence. Divine Presence is perfect, therefore at the core of your being. You are perfect also. I claim this perfection with you, through you, and for you - manifested as peace, compassion, joyfulness, rich abundance, and radiant wellbeing. You cast out all fear, anger, resentment, criticism, and unforgiveness of yourself and others to be transformed into positive, life enhancing energy for yourself, all people, all life, for the Earth. Divine Consciousness flows through you as you perform all service with love and compassion. As Divine Consciousness expresses through you, your world is increasingly filled with wonderful synchronistic events, creativity, achievement, and prosperity. You effortlessly connect with the morphogenetic fields of healing, love, and compassion. You act from integrity and treat others with honesty, nonjudgment, compassion, and love - as you would have them treat you. The Golden Rule. You effortlessly release all low frequency thoughts of anger, resentment, fear, false pride, lack, and limitation. You calibrate your whole being to 350Mhz and above, spiraling upward toward Divine Consciousness. You enjoy harmonious, loving relationships. You are increasingly resonating in the 700s of enlightenment and pure consciousness. Your mind, directly connected to the Divine Mind, understands frequencies and morphogenetic fields perfectly. You are free to create your very highest and best in all things, in all ways. Universal Intelligence expresses through you as peace, plenty, appropriate power, and reverence for all life. You are filled and overflowing with increased energy and life force. You breathe in deeply of rich, abundant life. As you exhale, you let go of all old ideas that no longer serve your highest and best. You are energized. You are peaceful. You are whole and complete.

The following text is incorporated in the All Nights Sleep CD

As you breathe in, you breathe in Peace, Love, and Light. Your body, mind and spirit are in harmony with the earth, sun, moon, starts, and with all of Divine creation itself. As you exhale, you let go, and release all unnecessary fear, anxiety, and stress that no longer serve your Highest and Best. Relax, becoming more deeply, and comfortably asleep. Your powerful subconscious mind, that without one conscious thought, oxygenates your tissues, beats your heart, and performs all metabolic functions, such as organ and tissues repair, knows exactly how to assist you to the perfect level of consciousness that is just right for you in this moment. You allow yourself a new and wonderful opportunity to rest, and relax more peacefully than ever before. You sleep peacefully, fully, deeply, and completely. When you awaken, after your perfect nights sleep, you feel rejuvenated, empowered, as if your eyes have been bathed in a fresh cool spring. You feel all of these things right now, in just the right ways. You are resting deeply, and peacefully. Your powerful subconscious mind, connected to Divine Intelligence, knows just how to use this information in just the right ways for you. You are now in alignment in Divine Spirit as it directs your subconscious mind as it is repairing, rejuvenating, and even reversing age of your body, as you are now in Kiros time, Spirits time. Sleep peacefully, you feel rested, rejuvenated, and whole and complete. Because you are whole and complete you remember that you know how to do and repeat this. You enjoy and create peaceful, deep, and restful sleep, sleep, deeply, peacefully asleep now.

The following text is incorporated in the Spirit Trance CD

I now let go of all toxic anxiety, anger, fear, resentment, criticism, and unforgiveness of myself and others. I cast them on the Divine Sprit within to be completely dissolved and healed and transformed to positive life force. As I breathe in, I breathe in the light and love of Divine Spirit. As I exhale, I let go of all thoughts, emotions, and ideas that no longer serve my Highest and Best and the Highest and Best of those around me. I am whole, complete, refreshed, and rejuvenated. I am peaceful, inspirited with light and love.

The moment of Creation was synchronistic. Scientific readiness, infused with Divine Intention, created a supernova explosion, a luminous stellar event, the Earth. If this synchronistic event had been a trillionth of a second earlier or a trillionth of a second later, life on Earth as we know it today would not exist. The lush rainforests, the life-giving oceans, the beautiful indigo starlit skies, would not be. In the synergistic moment of Creation, Science, and Spirit combined to produce the world as we know it. With your attention and intention, Science and Spirit unfold within you, creating perfect healing of your whole being.


Every thought you have, every molecule you ingest, each and every moment of every experience, affects the frequencies you vibrate. By making the decision to increase your vibrational frequencies, you can create the optimal health calibration of your whole being. Every living thing is created from sound and light. Light from the sun is the result of hydrogen atoms pressed tightly together at the suns core, releasing energy that sustains all life forms on Earth. Chlorophyll molecules in plants store energy from the sun (photons), which provides food (energy) for all living things. Photons are living beings that appear to have consciousness: They manifest as waves or particles. In your bodies, they may communicate through ultraviolet light. Your body is composed of molecules vibrating at specific frequencies. You can learn to enhance the vibrational frequencies of your body. Sound and light are the building blocks of all frequencies. Frequencies create and sustain life. Sunlight through a prism divides itself into seven pure colors, which are correlated to the seven musical notes of the diatonic scale. Halftones and quartertones refine the system. Sound and light originate from the same source and are the building blocks of matter. Sound and light travel on parallel wavelengths, 40 octaves apart. Sound precedes light. Ancient cultures used sound and light for healing: Egyptian temples of light, Aboriginal healing with sounds, gem elixirs from India. Sound and light frequencies are used by medical science for diagnosis (MRI) and surgery (laser), to change the very essence of matter and promote healing.


Light, color, and sound have profound effects on all biologically regulated activities. Specific sounds and colors stimulate and enhance metabolic functions to be hundreds of times more effective. Light and sound evoke feelings, emotions, and therapeutic healing responses. Sound Health, Sound Wealth bridges Science and Spirit to assist your deepest healing. Your higher and faster frequencies inspirit your intuition to create more life force in the form of abundance, including money, vibrant health, and harmonious loving relationships. Sound Health, Sound Wealth is designed to transcend fixed action patterns of empirical thinking and connect you with magical, omnipotent, omnipresent healing, abundance, and Creation itself.



All living things, including human beings, vibrate at specific frequencies. Your depleted frequencies are elevated as they resonate and allow you to connect with the Divine. Your cells sing. Sound Health, Sound Wealth translates light into healing sounds. The seven rays of light red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet blend with primordial sound to heal your immune system. Each sound/color supports specific healthy cellular and organ functions. The color red vibrates to the key of C, 256-261.6 cycles per second, and its gradations influence and regulate the bodys life energy blood moving through the circulatory system and the reproductive organ functions. The color orange vibrates to the key of D, 288-293.6 cycles per second, and affects the liver, spleen, and kidneys. The color yellow vibrates to the key of E, 320-329.6 cycles per second, and influences the adrenal glands, the stomach, the pancreas, and the thymus. The color green vibrates to the key of F, 341.3-349.2 cycles per second, and regulates cell growth, heart, and circulatory functions. The color blue vibrates to the key of G, 384-392 cycles per second, and impacts thyroid and parathyroid functioning and blood pressure regulation. The color indigo vibrates to the key of A, 426.7-440 cycles per second, and affects the functioning of the central nervous system, the pituitary and pineal glands, and the limbic system. The color violet vibrates to the key of B, 488-493.9 cycles per second, and links the individual body/mind with Divine Intelligence. This orchestration of sound and light creates the opportunity for your immune system to heal itself. =



The Sound Health, Sound Wealth frequency treatment CD, by Luanne Oakes, Ph.D., helps you achieve a state of profound relaxation. I think everyone can benefit from it.

Deepak Chopra, M.D.

Author, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind and The Deeper Wound

When you listen to Sound Health, Sound Wealth by Luanne Oakes, Ph.D., you are conditioning yourself not only for success but for the joyous acceptance of your lifes journey.

Anthony Robbins
Author, Awaken the Giant and Unlimited Power

Sound Health, Sound Wealth by Luanne Oakes, Ph.D., is an integrative blend of scientific wisdom and the healing arts that promotes well-being and accelerates expansion of the whole self through soundfrequency technology.

John Gray, Ph.D.

Author, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus


In Sound Health, Sound Wealth Luanne Oakes, Ph.D., masterfully blends ancient spiritual truth with whole brain learning in a rejuvenating, inspiring half hour. The time you spend in this deep meditation will be both prayer and its fulfillment.

Rev. Mary Murray Shelton

Author, Guidance from the Darkness

Dr. Oakes brilliantly integrates cutting-edge neurosciences, mind/body health, and Eastern healing traditions. Sound Health, Sound Wealth is a remarkable intervention for health maintenance, prevention, and care. It provides unique remedies for medical and psychiatric conditions, particularly those mediated by stress. My patients are experiencing extraordinary results using Sound Health, Sound Wealth. I have found it to be effective in my practice with anxiety disorders, PTSD, bipolar disorders, insomnia, depression, perimenopausal disorders, addictions, and chronic pain. Health care practitioners across a range of disciplines will find Sound Health, Sound Wealth to be of enormous benefit to their patients.

M. Christina Benson, M.D.

Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, Associate Clinical Professor, UCLA School of Medicine and Neuropsychiatric Institute Co-author, The Womans Guide to Total Self-Esteem: The Eight Secrets You Need to Know, New Harbinger Publications, 2001


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