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Venom Boo Review

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Bee Venom: Composition, Health, Medicine: A Review

Stefan Bogdanov
Eros, stung by a bee, ran away and cried for plea: Venus, mother, I cry , please help me or Ill die What a terrible disgrace a dragon bit me on my face Venus comforting her son Speaking with a mocking fun The little bee's tiny sting Is for you an earnest thing But more painful and real hard are your stings in humans heart
Anacreontean songs, 6 BC Venus, Eros and the bees, by A. Drer, 1514

It was difficult for Eros to bear the bee stings which like his arrows and both painful and healing. Already in the early ancient civilizations know about the healing found virtues in the painful bee stings. Bee stings are probably one of the first natural cure for arthritis. In the ancient civilization of China, India, Egypt, Babylon and Greece bee venom was used for apitherapy57. Whether the humans began keeping bees because of the healing effects of their stings or to get honey, or for both reasons, we do not know. You can find information on the production, collection, quality and application forms in the illustrated online Bee Venom Books at


Bee venom is a complex mixture of proteins, peptides and low molecular components. Nowadays its components have been characterised. The main components are proteins and peptides. The composition of dry BV is given in the table below. The composition of fresh and dried BV differs mainly in regards to the volatile components; the overall biological activity is similar. Proteins (Enzymes) The enzymes are proteins catalyzing specific reactions. There are 5 enzymes in BV.

Polypeptides are smaller in molecular weight than enzymes, made of 2 or more amino acids. BV has numerous polypeptides (see table 1), the main one being melittin, which is also the main component of BV. Melittin has a MW of 2840 daltons but it can reach 12 500 daltons because it can be also in a tetrameric form19-21 The protein and the melittin electrophoretic patterns are typical of the honeybee species30. To the left: the structure of melittin (source: Wikipedia) Low molecular compounds BV contains smaller quantities of low molecular compounds are different in nature: amino acids, catecholamines, sugars and minerals. Sugars have been identified in some BV preparations, but if BV is collected with a collector preventing the contamination by pollen and nectar, it does not contain carbohydrates53.

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Table 1: Composition of bee venom dry matter, after 3, 12, 53, 57 Substance Group
Proteins (Enzymes)

Phospholipase A2 Phospholipase B Hyaluronidase Phosphatase - Glucosidase Melittin Apamine MCD peptide Secapine Pamine Minimine Adolapine Procamine A, B Protease inhibitor Tertiapine, cardiopep, melittin F Histamine Dopamine Noradrenalin Aminobutyric acid, -amino acids Glucose, fructose Complex ethers P, Ca, Mg

% of dry weight
10-12 1 1-2 1 0.6 40-50 2-3 2-3 0.5-2 1-3 2 0.5-1 1-2 0.1-0.8 1-2 1-3 0.5-2 0.2-1 0.1-0.5 1 2-4 4-8 3-4


Phospholipids Biogenic amines

Amino acids Sugars Volatiles (pheromones) Minerals


Whether the humans began keeping bees because of the healing effects of their stings or to get honey, or for both reasons, we do not know. Already in the early ancient civilizations know about the
healing found virtues in the painful bee stings. Bee stings are probably one of the first natural cure for arthritis. In the ancient civilization of China, India, Egypt, Babylon and Greece bee venom was used for apitherapy57. In Huandi Neijing, an ancient Chinese medical book, around 500 BC, bee sting therapy was mentioned 8. Around 300 BC Aristoteles, referred to the stinging apparatus of bees and the powerful properties of bee venom (BV) in his book Historia animalia57. The ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates used bee venom for therapeutic purposes. He described it as Arcanum, a mysterious substance whose curative properties he did not quite understand. In 14 BC Pliny the elder described BV use in his Natural history Galen (130200 AD) prescribed the use of honey and bee venom as a cure for baldness25 It is documented that Charlemagne (742-814) received bee stings for therapy against gout, while Monfat (1566-1634) prescribed bee stings to improve the flow of urine and against kidney stones after 9. In 1609 C. Butler mentioned the sting organ of bees in his book Feminine Monarchie. In 1672 Jan Swammerdam provided a thorough description of bees venom apparatus. In 1834 L. Dufour described the venom gland, which was later found out to contain an alkaline solution, thence known as the alkaline or Dufours gland after. In 1737 Samuel Dave in his Pharmacologia recommended Apis for baldness and as a good diuretic. In 1858 the French medical doctor de Marti began to use bee stings for treatment of several diseases. In 1858 C.W.Wolf a prominent homeopathic physician of Berlin edited his book Apis Mellifica or the poison of the honey bee considered as a therapeutic agent. In 1868 the Russians Lokumski and Lubarski published a work named Bee venom, a remedy. 4, 57 The modern use of BV in apitherapy was initiated through the efforts of Austrian physician Philip Terc in his published results "Report about a Peculiar Connection between the Bee Stings and Rheumatism in 188856.
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After the first world war Bodog Beck brought BV apitherapy to the US and published a book on BV therapy in 1935, mainly against rheumatoid arthritis. In Europe the first commercial bee venom preparation was released in 1928 4. Charles Mraz, a student of Beck, popularised BV therapy in the USA38. BIOLOGICAL ACTION OF BEE VENOM Table 2: Beneficial and toxic biological effects of whole bee venom in animal and cell experiments Overall effect or target Anti-inflammatory and antiarthritis action Anti-cancer effects Affects the central and peripheral nervous system (CNS, PNS) Specific effects glucocorticoid-and aspirin like effects. Antitumor effects on ovary, hepatoma, prostate, bladder, melanoma and renal cancers cells by different mechanisms of action depending on the tumor type Stimulates many peripheral chemoreceptors, e.g of heart, sinocarotid, intestinal systems, affecting flow to the CNS Has cholinolytic action (against acetylcholine) Blocks transmission of the vegetative synapse and the polysynaptic neuronal paths Pain-soothing aspirin-like action Influence of brain EEG and behaviour patterns of animals, inhibiting their conditioned reflex patterns. Increases brain blood circulation BV acupuncture may modulate methamphetamineinduced hyperactivity, hyperthermia through activation of the peripheral nerve and the central alpha(2)adrenergic activation. Increases coronary and peripheral blood circulation, improves the microcirculation of blood in the tissues, Slows down heart at lower doses and stimulates it at higher ones, lowers blood pressure, antiarhythmic Against blood coagulation fibrinolytic, stimulates the building of erythrocytes Immunosuppressive and immunoactivating Improves regeneration of leucocytes and erythrocytes Bactericide action against different pathogens Action against Candida albicans, and inactivation of Herpes, Leukaemia and HIV viruses Activates specific body systems to overcome hyperthermia Increases fall flow and cholesterine and bilirubin concentrations Increases secretion of thyroid, hypophysis and of the hypothalamus hormones Increases protein and nucleotide metabolism Potent suppressive effect on anti-apoptotic responses of TNF-alpha/Act D-treated hepatocytes Increase of growth of chicken broilers Allergenic, induces pain, cytotoxic, inhibits respiration, neurotoxic
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2, 31, 35, 53, 54, 57 2, 31, 35, 53, 54, 57

2, 31, 35, 53, 54, 57

Anti-addictive effects


Heart and blood system

2, 31, 35, 53, 54, 57

Action on the immune system Protection from radioation Antibiotic fungicide and antiviral action Antihyperthermic Gall bladder-intestine system Endocrinological system Metabolic effects Liver protecting Growth increasing Toxic effects

2, 31, 35, 53, 54, 57 2, 31, 35, 53, 54, 57 1, 5, 14, 35, 57, 59

31, 35, 53


2, 35

35 45


Table 3: Main biological and therapeutic effects of bee venom and its components, after 2, 35, 53, 54, 57
Fonts in red: potentially toxic effects

Componenent, % of total
Melittin Biologically active peptide 50-55 %

Main biologically active component Membrane-active, diminishes surface tension of membranes Anti-inflammatory in very small doses; Stimulates smooth muscles; Increases capillary permeability increasing blood circulation and lowering the blood pressure, lowers blood coagulation, immunostimulatory and immunosuppressive, Radiation protective, influences the central nervous system, Anticancer, Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral Higher doses are inflammatory and haemolytic Destroys phospholipids and dissolves the cell membrane of blood bodies; lowers the blood coagulation and blood pressure Induces inflammation, the strongest allergen and thus the most harmful BV component Detoxicating activity

Tox. mg/kg 4

Phospholipase A Enzyme hydrolysing phospholipids 10-12 % Phospholipase B cleavage of the toxic lysolecetin 1% Hyaluronidase Catalyses hydrolysis of hyoloronic acid, the tissue cement 1-2 % Apamine Biologically active peptide 2-3 % MCD, mast cell degranulatingpeptide 401 2-3 % Adolapine Biologically active peptide 1% Protease-Inhibitors Biologically active peptides 3-4 % Secapin, tertiapin, cardiopep, minimin, procamine 3-5 % Histamine Neurotransmitter 0.7-1.5 % Dopamine, Noradrenaline Neurotransmitters 0.2-1.5 % Alarm pheromones 4-8 %


Catalyses the hydrolysis of proteins, thus enabling the penetrating of BV into the tissue; dilates blood vessels and increases their permeability, causing an increase of blood circulation; allergenic Anti-inflammatory stimulating the release of cortisone, antiserotonine action Increases the defence capability Immuno-supressor, stimulates the central nervous system in very small doses Higher doses are neurotoxic Lyses mast cells, releasing histamine, serotonine and heparine Melittine-like effect increasing capillary permeability increasing Anti-inflammatory simulates the central nervous system Inhibits the specific brain enzymes cyclooxigenase and lipooxigenase Decreases inflammations by, anti-rheumatic, decreases pain Inhibits the aggregation of erythrocytes Relatively low toxicity Inhibits the activity of different proteases like trypsin., chymotprypsin, plasmin, thrombin, thus decreasing inflammation, anti-rheumatic Low toxicity Peptides, with an uncertain role in the physiological action of BV Antiradiation effects cardiopep has antiarhythmic effects Dilates blood vessels, increasing the permeability of blood capillaries and increases blood circulation; Stimulates smooth muscles; Allergenic The low concentrations in BV do not cause physiological effects in mammals, but active when injected in invertebrates Complex ethers, causing alarm of the bee colony and its defensive behaviour



* - only effects, not caused by the BV components, The toxicity Tox is measured in rat experiments

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Of all bee products bee venom (BV) produces by far the greatest number of biological effects. BV is the bee product, with the highest recognition in modern medicine, many of its components being also used in experimental pharmacology6.

Biological effects of bee venom components

The main biological effects of bee venom components are summarised in the table below. The effects of the different components are numerous and partly also opposing. Melittin is the main BV component with many positive biological effects and a relatively low toxicity. The MCD peptide and phospholipase A are the two most toxic components. In order to achieve definite biological effects, individual bee venom components can be used. Some of them are commercially available:,

Therapeutic index
As other highly effective drugs, bee venom, too, has various side effects. Often the therapeutic and the toxic effects lie closely together. Individual BV components show toxic effects when their concentration is 20-50 times greater than the therapeutic dose, while whole bee venom is toxic when its therapeutic dose is exceeded by 200-500 times53. In conclusion, for general therapeutical purposes BV is safer to use, while for specific medical applications BV components seem to be preferable (see table 2

Table 4: Apitherapy with bee venom
Disease type
Arthritis Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system (CNS, PNS)

Application, details
Both osteoarthritis and rheumatic arthritis Rheumatic arthritis being more susceptible to BVT Multiple sclerosis Dementia Post stroke paralysis Polyneuritis Ganglion nerve inflammation Cerebellar ataxy (muscular disfunction) Syringomyelia (pain of extremeties, headache) Inflammation of facial nerve Myopathy (neuromuscular disease) Trigeminal neuralgia Posttraumatic inflammation of plexus nerve Inflammation of arachnoid CNS membrane Parkinson Hypertension Arteriosclerosis Endarteritis (chronic inflammation of the inner layer of arteries) Angina pectoris Arrhythmia Eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis Furunculosis (recurring boil) Healing of cicatrices Baldness Opthamology Gastroentorology: colitis, ulcers, Pulmonology: asthma, bronchitis, Otorinolaringology: pharingytis, tonsillitis, ear nerve neuritis Endocrinology Urology, gynecology Bee Product Science, 11 April 2011

31, 35, 53, 54, 57

31, 32, 35, 50

Heart and blood system

31, 32, 35, 50

Skin diseases

31, 32, 35, 50

Other disease

31, 32, 35, 50

Assuming that arthritis is very old human disease and that Homo sapiens has probably found relief after bee stings, bee stinging is probably the first apitherapy received by humans. The father of modern Apitherapy the Austrian doctor Philip Terc had rheumatism and cured himself by bee stings. Terc hypothesised that the stronger the rheumatism form, the stronger the BV doses should be. He distinguishes three phases of healing: In the first phase the patient develops a pathological immunity with very weak reaction to bee stinging. In the second he is as sensitive to BV as normal people, with the development of a local painful reaction. In this phase healing begins. In the third phase healing is completed. Terc treats his patients with 1 to 50 bees per session. He reports on the treatment of 660 patients. 544 recovered fully, 99 improved and in the remaining 17 the treatment was not successful. Bodock Beck described modern BV therapy (mostly against arthritis) in his pioneering book carrying the same name, published in 19354, available for sale in Amazon as a 1997 pocket book.

There two types of arthritis: Rheumatoid Arthritis or Polyarthritis (RA) and Osteoarthritis (OA). Rheumatoid arthritis or Polyarthritis (RA) s a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs, but principally attacks the joints producing an inflammatory synovitis that often progresses to destruction of the articular cartilage and ankylosis of the joints. About 1% of the world's

population is afflicted by rheumatoid arthritis, women three times more often than men.
The mechanism of action of BV in treating arthritis is clarified: BV blocks the building of the pro inflammarory substances cytokinine, PGE-2, NO, Tumor Necrosis Factor TNF-2 and Enzyme COX-2 BV inhibits the proliferation of rheumatoid synovial cells

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the disease process by which joints wear out. As the joint surface wears away

it sheds wear particles which stimulate the joint lining to produce fluid, causing the knee to swell. When the articular cartilage wears through, the underlying bone becomes exposed. The exposed bone rubs against exposed bone when walking and this causes pain - often described as a toothache type pain. It is a common disease in adults with a prevalence of about 0.5 %.
There is a very large information data base on the use of BV in OE and RA. Different BV treatments have been used: bee stings (BS), api puncture (AP), injections, electrophoresis and phonophoresis (application with ultrasound waves), the success rates are generally good, lying generally between 60 and 90 % 31, 35, 53, 54, 57 . During the last 10 year AP has been developed as a new technique for treating arthritis, and is used now most of all in South Korea. BV does not seem to influence rheumatoid deformation, as shown by patients X-rays, but it acts by controlling pain and inflammation32. A review of Lee et al. examined the use of AP in muskoskeletal pain. BV was used in the treatment of different pain conditions: Neck pain,low back pain,herniated lumbar pain, disc pain, shoulder pain after stroke, acute ankle sprain, wrist sprain, rheumatoid arthritis and knee osteoarthritis. BS and AP therapy was useful in all these conditions. AP relieves pain more effectively than acupuncture. However there are no studies comparing stinging in acupuncture points with BV stinging in other body points33 Son reviewed clinical trials of the use of BV for the treatment of arthritis by BS and AP, mostly carried out in South Korea. Both RA and OA can be successfully treated. The success rates in different clinical trials of BV applied as stings, BV injections or apipuncture against RA ranges between 60 and 80 % 15, 32, 33, 54. BV apipuncture is as effective as cortisol treatment or RA as tested in arthritic rats27 Ludyansky has reviewed the vast experience in Russian hospitals and general practitioners, as well as his own experience, in treating arthritis. According to him the action of BV is better against RA than against OE. Summarising all studies it can be concluded that BV can be used for the treatment of both types of arthritis, but RA seems to be more susceptible to BV.

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BV against diseases of the nervous system

Due to its different effects on the central and peripheral nervous system BV is also used for the treatment of different heart conditions. There are reports on the use of different degenerative diseases of the nervous system have been published, such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer and Parkinson. Especially the treatment of MS has raised attention in the recent years. The biggest study has been carried out by Ludyanski who report a very good or good improvement of 175 out of 210 cases. Two studies, by Hauser et al. and by Castro et al. report improvement rates between 50 to 60 % 7, 24. A recent study by showed no significant effect of BV against MS, but the authors did not follow the protocol suggested by BV specialists58. There is molecular basis for the action of BV for this action. Evidence of specific biologic effects of the BV component apamin in brain, that might be linked to MS, has been shown 17, 48, 55 . Individual reports on positive effects in dementia and Alzheimer have been reported by Ludyanski15 Specific brain effects of BV in Alzheimer patients have been elucidated26 . Table 5: The experience of Krivopalov against MS 32 Patient number Improvement as a whole 66 % 84 % Demyelination stop 36 % 80 % Remyelination

Primary progressive 24 29 % Secondary 53 72 % progressive Relapsing 36 91 % 85 % 83 % The above table summarises the experience on 113 patients in the Russian MS centre in Chelabinsk. There is evidence specific effects of BV, especially of its component apamine on the CNS can be linked to MS18, 48, 55. Also there are specific BV cellular anti-inflammatory action that might be linked to neurodegenerative processes 11, 22, 37 As indicated in table 6, BV can be used also against other diseases of the central and peripheral nerve system: Post stroke paralysis, polyneuritis, ganglion nerve inflammation, cerebellar ataxy (muscular disfunction), syringomyelia (pain of extremeties, headache), inflammation of facial nerve, myopathy (neuromuscular disease), trigeminal neuralgia, post-traumatic inflammation of the plexus nerve and arachinoid inflammation.

Other diseases
Table 6: Apitherapy of different diseases with BV in a Russian hospital after Ludyanski36 Disease Polyarthritis Ostheochodrosis (orthopedic disease) Bronchial asthma Hypertension Multiple sclerosis Post stroke paralysis Polyneuritis Ganglion nerve inflammation Cerebellar ataxy (muscular disfunction) Syringomyelia (pain of extremeties, headache) Inflammation of facial nerve Myopathy (neuromuscular disease) Trigeminal neuralgia Post-traumatic inflammation of the plexus nerve Arachinoid inflammation (a CNS membrane) Very good success 77 1542 38 18 103 196 22 11 12 140 128 54 16 206 275 Good success 18 352 17 9 72 10 9 4 7 31 6 8 7 46 20 No change 15 116 10 18 35 31 6 1 2 11 1 16 2 21 20

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Treatments of many other diseases reviewed in different Russian monographs 31, 32, 35, 50, see table 3 and 5. The immune system of cancer patients can be activated by BV46

Bee venom in homeopathy

Bee and bee venom have been used as homeopathy remedies since Hahnemann (ca. 1800). In 1858 C.W.Wolf a prominent homeopathic physician of Berlin edited his book Apis Mellifica or the poison of the honey bee considered as a therapeutic agent. The priniciple of Apis application was reviewed in 1880 by Goullon16 In homeopathical preparations whole bees are generally used in different potencies, both lower D and higher C potencies. The Gale encyclopedia of alternative medicine, online see10 states: Homeopathic medicine operates on the principle that "like heals like." This means that a disease can be cured by treating it with products that produce the same symptoms as the disease. These products follow another homeopathic law, the Law of Infinitesimals. In opposition to traditional medicine, the Law of Infinitesimals states that the lower a dose of curative, the more effective it is. To make a homeopathic remedy, the curative is diluted many, many times until only a tiny amount remains in a huge amount of the diluting liquid. In homeopathic terminology, the effectiveness of remedies is "proved" by experimentation and reports by famous homeopathic practitioners. About 1900, both bee venom and tincture from the entire insect were proved as a remedy by the Central New York State Homeopathic Society. In homeopathic medicine, Apis is used as a remedy for many symptoms similar to those of bee stings. These include: * inflammation with a burning sensation * stinging pain * itchy skin * swollen and sensitive skin * red, flushed, hot face * hive-like welts on the skin Homeopathic practitioners use Apis when stinging or burning inflammations appear in all parts of the body, not just on the skin. A homeopath could use Apis for sore throats, mumps , urinary tract infections , and other conditions where there is a stinging or burning sensation. Symptoms treated by Apis usually appear quite rapidly. There is usually some swelling or edema along with the stinging sensation. Many people who need Apis complain of swollen eyelids, as if they had an eye infection. In keeping with the symptom of oedema, often little urine is produced although there may be a strong urge to urinate. Despite this, the patient has little thirst or desire to drink. Often the patient who will be given Apis appears flushed or has a rough rash. The rash may appear, then disappear. The skin will be sensitive to the touch and alternatively hot and dry, then sweaty. Patients may also feel nauseated, suffer from heartburn , or have tightness throughout their chest or abdomen that feels like they will burst if they cough or strain. Certain mental and emotional symptoms also appear in the patient that needs Apis. Sadness, weeping, and depression can occur. Apis is often used after a person experiences a strong emotional reaction such as jealousy, fear, rage, or anger. In homeopathic medicine, the fact that certain symptoms get better or worse under different conditions is used as a diagnostic tool to indicate what remedy will be most effective. Symptoms that benefit from treatment with Apis get worse by applying warmth or drinking warm liquids. They also get worse from touch or pressure, or when the person is in a closed, heated room. The symptoms are often worse on the right side, after sleeping, and in the late afternoon. Symptoms improve with the application of cold and exposure to open air. The Apis personality is said to be fidgety, restless, and unpredictable. People with the Apis personality may have wildly inappropriate reactions to emotional situations. They want company, but reject affection, and sometimes

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insist that they don't need medical attention when they are clearly unwell. People who need Apis often have bouts of unprovoked jealousy and unprovoked tears. They may fear ill health and death greatly. Homeopathic and orthodox medical practitioners agree that by the time the initial remedy solution is diluted to strengths used in homeopathic healing, it is likely that very few molecules of the original remedy remain. Homeopaths, however, believe that these remedies continue to work through an effect called "potentization" that has not yet been explained by mainstream scientists. Precautions No particular precautions have been noted for using Apis. However, people who are allergic or sensitive to bee venom should be cautious. They may react adversely to certain potencies of homeopathic Apis. Side effects When taken in the recommended dilute form, no side effects from Apis have been reported. However, concentrated quantities of the bee venom can cause allergic reactions in susceptible people. Preparations There are two homeopathic dilution scales, the decimal (x) scale with a dilution of 1:10 and the centesimal (c) scale with a dilution factor of 1:100. Once the mixture is diluted, shaken, strained, then rediluted many times to reach the desired degree of potency, the final mixture is added to lactose (a type of sugar) tablets or pellets. These are then stored away from light. Homeopathic Apis venom is available commercially in tablets in many different strengths. Dosage depends on the symptoms being treated. Homeopathic tincture of whole honeybee is also available in a variety of strengths. Apis preparations can also be used for many indications, according to a recent homeopathic report by Schraner, 2007 51, downloadable at against: Inflammation diseases of eyes, ears, respiration organs, Diseases of digestions organs, bladder, kidney Skin diseases, allergies, acne, abscesses Scarlet and German measles, diphtheria, Glandular and genital diseases Heart and blood circulation diseases Psychiatric diseases


There is a big experience on the use of BV in medicine in Russia 28, 31, 35. Ludyanski reviews in his monograph the use of BV, in practically all medical disciplines 35. However, this work is in Russian and not easily accessible. Khismatullina has summarised the knowledge of Russian apitherapy in her book on Apitherapy 28. The therapeutical dose of BV is much lower than the toxic one. Apitherapy with BV should be applied by medical doctors, because of the dangers connected with this treatment (see allergy reactions). For apitherapy purposes different applications forms have been used: Puncture with whole bees: in non specific or in specific points and zones The Iorish technique: stings are applied to the outer surface of shoulders and thighs. Number of bees is gradually increased to 10 bees to the 10th day, then take a break of 3-4 days. After the break the number of bees is decreased from 10 to 1 druing 10 days. The Kuzmina technique: number of bees is gradually increased to 10 bees to the 10th day, then take a break of 3-4 days. Then the number of bees is increased by 3 in every session (3, 6, 9,12, 15.. 30) Micropuncture with the BV stinger Injections with pure, sterile BV Apipuncture (apitoxinreflexotherapy) BV ointments, creams, pills, drops Apis homeopathic preparations Electrophoresis, phonophoresis

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Apipuncture is described in detail by Ludyanski35 and in principle also by Yoshimoto60, is reviewed by Lee34. In China a book by Chen Wei Chinese Bee Acupuncture has been published 8

The applied doses for adults are generally between 0.1-3 mg BV per treatments, the dose depending on the disease, higher doses (until 2-2.5 per treatment) being used in arthritis treatments35. In one sting the maximum of about 50 to 100 g per are applied, in micropuncture much less
BV is applied, depending on the stinging time about 1 to10 g can be applied. The lethal dose is about 2.8 mg/kg or 19 stings per kg, for a man of 75 kg meaning about 1400 stings.


The main counter indication to bv therapy is bee venom allergy. Apitherapy should be used only after a bv allergy test. During acute and chronic infections After vaccinations Chronic tuberculosis and hepatitis Acute cancer Children under 5 years old Pregnancy, breast feeding Type 1 pancreatic diabetes Renal insufficiency, hepatic failure, impaired cardiac functions and respiratory problems


The most outstanding biological effect of bee venom the painful inflammation, caused by the bee sting. What should be done after a bee sting? Normally, only strong swelling is caused at the point of stinging. A threatening toxic reaction can be caused after more than 50 stings (for children) and more than 100-500 for grown-ups. In this case the patients should be hospitalised.

A bee sting in a normal person

(Fotos and comment from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia, October 2009)

The stinger is torn off and left in the skin

2 minutes later

6 minutes later, after the sting has been removed

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27 minutes later 10

Dangerous stings at the area of the eyes and mouth.

Stings in the area of the eyes, the temple are always dangerous because of the strong pain and swelling and require an immediate medical help. As an immediate measure the eye should be rinsed with cold water until the pain eases. Stings on the tongue or the pharynx are especially dangerous. Because of the rapid swelling of the mucous membrane there is an acute life threat by suffocation. Only the emergency medical doctor can help. Until he comes the patient should suck a piece of ice or should consume ice-cold drinks to prevent the spreading of the swelling. A sting in the eye area Stings in the area of the eyes, the temple are always dangerous because of the strong pain and swelling and require immediate medical help. As an immediate measure the eye should be rinsed with cold water until the pain eases. Photo courtesy U. Mueller.

Help after a bee sting

Removal of sting: When a human is stung by a bee, the sting with the sting apparatus remains stuck in the skin. First the stung should be removed as soon as possible, for that purpose in should be pushed away from the side with the finger nail. Be aware that pressing the sting with both fingers will cause emptying of the bee venom into the tissue. Cooling: Afterwards the stung area should cooled by means of cold compress with acid water (1 part of vinegar and 2 parts of water) , ice cubes, cold spray or alcohol. Also, application of onion strips or propolis tincture can help. Apply an anti-allergic gel if available. Doctors visit: If the swelling and pains increase and/or if a read strip under the skin persists one day after the sting, a doctor should be called. Normally, these troubles diminish 1-3 day after the sting. after Mueller

Emergency aid for persons allergic to bee venom

Take prescribed tablets immediately after bee sting, by Prepare adrenalin self-injectible ampoule (e.g. EpiPen ), if a general reaction like redness, selling, shivering., vomiting, nausea, shortage of breath, arise, and apply it immediately (intramuscularly or subcutaneously) Call the emergency doctor after the slightest symptoms of a general reaction, to avoid complications, which can, in the extreme case, be lethal. Lay the shocked patient , warmly covered, on a flat surface. If a heart- or breath stop occurs, a moth to mouth breathing and a heart massage should be performed by trained persons until the arravial of the emergency doctors, who will perform all other necessary measures.

after Mueller

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Bee stings and bee venom allergy

This topic has been recently reviewed by Mueller in 2010. Bee stings are especially dangerous for allergic people. According to different studies 1 to 5 % of the people world wide are allergic to bees or other insects like wasps and hornets39. There are different grades of allergic reactions and in the worst case a bee sting can lead to death. In Switzerland, one person dies every year after a sting of a bee or a wasp49. Beekeepers are specially exposed to bee stings. The development of a bee venom allergy is less probable if they are stung more often. Beekeepers with more than 200 annual stings will never develop a BV allergy40 There are two types of allergic reactions: a heavy local reaction and a general allergic reaction. Heavy local reaction: After a sting the redness does not remain local, but expands over the extremities. The swellings can be very painful and can persist for a longer period of time. General reaction The first symptoms arise a few minutes after the sting. They can be accompanied by shivering, vomiting, nausea, shortage of breath. The main symptoms are redness, swelling and itching. They can be accompanied by strong swelling of the face. In the worst case a life endangering collapse of blood circulation can occur the anaphylactic shock. All persons, allergic to BV should possess first help medication kit, composed with the help of the doctor (see box). If the reaction to a bee sting does not fade away rapidly, an emergency doctor should be called. As the symptoms of a heavy allergic reaction can arise within minutes, a medication with rapid effect should be applied immediately (see box).

Persons with bee venom allergy can be desensitised. The success of the desensitisation against bee venom is about 80 %, while that against wasp venom allergy is approx. 95 %47. Muenstedt et al. (2010) showed that beekeepers can be successfully desensitized and can continue their activity after desensitization, a complete absence of symptoms after re-exposure to bee stings can be achieved43 Three to five years are necessary for a secure and durable desensitisation. A desensitisation is absolutely recommended. Compared to other bee venom allergic persons beekeepers had a better desensitisation success. Older allergic persons are especially endangered towards bee stings and should absolutely be desensitised13.

Further Reading:
BV propeties and apitherapy 2-4, 4, 12, 31, 34, 35, 40, 44, 52, 54, 57 Desensitisation 39-42

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