Dry and Wet Bulb Temperature
Dry and Wet Bulb Temperature
Dry and Wet Bulb Temperature
EXP.:DRY BULB AND WET BULB TEMPERATURE AIM:To find out the propert of atmo!pheric air "ith the help of "et #ul# and dr #ul# temperature propert of air "hich i! to #e found a! under$% &' A#!olute humidit (' De" point )' Relati*e humidit APPARATUS:+and, #ea-er, thermometer, cotton thread!, etc.. MATERIAL:Water. THEORY:The "et #ul# temperature i! the !tead !tate temperature # !mall amount of li/uid e*aporating in a large amount of un!aturated *apour ga! mi0ture under propert control condition. 1t can #e u!ed to mea!ure the humidit of the mi0ture for thi! purpo!e thermometer "ho!e #ul# ha! #een co*ered "ith "ic- -ept "et "ith the li/uid i! impre!!ed in rapidl mo*ing !team of the ga! mi0ture the temperature indicated # thi! thermometer "ill automaticall reach the *alue lo"er than the dr #ul# temperature of ga! in the "ater i! un!aturated. 1t i! indicated # T". Dr #ul# temperature i! the temperature of ga! mi0ture a! ordinar determined # e0pre!!ion of a thermometer in a mi0ture. The !imple humidit e0pre!!ed a#!olute humidit . The ratio of ma!! of *apour to ma!! of ga! i! a#!olute humidit than it i! e0pre!!ed # 2Y3. The mathematic! i! re!pre!ented a! follo",
Relati*e humidit i! e0pre!!ed a! relati*e !aturation. 1t i! ratio of partial pre!!ure of *apour to the pre!!ure of li/uid at ga! temperature. Unit of relati*e humidit i! atm4atm or mole fraction4mole fraction "hich i! e0pre!! in 5 a!&66 4 !. Due point i! the temperature at "hich *apour #eing! to conden!e "ith the ga! pha!e i! cooled at con!tant pre!!ure. 1t i! indicated # 2Td3. 7rom the -no"ledge of "et #ul# and dr #ul# temperature. 1t i! u!ed to find the *ariou! propertie! of *apour ga! mi0ture "ith help of p! chometric chart!. PROCEDURE:&' Arrange the "et #ul# and dr #ul# thermometer a! !ho"n in figure at different location. (' +elect the location and -eep the thermometer in the area of "hich p! chometric propertie! are to #e found. )' Allo" the #oth thermometer to reach e/uili#rium. RESULT:&' Molal a#!olute humidit 8 9999999 dr air. (' Relati*e humidit 8 999995 )' De" point 8 9999oC mole! of "ater4mole! of
OBSERVATION TABLE:Sr. NO. &. Location 1n!ide La#orator W t T $%. B!"# Dr& t $%. #!"#
DATA$ o &' :apour Pre!!ure at C 8 mm ;g. o (' :apour Pre!!ure at C 8 mm ;g. o o )' De" point 999999 C at9999999 C 9999999 oC at 9999999 oC o <' A#!olute ;umidit at C 8 999999999999=g Water4=g dr "ater. >' Molal a#!olute humidit 2 3
;ere , MA 8 Molecular "eight of air "ater 8 999999gm4mol. MB 8 Molecular "eight of air 8 99999999gm4mol. Y8 8 99 ?' Partial Pre!!ure of :apour @PA'$%
;ere, Y 8 Molal a#!olute humidit Pt8 Total pre!!ure 99 PA8 8 A' Relati*e ;umidit @R;'$% 99 R; 8 PA 4 PA B &66. 99 ;ere, PA 8 Partial Pre!!ure of :apour 8 PA 8 :apour Pre!!ure 8 R; 8 8 C' ;umid :olume @:;'$% :; 8 C)&>D@&4MB E F4MA' D@ t? E (A)'4Pt ;ere, MA 8 Molecular "eight of "ater 8 999999gm4mol. MB 8 Molecular "eight of air 8 9999999gm4mol.
YF air t? pt :; 8
8 A#!olute humidit
8 9999999-g of "ater4-g of dr