Lab 1: Equation-Based Modeling in Comsol Multiphysics
Lab 1: Equation-Based Modeling in Comsol Multiphysics
Lab 1: Equation-Based Modeling in Comsol Multiphysics
in this course (v4.2) is likely different from the one you previously used, and the GUI layout and the workow has changed considerably since the introduction of v4.0. Moreover, the way we will use the software (through specication of the variational form) is probably new to you. When using Comsol Multiphysics, as well as any other nite-element software, there are conceptually ve consecutive steps that needs to be taken for each problem: 1. geometry denition, 2. meshing, 3. problem specication, 4. solution, 5. post processing and visualization. 2.1 Geometry denition. In order to learn how to carry out parameterized solid geometry modeling, work through the printout Creating a 2D Geometry Model from the Comsol Multiphysics Modeling Guide. Once you have created the 2D geometry as described in the above document, save it to le, since you will need it for the steps below. 2.2 Meshing In this course, we will only need to create simple so-called unstructured triangular meshes (which Comsol calls Free triangular meshes). In the Model Builder, click on Mesh 1, and the Mesh page appears in the Settings tab. On the Mesh page, select User-controlled mesh under Sequence type. Then click on the symbol to the left of Mesh 1 in the Model Builder to open up more options under Mesh 1. Click on Size, which opens the Size page in the Settings tab. On the Size page, under Calibrate for, select Fluid dynamics. Then click again on the Build All button on the Settings tab in order to build the mesh, which then will be shown in the Graphics window. Play around with the options on the Size page (Maximum element size e.g.) to see what happens with the mesh. When you have changed any parameters, you need to press the Build All button again. Remark 2. If you would like to learn more about meshing (or about any other issue in the following), select Documentation in the Help meny, which brings up a web page with the available documentation. For instance, there is a Meshing section in the Comsol Multiphysics Users Guide (it is Chapter 19 in the pdf version). 2.3 Problem specication We will work with the following boundary-value problem for Laplaces equation:
u = 0
u u n n
u = uD
in , on D on i on o (1)
+ u = u a
on the domain that you constructed in 2.1 (gure 1). Problem (1) constitute a simple model for steady (that is, thermal equilibrium has been reached) heat conduction in the metal object occupying domain , where u is the temperature. We assume that boundary D is connected to a device that holds a xed, given temperature u D , that boundary i is thermally insulated, and that boundary o is facing air at a xed, given temperature u a . The value of is related to the so-called heat transfer coefcient for the interface between the solid material and air. 2
D i i
F IGURE 1. The domain associated with boundary value problem (1). The boundary of comprises D (thick solid), i (thick dashed), and o (the rest, thin solid).
Task 1. By applying integration by parts, show that boundary-value problem (1) can be written in the following variational form: Find u VuD such that
v u d +
Vu D = v V0 = v
vu d =
vu a d
v V0 ,
v 2 d , v = u D on D , v 2 d , v = 0 on D .
When using the weak form in Comsol, the integrands in the variational form (2) are specied in symbolic form. More precisely, the expression inside the domain integral is written in one place, and the expression inside the boundary integral over 0 is written in another place. For instance, the integrand inside the integral over can be written in components as
v u = v x u x + v y u y ,
where the subscripts denote differentiation. In Comsol Multiphysics, expression (4) is written
test(ux)*ux + test(uy)*uy
where test(u) denotes a test function associated with the unknown u (which is denoted v in variational form (2)), and a trailing x or y denotes differentiation with respect to the coordinate x or y .
2. In the Add Physics page that appears under the Model Wizard tab, select Mathematics > PDE Interfaces > Weak Form PDE and click the sign under the Add Physics window. This action associates the default dependent variable name u with a variational (weak) form. You may change the name of the variable in the box labeled Field name. (You can also choose more than one eld variable here. For the Maxwell equations, for instance, you would choose 3 variables in two space dimensions and 6 variables in three space dimensions). Then click the Finish button (marked with a black-and-white ag) on the Add Physics page, which will add the PDE leaf into the tree in the Model builder.
3. In order to dene values for parameters , u D , and u a , used in the boundary conditions, in the Model Builder, click on Parameters under Global Denitions. Enter values of the variables alpha, uD, and ua, in the table on the Parameters page in the Settings tab. We assume that the device attached to D holds a temperature of 100 , and that the room temperature is 20 . Moreover, we assume that the heat transfer coefcient is such that = 1. Thus, u D = 100, u a = 20, = 1. (6) 4. Click on the to the left of PDE in the Model Builder to open more selections, then select Weak Form PDE 1. 5. In the Weak Form PDE page that then appear in the Settings tab, replace the default expression in the eld weak with expression (5). This action denes the contribution of the integrals over to variational form (2). 6. Right-click on PDE in the Model Builder and select More > Weak Contribution. (There are two More appearing when you right-click; select the second one, the one below Periodic conditions). 7. Click on the Weak Contribution 1 that will appear under PDE in the Model Builder. A page labeled Weak Contribution will appear in the Settings tab. On the Weak Contribution page, make sure that Manual is selected among the Selection options. Click on the boundary segments (there are quite a few) that correspond to boundary o and add them to the box labeled Selection: (can be done by clicking on the + sign e.g.). Enter the text alpha*test(u)*(u-ua) in the eld labeled Weak Contribution. This action denes the contribution of the integrals over o to variational form (2). 8. Right-click on PDE in the Model Builder and select Dirichlet Boundary Condition. A page Dirichlet Boundary Condition will appear in the Settings tab. On the Dirichlet Boundary Condition page, make sure that Manual is selected among the Selection options. Click on the boundary segments that correspond to boundary D and add them to the box labeled Selection: (can be done by clicking on the + sign e.g.). Add uD in the box below the text Prescribed value of u. 9. Note that you do not need to do anything to set the boundary condition at i . Why? 10. Right-click the root object in the Model Builder (the root object has the same name as the le in which the model is saved) and choose Add Study. In the Select Study Type page that appears in the Model Wizard tab, select Stationary, and click on the Finish ag. 11. Right-click on Study 1 in the Model Builder, select Compute, wait for the solution to be computed. (Alternatively, you can click on the green equal sign at the top of the window). 12. When the solution is computed, a color surface plot will appear in the graphics window, in which the colors visualizes the temperature distribution in the domain. Check so that the temperatures appear reasonable with respect to what can be expected from the boundary conditions on D and o .
13. Select Results > 2D Plot Group 1 > Surface 1. On the Surface page that appears in the Settings tab, you can see the default settings for surface plots. Fouriers law is a constitutive relation for heat conduction that models the heat conduction in materials, such as metals, in which the heat conducting properties are homogeneous (same in each point) and isotropic (same in each direction). Fouriers law is analogous to Darcys law for porous-media ows and states that the heat ux vector q is proportional to the negative gradient of the temperature, q = u , (7) where > 0 is the materials thermoconductivity. Expression (7) tells us that the heat energy will ow in the same direction as negative temperature gradients, that is, heat ows from high temperature to low temperature. Task 2. 1. Here we will visualize how the heat ows in . Right-click Results > 2D Plot Group 1 in the Model Builder and select Arrow Surface. 2. In the Arrow Surface page that appears on the Settings tab, replace the default expressions in the elds labeled x component and y component with the ones obtained from expression (7). (You may assume that = 1). After entering the expressions, click on the Plot button (it is marked with a small pen on the top of the Arrow Surface page). The small arrows that then show up in the graphics window indicates the direction and magnitude of the heat ux vector. Play around with the options for arrow plots, for instance the number of points for the vectors and the color and size. Make sure that the plot you obtain seems reasonable in terms of the direction you expect the heat to ow. 3. Another way of visualizing the heat ux eld is through streamlines. The streamlines associated with the q eld are curves through the domain that are such that their tangent at each point coincides with the q vectors and such that the heat ow is always constant between two consecutive curves. The latter property means that the heat ow is more intense in regions such that the streamlines lie close together, compared to regions where the distance between consecutive streamlines is larger. Plot streamlines of the q eld by right-clicking on Results > 2D Plot Group 1 in the Model Builder and selecting Streamline. In the Streamline page that appears in the Settings tab, replace the default expressions in elds labeled x component and y component with the ones obtained from expression (7). (Again, you may assume that = 1). When plotting streamlines, you need to specify the boundaries through which the streamlines should pass. In this case, heat will ow through all boundaries except the insulated i boundary. Press the symbol to the right of Selection on the Streamline page in order to activate the choice of boundary segments for streamline intersections. Then, to the Selection box, add all boundary segments except those that constitute i . (In this case, it is possible to choose all boundaries, including i , without seeing to much of a difference. In general, however, it can happen that the streamlines become clearer if the insulated boundaries are deleted). Then click on the Plot button in order to see the streamlines. Also here play around with the options, such as the number of streamlines. (You may want to increase the number from the default value). It can be easier to see the streamlines by disabling the arrow plots: right-click on Results > 2D Plot Group 1 > Arrow Surface 1 and choose Disable. 4. Compute solutions for = 0, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 100. Observe how the solution depends on . What happens for a very large value of ?