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What Is Community Pt1.odt

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A Sociological Perspective
By Phil Bartle, Ph

A %o&ili'er, a!i%ator or activist is a perso! (ho tries to %ove )activate, a!i%ate* a co%%#!ity+ The trai!i!g %aterial o! this (e& site is ai%e" at %o&ili'ers a!" their %a!agers, e,plai!i!g %etho"s o- %a.i!g a co%%#!ity %ove+ B#t (hat is a co%%#!ity?

The Nat#re o- Co%%#!ities$

/i.e %ost thi!gs i! the social scie!ces, co%%#!ity "oes !ot -it i!to a !ice !eat pac.age+ We #se the (or" a lot, &#t i! this trai!i!g it is i%porta!t to as. %ore serio#sly (hat it is+ 0irst, let #s !ote that a 1co%%#!ity1 is a co!str#ct, a %o"el+ We ca! !ot see a (hole co%%#!ity, (e ca! !ot to#ch it, a!" (e ca! !ot "irectly e,perie!ce it+ See elepha!t+ /i.e the (or"s 1hill1 or 1s!o(-la.e,1 a co%%#!ity %ay co%e i! o!e o- %a!y shapes, si'es, colo#rs a!" locatio!s, !o t(o o- (hich are ali.e+ More i%porta!tly, a co%%#!ity is !ot 2#st the people (ho are i! it+ A co%%#!ity #s#ally (as alrea"y e,isti!g (he! all o- its c#rre!t resi"e!ts (ere !ot yet &or!, a!" it (ill li.ely co!ti!#e to e,ist (he! all o- the people i! it have le-t+ It is so%ethi!g that is &eyo!" its very co%po!e!ts, its resi"e!ts or co%%#!ity %e%&ers+ A co%%#!ity %ay have %e%&ers (ho have te%porarily %ove" to other locatio!s+ They %ay (ish to eve!t#ally ret#r!, &#t !ot all "o+ A 1co%%#!ity1 i! so%e se!ses %ay !ot eve! have a physical locatio!, &#t &e "e%arcate" &y &ei!g a gro#p o- people (ith a co%%o! i!terest+ I! the trai!i!g %aterial here, ho(ever, the 1co%%#!ity1 (hich is the o&2ect o- a %o&ili'er3s atte!tio!, is #s#ally o!e (ith a physical geographic locatio!+

A Co%%#!ity is a Sociological Co!str#ct$

Not o!ly is the co!cept o- a co%%#!ity a 1co!str#ct1 )%o"el*, it is a 1sociological co!str#ct+1 It is a set o- i!teractio!s, h#%a! &ehavio#rs that have %ea!i!g a!" e,pectatio!s &et(ee! its %e%&ers+ Not 2#st actio!, &#t actio!s &ase" o! share" e,pectatio!s, val#es, &elie-s a!" %ea!i!gs &et(ee! i!"ivi"#als+ To #!"ersta!" ho( a co%%#!ity operates, a!" ho( it cha!ges, it is !ecessary

to lear! a little &it a&o#t sociology the scie!ce+ The %o&ili'er is a! applie" scie!tist4 social scie!tist+ While a p#re scie!tist is i!tereste" i! ho( thi!gs (or., the applie" scie!tist is i!tereste" i! ta.i!g that .!o(le"ge a!" getti!g #se-#l res#lts+

A Co%%#!ity has 0#''y Bo#!"aries$

Whe! a! i"e!ti-ie" co%%#!ity is a little village, separate" &y a -e( .ilo%etres -ro% other villages, i! a r#ral area, its &o#!"aries appear at -irst to &e very si%ple+ That patter! o- h#%a! i!teractio! %ay &e see! as co!sisti!g o!ly orelatio!s &et(ee! the resi"e!ts livi!g i!si"e that locatio!, i!si"e that village+ B#t its resi"e!ts i!teract also (ith people o#tsi"e the village+ They %arry perso!s -ro% !ear a!" -ar, a!" %ay %ove or &ri!g a spo#se i! to live (ith the%+ At a!y o!e ti%e, those village resi"e!ts %ay have sisters, &rothers, co#si!s, pare!ts a!" e,te!"e" relatives livi!g else(here+ The &o#!"ary o- that co%%#!ity is !ot so precise+

Co%%#!ities Ca! &e Withi! Co%%#!ities$

There %ay &e co%%#!ities (ithi! larger co%%#!ities, i!cl#"i!g "istricts, regio!s, eth!ic gro#ps, !atio!s a!" other &o#!"aries+ There %ay &e %arriages a!" other i!teractio! that li!. villages o! &oth si"es o- !atio!al &or"ers+

Co%%#!ities May Move$

0#rther%ore, (here tech!ology is !ot &ase" o! local hortic#lt#re, the co%%#!ity resi"e!ts %ay &e physically %o&ile+ They %ay &e !o%a"ic her"ers (alWHAT IS COMMUNITY? A Sociological Perspective By Phil Bartle, Ph I!tro"#ctio!$ A %o&ili'er, a!i%ator or activist is a perso! (ho tries to %ove )activate, a!i%ate* a co%%#!ity+ The trai!i!g %aterial o! this (e& site is ai%e" at %o&ili'ers a!" their %a!agers, e,plai!i!g %etho"s o- %a.i!g a co%%#!ity %ove+ B#t (hat is a co%%#!ity?

The Nat#re o- Co%%#!ities$ /i.e %ost thi!gs i! the social scie!ces, co%%#!ity "oes !ot -it i!to a !ice !eat pac.age+ We #se the (or" a lot, &#t i! this trai!i!g it is i%porta!t to as. %ore serio#sly (hat it is+ 0irst, let #s !ote that a 1co%%#!ity1 is a co!str#ct, a %o"el+ We ca! !ot see a (hole co%%#!ity, (e ca! !ot to#ch it, a!" (e ca! !ot "irectly e,perie!ce it+ See elepha!t+ /i.e the (or"s 1hill1 or 1s!o(-la.e,1 a co%%#!ity %ay co%e i! o!e o- %a!y shapes, si'es, colo#rs a!" locatio!s, !o t(o o- (hich are ali.e+ More i%porta!tly, a co%%#!ity is !ot 2#st the people (ho are i! it+ A co%%#!ity #s#ally (as alrea"y e,isti!g (he! all o- its c#rre!t resi"e!ts (ere !ot yet &or!, a!" it (ill li.ely co!ti!#e to e,ist (he! all o- the people i! it have le-t+ It is so%ethi!g that is &eyo!" its very co%po!e!ts, its resi"e!ts or co%%#!ity %e%&ers+ A co%%#!ity %ay have %e%&ers (ho have te%porarily %ove" to other locatio!s+ They %ay (ish to eve!t#ally ret#r!, &#t !ot all "o+ A 1co%%#!ity1 i! so%e se!ses %ay !ot eve! have a physical locatio!, &#t &e "e%arcate" &y &ei!g a gro#p o- people (ith a co%%o! i!terest+ I! the trai!i!g %aterial here, ho(ever, the 1co%%#!ity1 (hich is the o&2ect o- a %o&ili'er3s atte!tio!, is #s#ally o!e (ith a physical geographic locatio!+ A Co%%#!ity is a Sociological Co!str#ct$ Not o!ly is the co!cept o- a co%%#!ity a 1co!str#ct1 )%o"el*, it is a 1sociological co!str#ct+1 It is a set o- i!teractio!s, h#%a! &ehavio#rs that have %ea!i!g a!" e,pectatio!s &et(ee! its %e%&ers+ Not 2#st actio!, &#t actio!s &ase" o! share" e,pectatio!s, val#es, &elie-s a!" %ea!i!gs &et(ee! i!"ivi"#als+ To #!"ersta!" ho( a co%%#!ity operates, a!" ho( it cha!ges, it is !ecessary to lear! a little &it a&o#t sociology the scie!ce+ The %o&ili'er is a! applie" scie!tist4 social scie!tist+ While a p#re scie!tist is i!tereste" i! ho( thi!gs (or., the applie" scie!tist is i!tereste" i! ta.i!g that .!o(le"ge a!" getti!g #se-#l res#lts+

A Co%%#!ity has 0#''y Bo#!"aries$ Whe! a! i"e!ti-ie" co%%#!ity is a little village, separate" &y a -e( .ilo%etres -ro% other villages, i! a r#ral area, its &o#!"aries appear at -irst to &e very si%ple+ That patter! o- h#%a! i!teractio! %ay &e see! as co!sisti!g o!ly orelatio!s &et(ee! the resi"e!ts livi!g i!si"e that locatio!, i!si"e that village+ B#t its resi"e!ts i!teract also (ith people o#tsi"e the village+ They %arry perso!s -ro% !ear a!" -ar, a!" %ay %ove or &ri!g a spo#se i! to live (ith the%+ At a!y o!e ti%e, those village resi"e!ts %ay have sisters, &rothers, co#si!s, pare!ts a!" e,te!"e" relatives livi!g else(here+ The &o#!"ary o- that co%%#!ity is !ot so precise+ Co%%#!ities Ca! &e Withi! Co%%#!ities$ There %ay &e co%%#!ities (ithi! larger co%%#!ities, i!cl#"i!g "istricts, regio!s, eth!ic gro#ps, !atio!s a!" other &o#!"aries+ There %ay &e %arriages a!" other i!teractio! that li!. villages o! &oth si"es o- !atio!al &or"ers+ Co%%#!ities May Move$ 0#rther%ore, (here tech!ology is !ot &ase" o! local hortic#lt#re, the co%%#!ity resi"e!ts %ay &e physically %o&ile+ They %ay &e !o%a"ic her"ers (al.i!g lo!g "ista!ces (ith their cattle+ They %ay &e %o&ile -ishi!g gro#ps (ho %ove -ro% ti%e to ti%e as the -ish are availa&le+ They %ay &e h#!ters (ho %ove to -ollo( the ga%e+ They %ay &e h#!ters (ho %ove to -ollo( the ga%e+ Ur&a! Co%%#!ities are Special$ I! #r&a! areas, a co%%#!ity %ay &e a s%all gro#p o- a -e( ho%estea"s o-

people -ro% a co%%o! origi!+ That co%%#!ity i! t#r!, %ay &e part o- a !eigh&o#rhoo" co%%#!ity or a &arrio or other local #r&a! "ivisio!+ As the &o#!"aries &eco%e (i"er, there is %ore heteroge!eity )"i--ere!ces i! origi!, la!g#age, religio! or other -eat#res that ca! -or% a co%%o! i"e!tity*+ It %ay &e i! t#r!, a part o- a (i"er %#!icipality, (hich i! t#r! %ay &e part o- a co!glo%eratio! co%prisi!g a large city+ I! ge!eral )(ith e,ceptio!s* a! #r&a! co%%#!ity has %ore -#''y &o#!"aries, is %ore "i--ic#lt to "e%arcate, is %ore heteroge!eo#s )varie", %i,e"*, %ore co%ple,, a!" %ore "i--ic#lt to orga!i'e #si!g sta!"ar" co%%#!ity "evelop%e!t %etho"s, a!" has %ore co%ple, a!" sophisticate" goals, tha! r#ral co%%#!ities+ .i!g lo!g "ista!ces (ith their cattle+ They %ay &e %o&ile -ishi!g gro#ps (ho %ove -ro% ti%e to ti%e as the -ish are availa&le+ They %ay &e h#!ters (ho %ove to -ollo( the ga%e+ They %ay &e h#!ters (ho %ove to -ollo( the ga%e+

Ur&a! Co%%#!ities are Special$

I! #r&a! areas, a co%%#!ity %ay &e a s%all gro#p o- a -e( ho%estea"s opeople -ro% a co%%o! origi!+ That co%%#!ity i! t#r!, %ay &e part o- a !eigh&o#rhoo" co%%#!ity or a &arrio or other local #r&a! "ivisio!+ As the &o#!"aries &eco%e (i"er, there is %ore heteroge!eity )"i--ere!ces i! origi!, la!g#age, religio! or other -eat#res that ca! -or% a co%%o! i"e!tity*+ It %ay &e i! t#r!, a part o- a (i"er %#!icipality, (hich i! t#r! %ay &e part o- a co!glo%eratio! co%prisi!g a large city+ I! ge!eral )(ith e,ceptio!s* a! #r&a! co%%#!ity has %ore -#''y &o#!"aries, is %ore "i--ic#lt to "e%arcate, is %ore heteroge!eo#s )varie", %i,e"*, %ore co%ple,, a!" %ore "i--ic#lt to orga!i'e #si!g sta!"ar" co%%#!ity "evelop%e!t %etho"s, a!" has %ore co%ple, a!" sophisticate" goals, tha! r#ral co%%#!ities+

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