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Test VIII LB Engleza

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NAME:.. TEST PAPER 1. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous. 1.

I (practise) $. %ou (eat & not) !. (e (kno) ) ,. -ob (run) 0. The chi*/ren (be) 2. The /o+ (bark) the piano or !" #inutes. up 'et. the# or a *on+ ti#e. 1" k#. .e is ver' tire/ no). on ho*i/a' or si1 /a's. since #i/ni+ht.

3. (e (#iss) the bus t)ice this )eek. 4. 5ane (rea/) . or t)o hours. She is sti** rea/in+ no). 6. 5ane (rea/). ten books this su##er. 1". 5ohn (arrive) 7ust .. . $. Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct position in the sentence. (rite the u** sentence . 1. (e )i** revie) our options. (to#orro)8 care u**') $. The' )orke/. (9uick*'8 to/a') !. (e ate. (at the restaurant8 )e**8 'ester/a' evenin+) ,. The chi*/ren )hispere/. (on :hrist#as Eve8 e1cite/*'8 in ront o the tree) 0. The choir san+. (*ast )eek8 beauti u**'8 at the co#petition) !. :o#p*ete the sentences )ith the o**o)in+ modal verbs: must, mustnt, should, shouldnt, dont have to, have to, can, cant. 1. $. !. ,. 0. 2. %ou.. ee/ ani#a*s at the ;oo. %ou .ta*k *ike that to 'our #u#. 5ane. p*a' the vio*in ver' )e** but she. sin+. %ou. brin+ #e the books toni+ht i 'ou are in a hurr'. (e .. +o ri+ht no). <ur train *eaves in ten #inutes. It=s ver' *ate. %oupa' #ore attention to 'ourse* . %ou=ve been eatin+ too #uch 7unk oo/ recent*'. 3. I.. )ash the /ishes.

,. Rea/ the te1t an/ answer the questions.

>ast su##er I )ent to Ma7orka is*an/ or #' ho*i/a'. This is*an/ is a antastic p*ace to re*a1 an/ #eet a *ot o interestin+ peop*e. It is a#ous or its *on+8 san/' beaches an/ its cr'sta* c*ear )aters. S)i##in+ in that sea is #a+ic? I sta'e/ in a ive@star hote* )hich )as rea**' )on/er u*. It )as enor#ous. It ha/ 10" roo#s8 ive bars8 a restaurant an/ a )i/e s)i##in+ poo*. The reception area o the hote* )as i#pressive. There )as the in or#ation /esk )here 'ou *e t 'our ke's ever' ti#e 'ou )ent out. The hote* *oun+e8 )here 'ou cou*/ sit an/ re*a1 or rea/ 'our ne)spaper8 )as beauti u*. It )as co*our u* an/ ha/ a antastic co**ection o #o/ern8 )oo/en scu*ptures. The restaurant ha/ /e*icious /ishes an/ o ere/ specia* ve+etarian #ea*s or those )ho /onAt eat #eat. Burin+ #' ho*i/a' I #et severa* peop*e. I #et the *ea/in+ actor o CTop DunC8 a ne) a/venture i*#..e )as rien/*' but ta*ke/ to us about his i*# a** the ti#e8 so he )as borin+ a ter a )hi*e. The #ost interestin+ person I #et there )as Ta#ara8 a 'oun+ Spanish scientist )ho took part in a se#inar at the hote*. The )a' she ta*ke/ about science ascinate/ #e an/ I )as curious to *earn #ore about )h' *i+ht trave* so ast an/ ho) ti#e +oes back)ar/s an/ or)ar/s. %ou cou*/nAt +et bore/ )hen 'ou sta'e/ in that hote* in Ma7orka. I )as /isappointe/ )hen I ha/ to *eave. .ope u**'8 I )i** +o back ne1t su##er?
1 Why did he go to Majorka? or ho*i/a's to stu/' to #eet his )i e to take part in a i*#

2 What is the island amous or? its s)i##in+ poo*s its *on+ rock' beaches its *on+ san/' beaches its interestin+ peop*e

! Why is swimming antastic in that sea? because o the )ar# cr'sta* c*ear )ater because o the co*/ cr'sta* c*ear )ater because o the co*/ c*ear )ater because o the cr'sta* c*ear )ater " What is a rece#tion used or?

to ask or in or#ation about the p*ace to *eave 'our ke's to pa' the bi** a** the above $ What is the lounge used or? to sit an/ have co ee to re*a1 an/ rea/ a #a+a;ine to )ait or so#e rien/s a** the above % Why did the actor become boring? because he cou*/nAt speak En+*ish because he ta*ke/ about the i*# a** the ti#e because he )as in a hurr' to atten/ a se#inar because he )as in *ove )ith the Spanish +ir*

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