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Whence Consumer Loyalty

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Whence Consumer Loyalty? Author(s): Richard L. Oliver Reviewed work(s): Source: Journal of Marketing, Vol.

63, Fundamental Issues and Directions for Marketing (1999), pp. 33-44 Published by: American Marketing Association Stable URL: . Accessed: 03/09/2012 02:23
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RichardL. Oliver


Consumer Loyalty?

Both practitioners and academics understand that consumer loyalty and satisfaction are linked inextricably.They also understand that this relation is asymmetric. Although loyal consumers are most typically satisfied, satisfaction does not universally translate into loyalty. To explain the satisfaction-loyalty conundrum, the author investigates what aspect of the consumer satisfaction response has implications for loyalty and what portion of the loyalty response is due to this satisfaction component. The analysis concludes that satisfaction is a necessary step in loyalty formation but becomes less significant as loyalty begins to set through other mechanisms. These mechanisms, and social omitted from consideration in current models, include the roles of personal determinism ("fortitude") bonding at the institutional and personal level. When these additional factors are brought into account, ultimate loyalty emerges as a combination of perceived product superiority, personal fortitude, social bonding, and their synergistic effects. As each fails to be attained or is unattainable by individual firms that serve consumer markets, the potential for loyalty erodes. A disquieting conclusion from this analysis is that loyalty cannot be achieved or pursued as a reasonable goal by many providers because of the nature of the product category or consumer disinterest. For some firms, satisfaction is the only feasible goal for which they should strive; thus, satisfaction remains a worthy pursuit among the consumer marketing community. The disparity between the pursuit of satisfaction versus loyalty, as well as the fundamental content of the loyalty response, poses several investigative directions for the next wave of postconsumption research.

some time, satisfaction researchhas been "king." Spawned by the widespreadadoption of the marketing concept, efforts to align marketingstrategy with the goal of maximizing customersatisfactionhave been pursued in earnest by productand service providers.Reported data show that, in 1993, postpurchaseresearch,"largelyincluding customer satisfaction work," accounted for onethirdof revenues received by the largestU.S. researchfirms (Wylie 1993, p. S-1). Subsequentdata (Higgins 1997) confirm the trend, showing that the numberof firms that commissioned satisfactionstudies in 1996 increasedby 19%and 25% in the United States and Europe,respectively. Yet cracks in the satisfaction research dynasty are beginning to appear.Calls for a paradigmshift to the pursuitof loyalty as a strategicbusiness goal are becoming prominent. Some writers in particularhave deplored the popularityof "meresatisfaction studies."For example, Deming (1986, p. 141) was among the first to state that "It will not suffice to have customers that are merely satisfied." More recently, Jones and Sasser (1995, p. 91) commented that "[m]erely satisfying customers that have the freedomto make choices is not enough to keep them loyal," and Stewart (1997, p. 112), in his article entitled "A Satisfied Customer Isn't Enough," suggested that the assumption that "satisfaction and loyalty move in tandem"is simply incorrect. For

Perhapsthe greatestproponentof the "satisfactionisn't enough" camp is Reichheld (1996), who coined the term "the satisfaction trap."Citing an impressive array of evidence from Bain & Company, he notes that, of those customersclaiming to be satisfied or very satisfied, between 65 and 85% will defect. Moreover, in the automobile industry, in which 85% to 95% of customers reportthat they are satisfied, only 30% to 40% return to the previous make or model. Thus, it would appearthat satisfaction research is a stepchildof the 1970s, an anachronismwhose time has past. This may be, but the analysis in this article suggests that many firms and industries should be content to pursue "meresatisfaction"as their goal. The Shift to Loyalty Strategies A shift in emphasisfrom satisfactionto loyalty appearsto be a worthwhile change in strategy for most firms because businesses understandthe profit impact of having a loyal customer base, as demonstratedby the figures provided by the associates of Bain & Company.Reichheld (1996; Reichheld and Sasser 1990) has summarizedthese data, reporting that the net presentvalue increase in profit that results from a 5% increase in customerretentionvaries between 25 and 95% over 14 industries.Moreover, others have noted that the relativecosts of customerretentionare substantiallyless thanthose of acquisition(e.g., Fornelland Wernerfelt1987). With these exceptional returnsto loyalty and the concomitantemphasis firms should devote to loyalty programs, why are defection rates among satisfied customers as high as 90%? And what can be done about it? The answers to these questions rely heavily on a greater understandingof the role of customer satisfaction in loyalty, other nonsatisof customerloyalty, and their interrelafaction determinants it In tionships. short, is time to begin the determinedstudy of loyalty with the same fervor that researchershave devotof customer satisfaction. ed to a betterunderstanding / 33 WhenceConsumerLoyalty

Professor ofManagement isValere Blair Potter L.Oliver Richard (MarketHe Vanderbilt School of Management, Graduate University. ing),Owen comtheir for reviewers Issue thethree thanks helpful Special anonymous Dean's andtheOwen atOwen, forService theCenter ments, Marketing discussions from has benefited Thisarticle Research. Fund forFaculty Marsha D.Johnson, Michael with various Linda, Gerry including people, further and Sanjay Sood.The author insights acknowledges Richins, Ownwith theHarley-Davidson from association Harley corporate gained H.O.G. andtheNashville, ersGroup Tenn., Chapter (H.O.G.) Journalof Marketing Vol.63 (SpecialIssue 1999),33-44

In pursuit of this goal, it would seem unnecessary to state that satisfactionand loyalty are linked inextricablyand that this relation is asymmetric.Although loyal consumers are most typically satisfied, the aforementioneddata show that satisfaction is an unreliable precursorto loyalty. This observationraises two questions:(1) What aspect of the satisfaction response has implications for loyalty? and (2) What fractionof the loyalty response is due to this satisfaction component? In addition, this task of more fully explaining the loyalty response requires that other determinantsof loyalty be identified.The possibilities include many other usage-relatedphenomena, including attitudelikeconcepts and social forces. In this sense, satisfaction becomes only one input to loyalty behavior,therebyallowing considerationof nonsatisfactiondeterminants. An inquiryinto the relevantliteratureshows that the satisfaction-loyalty relation is not well specified. Six of the many and diverse possible associations of satisfaction and loyalty are shown as panels in Figure 1. Panel 1 entertains the elementary assumptionthat satisfaction and loyalty are separate manifestations of the same concept, in much the same way that early total quality managementpromotersassumed that quality and satisfaction were identical pursuits. Panel 2 suggests that satisfaction is a core concept for loyalty, without which loyalty cannot exist, and that it anchors loyalty. Panel 3 relaxes the nucleonic role of satisfactionand suggests that it is an ingredientof loyalty but only one of its existence of components.Panel 4 suggests the superordinate FIGURE 1 of Satisfaction and Loyalty

ultimate loyalty (which will be discussed subsequently),of which satisfaction and "simple" loyalty are components. Panel 5 is true to the precedingstatementthat some fraction of satisfaction is found in loyalty and that that fraction is part of, but not key to, the very essence of loyalty. Finally, Panel 6 suggests that satisfaction is the beginning of a transitioning sequence that culminates in a separate loyalty state. This situation also suggests that loyalty may become independentof satisfaction so that reversals in the satisfaction experience (i.e., dissatisfaction) will not influence the loyalty state. One intentof this articleis to suggest which of in light of the conceptual these schemes is most appropriate logic to be presented.A reasonablemannerby which to begin this process is to provide definitions of the two concepts and examine their correspondence.' Definitions There are many definitions of both satisfactionand loyalty in the literature;a perusal of these reveals, however, that they are process definitions. That is, they define what consumers do to become satisfied and/or loyal. For example, satisfaction has been defined as an "evaluationof the perceived discrepancybetween priorexpectations... andthe actual performanceof the product"(Tse and Wilton 1988, p. 204; see also Oliver 1980). Generally,loyalty has been and continues to be defined in some circles as repeatpurchasing frequency or relative volume of same-brand purchasing (e.g., Tellis 1988). Of note is a definition crafted by Newman and Werbel (1973), who defined loyal customers as those who reboughta brand,consideredonly thatbrand,and informationseeking. All these definidid no brand-related tions suffer from the problemthat they recordwhat the consumer does. None taps into the psychological meaning of satisfactionor loyalty. In Oliver (1997), satisfaction is defined as pleasurable fulfillment. That is, the consumer senses that consumption fulfills some need, desire, goal, or so forth and thatthis fulfillment is pleasurable.Thus, satisfaction is the consumer's sense that consumption provides outcomes against a standardof pleasureversus displeasure.For satisfactionto affect loyalty, frequent or cumulative satisfaction is requiredso that individual satisfaction episodes become aggregatedor blended.As will be arguedhere, however, more than this is needed for determinedloyalty to occur.The consumermay require movement to a different conceptual plane-in all likelihood, one that transcendssatisfaction. In accord with this distinction, loyalty has been defined quite differently.In a modificationof Oliver's (1997, p. 392) definition, to include the act of consuming, loyalty is described here as a preto rebuyor repatronize a deeplyheldcommitment in the future,thereby ferredproduct/service consistently same-brand or samebrand-set purchascausingrepetitive efforts influencesand marketing ing, despitesituational to causeswitching behavior. havingthe potential is intended to applyto consumer lTheanalysis to be presented in business-tonotto thepersonal relationships goodsandservices,

Six Representations

Satisfaction is one with Loyalty



(4)Ultimate Loyalty




/L Loyalty



business markets.The relationshipliteratureis vast and involves requirecoverage beyond the intendedscope of this discussion.

thatwould suchas power variables, dependencies, manyadditional

341 Journalof Marketing, Special Issue 1999

Oliver (1997, p. 392) proceeds to describe the consumer who "ferventlydesires to rebuya productor service and will have no other."At still anotherlevel, he posits a consumer who will pursuethis quest "againstall odds and at all costs." These latterconditions define ultimateloyalty. The "Rationality" of Loyalty? Why would a consumer appearto be so naive, unaware,or fervent that he or she would seek out one-and only onebrandedobject or brandset2 to fulfill his or her needs?This is a pertinent question because the present era of global competitionseemingly would enable the consumerto move to better alternativesas soon as they materialized.Product improvements,refinements,and innovationsare now accelerating to the point that the increasinglevel of new product introductionsis predictedto be at recordlevels (see Cooper 1993, p. 4). In addition, authorshave noted the decline or "erosion" of the loyal segments of companies' consumer bases (e.g., East and Hammond 1996). What this means is that, for a consumerto become and remainloyal, he or she must believe thatan object firm's productscontinueto offer the best choice alternative.Moreover,he or she must do this while naively shunning communicationsfrom competitive firms and other innovatorsthatarguethat the loyalist's consumable is no longer the most efficient, lowest priced,of the highest quality,and so forth. will be Althougha responseto the irrationality argument provided,it remainstruethatconsumersexhibit loyalty,that firms with loyal customers benefit handsomely, and that those firms thatcan attaina loyal customerbase will wish to do so. To put this consumerdisplay of loyalty in perspective, an historicaloverview of previousattemptsat explainingthe psychological loyalty responseis in order.The following review and elaborationof Oliver (1997) traces prior frameworks of consumer loyalty to the present.

point to a focal brandpreferenceif true brandloyalty exists. Thus, (1) the brandattribute ratings(beliefs) must be preferable to competitive offerings, (2) this "information" must coincide with an affective preference (attitude) for the brand, and (3) the consumer must have a higher intention (conation) to buy the brandcomparedwith that for alternatives. Unfortunately, relatively little elaboration of this attitude-basedframeworkhas emerged (cf. Dick and Basu 1994). Loyalty Phases Oliver's (1997) framework follows this cognition-affectconation patternbut differs in that he arguesthat consumers can become "loyal"at each attitudinalphase relatingto different elements of the attitude development structure. Specifically, consumers are theorized to become loyal in a cognitive sense first, then laterin an affective sense, still later in a conative manner,and finally in a behavioralmanner, which is describedas "actioninertia." Cognitiveloyalty.In the first loyalty phase, the brandattributeinformationavailable to the consumer indicates that one brandis preferableto its alternatives.This stage is referredto as cognitive loyalty,or loyalty based on brandbelief only. Cognitioncan be basedon prioror vicariousknowledge or on recent experience-basedinformation.Loyalty at this phase is directedtowardthe brandbecause of this "information" (attributeperformancelevels). This consumer state, is routine, however, is of a shallow nature.If the transaction so thatsatisfactionis not processed(e.g., trashpickup,utility provision),the depthof loyalty is no deeperthanmere performance.If satisfactionis processed,it becomes partof the consumer'sexperienceand begins to take on affective overtones. Affective loyalty. At the second phase of loyalty development, a liking or attitudetowardthe brandhas developed on the basis of cumulatively satisfying usage occasions. This reflects the pleasuredimension of the satisfactiondefinition-pleasurable fulfillment-as previously described. Commitmentat this phase is referredto as affective loyalty and is encoded in the consumer's mind as cognition and affect. Whereas cognition is directly subject to counterargumentation,affect is not as easily dislodged. The brandloyalty exhibited is directed at the degree of affect (liking) for the brand.Similarto cognitive loyalty, however,this form of loyalty remainssubject to switching, as is evidenced by the data that show that large percentages of brand defectors claim to have been previously satisfied with their brand. Thus, it would be desirable if consumers were loyal at a deeper level of commitment. Conativeloyalty.The next phase of loyalty development is the conative (behavioralintention)stage, as influenced by repeatedepisodes of positive affect towardthe brand.Conation, by definition, implies a brand-specificcommitmentto repurchase.Conative loyalty, then, is a loyalty state that contains what, at first, appearsto be the deeply held commitmentto buy noted in the loyalty definition.However, this commitment is to the intention to rebuy the brand and is more akin to motivation. In effect, the consumer desires to repurchase,but similar to any "good intention,"this desire may be an anticipatedbut unrealizedaction. / 35 WhenceConsumerLoyalty

Previous Conceptualizations of Loyalty

Jacoby and Chestnut(1978) have explored the psychological meaning of loyalty in an effort to distinguishit from behavioral (i.e., repeat purchase) definitions. Their analysis concludes that consistent purchasingas an indicatorof loyalty could be invalid because of happenstancebuying or a preferencefor convenience and that inconsistentpurchasing could mask loyalty if consumerswere multibrand loyal. Because of these possibilities, the authors conclude that it would be unwise to infer loyalty or disloyalty solely from repetitivepurchasepatternswithout furtheranalysis. The furtheranalysis needed to detect true brandloyalty requires researchersto assess consumer beliefs, affect, and intention within the traditionalconsumer attitudestructure. More specifically, all three decision-making phases must finds 2Brand-set or multibrand loyaltyexists whena consumer so substitutable or perfectly twoor morebrands acceptable equally An example and used interchangeably. that they are purchased the same cereals. As in the loyaltydefinition, wouldbe breakfast Itis recto singleas to multibrand loyalty. conceptual logicapplies workis andfurther assumption, ognizedthatthisis a simplifying in thisarea. encouraged

Action loyalty. Study of the mechanismby which intentions are converted to actions is referredto as "actioncontrol" (Kuhl and Beckmann 1985). In the action control sequence, the motivatedintentionin the previous loyalty state into readinessto act. The action control paris transformed adigm proposes that this is accompanied by an additional desire to overcome obstacles thatmight preventthe act. Action is perceivedas a necessaryresultof engaging boththese states. If this engagement is repeated, an action inertiadevelops, therebyfacilitatingrepurchase. between the two action control Note the correspondence constructs,readinessto act and the overcomingof obstacles, and the loyalty definitionpresentedpreviously.Readinessto act is analogousto the "deeplyheld commitmentto rebuyor repatronizea preferredproduct/serviceconsistently in the future,"whereas"overcomingobstacles"is analogousto rebuying "despitesituationalinfluences and marketingefforts having the potential to cause switching behavior"(Oliver 1997, p. 392). This latter notion of ignoring or deflecting suitors is a critical aspect of subsequentanalysis. Thus, completing the preceding cognitive-affectiveconative frameworkswith a fourth, or action, phase brings the attitude-basedloyalty model to the behaviorof interest, the action state of inertial rebuying. Cognitive loyalty focuses on the brand'sperformanceaspects, affective loyalty is directedtowardthe brand'slikeableness, conative loyalty is experiencedwhen the consumerfocuses on wantingto rebuy the brand,and action loyalty is commitmentto the action of rebuying.As noted, little work has appearedto corroborate or refute this extended perspective. This is unfortunate,because the weaknesses of these four loyalty phases requirespecification if marketersare to protecttheir loyal customer base. Two different sources of such weakness are discussed next. Obstacles to Loyalty Consumer idiosyncrasies. Some aspects of consumer consumption are antitheticalto loyalty. For example, variety seeking frequentlyhas been cited as a traitthat will not

permit loyalty to develop until there is no variety to sample. This will be particularlytrue at the cognitive and even the conative level. Until the variety-seeking consumer reaches action inertia, the lure of new experience will be too temptingto ignore. Many productand service providers fall into this pattern(e.g., dining establishments) and find that even their regular clientele will try new and different alternatives. Otherreasons for apparentconsumer disloyalty include multibrandloyalty, withdrawal from the product category (e.g., smoking cessation), and changes in need. This last phenomenoncan occur in two different forms. In the first, the consumermatures,and new needs supplantthe old. For example, as a child grows, the toys and games played with change to matchthe child's developmentalphase. In the second form, which was alludedto underthe topic of consumer rationality,a competitive innovationfulfills the consumer's needs more efficiently, or so it may seem. Although it is also possible that the consumer's needs have changed, so that the competitive offering is now the logical choice, competitive messages frequentlytout the ability of a productto fulfill needs better. This takes the discussion to the role of switching incentives. Switching incentives. Previously, it has been suggested that true loyalty is, in some sense, irrational.Competitors can (and do) take advantageof this position, engaging consumersthroughpersuasivemessages and incentives with the purpose of attempting to lure them away from their preferred offering. These verbal and physical enticements are the obstacles that brandor service loyalists must overcome. As may be evident at this point, the easiest form of loyalty to breakdown is the cognitive variety;the most difficult is the action state. Thus, the cognitive-to-action loyalty sequence brings the analysis closer to the emergence of full loyalty but still fails to satisfy the definition of ultimateloyalty because each phase is subject to attack. The four-stage loyalty model has different vulnerabilities, depending on the nature of the consumer's commitment, which are summarizedin Table 1. Cognitive loyalty

TABLE 1 Loyalty Phases with Corresponding Vulnerabilities Stage Cognitive Identifying Marker to information Loyalty such as price, features, and so forth. to a liking: Loyalty "Ibuy it because I like it." to an intention: Loyalty "I'm committedto buyingit." to action inertia, Loyalty coupled withthe overcomingof obstacles. Vulnerabilities Actualor imaginedbettercompetitivefeatures or price through communication (e.g., advertising)and vicariousor personal experience. trial. in brandfeatures or price.Varietyseeking and voluntary Deterioration induceddissatisfaction.Enhanced likingfor competitivebrands, Cognitively perhaps conveyed throughimageryand association. Varietyseeking trial.Deteriorating and voluntary performance. Persuasivecounterargumentative competitivemessages. Inducedtrial(e.g., Deteriorating promotions). coupons, sampling,point-of-purchase performance. of a Inducedunavailability (e.g., stocklifts-purchasing the entireinventory productfroma merchant).Increased obstacles generally. competitor's performance. Deteriorating




36 / Journalof Marketing, Special Issue 1999

is based on performance levels, whether functional, aesthetic, or cost-based, and is thereby subject to failings on these dimensions. For example, in the area of services, it has been shown that deterioratingdelivery is a strong enhancementto switch (Keaveney 1995). Price, in particular, is a powerful competitive weapon for commonly purchased items (Kalyanaramand Little 1994; Sivakumar and Raj 1997). Thus, cognitive loyalty is actually "phantomloyalty," because it is directed at costs and benefits, not the brand. At the next level, affective loyalty can become susceptible to dissatisfactionat the cognitive level (Heide and Weiss 1995; Keaveney 1995; Morganand Dev 1994), thereby inducing attitudinalshifts (Oliver 1980). A concurrenteffect of dissatisfactionobserved in the literatureis the increased attractivenessof alternativesuppliers (Ping 1994; Sambandam and Lord 1995). Thus, affective loyalty is first subject to the deteriorationof its cognitive base, which causes dissatisfaction, which then has deleterious effects on the strengthof attitudetowarda brandand, hence, on affective loyalty. It is also possible for competitive communications to use imagery and association to enhance the image of alternative brands while degrading the image of the present brand. Although conative loyalty brings the consumer to a strongerlevel of loyalty commitment,it has its vulnerabilities. A consumerat this phase can weathersome small number of dissatisfactoryepisodes (Oliva, Oliver, and Macmillan 1992), but the motivation to remain committed can be worndown by barragesof competitivemessages, particularly if they enhance the perceivedseverity of experienceddissatisfaction. In addition,competitive producttrial resulting from samples, coupons, or point-of-purchasepromotions may be particularlyeffective, because the consumer has committedonly to the brand,not to avoiding trialof new offerings. Thus, the conatively loyal consumer has not developed the resolve to avoid consideration of competitive brandsintentionally. At this junctureand perhapsbefore action loyalty manifests itself, the firm has achieved "product The superiority." firm has engenderedenhancedliking, or even an established preference,for its brandbecauseof the quality(information) and continuedability to satisfy. In addition,the consumeris committedto its repurchasein the future.However,the consumerhas not reachedthe state of resistance,resilience, and the overcoming of obstacles necessary for ultimate loyalty to emerge. This is even more true in today's economy because of the plethoraof seemingly superioralternativesthat assault the consumer's senses. On reachingthe action phase of brandattachment,however, the consumer has generatedthe focused desire to rebuy the brandand only that brandand also has acquiredthe skills necessary to overcome threats and obstacles to this quest. This consumer would be expected to "tuneout"competitive messages routinely, engage in eftortful search for the favored brand,and possibly even shun the trial of competitive brands.Marketerswith action-loyal segments need not expend great sums on retention because, theoretically, their consumers are governed by inertial repurchasing. Aside from deterioratingperformance,which is a potential

switching inducer at all stages, only insurmountableunavailability would cause such a consumer to try another brand. With the emergence of the action phase, it appearsthat the formulafor loyalty largely has been crafted.The actionloyal consumer has a deep commitment to repurchase,so much so that behaviormay be guiding itself in some habituated manner.But it is the province of competition to gain consumers' attentionso they hear its communications.One majorstrategyby which this is accomplished,common in all loyalty phases, is the creationof dissatisfactionwith the current brand.The role of satisfactionin loyalty formationand defection now can be specified more fully. In the same way that satisfactionis a building block for loyalty, primarilyat the affective loyalty stage, dissatisfaction is loyalty's Achilles tendon; here is where the competition can strike throughthe creationor facilitationof dissatisfaction. Why has emphasis shifted to dissatisfactioncreation as a competitive weapon if the role of satisfaction is just one of many in the loyalty development process? An answer to this question relates to the well-known disproportionalinfluence of negative information (e.g., Mizerski 1982). This phenomenon has been found in the context of disconfirmation-based satisfaction models for which research shows that a unit of negative disconfirmationhas a much greater effect on dissatisfaction than does a unit of positive disconfirmationon satisfaction(Andersonand Sullivan 1993; DeSarbo et al. 1994). This is the bane of satisfaction-based loyalty: The satisfaction concept itself, in the form of competitively induced dissatisfaction creation, can be a switching incentive. There must be more to the attainmentof ultimate loyalty.

New Issues in Loyalty Generation and Maintenance

Three new perspectives on customer loyalty are proposed, stated as questions: (1) Can the consumer elect to be selfisolated from competitive overturesso that competitive informationis blocked or screened? (2) Can the consumer be socially integratedin a "village" that envelops and directs the consumer'schoices in a satisfying way? and (3) Can the consumer effect a self-identity that correspondsonly to the selected brandand its community,in the mannerof religious sects adoptinga uniquelifestyle (e.g., the Amish)? These isof loyalty, singularly in the sues speak to the "community" case of self-isolation, communallyin the case of the village, and both in the case of a preclusive lifestyle. Dimensions of the Framework

The framework in Table 2 illustrates the dimensions on which these new issues are based. The vertical dimension reflects the degree of individual fortitude,or the degree to which the consumerfights off competitive overtureson the basis of his or her allegiance to the brandand not on the bainformation.Despite the artificial sis of marketer-generated breakin this continuuminto high and low categories, loyalty commitmentdevelops along the advancementof stages in the prior model. At the lowest levels of fortitude,the consumer has only brand-relatedinformation.At the highest / 37 WhenceConsumerLoyalty

TABLE 2 Four Loyalty Strategies Community/Social Support Low IndividualFortitude Low High Productsuperiority Determinedself-isolation High Villageenvelopment Immersedself-identity

levels of fortitude,the consumer has developed the action inertia discussed previously, as well as a fierce defense against competitive encroachment that approaches blind faith. The horizontal dimension of Table 2 illustrates low and high phases of community and social support. Here, the community provides the impetus to remain loyal because either it is enticing in a passive sense or it proactively promotes loyalty. This dimension is crossed with that of individual fortitude, so that the high-high cell contains the apex of loyalty and the low-low cell contains the weakest case of more vulnerable loyalty, basic product superiority. Product superiority,the weakest form of loyalty in this new framework, has been discussed previously in cognitive, affective, conative, and, to some extent, action terms. This reflects the traditional view of loyalty as resulting from high quality and/orproductsuperiority,which are believed to generate a strong sense of brand-directed preference. At some point in the cognitive-affective-conativeaction chain, the consumer will cross the threshold from low to high consumerfortitude.The perspectivetakenhere, however, provides further conceptual content in the high fortitude (and low social support) cell. In addition to the consumer's desire to rebuy on the basis of superiority,this frameworksuggests that he or she also will wish to rebuy on the basis of determinationor determinedself-isolation. That is, the consumerdesires an exclusive relationwith the brandand does not wish to be "courted" by other brands. The low fortitude, high social support cell, labeled "village envelopment," is analogous to the popular concept of "it takes a village." The consumer is shelteredfrom outside influences, nurturedin the use of selected and protected brands, and provided integrated and routinely updated consumption systems. Although this cell is discussed in greater detail subsequently, the common computer platformand networkingenvironmentsupported by most businesses is an example of this concept. The distinguishing feature here is that the consumer is a passive acceptor of the brandenvironment. Finally, the immersed self-identity cell contains the combined influences of fortitude and social support. The consumer intentionallyhas targetedthe social environment because it is consistent with and supports his or her selfconcept. In effect, the consumer immerses his or her selfidentity in the social system of which the brand is a part. This is a synergistic situation and is self-sustaining. The consumer fervently desires the productor service association, affiliates with the social setting knowing that it will be 38 / Journalof Marketing, Special Issue 1999

supportiveof this association, and, at the limiting extreme, is rewardedby the social system for his or her patronage. Religious institutionsare good exemplars of this situation, though other secular social settings are equally illustrative, such as fan clubs and alumni organizations. The defining characteristicsof these new perspectives are not directly underthe control of management,but they can be facilitated by it. They go beyond the cognitiveaffective-conative-action sequence because they transcend it. They tap into the socioemotional side of loyal consumption and closely access its meaning, as is discussed next. Recall that the low-low cell has been discussed previously as cognitive-affective-conative-action loyalty. Self-Isolation as a Sustainer of Loyalty Crossing the thresholdfrom a belief in product superiority to brand-directeddeterminism and personal fortitude is a somewhat nebulous process. The transitioningmechanism is not well understood,even for areas in which determinism is frequently observed (e.g., romance, religion, politics). For now, it may be instructive to begin with the end state of this dimension and focus on the ultimate bond a single consumer can make with a productor service provision. In this way, insights into lesser forms of fortitudeand the transition states may become evident. Recall that, when in this state of fortitude, the consumer has selected one and only one brandto repurchasecontinuously. He or she is immune from competitive overtures, cannot be swayed from determined repurchasing,defends the brand fiercely, and probably promotes the brand to others with some fervor. When a consumer voluntarilyremoves him- or herself from competitive overtures, effectively tuning out persuasive argumentsto switch, he or she has achieved a state not unlike the concept of love. Love has many manifestations, but in the presentcontext, the variantof interestis the love of consumables (Ahuvia 1992; Fournier 1998). In discussing this in the context of consumption,the sensual component of the phenomenoncan be put aside to concentrate on two other aspects: adoration,or focused attention, and unfailingcommitment. Adoration.It is an aspect of love that alternativesto the love object are not processed. Miller (1997, p. 758) reports that there is "no betterpredictorof relationshipfailure than high attentivenessto alternatives."In marketing,this same phenomenonhas been observed in two studies in the context of channel relationships and automobile selection (Ping

and Lord 1995). Other insights from the 1994; Sambandam relationshipliteratureinclude the observationsthat partners find their relationshipbetterin an idealistic sense thancomthatthe outcomes they currently parableotherrelationships, receive are perceived as betterthan they could obtain elsewhere, and that the alternativesto the present situation are less desirable, even when the currentstate of affairs is less than ideal (e.g., Murray, Holmes, and Griffin 1996). This poses the issue of what a love-type attachmentis in the realm of consumables.Ahuvia (1992) addresses this area. Referring to this exemplar of love as "object love," Ahuvia finds still furthersimilarities to relationshipliterature. Specifically, love objects provide need and want satisfaction; a sense of naturalfit; and emotional outcomes, including thrill, excitement, passion, sentiment,contentment, and relaxation. In addition, some forms of object love involve admirationbased on virtue;an engrossing experience of a continuing nature;self-sacrifice, including the personal costs of acquisition, maintenance, and so forth; and a sense of enduring attachment.Many and varied examples of consumable love were mentioned by the respondentsin Ahuvia's study, including music, travel, clothing, pets, and food. Other examples in the consumerdomain include products of the "cherishedheirloom" variety. Such heirlooms, treasures, collectibles, and items of irreplaceable worth (e.g., photographs)are known to have greatervalue in ownership than in acquisition. It would seem that their uniqueness is the object's bond to the consumer. The consumer dotes on these items and receives imagined doting in return. In much the same way thatsome pets give unqualified love, so does the object, for it exists solely for the owner's pleasure. For marketersof products, especially those marketing commodities as opposed to, say, major durables, this aspect of loyalty may be elusive. The more common the item and the more the degree to which replacements are exact duplicates of the original, the less likely loyalty is to emerge (Dowling and Uncles 1997). As has been suggested, object love is observed more frequently for possessions that can "love back," such as pets, collectibles, artwork, and some fashion items. Habitatsqualify here, as in the hearth as representativeof a home, as do prized and unique possessions (e.g., a piece of antique furniture). Jewelry sellers invoke this notion, because their wares frequently are sold as family treasures to be passed on to heirs. For consumablesthatfall betweencommoditystatusand those that love back, it may be that simple brandidentification serves some lesser but importantfunction in a loyalty response. This aspect of loyalty suggests that consumers may derive some psychic "romance"(as opposed to love) from identification with the brand.The symbolism of the corporatelogo should imply to others a certain uniqueness possessed by the consumerand not by others.For some, this such as when a Mason's hat is worn identity is discretionary, in the lodge. For others,the identityis meant for all to see at all times. The ultimatedisplay of this is a tattoo, a timeless symbol of identification.

Unfailing commitment. Discussions on commitment can

be found in many areas of study in which people form attachments.For example, it has been observed that commitment is the most common dependentvariable used in buyer-seller relationship studies (Wilson 1995). In general, commitment is an implicit or explicit pledge of relational continuity.In a sense, it transcendseven conative and action loyalty because it exists at a conscious level and is a goal in and of itself. Beyond the desire of reacquiringa preferredor even coveted-object, a consumer also can desire to be committed to that object. As was discussed previously, conative commitmentemerges from a prior liking, whereas love-generatedcommitmentresultsfrom a true affection (as opposed to the attitudeform of affect) for the productor service. This latter type of commitment is adoration- or devotion-based and maintained, in part, to stave off the sense of loss experienced when loved ones are missed. It is proposedthat this is one reason for the loyalty displayed towardhumanor humanlikeconsumables. Commitment to sports or entertainmentcelebrities would seem to follow this pattern,as would the popularityof personified animals and other objects (e.g., the Pillsbury Doughboy). The phenomenonis also common among children, because they are known to form strong attachmentsto dolls, stuffed animals, animal-like objects (e.g., Barney, Kermit, Disney characters),and clothes (e.g., a favorite hat). Some objects of an inanimatenatureacquirethis stature,as when a consumer claims that he or she "loves my car" (Belk 1988). Many automobile owners even give proper names to their cars. At this point, the discussion has considered only an individual in isolation committedto a brandand, in effect, becoming a more determinednaive loyalist. Picturethis single consumer,acting alone, deriving immense love and psychic income from the cherishedbrand.Put this scene in suspension for the presentand imagine anotherconsumer,an aimless wandererwith no brandpreference, engaging in happenstanceconsumption.What would happen if this second consumer chances on a social environment with built-in preferences?Might this consumer'sgaze be directedtoward brandsthe collective finds satisfying?And if so, what effect will this have? The Social Organization: The Village In its pure form, the village is a social alliance in which the primarymotivationto become loyal on the partof each consumer is to be one with the group, and the primarymotivation of the groupoverseers is to please theirconstituency.In this situation,the consumer becomes a (willing) participant becauseof the attentionprovidedby its members.In the limis not the consumable.Rather, iting case, the product/service it is the camaraderieprovided by the social organization. Good examples of this are senior citizen organizations,Web site chat rooms, lodges, travel clubs, and card clubs. Local Harley-DavidsonH.O.G. (Harley Owners Group) chapters participate in various benefits, including highway trash pickups, for this purpose. The exact nature of the philanthropicactivity is secondaryto the group camaraderie. This concept goes by many names in various literature but is perhapsbest exemplified as a "consumptioncommu/ 39 WhenceConsumerLoyalty

nity" (Friedman,VandenAbeele, and De Vos 1993), based on Boorstin's (1973) notion that individualsfeel a sense of community when they share the same consumption values and behaviors(see Schoutenand McAlexander 1995). Note that Boorstin's perspective is a somewhat weaker form of the social collective envisioned here, because he assumes thatthe mere knowledge of sharedconsumptionis sufficient to generatea consumptioncommunity.Thus, it appearsthat the social dimension of the proposedframework,similar to the fortitudedimension, is a continuum. Implicitin the concept of the consumptioncommunityis that it encompasses both a sense of belongingness and what Goodwin (1997) refers to as "communality."She distinguishes communalityfrom several other close relatives, describing it as resembling a friendship that is marked by nonessentialconversation,disclosure, and helping behavior. Thus, in the social consumptionvillage, the consumersubof the groupcolmits to thejudgmentand recommendations lective voluntarily and willingly. This subjugation is performed for the rewards of membership and to reap the friendshipsand protectivenessof the collective. There are many examples of this in the consumerenvironment.Residentialcommunitiesfor the elderly are exemplars, as are militaryposts (e.g., the commissary).In the former case, many consumption activities are preselected for residents,such as tours to locations of interest.Otherexamples include educational facilities (e.g., school lunchroom and sororitysystem, medical programs),the Greekfraternity facilities, managerial services that coordinate office environments, scouting, and cooperatives of all varieties. Proacducers with uniqueproductlines thatrequireproprietary cessories (Apple Computer, until recently), buying clubs (Sam's), and goal-orientedprograms(WeightWatchers)are other examples. In all manifestations of the consumption community, the loyalty exhibited stems from two primary ensources: brandexposure and repetitionand the apparent dorsementby the collective. In the absence of a contained environment,marketers can approximate this concept with the notion of family. that Consumerseverywherecan be contactedwith literature refers to buyers of like productsas family. GeneralMotors' (GM) Saturndivision used this concept when it had a firstyear "reunion"for all buyers of Saturn vehicles. Harleyin 1998, organizingfive Davidson hosted a 95th anniversary majorroutes throughoutthe United States by which Harley riders converged on Milwaukee, the corporation'shome. all of whom are part More than 100,000 bikers participated, of the Harley family. Other marketersuse status themes, such as Holiday Inn's PriorityOne Club and airline Executive Clubs, to achieve the same effect. For product and service categories with less family to offer, loyalty programs(see Dowling and Uncles 1997) may provide the same sense of participation. Modeled after frequent-flyerstrategies, loyalty programsare designed to with extraproduct(e.g., flights) or suprewardrepurchasers plementary goods and services. Such programs are now common and offered by credit card issuers, retailers, and even automotivemanufacturers (e.g., the GM card).Analyshow weak excess loyschemes these ses of the success of

alty effects, though some have demonstratedsubstantialreturns(Sharpand Sharp 1997). Individual and Social Integration: Fully Bonded Loyalty The final cell in Table 2 representsa blend of personalidentity with the cultural milieu surroundingthe consumable. This situationis distinguishedfrom the previousexample of the village because, in this case, the cultural/socialenvironment may assume a passive or stationary,though enticing, role. The consumer is drawn to the consumable environment, as opposed to the situation in which the environment defines consumptionfor the consumer,thoughthis occurs as well. The main distinguishingfeature of this cell is that the match"with both the consumable consumerfinds a "natural and its environment. This is a particularlyhealthy situation for the firm because the product/serviceis embedded inextricably within some portionof the consumer's psyche, as well as his or her lifestyle. The consumable is part and parcel of the consumer's self-identity and his or her social identity.That is, the personcannotconceive of him- or herself as whole without it. At the extreme, the object is presentintensionallyand extensionally. The consumer would say that the object is "partof me" and that it is an "extension of me" (see Belk 1988). He or she lives it. Strong examples include religious sects and cults, though consumables in the more ordinary consumptiondomain are candidates,as follows. Common examples include products,services, and even images supportedby fans with various levels of group identification. Sports teams, music groups, well-known entertainers (e.g., Elvis), alma maters, political organizations (e.g., Ross Perot's United We Stand America), and activity and lifestyle themes (e.g., skiers, GenerationXers) qualify. Typically,even including fan clubs, the identity of the consumeris not known to the team, artist,or so forth.The allure of the largerconsumptionicon is sufficient to hold the consumer to the loyalty state. Fans are known to go to great lengthsto supporttheiricon, from extensive travelto special uniforms(e.g., StarTrekkies)to head gear (e.g., parrotheads [Jimmy Buffett], cheeseheads [Green Bay Packers]) to paintedbodies. Other forms of display insignia include logos on outerwear, badges, bumper stickers, and affinity (credit)cards. Two excellent examples of this immersed self-identity strategy come from Harley-Davidson and Winnebago, a of recreationalvehicles (RVs). These firms, manufacturer through their corporate programs, support local clubs and rallies. Harley-Davidsonmanages its programwith the cooperationof its local H.O.G. chapters,which requiremembership in the corporate H.O.G. organization.Winnebago clubs are managed similarly, though members literally can live the Winnebago lifestyle in their Winnebago, some residing and travelingto rallies and otherlocations in theirRV year-round.Members receive roadside service, insurance, and even mail forwardingsupportfrom affiliation with the club. This ends the discussion of loyalty influences beyond the cognitive-to-action framework.A consumer's willing-

40 / Journalof Marketing, Special Issue 1999

ness to rebuy or repatronize cannot reach ultimateextremes until he or she is willing to adore and commit unfailingly (i.e., love) to a productor service. Beyond this, the necessary additionaladhesion stems from the social bondingof a consumptioncommunityand the synergy between the two. In essence, the consumerwants to be loyal, the social organizationwants him or herto be loyal, and as a result,the two may become symbiotic. These are stringentcriteria for the firm thatwishes to have a loyal customerbase. A reasonable and rhetoricalquestionthen is: Whatcompanieswill be able to attainthis state?

The Domain of Loyalty: Is It Accessible to All?

A fully immersed self-identity (the high-high cell in Table 2), as an ultimate loyalty state, cannot be achieved by all marketers.This requires product superiority at the minimum, plus customers who can become determineddefenders of the brand, plus a supportive social environment.If these requirements are unattained or unattainable, the depth of the loyalty state becomes more shallow and precarious. Whatdoes it take to bringall these into being?Thereare five essential criteria. First, the product must be of some unique configurationthat makes it desirable(i.e., superior). Second, a profitablysized segment of the firm's customers must find it desirable in this manner.Third,the consumable must be subjectto adoration, at least in the eyes of the firm's potentially loyal consumers.Fourth,the productmust have the capacity to be embedded in a social network, for if a firm's consumerscannot be networkedat least perceptually, they cannot feel that they are part of a village. Fifth, the companymust be willing to expend resourcesto create,populate, and maintainthe village. This does not have to be a physical or even electronic (e.g., Internet)village but rather can be maintainedthroughcommunicationat the corporate or local levels, as in the Winnebago and Harley-Davidson examples. Each of these criteriais discussed in greaterdetail next. Can the firm achieve and maintainproductuniqueness or superiorityin the face of aggressive competition?If not, the basic building block of cognitive loyalty is missing, and the firm must rely on fallback strategiessuch as low price. Particularlysusceptible are firms in rapidlygrowing industries in which product innovation is rampant.The current electronic online industryis one such example. Are the firm's major marketsegments likely to be loyal? This is an individualdifference issue that has not been broached here. Evidence cited in Oliver (1997) suggests that consumers are not necessarily loyal to, for example, food and household products.Major durableswere not investigated. As noted, commoditylike items are not good candidates for loyalty programs,though Chiquita,Sunkist, Perdue, and Columbian coffee have made strides in this area. In light of the materialpresentedhere, however, it is perhaps best to suggest they have engendered preference, not loyalty. Is the object or service "lovable?"Is it one for which a consumer can become a devoted defender of the branded

on the Americanautomoconsumable?Manycommentators bile experience have referredto the country's "love affair with the car." Some Americans still love their cars, take pride in ownership,pamperthem, and so forth. Belk (1988) cites many examples of objects that are cherished;memorabilia are high on the list. If consumerscan be conditionedto adore and commit unfailingly to the use of a brand,this dimension of loyalty can be cultivated. Can a social network be put in place that brings consumers in as family?Many manufacturers have attemptedto do this. Some begin, find the strategycostly, and drop it. For example, Saturnwaited until 1999 for its second reunionafter the first in 1994; the loss of a "reunioneffect" on buyers in the interveningyears is unknown. Chrysler's Jeep division has "Jeep Jamborees"at which Jeep owners try their skills at four-wheeldriving,butcommunicationsaboutthese events from the corporateoffice are irregular. Finally, can the personal zealotry of brand fascination and a supportivesocial network be merged? Fan clubs attempt this, and some succeed. In many cases, independent organizationstake this opportunityand exploit it. Organizers of Trekkie conventions, Elvis impersonationcontests, the Wally Byam CaravanClubs (AirstreamRVs), and collector's clubs (e.g., Barbie dolls) are examples. At the corporate level, serious planning and research must be undertaken to identify the truly loyal and find a mechanism to bring them togetherundera corporateumbrella. What if any of these conditions are unattainableor not attained?The potential for ultimate loyalty erodes in the same orderin which it develops. As the ability to bond a social network with the consumer's lifestyle cannot be achieved, as the social network possibilities are not available, as the ability for some consumers to love the product or service provisionis absent,and as the product'sability to sustain superiorityor uniquenessfails, so does the potential for loyalty. To the firm thatcannot find a loyalty angle, satisfaction is the best for which it can hope. This satisfaction can be quality-basedor, at the extreme minimalist position, price-based.In the end, loyalty will be unavailableto many, and efforts that "throw money at" loyalty programs are doomed to fail. These firms should be content to pursue mere satisfaction.

What Is the Relation Between Satisfaction and Loyalty?

Previously,six plausiblerelations,shown graphicallyin Figure 1, were suggested to link satisfaction and loyalty. It is of each in light of now time to discuss the appropriateness the evidence offered. Panel I, which suggests that satisfaction and loyalty are two manifestationsof the same concept, is dismissed easily. From the definitions profferedin Oliver (1997) and the many avenues of discourse presentedhere, it should be clear that the two concepts are distinct. Satisfaction is a fairly temporalpostusage state for one-time consumptionor a repeatedlyexperiencedstate for ongoing consumption that reflects how the product or service has fulfilled its purpose.From the perspectiveof the firm, satisfaction is delivered to the consumer.Loyalty, in contrast,is

/ 41 WhenceConsumerLoyalty

an attainedstate of enduringpreferenceto the point of determineddefense. Panels 2 and 3 suggest that satisfaction is an essential ingredient for the emergence of loyalty. The first argues that satisfaction is "core,"the second only that it is necessary. There is merit to these perspectives, because no possibility discussed here entertains loyalty development withoutearly or concurrentsatisfying episodes. Even in the village concept, it is presumed that the "menu"that is offered to the constituents is satisfying or, at least, satisfactory. Excepting those villages with severe exit barriers (e.g., cults), members would express dissatisfaction or leave the group if aspects of its consumption system were unsatisfactory.Although satisfaction may not be a core element of loyalty, particularlyafter loyalty has been established, it is difficult to entertainloyalty development without satisfaction.The enduranceof loyalty is anothermatter, however. Panels 2 and 3 diverge from the discussion presented here in terms of the degree to which loyalty totally encompasses satisfaction (i.e., satisfaction is contained entirely within loyalty). It is simple to demonstratecommon consumption situations in which satisfaction exists without loyalty (a satisfying meal, regardless of the entree) and loyalty exists without satisfaction (unequivocal blind faith, "my country, right or wrong"). In this sense, Panel 5 is more accurate, in that it shows satisfaction and loyalty in an overlapping posture, but the percentage of overlap is small in relation to the content of each construct. However, Panel 5 fails on the criterion of the independence of satisfaction and loyalty for the situations described. This leaves Panels 4 and 6, the first of which suggests that a superordinate concept, ultimate loyalty, encompasses both satisfaction and loyalty. For the same reasons discussed for Panels 2 and 3, the containment element of this description can be dismissed, but the notion of ultimate loyalty as superordinatecan be endorsed. In the attitude theme of loyalty, four forms of lesser loyalty-cognitive, affective, conative, and action-were entertained. In their own way, these are variants of loyalty. It is not until fortitude develops that ultimate loyalty becomes possible. This leads the discussion to Panel 6, in which satisfaction becomes transformedinto loyalty much like a caterpillar becomes transformedinto a butterfly.After this metamorphosis, the two creatures are not the same and share except for their biologvirtuallyno common characteristics ical origins. This is trulyan extreme position, for it suggests that loyalty never can return to mere satisfaction. Oliva, Oliver, and MacMillan (1992) have empirically suggested that there is a thresholdat which loyalty can revert to dissatisfactionin the face of repeatedlyunsatisfactory purchase episodes. Whathas not been shown is the case in which loyalty reverts to (positive) satisfaction and the consumer becomes open to competitive advances. The reason for the ambivalence regardingwhich conception is most accurate is that, even with the perspective taken here, there remain variantsof loyalty. In addition to

the cognitive-to-actionsequence, there are differentdegrees of loyalty, dependingon how manyof the synergisticfactors presented here are involved. Ultimate loyalty is supported by the convergence of product,personal, and social forces, and the consumerdisplaying this state has logical, personal, and communalloyalty sustainers.At the same time, competition is thwartedeasily by these same forces. The social environmentinsulates with a bufferingmechanism and is the consumer's fortress,the personalfortitudefactor acts as the consumer's shield, and the product'ssuperioritymaintains the logic mechanism-in effect, the consumer's weaponry. Removing any of these lowers the consumer'sresistance to competitivepersuasion.Loyalty supportedonly by the social environmentenables the consumer to look beyond its borders, in much the same way that children can look beyond the neighborhoodand family unit from which they developed. Loyalty supportedonly by fortitudeis susceptible to relapses such as self-doubt, second thoughts,competitive onslaught, and repetitively unpleasantdissatisfactoryexperiences. As discussed throughoutthis article, loyalty supportedonly by productinformationis subjectto competitive counterinformation. Thus, Panel 6 comes closest to the perspective taken here, except that satisfaction does not transform into loyalty as much as it is a seed that requires the nurturanceof sun, moisture, and soil nutrients. These are the analogies to personal determination and social support. Without these additional factors, satisfaction, similar to the seed, stays dormant. The consumer remains satisfied but does not grow beyond that state. Even a flash of sun or water-such as the flash of delight-will not begin the transformation process. When the seed sprouts, it will grow if the requisite factors are there. Only the fullgrown version contains the "health"necessary to fight off all comers.

Is Brand Loyalty an Anachronism of the 1990s?

Before discussing the researchdirections suggested by the issues raised here, it would be of interest to explore whether current economic conditions frustrate the emergence of loyalty. Much of this argumentrelies on the "irrationality of loyalty" position discussed previously. Greater regional and global competition, price competition, and marketfragmentationare cited as reasons "rational" consumers will be swayed to patronizethe productor service with a preferred (lower) price, better features, or more personally customized features as competitors' products are introducedto the market.Lacking from these reasons are elements that would cause consumers to prefer to be loyal. For example, a defense of loyalty can begin by referring to a basic instinctof humannatureto be loyal. Loyalty is noble. It suggests that a person has conviction, trust, and fidelity. But this aside, maintainingloyalty is easy; it is the tried and true. Consumers weary of consuming can repurchase withoutgreat effort, providedthe consumablehas not changed for the worse.

42/ Journalof Marketing, Special Issue 1999

Thus, the forces arguingfor waning loyalty are counterbalancedby those favoringloyalty.Loyalty behavioris in an apparentstate of equilibrium.This is evidenced by a recent study by Dekimpe and colleagues (1997), in which they found, at least in the categories studied, that there is variability aroundthe loyalty response, as there is for any human behavior.In essence, loyalty is as viable a strategyas it ever was. Its attainabilityfor individualfirms is not a constant, however, and firms are encouragedto study their position and options in the pursuitof this goal.

and willingness of firms to institute loyalty programs that consist of a village-type networking of consumers and the degree to which this same consumer base contains potential

devotees of the product or service. These questions were posed in the context of individualfirms and industries.The in the hope that queriesthatfollow are offered to researchers generalizations will be forthcoming as starting points for furtherresearchprograms:
*Whatproductand service categories are most adaptableto the fortitudeand village concepts? *Does industry structureplay a role in loyalty development among its members? *Is the rate of innovation a factor in loyalty for individual firms in industrieswith varying levels of innovativeness? *Do management experience, strategy, and resourcefulness play roles in loyalty programs? *Can managementidentify its loyal segments throughmeans other than repeatpurchasepatterns? cultivateloyalty throughthe mechanismsof *Canmanagement fortitudeand community?Whatare the natureand variantsof such programs?

Research Directions for the Future

Postconsumptioninvestigatorswill find that several issues that require both initial explorationand greater resolution await study. These issues involve the fundamentalmeaning and its link to revenuesnet of the of loyalty, its attainability, investments firms must make to ensure successful loyalty programs.Each is discussed in turn. What is Loyalty? Past researchers had assumed that loyalty could be described sufficiently by patternsof repeat purchasing.This notion was put to rest when multibrandand attitude-based models were proposed, which lead to the now popularcognitive-affective-conative representationof brand commitment. Although not well researched,action inertiahas been suggested as a fourthloyalty stage. In addition,this discussion has proposed behaviorstates that transcendthis somewhat logical model. In essence, consumers can become near-zealotson the basis of adorationand devotion and can be placed in self-sustaining social environmentsthat reinforce their branddetermination. Questionsarise, as follows:
*What portion of consumers in general are inherently loyal, disloyal, or ambivalent?Whatare the determiningcharacteristics of these states? Do consumersexpress loyalty differently across productand service categories? *If, as suggested here, satisfaction and loyalty are divergent concepts, what constitutes their overlap?Alternatively,what panel in Figure I best describestheircorrespondence? *How is the action-loyal state attained?Is it simple inertia,or does it have clear behavioralantecedents? *What is fortitude?Is it a combinationof adorationand commitment,as suggested here,or does it consist of othercontent? *What is the transitioningmechanismbetween action loyalty and fortitude?How does a consumermove from one state to the other,and how can firms facilitatethis? *What are the options for constructing a consumption community or village? How strong are the bonds in a "family" in which consumers might not have face-to-face contact? *Whatis the role of repetitionand mere exposure in loyalty in a consumptioncommunity? *What additional synergistic effects are garneredwhen fortitude and community combine? Are these effects additive or synergistic?

Is Loyalty Profitable to All? Workby associates at Bain & Company has suggested that the returnsto loyalty are in double-digit categories. These figures, however, speak more to retention than to psychological loyalty states. Although there is an unquestionable correspondence between the two, there are situations in which individualconsumersdo not have the opportunityor need to reconsumebut remainloyal nonetheless (e.g., alumni). Furtherinsight on the effects of such passive loyalty are needed. In addition,the Bain figures do not addressthe cost of loyalty programsbeyond the apparentrole of satisfactory purchasing.There remain the costs of ultimate loyalty, as discussed here in the form of maintainingthe synergy of village and fortitude.
*Whatare the costs, respectively,of various loyalty strategies, includingsatisfaction,productsuperiority,fortitude,community, and their synergy? *Do these strategies engender different returnsin relation to theircosts? *Are there quantifiable benefits to passive loyalty, such as word of mouthand recommendations? out? best managedin-houseor contracted *Areloyaltyprograms *Do loyalty programshave reciprocalinternaleffects, such as feedbackon employee morale? *Can loyalty be affected as a secondary result of improving employee moralegenerally? *What are the determiningcharacteristics,more generally, of returnsto loyalty?

Is Loyalty Attainable for Individual Firms? Several issues have been raised in the context of the attainability of loyalty states. Generally,these relateto the ability

It appears that there is much to be known about the much-laudedbut little understoodconcept of loyalty. With this in mind, it is hoped that the knowledge base of loyalty will be extended in the same way that satisfactionwork has progressed to current levels. Ironically, further strides in management'sunderstandingof loyalty may pose new issues and questions for satisfaction work, thus bringing the satisfaction-loyaltyconundrumfull circle.

/ 43 WhenceConsumerLoyalty

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Issue1999 ofMarketing, 44/ Journal Special

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