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Acceleration: Velocity Vector

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Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity. Acceleration is inherently a vector quantity, and an object will have non-zero acceleration if its speed and/or direction is changing. The average acceleration is given by

where the small arrows indicate the vector quantities. The operation of subtracting the initial from the final velocity must be done by vector addition since they are inherently vectors. The units for acceleration can be implied from the definition to be meters/second divided by seconds, usually written m/s2. The instantaneous acceleration at any time may be obtained by taking the limit of the average acceleration as the time interval approaches zero. This is the derivative of the velocity with respect to time:


Motion equations when acceleration is constant HyperPhysics***** Mechanics Go Back

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Index Newton's Laws

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Description of Motion in One Dimension

Motion is described in terms of displacement (x), time (t), velocity (v), and acceleration (a). Velocity is the rate of change of displacement and the acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. The average velocity and average acceleration are defined by the relationships:

Index A bar above any quantity indicates that it is the average value of that quantity. If the acceleration is constant, then equations 1,2 and 3 represent a complete description of the motion. Equation 4 is obtained by a combination of the others. Click on any of the equations for an example. Graphing one-dimensional motion Motion concepts

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Distance, Average Velocity and Time

The case of motion in one dimension (one direction) is a good starting point for the description of motion. Perhaps the most intuitive relationship is that average velocity is equal to distance divided by time: Index Motion concepts Motion example

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Distance, Average Velocity and Time

The case of motion in one dimension (one direction) is a good starting point for the description of motion. A basic type of calculation may be explored here by substituting numbers and then clicking on the bold text of the quantity you wish to calculate. Make only one substitution at a time and click the desired quantity -- then you can repeat with other substitutions. Index m= m/s * s=( m/s + m/s) * time/2 Motion concepts

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Forms of Motion Equations

Index Motion concepts Motion example

Alternate derivation using calculus

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Forms of Motion Equations

Index Motion concepts

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Motion Example
Initial velocity = m/s, Final velocity = m/s

Index Distance traveled x = m In this example, the items labeled on the diagram are considered primary: if one of them is changed, the others remain the same. The data in the boxes may be changed, and the calculation will be done when you click outside the box, subject to the constraints described. Changing average velocity, acceleration or time will force a change in at least one of the original quantities. In this version, the final velocity is allowed to change. HyperPhysics***** Mechanics Distance x = Initial velocity v0 = Final velocity v = Average velocity = Acceleration a = Time t = s m m/s m/s m/s m/s^2 Motion concepts

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Motion Example
Initial velocity = m/s, Final velocity = m/s Index Motion concepts Distance traveled x = m In this example, the items labeled on m the diagram are considered primary: if Distance x = one of them is changed, the others Initial velocity v0 = remain the same. The data in the Final velocity v = boxes may be changed, and the

m/s m/s

calculation will be done when you Average velocity = click outside the box, subject to the constraints described. If the average Acceleration a = velocity is directly changed, the final Time t = s velocity is adjusted for consistency. If the acceleration or time is changed, then the distance is allowed to change.

m/s m/s^2

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Linear Motion Explorer

These motion equations apply only in the case of constant acceleration. It is assumed that x=0 at t=0 and that the motion is being examined at time t. After you have edited any box of motion data, click on the text or symbol for the quantity you wish to calculate. If it does not behave the way you expect, see the comments on the calculation. Index Motion concept s m/s = m/s + m/s x



m= m/s x s + 1/2 m/s2 * t2 Go Back

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Comments on Motion Explorer

In the example motion calculation, some assumptions are made about the calculation order. It is intended to be an exploration exercise, and may not conveniently solve all problems. The motion equations represent a complete set of equations for constant acceleration motion, but in certain types of problems, intermediate results must be calculated before proceeding to the Index final calculation. In the example calculation, you may have to do intermediate calculations, e.g., to establish the final velocity, in order to set up the problem Motion you wish to solve, just as if you were working the problem with calculator concepts and paper. In the example calculation, the time, initial velocity, and displacement were considered given (primary) unless they were being calculated . For example,if x is being calculated, then v is assumed given, so it must be calculated first if you want to specify a. After making substitutions, not all values are updated, so to be sure a specific parameter has been updated, click on the text or symbol associated with that parameter. HyperPhysics***** Mechanics
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Motion Graphs
Constant acceleration motion can be characterized by motion equations and Index by motion graphs. The graphs of distance, velocity and acceleration as functions of time below were calculated for one-dimensional motion using the Motion motion equations in a spreadsheet. The acceleration does change, but it is concepts constant within a given time segment so that the constant acceleration equations can be used. For variable acceleration (i.e., continuously changing), then calculus methods must be used to calculate the motion graphs.

Add annotation about the slopes of the graphs. A considerable amount of information about the motion can be obtained by examining the slope of the various graphs. The slope of the graph of position as a function of time is equal to the velocity at that time, and the slope of the graph of velocity as a function of time is equal to the acceleration. HyperPhysics***** Mechanics
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The Slopes of Motion Graphs

A considerable amount of information about the motion can be obtained by examining the slope of the various motion graphs. The slope of the graph of position as a function of time is equal to the velocity at that time, and the slope of the graph of velocity as a function of time is equal to the acceleration.

Index Motion concepts Velocity and acceleration

In this example where the initial position and velocity were zero, the height of the position curve is a measure of the area under the velocity curve. The height of the position curve will increase so long as the velocity is constant. As the velocity becomes negative, the position curve drops as the net positive area under the velocity curve decreases. Likewise the height of the velocity curve is a measure of the area under the acceleration curve. The fact that the final velocity is zero is an indication that the positive and negative contributions were equal. HyperPhysics***** Mechanics
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Motion Graphs
Constant acceleration motion can be characterized by motion equations and by motion graphs. The graphs of distance, velocity and acceleration as functions of time below were calculated for one-dimensional motion using the motion equations in a spreadsheet. The acceleration does change, but it is constant within a given time segment so that the constant acceleration equations can be used. For variable acceleration (i.e., continuously changing), then calculus methods must be used to calculate the motion graphs.

Index Motion concepts

Add annotation about the slopes of the graphs. A considerable amount of information about the motion can be obtained by examining the slope of the various graphs. The slope of the graph of position as a function of time is equal to the velocity at that time, and the slope of the graph of velocity as a function of time is equal to the acceleration. HyperPhysics***** Mechanics
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The Slopes of Motion Graphs

A considerable amount of information about the motion can be obtained by examining the slope of the various motion graphs. The slope of the graph of position as a function of time is equal to the velocity at that time, and the slope of the graph of velocity as a function of time is equal to the acceleration.

Index Motion concepts Velocity and acceleration

In this example where the initial position and velocity were zero, the height of the position curve is a measure of the area under the velocity curve. The height of the position curve will increase so long as the velocity is constant. As the velocity becomes negative, the position curve drops as the net positive area under the velocity curve decreases. Likewise the height of the velocity curve is a measure of the area under the acceleration curve. The fact that the final velocity is zero is an indication that the positive and negative contributions were equal. Go Back

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Constant Acceleration Motion

Constant acceleration motion can be characterized by formuli and by motion graphs.

Index Motion concepts

Show development of formuli from calculus.

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Calculus Application for Constant Acceleration

The motion equations for the case of constant acceleration can be developed by integration of the acceleration. The process can be reversed by taking successive derivatives.

Index Motion concepts Velocity and acceleration

On the left hand side above, the constant acceleration is integrated to obtain the velocity. For this indefinite integral, there is a constant of integration. But in this physical case, the constant of integration has a very definite meaning and can be determined as an intial condition on the movement. Note that if you set t=0, then v = v0, the initial value of the velocity. Likewise the further integration of the velocity to get an expression for the position gives a constant of integration. Checking the case where t=0 shows us that the constant of integration is the initial position x0. It is true as a general property that when you integrate a second derivative of a quantity to get an expression for the quantity, you will have to provide the values of two constants of integration. In this case their specific meanings are the initial conditions on the distance and velocity.

Show framework for time dependent acceleration.

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Time Dependent Acceleration

If the acceleration of an object is time dependent, then calculus methods are required for motion analysis. The relationships between position, velocity and acceleration can be expressed in terms of derivatives or integrals.

Index Motion concepts Velocity and acceleration

Show constant acceleration case. Acceleration as polynomial in time.

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