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Spot-Billed Pelican: Scientific Name

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Bird The Spot-billed Pelican or Grey Pelican is a member of the pelican family.

. It breeds in southern Asia from southern Pakistan across India east to Indonesia. It is a bird of large inland and coastal waters, especially large lakes. Wikipedia Scientific name: Pelecanus philippensis Bird The Common Snipe is a small, stocky wader native to the Old World. The breeding habitat is marshes, bogs, tundra and wet meadows throughout northern Europe and northern Asia.Wikipedia Scientific name: Gallinago gallinago Bird The American White Ibis is a species of bird in the ibis family Threskiornithidae. It is found from the mid-Atlantic and Gulf Coast of the United States south through most of the New World tropics. Wikipedia Scientific name: Eudocimus albus The White-throated Kingfisher also known as the White-breasted Kingfisher or Smyrna Kingfisher, is a tree kingfisher, widely distributed in Eurasia from Bulgaria, Turkey, West Asia east through the Indian Subcontinent to the Philippines. Wikipedia Scientific name: Halcyon smyrnensis Bird The Painted Stork is a large wading bird in the stork family. It is found in the wetlands of the plains of tropical Asia south of the Himalayas in the Indian Subcontinent and extending into Southeast Asia. Wikipedia Scientific name: Mycteria leucocephala Bird The Cotton Pygmy Goose or Cotton Teal is a small perching duck which breeds in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, southeast Asia and south to northern Australia. Wikipedia Scientific name: Nettapus coromandelianus Bird The Bearded Vulture, also known as the Lammergeier or Lammergeyer, is a bird of prey, and the only member of the genus Gypaetus. Wikipedia Scientific name: Gypaetus barbatus

Spot-billed Pelican

Common Snipe

White Ibis

White-throated Kingfisher Painted Stork

Cotton Pygmy Goose Bearded Vulture

Bird (Species) The King Vulture is a large bird found in Central and South America. It is a member of the New World vulture family Cathartidae. This vulture lives predominantly in tropical lowland forests stretching from southern Mexico to northern Argentina. Wikipedia Scientific name: Sarcoramphus papa Bird The White-rumped Vulture is an Old World vulture closely related to the European Griffon Vulture. At one time it was believed to be closer to the White-backed Vulture of Africa and was known as the Oriental White-backed Vulture. Wikipedia Scientific name: Gyps bengalensis Bird The Indian Peafowl or Blue Peafowl is a large and brightly coloured bird of the pheasant family native to South Asia, but introduced and semi-feral in many other parts of the world. The species was first named and described by Linnaeus in 1758. Wikipedia Scientific name: Pavo cristatus Bird The European Golden Plover is a largish plover. This species is similar to two other golden plovers. Wikipedia Scientific name: Pluvialis apricaria Bird The Common Pochard is a medium-sized diving duck. The adult male has a long dark bill with a grey band, a red head and neck, a black breast, red eyes and a grey back. The adult female has a brown head and body and a narrower grey bill-band. Wikipedia Scientific name: Aythya ferina Bird The Common Shelduck is a waterfowl species shelduck genus Tadorna. It is widespread and common in Eurasia, mainly breeding in temperate and wintering in subtropical regions; in winter, it can also be found in the Maghreb. Wikipedia Scientific name: Tadorna tadorna Bird The darters or snakebirds are mainly tropical waterbirds in the family Anhingidae having a single genus Anhinga. Wikipedia Scientific name: Anhinga

King Vulture

White-rumped Vulture

Common Peafowl

European Golden Plover Common Pochard

Common Shelduck


Bird The Woolly-necked Stork, Bishop Stork or White-necked Stork is a large wading bird in the stork family Ciconiidae. It can also be known as the Episcopos. Wikipedia Scientific name: Ciconia episcopus Bird The Little Cormorant is a member of the Cormorant family of seabirds. Slightly smaller than the Indian Cormorant it lacks a peaked head and has a shorter beak. Wikipedia Scientific name: Microcarbo niger Ducula is a genus of bird in the pigeon family Columbidae; these pigeons are very large and are called imperial pigeons. Most imperial pigeon species show contrasting light coloration of the head, neck, and belly with darker back and wings. Wikipedia Scientific name: Ducula Bird (Species) The Sultan Tit is a large songbird with a yellow crest, dark bill, black upperparts plumage and yellow underparts. The sexes are similar. The female has greenish black upperparts and yellowish throat. Wikipedia Scientific name: Melanochlora sultanea Bird The Great Hornbill also known as Great Indian Hornbill or Great Pied Hornbill, is one of the larger members of the hornbill family. Great Hornbills are found in the forests of Nepal, India, Mainland Southeast Asia and Sumatra, Indonesia. Wikipedia Scientific name: Buceros bicornis Bird The Black-throated Jay is a species of bird in the Corvidae family. It is found in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. Wikipedia Scientific name: Cyanolyca pumilo Bird The Western Jackdaw, also known as the Eurasian Jackdaw, European Jackdaw or simply Jackdaw, is a passerine bird in the crow family. Wikipedia Scientific name: Corvus monedula The Rainbow Lorikeet, (Trichoglossus haematodus) is a species of Australasian parrot found in Australia, easternIndonesia (Maluku and Western New Guinea), Papua New Guinea, New

Woolly-necked Stork Little Cormorant Imperial pigeon Sultan Tit

Great Hornbill

Black-throated Jay

Western Jackdaw

Caledonia, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. In Australia, it is common along the eastern seaboard, from Queensland to South Australia and northwest Tasmania. Its habitat is rainforest, coastal bush and woodland areas. Several taxa traditionally listed as subspecies of the Rainbow Lorikeet are increasingly treated as separate species The Fischer's Lovebird is a small parrot species of the Agapornis genus. They were originally discovered in the late 19th century, and were first bred in the United States in 1926. They are named after German explorer Gustav Fischer. Wikipedia Scientific name: Agapornis fischeri Bird The California Quail, also known as the California Valley Quail or Valley Quail, is a small ground-dwelling bird in the New World quail family. It is the state bird of California. Wikipedia Scientific name: Callipepla californica The Secretarybird or Secretary Bird is a very large, mostly terrestrial bird of prey. Endemic to Africa, it is usually found in the open grasslands and savannah of the sub-Saharan region. Wikipedia Scientific name: Sagittarius serpentarius Bird The Adlie Penguin is a species of penguin common along the entire Antarctic coast, which is their only residence. Wikipedia Scientific name: Pygoscelis adeliae The Black-rumped Flameback, also known as the Lesser Golden-backed Woodpecker or Lesser Goldenback, is a woodpecker found widely distributed in the Indian Subcontinent. It is one of the few woodpeckers that are seen in urban areas.Wikipedia Scientific name: Dinopium benghalense Bird The Shikra is a small bird of prey in the family Accipitridae found widely distributed in Asia and Africa where it is also called the Little Banded Goshawk. Wikipedia Scientific name: Accipiter badius Bird The common hill myna, sometimes spelled "mynah" and formerly simply known as hill myna, is the myna bird most commonly seen in aviculture, where it is often simply referred to by the latter two names. Wikipedia

Fischer's Lovebird California Quail Secretarybird

Adlie Penguin

Black-rumped Flameback Shikra

Common Hill Myna

Scientific name: Gracula religiosa The Purple Sunbird is a small sunbird. Like other sunbirds they feed mainly on nectar, although they will also take insects, especially when feeding young. Wikipedia Scientific name: Cinnyris asiaticus Bird The Ostrich or Common Ostrich is either one or two species of large flightless birds native to Africa, the only living member of the genus Struthio, which is in the ratite family. Wikipedia Scientific name: Struthio camelus Bird Kiwi are flightless birds endemic to New Zealand, in the genus Apteryx and family Apterygidae. At around the size of a domestic chicken, kiwi are by far the smallest living ratites and lay the largest ... Wikipedia Scientific name: Apteryx Bird (Species) The emu is the largest bird native to Australia and the only extant member of the genus Dromaius. It is the second-largest extant bird in the world by height, after its ratite relative, the ostrich. There are three subspecies of emus in Australia. Wikipedia Scientific name: Dromaius novaehollandiae Bird (Species) The Crimson Rosella is a parrot native to eastern and south eastern Australia which has been introduced to New Zealand and Norfolk Island. It is commonly found in, but not restricted to, mountain forests and gardens.Wikipedia Scientific name: Platycercus elegans The Major Mitchell's Cockatoo also known as Leadbeater's Cockatoo or Pink Cockatoo, is a medium-sized cockatoo restricted to arid and semi-arid inland areas of Australia. Wikipedia Scientific name: Lophochroa leadbeateri Bird (Species) The Eclectus Parrot is a parrot native to the Solomon Islands, Sumba, New Guinea and nearby islands, northeastern Australia and the Maluku Islands. Wikipedia Scientific name: Eclectus roratus Bird

Purple Sunbird Ostrich Kiwi


Crimson Rosella

Major Mitchell's Cockatoo Eclectus Parrot

Golden Pheasant

The Golden Pheasant or "Chinese Pheasant", is a gamebird of the order Galliformes and the family Phasianidae. Wikipedia Scientific name: Chrysolophus pictus Bird The Lady Amherst's Pheasant, Chrysolophus amherstiae, is a bird of the order Galliformes and the family Phasianidae. Wikipedia Scientific name: Chrysolophus amherstiae Bird The Reeves's Pheasant, Syrmaticus reevesii, is a large pheasant within the genus Syrmaticus. It is endemic to China. The name commemorates the British naturalist John Reeves, who first introduced live specimens to Europe in 1831. Wikipedia Scientific name: Syrmaticus reevesii Bird (Species) The Scarlet Macaw is a large, red, yellow and blue South American parrot, a member of a large group of Neotropical parrots called macaws. It is native to humid evergreen forests of tropical South America. Wikipedia Scientific name: Ara macao The Military Macaw is a large parrot and a medium-sized member of the macaw genus. Though considered vulnerable as a wild species, it is still commonly found in the pet trade industry. Wikipedia Scientific name: Ara militaris The Black-headed Parrot, also known as the Black-headed Caique, Black-capped Parrot or Pallid Parrot, is one of the two species in the genus Pionites of the Psittacidae family; the other species being the allopatric White-bellied Parrot. Wikipedia Scientific name: Pionites melanocephalus Bird The White-bellied Sea Eagle, also known as the White-breasted Sea Eagle, is a large diurnal bird of prey in the family Accipitridae. Wikipedia Scientific name: Haliaeetus leucogaster Bird (Species) The Pied Imperial Pigeon is a relatively large, pied species of pigeon. It is found in forest, woodland, mangrove, plantations and scrub in Southeast Asia, ranging from Myanmar and Thailand south to ...Wikipedia

Lady Amherst's Pheasant Reeves's Pheasant

Scarlet Macaw

Military Macaw

Black-headed Parrot

White-bellied Sea Eagle Pied Imperial Pigeon

Scientific name: Ducula bicolor

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