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WebSCADA Remote Fault Indicator Monitoring Catalog v1 1 PDF

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Remote Monitoring System for Fault Passage Indicators

Shorter interruptions, fewer interruptions, reduced penalties.

Faster Fault Location and Supply Restoration
Power utilities are under constant pressure to improve security of supply and reduce the amount of time customers are without electricity. Regulators demand improvements in performance whilst at the same time increased commercial competition drives the need for rapid return on investment. Installing a system for remotely monitoring fault passage indicators provides an excellent return on investment whilst at the same time delivering improvements in two key performance figures: Reduction in Customer Minutes Lost; CML / SAIDI figures Reduction in Customer Interruptions; CI / SAIFI figures Nortechs unique approach to remote fault passage indicator monitoring offers utilities both a reduction in operational costs and a corresponding improvement in system performance.

n o r t e c h

For the power utility

Shorter interruptions Fewer interruptions Reduce penalties Improve performance Drive down costs
During fault conditions customers experience interruptions to supply. A system of remotely installed communicating Fault passage indicators (FPIs), located at strategic points on the network, provides the control room with the position of the faulty section of network as soon as the fault happens.

Remote Site Monitoring Systems

Nortech is dedicated to providing technology solutions that deliver remote site monitoring economically. Nortech has been working with power utilities since the early 1990s. Together we have developed a range of solutions that enable network owners to operate remote assets as economically and effectively as possible.

This valuable information means engineers are immediately directed to the section of network where they are needed, thereby reducing the amount of time customers spend without power. Nortechs system for remotely monitoring FPIs provides the quickest and most economic route to deploying and managing large numbers of low cost communicating FPIs on your network effectively. iHost enables you to select the best FPI for your network, at a competitive price, in the knowledge they will always be compatible with your top end DMS/NMS systems, now and in the future.

For the FPI manufacturer

Faster route to market Lower development costs SCADA integration Use your own protocol OEM branding options
It is now simpler than ever to build a remote monitoring system for your FPIs. Selecting iHost as your central server automatically means your FPIs will be compatible with top end SCADA/DMS/ NMS systems because iHost supports these protocols already.

iHosts flexible, modular design, allows us to add support for your proprietary protocol rapidly. Now with iHost Connected FPIs your system is complete; with no need to develop any central site software. You can provide existing customers a fully featured system and attract new customers with web-based pilot projects. You can focus on keeping your FPI design the best it can be in the knowledge this is matched by iHosts state-of-the-art central server technology.

Reliable, dependable, scalable

From a few units in a pilot scheme through to national deployment our system will accommodate your growing requirements every step of the way. The technology used to build our remote Fault Passage Indicator (FPI) monitoring system is built on the same foundations as several other Nortech applications used by power and water utilities for monitoring their remote network assets.

Improvements in communications
Recent years have seen the rapid expansion of wide area mobile communications technology such as GPRS (mobile phone networks) and satellite providers. These advances have enabled equipment manufacturers to develop low cost remote communication features for their equipment. FPI manufacturers are no exception and many models can now communicate directly with the outside world.

Virtual RTUs for use by DMS/NMS systems

iHost reduces the implementation and maintenance effort required to link several thousand FPIs into a DMS/NMS system. iHost allows users to build virtual RTUs from logical groups of alarm points from multiple FPIs.

Alarms reported immediately Report by Exception

FPIs are configured to report alarms to iHost as soon as they are detected using report by exception behaviour. As soon as iHost receives the alarm it is available for viewing by users and also for transfer to the top end NMS / DMS. You always have up-to-the-minute information about whats happening out on the network.

Support for proprietary (non-SCADA) protocols

FPI manufacturers have generally implemented remote communications using proprietary protocols (for a variety of technical and commercial reasons) and often with specific, non-standard, functionality. This makes it prohibitively expensive to implement a direct link between existing SCADA systems and FPIs in the field. Nortechs system for remotely monitoring FPIs overcomes both these challenges providing an economic route to deploying large numbers of low cost communicating FPIs, from any manufacturer, on the network.

Site communication links are 100% monitored

All communication links to all remote FPI sites are monitored automatically by iHost. iHost maintains a list of when each FPI is next expected to make routine health check reports. If an FPI fails to report when expected a Lost Communications event log entry is made and alarm points associated with the FPI are marked as offline over the NMS/DMS link. When communications are restored iHost resets the flag.

Remote Fault Passage Indicator Monitoring

How the System Works
Suitable networks
FPIs are used on both overhead and underground networks. FPI models are available for use on radial feeders and closed ring networks.

Due to the wide variety of FPI manufacturers and models available it is not possible to provide a definitive guide to how all systems work. Instead the illustration below introduces the main concepts behind fault location on a typical overhead network.

Overhead lines
FPIs are installed at strategic points on overhead distribution voltage networks, generally at points where a switching decision can be made. Some types clip on the line and others mount on the pole.

Cable networks
FPIs are installed on all Ring Main Units in distribution substations. Different switchgear types mean there are several different models and mounting arrangements available from manufacturers.

Fault occurs
A fault occurs on the network at the point indicated on the diagram by the FAULT arrow. Circuit breaker C11 detects the fault and trips. All customers between C11 and switch S16 are now off supply. Telecontrol alarms arrive at the control room via existing SCADA; engineers know that C11 has TRIPPED.

Without a remote FPI system

there is no further information. A slow process of switching sections of network in and out is the only way to identify the location of the fault.

Operation with a FPI system

FPI units between C11 and the FAULT detect the passage of fault current and communicate with iHost using report by exception messages.

Long interruption
Engineers are severely restricted in what they can do to speed restoration and reduce further disruption to customers. Location of the fault will involve repeatedly closing onto the faulty feeder in order to cause trips (or not). This unnecessarily stresses plant and may lead to secondary faults.

Alarms Arrive at iHost

FPI alarms arrive from locations F11, F12 and F13. Other FPIs do not detect the fault current and do not report alarms. iHost immediately updates the Virtual RTU which represents all the monitored points on the feeder above.

Control rooms without computerised diagrams

All iHost screens displaying information about the feeder now show F11,F12 and F13 as reporting the alarm. Users can clearly identify where the fault is. Visualisation of the feeder is available through iHost Mimic displays.

Control rooms with DMS / NMS displays

DMS/NMS systems continuously poll iHost for new alarms. Control room displays are updated to show the location of the fault as beyond F13.

Desired result: Fastest restoration possible

Control engineers instruct field staff to open switch S12; then remotely close C11. All customers on healthy network sections are back on supply in the shortest possible time with the minimum number of switching operations.

How your system is built

Any number of remote FPIs can be monitored from a single iHost server. All communication links are 100% monitored and any problems are notified to administrators immediately.

1: Distribution network feeders

Install FPIs throughout the distribution network. On overhead lines select strategic switching and branching points. On cable networks install at ground mounted distribution substations.

5: Distribution Management System (DMS/NMS)

iHost provides all alarms from all remote FPIs across a single interface. iHost supports a number of connection methods including SCADA protocols, FTP and web-services.

2: Fault Passage Indicator

FPIs monitor a single location on the network. When fault current passes this point on the network the FPI sends an alarm to iHost. During healthy times the FPI makes regular health checks to confirm operational readiness.

6: Browser based user access

Users login to iHost web-pages from any intranet connected PC (where the system is installed on the utilitys own servers) or internet connected PC (where the system is web based). Used in standalone mode iHost provides a self-contained SCADA system for the entire remote FPI population.

3: GPRS network
Most FPIs available use the GPRS network as a low cost, reliable, method of communicating with the outside world. Many FPIs have modems built in as standard, for others retrofit GPRS RTUs are available. Some hardware is satellite compatible.

7: Email and SMS notification

Alarms from FPIs can be forwarded to as many users as required. The format of messages are configurable and typically include Feeder, FPI location, Time and Alarm descriptions. Users can select to receive alarms from all, or just some, of the FPIs monitored.

4: iHost
At the centre of the system is the iHost Platform. iHost receives incoming data from all remote FPIs, automatically actions alarms, passes updates to DMS / NMS where these are connected, displays status conditions and provides long term data storage.

8: Download data
In case you need to keep a local copy of your data, or want to include tables and graphing in your own reports, you can search and download data in spreadsheet format.

Remote Fault Passage Indicator Monitoring

iHost : Location and Function
One incoming connection for remote data
A single iHost system will collate data from, and provide full management of, multiple remote monitoring applications. Remote fault passage indicator monitoring represents just one such application. iHost is not tied to a specific remote device vendor and is distinct from the existing SCADA system. This provides twin benefits; reducing hardware costs and guaranteeing continued product support. Installing iHost means you get continuing technical and commercial choice over the FPI devices you install, with unified management of the system, at a lower cost than building and maintaining the system directly within SCADA.

Protocol Conversion
iHost provides protocol conversion between the manufacturer specific proprietary protocols supported by FPI devices and the protocols supported by your DMS / NMS control system. iHost screens provide simple set-up, configuration and deployment testing tools for these protocol conversion functions. Interoperability between your remote FPIs and control room systems is guaranteed, straight forward and future proof. So when you next upgrade your DMS system there will only be one link to re-commission. When you switch to a new FPI type, with a new protocol, there will be no changes to make at your DMS.

Population Management
Commissioning Installation teams can now commission remote FPIs on the network without involving the control room. Commissioning checks are completed to iHost. Commissioning links between iHost and DMS/NMS can be completed in batches whenever convenient. Remote configuration Most FPIs types support some remote configuration. As part of its implementation for each FPI type iHost provides and maintains a configuration database. Users can drill down to view the current configuration for a specific unit and make changes. iHost will automatically update the devices configuration during the next communication. Maintenance challenge Installing several thousand remote communicating devices represents a significant asset monitoring task in its own right; each requiring maintenance, usually on a very infrequent basis. iHost maintains its own equipment register complete with specific data points associated with each type of FPI. Dynamically generated reports are available identifying which devices need maintenance, what kind, and when.

Data Concentrator
iHost acts as a data concentrator; accepting data over a number of different data channels including PSTN modems, GSM modems, RS232, RS485 and of course GPRS data presenting as network TCP/IP data. These different data streams are monitored and managed by an iHost TaskManager process. If a data channel breaches preset limits then alarms are generated; for example if no data is received on a channel for longer than a preset period. Where possible data channel hardware is also monitored on a continuous basis and in case of failure restorative action is taken automatically.

iHost : Server licensing options

At the heart of your FPI monitoring system is the iHost Platform; comprising software modules and a comprehensive SQL database installed on one or more servers. Our flexible licensing options mean you can confidently select the option that best meets your business needs. We guarantee iHost remains the most economical solution for reliable remote monitoring of network assets through continued investment in product development. Our engineering team work closely with customers and endusers to make sure the product continues to offer the functionality called for as business and regulatory drivers evolve.

Fast pilot schemes: Web access hosted by Nortech

Perfect for pilot schemes as well as systems where there is no control room interface required for DMS / NMS. There is no need for you to install any software or to involve your IT department. Nortech operate a cluster of iHost servers in the UK; accepting alarms and data from your FPIs via the GPRS network. Emails and SMS notifications are sent to you from our servers. Your username and password gives you secure access to view the alarms and status from all your FPIs on a single set of screens. The monthly charge (much like a mobile phone contract) includes technical support from Nortech engineers. There are no lengthy contract terms and it is simple to upgrade to your own server as the system grows.

Licensed: For installation on your servers

Ideal for customers who have a requirement to keep the data in-house or where the data needs to be shared in real-time with other systems such as SCADA, DMS or Network Management Systems. Our fully licensed option for iHost ownership is installed on your servers, behind your firewalls. iHost is now an integral part of your IT / SCADA infrastructure, seamlessly linking with other systems, creating the opportunity for maximum operational benefits. Product upgrades and new features are included in the licensing costs. Technical support is offered to suit individual customer requirements and will usually involve regular site visits and preparation of system performance reports.

High availability: Scalable to multiple servers

Whilst it is perfectly acceptable to monitor large populations of FPIs from a single iHost server it is also common to enhance the resilience and redundancy of the system by installing iHost software modules across more than one server and location. We offer a number of options for providing high availability systems.

Test & Staging server licensing

For larger systems it is common to include additional iHost instances for use as Testing and Staging servers. To promote IT best practice we offer attractive licensing options for customers wishing to implement this architecture.

Remote Fault Passage Indicator Monitoring

iHost : Your view of the system
iHost provides an user-friendly, intuitive interface for accessing your FPI monitoring system. Data from all your remote sites are visible on a series of well organised pages. There isnt room to list all the screens here, but these are a few to be going on with

Where do you want to go today?

You can make virtual site visits without leaving your desk. You can see the current status of all feeders or just an individual FPI. You are never more than a click away from opening up the searchable, filterable, sortable event log which keeps a record of everything that has happened on every site.

Data from Feeders and FPIs can be displayed in any number of visual representations; in iHost terminology these are referred to as Mimics.

System overview screen

A sortable, filterable screen listing every FPI being monitored on the system; one row per FPI. The list is colour coded and can be restricted to show only certain types of sites such as those with current alarms or with communication problems. FPIs are organised into Groups and nested Sub-Groups, to any depth, just like the folder structure in Windows. Typically Groups are arranged as Region / HV Primary Substation / HV Feeder, with FPIs stored in a single HV Feeder group.

Unit overview screen

The Unit Overview screen provides more detail about a single FPI device including GPRS signal strength, internal battery health, last communication date/time, next expected communication and most recent alarms.

Secure Login
Access to the system is via secure login pages with everything you would expect from a secure user friendly web site. If you forget your password then the central server will email you a link to follow to change your password. For companies using Windows Active Directory then there is no need to login to iHost as you can be pre-authenticated using your windows logon.

System status screen

The System Status screen provides information about all of iHosts incoming communication channels including channel type, protocol in use, last data transfer etc.

Export data
Whilst the iHost pages have a variety of tools to help you display the information from your remote feeders it can be helpful, from time to time, to use this data in other programs such as Excel or PowerPoint presentations. iHost provides various options for downloading data; for example on the graph pages there is a one-button link to download the data being used to plot the graph.

iHost : Time saving tools

iHost provides several innovative features which reduce the amount of time users have to spend administering the system. The result is a user-friendly, intuitive and effective tool for managing your remote fault passage indicator monitoring system. There isnt room to list all the time-saving features, but here are a few to be going on with

Site Templates
To speed up installation and commissioning of each FPI you can create Templates which store FPI configuration information. You only need to enter this data once, no matter how many FPIs you install. To help further, iHost also allows you to save an existing FPI site as a template. You can create as many templates as you need.

Uploading from spreadsheets

Spreadsheets are a convenient way to move data from system to system. It is common for FPI sites to be identified in external asset management systems prior to installation. Once the sites have been identified and saved into a spreadsheet they can be uploaded onto iHost. Our import tool automatically creates a database record for each FPI site using the template selected and the information provided in the spreadsheet.

Virtual RTUs
Managing the link between iHost and the DMS / NMS is simplified using Virtual RTU and associated tools. Define what alarm points you want reporting into DMS / NMS from each type of FPI and then use this rule to automatically build Virtual RTUs. You can create as many Virtual RTUs as your system requires. You have the freedom to organise as you wish; for example by feeder location, geographical area, FPI type etc. Once built the DMS / NMS can poll for data from iHosts Virtual RTUs.

User profile management

Different users need different privileges. The control room administrator needs to be able to build Templates and Virtual RTUs but might not be the best person to add new FPIs sites to the system. Commissioning staff should be able to see FPI sites, acknowledge alarms and activate test DMS link functions but should not be able to add new incoming data channels and change protocols in use. iHost allows unlimited User Roles (each a collection of privileges) to be created. Each user of iHost is assigned to a Role and inherits its privileges. iHosts user friendly, intuitive screens, make managing users and User Roles both simple and secure.

Pilot schemes with multiple users

For pilot schemes, where Nortechs web-based iHost is used, access to the system is from any internet connected PC. This enables utility engineers and FPI manufacturers to both access the pilot project data. This speeds up pilot schemes and encourages a collaborative, convenient, safe environment for checking results prior to full system deployment.

Remote Fault Passage Indicator Monitoring

Fault Passage Indicator Selection
These pages show a selection of the fault indicators supported by the iHost Platform. To find out whether your preferred FPI is supported, or to have your device added to the list, please contact us.

Nortech offer a range of low cost wireless GSM/GPRS RTU products ideal for monitoring devices with alarm contacts and serial data. To get things moving quickly we can supply iHost Ready communication cards like the one shown in the photo. Our boxes provide remote monitoring and indications into iHost. Once your product is supported by iHost you automatically have a system which is both:

'web enabled' thereby making trials simpler and quicker 'DMS / NMS Compatible' using the built in iHost protocol converter

Please contact us to discuss how we can help enhance your product.

The Navigator clips on the overhead line conductor, one per phase. Each conductor unit transmits radio signals to a pole mounted receiver. Faults are then forwarded by the receiver to iHost via the GSM or GPRS network. The conductor units are battery powered, the pole receiver/GPRS module requires an external power supply. In addition to fault information the conductor units provide load information and line temperatures. Manufacturer: Horstmann Gmbh, Germany

Fully featured directional over-current and earth fault indicator suitable for use on all cable network types. The unit is AC or DC powered with automatic reset on timer, voltage or current. In addition to fault indication alarms the unit reports per phase current averages (15 minute) and maximum demand. Power quality data including network frequency and phase angle is also provided. The unit communicates with iHost using a proprietary protocol over GPRS and is remotely reconfigurable. Manufacturer: Horstmann Gmbh, Germany

Linetroll 3100
Designed to be mounted on a pole beneath the conductors. Detects and reports short-circuit and earth faults in overhead line networks. The unit is battery powered and resistant to tough weather conditions. The local flashing display can rotate for maximum visibility. The unit communicates with iHost using a proprietary protocol via SMS. Manufacturer: Nortroll AS, Norway

EKL 3.2
Earth Fault and Phase Fault indicator providing monitoring of HV cable circuits. Unit has local LED indication with self reset function. Communicates with iHost using embedded iHost Communications Card. Manufacturer: EMG (Elektro-Mechanik Gmbh), Germany

The FLA3 clips on the overhead line conductor, one per phase. Each conductor unit transmits radio signals to a pole mounted gateway. Faults are then forwarded by the gateway to iHost via the GSM or GPRS network. The entire system is self powered no external power supply is required. Upto 9 FLA3 can be monitored from a single pole gateway. In addition to fault information the conductor units provide load information and volts on/off alarms. Manufacturer: EMG (Elektro-Mechanik Gmbh), Germany

Alpha 360
The Alpha 360 is installed 3m below the overhead line conductors with no electrical contact. The unit is battery powered requiring no external power supply. Permanent and Transient faults are detected, indicated locally using the flashing LEDs and reported to iHost via the onboard GPRS modem. The Alpha 360 uses a proprietary protocol which includes acknowledgement of alarms and provision for remote configuration. Manufacturer: Bowden Bros Ltd, UK

Over-current and earth fault indicator. In addition to fault information the unit provides information on phase loads and HV supply status. The unit may be either DC powered or lithium battery powered. The device has a built in GPRS modem and communicates with iHost using a proprietary protocol. Manufacturer: Bowden Bros Ltd, UK

Twin earth fault indicator providing monitoring of both incoming and outgoing HV circuits. AC powered with lithium battery for operation during loss of supply events. Device reports both earth fault alarms and loss/restoration of volts. Unit has local LED indication with self reset function. Communicates with iHost using proprietary protocol over GPRS network. Manufacturer: Nortech Management Ltd, UK


Remote Fault Passage Indicator Monitoring

Remote Monitoring Applications

Remote MV Fault Indicator Systems LV Substation Monitoring Pump Station Monitoring Renewable Generation Monitoring and Control Generator Set Monitoring and Control Remote Tank & Silo Inventory Monitoring Smart Grid Applications Primary & Zone Substation Monitoring


+44 (0) 8700 111 992 +44 (0) 8700 111 993

Nortech Management Ltd

Deer Park Business Centre Eckington Pershore, WR10 3DN United Kingdom

Publication Notice

Copyright Nortech Management Limited (NML). All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. NML provide this document as is, without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. NML may make changes or improvements in the hardware, software, equipment, or specifications described in this document at any time and without notice. These changes will be incorporated in new releases of this document. This publication could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. NML shall not be liable for any damages (including, but not limited to, consequential, indirect or incidental, special damages or loss of profits or data) even if NML have been informed of their potential occurrence, arising out of or in connection with this document or its use. iHost is a trademark of Nortech Management Ltd. All trademark names used in this document are hereby acknowledged. Date: June2013 Ref: D_000913

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