1365 PDF
1365 PDF
1365 PDF
Volume-1 B
(Scope of Work and Form & Conditions of Contract)
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Rev. 1
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03/04/2009 09/03/2009
Description of Revision
1.0 GENERAL...............................................................................................................................................4 2.0 PROCUREMENT OF EQUIPMENT & MATERIAL ...............................................................7 2.1 General..........................................................................................................................7 2.2 OGDCLs and PDILs Supplied Equipment & Material..............................................8 2.2.1 OGDCLs Supplied Equipment & Material .............................................................8 2.2.2 PDILs Supplied Equipment & Material for SRU....................................................9 2.3 PC Contractor Supplied Equipment and Material ......................................................10 2.5 Inspection and Testing ................................................................................................12 2.6 Transportation .............................................................................................................13 3.0 CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION AND FACILITY HOOKUP ..............................................14 3.1 General........................................................................................................................14 3.2 OGDCL Provided Site Facilities ................................................................................15 3.3 PC Contractor Furnished Site Facilities......................................................................15 3.4 Temporary Camp ........................................................................................................16 3.5 Temporary Site Facilities............................................................................................16 3.6 Material Storage and Control......................................................................................16 3.7 Testing Facilities.........................................................................................................17 3.8 Temporary Works .......................................................................................................17 3.9 PC Contractor Furnished Plant and Materials ............................................................17 3.10 Plant Civil Works........................................................................................................18 3.11 Plant Structure Works .................................................................................................20 3.12 Mechanical Construction/ Installation and Hookup ...................................................21 3.13 Major Work Areas ......................................................................................................22 3.14 Mechanical Testing of Packaged Units.......................................................................23 3.15 Welding, PWHT and NDT .........................................................................................23 3.16 Inspection and Testing ................................................................................................24 3.17 Electrical Installation, Hookup and Testing................................................................26 3.18 Instrument Installation, Hookup, Calibration and Testing..........................................28 4.0 PLANNING AND CONTROL.........................................................................................................30 4.1 General........................................................................................................................30 4.2 Project Control ............................................................................................................30 4.3 Construction Planning.................................................................................................30 4.4 Onsite Organization ....................................................................................................31 4.5 Progress Measurement and Reporting ........................................................................32 4.6 Quality Assurance and Control...................................................................................32 5.0 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................34 6.0 HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT....................................................................................35 6.1 Work Permits ..............................................................................................................35 6.2 Electrical Safety ..........................................................................................................36 6.3 Protective Personal Equipment ...................................................................................36 6.4 Housekeeping..............................................................................................................36 6.5 Medical Welfare & Insurance.....................................................................................36 6.6 Safety Equipment........................................................................................................36 6.7 Personnel ..................................................................................................................37
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6.9 Coverage under EOBI.................................................................................................37 6.10 OGDCLs Safety Rules & Regulations ......................................................................37 6.11 Miscellaneous .............................................................................................................39 7.0 TESTING, MECHANICAL COMPLETION, PRE-COMMISSIONING & ASSISTANCE DURING COMMISSIONING............................................................................................................................40 7.1 PC Contractor Organization........................................................................................40 7.2 Testing and Mechanical Completion ..........................................................................40 7.3 Pre-Commissioning.....................................................................................................42 7.4 Completion Punch Lists..............................................................................................44 7.5 Commissioning and Performance Testing ..................................................................44 8.0 DOCUMENTATION & APPROVALS.........................................................................................45 8.1 Documentation............................................................................................................45 8.2 Approvals....................................................................................................................47
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The Scope of Work of the PC Contractor includes all activities necessary to procure, supply, construct, install/ erect, test and complete all the Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation works and provide Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning Assistance required for Dakhni Expansion Project. Following are the major areas of Dakhni Expansion Project. Expansion of existing Dakhni Gas Plant by installing new exchanger, filter coalescer skids, pump, TEG package, sales gas metering package etc. and relevant civil, piping, electrical and instrumentation works. Installation of new Sulfur Recovery unit (SRU) including Auxiliary Boiler unit, Palletizing unit and conveyors system and relevant civil, piping, electrical and instrumentation works. Extension of Fire water network
All the equipment and material (except the electric cables) for the Sulfur Recovery unit shall be supplied by M/s PDIL which shall be free issued to PC Contractor at different project stages. PC Contractor shall provide all services required for the implementation of the project in conformity with the requirements indicated herein. The scope for the supply and services shall include, but not be limited to: Project Planning Management and Control Procurement of Equipment and Material Fabrication, Erection and Construction Assistance during pre-commissioning, commissioning and startup of Dakhni Expansion Project
The PC Contractor shall be responsible for liaison and coordination with OGDCL and other Contractors (if any) through OGDCL/ OGDCLs Representative working in the Dakhni Gas Plant. PC Contractor shall provide all management, services, construction equipment, vehicles, ordinary and special tools, test equipment, transport, labor, supervision and all other necessary arrangements regarding the execution of the specified work and arrangements for the security of personnel, materials and equipment, comes under the
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PC Contractors scope of work. PC Contractor shall furnish materials and equipment, construction materials and consumable supplies required for the project and shall make the complete installation of the project covered in this scope of work. The project when handed over to OGDCL shall be in a commissioned condition and have successfully completed performance tests. The Scope of Work is intended to cover the Project described herein in accordance with good engineering practice accepted in the Industry. Any work or detail, which is not expressly set forth, but which is necessary to complete the Project till commissioning & startup and to the true intent and meaning of this Scope of Work, have to be furnished/ undertaken by PC Contractor. OGDCLs supplied equipment and material (including the Sulfur recovery unit supplied by M/s PDIL) will be provided to the PC Contractor at OGDCLs warehouse at Dakhni Gas Plant under supervision of OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative/ PDIL Representative. The PC Contractor shall be responsible for their shifting to Project site. The number of journeys (for shifting of equipment and material) shall not be limited, and shall take place, as the work requires them. The transportation of PC Contractors supplied equipment, material, consumables; labor, etc. shall also be the responsibility of the PC Contractor. PC Contractor shall provide a temporary camp for his own personnel, equipment and materials, a workshop for fabrication works and a warehouse where he will store / place all his equipment and material. PC Contractor shall also store the OGDCL and PDIL supplied equipment and material in his warehouse for fabrication purposes. After completion of the project, cleaning and reinstating of these areas, shall also be the responsibility of PC Contractor. PC Contractor shall prepare and obtain OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative approval of all documentation and materials, consumables, etc. required for the work. All material furnished by PC Contractor shall be approved before work is commenced. Only new, top quality materials from Vendor List attached as Appendix-I will be acceptable to OGDCL. The construction, installation and mechanical completion activities shall take full account of other work being carried out. The PC Contractor should be aware that all major construction and other activities shall be performed when the Plant is in operation. During construction works the PC Contractor shall ensure, together with his
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own personnel and equipment the safety of the existing equipment, material and personnel at Dakhni Gas Plant, as well. The PC Contractor shall abide by the OGDCLs safety policies/ procedures. The PC Contractor shall clearly identify the areas of works inside the Plant in operation and shall make all arrangements required for safe execution of construction related activities. He shall also be responsible for obtaining all hot and cold permits or any other permits as deemed necessary by the OGDCL on day-to-day basis. The PC Contractor shall make all necessary work plans / procedures as required by the OGDCL and shall submit the same for approval prior to execution. It is also intended to specifically mention that all the final tie-in/ hookup works will be completed during Plants shutdown. The duration of Plants complete shutdown shall be limited to 5 to 7 days only. The PC Contractor shall ensure completion of all such tie-in works within the time schedule with due diligence and shall make all necessary arrangements, thereof. A detailed schedule (day wise) shall also be required prior to commencement of construction activities during shutdown. Health and Safety requirements and provisions shall be in accordance with the requirements of the contract and fully comply with OGDCL's policies. PC Contractor shall also comply with the QA/QC, safety, planning and scheduling requirements of the contract throughout the execution of the project.
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PC Contractor shall also be responsible for coordination and expediting with the subcontractors to ensure that all equipment and materials under his scope arrive on site as per schedule. All PC Contractors supplied equipment/ material shall be 100% traceable and suitably marked for easy identification of manufacturer or supplier, grade, source, size and rating. PC Contractor shall submit the expediting system for its vendors and subcontractors in his technical bid. PC Contractor shall also mentioned the software/ procedure used for material tracking at different project stages. PC Contractor shall co-operate with and assist OGDCL in checking, marking and maintaining full records of materials procured by the PC Contractor. These records shall include quantities used and remaining. When pipes are cut, all pieces shall be clearly and permanently marked with their original number. At the completion of the work, all excess material, tools, fixtures including consumable shall be returned by the PC Contractor to a location designated and shall become the property of OGDCL.
PC Contractor shall inspect/ witness OGDCL supplied equipment/ material prior to taking custody of them. PC Contractor shall advise OGDCL in writing of any deficiencies or shortages after taking their possession. Any delay caused to PC
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Contractors schedule as a result of PC Contractors failure to advise OGDCL in a timely manner of any deficiency/ shortage shall be to PC Contractors account. OGDCL is also procuring following exchangers, which will be provided by OGDCL as free issue. These exchangers will be installed on existing civil foundation by dismantling the earlier installed exchangers. 2.2.2 Sour Gas coolers (EA-201 A/ B) Gas Pre Cooler (EA-202) NGL Feed Exchangers (EA-601 A/ B/ C/ D) Glycol Cooler (EA-204)
PDILs Supplied Equipment & Material for SRU OGDCL is procuring Sulfur Recovery Unit from M/s PDIL. M/s PDIL shall supplied the equipment, piping bulk material, steel structure bulk material, instrument cables, sulfur resistant material for sulfur pits, palletizing unit, conveyors for sulfur pallets transfer etc., which will be provided by OGDCL for installation/ field erection by PC Contractor under supervision of OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative/ PDIL Representative. The details of the items are given below: Sulfur Recovery Unit o Acid Gas Scrubber Skid 4A o Process Air Blowers Skid 4B o Degassing Air Blowers Skid 5 o Reactor Furnace and its Fuel gas skid o Waste Heat Reclaimer o Sulfur Condenser o Reactor o Catalysts for Reactor o Incinerator and its Fuel gas skid o HP Steam Condenser o LP Steam Condenser o Boiler skid 01 o Boiler skid 02 o Boiler skid 03 o Rotoformer units with steel belt coolers o Cooling tower o Cooling water pumps
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o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
Exhaust Fans Central Release Agent Tank & Pump Sulfur pallets transfer conveyors Sulfur feed pumps Sulfur transfer pumps Sulfur Drain Seal Assemblies Degassed Sulfur Drain Seal Assemblies Sulfur resistant material for sulfur pits Piping Bulk Material Steel Structure Bulk Material Insulation & Painting Material Instrument Cables Electrical and Instrumentation Items Paint material for SRU equipment, piping and structure.
Equipment/ material received by PC Contractor shall be deemed to be in his custody from the time of receipt until OGDCL accepts the work. PC Contractor shall make good any loss or damage, which may occur to materials after taking custody during handling i.e. transportation, installation & commissioning.
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Demineralized water pump Fire alarms Material (steel sections) for pipe racks, Refrigeration compressor shed, Palletizing unit shed, pipe supports, platforms and ladders Construction material / consumables Installation Material and Cable Termination Kit for all Power and Control Cables
Any mechanical, instrumentation or safety items which need to be shipped loose for installation on site, or any additional items found to be required at site, will be procured from the Vendor lists Appendix-I and comply in all respects with the contract specifications. PC Contractor shall submit un-priced technical quotation / bid of the selected vendor, from the vendor list, before the placement of order to OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative for review and approval. PC Contractor shall also submit the final details/ drawings, etc. of all procured equipment, material etc. to OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative after 60 days of the award of contract for the finalization of the civil/ mechanical drawings. PC Contractor shall provide all construction equipment, consumables, labor and services necessary for carrying out the mechanical, civil, electrical and instrumentation construction, testing and mechanical completion. This will include welding and purging gasses or flanges, spool pieces, piping, hoses, manifolds, consumables, etc. that are required for hydro-testing and mechanically completing the pipe-work. PC Contractor shall liaise with OGDCL on the sourcing of all of these materials and services, and provide all necessary documentation and certificates relating to them, as required by OGDCL. All consumables, equipment, tools and vehicles shall be subjected to OGDCLs inspection and approval.
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PC Contractor shall employ only qualified inspectors after approval of OGDCL for the inspection. Details of personnel and CVs shall be provided. The PC Contractor shall inform OGDCL in advance of all planned material inspection and testing so that OGDCL/ OGDCLs representative may attend, as required. Where OGDCL selects to employ a third party inspection authority for specific equipment and materials for statutory insurance or any other OGDCL reasons, such inspection shall in no way relieve PC Contractor of his own responsibilities. Such third party inspection agency shall function independently and report to OGDCL. The PC Contractor shall prepare and issue written reports for review by OGDCL on all inspection and tests. The PC Contractor shall endorse as correct all fabrication and manufacturing data folders containing, but not limited to, mill certificates, equipment test certificates hazardous area certificate and certificate of origin and all other relevant inspection data.
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OGDCL reserves the right to accept or reject any equipment, material or test and ask for rectification/ replacement at no extra cost, without giving any reason, what so ever and without any time impact.
The PC Contractor shall be responsible for the transportation of all equipment, packages and materials (procured by him) from the source of supply to the Project Site. He will be responsible for organizing and coordinating these activities to ensure that all equipment and materials arrive on site, intact and on schedule. Payments of all levies, taxes as applicable during the transportation of such material, equipment to the site are the responsibility of the PC Contractor. Unloading of OGDCL and PDIL supplied equipment at OGDCLs warehouse (as desired by OGDCL) will be the responsibility of PC Contractor. Lifting, Transportation, loading, unloading of all OGDCL and PDIL supplied equipment and material from OGDCL warehouse to the erection site will be under the scope of PC Contractor.
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procedures do not meet OGDCL approval, PC Contractor shall submit alternative methods or means to satisfactorily perform the work. PC Contractor shall carry out no work without prior approval from OGDCL of the equipment and/ or method involved. PC Contractor shall ensure that at all times existing structures, pipelines/ piping, utilities, cables, instrumentation and other installations are not damaged during this work. PC Contractor shall mobilize all the required labor, tools, personnel, equipment, materials, consumables, transport, plant and equipment to the work site(s). On completion of the work, PC Contractor shall demobilize all of the same. PC Contractor shall carry out all work necessary to qualify welding, NDT, coating procedures, chemical cleaning and any other work that requires pre-qualification. PC Contractor is to notify OGDCL of his requirements in advance and receive OGDCL approval before doing this. All other material requirements for welder qualification are to be provided by PC Contractor. PC Contractor shall provide skilled work force for assistance in the pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up of the Sulfur Recovery unit, Glycol unit and Refrigeration unit under the supervision of Suppliers Representative. If the work force competency level is not as per Suppliers/OGDCLs satisfaction the PC Contractor will immediately replace such work force with the competent one.
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which is not itemized in OGDCL supply. These shall include office, residential accommodation, messing facilities, workshops, warehouses, prefabrication sheds, power, water, sewage disposal, communications (telephone/ telex/ email), transportation, security etc. The PC Contractor shall also be responsible for installation/ erections of any temporary facilities required to assist the work including weather protection, lighting, scaffolding etc. and remove these on completion of the work.
Temporary Camp
The PC Contractor may, if he wishes, establish a camp for construction personnel in the vicinity of the Dakhni Gas Plant. Any such establishment shall be self sufficient in all respects, including supply of all utilities.
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scheduled to permit the equipment to be placed directly on foundations or at OGDCLs warehouse. He shall maintain a record of all equipment and material and handover such records to OGDCL after completion of the project. The PC Contractor shall also be responsible for receiving, storing, protecting and issuing all materials and consumables as required for fabrication and installation at the project site. The PC Contractor will develop material control procedures to ensure that the materials are correctly stored and used in the appropriate service and can be readily identified at all times. These procedures will be subject to agreement with OGDCL.
Testing Facilities
The PC Contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate testing facilities to enable him to complete the work, including hydrotesting, mechanical run test of equipment, radiography, hardness testing to check the NACE required hardness values and other NDT methods and instrument calibration and testing.
Temporary Works
The PC Contractor shall provide all temporary works and facilities required to perform the works. These temporaries may include sunshades, welding enclosure or temporary workshops and stores. The temporary works include the construction camp accommodation facilities, and site offices for management, supervision and administrative staff. PC Contractor shall obtain OGDCLs approval prior to construction of temporary works and facilities. Upon completion of the works and with approval of the OGDCL, PC Contractor shall remove all temporary works and reinstate site by approval of the OGDCL.
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arrangements for upholding/supporting the sides of excavation. Excavation shall be done as per specifications for Earth Work and Excavation. 3.10.6 Protection/Care of existing Lines/ Structures/ Cables The PC Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of existing lines/ structures falling within the area of work. If any such line/structure is encountered during the process of excavation or any other activity, the PC Contractor shall notify OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant, and shall not proceed until necessary measures are taken for the protection or removal of lines/structures. If any such line/structure is damaged, during the process of operation, the PC Contractor shall repair the same at his own cost. 3.10.7 Concreting For all types of concreting works, specification for reinforced concrete works shall be followed. 3.10.8 Equipment Foundations Constructions of foundations for equipments defined else-where in this scope of work. 3.10.9 Sulfur storage & loading area Construction of new sulfur storage and loading area comprising of R.C.C. wall and concrete pavement floor inside dyke. 3.10.10Pipe Rack, Pipe Sleepers, Supports & Pipe channel Construction of foundations for pipe rack, pipe sleepers, supports, miscellaneous pipe supports, supports for conveyor belt and pipe channel for piping running below ground level. 3.10.11 Buildings & Foundations for Sheds Construction of extension in MCC building, foundations for Steel Columns compressors sheds and for steel ladders and stair etc. including flooring, brick masonry, plastering, painting and finishing etc. 3.10.12R.C.C. Pits & Storage Yard Construction of sulfur buffer pit, sulfur pit, pit for cooling water return and sulfur pallets storage yard etc.
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3.10.13 Road & Pavement Construction of road including removal/ dismantling of existing road and construction of concrete pavement around equipment foundations and sulfur loading area as per pavement layout plan and dismantling of existing storm water drain. 3.10.14Fencing Supply and erection of plant security fencing as per location shown on plot plan including removal of existing fencing and refixing at new location. 3.10.15Drainage Construction of oily water manholes, catch basin, valve pits, storm water drain/ collection pits and supply & installation of RCC pipe under roads for disposal of storm water. 3.10.16Tests The PC Contractor shall be responsible for all tests specified in the specifications or which in the opinion of OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant are necessary to ensure soundness of work. All such tests shall be arranged by the PC Contractor, at his own cost, from an approved Laboratory. 3.10.17Completion of Works The PC Contractor shall be responsible for the completion of all the works as shown on the drawings and specified in the bill of quantities. The PC Contractor shall also be responsible for carrying out works, which in the opinion of the OGDCL/ Engineering Consulatant are necessary for the completion of work.
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Arrange fire barriers, tarpaulins, water sprays, etc. during welding particularly close to running lines and equipment. Installation of all equipment, skids and packages. Placement, installation, hot & cold alignments, etc. of refrigeration compressor package as per instruction of OEM and site instructions. Prefabrication of all interconnecting pipe work & installation on pipe racks. Interconnection of all ancillary services such as flare header, blow down drains etc. Tie-ins Fabricate, erect and pressure test all piping work as per Contract Specifications and Drawings. Installation of pipe supports, supporting structures, etc. Access platform & stair structures etc. Preparation and completion of all painting, coating and insulation including insulation on existing lines where required. Complete inspection and testing of all mechanical and piping systems. Lifting and positioning of condenser bundles. Provide necessary equipment, tools and skilled manpower to carryout above work. Relocation of existing pipe/ cable/ poles etc (if any)
3.12.2 Machinery & Rotary Equipment Installation Works Contractor is responsible for assembling, installation and mechanical running tests of following equipment: Rotorformer unit (Sulfur Palletizing Unit) Refrigeration unit installation including compressor, driver motor, etc. Conveyor belts installation. Aircooled Heat exchangers installation. Pumps installation. Contractor will ensure availability of all special tools such as laser alignment /dial gauge alignment tools, proper sized spanners, torque wrenches, etc. required for installation above mentioned equipment.
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New piping will be performed for the sulfur recovery unit, palletizing unit, auxiliary boiler unit, glycol package, sales gas metering package, refrigeration package etc. Tie-in Piping Tie-in piping will be performed for the main acid gas feed line, sales gas line, sulfur poring line, existing instrument air header, existing flare header, existing fire water network etc. Erection/ Installation of Equipment, Skids and Packages New Equipment, skids and packages will generally be installed at location as mentioned in the Plot Plan. Painting Painting will be applied, as required for new piping, equipment, steel structures, etc. Insulation Insulation will be applied, as required for new and existing piping, equipment, steel structures, etc.
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PC Contractor shall carried out the PWHT of all process lines where required. PWHT shall be carried out according to heat treatment procedures which shall meet the requirements of relevant codes and standards i.e. ASME Section VIII and NACE requirement. PC Contractor shall submit the PWHT execution procedure for OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative for approval. PC Contractor will also perform hardness test to check the fulfillment of NACE requirements. PC Contractor shall be responsible for developing and proposing the required inspection and NDT methods, documentation records and procedures to meet the requirements of the contract specification. PC Contractor shall be responsible for providing all necessary equipment, consumables, materials (other than and OGDCL supplied materials), labor, inspection and supervision for the qualification of proposed inspection and NDT methods. Only currently certified, authorized and experienced personnel with appropriate qualifications are to be used. PC Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring these requirements are met before the Work commences, and that they are maintained for the duration of the work.
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PC Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out the filling of each line with clean, filtered, inhibited fresh water. Required equipment and necessary piping arrangement including transportation and supply of water shall be under PC Contractors scope. PC Contractor is to locate the source of water supply and ensure sufficient quantities are available in good time, to carry out the activities requiring water for hydro-testing. The PC Contractor shall also submit water analysis report for OGDCLs review prior to execution. PC Contractor can reuse the water, but it should provide sufficient tankage at the appropriate location, to handle the quantities of water involved. Any inhibitors used are to be non-toxic, biodegradable and suitable for disposal locally. If chemical treatment required before disposal, PC Contractor shall do so. PC Contractor shall perform the chemical cleaning of the equipment and piping, where required. PC Contractor shall arrange all the equipment, piping and accessories required for the chemical cleaning. Prior to carry out chemical cleaning, PC Contractor shall submit the drawings showing the loops, which will be chemically clean for OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative approval. Upon completion of all mechanical activities, PC Contractor shall empty and dry each line from water or leave them in a condition as required by OGDCL. In case for emptying, PC Contractor shall be responsible for providing any suitable medium and system to carry this out, and also for the disposal of the water removed from the lines. Water disposal shall be by a means acceptable to and approved by OGDCL and any Local or Statutory Authority. After construction and installation, all the equipment, skid and piping are to be cleaned, inspected and tested, and left in a safe stable condition prior to their being taken into service. PC Contractor shall be required to provide all materials, consumables, equipment, services, labour and supervision to carry out these activities to the satisfaction of OGDCL. Carry out, and supply all equipment necessary, all other testing required to Mechanically Complete the piping, structural steel, mechanical equipment and piping. For site preparation work, the PC Contractor shall provide all necessary test facilities and equipment for testing materials and for the testing of compaction of backfill materials used in the works, including those used for road sub-base. All testing methods, equipment, personnel are subjected to the approval of OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative.
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Inspection shall be done and recorded on approved formats. Prior information of testing with appropriate time to witness the test shall be given to OGDCL. All test on subject to OGDCLs approval. OGDCL reserves the right to accept or reject any test and ask for retest at no extra cost, without giving any reason.
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Excavation, laying, backfilling, connection/terminations at both ends in directly buried, paved trenches and on cable trays, dressing and testing of power and control cables. This shall include transportation of cables from OGDCLs storage to plant site. The PC Contractor shall supply fine sand, baked bricks, caution tape, sealing compound and all associated installation material required for satisfactory cable laying. Installation, connection and testing of UPS system supplied by OGDCL. This shall include installation and testing of battery packs, chargers, distribution boards, interconnecting cables etc. complete in all respects. Installation of cable glands, explosion proof and weather/ water proof with shrouds supplied by PC Contractor and by OGDCL Supply, installation, connection and testing complete lighting system including of lighting poles, fixtures and junction boxes, lighting distribution board etc. This shall include fabrication and painting/galvanizing of all light poles, support, fittings and the civil works for the pole installation. Installation and testing of all lighting system and components supplied by PC Contractor including those supplied by OGDCL or with the equipment packages including civil works. Supply, installation, connection and testing of earthing/ grounding system. This shall include supply of bare copper conductor for main ring and PVC insulated copper conductors, marshalling plates, ground electrodes, connectors, C-clamps complete with excavation of earthing pit man holes and supply of manhole covers and materials like charcoal, limestone etc. This shall include installation of earthing material supplied by PC Contractor and by OGDCL. Building electrification of extended control room including supply and installation of air conditioners, wiring and material Interfacing/Termination of cables b/w MCC & CCR. Supply and installation of cable glands with shrouds, conduit fittings and cable trays etc. The PC Contractor shall identify and supply all installation material like nuts, bolts, washers, lugs, shims, MS-channels, base plates, reducers, adapters, sealing compound etc. for electrical works. The scope of PC Contractor shall also include fabrication of supports, cable tray and poles etc. To mark the As-built Installation in Drawings. The PC Contractor shall bring on his own all installation, testing and commissioning tools including multimeter, clamp meter, electrical toolbox, megger, earth tester, tachometer, phase sequence indicator, cable cutter, cable knifes, testers etc. as required for the electrical works.
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3.17.2 Testing and Commissioning of Electrical Equipments The PC Contractor shall undertake all testing, pre-commissioning and commissioning of the electrical equipment including but not limited to the following - MV/LV Motors, - AC/DC UPS system - Lighting system - Earthing system - MV/ LV Motor Control Center including VFDs (variable frequency drives) and MV softstarters etc The Supplier shall keep records of the tests he has carried out and provide a copy to OGDCL/OGDCL Representative.
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Installation and testing of all pneumatic, electrical and hydraulic connections with various specifications and codes. Installation of all instrument air supply lines and signals transmission tubing including the installation and coating of any supports and ducting. Meger and continuity tests shall be done for all cables. Supply, cutting, fabrication, forming and installation of cable trays and conduits where necessary and extension of existing trays. Installation of field junction boxes with required supports and wiring terminations and tagging etc. Modification of existing panels is required. Cable entries in control room through existing cable entrance in control room. Laying of cables in existing and new cable trenches and trays with existing cable entries through existing cable duct banks. Dismantling of existing instruments as required. Interfacing of existing panels with new ones in new control room as required. Construction of New Cable Trenches and Crossings Painting / galvanizing of all instrument cable supports and fittings. Installation of cable and trench identification marker cable transits, accessories and protections ducts / sleeves. Installation of glanding, Termination Connection & Identification of Cables. All work associated with building penetrations (Instrument Cable Entry Pit) for the installation of cable including making good after installation. Instrument Loop Checks Installation of platforms for instrument approach.
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Project Control
The PC Contractor shall control all aspects of the project using networks, schedules, bar charts, etc preferably using Primavera or MS-Project Software. PC Contractor shall submit the detail execution plan/ detailed work schedule including controlling of all major construction work/ activities prior to the commencement of the work up to level 3 details including details of critical path activities with their technical bids. The schedule shall also incorporate weightages against each of the activities. Such plans and activities will be updated, at least fortnightly, and take into account the current status of proceeding activities and expediting plan. These detailed plans and schedules will be summarized in Master Schedules and Networks, etc. for approval by OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative. PC Contractor shall also insure to track the behind schedule activities and suggest catch up plan.
Construction Planning
The PC Contractor shall preplan all construction activities to ensure full definition of an optimum construction plan, procedures and scope of work. Such plans will cover construction strategy, coordination and interfacing of all on-site activities, quality control and safety procedures. The plans will be subject to review and approval by OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative. The planning of the activities to be completed during pre shutdown period should be made considering work to be carried out in a running plant where a safety system is in place. PC Contractor will adhere to all safety requirements prevalent at Dakhni Gas Plant. These should include time for obtaining work permits, hot work authorization, crane movement etc. It would be required to get approval for rigging plan and crane and vehicle movement prior to commencement of such activity. Some work will be preferred in the middle of running high-pressure gas pipelines. The plan should address
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all safety precautions to be exercised and their duration, and details of necessary precautionary arrangements being made in this regard. Prior to the start of shutdown activities, PC Contractor shall submit the overall execution plan containing day-to-day activities and shall ensure that all equipment/ material, tools and manpower required to complete the listed/ mentioned activities for tie-in/ hookup works are available to complete the work on scheduled time.
Onsite Organization
Construction The PC Contractor shall deploy an onsite construction team to ensure that the work is carried out and tested in accordance with the drawings, contract specifications and agreed procedures. He shall provide a designated site manager who shall be responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and liaison with OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative(s) on all scheduling, control, inspection and testing approvals, etc. His supervisory team will be responsible for the progress and quality of the work carried out by the individual disciplines and will include: Implementation of agreed construction plans & procedures. Maintenance of construction and testing documentation. Supervision of workforce including any trade and/or qualification tests and maintenance of the records of such tests. Ensuring that all works are constructed in accordance with approved drawings and contract specifications including the checking of As-built drawings.
Upon completion of hookup/ commissioning tie-ins, and performance test run, PC Contractor shall update original documents to As-built status and submit to OGDCL. PC Contractor shall submit one (1) print of all As-built documentation to OGDCLs representative(s) for approval. 4.4.2 Field Procurement Services In addition to the provision of construction management services, the PC Contractor will be responsible for the provision of any on-site procurement or other field services, on acceptable market rates if such rates are not already defined, which may be required as a result of design changes, additional work, etc.
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The PC Contractor shall ensure that all sub-Contractors/ suppliers that he appoints comply in all respects with the approved Quality Assurance procedure. 4.6.1 Inspection and Testing The PC Contractor shall undertake all inspection and testing of the work carried out in the field in accordance with contract specifications and procedures. The work shall include: Provision of a team of qualified quality control personnel. Checking and inspection of construction materials. Ensuring that all inspections and tests are carried out in a satisfactory and orderly manner. Ensuring that all testing equipment is setup and calibrated in accordance with requirements. Ensuring that any rework is carried out in satisfactory manner.
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The PC Contractors procedures will ensure that all phases of the work are satisfactorily inspected and tested, and that appropriate signatures are obtained on the relevant documentation. All inspection and testing work will be subject to witnessing and approval by OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative, and all planned inspections and tests must be carried out at times acceptable to OGDCL. Adequate prior notice of inspection and tests must be given to OGDCL to allow its representatives to attend.
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The PC Contractor shall be solely responsible for the safety and security of the site in its possession until its takeover by OGDCL. The PC Contractor shall make appropriate security arrangements and shall strictly comply with security requirements of OGDCL and instructions of its representative(s). As OGDCL falls under category IA installation, the PC Contractor shall obtain requisite police verification of all his staff members / employees, workers and sub-contractors employees / workers required to enter OGDCLs Dakhni Gas Plant in connection with the project. PC Contractor shall adhere to following minimum requirement of OGDCL: NICs of all personnel shall be submitted to OGDCL Police/ PC Contractor verification of the personnel shall be submitted to OGDCL Card issuance as per OGDCL Policy Personnel Control at entrance T-Card system as per company policy, to be arranged by the PC Contractor PC Contractor will be responsible that no person should carry weapons or explosives, camera, match, mobile phones etc One PC Contractor security person will be deployed at Plant gate who will verify his persons entry and ensure T-Card system adherence under supervision of OGDCL security.
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The PC Contractor shall take all precautions to maintain health and safety of its personal deputed at site and avoids any adverse effects on the environment of the area. Any incident/ accident shall be recorded and brought to the knowledge of OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative. The PC Contractor will immediately take safety and mitigation measures to minimize the effect of the incident. Prior to commencement of construction, the PC Contractor shall produce a written HSE policy and procedures for OGDCLs/ OGDCL Representatives approval. The PC Contractor shall enforce the policies and procedures during all construction and commissioning activities. As a minimum contingency plan for a plant emergency, fire precautions, accident procedure (the Contractor will follow OGDCL emergency response procedure), safety training, safety talk, lines of authority and responsibilities, etc. shall be required. The PC Contractor shall designate a Construction HSE Officer who shall be responsible for the day-to-day coordination with OGDCLs/ OGDCL Representatives on all health safety and environmental aspects of the work. Prior to commencement of construction, the PC Contractor shall produce a written safety policy and procedure for OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative approval, which he shall enforce during all construction and commissioning activities.
Work Permits
During construction, pre-commissioning, testing and startup a permit to work system shall be required. Details of the system shall be by agreement with OGDCL, but shall involve a formal permit by a nominated OGDCL representative to carryout a specific item(s) of work and a statement of conditions under which the work must be carried out. NO WORK shall be allowed without proper authorization from Plants Safety
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Personnel. The request for issuance of work permits for the next day works to be submitted 18 hrs before the commencement of work. The request to be submitted to OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative who will arrange the work permit issuance which could be collected in the morning before work commencement.
Electrical Safety
As the Plant Generation and Distribution Systems are powered up, the need for strict safety procedures shall be particularly important. These activities shall be coordinated with OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative and under the direct supervision of a competent electrical engineer. The PC Contractor shall be required to demonstrate that his organization and safety procedures fully address this aspect of the work.
The PC Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the site is kept clean and tidy and that all scrap materials and tools are removed from the job site on completion of the work.
Safety Equipment
PC Contractor shall at his own expense provide adequate first aid equipment, medical dispenses fire extinguishers and other safety equipment of an approved type, as may be specified (or expected in accordance with good working practice) and shall maintain
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this in a professional manner as directed by OGDCL or the regulative and industry standards. In addition, PC Contractor shall keep up-to-date records of all said equipment. Free access by all persons on site to all fire extinguishing and safety equipment must be maintained at all times.
The PC Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all personnel, both his own and his sub-Contractors, are fully qualified and competent to carryout the work, and that all personnel are adequately supervised at all times.
PC Contractors Representatives
The PC Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with the provision of any on-site services, including the attendance of PC Contractor representative during the fabrication, construction, testing, commissioning and performance test run phases of equipment/ material supplied by the PC Contractor.
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their HSE system properly. PC Contractor and its sub-contractor employees should be familiar with their own company policies as well as those of OGDCL. PC Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all facilities and associated services under direction or contract agreements between his company and OGDCL. PC Contractor and his sub-contractor shall ensure that all personnel assigned to any OGDCL work can safely perform the essential functions of their job assignment. PC Contractor and his sub-contractor shall ensure that personnel maintain the appropriate standards of personal hygiene in connection with the work that is being performed. The PC Contractor and his sub-contractor shall be required to immediately report to OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative all significant and important incidents involving fatality, injury, illness, environmental impacts, close calls, or hazardous situations. The reporting shall immediately be provided to the supervisor on location, or OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative. Unsafe conditions shall immediately be reported to OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative. It is the policy of company that any personnel who are in breach of the provisions of the rules, regulations, and policies related to substance abuse, dangerous materials, and firearms shall be removed from companys property. PC Contractor and his sub-contractor must use good maintenance practices around all OGDCL work sites. Work areas shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. Trash, spills, etc. must be immediately cleaned up, and spills of chemicals, oils, or potentially hazardous wastes must be immediately reported to OGDCL in accordance with the HSE Management System. PC Contractor and his sub-contractor shall ensure that personnel have been provided with the necessary safety, emergency and job related training required to safely perform their work assignment. Training records must be available for review by OGDCL.
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PC Contractor and his sub-contractor shall provide adequate safety equipment of an approved type and amount as is required for the performance of the work being done. Equipment shall be maintained in a professional manner as dictated by legal and industry standards. PC Contractor and his sub-contractor personnel may be required to participate in OGDCL HSE meetings if the work tasks or requirements are specified or work activities involve the interaction of personnel. Personnel working around electrical equipment shall take appropriate precautions to ensure that the equipment is de-energized while work is being performed on or around such equipment. Implementation of appropriate lockout-tagout systems is required as policy of OGDCL. Personnel shall become familiar with Emergency Action Plans applicable to the location where work is to be performed. Good communication is essential to ensure that prompt emergency actions are carried out if necessary. If there are questions concerning emergency procedures, it is the responsibility of the PC Contractor to ensure their personnel are well aware of what procedures are in place and who to notify in the event of any type of emergency.
6.11 Miscellaneous
The PC Contractor shall provide a completely fitted out facility, including all painting, insulation, installation of firefighting equipment, installation of general equipment signs and installing safety signs and equipment. All facilities within PC Contractors Scope of Work, including structural aspects, piping, equipment, instrumentation and electrical, shall have all protective coatings applied and paintwork touched-up, as required. The PC Contractor shall be responsible for collecting and disposal of all refuse items from the work site at regular intervals and after job completion. The PC Contractor shall be responsible for removing all excess materials from the site at the completion of the work. The PC Contractor shall make good all damage to equipment, structures, finishes, etc., caused during the performance of the work with no cost to OGDCL. The PC Contractor shall reinstate any areas distributed during the work including any temporary access ways, roads, fence etc.
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All such testing of system components shall be subjected to witnessing by OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative.
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Mechanical completion shall be signified after all such tests have been completed and documented and after the following has been carried out: Cleaning, flushing, draining, blowing out and drying out of vessels and piping systems and the installation, removal of temporary blinds used for isolation and testing of joints, as necessary. Replacing control valves, relief valves and orifice plates as removed for above. Replacement of gaskets and tightening of flanges, etc.
Finally PC Contractor shall carryout a leak test at a pressure to be specified by the OGDCL. This test shall ensure mechanical integrity of the newly constructed/ revamped fabrication. It shall be PC Contractors responsibility to provide nitrogen for leak testing. The PC Contractor shall provide other necessary tools, equipment and manpower necessary for such testing. If leak test fails the PC Contractor shall be responsible for the required rectification/ repairing. After successful completion of the test, nitrogen shall be left in the system, at a pressure slightly higher than the atmosphere until the gas is introduced. The project shall only be accepted by OGDCL as mechanically complete and ready to commission after a physical inspection of the installation has been carried out to verify that all piping, electrical and instrument systems, etc. are installed in accordance with final construction drawings. Such inspection shall also consider: That pressure test has been successfully completed. Electrical and instrumentation loop checks have been executed. Control valves, motors, etc. are functional. All other checks (functional and otherwise) have been executed in accordance with the Contract. Operating areas are clear of construction equipment, material and debris Any other provision as deemed necessary by OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative
When these activities have been carried out to the satisfaction of OGDCL, the equipment and/ or system shall be ready for pre-commissioning.
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The PC Contractor shall be responsible for pre-commissioning, which is defined as the systematic check of equipment and systems, on completion of fabrication installation and testing in order to verify that: All installation work, including testing, is complete. The equipment and systems are fit and safe to be put into operation with the intended service fluids, power sources, etc.
The PC Contractor shall install/ initial fill all fuels, lubricants, chemicals, preservatives and any other consumables necessary for operation of the entire facility. All chemicals and other consumables required for the operation shall be supplied by the OGDCL. The PC Contractor shall be responsible for preparing and submitting for approval to OGDCL, his proposed procedures, acceptance forms and sequences for the precommissioning of each section of the work. The work shall include, but not be limited to the following: 7.3.1 Mechanical Pre-commission all Air Cooled Heat Exchangers (HP & LP Condenser) drives by checking motor rotation without coupled with the coolers etc. and afterwards in coupled condition, setting of blade pitch angle, calibration of variable pitch system. Cleaning screens and filters, replacing and adjusting packing and seals. For piping system, installation and removal of temporary blinds as required, circulation and pre-commissioning of systems including service and potable water, effluent and drainage, fire protection, instrument and plant air, relief and blow down and interconnecting lines. Assistance in Pre-commissioning activities for the Sulfur Recovery Unit and Refrigeration Package as per the site instructions given by Packager. Vibration checks, alignment checks in accordance with the manufacturers requirements and subject to OGDCLs approval. All running tests to ensure that the sections and components of the Works are ready for operation and safe for commissioning.
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Calibration / certification of PSV Any other checks and running tests necessary for the completion of the project are required by the PC Contractor. 7.3.2 Electrical Function testing and operation of equipment in compliance with PC Contractor requirements, including all alarm and shutdown devices. Function testing and operation of switchgear and motor control centre including all VFDs, Soft starters, tripping relays and protection devices. Motor checks and operation including direction of rotation and run up times. All motors shall be run uncoupled for a minimum of two hours and checked for vibration and overheating. Miscellaneous checks on equipment, where appropriate such as fuse ratings, polarity checks etc. Clearance gaps and flanges on flame proof equipment to be checked to ensure that they are in a clean condition, greased where required and of the correct clearance. Earthing system to be inspected and pre-commissioned. Lighting system shall be inspected and pre-commissioned Functional testing of UPS System and UPS distribution system. 7.3.3 Instrumentation Functional testing, loop checking of all control loops as per related drawings and documents. Checking of set points and action of alarm and shutdown devices. Stroking of control valves and shutdown valves. Calibration / certification of PSV Pre-commissioning of the plant instrumentation shall be carried out systematically, starting with individual instruments and controllers through system instrumentation to a
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final demonstration of the overall plant safety shutdown system. All pre-commissioning activities shall be subjected to witnessing by OGDCL representatives/Consultant or person authorized by OGDCL, and the PC Contractor shall prepare and submit written reports on all pre-commissioning work carried out together with completed acceptance forms.
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OGDCL Provided Documents The design documents and construction specifications shall be provided by OGDCL. The documents and drawings provided will be of necessary detail to allow the PC Contractor to perform the works.
PC Contractor Provided Documents PC Contractor shall produce all other detailed documents, procedures required to execute the Works. Typically these should include but not be limited to the following: Un-priced technical copy of quotations/ bid of the selected vendor before placement of order for review and approval. Detailed drawings and documents of ordered items Un-priced copies of purchase orders Hydrotesting & Water Disposal procedures. Material Control Procedures MTOs verification for Bulk Materials Construction Procedures Dimensional Control Procedures Construction Safety Procedures Document Control Procedures Quality Assurance/ Quality Control Plans and Procedures/ QA/QC Formats Welding Procedures complete with all necessary supporting documentation Welder Qualifications PWHT Reports NDE Lifting Procedures for lifts over 30 ton or abnormal size and any other lifting operation designated by OGDCL within the existing plant area.
All of the above shall be submitted to OGDCL for approval prior to commencement of the relevant phase of the Work. In addition, the following shall be submitted to OGDCL upon completion of the relevant phase of the Works:
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As-built mark-ups of specified drawings e.g. instrument location layouts, wiring terminations etc. Completed inspection and test sheets as required by the PC Contractors Quality Plan, including records for material traceability and welder identification. Completed inspection and test sheets as required by the PC Contractors Quality Plan.
Upon completion of the works, PC Contractor shall produce a mechanical completion dossier complete with all As-built drawings, documents, and all electrical and instrument inspection documentation. 8.1.3 As-Built Records PC Contractor shall maintain a continuous up to date record of the as-built condition throughout the construction, installation and pre-commissioning. This record shall be in the form of marked-up drawings and documents, duly signed by PC Contractor. These records are to be made available to OGDCL on demand. Full and final two (02) sets of this documentation are to be provided to OGDCL within 2 weeks of the completion of the work. The requirements of each aspect of the work are given in the relevant contract specifications. 8.1.4 Certificate of Completion of the Works PC Contractor shall prepare and submit all documentation to confirm that the fabrication, construction, installation and testing have been carried out in accordance with the relevant contract specifications, as per format provided by OGDCL. Material Reconciliation PC Contractor shall maintain and submit all record of the material/ equipment on monthly basis. On completion of the works, PC Contractor will reconcile the material and prepare and submit all documentation for review and approval by OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative and shall return the balance material, consumables etc. along with the material reconciliation record as approved.
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All of the above shall be submitted to OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative for approval prior to commencement of the relevant phase of the work. The PC Contractor shall ensure, during each phase of the work adherence to the approved procedures plans, etc. NO WORK shall be considered as complete unless it is approved by OGDCL/ OGDCL Representative.
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Description of Revision
Table of Contents
1.0 MECHANICAL/PIPING/STRUCTURE ............................................................................................... 4 1.1 Valves ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Safety Valves and High Pressure Valves............................................................................................... 6 1.3 Pipes & Fittings ...................................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 Spring Hangers, Constant Hangers, Pipe Clamps, Pipe Bearings......................................................... 8 1.5 Seals........................................................................................................................................................ 9 2.0 ELECTRICAL ........................................................................................................................................ 10 2.1 Electrical Cables................................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Switch Gear /Motor Control Centers ................................................................................................... 11 2.3 Junction Boxes / Cable Glands / Conduit Fittings / Terminal Blocks/ Distribution Boards.............. 13 2.4 Lighting Fixtures .................................................................................................................................. 16 2.5 Lighting ................................................................................................................................................ 18 2.6 Industrial Sockets/ Motor Control Stations ......................................................................................... 19 2.7 Circuit Breakers for Distribution Boards............................................................................................. 21 2.8 Electric Motors ..................................................................................................................................... 24 2.9 Electric Heat Tracing ........................................................................................................................... 26 3.0 INSTRUMENTATION .......................................................................................................................... 26 3.1 Pressure, Temperature and D.P Transmitters (Electronic).................................................................. 26 3.2 Control Valves & Regulators............................................................................................................... 27 3.3 Solenoid Valves.................................................................................................................................... 29 3.4 Pressure / Temperature Gauges ........................................................................................................... 29 3.5 Pressure / Temperature Switches ......................................................................................................... 30 3.6 Proximity Switches .............................................................................................................................. 31 3.7 Limit Switches...................................................................................................................................... 32 3.8 I/P Transducer ...................................................................................................................................... 32 3.9 Tube Fittings (Valve Tubing, Analyzers, Impulse Tubing) ................................................................ 33 3.10 Junction Boxes / Cable Glands / Conduit Fittings / Terminal Blocks/ Distribution Boards (Applicable for Instrumentation as well as Electrical Discipline)...................................................... 34 3.11 Manifold Blocks ................................................................................................................................... 36 3.12 Instrument Cable .................................................................................................................................. 36 3.13 Level Transmitters................................................................................................................................ 37 3.14 Level Switches ..................................................................................................................................... 38 3.15 Tank Level Gauge ................................................................................................................................ 39 3.16 Level Gauges (Reflex / Transparent)................................................................................................... 39 3.17 Vibration Switch................................................................................................................................... 40 3.18 Automatic Ball / ON/OFF Valves........................................................................................................ 41 3.19 Actuator ................................................................................................................................................ 42 3.20 Flow Element ....................................................................................................................................... 44 3.21 Temperature Element ........................................................................................................................... 45 3.22 Instrument Protection Box ................................................................................................................... 46 3.23 Control Relays & Relay Bases............................................................................................................. 46 3.24 Gas Detectors........................................................................................................................................ 47 3.25 Flame Detectors.................................................................................................................................... 48 3.26 Status Lamp/Panel Switches/ Pushbuttons .......................................................................................... 48 3.27 Safety Barriers Galvanic Isolators ....................................................................................................... 49 4.0 CIVIL........................................................................................................................................................ 49 4.1 Termite.................................................................................................................................................. 49 4.2 Steel Reinforcement ............................................................................................................................. 50 4.3 Concrete Works (Cement).................................................................................................................... 50 4.4 Floor Tiles ............................................................................................................................................ 50 4.5 Floor Tile Skirting................................................................................................................................ 50 4.6 Aluminium Works................................................................................................................................ 50 4.7 UPVC Drainage pipe & fittings ........................................................................................................... 50 4.8 R.C.C. pipe & fittings........................................................................................................................... 50 Doc. No. 4908-GA-8010 Rev. 0 Page 2 of 53
Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project 4.9 Hydraulic door closure ......................................................................................................................... 50 4.10 Door lock and door stopper.................................................................................................................. 50 5.0 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ................................................................................................................. 50 5.1 Overhead Bridge Crane........................................................................................................................ 50 5.2 Nitrogen MCPs..................................................................................................................................... 52 5.3 Fire monitors, fire hydrants, hose box ................................................................................................. 52 5.4 Pumps ................................................................................................................................................... 52
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Beta International Inc. 8303 Millet, Houston, TX 77012-3346 USA Tel: 713-921-3600 Fax: 713-921-3313 Email: info@betaintl.com
AES, Inc. - USA A7227 Lawndale Houston, TX 77012 Phone: (713)928-5311 Fax: (713)928-5309
ANVIL 110 Corporate Dr. Suite 10 Portsmouth, NH 03801 Tel: (603) 422-8000 Fax: (603)422-8033 E-mail: nwright-ross@anvilintl.com Web: www.anvilintl.com
DOUGLAS CHERO SPA HEAD OFFICE & FACTORY Localit Predaglie - 29013 Carpaneto Piacentino - Piacenza - Italy Tel. +39 0523 854011 Fax +39 0523 85 03 89 VAT IT 09358430156 sales@douglas-chero.com
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project UK Tel : +44 (116) 272 7300 - Sales. Tel : +44 (116) 272 7320 - Finance. Fax : +44 (116) 272 7345 - Sales. Fax : +44 (116) 272 7348 - Finance.
FAIRBANKS HANCOCK USA HINDLE UK VALVITALIA KITZ JAPAN 1-10-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261-8577, Japan Tel: +81-43-299-0111
KF USA LVF ITALY Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 6 24060 SAN PAOLO D'ARGON (BG) - Italy P.Iva 03076750169 Tel. +39 035 4255211 Fax +39 035 959210 Email info@lvf.it <mailto:info@lvf.it>
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project VOGT USA/GERMANY WALWORTH USA WKM USA PROTEK VALVES YONEKI JAPAN SMITH USA ORBIT USA KSB GERMANY KSB Aktiengesellschaft Frankenthal, Pfalz (Germany) 67225 Phone: 49.6233.86.2554 Fax: 49.6233.86.3493 VELAN INC. CANADA 7007 Cte de Liesse, Montreal, QC, H4T 1G2, Canada Tel: (514) 748-7743 Fax: (514) 748-8635
VECTOR & WELLHEADS ENGINEERING,S.L. SPAIN KUM KANG VALVES MFG. CO.LTD. KOREA 209-10, Jang-dong Dalseo-gu Daegu 704-190 Korea Tel: 82 - 53 5814500 Fax: 82 - 53 5814505
UNICIMA CORP. JAPAN Kitamura Bldg. 4F, 2-6-16 Yaesu, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 104-0028 Japan TEL: +081-3-3516-1020 FAX: +081-3-3272-1281
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Bopp & Reuther Sicherheits-und Regelarmaturen GmbH Carl-Reuther-Strasse 1 68305 Mannheim Germany Tel: 49-621-749-0 Fax: 49-621-749-1800 Email: Andreas.Kaeppele@bursr.com
Farris Engineering 10195 Brecksville Road Brecksville, Ohio 44141 USA Phone: (440) 838-7690 Fax: (440) 838-7699 Email: farris@curtisswright.com
Schlumberger Middle East S.A. P.O. Box 2836 Al-Khobar 31952 Saudi Arabia Tel:+966 3 331 0300 Fax: +966 3 331 1701
AQUATROL INC. 600 E. North Street , P.O. Box 8012, Elburn, Illinois 60119 Tel No : 630-365-5400 1-800-323-0688 Fax : 630-365-5434 Email : sales@aquatrol.com
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VAN LUWEN HART B.V. UNICIMA CORP. JAPAN Kitamura Bldg. 4F, 2-6-16 Yaesu, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 104-0028 Japan TEL: +081-3-3516-1020 FAX: +081-3-3272-1281 VECTOR & WELLHEADS ENGINEERING SPAIN BANDO CORP. KOREA Room No.1103, Hanyang Towwer Vil, 150-6, Koje 1-Dong, Younje -Ku, Pusan Korea (Republic of) Tel: +82 51 503 0177 Fax: +82 51 503 0175
PSS Grinnell PO box 1142, D-66511 Neunkirchen Fon 0049 (0)6821-4011-0 Fax 0049 (0)6821-4011-37
Anvil 110 Corporate Dr. Suite 10 Portsmouth, NH 03801 Tel: (603) 422-8000 Fax: (603)422-8033
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Fronek FCI Pipe Supports, Inc. 1040 Jack Wells Blvd. Shreveport, LA 71107 PH: (713) 731-0030 FAX: (713) 731-8640
JOHN CRANE UK LTD - SLOUGH (HQ) Buckingham House Buckingham Avenue Slough SL1 4LU UK Tel: Fax: 01753 224000 01753 224224
BURGMANN DICHTUNGSWERKE GMBH & CO. KG UERE SAUERLACHER STRAE 6-10 D-82502 WOLFRATSHAUSEN Germany Tel: Fax: +49 (0)8171 - 23 0 +49 (0)8171 - 23 12 14
Email: markom@burgmann.com
AESSEAL plc Mill Close, Templeborough, Rotherham, S60 1BZ, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: Web: +44(0) 1709 369966 +44(0) 1709 720788 www.aesseal.com
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Flowserve Seals UK Dakota Avenue; South Langworthy Road; Salford Manchester Britain UK M5 2PU Phone: (44) 161 869 1206 Fax: (44) 161 869 1235
Flexibox USA/UK
Electrical Cables
PIONEER CABLES Suite # 1001 Unitower, I.I. Chundrigar Road P.O. Box No. 6643 Karachi Pakistan Tel: +92-21- 2416511-14. Fax: +92-21- 2415815 2411804.
PAKISTAN CABLES B/21, SITE, P.O. Box 5050 Karachi Pakistan Tel.: +92-21-290166/9 Fax: +92-21-2564614
EUPEN Malmedyer Str.9 4700- EUPEN, Belgium Tel.: +32(0) Fax: +32(0)
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Kerpenwerk GmbH & Co. Zweifaller Strae 275-287 52224 Stolberg Germany Tel.: +49 - 2402 / 17 - 1 Fax: +49 - 2402 / 75154 Local Representative Integrated Engineering Services 426- 3rd floor, Main Boulevard (Defense) Lahore Cantt-54810, Pakistan Phone no: 042-6664152, 6683770 Fax no : 042,5722954 Email: ies@pol.com.pk , info@iespk.com
A.G.E Industries (Pvt) Ltd 103-A, Uni-center, 2nd Floor, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi. Tel: 021-2414065 2414066 Fax: 0092-21-2412014
NEWAGE Cables NEWAGE Mansion Mcleod Road Lahore, Pakistan Tel: 92-42-111-777-300 Fax: 92-42-6363081
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Engineering and Construction Department ( Sales) B-72 Site Avenue Karachi Phone no : 2574910-19 Fax : 012-2567461 Email.address : www.siemens.com.pk
AREVA T&D 1, place de la Coupole 92084 Paris La Dfense France Telephone: +44 (0) 1785 25 00 70 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1785 27 24 51 Local Representative of ALSTOM / AREVA AREVA T&D Pakistan Private Ltd D-163 S.I.T.E Karachi 75700 Phone no : 021-2576005-9 UAN: 021-111-777-888 Fax no: 021-2560449 Website : www.areva-td.com Email: apk.sales@areva-td.com
ABB Affolternstrasse 44 P.O. Box 8131 CH-8050 Zurich Switzerland Tel. +41 (0)43 317 7111 Fax +41 (0)43 317 4420 Local Representative ABB Private Ltd Karachi office C-99-KDA Scheme no 1
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Karachi 75400 Phone no: 021-4537618 Fax no : 021-4548163
General Electric Company 3135 Easton Turnpike Fairfield, CT 06828-0001 United States Tel: +1-(203) 373-2039
Junction Boxes / Cable Glands / Conduit Fittings / Terminal Blocks/ Distribution Boards
Weidmuller / Klippon 821 South Lake Blvd, Richmound, Virginia 23236, Phone No. (804) 794 2877 Fax No. (804) 794 0252 Crouse Hinds Cooper Industries 600 Travis, Suite 5800 Houston, Texas 77002-1001 USA Tel: +1-713-209-8400
Italsmea ITALSMEA S.p.A Via Per Cernusco, 15 - 20060 Bussero (MI) Italy Tel: + 39-02-9500151 Fax: +39-02-95039102
CMP CMP Products St. Peters Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 1BS United Kingdom
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Tel: +44 191 265 7411 Fax: +44 191 265 0581
Pepper Peppers Cable Glands Limited Stanhope Road Camberley Surrey GU15 3BT United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1276 64232 Fax: +44 (0) 1276 69175 Local Representative Integrated Engineering Services 426- 3rd flor , Main Boulevard(Defence) Lahore Cantt-54810, Pakistan Phone no: 042-6664152,6683770 Fax no : 042,5722954 Email: ies@pol.com.pk , infor@iespk.com
Appleton Appleton Corporate Headquarters 9377 W. Higgins Road Rosemont, IL 60018 Phone: +1-847-268-6000 Fax: +1-800-356-4714 Local Representative MAQ International 59-A , sindhi muslim society Karachi 74400 Phone no : 021-4535671 Fax no : 4535676-4528145 Email : maq@maqint.com
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Germany Tel: +49 (0)7931 597-0 Fax: +49 (0)7931 597-119 Email: info@bartec.de Local representative Systematic Engineering Services Al-Hayat chambers , room no 6 , 1st floor , plot # A-7 , block # 7 & 8 sultan -e- millat road , Karachi 75350 Phone no: 021-4521502 , 4557929 Fax no: 021-4542704 URL: www.sespak.com ses@pk.netsolir.com
Stahl R. STAHL, Inc. R. STAHL AG Am Bahnhof 30 74638 Waldenburg Germany Local Representative Clipsal Pakistan Ltd 101-102, Sector 15, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi. UAN: 111-081-081 Phone no: 021-5067278-9 Fax no: Email: info@clipsal.com.pk
GOVAN Govan Industries Pty.Ltd. 131-149 Link Drive Campbellfield Victoria - 3061 Australia Tel: +61 3 9358 3400 Fax: +61 3 9358 3499 Email : sales@govan.com.au
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Local Representative Britlite Engineeering services 29-C , Ground floor , 4th sunset commercial street , phase IV, DHA , Karachi 75500. Phone no : 5383768,5801096 Fax: 021-5396784,021-5684106Email: bec@britlite.com
Lighting Fixtures
Crouse Hinds Cooper Industries 600 Travis, Suite 5800 Houston, Texas 77002-1001 USA Tel: +1-713-209-8400
Italsmea ITALSMEA S.p.A Via Per Cernusco, 15 - 20060 Bussero (MI) Italy Tel: + 39-02-9500151 Fax: +39-02-95039102
Victor Victor Lighting PO Box 5571 Glasgow G52 4BL Scotland Tel: +44 (0) 141 810 9644 Fax: +44 (0) 141 810 9642 Local Representative Britlite Engineeering services 29-C , Ground floor , 4th sunset commercial street , phase IV, DHA , Karachi 75500. Phone no : 5383768,5801096 Fax: 021-5396784,021-5684106 Email: bec@britlite.com
Appleton Appleton
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Corporate Headquarters 9377 W. Higgins Road Rosemont, IL 60018 Phone: +1-847-268-6000 Fax: +1-800-356-4714 Local Representative MAQ International 59-A , sindhi muslim society Karachi 74400 Phone no : 021-4535671 Fax no : 4535676-4528145 Email : maq@maqint.com
CEAG Cooper Crouse-Hinds GmbH Senator-Schwartz-Ring 26 59494 Soest Germany Telephone +49 2921/69-0 Fax +49 2921/69-606
Stahl R. STAHL, Inc. R. STAHL AG Am Bahnhof 30 74638 Waldenburg Germany Local Representative Clipsal Pakistan Ltd 101-102, Sector 15, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi. UAN: 111-081-081 Phone no: 021-5067278-9 Fax no: Email: info@clipsal.com.pk
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Faeber Lighting System s.p.A. 24050 Orio al Serio (BG) Italia Via Aldo Moro, 9/11 Tel# 035 586011 Fax: 035 525177 Local Representative Britlite Engineering Company 29-C, 4th Sunset Commercial Street, Phase 4, DHA., Karachi-75500, Pakistan. Tel# 9221-5383768, 5801096 Fax# 9221- 5396784
Victor Products Limited New York Way New York Industrial Park New Castle Upon Tyne, NE27 OQF UK Tel: +44 191 280 8000 Fax: +44 191 280 8080
COOPER CROUSE HINDS Cooper Industries 600 Travis, Suite 5800, Houston, Texas 77002-1001 USA Tel: +1 713 209 8400 Fax: +1 713 209 8995
R. STAHL, Inc. R. STAHL AG Am Bahnhof 30, 74638 Waldenburg Germany Tel: +49 7942 943 0 Fax: +49 7942 943 4333
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project ITALSMEA S.p.A ITALSMEA S.p.A Via Per Cernusco, 15 - 20060 Bussero (MI) Italy Tel: +39 2 9500151 Fax: +39 2 95039102
APPLETON 9377 W. Higgins Road, Rosemont, IL 60018 USA. Tel: +1 847 268 6000 Fax: +1 800 356 4714
CEAG Cooper Crouse-Hinds GmbH Senator-Schwartz Ring 26 59494 Soest, Germany Tel: +49 2921 69 0 Fax: +49 2921 69 606
Philips Electrical Industries of Pakistan F-54, SITE, Karachi, Pakistan Phone: +92 21 2573915 Email: ltinfo.pakistan@philips.com
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Local Representative MAQ International 59-A , sindhi muslim society Karachi 74400 Phone no : 021-4535671 Fax no : 4535676-4528145 Email : maq@maqint.com COOPER CROUSE HINDS Cooper Industries 600 Travis, Suite 5800, Houston, Texas 77002-1001 USA Tel: +1 713 209 8400 Fax: +1 713 209 8995 R. STAHL, Inc. R. STAHL AG Am Bahnhof 30 74638 Waldenburg Germany Telephone: +49 7942 943-0 Fax: +49 7942 943-4333 Local Representative Clipsal pvt Ltd 101-102, Sector 15, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi. UAN: 111-081-081 Phone no: 021-5067278-9 Fax no: Email: info@clipsal.com.pk
BARTEC GmbH Max-Eyth-Str. 16 D-97980 Bad Mergentheim Germany Tel: +49 (0)7931 597-0 Fax: +49 (0)7931 597-119 Local representative
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Systematic Engineering Services Al-Hayat chambers , room no 6 , 1st floor , plot # A-7 , block # 7 & 8 sultan -e- millat road , Karachi 75350 Phone no: 021-4521502 , 4557929 Fax no: 021-4542704 URL: www.sespak.com ses@pk.netsolir.com
CEAG Cooper Crouse-Hinds GmbH Senator-Schwartz-Ring 26 59494 Soest Germany Telephone +49 2921/69-0 Fax +49 2921/69-606
GOVAN Govan Industries Pty.Ltd. 131-149 Link Drive Campbellfield Victoria - 3061 Australia Tel: +61 3 9358 3400 Fax: +61 3 9358 3499 sales@govan.com.au Local Representative Britlite Engineeering services 29-C , Ground floor , 4th sunset commercial street , phase IV, DHA , Karachi 75500. Phone no : 5383768,5801096 Fax: 021-5396784,021-5684106Email: bec@britlite.com
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Siemens AG Wittelsbacherplatz 2 D-80333 Munich Germany Tel: +49 89 636-00 Fax: +49 89 636-52 000 Local Representative Siemens Pakistan Pvt Ltd Engineering and Construction Department ( Sales) B-72 Site Avenue Karachi Phone no : 2574910-19 Fax : 012-2567461 website : www.siemens.com.pk
MERLIN GERIN Schneider Electric SA 43-45, boulevard Franklin- Roosevelt 92500 Rueil-Malmaison France Phone: +33 (0) 1 41 29 70 00 Fax: +33 (0) 1 41 29 71 00 Local Representative Accrescent Engineers Suite # 411 , Anum Estate , 49 , D.A.C.H.S Block 7/8 , Shah rah-e-Faisal Karachi Phone no : 021-4380254 ,4539780 ,4316316 Fax no : 021-4534883 Info@accrescent.com.pk
TERASAKI ELECTRIC CO. LTD. 7-2-10 Hannancho, Abeno-ku, Osaka,545-0021, Japan TEL +81-6-6692-1131 FAX +81-6-6692-2122 Local Representative Jubilee Corporation
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project 1st floor , mercantile centre , new naham road , Karachi 74000 Phone no: 021-2439070, 021-2439081 UAN: 111-000-520 Fax no: 021-2414589 Email: jubilee.corp@cyber.net.pk
ABB Affolternstrasse 44 P.O. Box 8131 CH-8050 Zurich Switzerland Tel. +41 (0)43 317 7111 Fax +41 (0)43 317 4420 Local Representative ABB Private Ltd Karachi office C-99-KDA Scheme no 1 Karachi 75400 Phone no: 021-8279040-4537618 Fax no : 021-4548163
Clipsal Australia Pty Ltd Street Address:12 Park Terrace Bowden SA 5007 Australia Tel: +61 8 8269 0587 Fax: +61 8 8340 7350 Local Representative Clipsal Pakistan Ltd 101-102, Sector 15, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi. UAN: 111-081-081 Phone no: 021-5067278-9 Fax no: Email: info@clipsal.com.pk
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Tel. +33 1 41 49 20 00 Local Representative of ALSTOM / AREVA AREVA T&D Pakistan Private Ltd D-163 S.I.T.E Karachi 75700 Phone no : 021-2576005-9 UAN: 021-111-777-888 Fax no: 021-2560449 Website : www.areva-td.com Email: apk.sales@areva-td.com SCHNEIRDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SA. 43-45, boulevard Franklin- Roosevelt 92500 Rueil-Malmaison France Phone: +33 (0) 1 41 29 70 00 Fax: +33 (0) 1 41 29 71 00 Local Representative Accrescent Engineers Suite # 411 , Anum Estate , 49 , D.A.C.H.S Block 7/8 , Shah rah-e-Faisal Karachi Phone no : 021-4380254 ,4539780 ,4316316 Fax no : 021-4534883 Info@accrescent.com.pk
Electric Motors
Siemens AG Wittelsbacherplatz 2 D-80333 Munich Germany Tel: +49 89 636-00 Fax: +49 89 636-52 000 Local Representative Siemens Pakistan Pvt Ltd Engineering and Construction Department (Sales) B-72 Site Avenue Karachi Phone no : 2574910-19 Fax : 012-2567461 Email.address : www.siemens.com.pk
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project General Electric Company 3135 Easton Turnpike Fairfield, CT 06828-0001 United States Tel: +1-(203) 373-2039 Local Representative Inpro Pakistan Limited 1st floor 112 , Business Arcade , Shahra-e-Faisal , Karachi Phone no : 021-4310847 Fax no : 021-4310848 URL: www.inpropakistan.com
ABB Affolternstrasse 44 P.O. Box 8131 CH-8050 Zurich Switzerland Tel. +41 (0)43 317 7111 Fax +41 (0)43 317 4420 Local Representative ABB Private Ltd Karachi office C-99-KDA Scheme no 1 Karachi 75400 Phone no: 021-4537618 Fax no : 021-4548163
Baldor . Dodge . Reliance European Sales Office Hermann-Heinrich-Gossen-Strasse 3 50858 Kln, Germany +49 (0) 2234 37941 0
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project +46 (0) 2234 37941 64 FAX Contact the European Sales Office
Fax: E-Mail:
Pressure, Temperature and D.P Transmitters (Electronic)
Emerson Process Management Emerson Process Management, Headquarters Emerson Process Management Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. 1 Pandan Crescent, Singapore 128461 Tel +65 6777-8211 Fax +65 6777-0947 Email: Enquiries@AP.EmersonProcess.com Invensys System GmbH Emanuel-Leutze-Str. 11 40547 Duesseldorf Germany
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Tel: 49 211/5966-0 Fax: 49 211/5966-167 Web Address: www.invensys-process-systems.de
Honeywell Honeywell Middle East PO Box 6034 14th Floor, Golden Tower Corniche Road Sharjah United Arab Emirates Tel: (971) 65 72 61 43 Fax: (971) 65 72 61 65
Yokogawa Yokogawa 9-32, Nakcho, 2-Chome, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750, Japan Tel: 81 - 422 - 52 6329 Fax: 81 - 422 - 52 6619
Masoneilan Dresser Masoneilan 85 Bodwell Street Avon, MA 02322-1190 USA Tel: +1 508 586 4600
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Fax: +1 508 941 5497 E-mail: sales@masoneilan.com URL: www.masoneilan.com M/s. Masoneilan International Inc. Corporate Office, General Sales Office and Norwood Plant, 63 Nahatan Street, Norwood, Massachusetts, 02062, U.S.A Phone No.: (617) 762 4600
Noriseal Headquarters, Manufacturing and Sales 11122 West Little York, Houston, TX 77041 USA Mailing Address: PO Box 40525 Houston, TX 77240-0525 Tel: (713) 466-3552 Fax: (713) 896-7386 Email: info@norriseal.com
Flowserve Flowserve World Headquarters 5215 N. O'Connor Blvd., Suite 2300 Irving, TX 75039 USA Phone: (972) 443-6500 Fax: (972) 443-6800 URL: www.flowserve.com
Severn Glocon Headquarters, Severn Glocon Ltd. St. Luke Street, Southgate Street Gloucester GL1 5RE England Tel: +44 (0) 1452 318 900 Fax: +44 (0) 1452 318 901 Email: sales@severnglocon.co.uk URL: www.severnglocon.com
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Solenoid Valves
Asco M/s. Asco World Wide Head Quarters 50 Hanover Road, Florham Park NJ 07932, U.S.A Phone No. 800 524 1023, 973 966 2000 Fax No. 973 966 2628
Hytork 28 Third Lok Yang Road Singapore 628016 Phone: +65 26 24 515 Fax: +65 2680028 / 770 80 80 Email: info.ValveAutomation-AP@EmersonProcess.com
Bifold Bifold Fluidpower Ltd. Greenside Way Middleton Manchester M24 1SW United Kingdom Tel: +44 161 345 4777 Fax: +44 161 345 4780 E-mail: sales@bifold-fluidpower.co.uk
Nouva Fima 28045 Invorio (NO) Italia. Via C. Battisti, 59 Phone No.: (0322) 559456 Fax No.: (0322) 55938
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Wika M/s. Wika Alexander, Alexander Weigand StraBe 30, 63911 Klingenberg, Germany, Phone No. (+49) 93 72/132-0 Fax No. (+49) 93 72/132-406
Budenberg 4 Gilchrist Road, North Bank Industrial Park, Irlam, Manchester, M44 5AY. United Kingdom Tel: + 44 (0)870 442 5441 Fax: + 44 (0)870 787 7350 E-mail: sales@budenberg.co.uk
Tel-Tru Tel-Tru Manufacturing Co. P.O. Box 144, Rochester, NY 14601 USA Tel: 716-232-1440 Fax: 716-232-3857
British Rototherm British Rototherm Company Limited, Kenfig Industrial Estate, Margam, Port Talbot SA13 2PW United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0) 1656 740 551 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1656 745 915 / 741 275 E-mail: rototherm@rototherm.co.uk
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project P.O Box 9143 Watertown, MA 02471-9143 USA Tel: (617) 926-1000
Delta Delta Controls Limited Island Farm Avenue, West Molesey, Surrey KT8 ZUZ, Tel.: +44 (0) 20 89393500 Fax: +44 (0) 20 87831163
Ashcroft US and International Headquarters Stratford, Connecticut, 250-East Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614 5145, Tel: (203) 378 8281 Fax: (203) 385 0408
Buden Burge 4 Gilchrist Road, North Bank Industrial Park, Irlam, Manchester, M44 5AY. United Kingdom Tel: + 44 (0)870 442 5441 Fax: + 44 (0)870 787 7350 E-mail: sales@budenberg.co.uk
S.O.R M/s. SOR (Level & Flow Products) P.O. Box 19709, 8570 Katy Freeway, Bldg. 111 Houston, TX 77024, U.S.A Tel.: (713) 468-6100 Fax: (713) 468-0649
Proximity Switches
Pepperal + Fuchs (P+F) or Equivalent Pepperl+Fuchs GB Ltd. 77 Ripponden Road, Oldham OL1 4EL(RoadMap)
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Lancashire Tel: 0161 633 6431 Fax: 0161 624 6537 Internet: www.gb.pepperl-fuchs.com
Limit Switches
Honeywell Honeywell Middle East PO Box 6034 14th Floor, Golden Tower Corniche Road Sharjah United Arab Emirates Tel: (971) 65 72 61 43 Fax: (971) 65 72 61 65
Safevision 28 Third Lok Yang Road Singapore 628016 Phone: +65 26 24 515 Fax: +65 2680028 / 770 80 80 Email: info.ValveAutomation-AP@EmersonProcess.com
I/P Transducer
Emerson Process Management Emerson Process Management, Headquarters Emerson Process Management Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. 1 Pandan Crescent, Singapore 128461 Tel +65 6777-8211 Fax +65 6777-0947 Email: Enquiries@AP.EmersonProcess.com
Masoneilan Dresser Masoneilan 85 Bodwell Street, Avon, MA 02322-1190 USA Tel: +1 508 586 4600
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Fax: +1 508 941 5497 E-mail: sales@masoneilan.com URL: www.masoneilan.com M/s. Masoneilan International Inc. Corporate Office, General Sales Office and Norwood Plant, 63 Nahatan Street, Norwood, Massachusetts, 02062, U.S.A Phone No.: (617) 762 4600
Noriseal Headquarters, Manufacturing and Sales 11122 West Little York, Houston, TX 77041 USA Mailing Address: PO Box 40525 Houston, TX 77240-0525 Tel: (713) 466-3552 Fax: (713) 896-7386 Email: info@norriseal.com
Yokogawa Yokogawa 9-32, Nakcho, 2-Chome, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750, Japan Tel: 81 - 422 - 52 6329 Fax: 81 - 422 - 52 6619
Hoke Hoke International Ltd. Head Office 1-3 Bouverie Road Harrow, Middlesex HA1 4HB Tel +44 (0)20 8423 0113
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Fax +44 (0)20 8864 7008
Parker Parker Cougar Valves & Fittings 13 Arab Road P.O. Box 526 Padstow, NSW 2211 Australia, Tel: 61 2 9792 2788 Fax: 61 2 9792 1194
Gyro-lock Hoke International Ltd. Head Office 1-3 Bouverie Road Harrow, Middlesex HA1 4HB Tel +44 (0)20 8423 0113 Fax +44 (0)20 8864 7008
Junction Boxes / Cable Glands / Conduit Fittings / Terminal Blocks/ Distribution Boards (Applicable for Instrumentation as well as Electrical Discipline)
Weidmuller / Klippon 821 South Lake Blvd, Richmound, Virginia 23236, Tel.: (804) 794 2877 Fax: (804) 794 0252
Crouse Hinds Cooper Industries 600 Travis, Suite 5800, Houston, Texas 77002-1001 USA Tel: +1-713-209-8400
Clipsal Clipsal Australia Pty Ltd. Street Address:12 Park Terrace Bowden SA 5007 Australia Tel: +61 8 8269 0587 Fax: +61 8 8340 7350 Email: export@clipsal.com.au
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Italsmea ITALSMEA S.p.A Via Per Cernusco, 15 - 20060 Bussero (MI) Italy Tel: + 39-02-9500151 Fax: +39-02-95039102
CMP CMP Products St. Peters, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1BS United Kingdom Tel: +44 191 265 7411 Fax: +44 191 265 0581
Pepper Peppers Cable Glands Limited Stanhope Road, Camberley Surrey, GU15 3BT United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1276 64232 Fax: +44 (0) 1276 69175
Appleton Appleton Corporate Headquarters, 9377 W. Higgins Road Rosemont, IL 60018 Tel: +1-847-268-6000 Fax: +1-800-356-4714
Bartec Bartec GmbH Max-Eyth-Str. 16, D-97980 Bad Mergentheim Germany Tel: +49 (0)7931 597-0 Fax: +49 (0)7931 597-119 Email: info@bartec.de
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project R. Stahl AG, Am Bahnhof 30 74638 Waldenburg Germany
Allen Bradley Rockwell Automation Allen-Bradley & Rockwell, 1201 South Second Street Milwaukee, WI 53204-2496 USA Tel: 1.414.382.2000 Fax: 1.414.382.4444
Metallurgica Bresciana
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Viale G Marconi 31 Dello Brescia, I-25020, Italy, Tel: (+39 030) 977 19 11 Fax: (+39 030) 997 12 60
Belden Belden CDT Inc. 7701 Forsyth Boulevard, Suite 800 St. Louis, Missouri 63105 USA Tel: +1- 314-854-8000 Fax: +1-314-854-8001
Brandrex Locked Bag 220 Clayton, VIC 3168, Australia, Tel: 1300 363 282 Fax: 1300 363 382 Email: sales@generalcable.com.au
Masoneilan Dresser Masoneilan 85 Bodwell Street, Avon, MA 02322-1190 USA Tel: +1 508 586 4600 Fax: +1 508 941 5497 E-mail: sales@masoneilan.com
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project URL: www.masoneilan.com M/s. Masoneilan International Inc. Corporate Office, General Sales Office and Norwood Plant, 63 Nahatan Street, Norwood, Massachusetts, 02062, U.S.A Phone No.: (617) 762 4600 Yokogawa Yokogawa 9-32, Nakcho, 2-Chome, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750, Japan Tel: 81 - 422 - 52 6329 Fax: 81 - 422 - 52 6619
Invensys System GmbH Emanuel-Leutze-Str. 11 40547 Duesseldorf Germany Tel: 49 211/5966-0 Fax: 49 211/5966-167 Web Address: www.invensys-process-systems.de
Magnetrol Corporate Headquarters: 5300 Belmont road, Downers Grove Illinois 60515-4499 USA Tel: 630-969-4000 Fax: 630-969-9489
Level Switches
Magnetrol Corporate Headquarters: 5300 Belmont road, Downers Grove Illinois 60515-4499 USA Tel: 630-969-4000 Fax: 630-969-9489
Delta Delta Controls Limited Island Farm Avenue, West Molesey, Surrey KT8 ZUZ, Phone No. +44 (0) 20 89393500
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Fax No. +44 (0) 20 87831163
Ashcroft US and International Headquarters Stratford, Connecticut, 250-East Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614 5145, Phone No. (203) 378 8281 Fax No. (203) 385 0408
S.O.R M/s. SOR (Level & Flow Products) P.O. Box 19709, 8570 Katy Freeway, Bldg. 111 Houston, TX 77024, U.S.A Phone No.: (713) 468-6100 Fax No.: (713) 468-0649
Noriseal Headquarters, Manufacturing and Sales 11122 West Little York, Houston, TX 77041 USA Mailing Address: PO Box 40525 Houston, TX 77240-0525 Tel: (713) 466-3552 Fax: (713) 896-7386 Email: info@norriseal.com
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Klinger Head Office - Western Australia 38 McDowell Street, Welshpool, WA, 6106 Tel: +61 8 9350 1100 Fax: +61 8 9350 9286 Email: technical_service@klinger.com.au Penberthy Penberthy Division, Houdaille Industries Inc. Prophetstown, Illins 61277 P.O.Box No. 112 Tel: 8151537-2311 Telex: 257339 PMCO PRWN
Kenco Corporate Office P.O. Box 470426, Tulsa, OK 74147 Phone:918.663.4406 Fax: 918.663.4480 Email:info@kenco-eng.com http://www.kenco-eng.com
Kuebler 8319-M, Arrowridge Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28273, USA Tel: 704 522 7663 Fax: 704 522 7616 www. ksr-usa.com
Jerguson The Clark-Reliance Corporation (Corporate Office) 16633 Foltz Industrial Parkway, Strongsville, OH 44149, Phone: (440) 572-1500 Fax: (440) 238-8828
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project United Kingdom Frank W. Murphy Ltd. Swichgage House, Church Rd. Laverstock, Salisbury, SP1 1QZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 Fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 Email: sales@fwmurphy.co.uk http://www.fwmurphy.co.uk
Bentley Nevada Bentley Nevada (UK) Ltd. 2 Kelvin Close, Science Park North Birchwood Warrington WA3 7BL(Road Map) Cheshire Tel: 01925 818504 Fax: 01925 817819 Internet: www.bentley.com
Vogt Worldwide
Orbit Cooper Cameron Valves 3250 Briarpark Drive, Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77042
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Phone: 281-499-8511 Fax: 281-261-3588 Internet: www.coopercameron.com Email: info@ccvalve.com
Cameron Cooper Cameron Valves 3250 Briarpark Drive, Suite 300, Houston, Texas 77042 Phone: 281-499-8511 Fax: 281-261-3588 Internet: www.coopercameron.com Email: info@ccvalve.com
Flowserve Flowserve World Headquarters 5215 N. O'Connor Blvd., Suite 2300, Irving, TX 75039 USA Phone: (972) 443-6500 Fax: (972) 443-6800 URL: www.flowserve.com
TYCO Tyco Valve and Control, Head Office 114 Albatross Road Nowra NSW 2541 Australia Phone: 02 4448 0300 Fax: 02 4423 3232 Email: gfinney@typac.com.au
Bettis Emerson Process Management, Headquarters Emerson Process Management Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. 1 Pandan Crescent, Singapore 128461 Tel +65 6777-8211 Fax +65 6777-0947
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Email: Enquiries@AP.EmersonProcess.com Bettis Corporation P.O. Box 508 18703 GH Circle Waller, Texas 77484 U.S.A. Tel: (281) 727 5300 Fax: (281) 727 5353 Email: info.Bettis@EmersonProcess.com
V&W Vector & Wellhead Engineering S.L C/ Fray Luis Amigo, 4, Ed. Rubi, Pr. A 50006 Zaragoza, Spain Tel: +34 976 30 19 90 Fax: +34 976 30 19 91 Email: info@vweng.com
Zwick Zwick Armaturen GmbH Egerstrae 25, D-58256 Ennepetal Germany Phone: +49 (0) 23 33 98 56 5 Fax: +49 (0) 23 33 98 56 6 E-Mail: info@zwick-gmbh.de
Flowserve Flowserve World Headquarters 5215 N. O'Connor Blvd., Suite 2300 Irving, TX 75039 USA Phone: (972) 443-6500 Fax: (972) 443-6800 URL: www.flowserve.com
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Rotork Main Office/Factory Rotork Controls, Inc. 675 Mile Crossing Blvd Rochester NY 14624 USA North America Tel: +1 585 247 2304 Fax: +1 585 247 2308 Email: info@rotork.com
Ladeen Worldwide
Invensys System GmbH Emanuel-Leutze-Str. 11 40547 Duesseldorf Germany Tel: 49 211/5966-0 Fax: 49 211/5966-167 Web Address: www.invensys-process-systems.de
Yokogawa Yokogawa 9-32, Nakcho, 2-Chome, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750, Japan Tel: 81 - 422 - 52 6329 Fax: 81 - 422 - 52 6619
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Intra Intra Automation Otto-Hahn-Strae 20 D-41515 Grevenbroich Postbox 10 03 27 D-41487 Grevenbroich Phone: +49 (0 )2181 68671 Telex: 8517226 INTA D Telefax: +49 (0)2181 64492 E-Mail: Intra-Automation@T-Online.de
Minco Product Minco Worldwide Headquarters Minco 7300 Commerce Lane Minneapolis, MN 55432 U.S.A. Tel: 1-763-571-3121 Fax: 1-763-571-0927 Email: Info@minco.com
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Key Stone Tyco Valve and Control, Head Office 114 Albatross Road Nowra NSW 2541 Australia Phone: 02 4448 0300 Fax: 02 4423 3232 Email: gfinney@typac.com.au
GE General Electric Company, Corporate 3135 Easton Turnpike Fairfield, CT 06828-0001 United States Tel: +1-(203) 373-2039
Allen Bradley Allen-Bradley & Rockwell 1201 South Second Street Milwaukee, WI 53204-2496 USA
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Tel: 1.414.382.2000 Fax: 1.414.382.4444 Siemens Siemens AG Wittelsbacherplatz 2 D-80333 Munich Germany Tel: +49 89 636-00 Fax: +49 89 636-52 000
Gas Detectors
Detronics Detector Electronics Corporation 6901 West 110th Street West Minneapolis, MN 55438 USA Tel: 952.941.5665 or 800.765.3473 Fax: 952.829.8750 URL: www.detronics.com Email: detronics@detronics.com
SIEGER Honeywell Analytics Distribution Inc. 400 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway Suite 100 Sunrise FL 33325 Tel: +1 954 514 2700 Toll free: +1 800 538 0363 Fax: +1 954 514 2784 Email : sales@zelana.com
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Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project PO9 1JR England Tel: +44 (0)23 9249 2412 Fax: +44 (0)23 9249 2754 Email: sales@apollo-fire.co.uk MSA Worldwide
Allison Engg. Worldwide MSA Worldwide Cerebus Worldwide Apollo Apollo Fire Detectors Limited 36 Brookside Road Havant Hampshire PO9 1JR England Tel: +44 (0)23 9249 2412 Fax: +44 (0)23 9249 2754 Email: sales@apollo-fire.co.uk
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Siemens Siemens AG Wittelsbacherplatz 2 D-80333 Munich Germany Tel: +49 89 636-00 Fax: +49 89 636-52 000
Allen Bradley Allen-Bradley & Rockwell 1201 South Second Street Milwaukee, WI 53204-2496 USA Tel: 1.414.382.2000 Fax: 1.414.382.4444
Elcon Worldwide
Agenda Bayer
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Steel Reinforcement
Amreli Razzaque Dewan
Floor Tiles
National tile/ equivalent
Aluminium Works
Premium Model
Overhead Bridge Crane
Street Crane UK Page 50 of 53
Vendor List Dakhni Expansion Project Local Representative OTTO Material Handling (PVT.) LTD. 4-S, Ejaz Centre, Main Boulevard, Gulberg III, Lahore. Tel: 92-42-5716372 Fax: 92-42-5716373 Email: info@ottomaterials.com
Morris Material Handling 3-F, Ejaz Centre, Main Boulevard, Gulberg, Lahore. Tel: 92-42-5752390 Fax: 92-42-5753290 Email: morriscranes@cyber.net.pk
COH inc. Head Office & Plant 801, Cure Boivin Boisbriand, Quebec Canada J7G 2J2 Tel.: (450) 430-6500 Fax: (450) 430-6611
GORBEL Inc. 600 Fishers Run PO Box 593 Fishers, NY 14453 USA Tel: 800-821-0086, 585-924-6262 Fax: 585-924-6273
OVERHEAD CRANES INTERNATIONAL, LLC 125 North 400 West, Ste A North Salt Lake, UT 84054 Tel: 801-936-0288 Fax: 801-936-0292
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Nitrogen MCPs
BOC Pakistan
National Gases Limited F-74/A, S.I.T.E. P.O. Box No. 3647, Karachi - 75700, Pakistan. Phone No. +92-21-2551453-58 FAX+92-21-2561335
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This Contract (hereinafter referred to as Contract) is made this ____ day of _________ 2009 between Oil & Gas Development Company Limited having its Head Office situated at OGDCL House, Blue Area, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad (hereinafter referred to as OGDCL, which expression where the context admits shall include and mean its successors in interest and assigns) of the one Part and M/s. _____________________________________________ and having its registered office at ______________________________________________ _________________ (hereinafter referred to as PC CONTRACTOR which expression whereas the context admits shall include and mean its successors and assigns) of the other part. WHEREAS OGDCL is operating Dakhni Gas Processing Facility which is processing gas available from Dakhni Gas Field located in district Attock, Punjab Province. It is about 150 km west of Islamabad. This facility is currently producing 20 MMSCFD of sour feed gas. WHEREAS in order to enhance the processing capacity of the existing plant from 20 MMSCFD to 40 MMSCFD sour feed gas and consequently, installation of a new Sulfur Recovery Unit of 90 M Tons/day to increase the sulfur production. OGDCL is implementing Dakhni Expansion Project (hereinafter referred to as Project). WHEREAS OGDCL invited Bids for procurement (supply), construction,
installation/erection, pre-commissioning, start-up and commissioning assistance of Dakhni Expansion Project (hereinafter referred to as Work). AND WHEREAS the PC Contractor after reviewing and understanding the complete details of the Work and Project requirements given in the Tender Document No. ______________ dated ____________ 2009, submitted the Bid No. __________ dated ____________ 2009 and has agreed to undertake the Work as per terms, conditions and specifications mentioned hereinafter. WHEREAS OGDCL through letter no. ___________ dated ___________ communicated its intention to award the Contract for procurement (supply), construction, installation/erection, pre-commissioning, start-up and commissioning assistance of Dakhni Expansion Project.
NOW THEREFORE OGDCL AND THE PC CONTRACTOR MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1.0 CONTRACT In this Contract words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the conditions of the Contract hereinafter referenced. The following documents (hereinafter called the Contract Documents) comprise the entire contract between the parties and supersede and replace any prior correspondence, agreement or understanding between the parties: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) This Contract Scope of Work Bill of Quantities (BOQs)/Price Schedule Schedule of Price/Unit Rates for Additional Supplies/Work Conditions of Contract Detailed Work Schedule Notification of Intention to Award List of IFC Drawings Bidders Bid Proposal (Technical & Commercial) Tender Document (Including Technical Specifications & Drawings) OGDCL/Engineering Consultant & Bidders Correspondence Mobilization Advance Payment Guarantee Performance Bond (Guarantee) The Measurement/Verification Mechanism of Progressive Payments Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix I Appendix J Appendix K Appendix L Appendix M
To the extent of any conflict between this Contract and contract documents including Annexures, Appendices and Addendums, the Contract shall prevail. To the extent of any conflict between Specifications in the Tender Document and specification/drawings issued for construction, the later shall prevail.
To the extent of any conflict between the Conditions of Contract and Technical Specifications, the later shall prevail; similarly drawings/data sheets shall have precedence over technical specifications.
SCOPE OF WORK The PC Contractor shall procure (supply), construct, (fabricate, install & erect), precommission and provide start-up and commissioning services for Dakhni Expansion Project as per scope of work, BOQs, technical specifications & Drawings and in conformity with the provisions of the contract documents, as per industry practices and OGDCLs objectives and requirements. The PC Contractors scope of work is given in Appendix A, while detailed BOQs & technical specifications are given in Appendix I. The scope of PC Contractor will generally include but not limited to the following: Procurement of equipment and bulk materials/items. Erection and installation of the equipment supplied by OGDCL and that supplied by PC Contractor. Construction of civil, mechanical, instrumentation and electrical works. Tie-ins of all equipment with the existing plant and facility hook-ups. Pre-commissioning & commissioning and performance tests of the revamped/ expanded plant. Project management and control including progress measurement reporting and quality assurance & control.
COMPLETION TIME The PC Contractor shall complete all the Work as per scope of work and technical specifications in all respects within five (05) months from the date the Agreement is executed. The detailed work schedule is given in Appendix E.
CONTRACT PRICE This Contract is for Procurement (supply), Construction, Installation/Erection, PreCommissioning, Start-up and Commissioning Assistance of Dakhni Expansion Project as per requirements stipulated in the Contract Documents and meeting the technical specifications, applicable standards and OGDCLs objectives and requirements. The Contract is on item-wise price/unit rate basis. In consideration of the due performance of the obligations of the PC Contractor OGDCL shall pay the PC Contractor on item-wise/unit rate basis as per BOQs & Price Schedule given in
Appendix-B. The total estimated contract price being Rs. _______________ (Rupees _________________________________________). This price shall be subject to change orders issued in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents and agreed mutually in writing. The breakup of estimated contract price is as follows:
Amount (In Million Rs.) BOQ C1 &C2 Civil BOQ M1, M2&M3 Mechanical BOQ E1,E2&E3 Electrical BOQ I1,I2&I3 Instrumentation BOQ C&SA Start-up & Commissioning Assistance ___________ TOTAL
The above stated total Contract price is an estimated amount subject to variation on account of changes in quantities of items given in BOQs and for additional work. The price to be charged by the PC Contractor for the equipment & material supplied and Work carried out under the Contract shall not vary from the prices/rates quoted by the PC Contractor and given in BOQ/Price Schedule (Appendix B). This Contract is on item-wise price/unit rate basis. The item-wise price/unit rate includes shipment cost, insurance, duties, sales and other taxes, levies etc. and shall remain fixed during the performance of the Contract. The item-wise price/unit rate shall not be subject to escalation throughout the duration of the Contract regardless of any circumstance whatsoever even unforeseen at present. The PC Contractor shall be paid on price/unit rates of items given in BOQs/price schedule and actual quantities verified by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant. Any wastage shall be on PC Contractors account and no compensation shall be payable to the PC Contractor against any wastage. The price for additional supply/work carried out under the change order shall be paid to PC Contractor by OGDCL based on:
BOQ/Price schedule (For items covered). Schedule of prices/rates for additional supplies/work (For items not covered in BOQ). As per actual price/rate plus service charges @ ten (10) percent of the price rate (For items not covered in BOQ/price schedule as well as prices/rates for additional work).
The prices of equipment and material imported in finished form shall be inclusive of shipment, insurance, custom duties, sales tax payable at Pakistani port. The custom duty/sales tax shall be levied at a concessional rate of 5% as applicable on imports of equipment & material by E&P companies under SRO 678(I)/2007. . If any variation takes place in these rates the prices given in BOQ/Price Schedule shall be adjusted accordingly. OGDCL shall assist the PC Contractor in obtaining required duty concessions from relevant Government Departments. The withholding tax deduction shall be made as per prevailing laws/regulations. 27.0 PAYMENT TERMS All payments shall be made in Pak Rupees and through Accounts Payee Cheques. Mobilization Advance A mobilization advance equivalent to ________ of estimated Contract price shall be paid by OGDCL to PC Contractor against mobilization advance guarantee for an equivalent amount as per format given in Appendix K of Contract Form and after submission of Performance Bond (Guarantee) as per format given in Appendix L of Contract Form. The amount of mobilization advance shall be deducted proportionately from PC Contractor invoices. The payment for various components of PC Contractors scope shall be made against PC Contractors invoices within thirty (30) days of their receipt at OGDCLs Project Manager office at 9th Floor, OGDCL House, Islamabad after their verification by OGDCLs/Engineering Consultants Site Representatives. The payment terms are detailed below:
Procurement (Supply) of Equipment & Material The price of each item of equipment & material given in BOQ/Price Schedule or schedule of prices/rates for additional supplies/work or on actual price/rate plus
agreed service charges (as is the case) shall be paid by OGDCL to the PC Contractor against verified invoices as per following milestones: Imported Locally Procured Equipment/ Material Equipment/Material (% of Quoted Price) (% of Quoted Price) 60.0 -20.0 -10.0 90.0
Milestone On shipment On clearance from Pakistani (Karachi) Port On delivery at Project site and inspection by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant On issue of provisional acceptance certificate of the Project TOTAL
10.0 100.0
10.0 100.0
OGDCL shall make the above listed milestone payments against PC Contractors invoices. An amount equivalent to ten (10) percent shall be deducted from the invoices on account of mobilization advance till its total recovery. The invoices shall give complete description of equipment/material and its price and include required documents as detailed below:
Shipment (imported items) copies of following documents duly certified by PC Contractor will be required:
Original clean board ocean vessel bills of lading Insurance declaration Certificate of origin Packing list, measurement and weight (gross/net) Inspection/quality certificate Technical catalogue/literature
Clearance from Karachi Port copies of clearance documents including duty payment challans duly certified by PC Contractor. If duty payment challans are not enclosed OGDCL shall deduct the amount of duty from the invoices. Delivery at Project Site A certificate of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant that equipment/material has been delivered at Project site and inspected.
Construction OGDCL shall make progressive payments to PC Contractor on monthly basis against PC Contractors invoices giving details of work and its completion status. The payment shall be made considering the units rates given in BOQs/price format or schedule of prices/rates for additional supply/work or actual price/rate (as is the case) and verified percentage completion of work. The measurement/verification mechanism of progressive payments is detailed in AppendixM. The measurement/ verification of work will be made by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant based on progress reports submitted by the PC Contractor and actual work at site. The progressive payment shall be made after deducting _________amount for adjustment on account of mobilization advance till the total amount of advance is recovered and ten (10) percent for retention money. The retention money shall be released by OGDCL to the PC Contractor within thirty (30) days of submission of final payment documents.
Start-up & Commissioning Payment of start-up & commissioning services shall be made on monthly basis for the actual number of professionals and technical personnel deputed at Project Site specifically for providing start-up & commissioning services and applicable manday rate(s) and days the personnel have been present at Project Site for providing the required services.
6.0 6.1
ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATES Mechanical Acceptance Certificate When whole of the work have been completed mechanically & have satisfactorily passed the mechanical completion, inspection & testing and mechanical acceptance as that prescribed in Articles 65.0 & 66.0 of the conditions, the PC Contractor may request OGDCL to issue mechanical acceptance certificate
Provisional Acceptance Certificate When all the equipment have been commissioned and construction equipment have been removed as per Article 63.0, 64.0 & 67.0 of the Conditions of Contract, the PC Contractor may request OGDCL to issue Provisional Acceptance Certificate
Final Acceptance Certificate Subject to Article 50.0, when the facilities have remained in operation for twelve (12) months from the issuance date of Provisional Acceptance Certificate the PC Contractor may request OGDCL to issue Final Acceptance Certificate
7.0 7.1
WARRANTY & GUARANTEES The PC Contractor warrants that the equipment supplied under the Contract shall be brand new, having good title and fit for the use intended. The PC Contractor further warrants that: a) Equipment & materials supplied against the Contract conforms in all respects with the specifications and requirements contained in contract document. Equipment supplied under this Contract shall be of good quality and free from all defects arising from design, materials or workmanship.
The PC Contractor shall provide to OGDCL required process guarantees/warranties (i.e. original manufacturers warranty) of the equipment supplied by it from vendors and manufacturers. The guarantees/warranties shall be obtained in the name of OGDCL.
The PC Contractor warrants that the construction/installation, erection and other work shall be good quality, free from fault or defect and shall perform so as to comply with the specifications contained in the contract documents or with any revisions thereof pursuant to any changes. The PC Contractor further warrants that all work performed under the Contract shall be in accordance with industrys recognized codes and standards.
The foregoing warranties shall remain valid for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of Provisional Acceptance Certificate. If the supplied equipment/materials, construction, installation/erection and related work fail to meet the warranty conditions set forth in Sub-Articles 50.1 & 50.3 OGDCL shall promptly notify the PC Contractor in writing about the defects and claims under the warranty. Upon receipt of such notice the PC Contractor shall within the time specified by OGDCL repair/replace the defective equipment, material and or portion of works, with no cost or expense to OGDCL. The repaired or replaced
equipment, material or works shall be warranted by PC Contractor for twelve (12) months from the date of repair(s) or replacement(s). 7.6 If the PC Contractor having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within the specified time, OGDCL shall proceed to take remedial actions as may be necessary, at the PC Contractors risk and cost. All costs thereof shall be charged to the PC Contractor or recovered from performance bond. The PC Contractor shall have no objection to the above and he hereby acknowledges the rights of OGDCL to recover such sums as a debt due to OGDCL from defaulting PC Contractor. It is understood that in this case the PC Contractor shall not be relieved from the provided warranties and contractual obligations. 7.7 The Supplier shall also provide guarantees of original manufacturers where applicable. PERFORMANCE BOND Within seven (7) days of receipt of OGDCLs notification of intent to award the Contract, the PC Contractor shall furnish to OGDCL a Performance Bond/Guarantee in the form of a Bank Guarantee for an amount of ten (10) percent of the Estimated Contract Price. The Performance Bond/Guarantee shall remain valid upto twelve (12) months from the date of Provisional Acceptance Certificate. 8.2 As a guarantee for the faithful performance of the obligations under the Contract, the PC Contractor shall establish such Guarantee in favor of OGDCL as per Contract Documents. The said Guarantee and the terms of the said security shall be in accordance with format given in Appendix L. The procurement of such guarantee and the cost of the security to be so entered into shall be at the expense of the PC Contractor. The proceeds of the Performance Bond/Guarantee shall be payable to OGDCL as compensation for any loss resulting from the PC Contractors failure to fulfill its obligations under the Contract (including guarantee/warranty). The Performance Bond/Guarantee shall be released to the PC Contractor on issuance of Final Acceptance Certificate, provided that the PC Contractor has performed and fulfilled guarantee/warranty obligations in pursuance of the Conditions of Contract, to
8.0 8.1
the entire satisfaction of OGDCL. If PC Contractor is unable to meet its obligations the Performance Bond/Guarantee will be extended or encashed as per OGDCLs discretion. 9.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES If the PC Contractor fails to complete the Procurement (supply), Construction, Installation/Erection, Pre-Commissioning, Start-up and Commissioning Assistance of Dakhni Expansion Project within the time period of five (05) months, then the PC Contractor shall pay to the OGDCL as liquidated damages for such default and not as a penalty, a sum of 1.0% per week subject to a maximum of ten (10) percent of the value of Estimated Contract Price for the period which shall elapse between the time period of five (05) months and the date the Project is completed and provisional acceptance certificate is issued. OGDCL may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, deduct the amount of such damages from any amount in his hands, due or which may become due to the PC Contractor. The payment or deduction of such damages shall not relieve the PC Contractor from his obligations and liabilities under the Contract. 10.0 10.1 EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONTRACT This Contract shall become effective upon the date after formal execution of the Contract by the duly authorized representatives of OGDCL and PC Contractor provided that all of the following conditions have been fulfilled: a) b) The submission of the Performance Bond by the PC Contractor to OGDCL. The payment of the Mobilization Advance by OGDCL to PC Contractor, the same to be secured by the Mobilization Advance Payment Guarantee(s) to be simultaneously furnished by PC Contractor to OGDCL pursuant to Article 5 of Form of Contract. c) The confirmation, by PC Contractor to OGDCL, in form and substance satisfactory to OGDCL, that PC Contractor has put into force and effect such of the policies of insurance specified in Article 56.0 of Conditions of Contract.
After conditions specified in Article 82.1 have been fulfilled and OGDCL gives written advice to PC Contractor to proceed ahead with the Work the PC Contractor
shall diligently commence execution of the Work forthwith and shall proceed with the same with due expedition and without delay in accordance with the terms of this Contract. 11.0 UNDERSTANDING PC Contractor and OGDCL agree that this Contract, including all the documents incorporated by reference in Article 1.0 express all of the covenants and agreements of the parties and that this Contract integrates, combines and supersedes all earlier negotiations and Understanding whether written or verbal. It is also understood that no modification or alteration of this Contract shall be valid or binding on either party, unless agreed in writing by both the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed by their duly authorized representatives and their respective corporate seals to be affixed as of the day first above mentioned.
By : Title : WITNESSED BY :
By : Title : WITNESSED BY :
(1) Name:
(1) Name:
(2) Name:
(2) Name:
GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................... 5 DEFINITIONS......................................................................................................................................... 5 SINGULAR AND PLURAL ................................................................................................................... 8 COMPLIANCE WITH BIDDING DOCUMENTS................................................................................. 8 USE OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION ............................................................. 8 SUFFICIENCY OF TENDER ................................................................................................................. 9 INTERPRETATION................................................................................................................................ 9 ASSIGNMENT........................................................................................................................................ 9 STANDARDS........................................................................................................................................ 10 PATENT RIGHTS................................................................................................................................. 10 THE PC CONTRACTORS OBLIGATIONS....................................................................................... 10 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................. 16 OGDCLS RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................... 17 COMPLETION TIME ........................................................................................................................... 18 MOBILIZATION/COMMENCEMENT OF WORK ............................................................................ 18 PROGRESS REPORTING .................................................................................................................... 18 RATE OF PROGRESS.......................................................................................................................... 19 OGDCL/ENGINEERING CONSULTANT ACCESS TO THE WORK.............................................. 19 SUB-CONTRACTS............................................................................................................................... 19 DETAILED WORK PROGRAMME/SCHEDULE .............................................................................. 20 COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTES, REGULATIONS, ETC. ............................................................. 20 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................. 21 FURTHER ENGINEERING DRAWINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS ................................................... 22 CUSTODY OF ENGINEERING DRAWINGS/DOCUMENTS .......................................................... 22 PERFORMANCE BOND/GUARANTEE ............................................................................................ 22 CONTRACT PRICE.............................................................................................................................. 23 PAYMENT TERMS .............................................................................................................................. 25 INSPECTION OF SITE......................................................................................................................... 27 PC CONTRACTORS SUPERINTENDENCE..................................................................................... 27 DISRUPTION OF PROGRESS............................................................................................................. 28 WORK TO BE TO THE SATISFACTION OF OGDCL/ENGINEERING CONSULTANT ............ 28 TAXES................................................................................................................................................... 28
Attachment-I: Mechanical Acceptance Certificate Attachment-II: Provisional Acceptance Certificate Attachment-III: Final Acceptance Certificate Attachment-IV: Certificate of Completion Attachment-V: Undertaking Attachment-VI: Certificate of Compliance
GENERAL These Conditions of Contract, together with the other parts of the Contract Documents shall apply to the Contract entered into for procurement, construction, installation/erection, pre-commissioning, start-up and commissioning of Dakhni Expansion Project. This Contract shall be drawn between Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) and the successful Bidder for the Project.
DEFINITIONS In the Contract the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them except where the context otherwise requires: a) Tender Documents means the documents issued by OGDCL for inviting Bids, which constitute the basis for bid proposals and the Contract. Bid/Bid Proposal means the offer of the successful Bidder to perform the Work in response to the Bidding Documents. Contract means the finally executed Contract between OGDCL and PC Contractor (i.e. successful Bidder). d) PC Contractor means the person or persons, firm or company whose Bid has been accepted by the OGDCL for procurement, construction, installation/erection, pre-commissioning, start-up and commissioning of Dakhni Expansion Project and includes the PC Contractor's representatives, successors and permitted assignees. e) Contract Documents means the documents forming the contract and shall include:
This Contract Scope of work Bill of Quantities/Price Schedule Schedule of Price/Unit Rates for Additional Supply/Work Conditions of Contract
Detailed Work Schedule Notification of Intention to Award List of IFC Drawings Bidders Bid Proposal (Technical & Commercial) Tender Document (Including Technical Specifications & Drawings) OGDCL/Engineering Consultant & Bidders Correspondence Mobilization Advance Payment Guarantee Performance Bond (Guarantee) The measurement/verifications mechanism of progressive Payments
The Engineering Consultant referred to herein means M/s ENAR PETROTECH SERVICES (PRIVATE) LIMITED (ENAR) appointed by OGDCL for providing Engineering and Project Management Services for Dakhni Expansion Project. Final Acceptance Certificate means the certificate to be issued by OGDCL stating that the PC Contractor has fulfilled all his obligation under the Contract to the satisfaction of OGDCL. Goods, Equipment & Material means items to procured (supplied) under the Contract. Manufacturer, Vendor means the person or party who will manufacture of supply the goods as specified complete or in part. Mechanical Acceptance Certificate means the Certificate issued by OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant that all the Works is complete and ready for start-up & commissioning. OGDCL as referred to herein means OIL & GAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED. Person means firm, company, corporation or consortium.
m) Project means Dakhni Expansion Project intending to enhance the capacity of existing Dakhni Facilities from 20 MMSCFD to 40 MMSCFD of sour feed gas and consequently, installation of a new Sulfur Recovery Unit of 90 M Tons/day to increase the sulfur production. n) Provisional Acceptance Certificate means the Certificate to be issued by OGDCL confirming that all the equipment have been commissioned and performance acceptance tests performed. Provisional Acceptance Period means the period between the date of issuance of the Provisional Acceptance Certificate and the Final Acceptance Certificate. Project Site means the Dakhni Expansion Project and includes existing Dakhni Gas Processing Facilities and including its surrounding areas. Permanent Works means and includes all Works which will be incorporated and form part of the Project. Specification or Specified shall mean the requirements of the documents. Sub-Contractor means the person or party to whom any part of the work has or will be sublet by the PC Contractor with the written approval of OGDCL and includes his heirs, executors, administrators, representatives, successors, or assignees as approved by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant. Temporary Works means all temporary works of every kind required for execution and completion of the Project. Vendors means any person or company having direct Contract with PC Contractor for supply of equipment and material required for the Project. Warranties/Guarantees means all the warranties/guarantees to be furnished or cause to be furnished by the PC Contractor in favor of OGDCL under the Contract and more particularly described in Article 50.0 hereof. Work means and includes all the work to be performed and all the services to be provided by the PC Contractor under the Contract for the Project including supply of equipment and material, construction, pre-commissioning and commissioning services.
r) s)
Conditions Of Contract Sheet 8 of 65 3.0 SINGULAR AND PLURAL Words imparting the singular only also include the plural and vice versa where the context requires. 4.0 COMPLIANCE WITH BIDDING DOCUMENTS Procurement (Supply) of equipments/materials, construction, installation/erection, pre-commissioning, start-up and commissioning assistance of Dakhni Expansion Project shall be complete in all respects and in strict accordance with the Bidding Documents. These Conditions of the Contract shall supersede any conditions made by the PC Contractor, in his proposal unless such conditions have been specifically included in the Contract. 5.0 5.1 USE OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION The PC Contractor shall not, without OGDCLs prior written consent, disclose the contents of Contract Documents, or any provision thereof, or any specification plan, drawing, pattern, sample or information furnished by or on behalf of the OGDCL in connection therewith, to any person other than a person employed by the PC Contractor in the performance of the Contract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only so far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance. 5.2 The PC Contractor shall not, without OGDCLs prior written consent, make use of any document or information enumerated in Sub-Article 5.1 except for purposes of performing the Contract. Any documents, other than the Contract itself, enumerated in Sub-Article 5.1 shall remain the property of OGDCL and shall be returned (all copies) to OGDCL on completion of PC Contractors performance under the Contract, if so required by the OGDCL.
SUFFICIENCY OF TENDER The PC Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the correctness and sufficiency of his Tender for the Works and of the rates and prices stated in the Bill of Quantities (BOQs) and Prices/Rates schedule, which Tender rates and prices shall, cover all his obligations under the Contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper execution and maintenance of the Work.
7.0 7.1
INTERPRETATION Decision by Engineering Consultant shall be conclusive as to the true intent and meaning of Engineering Consultant's drawings and technical specifications. Any discrepancy which may exist between drawings and the technical specifications shall be referred to Engineering Consultant, whose decision as to the true meaning shall be final and binding for the PC Contractor.
The PC Contractor shall study and review the drawings, technical specifications and other information given to him by Engineering Consultant. During this review, if it comes across any discrepancies, inconsistencies the same shall be reported in writing to the Engineering Consultant. All drawings and technical specifications, being instruments of services, are the property of OGDCL and shall be returned when the work is completed. Verbal instructions or information received from the Engineering Consultant's Office will not be recognized by him unless confirmed in writing. The drawings and technical specifications are intended to be complementary to each other so that any items set-forth in either shall be recognized as if duly set-forth in both.
ASSIGNMENT The PC Contractor shall not assign the Contract or any part thereof, or any benefit or interest therein or thereunder without the prior written consent of OGDCL.
STANDARDS The equipment/materials to be supplied and installation, erection and construction work to be performed by the PC Contractor under this Contract shall conform to the standards specified in the Technical Specifications and Drawings given in Volume 2 of Tender Document.
PATENT RIGHTS The PC Contractor shall indemnify OGDCL against all actions, claims, demands, costs, charges, damages and expenses arising from or incurred by reason of any infringement of patent, trade mark or industrial design rights arising from PC Contractors performance under this Contract.
11.0 11.1
THE PC CONTRACTORS OBLIGATIONS General Obligations The PC Contractor shall execute and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract, and shall remedy any defects in works. When completed, the works shall be fit for the purposes for which the Works are intended as defined in the Contract. The PC Contractor shall provide the documents specified in the Contract, and all construction plant, PC Contractors personnel, goods, consumables and other things and services, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in and for completion of Work in all respects. The Work shall include any work, which is necessary to satisfy OGDCL/Engineering Consultants requirements, or is implied by the Contract, and all works, which (although not mentioned in the Contract) are necessary for the completion, or safe and proper operation, of the Work. The PC Contractor shall, whenever required by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant, submit details of the arrangements and method, which the PC Contractor proposed to adopt for the execution of the Work. No significant alteration to these arrangements and methods shall be made without this having previously intimated and approved by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant.
PC Contractors Representative The PC Contractor shall appoint the PC Contractors Representative and shall give him all authority necessary to act on the PC Contractors behalf under the Contract. Unless the PC Contractors Representative is named in the Contract, the PC Contractor shall, prior to the Commencement Date, submit to OGDCL/Engineering Consultant for consent the name and particulars of the person the PC Contractor proposes to appoint as PC Contractors Representative. If consent is withheld or subsequently revoked, or if the person fails to act as PC Contractors Representative, the PC Contractor shall similarly submit the name and particulars of another suitable person for such appointment. OGDCL/Engineering Consultant may interview, nominated person before the issue of consent. The PC Contractor shall not, without the prior consent of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant, revoke the appointment of the PC Contractors Representative or appoint a replacement. The PC Contractors Representative may delegate any powers, functions and authority to any competent person and may at any time revoke the delegation. Any delegation or revocation shall not take effect until OGDCL/Engineering Consultant has received prior notice signed by the PC Contractors Representative, naming the person and specifying the powers, functions and authority being delegated or revoked.
Sub-Contractors The PC Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the Work. The PC Contractor shall be responsible for the acts or defaults of any Sub-Contractor, his agents or employees, as if they were the acts or defaults or the PC Contractor. Unless otherwise agreed by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant, the PC Contractor shall give OGDCL/Engineering Consultant not less than ten (10) days notice of: a) The intended appointment of a Sub-Contractor for a part of the Work, with detailed particulars, which shall include the relevant experience of the SubContractor whom the PC Contractor intend to appoint. Qualification and experience of the Sub-Contractors staff as may be asked by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant. c) Details of manpower and other resources available with the Sub-Contractor.
d) e)
The intended commencement of each Sub-Contractors work, and The intended commencement of each Sub-Contractors Work on Project Site.
OGDCL/Engineering Consultant after reviewing the above information shall give his approval for the intended sub contracting arrangement. The approved Sub-Contractor shall not be allowed to further sub contract the Work under his scope. If more than one Sub-Contracts are awarded to one Sub-Contractor it shall not be managed by the same team simultaneously. Approval of a Sub-Contractor by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant shall not release the PC Contractor of any of its obligation and responsibilities under the Contract nor OGDCL/Engineering Consultant shall have any obligation with regard to the sub contracting arrangement between the PC Contractor and the Sub-Contractor. Approved Sub-Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out the Work in accordance with the requirement of the Contract Documents, and all conditions of the Contract shall be applicable to him. 11.4 Cooperation The PC Contractor shall, as specified in the Contract or as instructed by OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant, responsible free access at all times for carrying out inspection or work to: a) b) c) d) OGDCLs personnel, the Engineering Consultants personnel, any other PC Contractors employed by OGDCL, and the personnel of any legally constituted public authorities,
who may be employed in the execution on or near the Site of any Work not included in the Contract. The PC Contractor shall be responsible for his construction activities at Project Site, and shall co-ordinate his own activities with OGDCL and other PC Contractors.
Safety Procedures During the execution of the Work, the PC Contractor shall strictly follow OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant safety requirements. The PC Contractor shall also exercise due care for facilities of other parties. In any event the PC Contractor shall be liable for any damages and/or losses incurred including third party losses. The PC Contractor shall: a) b) c) comply with all applicable safety regulations, take care for the safety of all persons entitled to be on the site, use reasonable efforts to keep the Project Site and Work clear from unnecessary obstruction so as to avoid danger to these persons, d) provide fencing, lighting, guarding and watching of the Work until completion, and provide any Temporary Work (including roadway, footways, guards and fences) which may be necessary, because of the execution of the Work, for the use and protection of the public and of Owners and occupiers of adjacent lands.
OGDCL/Engineering Consultant Not Liable for Information/Data The PC Contractor shall bear sole responsibility for obtaining all information required by it to perform the Work in strict compliance with this Contract and shall rely on the same at its own exclusive responsibility and risk. OGDCL/Engineering Consultant shall provide to the PC Contractor information and engineering data required by the PC Contractor in order to ensure performance of the Work in strict accordance with the requirements of this Contract. The PC Contractor at its own risk shall consider and check information and engineering data received from OGDCL/Engineering Consultant.
Quality Assurance The PC Contractor shall institute a quality assurance and document control system to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Contract. The system shall be in accordance with the details stated in the Contract. OGDCL/Engineering Consultant shall be entitled to audit any aspect of the system.
Details of all procedures and compliance documents shall be submitted to OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant Representative for information before each execution stage is commenced. When any document of a technical nature is issued to OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant, evidence of the prior review, check and approval by the PC Contractor himself shall be apparent on the document itself. Compliance with the quality assurance system shall not relieve the PC Contractor of any of his duties, obligations, or responsibilities under the Contract. 11.8 Unforeseeable Difficulties The PC Contractor shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances including the variation in price of material of construction, cost of living, labor cost, etc. which may influence or affect the Work. By signing the Contract, the PC Contractor accepts responsibility for having foreseen all difficulties and cost for successfully completing the Work. The Contract Price shall not be adjusted to take account of any unforeseen difficulties or cost, except as otherwise stated in the Contract. 11.9 Protection of the Environment and Wildlife & Responsibility The PC Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment (both on and off the Project Site) and to limit damage, the nuisance to people and property resulting from pollution, noise and other results of his operations. Damage to any property and environment shall be restored by the PC Contractor at its own cost. The PC Contractor shall ensure that emissions, surface discharges and effluent from the PC Contractors activities shall not exceed the permissible values prescribed by applicable laws. PC Contractor or its Sub-Contractor shall not adopt any method for Work or camps living which may be damaging to environment or wildlife. PC Contractor/SubContractor shall not violate any law which may be in force for the protection of environment and wild life. Work in any protected zone shall be planned and executed in accordance with the requirement of the concerned department. Work shall be planned and executed to avoid any damage to any archeological or historical site in the vicinity of the Project Site, PC Contractor shall take necessary precautions to
protect its workers from indulging, in shooting, hunting, cutting of trees or any other activity which may be against the law or damaging to environment or wildlife. PC Contractor agrees to inform himself and his Sub-Contractor of environmental protection laws, orders and regulations and to make all his employees and the Sub-PC Contractor fully cognizant of their responsibilities thereunder. PC Contractor agreed that all Work shall be completed in a manner which complies with Federal and Provincial or Local Governments environmental and wildlife laws, regulations, procedures, etc. PC Contractor shall clean-up and remove any pollutant resulting from PC Contractors non-compliance with the provisions of this Clause at his cost and expense; and if PC Contractor fails to do so, OGDCL may cleanup and remove the pollutant at PC Contractors cost and expense. Without in any way limiting the generality of any other indemnity provisions contained in the Contract, PC Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold OGDCL harmless from and against all liability, loss, cost, damage and/or expense of every nature caused by, arising from, growing out of or incidental to any failure of PC Contractor to comply with the provisions of this Article. 11.10 Security a) b) The PC Contractor shall be responsible for keeping unauthorized persons off the Project Site, and Authorized persons shall be limited to the PC Contractor's Personnel, sub-PC Contractor and OGDCLs/Engineering Consultants Personnel and other personnel notified to the PC Contractor, by (or on behalf of) OGDCL/Engineering Consultant, as authorized personnel of OGDCLs/Engineering Consultants other PC Contractors of the Project Site. The PC Contractor shall be solely responsible for the safety and security of Project Site until its handover to OGDCL on Completion of Work.
11.11 PC Contractors Operations on Site The PC Contractor shall confine his operations to the Project Site, and to any additional areas, which may be obtained by the PC Contractor and agreed by OGDCL as working areas. The PC Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to keep PC Contractor's Equipment and PC Contractor's Personnel within the Project Site and these additional areas, and to keep them off adjacent land.
During the execution of the Work, the PC Contractor shall keep the Project Site free from all unnecessary obstruction, and shall store or dispose off any PC Contractor's Equipment or surplus materials. The PC Contractor shall clear away and remove from the Project Site any wreckage, rubbish and Temporary Work, which are no longer required. Removal of construction equipment from the Project Site shall, however, be with prior permission of OGDCL. Upon completion of the Work, the PC Contractor shall clear away and remove all PC Contractor's equipment, surplus material, wreckage, rubbish and Temporary Work. All surplus and packing materials shall be handed over to OGDCL and shifted by the PC Contractor, at place(s) designated by OGDCL. The PC Contractor shall leave the Project Site and the Work in a clean and safe condition. Except that the PC Contractor may retain at Project Site, such Goods as are required for the PC Contractor to fulfill obligations under the Contract. 11.12 Fossils All fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, and structures and other remains or items of geological or archaeological interest found on the Project Site shall be promptly notified to OGDCL and placed under their care and custody. The PC Contractor shall take reasonable precautions to prevent PC Contractor's Personnel or other persons from removing or damaging any of these findings. 12.0 12.1 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS RESPONSIBILITIES The Engineering Consultant shall provide engineering and project management services including issue of technical documents/drawings, decisions, certificates and orders as specified in its Contract with OGDCL. The Engineering Consultant responsibility shall include inspection of equipment and materials, review documents, monitor and supervise PC Contractors Work and to test and examine any materials to be used or workmanship employed in connection with the Work being performed by the PC Contractor. 12.2 The Engineering Consultant may from time to time in writing delegate to its representative any of the powers and authorities vested in the Engineering Consultant. Any written instruction or approval given by the Engineering Consultants representative
to the PC Contractor within the terms of such delegation, but not otherwise, shall bind the PC Contractor as though it had been given by Engineering Consultant, provided always as follows: a) Failure of the Engineering Consultants representative to disapprove any work or materials shall not prejudice the power of Engineering Consultant to disapprove such work or materials if determined defective and to order the pulling-down, removal or breaking-up thereof. b) If the PC Contractor is dissatisfied by reason of any decision of Engineering Consultants representative he shall be entitled to refer the matter to Engineering Consultant, who shall thereupon confirm, reverse or vary such decision. 12.3 The review, checking, inspection, supervision and approval by Engineering Consultant shall in no way relieve the PC Contractor from his responsibilities of performance of work as per Contract, proper superintendence and making corrections or redoing of the work to remove defects noticed during Contract performance. 13.0 OGDCLS RESPONSIBILITIES OGDCL shall be responsible for: a) b) Make the Project Site available to the PC Contractor. Provision of the information, engineering data/documents and equipment & materials as stipulated in the Contract Document. Issue of letters and documents, to the authorities in Pakistan, which PC Contractor may require for the execution of the Project Works. Assistance in obtaining custom duty/tax concessions as per SRO 678(I)/2007 from relevant Government Departments. Necessary assistance for coordination with OGDCLs PC Contractor(s) for carrying out other works. Ensure timely approvals of documents requiring to approvals by OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant.
e) f)
COMPLETION TIME The PC Contractor will be required to complete the Procurement (supply), Construction, Installation/Erection, Pre-Commissioning, Start-up and Commissioning Assistance of Dakhni Expansion Project within Five (05) months from effective date of the Contract. The detailed work schedule is given in Appendix E of the Contract. MOBILIZATION/COMMENCEMENT OF WORK The PC Contractor shall mobilize at Project Site and commence the work within the required period after the receipt by him of a written order to this effect from OGDCL and shall proceed with the same with due expedition and without delay.
16.0 16.1
PROGRESS REPORTING At fifteen (15) days intervals during the performance of Contract the PC Contractor shall submit progress report (six copies) to OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant. The reports shall show clearly and accurately the position of all activities associated with Procurement (supply), Construction, Installation/Erection, Pre-Commissioning, Startup and Commissioning Assistance of the Project and the apart Project Execution Schedule. The progress reports shall be set out in a format approved by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant.
The progress report shall indicate each item of progress of Work giving the percentage completion and expected completion date vis--vis agreed project execution schedule.
A delay due to any reason which may affect the completion, commissioning and testing dates of any item of work shall be reported by the PC Contractor to OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant. The report shall state the action being taken to adhere to agreed project schedule.
The PC Contractors Site Office shall prepare and submit to OGDCL/Engineering Consultant three (3) copies of Daily Activity Report summarizing the main activities undertaken and completed each day such as welding, piping, hydrostatic tests, etc.
RATE OF PROGRESS If for any reason, the rate of progress of the Work or any section is at any time, in the opinion of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant, too slow to ensure completion by the prescribed time or extended time for completion, OGDCL/Engineering Consultant shall so notify the PC Contractor in writing and the PC Contractor shall thereupon take such steps as are necessary to expedite progress so as to complete the Work or such section by the prescribed time or extended time.
18.0 18.1
OGDCL/ENGINEERING CONSULTANT ACCESS TO THE WORK OGDCLs/Engineering Consultants representatives and any person(s) so authorized by them shall at all times have access to the Work and to all workshops, and places where work is being performed at PC Contractors Office, Fabrication, Manufacturing and Project Site.
No work shall be covered up or put out of view without prior approval of OGDCLs/ Engineering Consultants representatives and the PC Contractor shall afford full opportunity for OGDCLs/Engineering Consultants representatives to examine, measure and test any work, which is going to be covered up or put out of view. The PC Contractor shall give notice to OGDCL/Engineering Consultant, which shall be reasonably in advance and OGDCL/Engineering Consultant without unreasonable delay examine, measure and inspect such work.
PC Contractor to arrange proper and safe access for the OGDCL/Engineering Consultant staff, in a manner that all work can be inspected at any time until a permission for its cover up backfill has been given by the concerned OGDCL/Engineering Consultant.
SUB-CONTRACTS The PC Contractor can Sub-Contract part of the Work with prior approval of OGDCL. However, the Sub-contracting arrangement shall not relieve the PC Contractor from any of its obligations under the Contract and the PC Contractor shall remain liable as if no such Sub-Contract has been executed. These Conditions apply to all Contract awarded, orders placed by the Contactor on his Sub-Contractors and shall be made part of such Contracts/Orders.
20 0 20.1
DETAILED WORK PROGRAMME/SCHEDULE The PC Contractor shall, within seven (7) days from the date of award of Contract, submit to OGDCL/Engineering Consultant for their approval Detailed Work Programme/ Schedule showing methods in which he proposes to stipulated completion time. The shall show break-up of principal the sequence/order of activities procedures and fulfill his obligations under the Contract within the Programme/Schedule shall be comprehensive and elements and major items of Work, the date upon
which procurement (supply) equipment/materials, each type of construction or activity and pre-commissioning, startup and commissioning is scheduled to begin and complete. Full particulars of the organization staff by which the PC Contractor proposes to direct and administer for due and faithful performance of the contract shall also be furnished along with the Detailed Work Programme/Schedule. 20.2 The PC Contractor shall whenever required by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant or their representatives, also provide in writing approach, methods plans, which the PC Contractor proposes to adopt for execution of various components of work. 20.3 If at any time it should appear to OGDCL/Engineering Consultant that the actual progress of the Work does not conform to the approved programme/schedule, the PC Contractor shall produce, at the request of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant, a revised programme/schedule showing the modifications to the approved programme/schedule necessary to ensure completion of the Work within the stipulated completion time. 20.4 The submission to and approval by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant of such programmes or the furnishing of such particulars shall not relieve the PC Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract. COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTES, REGULATIONS, ETC. The PC Contractor shall conform in all respects with the provisions of any and all applicable laws, regulations, by-laws, rulings and orders which may be applicable to the Work and with such rules and regulations of public bodies and companies as aforesaid and shall keep the OGDCL indemnified against all penalties and liability of every kind for breach of any such Statute, Ordinance or Law, regulation or by-law.
21.0 21.1
The PC Contractor shall pay particular attention to all legal, technical and safety requirements in force concerning Work to be performed in Dakhni Gas Processing Facilities. OGDCL/Engineering Consultant shall assist the PC Contractor by advising PC Contractor on such laws, regulations and bye-laws from time to time in force which are in OGDCLs/Engineering Consultants knowledge and possession. The PC Contractor shall at all time be liable to comply with the provisions of labor legislations. The OGDCL shall have the right but not the obligation to carry out periodic checks to ensure the PC Contractor's compliance with the said labor legislations, should the PC Contractor however be in default of these obligations the OGDCL may serve a notice of such default on the PC Contractor. The PC Contractor shall obligated to rectify the default within fifteen (15) days of the notice.
22.0 22.1
SAFETY REQUIREMENTS The PC Contractor shall make himself familiar with all codes regulating safety, which may be applicable in his performance of the Works.
22.2 22.3
The PC Contractor shall observe all OGDCL safety regulations. At all times during execution of work extreme care shall be exercised by the Contactor for safety of existing Dakhni Gas Processing Facilities. In an event of accident or damage to existing facilities the PC Contractor shall liable for damages and or losses incurred.
The PC Contractor shall obtain safety permits for his work at the Project Site and existing Dakhni Gas Processing Facilities from OGDCL. The PC Contractor shall meet all the requirements and precautions as stipulated in the said permits. The PC Contractor shall be solely responsible for the safety of the men and material during the execution of the project. PC Contractor shall plan and execute all activities in a very safe manner. Any accident resulting in a major human injury, constructional plant outage or any damage to project equipment/material shall be immediately reported to OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant.
23.0 23.1
FURTHER ENGINEERING DRAWINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS The Engineering Consultant shall have full power and authority to supply to the PC Contractor from time to time, during the progress of the Work, such further engineering drawings and instructions as shall be necessary for the purpose of the proper and adequate performance and execution the Work. The PC Contractor shall carry out and bound by the same.
24.0 24.1
CUSTODY OF ENGINEERING DRAWINGS/DOCUMENTS The Engineering Drawings/Documents shall remain in the sole custody of OGDCL, but two copies thereof shall be furnished to the PC Contractor free of charge. The PC Contractor shall provide and make at his own expense any further copies required by him. At the completion of the Contract, the PC Contractor shall return to OGDCL all Drawings/Documents provided under the Contract.
One copy of the Drawings/Documents, furnished to the PC Contractor as aforesaid, shall be kept by the PC Contractor on the Project Site and the same shall at all reasonable time be available for inspection and use by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant and its representative and by any other person authorized by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant.
25.0 25.1
PERFORMANCE BOND/GUARANTEE Within seven (7) days of receipt of OGDCLs notification of intent to award the Contract, the PC Contractor shall furnish to OGDCL a Performance Bond/Guarantee in the form of a Bank Guarantee for an amount of ten (10) percent of the Estimated Contract Price. The Performance Bond/Guarantee shall remain valid upto twelve (12) months from the date of Provisional Acceptance Certificate.
As a guarantee for the faithful performance of the obligations under the Contract, the PC Contractor shall establish such Guarantee in favor of OGDCL as per Contract Documents.
The said Guarantee and the terms of the said security shall be in accordance with format given in Appendix L of Contract Form. The procurement of such guarantee and the cost of the security to be so entered into shall be at the expense of the PC Contractor. The proceeds of the Performance Bond/Guarantee shall be payable to OGDCL as compensation for any loss resulting from the PC Contractors failure to fulfill its obligations under the Contract (including guarantee/warranty). The Performance Bond/Guarantee shall be released to the PC Contractor on issuance of Final Acceptance Certificate, provided that the PC Contractor has performed and fulfilled guarantee/warranty obligations in pursuance of the Conditions of Contract, to the entire satisfaction of OGDCL. If PC Contractor is unable to meet its obligations the Performance Bond/Guarantee will be extended or encashed as per OGDCLs discretion.
CONTRACT PRICE This Contract is for Procurement (supply), Construction, Installation/Erection, PreCommissioning, Start-up and Commissioning Assistance of Dakhni Expansion Project as per requirements stipulated in the Contract Documents and meeting the technical specifications, applicable standards and OGDCLs objectives and requirements. The Contract is on item-wise price/unit rate basis. In consideration of the due performance of the obligations of the PC Contractor OGDCL shall pay the PC Contractor on item-wise/unit rate basis as per BOQs & Price Schedule given in Appendix-B. The total estimated contract price being Rs. _______________ (Rupees _________________________________________). This price shall be subject to change orders issued in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents and agreed mutually in writing. The breakup of estimated contract price is as follows: Amount (In Million Rs.) BOQ C1 &C2 Civil BOQ M1, M2&M3 Mechanical BOQ E1,E2&E3 Electrical BOQ I1,I2&I3 Instrumentation BOQ C&SA Start-up & Commissioning Assistance ___________ TOTAL
The above stated total Contract price is an estimated amount subject to variation on account of changes in quantities of items given in BOQs and for additional work. The price to be charged by the PC Contractor for the equipment & material supplied and Work carried out under the Contract shall not vary from the prices/rates quoted by the PC Contractor and given in BOQ/Price Schedule (Appendix B). This Contract is on item-wise price/unit rate basis. The item-wise price/unit rate includes shipment cost, insurance, duties, sales and other taxes, levies etc. and shall remain fixed during the performance of the Contract. The item-wise price/unit rate shall not be subject to escalation throughout the duration of the Contract regardless of any circumstance whatsoever even unforeseen at present. The PC Contractor shall be paid on price/unit rates of items given in BOQs/price schedule and actual quantities verified by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant. Any wastage shall be on PC Contractors account and no compensation shall be payable to the PC Contractor against any wastage. The price for additional supply/work carried out under the change order shall be paid to PC Contractor by OGDCL based on:
BOQ/Price schedule (For items covered). Schedule of prices/rates for additional supplies/work (For items not covered in BOQ). As per actual price/rate plus service charges @ ten (10) percent of the price rate (For items not covered in BOQ/price schedule as well as prices/rates for additional work).
The prices of equipment and material imported in finished form shall be inclusive of shipment, insurance, custom duties, sales tax payable at Pakistani port. The custom duty/sales tax shall be levied at a concessional rate of 5% as applicable on imports of equipment & material by E&P companies under SRO 678(I)/2007 . If any variation takes place in these rates the prices given in BOQ/Price Schedule shall be adjusted accordingly. OGDCL shall assist the PC Contractor in obtaining required duty concessions from relevant Government Departments. The withholding tax deduction shall be made as per prevailing laws/regulations.
PAYMENT TERMS All payments shall be made in Pak Rupees and through Accounts Payee Cheques. Mobilization Advance A mobilization advance equivalent to __________ of estimated Contract price shall be paid by OGDCL to PC Contractor against mobilization advance guarantee for an equivalent amount as per format given in Appendix K of Contract Form and after submission of Performance Bond (Guarantee) as per format given in Appendix L of Contract Form. The amount of mobilization advance shall be deducted proportionately from PC Contractor invoices. The payment for various components of PC Contractors scope shall be made against PC Contractors invoices within thirty (30) days of their receipt at OGDCLs Project Manager office at 9th Floor, OGDCL House, Islamabad after their verification by OGDCLs/Engineering Consultants Site Representatives. The payment terms are detailed below:
Procurement (Supply) of Equipment & Material The price of each item of equipment & material given in BOQ/Price Schedule or schedule of prices/rates for additional supplies/work or on actual price/rate plus agreed service charges (as is the case) shall be paid by OGDCL to the PC Contractor against verified invoices as per following milestones: Imported Locally Procured Equipment/ Material Equipment/Material (% of Quoted Price) (% of Quoted Price) 60.0 20.0 10.0 --90.0
Milestone On shipment On clearance from Pakistani (Karachi) Port On delivery at Project site and inspection by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant On issue of provisional acceptance certificate of the Project TOTAL
10.0 100.0
10.0 100.0
OGDCL shall make the above listed milestone payments against PC Contractors invoices. An amount equivalent to ten (10) percent shall be deducted from the
invoices on account of mobilization advance till its total recovery. The invoices shall give complete description of equipment/material and its price and include required documents as detailed below:
Shipment (imported items) copies of following documents duly certified by PC Contractor will be required:
Original clean board ocean vessel bills of lading Insurance declaration Certificate of origin Packing list, measurement and weight (gross/net) Inspection/quality certificate Technical catalogue/literature
Clearance from Karachi Port copies of clearance documents including duty payment challans duly certified by PC Contractor. If duty payment challans are not enclosed OGDCL shall deduct the amount of duty from the invoices. Delivery at Project Site A certificate of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant that equipment/material has been delivered at Project site and inspected.
Construction OGDCL shall make progressive payments to PC Contractor on monthly basis against PC Contractors invoices giving details of work and its completion status. The payment shall be made considering the units rates given in BOQs/price format or schedule of prices/rates for additional supply/work or actual price/rate (as is the case) and verified percentage completion of work. The measurement/verification mechanism of progressive payments is detailed in AppendixM. The measurement/ verification of work will be made by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant based on progress reports submitted by the PC Contractor and actual work at site. The progressive payment shall be made after deducting ______ amount for adjustment on account of mobilization advance till the total amount of advance is recovered and ten (10) percent for retention money. The retention money shall be released by OGDCL to the PC Contractor within thirty (30) days of submission of final payment documents.
Start-up & Commissioning Payment of start-up & commissioning services shall be made on monthly basis for the actual number of professionals and technical personnel deputed at Project Site specifically for providing start-up & commissioning services and applicable manday rate(s) and days the personnel have been present at Project Site for providing the required services.
28.0 28.1
INSPECTION OF SITE The PC Contractor shall also be deemed to have inspected and examined the Project Site and its surroundings and information available in connection therewith and to have satisfied himself, before submitting his Tender, as to the form and nature thereof, the extent and nature of work and materials necessary for the completion of the Work, the means of access to the Site and in general, shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information, subject as above mentioned, as to risks, contingencies and all other circumstances which may influence or affect his Tender.
Any neglect or failure on the part of the PC Contractor in obtaining the necessary information mentioned in Sub-Article 28.1 of this Article hereinabove or any other matter affecting the Contract, shall not relieve the PC Contractor from any risks or liabilities or from the responsibility for the completion of the works in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. In no case will OGDCL/Engineering Consultant assume responsibility for lack of any such information as is mentioned in Sub-Article 28.1 of this hereof.
29.0 29.1
PC CONTRACTORS SUPERINTENDENCE The PC Contractor shall give or provide all necessary superintendence during procurement, construction, installation/erection, pre-commissioning, startup and commissioning works and as long thereafter as OGDCL may consider necessary for the proper fulfilling of the PC Contractors obligation under the Contract.
The PC Contractor shall fully comply to Quality Assurance Quality Control & Safety Procedures, stipulated in the Contract Document and Safety Policy/Procedures of OGDCL. The PC Contractor authorized representative, approved of in writing by OGDCL shall be constantly on the Project and shall give his whole time to the superintendence of the same. Such authorized representative shall receive on behalf of the PC Contractor, directions and instructions from OGDCL/Engineering Consultant.
30.0 30.1
DISRUPTION OF PROGRESS The PC Contractor shall give written notice to OGDCL/Engineering Consultant whenever planning or progress of the works is likely to be delayed or disrupted unless any further drawing or order, including a direction, instruction or approval, is issued by Engineering Consultant within a reasonable time. The notice shall include details of the drawing or order required and of why and by when it is required and of any delay or disruption likely to be suffered if it is late.
WORK TO BE TO THE SATISFACTION OF OGDCL/ENGINEERING CONSULTANT The PC Contractor shall execute and maintain the Work in strict accordance with the Contract to the satisfaction of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant and shall comply with and adhere strictly to OGDCLs/Engineering Consultant's instructions and directions on any matter whether mentioned in the Contract or not, touching or concerning the Work. The PC Contractor shall take instructions and directions from OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant.
32.0 32.1
TAXES Any taxes, duties, fees, levies and other relevant charges, present or future, assessed or payable outside Pakistan by the PC Contractor and/or by the expatriate personnel deputed by PC Contractor in connection with the services performed under the contract shall be the exclusive responsibility of the PC Contractor.
Any taxes, duties, fees, levies and other relevant charges, present or future, assessed or payable in Pakistan by the PC Contractor and/or by the expatriate personnel deputed by the PC Contractor in connection with the services performed under the contract shall be the exclusive responsibility of the PC Contractor. The PC Contractor shall be responsible and pay all taxes on its income outside and in particular on its income in Pakistan under the Contract and under the laws of Pakistan. OGDCL shall have the right, as provided under the laws of Pakistan to meet its obligations and in particular to deduct from the payment due to the PC Contractor, income tax at source at the rates prevailing from time to time, from the invoiced amounts, or such reduced rates fixed by the taxation authorities for the PC Contractor on production of documentary evidence by the PC Contractor and pay such amount to appropriate authorities.
The PC Contractor shall also be responsible for any income taxes levied on the PC Contractors expatriate personnel, under the laws of Pakistan and for all social security issuances and other contributions for the PC Contractors expatriate personnel regardless of whether such contributions are levied on employer or employee or both in Pakistan.
The PC Contractor shall keep OGDCL duly informed about the steps taken by the PC Contractor in order to meet its obligations under the contract and provide the necessary documents to OGDCL in this connection. The PC Contractor shall indemnify OGDCL against any claim, which might occur due to non-compliance by the PC Contractor of any legal obligation regarding the taxes, duties, fees, levies, or other charges, including taxes on income in Pakistan and any other payments to the Government or Governmental agencies. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES If the PC Contractor fails to complete the Procurement (supply), Construction, Installation/Erection, Pre-Commissioning, Start-up and Commissioning Assistance of Dakhni Expansion Project within the time period of five (05) months, then the PC Contractor shall pay to the OGDCL as liquidated damages for such default and not as a penalty, a sum of 1.0% per week subject to a maximum of ten (10) percent of the
33.0 33.1
value of Estimated Contract Price for the period which shall elapse between the time period of five (05) months and the date the Project is completed and provisional acceptance certificate is issued. OGDCL may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, deduct the amount of such damages from any amount in his hands, due or which may become due to the PC Contractor. The payment or deduction of such damages shall not relieve the PC Contractor from his obligations and liabilities under the Contract. 34.0 34.1 CHANGE ORDERS Subject to the provisions of Article 35.0 hereof OGDCL shall have the power to order the PC Contractor at any time when necessary, prior to the completion of the Project to make variations to the Work up to 25% of the estimated Contract value as outlined below: a) b) c) d) Increase or decrease the quantity of any equipment/material, item or work included in the Contract, or Omit any equipment/material, item or work, or Change the character or quality or kind of equipment/material, item or work, or Supply additional equipment/material, item or carryout additional/extra work, which OGDCL may require for the Project.
No such variation shall in any way validate or invalidate the Contract but the value (if any) of all such variations shall be taken into account in ascertaining the amount of the Contract Price and shall be calculated and paid to or deducted from the PC Contractor as per the prices/rates given in BOQ/Price Schedule, Schedule of Prices/Rates for additional work or on cost plus handling/services charges. 34.2 Any such request by OGDCL for variations, changes or additions to the Scope of Work shall be submitted to PC Contractor in writing, signed by OGDCLs Representative in the form of a written change request. 34.3 When PC Contractor has received any written change request from OGDCL, which may involve a change in the Contract Price, PC Contractor shall, as soon as possible and before proceeding with the changes, advise OGDCL in writing to that effect, and obtain OGDCL approval.
The price and program effects, if any occasioned by any such changes, shall be added to or deducted from the Contract Compensation as the case may be. The amount of such difference shall be determined in accordance with the prices/rates given in BOQ/Price Schedule, Schedule of Prices/Rates for additional supply/work or on cost plus handling/service charges. 34.4 In all cases PC Contractor shall furnish a breakdown in sufficient details to permit an analysis of all equipment/materials, labor, equipment, subcontracts and the estimated project time schedule overruns and under-runs covering all elements resulting in a change in the Contract Price or Project Execution Schedule. 34.5 Any changes or alterations ordered by OGDCL shall not in any way vitiate or invalidate the obligations of PC Contractor under the Contract, unless expressly stated in the Change Orders. 34.6 After OGDCL has accepted all the consequences resulting from a change request, a Change Order shall be signed by both OGDCL & PC Contractor. PC Contractor shall make no additions, changes, alterations, omissions, perform no additional/extra work nor supply additional/extra equipment/materials of any kind, except when a prior approval of OGDCL in form of a Change Order has been obtained. All additional payments for supply of equipment/material, required work or services under the provisions of this Article shall be embodied in a Change Order upon conditions specified therein which shall be signed by OGDCL and PC Contractor, and such Change Orders shall be deemed to form part of the Contract and subject to all terms and conditions therein, unless otherwise clearly exempted in Change Order. 34.9 PC Contractor shall proceed with additional/extra supply or work or changes after a Change Order has been signed. Until that time PC Contractor shall proceed with the original work unless instructed by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant to stop such work, which may be affected by the change request. 34.10 Change requests may also be initiated by PC Contractor in which case it shall follow the same procedure as mentioned above after having been approved by OGDCL. 34.11 Notwithstanding the content of any Change Order by OGDCL the PC Contractor shall use his best endeavors to complete the Work by the Completion date provided that if
the PC Contractor should by reason of such Change Order be unable to complete the Work by the Completion date he shall give notice in writing to OGDCL/Engineering Consultant. 35.0 35.1 CONTRACT AMENDMENTS Change Orders may be carried out by the PC Contractor without an amendment to the Contract provided that the cumulative value of all Change Orders made hereof do not exceed 10% of the estimated Contract Price. Before any work shall be performed under a Change Order the effect of which is that the cumulative value of all Change Orders made hereof would exceed 10% of the Contract Price OGDCL and the PC Contractor shall sign an amendment to the Contract. 35.2 After the first such amendment to the Contract has been made, the PC Contractor may carry out further Change Orders without the necessity for a second such amendment to the Contract provided that the cumulative value of such further Change Orders hereof does not exceed 10% of the amended Contract Price. Before any work shall be performed under a Change Order the effect of which is that the cumulative value of all such Change Orders would exceed 10% of the amended Contract Price OGDCL and the PC Contractor shall sign a further such amendment to the Contract. 35.3 After a second such amendment to the Contract has been made the parties shall follow a similar procedure for subsequent amendments. QUANTITIES The quantities set out in the Bill of Quantities are the estimated quantities of the work, but they are not to be taken as the actual and correct quantities of the works to be executed by the PC Contractor in fulfillment of his obligations under the Contract. 37.0 WORKS TO BE MEASURED OGDCL/Engineering Consultant shall, except as otherwise stated, ascertain and determine by measurement the value in terms of the Contract of work done in accordance with the Contract. He shall, when he requires any part or parts of the works to be measured, give notice to the PC Contractor's authorized agent or
representative, who shall forthwith attend or send a qualified agent to assist OGDCL/Engineering Consultant or their representatives in making such measurement, and shall furnish all particulars required by either of them. Should the PC Contractor not attend, or neglect or omit to send such agent, then the measurement made by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant or approved by him shall be taken to be the correct measurement of the work. For the purpose of measuring such permanent work as is to be measured by records and drawings OGDCL/Engineering Consultant or their representatives shall prepare records and drawings month by month of such work and the PC Contractor, as and when called upon to do so in writing, shall, within fourteen days, attend to examine and agree such records and drawings with OGDCL/Engineering Consultant or their representatives and shall sign the same when so agreed. 38.0 38.1 STORAGE AND HANDLING FACILITIES The PC Contractor shall be responsible for handling and storage of all equipment and material at Project Site at his risk and cost (including equipment & material provided by OGDCL and its Suppliers and other PC Contractor). The PC Contractor shall also be responsible for maintaining a proper warehouse at Project Site by employing a storekeeper to keep upto date record of the equipment/material issued & consumed. The PC Contractor will have to submit a complete material balance/audit report after completion of the job. 38.2 The PC Contractor shall protect all equipment/materials against corrosion, mechanical damage or deterioration during storage and erection at Project Site. The protection shall be to the approval of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant. 38.3 Motors, valves, instruments, etc., shall be stored indoors in a Warehouse provided by PC Contractor. Motor windings shall be kept dry by either the use of external heat, or energizing of the strip heaters in the motors. 38.4 38.5 Bearings and other machined wearing surfaces of machinery shall be protected against corrosion, and shall be kept clean. Structural steel, miscellaneous steel, grating walkways, plate-work, cable trays, etc., shall be kept painted throughout the storage and erection period to prohibit rusting unless such items are galvanized or have other corrosion proof finish.
Thermal insulation if used for the project shall be stored indoors, or otherwise protected against getting wet. TRANSPORTATION, UNLOADING AND STORAGE The equipment and material required for Works supplied by OGDCL shall remain in OGDCL's custody till required by PC Contractor for erection. However, the PC Contractor shall have to bear the cost of unloading at OGDCLs warehouse (if desired by OGDL), loading/unloading, unpacking and transportation from OGDCL's Warehouse to the point of erection/installation at Project Site. Provided always the PC Contractor shall exercise due care and pre-caution for such equipment and material during loading/un-loading, transportation/shifting and installation and shall also be responsible for proper handling.
UTILITIES FOR CONSTRUCTION The Utilities i.e. electric power, water, gas, etc. necessary for the entire construction/ installation/erection works will be arranged by the PC Contractor. All expenditure and costs thereof shall be to the PC Contractor's account. All electrical equipment, i.e. Generators, Welding Sets, Compressors, Drill Machines, Grinders, etc., alongwith gadget/appliances cut-out, panel board, etc., shall be arranged by the PC Contractor at his own cost and shall get the same approved from OGDCL/Engineering Consultant.
PAYMENT OF FEES The PC Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits, licenses or other privileges necessary in relation to the execution of the Work and abide by the rules and regulations of all public bodies and companies whose property or rights are affected or may be affected in any way by the Work. Certificates of which shall be delivered to OGDCL and will become the property of OGDCL.
42.0 42.1
WATCHING AND LIGHTING The PC Contractor shall in connection with the Work provide and maintain at his own cost all lights, guards, fencing and watching when and where necessary or required by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant or their representatives, or by any duly constituted authority, for the protection of the temporary/permanent Work, or for the safety and convenience of others.
The PC Contractor shall review with OGDCL/Engineering Consultant its programme for Project Site security and lighting for the Work. The standard of lighting shall conform to industrial lighting standard of Pakistan as prescribed by law to OGDCL's/ Engineering Consultants and satisfaction and review an approval of the PC Contractor's programme by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant will be for coordination purposes and does not relieve the PC Contractor of its responsibility for security and lighting.
43.0 43.1
CARE OF FINISHED WORKS The PC Contractor shall at all times during the performance of the works be fully responsible for the care of the Work and of all Temporary Work. The PC Contractor shall effectively protect his work from action of weather and from injury or defacement, and shall cover finished parts where required for their thorough protection. Finished work shall be left perfectly clean and free from defects. The PC Contractor and/or his Sub-Contractors who are installing or erecting equipment, material, etc., shall be responsible for protecting work. Heavy planking shall be used when moving any cable and other buried structures. Metal rollers shall not be permitted.
In the event of Phased Completion, the PC Contractor shall be responsible for the due care of those parts of the works not completed and shall where required provide fencing, security, separate access, additional lighting, so that the parts of the works completed may be used for the purposes for which they were designed without inconvenience to that use and the performance of the remaining works may be completed without undue interference.
44.0 44.1
INSPECTION OF OPERATIONS OGDCL/Engineering Consultant and any person authorized by him shall at all times have access to the Work and to all workshops and places where work is being prepared for purposes of expediting and inspection and the PC Contractor shall afford every facility for and every assistance in or in obtaining the right to such access.
OGDCL/Engineering Consultant reserves the right to inspect performance of the work of the PC Contractor to ensure conformity with the Contract Documents. The PC Contractor shall promptly rectify all such deficiencies or defects that are brought to the PC Contractor's knowledge by Notice of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant. OGDCLs/ Engineering Consultants inspection herein shall not relieve the PC Contractor of any of its obligations under the Contract.
The PC Contractor shall regularly keep OGDCL/Engineering Consultant fully informed of the progress of construction and the supply of materials (if required) by furnishing to OGDCL/Engineering Consultant Monthly Schedules so as to permit OGDCLs/ Engineering Consultants inspection to be carried out in such manner as to minimize interference with the progress of the Work.
45.0 45.1
REJECTION AND INTERIM OPERATION If the completed Project or any portion thereof, fails to fulfill the requirements of the Contract, OGDCL shall give the PC Contractor written notice setting-forth particulars of such defects or alter the work to make it company with the requirements of the Contract. Should he fail to do so within a reasonable time, OGDCL may at his option replace at the PC Contractor's expense the whole or any portion of the work, which is defective or fail to fulfill the requirements set-forth in the Contract. Such replacement shall be carried out by OGDCL within a reasonable time and a reasonable price and where possible to the same specifications. The PC Contractor's full liability under this Paragraph shall be satisfied by the payment to OGDCL of the original Contract price including the difference if any, between the replacement price of equipment and materials including charges for transportation, installation and testing, and the original Contract Price including the same defective equipment, materials, and charges.
In the event of such rejection, during the period when the necessary replacement equipment is being obtained or repairs or alterations are being made, OGDCL shall
have the right to operate any and all equipment as soon as and as long as it is in operating condition, whether or not such equipment has been accepted as complete and satisfactory, except that this shall not be construed to permit operation of any equipment which may become damaged by such operation before any required replacements, repairs and/or alterations have been made. All replacements, repairs, or alterations required of the PC Contractor shall be made by the PC Contractor at such time as directed by OGDCL and in such a manner as will cause the minimum interruption in the use of the equipment by OGDCL. Should OGDCL under his option not replace the rejected equipment within a reasonable time, the PC Contractor's full responsibility under this paragraph shall be satisfied by the repayment of all moneys paid by OGDCL to him in respect of said equipment. 45.3 Immediately after the replacement of the defective equipment the PC Contractor shall remove the said defective equipment from the site without cost to OGDCL. Nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to deprive OGDCL of or affect any rights under this Contract which he may otherwise have in respect of such defects or deficiencies, or in any way relieve the PC Contractor of his obligations under the Contract. EXAMINATION OF WORK BEFORE COVERING-UP No work shall be covered-up or put out of view without the approval of OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant or their representatives and the PC Contractor shall afford full opportunity for OGDCLs/Engineering Consultants representative to examine and measure any work which is about to be covered-up or put out of view. The PC Contractor shall give due notice to OGDCLs/Engineering Consultants representative whenever any such work is or are ready or about to be ready for examination and OGDCLs/ Engineering Consultants representative shall, without unreasonable delay, unless he considers it unnecessary and advises the PC Contractor accordingly, attend for the purpose of examining and measuring such work or of examining such work. 47.0 47.1 ERECTION AND CHECKING AT SITE The PC Contractor shall submit to OGDCL/Engineering Consultant in due time for approval and discussion his proposals and plans as to the method and procedure to be
adopted for the erection of the equipment and particulars of constructional equipment and temporary works involved. The submitting of these suggestions and arrangements, and the approval thereof by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant or his Representatives shall not relieve the PC Contractor of his responsibilities and duties under the Contract.
The PC Contractor's representative on the site or his nominated deputy is to be given full responsibility to enter into negotiations regarding points arising from erection.
The carrying out of all work included in the Contract is to be supervised by a sufficient number of qualified representatives of the PC Contractor and full facilities and assistance are to be afforded by the PC Contractor for Engineering Consultant or his representative to check the execution of the Work.
OGDCL/Engineering Consultant reserves the right to inspect all parts of equipment in the works and/or site, but may at his discretion waive inspection on certain items, but he shall, in no way, absolve the PC Contractor from his responsibilities. This particularly applies to the checking of materials, the accurate setting out of foundations, the plumbing of all stanchions and columns and to the leveling, setting and aligning of the various parts, and to the fitting and adjusting of bearings and other parts.
The PC Contractor may be required to work on weekly & gazetted holidays without any extra compensation. The PC Contractor may also be required to work on overtime or in two shifts depending on the workload without any extra compensation or obligation to OGDCL.
No claim by the PC Contractor in terms of extra cost or compensation would be entertained due to temporary stoppages in the flow of work and subsequent idle labour & machine hours caused by observance of safety & security regulations. In the event of night working, the PC Contractor shall provide sufficient lighting to the satisfaction of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant or their representatives and shall supply the necessary labor for the continuation of the work after normal hours.
The PC Contractor, witnessed by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant or its representative, shall check the civil works and the electrical and mechanical connections to all equipment supplied under the Contract before such equipment is brought into commission and shall be responsible for the correctness of such
connections in accordance with Engineering Consultant's drawings and the Specifications. 48.0 48.1 COMPLETENESS OF ERECTION/INSTALLATION WORK It is the intent of the technical specifications to provide for the erection, installation and testing of the equipment and material specifically noted, shown, or called for. The omission of specific reference to any item of work that is reasonably necessary for the proper functioning of the plant and allied facilities will not relieve the PC Contractor of the responsibility to furnish all equipment, materials, transportation and/or labor required for a complete installation and erection work, satisfactory to OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant. 48.2 The technical specifications are presumed correct, but complete accuracy is not guaranteed. Any error or ambiguity must be reported to Engineering Consultant before starting the work affected. In the event of any dispute arising as to the true intended meaning of a technical specification, Engineering Consultant shall interpret the same and his interpretation shall be accepted as final and binding upon all parties concerned. 49.0 49.1 QUALITY OF MATERIALS & WORKMANSHIP AND TESTS All equipment/materials and workmanship shall be of the respective kinds described in the Contract and in accordance with OGDCLs/Engineering Consultant's instructions and shall be subject from time to time to such tests as OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant may direct at the place of manufacture or fabrication, or at Project Site or at such other place or places as may be specified in the Contract, or at all or any of such places. 49.2 The PC Contractor shall provide inspection and testing equipment, instruments, machines, labor and material as are normally required for examining, measuring and testing any works and for execution of various quality control tasks, mechanical, destructive, non-destructive tests, etc., as may be selected and required by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant. The quality control tasks shall be performed by the PC Contractor's competent personnel in accordance with a site testing and quality control programme to be established by the PC Contractor and approved by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant or their representatives.
49.3 49.4
The PC Contractor shall keep a complete record of all quality tests performed on site. Hydrostatic tests on site shall generally be carried out on all the pipelines, piping & equipments work in the plant. All quality controls and tests shall be carried out in accordance with applicable standards and codes. The PC Contractor shall carry out all necessary surveying work to ensure that the position and elevation of all works erected or constructed by him are correct. The measuring methods and devices used must meet the standard of accuracy required for this purpose. All the surveying work must be based on a geodetic grid established with adequate accuracy with levels and positions continuously checked and supplemented.
The cost of all tests provided in the Contract shall be borne by the PC Contractor. WARRANTIES & GUARANTIES The PC Contractor warrants that the equipment supplied under the Contract shall be brand new, having good title and fit for the use intended. The PC Contractor further warrants that: a) b) Equipment & materials supplied against the Contract conforms in all respects with the specifications and requirements contained in contract document. Equipment supplied under this Contract shall be of good quality and free from all defects arising from design, materials or workmanship.
The PC Contractor shall provide to OGDCL required process guarantees/warranties (i.e. original manufacturers warranty) of the equipment supplied by it from vendors and manufacturers. The guarantees/warranties shall be obtained in the name of OGDCL.
The PC Contractor warrants that the construction/installation, erection and other work shall be good quality, free from fault or defect and shall perform so as to comply with the specifications contained in the contract documents or with any revisions thereof pursuant to any changes. The PC Contractor further warrants that all work performed under the Contract shall be in accordance with industrys recognized codes and standards.
The foregoing warranties shall remain valid for a period of twelve (12) months from
the date of Provisional Acceptance Certificate. 50.5 If the supplied equipment/materials, construction, installation/erection and related work fail to meet the warranty conditions set forth in Sub-Articles 50.1 & 50.3 OGDCL shall promptly notify the PC Contractor in writing about the defects and claims under the warranty. Upon receipt of such notice the PC Contractor shall within the time specified by OGDCL repair/replace the defective equipment, material and or portion of works, with no cost or expense to OGDCL. The repaired or replaced equipment, material or works shall be warranted by PC Contractor for twelve (12) months from the date of repair(s) or replacement(s). 50.6 If the PC Contractor having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within the specified time, OGDCL shall proceed to take remedial actions as may be necessary, at the PC Contractors risk and cost. All costs thereof shall be charged to the PC Contractor or recovered from performance bond. The PC Contractor shall have no objection to the above and he hereby acknowledges the rights of OGDCL to recover such sums as a debt due to OGDCL from defaulting PC Contractor. It is understood that in this case the PC Contractor shall not be relieved from the provided warranties and contractual obligations. 50.7 The Supplier shall also provide guarantees of original manufacturers where applicable. NEGLIGENCE AND DEFAULT If the PC Contractor neglects to execute the work expeditiously and with due diligence, or refuses or neglects to comply with any reasonable orders given to him in writing by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant in connection with the work or refuses to abide by the provisions of the Contract, OGDCL/Engineering Consultant shall give notice to him in writing calling upon him to make good the failure, neglect or refused cited. Should the PC Contractor fail to comply with such notice within three (3) days after receipt of same, OGDCL shall be at liberty to take the work wholly, or in part out of the PC Contractor's hand and carry out the work either by himself or through his agents, or at his option may re-contract at a reasonable price with any other persons to execute the work or any part thereof and provide any other equipment, materials, tools, tackle or labour for the purpose of completing the Contract.
51.0 51.1
In such event OGDCL shall, without being responsible to the PC Contractor for normal wear and tear or the same, being entitled to seize and take possession and have free use of all equipment, materials, tools, tackle or other items which may be on the site, for use in connection with execution of such work, to the exclusion of any right of the PC Contractor over the same. OGDCL shall be entitled to retain and apply balance which may otherwise be then due to the PC Contractor under the Contract, or such part thereof as may be necessary, to the payment of the cost of execution of such aforesaid work. If the cost of executing the aforesaid work exceeds the balance due to the PC Contractor and the PC Contractor fails to make good the deficit, said equipment, materials tools, tackle, or other property of the PC Contractor as may not have been used in completion of the work, may be sold by OGDCL and the proceeds applied towards the payment to such difference and the cost incidental to such sale, a surplus balance existing after crediting the proceeds of such sale shall be paid to the PC Contractor and the remaining unsold items, if any, shall be removed by the PC Contractor. If the proceeds of the above sale of the PC Contractor equipment, materials, tools, tackle and other items are insufficient to cover the cost of executing the aforesaid work, the balance remaining after crediting the proceeds of such sale shall be recoverable from the PC Contractor by action of law. DELAYS IN THE PC CONTRACTORS PERFORMANCE Completion of procurement ( supply ), construction, installation/erection, precommissioning, start-up and commissioning assistance of Dakhni Expansion Project shall be made by the PC Contractor in accordance with the stipulated completion time specified in the Contract.
52.0 52.1
An unexcused delay by the PC Contractor in performance of the Contract including delivery of equipment/material being supplied and timely completion of the Project shall render the PC Contractor liable to any or all of the following sanctions: Forfeiture of its performance bond (guarantee) Imposition of liquidated damages Termination of contract for default
DEFAULT OF PC CONTRACTOR IN COMPLIANCE In case of default on the part of the PC Contractor in carrying out such order, OGDCL shall be entitled to employ and pay other persons to carry out the same and all expenses consequent thereon or incidental thereto shall be recoverable from the PC Contractor by OGDCL, or may be deducted by OGDCL from any monies due or which may become due to the PC Contractor.
DAMAGE TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY The PC Contractor shall, indemnify OGDCL against all losses and claims in respect of injuries or damage to any person or material or physical damage to any property whatsoever which may arise out of or in consequence of the execution of the Work under the Contract and against all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect of or in relation thereto.
ACCIDENT OR INJURY TO WORKMEN OGDCL shall not be liable for or in respect of any damages or compensation payable at law in respect or in consequence of any accident or injury to any workman or other person in the employment of the PC Contractor or any sub- PC Contractor. The PC Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified OGDCL against all such damages and compensation, and against all claims, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto.
56.0 56.1
INSURANCE & LIABILITIES The PC Contractor shall procure following insurance policies:
Construction All Risk Physical Damage Policy Third Part Liability Policy, AND Workmen Compensation Policy
Such insurances shall be evidenced by standard insurance policies in form and substance satisfactory to OGDCL and shall be issued by such insurance companies in respect of which consent of OGDCL has been obtained. A copy of each of the policies will be endorsed to OGDCL by the insurer.
Each policy shall name OGDCL as the insured. The PC Contractor shall cause all such insurances to be maintained in full force and effect till commissioning and handover of the Project to OGDCL. 56.1.1 Construction All Risk Policy The PC Contractor shall procure and maintain a construction (erection) all risk policy including sabotage and terrorism for sum assured value of not less than contract value. The policy will cover all physical loss or damage caused or done to permanent and temporary works completed or in progress, construction, commissioning and performance testing phases of Dakhni Expansion Project with extended coverage for equipment/material stored at Project Site and OGDCLs existing facilities. 56.1.2 Third Party Liability Policy The PC Contractor shall procure and maintain Third Party Liability Insurance for sum assured of Rs. 10.00 million to cover any damage, loss or injury which may be caused or occur to any other property due to or during the performance of work whether in any workshop, transit or at Project Site. The PC Contractor's liability on account of third party losses shall be limited to the sum assured under this insurance as established by PC Contractor with consent of OGDCL. 56.1.3 Workmen Compensation Policy The PC Contractor for itself and for its Sub-Contractors shall obtain insurance covering damages or compensation payable in respect of, or in consequence of any accident or injury resulting to any workman, or any other person, in the employment of the PC Contractor or any of its Sub-Contractors, with an insurer approved, by OGDCL. 57.0 ENGAGEMENT OF LABOR The PC Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the engagement of all labor, transport, meals, etc., and payment thereof.
FESTIVALS & RELIGIOUS CUSTOMS The PC Contractor shall in all dealings with labor in his employment have due regard to all recognized festivals, days of rest and religious or other customs.
DISORDERLY CONDUCT, ETC. The PC Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful, riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst his employees and for the preservation of peace and protection of persons and property in the neighborhood of the Work against the same.
SPARE PARTS The PC Contractor shall propose in the Bid recommended list of spare parts alongwith manufacturers address required during two years of operation for the equipment/ material supplied by it. The PC Contractor should ensure an arrangement where by the spare parts inventory/backup facilities for the equipment is maintained for minimum period of five (5) years. In the event of termination of production of spare parts an advance notification should be given to OGDCL giving sufficient time enabling it to procure the required spare parts and following such termination, furnishing at no cost to OGDCL, the blue prints, drawings and specifications of the spare parts.
PC CONTRACTOR TO KEEP SITE CLEAR During the progress of the Work the PC Contractor shall keep the Site reasonably free from all unnecessary obstruction and shall store or dispose of any Constructional Material and other materials and clear away and remove from the Site any wreckage, rubbish or Temporary Work no longer required.
REMOVAL OF IMPROPER WORK & MATERIALS OGDCL/Engineering Consultant shall during the progress of the Work have power to order in writing from time to time:
the removal from the Project Site, within such time or times as may be specified in the order, of any materials which, in the opinion of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant, are not in accordance with the Contract the substitution of proper and suitable materials and the removal and proper re-execution of any work which in respect of materials or workmanship is not, in the opinion of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant, in accordance with the Contract.
b) c)
REMOVAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT, ETC. Upon completion of the works the PC Contractor shall remove from the Site all the said Constructional Plant and Temporary Work remaining thereon and any unused materials provided by the PC Contractor. OGDCL shall not at any time liable for the loss or damage to any of the said construction plant and temporary works or materials.
CLEARANCE OF SITE ON COMPLETION On the completion of the Work the PC Contractor shall clear away and remove from the Site all Constructional Plant, surplus materials, rubbish and Temporary Work of every kind, and leave the whole of the Site and Work clean and in a workmen like condition to the satisfaction of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant.
65.0 65.1
MECHANICAL COMPLETION, INSPECTION & TESTING All equipment and material installed and erected under this contract excluding vendor supplied special equipment e.g. compressors and pumps, etc., shall be subject to test or inspection in accordance with relevant clauses of the Specifications. For the vendor supplied special equipment OGDCL will make arrangements for checking, testing and commissioning. However, the PC Contractor will assist vendor of special equipment with manpower, tools and necessary equipments required for commissioning.
After completion of erection and/or installation, and before being put into operation each unit and all its appurtenances, pumps, piping, valves and all other mechanical
and electrical equipment and materials shall be thoroughly cleaned and then inspected under the supervision of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant for correctness and completeness of installation and acceptability for placing in operation. 65.3 The time consumed in the inspection and checking of the units shall be considered as a part of the erection and installation period. The PC Contractor shall arrange for necessary inspection and testing of the works performed by the PC Contractor upon its installation thereof in accordance with the Bidding Documents. 65.5 The PC Contractor shall maintain adequate record of all tests carried out and their results thereof and make the same available to OGDCL/Engineering Consultant. The PC Contractor shall remedy promptly any defects or deficiencies, which appear as a result of such inspection and tests, on his supply and workmanship entirely at his own cost and responsibility. 65.6 PC Contractor shall prepare the piping and allied facilities for operation which will include but not limited to the following tests:
Cleaning of all lines and equipment of loose material by flushing or blowing and performing any other cleaning as may be required. Clean-out and boxing-up of all pressure vessels including installation of internals such as filter elements, etc. Hydrostatic, pneumatic and other field testing (weld radiography, coat and wrap, quality, etc.) of the pipelines and equipment as required. Alignment, lubrication and running tests of pumps/drives and operational tests of all types of valves.
66.0 66.1
MECHANICAL ACCEPTANCE The PC Contractor shall prepare project for operation, which will include but not be limited to the following: a) Hydrostatic, testing of piping, equipment, etc. as required in the Contract Documents.
Conditions Of Contract Sheet 48 of 65 b) Running tests of drivers, compressors, pumps and operational tests of all types of valves, etc. Provide assistance for commissioning of the equipment supplied by OGDCL or others. Circulation of lubricating and seal oil in compressors. Radiography of all piping. Stress relieving of all piping where applicable/required as per API Code and NACE standard. Short duration operations with air on all compressors in accordance with Vendor's instructions. Pump operation with water circulation. After hot operation, rechecking the alignment and, if necessary, re-aligning all rotaries (with drivers) and hot checking the drivers related to pumps and compressors. Cleaning all lines of loose materials by flushing or blowing and performance of any other special cleaning as may be required in these specifications. Placement of all blinds in position for operation. Installation of orifice plates after hydrostatic tests. Installation of relief valves
c) d) e) f) g) h)
i) j) k) l)
m) Thermo-couple connection and checking out. n) o) 66.2 Cleaning out and boxing-up of all exchangers and pressure vessels. Preparation to meet safety requirements.
The PC Contractor shall also be required to complete and thoroughly clean-up the operating facilities which shall include all painting, removal of all temporary works and general site clean-up to the entire satisfaction of OGDCL. Pursuant to the mechanical completion of the work, the PC Contractor shall, in the presence of OGDCLs/Engineering Consultants representatives, provide services to successfully complete the operability tests to establish that the facilities are in proper operating conditions and free from leaks, defects and deficiencies.
Prior to introduction of First Gas into the system the PC Contractor shall carry out a leak test, at a pressure to be specified by OGDCL. This test shall ensure mechanical
integrity of the newly constructed facility. It shall be responsibility of OGDCL to provide nitrogen for leak testing. The PC Contractor shall provide other necessary tools, equipments and manpower, necessary for such testing. After the test, nitrogen shall be left in the system, at a pressure slightly higher than the atmosphere until the gas is introduced. 67.0 67.1 STARTUP & COMMISSIONING The PC Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out tests and startup & commissioning of equipment supplied by it. For equipment delivered by OGDCL and its suppliers, the PC Contractor shall provide assistance in carrying out the required tests and their commissioning. The assistance shall cover provision of manpower, tools and necessary equipment required for performance/effective tests and commissioning. 68.0 68.1 ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATES Mechanical Acceptance Certificate When whole of the work have been completed mechanically & have satisfactorily passed the mechanical completion, inspection & testing and mechanical acceptance as that prescribed in Articles 65.0 & 66.0 of the conditions, the PC Contractor may request OGDCL to issue mechanical acceptance certificate Attachment-I. 68.2 Provisional Acceptance Certificate When all the equipment have been commissioned and construction equipment have been removed as per Article 63.0, 64.0 & 67.0 of the Conditions of Contract, the PC Contractor may request OGDCL to issue Provisional Acceptance Certificate Attachment-II. 68.3 Final Acceptance Certificate Subject to Article 50.0, when the facilities have remained in operation for twelve (12) months from the issuance date of Provisional Acceptance Certificate the PC Contractor may request OGDCL to issue Final Acceptance Certificate AttachmentIII.
COMPLETION CERTIFICATE The Contract shall not be considered as completed until final acceptance certificate has been issued by OGDCL to the PC Contractor Attachment-IV.
TITLE Title of equipment and facilities furnished by PC Contractor or its Sub-Contractors under the Contract shall pass to OGDCL on the date the project is completed.
71.0 71.1
WITHHOLDING PAYMENT OGDCL may withhold the whole or part of any payment claimed by the PC Contractor, which in the opinion of OGDCL is necessary to protect himself from loss on account of: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Defective equipment and material not replaced/repaired or remedied. Warranties/Guarantees not met. Claims filed against PC Contractor. Failure of PC Contractor to make payments due for materials or labour employed by him. Damages to other PC Contractor. PC Contractor's non-compliance with the provisions of the Contract.
When the conditions for withholding the payment are removed, payments of the amount due to the PC Contractor will be made by OGDCL without delay. FINAL PAYMENT DOCUMENTS The PC Contractor shall execute and deliver to OGDCL the following documents before receiving payment of retention money: a) b) c) d) Certificate of Completion Final Acceptance Certificate Undertaking Certificate of Compliance
LIENS The PC Contractor for himself and for any persons directly or indirectly responsible to him, and for his or their material equipment and employees, and for all other persons performing any labour or furnishing any labour or materials for any of the work covered by his contracts, will be required to release or waive, to the full extent permitted by law, all liens, for or on account of the work done or equipment and materials furnished hereunder, and the improvement or structures wherein some may be incorporated, and the land to which they are appurtenant shall at all times and clear of all such liens.
74.0 74.1
SUSPENSION OF WORK The PC Contractor shall, on the written order of OGDCL, suspend the progress of the procurement (supply), construction, installation/erection, startup and commissioning works or any part thereof for such time or times and in such manner as OGDCL may consider necessary and shall during such suspension properly protect and secure the work, so far as is necessary in the opinion of OGDCL.
PC Contractor shall not be entitled for any extra cost for such suspension upto a maximum period of forty five (45) days. This period may be in one or more suspensions.
In case the suspension period exceeds forty five (45) days, then the PC Contractor may claim, if he gives notice in writing of his intention to OGDCL within seven (7) days of expiry of forty five (45) days suspension period. The PC Contractor can claim the cost of only permanent employees and hired equipment employed on the project as per rates mutually agreed between OGDCL/Engineering Consultant and PC Contractor. OGDCL/Engineering Consultant will verify the claimed amount on the basis of agreed rates. However, Charges for daily paid workers and PC Contractors own equipment will not be paid.
75.0 75.1
TERMINATION OF DEFAULT OGDCL shall have the right to terminate the Contract if the PC Contractor.
Conditions Of Contract Sheet 52 of 65 a) Does not mobilize and/or commence execution of the Contract/Order within the agreed date(s). Stops work during the execution of the Contract/Order. Fails to supply sufficient and/or adequate construction equipment, temporary works, labour, materials or satisfactory performance and delays in the progress of work. Becomes bankrupt or insolvent. Has judiciary liquidation filled by/or against him, and the PC Contractor does not have the right to continue his industrial activities. Fails to fulfill any of his obligations as defined in the Contract Documents.
b) c)
d) e)
f) 75.2
OGDCL shall have the right to notify deadline to be met by the PC Contractor. Should the PC Contractor not reply within 7 days to the above notification, or in case that the reply is not found satisfactory, OGDCL would be entitled to terminate this Contract. OGDCL shall then give notice of termination, and thereupon, OGDCL shall have the right to take over the performance of the Work, take possession of the engineering drawings and data and all materials and stocks located at the Site, and to complete the Work in any manner OGDCL deems fit, and to use of cause to be used for that purpose the temporary works and equipment of PC Contractor located at the Project Site.
In the event of such termination, after all works, services, deliveries, etc., effected by PC Contractor under this Contract have been stated and recorded, OGDCL will be entitled to withhold any further payments due to PC Contractor under this Contract. At the time of termination, OGDCL and PC Contractor shall determine by mutual agreement the amount, if any, of damages suffered by OGDCL, and the amount to which PC Contractor is entitled for his performance of the work upto the date of such termination.
Termination of the Contract shall not relieve PC Contractor of any of its obligations to make repairs and replacements with respect to any workmanship, material, equipment, part or item incorporated in the work prior to such termination, nor shall termination relieve PC Contractor of its obligations under any other provision of the Contract with respect to the Work performed by PC Contractor prior to such termination.
The defaulting PC Contractor shall also be liable for all costs and expenses incurred, including those of cleaning the site and removal of PC Contractor's equipment and material if required by OGDCL, because of the default and, the PC Contractor shall fully indemnify OGDCL.
76.0 76.1
TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OGDCL may, by written notice to the PC Contractor, terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, at any time at its convenience. The action of termination shall specify that the termination is for the convenience of OGDCL, the extent to which performance of work under the Contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. The Work and equipment/material that are complete and ready for delivery within 15 days after receipt of notice of termination by the PC Contractor, shall be accepted by OGDCL, at the Contract terms and prices. For the remaining works/equipment & material OGDCL may elect: i) to have any portion completed or delivered at the Contract terms and prices; and/or. to cancel the remainder and pay to the PC Contractor an agreed amount for partially completed works and for materials previously procured by the PC Contractor, which will become property of OGDCL.
77.0 77.1
FORCE MAJEURE In the event of either party hereto being rendered unable, wholly or in part, by Force Majeure Circumstances to carry out its obligations under the Contract Documents, then on such party giving notice and full particulars and other satisfactory evidence of such Force Majeure circumstance(s) relied upon the obligations of the party giving such notice so far as they are affected by such Force Majeure shall be suspended for the period during which the party, is rendered unable as aforesaid, but for no longer period, and such cause(s) shall, as far as possible, be remedied and obviated with all reasonable despatch. The term `Force Majeure as employed therein, shall mean Acts of God or public enemy, civil insurrection, fires, floods earthquakes or other physical disasters, order or request of Government, blockade or embargo. It is, however,
clarified that strikes, lockouts, shortage or non-availability of raw materials, rains disturbances, other labour disputes or congestion ports on the PC Contractors side shall not be included in the term `Force Majeure. During the period of established Force Majeure as contained herein above, neither PC Contractors would be entitled for payment nor OGDCL/Engineering Consultant would impose penalty as required under this Contract. 77.2 In case the Force Majeure contingencies last continuously for more than fifteen days, both parties will agree on the necessary arrangements for the further implementation of the contract. In case further implementation is unforeseeable and impossible, both parties shall arrange for the termination of the Contract, but without prejudice to their rights and obligations prior to such termination it being understood that each party shall fulfill its contractual obligations so far as they have fallen due before the operation of Force Majeure. 78.0 ARBITRATION If any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever shall arise between OGDCL and the PC Contractor in connection with, or arising out of the Contract, or the execution of the works, whether during the progress of the works or after their completion and whether before or after the termination, abandonment or breach of the Contract, it shall, in the first place, be referred to and settled by OGDCL who shall, give written notice of his decision to the PC Contractor. Subject to arbitration, as hereinafter provided, such decision in respect of every matter so referred shall be final and binding upon the PC Contractor and shall forthwith be given effect to by the PC Contractor, who shall proceed with the execution of the works with all due diligence whether he requires arbitration, as hereinafter provided, or not. If OGDCL has given written notice of his decision to the PC Contractor and no claim to arbitration has been communicated to him by the PC Contractor within a period of thirty days from receipt of such notice, the said decision shall remain final and binding upon the PC Contractor. If OGDCL fails to give notice of his decision, as aforesaid, within a period of thirty days after being requested as aforesaid, or if the PC Contractor be dissatisfied with any such decision, then and in any such case or within thirty days after the expiration of the first-named period of thirty days, as the case may be require that the matter or matters in dispute be referred to arbitration as hereinafter provided. All disputes or differences in respect of which the decision, if any, of OGDCL has not
become final and binding as aforesaid shall be finally referred to two Arbitrators, one to be appointed by each party or in the event of the Arbitrators not agreeing to an umpire to be appointed by Arbitrators before entering upon the reference, who shall proceed to arbitrate in accordance with the provisions of the Pakistan Arbitration Act 1940 and rules hereunder any statutory amendment in that behalf for the time being in force and the award made by the Arbitrators or the umpire as the case be, shall be final and binding on both the parties Arbitration proceeding shall be conducted in the English Language. PC Contractor shall continue to execute his work with full speed during the pending of the Arbitration proceedings. However, OGDCL shall have the power to order the PC Contractor in writing to stop the work in full or in part if considered necessary. 79.0 JURISDICTION The venue of Arbitration proceedings shall be Islamabad, Arbitration shall be governed under Arbitration Act. 1940. Expenses of Arbitration shall be borne equally by the parties. The Agreement and any interpretation and construction thereof including Arbitration proceedings shall be subject to and governed by the laws of Pakistan. 80.0 SERVICE OF NOTICES TO PC CONTRACTOR All certificates, notices or written orders to be given by OGDCL or by Engineering Consultant to the PC Contractor under the terms of the Contract shall be served by sending by post to or delivering the same to the PC Contractor's principal place of business, or such other address as the PC Contractor shall nominate for this purpose. 81.0 SERVICE OF NOTICES TO OGDCL/ENGINEERING CONSULTANT All notices to be given to OGDCL or to Engineering Consultant under the terms of the Contract shall be served by sending by post or delivering the same to the respective addresses nominated for that purpose.
82.0 82.1
EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONTRACT This Contract shall become effective upon the date after formal execution of the Contract by the duly authorized representatives of OGDCL and PC Contractor provided that all of the following conditions have been fulfilled: a) b) The submission of the Performance Bond by the PC Contractor to OGDCL. The payment of the Mobilization Advance by OGDCL to PC Contractor, the same to be secured by the Mobilization Advance Payment Guarantee(s) to be simultaneously furnished by PC Contractor to OGDCL pursuant to Article 5 of Form of Contract. The confirmation, by PC Contractor to OGDCL, in form and substance satisfactory to OGDCL, that PC Contractor has put into force and effect such of the policies of insurance specified in Article 56.0 of Conditions of Contract.
After conditions specified in Article 82.1 have been fulfilled and OGDCL gives written advice to PC Contractor to proceed ahead with the Work the PC Contractor shall diligently commence execution of the Work forthwith and shall proceed with the same with due expedition and without delay in accordance with the terms of this Contract.
83.0 83.1
APPLICABLE LAW This Contract or any amendment thereto shall be construed, interpreted and governed by the Laws of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
.. Engineering Consultant
Whereas the PLANT and the WORK, as specified in the Contract, have been provisionally accepted under the form of the PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE dated: .../.../... and Whereas the Warranty Period pursuant to Article 50.0 of the Contract is now completed, both PARTIES agree that: 6. Pursuant to the Article 50 (Warranty & Guaranties) of the Contract, it is hereby certified and agreed, by the issuance of the FINAL ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE, that the PC Contractor obligations under the Contract have, effective upon the .../.../..., been fulfilled. 7. Issuance of this FINAL ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE shall not relieve PC Contractor from any obligations which expressly or by their nature survive the said certificate. For and on behalf of For and on behalf of (Oil & Gas Development Company Limited) Signature Name: Position: In the presence of Signature Name: Position: Date: ..
Engineering Consultant
(PC Contractor) Signature Name: Position: In the presence of Signature Name: Position: Date:
_____________________________________________________________________ (OGDCL)
I, the undersigned PC Contractor for the above Designated Contract (hereinafter called the PC Contractor) with the Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) (hereinafter called the OGDCL)) do hereby certify that: 1. The work to be performed by ________________________________ pursuant to the Contact dated ___________________ is completed and is in all respects in strict compliance with the provisions of the Contract, including all plants, specifications, maps and contract drawings and modifications thereof and Vendor information, complete in all respects. Payments have been made in full by the PC Contractor to all persons/firms who have furnished labor and material for this Contract. The PC Contractor has obtained valid release of lien from all persons, firms, and/or corporations furnishing materials, supplies and appliances, which were employed by the PC Contractor in the performance of this Contract, and such releases have been delivered by the PC Contractor to the OGDCL/Engineering Consultant. The complete cost account statement attached hereto and made a part hereof a complete and accurate cost break-down, and in accordance with the Cost Account Code, given to the PC Contractor by OGDCL, of all materials, equipment and work performed in accordance with the Contract. All defects in equipment, materials and workmanship reported by the OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant have been corrected by the PC Contractor.
Conditions Of Contract Sheet 61 of 65 6. The total true and correct cost of the Contract as so completed is ________________ _____________________ total currency in Pakistan Rupees ____________________ ____________________________________________________________________ of this total the entire balance now due to the PC Contractor is _____________________ _____________________________________________ total currency in Pakistani Rupees _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.
We certify that the above designated Contract has been completed in accordance with the provisions of said Contract dated _______________, provided however, that the acceptance of the PC Contractor's work by OGDCL shall not be deemed to relieve the PC Contractor of his obligations contained in the Contract with respect to defective workmanship, materials, or equipment discovered with the guarantee period.
The above WORKS have been completed in accordance with the provision of the Contract. The undersigned hereby releases and for ever discharges the Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) their successors and assigns, and their property, from all claims and demands whatsoever in any manner arising out of or related to the Contract or labor performed or material furnished by the undersigned in connection with, or incidental to the execution and completion of the WORKS. In consideration of and for the purpose of OGDCL/Engineering Consultant to issue the Acceptance Certificate and make the final payment, the undersigned hereby presents, warrants and agrees that (1) all sums due to become due and all debts, accounts, damages obligations, claims and demands of every nature and kind whatsoever in any manner arising out of, or related to labor performed or material furnished in connection with, or incidental to the Contract have been paid and satisfied (2) there are no unsettled claims for injuries to or death of person or damage to, or destruction of property in any manner arising out or related to the Contract and (3) the undersigned shall indemnify and hold harmless OGDCL successors and assigns from the against all claims, demands, liens, claims of lien, judgments, attachments and related costs and expenses in any manner, arising out of, or related to the Contract.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PC Contractor has caused this instrument to be executed by its duly authorized representatives(s) this ________ day of __________________
_____________________________________________________________________ (OGDCL)
I, the undersigned PC Contractor for the Contract above do hereby certify that: The work to be performed by ___________________________________________________ (hereinafter called the "PC Contractor") pursuant to the Contract dated _____________ has been completed as of ___________________ and, to the best of my knowledge, was performed in all respects in strict compliance with all laws of the city of ______________________ and the country of Pakistan.
I, ______________________________, a Notary Public of ___________________________ _______________ (Name of Deponent) hereby certify that ___________________________ ___________________________ (Title) of _______________________________________, ___________________________________ whose name of signs to the foregoing instrument, a knowledge before me this day that he, with full authority, executed the foregoing instrument for __________________________________________________ (Name of Organization).
Given under my hand and seal this _____ day of ___________________________ _________________________________
Scope of Work Bill of Quantities (BOQs)/Price Schedule Schedule of Price/Unit Rates for Additional Supplies/Work Conditions of Contract Detailed Work Schedule Notification of Intention to Award List of IFC Drawings Bidders Bid Proposal (Technical & Commercial) Tender Document (Including Technical Specifications & Drawings) OGDCL/Engineering Consultant & Bidders Correspondence Mobilization Advance Payment Guarantee Performance Bond (Guarantee) The Measurement/Verification Mechanism of Progressive Payments Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix I Appendix J Appendix K Appendix L Appendix M
The Scope of Work is given as Section-I of Tender Document (Volume-I B) will be incorporated here
(The Bill of Quantities (BOQs)/ Price Schedule is given as Schedule-A of Tender Document Volume-I A will be incorporated here)
The Schedule of Rates for Additional Works is given as Annexure-XV of ITB (Section-II Volume-1 A) will be incorporated here
The Conditions of Contract is given as Section-II of Tender Document (Volume-1 B) will be incorporated here
AND IN CONSIDERATION of your paying an advance of Rs. (Pak Rupees____________ only) we, (name and address of issuing Bank)____________________ hereby guarantee to pay you on demand a sum Rs._____________ (Pak Rs.______________only) WE ALSO HEREBY AGREE: 1) To make unconditional, immediate and forthwith payment to you as called upon Rs._____________ (Pak Rupees___________only) on your written FIRST and SIMPLE demand without further recourse, question, deferment, contestation or reference to CONTRACTOR or any other person To keep this Guarantee in full force for__________ months from the date hereof or until______________ as per satisfaction of Company (OGDCL). To extend the period of enforceability of this guarantee if it becomes necessary to Company (OGDCL). We further undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its specified duration as above stated except with your consent. That no grant of time or other indulgence to, amendment in the terms of the contract by Agreement between the parties, or imposition of Agreement with contractor in respect
Conditions of Contract Page 2 of 2 of the performance of his obligation under and in pursuance of the said Agreement with or without notice to us, shall in any manner discharge or otherwise however affect this Guarantee and our liabilities and commitments thereunder. 6) This is an independent and direct obligations guarantee and shall be binding on us and our successor in-interest and shall be irrevocable This Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the Guarantor Bank or the constitution of the Contractor. This Guarantor Bank warrants and represents that it is fully authorized, empowered and competent to issue this guarantee.
Dear Sir, Ref; Our Bank Guarantee No.______________in the sum of __________ Account_______________ Amount of Contract/Job_____________ In consideration of you having entered into contract No.________________dated____________ with _________________ called Contractor and in consideration of value received from CONTRACTOR, we hereby agree and undertake as follows; 1. To make unconditional, immediate and forthwith payment to you as called upon of an amount (equivalent to 10% of total contract value in Pak Rupees) on your written FIRST and SIMPLE demand without further recourse, question, query, deferment, contestation or reference to CONTRACTOR or any other person in the event of default, non-performance or non-fulfillment by CONTRACTOR of his obligations liabilities, responsibilities under the said Contract of which you shall be the sole and absolute judge. To accept written intimation from you as conclusive, sufficient and final evidence of the existence of a default or breach as aforesaid in the part of CONTRACTOR and to make payment immediately and forthwith upon receipt of your FIRST and SIMPLE written demand. To keep this Guarantee in full force from the date hereof until_____________ from the date of contract execution/mobilization Notice. That no grant of time or other indulgence to, amendment in the terms of the contract by Agreement between the parties, or imposition of Agreement with contractor in respect of the performance of his obligation under and in pursuance of the said Agreement with or without notice to us, shall in any manner discharge of otherwise however affect this Guarantee and our liabilities and commitments there under. This is an independent and direct obligations guarantee and shall be binding on us an dour successor in-interest and shall be irrevocable. This Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the Guarantor Bank or the constitution of the Contractor. This Guarantor Bank warrants and represents that it is fully authorized, empowered and competent to issue this guarantee. Authorized Sign for Issuing Bank Seal of the Bank
3. 4.
5 6. 7.
Sheet 1 of 3
Mechanical Works The progressive payment of mechanical works will be made based on following milestones: I. Static Equipment Erection/installation (e.g. vessels, towers, reactors, heaters & heater exchangers, etc. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) After erection/installation at foundation After leveling and alignment After leak testing After fitting of internals After punch list clearance & mechanical acceptance As built information with red marked drawing and material reconciliation 40% 60% 70% 80% 95% 100%
Rotary Equipment Erection (e.g. pumps, air cooled heat exchangers, compressors, etc.) i) ii) iii) iv) v) After installation/erection After initial alignment After final alignment After mechanical run test After punch list clearance & mechanical acceptance 40% 50% 60% 80% 100%
Piping Fabrication/Installation & Erection i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Welding After radiography After stress relieving where required After laying/installation on supports After P&ID Clearance After hydro testing After cleaning, flushing & drying After Leak testing After final punch list clearance After submission of as built drawing information & material reconciliation 30% 40% 50% 65% 70% 75% 80% 90% 95% 100%
Sheet 2 of 3
Steel Structure Fabrication/Installation i) ii) iii) iv) v) Pre-Fabrication After laying/installation on foundation After final welding After fixing of sheets, where required After final punch list clearance 40% 60% 70% 90% 100%
Civil Works The measurement / verification mechanism for progressive payments of Civil Works is detailed in enclosed Attachment.
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C. C1.
Electrical & Instrumentation Works Electrical Works The progressive payments of electrical works will be made based on the following milestones: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Installation of Electrical Equipment (including Cable Laying & Back-filling etc.) Termination and Connection of Electrical Equipment Testing of Electrical Equipment (Static) After Punch List Clearance and Acceptance Commissioning After submission of as built drawing information & material reconciliation 50% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100%
Instrumentation Works The progressive payments of instrumentation works will be made on work completion of each BOQ item with the exception of Item No. 01 of Instrumentation Installation Work serial nos. 1 to 7. The progressive payment will be made based on following milestones: i) ii) iii) On completion of cable laying in trenches, cable trays, conduits etc. On completion of cables termination in field junction boxes, instruments, panels. On completion of cables termination in control room. Cabinets, panel instruments, relays, interconnection. Overall completion of cabling works. 50% 75% 95%
S.No. DESCRIPTION 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 PAGE NO.
EARTH WORKS / EXCAVATION..............................................................................4 REINFORCEMENT ......................................................................................................5 CONCRETE WORKS ...................................................................................................6 GRAVEL FILLING.......................................................................................................7 COARSE SAND FILLING ...........................................................................................7 BRICK WORKS ............................................................................................................7 PLASTER ......................................................................................................................8 1:2:4 IN FLOORING / PAVEMENT ............................................................................9 FLOORING (ACID RESISTANCE AND PVC TILE).................................................9 STONE SOLING .........................................................................................................10 PVC WATER STOPPER.............................................................................................10 R.C.C. NON- PRESSURER HUME PIPES ................................................................10 R.C.C. MANHOLES ...................................................................................................11 R.C.C. CATCH BASIN ...............................................................................................11 R.C.C. VALVE PIT .....................................................................................................12 GRAVEL SAND LAYER ...........................................................................................12 BITUMEN SAND LAYER .........................................................................................13 CARBON STEEL PIPE SLEEVES.............................................................................13 P.V.C. PIPE SLEEVES ...............................................................................................13 PAINTING...................................................................................................................13 STEEL EMBEDDED PARTS .....................................................................................14 ROAD WORKS...........................................................................................................14 ROAD CUTTING / DISMANTLING.........................................................................15 REMOVAL OF GRANULAR FILL MATERIAL .....................................................16 STONE PITCHING .....................................................................................................16 CLEANING, GRADING & LEVELLING .................................................................17 DISMANTLING OF CONCRETE / FLOORING ......................................................17 DISMANTLING OF BRICK MASONRY..................................................................17 CHECKERED PLATE ................................................................................................18 R.C.C. PILES...............................................................................................................18
Sheet 2 of 23
31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 39.0 40.0 41.0 42.0 43.0 44.0 45.0
LOAD TEST OF PILE ................................................................................................18 PRE-CAST R.C.C SLAB ............................................................................................19 C. I. RAIN WATER PIPE ...........................................................................................19 SCREEDING ...............................................................................................................19 ROOF TREATMENT..................................................................................................19 TERMITE PROOFING ...............................................................................................20 STEEL DOOR WITH DOOR FRAME.......................................................................20 CHIPPING OF EXISTING FLOORING & NEW BEDDING ...................................20 FALSE CEILING ........................................................................................................21 PVC CONDUITS.........................................................................................................21 CONSTRUCTION OF STORM WATER DRAIN (R.C.C.) ......................................21 DISMANTLING OF STORM WATER DRAIN ........................................................21 ADHESIVE ANCHOR................................................................................................22 SKIRTING (ACID RESISTANCE & PVC TILE)......................................................22 BASE COURSE...........................................................................................................23
Sheet 3 of 23
The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Dewatering where required to keep the foundation area dry during construction of works. Timber shoring, planking, strutting for upholding the sides of excavations. The Backfill with proper compaction after laying of foundation. Any fill with approved material necessitated by over excavation due to fault or convenience of the PC Contractor. Stock piling of the excavated material at approved location within the area of the site of works and transporting back suitable material to places requiring fill or backfill. Compaction of excavation bottom. Stock piling and mixing of the granular fill material at approved location within the area of the site of works and transporting back for preparation of foundation bed. Excavation involved in providing sufficient working space around sides of foundation and service line, trenches where not shown on the drawings. Providing approved quality fill material from places designated by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant - upto 5 km free haul. Rolling, leveling, watering & compacting the granular fill, earth fill and excavated bed to required density. All laboratory and field tests stipulated in the specifications. Disposal of rejected, unsuitable and surplus excavated material within 10 km free haulage limit measured from fence boundary of site along the most direct route from boundary of the wall as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
Sheet 4 of 23
Excavation Quantities of excavation shall be calculated / measured from the Pre-work levels of natural ground taken jointly by the PC Contractor and the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant before commencement of the work. Quantities of excavation shall be measured of acceptably completed works on the basis of lines and levels shown on the drawing. Measurement for acceptably completed excavation works shall be made on the basis of number of cubic metre of material excavated for foundation as shown on the Drawings and as per Specifications or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
Earth Filling Measurement for acceptably completed earth filling works will be made on the basis of number of cubic metre of compacted earth filling in position and in accordance with the lines, levels and grade as shown on the Drawings and as per Specifications or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. In case of non-availability of approved fill at site the PC Contractor shall obtained from the source approved by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
Granular Fill Measurement for acceptably completed granular fill works will be made on the basis of number of cubic metre of compacted granular fill material in position and in accordance with the lines, levels and cross-sections as shown on the Drawings and as per Specifications or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant
2.0 2.1
REINFORCEMENT The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Providing, laying and installing chairs, supports, hooks, spacers, binding wires, and laps not shown on drawings including wastage and rolling margin. All type of tests
Sheet 5 of 23
stipulated in the specifications. Complete in all respect upto satisfaction of OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. 2.2 Measurement for acceptably completed works of reinforcement will be made by weight in ton according to bar bending schedules prepared by the PC Contractor & approved by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. CONCRETE WORKS The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. 3.2 Providing and fixing formwork. Providing and placing of templates for fixing of anchor bolts or any other embedded parts. Providing (1:4) mix cement sand spacer for column, beam, slab etc. Providing and installing all type of joints in concrete structure. All type of tests stipulated in the specifications.
3.0 3.1
Concrete shall be measured as executed but no deduction shall be made for the following: Volume of any steel embedded in the concrete. Volume occupied by water pipes, electrical conduits etc. not exceeding 25 square centimeters each in cross- sectional area. Voids not exceeding 0.10 square meter in work given in square metres. If any void exceeds 0.10 square meter total void shall be deducted. Voids which are not to be deducted as specified above, refer only on openings or vents which are wholly within the boundaries of measured areas. Openings or vents which are at the boundaries of measured areas shall always be subject to deductions irrespective of size.
Concrete work shall be classified and measured separately as listed under items of Bills of Quantity.
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Junction between straight and curved works shall in all cases be deemed to be included with the work in which they occur. Measurement of acceptably completed works of plain and reinforced cement concrete (cast in place/precast) will be made on the basis of number of cubic metre concrete placed and compacted in position complete in all respect within the neat lines of the structure as per Drawings and specification or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. GRAVEL FILLING Measurement of acceptably completed work of providing, laying & compacting gravel will be made on the basis of number of cubic metre of gravel placed in position, including preparation and compaction of sub-grade. Complete as per dimensions and thickness shown on drawings and as per specifications or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. COARSE SAND FILLING Measurement of acceptably completed work of providing, laying & compacting coarse sand will be made on the basis of number of cubic metre of compacted sand placed in position, as per dimensions and thickness shown on drawings and as per specifications or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. BRICK WORKS The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Cutting & chiseling of masonry wherever required. Scaffolding where required. Cement sand mortar used in laying bricks including wastage. Curing and repairing the masonry work. Providing and installing all reinforcing anchor's of G.I. Expanded Metal Strips.
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Costs of all specimens, samples and testing including removal of wasted material etc. Expansion joint (wherever required).
Measurement of acceptably completed works of brick masonry will be made on the basis of number of cubic metre of brick masonry provided & installed in position complete as per dimensions shown on the Drawings and as per Specification or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. PLASTER The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Metal lath over reinforced concrete and masonry joints. Joints, junctions, corners beads, drip course edge, and roundings. Any additional layer due to any unevenness in the finished works. Provision of Scaffolding where required. Cutting & patching of all defective works. Surface preparation, cleaning, curing, and protection as specified. Making of groove in plaster (wherever required).
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Deductions shall not be made for ends of joints, beam posts, etc., and openings not exceeding 0.5 sq.m each and no addition shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits, sills, etc. of these openings nor for finishing the plaster around ends of joints, beams posts, etc. In case of opening of area exceeding 0.5 sq.m each, deduction shall be made for the openings and also no addition shall be made for reveals jambs, soffits, sills, etc., of these openings.
Plaster work shall be classified and measured separately as listed under items of Bills of Quantity.
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Measurement of acceptably completed works of plaster will be made on the basis of number of square meter of the surface area plastered complete in all respect as shown on the Drawings and as per Specifications or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. 1:2:4 IN FLOORING / PAVEMENT The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Loss and wastage of material due to consolidation, erosion and settlement. All type of joints (expansion, contraction and construction joint etc.). Roughening, grinding, polishing and finishing. Filling joints with bitumen sand filler.
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Measurement of acceptably completed works of cement concrete floor / pavement will be made on the basis of net actual area in sq.m laid in position. Complete in all respect as shown on the Drawings and as per Specifications or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. FLOORING (ACID RESISTANCE AND PVC TILE) The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Providing and Preparation of bed for floor finishing. Loss and wastage of material due to consolidation, erosion, settlement, cutting and grinding of Tiles. Glass division strips (wherever required).
9.0 9.1
Measurement of acceptably completed works of Acid Resistance and PVC Tiles will be made on the basis of actual area in square meter of tiles laid in position. Complete in all respects including bedding, grouting and curing etc., as per drawings, specifications or as directed by OGDCL/Engineering Consultant.
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STONE SOLING The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Any losses of material, which may result from shrinkage, compaction, waste, overflow, erosion etc. Filling of void with approved material Sub-grade preparation and compaction.
Measurement of acceptably completed works of stone soling will be made on the basis of number of cubic metre of compacted stone soling as shown on the drawings and as per specifications or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. PVC WATER STOPPER Measurement of acceptably completed works of PVC water stopper will be made on the basis of net actual running metre provided and placed in position including all ties and support as shown on the drawings and as per specifications or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. R.C.C. NON- PRESSURER HUME PIPES The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Excavation, backfilling and compaction Cutting, jointing of concrete pipes Rubber rings Supply and fixing of concrete pipe fittings. Bedding material. Cleaning testing and commissioning of sewer lines. Cleaning of under drainage lines. Road cutting (wherever required) for laying pipes.
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Measurement of acceptably completed works of providing, laying of R.C.C. pipes fittings with rubber rings, including clean-outs, and testing of pipes will be made on the basis of actual length in running meter of pipes, complete in all respects as per drawing or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. R.C.C. MANHOLES The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Excavation backfilling, formwork, plain reinforcement and steel embedded parts. Plastering. Installation of pipes and fittings. Providing and installation of C.I. cover with frames and ladder rungs. and reinforced concrete,
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Measurement of acceptably complete works of R.C.C. manhole will be made on the basis of actual number of R.C.C. manholes constructed and installed in position as shown on the drawings or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. R.C.C. CATCH BASIN The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Excavation backfilling, formwork, plain reinforcement and steel embedded parts. Plastering. Installation of pipes and fittings. Providing and installation of C.I. grating cover with frames. and reinforced concrete,
14.0 14.1
Measurement of acceptably complete works of R.C.C. catch basin will be made on the basis of actual number of R.C.C. catch basin constructed and installed in position as shown on the drawings or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
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R.C.C. VALVE PIT The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Excavation backfilling, formwork, plain reinforcement and steel embedded parts. Plastering. Installation of pipes and fittings. Providing and installation of Checkered Plate cover with frame and ladder rungs. and reinforced concrete,
Measurement of acceptably complete works of R.C.C. valve pit will be made on the basis of actual number of R.C.C. valve pit constructed and installed in position as shown on the drawings or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. GRAVEL SAND LAYER The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Stock piling and mixing of gravel and sand at approved location, within the area of the site of works and transporting back to location where required. Cost of all samples and testing.
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Measurement of acceptably completed work of providing, laying and compacting 100 mm thick layer of gravel sand will be made on the basis of number of square meters of compacted gravel sand placed in position. Complete as per dimensions and thickness shown on drawings and as per specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
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BITUMEN SAND LAYER The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Stock piling, mixing and heating of bitumen and sand at approved location and transporting back to location wherever required. Cost of all samples and testing.
Measurement of acceptably completed work for providing, laying and compacting of bitumen sand layer (75 mm thick) will be made on the basis of number of square meters of compacted bitumen sand layer placed in position. Complete as per dimensions, thickness and levels shown on drawings and as per specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. CARBON STEEL PIPE SLEEVES Measurement of acceptably completed work of providing, fabricating and fixing of carbon steel pipe sleeves will be made on the basis of actual length in meters of carbon steel pipe sleeve provided and fixed in position. Complete as per dimensions, size and material shown on drawings and as per specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. P.V.C. PIPE SLEEVES Measurement of acceptably completed work of providing, laying and fixing in position of PVC pipe sleeves will be made on the basis of number of sleeves provided and fixed in position and filled with Class `A (1:1:2) concrete after removal of sleeve and final inspection of bolts. Complete as per drawings, specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. PAINTING The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made.
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Preparatory works, including preparatory materials, scraping, scratching, sand blasting, cleaning, priming, protection of finished works, etc. 20.2 Painting work shall be classified and measured separately as listed under items of Bills of Quantity. Measurement of acceptably completed works of Vinyl Emulsion / Durocem / Plastic Emulsion/ Weather shield paint to specified surfaces will be made on the basis of net actual area in sq.m. of the surface painted. Including surface preparation, priming, curing, etc. Complete in all respect as shown on the drawings, and as per specifications or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. STEEL EMBEDDED PARTS Measurement of acceptably completed works of steel embedded parts such as Anchor Bolts, Channels Plates etc., will be made on the basis of actual weight in kilogram of steel parts fabricated, provided and embedded in position, complete in all respect as shown on the drawings and as per specifications or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. ROAD WORKS The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Excavation or filling of the existing ground for road sub-grade to required levels, grades and lines, as shown on drawings. Water, labour and equipment required for compaction of sub-grade. Any fill necessitated by over excavation by the PC Contractor for his convenience or any cut necessitated by over filling. Providing and laying Sand to fill aggregate voids and spraying water to sub-base and base course. Rolling and compaction by specified means. Removal of rejected material and replacing it with approved material.
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Any losses of material which may result from shrinkage, compaction, settlement, waste over-flow erosion or any other reason. Any damage to existing facilities and structures shall be repaired and make good by the PC Contractor. Compaction and density test.
Measurement shall be based upon the theoretical surface area in place as shown on the drawings. The theoretical surface area shall comprise of road width multiply with per running metre length of the road. No allowance will be given for material placed outside the theoretical limits shown in the cross-section. The built-up rate for surface area of road shall include the following works:
Preparation of sub-grade. Providing and laying of aggregate sub-base course (200 mm thick) Providing and laying of aggregate base-course (100 mm thick) Providing and applying bituminous prime coat or tack coat before laying premix carpeting or in between the layers of premix carpeting. Providing and laying premix carpeting in two layers to a consolidated thickness of 50 mm. Providing and applying seal coat to a consolidated thickness of 10 mm. Side Slopes (1:3) alongwith sides of road as per cross-sectional detail of Road.
vi) vii)
Complete in all respect as per drawings, specifications and/or as directed by the OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. 23.0 23.1 ROAD CUTTING / DISMANTLING The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made.
Road cutting involved in providing working space and not shown on drawings. Cutting / Dismantling of base and sub-base course.
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Measurement for acceptably completed road cutting/ Dismantling works will be made on the basis of number of cubic meter of road cutting/ Dismantling as shown on drawings and as per specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. REMOVAL OF GRANULAR FILL MATERIAL The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Removal of granular fill involved in providing working space and not shown on drawings. Any fill with approved material necessitated by over removal of material due to fault or convenience of PC Contractor. Disposal/ storage of Granular fill material to a place as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
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Measurement for acceptably completed work of removal of Granular fill material will be made on the basis of number of cubic meter of Granular fill material removed as shown on drawings and as per specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. STONE PITCHING The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Cutting, watering, compaction and marking slopes of embankment on ground prior to fixing stone pitching. Filling of voids with 1:4 cement mortar. Curing, finishing etc.
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Measurement for acceptably completed work of providing and fixing in position of Stone pitching work will be made on the basis of number of square meter of stone pitching laid in position. Complete in all respect as shown on drawings and as per specifications and/or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. CLEANING, GRADING & LEVELLING Measurement of acceptably completed work of cleaning, grading and leveling will be made on the basis of net actual area in square meters levelled and graded as per lines and levels shown on drawings and as per specifications and/or as directed by OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant. DISMANTLING OF CONCRETE / FLOORING The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Dismantling of concrete flooring involved in providing working space and not shown on drawings. Dismantling of stone soling. (For dismantling of flooring only). Cutting of steel reinforcement and embedded steel items. Cutting of sub-grade upto FGL. Disposal of surplus / undesired material.
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Measurement for acceptably completed work of dismantling of concrete will be made on the basis of number of cubic meter of concrete dismantled. Complete in all respect as per dimensions shown on drawings and as per specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. DISMANTLING OF BRICK MASONRY The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Disconnecting any embedded or exposed utility line / cables.
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Measurement for acceptably completed work of dismantling of brick masonry will be made on the basis of number of cubic meter of brick masonry dismantled. Complete in all respect as per dimensions shown on drawings and as per specifications, or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. CHECKERED PLATE Measurement of acceptably completed work of providing, fabricating and fixing in position of steel checkered plate will be made on the basis of number of square meter of checkered plate installed in position. Complete in all respect as shown on drawings and as per specifications or as directed by OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant. R.C.C. PILES Measurement for acceptably completed R.C.C. piling work will be made on the basis of length per running meter of useful length of pile i.e. the length after cutting of top one meter of pile top. Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications, or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. LOAD TEST OF PILE The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made.
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Designing, supply and installation of platform for load application. Supply and application of load and removal of the same. Submission of test results
Measurement for acceptably completed load test work of pile will be made on lump sum basis. Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
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PRE-CAST R.C.C SLAB Measurement of acceptably completed works of providing, constructing and fixing in position of Pre-Cast R.C.C. Slabs of specified thickness, will be made on the basis of number in square meter of RCC slab provided and fixed in position. Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
C. I. RAIN WATER PIPE Measurement of acceptably completed works of 100mm , C.I. Rain Water Pipes will be made on the basis of actual length in running meter including all bends, fixing clamp, concrete support, 1 dia grove and steel grating in roof. Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications or as directed by OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant.
SCREEDING Measurement of acceptably completed works of providing and laying Screeding, 50mm (Avg.) thick at roof level will be made on the basis of net actual area in square meter provided and placed in position. Complete in all respects as per slopes shown on drawings, specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
ROOF TREATMENT Measurement of acceptably completed works of providing and laying Water Proof Treatment over Roof will be made on the basis of actual area in square meter provided and placed in position. Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
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TERMITE PROOFING Measurement of acceptably completed work of Termite Proofing will be made on job basis. Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made.
Nuts, bolts, screws, rivets, heads, fillets, welds and welding rods. Surface preparation and prime coating. Painting 16 B.G. MS Sheet, M.S. Angle frame, MS. Tee, M.S Angle Bracing Locks, handle, hinges, hold fast, stopper, paddle lock, latches, L-drops etc.
Steel Door with Door Frame shall be classified and measured separately as listed under items of Bills of Quantity. Measurement of acceptably completed works of Steel Door, with door frame will be made on the basis of no of steel door with door frame fabricated, provided and installed in position. Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. CHIPPING OF EXISTING FLOORING & NEW BEDDING Measurement of acceptably completed works of chipping of existing flooring and providing & laying plain cement concrete bedding will be made on th basis of net actual area in square meter of bedding laid in position. Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
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FALSE CEILING Measurement of acceptably completed work of false ceiling will be made on the basis of net actual area of square meter provided and fixed in position. Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications or as directed by OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant. PVC CONDUITS
Measurement of acceptably completed work of PVC conduit will be made on the basis of actual length in running meters of PVC conducts provided and fixed in position. Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM WATER DRAIN (R.C.C.)
Measurement of acceptably completed works of Storm Water Drain will be made on the basis of actual length in running meter of Storm Water Drain constructed in position including the following: Excavation, backfilling and compaction. 1:2:4 R.C.C. concrete, laying, compaction and providing slopes. Formwork, leveling & curing etc. Steel Reinforcement.
Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant. 42.0 42.1 DISMANTLING OF STORM WATER DRAIN The under mentioned work shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bills of Quantity (BOQ). Therefore, no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made.
Cutting /Dismantling of storm water drain involved in providing working space and not shown on drawings
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Cutting / dismantling of reinforcement, Brick masonry, blinding. Storage of grating at approved location Disposal of surplus / undesired material.
Measurement of acceptably completed work of Dismantling of Storm Water Drain will be made on the basis of number of Running meter of Storm water drain dismantled as shown on drawings. Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications or as directed by OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant. ADHESIVE ANCHOR The under mentioned work shall deemed to have been included in the quoted unit rate of the respective items of the Bill of quantities (BOQ). Therefore no measurement and payment of under mentioned work will be made. Accessories like adhesive cartridge, stainless steel anchor rod, stainless steel nut and washer.
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Making hole in concrete using antivibratory core cutting machine and cleaning etc. Adhesive Anchors shall be classified and measured separately as listed under items of Bills of Quantity. Measurement of acceptably completed works of Adhesive Anchors will made on the basis of number of Adhesive Anchors provided & fixed in position. Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications or as directed by OGDCL/ Engineering Consultant. SKIRTING (ACID RESISTANCE & PVC TILE) Measurement of acceptably completed works of tiles (Acid resistance & PVC) skirting (100mm high) will be made on the basis of the running meter length laid in position including bedding, cutting, grinding, wastage, and finishing. Complete in all respects as per drawing, specifications or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
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BASE COURSE Measurement of acceptably completed works of Base Course as per specification for road work will be made on the basis no of cubic meter laid in position, including chipping / roughening of existing road, compacting etc. Complete in all respect as per drawings, specification or as directed by OGDCL / Engineering Consultant.
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