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Application Note

MATLAB Application
Vector Signal Generator

Application Note Application Anritsu

January 2008 (3.00)


Slide 1


Introduction 3 Modulation Basics 5 Understanding Signal Pattern File 10 Programming Examples to Create I/Q Data File 18
Analog Modulation Pulse Modulation PSK, QAM Simulink 19 26 35 46

Programming Example to Convert and Transfer I/Q Data File without IQproducer 68


Slide 2

Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools, such as MATLAB and Microwave Office, can save IQ simulation data to CSV text files.
Easy comparison between simulation and measured data

The IQproducer application software (MG3700A standard accessory) can import user I/Q sample data from CSV files into MG3700A, making it useful for various applications.
R&D into next-generation wireless systems, RFID, PWM, analog modulation such as AM, FM, and PM

User-specific Software

Processing (Simulating) signals using C program or EDA tools such as MATLAB Creating CSV files of baseband signals Converting to signal pattern files for MG3700A FTP


Slide 3

MG3700A supports Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) features
Sample rate (Fs)
20 k to 160 MHz

Waveform memory

2 128 Msample/channel (1 GB) 2 256 Msample/channel (2 GB) * with Option Memory upgrade
Dual baseband memory

DAC resolution
14 bits

Marker output
3 definable TTL

This document presents

MATLAB usage examples.


Slide 4

Modulation Basics
Modulation imposes source data on a passband signal with carrier frequency c by using amplitude and/or phase perturbations.

Modulating signal m(t) Data

Baseband circuits Signal processor

Baseband signal g(t)

RF circuits Carrier circuits

Passband signal s(t) Modulated signal







Baseband bandwidth

Passband bandwidth


Slide 5

Modulation Transmitter
AM-PM technique
m(t) Baseband circuits R(t) Baseband signal processor RF circuits v(t)=R(t) cos[ct+(t)]



cos[ ct+(t)]

R(t ) = x 2 (t ) + y 2 (t )

Quadrature (IQ) technique


Equivalent Baseband circuits x(t) I Baseband signal processor c cos(ct) -/2 shift y(t) Q sin(ct) + RF circuits

x(t)=R(t) cos(t) y(t)=R(t) sin(t)

v(t)=x(t) cos( ct) - y(t) sin( ct)



Slide 6

Baseband Waveform
AM-PM IQ modulation

Modulation scheme









m(t)= sin(2mt) : Modulation depth m: Modulation freq.






Dp: Phase deviation [rad/V]



D f m( )d

Ac cos D f m( )d

Ac sin D f m( )d

D: Frequency deviation [rad/Vs]


Ac m1 (t ) + m2 (t )

tan 1

m2 (t ) m1 (t )



m1(t) = 1 m2(t) = 1

QM: Quadrature Modulation


Slide 7

Baseband Signal
Any type of modulated signal may be generated using either the AMPM technique or quadrature technique. Any modulation scheme can be achieved by selecting the appropriate software algorithm. In a Vector Signal Generator (VSG), the passband signal s(t) is often partitioned into two channels, one for x(t) called the I (in-phase) channel and one for y(t) called the Q (quadrature-phase) channel. In digital computer simulations of passband signals, the sampling rate used in the simulation can be minimized by working with the baseband signal, instead of with the passband signal s(t), because the baseband signal is equivalent of the passband signal.


Slide 8

Fundamental I/Q Constellation

Q Ac


Magnitude R(t)
Ac I Ac I





Phase shift /2 [rad]

Angular velocity [rad/s]

Ac I -Ac Ac I



Slide 9

Understanding Signal Pattern File

Signal pattern files consist of three data:
IQ data Marker data File header

User-created I/Q data and Marker data

Text file to binary file Large <<< File size >>> Small I/Q data scaled to DAC input values. File header

FTP connection .wvd Binary file .wvi Text file Download Extract





Slide 10

I/Q Data
The data file (.wvd) contains the I and Q data points (signed 14-bit integers for each I and Q data point). Each I/Q point equals one baseband waveform point. The MG3700A uses a 14-bit DAC to process each of the 2-byte integer values for the I and Q data points. The 14-bit DAC has a range of 0 to 16383, but MG3700A divides this range between positive and negative values.
I data Q data DAC DAC LPF LPF I Q

I/Q data range

8191 : 0 : -8192

DAC range
----------------- 16383 ----------------- 8191 ----------------0

I/Q output voltage

----------------- Vmax ----------------- 0 V ----------------- Vmin Negative (-) full scale Positive (+) full scale


Slide 11

I/Q Data Range

The MG3700A performance is guaranteed within I/Q DAC RMS value 1157 to 1634.
Tunable DAC RMS value considered crest factor (peak power/RMS power) Tunable I + Q RMS power on MG3700A display
2 2

Q +8191

78.27 dB 20 log10 81912

+1634 +1157
I 2 + Q2

67.28 dB 20 log10 16342 + 1634 2 64.28 dB 20 log10 1157 2 + 1157 2

I +8191


+1157 +1634 3 dB 11 dB

Margin for crest factor



Slide 12

Marker Data
The marker data uses 4 bits per I/Q data point to set the state of the four markers either On (1) or Off (0) for each I/Q data point. The marker data consists of three event markers and an RF gate flag. When an event marker is active (On), it outputs a trigger signal at the rear-panel marker connector corresponding to active marker number 1 to 3. An RF gate flag is used for pulse modulation and drives the internal pulse modulator.
When I/Q data is imported without marker data, event markers are set automatically to inactive (Off), and the RF gate flag is set to active (On).


Slide 13

Internal Pulse Modulator

I Baseband Generator Q I/Q Modulator Delay Adjustment Pulse Modulator RF Gate RF

1 0 RF Gate flag

Burst power Specification -40 dBc Power at I/Q = 0 If the RF gate flag is not used, carrier leakage occurs. Specification -60 dBc (On/Off ratio > 60 dB) If the RF gate flag is used, the RF output is off. Power at RF gate flag Off


Slide 14

Because markers are set at each I/Q data point, the marker data contains the same number of samples as I/Q data points.
I/Q1 Gate1(1) RF I Baseband Generator Q I/Q Modulator Pulse Modulator RF Gate Delay Adjustment Marker 1 Marker 2 Marker 3 RF I/Q2 Gate2(0) I/Q3 Gate3(1) I/Q4 Gate4(1)

The time difference between the event markers output connector and RF connector is adjusted to be within 1 sample.
Slide 15


File Header
The data file (.wvd) and file header (.wvi) have the same file name. The MG3700A stores the files in same package folder. The file header contains settings for the ARB modulation format, such as sample rate, number of samples, I/Q DAC RMS value, etc.
When the MG3700A finds unspecified header settings, it either uses the default settings, or the settings from previous signal pattern if a signal pattern was played previously.


Slide 16

Data File Size

The data file (.wvd) is loaded into baseband memory, meaning that the occupied memory size equals the data file size. A baseband waveform consists of samples. One sample contains 4 bytes.
I/Q Data + Marker Data = 1 Waveform Sample
14 bits I 14 bits Q 4 bits 4 bytes (32 bits)
Channel I , Q (, Marker 1, Marker 2, Marker 3, RF gate flag)

Sampling rate (sample per second) Fs: Sampling frequency expressed in Hz Sampling interval Ts=1/Fs: Time between samples in uniform sampling

Maximum of 256,000,000 sample 512,000,000 sample * with Option MG3700A-E-F-11

Slide 17

Programming Examples to Create I/Q Data File

There are various programming environments to create ARB I/Q data.
Generally there are two types: Simulation software (EDA tool)
MATLAB, Microwave Office, etc.

Advanced programming languages

C/C++, VB, LabView, etc.

The example uses MATLAB, and shows the programmable M-files.

M-file: MATLAB program for command script


Slide 18

Analog Modulation
Analog modulation schemes are most basic techniques and it is simple to create I/Q data.
Basic analog modulation schemes: Amplitude Modulation (AM) Frequency Modulation (FM) Phase Modulation (PM)


Modulation depth [%] = Vp / Ac


Q Ac


Q Ac

Phase shift /2 [rad]


Vp I Ac

Angular velocity [rad/s]

Ac I Ac I


Slide 19

Modulating signal m(t)

Modulation depth 80 [%]

1.5 1 Amplitude [V] 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 Amplitude [V] -1.5 t


Envelop R(t)

s(t) 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5

Modulated signal


1.5 1 Amplitude [V] 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 t

-2 t


Slide 20


AM Programming Example
I = x(t) = Ac[1+m(t)] = 1+ sin(2mt) Q = y(t) = 0
Ac: Carrier signal amplitude = 1 : Modulation depth = Modulating signal peak/Carrier signal peak (amplitude)
clear all, close all, clc fm = 1; % Modulating frequency [kHz] Depth = 0.8; % Modulating depth CSVfile = 'AM1kHzDepth80%.csv' DataPoints = 1000; Fs = fm*DataPoints % Sampling rate [kHz]

t = 0:DataPoints-1; I = 1+Depth*sin(2*pi*fm*t/DataPoints); Q = zeros(1,DataPoints); data = [I' Q']; csvwrite(CSVfile,data);


Slide 21

Modulating signal m(t)

60 Frequency deviation [kHz] 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 t

Peak frequency deviation 50 [kHz]

1.5 1 Amplitude [V] 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5


t s(t) 1.5 1 Amplitude [V] 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5

Modulated signal


1.5 1 Amplitude [V] 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 t


Slide 22


FM Programming Example
I = x(t) = Q = y(t) =
t Ac cos D f m( )d t Ac sin D f m( )d

Ac: Carrier signal amplitude = 1 : Modulation index = /m : Peak frequency deviation

clear all, close all, clc

= cos[ sin(2mt)] = sin[ sin(2mt)]

fm = 1; % Modulating frequency [kHz] Deviation = 50; % Peak frequency deviation [kHz] CSVfile = 'FM1kHzDeviation50kHz.csv' DataPoints = 1000; Fs = fm*DataPoints % Sampling rate [kHz]

t = 0:DataPoints-1; I = cos(Deviation/fm*sin(2*pi*fm*t/DataPoints)); Q = sin(Deviation/fm*sin(2*pi*fm*t/DataPoints)); data = [I' Q']; csvwrite(CSVfile,data);


Slide 23

Modulating signal m(t)

2 1.5 Phase deviation [ rad] 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2

Peak phase deviation 5 [rad] 1.6 [rad]

1.5 1 Amplitude [V] 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5



Modulated signal

1.5 1 Amplitude [V] 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 t


Slide 24


PM Programming Example
I = x(t) = Ac cos[Dp m(t)] Q = y(t) = Ac sin[Dp m(t)] = cos[Dp sin(2mt)] = sin[Dp sin(2mt)]

Ac: Carrier signal amplitude = 1 Dp: Peak phase deviation

clear all, close all, clc

fm = 1; % Modulating frequency [kHz] Deviation = 5; % Peak phase deviation [kHz] CSVfile = 'PM1kHzDeviation5rad.csv' DataPoints = 1000; Fs = fm*DataPoints % Sampling rate [kHz]

t = 0:DataPoints-1; I = cos(Deviation*sin(2*pi*fm*t/DataPoints)); Q = sin(Deviation*sin(2*pi*fm*t/DataPoints)); data = [I' Q']; csvwrite(CSVfile,data);


Slide 25

Pulse Modulation
Pulse modulation is used for radar and satellite signals using a combination with either FM or PM, and time-multiplexed burst signals.
PRF/PRR: Pulse repetition frequency, rate [pps], [pulse/s] Pulse period [s]: 1/PRF Pulse width, duration [s]: Including rise time Duty ratio, cycle [%]: Pulse width/Pulse period Pulses per burst [pulses/burst] Burst length [s] Burst period [s] Pulse period Rise time [s]
Pulse width Rise time

Pulses per burst, Burst length

Burst period


Slide 26


Pulse Modulation

Programming Example

I = x(t) = Ac = 1 Q = y(t) = Ac = 1
Ac: Carrier signal amplitude = 1 PRF: 700 [pps] Pulse width: 1 [s] Pulses/burst: 18 Burst period: 10 [s]
clear all, close all, clc PRF = 700; % [pps] PulseWidth = 1E-6; % [s] PulsesPerBurst = 18; % [pulses/burst] BurstPeriod = 10; % [s] CSVfile = 'Pulse700ppsW1us18ppbB10s.csv' zerofile = 'Pulse700ppsW1us18ppbB10sZero.csv' Fs = LCM(PRF,1/PulseWidth) % Number of samples W = PulseWidth*Fs; PulseGap = (1/PRF-PulseWidth)*Fs; (Continued on the next page) % Sampling rate [Hz], LCM: Least Common Multiple


Slide 27

Pulse Modulation

Programming Example

(Continued from previous page) I = [ ones(1,W+2) zeros(1,PulseGap-2) ]; Q = [ ones(1,W+2) zeros(1,PulseGap-2) ]; RFgateFlag = [ zeros(1,1) ones(1,W) zeros(1,PulseGap) ]; Burst = [ zeros(1,1) ones(1,W) ]; for n = 2:PulsesPerBurst I = [ I ones(1,W+2) zeros(1,PulseGap-2) ]; Q = [ Q ones(1,W+2) zeros(1,PulseGap-2) ]; Burst = [ Burst ones(1,PulseGap+W) ]; if n == PulsesPerBurst RFgateFlag = [ RFgateFlag ones(1,W) zeros(1,PulseGap-1) ]; else RFgateFlag = [ RFgateFlag ones(1,W) zeros(1,PulseGap) ]; end end Marker1 = [ Burst zeros(1,PulseGap-1) ]; % Burst Marker2 = RFgateFlag; % Pulse Marker3 = RFgateFlag; % Pulse data = [I' Q' Marker1' Marker2' Marker3' RFgateFlag']; csvwrite(CSVfile,data); BurstGapPulseLength = PRF*BurstPeriod-PulsesPerBurst; zero = zeros(1,Fs/PRF); % samples/pulse zerodata = [zero' zero' zero' zero' zero' zero']; csvwrite(zerofile,zerodata); zerofileMultiple = PRF*BurstPeriod-PulsesPerBurst % Pulse length in Burst gap

RF gate flag

I/Q (DC)


Slide 28


Pulse Modulation

Programming Example
Sequence feature technique



Slide 29

Pulse Modulation

Programming Example
Create a sequence file

Element 1

Element 2



Slide 30


Pulse Chirp Modulation Programming Example


I = x(t) = Q = y(t) =

t Ac cos D f m( )d t Ac sin D f m( )d

Ac: Carrier signal amplitude = 1 PRF: 2000 [pps] Pulse width: 20 [s] Pulses/burst: 20
clear all, close all, clc PW = 20; % Pulse Width [us] PRF = 2000; % [pps] Fpeak = 2.5; % Peak Frequency Deviation [MHz] CSVfile = 'RTS6W20us2000pps.csv' zerofile ='RTS6W20us2000ppsZero.csv' Fs = Fpeak * 40 DataPoints = PW * Fs; % Sampling rate [MHz]

(Continued on the next page)


Slide 31

Pulse Chirp Modulation Programming Example

(Continued from previous page) t = 0:DataPoints; dPhi = 2*pi*(-Fpeak + 2* Fpeak * t/DataPoints)/Fs; +Fpeak Phi = cumsum(dPhi,2); % Comulative Sum I = cos(Phi); Q = sin(Phi); I = [zeros(1,1) I zeros(1,2)]; Q = [zeros(1,1) Q zeros(1,2)]; BurstFlag = ones(1,DataPoints+4); RFgateFlag = [ones(1,DataPoints+3) zeros(1,1)]; data=[I' Q' BurstFlag' RFgateFlag' RFgateFlag' RFgateFlag']; Flag, Marker2&3: RF On/Off Flag csvwrite(CSVfile,data); zero = zeros(1,DataPoints+4); zerodata = [zero' zero' zero' zero' zero' zero']; csvwrite(zerofile,zerodata); PulsePeriod = Fs * 1E6 / PRF; % Pulse period samples FrameLength = DataPoints + 4 GapLength = PulsePeriod - DataPoints - 4 % Marker1: Burst On/Off % Frequency deviation from -Fpeak to

RF gate flag I/Q


Slide 32


Command Window

Pulse Chirp Modulation Programming Example

Sequence feature technique




Slide 33

Pulse Chirp Modulation Programming Example

Create a sequence file




Slide 34


Digital modulation schemes change the amplitude, frequency and phase of the carrier at regular time intervals, and sends a digital baseband signal.
Analog modulation schemes change the carrier amplitude, frequency and phase continuously. Basic digital modulation schemes: Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
The amplitude of the carrier varies linearly with the symbol sequence.
1 0 1

Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)

The frequency of the carrier varies linearly with the symbol sequence.

Phase Shift Keying (PSK) Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK)

The phase of the carrier varies linearly with the symbol sequence.

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)

The amplitude and phase of the carrier varies linearly with the symbol sequence.


Slide 35

This chapter shows common examples for QPSK, /4DQPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM.
Q Ac 00



Q Ac 00 01 11 10 Ac I




11 -Ac Q 01 011 Ac 010 001 -Ac 1000

Q 1010 3Ac 1011 Ac -3Ac 1101 -Ac Ac 0111 3Ac 0101 I 0010 0000

1001 100 -Ac Ac 000 I



-Ac 1111 -3Ac


-Ac 110

111 1100





Slide 36


Complex envelop g(t) = Ac[m1(t)+jm2(t)] = I(t)+jQ(t)
clear all, close all, clc
MATLAB requires: Signal Processing Toolbox Communications Toolbox

Ac: Carrier signal amplitude = 1

Fd = 1; % Symbol rate [sps] Fs = 10*Fd;% Oversampling rate Pd = 256; % Symbol points repetition = 2; % Repetition factor of data R = 0.5; % Rolloff factor for FIR filter delay = 3; % Filter's group delay CSVfile='QPSK.csv' M = 4; % Point signal constellations SymbolData = randint(Pd,1,M); % Random data [Communications Toolbox] % Duplicate the symbol data because of waveform phase continuity DuplicateSymbolData = repmat(SymbolData,repetition,1); % Replicate the symbol data [Fixed-Point Toolbox] g = pskmod(DuplicateSymbolData,M,pi/4); % Complex envelop g(t), Initial phase pi/4 rad [Communications Toolbox] (Continued on the next page)


Slide 37

(Continued from previous page) filtering = rcosflt(g,Fd,Fs,'fir/normal',R,delay); % Filter input signal using FIR filter [Communications Toolbox] OversampledData = filtering(Fs*delay*2+1:Fs*delay*2+Fs*Pd); % Correct filter delay data = [real(OversampledData) imag(OversampledData)]; % I/Q data csvwrite(CSVfile,data); scatterplot(OversampledData,1,0,'b-'),hold on,plot(g,'r*'),grid % Signal constellation

figure % Complex envelop t_g = 0:Pd*repetition-1; % g(t) symbol number t_o = delay:Fd/Fs:delay+Pd-1/Fs; % Oversampled symbol number subplot(2,1,1),stem(t_g,real(g),'r*'),hold on,plot(t_o,real(OversampledData)),grid% In-phase axis([-1 Pd*repetition+1 round(min(real(g))) round(max(real(g)))]) title('I signal'),xlabel('Symbol'),ylabel('Amplitude') subplot(2,1,2),stem(t_g,imag(g),'r*'),hold on,plot(t_o,imag(OversampledData)),grid % Quadrature-phase axis([-1 Pd*repetition+1 round(min(imag(g))) round(max(imag(g)))]) title('Q signal'),xlabel('Symbol'),ylabel('Amplitude')


Slide 38


Waveform Phase Continuity

The MG3700A plays back a waveform of finite in length and repeats it continuously. Phase discontinuity between the end of one waveform and the start of the next repetition can lead to periodic spectral regrowth and distortion. Repetitions with abrupt phase changes result in high frequency spectral regrowth.
For Pd = 16 symbol points/waveform
Symbol data length Duplicate symbol data

Waveform length


Slide 39

Complex envelop g(t) = Ac[m1(t)+jm2(t)] = I(t)+jQ(t)
clear all, close all, clc
MATLAB requires: Signal Processing Toolbox Communications Toolbox

Ac: Carrier signal amplitude = 1

Fd = 1; % Symbol rate [sps] Fs = 10*Fd;% Oversampling rate Pd = 256; % Symbol points repetition = 2; % Repetition factor of data R = 0.5; % Rolloff factor for FIR filter delay = 3; % Filter's group delay CSVfile='pi4DQPSK.csv' M = 4; % Point signal constellations SymbolData = randint(Pd,1,M); % Random data [Communications Toolbox] % Duplicate the symbol data because of waveform phase continuity DuplicateSymbolData = repmat(SymbolData,repetition,1); % Replicate the symbol data [Fixed-Point Toolbox] g = dpskmod(DuplicateSymbolData,M,pi/4); % Complex envelop g(t) using phase shift pi/4 rad [Communications Toolbox] (Continued on the next page)


Slide 40


(Continued from previous page) filtering = rcosflt(g,Fd,Fs,'fir/normal',R,delay); % Filter input signal using FIR filter [Communications Toolbox] OversampledData = filtering(Fs*delay*2+1:Fs*delay*2+Fs*Pd); % Correct filter delay data = [real(OversampledData) imag(OversampledData)]; % I/Q data csvwrite(CSVfile,data); scatterplot(OversampledData,1,0,'b-'),hold on,plot(g,'r*'),grid % Signal constellation

figure % Complex envelop t_g = 0:Pd*repetition-1; % g(t) symbol number t_o = delay:Fd/Fs:delay+Pd-1/Fs; % Oversampled symbol number subplot(2,1,1),stem(t_g,real(g),'r*'),hold on,plot(t_o,real(OversampledData)),grid% In-phase axis([-1 Pd*repetition+1 min(real(OversampledData)) max(real(OversampledData))]) title('I signal'),xlabel('Symbol'),ylabel('Amplitude') subplot(2,1,2),stem(t_g,imag(g),'r*'),hold on,plot(t_o,imag(OversampledData)),grid % Quadrature-phase axis([-1 Pd*repetition+1 min(imag(OversampledData)) max(imag(OversampledData))]) title('Q signal'),xlabel('Symbol'),ylabel('Amplitude')


Slide 41

Complex envelop g(t) = Ac[m1(t)+jm2(t)] = I(t)+jQ(t)
clear all, close all, clc
MATLAB requires: Signal Processing Toolbox Communications Toolbox

Ac: Carrier signal amplitude = 1

Fd = 1; % Symbol rate [sps] Fs = 10*Fd;% Oversampling rate Pd = 256; % Symbol points repetition = 2; % Repetition factor of data R = 0.5; % Rolloff factor for FIR filter delay = 3; % Filter's group delay CSVfile='8PSK.csv' M = 8; % Point signal constellations SymbolData = randint(Pd,1,M); % Random data [Communications Toolbox] % Duplicate the symbol data because of waveform phase continuity DuplicateSymbolData = repmat(SymbolData,repetition,1); % Replicate the symbol data [Fixed-Point Toolbox] g = pskmod(DuplicateSymbolData,M); % Complex envelop g(t) [Communications Toolbox] (Continued on the next page)


Slide 42


(Continued from previous page) filtering = rcosflt(g,Fd,Fs,'fir/normal',R,delay); % Filter input signal using FIR filter [Communications Toolbox] OversampledData = filtering(Fs*delay*2+1:Fs*delay*2+Fs*Pd); % Correct filter delay data = [real(OversampledData) imag(OversampledData)]; % I/Q data csvwrite(CSVfile,data); scatterplot(OversampledData,1,0,'b-'),hold on,plot(g,'r*'),grid % Signal constellation

figure % Complex envelop t_g = 0:Pd*repetition-1; % g(t) symbol number t_o = delay:Fd/Fs:delay+Pd-1/Fs; % Oversampled symbol number subplot(2,1,1),stem(t_g,real(g),'r*'),hold on,plot(t_o,real(OversampledData)),grid% In-phase axis([-1 Pd*repetition+1 min(real(OversampledData)) max(real(OversampledData))]) title('I signal'),xlabel('Symbol'),ylabel('Amplitude') subplot(2,1,2),stem(t_g,imag(g),'r*'),hold on,plot(t_o,imag(OversampledData)),grid % Quadrature-phase axis([-1 Pd*repetition+1 min(imag(OversampledData)) max(imag(OversampledData))]) title('Q signal'),xlabel('Symbol'),ylabel('Amplitude')


Slide 43

Complex envelop g(t) = Ac[m1(t)+jm2(t)] = I(t)+jQ(t)
clear all, close all, clc
MATLAB requires: Signal Processing Toolbox Communications Toolbox

Ac: Carrier signal amplitude = 1

Fd = 1; % Symbol rate [sps] Fs = 10*Fd;% Oversampling rate Pd = 256; % Symbol points repetition = 2; % Repetition factor of data R = 0.5; % Rolloff factor for FIR filter delay = 3; % Filter's group delay CSVfile='16QAM.csv' M = 16; % Point signal constellations SymbolData = randint(Pd,1,M); % Random data [Communications Toolbox] % Duplicate the symbol data because of waveform phase continuity DuplicateSymbolData = repmat(SymbolData,repetition,1); % Replicate the symbol data [Fixed-Point Toolbox] g = pskmod(DuplicateSymbolData,M); % Complex envelop g(t) [Communications Toolbox] (Continued on the next page)


Slide 44


(Continued from previous page) filtering = rcosflt(g,Fd,Fs,'fir/normal',R,delay); % Filter input signal using FIR filter [Communications Toolbox] OversampledData = filtering(Fs*delay*2+1:Fs*delay*2+Fs*Pd); % Correct filter delay data = [real(OversampledData) imag(OversampledData)]; % I/Q data csvwrite(CSVfile,data); scatterplot(OversampledData,1,0,'b-'),hold on,plot(g,'r*'),grid % Signal constellation

figure % Complex envelop t_g = 0:Pd*repetition-1; % g(t) symbol number t_o = delay:Fd/Fs:delay+Pd-1/Fs; % Oversampled symbol number subplot(2,1,1),stem(t_g,real(g),'r*'),hold on,plot(t_o,real(OversampledData)),grid% In-phase axis([-1 Pd*repetition+1 min(real(OversampledData)) max(real(OversampledData))]) title('I signal'),xlabel('Symbol'),ylabel('Amplitude') subplot(2,1,2),stem(t_g,imag(g),'r*'),hold on,plot(t_o,imag(OversampledData)),grid % Quadrature-phase axis([-1 Pd*repetition+1 min(imag(OversampledData)) max(imag(OversampledData))]) title('Q signal'),xlabel('Symbol'),ylabel('Amplitude')


Slide 45

What is Simulink?
Simulink is a software package for modeling, simulating, and analyzing dynamic systems. It supports linear and nonlinear systems, modeled in continuous time, sampled time, or a hybrid of the two.

Tool for simulation

You can easily build models from scratch, or take an existing model and add to it. It offers instant access to all the analysis tools in MATLAB, so the results can be taken and analyzed and visualized.

Tool for model-based design

For modeling, Simulink offers a GUI for building models as block diagrams, using click-and-drag mouse operations. You can also customize and create your own blocks. Models are hierarchical, so they can be built using both top-down and bottom-up approaches. After defining a model, you can simulate it. Simulation results can be put in the MATLAB workspace for post-processing and visualization.
CSV file For more information on Simulink, visit the MathWorks website.


Slide 46


Simulink Demos
Simulink demos illustrate useful modeling concepts. Access demos from the MATLAB Command Window.


Slide 47

Simulink Blockset Demos

The Blocksets are the collections of specialized Simulink blocks designed for design and simulation in a particular field. For example, the Communications Blockset extends Simulink with a comprehensive library of blocks to design and simulate the physical layer of communication systems and components. The blockset helps design for communications systems and their semiconductor components, such as commercial or defense wireless and wire systems.

Model of physical layer of IEEE 802.11a Wireless LAN standard, including adaptive modulation, using blocks in Communications Blockset.


Slide 48


Simulation Data Save Technique

Simulink Library Browser
The Math Operations library contains blocks for modeling general mathematical functions. The Sinks library contains blocks that display or write block output.
Blocks Libraries



Slide 49

Complex to Real-Imag

Output real and imaginary parts of complex input signal

The Complex to Real-Imag block accepts a complex-valued signal of any data type supported by Simulink, including fixed-point data types. It outputs the real and/or imaginary part of the input signal, depending on the setting of the Output parameter. The real outputs are of the same data type as the complex input. The input can be an array (vector or matrix) of complex signals, in which case the output signals are arrays of the same dimensions. The real array contains the real parts of the corresponding complex input elements. The imaginary output similarly contains the imaginary parts of the input elements.


Slide 50


Complex to Real-Imag
This parameter determines the output of this block. Choose from the following values: Real and imag (outputs the input signal's real and imaginary parts), Real (outputs the input's real part), Imag (outputs the input's imaginary part).

Sample time (-1 for inherited)

This parameter specifies the time interval between samples. To inherit the sample time, set this parameter to -1. -1 If the block is not in a triggered subsystem, this setting specifies that the block inherits its sample time from the block connected to its input (inheritance) or, in some cases, from the block connected to its output (back inheritance). If the block is in a triggered subsystem, set the SampleTime parameter to this setting. Note that specifying sample-time inheritance for a source block can cause Simulink to assign an inappropriate sample time to the block if the source drives more than one block. For this reason, avoid specifying sample-time inheritance for source blocks. If it is specified, Simulink displays a warning message when updating or simulating the model.


Slide 51

To Workspace
Write data to workspace
The To Workspace block writes its input to the workspace. The block writes its output to an array or structure with the name specified by the block's Variable name parameter. The Save format parameter determines the output format.

I or Q


*inf: IEEE arithmetic representation for positive infinity


Slide 52


To Workspace
Selecting this option causes the To Workspace block to save the input as an Ndimensional array where N is one more than the number of dimensions of the input signal. For example, if the input signal is a 1-D array (i.e., a vector), the resulting workspace array is two-dimensional. If the input signal is a 2-D array (i.e., a matrix), the array is three-dimensional. The way samples are stored in the array depends on whether the input signal is a scalar or vector or a matrix. If the input is a scalar or a vector, each input sample is output as a row of the array. For example, suppose that the name of the output array is simout. Then, simout(1,:) corresponds to the first sample, simout(2,:) corresponds to the second sample, etc. If the input signal is a matrix, the third dimension of the workspace array corresponds to the values of the input signal at the specified sampling point. For example, suppose again that simout is the name of the resulting workspace array. Then, simout(:,:,1) is the value of the input signal at the first sample point; simout(:,:,2) is the value of the input signal at the second sample point; etc. Block parameters control when and how much data the To Workspace block writes: 1. The Limit data points to last parameter indicates how many sample points to save. If the simulation generates more data points than the specified maximum, the simulation saves only the most recently generated samples. To capture all the data, set this value to inf. 2. The Decimation parameter allows you to write data at every nth sample, where n is the decimation factor. The default decimation, 1, writes data at every time step. 3. The Sample time parameter allows you to specify a sampling interval at which to collect points. This parameter is useful when you are using a variable-step solver where the interval between time steps might not be the same. The default value of -1 causes the block to inherit the sample time from the driving block when determining the points to write.


Slide 53

To Workspace
For variable-step solvers, the Output options found on the Data Import/Export pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box determine the original amount of data available to the To Workspace block. For example, to ensure that data is written at identical time points over multiple simulations, select the Produce specified output only option in the Configuration Parameters dialog box and enter the desired time vector. The To Workspace block begins with this specified time vector and further limits the amount of data written to the workspace based on its block parameters. During the simulation, the block writes data to an internal buffer. When the simulation is completed or paused, that data is written to the workspace. Its icon shows the name of the array to which the data is written.


Slide 54


To Workspace
Variable name
Name of array holding data

Limit data points to last

Maximum number of input samples saved (The default is inf samples.)

Decimation factor (The default is 1.)

Sample time
Sample time at which to collect points

Save format
Format in which to save simulation output to workspace (The default is structure.)

Log fixed-point data as a fi object

Select to log fixed-point data to MATLAB workspace as Simulink Fixed-Point fi object. Otherwise, fixed-point data is logged to the workspace as double.


Slide 55

Simulation Data Save Example 1

Open completed model
> > > Communications Blockset Help Examples in Documentation Digital Modulation DQPSK Signal Constellation Points and Transitions

The model plots the output of the DQPSK Modulator Baseband block. The image shows the possible transitions from each symbol in the DQPSK signal constellation to the next symbol.

Running the model produces the plot. The plot reflects the transitions among the eight DQPSK constellation points. This plot illustrates /4DQPSK modulation, because the default Phase offset parameter in the DQPSK Modulator Baseband block is pi/4.


Slide 56


Communications Blockset Example Editing

Drag and drop Start a Simulation

I or Q



Slide 57

When the MG3700A generates this I/Q signal, a raised cosine FIR filter block must be added to the model.
For more information about the raised cosine FIR filter block filter.html Upsample and filter input signal using raised cosine FIR filter

Drag and drop


Slide 58


Simulation Data Save Example 2

Open completed model
> > Communications Blockset Demos Channel Models and Impairments Rayleigh Fading Channel For more information about channels

For more information about fading channels in general

The model illustrates the channel's effect on a QPSK modulated signal.

Running the model produces the plot. The plot reflects the channel's effect on the QPSK constellation points.


Slide 59

Communications Blockset Demo Editing

Drag and drop

Drag and drop


Slide 60


Communications Blockset Demo Editing

Start a Simulation I or Q 8 OSR




Slide 61

Simulation Data Save Example 3

Open the completed model
Communications Blockset Demos > Application-Specific Examples > IEEE 802.11a WLAN Physical Layer

IEEE 802.11a/g WLAN OFDM physical layer model demonstrating adaptive modulation and coding
Requirements: Communications Toolbox, Communications Blockset, Signal Processing Blockset, Signal Processing Toolbox End-to-end 802.11a physical layer All mandatory and optional data rates: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 Mb/s BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM modulations Forward error correction coding (convolutional; code rates 1/2, 2/3, 3/4) OFDM transmission: 52 subcarriers, 4 pilots, 64-pt FFTs, CP (Cyclic Prefix) Data interleaving PLCP preamble (modeled as 2x2 long training sequences) Receiver equalization Viterbi decoding Data rates selectable on-the-fly Adaptive modulation demo over dispersive multipath fading channel


Slide 62


Communications Blockset Demo

TX Data Equalized power spectrum

BER (per packet)

Unequalized signal RX power spectrum

Signal Visualization


Bit rate

Running the model and double-clicking Signal Visualization block produce the plot.


Slide 63

Communications Blockset Demo

NRZ (Non-Return to Zero)

16QAM in this case

PER = 1/50 (2 %) in this case


Slide 64


Communications Blockset Demo Editing

Drag and drop

Drag and drop


Slide 65

Communications Blockset Demo Editing

Start a Simulation I or Q


Measured power spectrum

Convert in IQproducer


Slide 66


Workspace Data Save

To save the workspace variables as a CSV file, run the command by entering the following in the MATLAB command window:
data = [I Q]; csvwrite('IQdata.csv',data);
The workspace is the set of variables (named arrays) stored in memory during a MATLAB session.
Memory File

Workspace variables CSV text data IQdata.csv


Slide 67

Programming Example to Convert and Transfer I/Q Data File without IQproducer
To download IQ data to the MG3700A, typically, it is easier to use "Convert" and "Transfer & Setting" in IQproducer, because MATLAB (simulation software) and C++ (advanced programming language) can usually save the data as a CSV file. This process takes more time because a text file is larger, and it is a bother. To minimize the time to convert a IQ data file, create a specific binary data file. This section examines how to facilitate downloading a complex data array from within the MATLAB environment.
1. Creating GUI with GUIDE 2. Executing [Convert] 3. Executing [Transfer] and [Play]


Slide 68


Creating GUI with GUIDE

GUIDE, the MATLAB graphical user interface development environment, provides a set of tools for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). These tools simplify the process of laying out and programming GUIs.
GUI Layout
Using the GUIDE Layout Editor, populate a GUI by clicking and dragging GUI components, such as axes, panels, buttons, text fields, sliders, etc., into the layout area. You can also create menus and context menus for the GUI. The GUIDE saves a GUI layout to a FIG-file.

GUI Programming
GUIDE automatically generates an M-file controlling how the GUI operates. This M-file provides code to initialize the GUI and contains a framework for the GUI callbacks -- the routines that execute when a user interacts with a GUI component. Using the M-file editor, add code to the callbacks to perform the required functions.


For more information about GUIDE


Slide 69

Executing [Convert]
Programming Flowchart
Input strings Create parameter file for converting Files Parameter text file for converting

Create data file for converting

Data binary file for converting

Workspace variable Array Editor I Q Markers

Create WVI and WVD files

File header .wvi

Data file .wvd

Delete parameter and data files


Slide 70


Executing [Transfer] and [Play]

Programming Flowchart
[Transfer]: Transfer files to MG3700A HDD using FTP
Connect to MG3700A, creating FTP object

Check existing package folder or make new package folder in MG3700A HDD

Download WVI and WVD files

[Play]: Load pattern data to baseband memory with TCP/IP remote control
Create TCP/IP object

Load pattern data to baseband memory

Play back signal pattern


Slide 71

Example of Creating GUI with GUIDE

GUIDE saves GUI layout to GUIDE automatically makes convandtranstool.fig. convandtranstool.m.


M-file function function varargout = convandtranstool(varargin) % CONVANDTRANSTOOL M-file for convandtranstool.fig % CONVANDTRANSTOOL, by itself, creates a new CONVANDTRANSTOOL or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = CONVANDTRANSTOOL returns the handle to a new CONVANDTRANSTOOL or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % CONVANDTRANSTOOL('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local % function named CALLBACK in CONVANDTRANSTOOL.M with the given input arguments. % % CONVANDTRANSTOOL('Property','Value',...) creates a new CONVANDTRANSTOOL or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are % applied to the GUI before convandtranstool_OpeningFunction gets called. An % unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application % stop. All inputs are passed to convandtranstool_OpeningFcn via varargin. % % *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one % instance to run (singleton)". % % See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES % Edit the above text to modify the response to help convandtranstool



Slide 72


Call M-file Function

M-files can be either scripts or functions. Scripts are simply files containing a sequence of MATLAB statements. Functions make use of their own local variables and accept input arguments. The name of a function, as defined in the first line of the M-file, should be the same as the name of the file without the .m extension. The variables within the body of the function are all local variables. When calling an M-file function from the command line or from within another M-file, MATLAB parses the function and stores it in memory. The parsed function remains in memory until cleared using the clear command or quitting MATLAB.
Equal to variable data in previous section Array Editor

I_Q = [real(OversampledData) imag(OversampledData)];

Workspace variable

% I/Q data

RMSvalue = sqrt(sum(I_Q(:,1).^2 + I_Q(:,2).^2)/(2*length(I_Q))); I_Q = round(I_Q*1634/RMSvalue); % To integer Convert decimal fraction to 16-bit integer marker1 = [ ones(10,1) ; zeros(length(I_Q)-10,1) ]; marker2 = zeros(length(I_Q),1); marker3 = zeros(length(I_Q),1); gate = ones(length(I_Q),1); % RF gate flag marker_gate = marker3*2^10 + marker2*2^9 + marker1*2^8 + gate*2^0; data = [I_Q marker_gate]; convandtranstool
Call M-file function


Slide 73

Convert Programming Example

% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton2. function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

Create parameter file for converting

valname = get(handles.edit1, 'String'); package = get(handles.edit9, 'String'); patname = get(handles.edit2, 'String'); samprate = get(handles.edit10, 'String'); rmsval = get(handles.edit3, 'String'); oversamp = get(handles.edit4, 'String'); sysunit = get(handles.edit5, 'String'); framelen = get(handles.edit11, 'String'); if isempty(package) package = 'Convert_IQproducer'; End (Continued on the next page)

Get input strings


Slide 74


Convert Programming Example

(Continued from previous page)
Open file, or create new file, for writing fid = fopen('wave_info.dat', 'w'); fprintf(fid, '[Wave Info]n'); fprintf(fid, 'Soft Type = MX3700n'); % If using for MG3700 % fprintf(fid, 'Soft Type = MX2690n'); % If using for MS2690 fprintf(fid, ['Package = ' package 'n']); fprintf(fid, ['Pattern Name = ' patname 'n']); fprintf(fid, ['Sampling Rate = ' samprate 'Hzn']); if ~isempty(oversamp) fprintf(fid, ['Over Sampling = ' oversamp 'n']); end if ~isempty(sysunit) fprintf(fid, ['System Unit = ' sysunit 'n']); end if ~isempty(framelen) fprintf(fid, ['Frame Length = ' framelen 'n']); end if ~isempty(rmsval) fprintf(fid, ['WVI RMS Value = ' rmsval 'n']); fprintf(fid, ['WVD RMS Value = ' rmsval 'n']); end fprintf(fid, 'Marker1 = Headn'); fprintf(fid, 'Marker2 = n'); fprintf(fid, 'Marker3 = n');

(Continued on the next page)


Slide 75

Convert Programming Example

(Continued from previous page) % Define the following parameters in case of burst signal. fprintf(fid, '[Rf Gate]n'); fprintf(fid, 'Rf On Off Threshold = 1%%n'); fprintf(fid, 'Min Rf Gate Length = 100samplesn'); fclose(fid);
Close the open file


Slide 76


Convert Programming Example

Create data file for converting
Open file, or create new file, for writing evalin('base', 'fid_r = fopen(''wave_raw.dat'', ''w'');'); evalin('base', ['fwrite(fid_r, ' valname ''', ''int16'');']); Write binary data with integer 16 bits to file evalin('base', 'fclose(fid_r);'); Close open file evalin('base', 'clear fid_r'); Remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory

Create WVI and WVD files

!MakeWvFile "./wave_info.dat" "./wave_raw.dat"
Execute EXE file

Delete parameter and data files

delete('wave_info.dat'); delete('wave_raw.dat');


Slide 77

Create WVI and WVD files: MakeWvFile

The MakeWvFile.exe application software is provided by Anritsu. It creates the data file (.wvd) and file header (.wvi) from the specific binary data file.
Parameter text file for converting MakeWvFile Data binary file for converting Data file .wvd File header .wvi

Function reference
MakeWvFile "ParameterFilename" "DataFilename"

"ParameterFilename" "DataFilename"
Command Prompt

Text filename for file header (.wvi) Specific binary data filename for data file (.wvd)


Slide 78


Parameter text file for MakeWvFile

[Wave Info]
Soft Type
For MG3700A

For MS2690A-20 (VSG option) If the parameter is blank, MX3700 is set.

Folder name for pattern file
30 characters
If the parameter is blank, Convert_IQproducer is set.

Pattern Name
20 characters

Sampling Rate
Number of I/Q waveform samples per second (expressed in Hz and equal to reciprocal of sampling interval)
20000 to 160000000Hz (20 kHz to 160 MHz)
Resolution 0.001 Hz

Over Sampling
Oversampling ratio (OSR): Ratio of sampling rate to modulation rate
1 to 999
If the parameter is blank, 1 is set.


Slide 79

Parameter text file for MakeWvFile

System Unit
Modulation point for modulation rate i.e. chip, symbol, sample
6 characters
If the parameter is blank, None is set.

Frame Length
Frame sample length
1 to 8388607
If the parameter is blank, Input Frame Trigger cannot be used.


I/Q DAC amplitude adjust to SG output level
1 to 8191
*Note: In the case of Soft Type = MX2690, set 1157. If the parameter is blank, RMSI/Q calculated from data file is set.


1 to 8191

RMSI/Q for adjustment of I/Q amplitude in data file

If the parameter is blank, I/Q amplitude in data file is not changed. *

RMS I / Q =

n =1


+ Qn )

n: Data with RF gate flag active (On)



Slide 80


Parameter text file for MakeWvFile

Marker1 Marker2 Marker3
Event marker name indicated on MG3700A (or MS2690A) display
31 characters
If the parameter is blank, it isnt indicated on MG3700A (or MS2690A) display.


Slide 81

Parameter text file for MakeWvFile

Using RF Gate optimizes RF gate flag to scale I/Q data within burst signal.
In the case of no burst signal, these parameters can be skipped.

[RF Gate]
Rf On Off Threshold
Threshold level for automatic detection of no signal and active/inactive (On/Off) definition of RF gate flag
0 to 100%
100% reference level: Peak I n + Qn If the parameter is blank, RF gate flag is not changed.
2 2

Min Rf Gate Length

Minimum consecutive samples for automatic detection of no signal and inactive (Off) definition of RF gate flag
0 to 100000 samples
If the parameter is blank, RF gate flag is not changed.


Slide 82


RF Gate Parameters
Blue line
Peak level (+12.9892 dB)

Data (.wvd) with RF Gate

RMSI/Q (0 dB) is calculated from burst I/Q data.

Red line
Rf On Off Threshold 1% (-40 dB) Min Rf Gate Length 100 samples

Data (.wvd) without RF Gate

RMSI/Q (0 dB) is calculated from all I/Q data.

RF gate flag Crest Factor 12.9892 dB


Slide 83

Data binary file for MakeWvFile

Specific binary data file format
Each data point needs 6 bytes as 2 bytes for the I point, 2 bytes for the Q point, 1 byte for three event markers and 1 byte for the RF gate flag.
6 bytes/point Data binary file for converting MakeWvFile 4 bytes/point Data file .wvd

I 2 bytes Point 1 2 3 : 16-bit signed integer

Q 2 bytes

3 Event markers 1 byte

RF gate flag 1 byte

16-bit signed integer

0000 0111 0000 0000

0000 0001 0000 0000

1: Active (On) 0: Inactive (Off)

1st bit: Marker 1 2nd bit: Marker 2 3rd bit: Marker 3


Slide 84


Data binary file for MakeWvFile

I/Q binary data is 16-bit twos complement, representing signed integers.
I/Q data range Binary data HEX data I/Q output voltage
7FFF 0001 0000 FFFF 8000 Vmax 0V Vmin
Byte Swapping

32767 01111111 11111111 : 1 00000000 00000001 0 00000000 00000000 -1 11111111 11111111 : -32768 10000000 00000000

Example for Little Endian (byte order)

5B F6 00 00 01 01
Gate Markers

60 F6 2A 00 01 01
Gate Markers

[HEX] [Decimal]

5B F6






For Big Endian (byte order) referred to as byte swapping

F6 5B 00 00 01 01
Binary Editor

F6 60 00 2A 01 01
Markers Gate


F6 5B

Markers Gate


Slide 85

Byte Order
The little endian or big endian byte order depends on the type of PC processor.
Intel and AMD processors use little endian. Sun and Motorola processors use big endian. The Apple PowerPC processor, while big endian oriented, also supports the little endian order.
Always refer to the processor manufacturer to determine the order they use for bytes and, if they support both, to understand how to ensure that you are using the correct byte order.

The byte order describes how the system processor stores integer values as binary data in memory.
When outputting data from a little endian system to a text file (ASCII text), the values are the same as viewed from a big endian system. The order only becomes important when using binary data, as when downloading data to MG3700A.


Slide 86


Byte Order
The LSB and MSB positioning changes with byte order. In little endian order, the LSB and MSB are next to each other in the bit sequence.
Example of -2469 signed integer Little endian
5B F6 [HEX]




Big endian
F6 5B [HEX]




Most Significant Bit (MSB) is bit position in binary number with greatest value. Least Significant Bit (LSB) is bit position in binary integer determining whether the number is even or odd.
In 2-byte data, the MSB appears in the second byte.


Slide 87

Twos Complement Integers

Two's complement is a popular way to represent signed integers by counting backwards in computer. The MSB represents the sign of positive and negative values.
HEX 09 A5 + F6 5B Binary 00001001 10100101 Decimal +2569

11110110 01011011 -2569 = 1 00000000 00000000 0

Ignoring 17th bit (leftmost bit) gives actual answer "0".

The decimal value of a two's complement binary number is calculated by taking the value of the MSB, where the value is negative when the bit is one, and adding the values for each power of two where there is a one.
F6 5B: 11110110 01011011 = -215 + 214 + 213 + 212 + 210 + 29 + 26 + 24 + 23 + 21 + 20 = -2569


Slide 88


Twos Complement Integers

Calculating twos complement
When finding the two's complement of a binary number, the bits are inverted and the value of 1 is added to the resulting value. Bit overflow is ignored.
Beginning with F6 5B (-2469):
11110110 01011011 To convert to +2469 in two's complement notation, the bits are inverted; 0 becomes 1, and 1 becomes 0: 00001001 10100100
This numeral is the one's complement of the decimal value -2469.

To obtain the two's complement, 1 is added: 00001001 10100101

Beginning with 09 A5 (+2469):

00001001 10100101 To convert to -2469 in two's complement notation, the bits are inverted; 0 becomes 1, and 1 becomes 0: 11110110 01011010 To obtain the two's complement, 1 is added: 11110110 01011011


Slide 89

MakeWvFile Error
An error code is returned when an error occurs. Error code
successful completion

File writing failure

Converting failure due to irregular Pattern Name in parameter text file

Converting failure due to irregular Package name in parameter text file

Converting failure due to irregular Sampling Rate in parameter text file

WVD file opening failure

WVI file opening failure

Data binary file opening failure

Parameter text file opening failure


Slide 90


Transfer Programming Example

% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton3. function pushbutton3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton3 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

Connect to MG3700A, creating FTP object

ipaddress = get(handles.edit6, 'String'); username = get(handles.edit7, 'String'); password = get(handles.edit8, 'String'); f = ftp(ipaddress, username, password);
Get input strings


Slide 91

Transfer Programming Example

Check existing package folder or make new package folder in MG3700A HDD
package = get(handles.edit9, 'String'); patname = get(handles.edit2, 'String'); if isempty(package) package = 'Convert_IQproducer'; end cd(f, 'hdd0/PACKAGE'); buff = dir(f, package); if length(buff) < 4 mkdir(f, package); end
Get input strings

Change directory in MG3700A HDD Directory listing Make new directory

Download WVI and WVD files

cd(f, package); mput(f, ['./' patname '.wvi']); mput(f, ['./' patname '.wvd']); close(f);
Upload files Close FTP object


Slide 92



Programming Example
% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton4. function pushbutton4_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton4 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

Create TCP/IP object

ipaddress = get(handles.edit6, 'String'); t = tcpip(ipaddress, 49153); fopen(t);
Get input strings Instrument Control Toolbox Connect TCP/IP object to MG3700A


Slide 93


Programming Example
package = get(handles.edit9, 'String'); patname = get(handles.edit2, 'String'); if isempty(package) package = 'Convert_IQproducer'; end fprintf(t, ['LDFILE WMA,"' package '", "' patname '"']); for n = 1:150 pause(1); fprintf(t, 'ESR2?'); flag = str2num(fscanf(t)); if bitget(flag, 5) == 1 break; end end
Monitor END Event Status Register Get input strings

Load pattern data to baseband memory

Play back signal pattern

Pattern Combination Mode: Defined fprintf(t, 'PATCOMBMODE DEFINED'); fprintf(t, ['LOADEDFILESEL WMA,"' package '","' patname '"']); fprintf(t, '*OPC?'); Operation Complete Query fscanf(t);

fclose(t); delete(t);

Disconnect TCP/IP object


Slide 94


Available Sample Programs

Sample programs are available to self-customize them easily.
M-file to run on MATLAB

M-file function called from within Anritsu_SG_demo.m

GUI layout saved by GUIDE

Executable file to convert a data file into Anritsu VSG format

DLL file called from within MakeWvFile.exe

Embedded object contains the above five files.

MATLAB_ProgrammedSamples2008.zzz (100 KB)
Change the file name into after saving the embedded file.


Slide 95


Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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