Beast of Chaos Scenarios
Beast of Chaos Scenarios
Beast of Chaos Scenarios
Now it's time to use your fully assembled (and partially painted) Chaos Beastmen regiment boxed set to
play some Warhammer Skirmish! Full rules for playing Warhammer Skirmish can be found here. Don't
worry, it's still Warhammer, just on a smaller scale.
Separate the 20 models from the boxed set into 2 sides. Each player will get 4 Ungors with spears, 5 Gors
with hand weapon and shield or two hand weapons, and a Foe-render with hand weapon and shield. The
Foe-render is basically a meaner, tougher Gor that leads small warbands of Beastmen. See page 54 of
the Beasts of Chaos army book for the stats of all these fell-beasts. Now that you have the forces set for
each player, read the story below to get your mind ready for battle and then follow the guidelines to play
"The Challenge". Have fun!
Rakgor sized up his challenger. The other
Gor, a younger but extremely fit Foe-
render stamped his cloven hooves on the
soft, loamy ground and bellowed. The
creature's steamy breath reeked of raw
meat and wine. Knotted muscles moved
like thick ropes beneath the young beast's
scarred flesh. The Gor shook his matted
mane of dark hair and screamed again,
shaking his crude axe at Rakgor.
The Challenge:
A Foe-render can't be attacked by any model other than the opposing Foe-render. All models on the table
must not move within 2" of the Foe-renders. This fight is personal after all!
The Foe-renders do not perform any actions until this tense Build Up has been broken. At the start of each
turn both players roll a D6 and record the result. Any roll of '6' counts as having a value of '0'. Once a Foe-
render accumulates more than 15 points, the Build Up is broken and their duel begins. Move the two
models into base to base contact and fight with them normally from here on out. The Foe-render that did
not go over 15 points strikes as if charging in the ensuing round of close combat. If it happens that both
players go over 15 points at the same time, then the Foe-renders strike simutaneoulsy!
Keep in mind that during the Build Up throughout the turns, all other models are free to move and fight
normally around the two Foe-renders!
The Beastmen have a much simpler goal: Kill the Warrior Priest and all of his men before they smash
their idol of unholy worship! If the Herdstone is destroyed and all of the Empire forces are destroyed
before they make it off of the table, the game is a draw.
The Empire player places his band of righteous warriors along the southern table edge at the entrance to
the herdstone's glade. The Beastman player places all of his models, except for the Minotaur, 2" apart
along the northern edge of the playing area.
The Empire player storms onto the field to get the first turn.
This scenario uses the special rules detailed below:
The first turn the Warrior Priest is in combat with the Herdstone he may not strike any blows as he draws
upon the power of Sigmar to imbue his hammer with holy might. On the following turn, the Warrior Priest
may begin his holy task as the power of the dark gods wilts in the face of his righteous anger. The
Warrior Priest will automatically hit the herdstone with no roll required. He may only make one attack
against it per turn and if he rolls a 6 on a D6, the Herdstone is destroyed. During each successive turn
that the Warrior Priest attacks the Herdstone, it becomes easier to annihilate as the power of Chaos
deserts its rocky form. On his second attack, the Herdstone is destroyed on a 5+. On the third it is
destroyed on a 4+ and so on.
This scenario can also be played with a variety of other armies by substituting Wood Elves, Bretonnians
and High Elves as the attackers and Chaos Marauders, Daemons, Chaos Warriors or Dark Elves as the
defenders. All that's necessary is to change the terminology and heroes to fit the armies involved. Other
ideas for similar scenarios include:
● Dark Elf Shades destroying a Lizardmen Spawning Pool with a Kroxigor guardian.
● Dwarf Rangers, Miners, or Ironbreakers invading a Skaven Breeding Pit to eliminate the Brood
● Orc Boarboyz and Warriors attacking a piece of Chaos Dwarf machinery in the midst of a fort.
This scenario can be used as the precursor to a full-scale
Warhammer battle. If the Beastmen successfully defend
their herdstone from the Empire attack, they may utilize a
magical banner of 50 points or less in one of their regiments
in the ensuing battle as they make an example of the
Warrior Priest who dared to attack them.
The US Studio wrote this scenario so you can still play Warhammer while you’re in the midst of painting up
your new Beastmen force. It uses the Warhammer Skirmish rules which can be found here.
The Empire troops must prevent the Beastmen player from accomplishing this goal.
The Beastmen player deploys his force on the northern table edge. The Empire player sets up his troops
along the southern table edge. Both forces must touch the edge of the table.
Beastmen Ambush
The Beastmen player may use the Beastmen Special Rules: Beastmen Ambush from page 18 of the
Beasts of Chaos Army Book, with the following changes: The ambushers do not enter from a table edge.
Instead, they are in hiding among the ruins of Reinhold. Up to 5 Beastmen models may be chosen to
ambush. Each individual model must make a Leadership test. If the required Leadership test (for
entering the table) is failed, they still turn up at a random point on the tabletop, but the starting point must
be the exact center of town. Roll 2d6 to find out how far a model appears from the center of the table.
Burning Embers
The razed town of Reinhold is a smoldering ruin. At any
point the burning rubble could ignite and the
conflagration could begin anew. Before the game
begins, each player taked turns placing a ember
counter (to represent the gray plumes of smoke, try
using cotton balls) inside a ruined building. There are 4
ember counters in total and all must be placed. The
thick smoke from the ember counters block line of sight
just as if it was a wall.
Eric Sarlin of the US Studio wrote this new scenario to coincide with the release of Warhammer Armies:
Beasts of Chaos. This Skirmish battle is ideal to play while you’re in the midst of painting up your new
Beastmen force.
The battle takes place in the village of Lachenbad. Set up an area measuring 48" x 48". Place 10-14
buildings in a rough grouping in the center of the table. A few trees or rocky outcroppings could be
placed on the outskirts of town for color if you like.
The Beastmen must take over the town by causing the Villagers to rout or by killing Valten. The Villagers
must defend their town by causing the Beastmen to rout or by killing Rargarth. The first side to
accomplish either of its victory conditions wins the game.
The Empire player deploys Valten in the exact center of the board. Ten Free Company models are
deployed in any number of buildings of the controlling player’s choosing. The remaining four Free
Company models may deployed anywhere in the streets of Lachenbad. The Beasts of Chaos player
then deploys Rargarth and the Bestigors within 6" of any one table edge. None of the Gors and Ungors
are deployed at this time, and all (not half) will enter the battle per the Ambush special rule later in the
battle. When the Gors and Ungors are ordered to enter the battlefield, make a Leadership test for each
group of three to determine if they appear where ordered or if they appear at a random location.
- Special Rules -
Beasts of Chaos: The Raiders and Ambush special rules apply to Rargarth as well as the Gors and
Ungors as normal. The Gors and Ungors are Unruly as well. Note that all the Gors and Ungors enter the
game as described by the Ambush rules, not half of them.
Valten: Rules for Valten may be found in WD 280. All of his special rules apply.
Rargarth’s Confidence: The powerful Rargarth believes the puny Villagers are of no consequence. As
such, he is Unbreakable until he loses 1 or more Wounds. Rargarth’s troops may still rout and thus lose
the game, even though their leader may be Unbreakable.
This Skirmish could be played as a precursor to the Destroy the Chaos Heart battle scenario as part of a
mini linked campaign.
Set up an area measuring 48" x 48". Place the large Gibbet Tree in the center of the board. The rest of
the board should represent a forested area and should be halfway covered with trees, rock piles, small
hills, brush, and the like.
The Rescue Party must fight their way to the Gibbet Tree, free the Officer, and assist him to escape the
board. If the hero escapes the board or the Beasts of Chaos rout, the Rescue Party wins. The Beasts of
Chaos must prevent the rescue of the Officer by routing or killing all members of the Rescue Party. If the
Gibbet Tree is destroyed but the Officer did not escape the board, the game ends in a draw.
The Beasts of Chaos deploy first within 8" of the Gibbet Tree. The Beastmen player also positions the
captured hero anywhere in the Gibbet Tree (ideally, the hero should be hanging from a gibbet but
instead could be tied to a branch or something similar). The Rescue Party player then deploys his forces
within 6" of a single table edge of his choosing.
- Special Rules -
Rescue the Officer: In order to rescue the Officer, at least one member of the Rescue Party must end
its turn adjacent to or underneath the Officer’s position in the Gibbet Tree. During its next turn, if the
rescuing model does not move, shoot, cast spells, or fight in close combat, it will free the captive
Officer: At the end of this turn, place the Officer on the ground adjacent to the rescuing model. The
Beastmen, hoping to gain favor from their Gods by sacrificing an enemy, will not attack the Officer until
he has been freed.
Weakened: The Officer may do nothing until he is rescued. He is in a weakened state, because he has
been strung up for several days. As such, he has the following profile modifications. He will be equipped
with a hand weapon only (probably a dagger handed to him by his rescuer or a good stout club picked
up from the forest floor).
-- -2 -2 -1 -1 1 -1 1 -2
The Officer may not move unless he is adjacent to one model of the Rescue Party. He may not march
unless he is adjacent to two or more members of the Rescue Party. He cannot charge, but models
adjacent to the Officer may charge by leaving their commander behind to do so. If the Officer is a
Wizard, he may not cast spells in this scenario, due to his weakened state and lack of magical
Gibbet Tree. The Gibbet Tree itself can be attacked. It has T6 and 4 Damage Points. Treat it like a
building in terms of how it is attacked (see pp. 129-130 of the Warhammer rulebook), but of course, the
tree cannot be entered like a regular building. Troops may not attack the tree if they are engaged in
close combat with enemy models. If the tree is destroyed, it will fall much like a Giant (see Warhammer
Armies: Beasts of Chaos, p. 29). Use the tree itself instead of the Giant Template to determine if any
models are hit. The Officer may also be damaged by the falling tree. Roll a D6. On a roll of 4+, the
Officer takes a single S3 hit as he falls to the ground. If the Officer does not go Out of Action as a result
of the fall, he is automatically freed (but cannot move unless adjacent to a friendly model as described
This Skirmish could be played as a precursor to the Destroy the Chaos Heart battle scenario as part of a
mini linked campaign.
Herdstones play many important roles in the culture of the Beasts of Chaos. The stones, sometimes
known as Chaos Hearts, serve as gathering places, festival grounds, religious altars, and feasting sites.
Herdstones are sometimes protected by powerful Minotaurs, who make it their duty to defend the sacred
sites with their lives.
In this scenario, the Beasts of Chaos must defend their herdstone from an Attacking army. The Attackers
could be traditional Beastmen enemies who seek to destroy the herdstone and diminish the power base
of the local tribe. Alternatively, the Attackers could be another Beasts of Chaos force that seeks to
challenge the authority of the Defending tribe and seize control of the herdstone.
Both armies are chosen from the Warhammer Army lists to an agreed points value. The Beasts of Chaos
force is always the Defender. If both armies are Beasts of Chaos forces, the players may either decide
who will play the roles of Attacker and Defender or dice off to determine who will attack and defend.
Set up an area of at least 4' x 6'. The herdstone is placed in the center of the Beasts of Chaos
Deployment Zone, 6" from the table edge. The rest of the board should represent a forested area. Much
of the table should be covered with trees, rock piles, small hills, brush, and the like. This forest terrain
should be set up in any mutually agreeable manner.
1. Both players roll a die. The higher scoring player may choose whether to start deploying first or
2. Taking it in turns, each player deploys one unit at a time, at least 24" from the opposing Deployment
3. All war machines in a player’s army are deployed at the same time, though they can be deployed in
different parts of the battlefield.
4. One Defending unit of Minotaurs, if deployed within 8" of the herdstone, may be nominated Herdstone
Defenders (see below).
5. Champions are deployed with their units. All other characters are deployed after all other units, all at
the same time.
6. Attacking units with special deployment rules such as Scouts, Ambush, and the like may be deployed
(or, where applicable, held in reserve) per their usual rules. The Defenders may NOT take advantage of
any special deployment rules, as they have been taken by surprise and also will not abandon the
herdstone, even for a tactical advantage.
Length of Game
The game lasts 6 turns or until the herdstone is destroyed.
- Special Rules -
Power of the Herdstone: During the Defender Magic Phase, Beastmen Shamans can summon the
power of the herdstone to attack those who would destroy it. As long as at least one Defending Wizard is
on the table, alive, not fleeing, and able to cast spells, the herdstone will strike the Attackers with
Uranon’s Thunder Bolt (see Warhammer rulebook, p. 148), which acts as a bound spell with a power
level of 7. The Defending player may nominate the Attacking unit or model targeted by the spell.
Herdstone Defenders: If a unit of Defending Minotaurs is deployed within 8" of the herdstone, the unit
and any characters associated with it are Stubborn as long as they remain within 12" of the stone. If the
unit moves further than 12" from the herdstone, the Minotaurs lose this advantage and cannot regain it.
Controlling the Herdstone: At the end of the battle, the side with a unit closer to the herdstone controls
it. Fleeing units, monsters, and characters cannot control the herdstone. If both armies have units
equidistant from the herdstone (round off to the nearest inch), the unit with the higher current points
value controls the herdstone (to determine current points value, add up the points of all surviving models
plus their equipment, options, and magic items).
Attacking the Herdstone: The Attacking army may also attempt to destroy the Chaos Heart. The
herdstone has T8 and 5 Damage Points and may be attacked just as one attacks a building. Beasts of
Chaos armies, whether they are the Attackers or Defenders in this scenario, may never deliberately
attack or target the herdstone, as it is a sacred object to them.
Victory Conditions
Victory conditions for this game are very simple. If the Attackers have destroyed or captured the
herdstone, they are victorious (though remember that Attacking Beasts of Chaos armies may only
attempt to capture the herdstone). Any other result is a Defender Victory.