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HouseTuttle CurrentCarryingCapacityofACSR 1959ID633VER39

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Current-Carrying Capacity



and electric current, the following equation is valid (1) qc+qr =I2r+q.


I-qc +qr-qs


Synopsis: Current-temperature characteristics of stranded-aluminum conductor steel reinforced, known throughout the industry as ACSR, have been investigated. The effects of surface conditions, wind velocity, altitude, and solar radiation are illustrated for a widely used size of conductor; curves of current-carrying capacity versus conductor outside diameter are given for design conditions of 75 C (degrees centigrade) conductor temperature and 25 C ambient temperature at 2-fps (feet per second) wind velocity. Necessary formulas and tables to permit computation of current values for any set of operating conditions are included. Computed values of current are in close agreement with test data which have obtained by Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) and other investigators.

SINCE first introduced by Alcoa in 1909, the use of ACSR for overhead electric power transmission lines has grown steadily until it has almost replaced copper for such use. In most new construction, aluminum instead of copper is being used for overhead distribution conductors. Because of the presence of the steel core in ACSR and its consequent effect on the electrical characteristics of the conductor, considerable test work has been carried on throughout the years to evaluate effective resistance. This is needed to compute the current-carrying capacity of the conductor. Early investigations were carried out by Work for Alcoa at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa.l The well-known publications of Luke2 and Schurig and Frick' were followed periodically by others,4-8 indicating a strong and continued interest in the subject.
Results of tests for the determination of the emissivity of stranded-aluminum conductors for surface conditions of both new and weathered conductors were reported

in 1956.'

Tests to determine the effective 60-cycle resistance of a great variety of sizes and strandings of ACSR have been carried
Paper 58-41, recommended by the AIEE Trans. miion and Distribution Committee and approved by the AIEE Technical Operations Department for presentation at the AIEE Winter General Meeting, New York, N. Y., February 2-7, 1958. Manuscript submitted October 16, 1957; made available for printing November 6, 1957.
H. E. HoUsE and P. D. TUTTLE are with Alcoa Research Laboratories, Massena, N. Y.

out at the Alcoa Research Laboratories at Massena, N. Y. Conductors were strung under tension on a 120-ft (foot) test span. Values of 60-cycle resistance were measured up to a conductor temperature of 200 C or 3,000 amperes/square inch if 200 C temperature was not reached. The method which was used in these tests is described by Tompkins, Jones, and Tuttle.'0 A co-operative research program between the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ill., and Alcoa Research Laboratories has been completed.11,12 The results of this work provide a means of accurate computations of reactance and resistance for ACSR of any combination of aluminum and steel stranding. Because of the tremendous growth of the electrical utility industry, there remain very few long transmission lines in the eastern part of the United States. Lines that were once long have been looped into newly constructed substations. The load on these short transmission lines is limited by the heating of the conductors rather than by stability and voltage regulation, as was the case as late as the 1930's. For this reason, an accurate understanding of the thermal capabilities of the conductors is more important than ever before. The formula developed by McAdams" for convected-heat loss of single horizontal tubes and wires has been found to give accurate convected-heat loss for stranded conductors. This formula has been combined with the results of emissivity tests9 and data on solar radiation,14"' and fieldtest data on absorption of solar and sky radiation on outdoor test spans of stranded conductors, in order to evaluate the current-carrying capacity of ACSR. With accurate values of a-c resistance for a variety of strandings, it is now possible to compute the current a conductor will carry for any given set of conditions of temperature, wind velocity, surface condition, and altitude above sea level, both with and without the effect of the sun.

where q8 is convected-heat loss, q. is radiated-heat loss, I is the current in amperes, r is the effective a-c resistance in ohms/ft of conductor, and qs is the amount of heat received from solar and sky radiation. Each heat quantity in the equation is expressed in watts/lineal ft of conductor.

CONVECTED-HBAT LOSS The fundamental relationship for convected-heat loss of single horizontal tubes and wires is given by McAdams (see reference 13, p. 220). This is expressed by
the dimensionless equation 0 hDk = 0.32+0.43



set of conditions. This formula is recommended for Reynolds numbers ranging from 0.1 to 1,000 which include air velocities up to 2 fps for conductors up to 1.3inch diameter. The units used in electrical engineering are watts, degrees centigrade, and feet. Accordingly, h, the surface coefficient of heat transfer, is expressed in watts/sq (square) ft/C; Do is conductor outside diameter in ft; kf is the thermal conductivity of air, (watts) (ft)/(sq ft) (C); G is the mass velocity of air in lb (pounds)/ hr (hour) (sq ft) cross section, or the product of air density pf in lb/ft' times the velocity V in ft/hr. The quantity uf is the absolute viscosity of air in lb-mass/ft-hr. Density, viscosity, and thermal conductivity are at the temperature of the air film given by the relationship

hDo/kf is the Nusselt number, and DoGl,of is the Reynolds number for any



where tA is the conductor temperature and ta is the temperature of surrounding air in C.

Then, for DopfV/&Af=0.1 to 1,000,

[ 0 .32+0.43(D

Heat-Balance Equation of Electrical Conductors

Under steady-state conditions of wind velocity, temperature, solar radiation,

fvy I x krDo (te -ta) (3) Do

By simplifying and expressing conductor diameter D in inches, the following equation is obtained


FHouse, Tuttle-Current-Carrying Capacity of A CSR

Table 1. Viscosity, Density at Sea Level to 15,000 Ft, and Thermal Conductivity of Air
32 ... 41.... 50.... 59 ... 68 .... 77 .... 86 .... 95 ....






Density, pf
Sea Level 5,000 Ft 10,000 Ft

1S,000 Ft

Conductivity, kI


104.... 40... .313 .... 95.98 ...O.0461.....0.0704 .... .0.0586.... .0.0484.... .0.0397.....0.00830 113 .... 45 .. 318 .... 102.26 ... 0.0467.....0.0693 .... 0.0577 ... 0.0476 .... 0.0391 ..... 0.00841 122 .... 50... .323....108.85 .....00473.....0.0683....0.0568.... 0.0469.... .0.0385.....0.00852 131 .... 5.... 328 ....115.74 ....0.0478.....0.0672....0.0559 .... 0.0462 .... 0.0379 ..... 0.00864 140 .... 60... 333....122.96 ..0.0484 ..... 0.0661 .... .0.0550 .... .0.0454....0.0373 ..... 0.00875 149 .... 65... 338....130.52 ...0.0489 ..... 0.0652.... 0.0542.... .0.0448.... .0.0367 ..... 0.00886 158 .... 70... 343.... 138.41l..0.0494.....0.0643... .0.0535... .0.0442 .... .0.0363 ..... 0.00898 167. ... 75... .348 ..146.66 .....00500 ..... 0.0634....0.0527 .... 0.0436.... 0.0358.....0.00909 176.... 80.. ..353 .... 155.27 . ....0505.....0.0627 .... 0.0522....0 0431... .0 0354.... 0.00921 185 ... 85... 358.... 164.26 ...O.0510 ..... 0.0616 .0.0513 .... .0.0423.... .0.0347.....0.00932 194 .... 90.. ..363.... 173.63 ...O.0515.....0.0608 .....0.0506 .... .0.0418 .... .0.0343.....0.00943 203.... 95... 368.... 183.40 ... 0.0521 ......0599 .... .0.0498....0.0412... .0.0338.....0.00952 212.... 100....373. ... .19357..0.0526 ..... 0.0591....0.0492.... .0.0406 .... .0.0333 ..... O.00O66

O.. .273 .... 55.55. ...0.0415 ..... 0.0807. ..0 .0671....0.0554 .... .0.0455 .... 0.00739 5... 278 .... 59.73...0.0421.....0.0793. ..0.0660....0.0545.... 0.0447 .... 0.00750 10... 283.... 64.14 . 0.0427 . 0.0779. .. .0.0648. .0.0535 ... 0.0439 . 0.00762 16. 288.... 68.80. .....00433 ..... .0765... .0.0636.... 0.0526.... .0.0431.....0.00773 20... 293.... 73.70 ... 0.0439.....0.0752.... 0.0626 .... 0.0517. ...0.0424.... 0.00784 25 .298 .... 78.86 ... 0.0444.....0.0740.... 0.016. ..0.0508 .... 0.0417.....0.00795 30... 303 84.29 0.0450.....0.0728.... 0.0606.... 0.0500....0.0411 ..... 0.00807 35.... 308 .... 89.99 ... 0.0456 ..... 0.0716 .... 0.0596.... 0.0492.... 0.0404.....0.00818

le conductor temperature C.

fabsolute viscosity, lb/(hr) (ft), computed from formula in reference 17. pf -density. lb of air/fts, computed from data given in reference 18. kf -thermal conductivity of air, watts/(sq ft)(C) at tf- (Sc+ia)/2, reference 13, Table XI. tg- ambient temperature C.

* Degrees Fahrenheit.

I Dp1 V\o~~~.521

watts/lineal ft of conductor (3A) For Reynolds numbers from 1,000 to 50,000 the following empirical formula is recommended by McAdams

1 kf


o 0)

Expressing this in a manner similar to equation 3(A) gives

which expressed in electrical engineering units is 0.5275 X 10-8 watts/sq ft/K4, where K is temperature in degrees Kelvin or C+273.'6 The quantity e is the thermal-emissivity constant which for new conductor is 0.23 and for flat-black well-weathered conductor 0.91 or possibly higher. The area of a circumscribing cylinder A is expressed in sq ft. Converting to conductor outside diameter in inches with temperature in K gives
0.5275X10 iKKDe qr ~~(K 4 - Ka4) 12

conditioning systems.","5
qs=a(QD Sill 9+Qd)A'

December and January. The effect of solar radiation on conductor temperature is more important than before because its maximum intensity now occurs at the same time as the peak load. The amount of heat received by a flat surface perpendicular to the sun's rays and located outside the earth's atmosphere is approximately 123 watts/sq ft of surface. However, because of the earth's atmosphere, part of this energy is absorbed before reaching the earth. Points of high altitude of, e.g., 10,000 ft, such as exist in the Rocky Mountain area, receive about 25% more solar energy than sealevel areas; see Table II. The amount of solar heat received by a conductor also depends on the altitude of the sun above the horizon and the effective angle of incidence between the direct rays of the sun and the exposed surface. In addition to direct radiation, heat is radiated from the sky to the object. This quantity also varies with the sun's altitude. Atmospheric contamination has a marked effect on the solar heat received. Considerable work has been done in the field of solar-energy studies, in connection with the heating of buildings, as a source of power, and relative to the solar-heat gain required to be absorbed by airThe amount of heat received from the

sphere are having the yearly peak loads during July and August rather than

sun and sky may be expressed as

=0.24 (DPIf)V.' k,(-)

watts/ft of conductor (4)
-0.1695( DpfV)



where KC is conductor temperature and K. is air temperature in K. Simplifying gives

138De[( 100

watts/ft of conductor (4A) Values for pf, pf, and kf are given in Table I.
For convected-heat loss in still air the following formula checks closely with test data obtained at Alcoa Research Laboratories in a room free from drafts.
qc - 0.072D"( 7(- ta)l "


where QD is direct solar radiation and Qd is sky radiation, both in watts/sq ft; A' is the projected area of the conductor, and a is the solar-absorption coefficient. Outdoor tests at Massena indicate this is 0.23 for new conductor and 0.97 for black conductor. For simplicity in computaTable Ill. Total Heat Received by Surface at Sea Level Normal to Sun's Rays
Altitude, He, Degrees
5.... 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60

watts/ft of conductor (SB)

Values of (K/100)4 are given in Table I.

SOLAR-HEAT GAIN OF THE CONDUCTOR Because of the large amounts of power used by air-conditioning equipment, many power utilities in the Northern Hemi-


Q,, Watts/Sq Pt
Clear Atmosphere

watts/ft of conductor (4B)



where D is conductor diameter in inches, tc conductor temperature in C, and la is the temperature of the surrounding air in C.
RADITED-HiEAT Loss oF CONDUCTOR The radiated-heat loss of a conductor is given by the expression
(5) -eA(Kc'-Ka') qr, where a is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant,


II. Heat-Transmision Factor Altitudes Above Sea Level*


Elevation Above Sea Level, Ft

Multiplier for Values la Table m

0....1.00 1.15 1.25 ....1.30

5,000 15,.000


... ...

80 90

21 ............. 12.6 22.3 . 4 0.2 ..... .54.2 ..... 30.6 .64.4 .. 39.2 .71.5 ..... 46.6 .77.0 ..... 553.0 .81.5 ..... 57.5 .84.8......f .61.5 .87.4 ..... 64.6 .90.0 ..... 67.5 .92.9 ..... 71.6 70 .95.0 ......,......75.2 .95.8 ..... 77.4 78.9 . 96.4.

Source, reference 15.

* Source, reference 14.


House, Tuttle-Current-Carrying Capacity of A CSR


Table IV. Altitude and Azimuth in Degrees of Sun at Various Latitudes at Declination of 23.0 Degrees, Northem Hemisphere, June 10 and July 3*
Local Sun Time

Computation of Current-Carrying Capacity

Combining the various components of heat loss and heat gain, the following formula results
[1.01 +0.371( DPfV)

+0/371 1.108X0.0683X7.200 O.5S] (8)0.0473

0.00852 X50 (8)

qc =20.95 watts/ft
qr =0.138X 1.108X0.23(146.66-78.86)

Degrees 10:00 A.M.

North Latitude Ho


12 Noon

2:00 P.M.





20... .62 .... 78. ...87... 0. 62... 282 25... .62 .... 88. 88 ... 180. 62. ...272 30... .62.... 98.. 83 .. 180. 62... .262 35... .61... 107 . 78...180. 61... 253 115.. 40....60... 73 .. 180 60 ."45 45... 57.... 122 . 68 .. 180. 57.. .238 50... .54... .128. f3.. .180 ..54... 232 60... .47....137 .. 3. 80.47 .23 70... .40... 143. 43.. 180.40... 217

V.]kf( t,


0.138D1 K_ [(~~100)

SAMPLE COMPUTATION In the sample computation the following conditious apply:
Drake conductor, 795 MCM (thousand circular mils), 26/7 ACSR, (new) wind velocity=2 fps at sea level air ternperature-25 C =I conductor temperature-=75 C=1, conductor outside diameter=1.108 inches conductor a-c resistance=0.0265 ohm/ 1,000 ft

=2.37 watts/ft (9) Assume the following: azimuth of line 135 degrees, latitude 35 degrees north, clear atmosphere, 12 noon. H, = 78 Zc 1800


Source, references 19 and 20.

tion, Table III shows total heat received from both direct and sky radiation for both clear and industrial atmosphere. This introduces a small amount of error as sky radiation does not depend on the angle of incidence. However, this error cannot be detected in the final value of conductor current. In the case of a round, horizontally placed conductor, the angle 9 is given by O=cos-1[cos He cos (Z,-Zl)] (6A)

Qs =95 +0.6=95.6 watts/ft2 9=cos-1[cos 78Xcos (180 -1350)1

sin 81.55=0.986


-cos-, 0.147=81.550 (11)

q.=0.23X0.986X95.6X 112
2.01 watts/ft (12)

if=(75+25)/2 =50 where H, is the altitude of the sun above pf=0.0683 (Table I) the horizon, Zc is the azimuth of the sun, yf=0.0473 (Table I) (Table I) and Z1 is the azimuth of the conductor kf=0.00852 V= 3,600 X2 =7,200 ft/hr (north-south line Z& = 1800). See Table
e =0.23

+273 =348 K, =75 Ka =25+273=2980

120.95+2.37-2.01 0.0265 X 10 -'


Current-Carrying Capacity Curves

Curves have been computed (Fig. 1) for the following design conditions: 25 C ambient temperature, 75 C conductor temperature, and 2-fps wind velocity, for ACSR for sizes from no. 6 ACSR 6/1 to 3,364 MCM 108/37. A total of four

IV for altitude and azimuth of sun at various latitudes.

By substituting these values, the following results:




w -J


-J 0




2 20 0

0. w











1800 2000






1 1

Fig. I (left). Current-carrying capacity of ACSR with various surface

knd ambient conditions




#a ' t


-.s s


N o

N N C4 C4 coN

ll lpi


N t



Is Is>



Fig. 2 (above). Cuffent'carrying capacity of 795 MCM 26/7 ACSR

venus wind velocity


House, Tuttle-Current-Carrying Capacity of A CSR





a value based on considerable test data,' has been consistently used throughout the industry because it represents a safe



0 0 0

Effect of Ambient Temperature on Current-Carrying Capacity






75 C

C.) z 4

0.05 0.03
__ __ __

New Drake conductor has been selected to illustrate the effect of changing ambient temperature, with the sun effect neglected, at a constant current -of 1,000 amperes. This is shown in the following.
Ambient Temperature, C
0 25 40



Conductor Temperature, C
57 . 83. 101 .

Temperature Rise, C



67 58






2.0 1.8 1.4 1.2 1.6 1.0 0.8 CONDUCTOR OUTSIDE DIAMETER -INCHES





11 I I I1





in 40 et O eD~~~~4 Dnor0e P%;C : K )0


000C I,,tQf


* COe 4



It is evident that the effect of selecting ambient only slightly different from a standard design value will have little effect on the actual temperature rise as illustrated by the foregoing example in which a 40 C change in ambient only increased the temperature rise 4 C. This increase is still less when sun effect is taken into account, because this tends to cancel the effect of radiated-heat loss, leaving only convected-heat loss, which varies approximately with temperature rise, to balance to Pr loss.

Fig. 3. A-c resistance at 60 cps of ACSR at three conductor tempoeratures

for ACSR under the following conditions: 1. Black conductor, no sun, sea level. 2, 3. Black conductor, sun; and new conductor, no sun; sea level. 4. New conductor, sun, sea level. 5. New conductor, elevation of 10,000 ft.
curves gives performance

Test Data on 60-Cps A-C Resistance of ACSR

To enable the engineer to compute the current-carrying capacity, recently obtained test data on the 60-cps (cycle-persecond) a-c resistance (covering the complete range of sizes of ACSR) are given in Fig. 3, in the forn of curves for 50 C, 75 C, and 100 C conductor temperature. These values were obtained in a draftless room on 120-ft spans under tension at an ambient temperature of approximately 20 C. The temperature of the conductor was determined by taking the average temperature of a number of thermocouples. Two variables affect the a-c resistance of ACSR. The effect of increase in conductor temperature is to increase the

Effect of Wind Velocity on Current-Carrying Capacity

Drake 795 MCM ACSR 26/7 has been selected to illustrate the effect of increasing wind velocity, other conditions remaining constant. Ambient temperature was taken at 25 C and conductor temperature 75 C. Curves are shown in Fig. 2 for new and black conductor, both with and without the effect of sun, and new conductor at 10,000-ft elevation. Note that for black conductor with sun effect, the increase in current capacity of 2-fps velocity over still air is 143%. The increase from 2 fps to 5 miles per hour is 13.0%. A design wind velocity of 2 fps,

In computing sun effect, a value of 85 watts/sq ft was used for total radiation and 750, giving an effective heat from the sun of 82 watts/sq ft. It is significant that there is a definite discontinuity in the curves between the sizes 4/0 ACSR 6/1 and 226.8 MCM ACSR 26/7. This is explained by the increased magnetizing effect on the steel core; the current in the single layer of aluminum strands gives rise to eddycurrent and hysteresis losses in the steel core which in turn cause a marked

Table V. Current-Carrying Capacity at 60 Cps, Amperes



minum strands with the spiraling in the opposite direction in each successive layer, the magnetizing effect is almost entirely

increase in effective a-c resistance. In the case of more than one layer of alu-

No Sun

Black Condition
1,564 .. 1,020 .



- From Chart in -_____________ Reference I No Sun

1,590 MCM 54/19............1,430 . ...... 941 . 795 MCM 54/7 ........,,,,. No. 4 6/1 ................... 149 .......

1,482 973

151 .........

.. ..

155 .......

1.762 .......... 1,130 ..


.500 960

House, Tuttl,-Current-Carrying Capacity of A CSR


resistance of the conductor with an increase in conductor temperature. An increase in conductor temperature may be caused by either increased ambient temperature or increased current. Eddycurrent and hysteresis losses in the core increase the effective a-c resistance noticeably for single-aluminum-layer conductors, as previously explained. The magnetic loss component of a-c resistance increases with an increase in current until the point of magnetic saturation has been reached, after which there is no further increase in this component. This particular behavior of ACSR is dealt with fully by Lewis and Tuttle."

ment with test data obtained by the Alcoa Research Laboratories and those observed by other organizations.

1. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OP ACSR (a pamphlet). Aluminum Company of America. Pittsburgh, Pa., May 1946. 2. CURRE3NT CARRYING CAPACITY OF WIRBS AND CABLES, George E. Luke. Westinghouse Electric Journal, Pittsburgh, Pa., Apr. 1923.

Journal, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa., vol. 23, no. 5, Nov. 1940, pp. 583-617. 25. HEAT TRANSMISSION AS INFLUENCED BY HRAT CAPACITY AND SOLAR RADIATION, P. C. Houghton, J. L. Blackshaw, B. M. Pugh, P. McDermott. Paper no. 923, Transactions, American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, New York, N. Y., Jan. 1932. 26. A RATIONAL HE[AT GAIN METHOD FOR ITE DBTERaINATION OF ALa CONDITIONING COOLINGO LOADS, F. H. Faust, L. Levine, F. 0. Urban. Journal, Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning
Section, Ibid., Aug. 1935.

Comparison of Revised CurrentCarryig Capacity with Previously Published Temperature-Rise Data

The current-carrying capacity curves published by Alcoa in 19461 are based on an ambient temperature of 40 C and a wind velocity of 2 fps. Accordingly, current-carrying capacity of three typical sizes of ACSR have been computed by the method presented in this paper for both new and black conductor, with and without the effect of sun, assuming a conductor temperature of 100 C or a 60 C rise, and 2-fps wind velocity; see Table V. Previously published information, although limited in scope, appears to be conservative. In general, a conductor weathers rather rapidly the first year of operation, so that it can be expected to operate at a lower temperature than a new conductor. However, in certain areas of the western part of the United States, high-voltage conductors have been observed to stay bright for many years. For this reason, thermal-radiation and solar-absorption characteristics may vary considerably in different geographical locations. The new data presented represent limiting conditions for new and weathered conductors.

Chicago, Ill., Dec. 1943. 5. SAFB RATINGS FOR OVERHEAD LINE CONDUCTORS, Leonard M. Olmsted. AIEE Transactions, vol. 62, 1943, pp. 845-53. 6. ELECTRICAL HEATING CRACTERISTICS OF OVERHE:AD CONDUCTORS, PARTS I-IV, E. B. George. Electric Light and Power, Dec. 1944; Jan. 1945; Apr. 1945; Dec. 1945. 7. CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY OF OV3RHEAD CONDUCTORS, H. A. Enos. Electrical World, New York, N. Y., May 15, 1943.

oP BARB CONDUCTORS FOR OUTDOOR SERVICE, 0. R. Schurig, C. W. Frick. General Electric Review, Schenectady, N. Y., vol. 33, Mar. 1930. 4. DBTBRMINING CURtBNT RATINGS OF OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS, PARTS I AND II, H. P. Seelye, A. L. Malmstrom. Electric Light and Power,


W. A.

CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY OF ACSR CONDUCTORS, J. H. Waghorne, V. E. Ogorodnikov. AIEE Transactions, vol. 70, pt. II, 1951, pp.


EISSIVITY AND ITS EFFECT ON TEB CURRENTCARRYING. CAPACITY OF STRANDED ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS, C. S. Taylor, H. E. House. Ibid., vol. 75, pt. III, Oct. 1956, pp. 970-76. 10. MEASUREMBNTS OF RESISTANCB AND REACTANCB OF EXPANDBD ACSR, Joel Tompkins, B. L. Jones, P. D. Tuttle. Ibid., vol. 74, pt. III, June 1955, pp. 368-75. 11. THE RBSISTANCEC AND REACTANCE OF ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS, STEBL REINFORCED, W. A. Lewis, P. D. Tuttle. Ibid., pp. 1189-1215 o this issue. 12. TEE MAGNBTIC PROPBERTIBS OF ACSR CORE WIRE, T. W. Matech, W. A. Lewis. Ibid., pp. 1178-89 of thi issue. 13. HBAT TRANSMISSION (book), W. H. McAdams. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., second edition, 1942. 14. HBATING, VENTILATING AND AiR CONDITIONINO GuIDE 1956. American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers, New York, N. Y., 1956. 15. POWBR FROM SOLAR ENBRGY, J. r. Yollot. Transactions, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, N. Y., vol. 79, no. 6, Aug. 1957, pp. 1349-57. 16. A REVIBW Op TERMAL RADIATION CONSTANTS, 1N. W. Snyder. Ibid., vol. 76, 1954, pp.

The necessary formulas, curves, and tables have been presented which will enable transmission engineers to select the size of ACSR most suitable for their requirements. It is believed that the data given to illustrate the effect of the sun are of importance in light of the fact that many system peak loads are now occurring in the daytime during the summer months, because of air-conditioning and pumping-equipment loads. Computed values of current-carrying capacity at sea level are im close agree-

981. 18. FAN ENGINEERING, Richard D. Mason, editor. Buffalo Forge Company, Buffalo, N. Y., fifth edition, 1948. 19. THE AMERICAN NAUTICAL ALMANAC 1957. U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C., 1957. 20. SIGHT REDUCTION TABLBS FOR AIR NAVIGATION, VOLS. II, III. Publication no. 249, U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office, Washington, D. C., 1957. 21. BARLow's TABLBS, L. J. Comrie, editor. Chemical Publishing Company, New York, N. Y., fourth edition, 1944. 22. THERMAL RADIATION TABLBS AND APPLIcATIONS, R. V. Dunkle. Transactions, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, vol. 76, 1954, pp. 549-52. 23. GAs TABLECS (book), J. H. Keenan, J. Kaye. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1948. 24. PROPOsED STANDARD SOLAR RADIATION CURtVS FOR ENOINEBRING USE, Parry Moon.

J. Hilsenrath, Y. S. Touloukian. Ibid., pp. 967-


which may affect the heat balance of a conductor that is carrying alternating electric current with the usual prescribed limits of conductor temperature and ambient temperature. Particularly, the effect of sunshine is noted. However, the application and operating engineer is in need of published data or guides which should be forthcoming from manufacturers of ACSR and all-aluminum conductors as to the effects of loading above the currents which give the usual temperature rises. Obviously there is a time-current relationship for such overloads, i.e., the shorter the time the greater is the amount of current that may be allowed to flow above that which would just give the desired temperature rise. Specifically, there is probably a temperature somewhat above 75 C where continuous operation would cause a reduction in the tensile strength, another temperature where the tensile strength would be reduced 5% if operated at that temperature a specific time, etc. Or, are we to assume that aluminum has not agreed upon temperature limit and will lose some percentage of its tensile strength if operated continuously at even 75 C? There are data available for determining how much a transformer may be overloaded under emergency conditions without jeopardizing its life, or, in some cases a calculated loss-of-life expectancy may be calculated and is acceptable. Similarly, it is desirable to know how much a conductor may be overloaded during an emergency and for how long. For example, assume that one of two parallel circuits is out of service and it is desired to carry an overload current (say 25% above the rated value which would give 75 C conductor temperature) over the daily peak rather than to cut off

Morgan (Washington Water Power Company, Spokane, Wash.): The authors are to be commended for the thoroughness with which they have considered the factors

Perhaps the steel reinforcing will provide for most of the loss of margin of tensile strength in ACSR conductors. But, allaluminum conductor may be particularly vulnerable to overload currents, and, if it is, perhaps we should know its critical conductor temperatures or time-current overload
E. E. George (Ebasco Servces Inc., Little Rock, Ark.): The authors have done an excellent job in utilizing pre-



House, Tuttle-Current-Carrying Capacity of A CSR


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