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Laboratory Work No. 4: Connectivity To The Network

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The objectives of this laboratory are: understanding the connectivity components, understanding the IP addressing modes, configuring TCP/IP to use a static IP address, configuring TCP/IP to use a dynamic allocated IP address, verifying and testing a TCP/IP connection, understanding Windows domains and workgroups.

2. Theoretical considerations
2.1 Connectivity A network consists of multiple computers that communicate with each other. In order for multiple computers to communicate, common rules and methods for communicating called protocols must be applied to the computers. Computers use four components to support connectivity to a network: protocols; network services; network adapters; bindings. In order to effectively configure network connectivity, you need to understand how the components interact and make that connection occur. A protocol is a set of rules and conventions for sending information over a network. These rules govern the content, format, timing, sequencing, and error control of data exchanged among network devices. Protocols make it possible for networks to move data, so different computers can share information. Network services allow computers running the same network protocols to connect to share folders and other resources. Network services provide a network function to applications, such as the ability to gain access to shared folders and printers on other computers. These services consist of software that is part of the operating system or is supplied by a third party. A network adapter is a hardware component that allows a computer to connect to a network cable or other network medium. Network adapters provide the physical interface and the hardware to let a computer access the network.


Bindings are a method of linking network components. A binding enables communication between the various network components, such as between TCP/IP and a network adapter. By changing the order of protocols bound to those providers, you can improve performance. To connect to a network, you must first install and configure the appropriate protocol, then install and configure the service, and finally configure the bindings, if required. 2.2 Installing TCP/IP for connectivity to network Linux supports a full implementation of the TCP/IP networking protocols. Windows 2000 automatically installs TCP/IP as the default protocol during installation (if a network adapter is detected). However, if TCP/IP was not installed during installation, you can install it manually. To install TCP/IP on Windows 2000 systems perform the following steps: 1. Right click My Network Places, and then click Properties. 2. In the Network and Dial-up Connections window, right-click the icon that represents the local area connection that you want to configure, and then click Properties. 3. Verify that the TCP/IP protocol is not on the list of installed components. 4. Click Install. 5. Click Protocol, click Add. 6. In the Select Network Protocol dialog box, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click OK. 7. Verify that the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) check box is selected, and then click OK.

2.3 Examining IP addressing methods IP addresses can be provided manually, dynamically by a DHCP server, automatically by using Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) only in Windows based systems. 2.3.1 Manual IP addressing Occasionally, you need to assign addresses manually. For example, manual configuration is required in a network with multiple segments and in which no DHCP server is present. Manual configurations are recommended only when DHCP is not available or feasible. Administering manually assigned IP addresses can be time-consuming and confusing, especially in medium to large networks. 2.3.2 DHCP addressing


A DHCP Server automatically provides an IP address from the range or ranges of available addresses and other TCP/IP configuration information, such as the IP address of the DNS server, default gateway. The process a DHCP server uses to automatically provide the IP address is as follows: the client computer requests an IP address from the DHCP server; the DHCP server provides the IP address to the client computer You must ensure that TCP/IP settings are configured in order for a client to obtain an IP address automatically from a DHCP server. 2.3.3 Automatic Private IP Addressing Windows based systems APIPA enables the configuration of an IP address in the event that the client computer cannot receive an IP address from a DHCP server. APIPA only provides an IP address and a subnet mask, not additional configuration information such as a default gateway. This limits the connectivity to the local area network of the client, the client computer cannot connect to other networks or the Internet. When a computer without an IP address starts, the following occurs: the client computer attempts to locate a DHCP server and obtain IP configuration information from it; if a DHCP server cannot be found, the client computer automatically configures its IP address and subnet mask using a selected address from the Microsoftreserved, class B network,, with the subnet mask; if the client detects a DHCP server at a later time, the Automatic Private IP Addressing process stops. 2.4 Configuring TCP/IP to use a static IP address In a network running a DHCP Server service, there are times when you may want to manually configure static IP addresses for network computers. For example, a computer that is running the DHPC Server service cannot be configured to receive an automatic IP address, therefore you must configure these computers with a static IP address. When you configure a static IP address, you must configure the subnet mask and the default gateway for each network adapter in a computer in a network using TCP/IP protocol. 2.4.1 Configuring TCP/IP to use static IP address in Windows based systems

1. Open the Properties dialog box for Local Area Connection. 2. Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), verify that the check box to the left of the entry is selected, and then click Properties. 3. Click Use the following IP address. 4. In the IP address box, type the value that your instructor indicates.


5. Verify that Use the following DNS server address is selected and then in the Preferred DNS Server box type the value that your instructor indicates you. 6. Click OK to close the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, and then click OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box.

2.4.2 Configuring TCP/I P to use a static IP address in Linux based systems There are two ways of configuring a static IP, use of a command line or configuring the network file. To make changes to the network configuration you have to be root. 1. Network configuration for a static IP address using the command line. a) Load the proper module (driver) for your Ethernet card. Some distributions will find it during installations and automatically load the driver for you. To see if this is the case, view the file /etc/modules.conf. To verify the module has been loaded successfully, issue the command /sbin/lsmod. b) Set the IP address and the network mask : /sbin/ifconfig a c)
interface_name <IPaddress> netmask <netmaskaddress> Add the default gateway setting: /sbin/route add <gateway_addr>. default gw

This configuration will last until the device is turned off and on or the computer is restarted. 2. Network configuration for a static IP address editing network files. Each Linux distribution keeps their configuration file in different location. The system would keep the configuration until the file is changed again. Changes stay after the system is rebooted. a) Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-interface_name. The ifcfg-interface_name file configured to obtain the network information statically is as follows:
DEVICE=interface_name USERCTL = no
device name

can ordinary users bring the interface up and down? If you leave it out, the
default is only root interface up and down can bring the


how the IP address and other network parameters are assigned (DHCP, BOOTP, none - statically assigned IP address


do you want this interface brought up

when rebooting your Linux? (yes/no)

IP address assigned to this interface



the netmask associated with the above IP address the network address for the network this interface is on the broadcast address for the network this interface is on



b) Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/network to look like:

NETWORKING = yes HOSTNAME = hostname FORWARD_IPv4 = yes GATEWAYDEV = gwdev configure networking or not to
configure networking

hostname of your server perform IP forwarding or not to perform IP forwarding gwdev is the device name eth# you use to access the remote gateway gwIP is the IP address of the remote network gateway if available


2.5 Verifying and testing a TCP/IP connection After configuring TCP/IP, use the ipconfig/ifconfig and ping commands to test the configuration on the local computer, and to ensure that the computer can communicate using TCP/IP across a network using TCP/IP. 2.5.1 Ipconfig/Ifconfig command Ipconfig used in Windows based systems to get basic host computer configuration information, including the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. When ipconfig is used with the /all switch, it produces a more detailed configuration report for all network interfaces.
Ipconfig [/all] [/renew[adapter]] [/release[adapter]] /all = all information about adapter(s) /renew = renew DHCP lease information for all local adapters if none is named /release = release DHCP lease information disabling TCP/IP on this adapter

Ifconfig used in Linux based systems to make an interface accessible to the kernel networking layer. This involves the assignment of an IP address and other parameters and activation of the interface (bringing up the interface).
Ifconfig [interface] [address [parameters]]


If no arguments are given, ifconfig displays the status of the currently active interfaces. If a single interface argument is given, it displays the interfaces configuration; if a single -a argument is given, it displays the status of all interfaces, even those that are down. Otherwise, it configures an interface. - the name of the interface. This is usually a driver name followed by a unit number, for example eth0 for the first Ethernet interface up makes an interface accessible to the IP layer; is implied when an address is given on the command line. It may also be use to reenable an interface that has been taken down temporarily down disables any IP traffic through the interface. This option will also automatically delete all routing entries that use this interface.

You can configure more than one IP address on an interface by creating subinterfaces called alias. You have to specify interface_name: number. Examples:
ifconfig eth0 netmask up ifconfig eth0:1 netmask up

2.5.2 Ping command. Troubleshooting with Ping Ping is a diagnostic tool that you can use to test TCP/IP configurations between two computers and diagnose connection failures. Ping sends ICMP echo packets to verify connections to a remote host. The output shows the number of packets responds to and the return time of the echo
Ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l length] [-f] [-i ttl] destination_address - t = ping until interrupted - a = resolve hostname and ping addresses - n = count limits number of echo packets sent - l = length specifies size of echo packets sent - f = DO NOT FRAGMENT - i = TTL (time to live) - r = count records the route of the outgoing and returning packets destination address = specifies the remote host to ping, by domain name/ [-r count]

IP address

When troubleshooting network connectivity, use the Ping command to perform the following sequence of tasks. 1. Ping the loopback address to verify that TCP/IP is installed and configured correctly on the local computer. To perform this step, enter ping at computer prompt. If the loopback step fails, the IP stack is not responding. This problem might be occurring because the TCP drivers are corrupted, the network adapter might not be working, or another service might be interfering with IP. 2. Ping the IP address of the local computer to verify that an address has been added correctly. To perform this step, enter ping <IP address of the local host> at a command prompt.


3. Ping the IP address of the default gateway. This step verifies that the default gateway is reachable and that the local host can communicate with another host on the network. To perform this step, enter ping <IP address of default gateway> at a command prompt. 4. Ping the IP address of a remote host located beyond the default gateway. This step verifies that you can communicate with hosts outside your local network segment. 2.5.3 Tracert/ traceroute command Tracert/traceroute is a route-tracing utility that allows you to track the path of a forwarded packet from router to router for up to 30 hops. Tracert/traceroute works by sending ICMP echo requests to an IP address while incrementing the Time To Live (TTL) field in the IP header, starting at 1, and analyzing the ICMP errors that are returned. Tracert/traceroute prints out an ordered list of routers in the path that returned these error messages.
Tracert [-d] [-h max_hops] [-j host_list] [-w timeout] target_name -d = IP address shouldnt be resolved to host names -h = max_hops limits the number of hops reached -j = host_list specifies the loose source route - w = timeout waits the number of ms specified for each reply

target_name = remote host 2.6 Windows 2000 workgroups and domains. 2.6.1 Workgroups A workgroup is a logical grouping of networked computers that share resources, such as files and printers. A workgroup is sometimes referred to as a peer-to-peer network because all computers in the workgroup can share resources as equals, without a dedicated server. Each Windows 2000 Server computer and Windows 2000 Professional computer in the workgroup maintains a local security database, which contains a list of user accounts and resource security information for that computer. Because each computer in the workgroup maintains a local security database, the administration of user accounts and resource security is decentralized. A user must have a user account on each computer that the user needs to access. Any changes to user accounts, such as changing the password or adding a new account, must be made on each computer. Windows 2000 workgroups provide the following advantages: a workgroup does not require a computer running Windows 2000 Server to hold centralized security information; a workgroup is simple to design and implement; a workgroup is convenient for a limited number of computers in close proximity, although a workgroup becomes impractical in environments with more than 10 computers. 2.6.2 Domains


A domain is a logical grouping of network computers that share a central directory database that contains user accounts and security information for the domain. In Windows 2000, the directory database is known as the directory and is the database portion of Active Directory services. In a domain, the directory resides in computers that are configured as domain controllers. A domain controller is a server that manages all security-related user/domain interactions and centralized administration. A domain does not refer to a single location or specific type of network configuration. The computers in a domain can share physical proximity on a small area network or can be located in different corners of the world, communicating over various kinds of connections, including analog connections, ISDN or DSL. Windows 2000 domains provide the following advantages: a domain provides centralized administration because all user information is stored centrally; a domain provides a single logon process for users to gain access to network resources, such as file, print and application resources for which they have permissions. A user can log on to one computer and access resources on another computer in the network as long as that user has appropriate permissions to the resources; a domain provides scalability so that you can create very large networks.

3. Lab activity
3.1 Install TCP/IP for connectivity. 3.2 Configure TCP/IP to obtain an IP address automatically. 3.2.1 Windows based systems 1. In Control Pane, double-click Network and Dial-Up Connections. 2. Open the Properties dialog box for Local Area Connection. 3. Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), verify that the check box to the left of the entry is selected, and then click Properties. 4. In the TCP/IP Properties dialog-box, click Obtain an IP address automatically. Click OK. 5. Type ipconfig/all at a command prompt. Use the information about your local area connection that is displayed on the screen to complete as much of the following table as possible.

Setting DHCP Enabled IP Address Subnet mask DNS Servers



Lease obtained Lease expires

3.2.2 Linux based systems a. Load the proper module (driver) for your Ethernet card. Some distributions will find it during installation and automatically load the driver for you. To see if this is the case, view file /etc/modules.conf or /etc/conf.modules depending on your distribution. b. Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcgf-eth0 to use DHCP and replace with your addresses. Sample ifcfg-eth0 file:

c. Edit/create the file /etc/sysconfig/network to use DHCP.


d. Restart the network to probe the DHCP server for your network settings with the command /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart. e. Verify your network settings with the command /sbin/ifconfig to make sure you have received an IP address from the DHCP server.

3.3 Obtaining an IP Address by using automatic private IP addressing. Do not begin step 3.3 until your instructor tells you that the DHCP Server service has stopped. 1. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /release and then press enter. 2. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /renew and then press enter. 3. What message appears and what does it indicate? Would you expect to have an assigned IP address?


4. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all and then press enter. Use the information displayed on the screen about your local area connection to complete as much of the following table as possible.
Setting DHCP Enabled Autoconfiguration Enabled Autoconfiguration IP address Subnet mask DNS Servers Value

3.4 Configuring TCP/IP to use static IP address 1. In the Properties dialog box for Local Area Connection. 2. Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), verify that the check box to the left of the entry is selected, and then click Properties. 3. Click Use the following IP address and then in the IP address box, type the value that your instructor indicates. 4. Verify that Use the following DNS server address is selected and then in the Preferred DNS Server box type the value that your instructor indicates you. Click OK to close the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, and then click OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box. 5. At a command prompt type ipconfig/all. Use the information about your local area connection to complete as much of the following table as possible.
Setting DHCP Enabled IP Address Subnet mask DNS Servers Value


Arp, nslookup and dhclient commands testing 3.5.1. Using the arp command display the stored MAC IP address pairs. 3.5.2. Using the arp command, statically insert a MAC IP address pair. 3.5.3. Using the nslookup command set a DNS server for interrogation and display the IP addresses corresponding to several sites. 3.5.4. Test dhclient command (Linux)


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