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Interventional Ultrasound of The Breast

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Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Edited by

Philip Drew MD FRCS

Professor of Tissue Engineering and Repair Hull York Medical School University of Hull Hull, UK

Simon Cawthorn MS FRCS

Consultant Breast Surgeon Frenchay Hospital Bristol, UK

Michael Michell MA MB BChir FRCR

Clinical Director, Breast Screening Training Centre Kings College Hospital London, UK Foreword by Erika Denton

2007 Informa UK Ltd First published in the United Kingdom in 2007 by Informa Healthcare, Telephone House, 69-77 Paul Street, London EC2A 4LQ. Informa Healthcare is a trading division of Informa UK Ltd. Registered Office: 37/41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH. Registered in England and Wales number 1072954. Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 5000 Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 6699 Website: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 0LP. Although every effort has been made to ensure that all owners of copyright material have been acknowledged in this publication, we would be glad to acknowledge in subsequent reprints or editions any omissions brought to our attention. A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Data available on application ISBN-10: 1-84184-416-0 ISBN-13: 978 1 84184 416 9 Distributed in North and South America by Taylor & Francis 6000 Broken Sound Parkway, NW, (Suite 300) Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA Within Continental USA Tel: 1 (800) 272 7737; Fax: 1 (800) 374 3401 Outside Continental USA Tel: (561) 994 0555; Fax: (561) 361 6018 Email: Distributed in the rest of the world by Thomson Publishing Services Cheriton House North Way Andover, Hampshire SP10 5BE, UK Tel: +44 (0)1264 332424 Email: Composition by Exeter Premedia Services Private Ltd., Chennai, India Printed and bound in India by Replika Press Pvt. Ltd

List of contributors Foreword Erika Denton Preface 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A history of breast diagnosis
Michael Michell

vii ix xi 1 11 23 35 43 63 79 89 109 115

Anatomy of the breast

Menos Lagopoulos

Technology for surgeons

Mike Halliwell

Training and accreditation

Sasirekha Govindarajulu and Simon Cawthorn

Ultrasound appearance of benign and malignant breast lesions

Narasimhaiah Srinivasaiah and Anne Hubbard

Preoperative diagnosis and biopsy guns

Karl J Sweeney and Michael J Kerin

Techniques of ultrasound biopsy

Michael Michell

Techniques of ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy

Mike Shere

Future developments
Obi Iwuchukwu and Philip Drew

Future developments: focused ultrasound ablation

Obi Iwuchukwu and Philip Drew



Simon Cawthorn Consultant Breast Surgeon Frenchay Hospital Bristol UK Anne Hubbard Consultant Radiologist Castle Hill Hospital Cottingham UK Obi Iwuchukwu Consultant Oncoplastic and General Surgeon Breast Unit Department of Surgery Sunderland Royal Hospital Sunderland UK Michael J Kerin Department of Surgery Clinical Science Institute University College Hospital Galway Ireland Menos Lagopoulos Senior Lecturer in Anatomy Hull York Medical School The University of Hull Hull UK Michael Michell Clinical Director Breast Screening Training Centre Kings College Hospital London UK

Philip Drew Professor of Tissue Engineering and Repair Hull York Medical School University of Hull Hull UK

Sasirekha Govindarajulu Staff Grade Surgeon Breast Care Centre Frenchay Hospital Bristol UK

Mike Halliwell Physicist Bristol General Hospital Bristol and Medical Physics Bristol General Hospital Bristol UK


List of contributors

Mike Shere Associate Specialist Breast Clinician North Bristol Healthcare Trust Frenchay Hospital Bristol UK Narasimhaiah Srinivasaiah Research Fellow Academic Surgical Unit University of Hull Cottingham UK

Karl J Sweeney Consultant Surgeon Breastcheck University College Hospital Galway Ireland

It is a great pleasure to write a foreword to this new text on interventional ultrasound of the breast. Radiological examination of the breast is pivotal in the screening, diagnosis and management of both benign and malignant lesions of the breast. Progressively over the last decade interventional radiology techniques have replaced surgical and clinically guided diagnostic procedures to such an extent, that the vast majority of patients now have a non surgical diagnosis of a breast problem. Ultrasound guided diagnostic breast biopsy is now a fundamental component of the assessment of symptomatic and screen detected abnormalities. The equipment used for both ultrasound imaging and breast interventional procedures has developed with alarming speed and this text will bring the reader entirely up to date. In recent years ultrasound interventional techniques have progressed to include therapeutic options, and the publication of this book is timely in addressing the practicalities of these procedures. At a time when professional boundaries are changing and practitioners, other than those traditionally using ultrasound intervention, are delivering these services, this book comprehensively addresses the issues that will inevitably arise. The editors have brought together leaders in their individual fields to great effect. Erika Denton MBBS MRCP FRCR Consultant Radiologist Medical Director, PACS Programme, Connecting for Health, National Clinical Lead for Diagnostic Imaging, Department of Health Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Norwich UK

All patients referred to breast clinics should be examined by specialists who are trained to perform the triple assessment of the patients breasts. The competencies to perform the three aspects of the triple assessment have been identified, and the Royal College of Radiologists have done the same for breast sonography and U/S guided biopsies. There is, therefore, no reason why the patient cannot have the triple assessment done by the same practitioner. The background of that individual can be either doctor, surgeon or radiologist, or a nurse or radiographer. This book covers all you need to know about how to examine the breast, biopsy and remove lesions within it assisted by Ultra-sound. Becoming accredited in advanced breast U/S can then be achieved by attendance on a recognised course with assessment of competence once the training has been completed. Simon Cawthorn

A history of breast diagnosis
Michael Michell

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the diagnosis of breast cancer relied solely on clinical findings. Thus many cancers were large at the time of diagnosis with a high frequency of metastatic spread, the treatment was limited to surgery and the prognosis was often poor. However, the limitations of surgery alone in offering a cure were recognised DH Agnew commented in 1883 I do not doubt that cancer will one day be curable, but I do not believe that this will be procured through the surgeons scalpel.1 The development of high quality mammography and ultrasound imaging of the breast during the 20th century have enabled both benign and malignant breast disease to be diagnosed with accuracy and often before clinical signs are apparent. The diagnosis of breast cancers when the tumours are small or preinvasive, together with improvements in treatment, has dramatically improved the prognosis from the disease.


In 1913, Dr A Salomon, a surgeon working at the University of Berlin, studied mastectomy specimens using X-ray and described the principal mammographic features of malignancy including microcalcification.2 He also recognised the potential value of mammography for demonstration of clinically occult breast cancer. In the late 1920s, Stafford Warren carried out the first series of in vivo mammograms using a technique adapted from chest radiography.3 He recognised the importance of high quality images and correctly diagnosed 54 of 58 malignant lesions in his first clinical results published in 1930. Over the following 2030 years, surgeons, radiologists and pathologists gradually improved knowledge of the relationship between pathological processes occurring in the breast and mammographic appearances. Important work was published by Leborgne in South America on the appearances of benign and malignant calcifications.4 In 1960, Gershon-Cohon and his pathology colleague Helen Ingleby published numerous studies demonstrating mammographic appearances of normal tissue and changes seen in both benign and malignant disease including the classic treatise Comparative Anatomy, Pathology and Roentgenology of the Breast.510

Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

X-ray mammography was not, however, used widely in clinical practice before the 1960s because of variable image quality and a lack of enthusiasm from many radiologists and clinicians.

In 1960, Robert Egan, working at MD Anderson Hospital, University of Texas, reported on a low kV/high mAs technique which produced images with improved definition of soft tissue structures in the breast. Following publication of his experience of 1000 studies in 634 women,11 in which 228/240 malignant lesions were correctly reported, there was recognition by both clinicians and radiologists of the potential use of mammography in both the diagnosis of breast disease and the detection of breast cancer. The work of Egan was also crucial in demonstrating the importance of both specialised X-ray equipment including X-ray tube, film and processing, and radiographic technique in order to produce images with sufficient detail to demonstrate the mammographic features of breast pathology.12 Following Egans work the principal technical requirements for the consistent production of high quality X-ray images of the breast were established. A low kV energy X-ray beam with a particular spectrum of X-ray photons is required because of the low inherent contrast of the soft tissues of the breast. The breast tissue needs to be compressed in order to reduce movement unsharpness and decrease scattered radiation. Dedicated highly sensitive film screen combinations and a small focal spot are required for the demonstration of the fine detail of structures in the normal breast and in disease. Finally, specialist training is required for technologists to ensure that correct positioning and radiographic technique is consistently used and for radiologists to ensure correct interpretation of the images. The first modern dedicated mammography unit, the Senograph was developed by Companies General de Radiologic in France in collaboration with Dr Charles Gros and incorporated a molybdenum rather than a tungsten anode and a compression device independent of the X-ray tube. At the same time, film companies such as Dupont, Kodak and Xerox, realising the potential importance and likely future growth of X-ray mammography, invested in the development of dedicated highly sensitive film screen systems capable of recording the fine detail of breast structures and minimising the radiation dose. Although the principles of modern mammographic technique were established by the work of Egan and colleagues, numerous further technical improvements have been made to both the X-ray unit, film screen combinations and film processing over the past 40 years.1315 These developments have resulted in the very high quality, high resolution mammograms that are now in widespread use in both diagnostic clinics and in population breast cancer screening programmes. The use of such images together with the development of magnification and localised compression techniques using fine focal spot has enabled the most detailed correlation to be carried out between the mammographic features and the pathology

A history of breast diagnosis

of benign, preinvasive and different types of invasive breast disease.16,17 Tabar and colleagues have linked imaging features, histopathology and natural history of breast tumours through the study of cases detected by population screening.18


Full field digital mammography has now become commercially available following the development of modern digital X-ray technology and detectors for breast imaging. Although the spatial resolution of digital mammography is not as high as for the best analogue systems, this is compensated for by the improved contrast resolution and other advantages of digital imaging. Recent large scale trials in Europe and North America have demonstrated that digital mammography achieves the same sensitivity for cancer detection as analogue systems and may be more effective for screening women in their forties and those with dense breasts.1922 The next decade will see the replacement of analogue systems by digital equipment and the full integration of digital imaging with picture archiving and communication systems (PACS). Digital mammography systems enable the development of new techniques for breast imaging which will further increase the diagnostic information obtained. Techniques which are currently undergoing evaluation include tomosynthesis, contrast enhanced mammography, duel energy subtraction contrast mammography, computed tomography (CT) mammography and computer aided detection. In tomosynthesis, a three-dimensional image of the breast is obtained by acquiring a number of low radiation projection images while the X-ray tube moves in an arc above the breast. The individual images are then reconstructed into a series of high resolution slices which are viewed subsequently. Lesions which are invisible on conventional imaging due to overlying dense breast tissue may be demonstrated using this technique.23 Contrast enhanced mammography demonstrates malignant lesions due to the increased uptake of contrast related to tumour angiogenesis. Sequential imaging, dual energy and subtraction techniques allow dynamic time intensity curves to be produced.24 Current experimental work is being undertaken to develop breast CT. With cone beam CT using flat panel detectors, three-dimensional images of the breast can be produced without the discomfort of breast compression and without unwanted exposure of the thoracic cavity. In developmental models, breast CT has been shown to detect objects 2 mm diameter with a mean glandular dose of less than conventional two view mammography.2527

The first breast ultrasound examinations were carried out on palpable masses by Wild and Reid28 using A-mode apparatus in 1951 and demonstrated the potential for the differentiation of cystic from solid lesions. Further work on the clinical application of breast ultrasound was carried out in conjunction with technical developments

Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

including B-mode scanning and use of dedicated automated water path scanners.29 The availability over the past 10 years of small hand-held transducers with a high frequency range of 7.512 mHz has enabled rapid real-time examination of the whole breast and axilla to be carried out. Improved resolution and image quality has allowed workers to visualise many non-palpable as well as palpable breast lesions and to define the criteria used to distinguish benign from malignant lesions. Early work was carried out in the 1970s by Kobayashi in Japan,30 Jellins and colleagues in Australia,31 and Cole-Beuglet and associates in the US.32 The most recent detailed analysis of the ultrasound features of both benign and malignant breast lesions has been carried out by Stavros and colleagues.33 Current and future developments in the use of breast ultrasound include evaluating the potential clinical application of advanced techniques such as Doppler and contrast examination.


High quality images of the breast are obtained using dedicated surface coils. The demonstration of tumours depends on the increased signal produced following uptake of intravenous gadolinium-diethylene-triamine-pentaacetic acid (DTPA) in areas of tumour angiogenesis. Numerous studies over the past 20 years have shown that MR has a high sensitivity for breast cancer detection but a low specificity.34,35 Current studies in clinical practice are aimed at defining which patient groups will benefit from MR in initial tumour staging and treatment planning. MR will have a role in monitoring response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, predicting response before changes in tumour volume have occurred, and in differentiating between residual tumour and fibrosis. MR will also be used for screening of young high risk patients, including BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 carriers.36


The pioneers of X-ray mammography recognised that this technique had the potential to detect cancers before any clinical signs of disease were apparent but, until the technical breakthroughs of the 1960s, the images were not of sufficient quality for the technique to be applied systematically in population screening. The first trial to test the efficacy of screening for breast cancer was set up by Shapiro and colleagues in New York State in 1963 to determine whether periodic breast screening with mammography and clinical examination of the breast was effective in lowering mortality from breast cancer.37 In all, 62 000 women aged 4064 years receiving their medical care from the Health Insurance Plan of New York State were randomised either to be invited to four annual screens or to form a control group. The trial ended in 1986 and showed that screen detected cancers were less likely to have involved lymph nodes and that there was a reduction of breast cancer deaths of 30% in the study group. Further large scale prospective randomised controlled trials were conducted

A history of breast diagnosis

in Europe to measure the effect of screening by mammography on breast cancer mortality. In the Swedish two counties study, women aged 4074 years were randomised to either invitation to mammography or a control group there was no clinical examination as part of the screen.38 The combined results of the Swedish trials showed a risk reduction for death due to breast cancer of approximately 29% for women aged 5069 years.39 In the UK, a working group chaired by Patrick Forrest examined all the available evidence on the benefits and costs of screening and recommended the provision of regular mammography screening for women aged 50 years and older.40 The National Health Service Breast Screening Programme (NHS BSP) began in 1989 and by 1995 a network of some 90 programmes had been established to provide 3-yearly screening by invitation to women aged 5064 years using a single mediolateral oblique view of each breast. Subsequently, the screening technique has been improved with two view mammography used at each screen and the invitation range extended up to 70 years. Similar mammography screening programmes have now been established in other European countries, North America, Australia and New Zealand.


The widespread use of mammography in clinical practice together with the introduction of large population breast cancer screening programmes has led to the detection not only of many small cancers but also many indeterminate lesions without specific mammographic signs of benign or malignant disease. A multidisciplinary approach using the triple diagnosis method, consisting of clinical examination, imaging workup and needle biopsy, has evolved in order to achieve an accurate diagnosis and plan appropriate management.41 The importance of high quality special views including magnification mammography using a fine focal spot and localised compression techniques for the demonstration of fine detail mammographic features, particularly microcalcification and parenchymal distortion, has been emphasised by Tabar and colleagues in Sweden. This multidisciplinary approach has now been applied both to the assessment of women with screening detected lesions and to those presenting with symptomatic breast disease. Specialist diagnostic breast clinics run jointly by breast surgeons, clinicians, radiologists, radiographers and specialist breast care nurses have been established. This form of specialist clinic has been essential to meet the needs of increasing numbers of women presenting to the health service with minimal signs and symptoms of breast disease, encouraged by health promotion campaigns and publicity emphasising the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of cancer.


A histological diagnosis for non-palpable lesions detected by mammography was initially obtained by preoperative marking and surgical excision. Marking was first

Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

carried out in the 1960s using a standard needle and was rapidly replaced by the development of techniques using specialist hook wires for better fixation.42 The disadvantages of diagnostic surgery for such lesions were unnecessary operations for women with benign lesions and the possibility of additional surgical procedures to obtain clear margins and stage the axilla for women with carcinoma. During the past 30 years, there has been steady development and improvement in imageguided needle sampling techniques which have made possible a definite preoperative diagnosis of malignancy for more than 90% of women with carcinoma, and has allowed most women with benign lesions to be spared surgery.

Image guidance
Although stereoscopic mammography was reported by Warren in 1930, it was not until the 1970s that stereotactic mammography was introduced into clinical practice, first for the placement of localising wires prior to surgery and subsequently for directing a sampling needle.43 The first stereotactic units were attached to existing mammography equipment and the procedure performed with the patient in the sitting position. Subsequently, the equipment has been developed so that the patient may be sitting, lying prone or in the decubitus position, the biopsy device may be introduced either in the line of the X-ray beam or perpendicular to it, and digital imaging has increased accuracy and reduced the procedure time. Using modern equipment, virtually all non-palpable lesions can be accessed for sampling. Improvements in the quality and resolution of breast ultrasound mean that most soft tissue lesions and some florid microcalcification clusters are visible. For these lesions, ultrasound has become the method of choice for biopsy guidance it is most comfortable for the patient, and the accuracy of the procedure is verified by real-time visualisation of the needle traversing the lesion. With the increasing use of breast MR, particularly for screening of young women with a high risk of breast cancer, lesions which are initially only visible on MR are being detected. Some of these are visible on a second look directed ultrasound examination and can therefore be sampled under ultrasound guidance. For lesions which remain only visible on MR, MR-guided biopsy systems have been developed.

Stereotactic breast biopsy was initially carried out using fine needle aspiration cytology.44 Although in some centres very good results were obtained, many series reported problems with low sensitivity, high inadequate rates, equivocal results and occasional false positive results. Problems with cytology are related to the need for a specialist breast cytologist, the difficulty of obtaining cellular samples adequate for diagnosis from some benign and malignant lesions, and equivocal

A history of breast diagnosis

interpretations resulting from cellular changes in some benign lesions and epithelial hyperplasia. Stereotactic core biopsy, followed by ultrasound-guided core biopsy were introduced in the US by Parker and colleagues in the early 1990s and have since been incorporated into routine practice in breast clinics throughout the world.45 Imageguided core biopsy has been shown to be associated with higher sensitivity and specificity, and lower inadequate and equivocal rates compared with fine needle aspiration cytology.46,47 Tumour tissue obtained by core biopsy also provides information on tumour type and grade, presence of invasion and receptor status which are necessary for planning management. For some types of lesion, however, multiple 14 G core samples may not provide a definite diagnosis. This may be because of difficulties in accurately targeting very small lesions only a few millimetres in diameter or may be related to the underlying pathology this applies particularly to some clusters of indeterminate microcalcification where there may be a spectrum of different degrees of epithelial hyperplasia with or without atypia.48 In these cases, more tissue is required to enable the histopathologist to make a diagnosis. Vacuum-assisted core biopsy using 11 G or 8 G devices allows larger volumes of tissue to be obtained both because of the diameter of the device and the effect of the negative pressure which pulls tissue into the biopsy port.49 Use of these devices with X-ray, ultrasound or MR guidance for diagnostic procedures has become widespread over the past 5 years. The devices are now also being used under ultrasound guidance for the therapeutic removal of some benign breast lesions such as fibroadenoma or papilloma.

Radiologists working in the first half of the 20th century recognised the potential impact of imaging not only on the diagnosis and management of breast disease, but also, through screening, on the natural history and prognosis for women with breast cancer. Rapid developments in diagnostic techniques, and the implementation of large scale population screening programmes have led to the detection, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancers often when the disease is at an early stage before spread has occurred and the prognosis is very good. Improvements in image-guided biopsy techniques over the past 30 years mean that surgery is now very rarely required for diagnosis either of benign or malignant lesions. Over the coming decades we can look forward to the full implementation of digital mammography and clinical evaluation of new techniques including contrast and CT mammography, improved sensitivity for cancer detection in young patients and high risk groups, and more accurate staging of disease both in the breast and in the axilla. We will also develop a better understanding of the natural history and appropriate management of borderline and precancerous lesions diagnosed particularly by screening programmes, and further develop tests for monitoring the effectiveness of different treatments.

Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

1. Hoeffken W, Lanyi M. Mammography. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1977. 2. Salomon A. Bertrage zur pathologie und klinic der mammakarzinome. Arch Klin Chir 1913; 101: 573668. 3. Warren SL. Roentgenologic study of the breast. Am J Roentgenol 1930; 24: 11324. 4. Leborgne R. Diagnosis of tumours of breast by simple roentgenography: calcifications in carcinoma. Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 1951; 65: 111. 5. Ingleby H, Gershon-Cohen J. Comparative Anatomy, Pathology and Roentgenology of the Breast. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1960. 6. Gershon-Cohen J, Colcher AE. Evaluation of roentgen diagnosis of early carcinoma of breast. JAMA 1937; 108: 86771. 7. Gershon-Cohen J, Strickler A. Roentgenologic examination of the normal breast: its evaluation in demonstrating early neoplastic changes. Am J Roentgenol 1938; 40: 189201. 8. Gershon-Cohen J, Ingleby H. Roentgenography of cancer of the breast. Am J Roentgenol 1952; 68: 17. 9. Gershon-Cohen J, Ingleby H. Carcinoma of the breast. Roentgenographic technic & diagnostic criteria. Radiology 1953; 60: 6876. 10. Gershon-Cohen J, Ingleby H, Hermel MB. Roentgenographic diagnosis of calcification in carcinoma of the breast. JAMA 1953; 152: 6767. 11. Egan RL. Experience with mammography in a tumour institution. Evaluation of 1000 studies. Radiology 1960; 75: 894900. 12. Egan RL. Mammography. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas, 1964. 13. American Association of Physicists in Medicine. Equipment requirements and quality control for mammography. AAPM Report No. 29. New York: American Institute of Physics, 1990. 14. Kimme-Smith C. New and future developments in screen-film mammography equipment and techniques. Radiol Clin North Am 1992; 30: 5566. 15. Andolina VF, Lille SL, Willison KM. Mammography Imaging: A Practical Guide, 2nd edn. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 2001. 16. Tabar L, Dean P. Teaching Atlas of Mammography, 3rd edn. Stuttgart: Thieme, 2001. 17. DOrsi CJ, Kopans DB. Mammographic features analysis. Semin Roentgenol 1993; 27: 20430. 18. Tabar L, Duffy SW, Vitak B et al. The natural history of breast carcinoma. What have we learned from screening? Cancer 1999; 86: 44962. 19. Skaane P, Young K. Population-based mammography screening: comparison of screenfilm and full-field digital mammography with soft-copy reading: the Oslo I study. Radiology 2003; 229: 87784. 20. Skaane P, Skjennald A. Screen-film mammography versus full-field digital mammography with soft-copy reading: randomised trial in a population-based screening programme: the Oslo II study. Radiology 2004; 232: 197204. 21. Pisano ED, Gatsonis CA, Yaffe MJ et al. The American College of Radiology Imaging Network digital mammographic imaging screening trial: objectives and methodology. Radiology 2005; 236: 40412. 22. Pisano ED, Gatsonis CA, Hendrick E et al. Diagnostic performance of digital versus film mammography for breast-cancer screening. N Engl J Med 2005; 353: 177383. 23. Niklason LT, Christian BT, Niklason LE et al. Digital tomosynthesis in breast imaging. Radiology 1997; 205: 399406. 24. Jong RA, Yaffe MJ, Skarpathiotakis et al. Contrast-enhanced digital mammography: initial clinical experience. Radiology 2003; 228: 84250. 25. Boone JM, Nelson TR, Lindfors KK, Seibert JA. Dedicated breast CT: radiation dose and image quality evaluation. Radiology 2001; 221: 65767. 26. Gong X, Vedula AA, Glick SJ. Microcalcification detection using cone-beam CT mammography with a flat-panel imager. Phys Mel Biol 2004; 49: 218395. 27. Chen B, Ning R. Cone-beam volume CT breast: feasibility study. Med Phys 2002; 29: 75570.

A history of breast diagnosis

28. Wild JJ, Reid JM. Further pilot echographic studies on the histologic structure of the living intact human breast. Am J Pathol 1952; 28: 83954. 29. McSweeney MB, Murphy CH. Whole-breast sonography. Radiol Clin North Am 1985; 23: 15767. 30. Kobayashi T. Diagnostic ultrasound in breast cancer: analysis of retrotumerous echo patterns correlated with sonic attenuation by cancerous connective tissue. J Clin Ultrasound 1979; 7: 4719. 31. Jellins J, Kossoff G, Buddee FW et al. Ultrasonic visualisation of the breast. Med J Aust 1971; 1: 3057. 32. Cole-Beuglet C, Goldberg BB, Kurtz AB et al. Ultrasound mammography. Radiology 1981; 139: 6938. 33. Stavros AT, Thickman D, Rapp CL et al. Solid breast nodules: use of sonography to distinguish between benign and malignant breast lesions. Radiology 1995; 196: 12334. 34. Heywang-Kobrunner S. Contrast Enhanced MRI of the Breast, 2nd edn. Berlin: Springer, 1990. 35. Kuhl CK, Mielcareck P, Klaschik S et al. Dynamic breast MR imaging: are signal intensity time course data useful for differential diagnosis of enhancing lesions? Radiology 1999; 211: 10110. 36. MARIBS study group. Screening with magnetic resonance imaging and mammography of a population at high familial risk of breast cancer: a prospective multicentre cohort study (MARIBS). Lancet 2005; 365: 176978. 37. Shapiro S, Venet W, Stax P et al. Ten to fourteen year effect of breast cancer screening on mortality. J Natl Cancer Inst 1982; 69: 34955. 38. Tabar L, Fagerberg CJG, Gad A et al. Reduction in mortality from breast cancer after mass screening with mammography: randomised trial from the breast cancer working group of the Swedish national board of health and welfare. Lancet 1985; 1: 82932. 39. Nystrom L, Rutqvist LE, Wall S et al. Breast cancer screening with mammography: overview of screening trials. Lancet 1993; 341: 9738. 40. Forrest P. Breast cancer screening: Report to the health ministers of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. By a working group chaired by Sir Patrick Forrest. London: HM Stationery Office, 1986. 41. Wilson ARM, Asbury D, Cooke J et al. Clinical Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening Assessment. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes, Sheffield, 2001. 42. Kopaus DB, Myer JE, Lindfors KK, McCarthy KA. Spring-hookwire breast lesion localizer: use with rigid compression mammographic systems. Radiology 1985; 157: 5057. 43. Bulmgren J, Jacobson B, Nordenstrom B. Stereotaxis instrument for needle biopsy of the mamma. Am J Roentgenol 1977; 129: 1215. 44. Azavedo E, Svane G, Auer G. Stereotactic fine needle biopsy in 2594 mammographically detected non-palpable lesions. Lancet 1989; 1: 10335. 45. Parker SH, Burbank F, Jackman RJ. Percutaneous large-core breast biopsy: a multiinstitutional study. Radiology 1994; 193: 35964. 46. Britton P. Fine needle aspiration or core biopsy. Breast 1999; 8: 14. 47. Litherland JC, Evans AJ, Wilson ARM et al. The impact of core-biopsy on the preoperative diagnosis rate of screen detected breast cancers. Clin Radiol 1996; 51: 5625. 48. Rich PM, Michell MJ, Humphreys S et al. Core biopsy of non palpable breast cancer: what is the relationship between the number of core samples taken and the sensitivity for detection of malignancy. Clin Radiol 1999; 54: 3849. 49. Liberman L, Sarna MP. Cost effectiveness of stereotactic 11-gauge directional vacuumassisted breast biopsy. Am J Roentgenol 2000; 175: 538.

Anatomy of the breast
Menos Lagopoulos

The breasts are modified and specialised sweat glands. The mammary line (crest, ridge) is an ectodermal (epidermal) thickening that appears during the 4th5th week of development. It extends from axilla to groin, on each side of the body (Figure 2.1). Only a small portion of the line persists in the thoracic region. Invasion of the underlying mesenchyme (dermis) in the 6th week gives rise to the mammary buds. These lengthen, branch and are canalised to form the lactiferous ducts. The lactiferous ducts come together in a depression on the surface of the skin called the mammary pit. Shortly after birth the pit is converted to the nipple (Figure 2.2). Persistence of remnants of the mammary line may give rise to accessory nipples (polythelia). They are found along the line of the mammary line and are commonly mistaken for moles. An extra breast develops if a remnant of the mammary line completely develops into a breast (polymastia) (Figure 2.3). Amastia is the congenital absence of the breast. It can be either unilateral or bilateral and is very rare. In amazia there is absence of breast tissue but the nipple is formed.15

The adult (female) breast lies on the anterior thoracic wall. Its base extends from the 2nd to the 6th rib. It lies from the edge of the sternum to almost the mid-axillary line. Part of the superior lateral quadrant is sometimes extended towards the axilla. This is the axillary tail of the breast. The superficial fascia splits to contain the breast. The deep layer of the superficial fascia overlies the chest muscles, separated from them by the retromammary space. The superficial (or subcutaneous) layer lies deep to the dermis. Cords of connective tissue connect the dermis to the ducts of the gland and to the deep layer of the superficial fascia the suspensory ligaments of Astley Cooper. Contraction of these cords leads to indentation of the skin associated with some tumours (Figure 2.4).


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Proliferation of mammary ridge Epidermis Position of accessory nipples


Epithelial pit

Mammary line

Lactiferous duct

Figure 2.1 The position of the mammary line. Reproduced from Sadler, Langmans Medical Embryology, 2004: 43121 with permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Secondary buds Primary bud

6th week Mammary ridges

7th week

4th month Lactiferous ducts

Mammary pit

6th month

8th month

Figure 2.2 The development of the mammary gland tissue. Reprinted from Larsen, Human Embryology, 1993: 42892 with permission from Elsevier.

The breast lies over the muscles of the anterior thoracic wall. Also, there are muscles associated with the axillary region. Knowledge of these muscles and their blood and nerve supply is important to the surgeon.

Anatomy of the breast


Virginal hypertrophy




The milk lines

Figure 2.3 Congenital abnormalities associated with the breast. Reproduced from Netter, Volume 2. Reproductive System: The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations, 19973 with permission from Saunders.

The muscles of the anterior and lateral chest wall include pectoralis major and minor, serratus anterior, external oblique abdominis and rectus abdominis. The latissimus dorsi lies posteriorly. The subclavius lies under the clavicle whilst the deltoid and subscapularis are in the axillary region. The pectoralis major muscle is important


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Pectoralis major Retromammary space

Suspensory ligament Areola Lactiferous sinus Lactiferous duct Glandular tissue

Adipose tissue

Deep pectoral fascia

Figure 2.4 The suspensory ligaments. Reproduced from Dudek, High Yield Embryology, 20026 with permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

in reconstructive breast surgery. The serratus anterior receives its nerve supply from the long thoracic nerve. The nerve can be damaged during dissection of the axillary lymph nodes (Figure 2.5).

Blood supply of the breast

The main vessels are the internal thoracic artery, the axillary artery and intercostal arteries. The lateral thoracic artery supplies the upper and lateral borders of the breast. The internal thoracic artery sends branches through the 1st to 4th intercostal spaces. The 2nd and 3rd branches are the largest. They supply the medial aspect of the breast. The posterior intercostal arteries also send small branches. There are variations in the distributions of these vessels. The veins form a superficial plexus (around the nipple) and a deep plexus. From there, blood drains into deep veins that run with the arteries. It should be noted that the posterior intercostal veins can communicate with veins that drain the bony spine (Figure 2.6).

Nerve supply
The sensory supply of the breast is from branches of the 4th, 5th and 6th intercostal nerves. These nerves also carry afferent sympathetic fibres. The secretory activity of the breast is mainly controlled by the ovarian and pituitary hormones.4,8,9

The tissue of the breast is composed of about 1020 lobes separated by connective and adipose tissue. Each lobe opens independently at the nipple. A lobe is made of several

Anatomy of the breast


Deltopectoral triangle Anterior Middle

Parts of deltoid Pectoralis major External intercostal Coracoid process of scapula

Clavicular head Sternocostal head Latissimus dorsi


Biceps brachii Serratus anterior

Pectoralis minor

Serratus anterior Coracoid process of scapula Subscapularis Serratus anterior

External intercostal

Figure 2.5 The muscles of the anterior and lateral aspects of the thoracic wall. Reproduced from Moore and Agur, Essential Clinical Anatomy, 2nd edn, 20027 with permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

lobules. A lobule consists of clusters of milk secreting sacs, the alveoli. Myoepithelial cells lie around the alveoli. Their contraction helps the release of milk. When milk is produced it passes from the alveoli into a complex system of tubules and eventually reaches the intralobular duct. Outside the lobule the intralobular duct becomes the extralobular duct (Figure 2.7). The lactiferous (mammary) duct drains each lobe. Near the nipple it dilates to form the lactiferous sinus. The ducts drain at the nipple, near the tip. The nipple is a raised pigmented area. The areola surrounds the nipple (Figures 2.82.10). Near the surface, the lactiferous ducts are lined with squamous stratified epithelium.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Right subclavian a. Thoracoacromial a. Lateral thoracic a. Axillary a.

Right common carotid a.

Subclavian lymphatic trunk Axillary v.

Jugular trunk Right internal jugular v. Right lymphatic duct Bronchomediastinal trunk Internal thoracic v. Perforating vv. Medial mammary vv.

Subclavian v. Internal thoracic a.

Lateral mammary aa.

Lateral thoracic v.

Posterior intercostal vv. (lateral mammary branches)

Medial mammary aa.

Perforating aa. Posterior intercostal vv. (lateral mammary branches)

Lateral mammary vv.

Figure 2.6 The blood supply and venous drainage of the breast. a, artery; aa, arteries; v, vein; vv, veins. Reproduced from Moore and Agur, Essential Clinical Anatomy, 2nd edn, 20027 with permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Terminal ductule (acinus)


Extralobular terminal ductule (ETD)

Intralobular terminal ductule (ITD)

Figure 2.7 The intraand extralobular ducts. Reproduced from Morris and Wood, Oxford Textbook of Surgery, 2nd edn, 2000: 11710 with permission from Oxford University Press.

A gradual epithelial transition is seen, from stratified epithelium in the lactiferous ducts to a double layer of cuboidal cells in the lactiferous sinus to a single layer of columnar or cuboidal cells for the rest of the duct system. Changes in the epithelium of the duct system of the breast may give rise to breast cancer.9,10,12

The quadrants of the breast, oclock positions and codes are shown in Figure 2.11. The breast is divided into four quadrants. Upper inner (superior medial), upper outer

Anatomy of the breast


Extralobular adipose tissue

Extralobular terminal duct

Terminal ductule

Extralobular fibrocollagenous tissue

Intralobular terminal duct Intralobular fibrocollagenous stroma

Figure 2.8 Histology of a lobule. Reproduced from Stevens and Lowe, Human Histology, 2005: 3889411 with permission from Elsevier.

Secretory lobe

Fibro-fatty connective tissue Lactiferous duct Areolar sebaceous gland Lactiferous sinus Nipple

Figure 2.9 The ductal system of the breast. Reproduced from Burkitt, Young and Heath, Wheaters Functional Histology. A Text and Colour Atlas, 1993: 36212 with permission from Elsevier.

(superior lateral), lower inner (inferior medial) and lower outer (inferior lateral). In addition, the position of a lump in the breast can be described as the position on a clock (Table 2.1).

The axilla
The axilla is pyramidal in shape. It lies between the arm and the thorax, and communicates with the posterior triangle of the neck. It contains vessels, nerves and lymph


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Thin epidermis of nipple and areola

Isolated sebaceous gland

Lactiferous duct Pilosebaceous unit

Longitudinal and circular smooth muscle bundles

Lactiferous sinus Large mammary duct

Figure 2.10 The lactiferous ducts opening at the nipple. Reproduced from Stevens and Lowe, Human Histology, 2005: 3889411 with permission from Elsevier.

Figure 2.11 The quadrants of the breast.

nodes. It has an apex and a base (floor), and four walls, anterior, posterior, medial and lateral. The axillary fascia forms the floor. The anterior wall consists of three muscles, pectoralis major and minor, and subclavius. The fascia extends between the clavicle and pectoralis minor muscle. It is pierced by lymphatics, the cephalic vein, the lateral pectoral nerve and branches of the thoraco-acromial axis (a branch of the axillary artery). The posterior wall is formed by the subscapularis and teres major muscles, and the tendon of latissimus dorsi. The medial wall is the chest wall with the upper portion of serratus anterior. The lateral wall is the humerus. It contains the axillary artery and vein, the brachial plexus and lymph nodes (Figures 2.12 and 2.13).

The axillary lymph nodes

There are usually 2030 nodes scattered in the region. The anterior (pectoral) group lies in the medial wall of the axilla, anteriorly, close to the lateral thoracic artery at the

Anatomy of the breast


Table 2.1 Staging codes for the breast C50.0 C50.1 C50.2 C50.3 C50.4 C50.5 C50.6 C50.8 C50.9 Nipple Central (subareolar) portion extending 1 cm around the areola Upper inner quadrant Lower inner quadrant Upper outer quadrant Lower outer quadrant Axillary tail In case there is a tumour overlapping two or more subsites, and the subsite of the origin of the tumour is not known In case there are multiple tumours in at least two quadrants of the breast

This information is used when describing breast pathology or operative reports, during physical examination and when interpreting a mammogram or ultrasound investigation.
Apex of axilla Intertubular groove of humerus

Clavicle Ribs: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Base of axilla

Figure 2.12 The boundaries of the axilla. Reproduced from Moore and Agur, Essential Clinical Anatomy, 2nd edn, 20027 with permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Coracobrachialis Cephalic vein Biceps brachii, short head

First rib Axillary vein Axillary artery Serratus anterior Brachial plexus Long thoracic nerve Subscapularis bursa Glenoid labrum Subscapularis Scapula Biceps brachii, long head Greater tuberosity Subdeltoid bursa Head of humerus Glenoid fossa Deltoid Intratendinous bursa Infraspinatus Infraspinatus branches of suprascapular vessels and nerves

Figure 2.13 The boundaries and contents of the axilla. Reproduced from Standring, Grays Anatomy the Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice, 2005: 84009 with permission from Elsevier.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

lower border of pectoralis major. The posterior (scapular, subscapular) group lies in the medial wall, posteriorly, close to the subscapular artery. The lateral group is found near the medial side of the axillary vein. The central group of nodes lies in the fat in the middle of the axilla. These nodes are the most easily felt in the axilla. The apical group lies at the apex of the axilla and receives from all the other groups. Lymph from the apical nodes drains into the thoracic (on the left) or the right lymph trunk. The axillary lymph nodes are also described according to their position in relation to pectoralis minor muscle. Level I nodes are found lateral to the lower border of the muscle. Level II nodes lie posterior to the muscle. Level III nodes are located medial to the upper border of pectoralis minor muscle (Figure 2.14).

Internal thoracic nodes

There are also lymphatics lying on the medial aspect of the medial side of the breast. These go with branches of the anterior intercostal vessels and eventually reach the internal thoracic nodes, alongside the internal thoracic artery. They also receive afferents from the liver and diaphragm, the rectus abdominis muscles and its sheath. The internal thoracic nodes drain into the thoracic (on the left) or the right lymph trunk.

Infraclavicular Supraclavicular lymph nodes lymph nodes Apical lymph nodes Pectoral (anterior) lymph node Central lymph node Deep cervical lymph nodes Internal jugular vein Axillary vein and artery Right lymphatic duct Right brachiocephalic artery and vein Bronchomediastinal trunk Humeral (lateral) lymph nodes Parasternal lymph nodes Subclavian lymphatic trunk

Subscapular (posterior) lymph nodes

Axillary tail To abdominal lymphatics Subareolar lymphatic plexus

Figure 2.14 The lymphatic drainage of the breast. PM, pectoralis minor; PMJ, pectoralis major. Reproduced from Moore and Agur, Essential Clinical Anatomy, 2nd edn, 20027 with permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Anatomy of the breast


Other groups of nodes described include the interpectoral nodes (Rotters), between pectoralis major and minor (Figure 2.14).

Sentinel lymph node

The sentinel lymph node is the very first node to receive drainage from a tumour of the breast.

Lymph drainage
Afferent lymphatics drain into large sinuses lying under the capsule of the node. These cortical (subcapsular) sinuses run towards the medulla of the gland. In the medulla, the network of interconnecting sinuses will get together at the hilum, where the large efferent lymphatic vessel arises. The afferent vessel can operate in the node in two ways. The node will receive the lymph through the afferent vessel, filter it and release it in the efferent vessel. Sometimes, however, the afferent vessel goes through the node with no filtration taking place. This explains why the first node receiving lymph from an organ is not always the one to be involved in metastases. About 75% of the drainage of the breast goes to the axillary nodes, mostly the anterior group. Direct drainage to the apical or central groups is also possible. It is believed that involvement of these nodes is a contraindication for surgery. Some vessels may also drain directly into the subscapular (posterior) group. The medial part of the breast usually drains to parasternal nodes and from there to nodes along the internal thoracic artery. Some lymphatics can also accompany the intercostal arteries to posterior intercostal nodes. Superficial lymphatics may communicate with the opposite breast and the anterior abdominal wall. Also, less frequently, there may be direct drainage to supraclavicular (deep cervical) nodes. Involvement of the supraclavicular nodes of the opposite side and of the supraclavicular nodes implies advanced disease.

Metastatic spread
Although the initial spread of breast cancer is through the lymphatic system, bony metastases occur by way of the bloodstream. Commonly affected are the lumbar vertebrae, the femur, the thoracic vertebrae, the ribs and skull. Metastases can also occur in the liver, lung and brain. The spread of cancer to regional lymph nodes and the spread to distant sites suggest two independent but also related events.4,8,10,13,14

1. Sadler TW. Langmans Medical Embryology. Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2004: 4312. 2. Larsen WJ. Human Embryology. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1993: 4289.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

3. Netter F. Volume 2. Reproductive System: The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1997. 4. Ellis H, Colborn GL, Skandalakis JE. Surgical embryology and anatomy of the breast and its related anatomic structures. Surg Clin North Am 1993; 73: 61132. 5. Moore KL, Persaud TVN. Before We are Born. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2003: 3923. 6. Dudek RW. High Yield Embryology. Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2002. 7. Moore KL, Agur AMR. Essential Clinical Anatomy, 2nd edn. Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2002. 8. Sinnatamby CS. Lasts Anatomy Regional and Applied. Oxford: Churchill Livingstone, 2001: 535. 9. Standring S, ed. Grays Anatomy the Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. Oxford: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005; 840, 96975. 10. Morris PJ, Wood WC, eds. Oxford Textbook of Surgery, 2nd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000: 117, 1169224. 11. Stevens A, Lowe J. Human Histology. Oxford: Elsevier Mosby, 2005: 38894. 12. Burkitt HG, Young B, Heath JW. Wheaters Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1993. 13. Russell RCG, Williams NS, Bulstrode CJK. Bailey & Loves Short Practice of Surgery. London: Arnold, 2004: 82446. 14. Tanis PJ, Nieweg OE, Valdes Olmos RA, Kroon BBR. Anatomy and physiology of lymphatic drainage of the breast from the perspective of sentinel node biopsy. J Am Coll Surg 2001; 192: 399409.

Technology for surgeons
Mike Halliwell

Why a chapter on technology? After all Ultrasound scanners are easy to use. You turn them on, put gel on the patient, put the probe on the patient and, hey presto, you have a picture. But then it gets a bit trickier. Sometimes there are unaccountable things in the image or else stuff, that you jolly well know is in the breast somewhere, is invisible. That is where this chapter is designed to help. In an entirely non-mathematical way it describes the very basic functions of the scanner, how ultrasound interacts with tissues to make images and how the operator can adjust the machines controls to give the most useful image, or to retrieve the situation when the image looks completely hopeless.

Ultrasound is simply sound which is too high in pitch for humans to hear. Sound waves are a variation in pressure, they can be generated, for example, by plucking a guitar string. You can almost see the string vibrating and it is these vibrations which are transferred to the surrounding air as pressure waves, alternately squashing and releasing the air. These waves of pressure travel away from the string. If they reach our eardrum then the pressure changes cause it to move backwards and forwards and we hear sound. Vibrations at more than about 20 000 a second (20 kHz) are inaudible to humans and thus named ultrasound. For breast imaging it is usual to use vibrations at frequencies of 515 million cycles a second (515 MHz). (The term frequency is just a measure of how many vibrations per second are associated with the sound wave, it is not related to the energy or intensity of the sound wave. A high frequency wave is not necessarily more powerful than a low frequency one. The difference is that it gives a better quality image but of a smaller depth of tissue. To have more energy (to be more powerful or have greater intensity) it would have to have been created by a larger voltage.) There are just three particular properties of ultrasound which make it useful in medical imaging.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

1. 2. 3.

It travels in a narrow beam; It travels at constant speed; It is reflected at boundaries.

These properties mean that it is possible, from the skin surface of a patient, to tell the position, depth and type of objects within the body. The simplest kind of ultrasound device contains a single transducer which when struck (excited) by a voltage spike produces a click (pulse) of sound waves (Figure 3.1). The click travels away from the transducer, like light from a torch, in a well defined cylindrical beam. When it meets a boundary between two different tissues part of the click is reflected and the rest travels on. This is analogous to light being reflected from a pane of glass, a small part of the light is reflected but the bulk passes through the glass to illuminate objects beyond it. The part of the ultrasound click which is reflected, the echo, returns to the transducer where it is converted into a voltage and displayed on a computer screen. The display screen shows a horizontal line with a blip at the left hand side corresponding to the transducer and others from the targets, somewhere to the right. The distance between the blips shows how far away is the target. The depth of the target is found by measuring the time delay between launching the pulse and receiving the echo. The depth is then given by multiplying the time delay by the speed of sound, and dividing by two to account for the ultrasound round trip being to the target and back again to the probe (Figure 3.2). (Thankfully the operator does not have to do any of this calculation, the machine does it all.) This A-scan (amplitude scan) does not show the location of the target in the patient as there is no information available about the direction of the beam (apart from the operator squinting down the side of the transducer holder). This is an example of the basic pulseecho technique, used by bats and dolphins. However, these animals are able to add the directions of their targets to their ranges because their ears are used to provide stereo (directional) reception. In medical applications this directional knowledge is achieved by steering the beam from the probe electronically in known directions.

25 cycles

1 mm long 3 mm wide

Figure 3.1 The ultrasound pulse. The pulse of ultrasound is about 25 cycles in duration, about 1 mm long, about 3 mm wide and occupies a three-dimensional onion shaped volume.

Technology for surgeons



Pulse Echo 1 Echo 2 Amplitude trace Time Echo 3 Echo 4

Brightness trace

Figure 3.2 The pulse echo principle.

For breast scanning the best kind of probe is a flat faced one, the kind known as a linear array. When pushed against the skin surface, the flat face of the probe can be used to squash the breast against the chest wall. This helps to straighten out boundaries between the fat and glandular components. Flattening these boundaries reduces image distortion (caused by refraction at curved surfaces). The flattening process also improves the visibility of rigid lesions as boundaries in their vicinity do not flatten out but remain curved around them and easily visible on the image. Linear arrays consist of a flat faced collection of tiny transducer elements arranged side-by-side (an array), like the teeth of a comb. There are typically between 100 and 200 elements in the probe housing. Each ultrasound beam is made by exciting a group of 1015 of these at a time. The location of the beam emerging from the transducer face depends on which group is excited, this is controlled by scanner electronics (the beamformer). For the most basic scan, the first beam is produced from element group 1 to 10, the second beam from 2 to 11, the third from 3 to 12, the fourth from 4 to 13 and so on. For a probe with 100 elements this would result in approximately 100 beams in the image (actually 92 because the first and last four would not be the centre elements of the beam forming groups, in this simplified example) (Figure 3.3). The display screen is arranged to show lines in directions and positions corresponding with each ultrasound beam. Usually there is a horizontal line drawn across the top of the display corresponding with the face of the probe. Lines corresponding to each ultrasound beam are then drawn vertically down the screen from the appropriate part of this probe face line. These beam lines are invisible until echoes from the pulse are received. Each echo is displayed as a bright dot on the beam line at the appropriate depth from the probe face. As the beams sweep across the face of the probe, the echo dots on the display draw out the outlines and texture of the tissues beneath the probe.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Linear array probe Ultrasound beams

Display (brightness traces)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 ................ 10

Figure 3.3 Principle of real-time linear array scanning. Pulses are launched in sequence from the probe face. Each pulse is represented on the display by a vertical line, as each echo returns it brightens the display line. The display shows an anatomical image of the targets beneath the probe.

It is possible to sweep the beams across the face of the probe in about one 20th of a second, consequently the display is refreshed 20 times a second (the frame rate is 20 frames per second, fps). The image appears in real time, any movement of the tissue cardiac, respiratory or probe induced are shown as they happen. Of significance in breast imaging is that the placement of biopsy needles under ultrasound control is visualised live. Accurate needle placement is relatively easy to achieve. As far as the operator is concerned the beam sweeping occurs automatically. As soon as the scanner is turned on the beam starts sweeping to and fro.

Echo size
The image on the screen is the result of reflections of the pulse of ultrasound. Bright regions tend to correspond to fibrous or calcific areas which are denser than their surroundings, and blank regions (no echoes) correspond with liquid volumes such as cysts which contain no reflectors. The brightness of a particular part of the image cannot be rigorously related to the tissues there but general trends can be identified (Figure 3.4).

The reason behind this lack of direct correspondence between echo size and tissue or target type is to do with the way in which ultrasound is reflected. As well as being dependent on the relative acoustic densities (acoustic impedance) at tissue boundaries the echo strength also depends on the size and shape of the boundary. The two extreme shapes encountered in medical scanning are the large flat plane (e.g. pectoralis major boundary) and the small point target (e.g. microcalcification). A large flat plane acts like a mirror. The echo is best seen if the beam strikes the surface of the plane perpendicularly. At an oblique angle the returning echo will be reflected away from the probe and seen only faintly if at all.

Technology for surgeons


Malignant Benign Cyst (black) Fat (mid-grey) Coopers ligament Calcium (peak white)

Figure 3.4 The relationship between echo size (brightness) and tissue type. There is considerable overlap between malignant and benign lesions in terms of their echo brightness.

A tiny target acts like a finger wiggled in bath water the reflections come away in all directions. The size of the echo is spread wide (over the surface of a sphere) so that the portion that gets back to the transducer is quite weak but it will be picked up irrespective of the orientation of the target. In real tissues most targets are intermediate in size and shape, and display both directivity (flat surfaces) and universality (point targets). For example Coopers ligaments are best seen when perpendicular to the beam but it is possible to follow them on the image as they curve away. The echo brightness lessens as the curvature increases (less of the main echo is directed back to the probe) but continuity with the brightest parts is maintained (Figure 3.5).

Beam size
Another factor relating echo brightness and target type is the size of the beam. It is helpful to realise that the ultrasound pulse occupies a volume in space it is a bit like an onion in shape, a petit pois in size (Figure 3.1). As the pulse travels through the tissues it will generate echoes from every target within its volume. The smaller the volume the more precise will be the echo patterns as a representation of what is really there. If the onion is large then fine detail will be lost and the result will be an average of target types within that volume. For example, if there is a 3 mm diameter cyst within the breast and the ultrasound onion is 6 mm across, then the no echoes from the content of the cyst will have added to them the tissue echoes from the 1.5 mm of stuff on either side of the cyst too. On the image these echoes will overlay the cyst and the result will be a slightly less bright patch but not a completely echo free region. This is one of the reasons for focusing the beam (Figure 3.6).


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Speckle (dotty stuff)

Specular (mirror-like)

Scattering (all directions)

A mixture of mirror-like and scatter echoes

Figure 3.5 Types of reflection from typical breast tissues.



Figure 3.6 The effect of beam size on contrast resolution. (a) Very thin beam good focus (thin slice). Only echoes from the mass are picked up (here the mass is a cyst, no internal echoes). (b) Very wide beam poor focus (thick slice). Echoes from the mass and from the tissues around mass are picked up (display shows both at once).

Focusing reduces the beam width, and improves the volume of the onion, and hence the ability to find small regions of different reflectivity. This is fairly easy to see in the case of a small cyst but it also applies to small solid lesions.

Technology for surgeons


Another reason to reduce the beam dimensions by focusing is embodied in the concept of lateral resolution. If there are two small targets at the same depth and side by side, then they will only be seen as two targets if the onion is narrower than their separation. If they sit inside the onion, then they will be drawn on the image as a single extended object. This problem is most commonly related to the example given above, i.e. to resolving two closely spaced objects, but the lack of clarity caused by the volume of the onion also applies to single targets. Any single target will be drawn as an elongated line on the display as the beam sweeps from side to side. The first indication of the presence of the target will be a dim dot as the edge of the beam just touches it. The target will reappear on each subsequent scan line until the beam has been moved to the position where the opposite edge just misses it. The length of the line denoting the target corresponds with the width of the beam. Focusing reduces the beam width and reduces the length of the target line (Figure 3.7).

Depth compensation
Echo brightness also depends on the weakening of the pulse as it travels through tissue. There are two mechanisms leading to a reduction in pulse size: energy is lost from the pulse as heat; and energy is lost as reflections and scattering occur. The significance of this is that identical targets at different depths will result in different sized echoes at the probe. This phenomenon is experienced in everyday life too, if you shout at your teenage son from a distance of 100 metres he will ignore you because your pressure waves have been reduced by attenuation and he cant hear you. If you shout from a distance of 1 metre he will certainly be able to hear you because your pressure waves have not been significantly attenuated, but he will still ignore you because he is a teenage son. In medical imaging it is possible to compensate for this effect (attenuation). The compensation can only be done in the scanner after the echoes have been received.
Unfocused beam long lines poor resolution

Focused beam short lines good resolution

Row of small targets

Figure 3.7 The effect of focusing on beam size.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

The method of compensation is a process of increasing the amplification applied to echoes according to their depth of origin. Deep echoes will be amplified much more than shallow ones. The process has a variety of names: depth gain compensation, time gain compensation and swept gain are frequently used. The operator has some control over this (Figure 3.8).

Operator controls
The components of an ultrasound scanner and operator controls are shown in Figure 3.9.

Focusing the beam improves image clarity (spatial resolution) and lesion conspicuity (contrast resolution), and is under operator control. For best image quality as many focal points as possible should be selected; unfortunately the trade off is that the frame rate is reduced with each new focal point. The frame rate reflects the rate at which each complete image is produced. If an image takes one 100th of a second to complete

Too low Just right

Too high

Figure 3.8 Depth compensation in a phantom target. Regions of the same echo size should be displayed as the same brightness on the image. Deeper echoes must be amplified more. The operator uses slide controls to achieve this.

Pulser Output power

Receiver Depth compensation Overall gain


Processing Grey scale maps Probe Beamformer Freeze Focus Depth

Film/paper storage Hard copy

Digital storage Soft copy


Figure 3.9 The components of an ultrasound scanner and operator controls.

Technology for surgeons


then there will be 100 frames per second, if it takes half a second the frame rate is two frames per second. Often, if all possible focal points are selected, the frame rate is so low that the image becomes very jerky. In this case the operator has to move the probe very slowly over the patient to obtain readable images. An acceptable compromise is often reached with four or five focal points selected. The depth of these foci should be such that they straddle the region of interest. (A useful tip is that if the operator has only one focus to play with then it is best to locate it slightly deeper than the region of interest, the beam shape is such that it gets worse more quickly deep to the focus than it does before the focus.)

Depth gain compensation

Most machines have a built-in average compensation setting so that the initial scans should be nearly correct. The operator can fine tune echo levels on the display to achieve a balanced result using controls on the scanners front panel. These controls are usually in the form of about five sliders. Each slider controls echo levels over about one-fifth of the depth on the display. Judicious use of the sliders can improve an irregularly attenuated image; however, injudicious use can completely ruin it.

Overall gain
This control changes the overall brightness of the display by changing amplification equally to all echoes. The operator uses this, frequently, to adjust the brightness of the mid-level echoes to be mid-grey before fine tuning with the depth compensation sliders.

The freeze control stops the scan process and causes the last image to be displayed as a still image on the screen. This image can be measured, annotated, printed, recorded or stored. Frequently scanners have a cine loop facility. This feature allows the last few seconds of scans to be replayed as either a real-time cine loop or a sequence of still images. This is useful in breast scanning when often the best scan is produced just before the operator freezes the image. (The action replay brings back the best scan which can then be measured.)

This changes the size of the image according to the maximum range that the operator needs to be visible. For large patients it may be necessary to have a depth of 8 cm, smaller individuals may only need 2 cm. In general the minimum depth necessary to visualise the region of interest should be employed.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Zoom makes it possible to magnify portions of the scan. This is particularly useful in large patients where the depth is necessarily set to a high value making lesions appear to be relatively small on the screen. A box cursor is used, positioned and sized using the scanners trackball mouse, to define the region of interest around the lesion. The zoom control then magnifies this part of the scan. The zoomed scan can be frozen and then processed in the usual ways.

The use of ultrasound in needle guidance

Ultrasound is ideal for needle guidance. 1. 2. 3. It is real time the needle can be visualised as it moves through the tissues; The probe is hand held the location of the needle can be checked frequently in relation to anatomical landmarks and the target lesion; Ultrasound is strongly reflected from metallic objects the needle is easily identifiable.

Later chapters will deal with the practical clinical techniques involved; here it may be helpful to touch on a few of the more basic principles of needle guidance.

How is the needle visualised?

Type of boundary The needle is metallic. This means that its acoustic properties are significantly different from those of soft tissue, an ultrasound pulse will be strongly reflected at its surface. Shape of boundary The needle is flat (as far as ultrasound is concerned) in one direction and cylindrical in the other direction. Ultrasound will undergo mirror-like reflection in the flat direction and scattering in the cylindrical direction. In practice this means that the needle is seen best if the shaft is parallel with the probe face (perpendicular to the beams). Because of its cylindrical nature the needle will be equally well visualised even if it is rotated, around its main axis, provided the parallel orientation is maintained (Figure 3.10).

The scan volume

The ultrasound beam is a three-dimensional entity; when scanned along the face of the probe it traces out a three-dimensional volume, the scan or slice volume. If the

Technology for surgeons




Needle parallel with probe face gives strongest echoes

Needle angled to probe face gives weaker echoes and is more difficult to see

Figure 3.10 Effect of angle on the visualisation of a biopsy needle.

Across scan plane where is tip?

In scan plane tip visible

Figure 3.11 The importance of containing the needle within the scan plane.

needle lies within this volume it will be seen in its entirety; if it lies obliquely across the volume it will be seen as a cigar shaped object. It is easy to mistake this for the whole of the needle, the error results in the tip of the needle not being visualised. If this happens then sampling can occur from tissues other than the intended target. It is important to check, by rocking the probe to and fro, that the tip is clearly seen. A few moments practice with the needle in a shallow beaker of water helps elucidate this particular problem. Another problem occurs if the slice thickness happens to be wider than the lesion. In this case it is possible for the lesion and the needle to be visualised simultaneously but with the needle lying alongside rather than inside the lesion (Figure 3.11).


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

What kind of machine should you buy? Almost any machine on the market will allow real-time needle guidance. But you do get what you pay for and it is helpful to seek advice from other users before deciding. Do not forget that it is more complex than a television and applications support from the manufacturer is almost essential, certainly in the learning period with a new machine.

Fish P. Physics and Instrumentation of Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1992. Hoskins PR, Thrush A, Martin K, Whittingham TA. Diagnostic Ultrasound: Physics and Equipment. London: Greenwich Medical Media, 2003. Zagzebski JA. Essentials of Ultrasound Physics. St Louis: Mosby, 1996.

Training and accreditation
Sasirekha Govindarajulu and Simon Cawthorn

The incidence of breast cancer continues to increase worldwide and it is the most common cancer in women in the UK. The rise in the number of breast cancer patients has increased breast awareness, and the heightened awareness has resulted in an increasing demand for both diagnostic and interventional breast ultrasound procedures. Traditionally ultrasound was performed only by radiologists but there has been a shortage of radiologists, and inability to cope with the demand to reduce waiting times and provide a more efficient service for all patients. Central to this demand is the need to have the highest quality imaging of the breast. With the multidisciplinary approach adopted in most breast units the training in breast ultrasound can be aimed at breast surgeons, clinicians, oncologists, nurse practitioners and health professionals, and tailored to their individual needs. Breast ultrasound is now seen as an essential part of modern clinical examination of the breast, both in the imaging and in needle biopsy. In one-stop clinics there is a need for a clinical diagnosis at a one-stop visit. Ultrasound allows almost all impalpable cancers to be biopsied and improves the accuracy of biopsying palpable cancers. With ultrasound it is possible to follow the movement of the biopsy needle as it takes place. Sonography of the breast, like many other aspects of ultrasound, remains a technically challenging procedure, as breast tissue is heterogeneous. It is essential that the sonographer possesses skills in the technique of performing and interpreting the scans. Acceptable levels of performance can only be achieved by hands on experience in routine practice. In order to improve practice and deliver high standards of care, training in ultrasound is essential. With appropriate training this can be delivered by a non-radiologist with the appropriate core skills training and, of course, assessment and accreditation when these are successfully acquired. However, the standard of training for the nonradiologist performing the ultrasound would be expected to be the same as that for the radiologist.

It is well known that ultrasound diagnosis is highly operator dependent and there is a potential for diagnostic error. The European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB)1 has proposed and published minimal training requirements for the practice of medical ultrasound in Europe in their web site. These are supported by the Royal College of Radiologists and the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS). These organisations recommend theoretical knowledge (core knowledge) and practical skills. The theoretical training of breast ultrasound starts with understanding of the physics of ultrasound and knowledge of the instrumentation, which enables the practitioner to apply the knowledge of the physical principles of ultrasound and the technical processes of the ultrasound scanner to obtain diagnostically useful images and avoid misdiagnosis. The WHO Study Group on training in diagnostic ultrasonography2 developed a curriculum for basic physics and instrumentation. The curriculum stresses that the following should be mastered to achieve maximum benefit of the ultrasound technology:

the basic physics of ultrasound, its interaction with tissues and its bioeffects the knowledge of transducer construction the effects of frequency of sound waves on the depth of penetration and the image quality methods of focusing, issues on resolution and trade-off between the resolution and tissue penetration artefacts and their effects on clinical practice safety and limitations in use of ultrasound ultrasound instrumentation with emphasis on real time and Doppler colour flow and power Doppler use of the ultrasound controls with emphasis on operator controlled variables which would enhance image quality image recording knowledge of statistics and computer science.

Understanding the anatomy of the breast is essential. Ultrasound scanning should be comprehensive. The scan field should include all the anatomical layers of the breast. To be able to understand the anatomy in relation to ultrasound a basic knowledge of anatomy of the normal breast (both male and female), and the physiological changes with age (puberty, pregnancy, lactation and menopause) is essential. Knowledge of changes in the breast due to hormone replacement and other medications is also necessary. To understand the ultrasound appearances a comprehensive knowledge of various pathologies of the breast (benign, indeterminate and malignant) is essential. The WHO document2 stresses that even established, well advanced teaching centres should be encouraged to invite external lecturers to ensure fostering of new ideas and to constantly improve the quality of the curriculum. Practical training with hands on experience is essential after acquiring the required core knowledge by attending the theoretical course. Training should include the different techniques of performing a systematic examination of the breast and the advantages

Training and accreditation


Table 4.1 Minimum training requirement for Levels 13 proposed by the Royal College of Radiologists Level 1 Perform ultrasound of breast and axilla safely and accurately. Recognise normal anatomy. Identify the pathology (benign, intermediate and malignant). Understand the importance and indications of ultrasound in the context of triple assessment. Correlate ultrasound findings with clinical, imaging and pathological findings. Give a detailed report and grading of ultrasound finding. Offer differential diagnoses and recommend further management. One ultrasound session a week for a period of 6 months to a year and a minimum of 100 scans should be undertaken. A log of 50 cases should be kept Accept and manage referrals from Level 1. Be able to identify and diagnose almost all breast pathology. Be able to perform all ultrasound-guided interventional procedures. Initial observation, later performance under supervision and when competence achieved perform independently with support readily available. Should conduct research in ultrasound. One ultrasound session a week with a minimum of ten scans per session for at least 3 months Accept referrals from Levels 1 and 2. Able to identify and diagnose all breast pathology. Be familiar with ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy. Able to teach and supervise Level 1 and 2 practitioners. Should conduct research in ultrasound. Be aware of and pursue the developments in ultrasound. One ultrasound session a week with a minimum of 100 ultrasound scans per year

Level 2

Level 3

and disadvantages of each. Ultrasound can be targeted or focused on the symptomatic lesion but this limits the use of ultrasound and its applications, and fails to exploit the advances in technology of modern scanners. There is also a potential to miss lesions that are impalpable. Guidelines for three levels of minimum training requirements have been proposed by the Royal College of Radiologists (Table 4.1).3 The training should be undertaken in a multidisciplinary environment where there is an adequate input from all specialties. Diagnostic and interventional ultrasound procedures should be correlated with clinical findings, other imaging and histopathological results including surgical resections. The Royal College of Radiologists3 recommends that a competency assessment form should be completed and signed by the training supervisor. Regular appraisal should take place during the training period. During the training period a log book should be maintained. The log book is a formal record of the experience and reflections on undertaking the required number of ultrasound scans.


On completion of theoretical and practical training, training programmes should have sufficiently rigorous mechanisms in place to evaluate theoretical knowledge and practical scanning and interpretive skills. Log books should be assessed as pass or fail based on the range of conditions, description of ultrasound finding with grading, interventional procedures undertaken,


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

results of the interventional procedures, attendance to multidisciplinary meeting, reference to literature and correlation with clinical, other radiological and histological findings. Reflections in the log book should also be evaluated. One examination that trainees must take covers the physical principles of ultrasound and the instrumentation that makes ultrasound equipment work. This material is technically complex, and it gets more sophisticated every year, as scientists discover new ways of using ultrasound to get better images. Of the marks 3040% should be allocated to a written examination with short answers/multiple choice questions and the remaining 6070% of marks should be allocated to Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). In the OSCE the trainee should be able to demonstrate the ability to use the operator controlled variables in the machine to obtain good quality images and also be able to describe and grade ultrasound findings on hard copy pictures. The trainee should be able to identify the hidden lesion (olive), and demonstrate the ability to perform a core biopsy or any interventional technique. Strategies relating to a failed assessment should be clearly documented. Sonographers or other health-care professionals without a medical degree who wish to train in breast ultrasound should undergo comprehensive training programmes for sonographers and these programmes require high standards of core knowledge and practical scanning skills. These training programmes should be strictly regulated with established schemes for assessment and accreditation of the trainees. A minimum amount of breast ultrasound scanning is to be performed to maintain ongoing experience after achieving the required training.3 It is the responsibility of the person performing the scan to ensure that he/she maintains practical skills by hands on experience in regular ultrasound sessions. It is also essential to scan a range of pathology and practice in a multidisciplinary environment. To achieve accuracy and confidence the International Breast Ultrasound School4 (IBUS) recommends performance of a minimum of 500 examinations in a multidisciplinary environment with at least 300 cytology or histology correlation cases, and performance of at least 50 interventional procedures with appropriate follow-up.

Continuing medical education and professional development

The practitioner should maintain skills by performing a minimum amount of ultrasound scans. To attain high standards of practice, audit of ones own practice is encouraged and is of educational value. One should keep up to date with recent advances in ultrasound and attempt to participate in research. The individual should include elements of ultrasound in the continuing medical education or continuing professional development. There are potential advantages of using distant learning and multimedia approaches in achieving this. Teachers should be highly qualified to teach the practical skills of ultrasound and should regularly attend ultrasound courses and conferences to ensure that they are aware

Training and accreditation


and pursue the developments of this fast growing field. To deliver the above curriculum, there is a need for physicists/engineers who not only must possess the required professional background, but who are also able to teach a non-engineering audience. WHO2 recommends intensive training programmes for the teachers at major training centres. Jefferson Research and Education Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is one institution which offers such programmes. The teacher receives an update of the clinical and technical knowledge, and also instruction in the methods and techniques of teaching.

Teaching aids
ATS model 551 (ATS Laboratories, Bridgeport, CT, USA) is a tissue-mimicking phantom used to monitor performance changes which may occur during normal operation of an ultrasound imaging system and can also be used in training for vertical and horizontal measurement calibration, to understand the focal zone, axial and lateral resolution. Model BB-1 the ATS Breast Biopsy phantom mimics the appearance, touch and acoustic properties of the human breast. Combination of 5 and 10 mm diameter, cystic and solid-like tissue-mimicking target structures have been embedded randomly throughout the phantom. This can be used for practising the biopsy techniques. Home made chicken breast/turkey breast with olives or fruit can also be used and are cheap.


The IBUS4 and the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM)5 have published guidelines for equipment requirements for performing breast ultrasound. Breast ultrasound should be performed with a high quality high resolution near field real-time and linear array scanner operating at a centre frequency of 7 MHz. Equipment permitting electronic adjustment of focal zone is recommended. Adequate penetration to the depth of the breast to display all anatomical layers of the breast is essential. A penetration depth of at least 4 cm is required and a field of view of greater than 4 cm is preferable in larger breasts. Coupling devices for the transducer such as stand off pads are recommended for evaluation of superficial lesions. Ultrasound scanning should be reproducible and any ultrasonographic finding should be identified clearly on the image. Knowledge of methods of annotation (laterality, quadrant of the breast, position on the clock face, distance from the nipple and the depth of the lesion) of the ultrasonic finding is essential. Image recording, storing and filing should also be an integral part of the training. Knowledge of the different methods of storage of still pictures, cine loops, video loops and retrieval of the stored images and clips would facilitate education, teaching and research.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Like any high-tech equipment, an ultrasound machine needs to be calibrated regularly against some recognized benchmark, like a standardized plastic phantom that mimics the acoustic properties of human tissue. Calibrated test structures are embedded within the tissue-mimicking environment. Phantoms are essential to detect performance changes that occur through normal ageing and deterioration of system components. This ensures that the ultrasound images from each procedure will give the most accurate and complete clinical information. The trainee should be aware of the quality assurance guidelines. Formal training programmes should include appropriate teaching material on the safe use of ultrasound, the potential for bioeffects and the rationale and means for limiting output. The AIUM has approved the following statements regarding diagnostic ultrasound. 1. Based on the epidemiologic evidence to date and on current knowledge of interactive mechanisms, there is insufficient justification to warrant a conclusion that there is a causal relationship between diagnostic ultrasound and adverse effects.6 Although there are no confirmed biological effects on patients caused by exposures from present diagnostic ultrasound instruments, the possibility exists that such biological effects may be identified in the future. Thus, ultrasound should be used in a prudent manner to provide medical benefit to the patient.7 Ultrasound monitors must display the Mechanical Index (MI) for B mode scans and Thermal Index (TI) for M mode and Doppler.8 The trainer should make sure the trainee is aware of the displayed safety indices, their meaning, and their function in the management of safety. It has been recommended that users follow the principles of ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable).




Breast imaging pearls

Training programmes should include appropriate teaching material on how to safeguard patients. 1. 2. 3. 4. All personnel performing ultrasound scans must strictly adhere to professional ethics and behaviour ensuring patient confidentiality. Always be respectful of patients, their families and medical colleagues. In the event of an accident or occurrence of a complication a policy or a procedure must exist for responding and reporting. At the end of each examination, transducers used on the skin surface should be cleaned with wipes as directed by the manufacturer (see operating manual). Additional cleansing may be necessary as per guidelines of the unit or the manufacturer in cases of blood or contamination with tissue fluid.

Training and accreditation


It is possible that the practice of ultrasound by non-radiologists will increase and will be introduced into more breast units over the next few years which will lead to more training centres. It is therefore important that consideration be given not only to the setting up of suitable training programmes but also given to accreditation of the providers of such training programmes. This accreditation should encourage such providers of training programmes to meet and exceed nationally recognised standards. Through accreditation of the training programmes the providers have an opportunity to audit their training methods and initiate changes to improve the standards of training. Seeking of such accreditation proves the providers commitment to the highest quality patient care. Ultrasonography may end up as a victim of its own success. The use of ultrasound has increased due to the fact that it is one of the fastest growing diagnostic imaging modalities, and magnified by the ease of availability of smaller, cheaper more advanced scanners. To date, no harmful effects of ultrasound have been reported. The absence of ionising radiation, the inexpensive and non-invasive nature of the investigation could lead to more and more users. It is therefore important that the training programmes should be of high standard in order to ensure that the breast sonographers are properly trained for their job.

1. Members of European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Education and Professional Standards Committee. Minimum training requirements for the practice of medical ultrasound in Europe., accessed 14 December 2005. Training in Diagnostic Ultrasound: Essentials, Principles and Standards: Report of WHO Study Group. WHO technical report series No. 875. Geneva: WHO, 1998. Board of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology. The Royal College of Radiologists. Ultrasound Training Recommendations for Medical and Surgical Specialties. London: Royal College of Radiologists, 2004. Madjar H, Rickard M, Jellins J, Otto R. IBUS guidelines for the ultrasonic examination of the breast. IBUS International Faculty. International Breast Ultrasound School. Eur J Ultrasound 1999; 9: 99102. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine; American College of Radiology. AIUM standard for the performance of breast ultrasound examination. J Ultrasound Med 2003; 22: 10914. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. Conclusions regarding epidemiology. AIUM Official Statements. 1995. Selected.asp?statement=16, accessed 4 December 2005. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. Prudent use. AIUM Official Statements. 1999., accessed 4 December 2005. Barnett SB, Ter Haar GR, Ziskin MC et al. International recommendations and guidelines for the safe use of diagnostic ultrasound in medicine. Ultrasound Med Biol 2000; 26: 35566.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Ultrasound appearance of benign and malignant breast lesions
Narasimhaiah Srinivasaiah and Anne Hubbard

Ultrasound is the examination of choice to evaluate any palpable breast mass, being quick, painless and cheap, and having none of the risks of ionising radiation that limit the use of mammography in younger women. Ultrasound should be used to guide needle sampling of all palpable lesions, as it provides a lower rate of inadequate sample collection than clinically guided biopsy and has a much smaller risk of pneumothorax. The sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound vary enormously depending on the experience of the operator and the equipment used.1 Ultrasound is not infallible and 12% of palpable lesions will not be identified. Approximately 30% of cancers of less than 10 mm in size found at screening are not visualised on ultrasound, and need stereotactic biopsy for diagnosis. The risk is greatest for lobular carcinomas, and cancers hidden amongst benign breast disease. Small lesions close to the chest wall are also more difficult to perceive, as backscatter from the underlying lung degrades the resolution of the image, this effect being greater in obese women. Those with a large amount of sound-absorbing fibrous tissue amongst their glandular tissue also present a problem, as acoustic shadowing from fibrous tissue can mask small cancers. There remains a place for fine needle aspiration (FNA) or core biopsy in women with significant asymmetrical nodularity or thickening with a normal ultrasound. This should preferably be performed by clinicians trained in both clinical examination and ultrasound. Ultrasound is not a substitute for mammography, and should not be used as a cancer screening tool except under exceptional circumstances, such as in those who require screening due to family history or past radiotherapy and are too young for mammography but cannot tolerate or have contraindications to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).2 Getting the best image of a lesion for diagnostic evaluation is based on a few simple principles.3 1. Ensuring that the breast presets are set up correctly. The complexities of this, in modern computer software enhanced equipment, are beyond the scope of this chapter; however, if images are disappointing, a session with an application


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast







specialist with breast experience can be invaluable. A good explanation of colour Doppler and power Doppler can be found in Breast Ultrasound by Sohn and colleagues.4 Always using the highest ultrasound frequency possible, as higher frequencies give improved fine detail. However, there is always a trade-off with depth penetration. With slim patients a frequency of 1315 MHz should be aimed for, but to scan obese patients with fibrous or dense glandular breast tissue, it may be necessary reduce this to 7.5 MHz, or even to 5MHz. To achieve this full frequency range usually means the purchase of two probes. Using the focal zones appropriately. Large numbers of active focal zones are satisfactory for still images, but cause the image to blur with movement as there is a trade-off with frame rate. One or two focal zones are best and should be positioned at the area of interest or just below it. Ensuring that the probe is always vertical to the skin surface. Angulation will cause loss of the typical bright acoustic enhancement deep to cysts and the acoustic shadow behind breast cancers, and make it impossible to follow the track of the core biopsy or FNA needle. Using an appropriate amount of breast compression. The amount of compression should be varied to see whether the lesion will change in shape, or slip out from under the probe as is typical of fibroadenomas. Remembering that the breast can be felt at the same time as it is scanned, so that the texture of the tissues being scanned, and the fixation of lesions relative to the skin and deep fascia can be assessed. Always remembering to confirm that the lesion identified on ultrasound is the same lesion that is palpable and/or visible on mammography. This is usually straightforward in the symptomatic clinic, but can be challenging in breast screening practice. The injection of a very small amount of radiopaque contrast, 0.2 ml is sufficient, or an air bubble and a repeat film are often needed.

For non-radiologists it can be difficult to access and validate breast ultrasound training. The Royal College of Radiologists recommends practical training, working within the requirements of national occupational standards,5 of at least one ultrasound session per week over a period of 6 months to 1 year, with the mentorship of an experienced consultant radiologist to reach level 1 competency.6 For average unaided symptomatic clinic practice level 2 is required, with the ability to perform immediate guided FNA or core biopsy of any lesion seen. In the hands of an experienced practitioner, breast ultrasound looks easy; however, the time needed to acquire these skills should not be underestimated. The report of a breast ultrasound examination should always be graded. This enables pathways for audit of departmental and individual performance. The simple system of U1 normal, U2 benign, U3 uncertain, U4 possibly malignant and U5 malignant is recommended for easy comparison with subsequent histological data.

Ultrasound appearance of benign and malignant breast lesions



The appearance of the normal breast evolves with age, the most important change being the proportion of fat to glandular tissue. In the young breast fat may be almost absent, with bright, reflective glandular tissue from the chest wall to the skin. Small poorly reflective lesions are easily identified. In adult life the glandular tissue forms the filling in a sandwich, with a poorly reflective fatty layer superficially beneath the skin, and deeply between the glandular tissue and the chest wall. The amount of fibrous tissue is very variable. When present in excess, corresponding to a prominent duct pattern on mammography, or in areas of fibrocystic disease, fibrous tissue absorbs and reflects sound, severely decreasing the depth of penetration and producing confusing acoustic shadows. The postmenopausal breast gradually becomes entirely fat, with reflective areas persisting in areas of fibrosis. Ultrasound has a higher predictive value in the postmenopausal breast due to the decrease in benign disease.

BENIGN LESIONS General principles

Benign lesions have a wholly smooth or undulating lobulated surface. They are oval, with the long axis parallel to the skin. Blood vessels, when visible on Doppler, branch regularly, in a tree-like fashion. Growth by expansion pushes aside the structures of the breast, so that Coopers ligaments are bent around the lesion, not disappearing at the edges as though eaten through. When adjacent to the skin, the bright lower layer of the dermis is intact. Acoustic shadowing may occur in any lesion containing excess fibrous tissue, and does not necessarily imply a malignant lesion. Fine edge shadows may be present with benign lesions, created by the incident beam on the smooth edges. A lesion should always be judged by its worst area, and a well defined lesion must be well defined over all of its circumference. Any trace of a reflective corona moves a lesion into a suspicious group. It is safe to assume that any lesion definitely containing fat is benign.

Common benign lesions Fibroadenomas

Fibroadenomas are characterised by an oval or smoothly lobulated solid mass, usually less than 3 cm in the longest axis, which lies parallel to the skin. The typical appearance evolves with age. In young women fibroadenomas may be of the same echotexture as fat, distinguishable only by shape, correspondence to the palpable mass, and an increase in vascularity, with characteristic regular vessels that sweep around the edge before entering the lesion. With increasing age the fibroadenomas become echo poor


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compared with fat, the outline becomes more lobulated and the lesion less vascular. Calcifications, initially microscopic calcifications, gradually enlarge to form bright echoes with acoustic shadow. Old fibroadenomas, usually in postmenopausal women, may hyalinise, and contract slightly, with a coarsely lobulated outline and patchy acoustic shadowing, resembling a malignant lesion. Vascularity decreases with age. In young women very large, rapidly growing giant or juvenile fibroadenomas occur. Apart from their greater size, the appearance is typical. They are often very vascular. During lactation, pre-existing fibroadenomas may enlarge rapidly and develop small cystic spaces, with a characteristic appearance. They involute equally rapidly with the end of lactation (see Figures 5.1 and 5.2).

Figure 5.1 Young fibroadenoma Smooth, oval, long axis parallel to the skin. Fine homogenous internal echoes. Slips out from under probe with compression.

Figure 5.2 Lactating fibroadenoma Fluid filled clefts cause rapid enlargement with the onset of lactation.

Ultrasound appearance of benign and malignant breast lesions


Cysts are found in pre- or perimenopausal breasts, or in older women on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but rarely after the age of 60. With frequencies over 10 MHz cyst fluid is seldom echo-free, as the cyst fluid accumulates debris, dead or degenerated apocrine cells, and cholesterol crystals which reflect sound. There is a characteristic bright shadows, acoustic enhancement, and there may be fine edge shadows at the borders of the lesion. A cyst must always be avascular on Doppler. There may be a prominent debris layer, accumulated along the cyst wall with gravity, in the direction of the womans feet. In old cysts the fluid may become so thick that the lesion is indistinguishable from a solid mass acquiring a pasty texture that is difficult to aspirate, and core biopsy is necessary to establish a diagnosis. Intracystic papillomas may be difficult to distinguish from debris, but are usually hummock shaped, and occur anywhere on the cyst wall. Some vessels are usually apparent within the papilloma on Doppler. Core biopsy of these lesions is a challenge, as the needle must be directed through the base of the papilloma, and visualisation is often lost after the first pass. If the biopsy is inadequate, a review in 36 weeks is needed in order to give the cyst time to refill, as small papillomas will be invisible against a background of normal tissue plus oedema and haematoma. A cyst should have no discernable wall. High-grade carcinomas may occasionally become centrally necrotic, and appear as a thick-walled cyst. Vascularity will be apparent within the wall on Doppler, and there will usually be reactive, inflammatory, increases in echoes in the surrounding fat. Simple aspiration reveals serosanguinous fluid, not the typical dark green or squid ink fluid found in an old cyst, or the thick pus expected from an abscess. Cytology is not successful from the necrotic cells in the fluid. If any doubt remains a core biopsy should be performed. During lactation milk-filled cysts, galactocoeles, are occasionally found, with a typical layered appearance. (See Figures 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5.)

Figure 5.3 Cyst Almost echo-free lumen, edge shadows and posterior acoustic enhancement.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Figure 5.4 Longstanding Cyst Almost full of echoes due to debris and cholesterol crystals in the fluid. Small crescent of fluid visible on the left. Appearance difficult to distinguish from fibroadenoma.

Figure 5.5 Cyst with papilloma Frond-like growth rooted in left cyst wall. Does not move with change in patient posture. Benign at excision.

Phyllodes tumours
Phyllodes tumours may appear identical to fibroadenomas when small, but grow to a much larger size. They become less even in texture when large and may show prominent bright strands parallel to the skin surface. They tend to occur in older women and may appear postmenopausally.

Ultrasound appearance of benign and malignant breast lesions


Fat necrosis
Following severe blunt trauma as haematoma resolves, the characteristic features of crushed fat appear, with brightly reflective oedematous fat, containing superficial cyst-like structures, oil cysts, which when aspirated yield fluid with the appearance of sunflower oil. Fibrous irregular masses may also form as haematoma resolves, more commonly with surgical injury, these may be difficult to distinguish from malignancy.

A lipoma is an oval area of breast fat, in small lesions frequently showing a diffuse increase in fine uniform echoes compared with normal subcutaneous fat, although large lipomas are distinguishable only by the presence of a fine outer capsule and their correspondence to a palpable mass. Small lesions may be difficult to distinguish from the rarer neurofibroma, although these are usually more vascular and may be tender. Large lipomas may arise within the chest wall and extend through the pectoral muscle, causing gradually worsening breast asymmetry. (See Figure 5.6.)

Sebaceous cysts
Sebaceous cysts are frequently referred to breast clinics, and occasionally presenting as an apparent mass on mammography, ultrasound is only needed if the clinical appearance is not characteristic. They appear as sharply defined, usually brightly reflective, occasionally layered masses within or immediately beneath the skin.

Figure 5.6 Lipoma Faint fibrous capsule surrounds fat which is slightly more reflective than the surrounding normal fatty lobules.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

When infected the surrounding fat shows bright oedema and the overlying skin is thickened.

Less common benign lesions Radial scars/complex sclerosing lesion

Radial scars/complex sclerosing lesions are usually found during screening. They are often subtle on ultrasound,7 showing a small irregular mass, with a faint acoustic shadow. They cannot be reliably distinguished from small carcinomas, although with the typical mammographic appearances a complex sclerosing lesion can be strongly suspected.

Diabetic fibrous mastopathy

Diabetic fibrous mastopathy produces a poorly reflective mass with marked acoustic shadowing and irregular margins,8 indistinguishable from malignancy except by core biopsy. It may involve large areas of the breast. A similar condition may occur in non-diabetic women, of unknown aetiology, usually referred to as sclerosing lymphocytic lobulitis.

The typical appearance of breast cancer is of an ill-defined echo-poor mass. An acoustic shadow is often present, and is more apparent in low-grade lesions.9 A corona, a ring of featureless brightly reflective tissue, varying from 1 to 6 mm is frequently present. Normal breast structures appear sharply cut off at the periphery of the mass. Changing the angle of the scan to align the probe with a Coopers ligament will help to demonstrate this characteristic feature. Spiculation, with the local Coopers ligaments drawn into the mass, is sometimes apparent this is much more clearly seen if three-dimensional scanning is used. This technique produces beautiful images, but is time consuming, and adds little to the diagnostic usefulness of breast ultrasound. Microcalcifications are frequently seen as bright specks. Large masses often have central necrotic areas, visible as irregular areas of increased echoes. These areas should be avoided when performing an ultrasound guided biopsy; always aim at the edge of a large lesion. The presence of skin invasion, with loss of the bright line of the lower surface of the dermis should be noted. Expanded ducts passing from the edge of the main mass should be looked for carefully, these frequently represent ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and should be included in the total measurement.10 The area surrounding the mass, and between the mass and the nipple should be examined for satellite lesions. (See Figures 5.7 and 5.8.)

Ultrasound appearance of benign and malignant breast lesions


Figure 5.7 Superficial Carcinoma Irregular shape and heterogeneous internal echoes. Note local thickening of skin, with loss of the bright echo of the dermis/fat interface where the skin is invaded.

Figure 5.8 Small cancer Zoomed image: true size of lesion 3mm. recognizable only by eaten into Coopers ligament. Found in screening mammography.

Less common appearances of breast cancer An apparently well-defined mass

Breast cancer can appears as an apparently well-defined mass which is round or oval in any direction with fine internal echoes, and may have a bright shadow of


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

acoustic enhancement. Up to 2% of cancers have this appearance. The appearance may be confused with a cyst, until vessels are seen on colour Doppler, or aspiration fails. Lesions are very rarely entirely well defined over their whole circumference a mass should always be judged by its worst area. This appearance may occur in highgrade rapidly growing cancers where closely packed cells provide few interfaces to reflect sound and expansion is so rapid as to mask the signs of invasion, so that the Coopers ligaments appear to bend around the lesion rather than to go through it. (See Figure 5.9.)

A round or finely irregular mass

The echo texture of a round or finely irregular mass may be almost equal to fat, but with a fine speckled appearance, often described as pepper and salt and a thin bright corona. This appearance usually represents a mucinous carcinoma, and is commoner in women over the age of 60.

Cavitating lesion resembling a breast abscess

Any apparent breast abscess, peripherally placed in a non-lactating breast must be regarded as a carcinoma until proven otherwise. While the red oedematous appearance of the breast clinically resembles infection, cancers are much less painful. Aspiration will yield serosanguinous fluid, not typical pus. The fluid is unhelpful for cytology, as any cells will be necrotic, and a core biopsy of the wall is required for histology.

Figure 5.9 More difficult cancer Almost resembling a fibroadenoma, but note the eaten into appearance of the breast glandular tissue, with the Coopers ligament on the right coming to an abrupt end.

Ultrasound appearance of benign and malignant breast lesions


Papillary lesions
Papillary lesions can be seen as intracystic or intraductal solid vascular tissue, which varies from a small mound to tissue which fills the space so that the original cyst is no longer visible. These usually represent a form of DCIS, but the appearance of an adjacent extraluminal mass suggests invasion.

Diffuse oedema
In diffuse oedema the breast shows diffuse inflammatory change with bright fat, thickened skin and markedly dilated subcutaneous lymphatics. This appearance corresponds to inflammatory carcinoma clinically. A similar picture is seen with severe oedema from other causes, usually heart failure, reaction to radiotherapy, or hypoalbuminaemia. No discrete mass may be found. If histology cannot be obtained from biopsy of axillary lymphadenopathy, skin punch biopsy is more likely to be successful than blind core biopsy as the dilated subcutaneous lymphatics are often full of tumour cells.

An almost entirely bright mass

Rarely an almost entirely bright mass can be found in which the bright corona is much more prominent than the dark central echo-poor mass. This is a very rare appearance. (See Figure 5.10.)

Figure 5.10 Unusual cancer Appears as a mass predominantly brighter than the surrounding fat, with an irregular poorly reflective core.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Enlarged axillary lymph nodes with no apparent breast abnormality

Approximately 12% of all breast cancers present as enlarged axillary lymph nodes with no apparent breast abnormality. A second look ultrasound to biopsy any lesion found on MRI offers the best chance of diagnosis. Any abnormality however slight should have a core biopsy.

Benign lesions that may mimic cancers Areas of fibrosis

Fibrous areas may occur alone or with cysts as fibrocystic disease. Irregular poorly reflective areas with acoustic shadowing are seen which may resemble carcinoma. There will be no architectural change or destruction of Coopers ligaments. Compression will reduce or remove the acoustic shadow.

Scars and fat necrosis

Diagnosis of scars and fat necrosis depends on an adequate history. To produce fat necrosis blunt trauma must be sufficient to produce a noticeable bruise. The commonest non-surgical cause is seatbelt crush injury from road traffic accidents. Irregular, poorly reflective areas with acoustic shadowing and distortion of architecture may produce areas indistinguishable from carcinoma. These will be avascular on Doppler, but this is not a secure means of differentiation from carcinoma. Core biopsy or MRI is needed.

Old fibroadenomas
Usually in postmenopausal women fibroadenomas may hyalinise or calcify. As they shrink the outline may become irregular. They are avascular on Doppler and there is no architectural distortion. The mammographic appearance often remains typically benign.

Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia

Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia is a relatively common pathological finding with a variety of appearances. It may appear as a relatively well circumscribed mass, or a diffuse area of patchy reduced reflectivity.

Sarcoidosis is rare in the breast, and produces distorted, poorly reflective areas indistinguishable from carcinoma. It is usually multifocal and bilateral.

Ultrasound appearance of benign and malignant breast lesions



Very variable levels of visualisation of DCIS have been reported in the literature from clinical trials. Microcalcification is clearly seen on ultrasound only when lying in poorly reflective tissue, and DCIS tends to be visible only when ducts are grossly distended or there is cancerisation of lobules histologically. The typical appearance is of small irregular poorly reflective areas, with bright specks of calcification trailing off at the edges. Fibrous tissue reaction and inflammation may occur around areas of DCIS, and moderate acoustic shadowing does not necessarily indicate invasion. It is worthwhile to ultrasound all areas of microcalcification. Small masses may be invasive foci; full preoperative diagnosis prevents the need for a second operation for axillary staging. (See Figure 5.11.)


Any sarcoma may occur in breast tissue, but the commonest forms are liposarcoma and angiosarcoma, which occur in or around the edges of areas previously irradiated. Liposarcoma appears as a rapidly enlarging usually well defined mass, with a variable internal structure depending on the grade and proportion of fatty differentiation. Angiosarcoma appears similar to any high-grade vascular breast carcinoma and is often mistaken initially for a second primary or local recurrence. The diagnosis may be suspected when the lesion continues to bleed copiously after core biopsy.

Figure 5.11 DCIS Patchy, nodular, poorly reflective areas with bright specks of calcification, plus small areas of acoustic shadowing.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Lymphomas may present either as malignant nodes in the axilla or in non-Hodgkins lymphoma as a diffuse irregular poorly reflective mass without acoustic shadow indistinguishable from a breast primary. It is usually very vascular.

Metastases may resemble a breast primary, or appear as well defined oval or round masses, without an acoustic shadow, which may be mistaken for fibroadenomas, but tend to be of finer, less reflective internal texture. The commonest lesions to present in a patient with no known malignancy are melanoma and small cell lung cancer. While many other primaries may metastasise to the breast this is usually at a late stage in the disease, rather than the presenting feature.

The preoperative identification of involved axillary lymph nodes has assumed greater importance with the technique of sentinel node biopsy, in order to avoid a second operation in node-positive cases. Ultrasound is only moderately sensitive, with up to 15% of axillae which appear to contain only normal nodes having occult metastatic deposits found in surgical sampling or clearance. Ultrasound cannot hope to identify the tiny deposits found histologically. Progressive changes occur as lymph nodes become replaced by metastatic cancer. Once deposits reach 3 mm they may be identified as focal echo-poor thickenings in the lymph node cortex. As they progressively enlarge they distort the shape of the node, displacing the fatty hilus. In a normal node, blood vessels enter through the hilus. Perforating vessels appear as deposits enlarge,11 although tumour deposits are frequently less vascular than normal nodal tissue. As further enlargement occurs, the fatty hilus is completely lost, and the node loses its normal oval shape becoming round or irregular. Tumour may extend through the capsule into the axillary fat, producing a mass indistinguishable from a second primary tumour. Lymph nodes may enlarge due to reactive changes, but retain their normal shape, as the cortex thickens it remains even and the fatty hilus is preserved remaining central (see Figures 5.12, 5.13 and 5.14). As there is considerable overlap, FNA or core biopsy should be attempted to establish a diagnosis. A suggested classification based on appearance is given in Figure 5.13.3


Simple breast abscess occurs almost exclusively in the lactating breast. There will be a bright area of oedema surrounding an irregular cavity, but no discernable wall.

Ultrasound appearance of benign and malignant breast lesions


Figure 5.12 R3, indeterminate lymph node Thickened cortex, uniform thickness, central fatty hilus not displaced.







Figure 5.13 Suggested classification of axillary lymph node appearance. (a) Normal lymph node. Thin rim of cortex central fat: U1. (b) Benign appearance. Some cortical thickening, less than 3 mm: U2. (c) Indeterminate appearance: Uneven cortex, some areas more than 3 mm: U3. (d) Suspicious appearance. Thick cortex with focal poorly reflective areas: U4. (e) Malignant appearance. Greatly thickened cortex, displaced Hilum: U5. (f) Node replaced by tumour. Penetrating vessels, no hilum visible: U5.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Figure 5.14 R5, malignant node Complete loss of fatty hilus, node replaced by tumour. This appearance may be due to metastatic carcinoma, or lymphoma.

All non-lactating abscesses should be regarded as cavitating carcinomas unless definite pus is aspirated. Several aspirations may be necessary for resolution.

Periductal mastitis
Central inflammation, involving the ducts immediately deep to the nipple areolar complex, accompanied in severe cases with skin thickening plus dilated irregular ducts and bright oedema of the surrounding fat. There may be deeper extension into a true abscess cavity. Ultrasound has little role in the diagnosis, which is usually obvious clinically. Aspiration of pus is more difficult than in a simple bacterial abscess, as it is usually too thick, and less helpful in encouraging resolution. (See Figure 5.15.)

Tuberculosis, now very uncommon in Northern Europe, presents as a chronic complex ramifying abscess, with skin thickening and sinuses.

Development of the male breast produces a characteristic cone-shaped area of vascular, poorly reflective vascular glandular tissue underlying the nipple, trailing out, rather raggedly, into a peripheral area of more typical, mature brightly reflective glandular tissue. The growing glandular tissue may by asymmetrical, giving rise to

Ultrasound appearance of benign and malignant breast lesions


Figure 5.15 Periductal Mastitis Marked skin thickening, superficial fluid collection and brightly reflective oedematous superficial fat, with deep extension along an irregular track to an abscess collection.

suspicion of malignancy, but a concave peripheral contour is reassuring. Small ducts are often visible. Any of the benign lesions found in the female breast may occur. Any focal lesion should be subject to FNA or core biopsy. Male breast carcinomas usually arise peripherally, and have an identical appearance to those found in the female breast, but skin involvement occurs early due to the small breast size. Cancers may arise without pre-existing gynaecomastia.


Seroma in the wound or axilla is a frequent immediate postoperative complication, appearing as echo-free fluid if not contaminated with blood, and is easily aspirated under ultrasound guidance. Haematoma contains more echoes and organises rapidly, with fibrous strands making aspiration difficult. Infection may present with reflective areas of oedema and overlying skin thickening. Oedema may break down into collections of pus, which should be aspirated. Local recurrence can be difficult to distinguish from scarring unless there is previous imaging with definite evidence of no progressive change. Both may appear as a poorly reflective irregular mass with a prominent acoustic shadow. The absence of blood flow on Doppler in a mature scar does not definitely exclude local recurrence. MRI is the most accurate method of diagnosis; core biopsy may be needed if this is not readily available. Recurrence remote from the scar is more easily evaluated, and usually has an appearance resembling a new primary. Skin recurrence appears first as small poorly reflective areas within thickened skin. A skin punch biopsy is the easiest route to a histological diagnosis. (See Figure 5.16.)


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Figure 5.16 Skin recurrence Relatively welldefined mass, with thickening of skin, progressing centrally to full thickness destruction. (Core biopsy needle visible across lower edge of lesion)

Harmonic imaging and microbubble contrast agents have made little impact on the routine practice of breast ultrasound to date, as the depth of tissue in most breasts is insufficient for harmonics to produce much improvement in image quality. Microbubble agents may improve the identification of small deposits in axillary lymph nodes. Development of systems for delivery of chemotherapy direct to a tumour site, by drug encapsulation within stable microbubbles has been successful in animal models. These drug containing microbubbles are injected intravenously, but remain intact in the general circulation. The microbubbles are then ruptured by the energy deposited when the tumour is scanned, releasing the drug locally within the tumour vessels. Quantification of the change in shape of a breast lesion with compression, elastography,12 presented as a change in colour of the lesion, shows promise in improving differentiation between benign and malignant lesions. While this is currently a research tool, equipment with this functionality is about to appear on the market.

1. Rizatto GJ. Towards a more sophisticated use of breast ultrasound. Eur Radiol 2001; 11: 242535. 2. Warner E, Plewes DB, Shumak RS et al. Comparison of breast magnetic resonance imaging, mammography and ultrasound for surveillance of women at high risk of hereditary breast cancer. J Clin Oncol 2001; 19: 352431. 3. Hubbard A. Getting a better breast image hints and pitfalls. Bulletin of the British Medical Ultrasound Society 2004; 12: 449. 4. Sohn C, Blohmer J, Hamper UM. Breast Ultrasound. A Systematic Approach to Technique and Image Interpretation. Thieme: Stuttgart, New York, 1999.

Ultrasound appearance of benign and malignant breast lesions


5. 6. The Royal College of Radiologists. Ultrasound Training Recommendations for Medical and Surgical Specialties. London, 2004. 7. Finlay ME, Liston JE, Lunt LG, Young JR. Assessment of the role of ultrasound in the differentiation of radial scars and stellate carcinomas of the breast. Clin Radiol 1994; 49: 525. 8. Wong KT, Tse GMK, Yang WT. Ultrasound and MR Imaging of diabetic mastopathy. Clin Radiol 2002; 57: 7305. 9. Lamb PM, Perry NM, Vinnicombe SJ, Wells CA. Correlation between ultrasound characteristics, mammographic findings and histological grade in patients with invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. Clin Radiol 2000; 55: 404. 10. Sundararajan S, Tohono E, Kamma H et al. Role of ultrasonography and MRI in the detection of wide intraductal component of invasive breast cancer-a prospective study. Clin Radiol 2007; 62: 25261. 11. Walsh JS, Dixon JM, Chetty U, Patterson D. Colour Doppler studies of axillary node metastases in breast carcinoma. Clin Radiol 1994; 49: 18991. 12. Zhi H, Ou B, Luo B-M et al. Comparison of ultrasound elastography, mammography, and sonography in the diagnosis of solid breast lesions. J Ultrasound Med 2007; 26: 80715.

Preoperative diagnosis and biopsy guns
Karl J Sweeney and Michael J Kerin

The development of preoperative diagnosis using triple assessment techniques allows one stage resectional surgery for breast cancer. The use of core biopsy techniques for preoperative histological diagnosis is now the norm in many breast units throughout the world. However, it has not always been so. Historically, pathological confirmation of a breast cancer occurred by either open biopsy or resectional surgery. Mastectomy was performed for all clinically diagnosed breast cancers (a small number of which were done for benign disease) until the seminal NSABP B-06 trial confirmed the efficacy of lumpectomy.1 The introduction of intraoperative frozen section allowed surgeons to confirm malignancy during the operation but prior to mastectomy, thus sparing some women from unnecessary mastectomy. These unfortunate women consented to open biopsy or mastectomy and the psychological morbidity of this approach identified the need for preoperative diagnosis. Furthermore, improvements in the understanding of breast cancer biology led to the increased use of breast conserving surgery mandating efficient preoperative planning. The era of mastectomy as the definitive treatment for breast cancer has passed and today preoperative diagnosis by minimally invasive core biopsy is expected even for impalpable disease. The introduction of fine needle aspiration in the 1970s and core biopsy in the 1980s meant that a preoperative cancer diagnosis could be achieved in the majority of patients with symptomatic breast cancer.2 Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) can give an immediate diagnosis in the outpatient clinic. It is relatively cheap and easy to perform. In contrast, core biopsy requires a skin incision, is more time-consuming, is more expensive and will not give an immediate diagnosis.


The rationale and necessity for preoperative diagnosis is readily understandable. The principle of preoperative assessment of breast cancer is to facilitate rapid referral of patients for one-stage resectional surgery. Definitive non-operative diagnosis of benign conditions is useful for the rapid discharge of patients from the breast clinic. The traditional triple assessment of clinical, radiological and pathological evaluation


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

provides the highest level of diagnostic accuracy. In isolation, each element may not come to the final true diagnosis; however, concordance between these three modalities provides an accuracy of more than 99% in defining the breast lesion. Discordance mandates further evaluation, usually in the form of radiologically guided biopsy or surgical open biopsy. The triple assessment clinic evaluates patients with symptomatic breast disease, whereas the mammographic screening clinic evaluates asymptomatic patients with a mammographic abnormality identified as part of a population breast cancer screening programme. Both types of clinic utilise the triple assessment template. The results of all these processes should be discussed at a multidisciplinary meeting which includes all those who assessed the patient and should also include other specialties who may be involved in the adjuvant setting such as medical and radiation oncology. A multidisciplinary management plan is agreed upon and the results and proposed management plan is discussed with the patient. Clinical assessment is usually the first step in the diagnosis of breast pathology of symptomatic patients. A careful history and examination can establish risk factors for breast cancer, duration of symptoms, comorbidities and often differentiate benign from malignant lesions. Clinical evaluation can identify patients unsuitable for breast conserving surgery despite radiological appearances. Most patients presenting to the clinic have benign conditions, primarily mastalgia or nodularity of a benign nature. A proportion of patients will present with a true abnormality such as a lump or nipple discharge which is clinically benign. A smaller proportion will present with an abnormality which is suspicious but not conclusively malignant, and the most uncommon group of patients attending the breast clinic have a definite clinical cancer. Ideally, suspicious clinical abnormalities should be discussed with the radiologist at the clinic to ensure that a complete radiological evaluation is carried out in the absence of any mammographic findings. Often either a line drawing indicating the clinical abnormality or even a demonstration of the abnormality to the radiologist is useful for this purpose. Discussion in clinic is particularly important when performing radiologically guided biopsy of lesions to ensure that the radiological findings concur with the clinical findings. Core biopsy should not be performed prior to full radiological assessment as the subsequent tissue distortion may reduce mammographic efficacy.


The initial design of the triple assessment clinic included the presence of a cytologist at the clinic and a rapid cytological diagnosis during the patients outpatient visit. The cytology result is classified as C1: inadequate; C2: benign; C3: uncertain, probably benign; C4: uncertain, probably malignant; and C5: malignant (Figure 6.1). Histological evaluation by core biopsy has replaced FNAC primarily because of a lack of cytological expertise and because it can differentiate in situ from invasive disease. Frozen section evaluation of a core biopsy is not adequate for

Preoperative diagnosis and biopsy guns




Figure 6.1 Fine needle aspiration cytology: (a) C2 and (b) C5. Courtesy of Dr Gearoid OLaoi, Mercy Hospital, Cork.

preoperative assessment of breast lesions and it often takes a number of days to get a result from a core biopsy. Patients should be encouraged to bring someone with them when the results of their tests are being discussed at the next outpatient visit. A diagnosis of cancer should be given by the surgeon with a breast-care nurse in attendance. The follow-up arrangements should be clear to the patient, surgeon and breast-care nurse, and the patient must have a contact telephone number for the breast-care nurse for the inevitable postconsultation questions. The success of preoperative diagnostic testing depends on the experience of the operator, correct equipment and procedural room setup, skilled assistance and careful tissue preparation. The number of staff performing FNAC or core biopsy in a breast centre should be minimised and performance audited regularly. Although the equipment required to perform aspiration or core biopsy is minimal, the ease of performing the procedure and the procedural time can be improved by a skilled assistant who sets up the equipment and provides clinical assistance during the biopsy. When performing FNAC it is recommended that an assistant trained in specimen preparation is present. If a pathologist is available, the adequacy of the aspirate may be assessed immediately thus reducing the recall rate for further FNAC. The accuracy of FNAC depends on an adequate and representative sample, correct processing of the aspirate and expert interpretation of the cytological material.3 The ability to transport the cells to the laboratory in liquid medium prior to cytospin and fixation has also been shown to have a high diagnostic yield. The rate of inadequate or equivocal samples can be as high as 30%, especially in paucicellular lesions such as sclerosing fibroadenomas and this can limit the effectiveness of this technique. Fine needle aspiration is performed in the outpatient setting. The patient is informed of the procedure and signs a consent form. The patient is usually lying down and the skin overlying the palpable abnormality is prepped with an alcohol solution. Local anaesthetic is usually not required. The lesion is fixed with the non-dominant hand


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

and a 22 or 23 G (blue or grey) needle attached to a 10 ml syringe is passed into the lesion. Suction may be more easily applied by using a syringe holder. The lesion is aspirated and a number of passes through are made without withdrawing the needle from the skin. If a large amount of blood is obtained it is advisable to discontinue the procedure, apply pressure to the area and repeat the aspiration from a different angle. Breast lesions are often deeper than initially thought and if there is any doubt a longer needle should be used for the sampling. If there is no resistance and the lesion is not felt to be a lipoma, then it is likely to have been missed and reaspiration should be performed. Large fat droplets or heavily blood-stained aspirates are more likely to be unrepresentative of the lesion. The resultant tissue is usually visible in the hub of the syringe and this is prepared for cytology. The cytology specimen may be either fixed on a glass slide or placed in a transport medium to be processed in the cytology laboratory. When preparing a slide it is important to spread the aspirated material as a thin layer on the slide before fixing it, either with a fixative solution or by drying it rapidly by waving it in the air.

The spectrum of histological abnormalities of the breast is large and not fully understood. Furthermore, the histological classification of core biopsies is designed to aid the assessment process but not to give a definitive diagnosis (although it is possible in most cases). Thus, a small proportion of biopsies (10%) cannot be categorised as normal, benign or malignant.4 The reporting classification is:

B1 normal tissue B2 benign lesions B3 uncertain malignant potential B4 suspicious B5 malignant.

A B1 diagnosis should always raise the possibility of a missed lesion, although the histological features of a hamartoma or lipoma may fall into this category. Benign lesions (B2) include fibroadenomas, fibrocystic changes, sclerosing adenosis, duct ectasia and abscess or fat necrosis (Figure 6.2). Lesions of uncertain malignant potential are often associated with malignancy on excision biopsy. Atypical intraductal epithelial proliferations range in severity from the mildly atypical to having all the features of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) (B5) but an insufficient tissue sample to fulfil all the criteria for DCIS. The definition of atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) relies on a combination of histological, morphological and size extent criteria and, therefore, accurate diagnosis is only possible on excision biopsy. In fact, it has been shown that over 50% of excision biopsy specimens, subsequent to core biopsy demonstrating probable ADH, contained in situ carcinoma. Lobular neoplasia (atypical lobular hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ)

Preoperative diagnosis and biopsy guns


Figure 6.2 Histology of epitheliosis (B2). Courtesy of Dr Gearoid OLaoi, Mercy Hospital, Cork.

Figure 6.3 Histological image of fibroadenoma (B2). Courtesy of Dr Gearoid OLaoi, Mercy Hospital, Cork.

is often a coincidental finding in a core biopsy from a screen detected lesion. It does not have the same implications as ductal carcinoma in situ and does not require therapeutic excision. However, recent publications have confirmed the higher incidence of breast cancer in the index quadrant associated with these lesions. Phyllodes tumour may be difficult to distinguish histologically from a fibroadenoma (Figure 6.3). Furthermore, the radiological appearances and clinical findings of the two are identical. The risk of phyllodes increases significantly with the size of the lesion and for this


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

reason all fibroadenomas greater than 3 cm should be excised locally. An intraductal papilloma is usually benign; however, they may show considerable heterogeneity and in situ carcinoma may be missed on core biopsy. These lesions should be excised. Radial scar (complex sclerosing lesion) should be excised because of the risk of associated DCIS or invasive carcinoma. The category of B4 (suspicious) should not be an indication for therapeutic surgery. Lesions in this category are usually poorly prepared or insufficient tissue cores that contain probable carcinoma. This histological category mandates further tissue diagnosis either by further non-operative biopsy or by open biopsy. Malignant cores (B5) are divided into invasive or in situ carcinoma where possible. The presence of in situ disease only on core biopsy does not preclude invasive disease in the final resected tumour. In fact, 20% of tumours diagnosed as in situ carcinoma on preoperative core biopsy will have an invasive component in the final resected specimen. This rate probably increases with increasing size and grade of the DCIS, and for this reason sentinel lymph node biopsy may be recommended as part of the definitive management of larger, higher grade DCIS tumours as the risk of invasion and the need for lymph node assessment increases (Figures 6.4 and 6.5). Further information available from core biopsy includes the grade of the tumour (which is concordant with the final histological grade in 75% of cases), histological type (lobular vs ductal), oestrogen and progesterone receptor status, and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) status. Hormone receptor status should be repeated on the final resected tumour if negative on the core biopsy. Cytology provides information on the appearance of individual cells and can differentiate malignant from benign cells. It cannot differentiate in situ disease from

Figure 6.4 Histology: ductal carcinoma in situ. Courtesy of Dr Gearoid OLaoi, Mercy Hospital, Cork.

Preoperative diagnosis and biopsy guns


Figure 6.5 Histology: invasive carcinoma. Courtesy of Dr Gearoid OLaoi, Mercy Hospital, Cork.

invasive carcinoma because it does not demonstrate the interaction between the cells and the basement membrane. Core biopsy can provided information, not only on the appearance of the cells themselves, but also on the interaction between cells and the basement membrane, and the appearance of tumour cells as a group (thus differentiating lobular from ductal carcinoma). It may also provide information on oestrogen, progesterone and HER2 receptor status. The development of automated core biopsy guns has resulted in the rapid and widespread adoption of this technique. The original core biopsy needles were hand fired by pushing an outer cutting cylinder over a solid trochar with a small well at the distal end. These devices were cumbersome, difficult to maintain in position during the biopsy procedure and often failed to obtain sufficient tissue for histological analysis. The introduction of spring loaded devices eliminated much of the difficulty in keeping the needle in position and results in a much greater specimen volume. Although originally introduced as sterile disposable inserts in reusable spring devices, mass produced fully sterile disposable spring loaded devices have become more readily available and cost effective (Figure 6.6). The sensitivity and specificity of core biopsy are higher than FNAC and there is little difference in patient discomfort between the two sampling methods. In addition, the core can give much more information than an aspiration, particularly with regard to invasiveness of the lesion sampled. A 14 G needle is most commonly used although the optimal number of passes required varies according to the mammographic appearances of the lesions being sampled, with fewer passes required for solid lesions compared with microcalcifications. A minimum of five to six passes are required when sampling microcalcifications to minimise sampling error and specimen radiography is required to ensure that representative calcifications are obtained.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Figure 6.6 Disposable biopsy gun.

There may be false positive and false negative results from core biopsy. False positives are presumed to be either excision of the lesion by the core biopsy or failure to excise the lesion at surgery. The reported false negative rate for malignancy with core biopsy is up to 7% and is more common with microcalcifications and may be due to operator inexperience. The larger the sample size the higher the accuracy of the biopsy. This size of the biopsy is dictated by the size of the needle, the use of vacuum-assisted biopsy gun and the number of biopsies taken. Mammographic abnormalities such as moderate to low level suspicion microcalcification require a larger volume of tissue for accurate diagnosis, and for these lesions it has been suggested that vacuum-assisted core biopsy demonstrates a lower equivocal sample rate and increased accuracy in the detection of small invasive tumours associated with an area of in situ disease. Core biopsy is also performed in the outpatient setting; however, it requires local anaesthetic and will leave a small scar as a skin incision is required to facilitate the larger core biopsy needle. Patients who are receiving anticoagulation therapy have an increased risk of haematoma following core biopsy and this procedure should be carried out with care on these patients. Aspirin and clopidrogel (Plavix) are not contraindications to core biopsy; however, an assistant should apply pressure to the biopsied area between each needle pass. The consent procedure is similar to that of the FNAC and the procedure is usually performed with the patient in the supine position. The area is prepped with an antiseptic solution and local anaesthetic is applied to the skin and the lesion. Core biopsies should be performed with an automated 14 G needle gun rather than a manual disposable gun as these obtain larger samples. A 12 mm incision through the anaesthetised skin and superficial fascia facilitates the biopsy needle. The incision should not be located in the nipple areola complex. The most serious complication of core biopsy is iatrogenic pneumothorax and the risk of this is minimised by keeping the needle as close as possible to parallel with the chest wall when firing. For lesions greater than

Preoperative diagnosis and biopsy guns


10 mm in diameter the needle tip should abut the lesion prior to firing, while smaller lesions require placement of the needle short of the lesion. The lesion should be fixed in position during the procedure with the non-dominant hand and the area compressed for at least 5 minutes after biopsy. The incision site is closed with steristrips and covered with a waterproof dressing.


Core biopsy still has the problem of underestimation and the potential for sampling error and this has led to the development of vacuum-assisted biopsy devices. The vacuumassisted core biopsy system (Mammotome) uses an 8 G, 11 G or 14 G needle probe. They can be used under either stereotactic or ultrasound guidance. The biopsy probe incorporates a vacuum channel which sucks adjacent breast tissue into the biopsy port. A rotating cutting cylinder passes into the port, separating the specimen from the surrounding tissue and this sample is then delivered by withdrawing the cylinder without removing the main probe. Multiple contiguous specimens may be obtained by this method and the volume of tissue obtained is larger than that of automated core biopsy systems (Figure 6.7).

Lumpectomy 1 position

Lumpectomy 2 vacuum

Lumpectomy 3 cut

Lumpectomy 4 fully cut

Lumpectomy 5 remove tissue

Figure 6.7 Vacuum-assisted core biopsy.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

The specimens obtained by the vacuum-assisted system are also X-rayed to ensure that areas with microcalcifications have been sampled. Because the biopsy specimens are larger, it is possible that smaller radiological abnormalities are wholly or almost wholly removed by this technique. To ensure that the area can be identified in the event of surgical intervention a small metal marker can be deployed down the probe into the biopsy site (Figure 6.8). The vacuum device has been demonstrated to be superior in the diagnosis of DCIS compared with 14 G core biopsy (6% vs 21% missed invasive carcinoma). Repeat biopsy rates for inadequate sampling of microcalcifications are also significantly lower using vacuum biopsy compared with core biopsy (12% vs 24%).


Complications of preoperative biopsy are fairly uncommon and rarely serious. Although pain is described during fine needle aspiration this usually settles quickly. Pain after core biopsy as the local anaesthetic wears off may be prevented by giving the patient paracetamol at the time of the procedure. Pain may also be due to haematoma formation which is reduced by applying pressure to the biopsy site at the time of the procedure. Infection is rare if sterility is observed during biopsy. Biopsy sites should be covered with a waterproof dressing and patients should be advised not to remove the dressings for at least 5 days after a core biopsy. A patient re-presenting with a cellulitis at the site of a biopsy should have the extent of cellulitis marked and be placed on oral penicillin. If there is any clinical

Figure 6.8 Metal marker in situ following vacuum-assisted core biopsy. Courtesy of Irene Sweeney, University College Hospital, Galway.

Preoperative diagnosis and biopsy guns


suspicion of an underlying infected haematoma or abscess, an ultrasound-guided aspiration should be performed. Seeding of the biopsy needle tract with tumour is theoretically possible and migration of epithelial cells along the tract has been demonstrated previously; however, there is no evidence that breast cancer may spread by this method. Vasovagal attacks are more common in upright stereotactic procedures and for this reason ultrasound-guided biopsy in the supine position or stereotactic biopsy on a dedicated prone table is recommended. Removal of the lesion by the biopsy probe is more common after vacuum-assisted biopsy and can usually be predicted on radiological evaluation and a marking clip can be placed at the time of biopsy. The risk of pneumothorax is rare and usually occurs in women with small breasts with medial or axillary lesions. Because the distal point of the needle points at the cassette holder, pneumothorax is an unusual occurrence during stereotactic biopsy. Ultrasound guidance is also relatively safe from this complication which occurs most commonly during free-hand biopsies.

Although free-hand biopsy of palpable lesions may be performed in the outpatient setting by the attending surgeon, a large proportion of mammographically detected lesions are impalpable and require image guidance for sampling. Furthermore, image guidance may improve the accuracy of sampling palpable lesions.5 The two principle imaging modalities are ultrasound and X-ray stereotaxis. The use of magnetic resonance imaging is limited by its cost and the availability of equipment and this would not be a routine imaging modality. Ultrasonography is the modality of choice as it is easier to perform, more comfortable for the patient and less time-consuming. The stereotactic technique is used for image-guided biopsies of suspicious microcalcifications (if not visible on ultrasound) or small soft tissue masses that cannot be adequately visualised on ultrasound. When using ultrasonography to guide FNAC the needle is usually attached by a short tube to the syringe and is held by the assistant. It is introduced into the breast along the line of the long axis of the ultrasound probe and is easily visualised if kept parallel to the surface of the probe. The needle tip is guided into the lesion and an image is taken to record that the needle is in the correct position. The needle is then moved back and forth within the lesion with negative pressure being applied as in the free-hand technique (Figure 6.9). When using ultrasound to guide core biopsy the needle is again passed along the long axis of the ultrasound probe and advanced to within a few millimetres of the lesion. The gun is fired and an image is taken to record position (Figure 6.10). One or two passes are usually sufficient to obtain diagnostic material. The patient is usually seated for stereotactic FNAC, unless on a dedicated prone table. After demonstrating the lesion on a straight scout film, paired stereotactic views are obtained with the X-ray tube angled 15 either side of the central tube position.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Figure 6.9 Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration cytology. Courtesy of Irene Sweeney, University College Hospital, Galway.

Figure 6.10 Ultrasound-guided core biopsy of an impalpable lesion. Courtesy of Irene Sweeney, University College Hospital, Galway.

The position of the lesion on the stereotactic views is used to determine the position of the needle guide in the x and y axes so that, when a needle of known length is introduced through the guide into the breast, the needle tip will be in the correct position in the lesion. Different areas of the lesion are sampled by up to five aspirates. The first pass is through the centre of the lesion and subsequent passes should form a star pattern for stellate lesions. Setting up for stereotactic core biopsy is similar to FNAC. After checking the position of the needle tip it is withdrawn about 5 mm so that the biopsy port will traverse the lesion on firing (Figure 6.11). It is important to ensure that there is sufficient tissue deep to the needle tip after firing, so that it does not hit the cassette holder. As with stereotactic FNAC the needle is usually placed in a vertical position; however, the lateral approach is possible while the breast is compressed in the craniocaudal

Preoperative diagnosis and biopsy guns


Figure 6.11 Stereotactic core biopsy on a prone table. Courtesy of Irene Sweeney, University College Hospital, Galway.

Figure 6.12 Specimen X-ray following core biopsy of microcalcifications. Courtesy of Irene Sweeney, University College Hospital, Galway.

position with some systems (this is particularly useful in lesions in the inferior part of the breast). Most dedicated prone stereotactic biopsy apparatus will include digital mammography. Digital images are displayed on a computer screen for targeting and the biopsy needle holder position is adjusted automatically. Five or more core samples are obtained using a 14 G needle during stereotactic core biopsy. It is essential that all core biopsies taken of areas of microcalcification are X-rayed to ensure that tissue with microcalcification has been obtained.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Stereotactic core biopsy using a 14 G needle is widely accepted to be sensitive and specific in diagnosing breast masses, with rates of 91% and 99%, respectively, compared with 62% and 87%, respectively, for FNAC (Figure 6.12).

An important aspect of patient counselling after a cancer diagnosis is to explain the relative risks and benefits of breast conserving surgery versus mastectomy, the cosmetic result and the reconstructive options available to the patient. The preoperative diagnosis of multifocality of breast cancer by biopsy of each radiological focus is an important element of the decision to proceed to breast conserving therapy. Although the majority of patients who are deemed suitable for breast conserving surgery are successfully treated with one operation, a proportion (between 5% and 20%) will have, on histological evaluation, disease exceeding preoperative radiological and clinical expectation. These patients will require either excision of cavity margins or mastectomy. All women undergoing mastectomy should be considered for immediate reconstructive surgery. Additionally, patients undergoing extensive wide local excisions may benefit from some form of reconstruction (either to replace the excised tissue or to reduce the contralateral breast to achieve symmetry). Open or excision biopsies are performed less frequently with the improvements in radiological and histological techniques, and the improvements in percutaneous biopsy techniques. Open biopsy is usually performed because: the lesion is inaccessible for radiologically guided core biopsy; the histology of the core biopsy, although benign, suggests associated malignancy not sampled by the core; or the histological subtype is potentially premalignant.

Figure 6.13 Histological slide confirming presence of calcium oxalate under polarised light. Courtesy of Dr Gearoid OLaoi, Mercy Hospital, Cork.

Preoperative diagnosis and biopsy guns


Excision biopsy differs from wide local excision in that the aim of the procedure is not for oncological clearance but for histological confirmation of the presence or absence of disease (Figure 6.13). Thus, this is not a therapeutic procedure and it is imperative that the cosmetic results of the surgery are acceptable. For this reason the amount of tissue excised should be minimal (less than 15 g) and the incision should be placed in as discreet a site as possible. Open biopsy is usually performed under general anaesthetic and is often suitable for day-case surgery. Biopsy of impalpable breast lesions must be performed with radiological guidance. Lesions close to the chest wall and in other inaccessible areas of the breast may not be amenable to radiologically guided core biopsy. Since these lesions are subclinical, an ultrasound or stereotactically guided wire is placed into the lesion under local anaesthetic on the morning of surgery. The surgeon then performs an excision of the tissue surrounding the tip of the guide wire under general anaesthetic. It is not uncommon that the tissue excised is grossly normal and to confirm excision of the radiological abnormality a specimen mammogram is performed prior to completing the procedure. To facilitate the surgeon, the patient should arrive to theatre with either mammograms following placement of the wire or a diagram drawn by the radiologist indicating the site of the lesion relative to the wire (Figure 6.14). The size of the lesion is recorded prior to the surgery to ensure adequate excision, and the excised specimen should be weighed by both the surgeon and the pathologist. Adequate oncological management of breast cancer includes pathological assessment of the axillary lymphatic tissue. The presence of malignancy in axillary lymph nodes has a significant impact on disease-free and overall survival. It is also an indication of adjuvant systemic therapy as it is a predictor of systemic disease. The majority of women without palpable axillary disease do not have lymph node involvement.

Figure 6.14 Specimen mammogram following wire-guided excision biopsy. Courtesy of Fidelma Flanagan, Mater Misericordiae Hospital.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

The standard of care of the clinically normal axilla is to perform sentinel node biopsy at the time of tumour excision. A proportion of patients will have a positive sentinel node and require completion axillary clearance under further general anaesthetic. Ultrasound-guided FNAC confirmation of clinically or radiologically suspicious axillary lymph nodes avoids a second surgery as the patient can proceed directly to axillary clearance at the time of tumour resection. Although a positive result from axillary fine needle aspiration is useful, the sensitivity and specificity of the technique has not been established to a degree that a negative result obviates the need for sentinel node biopsy. Thus, all patients with a clinically benign axilla and a negative fine needle aspiration of an ultrasonographically abnormal axillary lymph node must have a sentinel node biopsy.

1. 2. 3. Fisher B, Bauer M, Margolese R et al. Five-year results of a randomized clinical trial comparing radical mastectomy and total mastectomy with or without radiation. N Engl J Med 1985; 312: 66573. Lieske B, Ravichandran D, Wright D. Role of fine-needle aspiration cytology and core biopsy in the preoperative diagnosis of screen-detected breast carcinoma. Br J Cancer 2006; 95: 626. Boerner S, Fornage BD, Singletary E, Sneige N. Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of nonpalpable breast lesions: a review of 1885 FNA cases using the National Cancer Institute-supported recommendations on the uniform approach to breast FNA. Cancer 1999; 87: 1924. Ellis IO, Humphreys S, Michell M et al. Best practice No 179. Guidelines for breast needle core biopsy handling and reporting in breast screening assessment. J Clin Pathol 2004; 57: 897902. Liberman L. Percutaneous image-guided core breast biopsy. Radiol Clin North Am 2002; 40: 483500.

4. 5.

Techniques of ultrasound biopsy
Michael Michell

Ultrasound-guided needle sampling procedures are now routinely performed as part of the triple diagnostic method on patients presenting with breast lesions to both symptomatic and screening assessment clinics.1,2 Earlier presentation of symptomatic women with subtle clinical signs and small lumps, and the detection of small lesions which are often non-palpable through the increased use of screening mammography require accurate image-guided sampling in order to obtain a diagnosis. The accuracy of needle biopsy is also improved by ultrasound guidance for palpable lesions and, in modern diagnostic practice, image guidance should be used for all needle biopsy or aspiration procedures.


High quality ultrasound apparatus using a linear probe with a frequency range of 712 MHz and good near field imaging is required for adequate visualisation of small breast lesions and the sampling needle. Using modern high frequency equipment, most soft tissue lesions and some microcalcification clusters will be adequately visualised for biopsy. The examination couch should be positioned in the centre of the room giving access to both sides of the couch with the ultrasound machine on the patients right side (Figure 7.1). With the radiologist/operator on the patients right side, the nurse or assistant on the other side of the couch is ideally positioned both to assist during the procedure and to offer support to the patient.3 Ultrasound-guided sampling/biopsy procedures include:

cyst aspiration abscess aspiration fine needle aspiration cytology (US FNAC) core biopsy (USCB) axillary lymph node sampling ultrasound-guided preoperative localisation vacuum-assisted biopsy diagnostic therapeutic.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Figure 7.1 Room layout for breast ultrasound and biopsy procedure.


All ultrasound-guided biopsy procedures should be carried out with a multidisciplinary team approach to diagnosis and as part of the triple diagnostic method. Clinical assessment and appropriate imaging work-up should be complete before ultrasoundguided biopsy is performed. The diagnostic team should be familiar with locally agreed protocols regarding the indications for biopsy and the selection of sampling technique in accordance with the clinical and ultrasound characteristics of the lesion and patient age. The results of image-guided biopsy should be discussed at a regular prospective multidisciplinary clinical management meeting, in order to decide on patient management.


The operator must ensure that the patient fully understands the indication for the procedure and what the procedure involves. This process is helped in many clinics by providing the patient with written information prior to clinic attendance. In most clinics, it is not considered necessary to obtain written consent for ultrasound-guided breast procedures but policy may vary between different institutions or countries.

Abscess aspiration, core biopsy procedures and preoperative wire localisation should be carried out using anaesthetic. Cyst aspiration and fine needle cytology are often carried out with no local anaesthetic local anaesthetic should be offered to such patients, however, for particularly deep-seated lesions.

Techniques of ultrasound biopsy


The advantage of using ultrasound guidance is that the needle can be seen in real time traversing the lesion. In order to see the needle clearly, a parallel approach should be used the needle is introduced and passed through the breast tissue with its long axis parallel to and in line with the surface of the ultrasound transducer. This ensures clear visualisation of the shaft of the needle and the needle tip, and also ensures that there is no danger of the needle tip traversing the chest wall and damaging intrathoracic structures. It is good practice to record ultrasound images of the needle traversing the lesion, ideally including both an image taken along the long axis of the needle, as well as an image at 90 to this in the orthogonal plane.


Simple cyst aspiration is performed for symptomatic relief of a swelling which may be tender. Asymptomatic cysts do not need to be aspirated unless there are imaging features present which suggest that there may be an intracystic lesion present. The needle, attached to the syringe by a connecting tube, is introduced into the cyst and the contents aspirated (Figure 7.2). The cyst aspirate does not need to be sent for cytological examination unless the aspirate is blood stained.
(a) (b)


Cyst aspiration

Figure 7.2 Ultrasound cyst aspiration. (a) Needle, syringe and connecting tube. (b) Aspiration needle parallel to ultrasound probe and chest wall. (c) Aspiration needle within cyst.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Most breast abscesses can be successfully managed by ultrasound-guided aspiration and oral antibiotics.4 Before aspiration, the skin is cleaned and local anaesthetic is injected into the skin, subcutaneous tissue and down to the wall of the abscess. Aspiration may be carried out using a 19 G needle but more effective drainage is likely with larger 16 G or 14 G needles. Repeated drainage may be required to achieve resolution of larger abscesses. If the abscess is large and complex with multiple septae, percutaneous drainage is unlikely to achieve full resolution and surgical drainage should be considered.


Following skin preparation and local anaesthetic administration, the 2123 G aspirating needle, attached to a 10 ml syringe with a connecting tube, is introduced into the lesion by the operator. The needle is moved to and fro within the lesion under ultrasound visualisation with simultaneous rotation and with negative pressure applied by the assistant who holds the syringe (Figure 7.3). Aspiration is continued until material is seen within the hub of the needle. The syringe is removed before the needle is withdrawn so that the aspirate is not sucked back into the connecting tube. The aspirate is then delivered onto slides and both dry and wet preparations are made in accordance with guidance from the cytology laboratory. Two to three separate passes may be made, particularly if the aspirate appears scanty. If local circumstances allow, it may be helpful to have the cellularity of the specimens checked by a cytology technician immediately following the procedure.


Figure 7.3 Ultrasound fine needle aspiration cytology.


Recent studies have demonstrated that core biopsy has a higher sensitivity and specificity than cytology in most centres and has therefore been increasingly used as the first sampling procedure in the diagnostic work-up.1113 The use of larger needles is not associated

Techniques of ultrasound biopsy


with increased pain or other complications.14 For rapid one-stop clinic diagnosis, cytology specimens can be obtained at the same time as core biopsy using imprint cytology techniques the core specimen is dragged across the slide producing a cellular smear.15,16 The procedure is performed with the patient in the supine position with the ipsilateral arm raised above the head. For lesions which are situated in the lateral aspect of the breast, the patient should be in a supine oblique position with the ipsilateral side raised and supported on a cushion. The direction of approach should be planned according to the position and depth of the lesion, and the size and texture of the breast. In very fatty breasts with little residual glandular tissue, the biopsy needle passes easily through the tissue. In glandular breasts or in cases where there is benign breast change with fibrosis, considerable resistance may be encountered. In these cases, use of a radial approach in relation to the nipple will make passage of the needle easier because fewer of the fibrous septae of the breast are traversed. The transducer is placed so that the target lesion is approximately in the centre of the image. For small or subtle lesions, it may be helpful to mark the skin so that the correct position can be quickly found again between needle passes. The operator should use pressure from the probe as well as the hand holding the probe to immobilise the surrounding breast tissue. The skin is cleaned and the site selected for entry of the biopsy needle is infiltrated with local anaesthetic. The biopsy needle entry point should be approximately 1 cm away from the edge of the ultrasound probe for most lesions. For deep lesions, however, the entry point should be 23 cm away from the edge of the probe this allows a longer needle path to the lesion and enables the parallel relationship between probe and needle to be retained. Local anaesthetic is injected both superficially and down to the site of the lesion. For a very mobile lesion, local anaesthetic can also be injected around the lesion to decrease movement during sampling. For very posteriorly situated lesions, local anaesthetic may be injected posterior to the lesion in order to displace it anteriorly and achieve a more satisfactory position for access with the sampling needle. Addition of sodium bicarbonate (0.5 ml sodium bicarbonate to 4.5 ml 1% lignocaine) neutralises the acidic pH and eliminates the initial sting of the anaesthetic injection. A small skin nick is made to allow easy entry of the biopsy needle into the breast. A 14 G needle is most commonly used (Figure 7.4) but a 16 G needle may be easier to position accurately in very glandular breast tissue. The needle is advanced through the breast tissue under direct ultrasound guidance. It is important to ensure that the needle remains aligned with the long axis of the ultrasound transducer and that, as far as possible, the needle and face of the transducer are parallel this will ensure that the full length of the needle is clearly visualised allowing accurate positioning for sampling (Figure 7.5). The tip of the needle is positioned at the proximal surface of the lesion and the biopsy gun is fired. An image of the needle through the lesion is stored. The needle is withdrawn and the specimen delivered into formal saline while the assistant maintains manual pressure


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Figure 7.4 Automated core biopsy gun.

(a) (i)

(a) (ii)

LA infiltration (b) (i) (b) (ii)

(c) (i)

(c) (ii)

Figure 7.5 Ultrasound-guided core biopsy. (a) Local anaesthetic is injected down to the site of the lesion. (b) The biopsy needle is parallel to the ultrasound probe and chest wall with the tip at the proximal edge of the lesion. (c) The biopsy needle has traversed the lesion. Postfire ultrasound image of biopsy needle position (arrow).

Techniques of ultrasound biopsy


over the site of the biopsy to prevent haematoma formation. The macroscopic appearance of the sample is examined and the operator should decide on the basis of the ultrasound appearances during biopsy and the macroscopic appearance of the specimen whether an adequate representative sample has been obtained. For solid breast masses, the tissue will generally appear pale cream in contrast to the yellow fatty normal breast tissue. If there is doubt about the adequacy of the specimen, further samples should be obtained. For a discrete solid mass, one or two samples are generally sufficient; for a less well defined area of abnormality, e.g. distortion or microcalcification, further samples should be taken. For microcalcification, core sample X-ray images should be obtained to confirm that the samples contain representative calcium. At the end of the procedure, the assistant should apply pressure over the biopsy site for at least 5 minutes in order to prevent haematoma formation. A sterile dry dressing, e.g. Steri-Strip, is applied to the site of the skin nick with instruction to keep the site dry for 48 hours before removal. The patient should be provided with aftercare advice, including action to be taken should bleeding occur, and should also be given clear information regarding arrangements for obtaining the biopsy results.

Difficult procedures Deeply situated lesions

The direction of approach is carefully chosen so that the route allows the parallel relation of the needle to both the transducer surface and the chest wall to be maintained as far as possible (Figure 7.6). Local anaesthetic may be injected behind the lesion in order to displace it anteriorly away from the chest wall. The biopsy needle may be initially introduced in a posterior direction to achieve adequate depth and then rotated so that the parallel position is achieved. Using this technique, the operator must take care to control the movement of the biopsy needle to avoid traversing the chest wall.

Mobile lesions
Some small solid lesions, particularly fibroadenomas, may be mobile and present difficulties for sampling. Liberal infiltration of local anaesthetic all around the lesion together with firm pressure using the ultrasound transducer and the operators hand help to immobilise both the lesion and surrounding breast tissue. When the biopsy needle is introduced to the prefire position, it should be advanced so that the tip is engaged in the proximal edge of the lesion in order to minimise the risk of the needle skating along the edge of the lesion and failing to collect an adequate sample. Postfire images of the needle in both longitudinal and transverse planes will demonstrate whether the needle has traversed the lesion.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

LA infiltration

Figure 7.6 Ultrasound-guided core biopsy of a deeply situated lesion. Local anaesthetic is injected posteriorly in order to displace the lesion anteriorly. The skin entry point of the biopsy needle is 34 cm away from the edge of the probe in order to achieve a satisfactory angle of approach with no danger of damage to chest wall structures.

Multiple lesions
If possible, all necessary biopsy procedures should be carried out during the initial clinic attendance. The operator should decide on the biopsy strategy based on both clinical and imaging findings. For young patients with probable multiple fibroadenomas, as long as the imaging features of all the lesions are consistent with benign lesions, it is only necessary to sample one of the masses usually the mass which caused the clinical presentation. In patients with a carcinoma, information regarding both the extent and other foci of tumour are important in deciding management. If further possible foci of tumour are seen in the same quadrant as the main mass, these foci can be effectively sampled using ultrasound FNAC following core biopsy of the target mass. Further lesions in a different quadrant of the ipsilateral breast or in the contralateral breast should be sampled by core biopsy.

Techniques of ultrasound biopsy



Staging of the axillary nodes remains a key step in deciding on the surgical and oncological management of patients with invasive breast cancer. Axillary lymph nodes can be visualised in most patients with modern high frequency ultrasound apparatus. Several studies have described abnormal ultrasound features of axillary nodes such as eccentric cortical thickening of 2 mm and loss of the normal echogenic hilum but these features are not sufficiently accurate for predicting the presence of metastatic disease to use in making decisions on clinical management. Both FNAC and ultrasound core biopsy are currently used for sampling axillary lymph nodes21 and recent published studies show that in approximately 50% of patients with node positive invasive cancer, a malignant aspirate or core sample can be obtained from the axilla. If axillary metastatic disease can be confirmed preoperatively, axillary node surgery can be planned for such patients and a sentinel node biopsy procedure avoided. There are currently insufficient data available to show whether ultrasound FNAC or ultrasound core biopsy achieves the higher sensitivity or specificity. The techniques use the same principles as described for sampling breast lesions. Particular care must be taken to ensure that the needle tip is clearly visualised in order to prevent damage to axillary vascular structures.


Preoperative marking is required for non-palpable lesions undergoing surgical excision. Ultrasound is the imaging method of choice if the lesion is ultrasound visible and is used for most soft tissue lesions and some microcalcification clusters. The needle containing the localising wire/hook device is introduced into the breast using the same technique and principles as for ultrasound needle biopsy. When a satisfactory position has been achieved with the needle adjacent to the lesion, the needle sheath is withdrawn leaving the wire in position. For mammographically detected lesions, it should be ensured that craniocaudal and lateral mammograms are obtained and are sent with the patient to the operating theatre. A specimen radiograph of the surgically excised tissue should be obtained to confirm that the target lesion has been successfully removed and to radiologically assess the margins around the tumour.

1. Wilson ARM, Liston J (eds). Clinical Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening Assessment, 2nd edn. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes, Sheffield, 2005. 2. Teh WL, Evans AJ, Wilson ARM. Definitive non-surgical breast diagnosis: the role of the radiologist (editorial). Clin Radiol 1998; 53: 814. 3. Michell MJ, Lawinski C, Teh W, Vinnicombe S. The breast. In Sutton D, ed. Textbook of Radiology and Imaging, Volume 2. Oxford: Churchill Livingstone, 2003; 46: 145188. 4. Hayes R, Michell MJ, Nunnerley H. Acute inflammation of the breast the role of breast ultrasound in diagnosis and management. Clin Radiol 1991; 44: 2536.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

5. Lamb J, Anderson TJ, Dixon MJ, Levack P. Role of fine needle aspiration cytology in breast cancer screening. J Clin Pathol 1987; 40: 7059. 6. Zajdela A, Chossein NA, Pillerton JP. The value of aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Cancer 1975; 35: 499506. 7. Guidelines for Non-operative Diagnostic Procedures and Reporting in Breast Cancer Screening. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes, Sheffield, 2001. 8. Catania S, Ciatto S. Breast Cytology in Clinical Practice. London: Martin Dunitz, 1992. 9. Parker SG, Jobe WE. Percutaneous Breast Biopsy. New York: Raven Press, 1993. 10. Parker SH, Jobe WE, Dennis MA et al. US guided automated large core breast biopsy. Radiology 1993; 187: 50711. 11. Britton P. Fine needle aspiration or core biopsy. Breast 1999; 8: 14. 12. Britton P, McCann J. Needle biopsy in the NHS Breast Screening Programme 1996/97: how much and how accurate? Breast 1999; 8: 511. 13. Litherland JC, Evans AJ, Wilson ARM et al. The impact of core-biopsy on pre-operative diagnosis rate of screen detected breast cancers. Clin Radiol 1996; 51: 5625. 14. Denton ERE, Ryan S, Beaconsfield T, Michell MJ. Image guided breast biopsy: analysis of pain and discomfort related to technique. Breast 1999; 8: 25760. 15. Jones L, Lott MF, Calder CJ, Kutt E. Imprint cytology from ultrasound guided core biopsies: accurate and immediate diagnosis in a one stop breast clinic. Clin Radiol 2004; 59: 9038. 16. Klevesath MB, Godsin RJ, Bannon R et al. Touch imprint cytology of core needle biopsy specimens: a useful method for immediate reporting of symptomatic breast lesions. Eur J Surg Oncol 2005; 13: 24752. 17. Macmillan RD, Rampaul RS, Lewis S, Evans AJ. Preoperative ultrasound guided node biopsy and sentinal node augmented node sample is best practice. Eur J Cancer 2004; 40: 1768. 18. Deuloo EE, Tanis PJ, Gilhuijs SH et al. Reduction in the number of sentinel lymph node procedures by pre-operative ultrasonography of the axilla in breast cancer. Eur J Cancer 2003; 39: 106873. 19. Bedrosian I, Bedi D, Kuerer HM et al. Impact of clinicopathological factors on sensitivity of axillary ultrasonography in the detection of axillary nodal metastases in patients with breast cancer. Ann Surg Oncol 2003; 10: 102530. 20. Sato K, Tamaki K, Tsuda H et al. Utility of axillary ultrasound examination to select breast cancer patients suited for optimal sentinel node biopsy. Am J Surg 2004; 187: 67983. 21. Damera A, Evans AJ, Cornford EJ et al. Diagnosis of axillary nodal metastases by ultrasound guided core biopsy in primary operable breast cancer. Br J Cancer 2003; 89: 131013. 22. Querci della Rovere G, Warren R, Benson J. Preoperative localisation of impalpable abnormalities in Early Breast Cancer, 2nd edition. London and New York: Taylor and Francis, 2006.

Techniques of ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy
Mike Shere

The commonest type of vacuum-assisted large-bore biopsy system used with ultrasound guidance is the Mammotome (Ethicon, Endosurgery, Cincinnati, OH). There are other systems such as the SenoCore 360 (SenoRx Inc, Aliso Viejo, CA) which uses a radiofrequency tip to penetrate the tissue and the Vacora (Bard Biopsy Systems, Tempe, AZ) which is self-contained. All three systems use a rotating circular blade to cut the core of tissue. The Mammotome has the advantage of being able to take multiple cores without having to reinsert the needle. There is also the ABBI (Advanced Breast Biopsy Instrumentation System; United States Surgical Corporation, Norwalk, CT), which does not employ vacuum, but uses much bigger cannulae (up to 20 mm) to take specimens with the rotating blade. Techniques for using the three vacuum systems are very similar, other than the initial use of a cannula to guide the biopsy probe with the SenoCore 360 and the Vacora, and the ease of penetration afforded by the radiofrequency tip of the SenoCore 360. The SenoCore 360 comes in three sizes: 6, 8 and 9 G, the larger taking up to a 260 mg sample. It may not be suitable for some of the indications such as duct excision or cystadenomata because of the need to insert the probe into the lesion before taking the sample. The Vacora only comes in a 10 G size and therefore may not be suitable for large lesions and does not have such a powerful vacuum, being battery powered. The Mammotome was developed in 1995.1 There are two versions using different probes: one for stereotactic biopsies of impalpable lesions, and the other for hand-held use under ultrasound control. The original system used an articulated arm to hold the probe, but the next generation was literally hand-held. The third generation (EX), for hand-held use only, is faster and has done away with the mechanical drive cables to the probe. The probes come in three sizes, 14, 11 and 8 G, capable of removing 30, 80 and 240 mg of tissue respectively, per core (Figure 8.1). The Mammotome was developed as an alternative biopsy system to the manual or semi-automated core biopsy systems which are usually 14 G. Particularly with small impalpable lesions, the idea was that the larger the biopsy, the more likely that it would contain the target lesion. It was soon realised, however, that with some conditions,


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Figure 8.1 Needles (from top to bottom): 14 G core-biopsy needle, 11 G Mammotome, 11 G Mammotome EX and 8 G Mammotome.

the process could be therapeutic as well, with for example nipple discharge2 and fibroadenomata.3 This chapter discusses the techniques not only of ultrasoundguided biopsy, but also of the therapeutic use of vacuum-biopsy systems, mainly the Mammotome.


There are many indications for the use of the Mammotome. Indeed, in our unit, most of what is usually regarded as day-case surgery is done in the clinic with the Mammotome, thus freeing valuable theatre time for cancer surgery. Common to all conditions is the ability of the patient to tolerate the procedure under local anaesthetic. If the patient wants to have a general anaesthetic, then whilst the Mammotome biopsy could be done under general anaesthetic, this adds considerably to the cost of the procedure. Most of the cost of general anaesthetic day-case surgery comes from the staff and facilities, not the disposables, and therefore one is just adding 250 to the cost. The only advantage would be the much smaller incision, but the use of periareolar incisions in surgery rarely leaves an appreciable scar. However, using the Mammotome whilst the patient is under general anaesthesia could be useful when starting to learn the procedures, without the added difficulty of giving local anaesthesia. A general contraindication to Mammotome use is an anticoagulated patient. It has been reported that there were few significant problems with the use of an 11 G probe for stereotactic biopsies in anticoagulated patients.4 However, with the use of 8 G probes and more extensive biopsies or excisions, it would seem sensible to treat the procedure in the same way as minor surgery and stop anticoagulation beforehand.

Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy


Nipple discharge
The indications for the use of the Mammotome in nipple discharge are the same as those for doing an operative microdochectomy for single duct discharge or major duct excision for multiduct discharge. These are single duct discharge, bloody discharge and troublesome multiduct discharge which is for example staining the clothes in the presence of a normal mammogram. Indications also include, with the increasing use of high frequency ultrasound, when there is a visible intraduct papilloma on ultrasound. The aim is also the same: to biopsy the area adequately and to stop the discharge.

The indications for Mammotome biopsy/excision for these lesions are again the same as for operative excision or excision biopsy. The policies for these lesions vary from unit to unit, but the aim is to exclude carcinoma, and most people would agree that in the older woman, it would be unwise to make a diagnosis of fibroadenoma on imaging alone and that a core biopsy should be done. Some policies are made on size as well as age. There may be a diagnostic role for the Mammotome when there is a B3 result from the core biopsy, with its ability to remove most or all of the lesion when the likelihood is that the lesion is benign. However, the main role of the Mammotome is to excise fibroadenomata in women who have a histologically proven fibroadenoma and have opted not to have conservative management,5 and who want to have the lump excised. Very large fibroadenomata are probably not suitable for excision with the Mammotome as it can take a very long time even with an 8 G probe, and an appreciable amount of normal surrounding breast tissue is excised with the lesion. The limit is probably 2530 mm in largest diameter as measured by ultrasound. The authors of the paper first discussing this indication3 suggest that with fibroadenomata over 1520 mm there is quite a high rate of incomplete excision. However, they only used the 11 G rather than the 8 G probe which makes excision of larger lesions much easier. Another study using both 8 G and 11 G probes showed an incomplete removal rate of 1%.6 Until the results of randomised trials comparing Mammotome excision with surgical excision, it is wise when counselling these women, to stress that choosing the minimally invasive Mammotome method may have a greater risk of leaving some of the fibroadenoma behind.

Subareolar biopsy before nipple sparing subcutaneous mastectomy

This is a more recent indication designed for situations where a subcutaneous mastectomy is contemplated in, for example extensive ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), and it is not known whether it is safe to preserve the nipple.7 The historical


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

method is to request frozen section histology of a subareolar operative biopsy whilst the patient is under anaesthetic. This is less than perfect, as frozen section histology is more difficult to interpret and the woman does not know what operation she is having until she wakes up.

These lesions are usually diagnosed by the ultrasound appearance of a filling defect in a cyst or from the operative excision of a cyst which has refilled or contained bloodstained fluid. The Mammotome is a good way of excising the adenoma under direct ultrasound vision both for the purpose of diagnosis and stopping the cyst refilling.

B3 core biopsy results

As mentioned under fibroadenoma, when a core biopsy has been done of an ultrasound visible lesion, with a B3 result, the Mammotome can be used for diagnosis. The proviso is that there should be high probability that the lesion is benign, otherwise an excision biopsy might be preferred which has a greater certainty of complete excision. Included here would be those situations where suspicious mammographic microcalcification can also be seen on ultrasound and the Mammotome can be used for a diagnostic biopsy.

The majority of lactating breast abscesses can be resolved with repeated aspirations.8 However, there are some occasions when the pus is too thick to aspirate through a 19 G (cream coloured) needle or when the abscess has become loculated, usually as the result of prolonged antibiotic therapy. We have shown that the Mammotome with its powerful vacuum can be useful to evacuate these abscesses.9 The abscess usually resolves without needing further aspirations or surgical drainage, at an important time for mother and baby. It is also useful when one needs to take a biopsy of the cavity wall as well. The indication is also being extended to non-lactational abscesses, particularly when there is a chronic subareolar abscess or mammary fistula, possibly following previous surgery for the condition. It has the advantage over surgery through a periareolar incision, in that the Mammotome probe can be inserted well away from the infected tissue.

The Mammotome is a useful tool for the minimally invasive treatment of gynaecomastia.10 Suitable patients for this would be those with mostly glandular tissue, rather than fat which could be dealt with by liposuction. They should also be screened for pathological causes of gynaecomastia.

Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy


Fat necrosis
Areas of hard fat necrosis, histologically or cytologically proven, whether caused by trauma or by surgery, can be excised with the Mammotome. These areas are often too hard for the traditional tool of the plastic surgeon, liposuction, and can be excised in the same way as gynaecomastia.

Diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer

Fine needle aspiration cytology and, occasionally, core biopsy can fail to diagnose inflammatory breast cancer because of the diffuse nature of the disease. The Mammotome, by virtue of taking larger samples of tissue, can be used for diagnosis and for analysis of accurate receptor status in suspicious cases.11

TECHNIQUES Discussion and informed consent

The procedure can be quite frightening, as there is a large probe with a big needle being thrust into the breast in front of patients eyes and there is a roomful of equipment. It is, therefore, worthwhile spending some time explaining it all to the patient in the clinic before arranging the procedure and supplying them with a leaflet explaining why it is being done, how it is done, the equipment being used, what to expect afterwards and how the results of the biopsy will be communicated. Most people take only verbal consent for an ordinary core biopsy of the breast. However, with this rather more invasive procedure it is probably worth having written consent as well, although there is no legal basis for this.

Preparation and equipment

The preparation and equipment for vacuum-assisted biopsy are shown in Table 8.1.

Positioning is probably more important with Mammotome biopsy, than for doing an ordinary core biopsy. Procedures take longer, and a poor position can affect the patients comfort and the operators back and neck! As well as the relative positions of the probe and patient, there are two screens to look at: the Mammotome machine screen and the ultrasound screen (Figure 8.2). Full use needs to be made of wedges under the patients shoulders and back particularly for lateral lesions, and she needs to be comfortable. The height of the table needs to be right for the operators comfort. Some lesions may be easier to biopsy with the table down low and the operator seated.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Table 8.1 Preparation and equipment for vacuum-assisted biopsy Assistant (only one person is required in addition to the operator) Vacuum-assisted biopsy equipment (set up and tested before patient arrives) Ultrasound machine (plus sterile probe covers if probe cannot be sterilised) Gloves Skin cleaning solution (this is a clean procedure rather than a sterile one) Local anaesthetic (as below) 20 ml syringe with short 25 G and long 21 G needles Size 11 blade Gauze swabs Steri-Strips Elasticated crepe bandages Saline solution for cleaning skin after procedure Forceps (for removing samples from probe) Specimen container containing formalin

Figure 8.2 Clinic room set up for Mammotomes. Operator stands on patients right opposite machines.

The assistant also needs to be able to access the Mammotome probe to extract the samples from it as they appear. Thought needs to be given to the positioning of the screens for each individual procedure, but the author has found that it is generally easier to have the Mammotome and ultrasound machines on the opposite side of the patient to the operator so that he can glance up at them without having to turn his head. Another method is to use a binocular headset so that the ultrasound image is right in front of the operators eyes

Local anaesthesia
Vacuum-biopsy systems have large needles and are often inserted into the breast tissue at some distance from the lesion for both cosmetic reasons and to avoid a steep

Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy


angle towards the chest wall. Local anaesthesia therefore needs to be extensive and adequate. The usual local anaesthetics used are lidocaine or buvipicaine, the latter having an advantage with longer duration of action but slower onset of effect. Because of the use of a large-bore needle in vascular tissue and the strong likelihood of haematoma and bruising, it is advisable to use adrenaline in solution with the local anaesthetic. The author uses 1% lidocaine with adrenaline 1 in 200 000. The volume required for adequate anaesthesia depends to some extent on the nature of the lesion being biopsied or excised, but 20 ml is usually sufficient. One should be careful not to exceed the maximum recommended dose which is 20 ml of 1% plain lidocaine or 50 ml if given in solutions containing adrenaline. A contraindication to adrenaline-containing solutions is their use in appendages because of the danger of necrosis from reduced blood supply and some have suggested that this applies to the nipple. However, the authors have performed many hundreds of procedures using lidocaine and adrenaline to anaesthetise the nipple area without any problems whatsoever. One of the unpleasant effects of infiltration with local anaesthetic is the initial stinging. There are two ways in which this can be alleviated. One is to warm the solution to body temperature immediately before use, a convenient way of doing this is to use an ultrasound gel warmer if gel is being used. The other method is to buffer the solution immediately before use with 8.4% sodium bicarbonate solution,12,13 as the stinging pain is mostly due to the acidic solutions used to prolong shelf life. The methods used are similar to any form of local anaesthetic infiltration. The skin is cleaned and a subdermal bleb is first raised using a 25 G (orange) needle, bearing in mind the need for a 58 mm stab incision to insert the Mammotome probe. The needle is then swapped to a longer larger-diameter needle. A spinal needle can be used; however, the author uses an ordinary, but longer, 21 G (green) needle 50 mm long which has the advantage of being long enough and robust enough not to bend. The way in which the infiltration is performed again depends on the type of lesion being biopsied or excised, and is described in the individual sections below, but infiltration can be used to advantage. The injection can be used to form a track for the Mammotome probe to follow by the hydraulic pressure of the anaesthetic and the pressure of the anaesthetic can also be used to develop a plane underneath a lesion to lift it away from the chest wall to allow safe insertion of the probe.

Nipple discharge
Particularly if the aim is to perform a major duct excision to stop troublesome multiduct discharge then the entry point for the Mammotome will need to be further away from the nipple than the areolanormal skin junction, to allow excision of ducts from the subareolar region right around the clock face. If one specific duct is being targeted, for example if it has an ultrasound visible papilloma in it or is dilated and pressure over it reproduces the single duct discharge (Figure 8.3), or the patient has a


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Figure 8.3 Bloody discharge on pressing a point at 2 oclock.

Figure 8.4 Raising a local anaesthetic bleb medial to the areola.

particularly large areola, then the entry point can be periareolar but from the opposite side of the areola to the abnormal duct. After the local anaesthetic bleb is raised (Figure 8.4), the longer needle is used to infiltrate the local anaesthetic using the whole 20 ml. The subareolar area is anaesthetised by angling the needle at approximately 30 to the skin, infiltrating all the way as it is pushed down to the far side of the areola (Figure 8.5). It is important to infiltrate a little bit further as there is about 4 mm of probe beyond the cutting groove on the Mammotome probe. The needle is almost withdrawn and the process repeated to anaesthetise under a different part of the areola. This carries on in a fan-shaped way until the whole area is covered (Figure 8.6). Another technique is to try to block the lateral cutaneous branch of the fourth intercostal nerve; however, there is evidence to

Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy


Figure 8.5 Infiltrating local anaesthetic under the areola.

Figure 8.6 Infiltrating local anaesthetic under subaerolar ducts.

show that this is far from being the only nerve supply to the nipple area.14 Infiltration should take place under direct ultrasound vision as it is very easy to inject anaesthetic into one of the ducts where it not only does not anaesthetise the area, but also may obscure the papilloma and occasionally comes out of the nipple under pressure into the operators eye! Before starting, it is also worth having a look for any large vessels which could be avoided, using colour Doppler. A stab incision is then made for the Mammotome probe to be inserted. The author uses a straight edged size 11 blade, hand-held, rather than in a handle, because it is rather less frightening than being approached with a whole scalpel (Figure 8.7). The incision length needs to about 5 mm long for an 11 G probe and about 8 mm for the 8 G probe. It is not worth trying to make the incision smaller as the insertion


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Figure 8.7 Making stab incision.

Figure 8.8 Mammotome probe in position under dilated ducts.

and movement will macerate the skin edges resulting in poor wound healing. For the same reason, the incision needs to be along the line of the probe insertion as in Figure 8.6, rather than antiradial. An 11 G probe is usually adequate for duct excisions unless there are widespread dilated ducts on ultrasound or it is a repeat procedure, after either a previous Mammotome or operative duct excision, when an 8 G probe might be considered. The probe is inserted into the stab incision. It might be worth suggesting to the patient that she close her eyes or turn her head at this stage if she is anxious about the size of the needle. The needle is pushed down at an angle of about 30 to the skin, right under the nipple, under ultrasound vision. The aim is to position it under and parallel to the ducts on the opposite side of the nipple (Figures 8.8 and 8.9). It is also worth placing a finger on the skin of this part to gauge where the tip of the probe is located.

Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy


Figure 8.9 Mammotome in position under areola. Note ultrasound probe is just to one side of the nipple to avoid the nipple attenuation of the ultrasound image.

If a specific duct is being targeted, for example one with a papilloma, then the probe will have been inserted directly under this duct from the opposite side of the nipple so that it is parallel to the duct and the cutting groove is directly under the lesion. Samples are then taken, cutting upwards towards the duct, until the lesion and/or the duct have been completely removed ultrasonically. A few more samples are then taken to ensure that the duct is obliterated. If a papilloma is being targeted, it is important to aim at this first because if the probe cuts into the duct first, then the fluid in the duct will be sucked out by the vacuum and the papilloma may no longer be visible on ultrasound. If the aim is a major duct excision, then one starts as above with the ducts directly opposite the insertion point, say at 3 oclock in Figure 8.8. The probe is then turned 90 anti-clockwise and more excision takes place of ducts in the 1 to 2 oclock region. The probe is then turned back the other way to excise ducts in the 4 to 5 oclock region. The probe is then pulled back to excise the ducts directly under the nipple and those at 6 and 12 oclock, and it is then pulled back further to complete the ducts on the side nearest the insertion point in the same way. It is not usually necessary to reposition the probe, as by just turning it to the side, different areas of tissue are sucked in by the vacuum and excised. The major danger in this procedure is, when cutting upwards towards the nipple or areolar skin, that the vacuum sucks skin into the cutting groove and cuts a hole in the skin. When one knows that the skin is close, it is important to watch the skin over the probe and if it is sucked down, the cut can be aborted instantly by pressing the back button before the rotary cutting blade reaches the area. At worst the defect would need a suture to repair it.

Subareolar biopsy before nipple sparing subcutaneous mastectomy

This procedure is very similar to duct excision. The difference is that the aim is to adequately biopsy the subareolar area, without biopsying too deep into the area


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which is going to be excised by the subcutaneous mastectomy anyway. As a result, one needs to take the biopsies very close to the skin of the areola and there is a greater danger of sucking in and excising some of the skin. It is therefore important to watch the skin closely, but another technique is to insert the probe immediately under the skin of the nippleareolar complex and then turn it through 180, so that it cuts the biopsies downwards, rather than up towards the skin. Another important factor here, from the cosmesis point of view, is to make the entry point of the probe in a position where it will be excised by the incision for the subsequent mastectomy. An 11 G probe is adequate for this procedure, and after a look with ultrasound for any obvious ducts at the beginning, it can be mostly performed free hand. Indeed it is probably more useful to be able to feel where the probe is and to be able to watch the skin.

The stab incision made to allow insertion of the Mammotome probe usually heals very well, but there will inevitably be some visible mark. It is therefore important to carefully plan where the insertion point is going to be made. It will depend on where the fibroadenoma is located, but the best two sites are either in the inframammary fold or, for lesions in the upper breast, the normal skinareolar skin junction. Other considerations include being at least 3 or 4 cm away from the lesion so that the probe can be inserted reasonably parallel to the chest wall, and operator comfort. Local anaesthesia is important with fibroadenomata. After the bleb is raised under the skin the larger anaesthetic needle can be used under ultrasound vision to develop a track from the incision down to a plane deep to the fibroadenoma. The importance of this is that these lesions are usually in young women with dense breasts in which it is hard to get a large needle into position, even with the cutting blade on the tip of the Mammotome. The hydraulic pressure of injecting the anaesthetic is surprisingly good at developing a path of least resistance for the probe. Likewise, the anaesthetic is useful in creating a space under the lesion for the probe, particularly if the lesion is on the chest wall, when it can be lifted off. Two further points worth making are that the anaesthetic needs to be infiltrated at least 5 mm beyond the fibroadenoma as the sharp tip of the probe will be in this part when the cutting part is under the fibroadenoma, and the anaesthetic needs to be infiltrated under the lateral parts of the lesion as well as in a fan-like pattern. The probe, usually an 8 G, unless in the case of a very small fibroadenoma, is now placed in position. It is worth examining the area with colour Doppler ultrasound to see whether there are any large vessels around the fibroadenoma, but it is difficult to avoid these when one is excising the whole lesion. The Mammotome probe needs to be directly under the lesion (Figure 8.10). Despite the preparation with local anaesthetic, it can sometimes need quite a lot of force to get it into position and one may sometimes need to put the ultrasound probe down and hold the fibroadenoma with that hand to steady it whilst pushing the Mammotome probe underneath it with

Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy


Figure 8.10 Mammotome needle under fibroadenoma. Note sonographic accentuation behind the cutting grove which helps show correct positioning.

the other hand. It can sometimes be difficult to see where the cutting groove is on ultrasound imaging, but if the cutting blade is withdrawn with the back button, an area of accentuation is seen just behind the groove (Figure 8.10). The excision can now begin. One has to remember that the view with ultrasound is a two-dimensional slice of a three-dimensional object, i.e. all the work is being undertaken viewing the screen which shows only a slice of the lesion and there is more fibroadenoma on either side of this slice. For this reason one starts off by cutting large cores up through the centre of the fibroadenoma to the superficial surface and the lesion seems to have disappeared on ultrasound. However, moving the ultrasound probe to either side reveals the rest of the fibroadenoma. One can either reposition the probe under each of the two side pieces and excise them or more easily, rotate the probe to face the side piece and move the ultrasound probe laterally over it to view and excise it (Figure 8.11). The exercise is then repeated with the other lateral fragment. In practice this is a bit easier than it sounds, as the vacuum system sucks the fibroadenoma down into the groove before the blade cuts it off. After this process, there is usually a small fragment of fibroadenoma left behind somewhere and it may be necessary to reposition the probe. Again care needs to be taken, if the fibroadenoma is superficial, not to excise any skin.

The principle is the same as for excising a duct papilloma, with the same difficulties, in that neither the local anaesthetic needle or the Mammotome needle should enter the cyst before cutting commences, otherwise the cyst might deflate and the cystadenoma may no longer be visible on ultrasound. The Mammotome is inserted carefully


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Ultrasound probe


Mammotone probe in cross-section

Figure 8.11 Technique of excising a fibroadenoma with the Mammotome.

Figure 8.12 Mammotome needle in position under a cystadenoma.

under the cyst directly under the adenoma (Figure 8.12). When in position, samples are cut upwards towards the adenoma through its base in the cyst wall. At some stage, the Mammotome will cut through the cyst wall and the vacuum will suck the fluid from the cyst, dramatically deflating it. Hopefully, by this stage the adenoma will have been excised, but it is probably worth cutting a few more samples to excise some more of the cyst wall.

Biopsy of B3 lesions and inflammatory breast cancer

The principle of biopsying these lesions with the Mammotome is the same as for ordinary core biopsy. The only real differences are that more local anaesthetic is required and the Mammotome needle is inserted under the lesion, rather than into it, to take samples cutting up into it.

Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy


The principle with gynaecomastia is really a combination of the techniques used for excising fibroadenomata, with the safeguards needed when using the Mammotome directly behind the nipple. Local anaesthesia needs to be infiltrated quite widely as the aim is to contour the whole breast area, not to leave a scooped out dent by just removing the breast disk. The best entry point is probably in the submammary area laterally, using an 8 G probe. The breast tissue and fat are excised methodically in a fan-shaped pattern using a combination of ultrasound control and direct feel. The cutting side of the Mammotome should probably be facing towards the skin or sideways at all times, to avoid excising pieces of the pectoral muscle. The Mammotome is probably less efficient at removing soft fat, and it may be necessary to complete the smooth contouring process with liposuction.

Fat necrosis
Fat necrosis can leave a persistent hard area in the breast and is common after major breast surgery such as reconstruction with autologous material or reduction mammoplasty as well as bruising following trauma. Techniques for excision of these areas with the Mammotome are similar to those of gynaecomastia, the aim being to remove the hard area and recontour it. One major caveat is not to excise the vascular bundle supplying an autologous reconstruction!

Large abscesses in lactating women (Figure 8.13) are difficult to anaesthetise adequately for a Mammotome procedure. The full 20 ml should be used and care should

Figure 8.13 Lactating abscess which was successfully treated by Mammotome.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

be taken not to get too much actually into the abscess cavity as it does not have much effect there. The entry point needs to be carefully sited, not just for cosmesis, but well away from the abscess and not through inflamed skin. Going through several centimetres of normal breast tissue, before entering infected tissue, stops the formation of a track draining pus afterwards. The Mammotome is pushed into the abscess cavity and vacuum can then be applied (Figure 8.14). The Mammotome system has several modes, but the author has found that the best mode for maximum suction is in position mode with the rotary blade positioned halfway down the probe. Vacuum is then applied by pressing the vac button. The Mammotome tip often needs to be moved around in the cavity to evacuate all the pus and then biopsies can be taken of the cavity wall using sample mode, as a very small number of even lactating abscesses can be malignant. The Mammotome can also be used for chronic non-lactating abscesses around the nipple, including those with chronic fistulae and those which have had operative drainage procedures done before. The technique is again to site the entry point well away from the infected area, and to excise as much of it as possible, going up as close to the skin as possible.

Care needs to be taken withdrawing the Mammotome from the entry point as it has a very sharp bladed tip and it would be easy to damage the edges of the skin stab incision. Pressure needs to be applied quite strongly with several gauze swabs over the

Figure 8.14 Mammotome needle in abscess evacuating pus.

Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy


area where the biopsy/excision has been performed and the incision and needle track, for a timed 5 minutes (Figure 8.15). This is very important in terms of minimising the amount of haematoma and bruising. Closure of the incision is made with a SteriStrip; one is usually sufficient (Figure 8.16). The patient is then sat up and the pressure bandage applied. One needs to be careful at this stage as patients often feel faint in the upright position. A folded gauze swab pad is placed over the biopsy/excision area and held in place by the bandages. The bandages should be as tight as is comfortable for the patient and she is instructed to leave them on overnight (Figure 8.17). The patient is kept in the unit for 30 minutes after the procedure to check for any immediate problems and then allowed home with an appointment for the following week to receive the results. We recommend that someone else drives them home.

Figure 8.15 Applying pressure after Mammotome has been withdrawn.

Figure 8.16 Closure of incision with a Steri-Strip.


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

Figure 8.17 Applying pressure bandage after procedure.

Complications are few and minor. Most patients will get some degree of bruising and some will have a palpable haematoma, but in the approximately 1000 procedures performed in our unit, we have never had to perform a surgical evacuation of a haematoma. We have also never had a problem with nipple necrosis or any significant infection.

1. Parker SH, Dennis MA, Stavros AT, Johnson KK. Ultrasound-guided mammotomy: a new breast biopsy technique. J Diagn Med Sonography 1996; 12: 11388. 2. Dennis MA, Parker S, Kaske TI, Stavros AT, Camp J. Incidental treatment of nipple discharge caused by intraductal papilloma through diagnostic Mammotome biopsy. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1999; 174: 12638. 3. Sperber F, Blank A, Metser U et al. Diagnosis and treatment of breast fibroadenomas by ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy. Arch Surg 2003; 138: 796800. 4. Melotti MK, Berg WA. Core needle breast biopsy in patients undergoing anticoagulation therapy: preliminary results. Am J Roentgenol 2000; 174: 2459. 5. Cant PJ, Madden MV, Coleman MG, Dent DM. Non-operative management of breast masses diagnosed as fibroadenoma. Br J Surg 1995; 82: 7924. 6. Fine RE, Boyd BA, Whitworth PW et al. Percutaneous removal of benign breast masses using a vacuum-assisted hand-held device with ultrasound guidance. Am J Surg 2002; 184: 3326. 7. Govindarajulu S, Nareddy S, Shere M et al. Preoperative mammotome biopsy of ducts beneath the nipple areola complex. Eur J Surg Oncol 2006; 34: 41012. 8. Dixon JM. Repeated aspiration of breast abscesses in lactating women. Br Med J 1988; 297: 151718. 9. Varey AHR, Shere MH, Cawthorn SJ. Treatment of loculated lactational breast abscess with a vacuum biopsy system. Br J Surg 2005; 92: 12256. 10. Iwuagwu OC, Calvey AJ, Ilsey D, Drew PJ. Ultrasound guided minimally invasive breast surgery (UMIBS). A superior technique for gynaecomastia. Ann Plast Surg 2004; 52: 1313.

Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy


11. Meloni GB, Dessole S, Becchere MP et al. Effectiveness of core biopsy by the mammotome device for diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol 1999; 26: 1812. 12. Masters JE. Randomised control trial of pH buffered lignocaine with adrenaline in outpatient operations. Br J Plast Surg 1998; 51: 3857. 13. Brem RF, Schoonjans JM. Local anesthesia in stereotactic, vacuum-assisted breast biopsy. Breast J 2001; 7: 723. 14. Sarhadi NS, Soutar DS. Nerve supply of the nipple: only from the fourth or several intercostal nerves? Eur J Plast Surg 1997; 20: 20911.

Future developments
Obi Iwuchukwu and Philip Drew

Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonography is rapidly gaining popularity as it moves out of the research environment and intothe clinical setting. This modality offers several distinct advantages over conventional ultrasonography. Conventional radiography merges 3D data into two-dimensional (2D) summation images. Radiologists mentally reverse this process by forming 3D impressions of the underlying anatomy and disease. Tomographic data from ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging have made this mental reformatting process easier and more accurate. One of the major disadvantages of conventional ultrasound is operator dependency. The operator sweeps the ultrasound beam back and forth across an organ many times while mentally integrating multiple 2D images into a 3D impression of the underlying anatomy and disease. This process is universally acknowledged as time-consuming and inefficient, and there is considerable interobserver variability. In contrast, 3D images can be reconstructed from data obtained with a single sweep of the ultrasound beam across the involved organ. Both the ultrasonography information and the relative position of each tomographic section are accurately recorded. As a result, the exact relationship between anatomic structures is accurately recorded in the 3D image. Conventional ultrasonography is very useful for distinguishing breast cysts, but 3D ultrasonography has the capacity to demonstrate lesion margins and topography.1 This information can be invaluable in differentiating benign from malignant masses. The breast tissue must be immobilised during imaging to ensure accurate registration of the imaging sections. Cho et al1 compared prospectively obtained static 2D and 3D ultrasonographic images for the diagnostic performance of radiologists with respect to the differentiation of benign from malignant solid breast masses with histopathological examination as the reference standard. Conventional 2D and 3D ultrasonography images were obtained from 141 patients with 150 solid breast masses (60 cancers and 90 benign lesions) before excision or needle biopsy. Four radiologistswho had not performed the examinations independently reviewed 2D ultrasonography images and stored 3D ultrasonography data, and provided a level of suspicion concerning probability


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

of malignancy. The sensitivity, specificity and negative predictive values of 2D images were then compared with those of 3D ultrasonography images. For all readers, 3D ultrasonography images were the same as or better than 2D ultrasonography images in terms of sensitivity, although the differences were not statistically significant (p 0.05). The development of an innovative 3D visualisation and navigation tool for use before, during and after the procedure provides surgeons with a tool to give additional insight into the physical configuration of the surgical site and the requirements of the procedure, in turn enabling more effective surgery.

Diagnostic applications
The use of 3D ultrasound may help to determine the exact position of the needle during breast biopsy, thereby reducing the number of core samples that are needed to achieve a reliable histological diagnosis. 3D ultrasonography has already been used by several groups in a diagnostic capacity and found to be superior to 2D ultrasonography. Lell and colleagues2 evaluated 3D ultrasound in core biopsies of suspicious breast lesions. Biopsies were taken from 59 probably benign and 48 malignant lesions. 3D ultrasonography revealed 61 central, 44 eccentric and two marginal needle positions after the initial 2D guidance. Central repositioning of the needle was achievable under 3D guidance in all patients. In one lesion, the carcinoma was missed in the core biopsy, despite central hits of the biopsy needle. This led to a sensitivity of 98%, specificity of 100%, positive predictive value of 100%, negative predictive value of 98.5% and accuracy of 99% for the diagnosis of a malignant lesion. Thus, 3D ultrasonography improves needle positioning as well as the depiction of correct needle placement in free-hand core biopsy. Weismann et al3 evaluated the role of 3D ultrasound following needle breast biopsy under 2D needle guidance. A total of 188 core needle biopsies and 24 fine needle aspiration biopsies were 3D ultrasonography correlated after typical free-hand ultrasonography needle guidance. After core needle stroke or localisation of fine needle, a 3D ultrasonography data volume set was acquired and a multiplanar analysis performed. In 117 core needle strokes of benign (n 21) and malignant (n 12) lesions 3D targeting prospectively revealed 95 lesion hits, 12 marginal lesion hits and nine out-of-lesion hits. In one case after the initial large core needle path a 5-mm lesion was disguised by air bubbles, therefore 3D targeting failed during the second biopsy procedure. Thus, 3D ultrasonography combined with 3D targeting technique is a more reliable and objective tool, demonstrating exact spatial positioning of core and fine needle during biopsy procedure when compared with standard 2D ultrasound. Furthermore, Delle Chiaie and Terinde4 in a separate study demonstrated the efficacy of 3D ultrasound-validated large-core needle biopsy (LCNB) of the breast. 3D ultrasound visualisation of the needle in the postfiring position was used to classify the biopsy as central, marginal or outside the lesion. Based on this classification it was decided whether another sample had to be obtained. A total of 360 core needle

Future developments


biopsies were obtained from 169 breast lesions in 146 patients. A median of two core samples per lesion provided for all the lesions a sensitivity for malignancy of 96.9%, specificity of 100%, false positive rate of 0% and false negative rate of 3.1%, and for the excised lesions a sensitivity of 96.5%, specificity of 100%, false positive rate of 0%, false negative rate of 3.5% and an underestimation rate of 3.4%. Delle Chiaie and Terinde concluded that 3D ultrasound validation of the postfiring needle position is an efficient adjunct to ultrasound-guided LCNB. The advantages of 3D ultrasound validation are likely to include a reduction in the number of core samples needed to achieve a reliable histological diagnosis (and a possible reduction in the risk of tumour cell displacement), reduced procedure time and lower costs. The 3D ultrasound navigation system is useful in visualizing breast tumour extension and is more accurate than palpation. The system is expected to be helpful in deciding on the appropriate surgical margin in breast cancer surgery, resulting in a better cosmetic outcome without increasing the risk of surgical margin positivity.5 To perform optimal tumour resection of breast cancer, preoperative information concerning intraductal spread of cancer (ISC) is very important. Tamaki et al6 evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of three different 3D modes including helical CT, MRI and ultrasound in patients with primary breast cancer by comparison with multisliced pathological specimens. The sensitivity of each modality for detecting ISC was 64.7%, 90.2% and 78.6%, and the specificity was 97.1%, 62.9% and 100%, respectively. Thus, 3D ultrasonography was the most specific modality for diagnosing ISC. Meyberg-Solomayer and colleagues7 evaluated whether 3D ultrasound brings any advantage to breast diagnostics. A total of 65 women with breast lesions (42 malignant, 23 benign) were examined preoperatively with 2D and 3D ultrasonography. It was found that 3D ultrasonography of breast lesions as an adjunct to 2D sonography offers a better assessment of the infiltrative zone. In addition, the coronal plane was of benefit when the infiltrative zone was unclear. Furthermore, the surface mode was advantageous for imaging complex structures such as a multinodular fibroadenoma.

Real-time three-dimensional ultrasound image guidance for breast surgery

During breast cancer surgery the primary goal of the surgeon is to remove the entire cancerous tumour as well as a small margin of surrounding healthy tissue to ensure that no cancerous cells are left behind. In general, the surgeon operates without any image feedback during breast cancer surgery. Recently, research has provided surgeons with an ultrasound-based 3D visualisation and navigation tool that can be used prior to, during and after the procedure to ensure successful removal of the cancer. Such an advanced imaging system will increase the likelihood of success by assisting with the surgeons primary tasks: locating the target tumour prior to the operation, planning and executing an intervention along a minimally invasive path, removal of


Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast

the cancerous tissue, and evaluation of the region after surgery to ensure that no cancerous tissue remains. A prototype free-hand 3D ultrasound system that uses a readily available commercial 2D ultrasound system for image acquisition, an optical tracking system for probe and surgical instrument tracking, and a personal computer for 3D image reconstruction and visualisation in real time has been developed by workers at Stamford University, USA.8 It is prepared for use in the operating room. Baez et al9 evaluated the use of 3D ultrasonography in the complete excision of benign breast tumours using ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted core needle biopsy (Mammotome). Twenty consecutive patients with sonographically benign breast lesions underwent 3D ultrasound-guided Mammotome biopsy under local anaesthesia. Ultrasonographic follow-up examinations were performed on the following day and 36 months later to assess residual tissue and scarring. Follow-up examinations revealed complete excision of all lesions of 1.5 ml in volume as assessed by 3D volumetry. 3D ultrasonographic volume assessment was more accurate than 2D. No bleeding or infections occurred postoperatively and no significant scarring was seen ultrasonographically on follow-up examinations. Thus, 3D ultrasound offers the advantage of better preoperative demonstration of the lesions margins, resulting in better assessment of volume, improved intraoperative needle location and perioperative identification of residual tumour tissue. Furthermore, it was recommend that 3D sonographically guided biopsy should be integrated into breast cancer screening programmes as a safe therapeutic option for breast lesions presumed to be benign.

Limitations of three-dimensional ultrasonography

All of the current 3D ultrasonography data acquisition techniques are more cumbersome than conventional ultrasonography techniques. Most involve adding a localising technology or a mechanical motor to the transducer. The resulting assemblies are typically bigger and therefore more difficult for the user to manipulate. In addition, the data acquisition software usually requires considerably more user input than is required with conventional ultrasonography. The larger data sets produced with 3D ultrasonography also make data archiving and communication more challenging. Different computer algorithms reconstruct data into 3D volumes at different speeds. Some produce images almost instantaneously, whereas others require several seconds to produce an on-screen image. Waiting for the 3D image to appear can be frustrating for users who are accustomed to having ultrasonography images appear immediately. The ability to view data with a variety of algorithms and from different perspectives may slow the image interpretation process. Inexperienced users may have to spend extra time finding the best algorithm and perspective for viewing the data. Many of the viewing programs require a considerable amount of image manipulation to obtain high quality results.

Future developments


Two separate groups have evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of 3D ultrasound in comparison with conventional 2D ultrasound in the characterisation of breast lesions. Ultrasound features on 3D ultrasound differ significantly from those on 2D ultrasound. However, the diagnostic accuracy of both methods is almost identical. 3D ultrasound as an adjunct to conventional 2D ultrasound should be evaluated in larger trials to determine its clinical value in breast imaging.10 Cho et al11 found 3D imaging superior to 2D imaging in terms of lesion contrast and characterisation of masses. This superiority was more apparent in masses which were 10 mm or larger. However, diagnostic accuracy, including sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and false negative rate, for diagnosis of breast cancer of 3D imaging was not different from that of 2D imaging. Cho and colleagues concluded that in spite of superior image quality on 3D ultrasonography, it does not provide additional benefits to diagnostic accuracy for diagnosis of breast cancer.

1. Cho N, Moon WK, Cha JH et al. Differentiating benign from malignant solid breast masses: comparison of two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasonography. Radiology 2006; 240: 2632. 2. Lell M, Wenkel E, Aichinger U, Schulz-Wendtland R, Bautz W. 3D ultrasound in core breast biopsy. Ultraschall Med 2004; 25:12630. 3. Weismann CF, Forstner R, Prokop E, Rettenbacher T. Three-dimentional targeting: a new three-dimentional ultrasound technique to evaluate needle position during breast biopsy. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2000; 16: 35964. 4. Delle Chiaie L, Terinde R. Three-dimensional ultrasound-validated large-core needle biopsy: is it a reliable method for the histological assessment of breast lesions? Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2004; 23: 3937. 5. Inoue T, Tamaki Y, Sato Y et al. Three-dimensional ultrasound imaging of breast cancer by a real-time intraoperative navigation system. Breast Cancer 2005; 12: 1229. 6. Tamaki Y, Akashi-Tanaka S, Ishida T et al. 3D imaging of intraductal spread of breast cancer and its clinical application for navigation surgery. Breast Cancer 2002; 9: 28995. 7. Meyberg-Solomayer GC, Kraemer B, Bergmann A et al. Does 3-D sonography bring any advantage to noninvasive breast diagnostics? Ultrasound Med Biol 2004; 30: 5839. 8. Image 2006; 39. 9. Baez E, Huber A, Vetter M, Hackeloer BJ. Minimal invasive complete excision of benign breast tumors using a three-dimensional ultrasound-guided Mammotome vacuum device. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2003; 21: 26772. 10. Watermann DO, Foldi M, Hanjalic-Beck A et al. Three-dimensional ultrasound for the assessment of breast lesions. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2005; 25: 5928. 11. Cho KR, Seo BK, Lee JY et al. A comparative study of 2D and 3D ultrasonography for evaluation of solid breast masses. Eur J Radiol 2005; 54: 36570.

Future developments: focused ultrasound ablation
Obi Iwuchukwu and Philip Drew

The ideal treatment of localised cancer should cause the complete death of tumour cells without damage to surrounding normal tissue. Focused ultrasound ablation (FUS) is such a potential treatment which can induce complete coagulation necrosis of a targeted tumour, at depth, through the intact skin. FUS relies on the same principles as conventional ultrasound. It can propagate harmlessly through living tissue, but if the ultrasound beam carries sufficient energy and is brought into a tight focus, the energy within the focal volume can cause a local rise in temperature of sufficient magnitude to cause tissue necrosis. This occurs without damage to surrounding or overlying tissues. High energy FUS destroys cells by denaturation of cell proteins. The absorbed energy results in extremely high tissue gradients between target cells and surrounding tissue, so the effect of the focused energy is concentrated only at the target, leaving the healthy tissue unscathed. Although breast conservation treatment (BCT) is not a major procedure, it is invasive and cosmetically undesirable in some patients. Furthermore, some patients with significant comorbidities, or elderly patients, are precluded from surgery primarily due to unsuitability for general anaesthesia. A completely non-invasive local therapy would require no anaesthesia, would reduce recovery time, could avoid infections and scar formation, and possibly also reduce cost. This ideal of non-invasive therapy can be realised, if two prerequisites are fulfilled: imaging technology to provide accurate information on the exact anatomy of the tumour and the surrounding healthy tissue, and the precise delivery of energy to the target. Recently, a variety of minimally invasive therapies have been applied to breast tumours including interstitial laser coagulation, radiofrequency, cryotherapy and interstitial radiotherapy. These techniques, however, still require a probe to be inserted, but percutaneous focused ultrasonic waves have the potential to very precisely deliver energy to a given point in soft tissue within an accuracy of 1 mm through the intact skin. The ultrasound energy can induce temperature elevations of 5590C at the focal spot in less than 10 s and instantaneously induce cellular death and vascular obliteration in normal and tumour tissue.1 The first work to consider potential applications of FUS was published in 1942.2 Further, more detailed properties of focused ultrasound conduction and modes of


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destruction in normal tissues were investigated the 1970s and 1980s,3,4 and studies using FUS to treat experimental tumours followed.5,6 The FUS system provides a safe, repeatable treatment approach for benign tumours (e.g. uterine fibroid and prostatic lesions)710 that do not require an aggressive approach. Magnetic resonance (MR)-guided FUS can also be used for debulking cancerous tissue.11,12 MR-guided FUS offers an attractive alternative to conventional surgery because it incorporates intraoperative MR imaging, which provides far more precise target definition than is possible with the surgeons direct visualisation of the lesion. MR-guided FUS is undeniably the most promising interventional MR imaging method in the field of image-guided therapy today.13 It is applicable not only in the thermal coagulative treatment of tumours, but also in several other medical situations for which invasive surgery or radiation may not be treatment options. Although use of FUS has been appraised over the years its widespread use was hampered by difficulty with controlling focal spot position, precise target definition and beam dosimetry. However, the technical feasibility of performing MR imagingguided FUS by using MR imaging to guide and monitor therapy has been established14,15 and demonstrated by several research groups.1618 In MRI-FUS the patient lies on a specialised table with an MRI scanner. Anxiolytics help reduce patient induced movement. No incision is necessary, but the transducer is positioned such that the ultrasound beam is focused directly on specific positions within the tumour, thus outlining its margins accurately. FUS treatment comprises a series of sonications inside the focal point area, thus encompassing the tumour.18 Hynynen and co-workers14 first showed that MR imaging-guided FUS could be performed to non-invasively coagulate benign breast fibroadenomas. They treated 12 benign tumours, five of which required further treatment due to initial use of a low power. They also encountered problems when local anaesthetic was liberally injected anterior to the tumour requiring treatment because the resultant microscopic bubbles in the local anaesthetic injected in front of the fibroadenoma probably caused scattering of the ultrasound beam thus limiting the power delivered to the tumour. Two further treatment failures were due to patient motion during treatment with consequent delivery of power to the pectoralis major.

Human studies
Furusawa et al19 recently published their experience with FUS. Thirty women with biopsy-proved breast cancer underwent MR-FUS treatment. Gadolinium-enhanced MR images were used for treatment planning and post-treatment radiological assessment of treated tissue. After MR-FUS, all 30 women underwent wide excision or mastectomy. The extent of thermal ablation was assessed with tumour histology. In general, treatment was well tolerated, with a minimum of adverse effects, especially when performed under local anaesthesia. On pathological examination, mean ( SD) necrosis of the targeted breast tumours was 96.9 4% (median 100%, range 78100%)

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of tumour volume. Fifteen (53.5%) of 28 patients had 100% necrosis of the ablated tumour; only three patients (10.7%) had less than 95% necrosis. In 28 (93.3%) patients, 100% of the malignancy was within the treatment field, and 98% and 95% of tumour lay within the treatment field in two remaining patients. Retrospective analysis in two patients with residual tumour showed treatment was not delivered to the full recommended area, reaffirming the need for precise localisation and the value of contrast-enhanced images for treatment planning. MR-FUS has great potential to become a viable non-invasive replacement for lumpectomy. The unit is currently addressing studies focusing on post-treatment image-based evaluation. Wu and colleagues20 in a non-randomised prospective trial investigated the safety, efficacy and feasibility of using FUS as a non-invasive treatment for patients with breast cancer. Twenty-two patients with breast cancer were enrolled into this study. Disease tumour, node, metastases (TNM) stage was classified as stage I in four patients, stage II(A) in nine patients, stage II(B) in eight patients and stage IV in one patient. Tumour size ranged from 2 to 4.8 cm in diameter (mean 3.4 cm). All patients received chemotherapy, radiation and tamoxifen, following FUS for the primary lesions. Outcome measures included radiological and pathological assessment of the treated tumour, cosmesis and local recurrence. No severe complications were encountered after FUS. Postoperative imaging demonstrated positive response and regression of all treated lesions. Follow-up biopsy revealed coagulation necrosis of target tumour and subsequent replacement by fibroblastic tissue. After a median follow-up of 54.8 months, one patient had died, one was lost to follow-up, and 20 were still alive. Two of 22 patients developed local recurrence. Five-year disease-free survival and recurrence-free survival were 95% and 89%, respectively. Cosmetic result was judged as good to excellent in 94% of patients. The largest series of FUS comes from China, Wu et al21 reviewed a total of 1038 patients with solid tumours who underwent FUS ablation in China. Pathological examination showed that the target region presented clear evidence of cellular destruction. Small blood vessels less than 2 mm in diameter were severely damaged. Follow-up diagnostic imaging revealed that there was no, or reduced, blood supply, and no uptake of radioisotope in the treated tumour after FUS, indicating both a positive therapeutic response and an absence of viable tumour. Imaging at 612 months showed obvious regression of the lesion. Following 4 years of follow-up they noted an extremely low major complication rate.21 Zippel and Papa22 in a phase one trial, examined the possibility of ablating breast carcinoma using MRI-FUS. Ten women underwent the procedure; 710 days after the procedure, all patients underwent standard lumpectomy and axillary sampling to complete standard treatment and to allow pathological evaluation of the procedure. Two patients had a complete pathological response. The remaining eight patients had varying amounts of residual tumour: two had microscopic foci of residual carcinoma, three had 10% residual tumour and three had 1030% of residual tumour. Further work is currently ongoing to standardise the optimum energy levels required. Wu et al23 in a separate study explored the possibility of using FUS to treat patients with localised breast cancer in a controlled clinical trial. A total of 48 women with


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biopsy-proven breast cancer (T(12), N(02), M0) were randomised to the control group in which modified radical mastectomy was performed, and the FUS group in which an extracorporeal FUS ablation of breast cancer was followed by modified radical mastectomy. Short-term follow-up, pathological and immunohistochemical stains were performed to assess the therapeutic effects on tumour and complications of FUS. The results showed that no severe side-effects were observed in the FUStreated patients. Pathological findings revealed that FUS-treated tumour cells underwent complete coagulative necrosis, and tumour vascular vessels were severely damaged. Immunohistochemical staining showed that no expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 and CD44v6 was detected within the treated tumour cells in the FUS group, indicating that the treated tumour cells lost the abilities of proliferation, invasion and metastasis. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that there were significant alterations in expression of PCNA, CD44v6, MMP-9 and erbB2 mRNA, and a dramatic decrease in telomerase activity in the FUS group. Thus malignant tumour characteristics are demonstrably arrested by FUS and biological factors are potential markers for assessing FUS efficacy. In support of above biological effects of FUS, Huber and colleagues24 demonstrated that a consequence of the FUS therapy is homogeneous lethal and sublethal tumour damage with subsequent up-regulation of p53 and loss of proliferative activity. Gianfellice et al25 evaluated the feasibility of treating breast neoplasms with use of MR-FUS. Twenty-four female patients, each with a single biopsy-proven breast carcinoma, who were considered to be at increased surgical risk or who had refused surgery underwent MR-FUS surgery as an adjunct to tamoxifen therapy. Follow-up included routine studies to rule out metastatic disease and MR studies with and without contrast material infusion in the treated breast, 10 days and 1, 3 and 6 months after MR-FUS. Percutaneous biopsy was performed after 6 months of follow-up, and if residual tumour was present, a second MR-FUS surgery treatment session was performed, followed by repeat biopsy 1 month later. Twenty-three of 24 patients completed the protocol, with only one minor complication associated with the treatment sessions (second-degree skin burn which resolved with local treatment). Follow-up MR studies demonstrated a varying hypointense treatment margin (range 111 mm), which represents destruction of tissue beyond the visible tumour. Absence of enhancement indicated destruction of tumour (18 of 19 patients with negative biopsy results), whereas persistent enhancement was due to residual tumour (three of five patients with residual tumour). Overall, 19 of 24 patients (79%) had negative biopsy results after one or two treatment sessions. They demonstrated satisfactory correlation of contrast MRI and tissue necrosis in a substudy.26

MRI-guided FUS therapy has the potential to replace open surgery in breast cancer patients in carefully selected cases, such as patients with high operative risks, elderly

Focused ultrasound ablation


patients, or patients not willing to undergo surgery. Several groups have independently assessed the safety and efficacy of FUS, and found it safe, effective and feasible for patients with breast cancer. But, large-scale multicentre clinical trials will be needed to determine the future role of this novel modality.

1. Graham SJ, Chen L, Leitch M et al. Quantifying tissue damage due to focused ultrasound heating observed by MRI. Magn Reson Med 1999; 41: 3218. 2. Lynn JG, Zwemer RL, Chick AJ, Miller AG. A new method for the generation and use of focused ultrasound in experimental biology. J Gen Physiol 1942; 26: 17993. 3. Bamber JC, Hill CR. Ultrasonic attenuation and propagation speed in mammalian tissues as a function of temperature. Ultrasound Med Biol 1979; 5: 14957. 4. Linke CA, Carstensen EL, Frizzell LA, Elbodawi A, Fridd CW. Localised tissue destruction by high-intensity focused ultrasound. Arch Surg 1973; 107: 88791. 5. Fry FJ, Johnson LK. Tumor irradiation with intense ultrasound. Ultrasound Med Biol 1978; 4: 33741. 6. Goss SA, Fry FJ. The effects of high-intensity ultrasonic irradiation on tumour growth. IEEE Trans Sonics Ultrasonics 1984; SU-31: 4916. 7. McDannold N, Tempany CM, Fennessy FM et al. Uterine leiomyomas: MR imagingbased thermometry and thermal dosimetry during focused ultrasound thermal ablation. Radiology 2006; 240: 26372. 8. Tempany CM, Stewart EA, McDannold N et al. MR imaging-guided focused ultrasound surgery of uterine leiomyomas: a feasibility study. Radiology 2003; 226: 897905. 9. Sanghvi NT, Foster RS, Bihrle R et al. Noninvasive surgery of prostate tissue by high intensity focused ultrasound: an updated report. Eur J Ultrasound 1999; 9: 1929. 10. Thuroff S, Chaussy C, Vallancien G et al. High-intensity focused ultrasound and localized prostate cancer: efficacy results from the European multicentric study. J Endourol 2003; 17: 6737. 11. Jolesz FA, Hynynen K, McDannold N, Freundlich D, Kopelman D. Noninvasive thermal ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma by using magnetic resonance imaging-guided focused ultrasound. Gastroenterology 2004; 127 (Suppl 1): S2427. 12. Rowland IJ, Rivens I, Chen L et al. MRI study of hepatic tumours following high intensity focused ultrasound surgery. Br J Radiol 1997; 70: 14453. 13. Chaussy C, Thuroff S, Rebillard X, Gelet A. Technology insight: high-intensity focused ultrasound for urologic cancers. Nat Clin Pract Urol 2005; 2: 1918. Review. 14. Hynynen K, Pomeroy O, Smith DN et al. MR imaging-guided focused ultrasound surgery of fibroadenomas in the breast: a feasibility study. Radiology 2001; 219:17685. 15. Cline HE, Hynynen K, Watkins RD et al. Focused US system for MR imaging-guided tumor ablation. Radiology 1995; 194: 7317. 16. Chen L, Bouley D, Yuh E, DArceuil H, Butts K. Study of focused ultrasound tissue damage using MRI and histology. J Magn Reson Imaging 1999; 10: 14653. 17. Chen L, ter Haar G, Hill CR, Eccles SA, Box G. Treatment of implanted liver tumors with focused ultrasound. Ultrasound Med Biol 1998; 24: 147588. 18. Bednarski MD, Lee JW, Callstrom MR, Li KC. In vivo target-specific delivery of macromolecular agents with MR-guided focused ultrasound. Radiology 1997; 204: 2638. 19. Furusawa H, Namba K, Thomsen S et al. Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery of breast cancer: reliability and effectiveness. J Am Coll Surg 2006; 203: 5463. 20. Wu F, Wang ZB, Zhu H et al. Extracorporeal high intensity focused ultrasound treatment for patients with breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2005; 92: 5160. 21. Wu F, Wang ZB, Chen WZ et al. Extracorporeal high intensity focused ultrasound ablation in the treatment of 1038 patients with solid carcinomas in China: an overview. Ultrason Sonochem 2004; 11: 14954.


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22. Zippel DB, Papa MZ. The use of MR imaging guided focused ultrasound in breast cancer patients; a preliminary phase one study and review. Breast Cancer 2005; 12: 328. 23. Wu F, Wang ZB, Cao YD et al. A randomised clinical trial of high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation for the treatment of patients with localised breast cancer. Br J Cancer 2003; 89: 222733. 24. Huber PE, Jenne JW, Rastert R et al. A new noninvasive approach in breast cancer therapy using magnetic resonance imaging-guided focused ultrasound surgery. Cancer Res 2001; 61: 84417. 25 Gianfelice D, Khiat A, Boulanger Y, Amara M, Belblidia A. Feasibility of magnetic resonance imaging-guided focused ultrasound surgery as an adjunct to tamoxifen therapy in high-risk surgical patients with breast carcinoma. Vasc Interv Radiol 2003; 14: 127582. 26. Gianfelice D, Khiat A, Amara M, Belblidia A, Boulanger Y. MR imaging-guided focused ultrasound surgery of breast cancer: correlation of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI with histopathologic findings. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2003; 82: 93101.

Page numbers in italics refer to tables and figures.
3D ultrasound see three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound ABBI (Advanced Breast Biopsy Instrumentation System) 89 abscesses see breast abscesses accessory nipples 11, 12, 13 amastia 11 amazia 11 amplitude (A) scan 24 anatomy of the breast 1122 blood supply and venous drainage 14, 16 ducts 1516, 16, 17, 18 lobes and lobules 1415, 17 lymphatic drainage 1621, 20 muscles 1214, 15 nerve supply 14 suspensory ligaments 11, 14 angiosarcomas 55 arteries supplying the breast 14, 16 atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) 66 atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH) 667 axilla 1718, 19 axillary lymph nodes anatomy 18, 20, 20 classification of appearances 57 sentinal node biopsy 78 ultrasound appearance of malignancy 56, 57, 58 ultrasound-guided sampling 78, 87 B3 lesions, Mammotome biopsy 92, 102 beam size and contrast resolution 27, 28 effect of focusing on 289, 29 benign breast lesions, ultrasound appearance cysts 478, 47, 48 diabetic fibrous mastopathy 50 fat necrosis 49, 54 fibroadenomas 456, 46, 54 general 45 lesions mimicking cancers 54 lipomas 49, 49 phyllodes tumours 48 radial scars/complex sclerosing lesions 50 sebaceous cysts 4950 biopsy guns 69, 70, 84 blood supply to the breast 14, 16 breast abscesses differentiation from cancer 52 lactating breast 56, 103 Mammotome excision 92, 1036, 104, 105, 106 ultrasound-guided drainage 82 breast cancer core biopsy results 689, 68, 69 metastatic spread 21 MRI-guided FUS therapy 11619 screening for 45 breast cancer, ultrasound appearance axillary lymph nodes 56, 57, 58 ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) 50, 55, 55 less common appearances apparently well-defined mass 512, 52 diffuse oedema 53 enlarged axillary nodes 54 lesion resembling an abscess 52 papillary lesions 53 predominantly bright mass 53, 53 round/finely irregular mass 52 lymphomas 56 male breast 59 metastases 56 recurrent disease 59, 60 sarcomas 55 typical appearances 50, 51 breast clinics 5 breast lesions, benign see benign breast lesions, ultrasound appearance breast surgery 3D ultrasound guidance 11112 diagnostic 56 chemotherapy, microbubble delivery of 60 clinical assessment 64 complex sclerosing lesions 50, 68



computed tomography (CT) 3, 111 congenital abnormalities associated with the breast 11, 13 continuing medical education 38 contrast enhanced mammography 3 core biopsy 6671 accuracy 70 axillary lymph node 87 biopsy guns 69, 70, 84 complications 723 histological classification 668, 67, 68, 69 information provided by 69 intracystic papilloma investigation 47 procedure 701 stereotactic 7, 746, 75 ultrasound-guided 7, 73, 74, 825, 84 deeply situated lesions 85, 86 mobile lesions 85 multiple lesions 86 see also three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound vacuum-assisted 7, 712, 71, 72 see also ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy cystadenomas, Mammotome excision 92, 1012, 102 cysts ultrasound appearance 478, 47, 48 ultrasound-guided aspiration 81, 81 depth compensation 2930, 30, 31 depth control 30, 31 development of the breast 11, 12 diabetic fibrous mastopathy 50 diffuse oedema of the breast 53 digital mammography 3 ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) 50, 55, 55, 68, 68 ducts of the breast 1516, 16, 17, 18 echo size, relationship with tissue type 26, 27 Egan, Robert 2 elastography 60 embryonic development of the breast 11, 12 epitheliosis, histology 67 European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) training requirements 356 excision biopsies 767 fat content of the breast 45 fat necrosis differentiation from cancer 54 Mammotome excision 93, 103 ultrasound appearance 49 fibroadenomas histological image 67

Mammotome biopsy/excision indications 91 procedure 1001, 101 ultrasound appearance 456, 46, 54 fibrous tissue 45 fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) axillary lymph nodes 87 factors affecting accuracy 65 procedure 656 result classification 64, 65 stereotactic 67, 734, 75 ultrasound-guided 73, 74, 82, 82, 87 see also three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound focus control 301, 31 focused ultrasound (FUS) ablation 11520 human studies 11619 magnetic resonance-guidance 116 principle 115 freeze control 30, 31 frequency 23, 44 galactocoeles 47 Gershon-Cohen, J. 1 glandular tissue 45 gynaecomastia Mammotome treatment 92, 103 ultrasound appearance 589 haematoma, postoperative 59 harmonic imaging 60 helical CT 111 histology of the breast 1416, 16, 17 history of breast diagnosis 19 inflammatory breast cancer, Mammotome biopsy 93, 102 Ingleby, Helen 1 internal thoracic nodes 201, 20 International Breast Ultrasound School (IBUS) training recommendations 38 intracystic papillomas 47, 48 intraductal spread of cancer (ISC) detection 111 lactating breast abscesses 56, 103 Mammotome excision 92, 1036, 104, 105, 106 fibroadenomas 46, 46 galactocoeles 47 lactiferous ducts 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18 large-core needle biopsy (LCNB), 3D ultrasoundvalidated 11011 linear array scanning 256, 26 lipomas 49, 49 liposarcomas 55 lobes 1415



lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) 667 lobules 15, 17 lymphatic drainage of the breast 1621, 20 lymphomas 56 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) biopsy guidance 6 breast cancer detection 4 focused ultrasound (FUS) ablation guidance 11619 future roles 4 intraductal spread of cancer 111 male breast 589 mammary buds 11, 12 mammary lines 11, 12, 13 mammary pits 11, 12 mammography see X-ray mammography Mammotome 71, 89, 90 see also ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy mastectomy 63 metastases in the breast 56 metastatic spread of breast cancer 21 microbubble contrast agents 60 microcalcification, core biopsy 69, 75, 75, 85 minimally invasive therapies 115 mucinous carcinoma 52 muscles associated with the breast 1214, 15 National Health Service Breast Screening Programme (NHS BSP) 5 needle guidance principles needle visualisation 32, 33 scan volume 323, 33 nerve supply to the breast 14 neurofibromas 49 nipple discharge, Mammotome biopsy/excision indications 91 procedure 959, 96, 97, 98, 99 nipples accessory 11, 12, 13 anatomy of 15, 17, 18 nipple sparing subcutaneous mastectomy, subareolar biopsy 912, 99100 normal breast, age and tissue composition 45 Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) 38 open biopsies 767 overall gain control 30, 31 papillomas intracystic 47, 48, 53 intraductal 53, 68 periductal mastitis 58, 59 phyllodes tumours 48, 678

pneuthorax during core biopsy 73 polymastia 11, 13 polythelia 11, 12, 13 postmenopausal breast fibroadenomas 46, 54 tissue composition 45 pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia 54 pulse echo principle 24, 25 quadrants of the breast 1617, 18, 19 radial scars/complex sclerosing lesions 50, 68 reflections from breast tissues 267, 28 Royal College of Radiologists training requirements 37 safety of diagnostic ultrasound 40 Salomon, A. 1 sarcoidosis 54 sarcomas 55 sclerosing lymphocytic lobulitis 50 screening for breast cancer 45 sebaceous cysts 4950 SenoCore 360 89 Senograph 2 sentinal lymph nodes 21 sentinal node biopsy, axillary nodes 78 seromas, postoperative 59 skin recurrence of breast cancer 59, 60 staging codes for the breast 19 stereotactic breast biopsy 67, 736, 75 subareolar biopsy 912, 99100 superficial fascia 11 surgery 3D ultrasound guidance 11112 diagnostic 56, 767 reconstructive 76 suspensory ligaments 11, 14 teaching aids 39 three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound 10913 advantages over conventional techniques 10910 diagnostic applications 11011 limitations 11213 real-time guidance for breast surgery 11112 tissue-mimicking phantoms 39, 40 tomosynthesis 3 training in breast ultrasound assessment and accreditation 378, 41 continuing medical education/professional development 38 knowledge of quality assurance 40 patient safety management 40 teacher training 389



training in breast ultrasound (Continued) teaching aids 39 training provider accreditation 41 training requirements 357, 37, 39, 44 triple assessment clinics 634 triple diagnosis method 5 tuberculosis 58 ultrasound 3D see three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound beam size and contrast resolution 27, 28 effect of focusing on 289, 29 breast image optimization 434 depth compensation 2930, 30 development of breast imaging 34 echo size and tissue type 26, 27 elastography 60 equipment requirement guidelines 39 frequencies 23, 44 lateral resolution 29 needle guidance principles needle visualisation 32, 33 scan volume 323, 33 operator dependency of technique 109 properties useful in breast imaging 24 pulse characteristics 24 pulse echo principle 24, 25 reflections from breast tissues 267, 28 sensitivity and specificity 43 see also benign breast lesions, ultrasound appearance; breast cancer, ultrasound appearance ultrasound-guided biopsy 7, 7988 equipment 79 explanation and consent 80 local anaesthesia 80 multidisciplinary team approach 80 procedures 73, 79 abscess aspiration 82 axillary lymph node sampling 87 core biopsy 826, 84, 86 cyst aspiration 81, 81 fine needle aspiration cytology 82, 82 preoperative localisation 87 room layout 79, 80 technique 81 ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy 89107 3D ultrasound guidance 112 anaesthesia 90, 945

anticoagulated patients 90 biopsy systems 71, 89, 90 discussion and informed consent 93 indications and procedures abscesses 92, 1036, 104, 105, 106 B3 lesions 92, 102 cystadenomas 92, 1012, 102 fat necrosis 93, 103 fibroadenomas 91, 1001, 101 gynaecomastia 92, 103 inflammatory breast cancer diagnosis 93, 102 nipple discharge 91, 959, 96, 97, 98, 99 subareolar biopsy 91, 99100 positioning and room set up 934, 94 preparation and equipment 94 ultrasound scanners amplitude (A) scans 24 basic principles 24 calibration 40 display screen 25 operator controls 302, 30 real-time linear array scanning 256, 26 recommended features 39 safe use 40 Vacora system 89 vacuum-assisted core biopsy 7, 712, 71, 72 see also ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy venous drainage of the breast 14, 16 WHO curriculum for theoretical training in ultrasound 36 wire-guided excision biopsy 77, 77 X-ray mammography in assessment and diagnosis 5 biopsy guidance 67, 736, 75 contrast enhanced 3 digital 3 history breast cancer screening 45 early work 12 modern era 23 young breast fibroadenomas 45, 46 tissue composition 45 zoom control 32

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