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MiCOM M301, M302 System Analysis and Measurement Centre

Figure 1: M301

Comprehensive monitoring of a feeder using a single unit High accuracy of measured parameters True RMS measurements Real time harmonic analysis up to the 15th harmonic Waveform recording Waveform capture providing a 2 cycle record of 192 samples/ cycle on the selected phase Tariff accounting Parameters measured on single, two or three phase power systems Active and reactive energy metering Large clear liquid crystal display Intuitive programming from front panel and communications port

Display of measured values in primary or secondary quantities RS485 and RS232 communications fitted as standard Modbus or Courier protocols on either communications port 4 alarm/pulse relays (option) 4 analogue outputs (option) 2 status inputs (option) DC input (suitable for transducer input) (option) 32 alarm settings, high/low and variable trip/reset times 100 historical alarm records Four quadrant power measurement Compact and rugged design

Advanced digital instrumentation for power systems The M300 Power Analysis and Measurement Centre uses numerical technology to achieve high accuracy over a wide dynamic measuring range. It provides harmonic analysis and waveform recording facilities, as well as instantaneous and integrated power systems parameters. Housed in a 192mm x 144mm x 137mm case (Noryl GFN 2 SEI), the M300 is compact, rugged, and ideal for panel mounting (M301) or DIN rail mounting (M302) in power distribution systems.

M300 applications include; Accurate monitoring of instantaneous and integrated values Maximum and average demand together with power control information Energy measurement to IEC 687 Class 0.5S Power quality monitoring using waveform recording and harmonic analysis Sophisticated communications facilities for use with control and monitoring systems at all levels

Offline values(1) Waveform data Harmonic analysis up to the 60th harmonic Notes: (1) Available via communications port only. Voltage and current All voltage and current values are true rms quantities up to the fifteenth harmonic. Power and energy Active, reactive and apparent power are calculated per phase and as a total. Independent calculations are also made for each of the following parameters: Total import value of active energy Total import value of reactive energy Total export value of active energy Total export value of reactive energy Harmonics The harmonic content of power system waveforms needs careful monitoring to avoid overheating of equipment such as motors and transformers. The M300 measurement centre provides real time harmonic analysis, up to the 15th harmonic. An alarm can be set to activate at a particular %THD level. The relative amplitude of each harmonic is sent via the communications port. The percentage total harmonic distortion (%THD) is available on the front panel, and via the communications port. For examination of harmonics above the fifteenth, it is possible to derive values offline up to the 60th harmonic using the waveform capture function. Alarms Alarms are available for measured parameters, including THD (but excluding individual harmonics). In total 32 alarms are available, each with a high and low setting. Each alarm can be individually assigned to any parameter, and multiple alarms can be set to any parameter.

Pulsed outputs Any of the four optional output relays can be configured as pulsed outputs for use with external energy applications. Digital inputs The two status inputs can be configured to be used for demand or real time clock synchronisation, pulse counting, breaker status monitoring, or volt free contact sensing. DC input An isolated DC input is provided, which can be used for a transducer input. Analogue outputs The analogue output option provides four current outputs proportional to, volts, current, watts, VArs, VA, PF or frequency. The range can be selected from the front panel, including dual slope and suppressed zero ranges. Waveform capture In this mode, the device takes fast samples of data from any specified phase. This provides 192 samples per cycle for two cycles on both volts and current for the selected phase, which can then be exported for analysis. Waveform recording The waveform recorder can record all 6 directly measured phases, 1 DC input, the opto inputs, the alarm status and 1 timer channel. The recorder can be triggered from any alarm set point, via the front panel, over the communications link or from the status inputs. Two sample rates can be selected, 24 samples per cycle or 48 samples per cycle. The waveform recorder holds a total of 1728 samples, which can be configured as 1, 2, 3 or 4 records, allowing a maximum single record length of 72 cycles or up to 4 records of 18 cycles at 24 samples per cycle. Software is available to allow records to be accessed and displayed by a PC. When all of the records are full, they will not be overwritten until a specific Clear Records command is issued.

Summary of measured parameters: instantaneous measurements Phase Voltage Line Voltage Negative Sequence Voltage Current Neutral Current Negative Sequence Current Active Power Reactive Power W a Wb Wb Wtotal VArsa VArsb VArsc VArstotal VAa VAb VAc VAtotal Van Vbn Vcn Vab Vbc Vca

Ia Ib Ic

Apparent Power Power Factor Frequency %THD (up to 15th harmonic)

Ia Ib Ic

V a Vb Vc Harmonic Analysis(1) harmonics 1 to 15 for each directly measured current and voltage Integrated values Demand Values: maximum and average demand

Ia Ib Ic


Metering tariffs Metering capability provided includes 8 rate registers and 48 switching events, which can be configured into seasons, with fixed day and date exclusions also included. I/O identification It is possible to assign a label to status inputs and relay outputs within the menu structure.

Hardware Description
The M300 is housed in a DIN case, with maximum dimensions 192mm by 144mm by 137mm. The M300 can operate in single phase or any three or four wire balanced or unbalanced configuration. Either model can be accessed via the remote communications facility. Additionally for the model M301, the front panel contains a 2 x 20 character alphanumeric back-lit liquid crystal display (LCD). The back-light can be set to be permanently lit or permanently off by means of the front panel keys. Seven push-buttons provide local access to the M301s menu. There are also 4 light emitting diodes (LED) for visual indication of the device status, ie. Out of Service, Setpoint (exceeded), Trip (alarm tripped), Alarm (device malfunction). Current connections are by means of M4 terminal blocks. The RS232 port uses a 9 pin DIN connector. All other connections are by means of M3.5 terminal blocks.

Two communications ports are provided on the measurement centre. These are a 9 pin DIN connector for RS232 and a threeway M3.5 terminal block for K Bus/ RS485. Communications protocol Either connection can be configured for use with MODBUS or Courier protocol. The other connection will automatically be configured to the alternative protocol. For MODBUS connections, MODBUS RTU protocol is used, enabling remote command and control from any MODBUS master, using a master/slave configuration. Courier is a language that was originally developed for use with ALSTOMs range of protective relays, providing highly secure and robust access to the device menus and control functions. Courier is based on a master - slave system, whereby devices only respond when requested to do so by the master station. All information is stored in the devices to form a distributed database which, combined with the generic nature of Courier, provides for ongoing product developments without the need for software updates. Password protection Password protection is provided on settings which alter the configuration of the device.

It is possible to configure the following features: Alarms and alarm levels Digital inputs Digital outputs Analogue outputs Waveform recorder Event recorder Real time clock These may be defined by the user using the front panel function keys, or remotely by a PC via the communications system.

Ancillary Functions
Real time clock A software real time clock is included in order to enable timestamping of alarm and waveform records. It is software based and can be synchronised by the use of one of the digital inputs or a communications command. Test features A number of features are provided to enable this device to be thoroughly tested during commissioning, routine maintenance and fault finding operations: Power-on diagnostics Continuous self monitoring The on/off states of the digital inputs and relay outputs can be displayed

User Interface
Front panel user interface The features of the M301 can be accessed through a menu driven system. The menu is arranged in the form of a table, into each column of which, related items (menu cells) are grouped. The front panel LCD displays one menu cell at a time. The four arrow keys enable intuitive manouvering around the menu. Remote access user interface The menu can also be accessed via the remote communications facility. This enables data to be displayed in various formats on a PC using the MICOM S10 software, Courier or MODBUS software, or the customers preferred package. Changes to the menu cells can be made from the PC keyboard, using the Courier or MODBUS setting software.

Options 0 1 2 3 No relay outputs, no analogue charge outputs, no DC analogue inputs and upto inputs Relay outputs and opto unputs Analogue outputs and DC analogue inputs Relay outputs, opto inputs, analogue outputs and DC analogue inputs

Auxiliary supply VX DC analogue input

+ + +

2 RL1 1 4 3 RL3 19 20 18 22 S2 S1 RL4 RL2

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Relay outputs

Opto inputs

A01 A02

14 15 16 17 13

+ + + + Analogue outputs


A03 A04

24 21 Ma La



Mb Lb Mc
P1 S1 S1 S1

1 DCD 2 Rx 3 Tx 4 DTR 5 Signal Ground COM1






6 DSR Case earth connection 7 RTS 8 CTS

Figure 2: Typical application diagram

Technical Data
Ratings Inputs: AC current (In) 1A or 5A AC voltage (Vn) 63.5 to 440V 13V minimum 500V maximum Auxiliary voltage (Vx) Nominal (V) Operative range (V)

Negative phase sequence voltage 20 to 150% Vn 1% Vn Negative phase sequence current 10 to 160% In 1% In Power (W) 10 to 160% In 0.5% of reading 20 to 150% Vn 0.5% of reading Reactive power (VArs) 10 to 160% In 0.5% of reading 20 to 150% Vn 0.5% of reading Apparent power (VA) 10 to 160% In 0.5% of reading 20 to 150% Vn 0.5% of reading Power factor 1<0<+1 P.F. 0.5 10 to 160% In 0.5 20 to 150% Vn 0.5 Demand time period 1 min to 99 min 0.5% Demand current 10 to 160% In 0.2% of reading Demand Watts 10 to 160% In 0.5% of reading 20 to 150% Vn 0.5% of reading Demand VArs 10 to 160% In 0.5% of reading 20 to 150% Vn 0.5% of reading Demand VA 10 to 160% In 0.5% of reading 20 to 150% Vn 0.5% of reading

Demand power factor 1<0<+1 0.5%/90 10 to 160% In 0.5%/90 20 to 150% Vn 0.5%/90 Energy Wh IEC 687 Class 0.5S 10 to 160% In 0.5% of reading 20 to 150% Vn 0.5% of reading Energy VArh 10 to 160% In 0.5% of reading 20 to 150% Vn 0.5% of reading Frequency 50Hz or 60Hz Fn 10.% 0.05% of centre scale frequency %THD up to 15th typically 1.0% of reading Harmonics up to 15th typically 1.0% of reading DC inputs 0V to 250V dc or 0 to 20mA 0.5% of full scale Reference conditions Temperature reference range 0C to 50C Temperature coefficient 0.008%/C Nominal range of use 10C to 60C Auxiliary voltage Nominal DC voltage range Frequency 50Hz or 60Hz

dc ac 24V to 70V 19V to 84V 70V to 230V 56V to 275V 56 to 275V Frequency 45Hz to 65Hz 45Hz to 55Hz or 55Hz to 65Hz

Burdens AC current AC voltage DC auxiliary voltage AC auxiliary voltage <0.4VA at In <0.3VA at Vn <12W <12VA

Opto-isolated inputs <1W per input Thermal withstand AC current inputs 3In continuous 30In for 3s AC voltage inputs 1.5 Vn continuously 2Vn for 10s Accuracy Current 10 to 160% In 0.2% of reading (0 to 160% In nominal) Voltage 20 to 150% Vn 0.2% of reading (0 to 150% Vn nominal) with maximum of 500V

Transformer settings Current transformer primaries 0 to 30000A Current transformer secondaries 1 to 9A Voltage transformer primaries 0 to 999999V Voltage transformer secondaries 1 to 500V Digital inputs (optional) Opto-isolated inputs 2 Range of use 0 to 250V Logic 1 Threshold 12V 10% Isolation 2kV rms between inputs and outputs for 1 minute Analogue input (optional) Voltage input (nominal) 0 to 200mV 0 to 5V 0 to 250V Current input (nominal) 0 to 20mA Nominal range of use 0 to 100% Vn Nominal range of use 0 to 100% In Input impedance 0 0 0 0 to to to to 200mV 5V 250V 20mA 280k 25k 1M <10

Contact ratings Make and carry for 0.2s 4500VA Carry continuous 3A Break DC: 30W resistive DC: 15W inductive (L/R = 0.04s) AC: 750VA Subject to maxima of 3A and 300V Isolation 500V between elements for 1 minute 2kV rms between inputs and outputs for 1 minute 1kV rms for 1 minute across open contacts Energy measurement output Pick up range 0.3% 1.7% tolerance

Alarm time delays 1s to 60s Alarm indication SETPOINT Alarm setpoint exceeded TRIP Latches when alarm relay operates OUT OF SERVICE Outside measurement range Unit failed Error messages will be displayed on front panel and event flags sent via the communications interface. Note: Normally closed contacts can be achieved by using reverse logic to drive the relays. The relay contacts will open if the auxiliary supply is lost. Analogue outputs (optional) Number of outputs 4 Accuracy 0.2% of full scale Reference range 10 to 160% In 20 to 150% Vn Compliance voltage 10V Open circuit voltage 25V Ripple (rms) <0.35% Response time <1s Isolation Outputs are commoned 2kV rms between inputs and outputs for 1 minute Measurements available V, I, W, VArs, VA, PF, Hz, selected via keypad or communications

Pulses per hour (maximum) 4000 pph Accuracy IEC 687 Class 0.5S 0.5% of reading Reference range 10 to 160% In 20 to 150% Vn Response time <0.5s Outputs available 4 channels as per Wh or VArh measurements Metering information Non volatile storage every 24 hours and on power failure Re-settable via front of panel or serial link (if fitted) Alarm output Alarm configurable to V, A, %THD, W, VAr, VA, Wh, VArh, frequency, demand A, demand W, demand VAr, demand VA, demand PF, dc inputs

Digital outputs (optional) Output relays 4

Communications ports Port 1 RS232 Connection Single link Signal levels RS232 Cable type Screened multi-core Cable length (max) 15m Connector 9 pin DIN connector Isolation 1kV rms for 1 minute between all terminals and earth port and earth Transmission mode Courier Modbus Message format Courier Modbus Data rate (max) Courier Modbus Port 2 RS485 Connection Multi-drop (32 units) Signal levels RS485 Cable type Screened twisted pair Cable length (max) 1000m Connector Screw terminals Isolation 2kV rms for 1 minute between all terminals and earth Transmission mode Courier Modbus Message format Courier Modbus HDLC RTU Synchronous Asynchronous 19.2kbits/s 19.2kbits/s HDLC RTU Asynchronous Asynchronous

Data rate (max) Courier Modbus 64 kbits/s 19.2kbits/s

Electrical environment High frequency disturbance IEC 60255-22-1: 1988 Class II and III 2.5kV peak applied between all circuits and earth (except RS232 port) 1kV peak applied between the RS232 port and earth 1kV peak applied across the terminals of all circuits (except the RS232 and RS485 ports) Fast transient disturbance EN 61000-4-4: 1995 Level IV 4kV, 2.5kHz applied directly between all terminals and earth (except the RS485 and RS232 ports) 4kV, 2.5kHz applied via a capacitive clamp to the RS485 and RS232 ports Surge immunity EN 61000-4-5: 1995 Level III 2kV peak, 1.2/50s applied between all circuits and earth 1kV peak, 1.2/50s applied between the terminals of the auxiliary supply, status inputs, voltage inputs, current inputs, relay outputs and opto isolated inputs Electrostatic discharge EN 61000-4-2: 1995 Level 3 8kV air discharge 6kV contact discharge Surge withstand capability ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1 (1990) (Reaff 1994) 4kV to 5kV fast transient and 2.5kV oscillatory applied directly accross each input and earth. Applied directly across the auxiliary power supply, opto isolated input and each output contact. DC supply interruptions IEC 60255-11:1979 The unit will withstand a 20ms interruption in the auxiliary supply under normal operating conditions, without de-energising

High voltage withstand Dielectric withstand IEC 60255-5: 1977 2kV rms for 1 minute between all terminals (except the pins of the RS232 port) and earth 2kV rms for 1 minute between terminals of independent circuits including output relay circuits (except the pins of the RS232 port) 1kV rms for 1 minute across open contacts of output relays RL1, RL2, RL3 and RL4 1kV rms for 1 minute between all pins of the RS232 port wired together and earth 1kV rms for 1 minute between all pins of the RS232 port wired together and all other terminals High voltage impulse IEC 60255-5: 1977 Three positive and three negative impulses of 5kV peak, 1.2/50s, 0.5J between all terminals of the same circuit (except the RS232 port and output contacts; between independent circuits (except RS232 port); and between all terminals connected together and earth (except RS232 port). Three positive and three negative impulses of 1kV peak, 1.2/50s, 0.5J between the RS232 port and earth. Insulation resistance IEC 60255-5: 1977 >100M

AC ripple on dc supply IEC 60255-11: 1979 The unit will withstand 12% ripple on the DC auxiliary supply AC supply voltage dips and short interruptions EN 61000-4-11:1994 The unit will withstand voltage dips of 100%, 60% and 30% in the auxiliary power supply for a duration of 20ms, under normal operating conditions, without deenergising. The unit will withstand a 20ms interruption in the auxiliary power supply, under normal operating conditions without deenergising. EMC compliance 89/336/EEC Compliance with the European Commission Directive on EMC is claimed via the Technical Construction File route. The following generic standards were used to establish conformity. EN 50081-2:1994 Generic Emission Standard Part 2: Industrial Environment EN 50082-2:1995 Generic Immunity Standard Part 2: Industrial Environment Product safety 73/23/EEC Compliance with European Commission Low Voltage Directive EN 61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 Compliance is demonstrated by EN 60950: 1992/A11: 1997 reference to generic safety standards.

Atmospheric environment Temperature IEC 60068-2-1: 1990 (cold) Storage and transit 25C to +70C IEC 60068-2-2: 1974 (dry heat) Operating 25C to +55C Humidity IEC 60068-2-3: 1969 56 days at 93% RH and +40C Enclosure protection IEC 60529: 1989 IP54 (dust and water protected) front panel only M301 IP20 for M302 and rear of M301 Mechanical environment Vibration IEC 60255-21-1: 1988 Response Class 2 Endurance Class 1 Shock and bump IEC 60255-21-2: 1988 Shock response Class 2 Shock withstand Class 1 Bump Class 1 Seismic IEC 60255-21-3: 1993 Class 2 Approvals The M301 and M302 are UL recognized for USA and Canada. Reference file number E193982.

The unit weighs c. 2.2kg.

Additional Information
Courier Communications R4113



Courier A communications language developed to provide generic control, monitoring, data extraction and setting changes on remote devices within the substation environment. K-Bus The 64kbit/s twisted pair cable used to connect Courier compatible devices and transfer Courier data. Modbus A communications protocol widely used in industry, usually over RS485 or RS232 links. PC Personal computer Waveform recording A recorder for the individual samples taken as data from the relevant inputs. This is similar in operation to the disturbance recorder provided within our numerical protection relays, but operates at 24 or 48 samples per cycle, and is scaled to nominal rather than to fault values. It is used for monitoring voltage sags and surges and other similar phenomena.



119.5 136.4


panel cut-out

Figure 3: M301 Case outline and dimensions.


12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21



22 23 24


Figure 4: M302 Case outline and dimensions.


Information Required with Order

M Numeric instrumentation 3 0 0 0 0 0 A

Application Panel mounted energy meter System measurement centre System analysis and measurement centre Disturbance recorder Variant Measurement centre with display Measurement centre without display Vx Aux rating 24...70V dc 70...250V ac or dc In/Vn Rating 1A, up to 440V 5A, up to 440V Hardware options Base model - No output relays, No analogue outputs, No status inputs and no dc input Option 1 - Base model plus output relays and status inputs Option 2 - Base model plus analogue outputs and dc input Option 3 - Base model plus output relays, status inputs, analogue outputs and dc inputs Product specific No dc input DC input 0...200mV DC input 0...5V DC input 0...250V DC input 0...20mA Protocol options RS232 ModBus & KBUS Courier RS485 ModBus & IEC Courier Mounting Panel DIN rail Language Multilingual Spare 0 P D 2 4 0 1 2 3 4 3 0 1 2 1 5 L H 01 02 1 2 3 4

Design suffix

For example, a Measurement Centre with display, and fully equipped with output relays, status inputs, 4 analogue outputs, a 4...20mA DC input, the RS485 set to MODBUS protocol and the RS232 set to Courier, with a 5A input and a 220V Auxilliary requirement would have the model number M301H5344P0000A


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