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Visi Machining3d

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Getting to know.

The VS-Series

VISI-Machining 3D

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Using 3D Machining Strategies
The objective of the following example is to highlight the common functions you may
use when trying to generate machining paths around a 3D model

Figure 1.0: '3D Machining Example.wkf'
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Step 1 - Opening a File
To open a file select the FiIe | Open option from the main-menu
Locate the 'Samples' directory on the VS-Series CD, and open 3D Machining
Example.wkf' work file (see Figure 1.0).
When you open a file, the system will automatically set the view to the view that the
file was originally saved with e.g. Dynamic.
By pressing the [F2] or [F3] keys on your keyboard, you can cycle through your
available views until you reach a view that suits your needs (i.e. the 'Dynamic' view).
Step 2 - The `Roughing Strategy
Before machining anything we should create a profile, which will be used later within
this example to restrict the toolpath movement.
1. Select Wireframe | ProfiIe | ProfiIe from Face option from the main menu.
2. Select the 'Face by 2 Edges' icon ` select the following edges 'E1', and 'E2'
(see Figure 1.1)

Figure 1.1: The base profile
A profile will now be created at the bottom face of the model.
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We can now begin machining the component.
3. Select Machining | Operations Manager from the main menu.
The operation manager will now be displayed within your workspace (see Figure 1.2)

Figure 1.2: Operations Manager
The operation manager itself introduces new options, which are as follows:
New Operation This selects the type of operation or template file to use.
New DriII CycIe This selects the drilling options.
Post Process Select this to post process the calculated toolpath.
TooIpath SimuIated DispIay This is where the toolpath is simulated within the
model view environment.
DispIay TooIpath This displays the completed toolpath on the screen.
CIear TooIpath This clears the selected toolpath from the screen
DeIete Project This deletes the selected project including all of the machining
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Change attribute This allows the user to change the attributes of the selected
Save tempIate fiIe This option allows you saving the template file. A template is a
text file containing the list of operation created in the Operation Manager. That can be
run on different Wkf's
Print Allows a machining report set up sheet to be produced of the calculated
Expand/CoIIapse aII Tree items This will expand/collapse all the tree items of all
the operations and active projects.
Copy Copies the selected toolpath.
Operations Ordering Here you can re-order the toolpath into the sequence that you
require. Operations can be ordered using different methods, at any time the original
order can be re-instated.
Edit TooIpath This allows the user to edit the toolpath completely. Points on the
toolpath can be edited or delete if necessary.
TooIpath Trimming With this option a toolpath can be trimmed to a profile or a set
of profiles. The internal or external part of the trimmed toolpath can be retained. A
copy of the original toolpath can also be kept.
TooI Length Check This will allow you to calculate the presetting length of the
current tool.
ResiduaI MateriaI Contours Residual profile are generated here and the profiles
created can be used in subsequent strategies as machining boundaries.
Sub-Path Trimming This is similar to toolpath trimming but differs in that you can
remove individual levels or parts of a toolpath.
Edit Approach/Retract The approach or retract distance of the toolpath can be
altered here. An absolute or relative position can be used.
Pick Operation f there are many toolpaths visible on the screen then this icon will
let you pick an operation and automatically highlight which toolpath has been selected
within the operations manager.
Paste Will paste the copied toolpath.
Jobs Manager This is where all the information is gathered and set-up for the batch
processing of multiple operations outside the system using the VS-Batch Scheduler.

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Show/Hide Iog window When activated this will show/hide the log window of the
last calculated toolpath in the current working session. The log window gives
information such as: - start and finish calculation time, total calculation time and
whether or not the calculation was performed successfully.
Edit parameters Allows the parameter editing of the selected item in the operations
DeIete operation Selected operation are deleted here and not the whole project.
SimuIate TooIpath This is where the toolpath is simulated graphically. ndividual or
sets of toolpath can be simulated at once from a 3D solid block.
Verify TooIpath This is where the toolpath is simulated graphically. ndividual or
sets of toolpath can be simulated at once from a 3D solid block.
Change NC Different post processors are selected here and the selection will post
the programs using the selected post for the current session only.
New Project New projects are selected via this icon. Projects allow the grouping
together of machining operations.
Batch BuiId This is where the toolpath is calculated. Once all the values have been
set within the machining parameters then the toolpath must be calculated. This icon
will calculate the selected toolpath. Multiple toolpaths can also be calculated.
4. Select the 'New operation' icon
5. Ensuring the '3D Operation' icon is depressed, select the 'Roughing Spiral'
operation and select OK (see Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3: New operation dialog box
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We must now select a tool from the database to machine the component with.
6. Select the '26mm BuII Nose cutter' and select OK (see Figure 1.4),

Figure 1.4: The 'Tool' Database
7. Select the solid model.
A dialog box will appear to the right of the screen once the geometry has been
selected (see Figure 1.5)

Figure 1.5: The 'Edit model Geometry' dialog box
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8. Select the green tick icon (see Figure 1.5)
We must now decide on how best to machine the component and set the relevant
machining parameters within the operation (see Figure 1.6).

Figure 1.6: The New Operation
Double click on the 'Operation Parameters' from within the operations manager (see
Figure 1.6).
9. Using the 'Machining' tab, enter a stock oversize of 0.5, a step down of 2 and
select the smooth step over option (see Figure 1.7).

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Figure 1.7: The machining options.
The stock oversize option retains material all over the component, ready for finishing.
The step down option specifies the size of the step between each Z level of the
The step over is the distance between the passes on each level of the toolpath and
can be set to a percentage of the tool diameter or entered as an integer
The Smooth stepover option optimises the toolpath for high speed machining (H.S.M).
For this type of machining it is necessary to remove any sharp corners in the toolpath
allowing the tool to run at a higher feedrate and reduce cutter wear.

10. Using the 'Approach/Retract tab, use a retract mode of circuIar (see Figure 1.8).

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Figure 1.S: Roughing Spiral 'ApproachJRetract' Page
The helical option is selected as default and the approach will follow a helical plunging
movement into the material. When this option is selected, a helix radius and ramp
angle is required for computation and is automatically defined from the cutter diameter
11. Using the 'Transition' tab, within the Step Down Management sub section, select
the Auto radio button (see Figure 1.9).

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Figure 1.9: Roughing Spiral 'Transition' page
The step down management allows the user to control the Z step down for the
roughing strategy.
Using the auto option, the system will automatically adjust Z slicing levels in between
the main roughing levels to ensure the same amount of stock is left all over the part,
including the flat areas of the component.
12. Using the 'boundary' tab, within the Rapids management subsection select the
Safety distance radio button (see Figure 1.10).

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Figure 1.10: Roughing Spiral 'Boundary' page
The safety distance sets the distance from the piece (incremental value) at which the
tool will start its approach at feed rate, after the initial rapid move.
13. Using the 'Cutting conditions' tab, enter a cutting mode of cIimb and a machining
tolerance of 0.05 (see Figure 1.11).

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Figure 1.11: Roughing Spiral 'Cutting conditions' page
This machining tolerance value represents the chordal tolerance that the system will
apply on the piece for the toolpath computation. This value is very important and can
affect the toolpath quality. A smaller value will increase the calculation time improve
overall surface finish.
The default value represents a good average value to ensure a quality result in a
minimum time frame.
We use the Machining Tolerance value (d) as shown in the diagram below / next
page (see Figure 1.12):
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Figure 1.12: Machining Tolerances
The climb milling option Climb Milling is also called "Down Milling". The Milling Cutter
and the workpiece move in the same direction. The velocity of the cutters teeth is
greater than the velocity of the table feed, which moves the work into the cutter,
producing the chip. This pulls the workpiece into the cutter by the action of the cutting
forces (see Figure 1.13).
The Conventional Milling option also called "Up Milling". The direction of the motion of
the milling cutter tooth as it engages the work is opposite from the direction of the
movement of the work caused by the table feed (see Figure 1.13).

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Figure 1.13: Machine Approach and Retract methods
14. Now we have entered our parameters select OK to close the 'Operation
Parameters' dialog box.
We also need to set the profile we created as the machining boundary
15. Once we have come back to the 'Operations Manager' box, double click on the
'boundary list' icon (see Figure 1.14)
The tool impacts with the part
at the thickest point
continually thinning until exit
The tool impacts with the part, rubbing
causing heat and Iriction on entry and exits
at the point with the largest chip thickness
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Figure 1.14: Operations Manager
16. We will now need to select the profile on the model, select the 'select all' icon
Now that the toolpath is defined, we can let the computer calculate the result.
17. Select the 'Roughing spiral operation, then select the batch build icon
We have now created our first 3D toolpath and the result will be displayed within your
workspace (see Figure 1.15).
18. Select the 'Toolpath Simulated display' icon to show/animate the toolpath.
To display the toolpath use the 'Show Toolpath' icon and this will activate the tool
simulation. Once the simulation has ended it is possible to confirm by either using the
right hand mouse button or the 'Confirm Toolpath icon
19. f the toolpath is visible on the part use the 'Clear Toolpath' icon within the
operation manager to clear it from the display
Now we are ready for our second toolpath and the start of our finishing strategies.
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Figure 1.15: Roughing Spiral
Step 2 - The Finishing Strategy
With the roughing operation now complete. We will now use a finishing strategy on the
20. Select the 'New operation' icon within the operations manager dialog box.
21. Select the '3D Step Over' strategy (see Figure 1.16)
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Figure 1.16: New Operation
22. Once you have selected '3D Step Over' select OK.
We now have to select a tool to machine the component, from the tool list.
23. Select 'T4 10mm BaII Nose' and select OK.
The red tick will highlight any tools that have already been used
After selecting the tool, the system will ask whether to use the last selected geometry.
Because it is possible to set different model tolerances, we will NOT want to use the
roughing tolerances used for the ROUGHNG operation
24. Select Pick geometry and select OK (see Figure 1.17)

Figure 1.17: Geometry Selection
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25. Select the model from the screen.
26. Once this 'Edit model geometry' dialog box appears to the right select the green
tick and this will take you to the operations manager.
We now have to decide how we are going to machine the component and set the
relevant machining parameters in the operation parameters dialog box.
27. Double click on the 'Operation parameters' from within the operations manager
This is similar to the Roughing strategy that we have just created and we have a
series of parameters that need to be altered to set-up the correct machining options
for this strategy.
We will give a list of the options that need to be altered for this particular strategy.
This will be done for all the strategies needed for the complete machining of this
28. Using the 'Machining' tab, enter a stock oversize of 0, Horizontal and Vertical
step over of 0.5, and switch the machining strategy to unidirectionaI (see
Figure 1.18).

Figure1.1S: 3D Step Over 'Machining' page
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The stock oversize means that we are leaving no excess material on the component
for finishing. This is a finishing operation and therefore there is no need for excess
material to be left on the part.
The machining options are very similar in most strategies and you will find that their
are some options that remain the same. n general it is the machining for that requires
the most user input.
29. On the approach/ retract tab, set the Approach/ Retract values to 3mm
We also need to set the profile we created as the machining boundary.
30. Double click on the 'boundary list' to activate the boundary selection (see Figure

Figure 1.19: 'Operations Manager'
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31. We will now need to select the profile, select the profile on the screen.
The toolpath has now been defined. To calculate the toolpath, highlight the 3D Step
Over toolpath inside the operations manager (see Figure 1.20) and select the batch
build icon

The tooIpath has now been defined. To caIcuIate the tooIpath, highIight
the 3D STEP OVER tooIpath inside the operation manager and seIect the
batch buiId Figure 1.20: Operations Tree
32. Select the 'toolpath simulated display' icon to show/animate the toolpath
To display the toolpath use the 'Show Toolpath' icon and this will activate the tool
simulation. Once the simulation has ended it is possible to confirm by either using the
right hand mouse button or the 'Confirm Toolpath icon
The calculated toolpath will look like Figure 1.21

Figure 1.21: Completed 3D Step Over
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Step 3 - Rest Machining
The final operation is to remove any rest material in the areas where the previous tool
could not fit.
33. From within the operations manager, select the 'new operation' icon
34. Select the 'Rest Material, strategy (see Figure 1.22) and select OK.

Figure 1.22: New Operation
We now have to select a tool to machine the component.
n this example we are going to use a 8mm BaIInose for the final REST MATERIAL
operation. At present the tool does not exist in our local library so we will have to
create the tool manually.
35. When prompted to select a tool, select the 'Create Tool Manually' icon
36. Select the type of tool required, in this case we only have one option 'mill' and
select OK (see Figure 1.23.
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Figure 1.23: 'Select tool Type'
37. From within the 'General parameters' tab, select a subtype of BaII nose,
diameter of 8, automatic numbering checkbox checked (see Figure 1.24).

Figure 1.24: Manual tool creation
Activate the 'cutting parameters' tab, enter a speed of 10000(s)rpm, a feed of
4000(f)mm/min and a step over of 4 and a step down of 4 (see Figure 1.25).
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Figure 1.25: cutting parameters
Once all of these values have been entered select Ok.
From within the 'Edit Model Geometry' form, select OK to confirm that we are using
the 'Last selected Geometry' (see Figure 1.26)

Figure 1.26: Edit Model Geometry
38. Confirm the model by selecting the green tick.
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39. Double click on the 'Operation parameters' from within the operations manager
(see Figure 1.27)

Figure 1.27: Operations Manager
We will change the parameters that need to be altered for this particular strategy as we
have done for the previous strategy's.
This will be done for all the strategies needed for the complete machining of this
40. Using the 'Machining' tab, enter a stock oversize of 0, a step over of 0.5 and a
left/right value of 3 and computation method of quick (see Figure 1.28).

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Figure 1.2S: Rest Material 'machining' page
The step over value represents the step over value between each pass.
The left/right value represents the distance that the toolpath will be calculated to the
left and right of where the theoretical pencil-milling pass would be calculated on the
selected component therefore a value of 3mm would mean 3mm either side of the
pencil pass
The quick computation method option will create a pencil milling toolpath and offset
the toolpath in all directions by the step over value until the left/right distance is
achieved. Please refer to the Pencil Milling section of the online help for a more
detailed description.
Many tests have been performed with this value and 20 degrees was found to be a
good default. If you reduce this value the system will begin to find many more areas
due to the triangle variations, however, this value really can depend on the piece
being machined.

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41. Highlight the 'Rest material' (see Figure1.29) operation and click on the batch
build icon

Figure 1.29: Operations Tree
We have now finished machining this component. The result will be the same as
42. Select the 'toolpath simulated display' icon to show the toolpath, the result
should be as shown bellow (see Figure 1.30)
To display the toolpath use the 'Show Toolpath' icon and this will activate the tool
simulation. Once the simulation has ended it is possible to confirm by either using the
right hand mouse button or the 'Confirm Toolpath icon

Figure 1.30: Rest machining toolpath
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The Final step is to post process the 3D machining operations. This is where we
convert the operation we have created into code that a CNC machine would
First we need to assign the required post processor that we will use for the operation.
It is not always necessary to change the Post Processor; it is possible to set a default
Post Processor which you have chosen. The default post processor can be set
through the NC machines manager option under the Machining menu.
43. Select the change NC icon
We now can now select one of the default Post Processors that have already been
installed with your system. f you require a specific post processor, pleases contact
your local agent/reseller.
44. Within the 'Machine Configuration Files' dialog box, select the 'Fanc0m.cfg' post
and select open (see Figure 1.31)

Figure 1.31: Machine Configuration
With a post processor selected we can now Post process the 3 machining operations.
We now need to select the machining operations to post process.
45. Click on the origin description once to highlight it from within the operation tree
(see Figure 1.32)
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Figure 1.32: Operation Tree
46. Now click on the Execute Post Process icon from the operation manager.
We now need to select the operation to post. Because we want to post all three of the
operations together we will need to highlight them all. To do this, keep the [CRTL] key
depressed and select the three operations and select OK (see Figure 1.33)

Figure 1.33: Post Machining List
We will now be presented with a dialog box that displays the tool positions and tool
order for the operations (see Figure 1.34)

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Figure 1.34: Tool Position
We do not need to change any of these values. Click OK to continue.
The next thing to do is to assign a name the NC tape file. By default, this is associated
to the name of the work file (see Figure 1.35).

Figure 1.35: NC file Name
47. Enter the required file name and click on the save button.
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We will now be presented with the 'Edit String' dialog box (see Figure 1.36).
This will insert a programme name within the NC code.

Figure 1.36: Program number
48. Enter 01 into the program number text field and select OK.
Another dialog box will appear from within the workspace. This is asking us whether
we wish to view the actual machine code (see Figure 1.37)

Figure 1.37: Edit machine output
49. Select OK to view the NC code.
The final dialog box will display the machine code itself. Different types of post
processor will return different types of NC code.
This code represents all of our operations in the true machine language (see Figure
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Figure 1.3S: NC Code
Step 4 - Saving Data
To save data you can select the 'Save' icon , or the 'Save As' icon from the
main toolbar.
You can also use two other methods to save information:
(i) Save Part As - This will allow you to select the specific geometry you wish to
(ii) Export - This will allow you to save the file in a different format type (i.e. GES,
DXF, and Parasolid).
CongratuIations, you have successfuIIy compIeted the VISI - Machining 3D
section of the 'Getting to know'.

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