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Spire - October 7, 2013

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Volume 41, Issue 40

A Beacon and A Bridge

October 7, 2013

CYF Oktoberfest at Bethany Hills October 5-6, 2013

Woodmont youth joined over 80 Disciples from across the state for the annual fall retreat at Bethany Hills last weekend. The retreat was planned and run by members of the TCYF Cabinet, including Woodmont's own Alex Smith (co-president), Jocelyn Sitton, and Russell Carpenter. Thanks to our great sponsors who gave up their weekend to make this event possible: Katie Johnson, Madison Jones, Ben Saunders, Thom Schuyler, Merillat Flowers, and Trey Flowers. Chi-Rho Fall retreat at Bethany Hills will be November 1-3.
(Registration is still available, see page 5)

Mission Statement
Growing Disciples of Christ by Seeking God, Sharing Love and Serving Others

The Pumpkins are Coming!

The pumpkin truck will arrive next Wednesday, October 16th, about 4:00 p.m. at South Hall. Come enjoy some wonderful fellowship as we unload the pumpkins from the trailer! Pumpkins will be on sale Thursday, October 17th. If chunkin' pumpkins from a trailer is not your thing, not to worry!! We have other ways you can help... bake pumpkin bread, work a shift in the patch, buy a pumpkin, enjoy music at Pickin' in the Patch (Sunday, October 27th, at 3:00 p.m. on the South Hall Lawn). Please use the following links to sign-up for baking bread or working a shift: Pumpkin Bread: Working a shift in Pumpkin Patch:

Core Values:
Welcoming Outstanding Worship Outreach Different Traditions Mission & Ministry On the Move Nurturing Transforming 2013 Areas of Focus
Prayer - Presence - Peace

Are you currently a visitor of Woodmont or have you recently placed membership and would like to know more about the church and the Disciples of Christ? Then join us for an Introduction to Woodmont luncheon on Sunday, October 20th, at 12:15 p.m. in the Boardroom! (see more details on page 9)

Sustaining a Healthy Faith by Rev. Clay Stauffer, Senior Minister

This fall we have been journeying through Luke's gospel on Sunday mornings. In Luke 17, Jesus talks about "stumbling blocks" to faith, and I think we can all acknowledge that they are certainly present in life. There are things that happen in life that we cannot explain (cancer, natural disasters, physical handicaps, etc.). It has always amazed me that what drives some people away from the faith will drive others to it. Christians are also capable of creating stumbling blocks for others through acts of hate and judgment, piousness and hypocrisy standing in direct contrast to Jesus' charge to "love your neighbor as yourself." How do we deal with stumbling blocks when they arise? How do we find the hope to press forward when life knocks us down? I have always been very passionate about developing for myself and trying to help others find a healthy faith that does not fall apart in the face of life's greatest challenges. I think this is very important because life brings many challenges and disappointments. What does it mean to have a "healthy, balanced faith?" 6. You are able to give and receive trust and allow others to see youand themselvesin a state of vulnerability and imperfection. You allow yourself and others the freedom to make mistakes. (1 Peter 3:8; Ephesians 4:2; Romans 14.) 7. You can relate to real, everyday people with a non-judgmental, non-legalistic attitude. (Romans 14; Matthew 7:1; Luke 6:37.) 8. You thrive in an atmosphere of learning, where free thinking is encouraged. Questions and doubts are normal. (1 Peter 2:1-3; Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 2:15; Luke 2:41-47.) 9. You prefer balance over black and white extremes in your approach to the Bible, its teachings and the Christian life. (Ecclesiastes 7:18; Romans 14.)

10. You do not feel threatened or defensive when others hold to a different opinion or perspective. You can agree to disagree, even with other Christians. (Titus 3:9; Mary Fairchild, a Christian author, wrote an article a while 1 Corinthians 12:12-25; 1 Corinthians 1:10-17.) back where she listed "Twelve Signs of a Healthy Faith-Life." I find her reflections helpful for doing a "check in" regarding your 11. You are not afraid of emotional expressions from faith and spiritual life. She also provides scripture for further yourself and others. Emotions are not bad, they just reflection. Here is what she said: are. (Joel 2:12-13; Psalm 47:1; Psalm 98:4; 1. Your faith is based on a relationship with God, not religious obligations and rituals. You follow Christ because you want to, not because you have to. Your relationship with Jesus flows naturally out of love. It is not forced or driven by guilt. (1 John 4:7-18; Hebrews 10:19-22.) 2. Your sense of security and significance is centered on God and who you are in Christ, not on others or your accomplishments. (1 Thessalonians 2:1-6; Ephesians 6:6-7.) 3. Your faith in God is strengthened as you walk through life's troubles, trials and painful experiences, not weakened or destroyed. (1 Peter 4:12-13; James 1:2-4.) 4. Your service to others flows out of genuine love and concern for them, not from compulsion or a need to be recognized. You offer your service as a joy and a pleasure and not an obligation or a heavy burden. (Ephesians 6:6-7; Ephesians 2:8-10; Romans 12:10.) 5. You value and respect the unique differences and individual gifts of your brothers and sisters in Christ, rather than expecting conformity to one Christian standard. You appreciate and celebrate others' gifts. (Romans 14; Romans 12:6; 1 Corinthians 12:4-31.)
The Spire is published weekly by: Woodmont Christian Church 3601 Hillsboro Road Nashville, TN 37215 Visit our Webpage: (615) 297-8563 fax: (615) 297-9319 email: Kim Adair, Editor Copyright 2013

2 Corinthians 9:12-15.) 12. You have the ability to relax and have fun. You can laugh at yourself and at life. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4; 8:15; Proverbs 17:22; Nehemiah 8:10) The truth is that we all have work to do as people of faith. The spiritual life is an ongoing journey full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows. There are times in life when we feel close to God and times when we feel distant. There are times when we feel like life makes sense and times when we are lost and confused. What is important is that we learn to trust in God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength. What's important is that we don't try to control everything. What's important is that we treat other people the way we want to be treated. What's important is that we learn what it means to love, serve, and forgive. Here's to all of us working hard to maintain a healthy and balanced life of faith. Blessings,

Lessons from a Funeral by Farrell Mason, Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care
Why is it that we have to stand at the threshold of death to honor life? Why does it take putting on our "mourning" black to appreciate the miraculous hue of life? Whether we stand at the graveside or hear in passing an antidote of tragedy, each provides a wake-up call to the sanctity of life. Shame on us when we take for granted life's gifts: the words, I love you, imparted by those we love dearly, a raucous belly laugh shared with our wittiest friend, a kiss, a yummy meal, a good book, a moving piece of music, an encounter with a gingko tree shedding its gilt leaves in the fall, or maybe just a day when all feels right in our world and we feel good in our skin. I like to call it a day when our soul is smiling! Recently, I was honored with the task of performing a funeral for a woman I greatly admired. Not only was she a gladiator in the ring with cancer, but she showed me what it looks like to cherish life in every breath. Even in her darkest days, her eyes were full of light, her lips curved up in a hopeful smile, and her faith radiant. Forgive me now for stating the obvious. But when writing one's eulogy, you rarely give ink to the size of their bank account, work promotions and accolades, the events they chaired, or the number of Picasso's on the wall. Eulogies worth remembering cover one's capacity for love, one's willingness to put other's before themselves, the deep well of their joy, the importance of their family, their church, and their love of God. And it's always fun to celebrate their passions in life too: dancing a tango, tending to their roses, cooking, or collecting sharks teeth every summer on a South Carolina beach. The goal is to walk through that Holy Door one day leaving behind a treasure trove for those left behind a life bursting at the seams with wrong. Actually, Joy in big doses is the love, joy, selflessness, and gratitude. secret elixir for a healthy soul. Write down what gives you real joy and then make sure Lessons from a Funeral: it is a regular, dare I say, daily part of your 1. Be the turtle in the race of life. Slow life. The joy I am talking about here is not down and be present in each moment. I fear connected in any way to ambition, dollarwe often miss the sweet nuances of life sign accumulation, or self-gratification. I am because we are carelessly busy and fixated talking about a joy that you feel deep in your on the finish line. One thing at a time. One soul. It is a joy that makes you drop-to-yourconversation at a time. One hug, one laugh, knees grateful to be alive! Here's just a start: one sunset at a time. Life is ripe with grace. A walk in nature, break bread with people Seek the "sweet spot" in every encounter. you love, savor a cup of tea with a warm 2. Check your pulse. Yeah, you are still chocolate chip cookie, curl up to a good breathing! The day will come when the bell book, help someone else to have joy. will toll for each one of us but it is not 4. Be kind. It's that simple. It's the number here right now! So, stop sweating the small, one thing you would have people remember trivial stuff, the ridiculous things that have about you! Bite your tongue. It is so easy to no merit and keep our souls in a tangle. We spew venom, be impatient, judgmental, are all guilty of this crime. What did Jesus gossipy, and negative. What is the old say? We cannot gain an extra hour of our life phrase? You can either be a fountain or a from worrying. Advice: Don't worry until drain. Life is too short. And, hear me when I you are given something to truly worry say.... kindness evolves the soul! about. And then when that day does come, and it will: Trust in the Almighty to see you 5. Be a gladiator. What I mean is life through. I have seen it happen enough times will inevitably test you choose to be to know that God does take your hand in the courageous. Now that does not mean you valley of the shadows and leads you back cannot get in your shower and have some into the light. In the meantime, spend the choice words with the great Almighty, or seconds doing BIG THINGS: First, make weep, and weep some more. Darn if Jesus sure the people you love... know you love didn't sweat blood for goodness sakes. But them. You can never love too well! Lavish he also put on the armor and met his fate them with the best of your heart. Second, with courage. Even in my last visit with my invest some of your inhales and exhales friend, her body completely beaten, her eyes doing something with your life that is bigger remained full of light. Courage is a beautiful than yourself (Hint: It usually requires thing. putting another before yourself). The story 6. Talk to God. You are going to be doesn't get good until the hero gives his or spending an eternity in his company. You her life for another. It's love at its best. And might as well make friends. And, you'll be what's wrong with making God smile every surprised how the relationship comes in now and again! handy when things don't go as you planned 3. Joy is good. I don't know if it is our while still here on earth! Puritan heritage, but experiencing joy is not Live in hope, Farrell

To be like God is to Love by Carla Schooler, Minister of Jr. High Youth

There seems to be a simple answer, love. "Whoever does not love support or opposition of same-sex marriage? does not know God, for Christian or Muslim? Pro-life or Pro-choice? 1 John tells us that if we don't love we don't Coffee or Tea? Vandy or UT? know God because the very essence of God God is love." 1 John 4:8 IS love. This is a concept that we begin I have been thinking a lot about what it It seems that one of our greatest teaching children immediately and continue means to truly be like God. But more challenges arises where these two thoughts teaching through adulthood. Treat others the specifically, what does it mean to be God to collide. God created us as individuals, as way you want to be treated. Each and every those who are seeking or those who simply free thinkers, so it comes as no surprise that one of us wants to be treated with love. do not believe. we often find ourselves on opposite sides of an issue. But the real question is how do we So this should be simple, right? We live in a world that seems to follow Christ's example? How do we act like continuously focus on what divides us. (continued on page 4) God in these situations? Republican, Democrat or Tea Party? In

about those who have no jobs? What about "Whoever does not love does not know those who define marriage differently? What God, for God is love." 1 John 4:8 But what about those who serve a about those people who do not agree that the different God? What about those who SEC is the single greatest conference in ~Carla disagree with your politics? What about these great United States? those who live in a bigger house? What
(continued from page 3)

5-Star Dinner Wednesday Nights 5:35 p.m. in Drowota Hall

This Wednesday, October 9th Mom's Meat Loaf
Savory Turkey Meat Loaf Roasted Potatoes Light Creamed Spinach Mixed Green Salad with Raspberry Pecan Dressing Chocolate clair Dessert Quinoa Apple Cake Pizza for the kids

Next Wednesday, October 16th The Pumpkins are coming!

Beef Chili and White Bean Chicken Chili with all the Fixins! Chips and Salsa Sour Cream Cornbread Mixed Green Salad Fudge Cake with Fluffy Peanut Butter Frosting Cranberry Pumpkin Bread Pizza for the kids

Reservations should be made through the Sunday "connection

card," by calling the church office (297-8563), emailing the church office at or thru the website at: The deadline is Monday by noon. Price structure: Adults $8, Children 4 years old thru 5th grade $4 and family cap $28.

Adult Education
Wednesday Night - October 9th
6:30 p.m.
DivorceCare (The Bay) Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer and Janet Wall Bible Study on Galatians (200) Led by Michael Whittington Healthy Living, Part 1 (105) Led by Guest Teacher, Anna Tinkle (Last night of this Class) "The Jesus Way: Presence, Purpose, Practice" (100) Led by Beth Pattillo and Sandy Smith "Traveling Light" (Boardroom) - Led by Kathy Patten Don't miss the Sunday Morning Version of this class!
(See below)

Beginning October 16th Intro to Mindfulness: reap the health benefits of learning how to switch between the "doing" mode and the "being" mode (Healthy Living, Part 2) (105) Led by Dr. Tom Patten Beginning November 6th "Ouch! Where Is God When it Hurts?" (Boardroom) Led by Rev. Justin Gung

Sunday School - October 13th

9:30 a.m.
Disciples Class (105) - Led by Roy Stauffer "Book of Acts - Chapter 9" Challenge Class (200) - Led by Bob Herrick "Biblical Wisdom Literature" Young Adult Class (Boardroom) - Led by Rob Quinn "Malachi" Spiritual Journeys Class for Women (The Bay) Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer "Loving God with All Your Soul: Celtic Spirituality for the Woman of Today"

11:00 a.m.
Second Hour of the Spiritual Journeys Class (The Bay) (Open to Men Also) Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer "Traveling Light" (200) - Led by Kathy Patten Sunday Morning Version of the Wednesday Night Class Points of View (105) - Led by Ralph Parsons and Doug King "Islam" College & University-Aged Young Adults (107) Led by Thom Schuyler The Pathways Class for Parents (Boardroom) Led by Wendell & Christy Brown/Tom & Laura Dovan

Pathways Sunday School Class

The new Pathways Sunday School Class will start a new 3-week series by Andy Stanley this Sunday, October 13th. The series is called When God. We all face times when it feels like God is far away. Our prayers are unanswered and our circumstances go from bad to worse. During these times, God doesn't just seem distant; he seems distracted. People tell us to pray more. Preachers tell us to have more faith. But what does the Bible say? In this series, Andy Stanley explores the lives of three men from the New Testament, each loved by God, but whose circumstances seemed to tell a different story. Week 1: When God is Inattentive Week 2: When God is Uncooperative Week 3: When God is Late The Pathways Class is designed for parents of kids pre-school to high school aged. We are an energetic group of 3050 somethings who are seeking spiritual and practical guidance on our journey of faith. We watch video lessons and then have good discussions. Come join us! We meet at 11:00 a.m. in the Boardroom on the 2nd floor (just past the Gathering Hall). Contact Wendell and Christy Brown (478-3103) or Tom and Laura Dovan (815-9090) with questions.

New Wednesday Night Class Beginning Next Wednesday, October 16th

Intro to Mindfulness: reap the health benefits of learning how to switch between the "doing" mode and the "being" mode (Healthy Living, Part 2) Led by Dr. Tom Patten - 5-week class The class will include such topics as meditation, mindfulness, physiology of stress, relaxation response, and related psychological principles (like mindfulness based cognitive therapy). There will be applications of mindfulness to everyday life (eating, routine activities, awareness of emotional states and motivations, etc.) as well as formal practices. The class will introduce different types of meditation/ techniques to help promote concentration, being more in tune with the body and emotions and learning how to use these skills to reduce stress and increase self-knowledge and mastery. Practicing what is learned between classes will be an important part of "getting" what this is all about.

The Spiritual Journeys Retreat for Women November 9-10

The Spiritual Journeys Retreat for Women will be held at Bethany Hills Camp on November 9th and 10th. Anne Alexander Stauffer will share a special message with us: "Preparing Our Hearts for The Coming." We will also have presentations by Linda Mills, Certified Yoga Therapist and Instructor; Juliana Ericson, Forgiveness Coach and Life Enhancement Specialist; and entertainment from Lauren Lucas, Nashville singer/songwriter and Spiritual Journeys class member. The cost to stay overnight is $90 (which includes 4 homemade meals.) Saturday only participation is $45 (which includes 3 homemade meals). Sign-up sheets are available in the Bay Room. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Glynn Williamson at 330-2594 or email her at

WCC Youth
Youth Group This Week
Wednesday Night, October 9th 6:00-8:00 p.m. - Youth Group: Small Group Night @ The Richardson's House Sunday, October 13th 9:30-10:30 a.m. - Worship in the Sanctuary 10:30-11:00 a.m. - Gathering Time in the Youth Lounge 11:00 a.m.-Noon - Sunday School: "CommUnity" Series in CYF/Chi Rho Rooms Noon-1:00 p.m. - Youth Lunch Off-Campus 1:00-2:00 p.m. - Jubilation Choir in the Boardroom 5:45-6:45 p.m. - The Bridge Worship Service in Drowota Hall Tuesday, October 15 6:30-7:00 a.m. - CYF Girls Bible Study at Bread & Company in Green Hills
For more information visit or follow us on Twitter @WoodmontCCYouth

Bethany Hills Chi Rho Fall Retreat - Registration

Don't miss a weekend at our beloved campgrounds with Disciples friends from across the state!

Chi-Rho Fall Retreat (for 6th to

8th graders) - November 1-3 Registration is available through our youth website at Registration is limited, so please make sure to save your spot today.

Sponsor Spotlight
We have 14 amazing youth sponsors signed up to lead the youth group this year. Please join us in thanking our youth sponsors as they give their time and talents to the 6th-12th grade youth in our church. This week, please take some extra time to celebrate and get to know Merillat Flowers. Merillat joined the Woodmont family in 2010, shortly after becoming engaged to Trey Flowers. She loves Woodmont and is thrilled to be a part of the youth group this year. Merillat graduated from Texas Christian University (go frogs!) and currently works for Teach For America Nashville as a teacher administrator and instructional coach. Whenever she gets a spare moment, Merillat loves spending time with Trey and their adorable English Bulldog, Beasley.

Meal Baby Website

A huge congratulations to Blake and Abby McLean on the birth of their daughter, Emery Grace Renich McLean, on Monday, September 30th. We have an opportunity to bless this sweet family with prayers, food and cards. If you would like to provide a meal, please use the following MealBaby registry link to sign-up: (If you haven't already, you will have to register with MealBaby before you sign-up to provide a meal.)

2013-14 Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF) Board

2013-2014 CWF Board Left to Right: Jan Shockey, Carol Parsons, Sandra Kyne, Sallie Walker, Martha Hobby, Sallye Galloway. 2nd Row: Mary Ann Rogers, Sandra Carpenter, Marcella Derryberry, Bette Jefcoat, Elizabeth Regen, Judy Davis, Susan Hammonds-White, Debbie Baird, Jeanie Taylor, Judy Ginn, Jane Dyer, Betsy Hendrick.

Megan Stauffer, Kerry Leach, Isse Waddey, and Laura Dovan at Vandy Tailgate on Saturday, October 5th

Small Groups
Call to ARMS (Yours)
Super Somebodys and valued friends It's that time of year when we've got to do the things that make this property so valuable and beautiful, to say nothing of what it means to our campus and our congregation. Join us for a work day at the Haught Outdoor Chapel at 8:30 a.m. this Friday, October 11th. None of this is back breaking but it is vitally important to maintain this very significant area of our campus and the programs it supports. John Henderson has done a superb job of bringing this garden to life and we certainly want to continue to develop it to its fullest potential. Jobs to be done include the following: Trim along the fence rows. Some of the old honeysuckle is coming back. Rake up grass clippings in preparation to overseed the grass. Overseed the areas of fescue grass. We will rent a slip seeder from Home Depot for this job. Spread fertilizer. Time permitting we will also plant some seed in the Garden of Prayer. Please plan to join us for a morning of fun in the sun. I'll bring the donuts (as usual). If it's raining we will have to postpone the work for another day but will keep you posted. The Phantom of the Campus

Traveling Woodmont
Traveling Woodmont is on the move again, this time for a tour of the Music City Center. We will leave the church on Thursday, October 24th, at 10:00 a.m. and have a short bus ride to downtown Nashville. The tour will last about an hour - Music City Center is huge so be prepared for lots of walking. After our tour we will head across the street to have lunch at the Omni in the Key Note restaurant. We will get to see two of the newest buildings in downtown Nashville! The tour is complimentary. Lunch at Key Note will range from about $15 up. We should return before 3:00 p.m. If you are interested in coming along for this trip, please contact Carol Parsons at 457-3006, or email me at

WCC Book Club

The October meeting of the WCC Book Club will be next Tuesday the 15th at 10:30 a.m. in Room 107. Liz Ramsey will lead a discussion of Edmund DeWalls book, THE HARE WITH THE AMBER EYES. Everyone is welcome!

GEMS (G)reet, (E)at, (M)eet, and (S)ocialize

Tuesday, October 22 @ Noon in Room 105 Catered Meal -- $8.00
Program: Dino Nowak, founder of Renu Health and Fitness, has been providing personal training and post rehabilitation service at the Vanderbilt GEMS' Orthopedic Institute Fitness Center for over 4 years. One of his certifications is as a Master Trainer & Older Adult Exercise Specialist from the Cooper Aerobics Center Institute in Dallas, Texas (founded by Kenneth Cooper, MD, MPH, and known as the "Father of Aerobics"). A published author and speaker, Dino has been seen and heard by millions through TV, print, and radio outlets. With over 20 years experience as a fitness and lifestyle coach, he will speak on the importance and impact that physical activity can have in our lives as we age, why it is important, what it does, and its impact on energy, joint health, brain function and level of independence. Reservations: *Please make your reservations by noon on Friday, October 18th, by calling Rebecca Vaughan (our new WCC receptionist) at 297-8563, or by emailing her at (*note the new email address above for reservations.) Menu: Chicken Pot Pie/A Little Spicy Black Eye Peas/Rolls/Mixed Green Salad/Frozen Lemon Pie Visitors are welcome, so bring a friend or two. *(Dont forget: A Door Prize will be given away. Must be present to win!)*

Mission & Outreach

On Saturday, October 19th, congregations throughout the Tennessee Region will be participating in a Loving Hands day of service. We are offering two opportunities that weekend: Salama Urban Ministries in Nashville and Morgan-Scott for those that can travel.

Urban Ministry Opportunity

The Salama Institute on 8th Avenue is a successful after school academic enrichment program serving underprivileged kids in Kindergarten through 12th grades. There are a couple of things we can help them with. One is an ongoing need to help resupply the "Salama store" where the kids can use earned credits to buy items like school supplies, caps, etc. which they really enjoy and helps motivate them. (You can see a list of typical items on our website under Missions/Urban Ministries.) Also, the kids put on a theatrical production every year and the wardrobe room needs to be catalogued and tidied up. If you are interested in getting involved with this project or have any questions or ideas, please contact Tom Patten at As the conference wide Disciples Church has designated Oct. 19th as a day when everyone is encouraged to pick a mission project to be involved with, we're organizing a group to go down and pitch into that effort. It might be fun for a group to do this together and it's a good way to learn more about this great organization that is doing such important work. Contact Tom with questions or interest. For more information, please contact Jeremiah Weeden-Wright at If you would like to go on the trip, please sign-up by entering or clicking the following link:
are manageable because being on the RITI Operations Team is about nourishing our souls, not exhausting our minds and bodies. Physical Needs: This team member will focus on the physical needs of the program: inventorying and restocking supplies, checking bedding, linens, kitchen utensils and other items needed to support this program. This team member also serves as a liaison with housekeeping and The Nashville Food Project as needed. Clothing: We need a team member to help us structure our efforts to provide warm clothes to our homeless guests. We have lots of great ideas about how to accomplish this goal but need someone to orchestrate and organize RITIs clothing collection and distribution efforts. As always, if you have questions, concerns or are ready to join our team, please feel free to contact Mary Kiger at 414-8345 or Many thanks and even more blessings!

News From Room in the Inn

We are coming upon a new season of service to Nashvilles homeless men. Woodmont enjoys strong support and participation in Room in the Inn (RITI) program and we are excited to get the new season underway! Two past RITI Program leaders (Selena Guilfoy and Wendell Brown) joined me in evaluating what works well with our RITI Program and what we might improve going forward. After an in-depth question and answer session with Nashvilles RITI Operations Director, Mary Wilder, we decided to make some key operational changes for our upcoming season of service. So, whats new with Room in the Inn? Lots of things! Co-Ed Overnight Hosting: After learning that many Nashville RITI participant churches have mixed gender overnight hosting teams, we are making that an option at Woodmont. Comfortable, Secure Sleeping Accommodations: For the past few years,

overnight hosts have slept on couches and sacrificed sleep for service. We believe that overnight hosts deserve the best of both worlds! This year, we are making available two lockable rooms with inflatable beds so overnight hosts have the option of locking their doors and resting deeply. No More Clothes Closet Mayhem: Woodmont Christian Church is all about generosity and this wont change that but we are making some improvements in our approach to clothing contributions and distribution. We wont have all the specifics for a few more weeks but the changes will ensure that our guests are not searching the clothes closet at all hours of the night and that the clothing we do offer are gender and season appropriate stay tuned! Team RITI: This year, we are taking a team approach to operating Woodmonts RITI program. I am delighted to announce that we now have our scheduling team member in place: please join me in a big shout out of gratitude to Christine Reed! That leaves just two team slots open: Physical Needs and Clothing (see descriptions in next column). All the roles

News from the Property Committee

A project to seal and re-stripe the Church parking lot is scheduled to begin next Monday, October 14th. The process will take approximately a week to complete and possibly longer if the weather doesn't cooperate. While access to the Church and South Hall will always be available, normal traffic patterns will change and entrances will be closed at various times during the project. Please respect any traffic barriers you encounter. There will be signage directing you to an open entrance. There should be no planned overnight parking during this time. We apologize in advance for any inconveniences. Unfortunately, there is never a good time to work a project like this at such a wonderfully active Church.

Introduction to Woodmont
We offer a free monthly luncheon and class to teach visitors and new members about our beliefs, values, and community. Introduction to Woodmont is a brief look at the Disciples of Christ denomination and our own congregation. Visitors and members alike are invited to join us for lunch and a lively conversation with our church ministers about what it means to be a part of the Woodmont family. The next introduction to Woodmont class and luncheon will be on Sunday, October 20, at 12:15 p.m. in the Boardroom. Free childcare will be provided if requested in advance by calling the church office at 297-8563.

I would like to thank everyone for your prayers, cards, donations, and expressions of sympathy upon the loss ofmyfather.IappreciateeveryoneIhavereceived. Sincerely, LadonnaCooper

OnbehalfofourfamilyIwantedtothankallofyouforyour calls,texts,emails,cards,andwordsofencouragementin regardstomymotherCharleneSollidayduringhersurgery andstayatVanderbiltHospital.Allofyourprayerswerea blessingandappreciatedbyourfamily. Thankyou, TheHeyneandSollidayFamilies 9

Sunday School Lessons & Volunteers October 13th


Wednesday, October 9 5:15 p.m. - Grace Notes Children's Choir Practice 5:35 p.m. - 5-Star Dinner 6:15 p.m. - JYF Kids Club Sunday, October 13th 9:30 a.m. - Children's Moment 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Children's Church 5:45 p.m. - The Bridge Service 6:30 p.m. - After The Bridge Casual Soup Dinner

9:30 Hour ChristQuest Ronda Hirst Stars (2 Yrs) Noah's Ark Claire Drowota Jane Clay Meadors Pandas (3 Yrs) Noah's Ark Sarah Drury Frogs (4 Yrs) The Ten Best Ways to Live Kim Sheridan Gloria & Joy Jackson

9:30 Hour Monkeys (5 Yrs/K) The Ten Best Ways to Live Betty White 11:00 Hour Children's Church Kaitlyn Asher 4th/5th Grade Class Topher Endress Donuts & Coffee Still Needed

10/14 - Senna Shaffer 10/16 - Walker Dovan 10/16 - Phebe Foley

Memory Verse: Is anything too hard for the Lord? Genesis 18:14

Time Change
Grace Notes Children's Choir will now be on Wednesdays from 5:15-5:45 p.m. It is not too late to join in this talented group of young singers!


Bulletin Board
Opportunities at Woodmont
Wednesday, October 9 6:15 a.m. Men's Small Group (107) 7:00 a.m. Men's Bible Study (105) Younger Men's Bible Study (BR) 5:15 p.m. Grace Notes Children's Choir Practice (KC) 5:35 p.m. 5-Star Dinner (DH) 6:00 p.m. Youth Group (Off-Campus) 6:15 p.m. JYF Kids Club (KC) 6:30 p.m. Choir Practice (Choir Rm); DivorceCare (The Bay); Galatians Class (200); Healthy Living, Part 1 (105); "The Jesus Way" (100); "Traveling Light" (BR); WCC TRIPS Committee (107) Thursday, October 10 Library Workday 10:00 a.m. Sit & Stitch Group (GH) 7:00 p.m. Restore Classes (200 & Youth Rooms) Sunday, October 13 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship (Sanctuary) 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Jubilation Youth Choir (BR) 4:45 p.m. WCC Knitters (GH) 5:45 p.m. The Bridge Service (DH) 6:30 p.m. After The Bridge Casual Soup Dinner (DH) Monday, October 14 4:00 p.m. "The Geezers" Men's Group (BR) Tuesday, October 15 6:30 a.m. CYF Girls Bible Study (Off-Campus) 9:00 a.m. Women's Prayer Group (CS) 9:45 a.m. Women's Bible Study (200) 10:30 a.m. WCC Book Club (107) 6:00 p.m. Handbell Practice (Choir Rm) 6:30 p.m. Young Adults (105)

Elders Prayer Corner

The Elders Request that the congregation join them in prayer for:

Our members who are sick, grieving, or homebound that they will feel God's
presence with them Wisdom and guidance for our church leaders and for our local, national and global leaders All members to trust God enough to release their burdens to Him and experience peace in daily life All members to find a place to be using their gifts and talents to share God's love and serve others


IN THE HOSPITAL: Jimmy Gurley, friend of Clay Stauffer, Sarah Cannon Center NEW CONCERN: Debby Adams, sister of Pam Hardin CONTINUING CONCERNS: Mark Christofersen Beth Shelton Penny Stelling Gary Thompson Yot Williams Maddie Murphy Peggy Johnson Robert Mathews, The Meadows Jeannette Miller, Claiborne-Hughes Health Center Charlene Solliday, mother of Robin Heyne, Woodcrest Justin Johnson, son of Anona Johnson Gary Carrington, father of Blake Mayes Ty Coppinger, father of Shawn Haile SYMPATHY TO: Drew & Sara Donahoe and family on the passing of Drew's grandmother, Estelle Donahoe, in Crystal Springs, MS. A funeral service was held on Friday, October 4, in Mississippi. MILITARY PRAYER LIST: Wade Gossett, brother of Becca Gossett Clay Perry, son of Tim & Diane Perry Dan King & wife, Ashley King, brother and sister-in-law of Stephen Daniel King THOSE SERVING ABROAD: Jesse Garrison, Peace Corp in Armenia Courtney Valk, Peace Corp in Republic of Georgia
*Please Note: Continuing Care Concerns will

now only be listed for up to one month. If you wish to have a continuing concern remain on the list after one month, please renew your request each month by calling the church office.*

If life is getting you down and you need a Christian friend to listen, that is just what Stephen Ministers are trained to do. Please call Kathy Patten at 838-4957 to discuss the possibility of this being the help you need.

Let Us Know: Have information about someone in the hospital or with another ministry need? Please notify the church office during the week (297-8563) and Let Us Know. PLEASE - NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN THE SANCTUARY


Woodmont Christian Church

3601 Hillsboro Road Nashville, TN 37215 615.297.8563
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Date Sunday School September 15 327 September 22 300 September 29 300 October 6 266 Total Atd. 945 789 739 686 Operating $ 53,533 $ 54,596 $ 22,017 $ 33,297

October 13, 2013
Communion Prep: Milly Moore Service Coordinator: 9:30 - Marcella Derryberry 11:00 - Nick Small Video Camera: 9:30 - Jack Derryberry 11:00 - Leigh Ann Agee 9:30 a.m. Liz Anne Allen Scott Holley Paula Forcht Steven McGinty Tom Dovan Betty McHugh Laura Dovan Honey Hetzel 11:00 a.m. Jamie Huling Dennis Beck Cynthia Beck Rich Sanderson Doug Schoerke Bob Garrard Robbie Quinn John Hartong 5:45 p.m. Rich Sanderson Jay Everett Rebecca Everett Adam Sloan Virginia Dinker


October 13, 2013

WORSHIP SERVICES: October 13, 2013 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Dr. C. Roy Stauffer, preaching Sermon Title: "The Fourfold Path" Scripture: James 4:13-17 Rev. Trey Flowers, preaching Sermon Title: "Go Therefore..." Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20

9:30 a.m. Wendell Brown and Alan Sowell 11:00 a.m. Emmie Thomas and Chip Phinizy 5:45 p.m. Gene Regen

5:45 p.m. - The Bridge

Weekly Prayer Partner

Bethany Christian Church, Eads, TN


Rev. Clay Stauffer, Senior Minister Farrell Mason, Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care Dr. C. Roy Stauffer, Minister of Adult Education & Church Life Rev. Justin Gung, Minister of Children & Congregational Care Rev. Trey Flowers, Minister of Youth & "The Bridge" Thom Schuyler, Director of College & Young Adults Carla "CJ" Schooler, Minister of Jr. High Youth Tallu Quinn, Director of TNFP Michael Graham, Director of Music Ministry Sarah Huffman, Accompanist Linda Whitson, Staff Administrator Chris Beck, Finance Manager Shirley Taylor, Housekeeping Ben Saunders, Ministerial Intern Mary Clare Pyron, Parish Nurse Kim Adair, Administrative Assistant Beverly Honeycutt, Housekeeping Sam Marsh, Property Manager Housekeeping Supv. Topher Endress, Ministerial Intern Ginny Tharp, Director of Preschool Rebecca Vaughan, Receptionist Steven Austin, Housekeeping Andra Moran & Stephen Daniel King, Creative Directors for "The Bridge"

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