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Oracle Quality

Implementation Guide Release 12.1

Part No. E13679-04

August 2010

Oracle Quality Implementation Guide, Release 12.1 Part No. E13679-04 Copyright 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Sujata Patnaik, Aravindan Sankaramurthy Contributing Author: Amy Sonczalla Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this software or related documentation is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. This software is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of this software. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software in dangerous applications. This software and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third party content, products and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third party content, products or services.


Send Us Your Comments Preface

Part 1

Nonconformance and Disposition Solution

Overview of the Nonconformance and Dispositions Solution

Nonconformance and Dispositions Solution........................................................................... 1-1 Solution Templates................................................................................................................... 1-1

Implementation Considerations
Implementing Nonconformance and Disposition Solution.................................................... 2-1 Implementation Roadmap...................................................................................................... 2-12 Implementation Checklist.......................................................................................................2-16

Setting Up
Overview of Setting Up............................................................................................................. 3-2 Step 1 - Choose a configuration (mandatory)........................................................................... 3-3 Step 2 - Copy from Template Collection Plans (mandatory)................................................... 3-3 Step 3 - Update of Sequence prefix and suffix (mandatory).................................................... 3-8 Step 4 - Update of values for seeded collection elements (optional)..................................... 3-10 Step 5 - Update of menu entry to point to the correct plan (mandatory)............................... 3-11 Step 6 - Modify Collection Plan Details and Plan Element Prompts (optional)....................3-16 Step 7 - Update 'Execute a SQL script' Text (conditionally mandatory)................................ 3-17 Step 8 - Set Up Collection Plan Security (optional)................................................................3-20


Step 9 - Add user defined elements to the plans (optional)................................................... 3-21 Step 10 - Link user defined plans to the system (optional).................................................... 3-22 Step 11 - Link Corrective Action system to Nonconformance and Disposition system (optional)................................................................................................................................. 3-23 Step 12 - Link the Transactional Collection Plan to the Nonconformance and Disposition system (optional)..................................................................................................................... 3-24 Step 13 - De-link Collection Plans from the Nonconformance and Disposition system (optional)................................................................................................................................. 3-25 Step 14 - Organize the Plan Elements into Folders (optional)............................................... 3-27 Step 15 - Set Up Profile Options (optional)............................................................................ 3-27 Step 16 - Setup within other modules (conditionally mandatory).........................................3-27 Considerations Prior to Implementation................................................................................ 3-27 Maintaining a Reference Copy of Collection Plans (optional).............................................. 3-27

Nonconformance Lifecycle
Overview of Procedures............................................................................................................ 4-1 Process Flow Chart.................................................................................................................... 4-1 Process Steps.............................................................................................................................. 4-2

Logging Nonconformances using MSCA and Oracle Warehouse Management

Overview of Logging Nonconformances.................................................................................. 5-1 Process Steps.............................................................................................................................. 5-1 Setting Up............................................................................................................................ 5-1 Logging Nonconformances.................................................................................................. 5-2

Disposition Lifecycle
Overview of Disposition Lifecycle........................................................................................... 6-1 Process Flow Chart.............................................................................................................. 6-1 Process Steps........................................................................................................................ 6-2

Overview of Reporting.............................................................................................................. 7-1 Quality Results Report Writer.................................................................................................. 7-1 Oracle Discoverer...................................................................................................................... 7-3

Tailoring Your Solution

Overview of Tailoring Solutions.............................................................................................. 8-1 Workflow Configuration...........................................................................................................8-1 Using Oracle Approval Management....................................................................................... 8-3


Tailoring E-mail Notifications.................................................................................................. 8-5 Tips and Techniques................................................................................................................. 8-6

Part 2

Corrective Action Solution

Overview of the Corrective Action Solution

Overview of Solution Templates.............................................................................................. 9-1 Solution Templates.............................................................................................................. 9-1


Implementation Roadmap
Overview of Implementation Roadmap................................................................................. 10-1 Implementation Considerations............................................................................................. 10-1 Prerequisites...................................................................................................................... 10-1 Corrective Action Request Types....................................................................................... 10-2 Corrective Action Request Sources.................................................................................... 10-2 Captured Data................................................................................................................... 10-3 Valid Values....................................................................................................................... 10-3 Corrective Action Identification......................................................................................... 10-4 Corrective Action Data Privileges...................................................................................... 10-4 Corrective Action Process........................................................................................................ 10-4 Implementation Checklist.......................................................................................................10-7


Setting Up
Overview of Setting Up...........................................................................................................11-1 Step 1 - Choose a configuration (mandatory)......................................................................... 11-2 Step 2 - Copy from template Collection Plans (mandatory)...................................................11-2 Step 3 - Update of Sequence prefix and suffix (mandatory).................................................. 11-5 Step 4 - Update of values for seeded collection elements (optional)..................................... 11-6 Step 5 - Update of menu entry to point to the correct plan (mandatory)............................... 11-7 Step 6 - Modify Collection Plan Details and Plan Element Prompts (optional)..................11-11 Step 7 - Add user defined elements to the plans (optional)................................................. 11-11 Step 8 - Link user defined plans to the system (optional)....................................................11-12 Step 9 - Organize the plan elements into folders (optional)................................................ 11-13 Step 10 - Set Up Profile Options (optional).......................................................................... 11-13 Step 11 - Setup within other modules (conditionally mandatory).......................................11-13 Step 12 - Set Up Collection Plan Security............................................................................. 11-13 Step 13 - Set Up Collection Element Security....................................................................... 11-14 Considerations Prior to Implementation.............................................................................. 11-15


Implementing Corrective Action Solutions............................................................................12-1 Processing Corrective Action from an Audit ......................................................................... 12-1 Processing Corrective Action Generated from a Nonconformance....................................... 12-8 Processing Corrective Action for a Supplier.........................................................................12-22 Processing Corrective Action from a Customer Complaint................................................. 12-32


Generating Reports on Corrective Action Information..........................................................13-1 Quality Results Report Writer................................................................................................ 13-1 Oracle Discoverer.................................................................................................................... 13-3


Tailoring Your Solution

Overview of Tailoring Solutions............................................................................................ 14-1 Workflow Configuration.........................................................................................................14-1 Using Oracle Approval Management..................................................................................... 14-4 Tailoring E-mail Notifications................................................................................................ 14-5 Tips and Techniques............................................................................................................... 14-6 Field Security........................................................................................................................... 14-6 Derive User Information using Assign-a-Value..................................................................... 14-8 Lookup Feature Using SQL Validation Strings......................................................................14-9 Dependent List of Values...................................................................................................... 14-10 Custom Reports..................................................................................................................... 14-11

Part 3

Audits Solution

Overview of Audits Solution

Audits Solution....................................................................................................................... 15-1 Solution Templates............................................................................................................ 15-1


Implementation Considerations
Overview of Implementation Considerations........................................................................ 16-1 Prerequisites...................................................................................................................... 16-1 Types of Audits.................................................................................................................. 16-1 Audits Solution Implementation Tasks..............................................................................16-2 Valid Values....................................................................................................................... 16-3 Audits Identification.......................................................................................................... 16-3


Audits Solution Data Privileges......................................................................................... 16-3 Implementation Roadmap...................................................................................................... 16-3 Implementation Check List..................................................................................................... 16-5


Setting Up
Overview of Setting Up...........................................................................................................17-1 Setup Prerequisites.................................................................................................................. 17-1 Setting up Audits Solution..................................................................................................... 17-3 Set Up Steps............................................................................................................................. 17-3


Overview of Implementation.................................................................................................. 18-1 Process Steps............................................................................................................................ 18-1 Audits Solution Process.......................................................................................................... 18-3


Reporting Overview................................................................................................................ 19-1


Tailoring Your Solution

Overview of Tailoring Your Solutions................................................................................... 20-1 Workflow Configuration....................................................................................................20-1 Tailoring E-mail Notifications............................................................................................ 20-1 Tips and Techniques.......................................................................................................... 20-2

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Structure

Overview of Seeded Plan Structure......................................................................................... A-1

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details

Overview of Seeded Template Collection Plan Details.......................................................... B-1 Template Supplier Nonconformance Record Plan.................................................................. B-1 Template Nonconformance Master Plan.................................................................................. B-4 Template Maintenance Nonconformance Record Plan......................................................... B-10 Template Nonconformance Detail Plan................................................................................. B-12 Template WIP Component Segregation................................................................................. B-15 Template Inventory Segregation............................................................................................ B-18 Template Disposition Header Plan........................................................................................ B-20 Template Disposition Detail Plan.......................................................................................... B-23 Template In-Process related Disposition Action and Result................................................. B-27 Template Inventory related Disposition Action and Result..................................................B-31


Sample Code
Sample PL/SQL Code for finding Approver using Oracle Workflow.................................... C-1 Sample Code for Custom SQL*Plus Report.............................................................................C-3

D Stand-alone Collection Plan for Nonconformances Entered via Mobile Applications and Warehouse Management
Overview of Stand-alone Collection Plan................................................................................ D-1

Collection Elements for Automated Disposition Action Processing

Overview of Collection Elements for Automated Disposition Action Processing................. E-1

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Workflows Notifications

Seeded Workflow Notifications............................................................................................... F-1

Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Structure

Corrective Action Parent-Child Collection Plan Structure......................................................G-1

Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Details

Overview of Corrective Action Seeded Template Plan Details.............................................. H-1 Template Corrective Action Request....................................................................................... H-1 Template Corrective Action Request Review.......................................................................... H-7 Template CAR Actions Implementation..................................................................................H-9 Template ECO Submission.................................................................................................... H-12 Template Supplier Corrective Action Response.................................................................... H-14 Template Quality Service CAR.............................................................................................. H-16

Corrective Action Sample Code

Sample Code for Custom SQL*Plus Report.............................................................................. I-1

Corrective Action Solution Seeded Workflow Notifications

Seeded Workflow Notifications................................................................................................ J-1

Audits Seeded Template Collection Plan Structure

Structure of Seeded Template Collection Plan........................................................................ K-1

Audits Seeded Template Plan Details

Overview of Seeded Template Plans........................................................................................ L-1


Template Audit Master Plan................................................................................................ L-1 Template Audit Master History Plan................................................................................... L-3 Template Audit Findings Plan............................................................................................. L-4 Template Audit Findings History Plan................................................................................ L-5 Template Audit Question and Response Plan..................................................................... L-5 Template Audit Question and Response History Plan........................................................ L-6 Template Audit Question Bank Plan................................................................................... L-7

Audits Seeded Workflow Notifications

Seeded Workflow Notifications.............................................................................................. M-1

Windows and Navigation Paths

Windows and Navigation Paths............................................................................................... N-1



Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Quality Implementation Guide, Release 12.1
Part No. E13679-04

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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.1 of the Oracle Quality Implementation Guide. Oracle Quality applications implementers See Related Information Sources on page xv for more Oracle E-Business Suite product information.

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1 Overview of the Nonconformance and Dispositions Solution 2 Implementation Considerations 3 Setting Up 4 Nonconformance Lifecycle 5 Logging Nonconformances using MSCA and Oracle Warehouse Management 6 Disposition Lifecycle 7 Reporting 8 Tailoring Your Solution 9 Overview of the Corrective Action Solution 10 Implementation Roadmap 11 Setting Up 12 Implementation 13 Reporting 14 Tailoring Your Solution 15 Overview of Audits Solution 16 Implementation Considerations 17 Setting Up 18 Implementation 19 Reporting 20 Tailoring Your Solution A Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Structure B Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details C Sample Code D Stand-alone Collection Plan for Nonconformances Entered via Mobile Applications and Warehouse Management E Collection Elements for Automated Disposition Action Processing F Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Workflows Notifications G Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Structure H Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Details I Corrective Action Sample Code J Corrective Action Solution Seeded Workflow Notifications K Audits Seeded Template Collection Plan Structure L Audits Seeded Template Plan Details


M Audits Seeded Workflow Notifications N Windows and Navigation Paths

Related Information Sources

Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for integration with any system, application, or business partner. The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data unless otherwise instructed. Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data. Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite. When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a record of changes.


Part 1
Nonconformance and Disposition Solution

Overview of the Nonconformance and Dispositions Solution
This chapter covers the following topics: Nonconformance and Dispositions Solution Solution Templates

Nonconformance and Dispositions Solution

The Nonconformance and Dispositions system solution templates enable the process of implementing a nonconformance and disposition system, while leveraging existing functionality within Oracle Quality and other modules within the e-Business Suite.

Solution Templates
Solution Templates aid in the ease of implementation with a pre-configured set of seeded collection plans. This set of seeded collection plans can be copied to real plans, modified if necessary, and implemented, enabling the implementation cycle time to be greatly reduced.

The Nonconformance and Disposition Solution objectives are to primarily perform the following business functions: To log, track, review, and update Nonconformance Progress the Nonconformance through its lifecycle, identified by distinct statuses Record Material Review Board (MRB) discussion and approvals, if any Execute the Disposition of the Nonconformance and track the execution status

Overview of the Nonconformance and Dispositions Solution 1-1

through its lifecycle

In order to achieve the Solution Template objectives, the solution templates contain the following contents: Seeded collection elements and associated lookup values for some of the seeded elements Seeded Template collection plans and corresponding values and actions Seeded parent-child collection plan structures with relationships, criteria, and data entry mode for the seeded template plans Copy Collection Plan process Automated Disposition Processor Seeded workflow for sending pre-configured workflow notifications

The following table summarizes the key features provides with the Nonconformance and Disposition Solution. The details on how some of these features can be implemented are provided in later chapters:

1-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Solution Template Features Key Feature Nonconformance Management and MRB Supported Activities Log and track a nonconformance through its lifecycle MRB discussion threads to review nonconformances Segregation of nonconforming material Audit trail on changes made to nonconformances E-mail alerts and workflow notifications to assign actions (for example, review and approval) for nonconformance lifecycle progress Different modes of use: Transaction Integration, Inspection Plan Integration, and Direct Data Entry Enterprise Wide Applicability Receiving and Supplier Inspection Work in Process Inspections Finished Goods Inspection Inventory/Warehouse Inspection Equipment Maintenance Service Applications Disposition Management Multiple Dispositions for a single nonconformance E-mail alerts and workflow notifications to assign and/or inform individuals for disposition implementation Maintain audit trail of dispositions

Overview of the Nonconformance and Dispositions Solution 1-3

Key Feature Automated Disposition Action Processing

Supported Activities Work in Process Dispositions Creation of Rework Discrete Job Addition of Rework Operations Move to Rework Operation WIP Scrap Component Return and Issue Inventory Dispositions Inventory Scrap Move Order to segregate nonconforming material

Security and Privileges

Existing user group functionality Assignment of Privileges to create, update, insert, and/or delete from a collection plan

Menu Options

Menu options to invoke the nonconformance and dispositions in Enter, Update, and View modes

1-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Implementation Considerations
This chapter covers the following topics: Implementing Nonconformance and Disposition Solution Implementation Roadmap Implementation Checklist

Implementing Nonconformance and Disposition Solution

This chapter contains general implementation considerations for the Nonconformance and Disposition solution. The Nonconformance and Disposition solution is based on a set of related collection plans that store nonconformance and disposition related information. Implementation of the solution templates aid in the process of satisfying the requirements of some international quality standards, listed below: ISO 9000:2000 and QA9000 - 4.13 - Control of Nonconforming Product Code of Federal Regulations - 21CFR820.90 - Nonconforming Product Additional requirements of AS9100 - Clause 8.3 - Control of Nonconforming Product

The nonconformance and disposition records are created, updated, and copied across plans throughout the lifecycle, by various participants within the business process. Notifications are sent to responsible parties to ensure that appropriate actions are taken. Some of the disposition execution can be automated. A predefined list of values is provided to ensure the validity of data. This implementation guide provides you with the most generic nonconformance and disposition business flow. Your specific nonconformance and disposition business processes can be different from the generic business flow. This solution is flexible and easily extensible, and can be tailored to suit your specific business needs. The following sections describe some of the factors that need to be considered before implementation.

Implementation Considerations 2-1

What are the benefits of a transition from a paper based nonconformance and disposition system?
The basic premise of the solution templates provides a central repository for all the nonconformances and dispositions information, within an organization. By implementing the solution templates, you have the following advantages: Remove the paper trail, as well as reduce the maintenance of all paper records Provide a shorter cycle time to review and disposition nonconformances Notify the required personnel in your organization via e-mail alerts and workflow notifications, as well as e-mail alerts to mobile devices Easy retrieval of any nonconformance or disposition information, using the standard query capabilities of Oracle Quality Provide for an easier method of reporting on nonconformances over a period of time or for a specific item or assembly Ease in the extension of the solution templates to capture any additional information elements that need to be recorded and tracked If your organization still requires paper copies of records for compliance purposes, these can be printed using the Oracle Quality Report Writer, or by building custom reports

How will the solution template help your enterprise transition from stand-alone legacy systems?
If you are using different disparate, non-integrated systems to track nonconformances, as mentioned earlier, the solution templates aid to centrally maintain this information, In addition to using Oracle Quality, other integrations available within the e-Business Suite will help you to track nonconformances at different points within the supply chain.

What are the different types of nonconformances logged in your enterprise?

Depending on the type of business and industry you are in, the nonconformances reported in your enterprise might be at different points within the supply chain. To address all the likely functional areas that may generate a nonconformance, the solution has been designed to accept inputs from different sources. Some functional areas where nonconformance occurs are identified below: Supplier Nonconformance: A supplier reports this type when they find a nonconformance prior to shipping the purchased material or outside processing

2-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

material to your company. The supplier can use Oracle iSupplier Portal to submit the nonconformance electronically. Receiving Nonconformance: This type is recorded and subsequently dispositioned for purchased material and for material sent to the supplier for any outside processing operations. The nonconformance is usually recorded as a result of receiving inspection. Work In Process Nonconformance: This type is logged during the in-process inspection of a semi-finished assembly, or finished goods inspection prior to moving it to an inventory location. Inventory Nonconformance: This type can be logged during inventory inspection or during cycle/physical count activities. Customer Nonconformance: This type is logged when a customer reports that the products they have received do not meet the specified requirements. This can likely result in a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) that is issued, and the nonconforming material received back by the supplier for further evaluation and disposition. Maintenance Nonconformance: This type of nonconformance is logged to report defects on maintenance equipment used for critical production processes within an organization. Nonconformance logged through mobile devices: Since quality inspections can be performed on mobile devices using Oracle Warehouse Management and Mobile Supply Chain Applications functionalities, it is possible to log nonconformances for receiving or in-process inspection activities via mobile devices. Non-Material Nonconformance: In any organization, it is possible to report nonconformances on process issues, non-compliance to standard operating procedures, quality standards, and other non-material type issues.

Nonconformances logged from all sources are stored in a central repository titled, Nonconformance Master. Due to the tight integration of Oracle Quality with other modules within the Oracle eBusiness Suite, it is possible to record nonconformances during inspection or other transaction that are currently supported. Please refer to Setup Steps.

What type of data will be captured for nonconformance and disposition?

The Nonconformance and Disposition solution provides data collection capability to capture data for nonconformance, disposition, and associated quality results. Depending on your current business process, as well as your required level of detail, a choice can be made between the three different configurations:

Implementation Considerations 2-3

Configuration Nonconformance and Disposition (recommended configuration)

Details and Usage This configuration has all the collection plans and seeded data for implementing Nonconformance and Disposition Management (the master set of the next two configurations) This configuration consists of all collection plans and related seeded data used for Disposition Management only. Use this configuration if your business tracks disposition only and would like to take advantage of the automatic disposition transaction execution capability.

Parent Plan Template Nonconformance Master Plan

Disposition Only

Template Disposition Header Plan (Disposition Only)

Nonconformance Only

This configuration consists of all collection plans and related seeded data used for Nonconformance Management only. Use this configuration if your business does not require a systematic way of tracking disposition.

Template Nonconformance Master Plan (Nonconformance only)

Additional data could be captured in user-defined collection elements and added to these collection plans. See: Setup Steps, Step 9. Alternatively, these elements can be grouped into additional plans and linked to the nonconformance/disposition system. See: Setup Steps, Step 10.

What needs to be done after a configuration is chosen?

Once the decision on which configuration is suited for your enterprise has been made, the next step is to copy the template plans, associated with the specific configuration, to real plans. The template plans have collection elements, actions, and parent-child relationships that have already been defined. A tool is provided to copy this set of template collection plans to real plans. See: Setup

2-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Steps, Step 2. You can choose to copy from the template collection plans, tailor these to your business needs, and make these a reference set of plans for your implementation. See: Considerations Prior to Implementation.

How is the nonconformance and disposition information organized?

All the necessary data elements required for the nonconformance and disposition lifecycle can be captured at different levels in the parent-child collection plan structure. Depending on the granularity of information that your business process requires you to capture, the different levels might or might not be applicable to you. The following block diagram displays a simplified version of the nonconformance and disposition data structure. Following are the assumptions for this structure: A nonconformance is reported in a specific functional area of the enterprise. The Nonconformance Master is the central repository for all different nonconformance types. When a nonconformance is logged, the nonconformance details have multiple lines with the quantity breakdown, different causes, and defect types. For example, as a result of inspection, a quantity of ten of item ABC is found to be nonconforming. In this case, a nonconformance is entered in the Nonconformance Master for a quantity of ten, and within the nonconformance details plan, the breakdown of the quantity might be provided. If three of ten were damaged, five of ten were broken, and the remaining two had visual defects, then three detail lines need to be entered in the nonconformance details. Review of each nonconformance line can be a separate discussion thread. The nonconformance details will be the vehicle to carry Material Review Board (MRB) types of discussion, described later. When a nonconformance has been reviewed and it requires disposition, then the disposition header information is required to be entered. A single nonconformance line can have multiple dispositions. For example, we will assume a purchased item that has been received into inventory has defects. A nonconformance is logged and after the review process, it was determined that some of the nonconforming quantity will be returned to the vendor, some will be reworked internally, and the remaining quantity will be scrapped. In this case, the single nonconformance line can have multiple disposition header lines, or a single disposition header line. The disposition details provide additional granularity on the specific dispositions that need to take place. For example, if the disposition was Rework, then the detail line will have additional information if the disposition status is to create a rework job, or create a rework operation for the existing job, etc. The disposition action

Implementation Considerations 2-5

chosen determines the execution of the automated disposition action.

Organization of Data in Nonconformance and Disposition

If your business organizes information in a simplified fashion, you can remove any level (collection plan) that is unnecessary. See: Setup Steps, Step 13.

How are Nonconformances and Disposition identified?

The current practice in your enterprise might require you to track Nonconformance and Disposition using standard operating procedures. In this solution, nonconformances and dispositions are identified using two collection elements: Nonconformance Number and Disposition Number. These are Sequence type collection elements and have specific attributes associated. These attributes can be customized to match the naming convention used in your enterprise. See: Setup Steps, Step 3.

2-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Who has privileges to access Nonconformances and Disposition information?

In any system that tracks nonconformances and dispositions, it is important to limit access to authorized individuals, due to information sensitivity. Once the information is accessed, the type of operations enabled for the user needs to be considered. You can utilize collection plan security to achieve this. Different participants of the process can be given different privileges (create, update, view) to access different sets of information. In this manner, careful administration of user privileges is collection plan security. See: Setup Steps, Step 8.

How are user entered values validated?

New collection elements with a set of values have been provided as a starting point to record nonconformances and dispositions. The solution has included commonly used values for validation of some collection elements, listed below: Nonconformance Source Nonconform Severity Nonconform Priority Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Nonconformance Status Nonconform Line Status Action Executed Disposition Disposition Action Disposition Status Disposition Source

These values can be modified to your valid values, according to your business rules. See: Setup Steps, Step 4.

How are individuals informed about a nonconformance or disposition?

In this solution, e-mail alert and workflow notification capabilities have been provided. Depending on the prevalent practice in your organization, either one or both can be

Implementation Considerations 2-7

used to inform, update, and adding individuals to specific tasks during the nonconformance and disposition lifecycle. Optionally, the e-mail alerts can be sent to mailing lists, or people outside of your organization, such as suppliers, customers, etc. They can also be sent to mobile devices.

How do you implement the Material Review Board process?

Traditionally, when a material nonconformance is logged, depending on the business process in that industry or specific organization, the nonconformance is reviewed by a group of authorized individuals who determine how the nonconforming material needs to be dispositioned. This process can involve discussions between representatives from different functional areas, such as Quality Assurance, Inventory, and Purchasing. If your organization has a formal MRB process, it can be modeled using the nonconformance solution; discussion threads on the cause and analysis of the nonconformance can be carried out. Initially, the nonconformance owner assigned to a distribution list can be used to send e-mail alerts on the nonconformance. It is possible to include additional reviewers or approvers in an ad hoc manner, based on the progress of the nonconformance lifecycle. In the following example, the modeling of MRB activities via the solution templates is highlighted. When a nonconformance needs to be reviewed by a group of people (MRB, for example), the Action and Notes related elements of the Nonconformance Detail plan can be utilized. For example, the nonconformance owner wants to ask the Quality Engineer to perform certain analysis, he or she could enter a record into Nonconformance Details with the following values:
Action Executed By Next Action Type Next Action Description Next Action Assigned To Nonconformance Owner FOR ANALYSIS Please perform XYZ analysis... Quality Engineer

This Quality Engineer has performed the analysis and requests a review by his manager by updating the same Nonconformance Detail:
Note Type Notes ANALYSIS Detailed results of the analysis...

2-8 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Action Executed Action Executed By Next Action Type Next Action Description Next Action Assigned To

ANALYSIS Quality Engineer FOR REVIEW Please review this for analysis Quality Manager

The following screenshots illustrate how the Material Review process is handled using the Nonconformance and Disposition solution. All updates to these elements are captured in multiple history records of this parent record.
Nonconformance Detail Plan

Implementation Considerations 2-9

Nonconformance Detail History, viewed from Nonconformance Detail

How is MRB Hold or segregation achieved?

When nonconforming material is found, if it is decided to put the material on hold and unavailable for use, the same can be achieved by segregation actions. The segregation actions supported are: Creation of a move order to move nonconforming material found during receiving inspection or in inventory to a MRB location and component return of a nonconforming component from WIP to a MRB subinventory. With these two segregation actions, the nonconforming material cannot be transacted until a decision on its disposition is made. The designated MRB subinventory should be defined with the appropriate parameters to make it non-nettable and not reservation enabled. There are two segregation plans that are child plans to the Nonconformance Master. The can be used to execute these segregation actions.

How is an Audit Trail of Nonconformance and Disposition maintained?

All collection plans provided in the solution contain a History plan as one of the children. When these collection plans are used out-of-the-box after copying them to real collection plans, the history plan captures all updates made to any collection element in the parent plan. Therefore, from an auditing perspective, if it is required to display the details on all changes made to a nonconformance line, the same can be demonstrated. If there are only some collection elements that need to be captured for audit trail purposes, then the parent-child copy relationship between the parent and child plans for the non-essential collection elements needs to be removed. If for compliance purposes, the audit trail needs to be reported, custom reports can be built to generate

2-10 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

the same.

How do you link the Corrective Action system to the Nonconformance and Disposition system?
When logging a Corrective Action Request as part of your Nonconformance or Disposition process flow, the Corrective Action system can be linked to the collection plan corresponding to the step in your process. See: Setup Steps, Step 11.

How do you use attachments for nonconformance and dispositions?

The current functionality of adding attachments within the Enter Quality Results and Update Quality Results windows is applicable to nonconformance and disposition. When logging a nonconformance, it might be required to attach pictures of the nonconforming material. In the case of dispositions, such as rework, additional instructions can be provided by drawing attachments. In addition, for the disposition actions of creating a rework job or adding a rework operation, when attachments (for work instructions) are added at the line level of the respective disposition action, the attachments will be copied to the newly created rework job and operations. This facilitates the personnel to review the work instructions when performing a re-work.

How do you maintain a link between multiple nonconformances?

To illustrate how to link multiple nonconformances, two scenarios are used. In the first case, a nonconformance is logged for an assembly and it is later found that the actual nonconformance is because of a component in the assembly. This can be modeled in the following manner: The collection plans, Nonconformance Master and Nonconformance Details have a collection element, Nonconform Item Type. The initial values available for this element are Assembly and Component. When the nonconformance is logged in the Nonconformance Master, the Nonconform Item Type can be entered as Assembly with the item number in the item collection element. When it is later determined that the cause of the nonconformance is the component, the Nonconform Item Type can be updated to the component with the relevant item number. Because history for the nonconformance is captured, it is possible to trace back and infer that the initial nonconformance was for the assembly and then it later became a component nonconformance. In the second case, a nonconformance is logged for a finished product. Initial analysis reveals that it is an assembly problem. The Nonconform Item Type can be used to specify that the assembly caused the nonconformance. Additional investigation by disassembling the finished product reveals that there are multiple components in the assembly nonconforming. A nonconformance can be logged for each nonconforming component.

Implementation Considerations 2-11

To maintain an association with the original nonconformance, you can create a new collection element, Parent Nonconformance, of character data type, and add the element to the Nonconformance Master and/or Details plan. When a new nonconformance is logged for each nonconforming component, a unique nonconformance number is generated. The Parent Nonconformance element can be used to maintain a link with the original nonconformance. Later, if all nonconformances for a specific parent nonconformance is required to be reported, the parent nonconformance number can be used as the query criterion to find all nonconformances. See: Reporting Overview.

How do you capture nonconformance and disposition costs?

The following steps can be performed: Create new elements, such as Nonconformance Cost and Disposition Cost Add these new elements to the appropriate plans at any level in the nonconformance and disposition, parent-child collection plan structure If you want the costs to roll up to a parent level plan, set up appropriate parent-child element relationships. For example, if you add Nonconformance Cost to the Nonconformance Master and Nonconformance Detail plan, then you can set up the parent-child element relationship in the following manner: Parent Plan: Nonconformance Master Child Plan: Nonconformance Details Parent Element: Nonconformance Cost is the sum of Child element, Nonconformance Cost

Where appropriate, when entering the Nonconformances Details, enter the nonconformance cost for each line; the costs will be summed up from the nonconformance line level to the Nonconformance Master You can build reports using Oracle Quality Results Report Writer with the new cost collection element

Implementation Roadmap
The following process flow illustrates a generic nonconformance and disposition lifecycle:

2-12 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Simplified Flow for Nonconformance Management

Implementation Considerations 2-13

Nonconformance and Disposition Lifecycle

Each rectangle represents an action step in the business flow and corresponds to step(s) to be executed in the Oracle Quality Nonconformance Solution. The following table illustrates the business flow step and the equivalent step in the nonconformance and disposition solution. Additional details, based on the function area of the nonconformance, are provided in the remaining chapters.

2-14 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Business Flow Steps

Oracle Quality Nonconformance and Disposition Solution Steps Enter a new record into the Nonconformance Master Collection Plan within Oracle Quality Update Owner collection element in the Nonconformance Master Enter information in the inventory or WIP segregation plan to segregate the material and move to a MRB or other quarantine subinventory Update elements such as Priority and Severity in the Nonconformance Master Enter a new record into the Nonconformance Detail (child collection plan of Nonconformance Master) to capture additional details and notes Update elements such as Notes and Action in the Nonconformance Detail

Log Nonconformance

Assign Owner

Segregate Nonconforming Material

Review Nonconformance

Approve Nonconformance

Update Action Executed to Approval in the Nonconformance Detail (Customized workflows can also be used to achieve approvals, based on approval hierarchy)

Record Disposition

Enter a new record in Disposition Header to describe the Disposition Enter one or more records in the Disposition Detail (child plan of Disposition Header) to indicate the Disposition Action(s)

Disposition Implementation

Enter one or more records in the Disposition Implementation collection plan for the corresponding functional area (In-Process, Inventory) Update Status element to Closed in Disposition Implementation, Disposition Detail, and Disposition Header plans

Close Disposition

Implementation Considerations 2-15

Business Flow Steps

Oracle Quality Nonconformance and Disposition Solution Steps Update Status element to Closed in Nonconformance Detail and Nonconformance Master plans

Close Nonconformance

Implementation Checklist
The implementation might span multiple functional areas. The following list provides information on the process flow and steps to implement within these functional areas: Setup As seen in the above mapping table, the system is based on a set of Oracle Quality collection plans (Nonconformance Master, Nonconformance Details, Disposition Header, Disposition Details), and the most important setup step is to create these plans. See: Overview of Setting Up. Implementation by functional area Chapters 4 and 5 discuss the generic business process flow and the steps of implementation for each business function that would generate or report a nonconformance. The functional areas are limited to Supplier, Receiving, Work-in-Process, Inventory, and Customer Nonconformances. Refer to Process Steps for information on how nonconformance and disposition can be implemented in a mobile application environment (Oracle Warehouse Management or Mobile Supply Chain Applications). The appendices list all seeded collection plans, as well as their collection elements, parent-child relationships, and actions.
Note: It has been attempted to depict the business flow in a general

manner. It is possible that the actual business flow in your enterprise to report, review, and disposition nonconformances are different from the process flow diagrams above. Please use the process flow diagram as a guidance tool.

Reporting and other Solution Configurations Chapter 7 describes how to generate reports on Nonconformance and Disposition. Chapter 8 describes the other configurations that can be built on top of the Nonconformance and Disposition Solution. Some of them are Workflow configuration, SQL *Plus Report, and Modification of E-mail Notifications to suit

2-16 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

your business needs.

Implementation Considerations 2-17

Setting Up
This chapter covers the following topics: Overview of Setting Up Step 1 - Choose a configuration (mandatory) Step 2 - Copy from Template Collection Plans (mandatory) Step 3 - Update of Sequence prefix and suffix (mandatory) Step 4 - Update of values for seeded collection elements (optional) Step 5 - Update of menu entry to point to the correct plan (mandatory) Step 6 - Modify Collection Plan Details and Plan Element Prompts (optional) Step 7 - Update 'Execute a SQL script' Text (conditionally mandatory) Step 8 - Set Up Collection Plan Security (optional) Step 9 - Add user defined elements to the plans (optional) Step 10 - Link user defined plans to the system (optional) Step 11 - Link Corrective Action system to Nonconformance and Disposition system (optional) Step 12 - Link the Transactional Collection Plan to the Nonconformance and Disposition system (optional) Step 13 - De-link Collection Plans from the Nonconformance and Disposition system (optional) Step 14 - Organize the Plan Elements into Folders (optional) Step 15 - Set Up Profile Options (optional) Step 16 - Setup within other modules (conditionally mandatory) Considerations Prior to Implementation Maintaining a Reference Copy of Collection Plans (optional)

Setting Up 3-1

Overview of Setting Up
This chapter outlines the steps necessary to set up Oracle Quality in order to use the Nonconformance and Disposition Solution Templates. The Nonconformance and Disposition Solution is delivered as a set of template collection plans and related seeded data. To utilize the solution, real collection plans need to be created and set up for use. These plans should also be modified according to your specific business needs. The following is a setup checklist:

Setup Checklist
Choose a configuration Copy from template collection plans Update of Sequence prefix and suffix Update of values for seeded collection elements Update of menu option to point to the correct plan Modify collection plan details and plan element prompts Update 'Execute a SQL Script' text Set up collection plan security Add user defined elements to the plans Link user defined plans to the system Link corrective action system to the nonconformance and disposition system Link transaction collection plan to the system Unlink unnecessary plans from the system Organize the plan elements into folders Set up Profile Options: Autoquery set to No Setup complete in other modules Maintain a reference copy of the plans

3-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Step 1 - Choose a configuration (mandatory)

In order to accommodate a customer's choice to implement a complete Nonconformance and Disposition Solution, purely in Oracle Quality, or only portions of it, the following configurations are supported:
Supported Configurations and corresponding Parent Plans Configuration Nonconformance and Disposition Details and Usage This configuration consists of all collection plans and related seeded data used for implementing Nonconformance and Disposition Management. (the master set of the next two configurations) This is the recommended configuration for business that require integrated, Nonconformance Management and Disposition tracking. Disposition Only This configuration consists of all collection plans and related seeded data, used for Disposition Management only. This configuration consists of all collection plans and related seeded data, used for Nonconformance Management only. Use this configuration if your business does not require a systematic method to track disposition. Template Disposition Header Plan (Disposition Only) Parent Plan Template Nonconformance Master Plan

Nonconformance Only

Template Nonconformance Master Plan (Nonconformance only)

Step 2 - Copy from Template Collection Plans (mandatory)

Based on the configuration you had chosen in the previous step, copy the entire

Setting Up 3-3

structure of template collection plans into a set of real collection plans. The plans can be copied using the Copy Collection Plans process. It is required to specify the target or destination organization in which this set of plans will be used, as well as the user-defined names for these plans. .
Note: Template collection plans cannot store quality results and cannot

be updated.

To copy templates: (text added for conversion)


Navigate to Quality: Setup > Copy Collection Plans.

Copy Collection Plans Page

2. 3.

Select Template from the Collection Plan Type list of values. Select a parent Collection Plan Name. Depending on the configuration (step 1) chosen for implementation. You can use the search page, as well, to search on the available template plans.

3-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Partial List of Seeded Template Collection Plans with Disposition Configuration Highlighted

Setting Up 3-5

Partial List of Seeded Template Collection Plans with Nonconformance Configurations Highlighted


The Organization will not be populated and is not necessary because the template plans are not assigned to an organization. Choose Search. Review the hierarchy of plans within the Results region.

5. 6.

3-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Parent-Child Plan Structure for Nonconformance and Disposition Collection Plans

7. 8.

Choose Copy. Enter New Plan Names for each of the template plan names displayed within the Source Plan Name column.
Note: Each individual plan name is required, and the plan names

should be unique.

Setting Up 3-7

New Collection Plans to be copied from Template


Select a Destination Organization. The collection plan structure will be copied to this organization.

10. Choose Finish. Plans with names you have chosen will be created with elements,

values, actions, and parent-child relationships, copied from the template plans.
11. You can optionally implement the process that enables suppliers to log

nonconformances via Oracle iSupplier Portal, prior to shipment. You can also log nonconformances within Oracle Enterprise Asset Management; you can copy the following stand-alone template collection plans: Template Supplier Nonconformance Record Plan Template Maintenance Nonconformance Record Plan

The steps to copy are similar to the steps described earlier, with the exception that these plans do not have a parent-child collection plan structure.

Step 3 - Update of Sequence prefix and suffix (mandatory)

The Nonconformance and Disposition Solution generates a sequence number for uniquely identifying the individual Nonconformance and Disposition Numbers. If your business practice requires a specific manner of identifying these sequentially generated

3-8 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

numbers, you can set up the appropriate prefix and suffix information; this should be performed before using and entering data in the Nonconformance and Disposition Collection Plans.
Note: After quality results have been entered for sequence collection

elements and saved into the nonconformance and disposition collection plans, the prefix/suffix cannot be changed.


Navigate to the Collection Elements window. (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Element. Select Nonconformance Number and Disposition Number from the Collection Element list of values.
Update of Sequence Collection Element Attributes


3. 4.

Choose Sequence. Enter your desired Prefix, Suffix, Separator, Increment, and Number Segment Length. Repeat these steps for the Disposition Number (Collection Element).


Setting Up 3-9


Save your work.

Step 4 - Update of values for seeded collection elements (optional)

Oracle Quality has seeded commonly used values for some collection elements, as part of the seeded data. Depending on applicability of these values to your organization process, these values can be modified either at the collection element level, or at the plan level. As part of the Nonconformance and Disposition Solution, many seeded collection elements have been provided. Some of these elements are listed below: Nonconformance Source Nonconform Severity Nonconform Priority Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Nonconformance Status Nonconform Line Status Action Executed Disposition Disposition Action Disposition Status Disposition Source

To update values for seeded collection elements:

1. 2.

Navigate to the Collection Element window. Select the element, for which you want to change its value, from the Collection Element list of values. Choose Values. Add or modify these values to match your organization process statuses and codes. Save your work.

3. 4. 5.

3-10 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

To update values for copied collection plans:

1. 2. 3.

Navigate to the Collection Plans window. Query the plan that contains the collection element that you modified above. Select the Collection Element, then choose Values. You can add or modify the values you had entered. Optionally, choose Defaults to copy the values from the collection element definition.
Note: Do not delete the seeded lookup values for the collection


elements, Disposition Action and Disposition Status. These seeded values are internally used by Oracle Quality. You can add new lookup values to this list of elements.

Step 5 - Update of menu entry to point to the correct plan (mandatory)

To ease the use of Nonconformance and Disposition Solution seeded menu options for entry, update and view of the Nonconformance and Disposition, are provided. These menu options need to be modified by the System Administrator to point to the top most parent plan that was created in Step 2. You first need to find the plan identification number of the Nonconformance Master and Disposition Header you have copied into.

To Update a menu entry:


Navigate to the Collection Plans window.

Setting Up 3-11

Collection Plans Window

2. 3.

Select the Collection Plan from the list of values. From the Help menu, select Diagnostic, then Examine, to display the Examine Field and Variable Values window.

3-12 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Examine Field and Variable Values Window

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Select Q_PLANS from the Block list of values. Select PLAN_ID from the Field list of values. The plan identification number is populated within the Value field. Switch to the System Administrator responsibility. Navigate to the Form Function window. Within the Description tabbed region, select the Function field, then select the Find (flashlight) icon. Perform a query on QA%QR% functions.

Setting Up 3-13

Form Functions and Parameters Field for Menu Options

3-14 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

10. Select the Form tabbed region. 11. Select the Parameters field within the QANCMEQR Function row. Once selected,

the Editor window will display.

12. Change the ORA$QA_PLAN_ID value to the plan identification number of the

Nonconformance Master plan that was set up in previous steps.

13. For the QANCMUQR and QANCMVQR functions, change the

ORA$QA_PLAN_NAME values (within their corresponding Parameters fields) to the plan name of the Nonconformance Master plan that was set up in previous steps .
14. Make similar changes for the other functions related to Dispositions (QADISPEQR,

QADISPVQR, QADISPUQR). Note that to access the Disposition forms functions, the Disposition ID and Disposition Name needs to be used.
15. Save your work.

Note: For additional menu entries, if multiple Nonconformance

and Disposition plans exist within the same organization, copy QA%QR% functions for each Nonconformance Master plan. Add these menu options to the responsibility of the authorized users. While form functions like QANCMEQR can be copied and renamed as required for the customer business scenario, the attachment icon would not be enabled for the custom form function created. To enable the attachment icon, each form function should have an entry in the attachments table. You can copy the attachments setups available for QANCMEQR and other functions

Setting Up 3-15

to their new form functions using Application Developer Responsibility. Setup the QACAREQR, QACARUQR and QACARVQR form functions using the CAR plan id and name in a similar manner as the NCM and Disposition form functions.

Step 6 - Modify Collection Plan Details and Plan Element Prompts (optional)
The copied plans from Step 2 have the description of the plan copied from the templates. The collection plan description can be modified to be more meaningful to the user. The collection element prompt in the copied nonconformance and disposition collection plans can be modified to suit specific user requirements.

For example, if Nonconformance Number is called Deviation Number, perform the following steps:
1. 2.

Navigate to the Collection Plans window. Select the Collection Plan for which you want to modify the prompt name for the collection element. In this example, query the plans that use Nonconformance Number. Within the Prompt field of the collection element, enter Deviation Number.


3-16 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Modification of Plan Collection Element Prompt

Step 7 - Update 'Execute a SQL script' Text (conditionally mandatory)

The Nonconformance and Disposition solution included seeded collection plans to log Supplier and Maintenance Nonconformance within self service. This enables suppliers to report nonconformance using Oracle iSupplier Portal, or Maintenance Activities within Oracle Enterprise Asset Management to report nonconformance within Self Service. As part of the template plans, there are seeded actions to copy the supplier and maintenance nonconformance to the Nonconformance Master plan. The action details need to be modified to point to the correct Nonconformance Master Collection plan name that was created in Step 2. If you decide to implement the supplier ability to log nonconformance via Oracle iSupplier Portal, or log maintenance nonconformances via Self Service,

Execute the following steps (after copying the corresponding template plans):
1. 2.

Navigate to the Collection Plans window. Select the Supplier and Maintenance Nonconformance, stand-alone collection plans (copied from the template) from the Collection Plan list of values.

Setting Up 3-17


Select the Supplier collection element, then choose Actions.

Update to the Supplier Nonconformance Plan


Choose Action Details.

3-18 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Update 1 to the Action Details in the Supplier Nonconformance Plan


Change the string, TEMPLATE_NCM_MST1, to the name of the Nonconformance Master plan, set up during the previous steps. In the example above, the string, Q_TEMPLATE_NCM_MST1_IV, needs to be updated to Q_<Plan Name>_IV; the <Plan Name> is the Nonconformance Master collection plan that was previously set up.
Note: If the collection plan contains spaces, replace the spaces with



Change TEMPLATE NCM MST1 to the name of the Nonconformance Master plan, set up in the previous steps. In this case, do not replace the spaces with underscores. See: Figure-Update 2 to Action Details in the Supplier Nonconformance Plan

Setting Up 3-19

Update 2 to Action Details in the Supplier Nonconformance Plan

7. 8.

Save your work. Repeat steps one through seven for the Maintenance Nonconformance plan.

Step 8 - Set Up Collection Plan Security (optional)

Depending upon the sensitivity of nonconformance and disposition information, it might be desired to restrict the access of the data to users for view, update, or creation. This might require different users to be granted different types of privileges. This step enables the Applications System Administrator to grant specific privileges to different users an user groups, for the different plans in the Nonconformance and Disposition Collection Plan structure (resulting from the collection plan copy in step 2). For example, a Quality Manager has complete access to create, update, and view Nonconformance and Dispositions. A Receiving Inspector has access to log nonconformances, but not have access to update dispositions.

8.1: To set up a User Group and add users


Navigate to the User Group window:

3-20 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

2. 3.

Create a new User Group. Assign users (members), whom will have the same roles and privileges, to the current user group. All users of the system should be Oracle Applications users with a valid login authority. Save your work.


8.2: Grant privileges to user groups


Navigate to the Grant Privileges window. In this window, any User Group can be grated privileges to perform various functions for any plan, If the Privilege check box is selected, the user group is granted that privilege for the specified collection plan. Depending upon the privileges that need to be granted to each user group, select the User Group name, the Collection Plan name, and the corresponding check boxes for Enter, View, Update, and Delete results. Save your work.



8.3: Set Up Master Security Profile

To enable collection plan security, set the value for the following Profile Option to Yes: QA: Collection Plan Security After all the setup steps have been completed, the users will have access only to those collection plans to which they have privileges.

Step 9 - Add user defined elements to the plans (optional)

Specific business needs might require additional collection elements to capture information related to a Nonconformance or Disposition. This is accomplished by adding new collection elements and values to the collection plans, copied in step 2. For example, if it is required to capture the Nonconformance and Disposition Costs in the collection plan, create two new elements, Nonconformance Cost and Disposition Cost.

To add user defined elements:

1. 2.

Navigate to the Collection Element window: Create a new element, Nonconformance Cost, with the following properties: Element Type = Variable

Setting Up 3-21

Data Type = Number Decimal Precision = 2

3. 4. 5.

Save your work. Navigate to the Collection Plans window: The new collection element, Nonconformance Cost, cane either be added tot he Nonconformance Master collection plan or the Nonconformance Detail collection plan. The decision needs to be based on the respective business process. If you want the costs to roll up to a parent plan, set up appropriate parent-child element relationships. For example, if you add Nonconformance Cost to the Nonconformance Master and Nonconformance Detail plans, then you can set up the parent-child element relationship in the following manner: Parent Plan: Nonconformance Master Child Plan: Nonconformance Detail Parent Element: Nonconformance Cost is the sum of Child element: Nonconformance Cost

Where appropriate, when entering the Nonconformance Detail, enter the nonconformance cost for each line; the costs will be summed up from the nonconformance line level to the nonconformance master.


To keep track of updates to this element, add it to the Nonconformance Master History plan. Navigate to the Update Parent-Child Relationship page. Parent Plan: Nonconformance Master Child Plan: Nonconformance Master History Parent Element: Nonconformance Cost is copied to Child element: Nonconformance Cost

Step 10 - Link user defined plans to the system (optional)

In some cases, it might be required to collect information in additional plans, without overloading the existing collection plans. For example, you can collect test data on a nonconformance during the analysis stage, or record the serial numbers of the nonconforming material within a separate collection plan. In these cases, you would create a new collection plan and associate it to the plan that uses the test data or serial number collection plan.

3-22 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

10.1: Create a collection plan for a Quality test

1. 2. 3. 4.

Navigate to the Collection Plan window: Enter a new plan Name, Description, and Plan Type. Add collection elements. Save your work.

10.2: Define the Parent-Child plan relationship

Navigate to the Define Parent-Child Plan Relationship page:
1. 2. 3. 4.

Select your Nonconformance Master, as the Parent plan. Enter the plan, created in Step 10.1, as the Child plan. Select Immediate or Delayed from the Data Entry mode list of values. Save your work. When you enter a Nonconformance, you can invoke the Quality test plan from step 10.1.

Step 11 - Link Corrective Action system to Nonconformance and Disposition system (optional)
If logging a Corrective Action Request (CAR) is a part of your Nonconformance or Disposition process flow, the Corrective Action system can be linked to the collection plan, corresponding to the step within your process. Refer to Part 1 for more details.

11.1: Create an element trigger, Corrective Action Request (optional)

If you want to use an element, such as Log CAR, to trigger a CAR when its value equals YES, follow the below steps:
1. 2.

Navigate to the Collection Element window. Enter Log CAR as the Collection Element name, Attribute as the Element Type, and Character as the Data Type. Save your work. Navigate to the Collection Plan window. Perform a query on your Nonconformance or Disposition plan, then add Log CAR to this plan.

3. 4. 5.

Setting Up 3-23


Save your work.

11.2: Define a Parent-Child Plan Relationship

1. 2. 3. 4.

Navigate to the Define Parent-Child Relationship page. Enter your Nonconformance or Disposition plan as the Parent plan. Enter your CAR plan as the Child plan. If you want to enforce the logging of CARs immediately after a Nonconformance and/or Disposition is logged, select Immediate from the Data Entry mode list of values. Otherwise, select Delayed. Optionally, enter Log CAR = YES, as the criteria.


Step 12 - Link the Transactional Collection Plan to the Nonconformance and Disposition system (optional)
Nonconformances can be logged during inspection, receiving, or while a WIP move transaction is performed. To leverage the ability to log a nonconformance in a transaction-integrated session, perform the following steps:

12.1: Create and enable the collection plan for a transaction

This step is required if no existing collection plan is enabled for this transaction.
1. 2. 3.

Navigate to the Collection Plan window. Enter a new Plan Name, Description, and Plan Type. Choose Copy Element, then select the template collection plan for your transaction (for example, Template WIP Completion). Choose Transaction, then associate this plan with your transaction (for example, Work-In-Process Completion). Save your work.



12.2: Create an element to trigger Nonconformance Logging (optional)

If you want to use an element, such as Log NC, to trigger Nonconformance logging when its value equals YES, follow the following steps:
1. 2.

Navigate to the Collection Element window. Enter Log NC as the Collection Element name, Attribute as the Element Type, and

3-24 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Character as the Data Type.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Save your work. Navigate to the Collection Plan window. Perform a query on your plan, then add Log NC to this plan. Save your work.

12.3: Define a Parent-Child Plan Relationship

1. 2. 3. 4.

Navigate to the Define Parent-Child Relationship page. Enter the plan you created in step 1 as the Parent plan. Enter your Nonconformance Master plan as the Child plan. If you want to enforce the logging of Nonconformances immediately after transaction data is entered, select Immediate from the Data Entry mode list of values. Otherwise, select Delayed. Optionally, enter Log CAR = YES, as the criteria. When you perform the transaction, you can invoke the transaction quality plan (step 12.1), then your Nonconformance Master. When a nonconformance is found independent of any transaction, invoke the Enter Nonconformance menu option, and enter a new record directly.


Step 13 - De-link Collection Plans from the Nonconformance and Disposition system (optional)
In Chapter 2, the organization of the nonconformance and disposition data was discussed. Based on your possible need to capture granular level detail of the nonconformance, some of the collection plans can be de-linked from the existing collection plan structure. For example, if it was determined that you need only nonconformance and one disposition plan, and that you do not need the additional plans, then the follwi9ng diagram describes the steps necessary to de-link the collection plans that are not required. In this example, the nonconformance detail and disposition header plans are de-linked from the structure.

Setting Up 3-25

De-linking Collection Plans

13.1: Remove unnecessary Parent-Child plan relationship

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Navigate to the Update Parent-Child Relationship window. Search using Nonconformance Master as the Parent plan. Remove the relationship with Nonconformance Detail as the Child plan. Search using Disposition Header as the Parent plan. Remove the relationship with Disposition Detail as the Child plan. Save your work.

13.2: Add a new Parent-Child Plan Relationship

1. 2.

Navigate to the Define Parent-Child Plan Relationship page. Enter Nonconformance as the Parent plan

3-26 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide


Enter Disposition Details as the Child plan.

Step 14 - Organize the Plan Elements into Folders (optional)

The Nonconformance Master collection plan copied during Step 2 contains collection elements to capture nonconformance data from different functional areas of the enterprise (Receiving, Work in Process, Shipping). Users of this system might be interested only in the data related to their job role. For example, a receiving inspector might be interested only in the data related to receiving, such as Purchase Order or Receipt, and not the entire set of collection elements. You can use Folders functionality available with Oracle Applications for the modes of enter, update, and view of collection plans. In Oracle Quality, Folder Tools can be enabled for Enter, Update, and View Quality Results. See Also Folder Tools, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Step 15 - Set Up Profile Options (optional)

If you expect a large number of nonconformance and disposition records, then to improve performance, set the following profile option value to Never: QA: Update Quality Results Autoquery.

Step 16 - Setup within other modules (conditionally mandatory)

Because this solution provides the features to send e-mail notifications and workflow notifications, it is required for users to be set up as employees, within their e-mail addresses, in Oracle HR and/or to be set up as Oracle Applications Users. See Also Oracle HRMS Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator Guide Documentation Set

Considerations Prior to Implementation

The following are considerations to consider before implementation: Maintain a Reference Copy of Collection Plans

Maintaining a Reference Copy of Collection Plans (optional)

After completing the setup process, prior to implementation, you might want to maintain a Reference Copy of the real collection plans that you intend to implement.

Setting Up 3-27

This Reference set of plans can then be copied to collection plans that will be implemented and used. The Copy Collection Plan process can be utilized. This approach eliminates the need to copy from the template plans and modify the same for the implementation, within each organization. If you plan to deploy these plans multiple times without repeating the above setup steps, it is a good idea to preserve these plans with all the modifications in a reference copy that is not used for data entry. Copy from the reference to real plans. The following diagram depicts the implementation process of the consideration discussed above:
Reference Copy of Collection Plans Diagram

Your nonconformance and disposition solution plans are ready for implementation.

3-28 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Nonconformance Lifecycle
This chapter covers the following topics: Overview of Procedures Process Flow Chart Process Steps

Overview of Procedures
This chapter details the procedures used to track and implement dispositions, using the Solutions Templates. These procedures include the various methods to initiate the disposition, assign dispositions, and set up automated execution of dispositions.

Process Flow Chart

The following process flow chart illustrates the various steps in the nonconformance lifecycle, including logging a nonconformance, assigning the nonconformance to specific individuals for action, and final resolution of the nonconformance.

Nonconformance Lifecycle 4-1

Process Flow for Nonconformance Lifecycle

Process Steps
Identification of Nonconformance and its Source
There are many nonconformance sources that represent different functional areas within the Supply Chain. Quality Inspection Collection plans for receiving, work-in-process, and finished goods Other quality collection plans, such as testing, and packaging Nonconformance identified by suppliers Equipment nonconformances Nonconformance logged during Mobile Inspection using WMS/MSCA Nonconformance logged during OPM batch processing

4-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Chapter 3 explained how to link a quality inspection plan to the nonconformance set of collection plans. The steps to link a supplier and maintenance nonconformance plan to the Nonconformance Master collection plan was also discussed. For mobile nonconformance collection plans, a stand-alone plan needs to be created. It will create the nonconformance within the Nonconformance Master collection plan. This is explained in Chapter 5.

Logging the Nonconformance

Once the nonconformance source is determined, the nonconformance can be logged. The following section describes how the nonconformance is logged for different sources that were identified above.

Supplier Nonconformance
A supplier can log a nonconformance prior to shipment for the purchase order line of the item, or for an outside processing job, using Oracle iSupplier Portal. Prior to using the Supplier Nonconformance plan within Oracle iSupplier Portal, the plan should be associated with the Self Service Shipments and Self Service Outside Processing transactions in the collection plan definition, with any collection triggers that might be applicable. Some of the steps for logging a Supplier Nonconformance are explained below:

Within Oracle iSupplier Portal, the supplier selects the Shipments tabbed region and then selects Quality. Search for the Purchase Order related to the nonconformance for the portion to be shipped. If the supplier is authorized to report non-material nonconformance, a dummy purchase order and shipment needs to be created. Select the link within the Quality Plans column, within the Quality Shipments Results table. Choose the pen icon within the Enter Quality Results column. Select the Supplier Nonconformance collection plan that was copied during setup. The supplier enters the details about the nonconformance. This information is dynamically propagated to the Nonconformance Master plan, and a notification is sent to the e-mail address specified while entering the collection plan result. The e-mail address is internal personnel (buyer, supplier quality engineer).





Receiving Nonconformance
If, during receiving inspection, a nonconformance is found, the receiving inspector can log a nonconformance. The applicable inspection collection plan must be set up as a parent to the Nonconformance Master. Some of the steps to log a Receiving Nonconformance are explained below:

Nonconformance Lifecycle 4-3


The receiving inspection plan should have a collection element, such as Log Nonconformance, as one of its elements. Parent-Child relationships should be set up between the receiving inspection plan and the Nonconformance Master to trigger nonconformance logging. The receiving inspector inspects the received material and enters the inspection results in the receiving inspection collection plan. If the inspector finds a nonconformance, he records the nonconformance as a child of the receiving inspection collection plan. When the nonconformance is logged, the related purchase order's data elements and other transaction context data elements default. After the nonconformance is logged in the nonconformance master, an e-mail or workflow notification is sent to the specified e-mail address.






Work In Process Nonconformance

You can find Nonconformances during in-process inspection of semi-finished assemblies, finished goods inspection when the WIP job is completed, or during other WIP activities. Some of the steps required to log a nonconformance in WIP are listed below:

You can associate the Nonconformance Master collection plan with the respective WIP transaction, such as Move transaction, and Job Completion transaction. Set up Parent-Child relationships between the WIP inspection plan and the nonconformance master to trigger nonconformance logging. During WIP inspection, if the inspector or any authorized individual finds a nonconformance, it can be logged by initiating the Nonconformance Master collection plan. When the nonconformance is logged, the job related data elements and other transaction context data elements will default. After the nonconformance is logged in the Nonconformance Master, an e-mail notification is sent to the specified e-mail address.





Inventory Nonconformance
If nonconformances are found in material that resides in inventory, the Nonconformance Master needs to be initiated in direct data entry mode and the relevant information of the nonconformance, including the item, subinventory, locator, lot, and serial information can be entered.

4-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Customer Nonconformance
Customer nonconformance can fall into two categories. The first category is when a customer reports a nonconformance in the shipped product at their site, but does not ship back the material. In this case, the Nonconformance Master collection plan can be initiated in the direct data entry and details on the nonconformance, including the entry of customer and sales order details. Subsequent disposition might require submitting a formal response to the customer. The second category is when a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) has been issued and the nonconforming product is returned by the customer. The steps associated with this type of nonconformance is similar to Receiving Nonconformance, with the exception of the data elements being related to the customer and sale order, and not supplier information. After the returned material is received, the review and disposition is carried out. Associating the nonconformance plans to the Service Request System, providing a mechanism to trigger nonconformance from Service Request, can also capture the Customer Nonconformance.

Maintenance Nonconformance
For a nonconformance that needs to be reported on maintenance equipment, the authorized user should, within Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM), invoke the Maintenance Nonconformance Plan and enter the details on the nonconformance, during operation completion or work order completion. eAM transactions should be associated with the maintenance nonconformance plan before nonconformance can be logged. After the nonconformance is logged, the information is dynamically propagated to the Nonconformance Master plan. An e-mail or workflow notification is sent to the specified personnel.

Nonconformance through Mobile Devices (WMS/MSCA)

If it is common business practice to log nonconformances via a mobile device, a stand-alone mobile collection plan needs to be created and associated with the appropriate mobile transactions. The details on logging nonconformance via mobile devices are described in Chapter 5.

Non-Material Nonconformance
Nonconformances reported in an enterprise do not need to be restricted to material nonconformances. There can be a business process related nonconformance, or audit related nonconformance. These can also be logged in the Nonconformance Master, using the collection elements, Process Step and Process Name. To track the non-material related nonconformance, the implementor can add data elements to capture the information.

Nonconformance Lifecycle 4-5

OPM Batch Processing Nonconformance

OPM applications can be used to log nonconformances. Users like production operator, production supervisor, and the quality manager can log nonconformances from the following windows: Batch window Batch Details window Batch Steps window

OPM users can log material nonconformance, disposition them and implement corrective actions using Oracle Quality templates. The Template Nonconformance Master Plan and Template Nonconformance Master Plan (Nonconformance only), have the six process collection elements to enable this. Refer to: Understanding Nonconformance Tracking, Capturing Material Nonconformances, Capturing Resource Nonconformances, Disposing Nonconformances, Logging Nonconformances in the Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing User's Guide. Editing Batch Steps in the Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution User's Guide.

Direct Data Entry into Nonconformance Master

You can invoke the Nonconformance Master, using the direct data entry mode, and enter the nonconformance.

Implementation Considerations
When a nonconformance is logged within the Nonconformance Master, action rules can be set up to default the nonconformance owner, based on the nonconformance type, severity, and priority. Some of the other actions are defaulting the e-mail address based on the owner, date opened, date closed, and days to close.

Review of Nonconformance by Owner

After the nonconformance owner receives an e-mail or workflow notification, the owner reviews the nonconformance and decides the course of action to be taken. After review, if it is determined that the owner is not the correct owner, the nonconformance can be reassigned to a new owner. Optionally, it might be desired to segregate the nonconforming material.

4-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Segregation of Nonconforming Material

If the nonconforming material needs to be segregated, it can initiate automatically by using the segregation plans, WIP Component segregation and Inventory segregation. They are children of the Nonconformance Master plan. The WIP Component Segregation Plan can be used to return a nonconforming component from a job to a MRB subinventory. The Inventory segregation plan can be used to create a move order to move nonconforming material from one location to another. Only a move order is created using segregation. The move order should be transacted to move it to a MRB subinventory. Details on the mandatory and optional data elements required to initiate the segregation are described in the appendix. Note that it is mandatory to enter Item Type in the parent plan to do Inventory Segregation in the Nonconformance flow.In the two segregation plans, there is an action associated with the collection element, Default Values. When the value of Default Values is YES within the segregation plan, information from the Nonconformance Master will default into the segregation plans; the user can modify that defaulted information. E-mail or workflow notifications are sent to indicate the segregation status.

Nonconformance Details and Action Assignment

In this process step, the nonconformance owner enters additional nonconformance detail. The details entered can include the breakdown of the total nonconforming quantity into separate lines. This groups the nonconforming material by defect type. After the nonconformance detail lines are entered, the nonconformance owner can assign specific actions to individuals using the collection elements, Action Type, Action Description, and Action Assigned To. In addition, the owner can use collection elements, Note Type and Notes to enter any information related to the nonconformance. When either of the collection elements, Send Email or Workflow Notification, equals YES, an e-mail or workflow notification is sent to the next individual to whom the action is assigned on the nonconformance line.

Material Review Board (MRB) Process and Execution Plans

Upon receipt of the e-mail or workflow notification, the assignee will view the nonconformance, using the menu option, View Nonconformance, within Oracle Quality. If an update is required, the assignee will use the Nonconformance Details collection plan and the collection elements, Action Executed, Action Executed By, Note Type, and Notes. This indicates the actions performed to review the nonconformance. The assignee can request the owner or any other individual to perform additional review and testing on the nonconformance line by utilizing the action assignment collection elements. This step can be executed multiple times on a nonconformance line to achieve the MRB discussion and approval to disposition the nonconformance.

Nonconformance Lifecycle 4-7

The history plan for Nonconformance Details, for a given nonconformance line, will list all discussion that has existed, associated with the current nonconformance line.

Determine Disposition
After the review process has been completed for the nonconformance line, a disposition on the nonconformance is determined. It can be the responsibility of the owner to approve the disposition. Depending on the disposition chosen, automated disposition execution is accomplished.

Initiate Disposition
The dispositions are broadly classified into the following types: Accept-as-is: No action required Rework or Repair: Depending on the specific disposition action for rework, automated execution of the disposition can be initiated. Scrap: Depending on the specific disposition action for scrap, automated execution of the disposition can be initiated. Return to Vendor (RTV): This action requires the manual execution of the RTV transaction in inventory.

Depending on whether the disposition requires action and if it needs to be executed manually or automatically, the nonconformance owner can initiate disposition in the respective module or initiate the disposition process using the disposition set of collection plans (See: Process Steps).

Review Nonconformance Status Closure

After the successful execution of the disposition actions, the nonconformance owner closes the appropriate nonconformance line and when all the lines have been closed, the nonconformance is closed in the Nonconformance Master collection plan. Also, the nonconformance status can be changed to VOID or REOPENED, if required.

4-8 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Logging Nonconformances using MSCA and Oracle Warehouse Management

Overview of Logging Nonconformances

For customers who intend to log nonconformance via Mobile Supply Chain Applications (MSCA) and/or Oracle Warehouse Management, additional setup steps need to be executed to utilize the Nonconformance and Disposition solution. By performing the steps below, nonconformance can be logged using the mobile device and subsequent review and progress of the nonconformance can be performed using the desktop.

Process Steps
Following are the steps that need to be performed for logging nonconformances using MSCA and Oracle Warehouse Management.

Setting Up
Create a stand-alone Collection Plan
A stand-alone mobile nonconformance plan needs to be created with a subset of elements from the Nonconformance Master. The elements should be relevant to the transaction that most likely will enter the nonconformance. Because quality collection plans can be initiated from several mobile transactions that broadly fall into the categories of Receiving, Work In Process, and Inventory, if appropriate stand-alone collection plans, for each functional area, can be created. Refer to Appendix D for examples and the steps involved in creating the stand-alone collection plans.

Logging Nonconformances using MSCA and Oracle Warehouse Management 5-1

Create an Action to Copy Nonconformance Information to the Nonconformance Master

The next step is to create an action in the mobile collection plan that will copy the nonconformance information from the mobile plan to the Nonconformance Master. This action is an Execute a SQL Script. An example of this is covered in Appendix D.

Associate the Plan with the Respective Mobile Transaction

The next step is to associate the new collection plan with the appropriate mobile transaction. Some mobile transactions that can be associated to the stand-alone collection plans are Mobile Completion, Mobile License Plate Number Inspection, Mobile Move, and Mobile Receiving.

Logging Nonconformances
Enter a Nonconformance using MSCA and/or Oracle Warehouse Management
When performing the mobile transactions in MSCA or Oracle Warehouse Management, if a nonconformance needs to be logged, you can invoke the appropriate stand-alone quality collection plan that was created in previous steps. You can then record the nonconformance. The background action populates the Nonconformance Master and an e-mail or workflow notification is sent to the Nonconformance owner.

Nonconformance Review and Other Steps in the Lifecycle

After the nonconformance owner receives a notification, he or she can query on the nonconformance via the forms application. The owner can review the nonconformance and perform other steps in the lifecycle, as described in Chapter 4.

5-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Disposition Lifecycle
This chapter covers the following topics: Overview of Disposition Lifecycle

Overview of Disposition Lifecycle

This chapter details the procedures used to track and implement dispositions, using the Solutions Templates. These procedures include the various methods to initiate the disposition, assign dispositions, and set up automated execution of dispositions.

Process Flow Chart

The following process flow illustrates the various steps in the disposition lifecycle including initiating a disposition, assigning it to specific individuals for action, and its final resolution.

Disposition Lifecycle 6-1

Process Flow for Disposition Lifecycle

Process Steps
Identification of Disposition and its Source
Depending on the configuration chosen, the disposition tracking and execution system can exist independently or linked to the nonconformance tracking system. The disposition set of collection plans can be initiated via direct data entry or transaction association. See: Setup Steps for information on linking collection plans and associating them with transactions.

6-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Logging a Disposition
When the decision has been made to log a disposition, the disposition header plan is invoked; you are required to enter the disposition source. If you navigated to the disposition header from the nonconformance system, the nonconformance number and associated information is copied to the disposition header. Rules can be set up to assign an owner to the disposition, based on the disposition source. If you set Default Values to YES, some elements are defaulted from the nonconformance master. Set Default Values to YES only when a nonconformance set of plans are associated with the disposition system. The details on the disposition header include the disposition source, source reference identifier, item, disposition owner, the source owner, and respective e-mail addresses. Background actions automatically update Date Opened, Date Closed, and Days to Close. When the disposition is logged, an e-mail or workflow notification is sent to the disposition owner and the source (nonconformance) owner.

Review by Disposition Owner and Action Assignment

After the disposition owner is notified about the disposition, the disposition uses the View Disposition and Update Disposition menu options within Oracle Quality to view and/or update the disposition. The disposition owner reviews the disposition and other associated information such as nonconformance information, to understand the material disposition history. The owner makes the determination of what disposition and disposition actions need to be executed. The disposition owner enters detail lines on the disposition, using the disposition details collection plan. The Default Values can be used to default information, based on the nonconformance master (explained in the previous step). Using the details plan, the owner can break down the disposition quantity and assign separate disposition actions to appropriate personnel. Example 6-1 Disposition Review and Action Assignment We will assume that a nonconformance was reported, during Work In Process (WIP) inspection, on a component for a disposition quantity of ten. The nonconformance review process determined that the component disposition involves reworking a quantity of five of the component, enabling the job to progress. A quantity of three will be returned to the vendor, and a quantity of two will be scrapped. To model this disposition, the disposition owner needs to enter three lines within the disposition details plan: 1. The first line indicates that the first disposition of five will be REWORK, and the action is to create a rework job to rework the component (disposition action:

Disposition Lifecycle 6-3

WIP_REWORK_JOB). 2. The second line indicates that the disposition is Return to Vendor (RTV) for a quantity of three. Because the disposition was return to vendor for a nonconforming component in WIP, this requires a two-step process with two separate lines. The first line contains a RTV disposition and WIP_COMP_RETURN disposition action, enabling the component to return to a Material Review Board or quarantine subinventory. The second line contains a RTV disposition and MANUAL RTV disposition action. This requires that the RTV transaction is initiated within Oracle Inventory after the nonconforming component is returned to inventory.
Note: MANUAL RTV is not a seeded disposition action element value,

however, you can easily add it. See: Setup Steps, Step 4.

3. Because performing a WIP component scrap is not automated, the component scrap of two needs to be entered as two separate lines. The first line contains the SCRAP disposition and WIP_COMP_RETURN disposition action. The second line contains the SCRAP disposition and INV_SCRAP_ISSUE disposition action. INV_SCRAP_ISSUE is an Inventory Account alias for inventory scrap. Because each disposition can be executed by different people with different job functions, the owner assigns the disposition execution, using the Action Assigned to or Implementation By collection elements.

Disposition Actions Review by Assignee

When the disposition action assignees and implementors receive an e-mail or workflow notification, they review the disposition actions to implement within the disposition details collection plan. The implementor may update the information on the disposition line to make any corrections to the current location or the condition of material to be dispositioned. The implementation collection plans are primarily used to execute the automated disposition actions. If the disposition involves no automated execution, the implementor can update the disposition detail line with the disposition implementation.

Disposition Implementation
When the implementor is ready to implement the automated disposition action, the disposition action value determines the WIP or Inventory disposition collection plan. After navigating to the implementation plan, the implementor can use Default Values to default information from the nonconformance master, as discussed earlier. When ready to execute the disposition action, the implementor will update the Launch Action collection element to YES, after entering the necessary collection elements for disposition execution. See: Appendix E -Collection Plans for information on the collection elements that need to be entered for each of the disposition actions.

6-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

The following table lists the automated disposition actions and the implementation plans containing the collection elements for executing the disposition:
Table 6-1 Supported, Automated Disposition Actions Disposition Action Creation of Inventory Move Order (INV_MOVE_ORDER) Inventory Scrap (INV_SCRAP_AAI) Component return to inventory (WIP_COMP_RETURN) Component issue to job (WIP_COMP_ISSUE) Creation of Rework Job (WIP_REWORK_JOB) Add rework operation (WIP_REWORK_OP) Move to rework operation (WIP_MOVE_REWORK) Assembly Scrap (WIP_MOVE_SCRAP) Implementation Collection Plan Inventory Disposition

Inventory Disposition In-Process Disposition

In-Process Disposition In-Process Disposition In-Process Disposition In-Process Disposition

In-Process Disposition

The automated disposition actions are processed when initiated from the disposition implementation collection plans. If the disposition implementation action initiated from the collection plan fails, manual intervention is required. The implementor would need to manually correct the transaction in the respective destination module, then resubmit the transaction. After the submitted transaction succeeds, the implementor should manually update the disposition status to SUCCESS, and notify the appropriate personnel. See Also Appendix E - Collection Plans for information on the collection elements that need to be entered for each of the disposition actions

Closing Dispositions
The disposition owner reviews the disposition lines and, if they have successfully been implemented, closes the disposition lines. The disposition is closed when all lines are closed. The nonconformance owner and other personnel are notified via e-mail or workflow notification.

Disposition Lifecycle 6-5

This chapter covers the following topics: Overview of Reporting Quality Results Report Writer Oracle Discoverer

Overview of Reporting
You can generate reports on Nonconformance and Disposition information using the following tools: Quality Results Report Writer - suitable for reporting on a single collection plan (Nonconformance Master or Disposition Header) Oracle Discoverer - suitable for analyzing data across multiple plans and providing an enterprise view of nonconformances across multiple organizations.

Quality Results Report Writer

You can utilize Oracle Quality Results Report Writer to build simple reports on nonconformances and dispositions, based on a single collection plan. Following is a list of some of the reports that can be generated: All Nonconformances for a given item or assembly Supplier Nonconformance in a specific time period All Open Nonconformances Nonconformance Cycle Time Nonconformance and Defect Code Report

Reporting 7-1

Disposition Report Nonconformance History Report

The current functions (sum, count, average) available in Report Writer can be utilized to provide additional information on numerical collection elements.

Report Setup Example:

We will define a report for the average time to close a nonconformance.
1. 2.

Navigate to the Quality Results Report Writer window. Enter the following information: Report Name: NCM Avg Time Closure Report Collection Plan: Your Nonconformance Master Report Title: Average Time to Close a Nonconformance


For report columns, list the following: Nonconformance Source Days to Close, Function: Average


Criteria: All nonconformances after March 1, 2003

7-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Quality Results Report Writer - Report Definition

Report Output Example Nonconformance Source Inventory Receiving Work In Process Supplier Days to Close 2.5 3.85 1.5 2.65

Oracle Discoverer
Oracle Discoverer enables you to analyze nonconformances throughout your enterprise. Data from application schema is organized into Folders within Discoverer. The following are the steps to build folders for nonconformance analysis:

Open business area, Quality Data Collection Analysis, using the Admin edition of Discoverer.

Reporting 7-3



name of your collection plan with spaces replaced by an underscore. the views are created dynamically when the collection plan is created or updated. The columns in the view correspond with the collection elements within the collection plan.
Create Folder Wizard in Discoverer Admin Edition



One to Many

7-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide



You can perform cross-plan analysis using Oracle Discoverer User Edition. For example, reporting all Defects and Causes by Supplier and time period.
Oracle Discoverer Workbook for Reporting on Supplier Nonconformance

Reporting on all Nonconformances for an Assembly and its Components You can report on all nonconformances related to an assembly. Assemblies consist of subassemblies. Subassemblies consist of subassemblies or components. Generally, users start with logging a nonconformance against an assembly:

Reporting 7-5

Nonconforman ce Number NC123

Nonconforman ce Item Type Assembly


Component Item -

Date Entered


Time N

You can update the item and component elements within the master record to reflect that the nonconformance is in the subassemblies:
Nonconforman ce Number NC123 Nonconforman ce Item Type Component Item Component Item Subassembly1 Date Entered


Time N+1

You can repeat this for multiple levels within a Bill of Material:
Nonconforman ce Number NC123 NC123 Nonconforman ce Item Type Component Component Item Component Item Subassembly2 Component Date Entered

Subassembly1 Subassembly2

Time N+2 Time N+3

The Nonconformance History plan would record as follows:

Nonconforman ce Number NC123 NC123 NC123 NC123 Nonconforman ce Item Type Component Component Component Assembly Item Component Item Component Subassembly2 Subassembly1 Date Entered

Subassembly2 Subassembly1 Assembly Assembly

Time N+3 Time N+2 Time N+1 Time N

You can review the progress of the above nonconformance. It displays that initially the nonconformance NC123 was reported for Assembly, at date/time N. Subsequent review and updates indicated that the component is the nonconformance cause. This nonconformance can be found by querying on NONCONFORMANCE_NUMBER from Q_<Nonconformance Master History>_V

7-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

where ITEM=<Assembly to be searched>. You can also generate the type of report (above) in Oracle Discover by creating a workbook, based on Q_<NONCONFORMANCE MASTER PLAN>_V + Q_<NONCONFORMANCE MASTER HISTORY>_V with these items from Q_<NONCONFORMANCE MASTER PLAN>_V folder and the criteria to be Q_<NONCONFORMANCE MASTER HISTORY>_V.ITEM=<Assembly to be searched>. You can report all nonconformances of components involved in manufacturing orders that manufacture a specific assembly. To report all nonconformances of components involved in manufacturing orders for a specific assembly:

Find all manufacturing orders that manufacture the specific assembly. This utilizes WIP's Manufacturing Orders folder. The criteria is Item = <Assembly to be searched>. Find all material transactions issued to these manufacturing orders. This utilizes the existing join between Oracle Inventory's Material Transactions. The criteria is Mfg Order Id = Manufacturing Orders.Mfg Order Id. Find the serial numbers of these items. This utilizes the existing join between Material Transactions and Serial Numbers folders. Find all nonconformances with the specified Inventory Item Id and Serial Number. This requires a join between Serial Numbers and Oracle Quality's Nonconformance Master folder.
Note: Discoverer Folders from Oracle Inventory and Oracle




Work In Process business areas need to be used to execute the steps listed above. These objects are part of Manufacturing Business Intelligence, and not part of Discrete Manufacturing Family Pack. Step 3 assumes components are serial controlled.

See Also Oracle Discoverer User's Guide

Reporting 7-7

Tailoring Your Solution
This chapter covers the following topics: Overview of Tailoring Solutions Workflow Configuration Using Oracle Approval Management Tailoring E-mail Notifications Tips and Techniques

Overview of Tailoring Solutions

This chapter illustrates how the solutions can be tailored to suit your organization requirements. This chapter lists only examples for tailoring your implementation. This chapter contains the following topics: Note: The examples in this chapter are not part of Oracle's code; they have not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing.

Workflow Configuration
This solution includes generic workflow notifications for the Nonconformance and Disposition set of collection plans. You can replace these workflows with your own workflows. You can design Workflow notification messages in your own format. Responses entered on the notification can be written back to collection plans. For example, you can build a new workflow based on a the Disposition Detail Notification workflow: Send notification to the next approver (higher authority) Update the disposition record with an approval Reason Code from the notification

Tailoring Your Solution 8-1

Refer to Appendix F for a list of seeded workflow notifications provided as part of the solution.

Starting Workflow Builder:

1. 2.

Copy the seeded workflow, Quality Generic Process, to a new workflow name. Modify the copied workflow.
Workflow Process Diagram for Nonconformance and Disposition Notification

8-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Modified Workflow Process Diagram for Nonconformance and Disposition Notification

3. 4. 5.

Add a new item attribute, X_APPROVAL_REASON, to this workflow. Display this item attribute within the message body of the current workflow. Add a call to the standard qa_results_wf_pkg.process_update procedure, within the Process Updates step. It can then write back all item attributes with an X_ prefix. This includes the Approval Reason. Add a call to custom PL/SQL code for finding approver, within the Find Approver step. Sample PL/SQL code to achieve this is illustrated in Appendix C. This sample code is for illustration purposes only, and has not been tested or certified by Oracle.


Oracle Quality Setup:


Add an Approval Reason element to the Disposition Detail collection plan (See: Step 9 within Chapter 3). Replace the generic workflow, specified within the Workflow action (associated with the Send Notification element), with your new workflow. Add a new token, X_APPROVAL_REASON, to the Workflow action (associated with the Send Notification element) within the Disposition Detail. Map it to the Approval Reason element within the Disposition Detail.



Using Oracle Approval Management

The Oracle Approval Management application can be utilized for managing

Tailoring Your Solution 8-3

nonconformances and dispositions. This application enables you to define business rules governing approvals. For example: IF Severity = MEDIUM, then one approval is required. IF Severity = HIGH, then two approvals are required.

Once the rules have been defined, the workflow uses APIs (Approval Management) to find the next approver (Step 6) until all approvals are obtained or rejected.

Guidelines for Setting Up the Approval Process:

1. 2.

Register Nonconformance and/or Disposition as a new transaction type. Create Transaction attributes (Severity, Urgency, Nonconformance Type), which are used in rules to determine approvers. Define Approval Rules. In the first step of your workflow process, call ame_api.setFirstAuthorityApprover with the user specified in the Send Notification To item. If you are using Oracle Approvals Management to determine the first approver, call ame_api.getNextApprover to obtain the identification of the first approver. During the Find Approver step of your workflow process, call ame_api.getNextApprover to obtain the identification of the next approver. If ame_api.getNextApprover returns and empty ame_util.approverRecord, the transaction is approved. During the Notification step, call ame_api.updateApprovalStatus. This sends the approval status to Oracle Approvals Management.

3. 4.




See Also How Should a Workflow use the Oracle Approvals Management API to Manage Approvals? Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide, Appendix C Oracle Workflow User's Guide Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide Oracle Workflow API Reference Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide Oracle Workflow Customization, Oracle White Paper, August 2002

8-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Tailoring E-mail Notifications

You can modify all e-mail notification message text, according to your business conventions. For example, you can include the Personal Home Page URL of Oracle Applications. Recipients of the e-mail are then easily directed to Oracle Applications, enabling ease in Nonconformance and Disposition response.

To tailor e-mail notifications:

1. 2.

(N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan Perform a query on the collection plan associated with the notification needing modification. Select the Send Email element. Choose Action. Select the Send an electronic email notification action, then choose Action Details. The Text area contains the notification's message text.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Tailoring Your Solution 8-5

E-mail Alert with Oracle Applications' URL

Tips and Techniques

This section includes tips and techniques to help tailor your solutions. The topics covered deal with field security, deriving user information using assign-a-value, lookup feature using SQL validation strings, dependant list of values, and custom reports.

Field Security:
Depending on your business needs, it might be desirable to make a critical element within a collection plan protected from update by specific users. For example the Disposition Status should be protected from update, within the Disposition Header plan, by the MFG and PROJMFG users. Below are the steps used to set this scenario up: Step 1: Create a collection element to control record saving

(N) Quality: Setup > Collection Element

8-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide


Enter Save (or any unused name) as the Collection Element name, Attribute as the Collection Element Type, and Character as the Data Type. Save your work.


Step 2: Add elements and actions to your plan

1. 2.

(N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan Perform a query on your Disposition Header plan, and add the collection element, Save. Make sure it is enabled but not displayed. Add an action to Save. Action Trigger: When Save = 2 Action: Reject the input with the message, "this record is protected from update by the current user." Note: Reject the input action rejects the whole row and not only the element to which the action is associated.

3. 4. 5.


Add the current action to Disposition Status. When Disposition Status is entered, assign a value to Save with the following SQL script:
SELECT c FROM (SELECT 2 c from dual WHERE: parameter.user_id in (1003612, 1003614) -- user id of users that should not be able to update the Disposition Status UNION ALL SELECT 1 FROM dual) WHERE rownum = 1

With this action in place, when MFG users (1003612) and PROJMFG users (1003614) attempt to update and save the disposition status, their input will be rejected and a message will display.

Derive User Information using Assign-a-Value:

Information about a user, such as e-mail address and telephone number, can be retrieved by using the action, Assign-a-Value, with a SQL statement. This technique is used often. For example, the Owner collection element assigns a value to Owner E-mail,

Tailoring Your Solution 8-7

based on the following SQL query:


Another example involves deriving the current user's telephone number information. This example is not included in the solution. Setting up telephone information derivation:

Navigate to the Collection Element window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Element. Create a collection element. Navigate to the Collection Plan window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan. Query the plan that will receive the Telephone Number collection element. Add the Telephone Number element to the element block. Select a mandatory element and then choose Actions. Add the following action:
IF <collection element> is entered, assign a value to Telephone Number with SQL: SELECT p.work_telephone FROM PER_PEOPLE_F P, FND_USER U WHERE P.PERSON_ID = U.EMPLOYEE_ID AND U.USER_ID =: PARAMETER.USER_ID AND ROWNUM <= 1

2. 3. 4. 5.

Note: This SQL string is used for example purposes. It is not part of

Oracle's code; it has not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing.


Save your work.

Lookup Feature Using SQL Validation Strings:

SQL can be utilized as an element's list of values. This is widely used in this solution. For example, the Source Owner collection element list of values is based on the

8-8 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

following SQL query:

SELECT pecx.full_name FROM per_employees_current_x pecx, fnd_user fu WHERE pecx.employee_id = fu.employee_id ORDER by full_name

Using SQL as the list of values of an element will simulate a lookup feature. For example, Supplier Contact Lookup (not included in the solution). Setting up a SQL as a list of values:

Navigate to the Collection Element window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Element. Create a Supplier Contact collection element. Enter the following SQL Validation String:
SELECT p.first_name ll ' ' ll p.last_name ll ' ' ll p.area_code ll '-' ll p.phone_code, v.vendor_name description FROM PO_VENDOR_CONTACTS P, PO_VENDOR_SITES S, PO_VENDORS V WHERE P.VENDOR_SITE_ID = S.VENDOR_SITE_ID AND S.VENDOR_ID = V.VENDOR_ID ORDER BY 2, 1

2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

Navigate to the Collection Plan window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan. Query the plan that will receive the Supplier Contact collection element. Add the Supplier Contact element to the element block. Save your work. You can now display this element's list of values. You can use it to find the name and phone number of a contact person, for any supplier.
Note: This SQL string is used for example purposes. It is not part of

Oracle's code; it has not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before

Tailoring Your Solution 8-9


Dependant List of Values:

The solution has not included any dependent lists of values. Displaying a different list of values for one element, depending on the value of another element, is a dependency example. For example, your business requires the NONCONFORMANCE CODE element value to depend on the NONCONFORMANCE TYPE element value. The NONCONFORMANCE CODE values could be named with the following prefixes:
NONCONFORMANCE TYPE Electrical Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Dependent NONCONFORMANCE CODE E - Short E - No Solder E - Broken Lead M - Damaged Component M - Corrosion M - Missing Pieces

After completing the following setup tasks, when users enter Electrical into the NONCONFORMANCE TYPE field, the NONCONFORMANCE CODE list of values will contain Short, No Solder, and Broken Lead. Setting up a dependent list of values:
1. 2. 3.

Navigate to the Collection Plan window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan. Query your Nonconformance plan. Within the NONCONFORMANCE CODE element, choose Values. Enter the values within the above table. Within the NONCONFORMANCE TYPE element, choose Actions. Enter the following actions: IF NONCONFORMANCE TYPE is equal to Electrical, assign a value to NONCONFORMANCE CODE with value E%.


8-10 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

IF NONCONFORMANCE TYPE is equal to Mechanical, assign a value to NONCONFORMANCE CODE with value M%.


Save your work. When users enter Electrical as the NONCONFORMANCE TYPE, the NONCONFORMANCE CODE list of values will display, Short, No Solder, and Broken Lead.

Custom Reports:
You can write reports that are tailored to your business needs, using custom SQL. The Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configuration recommends custom SQL and a concurrent process to be defined, within a customer application (in this case, custom Quality). Setting Up a Custom Report

Save your SQL under the directory, <custom Quality's base path>/sql/ (See: Applications DBA Duties, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide Configurationfor information on registering a new or custom application and where the Applications DBA specifies a base path for the application). Name it with your business' convention. Prefix it with custom Quality short name, and suffix it with .sql (XXCQA_NCMREP.sql). Navigate to the Concurrent Program Executable window (N) System Administrator: Concurrent > Program > Executable. Define an executable with SQL *Plus program style.


Tailoring Your Solution 8-11

Define Concurrent Program Executable


(N) System Administrator: Concurrent > Program > Define. Define a program, Material Review Report. For example, use the above executable. Choose Parameters. Enter three parameters in the following order:
Parameters Parameter Value Set Corresponding Parameter in Sample SQL &1 &2 &3


Nonconformance Number Show History? Plan Prefix


The value sets are predefined and used for validation of parameter values.

8-12 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Concurrent Program Definition

Tailoring Your Solution 8-13

Concurrent Program Parameters Definition

Executing the custom report


Within the Manufacturing and Distribution Superuser responsibility, navigate to the Submit Request window (N) Quality: Reports > Submit Request. Select Material Review Report from the Name list of values (or any name that you created while setting up), and submit the process.


8-14 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Part 2
Corrective Action Solution

Overview of the Corrective Action Solution
This chapter covers the following topics: Overview of Solution Templates

Overview of Solution Templates

The Corrective Action Solution enables you to track and implement Corrective Action Requests via a pre-configured set of seeded collection plans. This chapter contains the following topics:

Solution Templates
Solution Templates aid in the ease of implementation with a pre-configured set of seeded collection plans. This set of seeded collection plans can be copied to real plans, modified if necessary, and implemented, enabling the implementation cycle time to be greatly reduced.

The Corrective Action Solution is comprised of several objectives, including the following: Enter, track, review, and implement a Corrective Action Request (CAR) Progress the CAR through its status lifecycle Execute the CAR's multiple review and implementation steps Automate the submission of an Engineering Change Order (ECO)

To achieve the Solution Template objectives, the templates contain the following:

Overview of the Corrective Action Solution 9-1

Seeded collection elements and associated lookup values for some of the seeded elements Seeded Template collection plans and corresponding values and actions Seeded parent-child collection plan structures with relationships, criteria, and data entry mode for the seeded template plans Copy Collection process Engineering Change Order (ECO) submission processing code Seeded workflow for sending pre-configured workflow notifications

The following table summarizes the key features provided with the Corrective Action Solution. Implementation details, on some of these features, are provided in later chapters:
Solution Template Features Key Feature Submission of Corrective Action Requests Supported Activities Ability to submit Corrective Action Requests (CAR) and track them using an unique identifier Different modes of submission: Direct Data Entry, Transaction Integration, Collection Plan Integration Identification of the source, severity, quality standards violated, etc. Information to the owner or assignee through e-mail alerts and workflow notifications Audit Trail on changes made to a CAR

9-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Key Feature CAR Lifecycle

Supported Activities Multiple phases/actions can be tracked for a CAR via Review and Analysis, Containment, Corrective Action, Preventive Action, Implementation, and Implementation Effectiveness Each phase/action can have an assignee The assignee can update the CAR with the relevant information The owner reviews the CAR and closes it if there are no pending actions

Supply Chain Applicability

Can be used to track customer initiated CAR, internal CAR, and supplier CAR CAR can be submitted, based upon the context of the initiation (Purchase Order, Sales Order, Work Order, etc.)

Cost Tracking

Review and Implementation costs can be captured for a CAR Costs can be rolled up to the CAR to indicate Total Review and Total Implementation costs

ECO Header Submission

ECO Submission resulting from a CAR can be initiated from a Quality Collection Plan Existing user group functionality Assignment of Privileges to create, update, insert, and/or delete from a collection plan

Security and Privileges

Menu Options

Menu options to invoke the corrective action requests in Enter, Update, and View modes

Overview of the Corrective Action Solution 9-3

Implementation Roadmap
This chapter covers the following topics: Overview of Implementation Roadmap Implementation Considerations Corrective Action Process Implementation ChecklistCorrective Action SolutionImplementation Checklist

Overview of Implementation Roadmap

This chapter provides the guidance needed to implement the Corrective Action Solution. After the implementation of the Corrective Action Solution, the Corrective Action collection plans will contain all information related to problems requiring corrective action reported within your enterprise, and subsequent review and implementation of those corrective actions.

Implementation Considerations
You can identify factors that need to be considered, prior to setting up and implementing the Corrective Action Solution. Depending on your specific business processes, these factors may or may not be applicable. This section includes the following topics:

Following are the prerequisites needed to implement the solution: Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Family Pack I Knowledge of Oracle Quality's functionality and capabilities, including Parent-Child Collection Plans (See: Parent-Child Collection Plans, Oracle Quality

Implementation Roadmap 10-1

User's Guide)

Corrective Action Request Types

It is important to consider the types of Corrective Action Requests that are commonly handled by your organization, and the types that will be implemented in the Corrective Action Solution. Based on the origin of the CAR within the Supply Chain, there can be different types of requests. The responsibility for the action might lie with different parties. We will assume Supplier S supplies material and services to Enterprise E who in turn sells products to Customer C. You can enter request types using the solution template collection plans. The solution includes seeded values for request types. The Corrective Action Requests (CARs) can be categorized into the following types:

Internal CAR
This CAR category is primarily associated with resolving problems within Enterprise E. Examples of these problems are poor quality due to non-adherence to quality procedures, and recurring physical damage to assembly during handling and storage.

CAR requiring Supplier Action

This CAR category originates from the supplier. Examples of these are related rejections of supplier lots received from Supplier S in the receiving integration.

Customer Initiated CAR

This CAR category is initiated by a customer to address problems from their suppliers, within the Supply Chain. For example, Customer C logs a CAR with Enterprise E to identify the reason recent shipments from Enterprise E have labels that do not match their contents.

Internal CAR that eventually requires Supplier Action

This CAR category is associated with problems that were initially thought to be internal issues, but further analysis identified them as a supplier problem.

Customer initiated CAR that requires Supplier Action

This CAR category is an extension of the previous category. The customer initiates a CAR, but further evaluation and analysis identifies the cause as supplier related.

Corrective Action Request Sources

Corrective Action Requests can originate either from customer complaints,

10-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

nonconformance trends, quality audits, or other sources. Following are some of the factors that need to be considered before you implement the Corrective Action Solution: If Nonconformance, Quality Audits, and Customer complaints are common CAR sources, then it is recommended to use the set of provided template parent-child collection plans. If you currently use Oracle Service - Service Requests to handle your customer complaints, and they are the only source for your Corrective Action Requests, then it is recommended to take advantage of the Oracle Quality and Oracle Service integration, using the stand-alone template collection plan.

Captured Data
Oracle Quality provides a data collection capability within Collection Plans; they can capture all data involved in your business process, including Corrective Action and related Quality test results. Additional data not covered by the template collection plans can be captured in user-defined collection elements, and added to collection plans. Alternatively, these elements can be grouped into additional plans and linked to the nonconformance/disposition system.

Valid Values
The solution has included commonly used values for validation of some collection elements. These values can be modified to your valid values, according to your business rules. Some of these elements are listed below: Request Source Request Type Standard Violation Section Violated Problem Solving Method Request Priority Request Severity Request Status Action Type

Implementation Roadmap 10-3

Implementation Type

Corrective Action Identification

Corrective Action is identified by sequence numbers. Your business may use a prefix/suffix for identification purposes; the corrective action number can be customized.

Corrective Action Data Privileges

Different participants of the process can be given different privileges (new record, update record, read only) to access different sets of data. You can enforce collection plan security.

Corrective Action Process

This section includes a look at the corrective action process flow and maps the business flow to Oracle Quality.

Corrective Action Process Flow

The following process flow illustrates a generic Corrective Action Request lifecycle. The actual process used in your organization may be different than what is depicted in the following diagram:

10-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Some of the procedural steps taken during the lifecycle of a Corrective Action Request are described below:

Step 1 - Submitting a Corrective Action Request

Corrective Action Requests are a result of problems identified in the quality management system. They can originate internally, or as a result of a customer complaint, falling into one of the different request types. See: Corrective Action Request Types.

Step 2 - Request Review by Owner

The owner reviews the Corrective Action Request and either approves or rejects it. The criteria for approval or rejection depends on your organization's specific business

Implementation Roadmap 10-5


Step 3 - Owner decides Course of Action

For Internal and Customer Initiated CARs, based on the problem description, the owner consults with other individuals, and decides on how to process the CAR. For a Supplier CAR, this step might not be required. The supplier is automatically responsible for providing a plan of corrective action.

Step 4 - Owner/Assignee Implements CAR Actions

After sufficient review and analysis has been performed by the individuals involved in the CAR lifecycle, decisions are made on the CAR actions (Containment, Corrective, Preventive Actions).

Step 5 - Owner Reviews CAR Lifecycle

After the corrective actions have been successfully implemented and the effectiveness of the implementation has been verified, the CAR's owner closes the CAR with appropriate comments.

Mapping the Business Flow to the Oracle Quality Step

The following table maps the business flow steps to the equivalent steps to be executed within Oracle Quality:
Business Flow Step Submit Corrective Action Request Oracle Quality Step Invoke the Corrective Action Request collection plan within Oracle Quality and submit a CAR Update Owner collection element in Corrective Action Request Update elements (Priority, Severity, etc.) in the Corrective Action Request plan. Owner determines the course of action and creates Review actions, assigning the same within the CAR Review plan Owner determines the course of action and creates Implementation actions, assigning the same within the CAR Implementation plan

Assign Owner

Review Corrective Action Request

Assign CAR actions

10-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Business Flow Step Analysis/Review by Assignee

Oracle Quality Step The assignees update the CAR Review plan with the Notes on the review actions that were performed, and the status of the review actions Owner/Assignee determines the root cause and updates the CAR plans with the information Assignees update the Corrective Action Implementation plans with the implementation actions, notes, resolution dates, and statuses of the actions Owner reviews the CAR and the child review and implementation plans to verify successful implementation. Additionally, the owner may set up a follow-up date to review implementation effectiveness If required, owner informs the customer, supplier, or any other internal or third party, on CAR status via e-mail alerts Owner closes the CAR in the Corrective Action Request Plan

Determine Root Cause

Implement Corrective Actions

Verify implementation and its effectiveness

Inform necessary parties

Close CAR

Implementation Checklist
The implementation may span multiple functional areas; the following list provides information on the process flow and steps to implement within these functional areas:

Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Family Pack I should be installed.

Set Up

In this implementation phase, it is important to identify the usage configuration of the Corrective Action System to be implemented. Subsequent to this decision, other steps can be executed. Refer to Overview of Setting Up for the required information.

Implementation Roadmap 10-7

Corrective Action Implementation

Chapter 12 describes the steps for implementing a Corrective Action Request resulting from a Nonconformance, Quality Audit, etc. Additionally, a brief explanation is provided on how the Oracle Service and Oracle Quality integration can be leveraged to implement a Corrective Action System. Refer to the following topics: Corrective Action from an Audit Corrective Action Generated from a Nonconformance Corrective Action for a Supplier Corrective Action from a Customer Complaint

Reporting and Tailoring your Solution

Reporting Overview describes how to generate reports on Corrective Action Requests. Chapter 14 describes how the Corrective Action Solution can be tailored to meet your specific organization needs. Some of the tailoring activities described include Workflow configuration and Modification of E-mail Notifications to suit your organization needs. Refer to the following topics: Tailoring E-mail Notifications Workflow Configuration Tips and Techniques

10-8 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Setting Up
This chapter covers the following topics: Overview of Setting Up Step 1 - Choose a configuration (mandatory) Step 2 - Copy from template Collection Plans (mandatory) Step 3 - Update of Sequence prefix and suffix (mandatory) Step 4 - Update of values for seeded collection elements (optional) Step 5 - Update of menu entry to point to the correct plan (mandatory) Step 6 - Modify Collection Plan Details and Plan Element Prompts (optional) Step 7 - Add user defined elements to the plans (optional) Step 8 - Link user defined plans to the system (optional) Step 9 - Organize the plan elements into folders (optional) Step 10 - Set Up Profile Options (optional) Step 11 - Setup within other modules (conditionally mandatory) Step 12 - Set Up Collection Plan Security Step 13 - Set Up Collection Element Security Considerations Prior to Implementation

Overview of Setting Up
This chapter outlines the steps necessary to set up Oracle Quality to use the Corrective Action Solution Templates. This chapter contains the following topics: The Corrective Action Request solution is delivered as a set of template collection plans and related seeded data. To utilize the solution, real collection plans need to be set up for use. These plans should be modified according to your specific organization needs. The following is a setup checklist:

Setting Up 11-1

Setup Checklist
Choose a configuration Copy from template collection plans Update of Sequence prefix and suffix Update of values for seeded collection elements Update of menu entry to point to the correct plan Modify collection plan details and plan element prompts Set up collection plan security Add user defined elements to the plans Organize the plan elements into folders Set up Profile Options: Autoquery set to No

Step 1 - Choose a configuration (mandatory)

In order to accommodate a customer's choice to implement a Corrective Action System purely with Oracle Quality or using the Oracle Quality/Oracle Service integration, the following configurations are proposed:
Configuration CAR Implementation in Oracle Quality Usage This configuration consists of all collection plans and related seeded data used for Corrective Action Requests This configuration consists of a single seeded, stand-alone collection plan that can be integrated with the Oracle Service Requests system, and be used for Corrective Action Requests

CAR using Oracle Quality and Oracle Service

Step 2 - Copy from template Collection Plans (mandatory)

Based on the configuration you had chosen in the previous step, copy the entire structure of template collection plans into a set of real collection plans. The plans can be

11-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

copied using the Copy Collection Plans process. It is required to specify the target or destination organization in which this set of plans will be used, as well as the user-defined names for these plans.
Note: Template collection plans cannot store quality results and cannot

be updated.

To copy from template Collection Plans:


Navigate to the Copy Collection Plans page.

Copy Collection Plans Page


Select Template from the Collection Plan Type list of values. The Organization will not be populated and is not necessary because the template plans are not assigned to an organization. Select a parent Collection Plan Name. Depending on the configuration (step 1) chosen for implementation, the appropriate parent plan should be chosen for the parent-child structure to be copied.


Setting Up 11-3

Configurations CAR Implementation in Oracle Quality

Usage This configuration consists of all collection plans and related seeded data, used for Corrective Action Requests This configuration consists of a single seeded, stand-alone collection plan that can be integrated with the Oracle Service Requests system and used for Corrective Action Requests

Parent Plan Template Corrective Action Request

CAR using Oracle Quality and Oracle Service

Template Quality Service CAR

4. 5.

Choose Search. Review the hierarchy of plans within the Results region.
Results Region


Choose Copy.

11-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

New Plan Names Page


Enter a New Plan Names for each of the template plan names displayed within the Source Plan Name column.
Note: Each individual plan name is required to be entered. The first

25 characters of the plan name should be unique.


Select a Destination Organization. The collection plan structure will be copied to this organization. Choose Finish. Plans with names you have chosen will be created with elements, values, actions, and parent-child relationships, copied from the template plans.


Step 3 - Update of Sequence prefix and suffix (mandatory)

The Corrective Action Solution generates a sequence number for uniquely identifying the individual Corrective Action Request Number and New ECO Name. If your business practice requires a specific manner of identifying these sequentially generated numbers, you can set up the appropriate prefix and suffix information; this should be performed before using and entering data in the Corrective Action Request Collection Plans.

Setting Up 11-5

Note: After quality results have been entered for sequence collection

elements and saved into the corrective action collection plans, the prefix/suffix cannot be changed.


Navigate to the Collection Elements window.

Collection Elements Window

2. 3. 4.

Select Corrective Action Num from the Collection Element list of values. Choose Sequence. Enter your desired Prefix, Suffix, Separator, Increment, and Number Segment Length. Save your work. Repeat steps one through five for the New ECO Name collection element.

5. 6.

Step 4 - Update of values for seeded collection elements (optional)

Oracle Quality has seeded commonly used values for some collection elements, as part of the seeded data. Depending on applicability of these values to your organization

11-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

process, these values can be modified either at the collection element level, or at the plan level.
Note: Do not delete the seeded lookup values for the collection

elements, Disposition Action and Disposition Status. These seeded values are internally used by the Oracle Quality. You can add new lookup values to this list of elements.

As part of the Corrective Action Solution, many new seeded collection elements have been provided. Some of these elements are listed below: Request Source Request Type Standard Violated Section Violated Problem Solving Method Request Priority Request Severity Request Status Action Type Implementation Type

To update values for seeded collection elements:


Select the element, for which you want to change its value, from the Collection Element list of values. Navigate to the Collection Elements window. Choose Values. Add or modify these values to match your organization process statuses and codes. Save your work.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Step 5 - Update of menu entry to point to the correct plan (mandatory)

Seeded menu options for entry, update, and view, are provided. These menu options

Setting Up 11-7

need to be modified by the System Administrator to point to the top most parent plan that was set up in Step 2. They need to point to the correct Corrective Action Request plan that was set up when copying the collection plan structures. You first need to find the plan identification number of the Corrective Action Request plan you have created.

Navigate to the Collection Plans window.

Collection Plans Window

2. 3.

Select the Collection Plan from the list of values. From the Help menu, select Diagnostic, then Examine, to display the Examine Field and Variable Values window.

11-8 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Examine Field and Variable Values Window

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Select Q_PLANS from the Block list of values. Select PLAN_ID from the Field list of values. The plan identification number is populated within the Value field. Switch to the System Administrator responsibility. Navigate to the Form Functions window.

Setting Up 11-9

Form Functions Window


Within the Description tabbed region, select the Function field, then select the Find (flashlight) icon. Perform a query on QACAR% functions.

10. Select the Form tabbed region. 11. Select the Parameters field within the QACAREQR Function row. Once selected, the

Editor window will display.

12. Change the ORA$QA_PLAN_ID value to the plan identification number of your

Corrective Action Request plan, created above.

Note: When updating the Plan ID parameter include only the Plan

ID and not the ORA$ prefix.

13. For the QACARUQR and QACARVQR functions, change the

ORA$QA_PLAN_NAME values (within their corresponding Parameters fields) to the plan name of your Corrective Action Request plan, created above.
14. Make similar changes for the other functions. 15. Save your work.

Note: For additional menu entries, if multiple CAR plans exist

within the same organization, copy QACAR% functions to functions with different names and change the ORA$ token, accordingly. Add these functions to the QA_CAR menu.

11-10 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Step 6 - Modify Collection Plan Details and Plan Element Prompts (optional)
The copied plans from Step 2 have the description of the plan copied from the templates. The collection plan description can be modified to be more meaningful to the user. The collection element prompt in the copied Corrective Action plans can be modified for specific user requirements. Depending on the business process in place and the terminology in use, some of the collection element prompt names in the collection plans can be modified to be more meaningful to end users.

For example, if Request Type is called CAR Type, perform the following steps:
1. 2.

Navigate to the Collection Plans window. Select the Collection Plan for which you want to modify the prompt name for the collection element. Within the Prompt field of the collection element, change the Request Type to CAR Type.


Step 7 - Add user defined elements to the plans (optional)

Specific business needs might require additional collection elements, in order to capture information related to a Corrective Action Request. This can be accomplished by adding new collection elements and values to the collection plans copied in Step 2. If the collection elements that are provided in the CAR solution are not sufficient, then additional collection elements can be created. For example, if it is required to calculate the Total CAR cost (estimate and actual) in the Quality collection plan, create two new elements: Total CAR Estimate Cost and Total CAR Actual Cost.
1. 2.

Navigate to the Collection Elements window. Create a new element, Total CAR Estimate, with the following properties: Element Type = Variable Data Type = Number Decimal Precision = 2

3. 4.

Save your work. Navigate to the Collection Plans window.

Setting Up 11-11

5. 6.

Select the Corrective Action Request plan from the Collection Plan list of values. Add Total CAR Estimate Cost to the current collection plan. To keep an audit trail of updates to this element, you should also add this element to the Corrective Action Request History plan.

7. 8. 9.

Save your work. Navigate to the Update Parent-Child Plan Relationships page. Select Corrective Action request from the Parent Plan list of values.

10. Select Corrective Action Request History from the Child Plan list of values. 11. Choose Element Relationship. 12. Add a Copy relationship between Total CAR Estimate Cost in Parent and Child

13. Save your work.

Step 8 - Link user defined plans to the system (optional)

If the additional elements are better organized in a separate collection plan, such a plan can be linked through-out the system. For example, you can perform a certain Quality test for Corrective Action Implementation, within your organization. You can create a Quality collection plan to capture this test data, and associated it with Corrective Action Implementation. Collection plans can also be created for carrying out quality audits, or for capturing complaint information; they can have parent-child relationships trigger the entry of a corrective action request.

8.1 - To create a collection plan for a Quality test:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Navigate to the Collection Plans window. Enter a new collection plan Name, Description, and Plan Type. Add collection elements to the current collection plan. Save your work.

8.2 - To define a Parent-Child Plan Relationship:


Once the following steps are completed and you implement Corrective Action, you can invoke the Quality test plan from Step 9.

11-12 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Navigate to the Define Parent-Child Plan Relationships page. Enter your Corrective Action Implementation, as the Parent Plan. Enter the plan created in Step 8.1, as the Child Plan. Select Immediate or Delayed from the Data Entry Mode list of values. Save your work.

Step 9 - Organize the plan elements into folders (optional)

The Collection Plans copied in Step 2 have collection elements to capture data from different functional areas of your enterprise (Receiving, Work in Process, Shipping, etc.). Users of the system might be interested only in the data related to their job role. For example, a customer service representative might be interested only in the data related to sales orders, and not the entire set of collection elements. In order to restrict what the user sees in the collection plans, Folder Tools can be utilized. See Also Folder Tools, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Step 10 - Set Up Profile Options (optional)

If you expect a large number of CAR records, then to improve performance, set the following profile option value to never: QA: Update Quality Results Autoquery.

Step 11 - Setup within other modules (conditionally mandatory)

Because this solution provides the features to send e-mail notifications and workflow notifications, it is required for users to be set up as employees, within their e-mail addresses, in Oracle HR and/or to be set up as Oracle Applications Users. See Also Oracle HRMS Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator Guide Documentation Set

Step 12 - Set Up Collection Plan Security

Depending upon the sensitivity of data in the quality system, it might be desired to restrict the access of the data to users for view, update, or creation. This might require different users to be granted different types of privileges. For example, a Quality Manager has complete access to create, update, and view

Setting Up 11-13

corrective action requests. A Purchasing Manager has access to view CARs, but not to enter or update them.

12.1: To set up a User Group and add users

1. 2. 3.

Navigate to the User Groups window: Create a new User Group. Assign users (members), who will have the same roles and privileges, to the current user group. All users of the system should be Oracle Applications users with a valid login authority. Save your work.


12.2: Grant privileges to user groups


Navigate to the Grant Privileges window. In this window, any User Group can be granted privileges to perform various functions for any plan, If the Privilege check box is selected, the user group is granted that privilege for the specified collection plan. Depending upon the privileges that need to be granted to each user group, select the User Group name, the Collection Plan name, and the corresponding check boxes for Enter, View, Update, and Delete results. Save your work.



12.3: Set Up Master Security Profile


To enable collection plan security, set the value for the following Profile Option to Yes: QA: Collection Plan Security After all the setup steps have been completed, the users will have access only to those collection plans to which they have privileges.

2. 3.

Step 13 - Set Up Collection Element Security

You might want to make a critical element in a collection plan disabled to specific users. For example, the Request Status field is protected from update for user 1003612. Only non-mandatory elements can be disabled.

11-14 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

13.1: Create an element to control saving of a record

1. 2.

Navigate to the Collection Elements window: Enter Save (or any unused name) as the Collection Element name, Attribute as the Collection Element Type, and Character as the Data Type. Save your work.


13.2: Add elements and actions to your plan

After the following setup is performed, when user 1003612 updates the Request Status, the number 2 will be assigned to the hidden element, Save. The update will be rejected.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Navigate to the Collection Plans window: Perform a query on your Disposition plan. Add the Save collection element to the current collection plan. Select the Enabled check box. De-select Displayed. Add this Action to Save. When Save equals 2, reject the input with a message "This record is protected from update by the current user.". Add this Action to Request Status. When Request Status is entered, assign a value to Save with the SQL text:
Select C From (select 2 c from dual where :parameter.user_id in (1003612) Union all Select 1 from dual) Where rownum = 1



Save your work.

Considerations Prior to Implementation

The following are considerations to consider before implementation: Reference Copy of Collection Plans

Setting Up 11-15

Evaluation of Reference Copy of Collection Plan Structure and Content

Reference Copy of Collection Plans Diagram

After completing the setup process, prior to implementation, you might want to maintain a Reference Copy of the real collection plans that you intend to implement. This Reference set of plans can then be further copied to collection plans that will be implemented and used. The Copy Collection Plan process can be utilized for the same. This approach eliminates the need to copy from the template plans and modify the same for the implementation, within each organization. The following diagram depicts the implementation process of the consideration discussed above:

Evaluation of Reference Copy of Collection Plan Structure and Content

Evaluation of the Reference Copy should be performed prior to copying the collection plans to the individual organizations, to ensure that the business process needs are addressed. It is possible that the evaluation necessitates the elimination of one or more collection plans, in the collection plan structure. In such a case, the collection plans can be deleted in the Reference Copy, and propagated to the individual organizations.

11-16 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

This chapter covers the following topics: Implementing Corrective Action Solutions Processing Corrective Action from an Audit Processing Corrective Action Generated from a Nonconformance Processing Corrective Action for a Supplier Processing Corrective Action from a Customer Complaint

Implementing Corrective Action Solutions

After the completion of the setup steps, you are ready to implement the Corrective Action Solution. Corrective Action Requests can originate from a nonconformance, quality audit, customer complaint, or other sources. This chapter gives an insight into corrective action generated from an audit, and a nonconformance, as well as corrective action for a supplier and from a customer complaint.

Processing Corrective Action from an Audit

In this following example, we will examine how a corrective action request (CAR), as a result of a Quality Audit, uncovered a serious internal quality problem. The scenario is meant to guide you in the process of analyzing your own particular business, and to highlight the Corrective Action Solution tools and functionality. Prior to entering a CAR, quality collection plans can be created to capture data when the audit is conducted. Please follow the steps described in Chapter 3, Step 8, for associating user defined collection plans to the CAR system. See Setup Steps.

Submitting a Corrective Action Request:

To enter a CAR, navigate to the Enter Quality Results window (N) Quality: Corrective Action > Enter Corrective Action Request.

Implementation 12-1


Query the CAR request.

Enter Quality Results Window


Select CAR REQUEST PLAN from the Collection Plan list of values. The CAR number is loaded to identify the CAR with a pre-seeded, user-defined sequential number. You can now enter the specific CAR information. Select a Request Source from the list of values. This is what causes the CAR to generate. Valid values are AUDIT, CUSTOMER, NONCONFORMANCE, or OTHERS. If your organization requirements are such that more sources are required, you can add values to the collection element, Request Source, within the CAR REQUEST collection plan. Select a REQUEST TYPE from the list of values. Valid values are CUSTOMER, CUSTSUPP, INTERNAL, INTLSUPP, and SUPPLIER. Optionally, enter a SOURCE REFERENCE if there is a document, such as a nonconformance document. Optionally, select a STANDARD VIOLATED value from the list of values if the CAR is a result of the violation of any standard. Valid seeded values are 21CFR820, ISO9000, and QS9000. Optionally, select a SECTION VIOLATED value from the list of values. This value is the applicable section of the standard in violation. Optionally, select a PROBLEM SOLVING METHOD from the list of values. This value refers to the particular methodology that will be used to analyze the current CAR. Save your work.








12-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

CAR Item/Supplier/Contract/Customer Information:

There are 21 collection elements supplied for entering the information specific to the CAR item. If the CAR is a purchased item, Supplier or Contract information is provided. If the CAR refers to a customer problem, there are collection elements to track the information related to the Customer. The following collection elements are supplied if they are required: Item and revision information: Item, Item Revision Customer and contact information: Customer, Sales Order Number, RMA Number, Contract Number, Contract Line Number, Deliverable Number Supplier, Supplier Site, PO Number, PO Line, PO Release, Shipment, PO Receipt, Department

CAR Priority and Description:

The collection elements provided enable you to prioritize and describe the CAR. The Request Priority element is used to record if the CAR is High, Medium, or Low Priority. The Request Severity can also be used to describe how severe the CAR is for analysis and routing reasons. There are two description collection elements: Short Description (200 character limit) - used to enter the initial description of the problem, and can be later used for reporting purposes Detailed Description (2000 character limit) - used to keep track of the analysis process. As the different responsibilities are involved in the CAR process, those individuals might want to enter their input.

You can utilize the Attachments icon to store information in many formats, for the current CAR.

Finding the CAR Root Cause:

One of the primary reasons to generate a CAR in the analysis process is to find the root cause of the problem. Four collection elements are provided to track the CAR. Fields are provided to enter the root cause. Cause Code - seeded with three values. You can add new organization specific values, if required. For example, the Cause Code can be Material, Quality, Process, Testing, or Unknown. Root Cause - used to store the final problem that caused the CAR. If the root problem is fixed, the problem could have been prevented. The values should be added when the design of the organizational CAR process is complete.

Implementation 12-3

Systemic Root Cause - used to record the reason for the system breakdown.

Tracking a CAR through its Lifecycle:

Fields are provided to track the CAR and to route e-mails to the necessary personnel, to either analyze, or take action, during the CAR lifecycle. You can also use a list to notify users that a CAR action is required. Request Status - Used to determine where the CAR is in its lifecycle. A CAR can be New, Open, Implemented, Closed, or Reopened.

The following fields can be used to track the Requestor and the Owner information: Requestor Requestor E-mail Owner, Owner E-mail Address Date Open and Date Closed - used to track the beginning and ending of a CAR for analysis. The Expected Resolution and the Actual Resolution dates are also tracked. Follow Up Date - used to ensure that the appropriate action is taken at the appointed time. Days to Close - used to track the total number of days the CAR has been open, for reporting purposes.

Use of E-mail in the CAR Process:

You can send an e-mail to the assigned CAR owner from within the CAR. The owner can reassign the CAR, and notify the new owner via e-mail. The value of the Send Email collection element controls whether an e-mail notification is sent, or not. Below is an example of an e-mail sent to notify a new CAR owner:

12-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

E-mail to notify Corrective Action Owner

CAR Approval:
The pre-seeded collection elements for approval enable the routing of the CAR. You can view what actions were taken and what actions still need to be taken.

Cost Estimates and Actual Cost Tracking:

The Estimated and Actual Costs of the CAR Review are summed and displayed in the Corrective Action Request plan. Initially, the collection element displays as zero or null.
Note: Any update to this collection element will be discarded as it

computed from the child Review plan.

Saving the Corrective Action Request:

The last action within the CAR request process is to save the data entered. If the Send E-mail collection element were set to YES, then the e-mail would send at this time to the CAR's Owner.

Implementation 12-5

Viewing or Updating the CAR:

Once the CAR has been saved, you can update or view the CAR. You can use the standard security feature to grant or deny specific privileges, such as view and update, for this CAR Request (See: Step 12 within Setup Steps).
Update Quality Results Window

The CAR REVIEW plan was created as a Child Plan of the CAR REQUEST PLAN.

Parent-Child Collection Plan Structure:

The corrective action solution is supported by parent-child collection plan relationships. The following structure enables separate CAR activities to take place within different collection plans:

12-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Collection Plan Structure

CAR Review Process - Child Plan:

By reviewing the CAR, you can identify its original causes. After finding the causes, you can suggest the appropriate corrective action needed. During the review, it is common to deny a CAR or notice that similar CARs are already in process; the CAR might be a duplicate. The review period may take a considerable period of time and can potentially have many people involved. Because the review process normally includes many cross-functional users, the CAR's owner is responsible for making sure that the CAR review process continues to progress.

CAR Implementation Process - Child Plan:

Once a CAR has been reviewed and a corrective action has been determined, the implementation stage is required. Implementing a CAR is the most important outcome of the process because monitoring the success of the implementation is crucial to eliminating future quality problems.

Implementation 12-7

CAR History Plans:

Automatically created history collection plans keep a record of all entries during the corrective action process. For example, the CAR REQUEST HISTORY collection plan automatically keeps a record of every entry on the CAR REQUEST plan. In the example below, CAR 183 comprises three records, within the CAR REQUEST HISTORY plan. The initial entry displays at the bottom of the list. Standard Violated, Section Violated, and Item number information was entered for the second entry. The third entry indicates that ownership was transferred from Chris Black to Zoe Bear.
Corrective Action Request Update History

Maintaining a complete history is an important tool utilized when researching how a CAR has been altered. You can utilize security to limit view authority to the Quality Manager or the System Administrator. User, date, and time information is recorded within every history collection plan.

Processing Corrective Action Generated from a Nonconformance

You can generate a corrective action if a CAR was initiated because of a nonconformance. See: Part I of this guide for information regarding nonconformance setup and use. This section provides an example that examines how a corrective action is generated if a CAR was initiated as a result of a nonconformance. It illustrates how a CAR can be a part of an internal process that enables a Nonconformance step to initiate a Corrective Action. It also assumes that there were many Nonconformances, but only a fraction of them generate a CAR. After the Nonconformance is analyzed, it is noted that the problem must be corrected, and a CAR is generated. We added a collection element within the Nonconformance Detail plan to trigger the automatic CAR process.

Setting Up a CAR as a Child Plan:

The first step is to set up a parent-child relationship between the Nonconformance plan and the CAR Request plan. This is accomplished in the Define a Parent Child Plan relationship page. Illustrated below, we are setting up a relationship between the

12-8 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Nonconformance Detail plan (LG_NCDETAIL) and the CAR Request plan (LG_CAR_REQUEST). This setup offers the option to create a Corrective Action.
Parent-Child Relationship between Nonconformance Detail and CAR Plan

Defining a Parent-Child Collection Plan Relationship:

The relationship between elements, within a Parent-Child collection plan, needs to be defined. In this step, we are choosing which elements from the parent plan to copy to the child plan. The copy relationship enables data entry for the collection element only within the parent plan, and then immediately copies it to the child plan. In this example, we are copying some Parent Nonconformance plan elements to the Child CAR plan.

Implementation 12-9

Parent-Child Element Relationship between Nonconformance Detail and CAR Plan

Parent-Child Plan Criteria:

You need to establish that the child plan will activate and generate a CAR, if the Nonconformance requires a corrective action. Once this is established, if the user sets Log Nonconformance to YES, then the user is forced to enter a CAR within the child plan; the plan could not be saved without this entry.

12-10 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Parent-Child Plan Criteria between Nonconformance Detail and Car Plan

Confirming the Parent-Child Setup:

You need to confirm that the parent-child relationship setup and information presented is correct. If all information is correct, the parent-child relationship will save.

Implementation 12-11

Confirm Parent-Child Relationships

Entering the Nonconformance:

Once you have set up the Parent Nonconformance relationship and the Child CAR plans, you can enter a Nonconformance. In the example below, the initial nonconformance is entered. We will follow some steps of the Nonconformance, and watch how the system handles the initiation of the Corrective Action after the Nonconformance has been entered. The below Nonconformance was generated by a sales representative who spoke with Business World, the customer. The sales representative is logging a nonconformance, and requesting a Return Material Authorization (RMA). The master nonconformance plan is used to log all nonconformances from all sources.

12-12 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Entering Nonconformance

Entering the Nonconformance Master Plan:

The nonconformance data is entered within the Results region of the Enter Quality Results window. The Child plan is populated in the Child Plan field. You can enter details of the nonconformance by choosing Enter.

Implementation 12-13

Entering Nonconformance Master

Entering the Nonconformance Detail Child Plan:

The details regarding the nonconformance are entered within the Child plan. At this time, the manager can decide whether the nonconformance is serious enough to warrant a Corrective Action.

12-14 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Nonconformance Detail

Logging a Corrective Action within the Nonconformance Detail:

Within the Nonconformance detail plan, you can utilize the Log Corrective Action field to determine whether a Corrective Action is logged. Valid values are NO and YES. Because this is a serious nonconformance, the manger has chosen to initiate a CAR because the problem requires collaboration and pursuance.
Note: The Log Corrective Action Request collection element is not a

seeded collection element. It is used here for example purposes. Implementers need to create this element and establish parent-child relationships between the Nonconformance and CAR plans, if desired.

Implementation 12-15

Choosing to Create a Corrective action

Initiating a Corrective Action Request:

A Child plan for a CAR is mandatory. The Nonconformance Number is associated with the Corrective Action Number. In this example, the Nonconformance Number, 174, is linked to Corrective Action Number, 209.

12-16 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Entering a CAR with Nonconformance as Request

Adding Information to the CAR:

You can enter Corrective Action information. The requestor can send e-mail notifications and track the progress of the CAR.

Implementation 12-17

Entering CAR Informantion

Querying the Nonconformance and Corrective Action within Self Service:

Once the necessary information has been added, you can view the CAR information within Self Service. Navigate to the Parent Child Results Inquiry page. You need to enter the Organization, and then select the element to display. In this case, we want to search for information relating to Nonconformance, 174. Because Nonconformance 174 is related to Corrective Action 209, all plans that include information regarding the problem display.

12-18 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Querying Nonconformance Number 174

You can view plans that contain information regarding the current Nonconformance. Below, you can see that there are two nonconformance plans containing information. You can also obtain detailed information on the CAR.

Implementation 12-19

Query Results

Self Service Query of Nonconformance Master Plan:

To view information regarding the Nonconformance Master Plan, you can view details of the Child plans, or view all Nonconformance Master Plan details.
Nonconformance Master Plan Details

Self Service Query of Corrective Action Request Plan:

The example below displays the Corrective Action plan details. If you choose More Details, you can view all of the plan information.

12-20 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Query Results for CAR Plan

You can choose the More Details icon to view the entire CAR plan. If there were attachments associated with the plan, you could view those attachments by choosing the Attachment (paperclip) icon.

Implementation 12-21

Detail View of CAR Plan Query Result

Processing Corrective Action for a Supplier

In the previous example, we have initiated a Corrective Action from a Nonconformance, and viewed the information on the CAR. There was a problem with our customer, Business World. Initially, a Nonconformance number 174 was entered, and it was determined to be a serious problem. Because it was a serious problem, Corrective Action 209 was entered. In the next example, you will see how you can coordinate with a supplier on the Corrective Action. We will process the Corrective Action, and request that our supplier change the mold used for our problem laptops' cover.

Processing the Corrective Action:

The manager of the Corrective Action process, after analyzing the CAR, realized that the CAR needs to be reviewed by several departments. Once CAR 209 is queried, the CAR review plan can be selected from the Child Plan list of values.

12-22 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Update CAR and Enter Review

Corrective Action - For Analysis:

The CAR review plan is opened and the Action Type is changed to FOR ANALYSIS.

Implementation 12-23

Enter Analysis for Corrective Action Review

Corrective Action - Action Assigned:

The analysis of the problem has been assigned to Jennifer Burton.
Assign User to Review Corrective Action

Corrective Action - Analysis Action:

The analysis is entered into the long comments section with a detailed description of the

12-24 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

corrective action.
Enter Analysis for Corrective Action Review

Supplier CAR Review:

The supplier is asked to participate in the review of the cracked laptop covers. The supplier's e-mail is included, and the send command is YES.

Implementation 12-25

Response Entered by Internal Personnel on Behalf of Supplier

E-mail Notification to Supplier for Corrective Action:

The e-mail is sent containing the engineering analysis regarding the cover problem. The supplier will need to confirm whether the molds are indeed warped and need maintenance.

12-26 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Response Entered by Internal Personnel on Behalf of Supplier (continued)

Note: The above window depicts the supplier sending the response,

"The mold that we have supplier to you ... needs to be reworked...", to his contact within the enterprise. This contact will input this response into the CAR Supplier Response plan. Alternatively, the supplier could have directly entered this response via iSupplier Portal. See: Supplier Responds via iSupplier Portal.

Corrective Action E-mail Sent to Supplier:

The e-mail below is sent to the supplier for notification of the problem. The supplier will perform an analysis, and then contact the engineer with possible alternatives for correcting the mold and the process.

Implementation 12-27

Notification to Supplier

Supplier Responds via iSupplier Portal:

The supplier could directly enter his response via iSupplier Portal
1. 2.

(N) Shipment > Quality. Query the Purchase Order for the item, which requires Corrective Action.

12-28 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Navigation on iSupplier Portal: Shipment > Quality > Available Quality Plans

For non-material CAR purposes (a Corrective Action related to a process), a "dummy" Purchase Order (not used for purchasing any real material) can be created. That dummy Purchase Order number would then be communicated to suppliers.

Select the Supplier Corrective Action Response plan from the list of available Quality plans. Plans must be enabled for iSupplier Portal Shipment to be available within the list of values.

Implementation 12-29

Choose Supplier Response from Available Plans


Enter the response with the Corrective Action number and then save your work.

12-30 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Supplier Enters Response Referencing the Corrective Action Number

Implementation 12-31

Supplier Enters Response with Attachment

This response is automatically linked to the CAR plan.

Note: If you use the Oracle iSupplier Portal feature to enable

suppliers to update the CAR with their responses, please ensure that you remove the Notes collection element (Comments data type), and replace it with another colletion element of Character data type, to capture supplier response.

Processing Corrective Action from a Customer Complaint

Corrective Actions might be required because of a customer complaint. One of the configurations supported in this solution utilizes the Service/Quality integration. To take advantage of this integration, copy the template plan, Quality Service CAR, into a plan name of your choice. Associate this plan with the Service Requests (Oracle Service) transaction. In the example described below, a customer service representative creates a service request for a customer complaint. The complaint involves a cooling fan in the desktop not working. After creating a service request, the customer representative enters data into the Quality Service CAR plan, and then passes the issue to internal personnel for further analysis and corrective action.

12-32 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Logging a Service Request:

The customer service representative logs a service request using the Service Request window (N) Customer Support: Service Requests > Create Service Requests. In this example, the customer service representative creates service request number 16488 for customer, Business World. Their complaint is that the cooling fan in their desktop computer (AS54888) is not working.
Logging a Service Request

Implementation 12-33

Problem Description and Details of the Service Request

Logging a Corrective Action Request:

After the service request is logged, the customer service representative can access the Quality Service CAR plan. To initiate a CAR, choose the Quality icon. After the Quality results have been entered within the quality collection plan, the CAR advances through phases, as described in previous examples.
Accessing Oracle Quality from the Service Request Window

12-34 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Entering CAR from the Service Request Window

Implementation 12-35

This chapter covers the following topics: Generating Reports on Corrective Action Information Quality Results Report Writer Oracle Discoverer

Generating Reports on Corrective Action Information

Reports on Corrective Action information can be created using the following tools: Quality Results Report Writer - suitable for reporting on a single collection plan (Corrective Action Request or Corrective Action Implementation) Oracle Discoverer - suitable for analyzing data across multiple plans and providing an enterprise view of corrective action requests across multiple organizations.

Quality Results Report Writer

The Oracle Quality Results Report Writer can be utilized to build simple reports on corrective action requests, based on a single collection plan. You can create reports, like the following, and custom build them according to your business needs: All Corrective Action Requested for a given item or assembly Supplier CARs in a specific time period All Open CARs CAR Cycle Time Cause Code Report

Reporting 13-1

Corrective Action Implementation Report Corrective Action Review History Report

The current functions (sum, count, average) available in Report Writer can be utilized to provide additional information on numerical collection elements.

Report Setup Example:

We will define a report for the average time to close a CAR.
1. 2.

Navigate to the Quality Results Report Writer window. Enter the following information: Report Name: CAR Avg Time Closure Report Collection Plan: Your CAR plan Report Title: Average Time to Close a CAR


For report columns, list the following: Request Source Days to Close, Function: Average


Criteria: All CAR after March 1, 2003

13-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Quality Results Report Writer - Report Definition

Report Output Example

Nonconformance Source Customer Audit Nonconformance Days to Close 2.5 3.85 1.5

Oracle Discoverer
Oracle Discoverer enables you to analyze Corrective Action throughout your enterprise. Data from application schema is organized into Folders within Discoverer.

Building Folders for Corrective Action Analysis:


Open business area, Quality Data Collection Analysis, using the Admin edition of Discoverer. Create Folders in this area from the following views:


Reporting 13-3

Note: <CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUEST> refers to the name

of your collection plan with spaces replaced by an underscore. the views are created dynamically when the collection plan is created or updated. The columns in the view correspond with the collection elements within the collection plan.
Create Folder Wizard in Dicoverer Admin Edition



One to Many

13-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide





You can perform cross-plan analysis using the Discoverer User Edition. For example, reporting all Request Types and Causes by Supplier and Dates. See Also Oracle Discoverer User's Guide

Reporting 13-5

Tailoring Your Solution
This chapter covers the following topics: Overview of Tailoring Solutions Workflow Configuration Using Oracle Approval Management Tailoring E-mail Notifications Tips and Techniques Field Security Derive User Information using Assign-a-Value Lookup Feature Using SQL Validation Strings Dependent List of Values Custom Reports

Overview of Tailoring Solutions

This chapter illustrates how the solutions can be tailored to suit your organization requirements. Note: This chapter lists only examples for tailoring your implementation. The examples in this chapter are not part of Oracle's code; they have not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing.

Workflow Configuration
This solution includes generic workflow notifications for the Corrective Action set of collection plans. You can replace these workflows with your own workflows. You can design Workflow notification messages in your own format. Responses entered on the notification can be written back to collection plans.

Tailoring Your Solution 14-1

For example, you can build a new workflow based on a the Disposition Detail notification workflow: Send notification to the next approver (higher authority) Update the disposition record with an approval Reason Code from the notification

Refer to Appendix J for a list of seeded workflow notifications provided as part of the solution.

Starting Workflow Builder:

1. 2.

Copy the seeded workflow, Quality Generic Process, to a new workflow name. Modify the copied workflow.
Workflow Process Diagram for Nonconformance and Disposition Notification

14-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Modified Workflow Process Diagram for Corrective Action Notification

3. 4. 5.

Add a new item attribute, X_APPROVAL_REASON, to this workflow. Display this item attribute within the message body of the current workflow. Add a call to the standard qa_results_wf_pkg.process_update procedure, within the Process Updates step. It can then write back all item attributes with an X_ prefix. This includes the Approval Reason. Add a call to custom PL/SQL code for finding approver, within the Find Approver step. Sample PL/SQL code to achieve this is illustrated in Appendix C. This sample code is for illustration purposes only, and has not been tested or certified by Oracle.


Oracle Quality Setup:


Add an Approval Reason element to the Disposition Detail collection plan (See: Step 9 within Setup Steps) Replace the generic workflow, specified within the Workflow action (associated with the Send Notification element), with your new workflow. Add a new token, X_APPROVAL_REASON, to the Workflow action (associated with the Send Notification element) within the Disposition Detail. Map it to the Approval Reason element within the Disposition Detail. See Also Using Oracle Approval Management



Tailoring Your Solution 14-3

Using Oracle Approval Management

The Oracle Approval Management application can be utilized for managing CAR approval. This application enables you to define business rules governing approvals. For example: IF Severity = MEDIUM, then on approval is required. IF Severity = HIGH, then two approvals are required.

Once the rules have been defined, the workflow uses APIs (Approval Management) to find the next approver (Step 6) until all approvals are obtained or rejected.

Guidelines for Setting Up the Approval Process:

1. 2.

Register Corrective Actions as a new transaction type. Create Transaction attributes (Severity, Urgency, Request Type), which would be used in rules to determine approvers. Define Approval Rules. In the first step of your workflow process, call ame_api.setFirstAuthorityApprover with the user specified in the Send Notification To item. If you are using Oracle Approvals Management to determine the first approver, call ame_api.getNextApprover to obtain the identification of the first approver. During the Find Approver step of your workflow process, call ame_api.getNextApprover to obtain the identification of the next approver. If ame_api.getNextApprover returns empty ame_util.approverRecord, the transaction is approved. During the Notification step, call ame_api.updateApprovalStatus. This sends the approval status to Oracle Approvals Management. See Also How Should a Workflow use the OAM API to Manage Approvals?, Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide, Appendix C Oracle Workflow User's Guide Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide Oracle Workflow API Reference Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide Oracle Workflow Customization, Oracle White Paper, August 2002

3. 4.




14-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Tailoring E-mail Notifications

You can modify all e-mail notification message text, according to your business conventions. For example, you can include the Personal Home Page URL of Oracle Applications. Recipients of the e-mail are then easily directed to Oracle Applications, enabling ease in CAR response.

To tailor e-mail notifications:

1. 2.

(N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan Perform a query on the collection plan associated with the notification needing modification. Select the Send Email element. Choose Action. Select the Send an electronic email notification action, then choose Action Details. The Text area contains the notification's message text.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Tailoring Your Solution 14-5

E-mail Alert with Oracle Applications' URL

Tips and Techniques

This section gives you tips and techniques to tailor your solution according to your business needs. It covers topics like field security, derive user information using assign-a-value, look up feature using SQL validation strings, dependant list of values, and custom reports.

Field Security
Depending on your business needs, it might be desirable to make a critical element within a collection plan protected from update by specific users. For example the Implementation Status should be protected from update, within the Corrective Action Implementation plan, by the MFG and PROJMFG users. Below are the steps used to set this scenario up:

Step 1: Create a collection element to control record saving


(N) Quality: Setup > Collection Element

14-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide


Enter Save (or any unused name) as the Collection Element name, Attribute as the Collection Element Type, and Character as the Data Type. Save your work.


Step 2: Add elements and actions to your plan

1. 2.

(N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan Perform a query on your Corrective Action Implementation plan, and add the collection element, Save. Make sure it is enabled but not displayed. Add an action to Save. Action Trigger: When Save = 2 Action: Reject the input with the message, "this record is protected from update by the current user." Add the current action to Implementation Status. When Implementation Status is entered, assign a value to Save with the following SQL script:
Note: The SQL below is for example purposes. It is not part of

3. 4. 5.


Oracle's code; it has not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing.
SELECT c FROM (SELECT 2 c from dual WHERE: parameter.user_id in (1003612, 1003614) -- user id of users that should not be able to update the Implementation Status UNION ALL SELECT 1 FROM dual) WHERE rownum = 1

With this action in place, when MFG users (1003612) and PROJMFG users (1003614) attempt to update and save the disposition status, their input will be rejected and a message will display.

Tailoring Your Solution 14-7

Derive User Information using Assign-a-Value

Information about a user, such as e-mail address and telephone number, can be retrieved by using the action, Assign-a-Value, with a SQL statement. This technique is used often. For example, the Owner collection element assigns a value to Owner E-mail, based on the following SQL query:

Another example involves deriving the current user's telephone number information. This example is not included in the solution.

Setting up telephone information derivation:


Navigate to the Collection Element window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Element. Create a collection element. Navigate to the Collection Plan window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan. Query the plan that will receive the Telephone Number collection element. Add the Telephone Number element to the element block. Select a mandatory element and then choose Actions. Add the following action:
IF <collection element> is entered, assign a value to Telephone Number with SQL: SELECT p.work_telephone FROM PER_PEOPLE_F P, FND_USER U WHERE P.PERSON_ID = U.EMPLOYEE_ID AND U.USER_ID =: PARAMETER.USER_ID AND ROWNUM <= 1

2. 3. 4. 5.

Note: This SQL string is used for example purposes. It is not part of

Oracle's code; it has not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing.

14-8 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide


Save your work.

Lookup Feature Using SQL Validation Strings

SQL can be utilized as an element's list of values. This is widely used in this solution. For example, the Source Owner collection element list of values is based on the following SQL query:
SELECT pecx.full_name FROM per_employees_current_x pecx, fnd_user fu WHERE pecx.employee_id = fu.employee_id ORDER by full_name

Using SQL as the list of values of an element will simulate a lookup feature. For example, Supplier Contact Lookup (not included in the solution).

Setting up a SQL as a list of values:

After accomplishing the following setup tasks, when users enter Electrical into the TEST TYPE field, the PROBLEM CODE list of values will display Short, No Solder, and Broken Lead.

Navigate to the Collection Element window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Element. Create a Supplier Contact collection element. Enter the following SQL Validation String:
SELECT p.first_name ll ' ' ll p.last_name ll ' ' ll p.area_code ll '-' ll p.phone_code, v.vendor_name description FROM PO_VENDOR_CONTACTS P, PO_VENDOR_SITES S, PO_VENDORS V WHERE P.VENDOR_SITE_ID = S.VENDOR_SITE_ID AND S.VENDOR_ID = V.VENDOR_ID ORDER BY 2, 1

2. 3.

4. 5.

Navigate to the Collection Plan window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan. Query the plan that will receive the Supplier Contact collection element.

Tailoring Your Solution 14-9

6. 7.

Add the Supplier Contact element to the element block. Save your work. You can now display this element's list of values. You can use it to find the name and phone number of a contact person, for any supplier.
Note: This SQL string is used for example purposes. It is not part of

Oracle's code; it has not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing.

Dependent List of Values

The solution has not included any dependent lists of values. Displaying a different list of values for one element, depending on the value of another element, is a dependency example. For example, your business requires the PROBLEM CODE element value to depend on the TEST TYPE element value. The PROBLEM CODE values could be named with the following prefixes:
TEST TYPE Electrical Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Dependent PROBLEM CODE E - Short E - No Solder E - Broken Lead M - Damaged Component M - Corrosion M - Missing Pieces

Setting up a dependent list of values:

1. 2. 3.

Navigate to the Collection Plan window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan. Query your Nonconformance plan. Within the PROBLEM CODE element, choose Values. Enter the values within the

14-10 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

above table.

Within the TEST TYPE element, choose Actions. Enter the following actions: IF TEST TYPE is equal to Electrical, assign a value to PROBLEM CODE with value E%. IF TEST TYPE is equal to Mechanical, assign a value to PROBLEM CODE with value M%.


Save your work.

Custom Reports
You can write reports that are tailored to your business needs, using custom SQL. The Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configuration recommends custom SQL and a concurrent process to be defined, within a customer application (in this case, custom Quality).

Setting up a custom report:


Save your SQL under the directory, <custom Quality's base path>/sql/ (See: Applications DBA Duties, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide Configurationfor information on registering a new or custom application and where the Applications DBA specifies a base path for the application). Name it with your business' convention. Prefix it with custom Quality short name, and suffix it with .sql (XXCQA_CARREP.sql). Navigate to the Concurrent Program Executable window (N) System Administrator: Concurrent > Program > Executable. Define an executable with SQL *Plus program style.


Tailoring Your Solution 14-11

Define Concurrent Program Executable


(N) System Administrator: Concurrent > Program > Define. Define a process, Corrective Action Report. For example, use the above executable. Choose Parameters. Enter three parameters in the following order:
Parameter Value Set Corresponding Parameter in QACAR.sql &1 &2


Corrective Action Num Plan Prefix


The value sets are predefined and used for validation of parameter values.

14-12 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Concurrent Program Definition

Executing the custom report:


Within the Manufacturing and Distribution Superuser responsibility, navigate to the Submit Request window (N) Quality: Reports > Submit Request. Select Corrective Action Report from the Name list of values (or any name that you created while setting up), and submit the process. See Also Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configuration Sample Code for SQL*Plus Report for a description and the sample code of the custom report.


Tailoring Your Solution 14-13

Part 3
Audits Solution

Overview of Audits Solution

Audits Solution
The Quality Audits Solution enables you to plan, track, and measure the effectiveness of the Quality Management System (QMS). Quality Audit Solution gives a framework that helps you to standardize and streamline the process of conducting quality audits across the organization. It provides an electronic method to conduct audits and allows you to tailor the audit solution according to the business needs. It helps to identify quality systems problems across the organization as well as compare organizations in terms of compliance standards. The audits solution provides seeded parent-child collection plan templates that help to collect data and conduct quality audits. You can also store audit questions in the Audits Questions Bank and re-use them in different audits based on the scope of each audit.

Solution Templates
Audit Solution Templates comprise of seeded collection plans that can be copied, modified and implemented to conduct audits.

The objectives of the Quality Audits Solution are to perform the following business functions: To establish the level of compliance to published standards To document any corrective actions needed To assist in the review processes and identify any weaknesses, risks and areas of future improvement To track previously identified non-conformances and monitor the implementation the required corrections

Overview of Audits Solution 15-1

In order to achieve the objectives, the audits solution templates contain the following: Seeded collection elements and associated lookup values for some of the seeded elements Seeded Template collection plans and corresponding values and actions Parent-child collection plan structure with seeded collection elements and collection element in-list values Copy collection process and logging of corrective action Seeded workflow for sending pre-configured workflow notifications

The following table gives the key features provided with the audits solution:
Key Feature Audit Initiation and Lifecycle Tracking Supported Activities Initiate and create a audit number to track its lifecycle Record the scope and objectives of the audit Attach policies and standards for auditors to review Define audit area and assign lead auditor for that area Create or copy questions for the audit Notify personnel of the upcoming audit Enable auditors to record findings of the audit Review and record if procedures are adequate and compliant Log Corrective Action Requests if needed Review if corrective actions have been implemented and end audit lifecycle by closing the audit

15-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Key Feature Copy audit questions from a Question Bank

Supported Activities Choose and copy the relevant audit questions from the Question Bank for the audit that has been initiated Ability to add attachments like additional unstructured information such as evidence, multimedia files, etc., to collection results and collection plans User access to the system can be restricted so that User Groups and "Grant Privileges will be used to grant or restrict the ability to enter, update, delete or view Quality Results as well as change plan setup The implementer of the system can choose the data elements that need audit trail by using the history collection plans

Attachments support for additional documents, references, evidence or standards

Security and Privileges

Audit Trail through "History" collection plans

Overview of Audits Solution 15-3

Implementation Considerations

Overview of Implementation Considerations

This chapter contains general implementation considerations for the Audits Quality Solution. Once implemented, you will have the audits solution collection plans to collect all the information you need to initiate, conduct audits across the enterprise as well as log and track corrective actions.

The following are the prerequisites to implement the audits solution: Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Family Pack 1 Knowledge of Oracle Quality's functionality and capabilities, including Parent-Child Collection Plans (See Oracle Quality User's Guide)

Types of Audits
Audits addressed by the quality audits system are compliance based audit that measure processes in your organization according to a set standard and management based audits that focus on results that help auditors review the processes and question how they are accomplished. Following are the types of audits that you can execute:

Internal Audits within an Organization

You can initiate, track and monitor the process of an audit throughout its lifecycle within an organization. You can modify the audits solution to work with different business divisions within the organization. You can define audits for each audit area in the organization, assign auditor/audit teams, log and track corrective action throughout the lifecycle of each audit.

Implementation Considerations 16-1

External Audits of Suppliers

You can conduct Audits at supplier's locations the same way you conduct internal audits. You will have access to the supplier information and can record the findings on the basis of the suppliers to an audit questionnaire.

Audits Solution Implementation Tasks

To implement the Quality Audits solution, you will need different user roles to perform different tasks. You can identify factors that you need to consider for your organization and do the necessary modifications prior to using the audits solution. The tasks are as follows: System Administrator Tasks To implement the audit solution, the applications system administrator will copy the Audit Solution Template that is a set of parent-child collection plans using the "Copy Collection Plans" program. After copying the solution template, the administrator modifies it to suit the business and implementation needs. The administrator can add, delete, and updates the collection elements and its values; update parent child relationships, and make certain collection elements mandatory etc. This modified template is the Master audit solution template. The administrator will copy this Master Audit Solution to organizations where audits will be implemented. The applications system administrator can also build audit reports using the Quality Results Report Writer or Oracle Discoverer based on the audit reporting needs of the audit system users and publish them on the company's intranet. Audit Setup Tasks The Lead Auditor will initiate the audits using the Audits menu to create an audit, enter the planned audit dates, and assign the auditors/teams for these for each audit area. The lead auditor or the assigned auditor for a given audit and audit area, will copy the audit questions that are relevant to the audit from the audit question bank. Audit Execution Tasks Depending on the roles and privileges assigned, the user enters the audit response, observations and findings related to the audit. Different menu options are available for the users to enter the information. Based on the findings, the lead auditor initiates the necessary corrective actions. Audit Inquiry/Reporting Tasks

16-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Valid Values
The solution has included commonly used values for validation of some collection elements. These values can be modified to your valid values, according to your business rules. Some of these elements are listed below: Audit Type Audit Standard Audit Status

Audits Identification
When you initiate an audit, you generate a unique ID for tracking the audit during its lifecycle.

Audits Solution Data Privileges

Use the collection plan security feature during implementation to set roles and privileges of the users of the audits solution. This would allow the users access of only the relevant data they need. The security features use "User Groups" and "Grant Privileges" to grant or restrict the ability to enter, update, delete or view Quality Results and change plan setup.

Implementation Roadmap
The following processes flows illustrate the general flow of an audit lifecycle.

Implementation Considerations 16-3

Audits Planning and Scheduling Business Flow

The diagram traces the audits business flow from the initiation of an audit till the audit is scheduled for execution. To implement the initiation of an audit, you will copy the Audit Solution Template provided, modify it to suit your organization's needs, assign the lead auditor, and determine the scope and policies of the audit. The lead auditor will determine the audit areas, and auditors/audit teams, prepare the plan, schedules and distribute it for the audit execution.

16-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Audits Execution, Reporting, and Follow-up

This diagram traces the audits business flow from the beginning of its execution to the close or follow-up of the audit. To execute the audit, you will send out the pre-determined questionnaire to the auditees, evaluate the responses, collect data and determine if the evidence is enough. You will also determine if there are any negative findings for which you will log corrective actions, and plan follow-up actions to see that the corrective action is implemented. If satisfied with the audit, you will close the audit.

Implementation Check List

This check list provides you with a quick reference on the process and the sequence of steps needed to implement the quality audits solution:

Install Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Family Pack 1.

Set Up
Copy the Audits Solution Template using the Copy Collection program. Modify the plan to suit your business needs. Determine scope, policies and audit areas.

Implementation Considerations 16-5

Identify Lead Auditor, auditors, and audit teams.

Refer to chapter 17 Setting Up for more details and the subsequent steps required for execution.

Audits Implementation
Initiate an internal audit within your organization. Initiate an external audit of suppliers. Log corrective action if necessary.

Reporting and Tailoring your Solution

Generate audit reports on the findings for management review. Tailor your solution which includes workflow configuration and email notifications to suit your business needs.

16-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Setting Up

Overview of Setting Up
The Audits Solution is a set of template collection plans and related seed data. To use the audits solution, set up real collection plans and modify it to meet business needs. You would need to do the following: Create the Audit Plan from the seeded Audit template plans. Setup the sequence parameters for the collection elements Audit Num and Audit Finding Num. Verify whether Audit specific workflow definitions were loaded. Create Audit questions in the Question Bank after copying the Question Bank plan from the template.

Setup Prerequisites
Prior to setting up the solutions you need to create and copy the template plan in the Master organization to selected organizations. You can create users and grant them privileges to modify or update the templates. Following are the steps you need to verify before setting up the audits solution:

Verify Seeded Collection Elements:

1. 2.

Navigate to Quality >Setup >Collection Elements and choose your organization. In the Define Collection element form query all the seeded collection elements.

Setting Up 17-1

Verify the Plan Templates and the Plan Types:

1. 2.

Navigate to Quality > Setup and choose the organization. Copy the Audit Collection Plan templates into the organization using the Setup > Copy collection plans Query and verify the collection plan data definition. You now have a new Audits collection plan type that can be launched by navigating to Setup> Collection Plan types.

3. 4.

Verify Seeded Collection Plan Parent Child Relationships:

1. 2.

Navigate to Quality > Setup > Inquiries > Parent Child Plan Inquiries. In the Update/Inquire Parent Child Collection Plan relationship page , select the organization where the Audit Collection Plans are setup Select the Parent Plan from the list of values and click on Go. Repeat for all the relationships defined.


Verify that the Audit Question Bank has been Populated:

Importing Audit Questions from the Question Bank

Verify that Audit Question Bank Collection plan has been copied from the template and is available in the Organization. Insert the Question Bank Data into the Question bank. Navigate to Quality: Audit Administration: Import Audit Questions. Go to Update Collection Import and verify the process status of the records. Go to View Quality Results form to confirm that the data has been inserted into the Audit Question Bank Collection Plan.

2. 3.


Copying Audit Questions Navigate to Quality: Audits: Audit Setup: Copy Audit Questions. You can copy audit questions for a specific audit standard. You can copy audit questions from multiple standards. You can copy audit questions from multiple question categories for a specific audit standard and audit section.

17-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

You can copy audit questions from multiple question categories for specific audit standard, audit section, and audit area. You can copy audit questions from multiple question categories for specific audit standard, audit section, audit area, and question category.

Setting up Audits Solution

The following is a setup checklist:
Setup Checklist

Copy Audit Solution Template Copy Audit Solution Question Bank Modify Collection Plans Enter/Update Audit Question Bank Build Reports

Set Up Steps
Step 1. Copy Audit Solution Template:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Navigate to the Copy Collections Plan page. Select Template from the Collection Plan Type list of values. Select Template Audit Master Plan from Collection Plan Name. Click on Search. The Audit Solution Template parent-child plans will be displayed. Click on Copy. Enter Collection plan name for each of the collection plans in the New Plan Name field. Enter the Destination Organization. Click Finish to complete the copy set up step of Audit Solution Template.

8. 9.

Setting Up 17-3

Step 2. Copy Audit Solution Question Bank:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Navigate to the Copy Collections Plan page. Select Template from the Collection Plan Type list of values. Select Template Audit Question Bank Plan from Collection Plan Name. Click on Search. You will see the Audit Question bank plan displayed. Click on Copy. Enter Collection plan name for each of the collection plans in the New Plan Name field. Enter the Destination Organization. Click Finish to complete the copy set up step of Audit Solution Question Bank.

8. 9.

Step 3. Modify Collection Plans:

Once you copy the Audit Solution Template, you will see the parent-child collection plan structure. To implement and use the Audits solution you will need to do the following to modify the collection plan to suit your needs: Update Collection Elements You will need to complete the set up of Sequence Data Type Collection elements which are the Audit Number and the Audit Findings.
1. 2.

Navigate to Quality: Set Up: Collection Elements. Create additional collection elements as required by you.

Update Collection Plans

1. 2. 3. 4.

You can modify the list of values for the collection elements. You can add or remove collection elements. You can modify the seeded actions. You can add any new actions.

Step 4. Update Collection Plan Relationships:


Navigate to Quality: Audits: Audit Administration: Update Audit Plan

17-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide


Modify the seeded plan relationships that are available as part of the audit template and the associated criteria and copy relationships to suit your needs. Establish a parent-child relationship to the CAR collection plan, so you can log a corrective action request should an audit finding necessitate that.


Step 5. Set Up Collection Plan Security:

This is an optional step that you can use to give access, restrict or grant privileges.

Navigate to Quality: Set up: Users Group. You can restrict or give access to different users. Navigate to Quality: Set Up: Grant Privileges. You can restrict or grant privileges to different users.


Step 6. Enter/Update Audit Question Bank:

There are two ways to enter/update the questions in the audit question bank plan:

Navigate to Quality: Audits: Audit Administration: Add/Update Question Bank. Enter audits questions directly into the audit question bank collection plan. Navigate to Quality: Audits: Audit Administration: Import Audit Questions. You can also import audit questions into the audits question bank collection plan.


Step 7. Build Reports:

You can build either simple or detailed reports based on the audit finding for management review.

To build a simple report based on a single collection plan, use Quality Results ReportWriter. Navigate to Quality: Set Up: Quality Results ReportWriter.. Once you build the report navigate to Quality: Audits: Audit Inquiry and Reporting and submit the report. To build a detailed and complex report based on parent-child collection plan data and cross-organization reports use Oracle Discoverer-Quality integration.



Setting Up 17-5


Overview of Implementation
Once you have completed the set up steps, you are ready to implement the audits solution.

To Use the Audits Solution

Initiate Audit Prepare for the Audit Conduct the Audit Evaluate Evidence, Log Observation and Findings Review the Audit and Log Corrective Action Requests Follow-up Audit and/or Close Audit Audit Reporting

Process Steps
Step 1. Initiate Audit:
Use the Audit Master Plan to initiate the audit.

Navigate to Quality: Audits: Audit Set Up: Initiate Audit. Choose Organization and Collection Plan. Generate audit number and identify audit team by entering the details like Lead


Implementation 18-1

Auditor, Internal Auditor, Auditee, Standard, and Start and End Dates.
3. 4.

Record the scope and objectives of the audits. You can also attach the policies, procedures, and other reference documents that you will use to conduct the audit If you are using Oracle Projects to plan and schedule the audit, you can reference the project and task number in the Audit Master plan. You can notify personnel of upcoming audit through email and workflow notifications.



Step 2. Prepare for the Audit:


Copy the questions from the audit question bank to the audit being conducted by navigating to Quality: Audits: Audits Setup: Copy Audit Question. Select Organization Code. This would be the organization where the audit question bank is maintained. Select Audit Question Bank Name, which would be the collection plan containing all the audit questions that you copied during the set up. The other search criteria are optional. To copy only the audit questions from a particular audit standard, section, etc., you can enter these fields to narrow down the search. Click on Go. The audit questions that relate to your search criteria will display. To see the details of the audit questions, you can expnad each one and click on the hyperlink. Select the questions relevant to the audit you are conducting and click on Copy to Audit Plan. Enter the Organization and the Target Audit Question and Response Plan to which you want to copy the audit questions. Enter the Audit Number and click on Apply. You will receive a confirmation message.







8. 9.

Step 3. Conduct the Audit:

1. 2.

Navigate to Quality: Audits: Audits Execution: Execute and Update Audit. Begin by querying the Audit Master Plan.

18-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

3. 4.

Navigate to the child - the Audit Question Plan. Enter your responses to the audit questions.

Step 4. Evaluate Evidence, Log Observations and Findings:

1. 2.

Navigate to the Audits Finding Collection Plan. Enter your comments, observations and findings.

Step 5. Review Audits and Log Corrective Action Requests:

1. 2.

Navigate to the CAR collection plan from the audit findings collection plan. Depending on the audit findings, log a corrective action request (CAR).

Step 6. Follow-up Audit and/or Close Audit:


After reviewing the audit finding ascertaining that the findings are meeting the compliance standards, you can close the audit. Alternatively, if you find the audit findings not complying to the standards, and you have logged a CAR, you can schedule a follow-up audit.


Step 7. Audit Reporting:


You can now generate a report of the audit you have conducted and submit it to for management review.

Audits Solution Process

The Audits Solution provides support for the business functions depicted in the functional hierarchy as given in the diagram:

Implementation 18-3

The following diagrams illustrate the process flow and life cycle of both internal audits and external audits:

Internal Audit Process Flow

18-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

External Audit Process Flow

Implementation 18-5


Reporting Overview
Reports on Corrective Action information can be created using the following tools: Quality Results Report Writer - Generate reports on a single collection plan (Corrective Action Request or Corrective Action Implementation) Oracle Discoverer - Generate reports that analyze data across multiple plans and providing an enterprise view of corrective action requests across multiple organizations.

Quality Results Report Writer

The Oracle Quality Results Report Writer is used to build simple reports on Audits, based on a single collection plan. Following is a list of some of the reports that can be generated: All Audits that are open and its summary details All audits and its results during a specific period Audit findings of a particular audit All nonconformances /major findings of an Audit Audit Questions from a particular Quality Standard

Oracle Discoverer
Oracle Discoverer enables you to analyze Audits throughout your enterprise. Data from application schema is organized into Folders within Discoverer. The following are steps to build folders for audits:

Reporting 19-1

The following are the steps to build folders for audit analysis:

Open business area, Quality Data Collection Analysis, using the Admin edition of Discoverer. Create Folders in this area from the following views: Q_<AUDIT MASTER PLAN>_V
Note: <AUDIT MASTER PLAN> refers to the name of your


collection plan with spaces replaced by an underscore. the views are created dynamically when the collection plan is created or updated. The columns in the view correspond with the collection elements within the collection plan.



Create Joins for these folders: One to Many Q_<AUDIT MASTER PLAN>_V.AUDIT_NUMBER


You can perform cross-plan analysis using Oracle Discoverer User Edition. For example, reporting all Defects and Causes by Supplier and time period. See Also Oracle Discoverer User's Guide

19-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Tailoring Your Solution

Overview of Tailoring Your Solutions

This chapter illustrates how the solutions can be tailored to suit your organization requirements. This chapter lists only examples for tailoring your implementation.The examples in this chapter are not part of Oracle's code; they have not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing.

Workflow Configuration
This solution includes generic workflow notifications for the Audit set of collection plans. You can replace these workflows with your own workflows. You can design Workflow notification messages in your own format. Responses entered on the notification can be written back to collection plans. Send notification to the next approver (higher authority)

Refer to Appendix M for a list of seeded workflow notifications provided as part of the audits solution. See: Workflow Configuration in Tailoring your Solution chapter for Nonconformances and Disposition Solution and the Corrective Action Requests.

Tailoring E-mail Notifications

You can modify all e-mail notification message text, according to your business conventions. For example, you can include the Personal Home Page URL of Oracle Applications. Recipients of the e-mail are then easily directed to Oracle Applications, enabling ease in Audit response.

Tailoring Your Solution 20-1

To tailor e-mail notifications:

1. 2.

(N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan Perform a query on the collection plan associated with the notification needing modification. Select the Send Email element. Choose Action. Select the Send an electronic email notification action, then choose Action Details. The text area contains the notification's message text.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Tips and Techniques

Refer to the Tips and Techniques given in the Nonconformance and Disposition Solutions.

20-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Structure

Overview of Seeded Plan Structure

The following graphic represents a pictorial format of the seeded template collection plan structure.
Nonconformance Collection Plan Structure

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Structure A-1

Disposition Collection Plan Structure:

A-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details

Overview of Seeded Template Collection Plan Details

This appendix lists all seeded template collection plans and elements for the nonconformance and disposition solution.

Template Supplier Nonconformance Record Plan

This collection plan enables the supplier to report or log a nonconformance related to the material on a purchase order, related to an outside services job that was sent for processing to the supplier site, and log Product Change Requests or other type of improvement activities. The Supplier Nonconformance plan contains the following collection elements:
Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 Collection Element Name Supplier PO Number PO Line Number PO Release Number PO Shipment Nonconformance Source Prompt Supplier PO Number Line Rel Shipment Nonconformance Source

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-1

Prompt Sequence 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260

Collection Element Name Nonconform Item Type Item Revision Supplier Lot Number Quantity UOM Component Item Component Revision Component Lot Number Component Serial Number Component UOM Quantity Nonconforming Nonconforming UOM Short Description Nonconform Severity Nonconform Priority Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Project Number Task Number

Prompt Nonconform Item Type Item Rev Supplier Lot Quantity UOM Component Item Rev Comp Lot Number Comp Serial Number UOM Quantity Nonconforming Nonconforming UOM Short Description Nonconform Severity Nonconform Priority Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Project No Task No

B-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380

Collection Element Name Contract Number Contract Line Number Deliverable Number Job From Op Seq Number Operation Code From Intraoperation Step Email Address Distribution List Owner Send Email Entered by User

Prompt Contract Number Contract Line Number Deliverable Number Job From Op Seq From Operation Code From Intraop Email Address Distribution List Owner Send Email? User Name

Action Number

Collection Element Supplier

Condition and Value Is entered

Action Invoked


Execute a SQL Script

To update Nonconformanc e Master with Supplier Nonconformanc e information -

Send Email

Equals YES

Send an electronic email notification

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-3

Template Nonconformance Master Plan

This plan is a central repository of all nonconformances that have been reported in your organization. The reported nonconformances can be from multiple sources such as Supplier, In-Process, Maintenance, and Service. The collection elements can be grouped into Folders to provide contextual information, as well as ease of use: The Nonconformance Master plan contains the following collection elements:
Prompt Sequence Folder (For reference only - not seeded) General Collection Element Name Prompt


Nonconformance Number Nonconformance Source Short Description Detailed Description Nonconform Severity Nonconform Priority Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Nonconform Item Type Item Revision Quantity UOM

Nonconformance Number Nonconformance Source Description Detailed Description Nonconform Severity Nonconform Priority Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Nonconform Item Type Item Rev Quantity UOM



30 40 50 60 70

General General General General General





100 110 120 130

General General General General

B-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence

Folder (For reference only - not seeded) General

Collection Element Name



Quantity Nonconforming Nonconforming UOM Nonconformance Status Owner Email Address Distribution List Send Email Entered by User Date Opened Date Closed Days to Close Job From Op Seq Number Operation Code From Intraoperation Step Department To Op Seq Number To Operation Code

Quantity Nonconforming Nonconforming UOM Nonconformance Status Owner Email Address Distribution List Send Email? Entered by User Date Opened Date Closed Days to Close Job From Op Seq From Operation Code From Intraop





170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280

General General General General General General General General In-Process In-Process In-Process In-Process

290 300 310

In-Process In-Process In-Process

Dept To Op Seq To Operation Code

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-5

Prompt Sequence

Folder (For reference only - not seeded) In-Process

Collection Element Name



To Intraoperation Step To Department Production Line Line Operation Component Item Component Revision Component UOM Component Lot Number Component Serial Number Component Subinventory Component Locator Project Number Task Number Contract Number Contract Line Number Deliverable Number Subinventory

To Intraop Step

330 340 350 360 370 380 390

In-Process In-Process In-Process In-Process In-Process In-Process In-Process

To Dept Production Line Line Operation Component Item Component Revision Component UOM Component Lot Number Component Serial Number Component Sub





420 430 440 450 460

In-Process Projects Projects Projects Projects

Component Locator Project Number Task Number Contract Number Contract Line Number Deliverable Number Sub

470 480

Projects Inventory

B-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence

Folder (For reference only - not seeded) Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory Supplier Supplier Supplier Supplier Supplier Supplier Supplier Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Maintenance

Collection Element Name


490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670

Locator Lot Number Serial Number License Plate Number Lot Status Serial Status Supplier PO Number PO Line Number PO Release Number PO Shipment Supplier Lot Number PO Receipt Number Customer Sales Order Number SO Line Number RMA Number RMA Line Number Asset Group

Locator Lot Number Serial Number License Plate Number Lot Status Serial Status Supplier PO Number PO Line Number Rel Shipment Supplier Lot Number PO Receipt Number Customer Sales Order Number SO Line Number RMA Number RMA Line Number Asset Group

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-7

Prompt Sequence

Folder (For reference only - not seeded) Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance

Collection Element Name


680 690 700

Asset Activity Asset Number Maintenance Work Order Service Request Incident Type Item Instance Item Instance Lot Item Instance Serial

Asset Activity Asset Number Work Order

710 720 730 740 750

Service Service Service Service Service

Service Request Incident Type Item Instance Item Instance Lot Item Instance Serial Number Process Name Process Step Workflow Notification Send Notification To Process Batch Number Process Batch Step Num Process Operation Process Activity Process Resource

760 770 780

Process Process Workflow

Process Name Process Step Workflow Notification Send Notification To Process Batch Number Process Batch Step Num Process Operation Process Activity Process Resource

790 830

Workflow Process



850 860 870

Process Process Process

B-8 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence

Folder (For reference only - not seeded) Process

Collection Element Name



Process Parameter

Process Parameter

Relationship Number 1

Parent Plan

Child Plan

Data Entry Mode History

Element Relationships All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail Nonconformanc e number, Item, and Component item information is copied to child plan Some elements are copied to child plan Some elements are copied to child plan

Template Nonconformanc e Master Plan

Template Nonconformanc e Master Record History Plan Template Nonconformanc e Detail Plan

Template Nonconformanc e Master Plan


Template Nonconformanc e Master Plan Template Nonconformanc e Master Plan

Template WIP Component Segregation Template Inventory Segregation



Action Number

Collection Element Send Email

Condition and Value Equals YES

Action Invoked


Send an electronic email notification Assign a Value to a collection element

Date Opened

Is Empty

Make Date opened as current date

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-9

Action Number

Collection Element Nonconformanc e

Condition and Value Equals CLOSED

Action Invoked


Assign a value to a collection element Assign a Value to a collection element Assign a Value to a collection element

Update Date Closed with current date Calculate the Days to Close

Days to Close

Date Closed is entered


Is entered

The e-mail address of the owner is assigned to Email Address Sends a workflow notification

Workflow Notification

Equals YES

Launch a Workflow

Template Maintenance Nonconformance Record Plan

The Maintenance Nonconformance plan contains the following collection elements:
Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Collection Element Name Asset Group Asset Activity Asset Number Nonconformance Source Maintenance Work Order Quantity Quantity Nonconforming Prompt Asset Group Asset Activity Asset Number Nonconformance Source Work Order Quantity Quantity Nonconforming

B-10 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

Collection Element Name Nonconforming UOM Short Description Nonconform Severity Nonconform Priority Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Email Address Distribution List Owner Send Email Entered by User Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Prompt Nonconforming UOM Description Nonconform Severity Nonconform Priority Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Email Address Distribution List Owner Send Email? Entered by User Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Action Number

Collection Element Nonconformanc e Source

Condition and Value Is entered

Action Invoked


Execute a SQL Script

To update Nonconformanc e Master with Maintenance Nonconformanc e information -

Send Email

Equals YES

Send an electronic email notification

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-11

Action Number

Collection Element Workflow Notification

Condition and Value Equals YES

Action Invoked


Launch a Workflow

Sends a workflow notification

Template Nonconformance Detail Plan

This collection plan captures the detail of a nonconformance. It is assumed that each nonconformance reported in the master collection plan can have multiple reasons or causes, requiring each master record to be fragmented into detail records. It is possible that the person logging the nonconformance is not in a position to perform additional analysis or identify the cause of defect. This collection plan enables you to review, analyze, and perform other actions associated with the lifecycle of a nonconformance, such as assign action and maintain history. At the end of a nonconformance lifecycle, the decision regarding a disposition action is made, and that execution is relayed to the Disposition Management set of collection plans. The Nonconformance Detail plan contains the following collection elements:
Plan Details Prompt Sequence Folder (For reference only - not seeded) General Collection Element Name Prompt


Nonconformance Number Nonconform Line Num Nonconformance Source Nonconform Item Type Defect Code Cause Code

Nonconformance Number Nonconform Line Num Nonconformance Source Nonconform Item Type Defect Code Cause Code







50 60

General General

B-12 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence

Folder (For reference only - not seeded) General

Collection Element Name



Nonconform Line Status Entered by User Item Revision Quantity Nonconforming Nonconforming UOM Lot Number Serial Number Component Item Component Revision Component UOM Component Lot Number Component Serial Number Note Type Notes Action Executed Action Executed By

Nonconform Line Status Entered by User Item Rev Quantity Nonconforming Nonconforming UOM Lot Number Serial Number Component Item Component Revision Component UOM Component Lot Number Component Serial Number Note Type Notes Action Executed Action Executed By

80 90 100 110

General Material Material Material



130 140 150 160 170 180

Material Material Material Material Material Material



200 210 220 230

Notes Notes Action Executed Action Executed

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-13

Prompt Sequence

Folder (For reference only - not seeded) Action Assignment Action Assignment Action Assignment Action Assignment Action Assignment Action Assignment Action Assignment

Collection Element Name


240 250 260 270 280 290 300

Action Type Action Description Action Assigned To Email Address Distribution List Send Email Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Action Type Action Description Action Assigned To Email Address Distribution List Send Email Workflow Notification Send Notification To


Action Assignment

Parent-Child Relationships Relationship Number 1 Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode History Element Relationships All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail The nonconformance specific elements are copied to the child plan

Template Nonconformanc e Detail Plan

Template Nonconformanc e Detail History Plan Template Disposition Header Plan

Template Nonconformanc e Detail Plan


B-14 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Seeded Collection Plan Actions Action Number Collection Element Action Assigned to Condition and Value Is entered Action Invoked Comment

Assign a value to a collection element

The e-mail address of the assignee is assigned to Email Address -

Send email

Equals YES

Send an electronic email notification Launch a Workflow

Workflow Notification

Equals YES

Sends a workflow notification

Template WIP Component Segregation

This collection plan enables you to move or return nonconforming components found in Oracle Work In Process to a Material Review Board/Quarantine Subinventory. The Collection Plan contains the following collection elements:
Plan Details Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 Collection Element Name Nonconformance Number Nonconformance Source Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Nonconform Item Type Default Values Prompt Nonconformance Number Nonconformance Source Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Nonconform Item Type Default Values?

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-15

Prompt Sequence 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260

Collection Element Name Item Job From Op Seq Number Quantity Nonconforming Nonconforming UOM Component Item Component Revision Component Lot Number Component Serial Number Subinventory Locator Transaction Date Reason Code Disposition Status Disposition Message Concurrent Request ID Launch Action Action Fired Owner Email Address

Prompt Item Job From Op Seq Quantity Nonconforming Nonconforming UOM Component Item Rev Comp Lot Number Comp Serial Number Subinventory Locator Transaction Date Reason Code Segregation Status Segregation Message Concurrent Request ID Launch Action Action Fired Owner Email Address

B-16 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 270 280 290

Collection Element Name Distribution List Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Prompt Distribution List Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Parent-Child Relationships Relationship Number 1 Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode History Element Relationships All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail

Template WIP Component Segregation

Template WIP Component Segregation History Plan

Seeded Collection Plan Actions Action Number Collection Element Default Values Condition and Value Equals YES Action Invoked Comment

Assign a value to a collection element

Multiple collection element values are assigned, based on the nonconformance number from the Nonconformanc e Master plan WIP component return transaction triggered E-mail sent on status of the segregation

Launch Action

Equals YES

Execute a SQL Script

Disposition Status


Send an electronic mail notification

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-17

Action Number

Collection Element Workflow Notification

Condition and Value Equals YES

Action Invoked


Launch a Workflow

Sends a workflow notification

Template Inventory Segregation

Using Move Orders, this plan enables you to move nonconforming material, found in Inventory, to a Material Review Board or Quarantine Subinventory. This Collection Plan contains the following collection elements:
Plan Details Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Collection Element Name Nonconformance Number Nonconformance Source Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Nonconform Item Type Default Values Item Revision Quantity Nonconforming Nonconforming UOM Subinventory Locator Prompt Nonconformance Number Nonconformance Source Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Nonconform Item Type Default Values? Item Rev Quantity Nonconforming Nonconforming UOM Subinventory Locator

B-18 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300

Collection Element Name Lot Number Serial Number To Subinventory To Locator Date Required Project Number Task Number Disposition Status Disposition Message Move Order Number Concurrent Request ID Launch Action Action Fired Owner Email Address Distribution List Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Prompt Lot Number Serial Number To Subinventory To Locator Date Required Project Number Task Number Segregation Status Segregation Message Move Order Number Concurrent Request ID Launch Action Action Fired Owner Email Address Distribution List Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-19

Parent-Child Relationships Relationship Number 1 Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode History Element Relationships All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail

Template Inventory Segregation

Template Inventory Segregation History Plan

Seeded Collection Plan Actions Action Number Collection Element Default Values Condition and Value Equals YES Action Invoked Comment

Assign a value to a collection element

Multiple collection element values are assigned, based on the nonconformance number from the Nonconformanc e Master plan Move order is created E-mail sent on status of the segregation Sends a workflow notification

Launch Action

Equals YES

Execute a SQL Script Send an electronic mail notification Launch a Workflow

Disposition Status


Workflow Notification

Template Disposition Header Plan

This Disposition Header collection plan contains the following collection elements:

B-20 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Plan Details Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Collection Element Name Disposition Source Source Reference ID Source Ref Line ID Disposition Number Item Disposition Quantity Disposition UOM Disposition Disposition Status Disposition Desc Disposition Owner Owner Email Default Values Source Owner Source Owner Email Entered by User Send Email Date Opened Date Closed Prompt Disposition Source Source Reference ID Source Reference Line ID Disposition Number Item Disposition Quantity Disposition UOM Disposition Disposition Status Disposition Description Disposition Owner Owner Email Default Values Source Owner Source Owner Email Entered by User Send Email Date Opened Date Closed

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-21

Prompt Sequence 200 210 220

Collection Element Name Days to Close Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Prompt Days to Close Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Parent-Child Relationships Relationship Number 1 Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Delayed Element Relationships Some elements copied to child plan All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail

Template Disposition Header Plan Template Disposition Header Plan

Template Disposition Detail Plan Template Disposition Header History Plan


Seeded Collection Plan Actions Action Number Collection Element Default Values Condition and Value Equals YES Action Invoked Comment

Assign a value to a collection element

Multiple collection element values are assigned, based on the nonconformance number from the Nonconformanc e Master plan E-mail address is assigned

Disposition Owner

Is entered

Assign a value to a collection element

B-22 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Action Number

Collection Element Send Email

Condition and Value Equals YES

Action Invoked


Send an electronic mail notification Assign a value to a collection element Assign a value to a collection element Assign a value to a collection element Launch a Workflow

E-mail sent on disposition details Current date is assigned to Date Opened Date Closed value is assigned

Date Opened

Is empty

Disposition Status


Date Closed

Is entered

Days to Close is calculated

Workflow Notification

Equals YES

Sends a workflow notification

Template Disposition Detail Plan

The Disposition Detail collection plan contains the following collection elements:
Plan Details Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 Collection Element Name Disposition Source Source Reference ID Source Ref Line ID Disposition Number Disposition Line Num Prompt Disposition Source Source Reference ID Source Reference Line ID Disposition Number Disposition Line Number

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-23

Prompt Sequence 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250

Collection Element Name Default Values Item Revision Lot Number Serial Number Job Component Item Component Revision Component Lot Number Component Serial Number Subinventory Locator License Plate Number PO Number PO Line Number PO Release Number PO Receipt Number PO Shipment Disposition Quantity Disposition UOM

Prompt Default Values Item Rev Lot Number Serial Number Job Component Item Component Revision Component Lot Number Component Serial Number Subinventory Locator License Plate Number PO Number PO Line Number Rel PO Receipt Number Shipment Disposition Quantity Disposition UOM

B-24 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400

Collection Element Name Disposition Disposition Action Disposition Status Disposition Line Desc Implementation By Email Address Distribution List Disposition Owner Owner Email Source Owner Source Owner Email Send Email Disposition Module Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Prompt Disposition Disposition Action Disposition Status Disposition Line Desc Action Assigned to Email Address Distribution List Disposition Owner Owner Email Source Owner Source Owner Email Send Email Disposition Module Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-25

Parent-Child Relationships Relationship Number 1 Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Delayed with criteria Disposition Module = WIP Element Relationships Some elements are copied to child plan

Template Disposition Detail Plan

Template In-Process related Disposition Action and Result Template Inventory related Disposition Action and Result Template Disposition Detail History Plan

Template Disposition Detail Plan

Delayed with criteria Disposition Module = INV

Some elements are copied to child plan

Template Disposition Detail Plan


All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail

Seeded Collection Plan Actions Action Number Collection Element Default Values Condition and Value Equals YES Action Invoked Comment

Assign a value to a collection element

Multiple collection element values are assigned, based on the nonconformance number from the Nonconformanc e Master plan E-mail address is assigned

Implementation by

Is entered

Assign a value to a collection element

B-26 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Action Number

Collection Element Send Email

Condition and Value Equals YES

Action Invoked


Send an electronic mail notification Assign a value to a collection element Launch a Workflow

E-mail sent on disposition details Disposition Module is assigned Sends a workflow notification

Disposition Action

Equals a given set of values

Workflow Notification

Equals YES

Template In-Process related Disposition Action and Result

This plan executes the Disposition Actions, WIP Scrap, Create Rework Job, WIP Component Issue and WIP Component Return, Create Rework Operation, and Move to Rework Operation. The plan uses some of the context elements captured during the creation of a nonconformance and enables you to update it. During the time the nonconformance is logged and the disposition action is executed, the reference context might be stale; you can update it for this reason. The plan contains the following collection elements:
Plan Details Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 Collection Element Name Disposition Source Source Reference ID Source Ref Line ID Disposition Number Disposition Line Num Disposition Prompt Disposition Source Source Reference ID Source Reference Line ID Disposition Number Disposition Line Number Disposition

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-27

Prompt Sequence 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260

Collection Element Name Disposition Action Default Values Item Job Maintenance Work Order New Rework Job Rework Job Job Class Start Date End Date Bill Reference BOM Revision Routing Reference Routing Revision Rework Op Seq Number Rework Operation Code Rework Department Resource Seq Num Resource Code Assigned Units

Prompt Disposition Action Default Values Item Job Maintenance Work Order New Rework Job Rework Job Name Job Class Start Date End Date Bill Reference Item BOM Revision Routing Reference Routing Revision Rework Op Seq Number Rework Operation Code Rework Department Resource Seq Num Resource Code Assigned Units

B-28 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460

Collection Element Name Usage Rate From Op Seq Number Operation Code From Intraoperation Step Department To Op Seq Number To Operation Code To Intraoperation Step To Department Production Line Line Operation Disposition Quantity Disposition UOM Job MRP Net Quantity Scrap Account Alias Project Number Task Number Component Item Component Revision Component Lot Number

Prompt Usage Rate From Op Seq Op Code From Intraop Dept To Op Seq To Operation Code To Intraop Step To Dept Production Line Line Operation Disposition Quantity Disposition UOM Job MRP Net Quantity Scrap Account Alias Project No Task No Component Item Component Revision Component Lot Number

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-29

Prompt Sequence 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650

Collection Element Name Component Serial Number Component Subinventory Component Locator Transaction Date Reason Code Disposition Status Disposition Message Concurrent Request ID Launch Action Action Fired Implementation By Email Address Distribution List Disposition Owner Owner Email Source Owner Source Owner Email Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Prompt Component Serial Number Component Subinventory Component Locator Transaction Date Reason Code Disposition Status Disposition Message Concurrent Request ID Launch Action Action Fired Action Assigned to Email Address Distribution List Disposition Owner Owner Email Source Owner Source Owner Email Workflow Notification Send Notification To

B-30 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Parent-Child Relationships Relationship Number 1 Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode History Element Relationships All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail

Template In Process Disposition Action and Result

Template In Process Disposition History Plan

Seeded Collection Plan Actions Action Number Collection Element Default Values Condition and Value Equals YES Action Invoked Comment

Assign a value to a collection element

Multiple collection element values are assigned, based on the nonconformance number from the Nonconformanc e Master plan The disposition actions are executed in the background E-mail sent on disposition status Workflow notifications sent

Disposition Action

Equals a set of values

Execute a SQL script

Disposition Status

Equals a set of values

Send an electronic mail notification Launch a Workflow

Workflow Notification

Equals YES

Template Inventory related Disposition Action and Result

This plan executes the Disposition Actions, Inventory Scrap (Account Alias), and Move Orders. The plan uses some of the context elements captured during the creation of a nonconformance and enables you to update it. During the time the nonconformance is

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-31

logged and the disposition action is executed, the reference context might be stale; you can update it for this reason. The plan contains the following collection elements:
Plan Details Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 Collection Element Name Disposition Source Source Reference ID Source Ref Line ID Disposition Number Disposition Line Num Disposition Disposition Action Default Values Item Revision Subinventory Locator Lot Number Serial Number License Plate Number To Subinventory To Locator Prompt Disposition Source Source Reference ID Source Reference Line ID Disposition Number Disposition Line Number Disposition Disposition Action Default Values Item Rev Subinventory Locator Lot Number Serial Number License Plate Number To Subinventory To Locator

B-32 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370

Collection Element Name Move Order Number Date Required Disposition Quantity Disposition UOM Scrap Account Alias Project Number Task Number Transaction Date Reason Code Disposition Status Disposition Message Concurrent Request ID Launch Action Action Fired Implementation By Email Address Distribution List Disposition Owner Owner Email Source Owner

Prompt Move Order Number Date Required Disposition Quantity Disposition UOM Scrap Account Alias Project No Task No Transaction Date Reason Code Disposition Status Disposition Message Concurrent Request ID Launch Action Action Fired Action Assigned to Email Address Distribution List Disposition Owner Owner Email Source Owner

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-33

Prompt Sequence 380 390 400

Collection Element Name Source Owner Email Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Prompt Source Owner Email Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Parent-Child Relationships Relationship Number 1 Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode History Element Relationships All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail

Template Inventory related Disposition Action and Result

Template Inventory Disposition History Plan

Seeded Collection Plan Actions Action Number Collection Element Default Values Condition and Value Equals YES Action Invoked Comment

Assign a value to a collection element

Multiple collection element values are assigned, based on the nonconformance number from the Nonconformanc e Master plan The disposition actions are executed in the background

Disposition Action

Equals a set of values

Execute a SQL script

B-34 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Action Number

Collection Element Disposition Status

Condition and Value Equals a set of values

Action Invoked


Send an electronic mail notification Launch a Workflow

E-mail sent on disposition status Workflow notification is sent

Workflow Notification

Equals YES

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details B-35

Sample Code

Sample PL/SQL Code for finding Approver using Oracle Workflow

This appendix provides code for example purposes. The examples in this chapter are not part of Oracle's code; they have not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing. Note: The code below is for example purposes only. It is not part of Oracle's code, and has not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing.
PACKAGE XXCQA_APPROVAL_WF_PKG AUTHID CURRENT_USER as PROCEDURE find_approver (itemtype IN VARCHAR2 itemkey IN VARCHAR2, actid IN NUMBER, funcmode IN VARCHAR2); END xxcqa_approval_wf_pkg; PACKAGE BODY XXCQA_APPROVAL_WF_PKG as PROCEDURE find_approver ( itemtype IN VARCHAR2, itemkey IN VARCHAR2, actid IN NUMBER,

Sample Code C-1

funcmode IN VARCHAR2, result OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS 1_recipient VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN 1_recipient := wf_engine.getitemattrtext( itemtype => itemkey, item key => itemkey, aname => 'RECIPIENT');

-- IF the notification is currently read by USER1, i.e. current approver -- then make USER2 the next approver to receive the notification IF (1_recipient = 'USER1') THEN wf_engine.setitemattritext ( item type => itemtype, item key aname avalue => itemkey, => 'RECIPIENT', => 'USER2';

result := 'COMPLETE:Y'; -- for Find Approver step to go back to Notification step ELSE result := 'COMPLETE:N'; -- No further approval required END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN wf_core.context ('qa_results_wf_pkg', 'find_approver',

C-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

itemtype, itemkey, to_char (actid), funcmode); raise; END find_approver; END xxcqa_approval_wf_pkg;

Sample Code for Custom SQL*Plus Report

This report provides a master detail data for a nonconformance. It lists the nonconformance header information, and the corresponding nonconformance lines and dispositions for each nonconformance line. In addition, if the disposition was a rework job, the operations and resources for the rework job are displayed on the report. Note: The code below is for example purposes only. It is not part of Oracle's code, and has not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing.
SET HEADING ON SET VERIFY OFF SET PAGESIZE 10000 SET SERVEROUTPUT ON REM REM The first query is a join between nonconformance master and detail. REM It flattens the master and the detail into one result set. REM And then the result set is fomratted into two blocks, a REM "header block" with common information, and a detail REM block with detail descriptions. REM REM REM The following block of COLUMN statements declares what REM data elements should appear in the header block.

Sample Code C-3

REM (NOPRINT suppresses their value in the detail) REM COLUMN today NOPRINT NEW_VALUE today COLUMN ncm_no NOPRINT NEW_VALUE ncm_no COLUMN part_no NOPRINT NEW_VALUE part_no COLUMN part_desc NOPRINT NEW_VALUE part_desc COLUMN revision NOPRINT NEW_VALUE revision COLUMN work_order NOPRINT NEW_VALUE work_order COULMN ncm_qty NOPRINT NEW VALUE ncm_qty COLUMN ncm_source NOPRINT NEW_VALUE ncm_source COLUMN ncm_severity NOPRINT NEW_VALUE ncm_severity COLUMN ncm_status NOPRINT NEW_VALUE ncm_status COLUMN from_op_seq NOPRINT NEW_VALUE from_op_seq REM REM The following block fo COLUMN statements declares the REM look and feel format of the detail elements. REM COLUMN ncm_line_num TRUNCATE HEADING "NCM Line" COLUMN identidy FORMAT A20 WORD_WRAPPED HEADING "identidy" COLUMN note_type FORMAT A9 TRUNCATE HEADING "Note Type" COLUMN notes FORMAT A43 WORD_WRAPPED HEADING "Notes" COLUMN requirement FORMAT A20 TRUNCATE HEADING "Requirement" COLUMN deviation FORMAT A10 TRUNCATE HEADING "Deviation" COLUMN disp_num FORMAT A7 TRUNCATE HEADING "Disp#"

C-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

COLUMN disp_line_num TRUNCATE HEADING "Disp Line" COLUMN disposition FORMAT A12 WORD_WRAPPED HEADING "Disposition" COLUMN disposition_source FORMAT A10 TRUNCATE HEADING "Source" COLUMN disp_desc FORMAT A40 WORD_WRAPPED HEADING "Description" COLUMN disp_status FORMAT A10 TRUNCATE HEADING "Status" COLUMN disp_owner FORMAT A10 TRUNCATE HEADING "Owner" COLUMN date_opened FORMAT A10 TRUNCATE HEADING "Date Opened" COLUMN date_closed FORMAT A10 TRUNCATE HEADING "Date Closed" COLUMN disp_action FORMAT A20 TRUNCATE HEADING "Action" COLUMN disp_line_desc FORMAT A50 WORD_WRAPPED HEADING "Description" REM REM The following is the look and feel of the header block. REM TTITLE CENTER 'MATERIAL REVIEW REPORT' skip 1 CENTER today skip 3 LEFT 'NCM Number LEFT 'Work Order :' ncm_no skip 1 :' work_order skip 1 -

LEFT 'Part Number :' part_no skip 1 LEFT 'Revision :' revision skip 1 -

LEFT 'Description :' part_desc skip 1 LEFT 'Qty LEFT 'Source LEFT 'Severity LEFT 'Status :' ncm_qty skip 1 :' ncm_source skip 1 :' ncm_severity skip 1 :' ncm_status skip 1 -

Sample Code C-5


:' from_op_seq skip 3 -

SELECT sysdate today, ncm_mst.nonconformance_number ncm_no, ncm_mst.item part_no, substr(msi.description, 1, 75) part_desc, ncm_mst.revision, ncm_mst.nonconformance_source ncm_source, ncm_mst.nonconformance_severity ncm_severity, ncm_mst.nonconformance_status ncm_status, ncm_mst.job work_order, ncm_mst.from_op_seq_number from_op_seq, ncm_dtl.nonconform_line_num ncm_line_num, ncm_dtl.identidy identidy, ncm_dtl.note_type note_type, ncm_dtl.notes notes, ncm_dtl.short_description requirement, ncm_dtl.deviation deviation FROM q_&&3._ncm_master_v ncm_mst,

q_&3._ncm_dtl_v ncm_dtl, mtl_system_items_kfv msi WHERE ncm_mst.nonconformance_number = '&&1' AND

ncm_mst.nonconformance_number = ncm_dtl.nonconformance_number (+) AND ncm_mst.item_id = msi.inventory_item_id (+) AND ncm_mst.organization_id = msi.organization_id (+)

C-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

ORDER BY ncm_line_num; TTITLE OFF REM REM We now query the dispostions for each ncm line REM REM BREAK ON ncm_line_num REM SELECT disp_hdr.source_ref_line_id ncm_line_num, REM REM REM REM REM REM REM REM FROM REM WHERE REM disp_hdr.source_reference_id = '&1' disp_hdr.disposition_number disp_num, disp_hdr.disposition_source, disp_hdr.disposition, disp_hdr.disposition_desc disp_desc, disp_hdr.disposition_status disp_status, disp_hdr.date_opened, disp_hdr.date_closed, q_&3._ncm_disp_hdr_v disp_hdr

REM ORDER BY ncm_line_num, disp_num; REM REM We now query the disposition details for each disposition REM BREAK ON ncm_line_num on disp_num SELECT disp_dtl.source_ref_line_id ncm_line_num,

Sample Code C-7

disp_dtl.disposition_number disp_num, disp_dtl.disposition disposition, disp_dtl.disposition_action disp_action, disp_dtl.disposition_line_desc disp_line_desc disp_dtl.disposition_status disp_status FROM q_&3._ncm_disp_dtl_v disp_dtl WHERE disp_dtl.source_reference_id = '&1' ORDER BY ncm_line_num, disp_num; REM REM The following is a refinement of the above to also print REM out resource usage for each operation of each Rework Job REM disposition. REM COLUMN disp_num NOPRINT NEW_VALUE disp_num COLUMN disp_line_num NOPRINT NEW_VALUE disp_line_num COLUMN disp_action NOPRINT NEW_VALUE disp_action COLUMN disp_line_desc NOPRINT NEW_VALUE disp_line_desc COLUMN new_rework_job NOPRINT NEW_VALUE new_rework_job COLUMN op_seq FORMAT 9999 HEADING "Op" COLUMN dept_code HEADING "Department" COLUMN job_desc FORMAT A50 WORD_WRAPPED HEADING Description COLUMN assigned_units FORMAT 999 HEADING "AssignedUnits"

C-8 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

COLUMN scheduled_units FORMAT A9 HEADING "ScheduledUnits" COLUMN scheduled_flag FORMAT A3 HEADING Sch COLUMN resources FORMAT A10 HEADING Resources TTITLE skip 5 CENTER 'MATERIAL REVIEW REPORT' skip 1 CENTER 'Operation Resource Usage' skip 1 CENTER today skip 3 LEFT 'NCM Number LEFT 'Part Number LEFT 'Revision LEFT 'Description LEFT 'Disp LEFT 'Disp Line LEFT 'Disp Action LEFT 'Description LEFT 'Rework Job BREAK ON disp_num SELECT --+ leading (q_&3.ncm_disp_wip_v.qr) dis_dtl.disposition_number disp_num, disp_dtl.disposition_line_num disp_line_num, disp_dtl.disposition_action disp_action, disp_dtl.disposition_line_desc disp_line_desc, disp_wip.new_rework_job, wor.operation_seq_num op_seq, wor.department_code dept_code, :' ncm_no skip 1 :' part_no skip 1 :' revision skip 1 :' part_desc skip 2 :' disp_num skip 1 :' disp_line_num skip 1 :' disp_action skip 1 :' disp_line_desc skip 1 :' new_rework_job skip 3

Sample Code C-9

wor.resource_code resources, wor.assigned_units, wor.scheduled_units, decode(wor.scheduled_flag, 1, 'Y', 'N') scheduled_flag, wor.description job_desc FROM q_&3._ncm_disp_dtl_v disp_dtl, q_&3._ncm_disp_wip_v disp_wip, wip_entities we, wip_operation_resources_v wor WHERE disp_wip.disposition_number = disp_dtl.disposition_number AND (disp_dtl.disposition_line_num IS NULL OR disp_wip.disposition_line_num = disp_dtl.disposition_line_num) AND disp_wip.new_rework_job = we.wip_entity_name AND we.wip_entity_id = wor.wip_entity_id AND we.organization_id = disp_wip.organization_id AND disp_dtl.source_reference_id = '&1' ORDER BY disp_num, disp_line_num; COLUMN ncm_status FORMAT A10 HEADING Status COLUMN owner FORMAT A20 HEADING Owner COLUMN detail_desc FORMAT A50 WORD_WRAPPED HEADING Description COLUMN last_update_date HEADING 'Date' TTITLE skip 5 CENTER 'MATERIAL REVIEW REPORT' skip 1 -

C-10 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

CENTER 'Disposition History' skip 3 LEFT 'NCM Number :' ncm_no skip 1 -

LEFT 'Part Number :' part_no skip 1 LEFT 'Revision :' revision skip 1 -

LEFT 'Description :' part_desc skip 3 COLUMN title FORMAT A80 HEADING 'Details' SELECT ' ' as title FROM DUAL WHERE &&2 = 1; DECLARE 1_prev q_&3._ncm_disp_dtl_hist_v%ROWTYPE; first BOOLEAN := true; BEGIN IF &2 = 1 THEN FOR r IN (SELECT * FROM q_&3._ncm_disp_dtl_hist_v WHERE source_reference_id = &1 ORDER BY source_ref_line_id, disposition_number, creation_date) LOOP IF first THEN dbms_output.put_line('Disposition ' ll r.disposition_number ll ' created: 'llto_char(r.creation_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ll ' by ' ll r.created_by); dbms_output.put_line('.'); 1_prev :=r;

Sample Code C-11

first := false; ELSE IF (1_prev.source_ref_line_id <> r.source_ref_line_id) OR (1_prev.disposition_number <> r.disposition_number)THEN dbms_output.put_line('Disposition ' ll r.disposition_number ll ' created: 'llto_char(r.creation_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ll ' by ' 11 r.created_by); dbms_output.put_line('.'); ELSE dbms_output.put_line(Record updated: 'llto_char(r.creation_date, 'DD-MON_YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ll ' by ' 11 r.created_by); IF r.disposition_status <> 1_prev.disposition_status THEN dbms_output.put_line('Disposition status updated from: 'll 1_prev.disposition_status ll ' to: 'll r.disposition_status); END IF; IF r.disposition <> 1_prev.disposition THEN dbms_output.put_line('Description updated from: 'll 1_prev.disposition ll' to: 'll r.disposition); END IF; ---

C-12 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

dbms_output.put_line('.'); END IF; 1_prev :=r; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; END;

Sample Code C-13

Stand-alone Collection Plan for Nonconformances Entered via Mobile Applications and Warehouse Management

Overview of Stand-alone Collection Plan

This appendix lists the setup details for a stand-alone, mobile nonconformance collection plan.

Setting Up
A stand-alone collection plan needs to be created and associated with every mobile transaction where nonconformances can be logged, for example, License Plate Number Inspection.

Step 1- Create a Collection Plan

Create a collection plan with the following elements:
Sequence 10 20 30 40 Collection Element Name Nonconformance Source Short Description Nonconform Severity Nonconform Priority Prompt Nonconformance Source Short Description Nonconform Severity Nonconform Priority

Stand-alone Collection Plan for Nonconformances Entered via Mobile Applications and Warehouse Management D-1

Sequence 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190

Collection Element Name Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Nonconform Item Type Item Revision Quantity UOM Quantity Nonconforming Nonconforming UOM Nonconformance Status Owner Email Address Send Email Entered by User Date Opened

Prompt Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code Nonconform Item Type Item Rev Quantity UOM Quantity Nonconforming Nonconforming UOM Nonconformance Status Owner Email Address Send Email Entered by User Date Opened

Step 2- Associate Mobile Transaction

Associate and enable the current plan with the target mobile transaction, for example, License Plate Number Inspection. Additional collection elements can be added to your plan, depending on the transaction.

Step 3- Add Action to Noncoformance Source

This action passes the nonconformance information to the Nonconformance Master collection plan, using the QA Results API.

D-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Collection Element: Nonconformance Source Action Rules

Sequence 10 Element Nonconformance Source Condition is entered

Action this rule invokes: Execute a SQL Script

Tokens Used in the Action Execution Token Name &NCSOURCE &ITEMTYPE &ITEM &ITEMREV &QTY &ITEMUOM &NCQTY &NCUOM &SDESC &NCSEV &NCPRI &NCTYPE &NCCODE Collection Element Nonconformance Source Nonconform Item Type Item Revision Quantity UOM Quantity Nonconforming Nonconforming UOM Short Description Nonconform Severity Nonconform Priority Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Code

Stand-alone Collection Plan for Nonconformances Entered via Mobile Applications and Warehouse Management D-3

Token Name &CRE &ORG

Collection Element Created By Organization

SQL Text

D-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide


Stand-alone Collection Plan for Nonconformances Entered via Mobile Applications and Warehouse Management D-5

&NCSEV, &NCPRI, &NCTYPE, &NCCODE ); OPEN USERID FETCH USERID INTO creid; retval:=fnd_request.submit_request ( application=>'QA', program=>'QLTTRAMB', argument1=>'20', argument2=>'1', argument3=>creid, argument4=>'NO'); commit; end; /

D-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Collection Elements for Automated Disposition Action Processing

Overview of Collection Elements for Automated Disposition Action Processing

This appendix lists a Disposition collection plan's required collection elements for automated disposition processing.

Collection Plans
The following tables list the mandatory and optional collection elements to execute an automated disposition within Oracle Quality.

Work In Process Disposition Collection Plan(s)

Plan Names Template In-process related Disposition Action and Result Template In-process related Disposition Action and Result (Dispositions only)
Disposition Action: Create Rework Job (WIP_REWORK_JOB) Mandatory Collection Elements JOB CLASS Optional Collection Elements JOB START DATE JOB END DATE NEW REWORK JOB

Collection Elements for Automated Disposition Action Processing E-1

Mandatory Collection Elements -


Disposition Action: Component Return to Inventory (WIP_COMP_RETURN) and Component Issue to Job (WIP_COMP_ISSUE) Mandatory Collection Elements JOB COMPONENT ITEM OPERATION_SEQ_NUMBER COMPONENT SUBINVENTORY DISPOSITION QUANTITY UOM REASON CODE REVISION (if applicable) COMPONENT LOT (if applicable) COMPONENT SERIAL NUMBER (if applicable) Optional Collection Elements -

E-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Mandatory Collection Elements COMPONENT LOCATOR (if applicable) TRANSACTION DATE (if applicable)

Optional Collection Elements -


Disposition Action: Assembly Scrap (WIP_MOVE_SCRAP) Mandatory Collection Elements JOB ITEM DISPOSITION QUANTITY UOM Optional Collection Elements -

Collection Elements for Automated Disposition Action Processing E-3


Optional Collection Elements -


Inventory Disposition Collection Plan(s)

Plan Names Template Inventory related Disposition Action and Result Template Inventory related Disposition Action and Result (Dispositions Only)

E-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Disposition Action: Creation of Inventory Move Order (INV_MOVE_ORDER) Mandatory Collection Elements ITEM DISPOSITION QUANTITY DISPOSITION UOM DATE REQUIRED FROM SUBINVENTORY TO SUBINVENTORY REVISION (if applicable) FROM LOCATOR (if applicable) TO LOCATOR (if applicable) PROJECT NUMBER (if applicable) TASK NUMBER (if applicable) LOT NUMBER (if applicable) SERIAL NUMBER (if applicable) Optional Collection Elements -

Disposition Action: Inventory Scrap (INV_SCRAP_AAI) Mandatory Collection Elements ITEM SUBINVENTORY SCRAP ACCOUNT ALIAS Optional Collection Elements TRANSACTION DATE -

Collection Elements for Automated Disposition Action Processing E-5

Mandatory Collection Elements DISPOSITION QUANTITY DISPOSITION UOM REVISION (if applicable) LOT (if applicable) SERIAL NUMBER (if applicable)

Optional Collection Elements -

E-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Workflows Notifications

Seeded Workflow Notifications

The following is a list of seeded workflow notifications provided as part of the Nonconformance and Disposition solution: Disposition Detail Notification Disposition Header Notification In Process Disposition Status Notification Inventory Disposition Status Notification Inventory Segregation Status Notification Maintenance Nonconformance Notification Nonconformance Detail Notification Nonconformance Master Notification Receiving Disposition Status Notification WIP Component Segregation Status Notification

See Also: Workflow Configuration

Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Workflows Notifications F-1

Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Structure

Corrective Action Parent-Child Collection Plan Structure

The following graphic represents a pictorial format of the seeded template collection plan structure.

Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Structure G-1

Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Details

Overview of Corrective Action Seeded Template Plan Details

This appendix lists all seeded template collection plans and elements for the corrective action solution

Template Corrective Action Request

This collection plan enables you to report or log a corrective action request (CAR). An owner is assigned to the CAR. The owner then decides to accept or reject the request, and it becomes the responsibility of the owner to take the appropriate actions. The Collective Action Request plan contains the following collection elements:
Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 Collection Element Name Corrective Action Num Reference Request Num Request Source Request Type Source Reference ID Standard Violated Prompt Corrective Action Num Reference Request Num Request Source Request Type Source Reference ID Standard Violated

Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Details H-1

Prompt Sequence 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260

Collection Element Name Section Violated Problem Solving Method Item Revision Customer Sales Order Number RMA Number Contract Number Contract Line Number Deliverable Number Supplier Supplier Site PO Number PO Line Number PO Release Number PO Shipment PO Receipt Number Department Request Priority Request Severity

Prompt Section Violated Problem Solving Method Item Rev Customer Sales Order Number RMA Number Contract Number Contract Line Number Deliverable Number Supplier Supplier Site PO Number Line Rel Shipment Receipt Dept Request Priority Request Severity

H-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460

Collection Element Name Short Description Detailed Description Cause Code Root Cause Systemic Root Cause Request Status Requestor Source Owner Email Owner Email Address Distribution List Date Opened Date Closed Expected Resolution Date Actual Resolution Date Follow up Date Approved By Approval Date Send Email Total Actions

Prompt Problem Description Detailed Description Cause Code Root Cause Systemic Root Cause Request Status Requestor Requestor Email Owner Email Address Distribution List Date Opened Date Closed Expected Resolution Date Actual Resolution Date Follow up Date Approved By Approval Date Send Email Total Actions

Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Details H-3

Prompt Sequence 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540

Collection Element Name Pending Actions Review Cost Estimate Review Cost Actual Implementation Estimate Implementation Actual Days to Close Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Prompt Pending Actions Review Cost Estimate Review Cost Actual Implementation Estimate Implementation Actual Days to Close Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Relationship Number 1

Parent Plan

Child Plan

Data Entry Mode History

Element Relationships All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail

Template Corrective Action Request

Template Corrective Action Request History

H-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Relationship Number 2

Parent Plan

Child Plan

Data Entry Mode Delayed

Element Relationships Corrective Action Num, Reference request Num, Request Source, Request Type, Item, Revision, and Request Priority are copied to the child plan. Review Cost Estimate, Implementation Actual, and Pending Actions are the summation of the corresponding elements within the child plan.

Template Corrective Action Request

Template Corrective Action Request Review

Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Details H-5

Relationship Number 3

Parent Plan

Child Plan

Data Entry Mode Delayed

Element Relationships Corrective Action Num, Reference request Num, Request Source, Request Type, Item, Revision, and Request Priority are copied to the child plan. Implementation Estimate, Implementation Actual, and Pending Actions are the summation of the corresponding elements within the child plan.

Template Corrective Action Request

Template Corrective Action Request Implementation

Template Corrective Action Request

Template Supplier Corrective Action Response


Corrective Action Num is copied to the child plan.

Action Number

Collection Element Requestor

Condition and Value Is entered

Action Invoked


Default the e-mail address of the requestor Default the e-mail address of the owner


Is entered

H-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Action Number

Collection Element Date Opened

Condition and Value Is Empty

Action Invoked


Assign a value to a collection element Assign a value to a collection element Assign a value to a collection element Send an electronic email notification Launch a Workflow

Make Date opened as current date Update Date Closed with current date Calculate the Days to Close

Request Status


Days to Close

Date Closed is entered

Send Email

Equals YES

Workflow Notification

Equals YES

Sends a workflow notification

Template Corrective Action Request Review

This collection plan enables you to report and assign tasks for review, and analyze problems. You can then communicate with the appropriate parties during the analysis phase, for a corrective action request. The Collective Action Request plan contains the following collection elements:
Plan Details Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 Collection Element Name Corrective Action Num Reference Request Num Request Source Request Type Prompt Corrective Action Num Reference Request Num Request Source Request Type

Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Details H-7

Prompt Sequence 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240

Collection Element Name Request Priority Request Severity Item Revision Request Status Action Type Action Description Action Assigned to Email Address Distribution List Action Executed By Note Type Notes Expected Resolution Date Actual Resolution Date Send Email Review Cost Estimate Review Cost Actual Approved By Approval Date

Prompt Request Priority Request Severity Item Rev Review Action Status Action Type Action Description Action Assigned to Email Address Distribution List Review Executed By Note Type Notes Due Date Actual Resolution Date Send Email Review Cost Estimate Review Cost Actual Approved By Approval Date

H-8 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 250 260

Collection Element Name Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Prompt Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Parent-Child Relationships Relationship Number 1 Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode History Element Relationships All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail

Template Corrective Action Request Review

Template Corrective Action Request Review History

Seeded Collection Plan Actions Action Number Collection Element Action Assigned to Condition and Value Is entered Action Invoked Comment

Default the e-mail address of the assignee Send an electronic email notification Launch a Workflow

Send Email

Equals YES

Workflow Notification

Equals YES

Sends a workflow notification

Template CAR Actions Implementation

This collection plan enables you to assign, update, and communicate implementation actions, such as Containment, Preventive, and Corrective Actions. The Collective Action Request plan contains the following collection elements:

Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Details H-9

Plan Details Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Collection Element Name Corrective Action Num Reference Request Num Request Source Request Type Request Priority Request Severity Item Revision Request Status Implementation Type Short Description Action Assigned to Email Address Distribution List Action Executed By Note Type Notes Expected Resolution Date Actual Resolution Date Prompt Corrective Action Num Reference Request Num Request Source Request Type Request Priority Request Severity Item Rev Implementation Status Implementation Action Short Description Action Assigned to Email Address Distribution List Review Executed By Note Type Notes Due Date Actual Resolution Date

H-10 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280

Collection Element Name Follow up Date Send Email Implementation Estimate Implementation Actual Pending Actions Approved By Approval Date Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Prompt Follow up Date Send Email Implementation Estimate Implementation Actual Pending Actions Approved By Approval Date Workflow Notification Send Notification To

Parents-Child Relationship Relationship Number 1 Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode History Element Relationships All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail Some of the elements are copied from parent to child plans

Template CAR Actions Implementation

Template CAR Actions Implementation History Template ECO Submission

Template CAR Actions Implementation


Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Details H-11

Seeded Collection Plan Actions Action Number Collection Element Requestor Condition and Value Is entered Action Invoked Comment

Default the e-mail address Execute a SQL Script Send an electronic email notification Launch a Workflow

Launch Action

Equals YES

ECO header is created -

Disposition Status


Workflow Notification

Sends a workflow notification

Template ECO Submission

This collection plan will enable you to submit an ECO Header, as a result of a Corrective Action Request. The Collection Plan contains the following collection elements:
Plan Details Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 Collection Element Name Corrective Action Num Reference Request Number Request Source Request Type Item Revison Prompt Corrective Action Num Reference Request Number Request Source Request Type Item Rev

H-12 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210

Collection Element Name New ECO Name ECO Type ECO Description ECO Approval List ECO Reason Code Requestor ECO Department ECO Priority Launch Action Action Fired Disposition Status Disposition Message Email Address Distribution List ECO Name

Prompt New ECO Name ECO Type ECO Description ECO Approval List ECO Reason Code Requestor ECO Department ECO Priority Launch Action Action Fired Submission Status Submission Status Email Address Distribution List ECO Name

Parent-Child Plans Relationship Number 1 Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode History Element Relationships All elements copied to child plan to maintain audit trail

Template ECO Submission

Template ECO Submission History

Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Details H-13

Seeded Collection Plan Actions Action Number Collection Elements Requestor i Condition Action Invoked Comment

Is entered

Default the email address Execute a SQL Script Send an electronic mail notification Launch a workflow

Launch Action

Equals YES

ECO Header is created -

Disposition Status


Workflow notification

Sends a workflow notification

Template Supplier Corrective Action Response

This collection plan enables suppliers to respond to a CAR via iSupplier Portal. The Collection Plan contains the following collection elements:
Plan Details Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 Collection Element Name Reference Request Num Item Revision Supplier Supplier Site PO Number Prompt Reference Request Num Item Rev Supplier Supplier Site PO Number

H-14 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Collection Element Name PO Line Number PO Release Number PO Shipment Implementation Type Action Executed By Note Type Notes Expected Resolution Date Actual Resolution Date Follow up Date Email Address Send Email

Prompt Line Rel Shipment Implementation Type Implementation By Note Type Notes Due Date Actual Resolution Date Follow up Date Email Address Send Email

Warning: If you plan to use Oracle iSupplier Portal to enable suppliers

to directly record their responses to the CAR, please remove the Notes collection element from this plan; add a new element of datatype Character.

Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Details H-15

Parent-Child Relationships Relationship Number 1 Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode History Element Relationships All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail

Template Supplier Corrective Action Response

Template Supplier Corrective Action Response History

Seeded Collection Plan Actions Action Number Collection Element Send Email Condition and Value Equals YES Action Invoked Comment

Send an electronic e-mail notification Execute a SQL Script

Reference Request Num

Is entered

Relate the record to parent

Template Quality Service CAR

It is possible to use the Quality/Service integration to initiate and trace a CAR through its lifecycle. Since Service Requests does not capture all information relevant to the CAR, some information needs to be collected via Oracle Quality. To facilitate this, a single, stand-alone collection plan containing data elements (not existing in Service) is used. It can be associated with Service Requests. The Collection Plan contains the following collection elements:
Plan Details Prompt Sequence 10 20 Collection Element Name Service Request Department Prompt Service Request Dept

H-16 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220

Collection Element Name Supplier Supplier Site PO Number PO Line Number PO Release Number PO Shipment Root Cause Systemic Root Cause Review Cost Estimate Review Cost Actual Implementation Estimate Implementation Actual New ECO Name ECO Type ECO Description ECO Approval List ECO Reason Code Requestor ECO Department ECO Priority

Prompt Supplier Supplier Site PO Number Line Rel Shipment Root Cause Systemic Root Cause Review Cost Estimate Review Cost Actual Implementation Estimate Implementation Actual New ECO Name ECO Type ECO Description ECO Approval List ECO Reason Code Requestor ECO Department ECO Priority

Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Details H-17

Prompt Sequence 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300

Collection Element Name Launch Action Action Fired Disposition Status Disposition Message Email Address Send Email Distribution List ECO Name

Prompt Launch Action Action Fired Submission Status Submission Message Email Address Send Email Distribution List ECO Name

Seeded Collection Plan Actions Action Number Collection Element Send Email Condition and Value Equals YES Action Invoked Comment

Send an electronic e-mail notification Execute a SQL Script

Launch Action

Equals YES

Create ECO Header

H-18 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Corrective Action Sample Code

Sample Code for Custom SQL*Plus Report

SET HEADING ON SET VERIFY OFF SET PAGESIZE 10000 REM REM The first query is a join between CAR request and review. REM It flattens the master and the detail into one result set. REM And then the result set is fomratted into two blocks, a REM "header block" with common information, and a detail REM block with detail descriptions. REM REM REM The following block of COLUMN statements declares what REM data elements should appear in the header block. REM (NOPRINT suppresses their value in the detail) REM

Corrective Action Sample Code I-1

COLUMN today NOPRINT NEW_VALUE today COLUMN car_no NOPRINT NEW_VALUE car_no COLUMN part_no NOPRINT NEW_VALUE part_no COLUMN part_desc NOPRINT NEW_VALUE part_desc COLUMN revision NOPRINT NEW_VALUE revision COLUMN work_order NOPRINT NEW_VALUE work_order COULMN car_qty NOPRINT NEW VALUE car_qty COLUMN car_source NOPRINT NEW_VALUE car_source COLUMN car_severity NOPRINT NEW_VALUE car_severity COLUMN car_status NOPRINT NEW_VALUE car_status COLUMN from_op_seq NOPRINT NEW_VALUE from_op_seq REM REM The following block fo COLUMN statements declares the REM look and feel format of the detail elements. REM COLUMN note_type FORMAT A15 TRUNCATE HEADING "Review Type" COLUMN notes FORMAT A30 WORD_WRAPPED HEADING "Action" COLUMN due_date FORMAT A10 TRUNCATE HEADING "Due Date" COLUMN actual_resolution_date FORMAT A11 TRUNCATE HEADING "Actual Date" REM REM The following is the look and feel of the header block. REM TTITLE CENTER 'CAR REPORT' skip 1 CENTER today skip 3 -

I-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

LEFT 'CAR Number

:' car_no skip 1 -

LEFT 'Part Number :' part_no skip 1 LEFT 'Description :' part_desc skip 1 LEFT 'Source LEFT 'Severity LEFT 'Status :' car_source skip 1 :' car_severity skip 1 :' car_status skip 2 -

SELECT sysdate today, car_req.corrective_action_num car_no, car_req.item part_no, substr(msi.description, 1, 75) part_desc, car_req.revision, car_req.request_source car_source, car_req.request_severity car_severity, car_req.request_status car_status, car_rvw.expected_rsolution_date due_date, car_rvw.actual_rsolution_date actual_resolution_date, car_rvw.action_type note_type, car_rvw.action_description notes, FROM q_&&2_request_v car_req,

q_&2._review_v car_rvw, mtl_system_items_kfv msi WHERE car_req.corrective_action_num = '&&1' AND

car_req.corrective_action_num = car_rvw.corrective_action_num (+) AND car_req.item_id = msi.inventory_item_id (+) AND

Corrective Action Sample Code I-3

car_req.organization_id = msi.organization_id (+) /

I-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Corrective Action Solution Seeded Workflow Notifications

Seeded Workflow Notifications

The following is a list of seeded workflow notifications provided as part of the Corrective Action solution: Corrective Action Implementation Notification Corrective Action Request Notification Corrective Action Review Notification

Corrective Action Solution Seeded Workflow Notifications J-1

Audits Seeded Template Collection Plan Structure

Structure of Seeded Template Collection Plan

The following graphic represents a pictorial format of the seeded template collection plan structure:

Audits Seeded Template Collection Plan Structure K-1

Audits Seeded Template Plan Details

Overview of Seeded Template Plans

This appendix lists all seeded template collection plans and elements for the audits solution.

Template Audit Master Plan

The Audit Master Plan contains the following collection elements:
Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Collection Element Name Audit Number Audit Name Audit Type Audit Objective Lead Auditor Internal Auditor Internal Auditee Department Standard Violated Prompt Audit Num Audit Name Audit Type Audit Objective Lead Internal Auditor Internal Auditor Internal Auditee Department Audit Standard Basis

Audits Seeded Template Plan Details L-1

Prompt Sequence 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210

Collection Element Name Registrar External Auditor External Auditee Start Date End Date Audit Status Customer Supplier Supplier Site Project Number Task Number Internal Auditor Email

Prompt Registrar External Auditor External Auditee Start Date End Date Audit Status Customer Supplier Audited Supplier Site Project Number Task Number Internal Auditor Email Address Internal Auditee Email Address Send Email? Audit Result Procedure Exists? Procedure Adequate? Procedure Compliant? Due Date


Internal Auditee Email

230 240 250 260 270 280

Send Email Audit Result Procedure Exists Procedure Adequate Procedure Compliant Due Date

L-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 290 300 310 320

Collection Element Name Follow up Date Notes Workflow Notification Send Notification to

Prompt Follow up Date Notes Workflow Notification Send Notification too

Template Audit Master History Plan

The Audit Master History Plan contains the following collection elements:
Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Collection Name Element Audit Name Audit Type Audit Objective Lead Internal Auditor Internal Auditor Internal Auditee Registrar External Auditor External Auditee Audit Status Audit Result Notes Prompt Audit Name Audit Type Audit Objective Lead Internal Auditor Internal Auditor Internal Auditee Registrar External Auditor External Auditee Audit Status Audit Result Notes

Audits Seeded Template Plan Details L-3

Template Audit Findings Plan

The Audits Findings Plan contains the following collection elements:
Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 Collection Element Name Audit Number Audit Name Audit Type Internal Auditee Audit Area Standard Violated Section Violated Customer Supplier Supplier Site Audit Finding Number Finding Type Short Description Finding Date Follow up Date Action Assigned to Notes CAR Required Prompt Audit Num Audit Name Audit Type Internal Auditee Audit Area Audit Standard Basis Audit Section Customer Supplier Audited Supplier Site Finding Identifier Finding Type Short Description Date of Finding Follow up Date Action Assigned to Notes CAR Required?

L-4 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 190

Collection Element Name Internal Auditor Email

Prompt Internal Auditor Email Address Internal Auditee Email Address Send Email Workflow Notification Send Notification to


Internal Auditee Email

210 220 230

Send Email Workflow Notification Send Notification to

Template Audit Findings History Plan

The Audit Findings History Plan contains the following collection elements:
Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 Collection Element Name Finding Type Short Description Action Assigned to Notes Prompt Finding Type Short Description Action Assigned to Note

Template Audit Question and Response Plan

The Audit Question and Response Plan has the following collection elements:
Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 Collection Element Name Audit Number Audit Name Audit Type Prompt Audit Num Audit Name Audit Name

Audits Seeded Template Plan Details L-5

Prompt Sequence 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

Collection Element Name Internal Auditee Department Standard Violated Section Violated Audit Area Supplier Supplier Site Question Category Question Code Audit Question Detailed Description Due Date Notes

Prompt Internal Auditee Department Audit Standard Basis Audit Section Audit Area Supplier Audited Supplier Information Question Category Question Code Audit Question Audit Response Response Date Auditor Comments

Template Audit Question and Response History Plan

The Audit Question and Response History Plan contains the following collection elements:
Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 Collection Element Name Standard Violated Section Violated Audit Area Prompt Audit Standard Basis Audit Section Audit Area

L-6 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Prompt Sequence 40 50 60 70 80

Collection Element Name Question Category Question Code Audit Question Detailed Description Notes

Prompt Question Category Question Code Audit Question Auditor Response Auditor Comments

Template Audit Question Bank Plan

The Audit Question Bank plan contains the following collection elements:
Prompt Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60 Collection Element Name Standard Violated Section Violated Audit Area Question Category Question Code Audit Question Prompt Audit Standard Basis Audit Section Audit Area Question Category Question Code Audit Question

Audits Seeded Template Plan Details L-7

Audits Seeded Workflow Notifications

Seeded Workflow Notifications

The following is a list of seeded workflow notifications provided as part of the Audits solution: Quality Audit Master Notification Quality Audit Findings Notification

Audits Seeded Workflow Notifications M-1

Windows and Navigation Paths

Windows and Navigation Paths

Default Navigation Paths for Standard Application Windows
This appendix provides the default navigator paths for the windows used in the Oracle Quality. The following table provides the default navigation paths. Brackets [ ] indicate a button.
Window Name Collection Elements Collection Plans Copy Collection Plans Enter Quality Results Navigation Path Quality: Setup > Collection Element Quality: Setup > Collection Plans Quality: Setup > Copy Collection Plans Quality: Setup > Corrective Action > Enter Corrective Action Request Quality: Setup > Grant Privileges Quality: Results > Inquiries > Parent Child Results Inquiry Quality: Results > Quality Results Report Writer

Grant Privileges Parent Child Results Inquiry

Quality Results ReportWriter

Windows and Navigation Paths N-1

Window Name Quality Shipments

Navigation Path iSupplier Portal: Shipment > Quality > Available Quality Plans Quality: Setup > Update Parent Child Plan Relationship Quality: Setup > User Groups Quality: Audits > Audit Administration Quality: Audits > Audit Administration Quality: Audits > Audit Administration Quality: Audits > Audit Administration Quality: Audits > Audit Setup Quality: Audits> Audit Setup Quality: Audits> Audit Setup Quality: Audits > Audit Execution Quality: Audit > Audit Execution Quality: Audit > Audit Inquiry and Reporting

Update Parent Child Plan Relationships

User Groups Copy Audit Templates Collection Plan Modification Update Audit Plan Relationships Add/Update Question Bank Initiate Audit Copy Audit Questions Update Audit Questions Execute and Update Audit Corrective Action Update View Audits

N-2 Oracle Quality Implementation Guide

Nonconformance and Disposition Lifecycle, 2-14 generating reports, 13-1 Corrective Action Information Generating Reports Quality Results Report Writer, 13-1 Corrective Action Plan Processing Corrective Action from a Nonconformance Confirming the Parent-child setup, 12-11 Parent-Child Plan criteria, 12-10 Corrective Action Request Sources, 10-2 Corrective Action Request Types, 10-2 CAR requiring Supplier Action, 10-2 Customer initiated CAR, 10-2 Customer initiated CAR requiring Supplier Action, 10-2 Internal CAR, 10-2 Internal CAR requiring Supplier Action, 10-2 Corrective Action Solution Considerations prior to implementation, 11-15 Reference Copy of Collection Plans, 1116 Corrective Action Process, 10-4 Corrective Action Process Flow, 10-4 executing the custom report, 14-13 Implementation Checklist, 10-7 Implementation Considerations, 10-1 Prerequisites, 10-1 Valid Values, 10-3 Implementing, 12-1 Processing corrective action from an audit, 12-1 Overview of Implementation Roadmap, 10-1 Overview of Solution Templates, 9-1

Audits Solution Implementation overview, 16-1 prerequisites, 16-1 Implementation Tasks, 16-2 audit setup tasks, 16-2 system administrator tasks, 16-2 overview, 15-1 Solution Templates, 15-1 Contents, 15-2 Features, 15-2 Objectives, 15-1 Types of Audits, 16-1 external audits of suppliers, 16-1 internal audits within an organization, 16-1

Collection Elements for Automated Disposition Action Processing, E-1 Collection Plans Window, 3-11 Contents Nonconformance and Disposition Solution Templates, 1-2 Corrective Action Data Privileges, 10-4 Corrective Action Identification, 10-4 Corrective Action information


Processing Corrective Action for a Supplier, 12-22 Corrective Action- Action assigned, 1224 Corrective Action- Analysis Action, 1224 Corrective Action- For Analysis, 12-23 E-mail Notification to Supplier, 12-26 iSupplier Portal, 12-28 Notification to supplier, 12-27 Processing the corrective action, 12-22 Supplier CAR Review, 12-25 Processing Corrective action from a Customer complaint, 12-32 logging a CAR, 12-34 logging a service request, 12-33 Processing corrective action from an audit CAR approval, 12-5 CAR History Plans, 12-8 CAR implementation process- Child Plan, 12-7 CAR Item/Supplier/Contract/Customer information, 12-2 CAR priority and description, 12-3 CAR review process- Child Plan, 12-7 Cost estimates and actual cost tracking, 12-5 Finding the CAR root cause, 12-3 Parent-child collection plan structure, 126 Saving the CAR, 12-5 Submitting a CAR, 12-1 Tracking a CAR lifecycle, 12-4 Using e-mail in CAR process, 12-4 Viewing or updating the CAR, 12-6 Processing Corrective Action from a Nonconformance, 12-8 Adding information to the CAR, 12-17 Defining a Parent-Child Collection Plan Relationship, 12-9 Entering the Nonconformance, 12-12 Entering the Nonconformance detail child plan, 12-14 Entering the Nonconformance Master Plan, 12-13 Initiating a CAR, 12-16 Logging Corrective Action within

Nonconformance detail, 12-15 Self Service query of CAR Plan, 12-20 Self Service Query of Nonconformance Detail Plan, 12-20 Self Service Query of the Nonconformance and Corrective Action , 12-18 Setting up CAR as a Child Plan, 12-8 Setting Up Add user defined elements, 11-11 Choose a configuration, 11-2 Collection Element Security, 11-14 Collection Plan Security, 11-13 Copy from template, 11-2 Link user defined plans, 11-12 Modify Collection Plan Details, 11-11 Organize the plan elements, 11-13 Overview, 11-1 Setup Checklist, 11-2 Set up profile options, 11-13 Setup within other modules, 11-13 Update of menu entry, 11-7 Update of Sequence, 11-5 Update of Values, 11-6 setting up a custom report, 14-11 Solution Templates, 9-1 Contents, 9-1 Features, 9-2 Tailoring Solutions Overview, 14-1 Workflow Configuration, 14-1 Corrective Action Solution Implementation Consideration Captured Data, 10-3 Solution Templates Objectives, 9-1 Corrective Action Solutions Considerations prior to implementation Evaluation of Reference Copy of Collection Plan, 11-16

Disposition determine, 4-8 initiate, 4-8 review nonconformance status closure, 4-8


Disposition Lifecycle, 6-1 process flow chart, 6-1

Features Nonconformance and Disposition Solution Templates, 1-2

Logging Nonconformance, 4-3 Customer, 4-5 Determine Disposition, 4-8 Direct Data Entry, 4-6 Implementation Considerations, 4-6 Initiate Disposition, 4-8 Inventory, 4-4 Maintenance, 4-5 Mobile Devices (WMS/MSCA), 4-5 Nonconformance Details and Action Assignment, 4-7 OPM Batch Processing, 4-6 Receiving, 4-3 Review by Owner, 4-6 review nonconformance status closure, 4-8 Segregation of Nonconforming Material, 4-6 Supplier, 4-3 Work in Process, 4-4 Logging Nonconformance Non-Material, 4-5 Logging Nonconformances MSCA and Oracle Warehouse Management, 5-2 Logging Nonconformances using MSCA and Oracle Warehouse Management, 5-1

Nonconformance and Disposition Solution Implementation, 2-1 Implementation Checklist, 2-16 Implementation Roadmap, 2-12 Organization of Data, 2-6 Setting up Approval Process, 8-4 Setup Checklist, 3-2 Setup Sets Update of Menu Entry, 3-11

Setup Steps Add User Defined Elements, 3-21 Considerations prior to implementation, 3-27 Copy from Template, 3-3 De-link Collection Plans, 3-25 Link Corrective Action System, 3-23 Link the Transactional Collection Plan, 324 Link user defined plans, 3-22 Maintaining Reference Copy, 3-27 Modify Collection Plan, 3-16 Organize the Plan Elements, 3-27 Set Up Collection Plan Security, 3-20 Set up Profile Options, 3-27 Update 'Execute a SQL Script', 3-17 Update of Sequence, 3-8 Update of Values, 3-10 Solution Templates Contents, 1-2 Tailoring E-mail Notifications, 8-5 Tailoring your Solution Tips and Techniques, 8-6 Using Oracle Approval Management, 8-3 Workflow Configuration, 8-1 Workflow Process Diagram, 8-2 Nonconformance and Dispositions Solution disposition lifecycle, 6-1 nonconformance lifecycle, 4-1 overview of setting up, 3-2 process steps, 4-2 reporting, 7-1 Setup Steps Choose a Configuration, 3-3 Solution Templates Features, 1-2 Objectives, 1-1 Tailoring your solution, 8-1 Nonconformance Lifecycle, 4-1 process flow chart, 4-1 Nonconformance Management Flow, 2-13

Objectives Nonconformance and Disposition Solution


Templates, 1-1 Oracle Discoverer, 7-3 Overview setting up the nonconformance and disposition solution, 3-2 Overview of Setting Up nonconformance and disposition solution, 3-2

Process Flow Chart disposition lifecycle, 6-1 nonconformance lifecycle, 4-1 Process Steps logging nonconformances using MSCA and Oracle Warehouse Management, 5-1 logging nonconformances, 5-2 setting up, 5-1 nonconformance lifecycle, 4-2

Quality Results Report Writer, 7-1 corrective action reports, 13-1

Reporting nonconformance and disposition solution, 7-1 Reporting Overview nonconformance and disposition solution oracle discoverer, 7-3 quality results report writer, 7-1

Tailoring Solutions Corrective Action Solutions, 14-1

Workflow Configuration starting workflow builder, 14-2


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