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KP Astrology

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The key takeaways are that sub-lords play an important role in determining the strength and influence of planets in KP astrology. The sub-lord of a planet is determined by the star the planet occupies at birth. Sub-lords can impact the timing of events based on the houses they signify.

Sub-lords are important in KP astrology as they determine the strength of planets. The sub-lord of a planet can make it favorable or unfavorable depending on the houses it signifies for that planet.

To determine the sub-lord of a planet, one must know the star the planet occupies at birth. The lord of the star becomes the sub-lord of the planet in that star.


& SUB LORD AND THE PRINCIPLE SUB LORDS AND THE RELEVANT HOUSES Event fructification time (A) The cuspal sub lords gives the measure or the amount of luck that is allowed to a native, according to the bhava it signifies or represents. (B) When we take the planets sub lord they are imperatively necessary or commandingly or peremptorily necessary, to predict the time of event of occurance of a matter. In K.P., the planets sub lord determines the strength of the planets. If a planet A is in the star of a planet it is said to the in the star of planet B and it will be in the sub of some planet which is known as the sub lord and called planet C. .So, the C of planet A is the deciding planet. For detailed study and understanding, let us presume that Sun is in the lagna bhava for a Thula lagna native who is the XI lord in Thula lagna. There are the stars of Mars, Rahu, and the star of Jupiter. Therefore there are chances for the planet Sun to occupy any of the above said 3 stars, at the time of birth. If the lagna begins just at the threshold of Thula lagna at 180d Mars star and Mercury sub. An astrologer in K.P.will be aware of the changes in sub divisions and very well fix the beginning point of the subs. If the birth takes place after 6d40 it will be in Rahu star & Rahu sub. Similarly you can understand in which star and sub a planet has occupied and in which sub it was in at the time of birth. In this manner we have to understand that the occupant Sun in the Thula lagna is connected to the star lords occupied bhava, his ownership houses, and Suns occupied lagna bhava and also to the XIH which he owns. If some other planet occupies any of the houses of either the star lord or the planet / either the star lord or the occupant will not signify those houses, which he owns. Let us assume that Sun has occupied the star of Jupiter, who owns the 3 rd & 6th , and occupies the 9th and as Sun of lord of 11th has occupied the 1st house where he is in. But, the planet Suns sub lord who is planet C, if he signifies the houses signified by the planet (here sun) as planet A, the sub lord planet C can become a favourable planet for the native. If the sub lord of a planet A signifies the denying houses that are signified by the planet A, then the planet A cannot release favourable results to the native. To get a correct chart of horoscope, one should be aware of using K.P.Ayanamsa for the day of birth and cast the natives horoscope trigonometrically, so as to get the exact sub lords for all the bhava cuspal points. Most Hindu traditional astrologers do not go upto the exact degree minute and seconds for the time of birth of a child. Ayanamsas other than K.P. when used, it will not be useful for predictive purposes. I want to stress that ones entire horoscope gains strength, when the lagna sub lord becomes the significator to the beneficial houses like I, II, III, VI, X XI that are the improving houses as per K.P. If the lagna sub lord is connected to the houses IV V VII VIII IX & XII, the native suffers for certain matters indicated by the above houses with regard to the lagna. According to K.P. the Nodes Rahu and Ketu are given more importance, who will represent the sign lord, or the planets conjoined with them, or the planet who aspect them. When there is no conjunction or no aspect from any planet the nodes Rahu & Ketu will represent the sign lord where they are placed at the time of birth, and get the quality of nature (Guna) of the sign lord. They are like turncoats and play havoc also if connected favourably If one suffers, say for finance, our great Sadhguru Sri. K.S.K., who advocated very clearly, that the deciding planet is the cuspal sub lord and the planet sub-lord whose dasa is in operation is final therefore one should note, when will the Ascendant, Moon, and Sun transit the dasa -bukthi or antras, who are promising significators to a particular event matter. If ones marriage is not taking place, even when he or she has crossed the marriageable age, then it is to be understood that the natives dasa bukthi antra lords are not a favorable significator to the marital houses II- VII-XI. The Time of an event to take place, depends on the dasa bukthi antra lords significations should be there for such an event, and the luminaries and the ascendant should also transit favorably, either in the sign, star, or sub of the favorable significators to the connected matters. For ones marriage the 2nd 3rd 5th 7th & 11th houses are necessary. The 3rd is for agreements by both the parties. The 2nd is for family set up. The 7th is for life partner. The 11th signification denotes fulfillment of desires. It is advisable to call the Ruling Planets at any time when the urge comes in the mind of the querent or of the astrologer. The R.P. and the significators for marriage in a chart. If becomes the common significator, it is imminent that the marriage will take place during the harmonious Dasha periods.etc. If an event is expected within one year from the time of judgement on a day, when the R.P. are called, you have to see, when the Sun will transit in a sensitive point that are available in a sign -star-sub of the strong significators of ones marriage. Here one should understand to look into the cardinal, fixed,

or common signs, for the sensitive point of trace. (This is written in the following pages in this document.) Next, if the event is expected to happen beyond one year, but within 5 years, you have to see, when the benefic Jupiter transit a sensitive point of trace in a zone of the significators sign, star, and sub divisions. If the matter is to happen within 30 days, specifically in 27 days of lunar month, you should move the Moon, that is to locate the Moon which will transit in the area governed by the significators are available, that is the sensitive point of trace. Next, if an event is expected to happen on the same day, find out when will the ascendant transit in a sensitive point of trace, sign, star and the sub division of the significators to the event. In a Horary chart, one should see the XI house, which denotes the fulfillment of ones desires. The sub lord of the XI cusp is very important. Therefore, note down the sub lords significance. If it is a significator to the houses, I-VI-XI it will offer good results. If the same sub lord signifies V-VIII-XII houses, it will be favorable to your opponent. 1. In a horary chart, the event matter fructifies if the XI cusp sub lord is a fast moving planet and deposited in a cardinal sign (Chara rasi), the event takes place in a very short period from now. Therefore, one should see the movement of ascendant in a sensitive area, ruled by the required significators according to the horary chart and with the co-operation of the same significators D-B-A periods. 2.If the XI cusp sub lord is a fast moving planet and if deposited in a fixed sign, the event matter happens within a few days. To find out this in a horary chart, move the Moon to transit in a sensitive sign, star and sub. 3.If the XI cusp sub lord is a fast moving planet and if deposited in a common sign, the matter in question is a complicated one (Dwi-swabhava). For this in a horary chart, the event fructifies when the Sun transits in a sensitive point, which has the useful significators, found in the horary chart. During that time, when the Sun transits in a sign-star-sub of the significators, the expected event comes to the fore. A planet at the time of the query, which becomes a significator, by virtue of its star lord, or of his occupational house are being the lord of the relevant houses, should not be in retrogression in a horary chart. The Astrologer should be very attentive, careful and be able to understand the planets position in deciding the movement of the Ascendant, Moon, Sun, or the Jupiter. Here some points are given for your reference. 1. If in Movable signs, you should move the Moon to a sensitive zone (Dont move the ascendant as said above). 2. If it is a fixed sign depositor, move the Sun and forget about the Moon. The fast moving planets are, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Sun, and the Ascendant. The slow moving planets are Kethu, Raghu, Saturn, and Jupiter. If it shows a long time for fructification of an event in a horary chart, we have to move the Jupiter, who is a slow moving planet. Therefore, take the ephemeris of K.P. and find out when will Jupiter transit in the sensitive point of sign-star-sub of the significators to the matter in query. The time of an event will take place only during the good Dasha, bhukti and antra significators periods. One should not forget this point If the Dasha lord is a favorable planet for the marriage, he will show the green signal for marriage. Then the bhukti lord and antra lords will also oblige the Dasha lord if they are also significators to ones marriage. Therefore, we have to wait until Jupiter to transit in a good and useful significators sign, star, and sub division. At times, he may not get all the three planets in a sign. So , you can give preference to Sun to transit a sign/star/sub when Jupiter also transits in one or two significator s position. Similarly, Moon should transit in a useful star or sub. You can check up this when an event fructified and we are unaware. For calling the R.P, one should have a watch showing time according to the B.B.C or A.I.R timings. This is very important. A margin of 5 seconds difference in your watch will not cause much difference in the movement of the planets and the cusps. By calling the R.P, we will find the strongest, stronger, strong and weak ruling planets as significators for an event. Dont forget when the nodes appear as substitutes or direct R.P. The ascendant star lord is the strongest R.P. The Moon star lord is the stronger R.P. The ascendant sign lord is the strong R.P. The Moon sign lord is also a strong R.P but comes in the 4th grade. The day lord is the weaker significator 1.If the ascendant sign in the R.P, if falls in a cardinal sign, the event may take place when the significators in the R.P and the common significators in a horoscope transit through the same sensitive zone:a) The first zone as per K.P is from Aries to Cancer b) The second zone is from Leo to Scorpio

c) The third zone is from Sagittarius to Pisces 2) If the ascendant R.P sign falls in a fixed sign, there will be some delay till the significators transit in the III zone. 3). If the ascendant R.P. sign falls in a common sign, the event can fructify when the R.P significators transit in the II zone in a sensitive point. HOW TO FIX THE SENCETIVE ZONE As already said there are three zones divided by our Sadhguru as Aries to Cancer as I zone, Leo to Scorpio as II zone, Sagittarius to Pisces as the III zone. In all the III zones we have the planets in the same order as in the 1st zone. To fix the required zone we have to find out the position of the Moon at the time of calling the ruling planets. For instance, if Moon is in Jeyshta star, in Vrischika rasi it says Moon is in the II zone between Leo and Scorpio. Then note the ascendant sign that rises in the R.P. If the sign is Leo it is a fixed sign, which is in the II zone itself. If the ascendant has fallen in the sign cancer it is a cardinal sign, which falls in the 1st zone. As Leo is a fixed sign the astrologer should trace the III zone from the present zone counting it as the 1st zone The III zone from this zone is Aries to Cancer. Care should be taken in the fixing of the required zone. If in the R.P., the ascendant falls in the common sign Kanya in the II zone on that day, as per Moons position, we have to do the search in II zone from the present II zone, for the significators. The II zone from the natural II zone is the natural III zone, which commences from Sagittarius to Pisces. One should understand this point well. If on that day Ascendant falls in a cardinal sign Thula (LIBRA) in the II zone itself. As Moon also in the same zone, one should move the Ascendant, or Sun or Moon in the same zone as per necessity. If one expects an event to take place on that day itself, he should move the ascendant in the same zone and to transit in the sing-stare-sub in this zone, according to that (present) day has Thula and Vrischika laganas to be moved by the ascendant. Actually, the expected visitor came in Vrischika lagna Mercury star Jupiter sub, who, were the significators by R.P. In case the matter is not expected on the same day, but expected to happen in a month's time, we have to see the movement of Moon, to a sensitive zone. Moon on that (example) day was in Jeyshta star in the II zone of the zodiac, as divided by our Sadhguru Sri. K.S.K. as Moon has occupied the sign Scorpio, which is a fixed sign, there will be delay for the event matter. So, our search is to be in the III zone from the present Moons zone, which is the II zone according to our lesson above. The III from the II zone is the I zone (Aries to cancer) Hear from Aries you have Kethu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury star lord in each sign Find out whether these star lords are figured in the Ruling planet list, or not. Suppose when we call the ruling planets, if they are Sun sign (in Leo) and Venus star (P.Palguni) as ascendant; Mars sign (Vrischikam) and Mercury star (Jeyshta) for the Moons position; and the day being Thursday which indicate Jupiter, we have to search in the natural I zone to find out the Ruling planets in this area. Here you have the Mars sign (Mesham) where Venus star is available; or in the Rishabha, ruled by Venus, there is the Suns star and also the star of Mars; then in Mithuna you have Mars star and Jupiters star also, who have figured as R.P. Hence, when Moon transits these sensitive points, over the strongest R.P. sign, and star, and in one of the sub of an other R.P., the event will take place. When we have sought the help of the Ruling Planets, those R.P. that figured more than once, will be the indicator for the fixation of the sub area, to be transited by the Moon. If the nodes Rahu and Kethu automatically figured in the list of R.P., they will be the strongest significators. An other point to be remembered is, that when R & K. are in any of the signs of one of the Ruling Planets that figured in the list, the nodes will represent the sign lords for the moment and acts on behalf of the said Ruling Planet. Even if Rahu and Kethu are conjoined with or aspected by any of the R.P., they will represent that sign lord in the ruling planet list. Therefore in K.P.Astrology, one should reject such a R.P. from the list and replace the node in that position. This will help to find the correct time of an event. One should find out the motion of the Moon on that day, and divide the sub portion transited by Moon from 5-30 a.m. on that day, in clock time. When Moon transits in any one of sub lords duration who is a strong R.P., the event matter takes place. Whether that duration of the sub lord is good or bad will depend up on the sub lords significations, as per K.P.stellar and sub theory. An example to show that an event takes place when the ascendant, Sun, and Moon, transit a sensitive point in the zodiac in a star according to the signification obtained by a planet i.e. the star lord in a birth chart. We shall take Kethu, who was a Bhadhakasthana significator by occupying the star of Saturn who is 9th Lord at 9th. So Kethu is a Bhadhakasthana significator to the Rishabha Lagna native. On 20 08 2001 Monday at 9.42 p.m. a telephone call was received by the native from his son who is at London. At that time the days lagna was in Mesham, which commences from 21-32-08 hrs.

Ascendant was transiting in Kethu star and Suns sub on the day Sun was at 123-17 to 124-15 degrees longitude ih Kethu star and Sun sub. On that day the Moon was in Maka star and in Kethu sub from 21 22 p.m to 22-36 p.m. So all these timings coincide with Kethus connection in common. As Kethu is a Bhadhakasthana significator to the native who was born in Rishaba lagna the Bhadhaka effect were given by Kethu in whose star the Ascendant, Sun, Moon were all transiting. The expected bhadhaka period of quarrel between the inmates and the native happened when the Ascendant transited the III sensitive zone from the position of the Moon who was in the II zone (Leo to Scorpio) . Both Sun and Moon were in Simha that is a fixed sign. The natives son during a telephone talk quarreled with his father and refused to resign the job in London and to come back to India. The daughter in law also sided her husbands views to stay in London and quarreled with the native for his opinion to return of his to India. There was a great deal of misapprehension between the native and his daughter in law. The quarrel ended at 10.30 p.m. The reason for this is that Moon completed the transit of Kethu sub by 10.36 p.m on that day. Therefore the sensitive zone of trace, written by me in the previous paragraph for the fructification of an event is correct and true under K.P Astrology. Something unexpected comes before us and gives harmonious or inharmonious results, when the planets and the Ascendant moves in a similar star and sub, whose signification in the chart are harmonious or inharmonious for the native. This is the K.P event fructification rule. In the Horoscope of the native there is the Papakarthari Yoga by the conjunction Moon and Kethu and by the aspect of Rahu to Moon. The 20th August was a Monday on which day the incident happened which was ruled by Moon as day lord. Our likes and dislikes are altered by the Planets, which are closely connected with some evil planets, which are significator to the bhadhakasthana. K.P. TENETS, DASHA RESULTS AND EVENTS In ones life the event fructifying time depends upon the Dasha Bhukti Antra periods. How will be the Dasha results and nature of results occurring in a Dasha Bhukti Antra? K.P. is the best method to predict about the events. One should see through K.P. as advised by our Sadhguru Sri. K.S.K., depending upon the star lord and the sub lords signification of a planet, which operates for the native at a particular time. One should consider the Bhukti and the Antra lords in the same manner individually to know the nature of the Bhukti lord and the Antra lord, that operates at a particular time in ones life. As matter of fact every planet will be deposited in the star of another planet or in its own star. This is known as stellar level or Chaaram of a star lord, in our traditional astrology. In traditional horoscopes, they stop at this level, and indicate the paadha occupied by a planet and read the results to some extent. But in K.P. method, we go further deep into the sub division lord in that star, occupied by a planet. This sub lord is the decider to offer favourable or unfavourble results that is hidden in the Horoscope and this sub theory is a sure and certain method. For e.g. for a Mesha lagna native Mars became a neecha by occupying the sign Karkataka (Cancer). Mars was in Pushya star ruled by Saturn, who is 10th and 11th lord. So, Mars during Saturns Dasha and Bhukti gave him a job and gains to the native by signifying 10th and 11th. As Mars was in the sub of Venus who is lord of 2nd and 7th for the Mesha Lagna decided to give him pecuniary results and his Bank position rose to high level month by month. He sent his money to the 7th house relative i.e. his wife. Mars who signifies 10th and 11th plus 2nd and 7th denotes all these matters. Therefore, the Lagna lord, even though became the lord of the 8th should be considered as a benefic. 1. To judge the Dasha Bhukti and Antra results, one should first understand, which houses are ruled by the constellation lord in which the Dasha or Bhukti or Antra lord is deposited. 2. Note the houses ruled by the Dasha or Bhukti or Antra lords separately 3. Those houses owned by star lord and the matters referred by those houses will materialize during the period of a planet, which is in the star of such a house lord. The Dasha lord is a planet is the source. The constellation lord is the nature of house results. 4. The deciding factor is in the hands of the sub lord of a planet. Suppose there are two planets in one star, but in different degrees, they will be in two different sub lords division. One may be in a favorable sub and the other may be in an unfavorable sub, which owns the needed houses or unconnected and evil houses. Therefore, one should not jump to answer good or evil results in that D-B-A. A beneficial planet gives his results in the Dasha period of the planet deposited in its star. The sub lord occupied by the planet decides whether the matter in question materializes and matures or fails to give the matter.

Therefore, in K.P. advanced stellar astrology, it is defined, that a planet A which is in the star of a planet B, offers the matters signified by the planet B. If planet A is in its own star, and some other planet is also in the star of planet A, then planet A becomes a non-useful significator to that house. So, the native experience during the conjoined periods of A and B. One should understand, whether the conjoined period of planets A and B is good or not through the sub lord of planet A, who is known as C, who determines according to his stellar signification in the horoscope. Changes in ones life comes, according to the dasha-bhukti-and antras in K.P. Some people suddenly get some changes and face troubles or good results, in their professional matters, or new environments, or quarrels with friends or neighbors, or near and dear relatives etc. Why do such changes take place in ones life? The reason for this is the Dasha periods. Changes will happen during the Dasha period of a planet A and in the Bhukti period of a planet that is in 6th or 8th or 12th to the planet A, and those planets, which form adverse western aspect, to the Dasha lord A. Therefore, one should make a list of significators and those planets in aspect to the Dasha lord, by counting the distance from its position at birth, longitudinally. This will help you to a great extent in assessing the good or bad aspects according to western system. The good aspects are:- 180 : 30, 36, 54, 60, 72,108, 120, and 1440 The bad aspects are :- all the multiples of 22.5 degrees. That is 22.5, 45,67.5, 90, 112.5, 135, 150, and 157.5 degrees. To predict correctly and clearly, in a beneficial planets dasha, who is deposited in the star of a planet, who got the signification of 2nd or 6th or 10th or 11th house, irrespective of its ownership or occupation of a house, the dasha lord offers harmonious results. If the star lord of the dasha lord is getting any of the good aspects from its star lord, the Dasha lord will give good results also. This is the research result in K.P. If a native is running the dasha of planet A and followed by the dasha of planet B, the native may enjoy the same results in B dasha also, provided when both A & B dasha lords are connected in any manner by the sign lord, or star lord, or the sub lord, are getting the Hindu traditional aspect, one can enjoy favourable results with out changes in the B dasha also, in his day to day affairs, in his service or business matters. Suppose if the dasha lord B does not have connection in manner to as per the previous dasha lord, the B dasha lord brings thorough changes during the other bhukties. When the bhukti of the planet C, who is the star lord of the dasha lord operates, or in the antra of the star lord of the dasha lord operate, or in the dasha lords sub lords period, there will be thorough changes in his life matters. Here one should understand that the dasha lord is planet---B is in the star of planet C and in the sub of planet D. Therefore, the planet B dasha lord, when enters in to the bhukti of planet C, or in the antra of its sub lord D, one shall face changes in his profession or environments, and activities. One cannot understand this without taking many pains in analysing the chart with the help of a K.P.Astrologer HOW TO DECIDE THE AFFLICTION TO PLANETS... Adverse aspects like opposition or multiples of 22,5 degrees between planets or between the planets and the cusp point degrees are considered as adverse. Therefore that a planet or a cuspal point, which receives adverse aspects, indicates a bhava result gets afflicted and fails in offering the expected bhava results. Planets that become debilitated or conjoined with melefics are also said to be afflicted. The bycorporal signs.are known as Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces, which are dual signs and possess double-bodied value, and offer plurality of results are known as affliction. This gives plurality of experience with different tastes through others comes under affliction. Generally, if the sub lord of the 7th cusp sub lord, if becomes Mercury or any planet in the star of Mercury and posited in a dual sign, this affliction denotes more than one wife or husband. When a planet, other than Mercury, is posited in 15 degrees to the great luminary SUN it becomes combusted. So Sun greets him to low level and makes him afflicted. The northern signs are Mesham to Kanya. The southern signs Thula to Meena. Those planets having the same declination, either in north or south, are known as in parallel.declination. The parallel declination is the equal distance from the ecliptic and not from the equator. TO FIND THE ARRIVAL OF A PERSON THROUGH K.P.APPROACH

Take a Horary number yourself or ask some to give, within 249, and prepare a Horary chart for the latitude and longitude, and also note down the Ruling planets for the time immediately after finishing the Horary chart. Make a table of significators and keep it ready for your reference. The subject is when will the event take place of once arrival. Whether one will arrive earlier or later or whether one not at all comes. This is indicated by the cusp sub lord and by the Ruling Planets, which one should remember. If the cusp sub lord and the ruling planets simultaneously signify the houses, which we taken for consideration, the matter will be imminent, If any of the significators is not favourable, the matter in question will be delayed or may also fail to fructify. The 7th house indicates the person in question mostly. If the 7th cusp sub lords star lord signifies any one of the 3rd or 5th or 9th along with 7th or the 11th houses, one will arrive earlier. If that star signifies 7th 5th and 11th, one will come latter. But it should signify the 3rd and the 9th without fail. If the 7th cusp sub lords star lord signifies the houses 4th, 8th, 10th, or 12th, the expected person changes his mind and stay back. He will not come. Why we have to consider the houses 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and the 11th. The reason is that the 3rd house indicates travel and short travel. The 9th house indicates the long travel. The 5th house denotes the other persons desire to move. The 11th house shows our desire fulfillment by receiving the needed person. The 7th house indicates opponent or the person expected by us. We or I is indicated by the lagna of the horary chart. Therefore, we can confirm the arrival of a person, by taking the sub lords star lord of the 7th cusp, and any of the strong R.P. signifies the houses 3rd or 5th or 9th and 11th, the matter in query is imminent. If any planet in the significators list is in retrogression and if its star lord is in direct motion, the matter will come through if a significator is in retrograde and if its star lord is also in retrogression, the matter will not materialize. One should call the R.P. and take the day lord in the R.P. and find out whether the day lord is in direct or in retrograde motion, to confirm the event matter to take place early or later. Next the student in K.P., should take the following days of which is a strong significator as per the HORARY chart significator, in relevance to the query. By this process we can confirm the arrival day of the person most correctly. How to proceed for the above matter under the tenets of K.P. umbrella? For this we should see, when Moon would touch the favourable sub division in a star, when she is transiting on particular day. If the day lord is found to be favourable through the R.P, then find out the transit of Moon on the sub of the day lord on that day. Similarly the ascendant should transit in a sign, star, and the sub of the R.P, on that day. Therefore you should remember to move the Moon and the Ascendant in a favourable sub and sign, and star of the strong Ruling planet found already. For ones travel the 3rd house is important. So, those planets that are significators to the 3rd house are fixed as good significators, particularly when fixing the sign for the ascendant to transit. The lord of the sign so fixed should have the connection to the 3rd or the 9th house, because these 2 houses indicate short and long journeys. Therefore see the movement of the ascendant in all the lagnas from the 1st lagna of the day when it transits through the stars in each lagna, who are also the Ruling Planets on the day when they were called for help. In which star can we expect ones arrival? This can be found by taking each star in a lagna and verify his signification. If that star lord is having the significance, which we require, that star transited by the ascendant becomes important for fruition of the event. Every thing should happen only during the sub period of a planet that is transited by the Moon on that day in a star relevant to the question. Calculations are to be done by taking motion of the Moon, and duration of the time limit of the sub lord must be worked carefully. To calculate the sub period of the planets, take motion of Moon from 5-30 a.m. of the present day up to the next day 5-30 a.m. Then work by dividing 24 hours of a day by the figures of Moons motion on that day and multiply by the arc value of required planet from 5-30a.m. on the present day, one by one, till next day 5-30 a.m. These durations are the sub periods transited by Moon in a star on that day. When the ascendant transits in a star which a favourable significator for our query, one should choose the strongest R.P. as the sub lord in that star. In the Ruling planets theory, the star lord transited by the Ascendant is the strongest R.P. Next is the Moons star lord. Then comes the Ascendant sign lord as the third rate R.P. The Fourth rate R.P. is the Moons sign lord. The last in strength is the day lord. If the day lord has figured as a R.P. in the above 4 planets, he should be respected as a good R.P.

The coincidences of the Moons sub lord periods, and the Ascendants transit in a favourable sign and sub in a star, definitely mark the event. TRANSIT RULES Prepare a ready reckoner for your daily use 1. The transiting planet is the source for an event. 2. The star lord of the transiting planet is the nature of results. 3. The sub lord of the transiting planet in a star is the deciding factor. These are the simple and sure rules enunciated by our Sadhguruji. 4. Lords of houses 1-2-3-6-10-and 11, in their transit, when they form favourable aspects they offer good results. 5. Lords of houses 4-5-7-8-9-and 12th in their transit, when they form evil aspects, offer good results only. 6. The aspects should be read as per the western system only and not by Hindu method. 7. The above said items 4th and 5th rules are to be referred to their radix (original position at birth) in the chart, from the daily transit position of the planet. 8. The improving houses, which are beneficial houses, which a planet forms evil aspect in its transit, gives loss, either to the beneficial houses or to their radix position at birth in their horoscope. 9. The evil or malefic houses such as 4-5-7-8-9-and the12th house lords, when they form good aspects gives loss and untoward results to the houses 4-5-7-8-9- and 12th or to their natal position at birth, A natal is the same meaning for a birth chart. 10. Do you remember the Western aspects, which are 19 in number? The GOOD AND BAD western aspects are given in the page 8 of this document itself. A separate document for the western aspects in detail is also available, which may be referred TIME OF AN EVENT DEPENDS UP ON THE DASHA-BHUKTI-ANTRA The Dasha-Bhukti-Antra lords are the indicators for an even matter, if they are also become the favourable significators to the house matters under scrutiny. One should not stop at a time by merely looking at the favourable significators for an event matters. Only when the significators are also conductors of the Dasha - Bukthi Antra the matter will come to the fore and fulfill the matter. PRINCIPLE SUB LORDS AND RELEVANT HOUSES IN K.P.ASTROLOGY A PLANET will become the significator to the house occupied by its constellation lord and the houses owned by the constellation lord. The tenant planet, that is known, as the significator will come to pass, indicates such matters depending on the sub portion of the constellation occupied by the tenant planet. The concept of significators:1. The planet in the constellation of an occupant of a house. 2. Planet that occupied a house, which has no occupant in its 3 stars. 3. Planet in the constellation of the lord of a house, provided, if the houses of the lord of the constellation are vacant. 4. The lord of the house becomes a significator, when there are no occupants in his 3 stars and the houses owned by him are vacant. 5. A planet which is placed closer to cusp of house, even if it were in the back side of cusp, and it satisfies the above 3rd and 4th rules, it will become a significator to the said cusp (Bhava) in front of it. What is it that is called as SUBLORD in K.P.? We know that the arc of the extent of a constellation is 13o 20 or 800 minutes which are divided in the unequal proportions of the Dasha years that are allotted to each planet, in the Vimsothari dasha system of 120 years. Our Sadhguru is the first and foremost astrologer who divided the arc of 13o 20 of a star based on their dasha periods in 9 sub divisions and again divided each sub in to SUB-SUB divisions. As the constellation is akin to the dasha, the bukthi is akin to the sub division lord. Similarly the antra is akin to the Sub-Sub lord. Just as a planet is controlled by the sub lord, and the planets are modified by its constellation lords position and ownership houses as said above, the 12 bhavas which rise in the east for the time and place of a birth chart or a Horary chart are controlled by the cusp sub lord. The same sub lord is being controlled by it constellation lord, and affects the matters signified by that cusp and the house matters get modified in terms of the significations attained by cuspal-sub lords. Please read this paragraph

several times to assimilate the system discovered and introduced to the world by our Sadhguru late Sri.K.S.Krishnamurthi who was born in 1908 in Tanjore Dt, in South India. In Krishnamurthi Paddhathi, the sub-lord is the deciding factor in all cases. This is the sheet anchor in K.P. and is universally applied with out any doubt to all queries either for a birth or a horary chart. The Horary charts are highly dependable than the birth charts. For assessing any a question in relationship with the query, that is in terms of matter in query one shall look in to the sub lord of the cusp of the house that represents such matters. For example, ones life partner is indicated by the 7th cusp. The 7th cusp sub will indicate the marital matters of the native. For getting off springs, you look in to the 5th cusp sub lord and so on. The cusp and the sub lord of that cusp is the deciding factor (SUB LORD). If one analyses the sub lord of that cusp, one will be able to predict whether such matter indicated by that house will fructify or not. To substantiate the necessity to assess the cusp and the sub lord of that cusp, as it is more important regarding the fructification of a particular matter indicated by a house, the following bhava results are written hereunder for favour of the students in KP stellar astrology, which was published in K.P.& Astrology issues in the year August and September 1994 by Sri.K.M.S. He also advised to look in to the Dasha-Bukthi-and Antra periods that run at a particular time in ones life to predict good or bad results. 1st cusp details: - Subject: 1. Longevity: - If the sub lord of the lagna (ascendant) if signifies the Bhadhaka and Marakasthanas, i.e., the 7th and 2nd houses, ones life span is short. If it signifies 1st, 5th, 9th, along with 3rd and 8th it promises long life. If the sub lord of the ascendant signifies XI and if the ascendant falls in a moveable sign, or if signifies the 9th and the ascendant falls in a fixed sign, ones life span is short . 2. Sickly person: - If the sub lord of the lagna cusp is in the constellation of a planet in the 6th, one will be sickly. Whenever the significators of 1st and 6th operate, during that period one will be suffering with some illness. 3. Chastity: - If the lagna cusp sub lord is full significator to the 11th and well connected to Jupiter, she will be a chaste woman 4. If the lagna cusp sub lord is fully connected to Saturn or Mars or Venus and if the sub lords of V & XI are connected to either of the above 3 planets, one will become a debauch, and try to be an incest. (having sexual pleasure prior to legal wed lock). 5. The ascendant sub lord indicates the general condition of ones head and also his health matters. If that sub lord is in the star of a planet in the maraka and bhadhakasthanas, ones longevity is short. 6. The ascendant sub lord tells about ones physical features in terms of its connections with the sign positions and combinations with other planets. Fame and name is indicated by the lagna sub lord, if he is connected to the10th or 11th through star lord of these houses. 7. To lead a spiritual life, the sub lord of the lagna cusp being Kethu, deposited in the star of a planet in the 9th and Kethu in some manner connected to Saturn and 12th house. If the native has Venus well connected to Mars, he will be in a family life and spiritual life without becoming a sanyasi. If Kethu not being the ascendant sub lord but in the 2nd bhava and connected to XI and connected Saturn by stellar and connected to the 12th, as he is a Gnanakaraka and connection to 9th indicate philosophy and higher knowledge, and as the 12th tells us Mokshasadhana and service to others. Such Kethu will give spiritual knowledge to the native. 8. For finding a missing person, the lagna sub lord of the missing person if signifies the 2nd, 8th, and 11th, he is sure to return home, during the periods of the significators of 2nd 8th and 11th. 9. If the sub lord of ones lagna, is deposited in the constellation of the planet occupying the 1st or the11th, his health is generally good. 10. A woman can be a WITCH, only when the Ascendant sub lord is in a fiery sign, having connection with the 3 evil houses 6th, 8th, and 12th and along with Saturn, Mars and Kethu in some or other way. One should take good care in comparing the connections obtained by the ascendant sub lord, to predict such a character. 11. The lagna denotes the mental disposition and changes in the individuals life. If the lagna sub were Kethu, who is Mokshakaraka and Gnanakaraka and situated in the star of planet in XII and connected to IX through star or his sub or in some manner, the natives mental disposition will be poised towards Mokshasadhna. Please read the item 7th along with this 11th item. About the 2nd house cusp: -Subject: 1. To find whether one speaks the truth, if his II cusp sub lord is Marsuntruth and mischievous If it is Saturn he hides some news. If it is Mercurywill give detailed information. If he is Venus--- he is peacemaker. If sunwill never lie and be a noble. If it is Jupitertells the truth always.

2. If the sub of the 2nd cusp is Mars or in the star of Mars, he will be spendthrift. If he is Saturn he will be very economical and will not give money easily. 3. TO CHEAT OTHERS: -The II cusp sub lord should be deposited in the significators of 6th and 10th houses, and connected to Saturn and Mercury in some manner by conjunction or aspect with the sub lord of the 2nd cusp. 4. As the 2nd house indicates the speech, if the 2nd cusp sub lord is either Kethu or Rahu and posited in a mute sign, and the 2nd cusp also should rise in the star of a planet, that owns a mute sign 5. As you know that the II house controls speech, finance, family and family members like increase of children etc., if the sub lord of the II cusp signifies 5th and 11th predict birth of child; if it signifies 7th and 11th, predict marriage; 6th only, he will borrow money and incur debts; 7th only gets money by public contacts and contracts. If it signifies 6th and 11th, there is success in litigation or getting promotion in service. If it signifies 6th and 1st it shows borrowing money due to ill health; if it is 7th and 10th shows lucrative income through business is promised. If it signifies 7th and bhadhaka sthana predict death is nearing. 6. II marriage to be predicted, if the 2nd cusp sub lord is well connected to 7th will have 2nd marriage. If connected to only to the 11th house, one will keep a keep for enjoyment. The 7th house indicates the marriage in legal way. The 11th house indicate ones attachment to other woman or man by friendship, and not permanent tie. 7. If star lord to the 12th house, which also is vacant, connects the 2nd cusp sub lord there will be defect in eye. If the same is connected to the 2nd house, or if Sun or Moon are connected to the 2nd & 12th, it is sure that the native have defect in both eyes. If the sub lord of the 2nd cusp is connected to the 8th house, the right eye is defective. If Rahu or Kethu are connected to the II bhava through some source, one will certainly have eye defect, during Rahu or Kethu dasha periods. 8. If the sub lord of the 2nd cusp is in the star of a depositor in 6th or 11th, indicates very good financial status for him. If the star lord is deposited in 2nd or 10th, moderate affluence. If deposited at 3rd or 1st, he will have just satisfactory conditions prevail. 9. If the sub lord of the 2nd cusp be connected in any manner to the 11th house, then one may have secret connections with others wife other than his legal partner, provided if the 5th house significators are connected to the 2nd house also. Such an events timing for a native is to judge from 2nd-5th-and 11th house cusp sub lords and the significators of these houses. (In other words it indicates ones usage of others property also, such using others car, motor cycle, pen, text-books etc, etc. 10. If the sub lord of the 2nd cusp is Jupiter and signifies the 11th house, whatever he speaks is true and come pass (VAKSUDHI). If it is Mars, he is argumentative and authoritative. If it signifies the 8th, it indicates quarrelsome nature in his speech. If it is Venus and signifies 11th and 5th, one mix sex matters and about ladies in speech invariably in all his talks. If the sub lord of the 2nd cusp is SATURN, one behave hide & seek and jugglery of words while speaking, even though the matter is genuine. 11. If the sub lord of the 2nd cusp, becomes a significator to the 2nd and 11th or by conjunction with either of the significators of the 2nd or 11th, and in a key post, he will get money in a secret way or under the table in his transactions. SUBJECT ABOUT THE 3rd CUSP SUB LORD. 1. Getting a telephone connection: - consider the houses 3rd-9th-and 11th significators. The 3rd cusp sub lord should signify the 3rd and 11th houses. 2. For disposing the produced goods: - The sub lord of the 2nd cusp if signifies the 3rd for sending out and the 11th bhava for getting gains. If the same is signifying the 3rd and the 12th, it portends loss. 3. LOTTER GAINS: - judge the 3rd, 8th, and 11th houses sub lords. If the 3rd cusp sub lord connected to the significators of 2nd-6th-11th, during their periods one gets gains by lottery tickets mostly. 4. RUMOUR: In a horary chart, if the sub lord of the 3rd cusp is in the star of Saturn, it is falls. If it is in Mars star, it is mischievous. If it is Jupiter, the rumour is true. These planets are to weigh in terms of the occupied by them such as Thamo-Rajo-Sathva Guna of the sign lord and the sub lords guna. It is also necessary to find the Sub lord of the 3rd cusp sub lord. If he is benefic, the rumour is true. If it is a malefic, the rumour is a falls one. 5. BOLDNESS TO UNDERTAKE A JOB: - If the sub lord of this cusp is the significator of 2nd, or 10th or 11th, one will surely undertake and come out successful. 6. If the III cusp sub lord is mars, one will never be contented with the results. If it is Jupiter it indicates legitimate and reasonable desires. If it is Saturn, he will not be contented at all. If it is Rahu, will have great ambitions. 7. If the sub lord is connected to the 11th and 3rd, the negotiations will be fulfilled.

8. If it is Sun, Mars or Venus, one gets courage and confidence to complete any competitive examination. The houses 4th 9th and 11th should be considered for timing the event and departmental examinations. For interviews include also 6th and 10th houses significators. 9. If the 3rd cusp sub lord signifies the 11tth and also connected to Mercury & Jupiter, one has journalistic abilities. 10. If the III cusp sub lord signifies the III and XI indicate receipt of letter. For this the III and XI houses are to be judged along with the progress of Moon on a day, for timing the event. It is good to erect a horary chart. 11. If the 3rd cusp sub lord is deposited in the star of significators to 6th and 11th, there will be success in appeal in the court law for divorce and litigations. If the same sub lord is a full significator to the personal trigon, that is the 1st house, he is a daring man. 12. NEGOTIATIONS: -(1) If the negotiation is for marriage, the 7th house is to be judged. The 7th cusp sub lord is the planet to indicate the time of marriage in his dasha periods. Here one should understand to consider the 3rd cusp sub lord and the 9th cusp sub lords significations for success in negotiations with each other parties. If it is for business, consider the 10th and 6th houses in addition to III & IX cusp sub lords. For getting accommodation as tenant consider the 4th house significators and the sub lords of the 3rd and 9th cusps. 13. How to understand the above matters? If the 3rd and 9th sub lords signify the 11th, it will be a successful attempt and if they signify the 12th it indicate failure. A clarification is given. If the 3rd and the 9th cusp sub lords are in the star of a planet in the 3rd or 9th bhava, and also signify the XI bhava indicates negotiation success at that time. The significators of the 3rd, 9th, and 11th will indicate the time of fructification. 14. If the III cusp sub lord signifies the 12th house and duly connected to Mars, one will have defective hearing. If a planet is in the star of the lord of the 3rd and if that house unoccupied, the said planet will become the significator to that house in the 1st grade. If that 3rd house significator is in the sub of a planet that is a significator to the 6th house, which indicates disease, will make the native a defect in hearing and deaf. This is the dictum of K.P. and can be used universally. Subject matters of the IV bhava: 1. Discharge from hospital: -- The sub lord of the 4th cusp, which indicate ones residential area, should be connected with the significators of the houses 2nd, 4th, and 11th houses. It can be understood in a different way. Those planets who are the significators to 2nd or 4th and 11th houses are in the sub of a planet, which is a significator to the 4th house, one will be discharged, during the above planets dasha-bhukti-and antra. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSE: If the sub lord of the 4th cusp if becomes the significator to the 12th for investment, to the 4th for building a house to live, and the 11th to get fulfillment of ones desire. Or apply the other rule of K.P. that is if the significators of 4th 12th and 11th are in the sub of planet who is significator to the 4th house and not in the 12th to the 4th and the 4th sub lord, who controls the own house matters, should not sit in the 3rd house. 3. WILL A PARTICULAR CHILD GO IN ADOPTION? If the 4th cusp sub lord of the particular child is deposited in a dual sign, or if the sub lord itself is Mercury, and if the sub lord of the 4th cusp is a significator to the 8th house (show legacy), the child will go in adoption to some one. The conjoined period of the significators to 4th and 8th houses of the child is to be considered for the time of event. 4. IS THERE ANY TREASURE IN MY HOUSE? If the sub lord of the 4th cusp is deposited in the constellation of planet who is a significator to the houses 2nd-6th-and 11th, one will have treasure in his house. The lord of the constellation of the sub lord must have some connection with SATURN who is in direct motion at birth. 5. Haunted house. If the 4th cusp sub lord signifies the 3rd and 9th, and in any manner connected with Saturn and Mars or Neptune or Uranus in his chart, and he becomes to rightful owner of the said house, the house becomes a haunted one due to the power of the horoscope. 6. To find out whether one marries a career girl, the sub lord of the 4th cusp should be connected to or signifies either the 4th or the 8th or the 12th house or all the houses. 7. REACHING HOME WHEN? As the 4th house indicates ones residence, we should take the 4th cusp sub lord of a horary chart and find out if the sub lord is posited in the constellation of a planet that signifies the XI and in a moveable sign, one will reach home early. If it is in a fixed sign, it will take long time to reach home, and if it is in a common sign there will be undue delay due some impediment on the way. 8. Medical examination: - If the sub lord of the 4th cusp is a significator of the 10th and well connected to XI, one will appear for medical examination and get success.

9. Release from jail. If the sub lord of the 4th cusp signifies 2nd, 4th, and 11th, one will be released during the conjoined period of the 2nd, 4th, and 11th house significators period, because ones domestic environment is certain through the 4th cusp sub lord. 10. ABOUT EDUCATION: - If the sub lord of the 4th cusp is in the constellation of Mercury or Jupiter, promises education. Those planets signifying 4th, 9th, and 11th offer education in their dasha and bukthi periods. The amount or the measure of ones education is to judge from the sub lord of the 9th cusp and 11th cup. The 9th cusp sub throws light on the research and higher studies and also uncommon subjects. If Kethu involves in the sub level, one gets Gnana Vriddhi. As the 4th bhava indicates school and institutions, and colleges, if the 4th cusp sub lord is posited in the star of a planet that signifies the 4th along with the 11th, ones admission in schools or colleges is certain. 11. If the 4th cusp sub lord is signifying the 8th or 12th, causes breaks in education, or change of institutions every year, or no education to the native. If the star lord of the 4th cusp sub signifies the 12th and 4th it indicates ones education may be in a foreign country in some cases where the 4th sub lord negates the 4th house matters. It also indicates negation to the matters of the mother also. 12. HOUSE OR OTHER PROPERTY MATTERS TO BE SOLD: - If one wants to sell his house, first consider the 10th cusp sub lord. If that sub lord signifies the 3rd (12th to the 4th) or the 10th and Mars should have some relevance or connection to the 10th house, one can sell. In addition to this judge also the houses 3rd, 5th, and 10th for selling, and 12th for giving vacant possession. The 4th house represents immoveable property and Mars is the karaka planet for land and buildings, the purchaser is indicated by the 7th house of your chart. If the purchaser is destined to acquire a property, is denoted by the 4th from the purchaser, that is your 10th house. Therefore, to sell ones landed property is to judged from ones own 10th cusp (Bhava) 13. The 4th cusp denotes the querents property, and his parting with the property is indicated by the 3rd bhava, which is 12th to the 4th. Thus, some one will buy your property, only if the 10th cusp sub lord is a significator to 3rd and 10th. The 5th house is also relevant to this matter, because it is the 11th house to the 7th house (purchaser or any opponent), which gives him gain of a building. 14. CAN I CONSTRUCT A HOUSE? If the 4th cusp sub lord signifies the 4th, 11th, and the 12th one will construct a house, provided Mars also related to some of the houses to offer immoveable property and Saturn for construction work that indicates worker and labourers. The 11th connection indicates fulfillment of desires and the 12th house for investment. NOTE: As a purchased house is not a newly constructed house. Therefore Judge the houses 6th because it is the 12th to the 7th which stands for the person who sells the house and the 9th house which is 12th to 10th. Thus your 10th house is the 4th to the 7th who disposes his house property. This is a logical point. 15. TRANSFER IN SERVICE: - If the sub lord of the 4th cusp signifies 3rd, 10th and 12th and when the conjoint period of the significators of these houses operate, ones transfer is effected. If the 4th house sub lord signifies the 4th house and if there is a transfer order issued to you, then it will be cancelled, if the 11th cusp sub lord signifies 1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th, and 11th, you will be retained, in these house significators period operates. 16. If the 4th cusp sub is in the star of a planet signifying 3rd and 12th, change in residence is sure now and then. 17. To ascertain the results of an examination, one has to look in to the sub lord of the 4th cusp. If he is connected to the 11th house and at the same should not be connected to the 3rd house, which is a negation to the education house, then one will get success. If one is appearing for a public or academic examination, this rule should be very boldly applied to know the outcome. 18. If the 4th cusp sub lord is Venus and connected to any of the improving houses that are in moveable sign (chara rasi), one will have vehicles and vehicular comforts. If the same Venus is in fixed signs one can have furniture comforts; and if in common signs, one enjoys rocking chairs like furniture or articles. These are all the possible effects of the 4th cusp and bhava. SUBJECT MATTERS PERTAINFING TO 5TH CUSP 1. Childbirth: -The houses 2nd 5th 11th indicate birth of a child, if the sub lord of the 5th cusp signifies the 2nd, 5h, and 11th houses. Birth of a child is denied, if the 5th cusp sub lord signifies the 1st, 4th, and 10th, and the native never favoured with a child. 2. Entertainments: - For playing cards or betting in horse race, the 5th cusp sub lord signifies 6th and 11th, one wins satisfactorily. If it signifies 2nd and 10th, there will be moderate gains. If it signifies 1st and 3rd, shows insignificant gain and if it signifies the 12th and 5th it indicates loss. There are 2 types of speculative gains: (1) Lottery and prize bonds etc. (2) Horse race, cards playing, and share market speculations. In Krishnamurthi Paddhathi, it has been stated that the improving houses i.e. 1st 2nd 3rd 6th 10th and 11th whenever receiving favourable aspects, promise victory over the opponents, win in competitions,

success in litigations, gains in lottery and in games. It is also said that the 3rd house denotes gains in lottery and prize bonds, whereas the 5th house indicate gains in horse racing, cards playing and share market etc., provided the significators of 2nd 6th and 11th houses has connection with the 3rd and 5th houses. It is imperative that whenever a judgment for horse race or playing cards is to be made, one is to take only the planets that have connection to the 5th house, but never take the planets or the significators, especially the 5th cusp sub lord which signify the 5th house matters, because the 5th is the 11th house to your opponent that indicates the 7th house. Thus the 5th of your chart is the gains to your rival party Here I am reminding about the meaning of the significators and the connection of planets in K.P. A significator means the sub lord of the 5th cusp or the planets that occupy the star of a planet that occupy the 5th or the 5th lords stars. Connection means the significators to the 5th house are aspected or conjoined with each other. The benefices conjunction or aspects are favourable, and the malefic conjunctions are said to be unfavourable. 3. Will the invalid child pick up health? If the querent is the parent, take his 5th cusp as the ascendant of the child. If that Ascendant cusp sub lord is a significator to the 3rd and 5th houses, to his lagna, the child will pick up health gradually. If the same sub lord is a significator to the 10th house and connected to Saturn also in any manner (by aspect or conjunction) the child will not recover from the ill health. 4. The 5th house indicates music: - If the 5th cusp sub lord is deposited in star of a planet situated in the 1st house (lagna) which may be Simha or Aquarius, one has musical talents in built. 5. For acting profession: - If the 5th sub lord is deposited in the constellation of the 5th or 6th or 10th house lords and connected to Venus in any manner, one becomes an actor. If the 5th cusp lords star lord negates the 5th, no music for him. 6. Love marriage: - If the 5th sub lord is deposited in the constellation of a planet signifying 7th and 11th, meterialisation of the love affair in to marriage is sure. If the star lord is connected to 6th and 12th houses, it will not meterialise. If it is in the constellation that is connected to 6th and 12th it will not materialize. 7. DEBAUCH: - If the sub lord of the 5th cusp sub lord signifies 10th & 12th, ones prestige is lost. Ones property is lost if the 5th sub lord signifies the 4th and 12th through debauchery, and if it signifies 2nd and 12th ones cash is lost by debauchery. 8. INTIATION: - If the 5th cusp sub lord is connected to 11th and with Saturn in some manner there will be Manthra Siddhi. Note that Saturn is for renunciation and thapas. For initiation of music, the 5th sub lord is signifies the 5th or 7th or both and connected to Venus, who is the karaka for music and fine arts. Note that the 5th is for music also amongst many matters of the 5th house, and the 7th is for fine arts. 9. SPECULATION: - If the 5th sub lord signifies 2nd, 6th, 11th which indicates finance, winning over opponents, and gains, respectively and if it signifies the 5th it indicate speculation for the native. 10. LICENTIOUSNESS: - By examining the 5th cusp sub lord and the significations of Venus, ones love affair and sexual pleasure with others wife can be found. It also shows the degree of success or failures achieved in love affairs and courtships for one can be seen in K.P. 11. If the 5th cusp sub lord sits in the constellation of a planet that is deposited in the 10th and also signifies the 10th bhava, one becomes a statesman. 12. ATTAINMENT OF PUBERTY: - The 5th cusp sub lord should be the significator to 5th or 8th or for the houses, and Mars (for blood) should be well connected to 5th or 8th in any manner. For timing the event, consider the houses 1st that shows the native and 5th and 11th for fulfillment in their conjoined periods as D-B-A lords. 13. For getting money through lottery tickets, those planets, which are in the star of the 5th lord and in the sub of a significator to the 2nd house can, show gains through lottery tickets. If the period of the 5th house significator is operating, those planets in the star and sub of the 5th house significator will bring good results during their bhukti periods as a surprise. Luck may repeat if a significant planets period operates. VI Bhava and its effects: 1. If the sub lord of the 6th cusp signifies the houses 6th or 8th or 12th or all the houses, one suffers from illness, anxiety, dangers, worries, and loss of property etc. 2. In the conjoined period of the ascendant and 6th house significators sickness falls on you. If the 12th is also signified by the same planet, it indicates hospitalization. If the 8th is connected danger and seriousness of disease can be envisaged.

3. OVERDRAFT: - If the sub lord of the 6th cusp is a significator to 2nd and 11th one will have the facility to get over draft in a bank. 4. Promotion:-In the conjoined period of the 2nd, 6th and 11th house significators, if the 6th and 10th cusp sub lord signifies these houses, one gets promotion. 5. For reinstatement in service. The sub lord of the 6th cusp should signify 6th, 2nd or 10th house. If it signifies 1st. 5th, 9th or 12th, one will not be reappointed in that same post or in the office. If the lagna lord becomes the 6th lord also and signifies the 9th house or sits in the 9th house with full strength, one may not stick to one single office and service certificate. 6. For getting a tenant, if the sub lord of the 6th cusp is a significator to the 4th, 10th and 11th houses, during the significators of 4th 6th 11th conjoined period one gets a tenant. 7. In exchange in business, if the 6th cusp sub lord signifies 6th and 11th you get gains. If it signifies 5th and 12th your opponent gains and by this effect, you loose. If the 6th sub lord signifies 2ns 6th and 11th there will be receipt of money. 8. To get donation, the 6th sub lord to become a significator to the 3rd or 6th or the 11th. 9. To get back ones entangled money, the sub lord of the 6th cusp should be a significator to 2nd 6th and 11th and not connected in any manner to Saturn. If the 6th cusp sub lord is a significator to 1st 6th and 11th there is success in litigation is promised. 10. About disease: - The 6th sub lord reveals the type disease. It is in terms of its placement in the birth chart or a horary chart. It is to be understood through the sign lord, and the star lord and elements of its occupied sign. 11. If the 6th sub lord is in the 12th bhava from the lagna, and become a strongest significator to the 6th through his sub lord, the native definitely suffer from incurable disease. 12. When will the tenant vacate? The 6th house indicates the tenant for all. The 4th and 11th there from occupation of a tenant in your house. If he is to vacate, the 3rd from the 6th house significators period should operate. This means your 8th house (3rd from the 6th) should also be connected to 6th house. Hence during the conjoining periods of the significator to 6th and 8th he vacates. 13. To get loan: - The 6th sub should not be in a retrograde motion or in the star of a retrograde planet, and should also should be a significator to or connection with the houses 2nd-6th-11th. In general if the sub lord of the 6th cusp gets a good signification in the horoscope, that is if he is connected to the improving houses such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th, he will be a man of success in all theaters of walks of life while dealing with others. 14. Pet animals and maternal uncle: - One can read about this subject through the 6th cusp sub lord, if he is connected to or by signification to the improving houses, gets benefits through them and enjoy. If the sub lord is the significator to the houses 5th 8th and 12th, loss and trouble through those source and develops enmity. PRINCIPLE SUB LORDS AND RELEVANT HOUSES (VII CUSP) 1. MARRIAGE: -If the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies the 2nd- 7th-and 11th and connected (signification) with inflicted VENUS, ones marriage is promised and the same fructifies during the conjoining period of 2nd 7th and 11th house significators. 2. Marriage is stopped: - If the 7th cusp sub lord is the significator to 1st 6th or 10th or 12th ones marriage will not take place with the party in question. For this the position of Venus in the chart it to discussed. 3. Life partner or business partner: - If the 7th cusp sub lord is in the star of a planet that signifies 6th and 12th the partnership will break. If it signifies the 11th you can have partner in business. If it signifies 5th and 11th there will be permanent tie with the partner and if it signifies 5th 8th and 12th, your partner will be benefited and you stand to loose much. 4. Powerful opponent or partner: - If the 7th cusp sub lord is himself a significator to 7th, 8th, 12th, and 5th, the opponent is very powerful in all walks of life and you will bend your head before him or her. 5. If the 7th cusp sub lord signifies 2-7-11th houses and the person with such Ruling Planets such as the significators to 2-7-11 one will marry a rich boy or a rich girl for a happy married life. If it signifies 1st 6th 10th, one may not come under marital fold. 6. WILL MARRIAGE TAKE PLACE BETWEEN A & B? For such a query go for a horary chart. Ask them to give number between 1 and 249. If Moon is posited at the time query in any of the houses 3rd or 5th or 7th or 10th or 11th from the Horary lagna for the number given, and if Moon receives beneficial aspect such as 5th or 9th from JUPITER with beneficial significations in the chart, marriage

will certainly take place between A & B. If Saturn involve in the above, there will be some delay and no denial. 7.For happy marital life: -If the 7th cusp in a chart is Venus or Jupiter and if they signify 2nd and 11th, he has very happy married life. If the 7th cusp sub is Sun, no pleasure; gives irritation. If Moon, it very pleasant. If it is Mars creates silly quarrel and displeasure. If Mercury one enjoys many times. If Jupiter very pleasant. If Venus comes as 7th cusp sub lord gives extreme pleasure during intercourse. If it is Saturn one feels dissatisfaction with his wife during intercourse. If Rahu or Ketu comes it has to give the results according to the sign lord they occupy in terms of the natives chart 8. For happy marital life: - If the 7th cusp sub lord is either Venus or Jupiter and if they signifies the 2nd and 11th, very happy marital life is promised. If the 7th cusp sub lord is Saturn, the husband will be an aged person, that is the age difference will be too much. If it is Jupiter or Venus or Sun, there will be proper age difference. If Moon or Mercury or Mars, the age difference may be very little, or equal or some times be a younger one to bride. If Rahu or Ketu happens to be 7th sub lord they may be read according to sign occupied by them. 9. Where from the bride or groom comes: - If the 7th cusp sub lord is in the star of a planet signifying 4th and 10th the partner will be the one living in the same house, or same street. If it signifies the 3rd house the partner may be cousin or a neighbor. If it signifies the Lagna, it indicates the same village or the town. If signifies the 11th it may be from a friends family. If it signifies the 2nd and 9th, it will be a love marriage or a foreigner. 10. DUAL MARRIAGE: - If the 7th cusp sub lord is Mercury or any planet occupying a dual sign, or any planet in the star of Mercury and occupying a dual sign being the sub lord of the 7th cusp sub lord, with 2nd & 11th house significations 11. The 7th cusp denotes an astrologer. If one wants to find out your future and consult an astrologer, if your 7th cusp sub lord is fast moving planet like Moon, Mercury, or Venus, the astrologer will predict immediately. If they are slow moving planets, there will be delay in analysis of the problem. 12. WILL MARRIAGE TAKE PLACE BETWEEN A & B? For such a query go for a horary chart. Ask them to give number between 1 and 249. If Moon is posited at the time query in any of the houses 3rd or 5th or 7th or 10th or 11th from the Horary lagna for the number given, and if Moon receives beneficial aspect such as 5th or 9th from JUPITER with beneficial significations in the chart, marriage will certainly take place between A & B. If Saturn involve in the above, there will be some delay and no denial. 13. If the 7th cusp in a chart is Venus or Jupiter and if they signify 2nd and 11th, he has very happy married life. If the 7th cusp sub is Sun, no pleasure; gives irritation. If Moon, it very pleasant. If it is Mars creates silly quarrel and displeasure. If Mercury one enjoys many times. If Jupiter very pleasant. If Venus comes as 7th cusp sub lord gives extreme pleasure during intercourse. If it is Saturn one feels dissatisfaction with his wife during intercourse. If Rahu or Ketu comes it has to give the results according to the sign lord they occupy in terms of the natives chart 14. For happy marital life: - If the 7th cusp sub lord is either Venus or Jupiter and if they signifies the 2nd and 11th, very happy marital life is promised. If the 7th cusp sub lord is Saturn, the husband will be an aged person, that is the age difference will be too much. If it is Jupiter or Venus or Sun, there will be proper age difference. If Moon or Mercury or Mars, the age difference may be very little, or equal or some times be a younger one to bride. If Rahu or Ketu happens to be 7th sub lord they may be read according to sign occupied by them. 15. THIEF: - the 7th house indicates the thief. If the sub lord of the 7th is Mercury he is a young person. If Venus, youthful and a female. If Mars indicates full of age. Jupiter tells middle-aged person. Sun shows young person and if it is Saturn, it says an elderly person. The sex of the thief is to be determined through the sex of the planet that figured as the sub lord of the 7th cusp. 16. PARTNER IN BUSINESS: - The 7th cusp shows it. If the sub lord of the 7th cusp is Mercury, it shows more than one partner. If signifies the 11th, there will be strong tie of partnership and if connected to VENUS through sub division, there will be the cordial relationship. 17. CAN I DO BUSINESS? For doing business consider the houses 1st 2nd 7th 10th and the 11th. These houses must be strong and free from evil aspects. To be clear in this matter the occupants in 7th should be connected with 2nd 10th and 11th houses for ever-growing business. If they are connected to 4th 8th and 5th, there will be loss. The 3rd house is also to be considered because it indicates courage, determination, and mind to face any loss or adversities. Main house is the 10th cusp (M.C.) and the sub lord of that house indicates ones profession according to K.P. (A separate document is written about professional matters which may be referred for further details) Principles of the 8th cusp: -

1. If the sub lord of the 8th cusp signifies 5th 6th, 8th and 12th, the native will be borrowing from A to Z, If the same sub lord becomes the significator to 2nd, 10th, and 11th the native gets adequate income and repays the loan. 2. If the 8th cusp sub lord signifies 6th and 11th, one receives cheques and lender looses. 3. Suicide: -If the sub lord of the 8th cusp is deposited in the star of a planet signifying Maraka or Bhadhaka houses and also the 8th house and well connected to Mars, one is prone to suicidal death, due to the inability to return the borrowed money, or limitless trading. If the lord of the 8th cusp sub is Mars and if he is lord of or connected to Lagna and the 8th house and be a significator to 8th very much, indicates unnatural death during the period of a planet who is the Bhadhakathipathi Note that the Ayushkaraka planet Saturn should not be a significator to the 8th house also. 4. Nature of death: - Sub lord of the 8th cusp and its connections to other houses through its star lord and the elements connected to both planets to be considered. The 4 elements Fire, Earth, Air. And water counted from Mesham is to be remembered. If the 8th cusp lord is in an Airy sign and if its star lord is in a watery sign, the native is prone to drown while traveling by a flight. The 8th cusp indicates danger and fatality. 5. About accident: - Accidents can happen only when the 8th cusp sub lord is deposited in the constellation of a planet signifying 8th house, and it happens in the conjoined period of the significators to the 1st and 8th house. It will be fatal death, only if the 8th sub lord is posited in the star of a Bhadhaka or Maraka sthana significator. 6. The 8th house also denotes surgery. For one to undergo operation in his body, the 8th cusp sub lord should be connected to the 6th house by occupation or by signification, or the 12th house that indicates hospitalization. The same sub lord of the8th cusp should be linked with Mars. Mars is a planet that indicates usage of knives for surgery. Operations take place in the conjoined period of the significators of 6th, 8th, and 12th houses. MATTERS DENOTING THE 9TH CUSP (BHAVA) 1. Longevity of father: -For the long life of father, if the 9th cusp sub lord signifies the houses other than 9th 11th 1st and the 6th houses, gives long life to father. The rule in K.P is, the houses 3rd and 10th and the Bhadhakasthanas reckoned in terms of moveable 11th house, fixed 9th house and 7th for common sign gives long life. For a Mesha lagna native, the 9th house indicates the father and his longevity. Therefore the 9th cusp sub lord should not signify the houses 9=11-1-6th houses. 2. If the sub lord of 9th cusp sub lord signifies the lagna and 11th of the native, paternal properties are sure. 3. The 9th cusp sub lord is connected to 3rd 9th and 10th, indicates pilgrimage and journey to holy places. The 10th cusp sub lord has to signify the 9th and 3rd. 4. WHO IS AN ASTROLOGER? If the sub lord of the 9th cusp is deposited in the star of a planet signifying 2nd 9th and 11th one can become a successful astrologer. In addition Jupiter and Moon should be connected to 9th and 12th in any manner like conjunction or aspect to the 9th and 12th or through sub lord connections 5. LONG TRAVEL: - If the 9th cusp sub is connected 9th and 12th, it indicates long travels including overseas. 6. Higher Education is seen through the 9th cusp sub lord. If the sub lord signifies the 4th and 9th, one gets higher studies provided the 9th sub lord is not afflicted and occupies any of the barren signs such as Mesha, Mithuna, Simha or Kanya rasis ones education will be poor. If the 9th cusp sub lord signifies the 11th house, there is success in the higher education 10th cusp and the matters involved in the 10th bhava. 1. Consider the houses 2nd 6th 10th and 11th bhava significators and the sub lord of the 10th cusp for employment. For promotion take the sub lord of the 6th and the 10th cusp sub and analyse their significations. 2. If the 10th cusp sub lord signifies the 3rd house, which is 12th to your permanent residing house, and the 5th which shows changes, and the 10th which is 4th to the opponent that is indicated by the person who is waiting to by a house. S the 10th sub lord has to signify the houses 3rd, 5th, and 10th houses for disposal of your house 3. WILL THERE BE TROUBLE FROM INCOME TAX OFFICE? Consider the houses7th 8th and 12th significators. It depends upon the 10th cusp sub lords connection to 7th 8th and 12th. 4. Business or service? If the 10th cusp sub lord signifies the 7th house, one becomes a businessman. If the same is a significator to the 6th house, one will be service person with regard to his profession.

5. For reinstatement in service. If the 10th sub lord signifies 2nd, 6th, and 10th, he will be reinstated in service after suspension etc. If the same 10th sub lord is signifying the houses 1st, 5th . 9th and 12th, he will never be reinstated in the same post at least. 6. How to find dual profession for a native? For one to earn money by self exertion, the sub lord of the 10th should be significator to the 2nd (the house of self acquisition) and the 6th (indicates service matters) and the 10th which indicates ones profession If the 10th cusp sub is a significator to the 7th house and 2nd he or she becomes a trader or business person. For dual type of earnings, the 5th cusp sub lord when connected to the 6th and 7th house and the 2nd & 10th houses, one does service for certain period during the dasha and bhukti of the 6th house. When the dasha changes and if the dasha lord is a significator to 7th and 2nd & 10th one starts a business for his earnings. One must see the XI house occupants and the sub lord of the XI cusp sub lords significations, for fruitions. 7. Politics: - To become a politician, the 10th sub lord should signify 1st, 6th, 9th, 10th and the 11th houses. The 10th house indicates a higher chair in the Government. The 9th shows an element of achievement (Sadhana). The planets Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Saturn, and Rahu should have connections to the 10th house. The 1st house indicates success to the native. The 6th denotes defeat to the opponents. The 9th denotes the general prosperity and Sadhana. The 10th signifies honour and popularity. The 11th house signification says desire fulfillment. 8. If the 10th cusp sub lord is Saturn and becomes the significator to the 11th. One will earn money by illegal ways and mostly be having thieving habits. 9. If the sub lord of the 10th is a total significator to the 7th, and not a significator to any other houses, he will be a man of public activities without any material return or happiness. 10. The 10th house is generally known as ones Karmasthana. When the Karmasthanadhipathi operates his dasha and connected his father or mothers bhadhaka and maraka houses or 12th house (Moksha sthana), he tends to kill his parents. Matters signified by the XI cusp 1. Reunion with husband: - For marriage we consider the houses 2nd, 7th, and 11th houses. If the 11th cusp sub lord signifies 2nd and 7th bhavas, the reunion fructifies during the conjoined period of the significators of 2nd, 7th, and 11th houses. 2. Recovery of the lost property: - If the sub lord of the 11th cusp if signifies 2nd, 6th, and the 11th, recovery of the lost property fructifies in their conjoined periods. 3. Returning of the missing person: - If the sub lord of the11th cusp signifies 2nd, 4th, 6th and 11th; the missing person shall return home in the conjoined period of the significators of 2nd, 8th, and 11th houses. 4. Can I tap water? If the sub lord of the 11th cusp is deposited in the star of a planet in a watery sign, one will tap water. If it is in a barren sign one cannot tap water. 5. Fulfillment of ones desire: - If the 11th cusp sub lord signifies 1st, 2nd, and 11th, one has success in his attempts and fulfills his ambition. 6. To do research: - If the 11th cusp sub lord is in the 12th bhava or connected to the 12th, and also connected to the 9th and 11th, it shows his success to do research. The placement of the 11th sub lord in the 12th indicates that one does research in overseas. 7. To do PHD: - If the sub lord of the 11th cusp is in the constellation of the significator of the 4th and 9th or he himself signifies the 9th and in some way connected to Jupiter, he gets PHD. If the 11th sub lord is in a moveable (chara) rasi, he will become a PHD holder in a very easy way. 8. Winning over elections: - The sub lord of the 11th cusp should signify the houses 1st, 6th, 10th and 11th. When there is no planets posited in the 11th house and not connected to with the nodes in that sign, the sub lord of that cusp becomes a strong significator, even if he is not a direct significator through his stellar lord. If that sub lord signifies 5th, 8th, and 12th, failure is the result. For number of seat in an election, consider the Pars Fortuna position and the 7th Fortuna point. For more details about Pars Fortuna look in the separate document KP-RAHU KETHU FORTUNA. 9. FOR THE PROSPERITY OF AN INSTITUTION: - If the 11th cusp sub lord signifies 6th and 11th, there is prosperity. If it signifies the 2nd also, there will be good income to the institution. 10. If the 11th cusp sub lord signifying any of the improving houses, he will have friends who will be helpful. 11. INTERVIEW: -The 11th cusp sub lord should be in direct motion at the time of interview and becomes a significator to 3rd and 9th his interview is successes full. 12. Childs returning from the school: - This has to work out on the sub number given by the mother of the child from the school. In the mothers chart if the 11th cusp sub lord signifies the 5th (CHILD) and the 11th (fulfillment), the child will return when the transiting lagna degree touches the

5th and 11th significators star and sub in a sign. This rule should not be applied for a missing son or a person. 13. For theft & recovery: -If the sub lord of the 11th cusp signifies 2nd 6th and 11th house the lost property will be recovered if the significators of 2nd 6th and 11th of a horary chart agrees with the Ruling Planets called at the moment of judgment. 14. How about the nature of marital life? It is to be assessed through the 11th cusp sub lords signification only. Even if the 7th cusp sub lord indicates beneficial results, the 11th cusp sub lord should not signify the 12th houses to the marital houses. 15. To get a ticket in the elections: - The 11th sub lord should be significator to the 3rd house, which indicates agreements and permission to go ahead with the elections. 16. INITIATION OF MANTHRA OR MUSIC: -Since both Manthra and Music are divine subjects, the 11th cusp sub lord should signify the 5th, which indicates manthra and music. It should signify the 10th for regular practice and also for professional matters, and the 11th for fulfillment of ones desire and achievement. 17. If the sub lord of the 11th cusp is a significator of houses 2, 5, 7, or 11, there can be perfect and harmony in married life, provided if the 11th cusp lord is not a significator to the 6th and/or 12th houses. 18. If the 11th cusp sub lord is a significator to 6th and 12th there is cure or recovery from illness. If the same sub lord is a significator to the 5th and 11th also there can be cure from the illness. XII cusp: 1. For foreign trip: - One should analyze the houses 3rd 9th and 12th and the cusp sub lords of these houses individually. The 3rd shows leaving home; the 9th tells about ones long journey; the 12th indicates new environments and foreign land. Therefore the 12th cusp sub lord should signify the above 3rd 9th and the 12th house 2. LOSS OF REPUTATION: -If the 12th cusp sub lord signifies 8th and 12th; one suffers from loss of reputation and respect during the conjoined periods of the significator of 8th and 12th. 3. Foreign assignment: -When the 12th cusp sub lord becomes the significator to 3rd 9th, and 12th, and also signifies the 6th, one gets trip to overseas on an assignment. 4. SEPARATION FROM FAMILY IN VARIOUS WAYS. (a) If the sub lord of the 12th cusp signifies 2nd, 3rd, 8th, and 12th, and Rahu also connected to the 12th cusp sub lord well, imprisonment is indicated (preferably the if Rahu becomes the 12th cusp sub lord and also signifies 3rd, 8th, and 12th, houses. 2nd house indicates if the sub of the 12th is afflictedseparation from the family 3rd house tells leaving home and residence. 8th house shows restriction ones movements The 12th house indicates life in an entirely different surroundings and environments or confinement within 4 walls like jail etc. 5. If the sub lord of the 12th, is natural benefit and signifies 2nd, 6th, and 11th one will be luckier in and there will be more returns within expense. 6. Defects are shown by the 12th cusp sub lord. For a native to have defects, it is due to the 12th cusp sub lord that signifies any one of the evil houses like 6th, 8th, 12th. The nature of the sub of the 12th cusp and the bhavas it signifies throws light on the part of the body affected. For example if the 12th cusp lord is significator to the 2nd house, it can affect ones speech, or eyes or voice cord etc. 7. If another person cheats a person, then the 12th cusp sub lord will be in the constellation of planets signifying 5th and 8th, and at the same time the planets connected with the significators are mostly Saturn and Mercury. The above matters from the 1st cusp to the 12th cusp through the sub theory are consolidated for the Krishnamurthi Paddhathi students for their benefits only which was written by Sri.K.M.Subramanyam.

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