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Physical Security

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The document outlines security protocols and procedures for various military facilities and assets including aircrafts, bulk petroleum, and critical communication facilities.

The document addresses security concerns like terrorist threats, intrusion detection, access control and barriers for protection of assets.

The document covers security of aircraft facilities, bulk petroleum facilities and critical communication facilities.

Army Regulation 190–16

*AFR 207-4
*MCO 5500.13A
*DLAR 5710.4

Military Police


Departments of the Army
Washington, DC
31 May 1991

AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4
Physical Security

This revision--

o Mandates that major command or second echelon commanders develop local

security threat statements (chap 1).

o Suggests that intrusion detection systems be considered to augment other

physical security procedures, devices, and equipment for aircraft security
planning (chap 3).

o Prescribes security force equipment and security procedures for the

protection of aircraft (chap 3).

o Incorporates a nonalert aircraft security requirements matrix (chap 3).

o Clarifies security procedures for critical communications facilities both on

and off military installations (chap 5).

o Incorporates DOD-approved progressive levels of terrorist threat to U.S.

military facilities and personnel (app B).
Headquarters *Army Regulation 190–16
Departments of the Army, the Navy, *OPNAVINST 5530.15A
the Air Force, and the Defense *AFR 207–4
Logistics Agency
Washington, DC *MCO 5500.13A
31 May 1991 *DLAR 5710.4
Effective 28 June 1991

Military Police

Physical Security

History. This UPDATE printing publishes a owned, leased, or otherwise under the juris- 20380–0001; and Defense Logistics Agency,
revision of this publication. Because the diction of the military departments or the De- furnish one copy to Staff Director, Office of
publication has been extensively revised, the fense Logistics Agency. Command Security, Defense Logistics Agen-
changed portions have not been highlighted. Proponent and exception authority. cy, ATTN: DLA–I, Cameron Station,
Not applicable Alexandria, VA 22304–6100.
Summary. This regulation establishes stand- Army management control process. Interim changes. Army interim changes to
ard policies on physical security systems This regulation is subject to the requirements this regulation are not official unless they are
planning, threat statements, control of access of AR 11–2. It contains internal control pro- authenticated by the Administrative Assistant
to installations, security of aircraft, bulk pe- visions but does not contain checklists for to the Secretary of the Army. Users will
troleum assets, and critical communications conducting internal control reviews. These destroy interim changes on their expiration
facilities. The Joint Chiefs of Staff-approved checklists are contained in DA Circular dates unless sooner superseded or rescinded.
terminology, terms, definitions, and pre- 11–89–2.
Suggested Improvements. The propo-
scribed security measures are intended to fa- Committee Continuance Approval. Not
nent agency of this regulation is the Office of
cilitate inter-Service coordination and support used.
the Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans.
of U.S. military terrorism counter-action ac- Supplementation. Army supplementation Users are invited to send comments and sug-
tivities. of this regulation and establishment of com- gested improvements through appropriate
mand and local forms are prohibited without command channels to HQDA (DAMO–ODL)
Applicability. This regulation applies to the prior approval from HQDA (DAMO–ODL), WASH DC 20310–0440.
Active Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the WASH DC 20310–0440. Air Force, Navy,
Marine Corps, and DLA supplementation of Distribution. Distribution of this publica-
Marine Corps, and the Defense Logistics tion is made in accordance with DA Form
Agency. It applies to the personnel of the U. this regulation is permitted, but is not re-
quired. If supplements are issued, major or 12–09–E, block number 3184, intended for
S. Army Reserve when located on installa- command level D for Active Army, Army
second echelon commands will furnish one
tions owned, leased, or otherwise under the National Guard, and U.S. Army Reserve.
copy of each supplement to their headquar-
jurisdiction of the military departments or the ters. Air Force, to Air Force Office of Secu- Navy: SNDL Part 2; Stocked: Naval Aviation
Defense Logistics Agency. It also applies to rity Police, ATTN: SPOS, Kirtland Air Force Supply Office, Physical Distribution Divi-
personnel of the Army National Guard, the Base, NM 87117–6001; Navy, to Chief of sion, Code 103, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Phila-
Air National Guard, the Air Force Reserve, Naval Operations (OP–09N), Navy Depart- delphia, PA 19120-5099 (500 copies).
the U.S. Navy Reserve, and the U.S. Marine ment, Washington, DC 20388–5400; Marine Air Force: F
Corps Reserve when in the service of the Corps, furnish one copy to Commandant of Marine Corps: MARCORPS PCN
United States or located on installations the Marine Corps (Code POS–40), Headquar- 10208415400.
ters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, DC Defense Logistics Agency: 3;52A;72;81.

*This regulation supersedes AR 190–16, OPNAVINST 5530.15A, AFR 207-4, MCO 5500.13, and DLAR 5710.4, 15 March 1984.

AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4 • 31 May 1991 i

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

Chapter 1
Introduction, page 1
Purpose • 1–1, page 1
References • 1–2, page 1
Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1
Responsibilities • 1–4, page 1
Policy • 1–5, page 1
Concept of physical security programs • 1–6, page 2
Threat assessments • 1–7, page 2
Physical security council • 1–8, page 2
Serious security incident reports • 1–9, page 2
Terrorist threat conditions (THREATCONS) • 1–10, page 2

Chapter 2
Installation Access Control, page 2
Controlled entry and exit • 2–1, page 2
Policy • 2–2, page 2
Installation access • 2–3, page 2
Restricted access plan • 2–4, page 2

Chapter 3
Standards for Aircraft Security, page 3
Aircraft security • 3–1, page 3
Policy • 3–2, page 3
Aircraft security planning • 3–3, page 3
Transient or deployed aircraft • 3–4, page 3
Security force equipment • 3–5, page 3
Security procedures • 3–6, page 3
Emergency situations • 3–7, page 3

Chapter 4
Security of Bulk Petroleum Assets, page 4
Introduction • 4–1, page 4
Policy • 4–2, page 4
Security planning and liaison • 4–3, page 4
Physical security inspections • 4–4, page 4

Chapter 5
Security of Critical Communications Facilities, page 4
Introduction • 5–1, page 4
Policy • 5–2, page 4
Service directives • 5–3, page 5
Physical security equipment • 5–4, page 5
Security force requirements • 5–5, page 5
Security measures to improve survivability • 5–6, page 5
Off-installation facility staffed full-time • 5–7, page 5
Off-installation facility staffed part-time • 5–8, page 6

A. References, page 7
B. Terrorist Threat Conditions (THREATCONS), page 7

Table List

Table 3–1: Non-alert aircraft security requirements matrix, page 4



ii AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4 • 31 May 1991

Chapter 1 (1) Commanders, directors, supervisors, and officers in charge at
Introduction this level (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and DLA) will
protect personnel and property in their commands against trespass,
1–1. Purpose terrorism, sabotage, theft, arson, and other illegal acts. Commanders
a. This regulation provides realistic guidance and prescribes uni- will provide the level of security required based on a thorough
form physical security policies and procedures for installation access assessment of the following considerations:
control, aircraft, bulk petroleum assets, and critical communication (a) The types of activity areas or resources and their criticality to
facilities on Department of Defense (DOD) installations and equip- the installation’s missions.
ment used by the military services and the Defense Logistics (b) Current threats to the installation or activity area, including
Agency (DLA). In overseas areas, commanders or officers in charge trespassing, terrorism, sabotage, theft, arson, and other illegal acts.
may deviate from the policies in this regulation if local conditions, (See chaps 3 and 5 for specific security program responsibilities.)
treaties, agreements, and other arrangements with foreign govern- (c) The vulnerability of the installation, including construction
ments and allied forces require. and physical layout of the installation or activity area, geographical
b. Upon the declaration of war, installation, division, and sepa- location, social and political environment, and attractiveness of in-
rate brigade commanders may prescribe procedures that suspend stallation assets to current threats.
specific provisions of this regulation if local conditions require; (2) Commanders at this level (Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine
however, the procedures must ensure the maximum practical secu- Corps, and DLA) will—
rity for Government personnel and property. These commanders (a) Develop plans to ensure the protection of DOD resources
may delegate this authority to commanders or activity chiefs in the against trespass, terrorism, sabotage, theft, arson, and other illegal
grade of lieutenant colonel, civilian equivalent, or above. acts during peacetime, mobilization, and war, and share them with
other commands located in close proximity.
1–2. References
(b) Develop an installation security threat assessment and share it
Related publications are listed in appendix A.
with other commands and Services within the geographic area.
1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms (c) Establish procedures for providing support to, and requesting
Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are ex- support from, other local Service or DLA installations in the event
plained in the glossary. of a terrorist incident.
(d) Exchange current threat information with other Service or
1–4. Responsibilities DLA installations in the area.
a. Military services and DLA headquarters. The following offi-
cials will exercise staff supervision over policy programs for physi- 1–5. Policy
cal security of their Services or agencies: for the Army, the Deputy a. Physical security is the responsibility of commanders, direc-
Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans; for the Air Force, The tors, supervisors, and officers in charge, whether military or civilian.
Inspector General; for the Navy, the Special Assistant for Naval b. Physical security programs will provide the means to counter
Investigative Matters and Security; for the Marine Corps, the Direc- threat entities during peacetime, mobilization, and wartime. These
tor, Operations Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps include—
(HQMC); and for the DLA, the Staff Director, Office of Command (1) Hostile intelligence services.
Security. They will— (2) Paramilitary forces.
(1) Develop necessary standard policies and procedures. (3) Terrorists or saboteurs.
(2) Supplement the provisions of this regulation to meet specific (4) Criminal elements.
Service or DLA needs. (5) Protest groups.
(3) Coordinate and maintain liaison with the other Services or (6) Disaffected persons.
agencies on physical security matters, including taking part in work- c. Physical security procedures include, but are not limited to—
ing groups and committees. (1) Using physical security equipment or measures to reduce vul-
(4) Set up procedures for sharing threat information in a timely nerability to a threat.
manner through law enforcement, security, or intelligence channels. (2) Integrating physical security into contingency, mobilization,
(5) Formalize security procedures for joint response to contingen- and wartime plans, and testing physical security procedures and
cies . measures during the exercise of these plans.
(6) Develop or request from their own Service or agency specific (3) Coordinating installation operations security (OPSEC), crime
physical security threat assessments and update them annually or as prevention, and physical security programs to protect against the
needed. total criminal element.
b. Major command or second echelon command. Commanders at (4) Training guards at sensitive or other storage sites in tactical
this level (Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and DLA) will— defense against, and response to, attempted penetrations.
(1) Develop a local security threat statement in coordination with (5) Creating physical security awareness.
local intelligence support elements and forward to subordinate in- d. Physical security measures are physical security equipment,
stallations and activities. procedures, or devices used to protect security interests from possi-
(2) Coordinate regional sharing of threat information. ble threats. They include, but are not limited to—
(3) Supplement Service or DLA threat assessments based on the (1) Security guards.
threat in the commander’s area of responsibility and forward the (2) Military working dogs.
assessments to installations. (Note: For the Air Force only, threat (3) Physical barriers.
assessments will be supplemented as prescribed by the Air Force (4) Badging systems.
Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) or the Inspector General. (5) Secure containers.
For the Navy and Marine Corps, the threat assessment will be (6) Locking devices.
provided by the Naval Investigative Service Command (NISCOM), (7) Intrusion detection systems (IDS).
Anti-Terrorist Alert Center (ATAC).) (8) Security lighting.
(4) Encourage establishment of agreements between installations (9) Assessment or surveillance systems (such as closed-circuit
for mutual support against terrorist incidents (that is, sharing intelli- television (CCTV)).
gence and coordinating terrorist threat conditions (10) Access control devices.
(THREATCONS)). (11) Facility hardening.
c. Installation or activity heads

AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4 • 31 May 1991 1

1–6. Concept of physical security programs 1–10. Terrorist threat conditions (THREATCONS)
Security of property, equipment, facilities, and personnel is the re- a. The THREATCONS in appendix B have been established to
sponsibility of each military and civilian employee of DOD. Inves- describe progressive levels of terrorist threats to U.S. military facili-
tigative and law enforcement agencies may assist in meeting these ties and personnel. These THREATCONS will be used by the mili-
responsibilities. (These agencies include the U.S. Army and Marine tary services and DLA. They should improve coordination and
Corps Military Police, the U.S. Air Force Office of Security Police, mutual support of the Services and DLA in terrorism counteraction
the AFOSI, the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command activities.
(USACIDC), the NISCOM, and the DOD, Inspector General.) b. The commander with jurisdiction or control over threatened
facilities or personnel is responsible for choosing the proper re-
1–7. Threat assessments sponse to terrorist threats. Declaring a specific THREATCON to
a. Monitoring. Each Service and DLA must constantly monitor exist does not imply any mandatory reports (unless otherwise re-
current and potential threats due to their diverse missions, the dis- quired), nor does it require that the recommended actions listed in
persal of forces, and various states of unit readiness. Threat informa- appendix B be taken, except to report rationale to the next higher
tion is normally passed through intelligence summaries, serious headquarters.
incident reports, law enforcement, and security incidents reports. c. Marine Corps commanders should refer to the current edition
b. Analysis. Installations will develop a local threat statement of MCO 3302.1 for additional guidance regarding THREATCONS.
based on local area analysis and information provided by Service The Department of the Army requires positive THREATCON repor-
intelligence and investigative organizations. ting from major Army commands (MACOMs). U.S. Air Force com-
c. Security resources. The threat statement is a key tool for the manders should follow AFR 207–1 for guidance regarding
commander to use to determine the commitment of physical security THREATCONS. MACOMs will implement a reporting system
resources. It is an integral part of the installation physical security or within their respective commands.
resource protection plan.

1–8. Physical security council

a. The physical security council (PSC) is a means by which an Chapter 2
installation commander can gain full community involvement in Installation Access Control
program design and implementation. Military services and DLA
should consider the establishment of such councils at each installa- 2–1. Controlled entry and exit
tion . This chapter prescribes general policies for controlling entry into
b. A PSC should be chaired by a member of the installation and exit from military installations. Access control is an integral
command element. The senior law enforcement or security officer is part of the installation physical security program. Each installation
to serve as the coordinator. Membership should include major sub- must clearly define the access control measures (tailored to local
ordinate activity representatives and key members of the installation conditions) required to safeguard the installation and ensure ac-
staff (such as the comptroller, operations security. intelligence, lo- complishment of its mission.
gistics, and facilities engineer).
2–2. Policy
c. The PSC can perform any or all of the following functions:
Installation commanders will develop, set up, and maintain policies
(1) Provide guidance for the development and distribution of the and procedures to control installation access. They will—
installation threat assessment. a. Determine the degree of control required over personnel and
(2) Develop the installation physical security plan. equipment entering or leaving the installation.
(3) Evaluate the effectiveness of the installation security program b. Prescribe and distribute procedures for the search of persons
and ensure regulatory compliance. (and their possessions) on the installation. These procedures will
(4) Recommend priorities for the commitment of security re- cover searches conducted as persons enter the installation, while
sources to the commander. they are on the installation, and as they leave the installation.
(5) Evaluate the results of security-related inspections, surveys, c. Enforce the removal of, or deny access to, persons who
and exercises, and recommend corrective actions. threaten order, security, or discipline of the installation.
(6) Review installation entry- and visitor-control procedures. d. Designate restricted areas to protect classified defense infor-
(7) Evaluate crime prevention programs and levy specific tasks in mation or safeguard property or material for which they are respon-
support of these programs upon commanders or officers in charge sible .
and heads of staff agencies.
(8) Evaluate reports of significant losses or thefts and corrective 2–3. Installation access
actions taken. a. Installation commanders will determine necessary access con-
(9) Develop security education requirements. trols per paragraph 1–4c.
(10) Review existing regulations, directives, and plans to ensure b. Installation commanders will allocate resources necessary to
that the installation can support a terrorism counteraction program enforce the controls established. The considerations in paragraph
suited to the local situation. (Note: Marine Corps installations will 1–5c will be monitored constantly and evaluated to ensure adequate
establish a PSC per the guidance herein and as required by OP- protection is maintained.
NAVINST 5530.14 series. As a minimum, Air Force installations
should follow established guidance in AFR 207–1 in developing a 2–4. Restricted access plan
Base Security Plan.) a. Each installation commander will develop a plan for increasing
vigilance and restricting installation access as events require. This
1–9. Serious security incident reports plan will be activated upon the occurrence of the following
Each Service and DLA will set up a management information sys- situations:
tem f(–NORTH–) reporting by subordinate commands of serious (1) National emergency.
security incidents. This system must also require proper follow-up (2) Disaster.
reports that identify the deficiencies that contributed to each inci- (3) Terrorist or hostile threat.
dent, and that describe the actions taken to correct those deficien- (4) Significant criminal action.
cies. Reports of interest to other Services or DLA will be distributed (5) Civil disturbance.
to them at the Service or DLA headquarters level. (6) Other contingencies that would seriously affect the ability of
the installation to perform its mission.

2 AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4 • 31 May 1991

b. The plan should include actions to counter various stages of effort to provide the same degree of security that the owning Serv-
each threat. ice would provide under the same (transient or deployed)
c. The plan will include— circumstances.
(1) Coordination with local, State, and Federal or host country (1) Park the aircraft in a permanent restricted area with an IDS
officials to ensure integrity of restricted access to the installation when possible.
and reduce the effect on surrounding civilian communities. (2) If parking the aircraft in an established restricted area with
(2) Establishment of a system for positive identification of per- IDS is not possible, put it in a hangar or encircle it with an elevated
sonnel and equipment authorized to enter and exit the installation. barrier, such as rope and stanchions. When a hangar is used, the
(3) Maintenance of adequate physical barriers that could be in- walls constitute the restricted area boundary.
stalled to deter access to the installation. (3) Provide area lighting of sufficient intensity to allow the secu-
(4) Predesignation of personnel, equipment. and other resources rity force to detect and track intruders.
to enforce restricted access and react to incidents. (4) Display restricted area signs so that personnel approaching
d. Each commander will review and update the plan as required. the aircraft can see the signs.
All personnel should be informed of the plan and their personal (5) Provide circulation control. Entry must be limited to only
responsibilities under the plan. The plan shall be included as an those persons who have a need to enter.
annex to the host Installation Physical Security Plan. (6) Require the senior security supervisor to give the aircraft
commander a local threat assessment for the duration of ground

3–5. Security force equipment

Chapter 3 a. Each security force member will be equipped with a helmet,
Standards for Aircraft Security body armor, protective field mask, and a portable mobile radio.
3–1. Aircraft security b. Security force members will be armed with an M16 or equiva-
This chapter describes policy and procedures for security of aircraft lent weapon and at least half the basic load of ammunition.
in transient or deployed. Aircraft have historically been a frequent
3–6. Security procedures
target of terrorists, saboteurs, and malcontents. The Services have a
a. Various aircraft assigned to the U.S. Air Force provide tactical
joint responsibility to protect aircraft, particularly those in opera- support, logistical support, reconnaissance, and refueling capability
tional roles during a conflict, regardless of location or owning Serv- for worldwide American interests. Many of these aircraft, because
ice. Aircraft security must be an important part of every airfield’s of their large size or mission tasking, are an attractive target. This is
installation physical security program. particularly true at installations where their presence is unusual, they
are on display, or are located at civilian or foreign airfields. Refer to
3–2. Policy
the security requirements matrix (table 3–1) to determine the mini-
a. Installation commanders are responsible for the security of
mum security to be provided for nonalert aircraft. These require-
aircraft assigned to, or transient on, their installations. They will
ments apply to aircraft on display or located at civilian or foreign air
develop security plans to meet this responsibility.
fields. Special or increased requirements for specific operational
b. Each Service will issue proper directives governing security of configuration must be identified in advance (when possible) to host
its aircraft. The priority for security placed on like aircraft systems security forces.
within each Service’s inventory may vary because of differences in b. Security forces in support of aircraft must be notified before a
the following: visit to the aircraft is allowed to take place. Any change in security
(1) Mission of aircraft. priorities based on operational status must be identified to the host
(2) Location of aircraft. installation.
(3) Operational readiness of aircraft. c. The aircraft commander determines if security is adequate.
c. The owning Service should request special security support
from the host airfield of another Service as far in advance as 3–7. Emergency situations
possible. a. Initial security for aircraft that crash or are forced to land
outside a military installation is the responsibility of the nearest
3–3. Aircraft security planning military installation. The owning Service will respond and assume
In general planning for aircraft security, a commander should con- on-site security as soon as practical.
sider the degree to which the installation provides a secure environ- b. In the above emergency situations, security must—
ment. Commanders should consider at least the following factors: (1) Ensure the safety of civilian sightseers.
a. Whether the installation is open or closed to the public. (2) Prevent tampering with or pilfering from the aircraft.
b. Whether the flightline or aircraft parking area is adequately (3) Preserve the accident scene for later investigation.
fenced, lighted, and posted with signs. (4) Protect classified cargo or aircraft components.
c. Whether a controlled access policy or limited entry restriction
is in effect at the flightline or aircraft parking area.
d. Whether, and to what degree, the flightline or aircraft parking
area has security or law enforcement patrol coverage or surveillance
provided by personnel working within or around the area.
e. IDS should be considered to augment other physical security
procedures, devices, and equipment.

3–4. Transient or deployed aircraft

a. The installation commander will always provide a secure area
for transient aircraft on the installation.
b. For administrative aircraft, this requirement may be met by
parking aircraft in an area where normal troop activity provides a
reasonable degree of deterrence.
c. More critical aircraft require additional security measures as
listed below. The host installation should make every reasonable

AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4 • 31 May 1991 3

Table 3–1
Non-alert aircraft security requirements matrix
Security Entry control SRT 1 Motorized
Aircraft type priority responsibility team CBS 2 patrol

Tactical aircraft C3 Aircrew Yes — Yes

(e.g., F–4, F–15, F–16, F–111)
Airlift aircraft C Aircrew Yes — Yes
(e.g., C–5, C–130, C–141, C–23S) 4
Strategic bomber aircraft C Aircrew Yes — Yes
(e.g., B–1, B–52, FB–111)
Air refueling aircraft C Aircrew Yes — Yes
(e.g., KC–10, KC–135)
Special mission aircraft B Security Yes Yes —
(e.g., compass call, AWACS, WWABNCP)
Strategic reconnaissance 5 B Security Yes Yes —
Advanced technology aircraft B Pilot carriers detailed — — —
(e.g., F–177A, B–2) information for divert
Other DOD Aircraft 6 C Aircrew Yes — Yes
1Security Response Team (SRT). A team consisting of two security force members available to respond within 5 minutes. All priority aircraft require SRT support. SRTs
may be area patrols not specifically dedicated to the visiting aircraft.
2Close Boundary Sentry (CBS). A security force member posted inside or outside the boundary to keep the boundary of the restricted area under surveillance.
3Priority C aircraft require a motorized patrol in lieu of a CBS.
4C–5 aircraft at Clark AB RP will receive security protection commensurate with that provided priority B resources.
5U–2C/CT aircraft will be protected as priority C.
6Secured IAW this MATRIX or as directed by Service-specific requirements.

Chapter 4 2 years. Commanders of major commands or major subordinate

Security of Bulk Petroleum Assets commanders may require inspections more frequently, at their
4–1. Introduction b. Inspections should be formal, recorded assessments of crime
This chapter prescribes general policies for security of Government- prevention measures and other physical security measures, used to
owned, Government-operated (GOGO) and Government-owned, protect the facilities from loss, theft, destruction, sabotage, or
contractor-operated (GOCO) fuel support points, pipeline pumping compromise.
stations, and piers. c. Inspection reports will be handled according to applicable di-
rectives of the military services or DLA.
4–2. Policy
a. GOGO and GOCO fuel support points, pipeline pumping sta-
tions, and piers will be designated and posted as restricted areas.
b. Access to these facilities will be controlled; only authorized Chapter 5
personnel will be permitted to enter. Commanders will determine Security of Critical Communications Facilities
the means required to enforce access control (such as guards, fences,
lighting, and security badges) based on the considerations in para- 5–1. Introduction
graph 1–5c. a. This chapter establishes policy and concepts for physical secu-
c. Personnel providing security will be equipped with a primary rity of critical communications facilities located on and off military
and an alternate means of communications. These means must ena- installations. It includes Defense Communications System (DCS)
ble them to alert military or civilian law enforcement agencies, as facilities. Providing adequate security, regardless of the location or
appropriate, in the event of an intrusion, fire, or other emergency. owning Service, is a joint-Service responsibility. Specific security
support for facilities that require special security measures must be
4–3. Security planning and liaison coordinated between the involved Services, as required.
Commanders of major subordinate commands of the Services and b. Because of the differences in location, physical layout, and
DLA will perform the functions listed below to protect their fuel equipment, the security considerations in paragraph 1–5c must be
facilities. They will— thoroughly assessed for each facility; the physical security program
a. Establish liaison with the nearest U.S. military installation. of each facility should be tailored to that facility.
b. Develop and coordinate contingency plans with the nearest c. Sensitive compartmental information facilities (SClFs) are not
U.S. military installation to provide manpower and equipment re- covered by this regulation. SCI security management, to include
sources to the facility in the event of emergencies and increased administrative, communications, personnel, and physical security
terrorist or hostile threats. criteria, are covered by other DOD and military service publications.
c. Establish liaison with supporting military, local, State, and
Federal law enforcement agencies. 5–2. Policy
d. Develop all necessary support agreements with the agencies in a. Critical communication facilities play a major role in support
c above. of each Service’s mission, providing operational communications in
both peacetime and wartime. These facilities are attractive targets
4–4. Physical security inspections due to limited staffing and isolated locations; therefore, security for
a. The nearest installation of the owning Service will conduct a these facilities must be an important part of each installation’s
physical security inspection of each fuel facility at least once every physical security program.

4 AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4 • 31 May 1991

b. The facility commander’s immediate superior or the nearest Fencing will be chain-link style, with 2-inch square mesh of 9-
installation of the owning Service will conduct a physical security gauge diameter wire according to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
inspection of each critical communications facility at least once (USACE) drawing 40–16–08 obtainable from the U.S. Army Engi-
every 2 years. The owning Service must also review the host instal- neer Division, Huntsville, P.O. Box 1600, Huntsville, AL
lation’s physical security measures during inspections and staff 35807–4301. (In Europe, fencing may be North Atlantic Treaty
visits. Organization (NATO) standard designed fencing. This is chain-link
c. Access will be controlled at all critical communication facili- fencing with 76mm grid opening, of 2.5 to 3mm gauge wire, at least
ties. Only authorized personnel will be allowed to enter. Facilities 2 meters in height, and with 3.76 meter post separation.)
should be designated as restricted areas. b. Security lighting is normally used at critical communications
d. Commanders should consider locating enough weapons and facilities. This lighting will be designed to deny an intruder ap-
ammunition at critical communications facilities to arm designated proaching the area the cover of darkness, and enable personnel at
on-site personnel. If arms are stored at the facilities, appropriate the facility to detect unauthorized personnel within the area.
security measures and procedures will be employed. Weapons will c. IDS may be used with CCTV to observe boundaries and sup-
not be located at unmanned facilities. plemental security procedures.
e. Essential structures should be hardened against attacks; this d. One-way glass, peepholes, electrically operated entry gates,
includes large antenna support legs, operations buildings, and cable and CCTV should be considered as measures to help on-duty per-
trays. Construction programs for critical communications facilities sonnel enforce entry control procedures.
will include appropriate hardening of essential structures.
5–5. Security force requirements
5–3. Service directives a. Many communications facilities will require few, if any, full-
a. Each Service may issue additional directives governing secu- time security members. Communications personnel at the facility
rity of their critical communications facilities; however, Service will be trained and equipped to perform security functions per para-
directives will not reduce the requirements of this regulation. graphs 5–2d and 5–3e.
b. The owning Services will arrange for security of off- installa- b. An armed entry controller should be provided at all staffed
tion facilities with the closest U.S. military installation. This in- critical facilities located off the installation. If an IDS is in use, the
cludes contingency plans for manpower and equipment resources entry controller may also perform alarm monitor functions. An
during emergencies and normal day-to-day security support, if re- armed response team drawn from designated on-duty communica-
quired. These arrangements can be made between Services by es- tions personnel should be available at all times to respond to alarms.
tablishing a formal agreement such as an inter-Service support c. A response force of military forces or local civilian police will
agreement. be designated to assist personnel at off-installation critical facilities.
c. Each major command will identify critical communications Agreements with these forces will be per paragraph 5–3b.
facilities as defined by this directive. d. Security response support for facilities located on the installa-
d. Each commander of a major command will ensure that a tion is the responsibility of that installation commander.
security plan is developed for each critical communications facility
under his or her command. The plan will include emergency secu- 5–6. Security measures to improve survivability
rity actions and procedures for emergency destruction of sensitive The survivability of critical communications facilities can be im-
equipment and classified information. This plan may be an annex to proved by the use of physical security measures. Use of the follow-
an existing host installation security plan. Only the applicable parts ing measures should be considered by commanders of MACOMs to
of the total plan must be distributed to personnel at the facility. protect these facilities, based on the considerations in paragraph
e. Operations, maintenance, and communications personnel at the 1–4c.
facility are the most important factors in security. Each commander a. Provide a 20-foot clear zone on the inside and outside of the
of a major command should ensure implementation of a training perimeter barrier. All underbrush in the clear zone should be re-
program for each communications facility. The program will be moved and all depressions and raises, leveled.
structured to ensure assigned personnel understand their day-to-day b. Prohibit personnel from parking vehicles within 30 feet of
security responsibilities, are familiar with the vulnerabilities of the perimeter.
facility, and are prepared to implement emergency security actions. c. Bury fuel storage tanks and fuel lines for back-up generators
The training program should cover the following: underground.
(1) Security procedures and personal protection skills for as- d. Bury power and communications cables underground.
signed personnel. e. Maintain an emergency water supply and store it underground.
(2) The use of weapons for protecting the facility. f. Elevate air-conditioning systems at least 12 feet above the
(3) Training for appropriate personnel in recognition of jamming, ground.
electromagnetic disruption, or interference with the facility’s com- g. Paint buildings and essential structures in toned-down colors,
munications, including measures required to maintain such as light green, light brown, and other earth shades.
communications. h. Install hardened defensive fighting positions that cover proba-
(4) Awareness of local threats and activity in the area. ble avenues of approach by hostile elements.
f. Installation commanders should ensure security of communica-
tions facilities for which they provide host support, whether the 5–7. Off-installation facility staffed full-time
facilities are on or off the installation. When a communication element or site is outside the confines of a
support installation and is designated as an operating location where
5–4. Physical security equipment personnel perform duty at all times, the following guidance below
a. Barriers are normally used to deter or delay unauthorized will govern.
intruders. a. Radio and direct-line telephone communication from the facil-
(1) The type of barrier used will depend on the facility’s impor- ity to the support installation security or law enforcement control
tance to the owning Service’s mission and other variables per para- center should be available. If distance or cost prohibit this approach,
graph 1–4c. direct lines connecting the facility with the communications man-
(2) Gates will be constructed and installed to provide protection agement facility or switchboard located on the support installation
equal to the barrier. Gates will be locked when not in use. should be considered.
(3) Barriers, including fencing, used for critical communications b. Entry to critical communications facilities will be controlled.
facilities, will be at least 6 feet in height, except where greater c. When IDS is installed, alarms should sound at a location that
minimum standards are required by individual Service directives. is staffed at all times. Commanders of major commands must ensure

AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4 • 31 May 1991 5

each subordinate level of command develops procedures for alarm
assessment and security force response.
d. Parking of privately owned vehicles within 30 feet of the
perimeter fence will be prohibited.
e. An emergency water supply will be maintained and stored
f. Hardened defensive fighting positions that cover probable ave-
nues of approach will be installed.
g. Radio and direct-line telephone communications to support
installation law enforcement or security control centers will be
h. Procedures will be developed for alarm assessment and secu-
rity response.
i. Security force requirements will be coordinated with local ci-
vilian police, host nation military, or security forces for backup and
response forces to unmanned sites.

5–8. Off-installation facility staffed part-time

When a communications element or site is outside the confines of a
support installation, isolated from the host, and the communications
element or site is an operating location where personnel perform
duty less than 24 hours a day, the guidance below will govern.
a. The facility will be housed in buildings constructed of solid
masonry walls or the equivalent. Compensatory measures will be
provided for any existing facility that does not meet this
b. The installation of IDS is required. The system will, at a
minimum, be activated when the facility is unstaffed and will alert
the support installation’s security forces, local civil or military po-
lice, or the supported installation’s management facility.
c. One-way glass, optical viewers, entry control systems, elec-
tronically operated gates with two-way voice communications, and
CCTV should be considered to help on-duty personnel enforce entry

6 AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4 • 31 May 1991

Appendix A MCO 5640.2
References Event/Incident Reports

Section I OPNAVINST 5530.14

Required Publications Physical Security and Loss Prevention
This section contains no entries.
SECNAV 5511.36
Section II Security of Installations
Related Publications
Section III
AFR 125–17 Prescribed Forms
The Air Force Crime Prevention Program This section contains no entries.

Section IV
AFR 125–37
Referenced Forms
The Installation and Resources Protection Program This section contains no entries.
AFR 207–1
Air Force Physical Security Program
Appendix B
AFR 207–21 Terrorist Threat Conditions (THREATCONS)
Command and Control Communications and Warning Systems
B–1. Overview
AFR 208–1 The THREATCONS discussed in this appendix describe progressive
US Air Force Antiterrorism Program levels of terrorist threat to U.S. military facilities and personnel. The
JCS-approved terminology, definitions, and prescribed security
AR 190–11 measures are intended to facilitate inter-Service coordination and
Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives support of U.S. military terrorism counteraction activities. Security
measures to be implemented under each THREATCON are speci-
AR 190–13 fied. If a command does not implement all the specific measures
The Army Physical Security Program under a declared THREATCON, the rationale for those not taken
must be reported to the next higher headquarters.
AR 190–40
Serious Incident Report (Requirements Control Symbol B–2. The four THREATCONS (above normal)
CSGPA–1340 (R1) a. THREATCON ALPHA. This condition applies when there is a
general threat of possible terrorist activity against personnel and
AR 190–51 facilities, the nature and extent of which are unpredictable, and
Security of Army Property at Unit and Installation Level circumstances do not justify full implementation of THREATCON
BRAVO measures. However, it may be necessary to implement
AR 380–5 certain measures from higher THREATCONS resulting from intelli-
Department of the Army Information Security Program gence received or as a deterrent. The measures in this THREAT-
CON must be capable of being maintained indefinitely.
DLAM 5710.1
b. THREATCON BRAVO. This condition applies when an in-
Physical Security Manual
creased and more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists. The
measures in this THREATCON must be capable of being main-
DLAR 5200.8
Protection of Defense Logistics Agency Personnel and Resources tained for weeks without causing undue hardship, affecting opera-
tional capability, and aggravating relations with local authorities.
Against Terrorist Threats
c. THREATCON CHARLIE. This condition applies when an inci-
DLAR 5710.1 dent occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of
Security of DLA Activities and Resources terrorist action against personnel facilities and is imminent. Imple-
mentation of measures in this THREATCON for more than a short
DOD 5100.76M period probably will create hardship and affect the peacetime activi-
Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and ties of the unit and its personnel.
Explosives d. THREATCON DELTA. This condition applies in the immediate
area where a terrorist attack has occurred or when intelligence has
DOD 5200.1R been received that terrorist action against a specific location or
Information Security Program Regulation person is likely.

DOD 5200.8 B–3. Declaration of THREATCONS

Security of Military Installations and Resources a. Information and warnings of terrorist activity against installa-
tions and personnel of U.S. commands and agencies normally will
MCO 1600.6 be received from U.S. security authorities or through the security
Crime Prevention Program agencies of the host countries concerned. Information also may
come from local police forces, be received directly by a U.S. com-
MCO 3302.1 mand or agency as a threat or warning from a terrorist organization,
Combatting Terrorism at the Installation and Unit Level or be in the form of an attack on a U.S. installation or U.S.
MCO 4340.1 b. The declaration of THREATCONS and implementation of
Reporting of Missing, Lost, Stolen, and Recovered Government measures may be decreed by a U.S. command or agency or by a
Property local commander or head of an agency following receipt of intelli-
gence through official sources or following an anonymous threat.

AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4 • 31 May 1991 7

Lateral as well as vertical reporting is directed by dissemination of (9) Measure 18. As far as resources will allow, increase surveil-
THREATCON to potentially affected areas. lance of domestic accommodations, schools, messes, clubs, and
c. Specific instructions on issuance of weapons and ammunition other soft targets to improve deterrence and defense and build confi-
will be included in local orders. These orders must comply with the dence among staff and family members.
policy of the U.S. command or agency concerned. (10) Measure 19. Make staff and family members aware of the
d. Detailed measures to be adopted by U.S. headquarters, where general situation in order to stop rumors and prevent unnecessary
they share facilities or jurisdiction with other national or foreign alarm.
organizations, must be coordinated with these organizations. (11) Measure 20. At an early stage, inform members of local
security committees of any action being taken and why.
B–4. THREATCON measures (12) Measure 21. Physically inspect visitors and a percentage of
a. THREATCON ALPHA. their suitcases, parcels, and other containers.
(1) Measure 1. Remind all personnel at regular intervals (includ- (13) Measure 22. Wherever possible, operate random patrols to
ing family members) to be suspicious and inquisitive about stran- check vehicles, people, and buildings.
gers, particularly those carrying suitcases or other containers. Be (14) Measure 23. Protect off-base military personnel and trans-
alert for unidentified vehicles on, or in the vicinity of, U.S. installa- port according to prepared plans. Remind drivers to lock parked
tions, units, or facilities. Be alert for abandoned parcels or suitcases vehicles and institute a positive system of checking before entering
or any unusual activity. and driving a car.
(2) Measure 2. Keep available at all times the duty officer or (15) Measure 24. As appropriate, implement additional security
other appointed personnel who have access to plans for evacuation measures for high-risk personnel.
or for sealing off buildings or areas in use, or where an explosion or (16) Measure 25. Brief augmentation guard force personnel on
attack has occurred. Keep on call key personnel who may be needed the use of deadly force.
to implement security plans. (17) Measures 26–29. Spares.
(3) Measure 3. Secure buildings, rooms, and storage areas not in c. THREATCON CHARLIE.
regular use. (1) Measure 30. Continue all THREATCON BRAVO measures
(4) Measure 4. Conduct security spot checks of vehicles and or introduce those not already implemented.
persons entering installations and nonclassified areas under the juris- (2) Measure 31. Keep all personnel responsible for implementing
diction of the U.S. commander or agency. terrorism counteraction plans available at their places of duty.
(5) Measure 5. Limit access points for vehicles and personnel (3) Measure 32. Limit access points to an absolute minimum.
commensurate with a reasonable flow of traffic. (4) Measure 33. Strictly enforce entry control and search a per-
(6) Measure 6. As appropriate, apply one of the following meas- centage of vehicles.
ures from THREATCON BRAVO individually and randomly: (5) Measure 34. Enforce centralized parking of vehicles away
(a) Secure and regularly inspect all buildings, rooms, and storage from sensitive buildings.
areas not in regular use (Measure 14). (6) Measure 35. Issue weapons to guards. Local orders should
(b) At the beginning and end of each workday and at regular and include specific orders on issue of ammunition.
frequent intervals, inspect the interior and exterior of buildings in (7) Measure 36. Introduce increased patrolling of the installation.
regular use for suspicious activity or packages (Measure 5). (8) Measure 37. Protect all designated vulnerable points, giving
(c) Check all deliveries to messes, clubs, and so forth (Measure special attention to those outside military establishments.
17). Advise family members to check all home deliveries. (9) Measure 38. Erect barriers and obstacles to control traffic
(d) As far as resources allow, increase surveillance of domestic flow.
accommodations, schools, messes, clubs, and other soft targets to (10) Measure 39. Spare.
improve deterrence and defense and build confidence among staff d. THREATCON DELTA.
and family members (Measure 18). (1) Measure 40. Contains or introduces all measures for
(7) Measure 7. Key personnel periodically review and understand THREATCON CHARLIE.
all plans, orders, personnel details, and logistical requirements re- (2) Measure 41. Augment guards as necessary.
lated to the introduction of a higher THREATCON. (3) Measure 42. Identify all vehicles already on the installation
(8) Measure 8. As appropriate, review and implement security within operational or mission support areas.
measures for high-risk personnel (for example, direct use of incon- (4) Measure 43. Search all vehicles (and their contents) entering
spicuous body armor). the complex or installation.
(9) Measure 9. Spare. (5) Measure 44. Control all access, and implement positive iden-
b. THREATCON BRAVO. tification of all personnel.
(1) Measure 10. Repeat Measure 1 and warn personnel of any (6) Measure 45. Search all suitcases, briefcases, packages, and so
other terrorist form of attack. forth, brought into the complex or installation.
(2) Measure 11. Keep on call all personnel involved in im- (7) Measure 46. Take measures to control access to all areas
under the jurisdiction of the U.S. command or agency concerned.
plementing antiterrorist contingency plans.
(8) Measure 47. Make frequent checks of the exterior of build-
(3) Measure 12. Check plans for implementation of the measures
ings and parking areas.
contained in the next higher THREATCON.
(9) Measure 48. Minimize all administrative journeys and visits.
(4) Measure 13. Where possible, cars and objects such as crates
(10) Measure 49. Consult local authorities about closing public
and trash containers are to be moved at least 25 meters from build-
(and military) roads and facilities that might make sites more vul-
ings, particularly those buildings of a sensitive or prestigious nature.
nerable to terrorist attack.
Consider the application of centralized parking.
(11) Measure 50. Spare.
(5) Measure 14. Secure and regularly inspect all buildings,
rooms, and storage areas not in regular use. B–5. THREATCON assessment factors
(6) Measure 15. At the beginning and end of each workday and a. Existence. Applies when a terrorist group is present, assessed
at other regular and frequent intervals, inspect the interior and exte- to be present, or able to gain access to a given country or locale.
rior of regularly used buildings for suspicious packages. Group need not have posed a threat to U.S. or DOD interests in the
(7) Measure 16. Increase examination of all mail for letter or past.
parcel bombs. b. Capability. Applies when a terrorist group has acquired, as-
(8) Measure 17. Check all deliveries to messes, clubs, and so sessed, or demonstrated level of capability to conduct terrorist at-
forth. Advise family members to check all home deliveries. tacks. This includes resources such as intelligence, mobility,

8 AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4 • 31 May 1991

personnel, and equipment (that is, explosives, arms, and
c. Intentions. Demonstrated action, or stated intent, to conduct
anti-U.S. terrorist activity.
d. History. Demonstrated pattern of terrorist activity over time.
e. Targeting. Applies if there are known plans or confirmed in-
tentions of a terrorist group to target U.S. or DOD interests. Target-
ing can be either specific or nonspecific. If targeting is not against
U.S. or DOD interests, this factor should not be considered.
f. Security environment. The internal political and security con-
siderations that impact on the capability of terrorist elements to
carry out their intentions.
g. Determining levels. Combination of positive answers to ques-
tions of applicability of any or all of the above assessment factors,
as defined, will produce a threat level of either low, medium, high,
or imminent.
(1) Critical. Factors of existence, capability, and targeting must
be present. History and intentions may not be present.
(2) High. Factors of existence, capability, history, and intentions
must be present. Targeting may not be present.
(3) Medium. Factors of existence, capability, and history must be
present. Intentions may or may not be present.
(4) Low. Existence and capability must be present. History may
or may not be present.
(5) Negligible. Existence and/or capability may or may not be

AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4 • 31 May 1991 9

Glossary SCIF Section III
sensitive compartmented information facility Special Abbreviations and Terms
Section I This section contains no entries.
Abbreviations SIGINT
signals intelligence
Air Force Office of Special Investigations THREATCON
terrorist threat condition
Air National Guard USACE
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Anti-Terrorist Alert Center USACIDC
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command
Army National Guard USAF
U.S. Air Force
Closed-circuit television USAMPOA
U.S. Army Military Police Operations
DCS Agency
Defense Communications System
Section II
Defense Logistics Agency
Critical communications facility
A communications facility that is essential to
Department of Defense
the continuity of operations of the National
GOCO Command Authorities during the initial
Government-owned, contractor-operated phases of national emergencies, and other
nodal points or elements designated as cru-
GOGO cial to mission accomplishment.
Government-owned, Government-operated
HQMC A grouping of facilities, located in the same
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps vicinity, which support particular functions.
Installations may be elements of base.
human intelligence Physical security
That part of security concerned with physical
IDS measures designed to safeguard personnel, to
intrusion detection system prevent unauthorized access to equipment, in-
stallations, material and documents, and to
IMINT safeguard them against espionage, sabotage,
imagery intelligence damage, and theft.
JCS Physical security inspection
Joint Chiefs of Staff A formal, recorded assessment of physical
procedures and measures implemented by a
MAC unit or activity to protect its assets.
Military Airlift Command
Physical security plan
MACOM A comprehensive written plan providing
major Army command proper and economical use of personnel and
equipment to prevent or minimize loss or
damage from theft, misuse, espionage, sabo-
Naval Investigative Service Command
tage, and other criminal or disruptive
ODCSPER activities.
Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for
Personnel Restricted area
An area under military jurisdiction in which
OPSEC special security measures are employed to
operations security prevent unauthorized entry.

PSC Survivability
Physical Security Council The ability to withstand or repel an attack, or
other hostile action, to the extent that essen-
SCI tial functions can continue or be resumed af-
sensitive compartmented information ter the hostile action.

10 AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4 • 31 May 1991

Index Commander’s responsibilities, 1–4, 1–5 Statements, 1–4, 1–7
This index is organized alphabetically by Local threat statement, 1–7 To security, 1–4, 1–5, 2–4
topic and subtopic within a topic. Topics and Restricted access plan, 2–4
subtopics are identified by paragraph number. Security threat assessment, 1–4, 1–7
Security threat statement, 1–4, 1–7
Abbreviations. See glossary
Threats, 2–4
Access control
For bulk petroleum assets, 4–2 Lighting
For critical communications facilities, 5–2, For aircraft facilities, 3–3, 3–4
5–5 For bulk petroleum facilities, 4–2
For installations, 2–2, 2–3 For critical communications facilities, 5–4
Restricted plan, 2–4 Physical security equipment or measure,
Aircraft facilities, security of 1–5
Emergency situations, 3–7
Measures, physical security, 1–5, 5–6
Responsibility, 3–2
Security forces and equipment, 3–5 Objectives, 1–1
Planning, 3–2, 3–3
Physical security
Procedures, 3–6
Council, 1–8
Requirements matrix. See figure 3–1
Equipment, 1–5, 5–4
Threats, 3–1
Inspections, 1–8, 4–4, 5–2
Transcient or deployed, 3–4
Measures, 1–5, 5–6
Barriers Plans, 1–4, 2–4, 5–3
For aircraft facilities, 3–3, 3–4 Planning, 3–3, 4–3
For bulk petroleum facilities, 4–2 Procedures, 1–5, 3–6
For critical communications facilities, 5–4 Programs, 1–5, 1–6
Base security plan, 1–8 Responsibility for, 1–4, 1–5, 2–2, 3–2, 4–2,
Bulk petroleum facilities, security of 5–3
Access, 4–2 Threats to, 1–4, 1–5, 2–4, 3–1
Security force communications, 4–2 Physical security council (PSC), 1–8
Security inspections, 4–4 Plans
Security planning and liaison, 4–3 Aircraft security, 3–3
Air Force base security, 1–8
Bulk petroleum asset security, 4–3
For critical communications facilities, 5–4,
Critical communications facility security,
Physical security equipment or measure,
Installation physical security, 1–7, 1–8
Resource protection, 1–7
Critical communications facility, security
Restricted access, 2–4
Access control, 5–2, 5–8 Responsibilities
Barriers, 5–4 Activities, 1–4, 5–1, 5–2
CCTV, 5–4, 5–8 DLA, 1–4, 4–3
Communications, 5–5 Installations, 1–4, 2–2, 2–4, 3–2, 5–2
Construction, 5–2 Facilities, 1–4, 5–1, 5–2
Destruction of classified material, 5–3 Major Army commands (MACOMs), 1–4,
IDS, 5–4, 5–5 4–3, 5–3
Identification of, 5–3 Services, 1–4, 4–4, 5–3
Inspections, 5–2 Restricted access plan
Lighting, 5–4 For installations, 2–4
Off-installation full-time staff, 5–7
Off-installation part-time staff, 5–8
Equipment, 1–5, 5–4, 5–7, 5–8
Security equipment, 5–4, 5–7, 5–8
Forces, 4–2, 5–5
Security force requirements, 5–5
Force equipment, 3–5
Security planning, 5–3
Force requirements, 4–2, 5–5, 5–7
Survivability measures, 5–6
Force training, 1–5, 5–3
Threat, 5–3
Measures, 1–5, 5–6
IDS Procedures, 3–6, 5–6
At aircraft facilities, 3–3, 3–4 Resources, 1–7
At critical communications facilities, 5–4, Requirements matrix for aircraft. See fig-
5–5, 5–7, 5–8 ure 3–1
Physical security equipment or measure, Training, 5–3, 5–5
1–5 Serious security incident reports, 1–9
Inspections Terrorist threat conditions (THREAT-
Of bulk petroleum facilities, 4–4 CONS)
Of critical communications facilities, 5–2 Assessment factors, B–5
Reviewed by the Physical Security Council Declarations of, B–3
(PSC), 1–8 Measures, B–4
Installation The four threatcons, B–2
Access, 2–3 Threat
Access control, 2–1, 2–2 Assessments, 1–4, 1–7

AR 190–16/*OPNAVINST 5530.15A/*AFR 207–4/*MCO 5500.13A/*DLAR 5710.4 • 31 May 1991 11

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