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The Keystone Perforator Island Flap Concept Behan 9780729539715 SampleChapter

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The document discusses the keystone perforator island flap concept for reconstructive surgery and its potential applications.

It is a locoregional flap design that utilizes perforators and neurocutaneous connections within the axis of dermatomes to reconstruct defects.

Some applications mentioned include its use as an alternative to free flaps in irradiated tissue and for pretibial injuries in the elderly.

Felix Behan Michael Findlay Cheng Hean Lo

Keystone Perforator
Island Flap

Keystone Perforator
Island Flap

Reconstructive diversity
The limitless potential of the
keystone perforator island ap concept
Sydney Edinburgh London New York Philadelphia St Louis Toronto
Felix C Behan FRCS, FRACS
Associate Professor of Surgery, University of Melbourne
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Department of Surgical Oncology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, & Western Health
Michael Findlay MBBS, PhD, FRACS (Plast)
Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgeon
Department of Surgical Oncology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne
Western Health, Austin Health, Peninsula Health
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, Monash University, Melbourne
Cheng Hean Lo MBBS
Registrar, Plastic, Hand and Faciomaxillary Surgery Unit
The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne
Keystone Perforator
Island Flap

Churchill Livingstone
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National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Author: Behan, Felix.
Title: The keystone perforator island flap concept /
Felix Behan, Michael Findlay, Cheng Lo.
ISBN: 9780729539715 (hbk.)
Subjects: Flaps (Surgery)
Surgery, Plastic.
Other Authors/Contributors: Findlay, Michael William. Lo, Cheng.
Dewey Number: 617.952
Publisher: Sophie Kaliniecki
Developmental Editor: Neli Bryant
Publishing Services Manager: Helena Klijn
Project Coordinator: Geraldine Minto
Edited by Carolyn Pike
Proofread by Kerry Brown
Illustrations by Joseph Lucia of Lucia Diagraphics
Cover, internal design and typesetting by Lamond Art & Design
Index by Forsyth Publishing Services
Printed by 1010 Printing International Ltd, China
Foreword by Wayne A Morrison
Now you see itnow you dont. Felix Behan,
Michael Findley and Cheng Hean Lo fill impossible
holes with local manipulations that defy immediate
explanation. Leaving no secondary defect, it is
difficult to surmise the design or even source of the
flap. These flaps, called keystone because of their
arch form, are essentially fasciocutaneous islands from
immediate adjacent territories designed in the axis of
the dermatomes to capture underlying perforators
and neurocutaneous connections. Typically, the flaps
move as VY advancements or island transpositions
but, remarkably, the secondary defect, which is often
larger than the primary defect, is able to be directly
closed. This involves incision of the deep fascia, the
keystone double VY advancement shape and the
redistributed circumferential tension around the
newly sited flaps.
Opportunity demands auditing and recording.
Felix Behan began his research observations at the
Royal College of Surgeons of England, publishing
his angiotome concepts in 1973. Appointments to
the Royal Marsden in London and Western General
and Peter MacCallum Cancer hospitals in Melbourne
afforded him the opportunity of a lifetime for
performing, observing and recording his cutaneous
reconstructions for cancer and trauma. One of the
pithy quotes that precedes each chapter of the book
reads Insight plus hindsight equals foresight and aptly
fits Felixs evolution of the keystone concept.
The book is full of mind-boggling photographs of
giant holes and flap outlines that the uninitiated could
only assume are destined for failure. Photography for
plastic surgeons is the department of great expectations.
The first reports of these procedures produced
healthy scepticism, doubters and non-believers. To
understand how to do these flaps is not simple. To
mobilise half of someones face on a few semi-mystical
perforators in the bold anticipation that the tissue will
move sufficiently to cover an awesome hole is not for
the faint-hearted. Short of an apprenticeship with the
master, this book is the next best thing.
The book commences with an introduction and
a detailed discussion of the fundamental vascular
anatomy of the integument, followed by the design
principles of the keystone technique. From there
onwards it is a photographic album of before, during
and after shots of every conceivable defect involving
all zones of the body; a treasure trove of ideas and
delights. Each region is the subject of a chapter and
each includes anatomical details of the relevant
perforator system. Separate chapters are allocated
to melanoma defects, radiation injury and trauma.
Each illustrated case concludes with a TLC (time, life
quality, complications) box. To see such spectacular
results one after another without complications using
design principles that, at first glance, seem counter-
intuitive evokes green fingers or a lucky surgeon. But
the authors have harnessed chaos using art, science and
courage to develop a new concept for the transfer of
tissue that is reliable and reproducible.
It is a long time since a new paradigm has appeared
in reconstruction. The keystone flap allows perforator
concepts to be used without the need to isolate the
perforator as an axial flap, reducing operating time and
technical demands. In many situations, it eliminates the
need for microsurgery. It reconstructs like with like and
radically changes the surgeons reconstructive mindset
from distant to local options. It brings back the creativity
and excitement of the art and craft movement in plastic
surgery that has largely been lost with the microsurgical
era. By reading this superb guidebook, you too will
have the confidence and the urge to take the keystone
perforator island flap principles into the trenches and the
marketplace where the battle is to be won.
Professor Wayne A Morrison AM MD BS FRACS
Director, O'Brien Institute, Melbourne
Foreword by Peter C Doherty
Medical advances come about in different ways.
The greatest public attention tends to be focused on
the generally laboratory-based discoveries that are
recognised by Nobel Prizes. Harald zur Hausen (Nobel
Prize 2008), for example, established the link between
human papilloma virus and cancer of the cervix, a
finding that led others to develop a protective vaccine.
No reasonable person could doubt that this is a great
achievement of enormous human benefit. But there
are so many other developments, often incremental
in nature, that also make life better for millions of
people and which are never celebrated in such a public
way. Where, might we ask, is the Nobel Prize for
the artificial hip? Is the problem that too many were
involved? Nobel Prizes go to a maximum of three
people. Could it be that this life-enhancing technology
reflects the intelligent persistence of a spectrum of
surgeons, bioengineers and even entrepreneurs who
persisted in the long term?
Even if they dont win many Nobel Prizes,
surgeons do sometimes enjoy great public acclaim.
The drama associated with the transplantation of
both cadaveric and artificial hearts made the names
of Christiaan Barnard and Michael DeBakey familiar
to many, at least for a time. Most of the advances
in surgery that deliver enormous human benefit,
though, fail to engage the attention of the media,
though they do make massive contributions to the
restoration of function and the alleviation of pain.
These surgical pioneers proceed carefully, often by
incremental steps that depend on persistence, insight,
continued critical evaluation and the courage to try
something new and different.
The present technical manual by plastic surgeons
Felix Behan, Michael Findlay and Cheng Hean Lo
describes just such an advance. Lavishly illustrated
with an accompanying DVD, they detail the keystone
perforator island flap principle for restoring the integrity
of the outer integument following otherwise disfiguring
cancer, or other surgery. Operating from the central
idea that it is necessary to preserve the integrity of the
dermatome with its innervation and vascularisation, the
essential steps are clearly laid out and explained so that
other, experienced practitioners can follow.
Rather than hunting for perforators with a Doppler
audio sound prior to approximating surgical transfers,
the approach detailed here has been described aptly by
leading international microsurgeon Professor Fu Chan
Wei: Felix, what we do, you do in freestyle. In other
words, there is an air of spontaneous improvisation in
dragging tissue from point A to point B, with all its
neural, autonomic, lymphatic and vascular support
intact. In addition, these procedures that mimic nature
can be completed in a half to a third of the time required
by conventional microvascular repair. The resultant
shorter theatre times benefit the elderly, in particular.
Overall, this book makes an important and substantial
contribution to the art and science of surgery.
Peter C Doherty PhD
Laureate Professor, Department of Microbiology and
Immunology, University of Melbourne, Australia
Michael F Tamer Chair of Biomedical Research,
St Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, USA
1996 Nobel Laureate for Physiology or Medicine
Section 1
The Fundamentals of Keystone Island Flaps 1
Chapter 1
Introduction to the keystone island ap 3
Chapter 2
Anatomy and applied physiology of fasciocutaneous aps 10
Cutaneous vascularisation patterns 11
Cutaneous neurovascularisation patterns 13
Cutaneous microcirculation 16
Keystone island flap elevation 18
Neural mediation of keystone island flap perfusion 20
Haemodynamic changes in the keystone flap during islanding 25
Chapter 3
Design principles and the keystone technique 28
The keystone design 28
Placement, size and orientation of keystone island flaps 28
Flap elevation 30
Flap inset and defect closure 30
Classification 31
Technical refinements 32
Design variations 34
Foreword by Wayne A Morrison v
Foreword by Peter C Doherty vi
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xii
Contributors and reviewers xiv
viii The Keystone Perforator Island Flap Concept
Handling of the deep fascia/panniculus carnosus remnants 34
Shape of the skin incision 34
Type of flap movement into the defect 35
De-epithelialisation and flap subdivision 35
Section 2
Clinical Applications of Keystone Island Flaps:
Anatomical Regions 53
Chapter 4
Head and neck 55
Anatomical layers of the face: preservation of the facial nerve 57
Neurovascular anatomy 58
Zones in head and neck reconstruction 60
Chapter 5
The upper limb 98
Deltoid region 99
The forearm 100
Dorsum of hand and fingers 100
The palm 102
Chapter 6
The trunk: the clavicles to the groin 114
Capturing a blood supply 115
Principles of flap elevation in the back 115
Contents ix
Cutaneous blood supply of the chest wall and breast 117
Principles of flap elevation in the chest wall and breast 118
Cutaneous vascular anatomy of the anterior abdominal wall 120
Principles of flap elevation in the abdomen 121
Cutaneous vascular anatomy of the perineum 127
Cutaneous vascular anatomy of the buttock region 131
Principles of flap elevation in the buttock region 131
Chapter 7
The lower limb 135
The thigh 136
The knee 137
The leg 137
The ankle and dorsum of the foot 141
The plantar surface of the foot 143
Flap elevation in the groin and thigh 143
Flap elevation around the knee 143
Flap elevation in the leg 148
Flap elevation in the ankle and dorsum of the foot 150
Flap elevation in the plantar foot 152
Section 3
Special Applications of Keystone Island Flaps 157
Chapter 8
Melanoma 159
Correct pathology and staging 160
The role of sentinel lymph node biopsy at the time of keystone reconstruction 160
Use of DRAPE in keystone closure 161
Timely commencement of adjuvant therapies in keystone flap closures 162
Quality of life and early functional recovery with low morbidity surgery 163
Chapter 9
Radiotherapy 179
Acute radiotherapy effects 179
Consequential effects of radiotherapy (chronic effects of acute toxicity) 180
Late effects of radiotherapy 180
Reconstruction in previously irradiated tissues 181
Reconstruction of radionecrosis 195
Chapter 10
Trauma 199
Isolated trauma versus multi-trauma 200
Low-energy versus high-energy trauma 200
Simple versus complex mechanisms 200
Acute versus chronic trauma 200
Lower third of leg 201
Hand trauma 201
The Keystone Perforator Island Flap Concept
The keystone perforator island flap represents the
culmination of more than 30 years of research and
operative experience by its originator, Felix C Behan. It
evolved out of a clinical need for a universal locoregional
flap option, solving the many problems experienced
in free tissue transfer. This minimally invasive
technique, providing reliable and cost-effective locally
matched tissue for reconstruction of wide-ranging
fasciocutaneous defects, is evolving. The benefits of this
approach, especially with its low morbidity in our ageing
population, are reflected in its increased acceptance
within the surgical community and its adoption in
numerous centres worldwide. The first publication of
this technique, titled The keystone design perforator
island flap, occurred in the ANZ Journal of Surgery
in 2003. During this time, improved understanding
of flap anatomy, physiology and vascularity has been
the basis of its application in numerous body regions,
with various design variants. As a result, the keystone
perforator island flap concept has evolved beyond the
simple geometric design inherent in its name. These
keystone principles can be applied to effect reliable
wound closure using geometry and designs specific
to the surgical needs, whatever the site and clinical
situation. The reliability of these flaps and the vascular
changes observed in the clinical environment in many
cases has brought into question many of the edicts we
have accepted historically in our understanding of flap
vascularity and physiology based on cadaveric studies.
Hence, the experience gained from the use of this flap
in over 3000 clinical cases over 16 years is presented
here in a single text for the first time.
The aim of this book is to demonstrate the
versatility and clinical applications of the keystone
perforator island flap technique. As with an instruction
manual, the reader may flick through the book
and be fascinated by the various operative series that
demonstrate examples from a wider spectrum of clinical
applications. Alternatively, the text can be read from
front to back cover to study the finer details of perforator
anatomy and applied flap physiology, including more
complex case studies. It is incredible how our initial
concept of using the dermatomes to assist flap design
has evolved into an improved understanding of the
numerous perforator zones throughout the body. This
has been the basis of new flap developments (e.g. the
omega variant keystone flap), with ongoing success of
this approach.
As a teaching aid, an accompanying DVD
demonstrates video footage of procedures cross-
referenced in the book. In this way, the book is well
suited to the inexperienced and the experienced
surgeon alike. The chapters on technique (Chapter
3), upper and lower limb (Chapters 5 and 7), and
melanoma reconstruction (Chapter 8) are great
starting points for a broad but simple understanding
of the technique. The chapters on the anatomy and
applied flap physiology (Chapter 2), and head and
neck reconstruction (Chapter 4) are designed to
highlight the more complex features of these flaps and
their variants.
The last decade has seen the emergence of improved
techniques for the in-vivo assessment of vascular
flow within flaps, including computed tomography
angiography, laser colour Doppler ultrasound, thermal,
and indocyanine green perfusion imaging modalities.
Hopefully, these imaging techniques will provide
unequivocal answers as to why these flaps are so reliable
and heal so well. We hope that readers will see this
book as the pioneering text in keystone perforator
island flap surgery and use it as an inspiration to
apply its principles and develop innovative techniques
throughout their careers.
Felix C Behan
Michael Findlay
Cheng Hean Lo
First, I acknowledge my co-authors, Michael Findlay
and Cheng Hean Lo, for their clinical, scientific and
technological input in producing this tome.
Throughout my career, I acknowledge the
following people and organisations: Brian Cortice,
from Brisbane, who, without his input and refinement
in surgical repair, the hemming suture would not
have evolved; the plastic surgical training I received
in Melbourne, where, thanks to a reference from
the late Peter Grant, I worked with Sir Benjamin
Rank at the Victorian Plastic Surgical Unit, who
introduced me to plastic surgical reconstruction; Don
Marshall, who taught me the refinements in surgical
reconstruction; my colleague, the late Alan McLeod,
who introduced me to the London surgical scene, with
Ian Wilson, Charlie Westbury and Henry Shaw, all
part of the St Georges/Westminster/Marsden group;
the Bernard Sunley Research Fellowship at the Royal
College of Surgeons, without which I would not have
come upon the idea of fascial-based flaps designed as
angiotomes for reconstructive purposes; the Charing
Cross Hospital and mortuary department, who
made cadaver specimens available for educational
purposes; my colleagues at the Western Hospital
Trevor Jones, Graeme Thomson, Chris Haw and the
orthopaedic teamand the Peter MacCallum Cancer
CentreMichael Henderson, David Speakman, John
Spillane, Simon Donohue and Mikki Pohlwithout
whom the referral base of cases would not have been
as comprehensive; Professor Gordon Clunie, Bob
Thomas, Andrew Sizeland and Steve Chan, who,
without their academic input, this project may not
have reached fruition; the registrars in training and
junior staff for their scientific input in article and
textbook preparation; and Margaret Clancy, to whom
I am indebted for educational and secretarial support.
Internationally, I acknowledge Professor Bill
Kuzon of Michigan, who provided editorial assistance
on my first paper on the keystone flap in 2003. He saw
the value of this reconstructive tool in patient care, in
parallel with the microsurgical development which has
been part of the Melbourne scene since Ian Taylors first
microsurgical reconstruction in the 1970s. Professor
Wayne Morrison of the Bernie OBrien Microsurgical
Institute was part of the editorial process in my first
keystone publication in the ANZ Journal of Surgery.
Also, Andrew Burd of Hong Kong, former editor of the
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,
and Jacques Baudet from Bordeaux, on the European
scene, have been very supportive in the development
of this idea.
I can only mention in passing the college libraries
and hospital departments, who have all been most
helpful. My photographic development has improved
thanks to the team at the Peter MacCallum Cancer
At a personal level, my late father, when he was on
the Senate of the University of Queensland, actively
supported postgraduate study and was a factor in this
In conclusion, the final acknowledgement goes to
my wife, Mariette, and my children, Laurent, Amandine
and Thibault, for their individual contributions, IT
support and tolerance of the impositions I have placed
on them throughout a surgical career. At a clinical level
it was my wife, Mariette, who made the observation
some years ago when doing my dressings that your
wounds are healing better now after I commenced
using island flaps of the keystone type all over the body.
It was only in retrospect that the improved vascularity
was recognised as a feature of the keystone island flap
concept, underlining its value as a reconstructive tool.
Felix C Behan
xiii Acknowledgments
I owe a debt of gratitude to: Felix Behan for having the
patience to put up with a trainee and now colleague who
continues to ask questions and suggest that the current
understanding is insufficient; Cheng Hean Lo, who
has made an invaluable contribution to the text and
helped us to maintain a sane collaborative environment
that I hope will continue long into the future; my wife,
and children Aly and Will, for putting up with all the
late nights and weekends away from home during
the preparation of this manuscript; and, finally, to all
the patients who put their lives and well-being in our
hands and agreed to allow us to catalogue their progress
before, during and after their surgery so that we might
teach others and improve our own technique. We hope
their efforts will result in better understanding of this
technique and its more widespread application as a
useful option in fasciocutaneous reconstruction.
Michael Findlay
I thank my family for consistently supporting me in
all my achievements: my parents, who made immense
sacrifices in migrating to Australia; my wife, Elaine,
who is my tower of strength; and my delightful
daughter, Erica, who supports me in her own little
way by surprising me with her ever-evolving curiosity
of the world.
I am grateful to my co-authors, Felix Behan
and Michael Findlay, for making this journey most
Felix Behan, Michael Leung and Heather Cleland
are influential mentors in my surgical career. Their
passion for their work, teaching, fortitude and
willingness to lead by example are to name only a
few of the attributes I have benefited from and aim
to emulate.
Cheng Hean Lo
Contributors and reviewers
Felix C Behan FRCS, FRACS
Associate Professor of Surgery, University of
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Department of Surgical Oncology,
Peter MacCallum
Cancer Centre,

Melbourne, & Western Health
Michael Findlay MBBS, PhD, FRACS(Plast)
Specialist Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgeon
Department of Surgical Oncology, Peter MacCallum
Cancer Centre, Melbourne, & Western Health
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Monash University
Department of Surgery
Cheng Hean Lo MBBS
Registrar, Plastic, Hand and Faciomaxillary Surgery
Unit, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne
Brendon J Coventry MBBS, PhD, FRACS
Associate Professor of Surgery, University of Adelaide;
Senior Consultant Surgeon, Royal Adelaide Hospital;
Director, Adelaide Melanoma Unit, Glenelg, South
Expert reviewers
Professor Andrew Burd MB ChB, MD, FRCSEd,
Chief of Division of Plastic, Reconstructive and
Aesthetic Surgery, Department of Surgery,
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales
Hospital, Shatin, NT Hong Kong
Professor Gordon Clunie MB ChB ChM MD DSc
Emeritus Professor of Surgery, University of
Michael A Henderson MD, FRACS
Associate Professor of Surgery, Department of
Surgery, University of Melbourne; Surgeon and
Head, Skin and Melanoma Service, Peter MacCallum
Cancer Centre, Melbourne
Associate Professor Trevor Jones MBBS FRACS
General Surgeon, Clinical Services Director (Surgery),
Western Health, Melbourne
Stephen Kleid MBBS, FRACS
Surgeon, Head and Neck, Skin and Melanoma
Service, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre & Western
Hospital, Melbourne
xv Contributors and reviewers
Expert reviewers (continued)
William M Kuzon Jr MD, PhD
Reed O. Dingman Professor of Surgery; Section
Head, Plastic Surgery, University of Michigan
Andrew Sizeland MBBS, PhD, FRACS
Surgeon, Head and Neck, Skin and Melanoma
Service, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre & Western
Hospital, Melbourne
Naveen Somia MBBS, PhD, FRACS(Plast)
Plastic Surgeon, Prince of Wales, Childrens and
Westmead Hospitals, Sydney; Senior Clinical Lecturer
in Surgery, University of Sydney
David Speakman MBBS, FRACS
Surgeon and Head, Skin and Melanoma Service, Peter
MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne
John Spillane MBBS, FRACS
Senior Fellow, Department of Surgery, University of
Melbourne; Surgeon, Skin and Melanoma Service,
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne
Professor Robert Thomas OAM, MS, FRACS, FRCS
Former Director of Surgical Oncology, Peter
MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne
External reviewers
Peter F Burke FRCS(Eng.), FRACS, FACEM,
Senior Consultant General Surgeon, Latrobe Regional
Hospital, Victoria; Specialty Editor, Surgical History,
ANZ Journal of Surgery
Steven T F Chan MBBS, PhD, FRACS
Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, The
University of Melbourne
Alan de Costa FRCS(I), FRACS
Associate Professor of Surgery, James Cook University
School of Medicine and Dentistry, Cairns
Michael Kamenjarin MBBS, FRACS, FACRRM
Visiting Surgeon, Goulburn Valley Health, Victoria
Julian Peters BMedSci, MBBS(Hons), FRACS
Senior Consultant Plastic Surgeon, The Royal
Melbourne Hospital
Christian E Sampson MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Harvard
Medical School, Brigham & Womens Hospital,
Boston, Massachusetts
Richard Turner MBBS, BMedSci, FRACS
Professor of Surgery, School of Medicine, University
of Tasmania, Hobart
Section 1
The Fundamentals of
Keystone Island Flaps
Chapter 1
Introduction to the
keystone island ap
A simple solution to many
reconstructive problems
Observation is the basis of scientific advancement.
Sir William Osler (18491919)
The keystone island flap is a unique reconstructive tool
in its versatility, reliability and simplicity.
ince the development of the keystone island
flap by Behan in 1995 (Behan 2003), this useful
technique has become a workhorse for locoregional
fasciocutaneous reconstruction in numerous body
regions, both in our Victorian centre and, more
recently, in centres around the globe (Pelissier et al.
2007a, 2007b). The attractiveness of locoregional
reconstruction has always been offset by the need to
be familiar with a very large number of named flaps
in order to confidently undertake locoregional flap
closure in most instances. The keystone island flap
offers a solution to this dilemma by providing a single
reliable flap that is easy to design, elevate and inset to
effect rapid fasciocutaneous closure in most regions
of the body. The technique is relatively easy to learn
and forms an ideal starting point for the trainee or
new surgeon undertaking their first locoregional
reconstructions. In experienced hands, it permits the
closure of large fasciocutaneous defects. It requires very
little post-surgical care comparative to other approaches
and, therefore, is not only of use in developed countries
but also in developing countries where specialist
postoperative nursing care is not routinely available.
Interest in this flap is increasing. The reasons stem not
only from the intrinsic utility of the technique, but also
from how it meets the needs of todays patients and the
time-strapped surgeons who care for them. Worldwide,
populations are ageing (UN Department of Economic
and Social Affairs 2010). In Australia, the proportion of
the population aged over 65 years is projected to almost
double and those aged 85 years and over to quadruple
by 2056 (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2008). These
population changes place unprecedented demands on
health budgets, emphasising the need for cost-effective
patient management. Furthermore, multivariate
analysis has revealed patient age to be a significant risk
factor for medical complications following oncological
surgery (Audisio et al. 2007). These two factors, in
combination, place additional demands on todays
surgeon to provide tissue reconstruction with minimal
morbidity (and mortality) to patients and to deliver
these outcomes in a cost-effective manner.
Free-tissue transfer represents a technologically
advanced treatment option developed to provide
reconstruction where the use of locoregional flaps
alone is inadequate. The more recent developments
of perforator flap and free-style free-flap surgery have
further glamorised an already exciting reconstructive
approach and, as a result, todays reconstructive surgical
trainees are well-versed in microsurgical reconstruction
at the expense of their training in locoregional flap
reconstruction. Most reconstructive microsurgeons use
about a dozen free flaps (with variants) as the basis for
the majority of their reconstructions. This somewhat
formulaic approach has simplified modern-day core
microsurgery but has made training in advanced
Section 1 The Fundamentals of Keystone Island Flaps 4
locoregional reconstruction (>500 individual flaps
described to date) less appealing. Despite free-flap
reconstruction being achievable in increasingly elderly
and infirm patients, microsurgical reconstruction
is costly for the patients health, the surgeons time
and the health departments budget. Free-tissue
transfer is associated with long operative times,
prolonged in-patient stay, hyperdynamic postoperative
circulatory management with concurrent risk of
cardiac compromise, anticoagulation with its potential
risks and poorer aesthetic outcomes when compared
with locoregional fasciocutaneous reconstruction.
Octogenarians with head and neck cancer suffered
a higher incidence of medical complications after
microvascular reconstruction, even after controlling
for the level of preoperative comorbidity using the
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score

(Blackwell et al. 2002). In addition, the duration of
intensive care requirements was prolonged. As such,
free-flap surgery is ill-suited to meeting the needs of
our ageing populations except in specific instances (e.g.
composite tissue or bony reconstruction).
The keystone island flap offers a single
fasciocutaneous flap that is suitable for use in nearly
every region of the body to achieve rapid and reliable
fasciocutaneous coverage with minimal morbidity to
the patient, good cosmesis and good quality of life. As
such, it is well suited to meet the needs of reconstructive
surgeons into the future and should appropriately limit
the use of free-flap reconstruction to defects unsuitable
for locoregional reconstruction and assist in the
management of free-flap morbidity by assisting donor
site closure.
Skin grafting is an invaluable tool, particularly where
very large epithelial loss occurs, such as in burns or large
pretibial ulcers. However, its use can be problematic,
especially in the lower limb. For less extensive defects, the
keystone island flap can provide an attractive alternative
to solve the morbidity associated with skin grafting
in the lower limb. Postoperative immobilisation to
enhance skin graft take puts the patient at risk of venous
thromboembolism, pressure ulcers and deconditioning,
with loss of independent mobility

(Budny et al. 1993). It
ties up a valuable hospital bed with significant economic
cost to the health system. Keystone island flap closure
of lower limb defects can often be undertaken in the
ambulatory setting, making it suitable for widespread
application; it also avoids the morbidity of an additional
donor site. The simple design facilitates re-excision for
incompletely excised lesions, and the full-thickness
fasciocutaneous closure is comfortable for most patients
and has improved aesthetics compared with other
reconstructive approaches. As with all islanded flaps,
the design must incorporate underlying perforators or
neurovascular support. Therefore, flap elevation over
subcutaneous bone necessitates extension of the flap
beyond the bony margin to capture perforators from the
surrounding fascia and muscle. As with other flaps, the
stretching of keystone flaps over sharp edges or surfaces
(e.g. over the pretibial border to supply the contralateral
side of the leg) should be avoided. The benefits of the
keystone island flap are summarised in Box 1.1.
BOX 1.1 Advantages of the keystone island ap

Simple to design

Robust vascular supply

Reliable healing

Short operative time

Minimal patient morbidity

Relatively pain-free surgery

Good aesthetic outcome

Cost-effective wound closure
The keystone island flap represents the culmination
of nearly four decades of research and clinical
reconstructive surgery. Following on from the work
of Manchot

(1889) and Salmon

(1936), Behan
undertook cadaveric injection studies (using resin and
radiocontrast dye with xerography and histological
examination) while undertaking a research fellowship
at the Royal College of Surgeons of London in 1972.
These studies demonstrated that the system of axial
vessels to the integument can supply the regions of
adjacent axial vessels via linkage vessels, as summarised
in Figure 1.1 (Behan & Wilson 1973). This led to the
development of the concept of the angiotome*, which
is a section of skin and underlying tissue that can be
islanded on a single axial vessel so as to incorporate
the integument normally supplied by that vessel
and, if necessary, adjacent regions that are supplied
from the central axial vessel via these linkage vessels
(Behan & Wilson 1975). Thus, flap elevation within
the angiotome for a given perforator permits the
reliable elevation of a flap supplied to its periphery
through linkage vessels from the feeding perforator to
adjacent vascular territories within the flap that have
lost their natural perforator supply. It is presumed
that dilatation of the linkage vessels, along with an
increase in their calibre and number, occurs following
vascular delay, but an angiotome does not normally
require vascular delay for tissue survival (although
delay can maximise tissue survival/recruitment of
* Angiotome was coined by Behan as an extension of an existing
termthe angiotomea segment of the vascular system of the
embryo (Dorland 1994), as a means to describe a segment of
tissue (cut as a flap) that can be supplied by a single axial vessel
(perforator or direct) either directly or via communications to
adjacent territories (increasing the flaps size).
Chapter 1 Introduction to the keystone island flap 5
Tola| sca|p
|s|ard l|ap
peclora| l|ap
adjacent vascular units). In Chapter 2 we will discuss
how the physiological regulation of cutaneous blood
flow can be manipulated to maximise the angiotome
of a given vessel and, therefore, increase the reliability
of locoregional flaps.
In defining the angiotome concept, this early work
permitted an improved understanding of how tissues
can be either islanded or raised as free flaps while
maintaining adequate blood supply to the integument.
Some of the regions assessed include those that have
become well-known flaps today, such as the superficial
temporal artery (laterally based or total forehead
flap; Fig 1.2), internal mammary perforator and
thoracoacromial axis (deltopectoral flap), and deep
inferior epigastric artery perforators (hypogastric flap,
or more commonly known as the DIEP flap; Fig 1.3).
Unlike Manchot (1889) and Salmon (1936), who
focused on the axial vessels themselves, the identification
of linkage vessels and the development of the angiotome
concept permitted the subsequent development of a
FIGURE 1.2 The total forehead ap
supercial temporal artery
Injection of 50% micro-opaque dye in
the anterior branch of the supercial
temporal artery at various stages of lling,
demonstrating the principles of angiotomes
and linkage vessels.
(Reproduced with permission from Behan & Wilson
1973, Figs 35.)
number of direct and perforator-based fasciocutaneous
flaps. Islanded flaps, such as the Bezier flap (French
curvilinear VY island advancement) and the perforator-
based keystone island flap, incorporate the principles of
the angiotome to facilitate perfusion to the margins of the
flap. Since then, further use of the keystone island flap in
compromised tissues has allowed the development of the
immediate vascular augmentation concept (IVAC). These
important vascular studies and their conclusions pre-
date the subsequent vascular studies of others, including
Cormack and Lamberty (1984a, b) and Taylor and
Palmer (1987), as well as the angiosome concept. The
angiosome, as the region of tissue autonomously supplied
by a single vessel, has proven to be an invaluable concept
for the description of blood supply to all the tissues of
the body. However, the angiotome concept answers
the most important clinical question for reconstructive
surgeons; namely, what amount of tissue can be islanded
on a single source vessel? The technique of keystone
island flap elevation seeks to maximise the size of the
FIGURE 1.1 Original diagram of the body
indicating the sites of various perforator
or direct vessel fasciocutaneous aps
investigated by Behan as part of his
angiotome concept in 1973. The hypogastric
ap has subsequently been renamed in
clinical use as the deep inferior epigastric
perforator (DIEP) ap, used extensively
for breast reconstruction. This is the rst
anatomical study of the basis of this popular
perforator ap. The temporal ap was used
to facilitate scalp replantation clinically.
(Reproduced with permission from Behan & Wilson 1973.)
Section 1 The Fundamentals of Keystone Island Flaps 6
L|aled arler|a|
vesse| erer|r
lror reclus s|eal|
Reclus s|eal|
Erlry po|rl
Arler|a| |rjecl|or
Lare verous
or l|e arler|a|
|rjecl|or sludy
c b
angiotome from any perforator and augment this
supply by providing additional (conjoint) neurovascular
supply and superficial venous drainage. A comparison
of the angiotome and subsequent angiosome concepts
is presented in Table 1.1. The immediate vascular
augmentation concept observed with islanding results in
an islanded angiotome (keystone or other variants) that
augments perfusion.
Cadaveric studies are useful to provide clues as to
how tissues are perfused in vivo, but recent advances
in computerised tomographic (CT) angiography have
highlighted what almost 35 years of experience has
provided clinically; namely, that cadavers are a poor
substitute for the careful assessment and cataloguing
of perforators, vascular patterns, skin and soft tissue
viability during the raising of angiotomes (as various
forms of island flaps) in live patients as part of tissue
reconstruction (Rozen et al. 2009). The insight Rozen
and colleagues (2009) gained through cadaveric studies
has been applied in a progressive manner to raise larger
and larger direct and perforator-based island flaps in
various regions of the body (often along the lines of the
dermatomes of the body, as discussed in Chapter 3).
A preliminary series of locoregional flaps
(approximately 200 cases) was published in 1992
and an analysis of this series provided the basis upon
which the current concept of the keystone island flap
is founded (Behan 1992). Fasciocutaneous island flaps
were used in various anatomical regions throughout
the body (Fig 1.4). Having identified a reliable method
for the elevation of islanded flaps so as to incorporate
sufficient perforator or direct vessel support, the focus
shifted to the geometric design of the flaps in order to
facilitate primary closure and to optimise aesthetics.
The Bezier or French curve flap was published in
1995 (Behan et al. 1995). It was introduced to deal
with elliptical defects that are not closable by direct
apposition. Developed from similar underlying
principles to the keystone island flap, the Bezier flap is
an elegant extension of the VY advancement principle
FIGURE 1.3 The hypogastric ap
deep inferior epigastric artery
(a) Dissection of the hypogastric
ap revealing a deep inferior
epigastric perforator emerging
from the anterior rectus sheath.
(b) Arterial and (c) venous injection
studies of the hypogastric ap
showing the density of vessels.
(Reproduced with permission from Behan &
Wilson 1975, Figs 79.)
Chapter 1 Introduction to the keystone island flap 7
Tr|gem|na| ang|otomes as |s|and f|aps
Exlerra| rasa|
Ear A
Ear C.F.
Nec| arl.

Dnrna|m|o o|v.
u|rn vesse|s
Tora| ro rne 1sr /r|| 1992.
Exo|uo|ng sma|| or m|nor l|as
u|rn suoouraneous eo|o|es
Vax|||ary o|v.
u|rn vesse|s
Vano|ou|ar o|v.
u|rn vesse|s
Fasc|ocutaneous ang|otomes as |s|and f|aps
C|esl Wa||
upper ||ro:
- upper arr
- lorearr
3acra| area
LoWer ||ro:
- l|||
- |e

1 1
137 + 1
Tora| ro rne 1sr /r|| 1992.
Exo|uo|ng sma|| or m|nor l|as
u|rn suoouraneous eo|o|es
Fronr 3aok
TABLE 1.1 Angiotome versus angiosome
Angiotome Angiosome
Denition An area of skin that will survive when cut as a
ap supplied by an axial vessel (with its blood
supply) extended by its communication with
branches (or links) from an adjacent vessel.
A region of tissue supplied by a single
axial (or direct) vessel without capture of
linkage (or choke) vessels.
Published Behan & Wilson1975 Taylor & Palmer 1987
Clinical utility Denes how tissue aps can be raised on
perforating or direct vessels
Denes autonomous blood supply for
tissues of body
angiotomes as
island aps
(a) Angiotomes based
on the trigeminal nerve.
(b) Fasciocutaneous
island aps for the rest
of the body.
(Reproduced with permission
from Behan 1992, Figs 2
and 8.)
Section 1 The Fundamentals of Keystone Island Flaps 8
or |rposls
or |rposls
or |rposls
(i.e. limited in terms of advancement). The gentle
curve of the Bezier flap uses Langers lines to minimise
the visibility of scars and maximise the aesthetic result.
In subsequent years, the design of the Bezier flap
evolved. The gentle curve of this design was retained
at the wound margin, but it was identified that having
two regions for VY advancement and moving these
areas further away from the long axis of the wound
would provide improved tissue laxity and greatly aid
the primary closure of larger defects. This resulted in
an arc of tissue being raised on underlying perforators;
hence, it was initially coined the arc flap.
It was renamed a keystone flap** due to its
resemblance to the keystone of archways. A keystone is
the central, apical, wedge-shaped stone of Roman (and
other) arches that lies in such a manner as to provide
arch support through the action of gravity and friction.
This architectural development facilitated the building
of multistorey structures, including the Colosseum
(Fig 1.5). In an analogous manner, the shape of the
keystone island flap seems to lock into the defect
and provide structural advantages for wound closure,
employing double VY advancement (Dieffenbach).
In 2003, the keystone island flap conceptas
the keystone design perforator island flapwas first
published (Behan 2003). Described as a curvilinear-
shaped trapezoidal design flap, it fits well into body
contours. Since that time, it has been used extensively to
effect wound closure in various regions of the body. The
ease of use, short operative time, minimal morbidity,
reliable healing and avoidance of costly and morbid
free-flap reconstruction in our ageing population has
led to an explosion in the use of this technique in recent
years, both in Australasia and overseas.
It is also gaining popularity in the management of
defects following radiotherapy. Tissue reconstruction
in irradiated fields remains a complex and challenging
problem, marred by poor wound healing, flap
necrosis and eventual wound breakdown. Local flap
reconstruction is usually to be avoided following
radiotherapy; however, the reliable healing and robust
vascular supply seen with keystone island flaps resulted
in the keystone island flap being used extensively for
the closure of irradiated defects (Chapter 9). The
experience with keystone island flaps in irradiated
defects was published in 2006 (Behan et al. 2006)
and demonstrated the utility of these flaps for reliable
wound closure in irradiated fields. Since then, the
excellent wound healing demonstrated with these flaps
in irradiated fields has made their use commonplace
for this purpose.
The purpose of this text is to assemble, in one book,
an easy-to-understand guide to the development,
design and surgical application of the keystone island
flap. The extensive use of clinical defects, followed
by intraoperative series of photographs and videos, is
deliberate so as to maximise transfer of the relevant
concepts. Additional information, such as the history,
neurovascular anatomy, reconstructive alternatives and
technical refinements, are presented in boxes for the
interest of the reader.
In the following chapters we will discuss in detail
the design elements and flap physiology upon which
the keystone island flap is based. Following a general
discussion of the flap and the basis of how it works,
we will look at specific defects in various regions of the
body and examine how keystone island flaps have been
used to close these defects successfully. Following this,
the use of the keystone island flap for specific surgical
entities, such as melanoma and trauma, is addressed.
A summary can be found at the end of each chapter,
which may be of use where the reader wishes to gain a
FIGURE 1.5 Architectural
(Reproduced with permission
from Behan 2003, Fig 2.)
** The term keystone was suggested as a more appropriate
descriptive term for Behans arc flap by Mr Alan Breidahl, a
Melbourne plastic surgeon.
Chapter 1 Introduction to the keystone island flap 9
rapid understanding of each of the chapters contents.
Surgeons new to locoregional flaps will find Chapter 3
on the design and technique of keystone flap elevation
to be invaluable and should then consider reading
Chapters 5 and 7 on the lower and upper limbs as
starting points for the incorporation of this technique
into their own practice.
In the current era of microsurgical free-tissue
transfers, free perforator flaps and free-style free flaps,
the aim of reconstruction should be more than soft
tissue coverage. The reconstructive surgeon must not
lose the art of functional aesthetic reconstruction,
focusing on aesthetics and quality of life. We are firmly
of the belief that free-tissue transfer has revolutionised
reconstructive surgery and will maintain an invaluable
role in patient care for many years to come. However,
we challenge todays reconstructive surgeon to have
equal familiarity with locoregional reconstruction, such
as the keystone island flap, as a less invasive, simpler and
more time-efficient means to achieve similar results in
many instances. We see the keystone island flap and
microsurgical free-tissue transfer as complementary
reconstructive techniques, which should be part of any
reconstructive arsenal in the 21st century.
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Australia 2006 to 2101. Australian Bureau of Statistics,
Canberra: pp 469.
Behan F C 1992 The fasciocutaneous island flap: an extension of
the angiotome concept. Aust N Z J Surg 62(11):87486.
Behan F C 2003 The keystone design perforator island flap in
reconstructive surgery. Aust N Z J Surg 73(3):11220.
Behan F, Sizeland A, Porcedu S, Somia N, Wilson J 2006
Keystone island flap: an alternative reconstructive option to
free flaps in irradiated tissue. Aust N Z J Surg 76(5):40713.
Behan F C, Terrill P J, Breidahl A, Cavallo A, Ashton M,
Bennett T, Moss C, Archer B 1995 Island flaps including
the Bezier type in the treatment of malignant melanoma.
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Reconstr Surg (European Section), Madrid.
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Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Paris.
Blackwell K E, Azizzadeh B, Ayala C, Rawnsley J D 2002
Octogenarian free flap reconstruction: complications
and cost of therapy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
Budny P G, Lavelle J, Regan P J, Roberts A H 1993 Pretibial
injuries in the elderly: a prospective trial of early
mobilisation versus bed rest following surgical treatment.
Br J Plast Surg 46(7):5948.
Cormack G C, Lamberty B G H 1984a Fasciocutaneous flap
nomenclature. Plast Reconstr Surg 73(6):996.
Cormack G C, Lamberty B G H 1984b Fasciocutaneous
vessels in the upper arm: application to the design of new
fasciocutaneous flaps. Plast Reconstr Surg 74(2): 24450.
Dorland W A N 1994 Dorlands illustrated medical dictionary,
28th edn. Saunders, Philadelphia.
Manchot C 1889 Die Hautarterien des Menschlichen
Korpers. FC Vogel, Leipzig.
Pelissier P, Gardet H, Pinsolle V, Santoul M, Behan F 2007a
The keystone design perforator island flap. Part II: clinical
applications. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 60(8):88891.
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The keystone design perforator island flap. Part I: anatomic
study. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 60(8):8837.
Rozen W M, Chubb D, Stella D L, Taylor G I, Ashton M W
2009 Evaluating anatomical research in surgery: a prospective
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