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Personal Development Plan

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The key takeaways are that the author aims to become a manager within their company over the next 4 years. They have created a personal development plan to help achieve this goal by developing various skills and taking educational courses.

The goals of the personal development plan are for the author to become a manager within their company within 4 years. They aim to develop fundamental and professional skills as well as obtain further education to help reach this goal.

The skills the author aims to develop include time management, teamwork, communication, presentation, and leadership/supervisory skills.

Personal development plan


Human nature is forgettable, that is why I would like to make my personal development plan.

I would like to see myself in next 4 years as a manager in my company where I am working now. My company is a large-scale company and we are doing corporate services such as a payroll, accounts. Document keeping and outsources. There are lots of small scale and medium scale business in the markets who do not have possible to hire there on accounts and payroll works who do there outsource work to give companies like my company who provide above services. Now a days I am working as a admin assistant in my company I would like to see myself as a manager in admin team. I have to do some plans to achieve my vision.

There are some study skills I require to achieve my personal development plan. That's why I start my study and l am doing my post diploma degree, this is one year plan and after that I will do my MBA degree. Which will very helpful to achieve my goal and other side I have to develop my skills which is such an important for achieve my goal.

I will try to analyse myself and I will try to eliminate my weaknesses and threats. In addition, I will strengthen my abilities and I will look forward for my opportunities.

This plan is a way to a get perfection in life and accomplish my goals.

The aim of this Professional Development Plan is to establish a process of self-management and selfdevelopment. To develop myself, it is important to have an idea of my strengths and weaknesses and how can I convert my weaknesses to strengths. It also contains the opportunities that I have in me, I can take advantage of them, and if any change happens in the environment, how can I face this change and get adjustable to these changes. This personal development plan is the key to carry out my goals. It will not only help me to develop myself but also will help me to reach my goals and be successful.


There are two type of skills require to achieve my goal. 1.Fundamental skills 2.Professional skills

1) Fundamentals skills : Discipline and time keeping Team work Stability

2) Professional skills Supervisory Sales skills Group activities

Above skills are useful to achieve my personal development plan and my long terms goal. There are more skills are required such as communicating, roll model, attitude, self motivation, decision making, hard work dedication, safety in work, carefulness etc . I did my on exercise to achieve some skills. These are skills use to achieve my goal where I am now. I will try to complete all skills, which are taking me to my manager goal.

Support for Managers Framework - Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Required:

Team Member /Supervisor


Management An understanding of the role of a supervisor/team leader

* Supervisory skills Motivation and organisational skills Knowledge of relevant systems, processes, policy, legislation, quality standards and procedures Basic management models Management styles Team motivation Delegation i.e. why, how and when Dealing with conflict Comprehensive knowledge of relevant systems, processes, policies, procedures, internal and external regulations, legislation and quality standards Basic principles of strategic management

Communication skills Methods of communication to individuals and groups Effective written and verbal communication Feedback and briefing skills Understanding and interpreting the requirements of others Communicating information to others Dealing with confidential/ sensitive issues

Team working Purpose of a team Stages of team development Being an effective team member Supporting performance of others Teambuilding skills Balancing team roles and using strengths Team dynamics

Supporting Staff Performance Performance management principles Delivery of basic on-the-job training Delegation skills Reviewing individual and team progress and performance Coaching skills Recruitment and selection policies and procedures Basic interviewing skills

Problem solving/decision making Understanding of who to take issues to and when Problem solving cycle

Developing creative approaches Decision making (identification/solution/ implementation/ implication) Creative thinking Critical thinking

Project management Basics of project management Organising resources and prioritising activities Assessing and organising resources, and planning and progressing work activities Using basic Project Management principles Organisational skills

Personal effectiveness Assertiveness Time management/personal effectiveness Goal setting Developing and maintaining a network of contacts throughout own work area Adapting/transferring own skills to new circumstances Pursuing relevant professional qualifications Joining/progressing within own professional body Awareness (where appropriate) of wider developments in own profession

The above skills and managerial framework are helping me to know my area of goal.


I did my skills audit and its help me address of area where I have to change myself. These are below.

1)Professional Skills

Current level

5= Strong

1= Weak




I worked as corporate service company as an admin team member My responsibility was to communicate with customer and do there paper work. I also did letters, report and budget writing.

Being from a commercial background, I lack some of the skills for effective business communication. To improve this I have enrolled for management course. I am also taking BEC listening lessons.

Practicing report writing, doing presentations, group discussion and debate are the ways to improve communication skills.

Problem Solving


During my one-year tenure as admin, office solved various problems related to business administration.

During this course, we are given assignments that are more practical. Some requires solving problems.

More practical assignment, where in we are made to think taking into consideration present market situation, present business scenario and people involved in them will definitely improve our skill of problem solving.

Reading case studies, articles and analysis report or various people and companies


When I joined company, I got one year planning to do all works with my clients, and I done this with on my hard work and plans.

During the course, to complete the assignment we discussed and planned within the group to complete the task and meet deadlines.

This assignment guides us to plan thing for our career.

Maintaining diary to do planning regarding studies and personal matter

After done my MBA it will be a platform to show our planning skills and to learn new techniques related to planning in the business world.

Supervision and Management

I was admin head in my company when my admin head was on holiday.

In my last job in India, I was department head in my school and I use to supervision and management my department.

Getting opportunities to lead a small team at the start, It would be beneficial. This skill matters how well we understand our team, so reading books on effective management and understanding team members' psychology will help.

Innovation, Creativity and Development

During our first term in this course, we had assignment and various class activities that involved creative and innovative thinking.

Doing more assignments where research and problem solving is required. Showing our creativity in power point presentation



During my university education, I was involved in organising Technical Festival named FERVOR'08 and other technical events throughout the year.

I also organised annual function of our hostel in India when I was a Head Boy.

Chance to lead and organise event or project will help to improve this skills. Not necessary to be a big one


Have done during academics assignment and events, but not in business world.

This skills can be improved by leading a team in assignment of project or event.

Reading books and articles for effective delegating will help to build up this skill.

Leading & Chairing Meetings

During university, I lead my sport team of our sport event.

In business world, I have not yet reached this position.

Delivering effective presentation

I was involved in-group presentation for assignment in my last year of my degree. In addition, I did well. However, there is lot of room for improvement.

Delivering as many presentations as possible to different audience and on variety of subjects during this course.

Also taking presentation audit that we already did, in every term.


Professional Knowledge

As an admin tem member, I have sound knowledge of my field but I aspire to be in business management. I have little knowledge about business management.

This course is the first step to learn business management.

I could show my skills as well as learn and demonstrate my business skills.

2) Personal Skills

Current level

5 = Strong 1= Weak



Time Management

I have been timetable follower all my life. Sometimes I do miss my timetable.

We as a team planned to meet deadlines for the assignment. In addition, I manage time for my studies and part time job to build my career and also earn for my living expenses.

Attending seminars on tips on time management, or making it a part of our course. Reading book on time management.

Making daily log and task schedules and following them.


I many times analyse the situation before reacting to it. Still need to work a lot as far as analysis as a personal skill is concerned.

Managing changes in organization assignment was on real estate, which required research and analysis. I have been able to do quite well

Assignment and case studies involving lot of research and analysis will help us to develop this skill from business point of view.

Also analyzing and then addressing all issues that come on our way to make a successful career.

Objective Setting

To improve my managerial skills, which I am lacking, I enrolled for this course. My objective is to improve my technical skills and managerial skills to be a competitive candidate in business world.

Objective setting skills can be learned by discussing and brain storming session by counsellor, teacher, friends and family.

Prioritizing Work Tasks

I sometimes find difficulty in prioritizing tasks.

We got assignment and Job as a Christmas Temp so it was difficult to manage and prioritize, as both were important. One for living and other for career

Preplanning and brainstorming can be done to prioritize work. Maintaining diary and scheduling will help to improve this skill.

Decisive / (Procrastination)

In this term, I have delayed my submission.

Again, planning and challenging self to stick to deadlines will help. Also reading and taking tips to avoid laziness helps. Doing Yoga to improve concentration and self control

Dealing with interruptions

When I am talking to someone and if other person interrupts, I lose my point of discussion and thus get frustrated with interruption.

But when I am doing a task or studies I don't feel interruption by music or a call by friend. I get back to work as soon as I finish with interruption.

Improving memory

Doing Yoga to improve concentration.

Reading books on this.

Planning & Organising Skills

I plan and organise task before implementing. Like I have done in all my assignments

In addition, I plan when it comes to personal or family occasions and matters.

Learning to plan things in our work and daily life from our teachers, parents and colleagues

Reading books and case studies on planning and organising


Right from my childhood, I have been away from my parents for study and career reasons. I manage my problems myself and solve them personally. Sometimes I do concern my family of teachers for this.

Leaving independent life help us to learn this skills. Solving problems ourselves first and if it is too worse than only concern to others.

I have read the book Heart of Change' by John Katter et al. that shows how people solve their business problems with simple techniques.

Team Work

Worked in team in my job. Team was productive and we did well to deliver the result.

Also worked in a team for organising various events during my university education as mentioned earlier

Being a part of different team each time during new project will improve our skill. Also understanding our responsibilities and roles in the team will improve our skill.



I am extrovert and like to meet people and make contacts.

I am so many contacts from my university days.

This helps us to share and learn new ideas not only at personal level but also at professional level.

Making groups on networking website Like we have made an academic group stcdms0910 on yahoo groups to be in touch not only for this course but throughout lifetime to share both business and personal information.



I don't change my plan or get distracted by my friend's activities. I will do what I planned and what is important to me.

Learning self-control improves this skill.

Doing Yoga, Reading books etc


Technology Skills

I did my bachelor in science degree with first class.

I am interested a lot in reading and browsing about new technology.

Keeping one, self well aware of changing technology, Reading and browsing for learning about new technology Never be afraid of trying out gadgets or software packages due to fear of damaging it.



I have done well in presentation though I am improving on various aspect of delivering effective presentations. I am little weak as far as spoken and listening is concerned.

I have taken BEC listening lessons to improve my listening skills.

I read a lot to improve my vocabulary. In addition, I do presentations.


Listening Skills

I am a good listener as my friends say. They approach me to discuss issues. I consider that everyone has talent and they are worth listening.

However, as an activist as far as learning style is concerned I feel bore to listen to long lectures.

Firstly being patient. Understanding others feeling. Taking interest in what others have to say.

Doing Yoga to improve concentration will help.


When I was making my personal development plan, I need several steps to achieve my goal. That why I follow bellow structure which are provide me to show my way to manager post in next 4 years.

Step involve in personal development plan.

Regarding above structure I can consider myself now a days as a team member in my company. There are many things are help me to achieve my goal. I would like to become a manager in my four years to come. Now days I am doing as a team member in my company and there are some skills which are good in my life and some of skills I need to be improve in my future.


To achieve my goal I have to do my SWOT analysis. SWOT Analysis is a tool that will reflect your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats .it will help me to develop my currier way that takes best advantage of my ability, talents and opportunities.

The first step of a SWOT analysis is the internal factor: Strengths and weakness. SWOT Analysis are inbuilt they are not inhere tent by others. Below are my strengths and weaknesses.



I can learn things faster

I am bad in time management

Positive attitude

Short tempered


Friendly nature


Poor presentation skills

The next step is considering the external factor these are things like economic, market, environmental change etc. Its involve opportunities and threats.



Getting MBA degree in known university,

Lack of job in my field due to recession

Getting chance to work in UK & get PSW visa (work )

Emotionally attached with the family in back home,

Chance to build my network,

Visa extension is very strict and may get refused,

Getting experience in market &my company ,

UK is very expensive to live &continue my study and future,


It is very important for me and every individual organisation to have goals in life, the goal should be SMART:

S- Specific, significant, stretching

M - Measurable, meaningful, motivational

A - Achievable, acceptable, attainable

R- Realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding

T- time-base, tangible, traceable

My goal is after four years to become a manager in my company. As I use to deal with my work and I have complete knowledge for how can I reach there and how it works in my life.

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