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Water Pollution

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Chapter -1


The holy river Narmada, considered heart of central India, Plan from East to west of the country. It originate from a small pond ofAmarkantak (810 East and 22037 North latitude, eastern flanks of theMiko hills in shahdol district, Madhya Pradesh. The river flows as a narrow stream flanked by linear chains of hills on either side up to 8.0 km. Kapildhara and then graduallytransverse in to general shaped valley and finally turns to wider basin beyond Karenina. It passes through Marble rocks and flows west wards between Vindhyan and satpura chains of Mountains and finally enters the gulf of Bombay. Bank of river is surrounded by variety of dry deciduous and Semi ever green forests, significant amount of plant litter accumulated during autumn every year, which provide natural medium for multiplication of a large number of water borne conidial fungi. Survey conducted at Jabalpur (Narmada river) and yielded water borneconidial fungi (Agrawal et al.1,2). Therefore the present study was undertaken with an object to find out number of water bore fungi in.

A watershed is valuable resource for any country. Adequate knowledge of these watersheds is necessary for a rational formulation of water management policies. Central Water Commission initiated a series of integrated river basin studies and measurement of physico-chemical parameters of surface water to understand the water quality of large watersheds like the Narmada river basin as part of the same series. River Narmada is the seventh largest river among the fourteen major river basins of the country. It is an interstate river having total length of 1312 km, of which 1079 km flows in Madhya Pradesh, 35 km flows along the common border of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, 39 km flows along the border of Maharashtra, and Gujarat and 159 km flows in Gujarat. The total basin area is approximately 98796 sq km, out of which 85859 sq km lies in Madhya Pradesh, 1,538 sq km in Maharashtra and 11,399 sq km. lies in Gujarat. In its 1,312 km long stretch, tributaries of various sizes contribute water and their pollution load to the Narmada River. Some research work in the studied area have been done on the river Narmada like Evaluation of Water Quality of Narmada 2 and Temporal and spatial variations in water flow and sediment load in the Narmada River have been done.

2. Geographical Characteristics
The water availability in a river basin is p r i m a r i l y d e t e r m i n e d b y i t s g e o g r a p h i c a l characteristics and this is especially so for the Narmada River which is the only non snow fed Perennial River in India. The various geographical details of the Narmada basin have been described below.

2.1 Course
The Narmada is the longest west flowing river in India. It rises from a spring at a height of 1057m above MSL on the summit of Amarkantak Hill in Shahdol district of Madhya Pradesh in the Maikal hill range. This area also gives rise to a tributary of the Ganges River, the Son River, just a few kilometers away. The Narmada basin lies between east longitudes 72

2.2 Geology
Th e Narmad a Valley is a rif t v alley situ ated b etween the Narmad a No rth fau lt and the Narmada South fault. These in turn are part of the longer Narmada-Son Lineament which is an active fault zone and a distinguishing tectonic feature of central India. Extensive basaltic

2.5 Climate
The tropic of Cancer crosses the Narmada Basin in the Upper plains area and most of the basin lies just below this line. The climate of the basin is humid and tropical, although at places extremes of heat and cold are often encountered. In the year, four distinct seasons occur in the basin. They are -(i) Winter ranging from November to February(ii) Summer ranging from March to mid-June(iii)

South west monsoon ranging from mid-June to mid-September (iv) Post monsoon ranging from mid-September to October In the cold weather, the mean annual temperature varies from 7.5C. Ten rain gauges were first established in 1867 in the Narmada basin. The number ro se to 21 rain g aug es in the year 1891 f ro m wh en pu blish ed rainfall data are available. Thereafter, there has been a study growth of the rain gauge network in the basin. Nearly 60%of the total rainfall is received in the two months of July & August. Another thirty percent is received in the months of June, September and October. The rainfall is heavy in the upper hilly and upper plains areas of the basin. It gradually decreases towards the lower plains and the lower hilly areas and again increases towards the coast and south western portions of the basin. In the upper hilly areas, the annual rainfall is, in general, more than 1400 mm but it goes up to 1650 mm in some parts. In the upper plains from near Jabalpur to near Punasadamsite, the annual rainfall decreases from 1400 mm to less than 1000 mm with the high rainfall zone around Pachmarhi in the Satpura Hills in Hoshangabad district where the annual rainfall exceeds 1800 mm (70"). In the lower plains the annual rainfall decreases rapidly from 1000mm at the eastern end to less than 650 mm around Barwani, and this area represents the most arid part of the Narmada Basin in the lower hill areas. The annual rainfall again increases to a little over 750 mm in the hills in Gujarat and Maharashtra and 1000 mm in the coastal plains. The evaporation in the upper zone is 1 to 3 mm while that in the lower zone is 12 - 28 mm.

2.6 Soils
The soils in the upper hilly regions of the basin are mostly shallow red and yellow with low fertility. The upper Narmada plains are broad and fertile areas well suited for cultivation with deep black soils up to the East Nimar district. These soils are highly water retentive in nature. Thereafter there are medium black soils in the West Nimar, Dewas and Barwanidistricts mixed with skeletal red and

yello w soils. Th e lo wer hilly po rtions in Madh ya Prad esh , Mah arashtra and Gu jarat hav e mo stly sh all o w red an d yello w and sk eletal so ils of low .


Supply of safe water in adequate quantities to all communities has been recognized as the basic need. Water quality control is primarily the responsibility of the water supplying agency and is aimed at meeting the water quality standards or criteria set by regulatory authorities. To achieve this objective a water supplier must adopt suitable operating practices, involving routine water sampling and testing at various points, including source of water, conveyance treatment and distribution. In view of above an attempt has been made to

Assess the physical chemical and biological characteristics of water quality of river Narmada water intake point Jabalpur. Assessment of water quality deterioration of river Narmada due to mixing of various polluting sources at Jabalpur city. Assessment of improvement in water quality of river Narmada due to it safe purification capacity.


River Narmada is one of the 13 prominent rivers of India, which covers 98,797 sq km of total water-shed Area. Narmada is considered to be the lifeline and west flowing river of the state of Madhya Pradesh. The monitoring of water quality of Narmada River was carried out for one year 2007. Four sampling Stations were selected at downstream of Hoshangabad city. The water samples collected were analyzed,As per standard methods parameters such as pH, EC, Turbidity was measured in-situ. Raised values of Physico-chemical parameters indicate the pollution of river in ecosystem due to domestic wastes, Municipal sewage, industrial effluent from Security Paper Mill (SPM) and agricultural run-off that Influence the water quality directly or indirectly. Statistical analysis carried out through correlation Method and also evaluates Average values (AV), Standard Deviation (SD), Standard Variance (SV), Standard Error (SE) and 95% Confidence Limit (CL) to assess the pollution load assessment. The Results revealed that most of the water samples were below or out of limited; according to the WHO, BIS Standards.Abstract Present study was undertaken to find out the number of water borne conidial fungi in river Narmada at Amarkantak region. The dominant water borne conidial fungi Lunulosporacurvula and Triscelephorusmonosporus were found 90% of fungi were Found in leaves. Total of 35 fungi were recorded form foam, leaves, and twig analysis.



Environment:-The environment can be defined as:(1) (2) (3) (4) The circumstances or conditions that surround as organism or group of organism. The complex of social or cultural that affect an individual or community. Since of humans habit the natural world as well as the built or technological, social& cultural world. All constitute important parts of Environment are usually divided into two parts, physical and biotic.


The physical environment: -The physical environment.

Consists of Forces of nature like wind and. Gravity conditions like temp and like. Time. Nonliving materials like soil & water.


The biotic environment: -

the biotic environment. is made of all living beings including their reactions, and interrelated actions.

Is the most abundant substance of the earths surface covering to percent of the area. Plant of animal body as a whole generally contains a large percent of water. Water is the medium in which a large number of substances are found dissolved. It may exist in the form of vapors, liquid or a solid (ice) depending upon the temperature. As vaporin mixes with the air or soil, as a solid it is comparable to a layer of rock. The water molecule consists of Hydrogen and oxygen; the two hydrogen atoms are covalent bonded to oxygen. Above 100c water occurs in the form of vapor or stream, below oc, it occurs as ice and between 0-100c it occurs in the form of liquid. Water is a compound a combination of different materials. Living things are mostly made up so water. Without water, there would be no life on earth. Water is the general solvent in living being. All chemical reaction occurs in the solution form. The invisible form consists of water vapors. The visible moisture includes rain, dew, and fog. Clouds, etc.

Source of Water:-water can be divided into four well market

Classes. (1)

Atmospheric Water: -Rain

water and water formed by snow are grouped under atmospheric waters. As the rain and snow fall, they wash the dusty atmosphere and down bust, soot and other suspended particles to the earth. Along with these non-living particles atmospheric water also carriers air borne bacteria to the earth surface.


Surface Water: -as

soon as rain drops and snowflakes reach to surface of the earth. Such waters are the referred to as surface water. Mountain water contains a few microorganisms but as it flows from higher regions to lower regions. It contains large amount of organic matter. River water shows there highest count during rainy season.


Stored Water: -water

which is present is ponds, reservoirs; lakes or ocean for a considerable period is called stored water.


Ground Water: -when rains fall on the earth, two forces

act on it. One is the earths gravity, which pulls the water downward through any open path. The second force is the electrical attraction, between water and the other materials to which water tends to stick. The movement of water upward through small holes is called capillary action.


Definition:Water Pollution:(1) Water pollution include discharge of waste including radioactive or other substances activelyif potentially harmful to such vases and alteration of properties of water in such a way as to be harmful, including temperature, taste, turbidity or odour. Water pollution is the presence of any foreign substance (organism in organic, radiological or biological) in water which tends to degrade the quality so as to constitute a hazard, or impairs the usefulness of water. Water pollution is the contamination of water by foreign matter such as microorganism, chemicals, industrial or other waste of sewage. Water pollution as any impairment of water quality that makes water unsuitable for beneficial use. As a natural or induced change in the quality of water which renders it unsuitable and toxic as regards food man and animalhealth, industry, agriculture,fishing or leisure pursuits. Water is said to be polluted when its normal function and properties are altered. It indicates the state of deviation from the quality and purity of water sample. Water gets polluted when its normal function and properties are altered. It indicates the state of deviation from the quality and purity of water sample. The addition of any organic, inorganic, biological or radiological substances to water which changes itsnaturals qualities so that the riparian proprietor does not get the natural water stream transmitted to him.



(4) (5)





Water pollution indicates the physical contamination of terrestrial aquatic environment. (10) Pollution means the presence of any toxic substance in water that degrades the quality to constitute a hazard or impair its usefulness.

(11) Water pollution is causes due to harmful solids, liquids or gases

which are non- permissible, unpleasant and objectionable.

Sources And Types Of Water Pollution :Non point Sources water pollution:- Non-point source water pollution, once know as diffuse source pollution arises from a broad group of human activities for which the pollutants have no obvious point of entry into receiving watercourses. (2) Point source pollution:- it represents those activity where waste water is routed directly into receiving water bodies by, for example, discharge pipes, where they can be easily measured and controlled. Individual sources of water pollution are manifold and resultant water quality probably will not be attributable to single type of pollutant or single source. Pollution of water resource can be caused by one or more of the following source. (i) Atmospheric dissolved gasses. (ii) Weathering of soil & rock minerals. (iii) Decomposition of animal & vegetable materials. (iv) Industrial effluents, sewage & municipal. (1)

Effects of water pollution: Notable effects of water pollution include those involved in human health. Nitrate (the salts of nitric acid) in drinking water can causes a disease in infants that sometime result in death. Cadmium insluge-dertilizer can be absorbed by crops; it ingested in sufficient amounts, themetal can cause an acute diarrheal disorder and liver and kidney damage. Lakes are especially fulnerable to pollution.One problem, eutroptication, occurs when lake water becomes artificially enriched with nutrients, causing abnormal plant froth.

The process of eutrophication can produce aesthetic problems such as bad tastes and odors and unsightly green scums of algae, as well as dense growth of rooted plants, oxygen depletion in the deeper waters and bottom sediments of lakes, and other chemical changes such as precipitation of calcium carbonate in hard waters.

Water quality and health; The main consideration in ensuring the safety the safety of public water supplies is the elimination of the agents of water borne infectious disease. Concern about possible health effects of chemicals in drinking water stemmed from the application of sophisticated analytical techniques, which the presence of traces of many potentially harmful chemicals. Any fear about the possibility of halter effects was reinforced by evidence that environmental factors, which could conceivably include drinking waterquality are invoked in many chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease


Water Pollution Control Some Aspects Water-borne infections
(a)classical (b)non-classical Water-washed infections (a)skin and eyes Scabies, trachoma

Typhoid, cholera Infective hepatitis

Microbiological sterility Microbiological improvement

(b)diarrhoeal diseases Bacillary dysentery Water-based infections (a)penetrating skin (b)ingested Schistosomiasis Infections with waterrelated insecter (a)biting near water Guinea worm

Greater volume available Greater volumeavailable

Protection of user Protection of source

Sleeping sickness

Water piped from source

(b)breeding in water

Yellow fever

Water piped to site of Infections primarily of Sanitary fecal disposal use defective sanitation hookworm


The water (prevention and control of pollution) Act.1974.

252 of the constitution. The Act. Came into force on March 13,1947, three after the Act was amended in 1978 & 1988. The Act was passed with the following objective. (1) To provide for the prevention & control of water pollution & the maintaining or restoring of wholesomeness of water (in the stream or well or sewer or land.) (2) To establish central & state boards for the prevention & control of water pollution. (3) For conferring on & assigning to such Boards, powers & function relating there to & for matters connected there with the problem of water pollution assumes special significance in a developing country like India.


Sampling procedures
Components and requirements that will be considered when developing a specific monitoring procedure include Sampling location Sample collection and preservation Sample handing Measurement method and procedure Tendered Instrument calibration and maintenance schedules

Sampling Location
Sampling location are generally defined by programme objectives. Some specific aspects aspects for identified

Sampling locations are

* representative sites * homogeneity of sampling medium * general characteristics of medium * pronounced water quality degradation * flow measurement * convenience

Sample collection and preservation

Water sampling checklist Sample container Type of sample Procedure

WATER SAMPLING CHEKLIST ;physical positioning

Camera, film Topographic map Tape measure Aerial photograph (optional) Global positioning system (optional)

Specialized Health and Safety

Tyvek suits, non contaminating gloves, tape, goggles, respirator, extra filters Explosimeler or photo ionization meter

Field parameter measurement

Stopwatch Calculator Non-mercuric thermometers Ph meter and buffers, ph indicator strips Turbidity meter Rain gauge Temperature, conductivity, dissolve oxygen meter, probes and batteries Appropriate kit (s) Flow-through cell Copies of manufacturers manuals for field equipment 1.8m(6-ft)wooden engineers ruler


Sample containers
The sample container needs to prevent losses due to adsorption, volatilization and contamination by foreign substances, desirable factors to be considered when selecting sample containers are; -high resistance to breakage; -good sealing efficiency; -case of reopening;

Type of Sample
The type of sample to be collected depends upon the nature of the medium (water/waster water) and on the objective of the study. The samples may be. Grab. Composite. Integrated.

Grab sample :A gram sample is simply and individual discrete sample collected over a period of time not exceeding 15 minutes. Grab sample is appropriated when it is desired to. Characterize water quality at particular time. Provide information about minimum and maximum concentration. Allow collection of variable sample volume. Corroborate composites sample. Meet a requirement of a discharge permit.

In water/waste water quality monitoring. Grab sample are useful when


The stream flow is no-continuous The water/waste water quality are relativity constant; the parameters to be analyzed are likely to change with storage. The water quality history is required to be established. The spatial variability (across width, depth) of parameters is to be determined.

Composite samples :A composite sample is a number of discrete sample collected from sampling Site from different point at a time and mixing them. The composite sampling is useful when. Average concentration are to determined. Mass/unit time computing to be computed.

Integrated samples:An integrated sample water/waste water is the sample, collected continuously over a certain period of time such as 8 or 24 hours in for the specific period and representative sample of desired volume is finally obtained. This is useful when: Source varies with time over a cyclic period.


Comparison sample A (drinking water) with sample WHO-Water standards and sample B Waste water with sample A (drinking water) S.No. Parameters WHO water standers SAMPLE A (Drinking water ) Colour less Odour less 386 umho SAMPLE B (Waste water) Colour less Odour less 516 umho

Physical 1. 2. 3.



colourodour specific conductivity


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

pH Alkalinity Total solids Total dissolved solids Total suspended solids Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Chloride Fluoride Chemical OxygenDemands Biological Oxygen demands

7.8-8.6 6.5-9.2 7.77 156 mg/1. 500 15000 254mg/1. 226 mg/1. 28 mg/1.

6.18 168 mg/1. 597mg/1. 439 mg/1. 158 mg/1.

75 50 200 0.5

200 150

196/mg1. 204 mg/1. 115.4 mg/1. 121.8 mg/1. 80.6 mg/1. 82.2 mg/1

600 43.98 mg/1. 49.98 mg/1. ND 1.0-1.5 ND 29.4 mg/1. 201.6 mg/1. 1.9 mg/1. 37 mg/1.


Chapter -4

METERIAL & METHODOLOGY Selection of sampling point:For assessment of river water quality selection of proper sampling point is very important s as to grab the representative sample.

Site selection criteria:Keeping objectives of the study in mind, 3 locations/sites were selected for the sampling at Gaughat, lalpur bridge and NishatGanj bridge.

Sampling procedure:The containers were rinsed 2 to 3 times with sample priorto collection of samples from the well mixed zone. The large nonhomogeneous matter such a leaves, rags, twigs and other floating material were avoided while collection the sample. Complete information about the source and the conditions under which the samples were collected was noted during the sampling. Samples were preferably collected at 20cm depth.


Location of sampling point:The sampling location and its significances are as follows; S.N. 1. 2. 3. Sample location Gaurighat Saraswatighat Tilwaraghat Significance Near bathing ghat. Bathing place, Near bathing ghat

The samples were collected from the above location on 19 March, 2012 at about 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. After collection of the sampleswere immediately brought to the laboratory of M.P.P.C.B, Jabalpur for the analysis of the physical, chemical and biological parameters. Physicchemical analysis:- The temperatures of the samples were noted at the sampling Point itself. To determine some physic-chemicals parameters. Analysis was carried out for various water quality parameters such as temperature of water. Total solids (TS) Total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, conductivity, chemical Oxygen Demand (COD),biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) using standard method. The reagents used for the analysis were AR grate and double distilled water was used for preparation of solutions. Bacteriologi calb analysis : the bacteria indicators of sewage pollution i.e. total coll (TC),Faecal coli (FC). Analysis of these indicator bacteria were enumerated using the multiple test tube method (APHA 20thedition). The analysis was carried out in the laboratory of Indian institute of toxicology research (llTR), Jabalpur.


The samples were analyzed for the Following parameters.

1- Colour 2- Odour 3- pH 4- temperature 5- turbidity 6- dissolved oxygen (DO) 7- chemical Oxygen demand (COD) 8- biochemical Oxygen demand (BOD) 9- conductivity. 10- Total dissolved solids 11- Total Hardness 12- Calcium hardness 13- Magnesium Hardness 14- Chloride 15- Alkalinities 16- Nitrite 17- Total Coliforms


Methods adopted for analysisare depicted below: S.N. Parameter

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Colour Odour pH Temperature Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Conductivity

c NTU Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l Us/cm.

Standard methods
Visual compression method Threshold odour method pH-meter Mercury thermo meter Nephelo Turbidity method Winklers azide method Dichromate open reflux method Winklers azide method Conductivity meter method colorimetric method Gravimetric method. Total dissolved solids dried at 180c EDTA titrimetric method EDTA titrimetric method EDTA titrimetric method Stannous chloride method Titration method Colorimetric method NPN method MPN method

Total Dissolved solids Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Chloride Alkalinity Nitrite Total coliforms Fecal coliforms


Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l


Methodology Color Introduction ;Color in water may result form the presence of natural metallic ions (ions and manganese), humus and peat material plankton, weeds for ex, iron oxides cause reddish water, and manganese oxides cause brown or brackish water, industrial waste form textile and dying operation, pulp and paper production .food processing, mining and coal processing operation refinery slaughter house operation may add substantial coloration to water in receiving stream. Color can be described relative to type and density. The type being to whether it is true color (dissolve) caused by suspended matter. It is express in haze units

Significance ;1- Colored water is not aesthetically acceptable to the general 2- True color caused by organic compounds may exert chlorine demand during disinfection process and thereby seriously reduce the effectiveness of chlorine as disinfection. 3- Many industrial wastes are highly colored and some contain colored. Substances that is quite resistant to biological destruction.

Principle;Water containing natural colorare yellow- brownish in appearance. It has been found than potassium chloroplatinate (k2ptcl6) tinted with

small amount of cobalts chloride yield color that are very much like natural color of water. 1mg/l of pt gives standard 1 unit of color. Color intensity increases with in pH. For this reason recording pH along color is advisable. 1mg/l pt (k2ptcl6)= 1 true color unit (TCU)= 1HZ

Procedure :Filter that sample through a glass fiber paper to remove the turbidity. Measure the optical density with a spectrophotometer ate wavelength between 385 and 470 nm. Put filtered water in the references cell. Prepare calibration graph(prepared in the range of 10 to 70 units) records as color to the nearest whole number.

Calculation:Calculate color units by the following equation:Colored units (Hazen)=Ax50 13 Where:A= estimated colored of a diluted sample B= ml of sample taken for dilution 50= total volume of sample in Nessler tube.


ODOUR (TNO) Introduction:Many substances with which water comes into contact in nature of human use many impart perceptible taste and odour. These include minerals, metals and salts from soil, inorganic substances are more likely to produce taste unaccompanied by odour. Organic substance on the other hand, is likely the produce both taste and odour. Principal among are the reduce product of sulphur as H2S, which imparts rotten egg odours. Certain species of algae secret substances may result both taste and odor problems. The combination of two more substances, neither of which would produce taste or odour by itself, but may produce odour it mixes. This synergistic effect may noted either in case of organic in chlorine.

Significance:1- It causes psychological stress rather then to harm to the human body. 2- Offensive odour can causes poor appetite for food , lowered by water consumption. Impaired respiration, nausea and vomiting and mental perturbation.

Principal:It is described by type and threshold odour number (TON) which s related to odour- free water required for dilution and odours sample to a non-odours level. The ultimate odour-testing device is the human nose.

Apparatus :1- Sample bottle, glass-stopper,


2- 2- constant-temperature bath, 3- Odourflash ; glass stopper, 500ml capacity hold sample , dilution testing. 4- Pipettes , measuring cylinder , thermometer 5- Odour free water prepare odour free water by passing distilled water through activate carbon.

Calculation:TNO=(A+B) A Where, A=ml of sample B=ml of odour free wait

pH (concentration of hydrogen)
Introduction :the negative of the base concentration . -10 logarithm (log) of the H+ ion

mathematically, it may by expressed as; pH=-log [H+] where,[H+] is the conc. Of the hydrogen ion in mol/L. Alternatives more useful forms of pH definition are; pH=log/[H+] [H+]=10-pH The pH concept is very convenient for expressing hydrogen ion conc. It was introduced by Sorenson in 1909.

Significance:PH is essential factor to estimated in each and every phase of water and wastewater treatment. In case of drinking water all the process involved in the treatment of potable water, such as chemical configuration, softening, and corrosion control, are pH dependent while in case of wastewater its measurement is essential in following way. a) The biological treatment of wastewater involves decomposition of organic matter available in wastewater by different species of aerobic bacteria. The growth and activity of these microbes depend on the pH level in wastewater. b) Generation and emission of malodorous gases are also controlled by pH variation. c) In chemical treatment wastewater, the coagulation of waste, dewatering of sludge and oxidation of certain substances of such as cyanide are also pH dependent processes. Hence, accurate measurement and monitoring of this factor of optimum range is of great significance in after and wastewater management and treatment.

Principal :The most convenient and accurate way of determining pH is by using a glass electrode. The pH electrode depends on ion exchange in the hydrates layers formed on the glass electrode surface. Glass consists of a silicate network amongst which are metal ions coordinated to oxygen atoms and it is the metal ions that exchange with H+. the glass electrode acts like a battery whose voltage depends on the H+. activity of the solution in which it is immersed. The size of the potential (E) due to H+ is given by the equation:


E=2.303RT/F log10 [H]1/[H]0 Where [H]1 and [H]0 are molar concentration of H inside and outside the glass electrode. In practice [H]1 is fixed and generally 10 because the electrode contains 0.1M HCI. Since pH = -log [H], it is follows that the developed potential is directly proportional to the pH of the solution outside the electrode. Glass electrodes are particularly useful because of the lack of interference from the components of the solution. On the whole these electrodes are not readily contaminated by molecules in solution, and if other ions are present they do not cause significance interference. However at high pH they do sodium. In accuracies also occur under very acid conditions.

Measurement of pH
The pH of given solution can be measured with the help of an apparatus called pH meter. This consists of a voltmeter connected to two electrodes. 1. A standard electrode of know potential. 2. A special electrode enclosed in a glass membrane that allows migration of H ions. The glass case contains a reference solution of dilute HCI.

Calculation:the read out of the pH meter will give the pH value of the sample.

Water temperature was recorded in degree celsius by an ordinary mercury thermometer by dipping the mercury bulb in water.

TURBIDITY Introduction:Turbidity is caused by wide variety of suspended and colloidal material. Run-off from barren areas during rain is most natural contributor of turbidity, particularly silt and clay. The discharge of untreated industrial and domestic effluents also adds great quantity of turbidity. Organic material reaching water bodies serves as food for bacteria. Effluents from sewage treatment plants, rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as agricultural run-off stimulate growth of algae and also contribute of turbidity.

Significance :Turbidity is an important consideration in public water supplies for three major reasons Aesthetic-turbidity in drinking water is automatically Associated with possible wastewater pollution. Filterability- filtration is water is rendered more difficult and costly then turbidity increases. Disinfection- many of the pathogenic organisms may be encased in the particles and protected from disinfectant.

Interferences :Dissolve material that impart a color to the water may be causes serious errors in nephelometric reading. Floating or suspended large particles and entrained air bubbles will gives false or unstable reading. Condition of nephelometer .


Principal:Turbidity may be defined as interference to the passage of light by suspended particles in water. It can be measured by its effect on the transmission of light, which is termed as turbidimetry or by its effect on the scattering if light, which istermed is Nephelometry. Turbidity meter can be used for sample with moderate turbidity and nephelometer for sample with low turbidity. Higher the intensity of scattered light higher the turbidity.

Procedure :Turbidity measurement of sample: gently agitate the sample and wait till all air bubbles disappear. The nephelometer reading is noted and NTU value is determinate from the standard curve. If turbidity is exceeded 40 NTU, dilute the sample. In such case, apply correction factor.


DISSOLVED OXYGEN (DO) Introduction:All aerobic life forms including aquatic once require oxygen for respiration. A warm water ecosystem should have a D.O conc. Of at least 5mg/L. DO concentration is a function of temperature, pressure salinity & the biological activity in the water body depletion of the oxygen is due to respiration by plants & animal & aerobic bacteria; chemical oxidation reaction can also cause minor depletion of O.

Significance : Do determination is used in the BOD measurement. It is used to monitor the level of O in domestic & industrial water supply. The D.O. levels of the treated effluents are determined so as to check whether they fulfill the standards set & do not prove toxic the ecosystem.

Interference:Nitrites, especially present in treated sewage, can interfere in the method. Adding sodium azide to the sample eliminates this interference, which destroy the nitrite.


Principle:Winkler developed the iodometric titration method for DO determination and it is sometimes refer to as the winkler method it is based on addition of divalent manganese solution.following by strong alkali to the sample in a glass-stopperbottle DO rapidly oxidizes an

equivalent amount of disperse divalent mu(OH)2 hydroxides of higher valence states.

4 Mn (OH)
In the presence of iodideions in acidic solution the oxidized magnesium reverts to the divalent state with the liberation of iodine equivalent to original DO content & the brown dissolved Mn (OH)+ l +3HMn+ +0.05l + 3HO This iodine is then titrated with sodium thiosulphate. 2So- +lSo- + 2l Titrate liberated iodine with thiosulphate solution while swirling the flask. When the solution becomes pale straw yellow in color add a few drops of starch solution continue titrating until the color changes from blue to colorless. Record the.volume of titrant used up. Then they are of equal strength, 20 ml 0.025 M NaSO should be required. Repeat the standardization 2more time with fresh portion of potassium located solution.

Procedure:Take the 300 ml sample is BOD bottle, mixed 2 ml magnesium sulphate and 2 ml alkali azide solution then shake well, when precipitate is settle down then nezt 2 ml sulphuric acid then precipitate is dissolve then take 100 ml sample in volumetric flask mixed 2-3 drops starch then titrate with sodium thiousulphate.


Calculation:Dissolve Oxygen (mg/l)= 8Xnxvx1000 Volume of sample Where, N= normality of sodium thiosulphate V= volume of sample


CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (COD) Introduction:The COD is a measure of the oxygen equivalent of the organic matter content of a sample that is susceptible to oxidation by a strong oxidizing agent the main difference between COD and BOD test is the while BOD determines the compounds that can be biologically oxidized, COD measure those substances which can be chemically oxidized. COD determination involves reacting the sample with an excess of oxidizing agent for a specified period of time, after which the concentration of unreached oxidizing agent is usually determined by a redox back-titration. The quantity of oxidizing agent used up is determined by difference for the initial oxidant concentration.

Significances:This test is widely used to measure the organic strength of domestic and industrial wastewater. This test is applicable for both biodegradable and non-biodegradable organic matter.

Interferences :Voltaic straight-chain aliphatic compound are not oxidized to any appreciable extent because these are present in the vapor space and do not come in contact with the liquid oxidizing liquid. Beside that strength-chain aliphatic compounds halides chloride, nitrate, also act as an interfering agent.


Principle :Most type of organic matter is oxidized by a boiling mixture of chromic and sulfuric acid a sample is refluxed in a strongly acid solution with the known excess of potassium dichromate for two hours. After the dilution the remaining of dichromate consumed is titrated with ferrous ammonium sulfate the amount of dichromate consumed is calculated the oxidizable organic matter reported in terms of oxygen equivalent.

Apparatus :COD reactor, COD tubes, COD caps.

Procedure :Take 20 ml of sample and add 10 ml of KCrO and then add one pinch silver sulfate (AgSO) & one pinch mercuric sulfate (HgSO) and add 30 ml of concentrated HSO continue swirling and mixing while adding sulfuric acid then sample transfer in to COD tubes then place the tube in the COD reactor to 150c & reflux for 2 hours. After digestion cools the sample for some times placing them in a COD cooling tank. Remove the COD tube caps and transfer the digested contents in to the conical flask and add to drops of ferroin indicator& then titrate the samples against 0.1 N FAS. The end point is sharp color changes from blue-green to reddish-brown. Blank is also run with sample is same manner.

Calculation :COD (mg/l) = (A-B) x N of FAS x8000 Volume of sample Where,


B = ml of FAS used for sample A = ml of FAS used for blank FAS solution is standardized by using the formula Normally of FAS solution=vol. of KCrO solution x 0.25/ vol. of FAS used in ml.

BIOLOGICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (BOD) Introduction :The B.O.D is an empirical test that is used to determine the relative oxygen requirements of wastewater effluents & polluted water. The test measures the molecular o utilized during a specified incubation period for the biochemical degradation of organic material (carbonaceous demand) and the o used to oxidized inorganic material such as sulphide& ferrous ions. It also may measure the amount of oxygen used to oxidize reduced forms of nitrogen (Nitrogenous demand) unless inhibitor prevent their oxidation. Nitrogenous demand historically has been considered inference in the determination of BOD. The extent of oxidation of nitrogenous compound during 5-day BOD test.

Interferences:Toxic metals may depress the BOD. Anaerobic bacteria. Which may be present in the septic sewage and river mud. May give a low BOD value. Slight variation in the temperature during incubation can also cause errors; =1C change in temperature can produce a = 4.7% in the BOD. Residual chlorine can also causes interference.

Principle:The method consists of filling with sample (is diluted with a suitable volume of oxygen saturated water containing nutrients) to overflowing, an airtight bottle of a specified size & incubated in the dark of 5 days at 20C. the DO conc. Id determined before & after incubation &BOD is calculated by difference. The BOD is reported as mg O L consumed by 1L of undiluted sample. No more than 70% of oxygen should consume during incubation.

Apparatus :Incubation bottles 300 ml capacity, Air incubators of water baths operated at 20= 1c place in the dark.

Procedure:Completely fill three 300 ml BOD bottles with the simple ensuring that no air bubbles are trapped. The samples may be diluted if required depending on the sample. Raw sewage- 30-100 times dilution, settle sewage- 10-50 times dilution, purified effluents- 3-10 time dilution, polluted river water- 1-5 time dilution The source of dilution water may be distilled, tap or receiving stream water free of biodegradable organics and bioinhibitory substances such as chlorine or heavy metals. If the dilution water is of poor quality the BOD of the dilution water will appear as sample BOD. This affect will be amplified by the dilution factor. In one bottle determine the DO immediately using the winkler

method. Stopper the order two bottles, place in the incubator and incubate in the dark for five days at 20C. after 5 days determined DO using the winkler method.

Calculation:The DO obtained after 5 days is used to calculate the BOD of the sample. BOD = initial DO Final DO


CONDUCTIVITY Introduction :Electrical conductivity (EC), also called specific conductance, is a measure of the ability of an aquens solution (water sample) to convey an electrical current and it is related to the concentration of ionized substances in water. This ability depends on the presence of ions; on their total concentration. Mobility and valence, and on the temperature of measurement.Solution of most inorganic compound of are relativity good conductor. Conversely, molecules of organic compound that do not dissociate in aqueous solution conduct a current very poorly, if at all. Thus conductivity can be used as an approximate measure of the total concentration of inorganic substances in water ions that have a major influence on the conductivity of water are H, NA, K, Mg, Ca,Cl, SO4, and HCO, Other ions such as Fe,Fe,mn, Al, NO, HPO, HPO and dissolved gasses have minor influence on the conductivity. The water conductivity increases with temperature owing a decrease in velocity in increasing dissociation. Conductivity increases with increasing minerals content. Surface water tend to have conductivity in tens to hundred of umho/cm.

Definition :Electrical conductance can be defined as the reciprocal of resistance. The conductance of a solution is measured between two spatial fixed and chemically inert electrodes. To avoid polarization at the electrode surfaces the conductance measurement is made with an alternating current signal. The conductance of a solution C is directly proportional to the electrode surface area A cm, and inversely

proportional to the distance between the electrodes Lcm. the constant of proportionality K, such that. G = k A /L Is called conductivity or Electrical conductivity or specific conductance its S.I. unit is mho or ohm-1 Or Siemens (S)

Significance:EC is an important measurement in water destined for various irrigation, drinking, food industry and industrial boilers. Laboratory conductivity measurements are used to in following way. It is used to monitor the operation plants. It is used as a substitute for TDS and salinity determination. Established degree of mineralization to assess the effect of the total concentration of ions of chemical equilibrium on physiological effect on plant or animals, corrosion rates etc. Assess degree of mineralization of distilled and deionizer water . Evaluate variation in dissolved mineral conc. Of raw water of wastewater.

Interferences:Most problem occur in obtaining good data with conductivity monitoring equipments are related to electrode fouling and to inadequate sample circulation. Conductivities greater than 10,000 to 50,000 umho/cm or less than about 10 umho/cm may be difficult to measure with usual measurement electronic and cell capacitance.


Apparatus :Beaker (50 ml), Electrical conductivity meter, wash bottle.

Procedure :Calibrate the EC meter using distill water. Rinse the electrode with pure water. Place the well-mixed sample in the smaller beaker in suspended the conductivity electrode in the sample, holding in approx. 1.5 cm above the bottom of the beaker and making sure that it is not in contact with any of the beaker walls. Keep steering the sample was measuring. It is not necessary to calibrate the meter between each sample but it is essential to rinse the electrode between each reading.

TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (TDS) Introduction:Solids refer to metals suspended or dissolved in water and wastewater. The term Total dissolved solids refers to the portions if solids that passes through a filter of 2.0 micrometer nominal pore size under specified condition, when the sample filter. Waters with high dissolved solids generally are of inferior palatability and may induce an unfavorable physiological reaction in the transient consumer. For these reason a limit of 500 mg-dissolved solids per liter and desirable for drinking water. Fixed dissolved solids are also obtained from the TDS of the sample.

Sources :All kinds of solids mainly originate from water, air erosion of soil surface. Heavy storms dislodge the soil particle which run of along the surface and get dissolved within the water bodies. Untreated wastewater,

municipal and industrial wastewater discharge also contains a large amount of solid dissolved in them. The total dissolved solid contain in the drinking water varies between 20 and 1000 mg/L , and it consists mainly of inorganic salts, some organic substances and dissolved gases. TDS contain in seawater is generally 35000 mg/L, that of irrigation of water is 500 to 5000 mg/land recommended for portable water is less then 1000mg/l. according to the degree of contamination the weakly contaminated, medium contaminated and heavily contaminated water contains 200,500,700mg/l of TDS.

Significances:Solid analysis is mainly carried on in the biological and physical wastewater treatment processes. Information on TDS can easily be obtained from conductivity measurement.

Interference :Highly mineralized water with a considerable amount of Ca, Mg, Cl and/or SO contained may be hygroscopic and require prolonged drying, proper desiccation and rapid weighing. Sample high in bicarbonate contained require prolonged drying at 180 C insure complete conversion of bicarbonate to carbonate.

Principle:A well mixed sample is filtered thought the standard fiber, and the filtered in evaporate to dryness in a weighted dish and dries to constant weight at 180C, balance capable of weighting to 0.1mg, Filtration apparatus, Glass fiber filter paper.


Procedure:Heat evaporation beaker on an oven at 105c for one hour. Cool in desiccators and weigh. Measure accurately 50 ml of well mix sample and filter it under slight suction. Transfer total filtrate to a preweight evaporating beaker and evaporate to dryness in a drying oven at 105c for 24 hours. If filtrate volume exceed beaker capacity, add successive portion to the same beaker after evaporation, the residue left after complete drying in the evaporating beaker is the total dissolves solids content of the sample.

Calculation:TDS (mg/L) = (B-A)x 1000x1000/ Vol. of sample used where, B = weight of the beaker+ dried residue (mg)A = weight of the empty beaker (mg)

HARDNESS Introduction:The term hardness refers to the capacity of water to precipitate soap. Soap is chiefly precipitated by Ca& Mg ions. Total hardness is defined as some of the Ca& Mg concentration express as calcium carbonate mg/L or ppm. The hardness that can be removed by heating is called temporary or carbonates hardness. Temporary hardness is derived from content with carbonates (limestone and dolomite) hardness which can not be removed by boiling is called permanent or non carbonate hardness and I is due to anions such as Cl, NO , SO, and silicate calcium hardness is that due to ca only while mg hardness is due to mg only. The hardness may range from 0 to 100 mg/l.

Sources:The major contribution water hardness is all Ca& Mg ions. Other polyvalent caution such as Fe, Zn, Mg, Al, Sr, may also contribute to hardness. The hardness is water to derived largely from the weathering of minerals such as limestone (CaCO) dolomite (CaCO.MgCO) and gypsum (CaSO.2HO) and it very considerably from place to place depending on the nature of geological formations.

Significance:Hardness in water is useful in the determination of soap to produce leather. In the engineering field, it is concerned with the scaling problems of the boilers heaters, & hot water pipes. Other advantage of hard water includes the neutralization of acid deposition and the reduction of solubility of toxic metals.

Interferences: Some metals ions interfere by causing fading or indistinct endpoint or by stoichiometric consumption of EDTA. Some of the interfering substances are Al, B, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni, Sr, Zn, & polyphosphate. When higher conc. Of heavy metals is present determined Ca& Mg by non- EDTA method suspended or colloidal organic matter may also interfere with the end-point.

Note:-Evaporating the sample to dryness on stream bath & heating in

muffle furnace at 550Until the organic matter is completely oxidized


eliminates. This residue is dissolved in 20ml, 1N HCl with 1N NaOH& made up to 50ml & the general process is carried out.

Principle:A simple method for hardness determination is the direct complication titration EDTA. HOOCCH\ N-CHCH-N HOOCCH/ \CH2COOH /CH2COOH

EDTA from a cheated soluble complex when added to a solution of certain metals cautions. If a small amount of dye such as Eriochrome black-T of calamite is added to aqueous solution. Ca, Mg ions and the solution become wine red. The indicator forms complexes with Ca , Mg. Ca +EDTA(Ca. EDTA) Ca + Eriochrome black-T (Ca. Eriochrome black-T) Wine-red complex As EDTA is added as a titrate, Ca, Mg will be complexes and when all of the caution and complexes, the solution from wine-red to blue. Marketing the end point of the titration in order to obtain a sharp end point a small amount of Mg must be present in a small quantity of MgCl is added to the standard EDTA solution to ensure the presence of Mg ions. The sharpness of the end-point increases with increasing pH.


Apparatus:Burette (50ml), Beaker, volumetric Flask (50ml), conical Flask

Reagents :1- EDTA Titan 0.1m: take 3.723gm EDTA (Ethylene Diamine tetra Acetate) power and make up it with 1000 ml distilled water. 2- Buffer solution Solution-A dissolve 16.9 gm ammonium chloride (NHCl) in 143ml conc. Ammonium hydroxide (NHOH)solution.

Solution-B 1.179 gm disodium salt of ethylenediamminetetraacetic

acid dehydrate and 0.78 gm magnesium sulfate (MgSO.6Ho) or 0.644 gm magnesium chloride (MgCl) in 50ml distilled water. Add solution B in solution A and dilute to 250 ml with distilled water.

3-Indicators Erichrome Black-T:

dissolve 0.5 gmErichrome Black-T dye and 4.5 gm hydroxylamine hydrochloride in 100 ml volumetric flask with 95% ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol.

Procedure :Determination of total hardness-in conical flask take 25 ml

of sample, then add 1ml of buffer solution and little amount of Erichrome Black-T indicator and then titrate the sample against the EDTA solution. On titration the wine-red color turns slowly to purple and then sharply to blue-black that is the end-point.


Calculation:The total hardness can be determined by the following formula. Total Hardness (mg/l)= ml of EDTA used x 1000/ ml of sample used.


CHLORIDE Introduction:Chloride is one of the major inorganic anions in water and wastewater. In potable water the salty taste produce by is variable & dependent on the chemical composition of the water. Some waters containing 250 mg my chloride Cal/L may have a detectable salty taste if the caution is sodium and the water becomes unpalatable and the WHO guidelines for drinking water is set at this value. High chloride concentrations are harmful to plants; some damage may occur at low level as 70-250mg/L. The chloride concentration is higher in wastewater then in raw water because NaCl is common article of diet and passes unchanged through the digestive system along the seacoast; chloride may be present in high concentration because of leakage of salt water into the sewerage system. Industrial processes also may increase it.

Significance:Chloride is not considered as being harmful to human health. The tests for chloride were used to detect contamination of ground water by wastewater.

Interference:Substances in amount normally found in portable water will not interfere. Bromide, iodide&cyanide register as equivalent chloride conc. Sulfide, Thiosulphate& sulfite ions interfere but can be removed by treatment with HO. orthophosphate in excess of 25mg/L interfere by precipitating as silver phosphate. irons in excess of 10 mg/L interfere by marking the end-point.

Principle:A simple method of determining chloride in water is by means of precipitation, titration with AgNO also called Argentometric Titration. The most common Argentrometric method for chloride is the so-called Mohr method, which involves the direct titration f chloride with AgNO, using KCrO as an indicator. Reaction of AgNO with chloride precipitates Anal. Ag+Cl AgCl At the end-point, excess of silver ions reach with chromate to precipitate silver chromate, which has a distinctive reddish-brown color. 2Ag + CrO AgCrO

Apparatus:Conical Flask, 250 ml, 100 ml, burette, 50 ml, volumetric Flask, 25 ml, 1000 ml

Procedure:Standardization:Standardization of AgNO solution:-standardize

the AgNO solution by titrating with primary standard 0.0141 M NaCl solutions. 10ml standardNaCl solutions is taken 100 ml conical flask & adds ml of chromate indicator solution of titrate with AgNO up to the first appearance of the red silver chromate.


Titration:Take 25 ml sample in conical flask &to it add 1ml k CrO indicator. Titrate it against the AgNO titrate until the end-point of pale-yellow color appears. Titration should be carried on very carefully so as to obtain a very sharp end-point.

Calculation:Cl(mg/l) =(S-B)xN of silver nitratex35.45x1000 Where, volume of sample

S=ml of titrate required for sample B=ml of titrate required for blank N= normally of AgNO


Alkalinity is the acid neutralizing capacity & can be well defined as sum of titrable bases. It can be explained in terms amount of acid required to a designated pH. It is commonly expressed in CaCO/L mainly, two types of alkalinities. 1) Weak acids. 2) It is primarily the function of hydroxides, carbonates, and bicarbonates in surface water. 3) Borate, phosphate, silicates & salts of organic acid (e.g., acetic, humid & propionic acids) are the major contributors arises from the action of CO in percolating water of basic minerals is soil sand rocks. 4) CO + CaCO + HO Ca + 2HCO

Significances: Alkalinity is widely used as a measure for buffer capacity of natural and wastewater. Alkalinity measurements are used in control & interpretation of water & wastewater treatment processes such as chemical coagulation anaerobic digestion, ammonia stripping and water softening. Alkalinity in excess of alkaline earth metals (ca& mg) is significant in determining the suitability of water for irrigation. Due to CaCO hardness of water can be determined.


oily matter, suspended solids or precipitate may coat the glass electrode and cause the sluggish response. The sample should no filter, diluted of alternate.

Principle:The solute of the sample on hydrolysis or dissociation release hydroxyl ion. Which read with the standard acid, added from the burette. It thus depends on the end-point pH used. Alkalinity is determined by titrating a measured volume of sample with HSO if the pH of the sample is greater than. 8.3 the titration is carried out in two stages. In first stage. The titration is carried out to a pH of 8.3 the phenolphthalein en point .the phenolphthalein alkalinity orange and point is carried out.

Procedure:25ml of sample is measure in the volumetric flask and is transferred to the conical flask. Phenolphthalein indicator is added so as to check phenolphthalein alkalinity in the sample, if pink color appears if indicate the presence of phenolphthalein alkalinity. The sample is then titrated against standard sulfuric acid. End point pink to colorless If pink does not appear, then the sample is titrated for total alkalinity by adding methyl orange indicator. End point yellow to yellowish-pink.

Calculation:The following formula is used to calculate the total alkalinity. Total alkalinity (mg/l) = (S-B)XN of Hcl x5x10000 Sample volume Where, S=sample

B=blank N=normally of HCl

NITROGEN (nitrite) Introduction:Nitrite is format in waters by oxidation of ammonia compounds (by aerobic nitrifying bacteria e.g. nitrosamines) or by reduction of nitrate. Such oxidation and reduction may occur in waste water treatments plants, water distribution system. As an intermediate stage in nitrogen cycle, it, is unstable, very high nitrite level are usually associated with water having UN satisfactory microbiological activity. APHA (1995) description two methods of nitrite-nitrogen estimation. 1. Colorimetric method 2. Ion chromatography method

Interference:Chlorine in the sample or nitrogen trichloride which normally co-exits with nitrite produce a false colour. This can be minimizing by addition of napthylamine hydrochloride. Nitrite determination should be carried out in filtered and turbidity free samples. Presence of strong oxidants or reductants in the sample readily affects the nitrite concentration. High alkalinity (>600 mg/l as CaCO3) gives low result owing to a shift in pH,

Principle (colorimetric method):Under acidic method (pH 2-2.5) nitrite ion as nitrous acid react with sulfanilamide to form a diazonium salt, which combines with N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediaminedihydrochloride (NED dihydrochloride) to form a bright colored pinkish red azo-dye. The color produce is

directly proportional to the amount of nitrite present in the sample the color obeys beers law up two 180 ug/l with 1cm. light path at 543 nanometer. Higher nitrite concentration can be determined by diluting a sample. Sulfanilamide + nitrous acid + Hcl diazonium salt + water. Diazonium salt + NED dihydrochloride red colouredazo dye.

Procedure:Take 50 ml of simple in a 100 ml volumetric flask if sample contain suspended solids; filter is through whatman no. 42 filter paper. Check the pH of the solution. If pH is not between 5 to 9, neutralize pH by adding 1 N Hcl then add 2ml of color reagent mixed well and makeup the volume 100 ml then measure he color after 10 min. at 543 nm. Prepare curve in the range of 0 to 1mg NO2- N/L at the interval of 0.1mg NO2- N/L prepare a blank in same by using distilled water instead of the sample than calculate and record as nitrite in mg/l.

Calculation:Read the concentration of nitrogen- nitrite in sample directly from the calibration curve if less then 50 ml of sample is taken calculate the concentration as follows. Nitrite (As N) mg/l = mg/l from standard curve x50 + ml sample.

Microbiological Test
1-Total coliforms 2-Fecal coliforms


Prepration of media and sterilization:1- Total coliforms (Mac chon key broth) 2- Fecal coliforms (EC broth)

1-Macchon key broth:-

suspended 40.07 gms in 1LI Distilled water. Head to dissolved the medium completely. Distribute into tubes with inverted. Durhams tubes and sterilize by autoclaving at 15 Ibs pressure (121C) for 15 minute.

2-Brillient green lactose bile Broth:-Suspended

40.0gms in 1L distilled water. Heat to dissolve the medium completely. Distribute into tubes with inverted. Durhams tubes and sterilize by autoclaving at 15 Ibs pressure (121C) for 15 minute.

3-EC Broth:-Suspended

37.0 gm in 1L distilled water. Heat to dissolve the medium completely. Distribute into tubes with inverted. Durhams tubes and sterilize by autoclaving at 15 Ibs pressure (121 C) for 15 minute.

4-Nutrient Agar:-Suspended 37.0 gm in 1L distilled water. Heat to

dissolve the medium completely. Distribute into tubes with inverted. Durhams tubes and sterilize by autoclaving at 15 Ibs pressure (121 C) for 15 minute.

Dilution water:-Dissolve 34.0 gmkHPo in 500 ML reagent grade

water,, adjust to pH 7.2+ 0.5 with 1N NaoH and dilute to II with reagent grade water. Add 1.25ml stack kHPo and 5.0ml MgSO solution (81.1gm in 1 L reagent grade water) to 1 L reagent grade water and autoclave.

Fecal Coliforms (Thermotolerant coliforms) MPN test:


Introduction:The test is used to distinguish between total coliforms and fecal coliforms. Fecal coliform test using EC medium is applicable foringestion of drinking water stream pollution row water source wastewater treatment systems bathing water and general water quality monitoring. The term fecal coliforms has been used in water microbiology to denote coliform organisms that grow at 44 to 44 c and ferment lactose to produce acid gas. So thermotolerant coliform is more correct term and is becoming more commonly used. Before sterilization, dispense fermentation tubes with sufficient medium to cover the inverted vials at least partially after sterilization.

Procedure:Transfer all positive tubes forms the total coliforms MPN (ex. Presumptive test) to EC medium. This examination may be performed simultaneously with the confirmatory procedure using brilliant green lactose broth. Use a sterile metal loop with a minimum 30-nm diameter to transfer the positive fermentation tube to EC medium containing fermentation tube. Inoculated tube is incubated at 44.5+0.2c for 24 +2h. place all EC tubes in the water bath within 30 minutes after planting. The water depth in the incubator should be sufficient to immerse tubes to the upper level of the medium.


Interpretation:Gas production with in 24 h. or less is considered a positive reaction indicating fecal origin. Failure to produce gas constitutes a negative reaction indicating a source other than he intestinal tract of wormblooded animals.

DATA TABLE TABLE: Characteristics of Narmada river and other various locations of river:
S.N Parameters Sampling point Tilwaraghatup- Lamhetaghat stream (water intake point) Colour colourless colourless Odour odourless odourless pH 8.43 7.98 28.4 28 Temperature(c) Turbidity(NTU) 2.4 1.8 Conductivity(us/cm) 292.6 321.9 TDS(mg/l) 532 555 DO(mg/l) 7.49 4.42 COD(mg/l) 15.29 22.68 BOD(mg/l) 2.55 4.02 Total 226.0 236.0 hardness(mg/l caco) 49.6 Calcium (mg/l ca) 47.2


12-s 34567891011-

colourless odourless 8.04 27.6 1.8 337.5 572 1.26 24.5 4.00 244.0





Magnesium (mg/l mg) Chloride (mg/l) Alkalinity (mg/l) Nitrite (mg/l) Total coliforms MPN/100ml Fecal coliforms MPN/100ml

25.92 6.78 370 0.2 332(24.0)

26.88 6.87 180 0.043 422(32.0)

28.32 8.91 320 0.065 503(58.0)




Designeted Best Used Classification of Streams (Fresh water):S.N Designated Best Uses

Classification Criteria
1- Total coliform organism MPN/100mg shall be 50 or less. NOTE: if MPN count is noticed to be more than 50 than regular test should be carried out. The criteria would be satisfied is during a period of time not 1 more than 50% of the sample show greater than 200MPN/10ml and not more than 20% of sample show more than 50MPH/100ml. 2- pH: Between 6.5 and

Drinking water A source without conventional treatment but after disinfection


Outdoor bathing , swimming and water contact sports

8.5 3- Dissolved oxygen: 6mg/l or more. 4- Biochemical oxygen demand (5-day at 20c): 2mg/l o less. 5- NOTE: there shall be no visible discharge of domestic and industrial waste into class A. 1- Total coliform organism MPH/100ml shall be 500 or less. NOTE: if MPH count is noticed to be more than regular test should be carried out. The criteria would be satisfied if during a period of time not 1 more than 5% of the samples so greater than 2000MPH/100ml and not more than 20% of sample show more than 500 MPN/100ml. 2- pH: Between 6.5 and 8.5. 3- Dissolved oxygen: 5mg/l or more. 4- Biochemical oxygen demand (5-day at 20c): 2mg/l o less. NOTE: all domestic and industrial wastewater discharges up stream of




bathing places shall be so regulated tat the stream standards are maintained and that there no visible floating matter including oils at the bathing places. Drinking water C 1-Total coliform organism MPN/100mg source with shall be 5000 or less. conventional NOTE: if MPN count is noticed to be more treatment followed than 5000MPN/100ml then regular tests by disinfection should be carried out. The criteria would be satisfied is during a period of time not more than 5% of the sample show greater than 20,000MPN/100ml and not more than 20% of sample show greater than 5000 MPN/100ml. 2- pH: Between 6 and 9. 3- Dissolved oxygen: 4mg/l or more. 4-Biochemical oxygen demand (5-day, 20c):3mg/l or less. NOTE: All domestic and industrial wastewater discharges into class C waters shall necessarily be treated to ensure maintenance of stream standards and the discharge points shall be kept sufficient away from the abstraction points. Propagation of D 1-pH: Between 6.5 and 8.5 wild life and 2- Dissolved oxygen : 4mg/l or more. fisheries 3- Free ammonia (as N):- 1-2mg/l or less. Irrigation, E 1-pH: Between 6.5 and 8.5 industrial cooling 2- Electrical conductivity at 20c /mho/cm: and controlled - Max 2250 waste disposal 3- sodium absorption ratio:- Max. 2C. 4-Boron:- max. 2mg/l.

CHAPTER-6 Results and Discussion

Tilwaraghat pumping station is water intake point for Jabalpur .. The river of clean at the Tilwaraghat (Intake point)wastewater.Waterquailty of tilwaraghat river pumping station.Result of physico-chemical parameter was found the IS 22696 class B outdoor bathing standard. The water of tilwaraghatriver is used for drinking purposed after conventionaltreatment.



It can be interred from the study that the river water quality is generally is good at Lamheta ghat and conform to the required quality as per DBU classification of streams, Drinking water standards (India) & WHO guidelines for drinking water quality-(Aesthetic quality) the major pollution sources of the river are industrial effluent and domestic wastewater for Jabalpur city which deteriorates the wastewater quality of river considerably. The present study revealed that water quality of tilwaraghatriver from upstream to downstream was found to be more polluted with reference to bacteriological parameters rather than all physico chemical parameters. The high value of sewage pollution indicator bacteria detected, revealed that the microbiological quality of water of river was very poor, unsafe and not acceptable for any purpose especially in Jabalpur. The main cause the coliform pollution is the total absences of the wastewater treatment system for all cities situated along side of River. The deterioration in water quality is found due to the regular outfalls of more than 26 drains only in Jabalpur the people the water of river forvarious purposes. Thats why proper treatment of waste water before merging in to river of tilwaraghat needed for good water ecology and to avoid various human diseases. This study provides an informative data and helps to understand the contamination of wastewater in river of tilweraghat and the influences the ecology of river


. The major source of pollutants are localanthropogenic activities, agricultural runoff. In the present study it was found thatphysicochemical characteristics of a few of the river water samples crossed the maximum permissible limit, due to heavy mixing of effluent waste and domestic sewage it was noticed that the physico-chemical parameters indicates balance of the river was disturbed. The study concluded that due to discharge of untreated sewage intothe water quality of tilwaraghat river maydeterioted and the potable nature of water is being lost.


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