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Sprout Template

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Project Category: Project Sub-Category: Executing Agency: Project Partner Agencies (or National Counterparts): Geographical Coverage: Project Management Site: Target Group(s):

To be completed by IOM field Mission or headquarters

To be completed by IOM field Mission or headquarters (note appropriate IOM Mission) (note direct governmental and non-governmental partners) (note country or countries, or specific region within a country) (usually the office site of the Executing Agency) (note the direct beneficiaries, for example, government officials in specific departments, specific migrant groups, others directly benefiting) (limited one year maximum for 1035 Facility projects) (should specifically match the total on the detailed budget summary)

Project Duration: Budget Estimate:

PROJECT SUMMARY The Summary section should be a concise, one-paragraph description of the project's overall objective, project purposes, results and main activities . The summary should be included on the title page of the SPROUT document and should be written last, once all else has been written. This section should not extend onto the second page of the SPROUT.

(address of IOM office acting as Executing Agency)

Project Title (Date)


Background and Justification This section sets the scene for the technical aspects of the project. It should briefly explain the situation or problem to be addressed, why the project is necessary, and how the project fits into IOMs mandate. It should include the following elements: 1) The situation or problem to be addressed This section clearly articulates the situation or problem to be addressed. It answers the following questions: How did it develop? What is already being done to address it? Why is it important? What are the effective boundaries of the problem? 2) The target group This section specifies the direct beneficiaries of the project: who, where, how many, and what are each groups most urgent needs. Beneficiaries often include one or more of the following: specific cadres of government officials, specific migrant groups, and NGO or academia partners working on migration issues. When defining the target group, note any important differences in profile that are of significance for the project, e.g. gender*, age, education, skills, ethnicity, and identify any members of the target group that will be given special consideration in the project implementation based on these characteristics. *Note that IOM projects should ensure gender mainstreaming: giving equal consideration to the special needs of both women and men and, where necessary and appropriate, incorporate such concerns into the project justification and implementation plan. 3) Request for IOM Cooperation This section describes: 1) How IOM became involved in responding to this request, including reference to relevant preliminary actions, discussions and agreements that bear on IOMs participation; and, 2) How this project is in line with IOMs mandate (its migration link) and strategic objectives (national, regional and organization-wide).

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Project Description

This section should describe the operational modalities of the project and provide detail as to the projects implementation plan. It should include the following elements: 1) Strategy This section clearly sets out the approach chosen to address the problem and provides a rationale for choosing this strategy. 2) Project Partners/Institutional Framework This section should include a description of the project partners, a clear delineation of each partners roles and responsibilities vis--vis the projects activities and a clear definition of their relationship to IOM within the projects framework. This section should also include a clear description of how the partners will work together in order to reach the goals set forth by the project. If a special structure (task force, commission, working group, steering committee, etc.) is to be established as part of the project implementation, its role and membership should be defined here. 3) Sustainability This section should explain how the project would ensure the sustainable results after the project has ended. If the project is meant to set the stage for a follow-up project or activity, that plan should be specifically noted. Alternatively, if the project results are to be sufficient in themselves to resolve the problem, that position should be explained and defended. 4) Expertise and Experience This section summarizes the expertise and experience of the executing arm of IOM in addressing the problems to be resolved. How the executing agency will draw upon and manage other expertise, inside and outside of IOM, toward the project goals should also be addressed, if relevant to the implementation strategy.

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Overall Objective(s) (To Contribute to / To Enhance / To strengthen .) This is usually a single statement of the broader aim of a project, i.e. how the project can contribute to a larger national or international development goal or action involving migration elements. (For example: Socio-economic construction / reconstruction proposed by the government; a multilateral plan for the country involving UN or global development agencies; regional initiatives for integration, co-operation and/or harmonising of policy.) Because the project can only contribute to, but not fully achieve the larger development objective, it would normally employ verbs such as to enhance, to strengthen, to contribute to, "to support", "to reinforce", etc. The following are examples of overall objectives. They are representative examples only, and are not meant to be exhaustive or to dictate content of all proposals. 1. To strengthen the capacity of the Department of Immigration of (country) to manage its borders in a manner consistent with international standards and specific regional agreements. 2. To contribute to the goal of the government of (country) to provide improved living conditions and economic opportunities in the (named) region, which is strongly affected by economically-induced outward migration. 3. To enhance the capacity of the governments of (countries) to develop and implement national and regional counter-trafficking plans of action. 4. To expand the policy dialogue and technical cooperation among the countries of the (named) region on common issues of migration management.


Project Purposes (To Achieve / To Establish ) The project purposes are the goals that will be directly achieved through the project. They define the primary reason for the project by directly addressing the problem. In formulating the project purpose it may be useful to think in terms of what should be achieved by the end of the project. The project purposes must directly ensure the sustainable benefits for the target group. They should not explain the activities of the project, nor re-state the results. The following are examples of project purposes, relating to the four objective statements of the previous section:

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a. To establish and evaluate the initial implementation of three model checkpoints (land, sea and air) inclusive of appropriate equipment and staff training. b. To establish a training cadre within the Department (named), responsible for ongoing staff development of the border guards and supervisory cadres. a. To establish a community-based micro-enterprise programme serving returning migrants and persons under pressure to migrate. b. To integrate a migration-specific community development strategy into the national five-year development plan. a. To establish and provide with technical support the national counter-trafficking task forces in each of the three participating countries. b. To establish and provide with technical support the regional counter-trafficking working group. a. To achieve formal agreement among the concerned countries on the framework agenda for regional migration dialogue. b. To initiate and provide appropriate technical support to the dialogue process.





Results (To Produce) The results should list the direct and measurable outputs expected to be produced from the project activities. They should be tangible, visible and measurable means of achieving the Project Purposes (e.g. infrastructure built, a number of human resources trained, a set of legislation completed, etc) The following are examples of a limited number of expected results, relating to the four objective statements and the four sets of purpose statements from the preceding sections: 1. a. Three checkpoints equipped with the new border management software and related hardware, inclusive of data communication links to Immigration Department headquarters. b. Eight trainers identified and trained, and evaluated during their presentation of at least two, three-day training sessions each. a. (number) community residents, including approximately 50% returnees, completed the micro-enterprise training programme and provided with small enterprise grants. b. A migration and community development policy guidance paper produced through inter-agency consultations, and accepted into the process of preparation of the five year development plan. a. Revised policy and legislative instruments drafted, reviewed and approved/enacted in each country.



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b. Tri-lateral agreement on cooperation on counter trafficking completed and signed. 4. a. First two dialogue meetings conducted, with commitment for forward movement specified in meeting conclusions. b. Preparations for follow-up round of meetings completed, with specific agendas in place.


Activities (To Do) These are the tasks or actions proposed to produce the results . The activities would normally employ direct action verbs, e.g. identify, establish, recruit, transport etc. and should be planned in sufficient detail to enable the operational plan of action to be drawn up later and the necessary resources and costs of all activities to be calculated. It is suggested that a plan of action or work plan be attached to the project document or developed as soon as possible after submission/funding of the project. A work plan is not only a useful monitoring tool but can assist project managers to establish a critical path for activities with corresponding sub-activities, timeframes, responsibilities and costs. The following are examples of a limited number of project activities, relating to the four objective statements and the four sets of purpose and results statements from the preceding sections: 1. a. Technical assessment of border checkpoints and central unit completed during project month two. b. Quotation for equipment and installation issued and awarded over months three and four. a. Micro-enterprise curriculum specialist engaged in project month two b. Curriculum completed and piloted by end of month three. a. Task force secretariat established in project month two, inclusive of contracting of local legal experts. b. Sample policy and legislative instruments procured and translated in projects months two through four. a. Bilateral preparatory missions in the region conducted in project months one and two. b. Site contracting for first meeting completed in month three.

2. 3.


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Inputs 6.1 6.2 6.3 Executing Agency Government of X Donor(s)

The projects inputs are the physical and non-physical resources made available to the project: the people, equipment and services necessary to carry out the activities. The inputs should be broken down according to the project partners; at a minimum, this would usually comprise IOM, the beneficiary government/agencies and the donor. This section should not only describe the inputs but also justify the necessity for such resources and who is to provide them. When formulating the inputs, always keep in mind the logic behind the exercise: Activities produce the project Results; the Results ensure the achievement of the Purposes of the project; and so on up the hierarchy to the Overall Objective. Do not confuse inputs with the project's "institutional framework" (roles and responsibilities of project partners during implementation. Inputs are simply the raw materials, which will be transformed into project Activities. Therefore, only the resource and who is providing each should be listed here. Do not include an explanation of project partner's roles during project implementation here. This belongs under the institutional framework heading in the section "1.1 Project Description." 9.0 Budget Outline The Budget should detail and explain the estimated costs of the total physical and nonphysical resources, or Inputs required to carry out the planned activities and manage the project. It elaborates on the inputs, so the activities should be sufficiently detailed to enable estimates of the physical and non-physical means to carry them out. Budgets for 1035 projects should be created in their final form by the executing arm of IOM.

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Annex I: Plan of Action The Plan of Action, also sometimes called a Work Plan or an Operational Plan, is a useful and important tool for the Project Manager to organise implementation modalities. Project Developers are encouraged to attach a plan of action to the project document. Generally, these are provided as task/time charts or matrices, noting timelines for all major activities across project months or weeks, and noting as well the primary responsible party. An example of such a chart, following the activities noted in section five, above, is provided below.

Plan of Action

TIMEFRAME (Weeks 1 - 16) ACTIVITY 1. a. 1. b. 2. a. 2. b. 3. a. 3. b. 4. a. 4. b Wk 1-2 Wk 3-4 Wk 5-6 Wk 7-8 Wk 9-10 Wk 11-12 Wk 13-14 Wk 15-16 RESPONSIBLE PARTY Project Manager with Border Consultant Project Financial Manager National Programme Officer with Curriculum Consultant National Programme Officer with Curriculum Consultant Project Manager and National Counterpart from Ministry Project Manager and National Counterpart from Ministry Project Manager National Programme Officer and Project Financial Manager

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