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Dr. B. Choudhary

This publication is designed to give general information regarding this subject. Neither the author nor publisher assumes any responsibility for any error or methods detailed in this e-book.

This e-book is an experience of author's own experience working with his clients. This e-book is for your information. As the author of this e-book I give license to the readers that they can lend this e-book for free but they cannot sell it. For more information click the following link If the link above does not work copy and paste it in your browser.

Holistic structure of human beings Is your DNA fit ? Know the difference between weight loss and fat loss. How is Fat Killer Shotgun+ helpful? Powered Drinks. I love food. Does it love me ? Killer Bullets-1 Killer Bullets-2 Killer Bullets-3 Enemies of weight loss program Bio-rhythm.

Holistic Structure of Human Life Human life is full of spiritual adventures. Common intellect cannot accept and believe this fact easily. The knowledge of the body ,we are familiar with ,is incomplete. Outwardly it seems as a collections of bones and muscles under which blood circulation is taking place. But holistic science that inside this body there remain huge facts to be known. The structure of endocrine glands ,inactive parts of the brain are surprising even the great scientists of this cyber age. Many of us believe that these unknown parts can be the entrance gate of the marvelous and adventurous spiritual world. Like physical body the psychologists are unaware about the mysteries of the mind. Mind is more than a thinking machine. The depth of the conscious and subconscious mind is more than known today. So what is holistic fitness ? To know more click here.

Facts To Be Known Before Pursuing Weight Loss Program. IS YOUR DNA FIT ? What ,how much we eat and what are their effects depend upon our DNA. Many persons pursuing weight loss program frequently think that their weight is not decreasing in-spite of taking right diet. While some person are fit eating their favorite food. This difference depends upon the quality of genes. It has concrete reasons. The calories received from vitamin A ,B B-12 ,Folic acid and carbohydrate depends upon genes. How is test done to determine the types of DNA ? For this spit foam from our mouth is taken. With the help of nucleotide to know more click here.

Know the difference between weight loss and fat loss

How do you feel when you see a huge drop in your weight ? Your happiness and excitement is unparalleled. But beware do you know that instead of losing fats you might be losing weight in muscles tissues and bone density. Contrary this is dangerous. If an extremely obese person starts doing workout to lose weight he may notice that just after a few days there is a huge decrease in weight mainly from water loss and initial fat loss. Your experience is a good indicator whether you are losing weight or fats. If you feel increase in energy ,enthusiasm ,lack of awareness of body parts then probably fat is being lost. This is positive sign. If you feel otherwise then you are losing just water and initial fats. So it is advised to look at again on workouts ,fitness programs and diets click here to know more.

How is Fat Killer shotgun+ helpful ?

Fat killer shotgun+ is helpful for all types of persons. It includes such methods that accelerates internal combustion of fats easily. This program overhauls the body by balancing the internal structure of whole body. Fat killer shotgun+ works considering holistic structure of human ,not just his physical structure. Fat killer shotgun+ ensures permanent results for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian alike. Fat killer shotgun+ program does not have any type of negative results. To know more click here.

Bullets for Rejuvenating Without Medicine Rejuvenate your internal organs by detoxing and removing waste products including even the tiniest channels ,improving micro circulation which promotes rejuvenation of tissues. Majority of toxins are deposited in fat stores of the body where they play the role as a bomb. Scientists have linked accumulation of such toxins in the body to a number of diseases:all kind of allergies ,liver and skin diseases ,various forms of cancer , obesity ,weakened immune system and hormone disorder. There are hundreds of easy and harmless methods that can be practiced at home for full body detoxification. 1> Discharge method- this method is simple to use. In this method warm water mixed with eating salt is here for more.

Powered Drinks
Powered drinks are very easy to prepare. Even illiterate person can prepare this drink with complete ease click here to know how to prepare powered drinks. Benefits of powered drinks.

=>reduces acidity and help regulate body's pH level. =>influences the autonomic nervous system. =>beneficial for kidney ailments ,gout and age related diseases. =>promotes better digestion. =>dissipates toxic deposits within the body's connective tissues. =>effectively detox liver and intestines.

Mind Super Bullets A human being is psychosomatic. There is deep relationship between mind and body. The effect of body is seen in mental health and vice-versa. Stress and tensions are directly linked with the increase of toxins in our body. On biological level stress is linked to fight-flight and danger. Relaxation on other hand is state of rest ,enjoyment and physical renewal. Free of danger muscle can relax and food can be digested. This restful state is good for fertility as body is able to conserve the resources it needs to generate new life While mental relaxation and charging methods can be different but their impacts are similar. You do not need extra time for practising mind bullets in the Fat Killer Shotgun+.

I Love Food . Does it Love Me ?

1=>Check the effects of stress on your body. Our digestive system is the portal through which we see our mind and emotions exert their effect on our physical being. By addressing imbalance at the level of digestive system , we can prevent imbalance in the deeper tissues system. 2=>Improve your immunity. Our digestive system has direct link to our immunity ,and greater digestive health directly translates to less cold ,and improved immune system. 3=>Get the most of your foods. It is possible that we are eating highly nutritious food. But because of our poor digestive system we may not be absorbing all the nutrients. Click here to know more.

Killer Bullets-1
Killer bullets-1 is a set of certain workout programs specially designed for over obese people. Over obese people cannot perform hard exercises and they tend to get tired soon. So killer bullets-1 is designed especially for these types of people. Killer bullets-1 consists separate exercises for each part such as legs ,toes ,thighs ,neck ,stomach etc. This bullet is based on body movement ,breath and awareness. Majority of them are static in nature. After practicing this bullet for some time a person will clearly see positive changes in his physical fitness. There is a drop in body weight ,increase in bioelectricity ,enthusiasm and digestion. The most difficult problem faced by over obese people is difficulty in answering nature's call. They will get rid of this problem easily. Killer bullet-1 is beneficial for male and female of all ages.

Killer Bullets-2
Killer bullet-2 is designed for such people whose BMI is more than 30-40%. It is a set of 5 dynamic practices which are very effective for those people mentioned above. I have seen a very positive effect on all types of disease such slip disk ,diabetes etc Its effect on obesity proves miraculous. The people feel themselves 20 years younger than their real age Most important aspect of this bullets is that it can be practiced in less than half an hour. To know more click below If the link does not work copy and paste in your browser.

Killer Bullets-3
Killer bullet-3 is a combination of 12 sets of exercises done together. It can be done by the people of all age group. It maintains harmony between body ,mind, endocrine glands etc effectively. To know more click the link below If the link does not work copy and paste the above link in your browser

Kill Fats Without any Diet Control

Is it necessary to strictly follow diet and workout plans to lose weight ? In my experience being regular is beneficial for any achievement. But it is not necessary to be full of tension and curb our daily passion to lose weight. When you diet,cutting calorie intake you are signaling your body that you are in lean time. Your metabolism slows and you start storing fats. If you want to lose weight easily without any diet plan please click below. If the link does not work copy and paste the link above in your browser.

Enemies of Weight Loss Program There are many impediments that hampers our body figure. Most important of them is cravings of foods sweet in taste. Craving more sweets is usually a first sign of vata imbalance in our body. Depleted ,overtired brain and scattered mind seeks calmness ,sweetness and nurturing in anything. But most important point to curb craving is to know your biorhythm. BIO-RHYTHM
The concept of bio-rhythm is mainly based on three major cycles. The cycle of physical body completes in 23 days ,emotional cycle completes in 28 days and intellectual cycle completes in 33 days. The interdependence of cycles with each other decides our mood factors..If we become aware of these

factors it becomes very easy to curb all types of cravings. Many business organization and transport companies have chat bio-rhythm. It helps them to know the emotional and unwanted up-downs of their employee before. HOW TO PREPARE CHART? Please click the link below to know more
Copy and paste the link above if ti does not work

Fat Killer Shotgun(+)

Fat Killer Shotgun+ is the main and original part of the e-book Fat Killer Shotgun(I). All the comprehensive methods and powerful techniques are stated elaborately in the main e-book Fat Killer Shotgun+ You can purchase it for 46$ from

the link given below.

Testimonials about Fat Killer Shotgun+
I just wanted to thank you for this terrific product. This is the first I have ever been able to lose weight without much struggling. GARY RICHRD AUSTRALIA For anyone thinking of buying this product I highly recommend buying this product. SILVIA UK I would highly recommend your e-book Fat Killer Shotgun+ to anybody that is trying to lose weight .Do me one favor keep tweaking it BEN CANADA Love Love Love your product. They great conversation starters. Now I have less sugar craving and feeling nutritionally satisfied. My body does not feel the need to have something sweet. MILAN USA I love Fat Killer Shotgun+. It is a great product. I am so happy I lost 40 pounds before my marriage. My hubby is very interested in me MAMTA INDIA

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